#Fuck Parents
Sorry I wasn’t online yesterday, my parents took my phone and then my dad told me that all of the pain and suffering he’s put me through over the last five years. Five fucking years. Was intentional. He did it on purpose. Because he didn’t care how miserable he was, as long as I was more miserable.
And then I had to go about my day like nothing happened because if I responded the way I wanted to, they’d have kept all of my electronics!
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onesaltysir · 9 months
Parents will post the dumbest shit I swear to god
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Rant under cut
Idk Kelli, maybe your son was looking for you because you're his parent, and children typically go to their parents when they want something. I PROMISE you, your five year old with skibidi ipad cocomelon tiktok syndrome who can't read does not understand the concept of perfect parents.
Quit praising yourself for taking on a job that you chose to do. If your kid wants his mum, he's going to go to his mum. Like that is the simplest thing. He dgaf if you're perfect, he just wants something. You're not some angelic queen because you chose to be a mother.
Parents, you do not deserve special treatment for raw dogging it and then popping out some little shit named Braxteyighnn or Ahshahleyigh. Stop acting like you're some angel when all you do is shove an ipad in your kid's face while you post about how your parenting is so perfect and you're some magical blessing on this world.
Parents who do this shit are not a blessing, they're the bane of my existence.
Get off your mommy blog, get off your high horse, and do the fucking job you chose to do.
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leneatsalemon · 4 months
crying because nothing is appealing anymore and animal crossing has a limited amount of things you can do in a day and you can't change the date and time due to parental controls, but animal crossing is the only thing you want to do so you lay down and now you want to kys because the thoughts are overwhelming
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genderless-spoon · 11 months
Okay I’m gonna rant on here for a sec cause I’m frustrated and have nowhere to put it.
I don’t know if you guys know what the term “ingredient household” means but essentially it’s a term that describes a house that doesn’t really do a lot of snack and meals that are pre-made or, in my case, even pre-planned.
Adding on to this concept, I’m sure many of us on here heard our parents claim we “had food at home” or “had plenty of food in the house” and we were “just picky and/or lazy” whenever we asked about getting food out or buying groceries or anything similar.
This was my house. We were mostly an ingredient household but my parents didn’t plan out the meals for which they were buying ingredients, my mom would just buy the same generic groceries every time with very little variety and would improvise throughout the week. This meant we ate a lot of the same food made in slightly different ways all the time (which is not, in itself, the problem). It also meant that when I got home from school and both my parents were at work, not to return home for at least a few hours each (often well after dinner time) I was usually hungry and we had no snacks unless I wanted to shove handfuls of chocolate chips in my mouth or eat spoonfuls of peanut butter (both things I used to do). This paired with the fact that my parents needed time to settle in and my family didn’t tend to eat dinner until pretty late, meant I was often told to find food myself if I was hungry.
My mom did this to us a lot growing up, but starting from a pretty early age when even making a sandwich was kind of a lot. I always wished she’d have taught me how to make at least a few small things, because when I was told that we had food and it was all just ingredients I genuinely didn’t have any clue what to do. I have been seeing a lot of parents on social media complaining about the “we have no food” line that their children pull, and it’s starting to really bother me. Obviously I know this is not the same situation for all of these kids but I think children in general tend to be pretty resourceful and creative, and do not want to sit there hungry unable to do anything about it. They aren’t just acting helpless so their parents do things for them, they are literally children, they’re supposed to be more helpless than an adult in that regard.
I think a lot of parents (especially gen x parents) seem to assume that just because something seemed simple to them their children should already know instinctively how to do it, but everyone has to learn their skills somewhere and making that process a little easier on your children is such a great way to show them how much you love them. Involving the kids in the process of making dinner little by little and encouraging them to learn is much more effective than just one day expecting them to know how to take care of themselves. If you don’t want to spend all that time making food for your children (which, by the way, is literally what you sign on for when you choose to have kids), then at least take a bit of time every so often to provide them with the skills they’ll need to be successful without your help. Children are still learning how to be humans and sometimes they need a little extra help.
I now really struggle to prepare dinner for myself regularly as an adult because I’m starting from scratch having never really learned much beyond the easy stuff I could make myself as a middle schooler. I’m also disabled (in multiple ways) and going through the whole process is so draining that I often end up not eating or eating something pre-made, and while there’s nothing wrong with that food it is frustrating to feel awful all the time from eating that kind of food but not have the time, energy, or money to figure out a way without it.
My parents never prepared me for real life tasks and self care responsibilities and my parents are my biggest critics when I fail or struggle with simple tasks like cooking dinner despite them being the reason for it. Every time I so much as attempt to make myself food that isn’t frozen or pre-made my mom has to comment on how it looks or how healthy it is when I’m literally just lucky I was able to do what I did.
I don’t know how relatable this is, maybe it’s only going to make sense to a select few people, but I just needed to get it off my chest. I’m sorry for the rant, thank you for reading. Let me know if you relate to this so I know I’m not just yelling into the void lol.
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Damn right, kids don't owe parents a single thing, but parents do owe their kids every single thing because they chose to have kids, the kids had no say in being born, parents are not owed a thank you or any gratitude, and they shouldn't be complaining or expecting anything back because it was their choice.
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fuctacles · 6 months
I highly recommend being kicked out of the family. Yeah your siblings might be not talking to you in fear of getting a beating from their (your) gaslighting parents but hey, truth is you've never spent any holidays this peacefully.
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One thing you need to understand about mental health recovery is that the voices in your head telling you to do bad things ™️ will probably not go away.
They'll get quieter, and your own voice will get louder, but they'll always be there.
I still have intrusive thoughts, thanks in part to a persecutor that is trying their best but still struggling. I've learned to react with compassion, rather than anger. I sometimes need to outlogic the anxiety. I sometimes need to write things down so it will all get out of my head. But forcing it away or reacting to it is not a sustainable way to live. It comes back. Louder.
I deal with a lot of people in my head at any given time (DID) and it gets loud. Anyone with mental illness needs to remember that even if it doesn't get better, things *will* change.
Growing up in an abusive household meant I was thinking about surviving day to day unscathed with my sense of self in tact (didn't quiiite work lol). Mental illness made me think I couldn't make it to 16, to 18, to graduation. I don't know how to adult properly. I cried when I graduated high school. I never thought we'd get this far.
Sorry for the ramble. This is kind of a love letter to everyone, whether inside my head or out of it, that's helped me to be better. My mental health is not perfect. It may never be. But it's a hell of a lot better since I got my own place where I could be myself.
It's ok to fall back into bad habits, have bad mental health days. But having more good days than bad is the goal. You can't be perfectly happy all the time, but I think you can strive to feel safe.
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rebel-renegade-sys · 2 years
Bro I fucking HATE parents so much. They just know how to piss you off and it's infuriating as fuck. Don't give me shit instructions then crap on me because you didn't give me the right instructions.
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[ok, I know this isn't anything related to tadc tumblr rn, but i just have to get this off my chest.]
[Parents &#%$ing suck. Especially if you know one's been cheating on the other for a while and told to keep it a secret and only you know, if they've hated each other for most of your life, if one tell you to stay away from the other, if one moved out for a bit but is now back in the house due to money issues, have threaten to divorce each other about 3 times and is most likely gonna do it by the end of the year, and you have to listen to them argue all the time while you have to take care of your younger sibling who's only in young elementary while you yourself is still barely a teenager.]
[$#&% parents.]
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ibreathhere · 9 months
I hate parents who weren't there for their kids, and society and they still expect love and respect for them. Sick
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x-x-lilsadpunk-x-x · 2 years
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queeranddepraved · 1 year
Am I allowed to repeatedly slam my head against the wall like I used to do when I was a kid? Or is that socially unacceptable these days?
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boredbo1 · 1 year
Fuck parents.
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Kids just wanna move out and leave their parents' house because they're just so done with the bullshit, but unfortunately they're living in a third world country with heavy beliefs on "family bond" and it's both hard to save up money enough to pay for rent and all other things, and break it to their parents that they are indeed moving out and will probably do their best to have as little communication with them as possible.
It's me, I'm kids.
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azraelgray · 2 years
Kids to frightened
To speak up over the simplest things
Because of the possibility
Of getting degraded or hit
By ones who say they love you
That is nothing no kid should endure
Having to worry day and night
If they did something wrong
And what will be their punishment
Over something meaningless
This bullshit has to end
No child should fear the people taking care of them
Wonder if they'll get locked in a closet again
Or hit over simply spelling a fucking cup
Make it stop
You're just as bad as the abuser
If you let it happen
Even if you're in that danger yourself
Why let the you
Or your child get tortured
Oh but it makes sense
Since police & CPS
Doesn't do shit
And before anyone calls me out on it
I know from experience they don't give a shit
I've been through this fucking shit before
And yet, no one cares
They just want to "rebuild" families
That shouldn't be helped
That should be separated for safety
Or thinking that they're lying
When they claim mental abuse
It can't feel too good when a police calls you a liar
To your when you claim your father is abusive
So this is for you Ko
I know we may no longer see eye to eye
But I think we can both agree to it
It needs to stop
This cycle of bullshit needs to stop
You need to find a voice when you don't have one
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skimpyshrimpbitch · 2 years
parents yell at you over the phone like you can just hang up on their bitch ass
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