#Ft Jackson
theartistichuman · 10 months
LOVE failed chosen ones. Chosen ones who failed and chosen ones who aren’t special and never were and chosen ones by chance and chosen ones by a choice not their own and chosen ones who succeeded at what cost
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fighting-naturalist · 5 months
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SG-1 + posts courtesy of this galaxy-brained individual
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ofxbrokenxkenners · 2 years
❰❰ ARM ❱❱ sender puts their arm around receiver (jackson)
Levi was a little shocked when he felt another arm around his shoulders and was just about to shrug it off when he turned to look at the other. Noticing his 'uncle' he relaxed with a smile. "Uncle Jax...hi.." he started. "I didn't expect t see you here." he admitted.
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avadaniels · 7 months
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FELLOW TRAVELERS 1x06 “Beyond Measure”
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jbaileyfansite · 6 months
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Fellow Travelers (1x08)
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love-superache · 5 months
The Three Candles
Pairings: Luke Castellan & Thalia Grace & Annabeth Chase x Platonic! GN! Not Clearsighted Mortal! Reader
Summary: They always come back (But not ALL of them).
Warnings: Spoilers to all the 1st Collection: Percy Jackson and the Olympyans. Too much fluff! (Lol) and talks about death!
Notes: This is the Part 2 of my other work, "A Delightful Enconter", and thank you all for your love!
The first time they came back it's still the three of them, some months later...it's late at night and you hear a knock on the door, still in your pajama you go see who it is. You yawn as you open the door.
Your eyes wide as you see who is there.
"Hello again Y/N." Luke says, he looks tired like he is trying not to cry.
"Do you three need a one night lace again, hmm?" You ask smiling as you let them enter.
"Bingo." Thalia says as she starts taking her things out of her bag.
"Y/N!" Annabeth runs to you and hugs you. "I have read 'Ulisses'!"
You smile. "Really? Did you like it?"
"Yes! I'm going to be a hero like him!" She tells you, her eyes shining.
"That's great dear." You smile to her again and go to Luke.
"Do you need help with the sofa?" You ask.
"Yes please. This just don't switch to the bed." He says still trying.
You help him and with that the bed is ready.
"Do you want to talk about it? I see that you are sad." As he looks at you you say. "I'm sorry if I'm being rude, I just want you to be okay."
He smiles. "Thank you, really..." He sighs. "It's just family problems." You nod wanting for him to continue.
"I visited my... mom today and my...dad was there." He tells you looking at the ground.
"I guess it didn't end well?" He nods.
"You know, family isn't just about blood, and what you have with Thalia and Annabeth is just as special as everything in the world." You smile at him and he hugs you.
"Thank you." He whispers in the hug.
"No problem honey." You say.
After the hug you go to Thalia to help her with a injury she had in the leg.
"Thank you." She smiles at you and you smile back.
They go to sleep and the very next morning they're not there..like last time.
You smile to yourself.
The second time they came it's in the day, which you though 'weird'.
It starts with a knock in the door and as you open you see two people with orange shirts that say 'Camp Half-Blood' or some thing like that.
But you don't see the third head, they look at you with a sad look.
"Hey kids." You smile at them and they have the energy to smile back. "Where is Thalia?" You ask, and they froze up in place.
Luke is the first to talk. "She..." He looks at Annabeth trying to think of an excuse. "She is at the new summer camp we are at...she is sick so she didn't feel like coming." He sighs as he finishes.
"Oh, wait a second." You go to the kitchen and bring back a box and give it to Luke.
"For Thalia. I hope she feels better with these, and Annabeth.." You take a book from your shelf. "This one is for you." Annabeth reads the title 'The Renaissance era: Art and Architecture'.
"I saw that you love this greek kind of stuff, so.." You smile to her. "Thank you Y/N."
They leave after a group hug.
At the camp Luke opens the box, it's filled with sweets and cake. He cries as he thinks of Thalia, he and Annabeth eat the sweets together.
The third time they came it was not 'they' just her, Annabeth.
As you open the door you smile as you see her, but you shiver as you don't see any sight of the others.
"Where are Luke and Thalia, dear?" You ask and she starts crying in your arms.
You take her inside and caress her hair.
"Oh, honey...what happened?" You whisper to her.
She sobs but between the sobs she tells you everything. That demigods and gods exist, that Thalia is a three now and that Luke is a traitor piece of crap, her words not yours.
You cry as you hear what happened to the two. You take two candles and light it. "For Thalia." You light one. "For Luke..I know he has a good heart, I'm sure he will come back to reason." You light the second candle.
For some hours you just hug Annabeth, she sleeps in your house and in the morning she is not there.
'Some things never change.' You think sadly. You see a note:
'I really liked the book, maybe I will be a architeth."
You smile and look at the candles.
The forth time they come back is 'they' again, as you open the door you see Thalia and Annabeth, you run to Thalia's arms and hug her and cry.
She hugs you back smiling.
You take Annabeth to the hug too.
They come inside and they explain everything. How Thalia isn't a tree again, the situation with Luke, again.
As you hear all of it you look at the candles and Annabeth smiles at you.
Thalia tells you that she is now a Hunter of Artemis.
You congratulate her and give her the box with the same sweets you 'gave' her years ago.
She smiles and you three eat it at your house, talking and laughing, trying not to think about Luke.
"And Annatbeth has a crush." Thalia tells you.
"I have not a crush for Percy!" She yells blushing at Thalia.
You smile teasingly. "But no one said Percy dear." And she blushes even more.
Thalia laughs at her face and you smile to yourself.
They go away at the day this time, and when tehy are not there anymore you put one more candle.
"For Annabeth." You light the first. "For Thalia." You light the second. "And for Luke. Who I still believe has a beautiful heart." You light the third.
The fifth time they come back it's the same as the last one. But with two new heads.
You hug Annabeth and Thalia, and has you hug the last you whisper to her: "So who are the other two?" She smiles and explains that they are Grover and Percy.
They both shake your hand and the four enter in your house. You take a lemonade out of the fridg eand give each a cup.
"So...what about Luke?" You ask and they all look both happy and sad.
"He was a hero." Percy says.
"...was?" You feel you eyes water with tears.
"..yeah, Y/N. He..died as a hero. You were right he really did the right thing." Annabeth says and Thalia hugs you. And the second she hugs you Annabeth comes for the hug too.
After some minutes you calm down.
All of you start talking about other things, how thay won the war. And...well Grover spoils a thing for you.
"Well, Y/N, me and huh...Percy...are.." She takes Percy hand and you already know what it is.
"They are dating." Grover says happy." Finnaly!!"
"Grover!" The other three yell at him.
"Congratulations dear." You say to Annabeth. "Well...Congratulations to all of you." You smile to them.
You pass the afternoon talking, they lunch at your house and when the night aproaches they get up and start leaving.
You hug Thalia and Annabeth again.
"It was nice meeting you, Grover, Percy." You wink at them and they shake your hands.
They go away and you light the candles again, you think it is a sign of Good Luck.
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fayvpor · 15 days
valgrace bday week
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Hawk: *having a party*
Hawks literal child: *tripping balls on acid and is being baby sat by hawks convicted felon ex who is probably a better dad then he is*
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emberglowfox · 24 days
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recent doodles compilation
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gendergeezer · 30 days
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"you didn't lie about everything."
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skippyhawk · 6 months
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Joan Baez – Winds of The Old Days | Fellow Travelers
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halloweensongbracket · 9 months
Halloween Song Bracket
Please listen to both songs before voting.
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hamable · 5 months
Viscerally angry that these kids didn’t even TOUCH a cheeseburger in the episode titled “A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers.” NOT A ONE OF EM.
God, what I wouldn’t give for Percy to have snatched one off the table on his way out the diner.
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
I'm making sure Percy Jackson beats the skater boy allegations by 2024.I'm sick and tired of seeing posts saying he is one canonically with like a bajillion notes because it happens so often when A)Him skating was referenced literally once in a 10 part saga where he was an mc for 9/10 of it and it was in the second book of the og series,when he was 13 and that came out over a decade ago,B)Piper saying he looks like one is actually proof he ISN'T because a big point of Percy's character is that he's not what most people percieve him as upon first meeting him and C)He dosen't 'act like a skater' because skating is a fucking sport,not a personality trait.Percy acts,thinks and looks like a PUNK and i don't mean what y'all think makes a character punk because you can't read books that aren't Harry Potter or watch videos that aren't shitposts or racist,i mean HOBIE BROWN punk.And no,grunge and punk are not synonymous-And Percy canonically dresses normally but i digress-since grunge is an aesthetic while punk is a historical subculture and a political movement that Percy canonically fits all the requirements for by being anti-authority,fighting corruption,playing a parental role/older sibling to young queer kids(Nico)and poc(Hazel),respecting all minorities and fitting outside of society's box of what 'normal' is.Not only is Percy not a skater boy but i doubt they're even fully a boy or straight up just a (trans) girl and i've read the books so many times i'm pretty sure i know them better than Rick himself-That was meant to be about the stories but it sounded like i meant Percy and hey if the shoe fits.But back on topic,i am BEGGING y'all to cut the 'he was a skater boy' shit out,Percy's not NEARLY enough of a normal guy* for that to be in-character and i know Logan messed up peoples perception of what he's actually like big time but Walker is fixing it and we need to put some respect on his and book!Percy's name
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jbaileyfansite · 7 months
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Fellow Travelers (1x06)
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love-superache · 5 months
Special Invention
Pairing: Platonic! Leo Valdez x Deaf! GN! Reader
Summary: Leo meets someone special, in lots of ways. Warnings: Too much fluff, remember I warned you.
Notes: I did one of those trop generators HAHAHA and it got 'disableid' so I thought of this! Hope you like it. ❤️
Another shiny day at Camp Half-Blood, not that Leo knew that it was shiny since he was working on some 'awesome' new machine, not even barely eating. But this wasn't unusual, Piper already passed in the cabin 9 cabin and bunker some 10 times today.
The only time he takes his eyes out of the work is when one of the Athena kids calls him and tells that Chiron wants to talk with him.He wonders what could it be...he and the rest of his cabin didn't bomb or put fire this week in anything...still, but they still didn't!
As he enters the room, Chiron is in his 'wheel chair mode', Leo always loved how tat machine was, his mimd starts to wander around until he hears a cough sound, he looks at Chiron again.
"You can sit Leo." Chiron smiles at him and points at the chair, he sits and messes with his fingers."So...I'm guessing you want to know why you're here." Chiron starts. Duh, Leo thinks but doesn't say anything just says a yes."So I don't know if you heard about the last mission here at camp."
He continues and Leo tries to remember but it just comes in a blank.
"Well, by that reaction I guess you don't..." Chiron nods to himself and sighs. "Well, it was a mission to rescue a new demigod and...it didn't go very well, the demigod was on a school trip to an airplane museum..."
"Wow, that sounds cool!" Leo smiles."Well, yeah it is cool, but remember when I said that the mission didn't fo very well?" He tells.Leo didn't even remember but he nods."Well, a monster apeared and...the demigod-" Chiron says and is interrupted."Is dead?" Leo asks but feels dumb the moment he says seeing the look on Chiron face."No. Thank the Gods for that." He says. "But...the fight with the monster damaged a lot of plains and well with the gasoline and the coal-" He is interrupted again."It exploded right?" Leo says, more an affirmation than a question. "Yes, unfortunately yes." Chiron sighs. "And the demigod we rescued, Y/N, became...deaf by the explosion." Chiron says looking at the papers at his table."Yeah, you were right it's not cool anymore." Leo sighs. "And why am I here?" "I would like for you and the Hephestus cabin to try to build a machine to make atleast the situation better. And while it isn't ready, try to think of a way to help Y/N communicate that isn't an notebook, we don't want no one uncomfortable, even more when something so unfortunate occurred."Leo nods. "I see. We are going to try our best!" He smiles and Chiron smiles too. "Thank you Leo, really."
Leo nods again and gets out of the place."Well, more work to do..." He sighs and goes to tell the news to the rest of the cabin.
The first time he meets Y/N it's in the infirmary, almost all of the beds are full because it was Saturday, wich means that yesterday it was the Capture the Flag.
Leo sighs trying to find the known blonde, as he sees he goes to him."Hey Will!" He smiles to the Apollo child.
He looks at Leo, and the first thing Leo notices it's that he is pale, really pale, but he still smiles at Leo.
"Leo! What brings you here?" He asks.
"Hmm, a kind of mission if you get me." He winks, but Will just looks at him with a confused face and Leo explains it that he talked to Chiron about the new kid.
"Oh Y/N! Poor kid..really, so suddenly...well we can't do nothing can we? Just give our best support.." He sighs.
"Well actually that is why I am here, Chiron wants my cabin to build a machine to help." He smiles."That is great, come I'm gonna show you where Y/N is." He starts walking towards a more quiet corner where you can see a figure looking at the window watching other campers play volleyball.
"Hope it works." Will gives him a thumbs up and goes help an Hermes kid at another bed.
He walks to the bed and sits in a chair across the bed.
You jump in suprise as you see him."What do you want?" You say and point at a 'Big Hero 6' notebook at the drawer.
Leo takes it and the pen. 'Chiron sent me'. He gives it to you and you read it, as you finish you look at him.
"And?" You ask. You give him the notebook again. Now he writes all the talk he had with Chiron, as you read it you look at him again.
"Would you do that for me?" You ask again.Leo nods and you smile at him.
"Well...what are you going to teach me while that machine isn't ready?" You tell him and Leo smile fades, he didn't thought about it and didn't even learn nothing to help you. He tries to think of something fast, he doesn't want you to think he is a loser. He then remembers his mother but he puts that idea aside.
You start looking at him confused and he gives up.
He takes the 'Big Hero 6' and writes something, he sighs.
"Morse code? You know it?" You sound really excited, not that you could hear your own entusiasm.
Leo nods and you smile.
He writes again: 'How about we start now?' He smiles at you and you do too.
The machine still isn't ready...months later, but Leo knows it will be awesome and you will love it, he gets up of his work chair and gets out of bunker 9.
He goes to the strawberry field when he sees you. He sits by your side and you smile at him.'Prepared for our class?' He says and you nod.
You go with him to the infirmary, because it looks like it's the only quiet place outside the empty cabins.
Will smiles as he sees you both.
This was already your 15th class, not that you were counting of course.You two continue like this and at the end of the day Leo gives you a candy.
'It's from Will's cup for the patients but I don't think he needs it.' He says in morse code and he winks at you.
"Thanks." You say both loudly and in morse code and you eat the sweet.
The machine is finaly ready! Leo thinks, you are going to love it.He goes to you and says that he wants you to see something.
You think if it is the machine and you are starting to get excited. As you enter cabin 9 with him you just can think of two things: the machine and the dirty mess that the cabin is. You ignore the second and look at Leo, as he makes a drum sound, you can't hear it but he tells you later that it was supposed to be drums.He takes out of his back a machine kind of looking like headphones you look at it and Leo makes morse code: 'Try it!'You smile and put it in your head. At first nothing happens but after you can hear Leo say: 1, 2 and 3 does it work?"It works!" You hug him and he smiles at you."Pffft. I knew it would work." He says smirking, didnt you know that he tried to give up 3 times, all of them he didn't because it was you who needed them.You smirk at him too."Leo." You start.
"Yes?" He asks.
"You sound weird." You say and Leo remembers that you never heard his voice before, it looks like he knew you for his whole life but it was just some months.
"You're not getting a swett today." He says nodding in disaproval.
"Leo!" You pout and he smiles.
Later you get the candy after some more pounting and Leo tells you that the machine has a secret sticker, you wonder what it is and he shows you.
It is a 'Big Hero 6' sticker, like the image from your notebook, you chuckle and he does too.
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