#Frost and Thunder
ygoartreviews · 6 months
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Monster Reincarnation
This card caught me so off guard when it popped up in the anime looking exactly like this. There was only three years between the first English version episode (the censored) Monster Reborn appeared in versus the first episode this card appears in. And apparently in that time frame they just decided that ankhs were okay??? Or was it just not worth it to change this art that shows up during two separate filler arcs? Speaking of the original Monster Reborn though, when compared with this art, I actually like this art a whole lot more. The angle of the ankh and the sunlight streaming down onto it through cloudy skies creates a sense of drama here that Monster Reborn just doesn’t have. Seriously, it’s so good.
Rating: 7/10
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bonebabbles · 5 months
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average day in the tiktok warriors fandom
he's. he's literally described on the page as enjoying the feeling of making cats viciously maul each other. He gets "validation" for his feelings constantly through Gray Wing and his other sycophants kissing his ass, and still maliciously and intentionally torments them. He beats women and children for telling him no
What they want is BREEZEPELT. This describes BREEZEPELT. BREEZE. PELT.
The cat who is ACTUALLY reprimanded by authority for being angry all the time?? The one whose dad screeches at him for having basic needs?? A character who is explicitly shown to be manipulated by an evil force because they're the only ones who validate his feelings??
THAT Breezepelt?? Ringing any BELLS?
Lemmie guess. Tiktok probably doesn't like Breezepelt much because if you acknowledge that he's a child abuse victim, you can't keep woobifying Crowfeather into a sad boy. Lol.
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watcherinwater · 9 months
Alright, whoever the writer (s) on the MCU What If staff is who is willing to portray Odin as the villain he is, and sympathizes with his children/victims, I would very much like to buy them a drink! I seriously doubt this will ever happen in the main timeline, but it’s nice to see that it happened somewhere.
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You ever think about the fear Loki must have felt after going to Jotunheim that first time? Before he confronted Odin? That spike of anxiety and fear that must've rolled through him as he watched his skin turn blue? You ever think about what must've been going through his mind? His mind must've been racing, heart hammering in his chest as he tried to push it away and come up with another explanation in his mind for what happened, for what he saw. Of course, none made any sense. Of course, they didn't. There was really only one true explanation and the feeling of abdolute dread he would get at that thought. That feeling of absolute dread as the thought that he was one of *them*, a monster, went through his mind. Loki would now think he understands why he's always been treated differently, why he was always the lesser son and he'd think that he was never truly loved. The absolute burning hatred towards himself that would swelter up inside of him because he was taught all his life that the Jotunns, the Frost Giants, were bloodthirsty monsters, that there was nothing redeemable about them, that they were meant for nothing more than to meet the end of a blade. "The monster parents tell their children about at night." And he was one of them. And in the end, in a mad, desperate scramble for power, for control, for *love*, he tried to do what he was taught. To make his father proud. To make up for what he was maybe. To earn that love he so desperately wanted, needed because more than anything he is lonely and he hates it. Hates how long the feeling has been with him, how much it's grown since finding out his true heritage. But in the end he was met with disapproval. And all that loneliness, and anger, and hatred, all that sadness was too much. And so, he let go. He fell into the void with the intention of never coming back. You ever think about that?
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jam-sparks · 10 months
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Some asc kitties
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spidertick · 6 months
Lol been a bit obsessed with world building lately (and Loki-) so here,have some concepts/doodles of The Norse gods of Earth#072!
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Since motivation has been down,I’m probably gonna focus on doodles/meme redraws then actual comics for a while.Just to have fun and give little hints and teasers to the actual story of what’s to come,if it’s ever touched on.Will takes any asks or suggestions for random art.(if it seems like something the 072 characters would or and or would happen.)
Loki and Mobius are married in the present timeline,And boy oh boy.It was a slooooooooooowwww buuuurrrrrrn hehehe.Please ask if you want more lore of them.That be great.
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kindaorangey · 1 month
spotify shuffle is so funny sometimes. why did they just make me go from mitski to death grips😭
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blimbo-buddy · 11 months
FrostNight fucking sucks ass. Mans was a full grown adult when Frostpaw recently became an apprentice. GROSS. DON'T LIKE THAT SHIP.
NightHeart is a fully grown man who got held back in highschool and has dry lips and no money and no future, while FrostPaw is probably like, a 16 year old who was the target of an attempted assassination
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christinepage · 4 months
It is nearly 2am in the morning and because I have nothing better to do but making scenarios in my head- HOWEVER THOUGH, I just realised while listening to "The Gospel Truth I" (ofc I would, I'm greek myself) that basically greek and norse mythology (what I know from mcu, since me = marvel fan obvi), actually are somehow "variants" to eachother. Here's what I mean:
Zeus: Allfather, God of Thunder
is similar to
Odin: Allfather & Thor: God of Thunder
is similar to
(yk also by wanting to take revenge).
In the beginning of the song it says that long before Hercules, many years ago, a group of gigantic creatures called the "Titans" were destroying the earth and brought chaos anywhere they went.
The "Frost Giants" which we saw in Thor 1
and by that is it also connected that Loki and Hades are both blue in the films since Loki is a Frost Giant as well.
Hades is a variant of Hela since both of them are a pair of a god and a goddess of death while both of them still want to take revenge from their siblings to prove their worth to their father (Hela to Odin & Hades to Zeus) that they are capable and the true heir for the throne and to rule their people.
I hope it makes sense, if not let's hope for the best. Goodnight 🩷
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frostixsuff · 4 months
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dawn of the clans design!!
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bonebabbles · 6 months
The bit about Frostpaw receiving a vision to save WindClan's nursery is actually one of the best plot points in the book. That's solid and has some really nice character moments.
Frostpaw getting this vision solidifies WindClan's support of her. Good way to move the plot along and an actually good move on StarClan's part.
The unlikeliness of the one nearby tree falling adds to that. I was iffy when I first heard the idea, but it was executed well!
Whistlepaw in general. Her bond to Frostpaw is fantastic, the characterization of her being so self-sacrificing she got injured to save her sister is amazing
"It was nothing." "IT WAS EVERYTHING!" is going to be a breakout line from this book and it deserves it.
I liked how the Clan admits to not believing the vision at first... until the thunder started rolling in. THEN they were like "well uh. C. Couldnt hurt to take preemptive measures" Lmao
Frostpaw getting a glimpse of RiverClan territory across the border is delicious. I like her being homesick-- tho I am still wary that she'll forgive the people too quickly.
One thing I'd change; I'd have Harestar muse "why did Kestrelflight not receive the vision..." and Kestrelflight stand up, bravely, and answer, "I had a lesson to learn. The branch, the storm, and Frostpaw herself were an omen meant for me-- that I must trust her."
Like, really drive home his devotion to StarClan and make his faith look so solid it's almost self-punishing. Let them be a little afraid of StarClan's wrath, even if it isn't actually because the ancestors are furious, y'know?
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dynamitekansai · 6 months
aew: Who are the women that inspire the women of #AEW?
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daily-whistlepaw · 5 months
daily whistlepaw until su becomes PoV day 1191
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the asc journey au leads a lot of arguing at first and Whis has to try and stop them from fighting (it goes poorly)
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westofessos · 6 months
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gleeokposting · 1 year
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I made some gleeok emojis! Designed after the ones that appeared in this that I posted on my main blog (^^)b I'm gonna add more expressions to them eventually!!!
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