suuho · 1 year
when you debut actual singers.
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Kink Discovery- Pt. 2 (Hands)🤩
Summary: Chris notices that you seem to be looking at his hands a lot.
TW: smut
"Ma? Hellooooo-? Earth to ma?" Chris nudges me, his hand pushing my shoulder. His long fingers touching me- fuck.
"Yeah? What is it, Chris?" I force myself to focus on his face.
"You good? You seem really, like, far away."
"Yeah, I'm fine. One hundred percent. I'm good!" I assure him. He squints at me.
"Uh huh...well, do you want to play a couple games with me?" He lets his lip pout slightly.
"I suck ass, but sure. Since you asked so nicely." I tease him slightly. I don't want to get him riled up, but I don't want him to notice my affliction.
He hops up and runs to his room. I take a moment to myself. I need to stop looking at his hands. I need to stop thinking about them wrapped around- Stop. Shit. I get up and force myself to follow the path I know leads to his room.
"What were you wanting to play-?" The last word trails off as I close the door. He's leaning, trying to reach something, but his hand is gripped so tightly around the edge of his desk; I can't help but stare. How could I not?
His head pops back up, and he stands up straight. He smiles all lopsided and it's so soft. He lets go of his desk, flexing his hand out, spreading his fingers and stretching. I want those fingers in- No.
"Hey, you up for a game you'll actually be decent at?"
"Uh, sure?" He pulls up the game. "What is it, exactly?"
"The sims." He grins at me. My chest swells up and I swear I must be dying.
"I love you." I kiss his cheek and he wiggles happily. I sit down and we start playing. Sadly, the sims can only hold my attention for so long. It's about 45 minutes later when my eyes start drifting to his hands.
I can't help it. They're just so pretty. They're perfect, honestly. Perfect to- Nope. Not going there. Come on, just focus on the game. His hands are right there though. Nearly so close I could taste them. God, I wish.
"Ma?" I'm staring. Shit. "Something on my hand-?"
"Nope. No. Nothing. Nothing at all." I quickly respond. I am so smooth, clearly. My cheeks are warm, they must be red. Chris sticks a hand out and touches my scorching face.
"Are you sure?" He moves his hand to my forehead. "You feel warm, babe." He lets his hand slide down the side of my face, coming to cup my jaw. His thumb brushes the corner of my mouth. I can't bite back the noise rising from my mouth.
His face contorts, and his eyes gleam with a new understanding. He places his thumb in the center of my bottom lip, slowly moving it downward. "Open."
My mouth is left agape, and he sneaks his thumb in. "Suck." My body is on autopilot, my mouth automatically sucking on the digit. "Good girl." I moan around his thumb.
I reach for his other hand. He gives it willingly and I move it to exactly where I want it. Now, one hand is occupied with my mouth and the other it up my shirt.
He pulls his thumb back. "Chris no-" I whine, trying to follow his hand. He gives me a look that stops me in my tracks. He adjusts himself in his sweats before returning his hand to my face.
This time, he points two fingers into resting on my lip. I open my mouth before he says anything. He begins to lightly thrust the two fingers into my mouth, never going to far back as to avoid my gag reflex overreacting.
"God, I wish this was 'm dick." He groans. I moan around his fingers, letting my hips oscillate. He groans as he watches my movement. I reach one hand out and place it on the same spot he had previously adjusted. "Shit, your hand is warm."
He moves his own hand down until it's at the apex of my body. I suck harder on his fingers, swirling my tongue around them as a means to deal with myself.
"Fuck ma, just like that. Can't wait to have you do that on 'm dick. Fuck. Need your hand under ma." I move my hand under his waist band. My palm is warm, my fingertips slightly cold, and he hisses as they brush across his sensitive head, spreading the wetness there across the whole length.
It's not long of my hand on him that Chris finishes into my palm. As he finishes, he begins moving his own hand faster than it previously was. "Aw fuck." He groans. "Need my fingers in you ma." He pulls my sweats and underwear down.
No time is wasted, his fingers immediately finding the source of my wetness and plunging in deep. He draws out loud and long noises from me. He forces out moans and groans, whines and whimpers, begging and pleading. Finally, I squeeze his fingers so tightly inside of me that I think I must have crushed them.
"Have a nice time with my hands, I presume?" He teases, kissing my head and removing both of his hands.
"I love you." It's all I can manage.
"I love you too, ma."
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cordeliawhohung · 9 months
hellooooo I just recently stumbled to your mafia series and I just can't help but ask what if reader was kidnapped and was held as a ransom for Mafia!Price?
Feel free to ignore this!
i wanted to write something big and one shotty for this but alas, the inspiration just doesn't want to come to me so i hope a drabble is okay <3
needless to say, Price is furious. of course he's upset at the syndicate that took you, but he's mostly angry at himself. he's your husband, he's supposed to protect you, and yet all he has is this small piece of paper with your name on it and the cost to get you back.
the thought of someone laying their hands on you, binding your limbs or gagging you to transport you into some shady, rundown building, makes his blood boil more fiercely than anything else in his life ever has. the very moment he realizes you're gone is the moment he gets to work on bringing you back. he drags Simon with him all throughout the city, searching for clues and hideouts while he orders Soap and Gaz to do some technical sleuthing. there is not a single one of his men who aren't working 24/7 to get you back.
of course he could always pay the ransom. he's got the money, and there isn't a single cost in the world he wouldn't pay up to keep you safe and healthy, but Price knows better than that. he can funnel all his money towards the prize, but that doesn't mean he'll get you back. no, there's only one reliable way to handle this, and it's violence with impeccable timing.
the moment Soap tracks down the bastards who took you, Price nearly kisses the man and wastes no time devising a plan to get you back. it has to be perfect as there's no room for mistakes, but he can't afford to waste anymore time than he already has in getting you back home.
by the time he finds you, the blood of your captors stains his clothes so thickly it's like the only color he had ever known was red. despite how long you were gone you were in relatively good shape considering everything. however, the dark marks around your wrists from your bindings make him wish he had killed your captors even slower.
he's too scared to touch you when he approaches you. he doesn't want to cause you any more harm than has already been given to you, and he would hate to soil you with the disgusting, coagulated blood that clung to his clothes. however, the moment he cuts the bindings from your wrists, your sobs echo off the small room as your arms wrap around his neck. relieved to finally have you in his arms again, he nearly all but carries you out of that damn building.
when he gets you home, he hardly lets you out of his sight after that. constantly doting on you, refusing to let you do any physical work. he cooks for you, does all the chores, everything. you are his wife. the single greatest thing to have ever happened to him. he refuses to let anyone take you away from him again.
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reotheworld · 2 years
I loved the isagi with kaiser's sis‼️may I ask what if kaiser caught both of them getting a little too close(may you add some Ness relationship with the reader too?)
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let's keep it a secret to him
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❝ my heart is already with yours ❞
➜ getting caught by your older brother
➜ fem!reader
sugar level: 0% & 70% | possible continuation of this shot ; slight angst but a good ending
when kaiser was scheduled for an interview, he received a question from the host.
"if you could pick a member from your team to date your younger sister, who would it be?"
upon hearing the question, kaiser made an initial facial reaction that had not only the host but the staffs rolling in laughter at the face he made. as he puts his jokes aside, he finally opened his mouth to speak into the microphone.
"it would be ness" he replies along with a nod of his head.
"ah! germany's midfielder!" the host spoke, blinking eyes twice. "now i'm curious, why ness out of all your other team members?"
"he's a well mannered individual who always has a smiling demeanor. behind camera's, ness and y/n gets along very well. so i approve the relationship if they date." kaiser responded.
isagi tosses his phone and lays down on his bed nonchalantly, emitting a sigh from his lips.
sure ness has the visuals and say the personality (in which he tried hard not to gag at this) that could make any guy or girl swoon, no doubt that bastard münchen's midfielder could make a girl like y/n kaiser swoon.
he's a professional player for one of europe's best teams, takes home how much money after a game, has hundreds and thousands of people cheering his name in a large stadium; the guy is practically swimming in fame and fortune.
but what about me? isagi thinks, closing his eyes to shut the blinding lights.
"hello? hellooooo?"
he's still making a name for himself not only in japan, but to the rest of the world as well. would someone like him make y/n turn her head to look at him? even if he isn't a professional player, doesn't take home how much money after a game and probably has people doubting his play style?
a girl like y/n would never in a million years turn her head to look at him. if all of them gathered in one field, she'd probably put her attention to notable players...let's say, like ness.
"isagi? helloooo?"
yeah. ness seems like a much better option for her. it's probably time to give up considering pursuing her. give up making kaiser listen to him and say he's the much better option for his sister.
jolting his eyes wide open as someone calls out his name, isagi now finds the position he is in...weird.
"what were you thinking that you couldn't hear me?" he sees y/n pouting, straddling on top of his waist. "what were you thinking so deeply?" she asks again before the worried facial expression turns into a shocked one.
"i didn't realized you were probably trying to get some sleep!" she says, kneeling up from his waist. "oh well, good night-"
"no, stay." isagi spoke, placing his hands on her waist as he drags her to sit back down. in which y/n blushes at his touch.
"you wanted to know what i was thinking right?" isagi begins to say, eyes trained on hers. "here's what i was thinking. maybe we should stop meeting like this. meeting in secret is stupid. your brother's right, maybe ness is the perfect guy for you. he obviously can provide for you, i'm just a nobody."
"think smart, y/n." he says. "choose him, choose ness." he finishes, extending his hand out to you.
"i'd like to take the other piece of earbud back." he demands.
the earbuds is the only and sole reason why you two understand each other without trying so hard. unbeknownst to isagi, y/n continued learning japanese so one day, she could surprise him.
isagi's eyes widens once more as y/n takes a hold of his hands, pinning them besides his head.
"don't talk like that." he hears y/n say, a serious yet soft expression on her face. "why make me turn on you and choose someone i don't like? i choose you, isagi. and i'll always choose you." y/n says.
"i like you precisely because you continue to strive and improve everyday. i've never liked a person more than you, isagi. back then, i only come here to support my older brother, but now that i get to be this close you, that's all i need. if we could be like this forever, i'll never ask for more."
her words. her words hit home. her words that crept into his heart.
just as y/n is about to lean down and isagi closing his eyes, the two teenagers heard another voice speak to them.
turning their heads to the direction of the voice, it was kaiser, looking at them while leaning by the doorway.
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tharizdun-03 · 8 months
you can still ask her out!!
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it was a good idea to make one sub-unit gain some prominence before all the others. gives a little tension to the group.
i was thinking we hadn't actually seen haruka much even tho she was propped up to be kinda the central character. a nice scene with her and chihaya here tho.
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honestly, i started to wonder if they actually went to school. this episode is tying up several loose ends lol.
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also, it's been a few episodes since the reveal but ritsuko is a underage (from drinking at least)??? she is dressed like a middle aged woman, and she talked all about how she tried to be an idol when she was young. hellooooo
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this episode was less goofy and more about practicing. which was still fun, but not as fun. i remember how superstar just skipped practicing. the girls got to manifest songs and outfits, it's fine. but idolmaster is of course building up to something different too.
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great episode, altho i can't say any of the songs have actually impressed me so far. and then we cut to the crowd shots and it's all guys and it's like uggh... but great otherwise. this felt massively earned so the show is excellent at that.
this goes so hard
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she's trying
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i also like the implication that she's not forecasting what the weather will be like today or tomorrow. she's just telling... what it was this weekend lol.
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my least favourite running gag is the series forcing makoto, who wants to be feminine, into more masculine/androgynous looks. she tries to be grily, but the characters deny it and the narrative ridicules her for it. only cheers for her when she's stuck in the box they put her in.
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i'm reminded by the love live episode in the original series, where rin was feeling insecure about being too tomboyish, so they dedicated an entire episode to her where she got to feel pretty in a wedding like dress, she got to sing her solo, and hanayo lowkey confessed lol.
(also that only girls cheer for makoto because she's masculine is infuriating too, cause makoto is by all means probably straight and wants a man. but because she's boyish. but i'll give the series a pass for actually canonically having a minor character who was a lesbian.)
episode still filled with a lot of great gags. i love pretty much all of the actual cut-aways and the concepts for those, even if i still find the whole idols doing television stuff weird. (basically all male fans, and i just think why the girls want this?)
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didn't chihaya just want to sing? and now she's stuck presenting this lazily put together show. but we did get a cool gurren lagann esque movie preview out of it, so... can't stay too frustrated.
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when a cute guy is talking to me and i'm not paying attention
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i like how hibiki has like... a dog... bird... hamster... CROCODILE... cat... pig... rabbit...
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hmmm.... feel like next episode is just gonna push harder on how makoto has to stay as a tomboy even tho she wants to be girly. let the episode be "makoto'S true prince", instead. she should get to be princessy if she wants and like a guy too if she wants that.
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ifidiedinadream · 1 year
Aleksi/joel/reader you say?
In a turn of events, aleksi is the one tied to the bed this time. He is, however, still the one calling the shots and by the end of the night, reader and joel are practically on their knees begging aleksi to let them cum however he wants them to. Better hope they've been good enough or there'll be a night of denial for either or both of them.
NEW FLAVORS OF ICE CREAM HELLOOOOO i got slightly unhinged with this one so huh. beware
aleksi is MEAN and even calls himself daddy once. for funsies
also on ao3
Aleksi’s sitting on a chair, hands tied behind him; this way he can’t reach out to trace your lips with his thumb as you’re kneeling between his legs, cheek and hand resting on his thigh and looking up at him adoringly. You can tell he’d love to from the look on his face. 
“You,” he addresses Joel, “here. In front of me just like her. You guys better behave if you want me to allow you to come tonight.” 
Aleksi looks down at you with loving eyes when you nod in understanding, cheek rubbing his skin. “I know you will, doll.” 
Completely different is the attitude he reserves for Joel; he tuts at him and Joel tenses up, until he realizes it’s his hands that he should fix - he brings them together behind his back and Aleksi hums, face softening. 
“Now,” Aleksi slides down in his seat and opens his legs wider, forcing you to stop using his thigh as a pillow and sit up. “I want you to blow me. Both of you. At the same time.” 
You light up - you’ve been craving his cock all day, and just having it there within arms reach without being able to do anything (Aleksi told you to wait, so you waited) was pure torture. So now you’re more than happy to oblige, taking the tip into your mouth and sucking the precum off, enjoying the salty taste. You only let go when Joel comes closer, to make room for him; you settle on licking one side of Aleksi’s cock, leaving the other side to Joel. 
“See how enthusiastic she is? More like her, Joel.” 
To help him out, you pull back, so that Joel can decide what to do. He takes the tip between his lips and then goes a little deeper, eliciting a moan out of Aleksi. So you focus on the base, kissing where the length and the balls meet, mouthing at the veins there, the ends of Joel’s hair tickling your face. This seems to work, as Aleksi is groaning consistently, his dick is twitching, and he’s tugging at his handcuffs, bucking his hips up. He curses under his breath when you take his balls into your mouth, sucking delicately on the extremely soft skin, hairs in your teeth. You hear Joel gag above you, right before a drop of spit lands on your face. 
You don’t hate the feeling, but it’s unexpected enough for you to wince. However, you don’t stop, instead you go up again, forcing Joel to make room for you. He lets go of Aleksi’s cock and you’re kissing the tip again, soon joined by Joel; your faces are now close, so close indeed, that when you’re battling to claim the little slit at the top, Joel captures your lips into his own. 
You allow him to kiss you deeply, tasting Aleksi in his mouth. The kiss heats up in no time, Joel’s tongue deep in your mouth, your hands in his hair to pull him closer. It makes you moan, and Joel bites your lip in turn. 
“Enough,” Aleksi says. “On the bed. Both of you.” 
You oblige instantly, knowing better than to ignore Aleksi’s commands. 
“Face me, baby,” Aleksi continues. “Spread your legs wide for me, will you? Yeah, like this… beautiful… Joel, go behind her and finger her.” 
You rest your back against Joel’s broad chest and relax, looking up at him expectantly. His cock is hard against your lower back. His hand slides down until it’s between your legs, and you close your eyes as soon as his ringed fingers, long and lean, find your clit, massaging in circles. 
“I wanna see you fuck her with your fingers. I bet she’s wet enough already, she’s been telling me about how she wants those fingers for quite a while.” 
Joel smirks down at you. “Have you? You could’ve told me sooner.” 
Aleksi doesn’t have to say anything to attract Joel’s and your gaze to him immediately. He’s glaring at Joel with stern blue eyes and Joel goes tense behind you. 
“Nothing would’ve happened unless I’d said so anyway.” 
Joel nods wordlessly. You feel all fuzzy; you love when your boyfriend acts possessive in bed, even when he’s literally telling another man to finger you. 
Joel gets to work then, shoving two fingers inside you, and your back falls deeper into his chest. You push your legs impossibly more open, sliding down a bit on Joel’s chest; Aleksi was right, you’re incredibly wet, so the slide of Joel’s fingers is easy and oh so nice. He curls his fingers inside you, feeling you all around, then starts pumping them in and out of you fast. You send your head back, moaning, wishing he’d go even faster, his thumb coming to brush at your sensitive clit every now and then. Aleksi curses, sighing. Your eyes roll back in pleasure; when he pushes in, Joel’s fingers are all inside, up to the rings, and you don’t know if you can resist. 
“Don’t you dare come,” Aleksi says. “Because, first: I haven’t said you can, and two: you know you’re not allowed to come for another man. Understood?” 
You nod quickly, but damn, it’s hard; if you can’t just chase your high, then you’d rather Joel stops his ministrations altogether - because there’s no way you can hold back. 
Thankfully Aleksi gets bored pretty soon. 
“Babe, on your hands and knees. Joel, fuck her from behind.” 
You comply, facing the door so that Aleksi will be able to see Joel’s cock disappear inside you, as you know he’d want that. Your mouth falls open as soon as Joel enters you. He feels amazing, filling you up so well. He grips your hips and you turn to your side, to Aleksi, whose eyes are locked with Joel. 
“Don’t. Come,” Aleksi repeats, to him this once. “You should be thankful I’m letting you do this. Least you can do is try not to spoil her.” 
After his warning, Aleksi gives him the sign he can start, so he does. You moan quietly at Joel’s shallow thrusts that reach your g-spot perfectly, almost forcing you to hold back your orgasm again. Joel’s hand travels from your hip to your neck, wrapping itself around it, just when his pace increases. He’s groaning low, grip tightening, and then he slows down again, probably trying to keep his own orgasm in check. 
“Fuck her harder, is this the best you can do?” 
“You - you said I can’t come.” 
“Close already? That’s a bit pathetic though, isn’t it? Is this the impression you wanna give her? She’s used to much better.” 
Mean, mean Aleksi. 
“She’s enjoying it, I can tell,” Joel takes a fistful of your hair with the hand that was sitting around your neck, pulling. The pain is lovely and the new angle has you bite your lip hard. “Aren’t you, angel?” 
Yes, yes you are, and you really wanna tell him, but you don’t. 
“What a good doll,” Aleksi says, “knows she should only answer my questions. You’re doing so good, baby. Behaving and putting on such a good show for daddy. Perfect - I wasn’t expecting anything less from you.” 
You blush at the praise and involuntarily clench around Joel, who grunts in turn. He pulls you up by the hair, fondling your breasts with his free hand before going down to touch your clit again. 
“You, on the other hand…” Aleksi continues, “you take a bit too much initiative for my liking. Didn’t I say you were supposed to behave? Unless you want your balls to become blue.” 
Joel halts, releases your hair and stops touching your clit. You moan at the loss, all of them, but at the same time you’re relieved, thinking you might come from a simple touch at this point. 
“That’s good. See, I knew you could be a good boy too. You started off well, earlier, after all.” 
Joel is panting, skin sweaty where you’re still connected. 
“Fuck her hard now.” 
Joel complies, or tries to, faltering after the first few rolls of his hips. 
“I just - I can’t - I need to come badly, I -” 
“If you needed me to show you how it’s done you could’ve just told me,” Aleksi rolls his eyes. “Pull out. Baby, come here, you earned your reward.” 
Happy, you walk over to Aleksi as soon as Joel’s thick, sensitive cock is out of you. You sit down on his lap, taking his head in your hands. 
“How was Joel, babygirl?” 
“He was so good. He’s so hot. I love his hands and his cock.” 
“Good, good,” Aleksi hums. “Sit on my cock now. Gonna make you scream my name and take Joel down a peg.” 
With a drunken chuckle, you obey, adoring to be filled up again. “Do I have permission to come now?” 
Aleksi closes his eyes in bliss. “Yes.” 
You start bouncing on his dick then, keeping your hands on his shoulders for leverage. You don’t restrain your moans, after all Aleksi loves to hear them and you’re more than sensitive. Every movement sets your nerve endings ablaze and you know you won’t be long. 
“Fuck, it feels so good to reclaim you… you’re fucking mine, no matter how hard Joel wishes you weren’t.” 
You fuck yourself on his cock deeper, trying to draw this out but you’re really on the edge. You don’t hold back anymore, nails digging deep into his skin as you allow the pleasure to unfurl inside you. You moan his name, the orgasm shaking your from your core to everywhere and you don’t even feel the burn in your thighs for a moment, only continue fucking yourself hard to prolong this moment as much as you can. Aleksi throws his head back as you clench repeatedly around him, groaning, and tugs at his handcuffs, wishing he could touch you. You collapse against his chest as soon as you finish, keeping him inside for a moment more. His milky skin is flushed and he’s breathing hard and you can tell he’s keeping from bucking up into you. You kiss his lips before getting off of him carefully. 
“Fuck, doll, that was amazing,” Aleksi’s praise makes you blush. “Uncuff me now.” 
You crouch down behind Aleksi’s chair and put the key in the little lock; you can see Joel from here, sitting on the bed - he’s so hard and leaking like crazy and his cock is so dark it looks painful. It’s almost enough to make you ready again instantly. 
“Baby,” you rest your hands on Aleksi’s shoulders as he massages his wrists, “Joel’s been so good tonight. Look at his desperate face; don’t you think it’s time to reward him?” 
“Mhm. I don’t know. I haven’t decided yet.” 
Joel’s blue eyes are big and pleading, glancing between Aleksi’s face and the hard cock between his legs. Then Aleksi tuts, mind finally made up. 
“This is your last chance to impress me,” he tells Joel. “Come here.”
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tag someone you want to know better
tagged by @romanceyourdemons
favorite color: bright pink (also any happy color)
last song: the last song i deliberately played was either “Almost Like Being in Love” by Nat King Cole or “September in the Rain” by Dinah Washington, but the last song that came up on shuffle was “Juliet” by LMNT
last movie: either around the world in 80 days (2004) or inception (2010)
currently watching: the last season of archer (2009)
other stuff i watched this year: lmao i actually have a lot of half baked reviews in my drafts but i never posted them because i’m almost always at my queue limit so here’s my chance to do a rapid fire round of reviews (based entirely on whether i enjoyed them)
how to marry a millionaire (1953) 👍 too many people forget what a comedic genius marilyn monroe was
Love Sarah (2020) 👍 🥲 a bakery, romance, grief and healing, intergenerational bonding, what more could you want
My man Godfrey (1936) 👎 boring
bringing up baby (1938) 👎 it has its moments, blueprint for disney channel show shenanigans
memories of the sword (2015) 👍 sooooo melodramatic
The Dig (2018) 👍 haunting
the misfits (2021) 👍 it is Not Good, but inexplicably charming
Free guy (2021) 👍 responsible for the resurgence of mariah carey in my playlist
Papillon (2017) 🤷🏻‍♀️ hard to get through but not bad
Chungking Express (1994) 👍 i’m not usually an atmospheric film type, but wow
The Lost City (2022) 👍 i had fun
The French dispatch (2021) 🤷🏻‍♀️ tried watching this multiple times, fell asleep each time but the fact that i tried multiple times means it goes on this list
most of the movies in the DCAMU (2013-2020) 👍 i saw a gif from Teen Titans: the Judas contract (2017) which led me to watch 11 of these 16 movies lmao curse you tumblr
Blue crush (2002) 👎
the Batman (2022) 👎
Lost in the stars (2022) 👍 the whole thing could’ve been avoided if (spoilers) were lesbian, but anyways it made me want to visit hainan and shanghai
Dumplings (2004) 👍 i mean i can’t eat dumplings anymore without gagging but
the burning sea (2021) 🤷🏻‍♀️ i remember laughing at the cheesiness (idk how accurately they translated from norwegian), but solid disaster movie
alive (2020) 👍 korean filmmakers really know zombies, but mix in quarantine era
Palm Springs (2020) 👍 went into this blind expecting white lotus lol (very much not white lotus)
The babysitter: killer queen (2020) 👍 i can only do horror if it’s campy horror
the menu (2022) 👎 well made movie, not for me
blockers (2018) 👍
joy ride (2023) 👍
Spider-Man: across the spider-verse (2023) 👍
king arthur: legend of the sword (2017) 👍 i don’t care i enjoyed its ridiculousness
Austenland (2013) 👍 it’s so bad!! i laughed, i cringed, i awww’ed
the tuxedo (2002) 🤷🏻‍♀️ better enjoyed in highlight clips
Matilda the musical (2022) 👎 if i hadn’t seen the danny devito version i might have enjoyed this
heathers the musical (2022) 👎 the off bway actors were better
Mayhem (2017) 👍 samara weaving and steven yeun! another movie apollo threw a covid dodgeball at
Charlie Chan at the wax museum (1940) 🤷🏻‍♀️ could’ve been good, hard to watch with the yellowface and racism
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022) 👍
shows i dropped this year/didn’t finish: justified (2010), killing eve (2018) , gannibal (2022), beef (2023), doom patrol (2019)
currently reading: bel canto, but mainly just a lot of medical articles
currently working on: finding a new job because hellooooo 2 year itch
current obsession: ok so if you look at english language sources, most say that pregnant onions are toxic and therefore not edible. however, the medicinal value of pregnant onions is apparently not uncommon knowledge in other cultures (fuck yeah china and south africa). so a family friend gave us a few mature plants that make into soup and i picked off the little seedlings and have been tending to them. that led to spending more time tending to my other plants (i have a lot more loquat trees than i remember) and now i’m trying to air layer some stuff. TLDR; gardening
tagging anyone who wants to do this :)
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yuthoe · 3 years
Mean (MONSTA X: Chae Hyungwon)
hellooooo friends and welcome to the effect of hyungwon's hands on lil ole myks. tbh i don't think this one is very good, but i just wanted to write it bc i would be frustrated for the next week if i didn't. i saw this one tweet of a closeup of hyungwon's hands and it literally wouldn't leave my brain so now we have this
hope yall like iiiiiiit
PAIRING: Hyungwon x female!reader. GENRE: fic, smut. WARNINGS: 18+ ONLY, depictions of vaginal fingering, penetration, choking, swearing, dom/sub play, bondage, lots of mentions of hands, probably poorly written. WORD COUNT: 1,932.
You squirm on his lap, naked and completely at his mercy. Hyungwon has your arms tied behind your back, two long fingers deep in your cunt and a thumb pressing down on your tongue. He makes sure to time the movements of his fingers to the swirling of your tongue around his digit. The little mewls you make almost make him want to take pity on you and pull you down onto his cock, already hard and brushing against your thigh with every buck of your hips.
Hyungwon can feel your essence dripping down his hand as you let out a strangled moan when he curls his fingers just right against your sweet spot.
“Hleahe,” you say around his thumb. “Hyuhon... Hleahe, Ah can’k hkake ih—,”
“Hmm?” he hums, forcing your mouth open wider. “What was that you said? I couldn’t quite understand.”
But you can only moan as he pushes another finger into your hole. Your thighs shake from the intrusion, and if not for Hyungwon’s stern warning earlier to sit up straight you would have collapsed into his chest by now.
Your body feels so hot, burning from the inside out like a fever. His fingers dig in so deep that you think you might start crying if he continues.
“Uh-uh,” Hyungwon suddenly says, withdrawing his thumb from your mouth to squeeze your cheeks in his big hand. He guides your face close to his, plump lips slightly brushing against your puckered ones. “Eyes on me, baby. Open your eyes and look right at me." He waits for you to follow his orders and presses a quick kiss to your nose when you do. "Now. I couldn’t really understand what you were saying earlier.” He trails the hand on your face down, down, brushing his fingertips along your sensitive skin until it rests at the base of your neck. “Could you repeat that please?”
You gulp and whimper—his other hand hasn’t stopped its ministrations at your core and you can barely get out a word, let alone a full sentence.
A shaky sigh leaves your lips. “I… I said I—hnng,” Your back arches forward as a thumb joins Hyungwon’s fingers to press at your swollen clit. “Aahhh, Hyungwon, please—,”
“No, no,” he says, hand twitching at your neck, tightening his grip a tiny bit. “Use your words, baby, come on.”
Another moan erupts from you when Hyungwon rubs your nub in small circles. “Oh my god, Hyungwon please, I can’t take it anymore, please fuck me!” You’re certain there are tears on your face. He’s been playing with you for the better part of an hour with no signs of stopping or letting you come. At this point, you’re not sure if he’ll ever let you finish tonight.
Hyungwon hums, wipes your tears with the same thumb that was gagging you earlier, brushes hair away from your eyes. “There’s my good girl,” he murmurs, kissing your lips and cheeks and nose and eyes. His fingers still inside you when he asks, “You want my cock, baby?”
You nod furiously, rolling your hips to get him to move again, get him to let you go, get him to do something, anything! “Yes… please…”
Suddenly your cunt is empty and before you could even gasp, his fingers are in your mouth, soaked in your juices. A shudder jolts your spine as you taste yourself on your tongue.
“Clean me up good and you can have it,” Hyungwon says, deftly unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his pants with one hand.
One look at his bulge spurs you into action, swirling your tongue all over and between his long, soft fingers. Hyungwon’s gaze is steady on your lips, watching you drool all over his hand in your rush to please him. He takes his cock out from his boxers and gives it a long, hard stroke.
Your eyes are fixed on his member and you whimper, more insistent now on cleaning up your mess so you can finally have him inside you.
Thankfully Hyungwon withdraws his hand after a few more seconds of you sucking on his fingers, and he quickly pulls you by the back of the neck to devour your lips. You can’t help the moans that escape you as his tongue explores your mouth. You squirm again in his hold and he guides your hips closer to his, hand gripping your flesh so tightly it’s sure to leave a mark. You feel the tip of his cock brush your folds and you mewl.
“Hyungwon, please,” you plead again against his plush lips. “Please, I need—,”
“Shut up,” he snarls, and with one thrust fills you up to the hilt. Hyungwon groans as he grips your hips tighter, big long fingers sprawled over the expanse of bare skin.
God, he fills you so well, long and thick and hitting all the right spots inside you. The heat from him unravels out, down to your curled toes and to the nails digging into your palm.
Hyungwon lets you adjust to him for a few seconds, dropping kisses along your neck and jaw, palming your breasts and rolling your pebbled nipples with his thumbs. You fidget and clench around him, biting back moans whenever he nips at the sensitive skin of your neck and chest.
Your head lolls to the side, letting Hyungwon have free reign wherever he can reach, and as you make to shift again, you feel the silk tie binding your wrists being pulled down and keeping you still. You’re sat up straight again, this time completely trapped as Hyungwon’s strong arm anchors you down.
He brushes his bangs away from his face, steely gaze making you melt against his other hand on your waist. He licks his lips and says, “You wanted this.” He grinds deeper into you, and a whimper breaks out from your throat unbidden. “You’re gonna take it.”
“Oh my god—,” you choke out, before he pulls back, leaving just the tip in, and slamming into you. You gasp for air, back arching at his hard thrust. “Hyungwon—,”
He’s relentless in the assault on your cunt, pounding out a rhythm that gets a squeak out of you everytime he hits the deepest parts of you. Light groans and praises of how beautiful you look, how well you take him escapes his lips.
At some point, when you’re all sweaty and tear tracks line your face, he stops, presses you close to him, cock still snug inside your hole. The tremor in your thighs and hands won’t stop, tired from being kept in their positions for too long, and you sob as Hyungwon touches your forehead to his.
The kiss he gives you is a lifeline that you’re eager to take. His lips move languidly against yours, unhurried even as his hands explore the expanse of your skin—squeezing your thighs and ass, dragging his nails down your sensitive back, cupping both sides of your neck. A thumb hooks on your lips as his other hand slowly trails down the valley of your breasts, past your quivering stomach, and comes to rest just at the crease of your thigh.
Hyungwon hums against your lips. “Do you want to come, baby?”
As you open your mouth to answer, you feel Hyungwon’s thumb position itself over your clit. You whimper, tighten around his cock. “Oh my god, yes,” you say, breathless and leaning into another desperate kiss. “Yes, please, Hyungwon—can I please come, please!” You make sure to look at him when you beg, despite the tears blurring your vision.
You see him smirk and then the next second, feel him grind into you. Hyungwon rubs small circles on your clit as he picks up the rhythm again.
“Such a good girl,” he says, hand coming up around your neck and squeezing. Bites his lip when he hears you whine, strangled from how his hand encases your throat. “You’re perfect for me aren’t you?” A sharp thrust, a harsh intake of breath. “Are you gonna come for me, baby? Hm?”
Your mouth is hanging open in the shape of his name, futilely trying to find your voice with the grip he has on your neck. You try to nod, try to warn him that the knot in your core is about to snap, when he grunts out, “I can feel you, baby, come for me, come on.”
You whimper, high and thin, and thrash in his arms, overwhelmed by the intensity of your orgasm. After what feels like hours and hours of teasing and edging and denial, the release is a relief.
But Hyungwon isn’t done.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” he says, releasing your throat in favor of cupping the back of your neck to pull you down to his hard thrusts. You’re still spasming around him, and every grind pushes you closer to oversensitivity. “I’m gonna come inside you, okay? You want that?”
You moan and tighten around him again. A flush comes up to your face as you shiver in his hold. “Yes,” you breathe. “Yes, please, I want it, give it to me, please.”
He chuckles. “That’s a good girl,” he says, voice low and husky and sends shivers down your spine. He braces both hands on your hips and bucks up into you, speeding up as he chases his high, and you’re just there for the ride, pliant and all his for the taking.
“Fuck,” he grunts, digging his fingers deeper into the plush of your hips it’s almost painful. “Fuck, fuck, fuck—!” You’re helpless as Hyungwon cranes his neck up to catch your lips in a hard kiss, as he pumps once, twice, three times before stilling. You feel warmth spread all over from the inside out, practically feel every throb of his cock as he spills into you. He swallows the tiny moans that slip through your lips.
It’s quiet in the room, save for your ragged breathing, and the softest rustling of fabric as Hyungwon finally tugs on the knot that frees your wrists. Your forehead is pressed against his as he keeps your arms still. Warm hands trail upwards to your shoulders and massage the tops of your arms.
You let out a content sigh and give him a quick kiss. Slowly, you roll your wrists, bend your arms, inch by inch until your hands are cupping Hyungwon’s cheeks and your fingers are brushing through his silky hair. It was torture, not being able to touch him, though you can’t say you hated it.
Hyungwon gently pushes your head to rest on his shoulder and you breathe in his scent, pressing a small kiss to his neck. Big hands are at your thighs again, squeezing and massaging the sore muscles.
“You okay there, love?” he asks, and the vibrations make you shiver a little.
“Mhm,” you say, nodding small. You’re drained, unable to string together anything other than random sounds of assent.
Hyungwon hums again. “Good. We’ll rest for a bit and then take a long, hot bath, how’s that sound?”
You nod again, winding your arms around his waist and sliding your hands under the shirt he refused to take off. When you told him last night that you wanted him to be a little mean, you didn’t think he’d take it this far. But you can’t really complain because, as intense as it was, it felt so good.
Palms press against the skin of his back, and you feel him shiver slightly as you trace meaningless shapes there.
Maybe you should ask him to be mean to you more often.
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legendofzelda4life · 4 years
Up In The Skies
Hellooooo today is day 21!
A whole three weeks? Wow. Thank you all for taking the time to read these so far. I hope you’ve all enjoyed.
Anyway, today I give you some non-platonic Hyrule and Sky. If you’re new here, I write Zelda-themed (or LU-themed) one shots. I do take requests and more information is left at the base of this post.
Also disclaimer: Sun is depicted very differently in this compared to canon.
“Welcome to my Hyrule!” Sky spun in a circle as he recognised the Hyrule Sun and him had been putting together.
“You live on land?” Wind was extremely surprised. He had a good reason to be as well.
“Isn’t your title ‘hero of the skies’?” Legend asked with a chuckle.
Sky looked slightly to the floor. “That was over year ago. I live here now with Sun.” Hyrule could easily hear the saddened tone in the hero’s voice as he tried to look anywhere but up. It didn’t seem like anyone else noticed though.
“Anyway,” Sky looked to everyone, cheery once more, “I should show you all around!” He took Hyrule and Wind - who were both closest to him - by the hand. 
Hyrule.exe has stopped working
The brunette boy felt his brain turn to mush as his face heated up slightly.
“Sky’s holding my hand! Sky’s holding my hand! SKY IS HOLDING MY FUCKING HAND!” His thoughts screamed.
Yeah, he was broken.
Before he knew it, the group was walking through the town as Sky explained everything.
Hyrule wasn’t listening to the words, just the tone. When Sky was calm, it was nice. When he was happy, it was absolute music to his ears. But, when the boy was sad, Hyrule could feel his pain and squeezed his hand every time.
“So, what are you and Sun?” Warriors asked. Hyrule payed a lot of attention to the conversation. Sky burst out in laughter. “Sun is my best friend, basically a sister to me.” Suddenly, another voice appeared.
And Sky was pulled from Hyrule’s grip.
“Oooh, are these the boys you talk about? Which one is he?” A girl - who was assumed to be Sun - gave Sky a look that said ‘tell-me-or-I-will-eat-your-family’. Scary.
“Ummm…” Sky trailed off and shot Hyrule a glance. “It doesn’t matter.” Unfortunately, Sun noticed the glance and snapped her head to Hyrule.
Then screamed.
“I approve!” She yelled before leaving. Sky pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. “My best friend, everyone.” He said disappointedly, waving a hand in the direction Sun ran in.
“What just happened?” Wild asked, earning shrugs from all over the group. Sky looked to Hyrule before looking above him. “You guys should get to bed, there’s enough space at my place.” Sky grabbed Hyrule’s hand once more as the group walked to the boy’s house.
“Okay the seven of you can get comfy- don’t touch that.” He said casually as Wind reached for an expensive looking bow (sacred bow).
“Seven?” Time questioned. “Yeah, I’m stealing ‘Rule for a few hours.” Sky squeezed the boy’s hand. “Ew, couples.” Wind pretended to gag as he pushed the pair out the door. “Have fun!” He yelled. “I’ll make sure Wild doesn’t burn your house down!” A loud ‘hey’ came from inside the house, causing Hyrule to chuckle lightly.
The pair walked for a bit and Hyrule could feel himself - and see Sky - getting sleepy. “We can go back if you want.” He suggested. Sky shook his head. “I want to show you this first.” Sky then called out and a giant red bird came down.
“This is my loftwing. They will take us where I want to take you.” Sky lifted Hyrule onto the loftwing, following soon after.
“Ready?” Sky asked. Hyrule gave a silent nod and held Sky’s hands as they sat on the reigns.
Suddenly, the pair was in the sky, yelling happily as they went into the air. “This is so fun!” Hyrule yelled, causing Sky to chuckle. “Well we’re gonna get off soon.” Sky said, guiding the loftwing downwards slightly.
(this place isn’t actually in the game)
They landed on a small piece of land that was elevated above the clouds.
It had a small lake on it with a tiny tree. There was also a small lantern-like object on a wooden post.
“This is where I wanted to take you.” Sky hopped off the loftwing, letting Hyrule off after. 
“You probably want to know what Sun was talking about?”
Hyrule nodded. Sky sighed a little as he smiled. “Thought so.” He laughed.
“Well she meant ‘he’ as in ‘who’s the one you like?’” Sky explained. Hyrule let his hopes raise a little.
Maybe… He desperately wished so. It can’t be though… He knew.
“So you want my advice? I don’t have experience with guys Sky but, knowing you, you probably like Warriors or some shit I don’t know.” Hyrule was a little frustrated. “What? No! Dear Hylia, you’re an idiot.” Sky said.
“What?” Hyrule asked quietly. Was it Twilight?
“You.” Sky said the one word and Hyrule felt helpless.
Let the kid process.
“SKY like the SKY likes ME???”
Yeah, Hyrule isn’t really working.
Then everything loaded in his brain and Sky was tackled into the water.
“You’re fucking amazing and I love you!” Hyrule said, full of happiness.
Then again…
Sky always made him smile.
I know, I know, it could’ve been longer. But if I didn’t stop now I’d make a whole series and I really don’t have that kind of dedication lmao.
I hope you all enjoyed this.
TYPE/GENRE/CATEGORY (fluff, angst, etc)
I WILL WRITE ONLY ABOUT THE LINKS (including the ravio, shadow, the zeldas, and requested characters. Will not write about whole other fandoms though)
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pagesandmagic · 4 years
Roots of Growth || JJ Maybank x reader
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hellooooo OBX world. I’ve decided to dip my toes into the world of obx because JJ is everything and more. So here we go. 
about: she’s new to the group, and brings a new idea, which should have been done months ago. based on the song, “north” by sleeping at last
tw: none // just lots of fluff and love and friendship.
if you have a request, send ‘em on over - i loveeeee requests. 
We will call this place our home The dirt in which our roots may grow Though the storms will push and pull We will call this place our home
Chateau was home. Each of the pouges felt it that way. Each of them had a different story, each one a painful road that led them to the Chateau. Maybe it was their parents, maybe it was their lifestyle, maybe it was the pressure they felt from their entire world. In the Chateau they didn’t have to worry about what the world outside looked like, they didn’t need to pretend to be anything. It was a safe haven, a place for them to bring their brokenness and feel whole. Yes, it was home.
And just like a work of art We'll tell our stories on these walls
She was new to the pouges. She had just moved onto the island town when she met JJ. He took her for a touron, she thought he was an arrogant asshole. She “spilled” her drink on him. He kissed her. The rest was history. It had been two months since she met the rest of the pouges and fit in like a missing puzzle piece. Her home life wasn’t great and over the last few weeks she had opened up to each of them about it. Most of the time it happened after a long day spent on the water, everyone sitting in a circle on the pull out couch. JJ would always be next to her, holding her hand or rubbing circles on her back. He was always there. The walls of the Chateau knew more of her story than any other past relationship or friendship. 
They were sitting cross legged on the living floor, surrounding the coffee table playing a card game. Their skin was tinted red from the sun and hair wet from a day spent on the HMS Pouge.
“JJ, remember the last time we played this you cheated?” John B chuckled under his breath, which elicited a groan from Kie and Pope. Clearly it was still a sore spot with the group.
“Ahh, well you see John B,” JJ sighed, pulling the cards closer to his face, pretending to analyze the cards in order to make a decision like his life depended on it. “I don’t really understand how you can cheat at ‘Uno’” he smirked, “you’re either good or bad. I’m just really good.”
“You’re not good, JJ. You just cheat.” John B shook his head.
“Wait, what is he taking about.” She chuckled. Clearly this had happened before she ever came along, but she was curious to how John B thought her boyfriend was a cheater. JJ placed his hand on her thigh and squeezed, sending shivers through her body and butterflies in her stomach.
“Believe me, it’s nothing important,” JJ smiled, and placed his card on the deck. The last one.
“You’re not serious,” John B hit the table with his hand, causing the rickety wood to collapse in front of each of them. Their groans echoed through the living room.
“JB, why?” Pope rubbed his temples.
“Honestly was that worth it?” Kie huffed.
JJ pressed his lips together, suppressing a chuckle. The newest member of the pouges looked around at the Chateau. It was pretty broken. Most of it was just barely holding on. She wondered why this was the first time she was seeing it all. Probably because she had taken on a pretty strong smoking habit that JJ had helped her form, not that she was complaining.
“Guys, this place is kind of a disaster.” She started, “Look, I know I’m new here, but this place has become more of my home than my own house. Being here has given me something that I haven’t had in years.” She paused, looking at each of them, ending with JJ. “A family.”
The tears had welled in her eyes, an idea coming to her head. “Can we fix it up?”
The room stood quiet. Each person preparing their own thoughts, organizing the ideas in their head and wondering how to proceed forward.
“That’s a great idea,” John B spoke. He knew the place had become run down, but chose to ignore it, hoping it would all fix itself someday.
JJ gave her hand a squeeze, “I love that idea,”
A little broken, a little new. We are the impact and the glue Capable more than we know To call this fixer upper home
It didn’t take long for the group to get to work. The next morning each of them set off to fix up the Chateau. Sarah and Kie started painting and repairing the walls which took a considerable amount of time since most arguments ended in a punch to the wall. JJ worked on the landscaping of the house and said that it “soothed” him. John B and Pope worked on painting the exterior of the house and repairing what they could from years of storm damage. She decided to deep clean the entire house. Before she came around, it was the three boys who spent most of their time in the Chateau, and it showed.
It was a beautiful July day in North Carolina, she opened up each of the windows letting the warm air inside. Jack Johnson played through the TV in the living room, the easy listening filling the rooms of their home. The smell of the laundry detergent wafted through the house, creating a “homey” smell, as Sarah called it. She washed the dishes which had been piled up since before she arrived, as they had been using paper plates instead.
This was a home she wanted to stay in for a long time. A safe place for her friends to gather. A home that people would gather in and a place where the door would always be open. 
She was changing the sheets in her and JJ’s bedroom when she felt a pair of sweaty arms wrap around her waist. “I’m pretty sure this is the hottest I’ve ever seen you,” he said into her neck. JJ. This boy had become her everything. They hadn’t spent a day apart since meeting. Theirs was a love that happened quickly and without warning.
This blonde haired boy had been the person she fell asleep next to each night and woke up to every morning. He was the one who taught her to fish through fits of laughter and trying not to gag after each catch. He was the one she smoked with for the first time. He was her first. She remembered her life before him, but she didn’t want to. Everything was brighter with him, more vibrant and joyful. 
He smelt of fresh grass and sweat, “I’m pretty sure this is the sweatiest you’ve ever been.” she chuckled, turning back to kiss him on the chin. He hummed at the feeling of her lips. 
“Just the way, you like it, amiright?” he kissed the back of her neck, before letting go. He placed his hands on his hips looking at the room and at the way she swayed through the room. 
She was his rock. He always had John B and Pope to reply on, but she was different. She made him want to be better, to do better. She made his world softer, less harsh than before she came along. She was the first girl who made him feel a pit at the bottom of his stomach thinking about losing her. She was it. He knew it. 
She could feel his eyes on her. He was never shy when it came to his admiration of her. “Thank you,” she said through the smile across her lips. She turned to see him leaning against the wall, arms crossed and his brow furrowed, unsure of why she was thanking him. 
She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. His hands found their way to the back of her neck, running his fingers through her hair. “Thank you for finding me.” she whispered, “Thank you for giving me a family.” she stepped back to look at him in the eyes, but never letting go of his waist. His hands brushed the hair out of her face and pushed it behind her ears. His touch was so gentle, his calloused hands told the story of his life, filled with hard grueling work just to stay afloat. He cupped her face, meeting her eyes. “Thank you for bringing me home.” 
Smaller than dust on this map Lies the greatest thing we have The dirt in which our roots may grow And the right to call it home
And that’s all folks! I hope you enjoyed it! I’m pretty rusty when it comes to writing these, so hopefully my editing went well. haha. 
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flying-nightwing · 4 years
Sparks Must Fly to Start a Fire (2/2)
Hellooooo again people. This is the second part as promised! It concludes the small serie, for a grand total of 12.5k words, which is higher than my average if I’m honest 😂 I had so much fun writing this, thanks anon! I hope it was up to your expectations! Enjoy part 2 xx
Masterlist in bio // pinned
Pairing: Jason Todd x reader
Word count: 7106
Warnings: violence, language, a bit of trauma
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Day 9
“... There is no development in the case, all search parties came up with nothing. The GCPD now believes the disappearance of the young woman has a direct link to the major leak of incriminating documents that were shared to the DA’s office. The investigation, conducted by commissioner Gordon, might sound the fall of an empire of organized crime in Gotham if it goes through trial…”
“I was supposed to marry Vitto, today” You spoke up with mild boredom over yet another news story about you. You hadn’t realized time had flown this fast ever since you betrayed your family.
“Oh, oh wow” Jason hadn’t expected that. “Why would anyone do that?”
In the last days you had gotten into a semi-comfortable routine. The bickering was still very much present, but the snark had considerably deescalated. You had now tasted every snack he told you regular people ate, even those energy drinks he seemed to like to consume during long drives. You had even taken a cautious liking to the canned soups, which remained the only thing you knew how to make on a stove. Still, you didn’t escape Jason’s mockery everytime you didn’t know how to do something “simple”. You didn’t think you’d ever escape it, no matter what.
“It’s not like I had a choice” You said as a matter of fact, leaning back on the headrest of the car. “Women in my world are either trophies or mothers, depending on whether or not they’re still in their prime”
“Let me guess, you were to be Vitto’s trophy?”
“How old is he, like 50?” He snorted.
“46” You corrected. “Not that it makes any difference”
Jason gagged. “Guess you dodged a serious bullet there”
“God, marrying that manwhore plagued my nightmares for weeks” You chuckled, looking up at the roof of the car. “Hope he rots in jail once this is over”
“Arranged marriage, uh?” He said, sending you a quick uncomfortable glance. Something akin to remorse flashed very briefly across his face, but it was gone as soon as it came. You only nodded. “Sorry about that”
“Don’t be” You brushed off. “That was essentially their downfall in the end. Half of the reasons why I leaked the documents was to prove to my family I am not a chew toy to throw to the dogs. A power grab was out of the question, especially after one of my distant cousins, Alaina, tried and got gunned down. I thought if I was to get killed, I’d go down trying to be better”
Your words were followed by silence, and you realized you had said too much. You didn’t want or need his pity. You cleared your throat and looked away. Soon enough, Jason pulled into a shady looking motel and stopped the car. You glanced in disgust at the overall state of the motel, thinking about how it was definitely the worst one you had stayed in so far, even if you hadn’t stepped foot in yet. The vacancy sign was flashing against the sunset in the distance, and it gave you serious serial killer vibes. 
You grabbed your travel bag from the backseat and followed Jason in. The neons inside were barely functioning, casting a harsh glow on the lobby, if anyone could call it a lobby. The man behind the counter looked up at the sound of the little bell above the door and stood up slowly, showing off the grease stains on his yellowed wife-beater. He gave the impression of being just as crooked as his motel, especially with the creepy grin he gave the both of you, but especially to you. Jason walked up to the counter, unbothered by the general mood of the place.
“Good evening” The clerk greeted with a smoke clouded voice, glancing in between you two. “For an hour or two?”
You grimaced while Jason blinked slowly. Then, he smiled one of his smiles that looked normal, but hid something dangerous when you looked close. You had found yourself on the other end of those more times than not ever since he became your unofficial bodyguard. “Got anything for the night?”
The clerk laughed while you wanted to hit him. Hit them both, actually. 
“I like your style, kid” He wrote something on his clipboard before turning around and grabbing a key from the wall. “That’ll be 60”
Jason took out three 20$ bills from his wallet and handed them in exchange for the keys. Jason however leaned further on the counter. “How thick are the walls in there?”
“You sly dog” He chortled, and Jason joined. “Don’t worry, if your girl ain’t much of a screamer nobody will know what you be doing. Here, take that, if you want some more fun”
“Perfect” His lips curled up as he accepted the flyer handed to him. You caught a glimpse of the bright green paper, announcing some kind of escort service. “Thanks”
“Aight kid, room 141. Have fun”
You forced yourself to ignore the lusty eyes he sent your way and snatched the keys from Jason’s hand, hurrying to the room. “What was that?” You hissed under your breath.
“You’re in a place full of suspicious people” He hissed back. “You gotta act suspicious with them or they’ll single you out” 
“Did you really have to make it seem like I was a prostitute?” You said as you unlocked the door and pushed it open. You stepped in and let him in, before locking again the door behind him.
“There’s nothing wrong with being…” He trailed off as he halted his steps. His frame blocked the sight of the room for you, so you didn’t know what he was talking about. Was it dirty? Were there rodents? “Oh you must be fucking kidding me”
You finally peeked around him, to see only one bed rather than the two queens he usually asked. He had forgotten this time to ask, and the clerk had naturally insinuated you’d want to be together. How could he have not?
“At least it’s a King bed this time” You sniggered. “More space”
“I’m gonna get it changed” He turned around to go back to the reception desk.
“Wasn’t it you who said not to act suspicious?” You raised a challenging eyebrow. “If you go back there and ask for two beds, won’t that ruin all that acting you did over there?”
He spun around once again, facing you with narrowed eyes. He obviously didn’t like you using his logic against him. “Right.” He then side stepped you and went straight to the windows. He closed the blinds and proceeded to check the walls for… Whatever. He looked strange doing it. 
“And right now you’re…” You trailed off, trying to find why he was all but caressing the dirty walls. 
“Checking for cameras” He finished, looking inside a lamp. “Those motels sometimes have hidden cameras and the owners resell the tapes on porn sites”
“Oh god” You reacted, horrified. And he had the audacity to paint you off as a criminal, when those kinds of people existed. You thought you would be sick. He paused, sending you what you thought was a concerned glance--but it couldn’t be--before he returned to his examination.
“That’s why I’m making sure there’s none here” He mumbled.
You nodded, then carefully made your way to the bed. Despite the overwhelming scent of cigarettes latched onto the fabric, the sheet seemed relatively clean, at least for the general quality of the establishment. You dropped your bag in front of the dresser beside you and sat on the edge of the bed as Jason finished his inspection.
“All clear” He announced before taking out his gun from his belt and putting it on the nightstand. “You should rest, we won’t stay here too long. Also, if you can avoid the shower, I’d recommend you wait until we are somewhere else”
“I hate it here” 
“Yeah well, our disastrous stop to Target has kind of tied our hands, princess” He shrugged, like it was your fault you had been found. “So we gotta settle for even less if you don’t want a redo”
“Will you ever stop calling me that?” You glared at him.
“What, princess?” He asked rhetorically, then paused and pretended to think. “No, no I don’t think so”
“You’re insufferable” You scoffed, climbing up further on the bed.
“I wouldn’t get under the covers either” He warned as you were about to pull back the comforter, totally ignoring your comment on his general attitude. “I doubt they’re washing them real good”
You shuddered in disgust as you instead opted for bringing your knees to your chest, hoping the room wouldn’t get too cold during the night.
Day 10
You didn’t if it was your state still clouded by sleep, or the shock that made you see the scene happen in slow motion. 
Jason was waking up, sitting in the bed at a reasonable distance from you as your eyes cracked open. Still, you saw the sequence clearly. His back tensed and his head snapped to the window, then his eyes widened. He reacted in a fraction of second, grabbing his gun on the fly and diving on your side. You had barely the time to register his body colliding with yours that the first machine gun went off. You hit the ground hard, but you didn’t feel anything in the spike of adrenaline and paralyzing fear that surged through you. You could only close your eyes as bullets rained over you, and yet you weren’t even touched by the wood and cotton flying everywhere as his body caged yours in protection. His string of curse was audible above the commotion, which let you know he wasn’t gravely wounded yet. Yet. 
There was a pause in the shooting, but your eyes were still ringing so loud you didn’t hear him call your name at first. You opened your eyes, disoriented.
“Hey, hey stay with me” He hurried his words, glancing over his shoulders. “Roll under the bed, don’t come out until I come and get you, and if they try to get you, hit them with anything you find, aim for the head”
You could only nod as he helped you get under the bed, and for one you couldn’t even be bothered to notice how filthy it was under there. You were terrified for you, but also for Jason who would face those people with a handgun only. You just hoped his skills hadn’t been exaggerated, or else it would be bad news for everyone. 
There was chatter in between the gun fires, but you couldn’t decipher the voices. You counted there were at least six different tones of shout. However, judging by the familiar smugness of the exchange, you could have sworn it was Jason mocking them and not the other way around. It made you wonder exactly what kind of security he had done if he was taking the time to be smug in a one against five fight. Still, you were glad to have him on your side rather than against you.
You jumped and screamed at the sudden face appearing to your left, but let out a breath of relief when you saw it was Jason. He helped you out from under the bed, his glance shifty in between the door and windows. The room was a mess, he was covered in blood you doubted was his, and he was still on guards.
“So, we need to leave now” He said, already picking up his bag and yours. You noticed a second gun now strapped on his thigh and various new weapons in a utility belt. Where he got that was a mystery, but you didn’t question it. He gently pressed you along the bodies dropped at the threshold of the room and in the hallway until you reached the reception desk. You counted seven bodies. The same creepy clerk was cowering behind his desk, a darker stain on the crotch of his pants. Jason gave him an overall look and sighed, shaking his head. Still, he paused in front of him and dropped the bags.
“You son of a bitch” He chuckled lowly, menacingly. “You sold us out, didn’t you?”
He whined in response, confirming Jason’s suspicion.
“How much did you cash on the tip? 3k? 4k?” He taunted further, tsking in disapproval. “Can’t trust anyone these days”
“Please, I needed the money--”
Jason shot two bullets in his head. “Don’t care”
He turned on his heels and grabbed the bags again, bringing you along as gently as he could. You went outside, but he gestured for you to wait at a good distance from the car. He went over and inspected it, taking two devices off from two different places. Bombs, you figured. He threw the first one through the windows of the reception, then the other, he shot while in the air. An explosion went off, shaking your stance on the ground as the motel’s central area went up in flames. 
“Oops, gas leak” He said blandly. “Come on, let’s get out of here”
You climbed in the passenger seat, clutching your now all dusted up bag for support. You needed to hold onto something while you came to terms with the repeated attempts on your life in the last fifteen minutes. Jason drove off, leaving the smoking building off to burn. 
“Sorry you had to see that back in the lobby” He spoke when you were far enough.
“It’s fine” You shook your head. “He deserved it”
He blinked, a tiny bit stunned. “Hey are you okay?”
“Should I not be?” It came out weaker than intended. “I’m way in over my head with this”
“No, no, you did the right thing” He tried to reassure you, or that’s what you thought he was trying to do. Either way, it went right over your mental downward spiralling.
“I should have stayed in my lane” You kept mumbling, flexing your fingers on your bag. “I’d still be doing my thing, away from literal murder attempts in crappy motel rooms”
“Hey hey hey” He lifted a hand up. “May I remind you that you’d be married to Vitto fucking Maroni right now if you didn’t go rogue? That thought alone should give you relief”
You let out an uncontrolled laugh. What has your life become?
“Truth is I don’t know what I’m doing” You admitted, your voice cracking. “All I’ve achieved it to piss everyone off”
“Yeah you did piss everyone off, but so do I on a daily basis” He replied, making your frown in confusion. “Sometimes pissing everyone else is the only way to get things going, y’know?”
You blinked a couple of times. “I literally don’t”
He opened his mouth to reply, then closed it immediately. He then took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. “All I’m saying is, doing the right thing is an ugly job. It’s hard and messy and fucks with you, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try and do it anyway. I know this is all new for you, and this is a rather harsh welcome party, but you gotta fight through it”
You nodded, casting your eyes on him at last. His skin was reddened by the drying blood on his face and hair, and his clothes were dirty and torn. Amidst the cooling blood, you noticed a steady flow of brighter red coming off a hole in the sleeve of his t-shirt, widening the already big stain around it. 
“You’re bleeding”
He looked down at his side, unfazed. “Oh right, a bullet got me on the initial wave”
“We need to get it out and close the wound” Your eyes found his for a brief second, before his glance returned to the road.
“It can wait” He downplayed it, probably by a force of habit. 
“It looks like it’s bleeding a lot” You insisted.
“I’ll be fine--”
“It’s my fault you’re hurt” You interrupted him. You felt like you had at least to do something for him, especially since he just saved your life twice. Besides, you needed to focus on something else than what had just gone down. “Let me help”
He took a deep breath, then gave a little nod. He pulled over at the next gas station and parked the car, then went to his trunk, picking his first aid kit while you went to ask for the bathroom key. You joined him at the car and went to find the bathroom in the back of the building, locking the door behind you for privacy. You stood beside him as he rummaged through it, handing you a pair of pliers and disinfecting gauzes. You waited for him to take off his jacket, laying your supplies on the counter, then carefully rolled the sleeve of his t-shirt. You grabbed a clean gauze to stop the bleeding, gently pressing on the wound.
“Have you done this before?”
You didn’t see his question come, but you answered nonetheless. “Yes, a few times” You said. “On my older brothers. That’s something we learn, just in case we are the ones to patch up our husbands”
“Is this really how you were treated?” He asked, his voice surprisingly soft compared to what you had gotten so far. “Like a service wife in training?”
“Pretty much” You nodded with a weak scoff. You carefully checked the wound, and the bleeding had almost stopped. You grabbed the alcohol gauze and tore the pack open. “There isn’t much choice but to obey”
He didn’t even flinch when you cleaned the wound. “When I pulled the gun on you the first day we met, you said it wasn’t the first time somebody did that to you” He began, recalling the events from ten days ago. “What happened the other times?”
You put the bloodied gauzes aside and grabbed the pliers, disinfecting them with a smaller alcohol wipe before going for the bullet. “Would you believe me if I said something along the lines of wildly opposing my union to the Maroni family?” 
His lips curled up slightly, but his teeth were clenched as you tried to grab the bullet well lodged in his flesh. You managed to get a good grip on it and slowly pulled it out. You immediately covered the wound again with clean gauze and dropped the bullet in the trash pile. 
“Bullet’s intact, you should be fine” You said, holding the gauze with one hand and searching for a needle and a stitching thread with the other. 
“How old were you when it happened?” 
You paused, staring at his arm. How old were you back then, when your father announced you’d be part of a two-way deal with the Maroni family? Not very old, that was for sure. You pulled the gauze away and sanitized the needle, then passed the thread in the loop. “17, I think”
“You were just a child” It came out more like a statement than a question. You shrugged before beginning the stitches. He still wasn’t flinching as the needle came in and out of his skin,making it easier for you to do a clean job. You finally tied the thread and cut it with the scissors he handed you. 
“I’m sorry I pulled you into this mess” You apologized as you wrapped the wound with yet some other clean gauze and bandaged it. “I… I didn’t plan this through at all. I felt the doors close on me and I acted without even thinking of the real consequences. I thought I would be strong enough to go with it, turns out I’m not”
You had been all bark and no bite, you could see that now. You came in strong, acting like nothing could get to you, like the threat was just an imaginary bound to keep you in place. You made a bold move to cross it, and now you could clearly see how dangerous the waters you were threading in actually were. It wasn’t child’s play anymore, it was real, and you caved under the pressure on your first real trial.  
He turned around as he pulled his sleeve down, facing you. He was in your space, but it didn’t feel like all the other times. His presence wasn’t threatening. “You don't have to apologize” There was something genuine in his eyes. “And to pull off what you did needs strength, even if you don’t realize it yet. Your reaction to almost being killed doesn’t change that fact”
“It certainly doesn’t feel that way”
“Trust me, princess” His little teasing smile returned. “Someone who can hold her own against me like you did is not weak”
“I was just mean” You blinked in surprise, letting out a small chuckle. “I think that’s different”
“See, still arguing” His smile widened. You had known him for ten days, but you had gotten used to him being a certain way. This light and sincere attitude he had now was, to say the least, unusual for you. When he wasn’t constantly sneering, you noticed his features better. His blue eyes carried a kind spark, the type you found in a natural caretaker. The harsh angles of his jaw and cheekbones shaped a handsome face, decorated by little silver scars blending with his freckles. He was like a fallen angel shining through a broken halo, dangerous and protective, but only if you took the time to look past the burned wings. The unflattering white light of the bathroom made him look worn out, but it didn’t change anything to the raw beauty of his face. His bloody knuckles came in soft contact with your cheek, like a feather gliding on a cloud in the sky. His eyes never left yours, and even if they did, you felt like you’d follow them whichever direction they went. 
He was tall, considerably so. He hovered over you like a safety blanket, your own shield from the dangers stalking you outside the door. At that moment, you had trouble understanding how his proximity had once filled you with so much unease you felt like hiding away, because all you could feel now was an all consuming calm. There was however a pulse that was alive, one that was begging you to get closer. He seemed to have felt it too; his movement was slow, letting you more than enough time to back off. As his lips slowly got closer to yours, you know you didn’t want to move away. You filled the distance separating you from him and met him there in a gentle kiss to test the water first. 
It didn’t take long for you to lose control. All the emotion of the last days that had bottled up were let to run wild in between you two like an electric current, surrendering your every sense to him. Your hands went to the back of his neck for support, because god knew you needed it. His arms sneaked behind your back as he pushed further into you, quickening the pace of the kiss and clouding your mind. Tongues battled in a war that was already won, knowing in one way or another he’d be the victor. You could feel all the tension, all the frustration, all the anger and all the guilt coming in strong before burning like dry wood in a bonfire. Were there any versions of this that didn’t end where you were? It seemed impossible. 
You didn’t want to open your eyes just yet when he pulled away, reluctant to even let go. He captured your lips in a couple of kisses before fully letting you catch your breath.
“Well” His voice was barely over a whisper over the panting. “That might be one way to settle an argument”
“Then I might pick more arguments” Your lips lifted in a small grin.
“And I might not object to that” His eyes were bright with amusement. “Besides, I might have gotten around to like that smart mouth of yours”
“Oh, have you now?”
“Might” He corrected.
“Sure” For the first time in what felt like forever, you actually smiled. You slowly retracted your arms from his neck, letting him stand straight again. 
“Come on, let’s get out of here and put as much distance as we can from this motel” He said, but it lacked the patronizing tone it once contained. It was even like he didn’t actually want to leave just yet, but had to, or both of your safety. You shared the sentiment.
You packed the first aid kit and burned the bloody gauzes in the sink, then killed the fire and returned the key to the counter. You drove away shortly after, confident things might just be alright this time.
Day 16
You had circled back to the first place you had stayed in, the little cabin so far in the woods you were almost sure nobody would find you, or at least not yet. 
Jason had told you he had installed security devices on the dirt road to make sure he was aware of anybody driving up, as well as the traps he had set in the woods. Once again, it reinforced your idea that his job experience might not have been a traditional one. You frankly didn’t mind, as you were in no position to judge a potential criminal past. Besides, you believed anything he did couldn’t be worse than what your family or the Maronis did on a daily basis. 
You had woken up when the sun was already high in the sky, and to your surprise Jason had still been there, on his back and staring at the ceiling. When you had turned around on your side, he had mimicked you to come face to face with you, not talking at all. His wound on his arm had stopped bleeding during the night, for which you were thankful for. It eased your guilt to see it was healing well. You had stayed there for what seemed like hours, but it was comfortable. 
“I meant to ask,” He began, his voice soft and husky from the morning. “Why did you go to Bruce with the leak?”
You blinked slowly, tilting your head slightly to the side. “Well, I couldn’t go to the police, it was out of the question. I couldn’t trust any of them to pursuit this case”
“But what made you trust Bruce in particular?”
“I… I like to listen when people talk. Before, it gave me the impression I was part of the family business and not just an accessory, and that way I got to hear bits and parts of the discussions conducted behind closed doors” You began. “More times than not I would hear how Wayne Enterprises projects got in the way of their plans, and how Bruce Wayne would always do something to undermine them legally. So after I stole the intel, there was really one way I was certain would yield results, one person I was certain would have all the interests in the world to see this trial happen”
“That’s…” He trailed off, an impressed expression on his face. “That’s surprisingly smart”
“Surprisingly?” You raised an eyebrow.
“For someone who had no idea how to use a can opener, that is” 
You slapped his chest as he let out a laugh; he was so proud of his joke. “Hey, I learned!”
“I know, I know” He chuckled, reaching his hand and brushing a rogue hair strand away from your face. You had noticed as the days passed that he seemed to favor the little touches and the unspoken rather than obvious and obnoxious displays. You knew he was more of the quiet type when he wasn’t arguing with you, always working in his corner and doing his stuff. It hadn’t really changed ever since the gas station moment, but this time he would steal little glances, brush his hand against yours when he’d change gears in the car, or make sure he took out a bowl for you as well when you made your canned soup. “You adapted better than I thought you would, considering the entire lifestyle change you had to go through in the last two weeks”
“I didn’t have much choice, did I?” You grinned. 
“Nope, not at all, princess” He pushed himself on his elbows and leaned down to kiss you. You smiled onto his lips, welcoming the slow movements of him against you. However, you gently pushed him back after a moment, knowing if he had it his way, you’d stay there for hours. 
“Jason” You said his name when he was visibly trying to distract you again with butterfly kisses on your jaw, only pausing to give you wide, innocent eyes. Insufferable. “I have to go take a shower”
“I’ll come with” He shrugged.
“Yeah” He nodded. “Listen. You hired me to protect you, so that’s what I’m going to do”
“From what?” You laughed at his serious tone.
“Water’s cold”
“So NOW you want to protect me from the cold water?” You raised an eyebrow. “That surely wasn’t the discourse you held two weeks ago”
“People change, princess” He sighed exaggeratedly before getting up and walking to your side of the bed. “Come on, you said it yourself, you’ve got a shower to take”
You rolled your eyes, but nonetheless accepted the hand he held out for you. You went to the bathroom and undressed, then managed to get into the relatively small shower, your back to Jason. He was so tall he actually shielded you from the water from the showerhead when he turned the shower on, getting all the burning cold on his back instead. 
“See?” He chuckled. “No cold water”
“But how will I wash myself if the water doesn’t get to me?” You asked, looking at him over your shoulder. He stared blankly at you, like he didn’t think of that.
“Let me worry about it” He dismissed, making you laugh. 
“Alright, alright”
He began slowly rubbing your skin with his wet hands, spreading water indirectly. His fingertips were still cold, but you knew for a fact it was slightly better than the direct flow from the tap. Goosebumps erupted all over your arms and back, both from the sudden change of temperature and his touch. You closed your eyes, enjoying the contrast in between the water and his still warm chest. He wet your hair, combing it with his hands, before he put the shampoo in and made it lather. Immediately, you recognized the smell.
“Is this your shampoo?” You asked, your eyes opening.
“I thought you didn’t like when people used your stuff” 
“Technically, I’m using it”
“Still!” You replied. “You practically threatened me last time I dared wear your shampoo”
“Truth is” He leaned in, his lips almost pressed against your ear. “It kinda drove me hog fucking wild to have you prancing around smelling like me”
Your eyes widened and the back of your neck heated enough for you to warm the water dripping down your back. You gulped, unable to answer that as it came as a shock for you that you have had another effect on him aside from pissing him off. He chuckled at your lack of comeback, his hot breath fanning your jaw. He slowly rinsed the soap out of your hair, then began washing your skin. His hands massaged your muscles as they went, making you sigh in contentment. At this point, you had backed so much into him you were just as much subject to the direct contact of the water as him, but you didn’t care. 
He trailed small kisses from behind your ears down to your shoulder before pausing there, as if he was hesitant. He lifted his head slightly, and you could see his stare right on you from your peripheral vision. 
“I need to tell you something”
You were surprised by the sudden seriousness of his words, but you tilted your head to show him you were listening.
“I’m the Red Hood”
You blinked slowly, registering his words. Well, that certainly explained things. You even wondered how you didn’t see it sooner, but now that he mentioned it, it had been rather obvious. “... Congratulations?”
You could feel he wasn’t expecting this reaction. “That’s… That’s all?” He stuttered. “You’re okay with that?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” You turned your head to look at him properly. “You saved my life so many times, I am not about to complain how you did it”
“But I did a lot of bad too,” He argued. “Some things that might change your opinion”
“You’re seriously asking me, who comes from a crime family, if I’m okay with you doing crimes?” You deadpanned. His face changed, as if he was reevaluating his entire argument.
“When you put it like this…” He trailed off, nodding. You could however see the relief in his eyes at your acceptance of his double identity. Especially with the kind of job he was doing here with you, you could only imagine how blurred the line in between the two personas must have been at times. 
“Why did you tell me?” It was a gentle question, full of wonder as to what pushed him to reveal to you such an important, personal detail about himself. Your hand sneaked up and covered his still on your forearm.
“I thought you should know” He muttered back, his voice barely rising over the noise of the water hitting the shower’s floor. “You never asked what I did before, or how I took care of seven hired guns at the motel. I wasn’t sure if you just avoided it, or…”
“Don’t worry” You interrupted him softly. “Moral compasses are no issues with me”
His lips reached yours under a freezing rain, your bodies numb to anything but each other.
Day 25
A few days ago Jason received a call from Bruce.
The arrests had been made and the trial date had been set. As you had predicted, they tried to keep the relative information about it under wraps so you wouldn’t be aware it was happening. But fortunately, with Bruce’s quiet oversight of the process, he had managed to relay the details on time. You hadn’t been very far from Gotham when the news dropped, but you were still thankful for the heads up. It had given you time to plan your safe return into the boundaries of the city, staying hidden in another one of Jason’s safehouses until the day came for you to be a witness in the trial.
It was now in progress, it had just started some minutes ago. You were staying in an adjacent room that was guarded by people under Bruce’s paycheck, with Jason laying on a couch behind you, looking at his phone while you were getting ready. You were thankful that you had brought a second designer outfit with you, because you weren’t sure your gray t-shirt from Target with the oversized men’s pants you inherited on your first day with Jason would have looked very professional or credible. You did your makeup carefully with the basic products you had, then took a look at yourself in the mirror. You smothered the creases in your blouse and made sure the belt wasn’t twisted in the loops of your slacks, and sighed. 
Jason stood up from the couch and walked to you, stopping behind you and sneaking an arm around your waist. He snuggled his nose in the crook of your neck and placed a small kiss there. “Am I an asshole for thinking you look better in a 30 bucks outfit?”
You laughed despite your nervous state. He was trying to distract you and you welcomed it. “Not more than usual, no”
He gasped at your rebuttal, but you could see the amusement in his eyes. “Is that what you really think of me?” He asked. “I’m hurt”
“Aw, come here” You pouted, turning your chin over your shoulder. You raised your arm to rest your hand on his cheek and gently pulled him down into a kiss. Your eyes fluttered close when his lips met yours, letting your relish in his comforting presence. You felt your heartbeat slow down as you sighed against his lips, wishing to remain there with him for another hour or so. Alas, the moment was broken shortly after when the door opened. 
“They will soon be--oh” 
You pulled back from the kiss, but Jason didn’t move away at the sound of Bruce’s voice behind you. You could feel he was annoyed at his adoptive father ruining the mood, but at least he wasn’t pissed like you had seen he could be on day one. That in itself was a relief. 
“Am I interrupting something?”
“No, not at all” Jason replied in a clearly sarcastic tone. You stifled back a laugh at the grimace he was doing to mock Bruce. “Perfect timing as usual”
Bruce didn’t answer that. He only closed the door behind him and headed for the desk, leaning back on it. Jason followed his movements in the mirror like a hawk. 
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you aren’t at each other’s throat anymore” He began, a cryptic smile on his lips. “But I hadn’t expected… Whatever this is”
It was Jason’s turn to sigh as he reluctantly parted away from you. He didn’t go far, however. He stayed by your side like another threat on your life could pop up at any moment. “Shocker”
“As I was saying” Bruce reprised, ignoring Jason’s side comment. “They will call you to the stand soon. I just wanted to check up on you and see if you had any questions or concerns before you go out”
“How solid is the case built?” You asked.
“It should hold” He nodded. “From what I’ve seen, it’s solid in front of a jury. Your testimony will have to be conclusive if we want to catch some Maroni members in the lot, but I’m confident you’ll be stellar”
You gave him a small smile. You knew your father would be there, glaring at you like you were the devil itself, but you repeated to yourself you could go through this. There was no way he would be as intimidating as Jason in the first few days, and you came out on the other side unscathered. He couldn’t hurt you anymore, and soon he would reap what he sowed. 
“How secure will the witness booth be?” It was Jason who spoke this time, his eyes straight on Bruce like he was challenging him to give an answer that wouldn’t be good enough.
“The two guards in front of this room will accompany her in the courtroom” Bruce replied calmly. “There will also be one more guarding the door, and I supposed you won’t be far as well”
He only hummed in answer, but he seemed satisfied with this plan. Bruce checked his watch and stood up, hands in his pocket. 
“It’s time” 
You nodded, exhaling a shaky breath. You exited the room with Jason at your side and the guards behind you. You walked down a few hallways before you stopped in front of the witness booth door. You forced yourself to take deep breaths and visualize the end result. You could do this, you could do this.
“Keep your head high, stay confident” Jason muttered in your ear as the door opened in front of you. “You got this, princess”
With his last words of encouragement, you were brought into the courtroom.
Day 101
“... The sentence of the twelve convicted has dropped this morning on the order of judge Monroe, a little less than three months after the devastating trial that landed a blow on organized crime in Gotham. The twelve men will each serve a sentence ranging from twenty to forty years in a maximum security facility, on counts of attempted murders, first degree homicide, money laundering, drug trafficking and tax fraud. Amongst the convicted is Vitto Maroni, a notable figure in Gotham’s public life…”
You jumped when a loud pop dragged your attention away from the TV. 
Jason was standing there with a proud grin, pouring foaming sparkling grape juice in two champagne flutes. You laughed as he handed you one, plopping next to you on the couch and clinking his glass on yours.
“Cheers to a victory,” He declared. “that wouldn’t have been possible without you”
“Don’t flatter me too much, give yourself some credit” You matched his grin. “You’re at least 20% responsible for this”
“Ah yes, my 20% contribution” He nodded thoughtfully. “Eighteen percent bullets shot, two percent bullets received I recall”
You laughed with him, drinking the fizzy beverage. He lifted his arm, and you crawled under it to snuggle on his side, careful not to spill anything. It had become a habit for you to end up one way or another in his arms, even after the trial ended. He had offered you to move in with him shortly after, when you had tried to give him the ten thousand dollars you had promised him after the trial. Not only had he refused to even look at it, but he gave you back the 5k you had already given him beforehand. He had insisted for you to keep it and invest in whatever you wanted to turn your life around like you wished. 
He had been excited for you when you announced you would enroll in law school, saying your argumentative side would definitely come handy as an attorney.
“I’m proud of you” 
You looked up at him to see a fond glint in his eyes, one that made your heart melt. For all of his rough edges, he was certainly very soft inside. All he wanted was for you to be safe and happy, and you couldn’t ask for someone better to start your new life with. You snuggled further into him as he kissed the top of your head and tightened his arm around you.
“Thank you for being there for me” You mumbled through his clothes. “It means a lot”
“I couldn’t walk away from you even if I wanted to, princess” He smiled against your hair. “You are so stuck with me”
“Good thing I’m not going anywhere, then”
You changed the channel to a movie and spent the rest of the night cuddling on the couch, you wearing his t-shirt and shampoo and him holding you like a treasure. 
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jessahmewren · 5 years
Hellooooo! What would you say about Froger? Where a possesive and jealous top!Rog is punishing Freddie and reminds him of who he belongs to after one of the gigs for being too flirtous and adventerous with Brian?
I LOVED this prompt!  So much so that it grew legs and got way out of hand! I hope you enjoy love!  
The title is “The View from the Back” and it’s also on AO3
The roar of the crowd nearly deafened the blood in his ears, nearly made him forget how blatantly flirtatious and lascivious his boyfriend had been toward Brian, and how helpless he’d been to stop it, stuck up here behind his drums. 
Well, he was about to have a talk with Mr. Mercury. 
He found Freddie backstage and wrapped a firm hand around his arm.  He pulled him from a seated position, totally interrupting whatever conversation he was having.  Freddie was still wearing those maddening little white shorts.  “May I have a word with you?” he gritted out. 
Freddie looked at him in disbelief.  “What's wrong Rog?”  He looked down at the white knuckle grip Roger had on him.  “You’re hurting me.”  Roger loosened his fingers, but still held him firm as he led him to the door of his dressing room. “Inside.  Now.”
The commanding tone Roger used made something swim in Freddie’s belly, and he was helpless to refuse him.  He followed him inside, still unsure what all of this was about. 
Roger circled him once, twice, as if feeling him out.  He wouldn’t touch him.  “On your knees,” he finally said gruffly. 
Freddie complied, his heart thumping wildly.  Roger was Domming him outside their bedroom, which was unusual. 
“You’ve been naughty, Freddie.  A slut even.  A slut in front of so many people, when you know you’re mine.” 
Freddie’s large brown eyes blinked up at him.  “A s-slut?” 
“Yes Freddie. I can see everything from the back. The way you were gyrating your hips and rubbing all over Brian. The way you were mouthing all over his crotch like you wanted to suck his juicy cock.”
Freddie swallowed. 
“Is that it then?  You want his big cock in your mouth?”
“No,” Freddie said.  I just get lost in the music, that’s all.  You know that Roggie.” 
Roger finally touched him, outlining the cut of his jaw with a single finger.  “I think you want to suck a cock,” he said, enunciating every world distinctly.  “And I think I know just what to do.”
He left and was gone for several moments.  Freddie stayed on his knees, afraid to move, afraid that Roger would come back and find him disobedient. 
And, he admitted, in part he was right.  A lot of what he was doing on stage was to make him jealous.  He loved seeing Roger this way, he would just never admit it. 
Roger eased the door open, an uncomfortable-looking Brian in tow.  Freddie’s heart started thundering in his ears, his mouth watering.  Brian had had a shower and had changed into more comfortable clothes.  He smiled at Freddie. 
“Brian here is going to help us with our punishment Freddie.  He knows you’re being punished, but not for what.  We’re going to keep it that way, aren’t we?”
Freddie swallowed thickly.  “Yes sir.”
Roger directed Brian to sit down in an armchair in the dressing room.  He whispered something to Freddie, and Freddie reluctantly crawled over to Brian, steadying himself on his knees. 
“Hi,” he said nervously. 
Brian smiled.  “Hi Freddie.” 
Freddie licked his lips, going for the man’s fly when he jerked back, looking at Roger in alarm. 
“Let him Brian,” Roger intoned quietly.  “Just sit back and enjoy yourself.  He wants to.” 
Brian squirmed, hiding his face as Freddie took him out of his pants and wet him with his tongue. 
“Look at that cock, Freddie.  It’s all for you.  Stroke him a few times, get him nice and hard.” 
Brian gripped the arms of the chair, trying not to make eye contact with Freddie.  He groaned, low in his throat as Freddie jerked him off before taking him into his mouth. 
“I’m really not sure I’m comfortable with whatever is happening here,” he gasped out as Freddie licked down his length only to take him down again.  “I just—I don’t think—“
Roger stood, going behind Brian to play in his hair.  “If you were doing a good enough job he wouldn’t be able to say a word, Freddie.  Are you losing your touch?” 
Freddie took him further down at that, fighting his gag reflex, taking him so deep his nose was pressed into Brian soft brown curls.
Moans and pleas fell from Brian’s lips, and it was taking all of his bodily power to hold himself back from thrusting into him. 
Roger cooed into Brian’s ear, smoothing the hair back from Brian’s forehead as Freddie continued to go down on him.  Until he abruptly stopped him and he pulled off, lips swollen, tears in his eyes, gaze turned up and questioning. 
“Now fuck his face, Brian.  Fuck it hard.  He’s been a very bad boy.” 
Brian was so eager for his release, he didn’t need much encouraging.  He pulled Freddie’s head closer, slipping his cock passed his lips and fucked into him with sharp, shallow thrusts, punching little breathy whines out of Freddie until Brian came so hard and plentifully Freddie nearly couldn’t swallow it all. 
Freddie slumped over his knees, dabbing at his mouth with the back of his hands.  Tears dropped to the carpet, but he blinked them away.  He was impossibly hard, and his jaw ached.  Brian put himself away and awkwardly made to leave. 
Roger stopped him.  “You can stay for the rest if you like.  Freddie has a bit more of his punishment left.  Isn’t that right?” 
“Yes sir,” he croaked, throat completely shot from taking down Brian.  “I’ve been bad.”
“You just bend that bum over and let me stretch it out,” Roger purred.  “It may not need much…you’ve been such a slut tonight.” 
“Yes,” Freddie gasped.  “I’ve been a naughty slut.” 
Roger reached down and palmed Freddie’s erection.  “But who’s naughty slut are you,” he whispered. 
“Only yours sir.  Forever yours.” 
Roger smiled.  “That’s right.  Now bend over and let me work you open so I can fill you with the only cock you will ever need.” 
“Yes,” Freddie said. “The only one I want.” 
Roger had the little shorts down in seconds.  Of course, Freddie wasn’t wearing any pants.  He lubed his fingers and began teasing his rim, making gentle circles around the muscle until he slipped one into Freddie’s tight heat. 
There were soft moans coming from the armchair, and Roger stole a glance at Brian who was apparently touching himself. 
He added a second finger and Freddie keened, bucking against Roger as Roger began scissoring his fingers inside of him, feeling him slowly open up, smoothing his fingers along the inside edge and then just brushing that little bundle of nerves.
Freddie moaned, low and sweet, and Roger smiled.  “That’s it, pet.  You’ve been such a good boy, doing what you’re told, taking your punishment.  Gonna fuck you nice and slow.  Make you beg to come.  You’ll be bursting for it.” 
Freddie moaned again, so loudly Roger was sure anyone passing by the dressing room could hear it.  He added a third finger, and Freddie pushed back onto his hand, fucking himself.  Roger tsked.  “I think you’re ready slut.  You can’t even wait for my cock, can you?”
“Roll over baby…I want you where I can see you.  I’ve looked at your back all night.” Roger winked at Brian, and Freddie was so unraveled at this point he could only moan. 
Roger had Freddie on his back, his hands over his head.  He entered him slowly, by inches, and Freddie whimpered pitifully at the ease at which he was moving, at the slow burn.  Freddie liked everything fast…fucking, music, life…so this was part of his punishment too. 
Roger finally seated himself deep inside Freddie, blowing out a puff of air at the vice-like grip his body had on him, but refusing to move just yet.  Freddie’s legs went up around his shoulders and he whined, but he still cock-warmed him awhile before slowly pulling out and then slamming back down. 
Freddie moaned loudly, his eyes rolling back.  Roger might be going slowly, but he was fucking him hard, just the way he liked it, and whether Roger realized it or not, he was quickening his pace with every egress. 
The hands on Freddie’s arms tightened, and Roger could hear Brian in the armchair, his labored breathing and his soft moans.  
“Touch me Daddy…I’m so close,” Freddie whined, hitching his legs even higher so Roger could hit his prostate. 
Roger didn’t deny him that, angling his hips so he wouldn’t miss it. 
“Why should I touch you baby boy?  You’ve been such a tart.” 
Freddie floundered.  “I-I’m so sorry Daddy.  Truly sorry.  I’m a dirty slut and I’m sorry.” 
“Whose dirty slut are you,” Roger managed, pumping harder into Freddie than before. 
“Yours,” he stammered out. 
Roger smiled, wrapping a hand around Freddie’s cock and giving it a few stroked.  The tiny bit of friction was all he needed as he came into his hand and on his chest, ropes of white going up between them. 
“I’m almost there baby,” Roger grunted as he continued fucking into Freddie.  He let go of his hands, gripping his waist instead and pounded into him, chasing his release.  Finally he was coming, an oversensitive Freddie squirming beneath him. 
Roger rolled off of Freddie grabbing his discarded shorts and wiping them both down.  “You’ll have to wear something of mine baby boy,” he said with a laugh.  Those shorts are even whiter now.” 
“You ok back there Brian?” 
Freddie looked and the singer was red-faced and completely blissed out.  He was breathing heavily, his head lolled against the back of the chair. 
His face reddened even further. “Um, toss me the shorts?”
The three of them burst into fits of laughter. 
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duraxxor · 7 years
Torch Thursday - The Villain Squad
Mod Dura: Well, it seems it's not over for you yet, my friend.. we have some late entries coming in.. Seems Lindeara just isn't through with you yet, bub.. and she brought.. friends? *Dura would watch as Lindeara waddled her way onto the stage in a black gown, being followed by not only 15 she-locks, but the skeletal necromancer, Alphaeron in tattered robes who walked with a limp. And it seems behind him he was accompanied by none other than Fel'thamar himself* Dura: What the hell, Fel?! *as they took their seat, Fel would smirk deviously at him* Mod Dura: You may start when ready my villains. Fel: I couldn't resist, I saw my brother up here on stage bash you rather impressively.. now.. it's my turn.. I never understood you, Dura... you always seem to hang around all the female warlocks.. hell.. you even managed to make an oopsy with Lindeara here.. Speaking of which, the last time I saw you try Fel blood... you acted as if you were tripping on some sort of Mana Dust.. what the actual fuck? *Fel would act as if he was having a seizure while foaming out of the mouth, causing Lindeara to giggle* And by the way, Sol is right, you need to quit hogging all the spotlight, because if you don't, you'll eventually be caught and arrested.. though I doubt they'd want to keep you in a cell.. maybe kick you in a box and throw away the key? *he would hand the microphone to Alpha* Alphy: Hellooooo my boy.. *he would make a soft shriek into the mic before replying* Alphy: Excuse me.. it seems my bones reject the idea of myself being related to the likes of you.. Speaking of which, I'm surprised you haven't given me at least ten great grand children with your track recorrrrrd.. Dura: Oh cram it down your pelvis, you are just upset that you no longer have a penis.. *Alphy launched a ball of chaotic energy into Dura that seemed to electrocute the man* Alphy: One time is all it took to create your grandfather, perhaps you were doing something wrong?.. Which reminds me.. how in Azeroth did Sephirrion.. the noble paladin create such a little brat.. I mean.. seriously.. he just.. let me rip his left arm off in the middle of a fight? Now.. he's got a butter knife hidden in his false limb.. I wonder.. did you have other uses for it.. hmmmm? Lindeara? *Lindeara would take the microphone from the bony fingers of the Necromancer as she purred into it* Lin: First off.. who the fuck decides that it's a good idea to force the demoness warlock to 'be good' when she has the power to destroy an entire castle with one Fel Meteor.. I mean.. seriously, Durara.. did you honestly think I'd turn over a new leaf? Helloooooooo.. I'm 1000 years old!! You know.. stubborn and set in my ways? And, oh my god.. Him and that Maiden of his.. watch my them kiss was like watching too lampreys suck each other's faces.. *gags* And wait a second.. you are over 500 years old and you didn't realize until recently that the voice in your head was in fact an apparition of unknown sources? You seriously thought it was YOU? Darkfallen.. more like Dumbfallen.. Oh and by the way, even incapacitated against your will.. i still lasted longer than you did.. and I hadn't felt that in YEARS... *drops the mic and smirks as the entire room goes OoOoOoOoO* Dura: ..... And I'm sure you are nothing more than a lifeless corpse in the bedroom anyways.. always such a bore.. *Audience gasps as Lin picks up the mic* Lin: I'm a bore and you're a man-whore.. *she hands the mic back to Mod Dura as the crowd applauds the villains*
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charomiami · 7 years
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idea by @madddraws
Fallout OC Reactions/Dialogue as a Companion: Valentina
Maximum lines 4, minimum of 2
UFO Crash Landing:
“What the actual fuck was that?” "I didn’t see shit.” “Even if I saw a U.F.O, I wouldn’t admit it.”
Museum of Witchcraft:
"Oh yeah, that sounds completely normal.” “You’re fucking kidding me right?” “What’s with all the museums being fucked up places?” “Think monsters and mutations get discounts at places like this?”
Devil’s Due:
“Hellooooo cholesterol.”  ”Anyone got any bacon?” "Who thought this was a normal thing?” “Derp, gonna take a big old egg?”
Pickman Gallery:
“If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, this guy’s blind. Oh and this guy, and this guy..” "Please don’t let me slip on an eyeball.” repeated 5 times. “I’ll be smelling pennies and tasting shit for months” /gags. “What did I step in, Nevermind, don’t answer.”
Abandoned Nursery:
”This is so many levels of fucked up.” “I want to leave, Now.” "I... can’t. I just, can’t right now.”
Lion Statue:
“I surprised these weren't melted down for something.” “Think they sell smaller ones in the gift shop?” “Quick! Piper! Pretend it’s eating you!” 
Boston Public Library:
"Me super mutant, me learn read good”  “Just want we need, smart mutant.” “You’re over due mother fuckers!” (headshots)
Starlight Drive-In:
"I lost my virginity in a place like this."* “Seriously? a booby-trap in the concessions?! What kinda monster does that?!”
Talking to Takahashi:
“I bet you say that to all the girls.” “Why, Takahashi, you’re embarrassing me. I’m on a date... we’ll talk later, okay?” “Yes, I’ll marry you, stop asking.” Shrugs
COPY/PASTE AND TRY IT ON YOUR OC! TAG @madddraws FOR CREDIT! * "I lost my virginity in a place like this."  Val “Did you ever find it again?” Danse. Facepalm. MacCready “What? Oh. OH! Oh I wasn’t paying attention look a molerat” Danse hurries off.
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tense-gayety · 8 years
She was warned. She was called UNqualified. Nevertheless, she persisted. 
YES friends it’s time for another Dee’s Reviews! As I’ve said before, I undoubtedly have no business writing these given the sorry state of my own creative expression, but hey, I always say, if you can’t do, critique! 
Also keep in mind I don’t read the real judges critiques so if I’m repeating or repeating or contradicting, well, so be it.   Let’s get down to brass tacks, shall we? 
Analyse Thropic: First of all AAAAAAHHHH!!!! THIS IS SO GOOD UUUGH! If I saw this thing walking up to me in the club I’d be scared but I’d give it a dollar for SURE. You obviously know you have to take this look out and do “Girl On Fire.” It’s stun, the makeup is everything  (your non-burn side looks better than ever!) those nails!!! I have a couple small critiques- I would have liked to see a better shape, I.E. a tighter waist on the dress (it looks like you did corset, but that doesn’t mean anything if the dress doesn’t fit to it) and some hips and nips (bigger boobs would have given it a “bombshell” factor.) Also the dress length is a little weird, I would have gone shorter. But overall I fucking liiive. 
Avanna Noir: I like what you’re going for here, and it isn’t UN cute, but it isn’t stun either. The paint swatches have a very DIY feell, and I wish the fascinator was at more of a jaunty angle instead of plastered to the side of your head. I love your makeup, and the titties look right. I still gotta suggest gloves or nails. Not a train wreck, but it is a 
Daddie Dearest: Hellooooo Daddie! You’re giving me one of the most complete, head to toe realizations in the competition. All the elements are here- hair, titties, paint, a dress that hits the floor, LEG. I love the UV effect as well. The only thing I would say is the paper aspect does look a bit homemade, but hey, you had less than a week to make it AT HOME so that’s understandable. A complete 
Dotte Com: You look so CUUUUTE this week! I love your lil face. Your expressions are adorable. The makeup is a biiiiit chalky, try to smooth it out a some (i know, I’m one to talk.) Honestly, you executed this look really well. It’s simple, clean an effective. Love the hair, love the flowers and the suit. The only thing that’s missing is some bangin’ hips! If you had hips on, I’d be gagged to death. Go rob a couch! But anyway, it’s a 
Ebony Boss: I’ll say this- your paint is getting better and better. Absolutely keep it up. However, the look is... boring. The white is cute (if simple) but the black is giving me forever 21. I think if you look at what Dotte has done, she had a simple look as well but she added those extra touches to push it into a look. Also glovesornails.
Giraffez Doris Buckel: Honestly, I’m really proud of this. You are truly getting better and better. I love your expressions, and you have absolutely given us a fully realized bride fantasy here. However, several aspects could be improved- I would have loved to see a big, full, blown out southern belle beauty shop wig on this. And your makeup remains a bit below the other girls, though the runny mascara is a great touch. I really like it, but to be fair to the other girls I have to give it a 
Judah Kiss: You had a complicated and strange concept, and honestly you gave it. There’s a lot going on here, allllmost to the point where I get overwhelmed, but it looks clean and professional. And honestly those pants are soooooo sickening. I live. A total 
Klinker: Klinky! I... honestly kind of live? It’s very unpolished, but there’s just something about you that I find really charming. Giving me adore delano x-factor vibes. I could have used titties and hips on this (although it works OK without) and your makeup is cool but obviously messy (though I love the lips.) Is that your boy hair? Honestly I’m pretty torn but I’m leaning towards giving it a 
Lexi Lamour: Ok, this is honestly... fucking everything. A well, well, well deserved win. Those little legs on the cloud of fluff??!!!??? ICONIC. This look will go down in TDR history IMO. I have nothing bad to say. (and bitch, after your lil comment last week I was ready to read so take that as a huge compliment.) Undoubtedly a 
Marcella Fox: How are you the real prettiest lady in the world!??! That CUNT face you’re giving... I can’t. The silver? The snake? The shoes? The everything? I must say (I know I’m a broken record) I looked for gloves and when I didn’t see them I sad. But! Overall! 
Paprika: Paps. Papi. Paprikers. It’s cute. It’s very cute! I fucking LOVE the flowered out eyes. I really like this wig two, it’s really funky??!?? Kind of giving me some 60s Mod realness tbh. BUt please- your little boy hands are scaring me. Put nailsorgloves on them!!! Also I can see your lil biscuit feet even though a close toed shoe. But still I like the look so
Phoebe St. Jefferson: C’monnnn polish! You are, once again, the Queen’s Queen. Your eyes look so pretty. This look is really good- not stun, not groundbreaking, but really good. I would’ve liked to see a tighter snatch at the waist, and maybe some kind of shoulder-pad esque thigns on the jacket? But that’s just my weird brain. I really like this. 
Sugar Monroe: C DEEZ beautiful gams! This is a really cute, fierce look. I feel like you just stepped out of a hologram to guide me on my journey in a videogame. It is a bit simple- I would have lived to see some sparkles on the top, and a bigger or more obious necklace. Also when you go to handle the trade those forearms are gonna scare ‘em, just saying... ;) Love you tho, this is a success. 
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Episode 10 — "Feminist Soul" (Lexi)
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im gagged my plan of 2-1-1 WORKED AND MY ENTIRE ALLIANCE WAS SAFE IN THE ROCKS It went perfectly really cause now i can put on my acting skills of im so insulted which like im not gjdfh i could care less if i got votes since i knew the idol was being used but they dont know that. also carson left and he was FUCKING ANNOYING TO TALK TO GOD im sorry but like dont be a sheep it hurts my soul to allow such a young boy follow the footsteps of paranoid people that dont even have his best interest. i went on call with shareef and "explained" everything and yes its a lie im so sorry shareef if these are posted but it had to be done for my feminist soul.
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[8/5/2017 8:48:58 PM] Logan: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ game's boring, let's shake it up AND SHAKEN UP IT WAS! Yowza, talk about a group of messy people, eh? Poor Carson, he was so afraid of being the merge boot that he...ended up being the merge boot. Proves that playing it safe isn't always the best. So, why'd I vote for Riley, my closest ally left in the game? My vote was a calculated one in that I wanted to cause a lot of drama because I was bored and frustrated. Riley was being very stubborn and afraid to make a stand against the blatant quartet of evil of Jakey/Jessy/Shareef/Adam, so I figured...why not try to insert a little mistrust between them? Which is where voting Riley comes into play. Most people are already pegging us as a duo, even Riley themselves, so I don't think people would think I would be the one to vote for them. Since there was an alliance of 8 forming (the aforementioned four + Riley/Ryan/Carson/me), I figured I could throw a vote onto Riles and place a seed of doubt, just enough for them to wanna break away from that. Well, I got that and then some with this tribal. With a last minute vote switch, two idols played, a four-way tie, and ROCKS...the beginning of the merge started off with a bang. I had a sneaking suspicion that Molly was going to get an idol played, but I didn't know it was going to be the freaking sapphire idol!!!! Goodness gracious, I was afraid I'd just sent home my closest ally. But thankfully, everyone else is just as messy as I am, so my game was saved. Then it went to rocks, because Shareef has his head up his ass or whatever. Like, okay, I get wanting to save Jessy and Jakey, they're your allies, that's cool. But making it blatantly clear to THREE PEOPLE that you're also supposed to be working with that you value them less than Jessy/Jakey? Not a good look for you, bro. Reallyyy shows what you think of Ryan and I and where we stand with you. Forcing rocks made him look like an ass, and he has YET to apologize for forcing me to draw a rock. Like HELLOOOOO, I'm still in the game, Sherlock! I have a vote! And if you don't at least pretend to make nice with me, the only vote you're gonna get is for you to get off my island. Also, he wasted an idol. That fool has no more insurance because he thought he was the biggest threat left. Biggest narcissist, maybe, but threat? Sure, he's a two-time winner, but he isn't automatically a big threat because of that, at least in my opinion. There's almost 60 seasons of Tumblr Survivor, winning twice isn't that impressive. Now I guess Jakey and Shareef are trying to drag my name and say I voted Riley (I did) and knew about the sapphire idol (I didn't), but if I'm being honest, their argument is so dumb. If I didn't know that I was the one who voted Riley, I'd think they were being really sketchy. Not just because they're trying to throw me under the bus but also because their argument makes no sense. They think I voted Riley to keep them safe due to sapphire shenanigans, but like, wouldn't that make them go home? I guess they're insinuating that I knew where every single vote was going, and while I'm flattered, it's still a reach. Let's say, hypothetically, I knew sapphire shenanigans were going down. If I knew where every vote was going and knew that there'd be a 1-1-1-1 tie, wouldn't I have gotten someone to vote me too so I could be safe? I wouldn't risk rocks voluntarily; I got my fix of them in All-Stars. Whatever, I guess a paranoid mind doesn't think rationally. I'm interested to see what happens at the next tribal. Things seem pretty up in the air currently. Ryan seems to agree that Jakey/Jessy/Shareef/Adam are dangerous and is pissed off at Shareef, and I know that Sam's been itching to take a strike at those four. I just gotta figure out where Riley's head's at. If they think that I was the that voted for them, then I may be in a pickle. I think I should be in the clear, but I dunno. We shall see, I guess.
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. ... .................... ................................................what the FUCK my ass was at work, midning my own business, under the impression the vote is going to be 8-4, lexi voted out, or if one of them used the idol then i was probably going and whatvever but NOPE, IM AT WORK, MY PHONE IS BLOWING UP, EXCUSE?? what the fuck Molly, wow! All anyone in this game knows about her is that she works in retail, and then tonight she finally wakes up and decides to pull a stunt! kudos to her, and kudos to all of them for trying to get my ass voted out, they clearly thought we were gonna split the vote and therefore get me voted out, or they wanted me safe which thanks if they did!! my poor bb carson got voted out, i was starting to warm up to him and wanted to keep him around to work with but whatever now he's gone, and now every single person here is on my radar because they're all shady as shit. Jakey voted for molly over lexi, which prevented her from going to rocks. I'm not stupid, Jakey knew the vote was gonna be majority lexi, so why vote for molly other than to save her if he knew about the tie that was going to happen? shady. Someone's dumbass decided to vote for riley, which makes NO sense at all and it was supposed to be someone who voted for lexi and didnt, so SHADY. it was probably shareef. speaking of that bitch HE USED AN IDOL ON HIMSELF, EXCUSE?? He wanted to sit here and claim he wants to be my number 1 and doesnt tell me shit about this idol, "oh i was just about to tell you" S H A D Y. Every single person here is shady as shit, honestly, i know the two votes for me were callie and lexi, im a little hurt by callie becuase i thought we were close, but im not mad about (surprising right? an aries not mad?). She confessed to voting me and said it was because sam/molly didnt really give her a choice, and they told her if she didnt lexi was guaranteed to go home, which, couldve been true. idk though. I called with Callie and i genuinely like talking to her the most of anyone here, maybe more than jake and jessy and im genuinely close with them. Every single person here is a snake roaming through this great garden called Survivor. I'm not sure who to trust, or how to move foward. this is what my dumbass gets for feeling comfortable. Every single person here is here for a reason and they proved that at this tribal. My best bet to get to the end is instead of trying to outstrategize, or outdo them in these competitions because i clearly cant, is to play it down, act like im dumb. I need for people to underestimate me so they think they can take me further, but i also need people to think they can rely on me. I don't trust anyone, but they're all my best friends. They want me to vote with them? Sure. I'll tell them what they want to hear, but i aint buying anything any of these people are selling anymore. I was wrong about the different sides of this game, there's not just sides and little groups, it's duos. duos for days! and me? the lone wolf. ironic because in the immunity i didnt vote for myself even though i shouldve. this lone wolf still has his lone idol, and next tribal i might just be pulling it out. These people think they're gonna pull the wool over my eye, so be it. Because in the end I plan on being here one way or another.
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[7/29/2017 11:54:23 PM] Shareef: snap in your confessionals [7/29/2017 11:54:42 PM] Shareef: GOD I WOULD WATCH HOST CONFESSIONALS SO FAST ALKSJDFLAKJSD [7/29/2017 11:54:50 PM] mj ultra . _/: SDJFHJKSHLSJ;K so i’m here bih! I’m typing this up @ 7:20am-ish and im not checking for typos so figure it out if there r any, dummies! anyways this game KLSHJFGDSFHLS finally getting gooood like JKDFHGKJSD god BLESS sam and molly for finding that idol before ryan did b/c it just opened so many doors and this game is finally starting to become fluid rather than us v. them .. so NUT! we’re just gonna jump right into this, keh? [04:11:39 AM] Callie ♡: i just feel like it woulda been easier if other ppl were at merge and not the jake and his crew couldn’t have said it better myself bih! Glad ur finally waking up ...a bit… like has it not occured to u and everyone else WHY most of those premergers left when/why they did? Like rip jenn/hanne/kait/simon literally just gettin voted out bc they were “well-connected” (aka connected to each other and each other ONLY!) [04:14:47 AM] Callie ♡: i can’t believe connor couldn’t rig the fucking rock draw [04:15:01 AM] Callie ♡: i’d rather have carson than logan or ryan Jokes on u silly bc carson was more w/ jessy & co. than those other two KJFHGKSDHL in this house, we’re glad carson left! That’s it for miss callie for rn. Ryan next bc he’s actually doing something this morning! [06:37:35 AM] Ryan Palmer: Are you guys as bored as I am [06:38:02 AM] mj ultra . _/: rn? not rlly [06:40:50 AM] Ryan Palmer: Well either everyone wants sam or molly out which is -yawn- or they are blindsiding me which is also -yawn- bc wtf am I doing “Yawn” CTFUUUUUU PLS SIS JSDHFKSDH as if u weren’t slandering kait/molly/sam ALL of premerge [06:45:38 AM] Ryan Palmer: I understand your frustration in generations now mj and I take back every mean thing I said to your face and behind your back [06:45:41 AM] Ryan Palmer: Well not all of them [06:45:47 AM] Ryan Palmer: But the ones that apply to shareef U AND RILEY HAVE LITERALLY BEEN ENABLING HIM FOR WEEKS NOW SDKJFGSH AND NOW U WANNA COMPLAIN? SHAREEF SHOULD’VE BEEN LEFT SIS sdkjfhgsjf ur the only one to blame! A few min later ryan messages the riley/ryan/logan alliance chat.. NUT! [06:48:53 AM] Ryan Palmer: But yeah I'm down with whatever [06:49:16 AM] Ryan Palmer: If we wanted to make a move I think we could probably get shareef out without telling jakey or adam tho [06:49:27 AM] Ryan Palmer: Us three voting with the girls would be majority NUUUUUTTTTT LKSDJFGKDSFH the girlies are gonna end up being swing votes bc shareef & co. are targeting ryan & co. now………...cmon FEMINISM! Hm whomst is next.. O yes jakey legend! [02:44:38 AM] jakey: ugh sam molly callie lexi are so iconic [02:44:41 AM] jakey: https://68.media.tumblr.com/c355074e331937bb01eb87a02fe54306/tumblr_inline_ouay1wOZFs1rr9mpo_540.gif YE U BETTER STAN BIH!! A legendary alliance. They ended the black widow brigade AND the witches coven. [02:49:36 AM] jakey: you can thank molly christ tho [02:49:48 AM] jakey: queen of waking ppl tf up [02:50:27 AM] jakey: or should we thank laure?? [02:50:33 AM] jakey: nnn sapphire idols never disappoint. [02:50:44 AM] mj ultra . _/: Everything goes back to Laure Just some tea for yall^ Anyways that’s all the fun receipts for rn i think so to sum everything up? Last round? Legendary. This round? Legendary. I’m finally stanning this game bc ppl are being selfish and trying to benefit themselves more than their whole ass alliance. Only one person wins!! Also for clarification i dont hate the jake/jessy/shareef/adam faction. I actually think shareef is quite entertaining and smart and the bully kweens alliance (j&j +adam) are fucking ICONIC JKSDFHGKJSDF like that whole idol clue fiasco? I WAS NUTTING KSGHFDK i love entertainment .. at any rate it’s just annoying that they sort of dictated most of that premerge bc they didnt rlly struggle,, so im glad theyre shook rn and being forced to adapt in this game and work w diff ppl and just change stuff up! Time for cast ranking! 1-2 are the legends, 3-9 i like almost equally, 10 & 11…… one of them can leave tonight tyvm! one: callie — legend omg the funniest person in this bih. Smart and strategic legend..AND she stans molly. Speaking of that: [06:35:56 AM] Callie ♡: god that call was so funny............. [06:36:08 AM] Callie ♡: me: omg why don’t we just tie it between jake and jessy [06:36:08 AM] Callie ♡: IHDUGYASHJKD [06:36:16 AM] Callie ♡: molly: cackles [06:36:18 AM] Callie ♡: IJSHUAYGAHJKSDAUISDJKAHUSIDAJKNS [06:36:20 AM] Callie ♡: SHUDAHKJSDOUHSDLKJANS LSKHJGFHLDJS GOD i love them two: molly — imagine not stanning a legend. Like: [05:02:13 AM] moll: ....... [05:02:41 AM] moll: and on the third day I rose again ALDKSFJKSKDHLFJDS queen gap ! three: sam — c’mon regina george! four: logan — KLHJSDKFHSDL LEGENDDDDD that’s all i can say for them five: lexi — queen of being in the most iconic alliance of all time and getting votes @ like every tribal six: jessy — mostly stanning rn bc she found a fucking idol @ 7am and everyone thinks adam has it seven: shareef — ENTERTAINING GAMEPLAY ONLYYY DJSKF just let this girls win. Keh? eight: jakey — um king but he was trying to set this season up to be v boring and shareef read him for it in the confessional above this one sdjkg iconic. I love jakey but i wish his gameplay this season was more fluid and less mapped out/straightforward w/ the intention of just picking ppl off. But this is just my personal taste bc i love a leveled playing field. I’ll stan jake when he finally ditches shareef and does something interesting! nine: adam — FUNNY KING SDJGKDSF but a goat for jake/jessy :/ if he had the intention of back stabbing them then OMGGGGGG NUTTTTTT like he would be SUUUUCH A LEGEND SKJFJDGS but i dont think he realizes jake/jessy r only w him bc they could beat him. Sad. even tho hes a goat for them i rlly dont think hes a bad player, he’s actually been quite good/smart, i just think w the path hes heading down rn, 3rd place is looking real nice BIG GAP ten: ryan — at least he finally wants shareef out but its so gross that he demonized the girls and didnt give them a chance like wtf.. is this 2014? Those girlies have been minority since day 4 and u sit there and keep them down and yet still call them threats...it doesnt add up sis! jakey/jessy/shareef r the ones u shouldve been trying to clock! eleven: riley — omg sorry but SKJDJGFHSD your game….. NNNNNNNNNNN i cant believe im friends w/ you like kjsfhsd like… u can swear up and down that you’re open to workin w like sam/molly/callie/lexi if the opportunity arises but similarly to ryan youve vilified them from the jump and never opened urself up to hearing them out & working w them. U had the audacity to say kait was so good at the game or whatever that after 10min u were considering changing ur plans but like…………………….u failed to realize that shareef did the same mf thing to you 10x better and u couldnt even see it… like u SWEAR kait/sam are LEGENDS, which they are, but u REFUSED to give them a chance and instead worked w shareef...who won twice…..when none of those girlies can relate? WTF SKDHJGSDH its just so absurd to me that u would say those ppl on the bottom were bigger threats to u than, um, the person/ppl in power.. Like HELLO. THEY WERE ON THE BTTM FOR A REASON! SHAREEF & CO. ARE IN POWER FOR A REASON, AND U STILL ENABLED HIM/THEM NNNNNNNNNNNN… anyways i nutted when logan voted for u KDHSGSKFHLJ god. Im such a bad friend but you’ve just put ur trust in the wrong ppl, or at least u did it w/ reasons that seem illogical to me. Hopefully ur game changes tho bc like. Hello. ily and i want u to finally fckn win!
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Adam on call last night: We gotta take out Sam bc she got biggest hero so it's obvious no one can beat her!!!!!!! Me, tied for biggest hero: uh yeah
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where do i even begin, every confessional i make i feel like i forget something so i dont even think i mentioned how i found ANOTHER clue to a hidden immunity idol but it was riggamorris to try and get it!! i had to say an exact message in the tribe chat, then solve and equation in the time before someone responds to me, and of course, SAM RESPONDS WITHIN 3 SECONDS AT LIKE 5 AM EXCUSE?? so anyway, i was being stupid and what do i do with the clue? my dumbass gave it to jessy. Now, granted this was before all the tribal chaos, so basically I handed Jessy a hidden immunity idol clue and she found it later on. anyway now onto touchy subjects, the worst competition in tumblr survivor history. in egypt this is the one i got voted pretty much all the bad stuff, and once again, i got voted every single one of the bad ones. and not even the good bad ones like "biggest villain" "who needs to be voted out next" ones like those, i get "no shot at winning", "who do you forget is playing", "who doesnt deserve to be here" all this bullshit. like.....have i been playing the same game as in egypt??? im in like 10 fucking alliance chats and you mean to tell me that still isnt enough????? every single person on this tribe except the girls im not with think im a vote for them and yall think im not playing?? awright. I also noticed jake and jessy got a lot of votes for who's running the game, whos gonna win, blah blah blah. Yeah, im turning on them as soon as i can. Because if people think that highly of them and that low of me, i have no shot of winning with us 3 at the end. I'm not going with 2 mirandas to the finale again. not happening. Why do i suck at this game so much??? even when i think im fly and doing good i get a fat reality check that signed by "BITCH I THINK TF NOT!" whatever, i literally dont trust a single person in this game, so if i even try to make a big move against jessy, or jake, or anyone, i dont think i can pull it off. but you know what, maybe ill try, because maybe then ill be seen as a threat and get voted out, because at this point im pissed off and feeling defeated. theres no point in trying to get to the end if your whole tribe just told you you have no shot at winning. so just vote me tf out already, im not about to float to the end and be ripped to shreds by a hating ass jury again, its not happening. Maybe i can trust callie if i get lexi out of the picture?? so im gonna try for that at this tribal, or same with sam if molly goes, idek. Jessy has said to me she wants to make a move against riley/logan so maybe i can use that to double cross her. but then again i dont want to go to the end with them either they got great things in touchy subjects. At this point i know jessy and jake will carry me to the end because they think im a number for them, but i do not want to be carried to the end. I know it's the smart thing to do maybe because i get in the end right? but do i get any votes? no. i refuse to be amanda kimmel. The only people i somewhat trust and want to go far with are ryan/callie. but i think they're both playing me. can i just like, vote myself out? use the idol and get myself voted out? is that a big move?? will that finally get me some decency and respect in this game because thats all i want im so sick of it. like i cant believe  i got voted all those negative things over MOLLY??? whatever. they're dead to me, all of them.
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mmmmm okay so here's the DEAL. in re the last vote: What The Fuck!!!!! What The Fuck. WHat Th- GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. I just. I just don't know. That one vote for me? Honestly gonna haunt me until my dying day. I've gone through like five times trying to figure it out but I don't fuckin KNOW! I'm 100% sure it wasn't Ryan or Logan (depite certain propaganda to the contrary) and I'm 90% sure it wasn't Jakey or Carson, so assuming the Lexi/Callie/Sam/Molly group is telling the truth about their votes which I think they are, that leaves Adam or Shareef or Jessy as the snake. Adam was gone most of the day yesterday and his reaction seemed pretty legit when he saw what happened, but then again we know that he's a good lier from what Logan and Ryan have said about the Simon vote. Shareef has got me super sketched out right now because of everything that happened and his reactions to stuff, but I really want to believe it wasn't him and I'm not sure what he would have gained from voting me. Which leaves Jessy, and when I was talking to Ryan he said he thought it could have been her because she'd want to cause confusion for people, but I asked both her and Jake about it and they both said she didn't do it and idk how much that is worth but it also doesn't really make sense for her to do it either. But then so WHO TF????? God. I really just don't know and it's making me skittish as fuck right now because we're trying to organize another messy vote but if I don't know who the snake is I don't know who I can say things to and UGH!! It sucks, Jeff, it just sucks. Like what if Shareef has a secret alliance with Sam and is telling her everything and working with her? Or what if we can't trust Adam and he's orchestrating this vote right now just to fuck us over? Or what if Jessy is leaking stuff to Lexi and Callie? Oh, and another mystery - someone is dragging Logan's name through the mud and I don't know who or why and I really am gonna fight. Shareef was on call with me after the vote and said that he heard from Lexi that Logan told her that Shareef thought those four girls were together, and he was getting pressed at me for telling Logan that but I was like ??? First of all I wouldn't have attached Shareef's name to it even if I had told Logan, and second of all it was pretty common knowledge that people thought the four of them were together so why tf is it my fault or Logan's for that matter? But then also I don't really know what Logan is doing completely because it's pretty obvious they have a substantial connection with Sam (esp after being on call with the two of them), and they know I really don't wanna work with Sam but still tell her stuff like apparently when I was telling them that she wasn't talking strategy to me they went and told her I said that so that's when she brought up the vote, and it's like tf? Logan I love you but don't do me dirty like that! So idk I still trust them with my life but it's frustrating because they don't like Shareef and I don't like Sam and we're trying to work together since we're being labeled a pair and shit while having sort of opposite ideas of where we want to go. So yeah. SIGH. Anyways what else. Touchy Subjects happened, which is always a fun time. Shareef got really upset about his answers and I felt bad about it; to be honest I put Sam as majority answer for a lot of questions that I should have put him but it felt dangerous politically to do so, and it's understandable that he's frustrated about the things he got. I was okay with my answers except not really because um every time I get the good answers in that challenge I end up getting voted out soooo hello Ponderosa I guess!! No but really, I'm a lot of nervous right now becaue of that and because of the fucking rogue vote last time, and I don't know what to do or who to talk to, and just everything is stressing me out. I wouldn't be surprised if some witchcraft happened tonight and I ended up going home. But let's keep fingers crossed, I guess. I have no idea how this vote is going to go yet, but I think it's probably gonna end up being between Shareef and one of the girls, probably Lexi or Molly. At this point, I don't care all that much, although I would like to avoid voting for Shareef if at all possible. That doesn't mean I wouldn't be okay with him going if it came down to that, it just means if I can not write down his name I'd feel a lot better about things in general. Yeah. Okay, time to eat a sandwich and figure out what's going on. Wish me luck.
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Ok well time for tribal. No one is talking. I want Shareef gone. I have been trying to work with Sam but without anyone budging i cant do anything to save her. Hopefully I can convince ppl to vote shareef tonight. that would be fucking epic. adam is my little bae and i love him and hes precious and i just want to protect him from the world. i need to talk to riley and logan about doing it...and adam might into it i just need to get the four girls on board with it without like leaking it or doing something else.
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can any of these people make up their damn minds!!! i swear they are so stupid they can't even pick a person to vote out and stick with it! i have heard sam molly callie and i come up as possible votes and every 30 minutes it seems to change like JUST DO IT! shareef jessy sam molly callie and i formed an alliance to counteract the challengers that are currently taking us out one by one pretty much. i am not 100% sure if i trust this group since i am constantly hearing about shareef doing things against me and jessy is close with jake (well they both are) but if they want to win they should probably be loyal to our alliance. i am not worried about molly sam and callie right now but sam and molly will worry me in the future since obviously im at the bottom of that group. i have also been speaking with other people and ryan is set on getting me and other people to vote shareef but they are currently with riley and logan and i do not think they are in any hurry to get shareef out over sam or whatever. i also talked to adam and i am really hoping he listens to me since i am telling him the truth in the sense that right now it is 7 people against 4 outsiders. if the 7 people are constantly going after the 4 without any reason or willingness to change, it forces us to come together instead of apart like they want. once we are gone, there are still 7 people left in the core group and 5 of them are pretty much playing for the same 2 people to win. jakey and shareef will win if they do not do something about that but of course adam is a little snitch so while he is spilling what i am saying possibly, i am telling him the truth and i think he knows i am since its kind of obvious who the strong people are after that touchy subjects results. SPEAKING OF, that was literally the biggest bullshit i have ever seen in my life. these people supposedly have done their research and yet they continue to make the same mistakes over and over again that happen in other seasons. Example 1: Riley getting all the good ones. Riley/Ari whatever continuously get these and people still continue to trust that they are the sole person they are giving their loyalty to like hello logan is in this game! yall aint shit with them together fgoid Example 2: shareef getting all the bad ones yet probably will not leave any time soon. (sam and molly want to stick with this new alliance for now) right now we have decided on voting riley out which is good for me because for some reason they do not like me and are always after me so i would rather get them out sooner than later in the chance they pull an animal crossing ya feel? shareef said the vote is sam as of now but whatever i do not trust it will stay that way since it has changed 10 times gfudkhjkg
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Time to give you all my rankings and thoughts so far laid ease. Don't get offended by these, it's just my opinion based on your entertainment and gameplay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 1. Callie ; Literally the funniest person in their host chats, keeping me entertained late at night with her funny jokes. She's also really woke on what's happening in the game. She has 2 advantages at this point, those being the Extra Vote and Legacy Advantage and if she can play those correctly, she could easily win this. 2. Logan ; They have really fun and in depth confessionals. Although they're not really working with the 4 girlies alliance, they really are very aware on what's happening in the game. They threw the vote at Riley last round to cause chaos and chaos is what they got. 3. Sam ; A fucking queen am I right? Based on the game I played with her in hosts where she was on the bottom in that too, she's playing this game much differently and much better imo. She's playing a bit more aggressive from the bottom in order to save herself, and I like that she's taking risks. 4. Molly ; I love a retail worker I sure do. She's really playing under the radar this season, but she's a fun person to watch. It was fun watching her find the Sapphire Idol and playing it that exact same round. She's really not giving a fuck what's happening as long as she advances another round. 5. Lexi ; The last of the 4 girlies alliance. Although she's put last from that alliance, I still quite enjoy her presence on the season and has been woke for quite a while as to what's happening. She has really funny confessionals, and she's all about feminism and I'm not mad about that. 6. Shareef ; Honestly a crackedt legend. He's super paranoid like every minute of every day but his paranoia literally makes him so entertaining. He changes plans with everyone like 20 times a day and honestly I can't keep up. I wish he'd work with my favs but he's not, which is why he's lower. 7. Jessy ; I love Jessy so much and she's a funny queen but she's honestly working with the ugly alliance and playing yet another boring game. After hosts, I thought she's play a bigger game this time around and take risks and make fun moves, but she's yet to do that and work with the 3 people we expected her to work with pre-season. 8. Jakey ; Probably the person most likely to win the season at this point. He's a good player I guess, but he's taking the easiest way out for this win by teaming up with all the goats... Like that's so boring and I never respect a boring game. I wish he'd actually try to make a move and team up with the girlies but he won't. 9. Adam ; Although I enjoy Adam and think he's really funny, he's playing a 3rd place game. He doesn't really see that he's Jessy and Jakey's goat and I was hoping after touchy subjects he'd be woke to that but he's not. I think he's cquite smart and isn't afraid to play aggressive but it's not enough to win. He has an idol though so who knows what he could do. 10. Ryan ; He was complaining last night that the game was boring and I was literally like . Okay sweaty you're literally the reason Jessy/Jakey/Shareef are running this game by taking out Kait and isolating Molly and Sam. Like you really think you're doing all that but you're not. At this point in time he's planning on targeting Shareef at tribal so we'll see if that actually goes through. 11. Riley ; I love Ari so much but they're probably playing the worst game of anyone. They're not really open to working with anyone other than their original alliance at this point and it's so boring to me. They're basically enabling Shareef and his crew to advance in this game and obviously doesn't mind getting 6th place. They really need to wake the fuck up and see through Shareef's antics because he's got you misted. I still love you though.
[10:05:58 AM] Riley: ok if I'm being honest I guess I just feel bad personally voting Shareef but I'm okay with him going home meanwhile shareef sitting here in another chat trying to get riley out goddd if riley doesn't leave i hope they wake up
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I don’t know what’s happening but I’m gonna do my best to summarize it. We fucked shit up with the Sapphire idol and sadly Carson left rip #samson and #carmantha. So everyone is accusing us of knowing about the sapphire idol and idk why it doesn’t make any sense im super innocent not like it was my idol or something 
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so we make a group with jessy and shareef and ryan wants to save me too and doesn’t trust shareef. jakey wants to vote shareef out at some point. riley ryan and logan are willing to vote shareef. adam and jakey are voting for me. I don’t know how to put any of this into words but rip at this probably being my last confession
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i feel like im getting blindsided tonight. if i do its fine. at least i tried to do something
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so last confessional i was extremely annoyed, im STILL extremely annoyed, however idk. I was gonna lay low still and just let myself be dragged to the end but i dont want to do that. I want to be able to get MYSELF to the end and be able to confidently say "I, Adam, a once past flop, grew up and made THIS move right here all by myself that got me to the end" and i think that move is gonna be taking out one of either logan/riley or jake/jessy. I'm trying to get ryan on board and he's being kinda iffy about it, he wants to take shareef out first. which is fine with me because shareef hasnt messaged me at all today, which means he's probably got someone telling him that im being fake with him, probably jake. This vote as of now everyone's telling me we're doing sam, which is fine too, sam/molly are still a strong duo that needs seperated. Once they're seperated, hopefully we can take out either shareef next or make the move against logan/riley or jake/jessy. I've also talked with lexi today, and i basically spilled it all to her because at this point if im gonna pull off a big move, not only do i need callie, i need lexi because she's tied to callie. I told lexi she needs to trust me, and i did that by filling her in on the sam vote going down tonight. Either way, if her and callie are with sam/molly, if they have an idol and save sam, then hopefully they wont idol me out since i filled them in, if they do then whatever i deserve it i guess for trusting them even though i have no reason to. Sam being saved with an idol, and Jessy or even logan/riley getting idol'ed out tonight would be beautiful for me because it's exactly what i want to happen, without having to do anything. But if not and sam does go tonight, then hopefully that shows lexi and callie that i was genuine with them and they want to work with me in the future. I'm planning a coup, am I gonna pull it off? probably not. But hey, at least im trying. Ryan is the key to my plan because i need numbers and i dont want to 3rd wheel with callie and lexi, i want my own person i can trust and i think that can be ryan if he's down. I'm not convinced if he is yet or not though. In a beautiful world, this is what will happen (probably not): Sam goes tonight (or an idol's used and anyone but me/ryan/callie/lexi get idol'ed out), shareef next maybe, then we start picking apart jake/jessy/logan/riley, and then focus on callie/lexi, and then in the end you have me/ryan/ ... who's left?? oh yes molly from retail. ive been gunning for molly but then again, she might be someone perfect to drag to the end because, she played a saaphire idol but i feel like that's all she did. A lot of people here don't know much about her other than....she works in retail, no shade she sounds like the me in egypt. (Unless im the me in egypt again??? im a neurotic psychopath who's delusional so probably.) ANYWAY, lets just take one step at a time. Not causing any waves tonight, and start acting on the coup ive been planning soon. Hopefully i wont have to use my idol tonight, only way im pulling out my idol is if jessy pulls out the one i let her have, or if someone else pulls out theres that im not aware of.
ok so literally not even 10 seconds after i submit that last confessional about how sam should be going tonight jake calls me and spills some tea to me (if he's being honest) and how like riley/logan/ryan are trying to flip the vote tonight onto shareef and then apparently jessy/shareef are trying to get the vote on riley and im just like .... why does no one fill me in on things DURING them???? why am i the last person to find things out, well jake told me that me and him should still just vote sam so we play dumb with riley/logan/ryan because riley is probably going tonight now, which i mean is good i guess but like its just all so annoying. these people are like 50 steps ahead of me and i cant catch up. Lexi and callie didnt tell me anything after allegedly lexi said she wanted to trust me and work with me earlier????????? im getting bad vibes here, and now jake's telling me jessys on a call with the girls, the same girls who i was conspiring with earlier to get her out. and he's like "dont worry" and im like.....that makes me worry, you know what, FUCK it, what if one of these rats leaked me basically trying to go after all these people and theyre gonna vote for me tonight???? should i play my idol??? im literally shooketh and if i go home tonight somehow then whatever im SICK of this game id rather be in ponderosa with elliott and carson.
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oh my gawd gals. RILEY IS GOING HOME! mimi imfurst. got 3rd place in the voting. i could NOT believe it!
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confessional number 132874 of the night: jakey is such a BAD liar. I think the girls and ryan spilled all the tea that i told them earlier on how i wanted jake/jessy/logan/riley out and theyre voting for me tonight, im not using my idol because i want it to END. This confessional is only to prove that i wont be blindsided tonight and i know whats happening and im? just accepting my fate. if? i survive this tribal tonight then sorry jake!! im a paranoid bitch!! i do think its stupid to vote me out even if i am a rat because im clearly not a threat according to the touchy subjects but whatever.
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SOOOOOOOOOOO I knew it was too sketchy of them to actually just tell us who they were voting so it was likely not going to be Molly. It ended up being Lexi but Molly used her Sapphire Idol and so the 6 votes for Lexi and 2 votes for Adam were negated and so it tied between Jakey, Jessy, Molly and Riley with 1 vote each. Aksjhdasjkdj Anyways Jake insisted he voted Molly and I said Sam told me to vote Adam because she told me in case they were lying and doing Lexi etc. Then I did damage control with Adam and whatever. [2017-08-05, 7:36:50 PM] mj ultra . _/: Them: voted for Lexi You: lmao. [2017-08-05, 7:36:52 PM] mj ultra . _/: MOOOOOD [2017-08-05, 8:03:02 PM] mj ultra . _/: You didn't have a relationship w Carson tho right? [2017-08-05, 8:03:07 PM] Callie ♡: no [2017-08-05, 8:03:27 PM] Callie ♡: but he was a potential person to flip to “our side” [2017-08-05, 8:03:29 PM] Callie ♡: but like [2017-08-05, 8:03:46 PM] Callie ♡: idk he didn’t talk to me. he trusted sam/lexi/shareef/riley/logan is what he told sam [2017-08-05, 8:03:57 PM] Callie ♡: but like literally did whatever the majority was [2017-08-05, 8:05:33 PM] Callie ♡: i called jake [2017-08-05, 8:05:42 PM] Callie ♡: and im calling adam tomorrow [2017-08-05, 6:14:39 PM] jakey: I LOOK LIKE A FOOL DFSJKLHGDFKHJS [2017-08-05, 6:14:43 PM] jakey: ME: VOTES MOLLY [2017-08-05, 6:14:52 PM] jakey: DSJFKLGHKFGSDKHJLFGHKFGDKS [2017-08-05, 6:15:03 PM] Callie ♡: NNNNNNNN [2017-08-05, 6:15:15 PM] jakey: guess thats why no one was talking to me huh [2017-08-05, 6:16:58 PM] Callie ♡: im confused [2017-08-05, 6:17:40 PM] jakey: whats so confusing [2017-08-05, 6:17:50 PM] jakey: sorry that sounded aggressive omg [2017-08-05, 6:17:54 PM] Callie ♡: idK like why did everyone vote lexi klJSHAH [2017-08-05, 6:17:56 PM] Callie ♡: and [2017-08-05, 6:18:05 PM] Callie ♡: why is ryan saying molly if u voted molly [2017-08-05, 6:18:07 PM] jakey: well whyd u vote me [2017-08-05, 6:18:16 PM] Callie ♡: i didnt vote you IJSKHAGSHJK [2017-08-05, 6:18:20 PM] Callie ♡: deadass [2017-08-05, 6:18:24 PM] jakey: u knew id get a vote tho [2017-08-05, 6:18:28 PM] Callie ♡: ur the only person who calls and talks to me [2017-08-05, 6:18:31 PM] Callie ♡: no [2017-08-05, 6:18:31 PM] jakey: like clearly you sam molly lexi are aligned [2017-08-05, 6:18:48 PM] Callie ♡: sam told me adam cause she thot lexi might get votes so i was like sure [2017-08-05, 6:19:01 PM] jakey: nnnn [2017-08-05, 6:19:04 PM] jakey: i hate sam [2017-08-05, 6:19:08 PM] Callie ♡: mood [2017-08-05, 6:19:14 PM] Callie ♡: like why tell me to do that [2017-08-05, 6:19:16 PM] Callie ♡: if she wasnt going to [2017-08-05, 6:19:17 PM] Callie ♡: . [2017-08-05, 6:21:17 PM] jakey: so basically everyone is against me [2017-08-05, 6:21:18 PM] jakey: kldjfhgkjhlk [2017-08-05, 6:21:38 PM] Callie ♡: so did u vote molly or did ryan KSAGHJLAS [2017-08-05, 6:22:37 PM] jakey: me [2017-08-05, 6:22:38 PM] jakey: lfkjhg [2017-08-05, 6:22:43 PM] jakey: [8/5/17, 5:35:52 PM] Jenna: Chsjnsksn [8/5/17, 9:03:25 PM] jakey: molly [2017-08-05, 6:22:54 PM] Callie ♡: iM???!? @IWUHEYGDHJK [2017-08-05, 6:23:00 PM] jakey: why whats ryan saying [2017-08-05, 6:23:12 PM] Callie ♡: in the tribe chat he’s against her so i just assumed [2017-08-05, 6:23:48 PM] jakey: nnnn [2017-08-05, 6:23:55 PM] jakey: no apparently the vote switched to lexi last minute [2017-08-05, 6:24:12 PM] Callie ♡: http://i.imgur.com/qyX1kU0.png [2017-08-05, 6:24:27 PM] jakey: so lexi voted for adam? [2017-08-05, 6:24:30 PM] Callie ♡: yeah [2017-08-05, 6:24:34 PM] jakey: nnnn jklkj [2017-08-05, 6:24:37 PM] jakey: IM THE RILEY VOTE [2017-08-05, 6:24:41 PM] jakey: KJFGLJK [2017-08-05, 6:24:44 PM] Callie ♡: i love being out of the loop [2017-08-05, 6:24:44 PM] Callie ♡: BYE [2017-08-05, 6:24:45 PM] Callie ♡: AIJDHIGYUAHJSK [2017-08-05, 6:24:46 PM] Callie ♡: AHSUAJKLSAJNHUGSIY [2017-08-05, 6:24:47 PM] Callie ♡: JAIOSHJKLN [2017-08-05, 6:24:52 PM] jakey: LIKE WHO TF VOTED RILEY [2017-08-05, 6:24:53 PM] jakey: LJKHDLGHJKDKHJSDKJFHKJH [2017-08-05, 6:27:08 PM] Callie ♡: anyways u can believe me or not cause idc but like highkey i don’t want u to go cause literally you/jessy and me/lexi are targets and also ur the only who actually talked to me about anything [2017-08-05, 6:27:11 PM] Callie ♡: lkJIHSUGYFAHJS [2017-08-05, 6:27:29 PM] jakey: KJLKJLKJ [2017-08-05, 6:54:22 PM] jakey: so are you just planning to play with molly and sam now [2017-08-05, 6:59:19 PM] Callie ♡: lol no [2017-08-05, 6:59:51 PM] Callie ♡: do u wanna call [2017-08-05, 6:59:57 PM] jakey: i guess they want me out gkjgkj [2017-08-05, 6:59:58 PM] jakey: okay [2017-08-05, 7:46:43 PM] Callie ♡: WEEEEE NEED TO CALL AOIJSHUGYAGSHJK [2017-08-05, 7:51:09 PM] Adam 🦋: OK TBH YES BECAUSE I LOVE YOU AND I DOMT THINK WE VOTED THE SAME BECAUSE I SIDNT KNOW WHAT TF TO DO BECAUSE ICWAS WORK I NUSF WENT WITH THE NAME THAT I HEADD THE MOST GOD [2017-08-05, 7:51:23 PM] Callie ♡: MEEEEEE [2017-08-05, 7:51:35 PM] Callie ♡: cause like i literally love u and i rly wanna work with u aksyuftuagsh [2017-08-05, 7:51:44 PM] Callie ♡: i wrote a confessional about it takhisugyhjkn [2017-08-05, 7:51:57 PM] Callie ♡: when are u free [2017-08-05, 7:52:22 PM] Adam 🦋: MEEEE I DID A THING ON EVERYONE AJD WHEN I GOT TO YOY I WAS LIKE "this vote is gonna be a mess for us because i don't know what THE HECK is going on with these sides" [2017-08-05, 7:52:55 PM] Adam 🦋: i can't tonight im about to drive home from work and i'm at my grandmas and she's gonna think i'm crackedt if she hears me on mic but i'm going home tomorrow afternoon so i'll message you as soon as i'm home!!! [2017-08-05, 7:53:03 PM] Adam 🦋: like we NEED to compare our notes [2017-08-05, 7:53:27 PM] Callie ♡: okay tea. WHEW im excited [2017-08-05, 7:59:33 PM] Adam 🦋: me too, like we'll talk more on call tomorrow but honestly even if it looks like we are on different sides it could be perfect for us to keep each other safe [2017-08-05, 8:00:34 PM] Callie ♡: tEAAAAAA. im probably heading out soon so yeah that would be good whew. but like smart plan hehe :] [2017-08-05, 8:01:52 PM] Adam 🦋: have fun and be safe!! talk to you tomorrow! >>>[2017-08-05, 4:51:11 PM] mj ultra . _/: Have y'all decided who y'all are voting [2017-08-05, 4:51:15 PM] Sam: no [2017-08-05, 4:51:18 PM] mj ultra . _/: Well [2017-08-05, 4:51:19 PM] Callie ♡: Everyone xx [2017-08-05, 4:51:20 PM] mj ultra . _/: Do that [2017-08-05, 4:51:26 PM] mj ultra . _/: KDHSKDHKSJDD [2017-08-05, 8:14:48 PM] mj ultra . _/: YALL REALLY DID SKSHDKDJNDD [2017-08-05, 8:14:55 PM] Callie ♡: JIHUSGAIJKSHAUYGSJHKAHSA [2017-08-05, 8:15:09 PM] Callie ♡: i literally just wanted it to tie between jake and jessy for laughs [2017-08-05, 8:15:10 PM] Callie ♡: OISHUGYAUHJSAKJSH [2017-08-05, 8:15:11 PM] Callie ♡: AUSHGKJANSKAHUSIG [2017-08-05, 8:15:12 PM] Callie ♡: AGSHJAKNLSHAU [2017-08-05, 8:15:24 PM] Callie ♡: ugh can’t wait for karma next round [2017-08-05, 8:15:32 PM] mj ultra . _/: KJGJSHDL;FJKS [2017-08-05, 8:17:00 PM] Callie ♡: when molly was like [2017-08-05, 8:17:10 PM] Callie ♡: “do yall know what a sapphire idol is” [2017-08-05, 8:17:14 PM] Callie ♡: OH I WAS SO GAGGED [2017-08-05, 8:17:19 PM] Callie ♡: SHE RLY DID THAT.... [2017-08-05, 6:42:03 PM] lex: I told shareef that I was more willing to vote out Adam who because he couldn’t respond to my contact request [2017-08-05, 7:06:04 PM] lex: I think I almost made him cry [2017-08-05, 7:06:07 PM] lex: MY ACTING SKILLS [2017-08-05, 7:06:10 PM] lex: ON POINTT DFHILGKFJ [2017-08-05, 7:06:13 PM] lex: EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEEHE [2017-08-05, 7:06:23 PM] lex: Btw we got an alliance with him Jake and jessy fjkdghd [2017-08-05, 7:06:34 PM] lex: that I’m supposed to talk to you about im this alliance that keeps being proposed but never happening [2017-08-05, 8:22:11 PM] Callie ♡: me: omg i didn’t know they were voting u jake… also me: lets do a 2-1-1 so it ties between the duo for laughs [2017-08-05, 8:23:04 PM] Callie ♡: i wanted to send this to jake after he basically was saying he didn’t know the vote was gonna be lexi until “last min” LIKE…. THE LIE THAT EVERYONE USES… PLEASEEEEEEE [2017-08-05, 9:39:37 PM] Callie ♡: ANYWAYS. [2017-08-05, 9:39:42 PM] Callie ♡: What I want is [2017-08-05, 9:40:09 PM] Callie ♡: Jake and Sam to stay in so like I can go back and forth between the groups. Cause I love scams [2017-08-05, 9:40:34 PM] Callie ♡: Also shareef not having an idol now ? [2017-08-05, 9:40:36 PM] Callie ♡: ^_^ [2017-08-05, 9:47:45 PM] Callie ♡: Ugh I want more drama [2017-08-05, 9:47:52 PM] Callie ♡: I'm gonna call everyone tomorrow [2017-08-05, 11:24:55 PM] Callie ♡: So like Ryan is against molly. Shareef said he wouldn't vote jake or jessy. And then Logan said they wouldn't vote Riley even tho.. they said their games don't always coincide. But like this is all so boring [2017-08-05, 11:25:49 PM] Callie ♡: Jake was like on call "I hate how shareef said he wouldn't vote me out" [2017-08-05, 11:26:03 PM] Callie ♡: Cause he doesn't want ppl to think they're close [2017-08-05, 11:26:19 PM] Callie ♡: But like jake is literally keeping shareef around because he ain't voting jake out [2017-08-05, 11:26:22 PM] Callie ♡: Like zzz [2017-08-05, 11:26:38 PM] Callie ♡: Anyways I'm calling Ryan and Logan tomorrow [2017-08-05, 11:26:51 PM] Callie ♡: And I'm gonna tell Ryan that shareef said he was angry with Ryan [2017-08-06, 12:16:00 AM] con.: day 30 is coming [2017-08-06, 12:16:08 AM] con.: whatcha gonna do girl [2017-08-06, 12:16:12 AM] con.: whatcha gonna do [2017-08-06, 12:16:39 AM] Callie ♡: AHHHHHHHHHH [2017-08-06, 12:16:40 AM] Callie ♡: CONNOR [2017-08-06, 12:17:38 AM] Callie ♡: I'm not even gonna make it [2017-08-06, 12:17:42 AM] Callie ♡: I'm out this round [2017-08-06, 12:17:44 AM] Callie ♡: Quote me [2017-08-06, 1:55:23 AM] Callie ♡: anyways gotta get up early 2morrow. calling adam, logan and ryan xx [2017-08-06, 1:55:41 AM] Callie ♡: shareef and his scheduling shook [2017-08-06, 1:56:42 AM] mj ultra . _/: KAJSDGHKSLHJK [2017-08-06, 2:34:01 AM] Callie ♡: [2017-08-05, 1:22:07 AM] Adam 🦋: also a mood is me supposed to be sleeping but instead im rewatching survivor, and honestly? unpopular opinion but [2017-08-05, 1:22:08 AM] Adam 🦋: J.T. Thomas did nothing wrong in Game Changers and doesn't deserve the hate he gets. One of the best winners in Survivor History. im adam saying this randomly AND its like different typing than his first sentence. like he literally capitalized it. love sus ppl! hi idol! [2017-08-06, 2:34:07 AM] Callie ♡: and [2017-08-06, 2:34:09 AM] Callie ♡: [2017-08-05, 4:40:04 AM] Jessy: J.T. Thomas did nothing wrong in Game Changers and doesn't deserve the hate he gets. One of the best winners in Survivor History. [2017-08-05, 4:40:04 AM] Jessy: like pls zzzz [2017-08-06, 2:00:30 PM] Callie ♡: Had a call with adam just now xx [2017-08-06, 2:28:09 PM] Callie ♡: We made a f2 deal and we’re gonna work together even if we’re on “opposite sides”. I told him that I know that Lexi and I won’t make it to the end together and that I don’t think him and I could win against these other people since we’re “both” super quiet and “aren’t as strategic” as these other ppl. ^_^ He agreed and then spilled that Ryan told him he wanted to work with him because they don’t have a “duo” like everyone else but he doesn’t really want to and because Ryan is kinda with everyone in a way and is seen as iconic. I told him that Sam wanted us to vote him and I told her I didn’t want to etc. and then she said the vote might be on Lexi and that I gave Lexi the option since I was already immune and Sam didn’t tell us about the idol or anything. He said he voted for Molly on his break but then everyone was telling him to vote Lexi a little while later just before the vote. He then told me that he almost found an idol because he had to post a message in the tribe chat and then later do an equation or trivia or whatever before someone replied but that he failed since Sam replied right after. He said that Jessy just said the same thing because she knew it was like that in her other seasons but that she couldn’t get it cause she didn’t have the clue. Idk if that’s actually what happened or if he just told her to or whatever. Anyways! I think he’s still working with his group and is close with Jake/Jessy even though he said that he doesn’t care who leaves next as long as it ain’t us but if he’s smart then he would want to take me to the end over most of the other people here since everyone else is playing a more out there game and are seen as threats to win. [2017-08-06, 2:30:56 PM] Callie ♡: also my alliance has a snap group now. we;re official huh ^_^ [2017-08-06, 3:05:17 PM] Callie ♡: about to call logan xx [2017-08-06, 8:33:36 PM] Callie ♡: Apparently there's a challengers chat [2017-08-06, 8:33:40 PM] Callie ♡: Without me [2017-08-06, 8:33:43 PM] Callie ♡: I feel like mj [2017-08-06, 8:34:03 PM] Callie ♡: Excluding me from alliances? What is this? 2015? Palawan? [2017-08-06, 8:55:51 PM] Callie ♡: Also. Jessy and shareef making an alliance without Jakey and acting like they aren't gonna tell him what's happening [2017-08-06, 8:55:54 PM] Callie ♡: CTFUUUUUUU [2017-08-06, 8:56:38 PM] Callie ♡: Anyways. The challengers shouldn't target me unless they're stupid and the champs just brought me into an alliance xx [2017-08-06, 8:57:15 PM] Callie ♡: But also idk I feel more expendable to shareef so like if jake said he'd agree to vote me or smth then they would On 2017-08-06, at 8:22 PM, Adam 🦋 wrote: > ok so ive talked with some of the others already like jake ryan and logan, and as of now they haven't decided on who to vote yet, but it's between sam/molly it sounds like, with a possible lean towards sam because of how good she is in comps On 2017-08-06, at 8:23 PM, Adam 🦋 wrote: > lexi's name was also thrown up too but lowkey i kinda tried to shut that down because i didn't want them to find some reason to even bring up your name if they mentioned hers Don't really believe him and he's being vague anyways [2017-08-06, 9:01:07 PM] Callie ♡: Anyways I have more tea from the Logan and Ryan calls [2017-08-06, 9:01:13 PM] Callie ♡: That I had earlier [2017-08-06, 9:01:35 PM] Callie ♡: Can't wait to get 11th ctfuuuuuuu [2017-08-06, 10:22:45 PM] Callie ♡: i can’t believe i rly changed my game and i didn’t get all the threatening touchy subjects answers [2017-08-06, 10:22:47 PM] Callie ♡: wig gone [2017-08-06, 10:23:01 PM] Callie ♡: its actually just cause everyone else is more threatening than me xx [2017-08-06, 10:23:19 PM] Callie ♡: anyways im getting voted out [2017-08-06, 10:30:58 PM] Callie ♡: im jake answering me as most likely to win [2017-08-06, 10:31:08 PM] Callie ♡: so he rly thinks im not as stupid as i try to sound ): [2017-08-06, 10:31:17 PM] Callie ♡: if im here next round then ^_^ [2017-08-06, 10:35:57 PM] Callie ♡: im riley getting social threat even tho they don’t talk to me [2017-08-06, 3:34:50 PM] Callie ♡: i called logan [2017-08-06, 3:34:53 PM] lex: I'm avoiding shareef [2017-08-06, 3:35:06 PM] Callie ♡: and shareef apparently told logan that you dragged them to him [2017-08-06, 3:35:11 PM] Callie ♡: is that tru eakljsdhge [2017-08-06, 3:35:24 PM] lex: I didn't even talk about logan [2017-08-06, 3:35:27 PM] Callie ♡: ME. [2017-08-06, 3:35:29 PM] Callie ♡: i was like [2017-08-06, 3:35:33 PM] Callie ♡: lexi doesnt even talk about you [2017-08-06, 3:35:37 PM] Callie ♡: lkJHDUGYASHJKD [2017-08-06, 3:35:50 PM] lex: Listen if I don't like someone they sure will know [2017-08-06, 3:36:14 PM] Callie ♡: and logan said they want me you riley and them to work together since we’re duos and that shareef literally fucked them over by not saying he wanted to save riley and didn’t care if logan went to rocks etc [2017-08-06, 3:36:17 PM] Callie ♡: FUCK [2017-08-06, 10:59:06 PM] Callie ♡: summary of the logan call basically [2017-08-06, 11:00:08 PM] Callie ♡: but idk if they’re just trying to turn me against shareef or not cause ryan said the same thing on the next call [2017-08-06, 11:00:26 PM] Callie ♡: and then i found out from sam that there’s a challengers chat allegedly [2017-08-06, 11:00:28 PM] Callie ♡: so who knows [2017-08-06, 11:00:45 PM] Callie ♡: and ryan talked about how shareef was angry or whatever with him after tribal [2017-08-06, 11:01:00 PM] Callie ♡: and basically said the vote was “last minute” or whatever [2017-08-06, 11:01:03 PM] Callie ♡: anyways [2017-08-06, 11:01:43 PM] Callie ♡: logan also said they thought jakey was the biggest threat cause he’s good with everyone [2017-08-06, 11:01:52 PM] Callie ♡: basically [2017-08-06, 11:02:42 PM] Callie ♡: logan is playing everyone cause like they literally act like they want to work with you and then give nothing. so i mean if they wanna go far with a strong group like jake’s side then go ahead and lose idc. [2017-08-07, 12:58:04 AM] Callie ♡: im literally leaving tmrw [2017-08-07, 12:58:08 AM] Callie ♡: im expendable to everyone [2017-08-07, 12:58:18 AM] mj ultra . _/: Except for the hosts. [2017-08-07, 12:58:23 AM] Callie ♡: ): [2017-08-07, 12:58:31 AM] mj ultra . _/: You forgot a trio. [2017-08-07, 1:10:07 AM] Callie ♡: Adam told me that the vote is leaning towards Sam Logan told Sam that she should vote Molly and then they can move forward together and she’ll be less of a target. Ryan wants to vote Shareef according to Sam Shareef is apparently close with Riley and then like from the challengers side he’d only be willing to vote Logan or Ryan but probably Ryan Also Jessy probably already told Jake that the champ alliance is a thing. So like is any of this actually valid and whats the fucking point of the alliance Idk but Jessy being in the alliance gives me flashbacks to when Will added Grace to the entire cast alliance without Trace and said he wanted to target Trace acting like it wouldn’t get out. Im sleep [2017-08-07, 1:43:47 AM] Callie ♡: anyways since im leaving tomorrow [2017-08-07, 1:44:11 AM] Callie ♡: omg [2017-08-07, 1:44:14 AM] Callie ♡: u know whats fun [2017-08-07, 1:44:30 AM] Callie ♡: adding the cast to my host chat and turning on chat history [2017-08-07, 1:44:39 AM] mj ultra . _/: ZGMSFNFAJFAJAFJADJARBWRBRWNWRJWRNSFNFAJRAJARJRANWRJ [2017-08-07, 1:45:24 AM] Callie ♡: Callie ♡ added lex to this conversation [2017-08-07, 1:45:37 AM] Callie ♡: i think they might vote me out tmrw so im gonna tell them to vote u xx [2017-08-07, 1:45:42 AM] Callie ♡: Callie ♡ has ejected lex from this conversation [2017-08-07, 1:45:55 AM] Callie ♡: i hope she plans my blindside [2017-08-07, 1:46:18 AM] mj ultra . _/: NNN [2017-08-07, 1:54:05 AM] Callie ♡: idk why adam would lie to me [2017-08-07, 1:54:09 AM] Callie ♡: likeeeeeeeeeee [2017-08-07, 1:54:09 AM] Callie ♡: e [2017-08-07, 1:54:09 AM] Callie ♡: e [2017-08-07, 1:54:09 AM] Callie ♡: e [2017-08-07, 1:54:09 AM] Callie ♡: e [2017-08-07, 1:54:10 AM] Callie ♡: e [2017-08-07, 1:54:13 AM] Callie ♡: i know he has the idol [2017-08-07, 1:54:17 AM] mj ultra . _/: Maybe he's bored [2017-08-07, 1:54:19 AM] mj ultra . _/: That's a reason [2017-08-07, 1:54:22 AM] Callie ♡: UGH ME [2017-08-07, 1:54:26 AM] mj ultra . _/: LSDKDHDJFJD [2017-08-07, 1:54:28 AM] Callie ♡: thats why i stan adam huh [2017-08-07, 1:54:44 AM] Callie ♡: like i was on call with ryan [2017-08-07, 1:54:58 AM] Callie ♡: and made up the fact that shareef was really mad at him bc he told lexi that on call [2017-08-07, 1:55:00 AM] Callie ♡: which he didn’t [2017-08-07, 1:55:01 AM] Callie ♡: but like [2017-08-07, 1:55:07 AM] Callie ♡: there was a long pause on call [2017-08-07, 1:55:08 AM] Callie ♡: and like [2017-08-07, 1:55:10 AM] Callie ♡: idk [2017-08-07, 1:55:12 AM] Callie ♡: i got bored [2017-08-07, 1:55:43 AM] mj ultra . _/: Okay let me ask [2017-08-07, 1:55:45 AM] mj ultra . _/: Like. [2017-08-07, 1:55:53 AM] mj ultra . _/: What do you want to happen tomorrow [2017-08-07, 1:56:00 AM] mj ultra . _/: Not what you think will or won't happen [2017-08-07, 1:56:05 AM] mj ultra . _/: But what you want [2017-08-07, 1:56:18 AM] Callie ♡: not to leave [2017-08-07, 1:56:27 AM] mj ultra . _/: So you don't care [2017-08-07, 1:56:33 AM] mj ultra . _/: As long as you survive the tribal! [2017-08-07, 1:56:34 AM] mj ultra . _/: ? [2017-08-07, 1:56:39 AM] mj ultra . _/: "!" Ctfu [2017-08-07, 1:56:39 AM] Callie ♡: WELLLLLLLLLLL [2017-08-07, 1:57:09 AM] Callie ♡: i think the best thing for me would be riley leaving [2017-08-07, 1:57:25 AM] Callie ♡: i wanted jakey to leave but like he’s immune [2017-08-07, 1:57:27 AM] Callie ♡: im sleep [2017-08-07, 1:57:37 AM] mj ultra . _/: Do you believe that Riley leaving is in the realm of possibility for you? [2017-08-07, 1:57:42 AM] Callie ♡: no [2017-08-07, 1:57:58 AM] mj ultra . _/: And you're not gonna push to put hat in the realm? [2017-08-07, 1:58:01 AM] Callie ♡: rn its between molly/sam/me/ryan/shareef [2017-08-07, 1:58:19 AM] mj ultra . _/: So like, half of the people not immune are possibly leaving [2017-08-07, 1:58:22 AM] mj ultra . _/: I'm the other 5 [2017-08-07, 1:58:56 AM] Callie ♡: WELL i havent had time to talk to anyone tonight except for sam [2017-08-07, 1:59:02 AM] Callie ♡: and a little bit with adam [2017-08-07, 1:59:16 AM] Callie ♡: On 2017-08-07, at 1:57 AM, mj ultra . _/ wrote: > And you're not gonna push to put hat in the realm? i might depending on how the call goes tomorrow [2017-08-07, 2:10:57 AM] Callie ♡: if i get voted out just cancel the season [2017-08-07, 2:11:01 AM] mj ultra . _/: I will [2017-08-07, 2:11:03 AM] Callie ♡: disappear from hosting [2017-08-07, 2:11:05 AM] Callie ♡: IJOHSUDIGAHJKDN [2017-08-07, 2:11:17 AM] mj ultra . _/: Me: okay so clearly y'all hate fun so. Host the season yourself. [2017-08-07, 2:11:23 AM] Callie ♡: OKSIJDHUAJKSDIUAGSKJDH [2017-08-07, 2:11:39 AM] Callie ♡: i just feel like it woulda been easier if other ppl were at merge and not the jake and his crew [2017-08-07, 2:11:46 AM] Callie ♡: like he’s literally close with ryan too [2017-08-07, 2:11:53 AM] Callie ♡: and ryan’s close with riley [2017-08-07, 2:11:57 AM] Callie ♡: who’s close with logan [2017-08-07, 2:11:59 AM] Callie ♡: IM SLEEPPPPPPP [2017-08-07, 2:12:31 AM] Callie ♡: if adam doesnt tell me the truth tomorrow... [2017-08-07, 2:12:33 AM] Callie ♡: and like. [2017-08-07, 2:12:46 AM] Callie ♡: literally doesnt wanna f2 with me. EVEN THO…………….. [2017-08-07, 2:13:06 AM] Callie ♡: me lexi him and molly got the crappy answers….. or no answers..... [2017-08-07, 2:13:10 AM] Callie ♡: anyways . [2017-08-07, 2:13:22 AM] Callie ♡: he can get 3rd again if thats what he’s here for [2017-08-07, 2:13:23 AM] Callie ♡: xx [2017-08-07, 2:16:59 AM] Callie ♡: logan is fake. [2017-08-07, 2:17:03 AM] Callie ♡: sO FAKE. [2017-08-07, 2:18:07 AM] Callie ♡: like at least with ryan and whoever they’re all just like ignoring and not acting like they want to vote with me. like okay sis! i see u. logan…. is acting like me. and like SORRY SIS! BUT THE ROLE HAS BEEN FILLED! IM FAKE ENOUGH FOR THE ENTIRE CAST! [2017-08-07, 2:18:54 AM] Callie ♡: ugh if i rly hear my name tomorrow.. . . … ..  . . .. . . oh i will snap. im doing the most™ [2017-08-07, 2:19:38 AM] Callie ♡: oh also [2017-08-07, 2:19:58 AM] Callie ♡: on both adam and ryan calls they kept crediting themselves as the ppl who lead the kait vote [2017-08-07, 2:20:00 AM] Callie ♡: like. [2017-08-07, 2:20:05 AM] Callie ♡: did i ask. [2017-08-07, 2:21:20 AM] mj ultra . _/: What exactly makes you Feel like Logan is being disingenuous? [2017-08-07, 2:21:32 AM] Callie ♡: because they call everyone and say the same thing [2017-08-07, 2:21:41 AM] Callie ♡: and everyone loves them too [2017-08-07, 2:21:44 AM] Callie ♡: AND [2017-08-07, 2:21:46 AM] mj ultra . _/: Won't they have to side w/ somebody though? [2017-08-07, 2:21:55 AM] mj ultra . _/: Like what do you think their move would be this round? [2017-08-07, 2:21:56 AM] Callie ♡: FOR TOUCHY SUBJECTS THEY WOULDNT REVEAL ANYTHING IASUDGJKHAIUDAKJDN [2017-08-07, 2:22:00 AM] mj ultra . _/: W u or against u? [2017-08-07, 2:22:02 AM] Callie ♡: LIKE... [2017-08-07, 2:22:04 AM] Callie ♡: HI SUS [2017-08-07, 2:22:32 AM] Callie ♡: [2017-08-07, 2:21:46 AM] mj ultra . _/: Won't they have to side w/ somebody though? [2017-08-07, 2:21:55 AM] mj ultra . _/: Like what do you think their move would be this round? [2017-08-07, 2:22:00 AM] mj ultra . _/: W u or against u? Against [2017-08-07, 2:35:37 AM] Callie ♡: not that it matters [2017-08-07, 2:35:43 AM] Callie ♡: but ryan said [2017-08-07, 2:35:59 AM] Callie ♡: eddie was close with ting ting cause they were allies in 3 other games OPISDHASUDHAJKSHDGJK Idk just random info at this point. [2017-08-07, 4:17:05 AM] Callie ♡: jake really said “callie” in that last answer. HES GONNA MAKE THEM ALL VOTE ME [2017-08-07, 4:17:07 AM] Callie ♡: IM DONEEE [2017-08-07, 4:17:07 AM] Callie ♡: E [2017-08-07, 4:17:07 AM] Callie ♡: E [2017-08-07, 4:17:07 AM] Callie ♡: EE [2017-08-07, 4:17:07 AM] Callie ♡: E [2017-08-07, 4:17:08 AM] Callie ♡: EE [2017-08-07, 4:17:08 AM] Callie ♡: E [2017-08-07, 4:17:09 AM] Callie ♡: EEE [2017-08-07, 4:17:09 AM] Callie ♡: E [2017-08-07, 4:17:09 AM] Callie ♡: EE [2017-08-07, 4:17:09 AM] Callie ♡: E [2017-08-07, 4:17:11 AM] mj ultra . _/: JDKGSHL;JS'KHJGKH;JF'SKL;KFJGSKHFL;JDK'L [2017-08-05, 6:18:07 PM] jakey: well whyd u vote me https://68.media.tumblr.com/c45b7c36b6d643658c7b06ecafdd1b02/tumblr_nqml9gtZSU1u6xk6jo5_250.gif [2017-08-07, 4:35:24 AM] Callie ♡: [2017-08-05, 6:18:24 PM] jakey: u knew id get a vote tho [2017-08-07, 4:35:25 AM] Callie ♡: https://68.media.tumblr.com/ad9ca350bbb4062a2a783362f44c3c93/tumblr_inline_oo7iyiwx5P1r9tb4m_500.gif [2017-08-07, 4:35:31 AM] mj ultra . _/: KSNDJHFSLH;JFKHDSGFKLHDJ;FK;SL [2017-08-07, 4:35:56 AM] Callie ♡: god that call was so funny............. [2017-08-07, 4:36:08 AM] Callie ♡: me: omg why don’t we just tie it between jake and jessy [2017-08-07, 4:36:08 AM] Callie ♡: IHDUGYASHJKD [2017-08-07, 4:36:16 AM] Callie ♡: molly: cackles [2017-08-07, 4:37:44 AM] mj ultra . _/: GODDDDDDDDDDD [2017-08-07, 4:37:56 AM] mj ultra . _/: On 2017-08-07, at 4:36 AM, Callie ♡ wrote: > molly: cackles my biggest mood [2017-08-07, 5:25:55 PM] Callie ♡: Lexi talked to adam and told me that he wanted to work with us etc but he’s been saying that to everyone. he even warned sam that “ppl said her name”. then we all talked about whether or not telling shareef his name came up. i called riley first but it was more of a personal call. the only game thing that came up was them still wondering who voted them last tribal. then we called with shareef/jessy as a group and shareef threw out riley’s name especially since they got a lot of good touchy subjects answers. sam agreed and molly and i said we didn’t care and then i said lexi was leaning towards doing riley too last night. shareef said there was an alliance with everyone except the girls in the game. and that him and jessy feel like that jake is using them until his other alliance can vote them out so they can vote for him while on jury. then jake called me with a #proposition and said we should have a deal like he did with shareef in generations. aka not being on the same side but working together. idk how much i trust it since he said he believed i was “gonna win this game” in touchy subjects and he hasn’t told me the truth once yet so we’ll see. and then said jessy and shareef havent been telling him anything which was RIGHT AFTER the group call i was on.. it was just sus because like they kept repeating that they weren’t gonna tell jake and then he kept saying they weren’t idk. later in the call he said so you 6 are voting logan or riley and listed shareef and jessy with us even tho earlier in the call i said i had only spoken to sam so likeeee how would he be so sure that shareef and jessy are with us idk. i called logan after which was another personal call kinda but then later they said they don’t think it’ll be me and that they’d keep me updated. and now [2017-08-07, 4:18:12 PM] jakey: i think rn the vote is on sam [2017-08-07, 4:18:27 PM] jakey: riley is like rly nervous [2017-08-07, 4:48:43 PM] jakey: nnnnn dfslkjdhg [2017-08-07, 4:48:51 PM] jakey: im just worried bc shareef and jessy arent doign a good job of like [2017-08-07, 4:48:54 PM] jakey: making them feel safe [2017-08-07, 4:49:24 PM] jakey: they also havent told me shit so i guess theyre trying to blindside me too Kinda nervous to do Riley at this point but like they don't talk to me as much as Logan but then again Jake wants Logan out so like that would make him think I tried to do what he wanted. [2017-08-07, 4:33:44 PM] Ryan Palmer: would you be down to vote Shareef? [2017-08-07, 4:49:50 PM] Callie ♡: im down if the numbers are there cause idc i just don’t wanna leave [2017-08-07, 4:50:20 PM] Ryan Palmer: if you and lrxi are on board we have the numbers [2017-08-07, 4:50:29 PM] Ryan Palmer: and the target moved to sam [2017-08-07, 4:50:49 PM] Callie ♡: alright [2017-08-07, 4:51:01 PM] Callie ♡: who’s voting him tho [2017-08-07, 4:51:20 PM] Ryan Palmer: you lexi sam molly me riley logan [2017-08-07, 4:51:33 PM] Callie ♡: WHEW [2017-08-07, 4:51:43 PM] Callie ♡: ill talk to lexi rn nnn [2017-08-07, 4:48:00 PM] Logan: i think the vote's leaning towards shareef rn [2017-08-07, 7:03:08 PM] Callie ♡: i leaked everything to jake NNN NN NN N [2017-08-07, 7:04:49 PM] mj ultra . _/: huh? [2017-08-07, 7:04:52 PM] mj ultra . _/: what is EVERYTHING? [2017-08-07, 7:07:22 PM] Callie ♡: that ryan/logan/riley wanted to vote for shareef and that the other group wanted logan or riley [2017-08-07, 7:07:47 PM] Callie ♡: he then said its cause sam has deals with everyone [2017-08-07, 7:08:06 PM] Callie ♡: and i asked which way he’d prefer or whatever and he said he wanted logan to go [2017-08-07, 7:09:16 PM] Callie ♡: but if sam wants to vote shareef that i can vote with them to vote sam [2017-08-07, 7:09:45 PM] Callie ♡: but like highkey i only told jake stuff because idek if he’ll believe if im telling him that the vote is riley owo [2017-08-07, 7:09:48 PM] Callie ♡: or logan [2017-08-07, 7:17:53 PM] Callie ♡: yall: crickets [2017-08-07, 7:17:57 PM] Callie ♡: im leaving huh
0 notes