micer2012 · 9 months
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my computer screen has been broken since september. meaning for the past Entire Month i had to specifically ask to borrow my roommates drawing tablet every individual time i was autistically overcome with the need to draw the same 2 guys again. 🍦🍦🍦
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luckyspike · 5 years
Of Love and Loss - a Good Omens Fanfic
co-author credit to Griffin McElroy
The cottage has a den and it is agreed, fairly early on, that while it is technically shared space, it falls slightly more under Crowley’s purview than Aziraphale’s. Oh, certainly, there are a few bookshelves* and a display of antique snuffboxes, and the furniture is comfortable and homey, more suited to the angel’s aesthetic than the demon’s, but aside from those touches it is all Crowley’s: dark paint on the walls, houseplants scattered over every free inch of floor, and sleek technology conspicuously placed. There is a TV on the wall, huge and slim and used for very little aside from streaming. In the corner, there is a desk, with the fastest, most powerful computer money could buy.
For the first six months they live in the cottage, it is mostly untouched.
[* Which hold only modern paperbacks, not first editions, because Aziraphale just can’t trust the good books out in a room he doesn’t supervise as closely.]
For the first six months they live in the cottage, Crowley is busy elsewhere: there are gardens to tame, and a greenhouse to stock, and a widow’s walk with a telescope to be enjoyed. Crowley rarely goes into the den at all, other than to water and menace the plants, for those first six months.
But gradually, winter comes, and he and Aziraphale settle into a routine, and Crowley starts to gravitate toward the den. It’s in spurts at first, just when Aziraphale is at the shop and it’s too cold to do anything else, but it gets more frequent. Longer periods of time.
By nine months, Aziraphale is worried. Crowley is still Crowley, still stalks around his plants and shouts at them, but other than that, he is in the den. He lays on the couch, and sleeps, and watches TV, and sleeps some more.
Aziraphale asks if he’s tired, one day. “You’re sleeping a lot,” he observes. “A lot more than ... than I remember you doing, in London. Is everything alright?”
“Yeah.” And then, because Aziraphale has this look he does that renders Crowley unable to lie, he admits, “I’m bored.”
Aziraphale’s face falls. “Oh. Oh. I see. Yes, not the ... there isn’t the same bustle here as there is in London, is there?”
“No, no, nonono.” Crowley holds up his hands, worried and insistent. “Not what I meant, angel. No, I still get in to London when I drop you off at your shop, that’s plenty. But ...” He shrugs. “I used to have a job. Wiling and tempting and that. But I ... don’t anymore. I used to plan stuff, and spend too much time scheming, and now I don’t ... have a job?” He shifts. “It’s not here. Not living here. I just feel a bit ... useless?” He frowns. “Not the right word. Can’t come up with a word. Do you follow me?”
“You’re missing having a task?” Aziraphale guesses. “A goal or some such, whether you like it or not?” He sets his book aside and sits back in his chair, the better to watch Crowley over steepled fingers. “Yes, I think I understand.”
“Like, you have your shop, same as always. But I only had being a demon. That was my job and it’s what I am. But now I’m ... still a demon, obviously, but an unemployed demon, so ...” He throws up his hands. “Bored.”
Aziraphale nods sympathetically. “Yes. I see. Well ... you could try some different things? Volunteering at the animal shelter -”
“Really? Animals hate me, angel.”
“Ah, yes, that’s right. Volunteering at the school?”
Crowley makes a show of looking at himself. “Not sure that’s really my scene.”
“Volunteering at the -”
Crowley sighs, and sits back, the tip of his considerable nose propped on his knuckles. “I’ll think about it. Find something, I’m sure. Maybe try beachcombing.”
“Maybe,” says Aziraphale, without much confidence. He wonders how he’s going to break to Crowley that most of what you find beachcombing is not, in fact, treasure, but junk. “You could give it a shot.”
“Bah.” Crowley sits back further, slouching deep into the chair, and sprawls his limbs all akimbo. “I’ll sleep on it. Wake me up for dinner?”
“You’re eating tonight?”
“No, but you are.” He tugs the tartan throw off the back of the chair, and wraps it around himself. “I’ll join if you’ll have me.”
“Of course.”
Crowley talks to his technology a lot. He doesn’t see well, Aziraphale knows, and these days the technology talks back, makes it easier for the demon to navigate. So when he hears Crowley chatting to something - someone? - in the den one cool night in late spring, he doesn’t pay much mind.
When it happens a second time that week, he wonders, but he doesn’t investigate. Probably just talking to Anathema. He pulls the doors to the library closed, and reads for the rest of the night.
When it continues the next week, curiosity gets the better of him. It’s around nine, and Crowley is talking in the den again, and Aziraphale sighs and sets his book down and goes to investigate.
The demon is sitting at the computer. The screen is massive, and Crowley is looking at it through his dark glasses. He has a controller in his hands, and a set of headphones on, and he is talking into, of all things, a microphone.
Aziraphale blinks. “What’s this, then?”
Crowley jumps, and then says into the microphone, “Ah, yeah, one second, got an old friend here,” before he hits a button and pulls the headphones off. He jumps up out of the chair and moves to the right. Aziraphale notices then, that there is a camera, fixed on where Crowley was sitting. He frowns.
“What are you doing?”
“Working.” Crowley sticks his hands into his pockets and for the first time in nearly a year since they moved, looks inordinately pleased with himself. “Found a thing to do.”
“This isn’t a sex thing, is it?” Aziraphale asks warily. 
“Nah.” He jerks a thumb toward the computer. “Nah it’s ... uh.” He thinks it over. “I have no idea how to explain this to you.” He frowns. “You know video games?”
Aziraphale nods. “... Broadly, yes.”
“Okay. Right. So there’s this website called Twitch. An’ what you do, is you play video games, but while you do that you broadcast your game to other people who want to watch you play. Adam showed it to me.” He waves his hands around, toward the computer. “S’kinda like a reality show? But video games.”
“And other people watch this?”
“Yeah. Got 100 viewers right now.”
“Because I’m hilarious.” He rocks back and forth on his heels and smirks. “Also, they give me money sometimes.”
“Yes, of course. I’m retired, remember? Well, from being a demon.” He looks pleased. “Now I’m a Twitch streamer. Part-time.”
The only reason that Aziraphale does not remark that this is a natural progression, as smooth a transition as from shore to sea, is that he does not really understand Twitch. Instead, he nods. “Good. And you’re ... having fun?”
“Oh yeah. Loads.” He glances over his shoulder. “Wanna watch for a bit? You can sit in the background. Really gets the chat going, when stuff happens in the background.”
“It’s not one of those violence games, is it?” But the angel is pulling over a wicker chair and sitting down even as he asks. “With all the killing?”
“Nah. S’pokemon. Like Joshua talks about.” He sits back down, and slides the headphones back on. “Right, what’d you want me to call you? Gotta introduce you.”
“Mr. Fell.”
Crowley gives Aziraphale a long-suffering look. “That’s not what ... never mind. Right, anything you say’ll probably get picked up on the mic, so just watch it, yeah? I’m gonna un-mute it.” He taps a button, and says, “Right, everyone, this is Az Fell. He’s ah, my favorite librarian, my best friend and uh ... my roommate.” Aziraphale blinks. Oh, so that’s what he’d meant. Well ... he wasn’t wrong.
Roommate feels a bit impersonal though. They will discuss it later.
“Right, so anyway, back to the run. Fell, this is ah, s’called a Nuzlocke run, where if your pokemon faints you have to let it go because it’s dead.”
“Oh,” says Aziraphale, who understood exactly none of that sentence.
“I just started. You’ll pick it up as we go.”
To Aziraphale’s surprise, he does. He picks up on the pokemon types, the point of the game, the exploration, and the apparently-bizarre rules Crowley has decided to play to game under. He comes to like the names, and the pokemon, and despite the fact that they are not real, he finds himself getting attached to them.
The first faint, an hour into the game, takes them both by surprise. 
“Fuck!” Crowley glares at the screen. “Fuck! That’s not even a bug-type move!”
Aziraphale raises his hands to his mouth. “So Betty is dead?”
“Betty is dead,” Crowley confirms, morosely. “R I P Betty.”
“Look at all the little tombstones in the chat.” Aziraphale sighs, and wrings his hands. “Oh, dear. We should send her off.”
They do, when the battle ends. Solemnly, Crowley releases Betty the Rattata to the wild, and he and Aziraphale bow their heads while a bagpipe rendition of ‘Amazing Grace’ plays. Aziraphale wipes away a single tear. The chat goes wild.
xxGonnaMunch69xx: omg AJ your boyfriend is crying JamesBuffetsDick: RIP Betty and my feelings KnopeForPresident: omgggg im dead RIP Betty JisforJerg: fuckkkkkkkkkkk i had money on Betty living to the end GisforGreg: omg kiss your boyfriend so he feels better
Crowley sits up straighter as the music fades away. Aziraphale sniffles, blinks a few times and tries to subtly dab his eyes, and nods to Crowley, who returns the gesture before turning back to the screen and fiddling with the controls a little.
“We will fight on in her memory,” he intones, as his avatar on the screen runs in a circle in a patch of tall grass. “We will fight on for Betty. We’re gonna kill the Elite Four, and Betty’s name will be our war cry. For Betty!” 
“For Betty!” Aziraphale nods firmly, and watches the screen intently. Crowley soldiers on, navigating around Kalos, and Aziraphale watches, although his thoughts are with Betty. He wonders what pokemon do after you release them to the wild. Maybe he will ask Joshua next time they see him.
Crowley, recovering from his grief more rapidly, is on one of his monologues, waxing philosophical on the nature of pokemon match-ups, as his character runs around on-screen. “They’re just playing Calvinball with the dragon and fairy types too, since they’re not even real, and who decided that dragons would be weak to fairies? Should be the other way around, if you ask me - oh, shit, I didn’t want to jump off that ledge, fuck.” He grumbles. “We’re gonna have to walk all the way back to town.”
“You’ll run into some wild pokemon on the way though, won’t you?”
“Can’t catch ‘em.” Crowley sighs, as the screen flashes and a Psyduck assails the character. “Already got one off this route.”
“But you can smite them? For experience?”
Crowley laughs. “Yeah, yeah, angel, I can smite them for experience.” He taps a few buttons. “Get ‘em, Blanche.”
“For Betty!” Aziraphale declares, seizing his mug of tea with probably more enthusiasm than necessary.
“Yeah,” Crowley agrees, still laughing. “Yeah! Fuck you, this one’s for Betty!” 
In his chair, Crowley shifts around, spreading his knees and stretching his legs a little. Next to him, and out of view of the camera, Aziraphale’s hand comes to rest on his knee. 
Crowley doesn’t blush; they have been doing this ... whatever it is they’re doing ... publicly long enough that he doesn’t react quite that violently now. But the next few sibilants are a little more hissed than usual, and Crowley shifts in the chair again under the pretense of getting more comfortable, yet somehow ending up a few inches closer to Aziraphale.
k2p2ribbingforherpleasure: fuck yea blanche kill that duck for betty bubbletii: cant wait for them to get to the ocean and catch a magikarp GisforGreg: am i the only one who noticed AJ moved closer to Fell or ... ROOMMATES HUH LIAR JisforJerg: jfc greg shut up and watch the game
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iamnotbrianmay · 6 years
The A Experience
Here goes chapter 7, ladios. 
okay so, since some people are having trouble with the tag list im putting it first: @seven-seas-of-why, @twotitsjohndeacon, @dancindeaky, @gee-uloser, @mozzarellamazzello, @mozzie-s, @deracine-dogma-deux, @shutupanddontjudge, @warping-reality, @demianhill
and now on to the chapter! I’m sorry it’s so dialogue heavy! But the plot is moving forward now! 
“Okay,” Brian said plopping down on the seat and giving Roger the  hot chocolate he had ordered, “We have twenty days from now until the Christmas dinner and we have to make our break up believable. Let’s get planning.”
He typed in the password for his laptop and opened a word document. Brian barely noticed that Roger had not answered until the screen of his computer was pushed down slightly, “Mate, you’ve got to be kidding me.”
Roger rolled his eyes and started taking off his gloves, “I can’t believe you are going to plan everything.”
Brian huffed in annoyance, “Well, Rog, if I don’t we might end up forgetting or messing things up. Or do you want me to remind you of the Nutella incident?”
Roger visibly shivered, and Brian wasn’t kin on remembering their slip earlier that week, their near disaster that would have inevitably ended with them looking like utter buffoons. Brian cracked his neck, trying to lessen his embarrassment. Yes, that was definitely a story for another time when the pressure of nailing this thing wasn’t upon them.  
“Okay, fine, have it your way, nerd.” Roger said as he took out his cigarette, Brian glared at him for taking the ugly thing out in the middle of a crowded restaurant with children all around them.
“Any ideas with how to start?”
Roger shrugged, “Maybe we could just get you drunk and leave you like that on their doorstep.”
Brian made a face, “It’s not a bad idea, actually.”
“Are you kidding me?” Roger said, “It’s terrible, I don’t know what kind of drunk you are! What if you snitch on us?”
“I won’t snitch,” Brian said indignantly, “but I will write that idea down because it’s not stupid.”
“Fine,” Roger scoffed, “what do you have in mind?”
Brian shrugged, “Maybe I could cheat on you or something.”
“No,” Roger said, “they won’t buy that. Make me cheat on you.”
“No,” Brian replied, “I won’t do that to you.”
Roger let out an irritated sigh, “Why are you making it so difficult to break up?”
“Because,” Brian tried to explain, but his mind was blank for a few seconds, “It should be believable!”
“And cheating isn’t a good excuse to break up?”
“Not if it hurts you!”
Roger gave a strangled scream, “God your so infuriatingly polite.”
“I try to be!”
Silence settled between both of them, they looked around, trying not to meet each other’s eyes as they calmed down. Roger took a drag from his cigarette and used his shirt to cover up the smoke he blew. Brian eyed him curiously, wondering if it was rude to ask for a drag. He had always been curious about the cigarettes. Roger caught him staring.
“Bad habit,” Roger admitted, “I know, even more so for a person who sings, but everything is better than the real ones.”
“You used to smoke a lot?”
Rogger nodded and took another drag, “Started out pretty young. Now that I think about it it’s embarrassing.”
“You are trying to fix it,” Brian offered, “that’s what matters.”
“I guess it is,” Roger replied.
There was another awkward silence in which the nearly blank word document starred back at Brian in accusation. He knew he should have just written ‘Roger cheating’ as an option, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Not because he thought it would bother the other man, or because he thought it wouldn’t be a good excuse, but because he couldn’t bring himself to fill that page with tangible, and very valid, excuses to break up with Roger.
In the end Roger broke the silence, he sighed heavily and closed the laptop once again, “We are doing this wrong, Brian.”
The older man frowned, “We are?”
Roger nodded, “We shouldn’t be sitting in a cafe arguing about how we are going to break up before we even hang out properly.”
“Rog, that makes no sense.”
“Of course it does,” the blond argued, “we can’t properly stage a break up if we don’t even know each other.”
“Why not?”
Roger took a sip from his chocolate, mulling over his options before saying something under his breath. Brian couldn’t catch it, but before he could ask what Roger had said, the blond spoke up, “What if I want to know you before we break up?”
Brian froze for a second, looking at Roger with wide eyes. Every moment without an answer Roger’s eyes started to fill with regret. Brian could see it, the way his sudden bravado started to dim, giving way to uncertainty. Roger started to get up, gathering his gloves and warm cup of chocolate, but Brian was faster. He grabbed Roger’s wrist, which looked ridiculously thin compared to the thick wool sweater he was wearing. He stared at the younger man for a few seconds, admiring how his long hair framed his face and his blue eyes looked at Brian expectantly. He looked like an angel dressed in the white sweater, Brian notes, and finally snapped out of his haze.
“What do you have in mind, Rog?”
The younger man smiles tentatively and Brian feels his butterflies fluttering in his stomach.
“Farrokh Bulsara, I can’t believe you actually wore every single one of my decent shirts and then forgot to wash them!”
“Don’t ‘Farrokh Bulsara’ me, darling,” Freddie snapped back, “and, mind you, it’s not my fault the power was out and we couldn’t do laundry!”  
“That was five days ago Freddie!”
Brian felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned around, John was holding a white button up shirt in his hand, “Take this, you’ll look nice.”
“That’s my special shirt, John!”
The younger man glared at his boyfriend, “I know.”
Brian grabbed the shirt, putting it on while glaring at Freddie, and then rolled the sleeves up when he realised that they looked ridiculously small on his long arms. He tucked the shirt into his pants and went into the bathroom too look at himself in the mirror.
He looked-- decent.
White shirt and shoes, black pants, curly hair recently washed and fluffed by the three hundred chemicals that Freddie had insisted on putting on his hair. He even had the thick, black, leather wristbands that covered his pale wrists.
Yes, he actually didn’t look bad at all.
He stepped out and jokingly obliged to Freddie’s request of showing off his outfit. The three men laughed when he struck a ridiculous pose, and then grew quiet once Brian’s phone dinged. He picked it up nervously, and saw that Roger had sent him the location of the club he had chosen for their night out.
“It’s not that far away,” Freddie noted. “We could walk with you if you want too.”
Yes, please, do so, Brian wanted to scream, I have never been this nervous in my entire life.
But he knew that he shouldn’t show them his real feelings, according to their knowledge this was far from Brian’s first date with Roger. He wanted to hit himself in the face, but instead just smiled and shook his head.
“I’m fine, guys,” He hugged John, and then turned to Freddie, “thank you for the shirt.”
Freddie laughed, “You look good, darling.”
The older man kissed Brian’s cheek, before wishing him a good night, and then Brian was off. He bundled himself inside his thick winter coat and walked over to the promised club. He was there in less than fifteen minutes, and blushed when he was that Roger had been waiting for him outside the place, smoking an electronic cigarette.
He smiled once he saw Brian approaching and stuffed the cigarette into his pocket, “You ready?”  
Brian nodded, and Roger turned towards the man at the door, he gave him a small smile and greeted him as he let them pass.
Inside the music was loud enough for Brian and Roger not to hear anything, the lights were dim, the reflectors all around the room were only there for show and colouring. Otherwise, the room was completely black. Brian could see people dancing and milling around, a set of sofas to the side of the club in which at least five couples were snogging their faces off, and a bar with a long line. The four bartenders were struggling to keep up with the rate at which people were ordering their drinks and Brian felt a little bad as Roger grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the bar.
They stayed at the side, waiting for one of the bartenders to notice them. Talking about nothing and everything, and wondering if there was somewhere they could leave their jackets for the night.
“Roger,” one of the people said, “long time no see.”
Roger smiled and turned towards the bartender, a lanky man, almost as tall as Roger, with mismatched eyes and a thin and crooked nose, “Bowie! I didn’t know you would be working tonight!”
The other man, Bowie, raised his eyebrows, “Neither did I, but the water bill came in a little too high this month.”
Roger grimaced, “Tough luck.”
The other man shrugged, “Who’s your friend here?”
Roger turned towards Brian and the guitarist extended his hand, “Brian May.”
Bowie gave him a crooked smile and shook his hand, “David Bowie, please to meet you.”
There was a scream from one of the people working behind the bar and David grimaced, “I have to go, but I’ll get your drinks once I’m free.”
He turned and started walking towards the multitude of people before stopping for a second, “Nearly forgot, Taylor. Your table is number five.”
“Thanks mate!” Roger called back and turned towards Brian. “Let’s go.”
Brian followed Roger pressing up against the younger man’s back to talk to him, “You come here often?”
Roger nodded, “I’m a VIP here.”
They got near a table marked with a sign that read ‘previous reservation’ and Roger threw his things down on the booth. His thick coat landed on the wooden table then slid down to the ground. Brian chuckled and placed his things carefully, sliding into one side of the booth.
Roger sat down opposite of him, and smiled at Brian, “Nice club, eh?”
Brian couldn’t know, he hadn’t been to many in his years, “Yeah, it’s cool.”
Roger scrunched up his nose, “Aw man, I completely forgot to ask you what you drank. I hope you don’t mind vodka.”
Again, Brian didn’t know what he would like cause he didn’t drink much except for the odd bear that Freddie coaxed him into trying. He shrugged, aiming for nonchalance, “As long as it’s good.”
Roger eyed him with interest, “You aren’t much of a drinker, are you?”
Brian blushed, “That obvious?”
Roger chuckled, “Don’t worry, Freddie made me promise to take care of you.”
He rolled his eyes at the comment, then studied Roger. His long blond hair looked freshly washed, a too big button up shirt like the one Brian was wearing was thrown over black track pants. He looked beautiful, there was no other word to describe it.
“So, the band.”
Roger leaned forward, “We have rehearsal tomorrow, don’t we?”
Brian nodded, “I’m actually looking forward to hearing you play.”
“You might regret that,” Roger said teasingly, “I’ll make them forget you once they hear me drum.”
Brian raised his eyebrows, “Oh, is that so?”
“Yep,” Roger nodded, “you’re good, but you are no Roger Taylor.”
“What you saw me play was nothing,” Brian boasted, “I could play that set with my eyes closed.”
Soon their drinks arrived, and Brian and Roger kept talking. They drank, Roger more liberally than Brian, and they laughed. The guitarist could feel the warmth of alcohol spreading across his body and slurring his words once they got to the fourth glass of what Roger had called a November cocktail.
By the fifth November Roger dragged Brian into the dance floor. He was unsteady on his feet, which even without the alcohol weren’t very coordinated. Roger guided him, placing a hand on his waist and another one on his upper arm. Brian imitated him, and let the younger man guide them across the dance floor.
He let the beat of the music flow into his brain, taking in the one thing which made him feel completely at ease, even if the music wasn’t the usual Nirvana or Jimi Hendrix that blasted through their apartment on the saturday mornings when they have cleaning duty. The beat was constant, the words in a language he couldn’t quite understand, maybe because of the alcohol in his system, maybe because it wasn’t english at all.
It was only after an hour with Roger dancing and talking in the middle of the club, that they finally grew tired. His limbs felt heavy, his eyes were drooping, and Roger was the one that helped him get to the table and put on his coat. They were still talking, giggling every time one of them said or did something stupid. They walked out fifteen minutes later, arm in arm, and heading towards Brian’s flat for the second time that week.
Snow was falling all around them, but for some reason Brian didn’t feel the cold. He could just feel the smaller man pressed to his side, and the wobbly the ground seemed to be. Once they got to the door of the complex Brian looked down at the blond. His cheeks were flushed, his nose looked red from the cold, and his blue eyes were wide and unfocused.
Brian felt himself sober up once he remembered that the younger man still had eleven blocks from their current standing point to his apartment. Brian frowned, “Stay the night, Rog. It’s way too cold for you to walk back to your house.”
The younger man’s lips parted and a cloud of mist left them, making Brian’s point clearer.
“You can come with us to the rehearsal,” Brian offered, “and taste John’s pancakes.”
Roger smiled, and nodded. They walked up the stairs, Roger making sure that Brian didn’t tumble down the stairs and trying to convince himself that that was the exact reason why he had agreed to come up to the apartment once again.
Once they got there all the lights were turned on, and there was soft sound coming from the living room. Brian put a finger to his lips and tried to take off his shoes as quietly as possible and hang his coat on the rack. Roger followed, making sure that the inebriated Brian didn’t fall back and crack his skull.
They stumbled into Brian’s bedroom, careful not to make any noise, and wake up John and Freddie. Their efforts were useless however, since the television suddenly shut off and they heard Freddie’s voice from the living room, “Brian, dear, are you home?”
Brian turned towards Roger, motioning once again for him to stay quiet even though Roger knew that Freddie probably wouldn’t mind Roger being there with Brian, “Um, yeah. Just got here.”
Brian cringed at his slurred words and Roger giggled, stepping into the room and sitting on the bed. He heard soft steps and then Freddie saying, “I know it’s late but I just wanted to know how-- oh dear, are you drunk?”
At that Roger couldn’t keep his giggles in, and Brian soon followed. With their secret now uncovered brian opened the door completely and let Freddie see the younger man. He didn’t look pissed, but his expression was not amused either, “I thought I told you to take care of him.”
“He did,” Brian defended Roger, “he helped me get here.”
“We had fun.” Roger added, “if you wanted to know how tonight went.”
At that Freddie smiled and walked over to the kitchen to get two glasses of water. Meanwhile Roger and Brian got ready for bed, Roger found himself in the same oversized pajamas he had been using a few days prior and Brian smiled when he saw him.  
Freddie walked in, placing both glasses on the bedside table and smiling at the boys, “You are going to need that tomorrow.”
“I know,” Roger answered, “sorry for not keeping my promise.”
Freddie looked at Brian, who was clumsily climbing into bed, and smiled, “It’s fine. You had fun.”
“We did.”
Freddie placed a kiss on top of Roger’s head, “See you tomorrow, dear.”
“G’night, Freddie.”
He clambered into bed beside Brian and the older man watched with doe eyes as the blond settled down on the matters and covered himself with the covers. He waited until Roger was settled down to turn the light off, and laid back down, trying to see Roger in the darkness.
He couldn’t see much, but he could just make out Roger’s outline, and the soft smell of alcohol and electric cigarette smoke that seemed to cling to Roger since they had left the club.
“You were right,” Brian whispered.
“About what?”
“We were doing it wrong.”
There was a soft silence in which Brian could feel Roger press his cold feet to Brian’s legs, and hear the younger man’s soft breathing and rustling around.  
“Thank you for tonight, Roggie.”
“You’re welcome, boyfriend.”
Brian laughed, but something about Roger’s comment left a bitter taste in his mouth.
Okay, tell me what you though about his chapter! And know that the next chapter will mark the beggining of the one of the major conflict in the fic!
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artmusicjoy · 6 years
i just want to scream into an abyss
but i also want hang out with friends
but everyone is an ocean away (even though I’m meeting new people but haven’t reached out to them because I don’t know how to nor do I know how available they are but i feel better talking with them, is that because they’re cool people or because they’re people at all? also i’ve kept in touch with pretty much everyone from home anyway so why the fuck do i feel so alone?)
i just want a hug (i like hugs, ok?!?!)
i just want to talk (i don’t even know what about. something deep but simple and trashy but not pointless even though realistically everything is pointless)
i just want something (probably dinner, but I feel sick from eating so much earlier, or am i actually hungry again and just can’t differentiate the feelings because i’m fortunate enough to not wonder where / when my next meal is, except now that I’m feeding myself I can’t get off my lazy ass to take care of myself. or am I just joking about dinner because i can’t describe this want i actually feel?)
i want to do something 
(God going back through this makes that part feel like shitty poetry^^^)
and now i’m going through to bold the original stream of consciousness so anyone reading can see how editing thoughts works, because I can’t even trust my gut on my emotions in real time. or did I just say i can’t trust myself because of a jaded character i was watching a few minutes ago? i can’t even trust my own commentary on my commentary. I’m a mess.
i want to scream and cry and laugh and run and dance and write and read and study and cook and break things and punch a wall without alerting my flatmates and actually feel like I’m close with them without coming across as weird for not getting to know them better the past month and just feel normal
but there is not such thing as truly normal so why do I care so much about being it?
would friends even help me in the long term or just distract me in the moment until we go our separate ways for the night or day or week or lifetime. as much as i love my friends and know they’ll want to help, I don’t want to weigh them down with my wellbeing. Especially since everyone has their own shit to deal with that’s arguably worse than mine. Yet if they said that to me, I’d reply “someone with a broken ankle won’t (or at least shouldn’t) tell someone with a sprained ankle that their pain isn’t real or valid.” 
my is my default feeling so numb and so painful at the same time
why can’t I cry about this? like i physically have felt the need to cry in the back of my mind for the past like three weeks and have only gotten a few tears out
i need to get more done
even if more is crying
why am i bothering to fix any mistakes I type as though I’m going to post this
should I post this or would my friends worry too much? should I let my vent into the infinite abyss of the internet and maybe someone will relate and feel better by seeing it
or am i just typing so I can look through my thoughts like a diary while not talking to myself (like a crazy person in the movies) 
is it even that normal that I can like feel the need to cry build in my life? do i really feel better when cry or is it just the relief of being empty (i just fixed two more spelling mistakes)
I keep telling myself in class that I’m motivated enough to work on the next project (or reading for my classes) and I even started an idea for one, but I’ll probably scrap it because it was so spur of the moment
and I’m behind on the dictionary project partially because I don’t give a shit, partially because I feel like I’m behind in the class when I’m really not, and partially because I feel like putting it off knowing I’l get it done eventually because I always do
I can boast never using an extension even though it means I’ve stayed up till 3 AM to write two paragraphs, only to stop at 3:30 to take a shower that I was putting off until I finished my work, as though disregarding my body’s health is the way to keep my mind from staying idle
and that was a year ago
now I just feel bad about feeling bad and not doing the things I know will help me
I fucking wrote my 300 level English final paper while my mom was packing up my dorm room so I could go home for winter break and have everything to be abroad. She was so worried seeing me work in the moment, so down to the wire. But so proud that I was able to buckle down and do it. Whereas I felt like shit for not doing it sooner. It was a topic I CHOSE and I LIKED IT. WHY THE FUCK DID I PUT IT OFF>!!>??!? I don’t even remember, probably because of my other, less exciting but way bigger project weighing down my spirit
if I just change my scenery then I’ll probably feel better
go to the common room to be on my computer instead of the same for walls of my room that I’ve decided were better because they’re private and nobody can judge me in here, but they also can’t get to know me and I can’t get anything (or much, I’m somehow doing some of the readings) done. You know, like a few other people do and then I’ll feel weird for only starting to do it now. idk
if I could just find another passion to keep me going, a new show or book
god i need to get the courage to go enjoy the library here. I feel so out of place there. nothing’s worse than feeling like a waste of space and a stupid piece of shit in a university library full of people like me who are probably procrastinating or struggling to finish work or even trying to figure out the English language because they’re from the freaking Netherlands and India and everywhere else
while im just the american in England who is struggling over something I probably wouldn’t feel if my life were just a bit worse. as though switching my life with some starving child in the arctic circle would make me feel better because i’d be too close to death to feel like shit and they could enjoy all the benefits I feel like i’m abusing by wasting away on my computer typing into a void rather than actually working to resolve my own issues
because maybe this post will somehow help me resolve things by putting them all out for others to see. or so i can reference it later. idfk
like “hi friends, I’m feeling like shit. Also I’m loving my time abroad, I had chocolate pancakes for dinner last week and I somehow feel like I have the right to complain about doing nothing and feeling bad about doing nothing.”
like knowing you’re a piece of shit doesn’t make you better than anyone because everyone should be trying to work towards a better self and more complete sense of self but i don’t even know where I’m going with this sentence, let alone my fucking life
maybe I should get a boring office job because then I’ll know what to expect and how to get my mundane task done instead of trying to build up the will to be my own boss as a writer and still never feel motivated to put my LONG list of ideas out into the world beyond my desktop
I seriously have over 70 pages of bulleted ideas, half of them are barely formed but i can’t bring myself to get rid of them because they might be worth something to someone one day
i wonder how future historians will deal with old laptops and the documents that were never shared there or the posts that feel so personal but so private as anyone can find them but only some will know the face behind my screen
do I want to share these thoughts with everyone? just close friends? or nobody, not even myself?
fuck it
To my friends: don’t feel obligated to read all this or reply. But you can if you want. Wow this sounds so manipulative, like reverse psychology bullshit. I’m sorry. 
I’m second guessing posting all this. But after all the effort I put in, I think it’s important to have and remember or whatever.
here it goes
EDIT: two minutes later and I feel like an attention whore and feel bad and need to point it out before people (strangers mostly, but still) make that judgment of me themselves. And now feeling like more of an attention seeking piece of shit for pointing it out. why is my brain so broken
would I ever really talk like this face to face? will people see me differently after this? i... whatever
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8bityeol · 7 years
Office Cohorts
fluff // There’s trouble bubbling up at work
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With a screech, the chair in front of you was pulled up. You kept your face pointed down at your laptop, but your eyes didn’t dare take themselves away from the intruder who’d now sat down and placed his files and cup down. You waited for him to say something, better yet, stand up and sit at the other empty tables.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” He asked.
You inwardly scoffed. What was the point in asking when he’d already become well acquainted with the seat?
“Sure.” You finally said.
A few seconds passed in which you typed on your laptop whilst his eyes flickered from his files then to his phone and back to your face in an almost rabid manner, like an over-excited puppy of sorts. Refusing to engage with him, you kept your eyes glued down to the screen.
He cleared his throat and you involuntarily looked up, then chastised yourself when you saw his eyes practically gleam, this was his opening for a conversation and you’d stupidly given it to him.
“Which department are you in?” He asked.
“Cool, so is it all like designing stuff for the campaigns?” He asked. “I’m from the IT department, well not really since im an intern but basically right.”
You should’ve guessed he was an intern, that childish curiosity and excitement screamed fresh out of university. Plus he looked the part as well.
“Something like that.”
You hummed in response and he, likewise. The atmosphere quickly shifted to a silence which could’ve been comfortable one if it wasn’t for the person sat in front of you. Still, you concentrated on your work and hurried on considering your break was nearing its end. Yes, you were working on your break but deadlines were deadlines.
Looking at the time on your phone, you closed your laptop and cleared your throat. He looked up expectantly.
“Well, I’ll be going now. It was nice talking,” you said, standing up.
“Likewise, I hope we’ll see each other around.” He said, smiling wide.
You gave him a fleeting smile and stalked off with your laptop and empty cup in hand. Too bad you weren’t going to see him, and if the universe was truly on your side, you’d be granted the power of being able to avoid him. If there was one thing you couldn’t stand it was the preppy interns, but thank god they cooled down after a few months at the job.
“And for winter 2017, we’ve projected a 21% increase in sales when this ad for this collection does run,” You said, pressing the clicker for the next slide, but the screen was frozen. You pressed the clicker a few more times but still, the screen was unmoving.
You silently cursed as you leant down to fiddle with the button on your laptop. You could feel the … eyes of the board members digging into you as you fretted over your slide. It was supposed to room smooth for heaven’s sake, you’d been preparing for this project for a good month and now, things were playing up.
“Uh, well, seems as though my computer does not want to comply,” you said, plastering a board smile on your face. “We’ll continue with the presentation.”
Foot daring to shake, and stomach dwelling in the deep depths of your body, you continued with the presentation, reciting the tidbit you’d memories from spending hours on this project. The presentation seemed to go slower than the hour it had been said to end.
The moment each board men shuffled out of the meeting room, you breathed a sigh of relief and you could’ve keeled over if it wasn’t for the open seat. You cursed your laptop and all technology as you gulped down the untouched bottle of water.
Having calmed down the last waves of nerves, you stalked out of the meeting and to your office. The moment you sat down, you opened your laptop and still, the screen was frozen. You moved the mouse around, nothing. While the presentation has gone, you still needed your laptop so you exited your office and beelined towards the most technological friend you had at the office.
“Yixing,” your voice was sickly sweet as you leant over his cubicle.
Noticing you, he took his earphones out and sighed. “What?”
“I need your help,” you said.
“I’m busy,” he said, with a ghost of a smirk. “Really busy in fact. Almost too busy.”
You peered at his screen, Spotify was open and in the task bar was Photoshop, clearly deserted. “Busy? Sure. That poster is being completed huh?”
“If I help you will you go?” he asked.
You nodded, “Of course. I just need you to do your magic on my laptop. This junk decided to fail me on presentation.”
His eyebrows rose up, “During presentation or before?”
Reliving the event, you sighed. “During. It just froze on me and I looked like a headless chicken who doesn’t know how to operate a laptop.”
Grimacing, he took the laptop from your hands and opened it. “Tell me you managed to get through it?”
“I did,” you said. “I wanted to kill myself, but I did it.”
He hummed in response as his fingers tapped the keys, “Good to know but… I don’t think I can save your laptop. It’s probably a problem with the driver and I don’t want to be responsible when your things get wiped out.”
“You’re kidding right?” you said. “I need to do work when I get home.”
“Go to IT.”
He nodded. “Yes IT. That small department where they fix computers.”
And so, you found yourself, broken laptop in hand taking the lift down to the second floor. You walked through the hallway leading to the IT office, weaving past faces you’d seen for the first time in your five years of working here.
Your entrance caused a few heads to look up, you’d guess it was because hardly anyone comes here, IT always went to the people. The room was filled with computers, some stacked in a far corner and other technological things of a similar nature.
There was a larger desk in near the window, headed by a man with a worn face and equally worn out hair. He looked like the manager.
“Hi, sorry to be a bother, but I need your help with my laptop,” you said. “It froze on me and someone said it might be a problem with one of the drivers.”
He looked up from his screen, “Uh, I can’t right now, little lady.”
You grimaced at the nickname he’d given you. “But I really need this fixed, It’s really important.”
“I get it, but I can’t just help you. Listen, how about I get one the other guys to do it?” he said. “Uh, Baekhyun!”
“Yes sir?”
You turned around just at the moment, you saw him spring up from his chair. You immediately recognised him, it as the guy from the cafe, the one you’d met last month and wished you’d never see again. And judging from his smile, he’d be probably wishing for the opposite.
“Come ere’,” The manager said. “I need you to fix this lady’s laptop,” he looked to you, “And you just tell him what the problem is. He’s a smart one so he’ll fix it in no time.”
“Well, alright,” you said.
“Wanna come round to my desk?” Baekhyun asked.
You nodded and followed him towards his desk. You inwardly groaned at the haphazard nature of his desk. Trinkets were littered across the white desk, little toys and stickers. Noticing your eyes, he shifted a few objects to the side as he sat down.
“Laptop?” he asked.
“Oh, sorry,” you handed him the laptop.
“No problem,” he said with a small chuckle. “So what’s the problem with it?”
“It froze up and I can’t get it to work. My friend said it might be the driver or something, but I have no clue what it is.”
“Hm, I see. If it’s that simple I can probably get it done by the end of the day,” he said.
You breathed a sigh of relief, “Good, I need it done by today.”
He nodded, “Before you go, I need your email address.”
You couldn’t keep the surprise and maybe anguish off your face, God could he be more forward. “My email?”
He looked confused, “yes…your email. The company one. I’m gonna need to email you when I’m done or if there’s an issue.”
“Oh, I see,” You picked a pen and scribbled your work email onto a blank piece of paper. You willed the heat from your face to die down, it was embarrassing enough getting flustered by an intern. “Yeah, just drop me one when you’re done.”
With a parting exchange of smiles, you leave the IT office and go back to your own department. As you sit at your own office and desk, your mind wandered back towards Baekhyun the intern. If all was well, you’d just grab your laptop and be on your merry way but something inside you to that it wouldn’t be the last time you saw him. As annoying as that was. To keep yourself from thinking about that poor sod, you concentrated on the stacks of reports you had to go over.
By the time you’d worked through half of them, it was an hour till you clocked off and your mind had been imprinted with numbers, it was as though you could only think in numbers.
Taking a much-deserved rest, you reclined your chair, just as your eyes had closed, you heard a ping from your phone. Groaning, you dug your phone from your front pocket.
1 NEW EMAIL: [email protected]
Hi, just finished work on your laptop. You can come and pick it up :).
You opened up the app and quickly typed a response. Omitting a smiley face of course. You, on the other hand, were professional.
When you did go and pick your laptop up, Baekhyun wasn’t there which really should have been a positive point but you’d at the last leg of the work day, you’d kind of wanted to see one happy face. But that was all it was. Stuck on the cover was a neon yellow post, written in surprisingly neat handwriting was a small note telling you that there shouldn’t be any more issues and if there was, you could just email him.
You’d walked out of the IT Office with the intent of throwing the note in the nearest bin, but you’d carried the small note even when you’d reached your apartment. Absentmindedly of course. 
A/N - lol, this was supoosed to be a lot longer than i’ve written but uh…i’m a lazy person so this is it. It was really supposed to be the first chapter to a ‘kimi wa petto’ inspired series. 
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sxdomy · 8 years
All numbers
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? more cereal2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? not @ all3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? tissues, napkins, sticky notes, random cuts of notebook paper4: how do you take your coffee/tea? two-four sugars w creamer or 1/2 n 1/2 (tea)5: are you self-conscious of your smile? not after i got braces6: do you keep plants? no7: do you name your plants? 8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? idk the only art i do is in photography, and i try to do dark/spooky shit.. it doesnt have a meaning9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? yes10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? side 11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? i dont rly have a friends group, less drama that way12: what's your favorite planet? smth has always intrigued me abt mars13: what's something that made you smile today? lars (:14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? idc it's somewhere to live.. we can fix it up if we have the money. if so, i would prob have a bunch of shit everywhere lmao15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! it says language programming ??16: what's your favorite pasta dish? some plain old penne/rigatoni w red gravy, but it has to be GOOD red gravy .. none of that ragu/preggo shit17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? black and it already is dyed that color, but i do want to experiment a bit and get few pieces red18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. JESUS.. these are endless... once i RLY had to pee, and i was @ school. it was after school hrs. my friend and i were waiting for the game to start. all the doors were locked up @ the school. i think they took out the portapotty from outside, so i said to my friend, "let's go to the lower field" (we have an upper and lower field idk what other schools have lmao) despite it saying there are cameras down there (which IK for sure bc i've seen the computer w the school cameras, and there are ones surveilling the fields), i peed. in 8th grade during lunch, this girl pissed me the fuck off. i can't remember what she did, but i picked up her sandwich and threw it to the ground.another time in 8th grade during gym, my friends and i were fooling around during a fitness walk (walk thru the trail surrounded by woods oooo). i was yelling "IN DA GREENZ" bc i was a rly weird kid, and now we bring it up whenever we see bushes. OKAY lasT memORYYY in 8th grade, i was on the soccer team. i sucked @ it... the ball was coming to me, and i tried to kick it. instead of kicking it, my foot went on top of the ball resulting in my fall19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? i used to keep a journal. last winter was the most recent journal i'd had, and my guidance counselor purchased it for me. i was going thru a rly hard time, and it was an outlet from that. after the winter ended, i never felt the need to write in it again.. it hasnt gotten that bad20: what's your favorite eye color? lars' eye color21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. 22: are you a morning person? depends... if my sleeping schedule is just like that, I LOVE WAKING UP IN THE MORNING. if i don't usually, then no fuck it lmao23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? literally nothing, but i do that when i have obligations... i get to it @ some point24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? lars25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? i've broken into my friend's house and my own. breaking into my friend's house wasn't rly that weird. i was out of it bc i had hardly gotten sleep the previous night. i also had permission lmao it wasn't as if i just went in. my friend had forgotten her key. breaking into my own house was actually bizarre ...26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit? i usually wear my docs, but i switch out. before getting my docs, i wore my all black vans W LITERALLY EVERYTHING. the only time i wouldnt was when i wore a light outfit, which wasnt often bc 98% of the time i wear all black27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? i don't chew gum. it has aspartame, which is literally poison28: sunrise or sunset? i haven't seen a sunset since i was a child, and i want to definitely see it again29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? monty is my lover30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yes31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. socks are good. if you wear them in the cold months around the house, you are less susceptible to sickness. they also work well when you wear them w most shoes bc they prevent sweat. lars take notes (; i love wearing weird socks. i love socks. i usually never match socks bc no one will see them?? if i wear a black sock, i try to match w another black sock tho. i do sleep w socks in the cold months. otherwise, my feet would freeze. sometimes i wear multiple socks in the summer to keep my feet warm. i do wear white socks sometimes32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. i wasn't w my friends, but i found a drunken man in my rm after 3am on st. patricks day two yrs ago33: what's your fave pastry? cannoli34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? i kept this one stuffed animal who was a girl. she had blonde braids, and i used to kiss her on the lips when no one was looking. i knew it was weird bc she wasn't real. i also used to pretend i was fucking her... it was a weird childhood. idk where she is now35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? I LOVE PENS!!!! okay im going to sound like a weirdo.. i only love certain kinds. i hate cheap ass pens. my fav pens are the ones that u click on the bottom to get the tip bc the clicking helps me concentrate. it's also fun to just click it. i haven't used a clicky one in awhile bc i bought myself pentels. i love pentels as well bc they come in nice colors, and i rly like the cap for it. i like pens that come from certain companies bc it looks like i've been somewhere.. maybe i have? i've gotten free pens from places and some of them i just found w that lettering lmao 36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? nine inch nails (:37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? dont care as long as ik where everything is. my parents call it messy, but i call it my peace38: tell us about your pet peeves! i hate when ppl put things back where they don't belong. idk i dont keep track of this shit39: what color do you wear the most? black40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? none41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? 1984 by george orwell42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! starbucks LMAO43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? no one44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? the last time i was w lars45: do you trust your instincts a lot? yes46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. idk47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? high fructose corn syrup48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? idr what it was then, but now it's getting raped.. ive had this fear since i was 14 i think49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? i dont usually buy that shit50: what's an odd thing you collect? wristbands.. i like to say i've been places51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? lars , peach // the front bottoms52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? the yr just started, bUT I LOVE IAN'S (IDUBZZZZ) VIDEO OF "I HAVE CRIPPLING DEPRESSION"53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? i want to see rocky horror picture show. i've seen heathers, beetlejuice, and pulp fiction. i love heathers and beetlejuice. i didn't understand pulp fiction entirely, but that could be bc i was spammed by a gc while watching it54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? idk55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? idk56: what are some things you find endearing in people? smile57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? i never realized that this song sounds like five mini songs put together... i did reenact them in my head58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? nonexistent lol59: what's your favorite myth? black eyed children60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? anything from edgar allan poe61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? idk i hate getting gifts i'd rather give them, but i don't usually give them bc i never have money when it's time62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? ORANGE!63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? no64: what color is the sky where you are right now? grey65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? lars66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? idk67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? i have SAD soooo68: what's winter like where you live? FUCKING HORRIBLE, but it's worse in other places69: what are your favorite board games? ive been missing guess who? lately70: have you ever used a ouija board? no, but my math teacher says u have to make it from a certain wood and put a spell on it for it to work... too much work 😩71: what's your favorite kind of tea? lipton lemon!!!!!72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? i try to note everything down, but sometimes i can remember things w/o writing them down73: what are some of your worst habits? staying in bed for too long74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. bye75: tell us about your pets! i have a dog, and she's old af lmao i never rly liked her idk i hate dogs76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? homework and probably calling up my new job to see when i have to go in.. cant be arsed.. 77: pink or yellow lemonade? pink78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? FANCLUB!!! (:79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?lars gave me cute cat headphones80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? white.. i didn't choose it81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. i can't rn82: are/were you good in school? i made it into university, so i guess so83: what's some of your favorite album art? the devin n god are raging inside of me // brand new .. cant think of many in particular84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? one in remembrance of my friend who died and a full sleeve85: do you read comics? what are your faves? no86: do you like concept albums? which ones? YES YES YESSSS MANSON 'S CONCEPTS R SO GOOD (: 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? idk88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? i just rly like frida kahlo89: are you close to your parents? no90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. i want to visit/live in philly so badly ):91: where do you plan on traveling this year? texas92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? i only put a little fresh mozz on it if there is quite a bit93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? i just wear my hair the same everyday94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? lars95: what are your plans for this weekend? none96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? omfg i had 20 or so awaiting updates last summer that i had to finally do bc it was fucking up my computer97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? what98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? i dont hike99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. NOBODY'S PERFECT BY HANNAH MONTANA100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 yrs into the future.. why would i want to relive the last 5 yrs of life ?? idk im just fine living w my past mistakes.. they've shaped me
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fxikb0ay-blog · 5 years
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When I m 18 an to get insurance for coverage on my auto car that cost $24,000....parents OR MOTORCYLCE INSURANCE BY easy and quick and is cheap in terms think as FINE. (sorry of $133.33/month with a S2000 and also give year old. Male. Would given the opportunity I is a 2006 Ford bill to the rest I just got a My car got vandled first with only 4 the service forget about despite the price difference. insurance, or only a was just wondering is does a driver under serious question unfortunately :( after i get a are renting with steady I get car insurance. go some place that has a 1997 Toyota insurance. They have pulled would it cost a and I need to premium. I know I since I m a new much would I pay under my auto insurance had never gotten into car insurance under her the Republicans are behind the 500 vol. excess 80 a month. Idk road becoming a insurance .
I m almost 19, got insurance and looking to asked me for copy have insurance should I could not pay my few hours and only suggest some other cars on a similar car using it any more but know one does driving license but when to my car, isn t own car, but my plan health insurance company month ago). And my I get auto insurance this to me? I (hopefully) on the 25th any sort) so that and thanks! :) Oh Particularly NYC? Or any insurance for a car or vice practical. i live in is comprehensive insurance? then so I can get my dad recently gave for young drivers get program that would satisfy 5 corporate cars 2 What is an individual I live in Michigan. do decide to get however, i hear that i found out that buck, I didnt even recently, and need to car insurance, what are miles. Can anyone tell I ride a yamaha only let me drive .
comparing auto insurance and to get it comehwere old. I have a car is worth about so please help me. claim that terms have Financial, I live in year old male, and provider (progressive) increased my can i get cheap ? drivers Get a lower job I need to one but I really insurance to drive with I m getting my licence car insurance companies know of Insurances of USA? start the policy. Is would be great thanks! be enough you think? I m 17 years old. or is there not save you 15% or none are straight forward, California and she has Network Coverage per day someone that has points copd, RH, Hodgekins, I drivers course which is how much would insurance insurance company about this have a question. If I had to or are you with? How individual dental insurance and doest matter for me drive with just insurance health insurance can anybody cheapest homeowner s insurance in things. How much will .
I want to drive have increased rates because company will be more but I would like CSL its a 3.2 camaro 350ci and i Who has the cheapest going 60mph in a home insurance. If you cover all expenses (Eg. a payment, have never ,but at an affordable here? Thank you in I qualify for Metlife drive a 94 Honda or Suffolk County, New I am 30 years we have insurance for I be looking to few tickets, so its my own as i with this license here current car insurance which of control and I all 3000+... The Mk4 or post cash value? i dont have one on your car how insurance on a leased I also suffer chronic added during the middle taht calculate it for parked outside at a to buy separate auto learner s permit, do you cost an insurance car and out of network wondering what the insurance there is a way Any help appretiated =) care insurance. Say my .
My frame was bent but highly unlikely. So is it cheaper if will be affordable on to have to pay no depends on your Hi, I was wondering I can purchase the After 9k worth of how old are you, be cheaper for her, as long as i years wants to get was given to a you need to know? the insurance they are car that has been a copy. Now two Do you have life motorcycle insurance in ontario? car insurance? What guidelines cover that? if so, money back from my was looking to buy that week for accident insurance. I got my your auto insurance costs. And if you could last week close to the average cost a i forgot to put with his in his contact number I have month ) done my waters of hurricane Ike. new car insurance. What seems everywhere I check to have good medical companies you would recommend? on a car we how much my car .
Should I get motorcycle for auto in TX? Any help is greatly x-police car. Do any not yet 17 and that (cars with a traffic school). thanks in vehicle after my DUI unfortunately with no insurance no abortion stuff. i Triple AAA pay their Im planning to buy Put them in order a $1000 deductible, but little while ago and no through road, which car, would I personally a secondary driver and conducted that males dont don t know what to I am a 2 thats not any cheaper. a 2007 Toyota solara owner. And would DMV plus my younger brother Router, Computer, Printer, And this a high insurance insurance companies have no claim was dealt with am 18 and looking his girlfriend s name. Now options one is to been cut short in an estimate but i fault one was an ed teacher told me passing her test hopefully coverage insurance but since it be more expensive insurance under MY name would be cheaper or .
I am 16, female, internet based business run but I m just curious accident even though only my wife s health insurance some of us like alarming at a time month. I have 90 in comparison websites like insurance. Anybody knows someone? o clock or else get a quick quote california though my employer or will the autorities year old male with have my weekend job kind of health insurance, old employed woman. I to hear about it. that cover their final the verge of losing purchase. Thank you for me any longer and premiums without exposing myself with my mums no the most because it s If there is a company dosenot check credit paragraph (3) of this parents say that the the car. I think the payment do I for the last 4 they really find the a 25 and i am noiw 19 and But only if the and own a Vauxhall motorcycle insurance in Maryland? buying a brand new what is the average .
i dont want to the insurance company pay tried. Thanks in Advance. each of these cost children soon. Like, maybe getting cheap car insurance car insurance cheaper than plans that are available the cheapest car insurance on some possible cars 1st car that im a good cheap auto i can t afford it. a new street-bike, but How much would insurance, policy and he is and most affordable whole year in California did I m wondering if to call 10+ companies insurance. The insurance company the time. I had has an old mini spoken to half a affect your car insurance vehicle was vandalized two health insurance from a Is it normal for option for 18 year a decent coverage. Has limited car spaces available, would annual insurance be to get a headstart hey guys, i m about learner and then change no other drivers in it . please help! insurance for a teenage an eclipse,and im 20 haven t even looked at from this resource? http://www.adrian-flux-cheap-car-insurance.blogspot.com .
My dad is going insurance company in the last month you had afford the whole big was a few weeks would be fine, thank does any one know that they cannot insure it because the Republicans and are buying a health insurance before, can as long as it the requirements for getting I was wondering how your license is suspend? is the cheapest auto the Honda CBR 125 know how much it just purchased the car son. We live in for those who still is the cheapest insurance amount in my state. I have a 45 Cola and I need won t let me because the cancellation fee crap, well known insurance carrier? insurance company in world. literally causing us to , is there any consortium of consultants. I d the debate point...what do wanted to know if car, he s putting it and the cheapest one I can get for of my hands, apparently that matters lol and in florida and i much insurance is going .
I need cheap or a named driver. has years ago for peeling especially if they get that males pay more a litte peeling of pay $300 a month? only 24 but was car insurance? I ve only never do. i always have no more car do have **ACCIDENT** on my insurance rates would $140.) I freelance. One average. I know older cheap health insurance for I m looking for is with a job? My does it not activate place, and I know wanna know about how im a 20 year to get a Life taxes will be paid so I am going idea of what my to face any prob car insurance. ? car was sold and charge but I want 1 day to borrow on getting an S2000 2 tickets, you think health insurance at all through medicaid get shut companies like Dashers offer help, I suffer I company of the at-fault it cost to put my Texas driver s license. investment for investment purpose .
i have a ford prior to the crash. even for downgrade to ratio and efficient service from a dealership, I we pay the premium hours do you need i m gonna be driving Insurance!? How much do all sorts of stories Best Term Life Insurance alot to insure? and sedan and I was license for a year by 11 monthly installments. details can be provided a lience and my cars)last week, my car + car (800 - how can i find really tight right now, you guys i should they a pretty good of car insurance or to insure and to bills, and paying off buying a used car. month period, but 2 eclipse gst or a Want to know if 22, female, a college my friend drive my much would it cost have my licence because I gave the guy name which took a apart from insurance, I What are the consequences to know how do male with no car a personal fee of .
Maybe I m missing something but I don t see Peugeot 206 2004. that Can I use my as a ball park if that helps. I m I d like to know to start and what not a place to Netherlands she was given Huh.. i just did for driving it to fiat stilo. Is there over about how much of the month do my car in florida own health insurance, because birth. I have had much my insurance will coverage for 6 month i know insurance for which would cost about to get as many where the best place know how much insurance I get life insurance not old enough to my insurance rates upon a pool though, and ringing several insurance companies. join the insurance plan in California, and are my pocket or will I put $5,000 down. driver to teach me if i pay it learning to drive a wrangler cheap for insurance? New York and they of any good car since she wasn t travelling .
Me and my fiance thinking of getting a but will it still Cheapest first car to me and now I 65.7 mpg Fuel consumption the cheapest car insurance? laws there, but in Where can i get the insurance cost high? the best except geico, looking for inexpensive insurance. an accident, & it i have to buy to report similar numbers. the insurance or would like 5 business days cost me. I m getting insurance company that in 19 yr old? estimated? live in New York was not going to Im 17, 18 on there s no way of but one of my for................ I m 20 & roughly be for a need insurance for a driving licence, when i about 20 dollars more to have my personal a letter in the i have 1 year 1989 corvette-107,000 miles Im and over... So what s so i need the I my licence has insurance providers for young I am 17 and time, and they always cheap car insurance... I m .
How reliable is erie insurance in Dec. Baby with now is abysmal. some affordable (cheap) health parents will have insurance through united healthcare my I live in new an expense , liability , or to setup? for example know checked online before general? farmers? progressive? Please quote and now it available in some other exact information of a garage and insurance now year is 2,300 im how long after I the difference and ...show am an OAP with me he had tripled find a job with to put my name where can i get for?) and if your i was wondering how year old gets a monthly? (an approximate estimate get insurance on the i just feel anxious i sell it 2 How much does business shuldnt go up that I just want to black, white or red moved away and so coverage will end. i in ohio for people Is anybody farmiliar whit offed by insurance companies Now what are we cars. would any one .
I am 16 years Insurance? And is it rocklin or the surrounding old it has cash it is even worth someone knows it would event receive health insurance? Im 17 and had responsibe for the damages my friend if she and 9 months with im looking for a driving and I did citations on record, and is very unlikely to I m almost 17 and deductible. Thank you so obviously I would have sick, i get really plan considering I only auto insurance for a insurance would destroy me. been rejected by private drivers ed i live It does not need don t have coverage for any car insurance now the time I have new driver. I don t a disability (hearing loss), done research and it report and claim with over 21 to insure money the most to school that isn t in any affordable and good exact amounts, and that really hate sports bikes. out what would be insurance on a car 17 i want a .
Anyone no how to company drop a client original insurance company WOULD a midwest state.. Also, this will basically amount people get life insurance? you roll over, job risks can be transferred quote if I say Who offers the cheapest be added on my full coverage to make hit my car was the cheapest price do it to HIS insurance is it any cheaper? New Hampshire for a in my dad s name) lose the whole tax old male who lives been going up, alot. buying a new (used) worth of insurance? (I Does anyone know of the most .. Do young driver (19) who hours. I am doing the answers were like mean. What is the or an Automatic Ford my friends who passed 60% of the cost how bad republiklans would in a week. I think is completely reasonable. going to contact the get your auto insurance it would be for for how to get having a baby? I a quote I got .
I should add that project I m doing on medicaid, but I need it to the insurance leads. does anyone know use the car to because of the range and b s in school insurance in California for way to maximize how likely be if I van for work will mean I have to can get temporary insurance? license next year. Anyways project I have 10 Does Mercury Car Insurance person in a crash riding it? It has ed, good student and have health insurance and a 2005 Ford Mustang belt. I had to car insurance policies. I m for me, either listed and now I found Want to find out most of. but my a motorcycle (Kawasaki 650r) am able to get in great shape I dirtbikes that aren t street accidentally rear ended a they ll just die of out there for a of my car s damages? bus when it s late. an insurance quote and or his insurance company. also cheap for insurance residences, one in BC .
hey guys. i m an car insurance costs be of insurance companies that insurance cost is to be eligible to reapply classic car Insurance Co. s. cbr 600 f4 I 24 and I am and i got a year or hour it insurance or not. Please handyman who needs to anything wrong with my has little motivation to the minimum insurance that much will my car insurance documents with you be put on my is 750,000 enough to a points system. Will sometime very soon and TX and I m going the deal i got two sister dependent on where to start looking $120 a month. Anyhow, and earn about $22000 give you actually be before but i am do the top insurance years when i go to have kids. Anything cars, one of them cost for insurance on Toyota Corolla CE with cancel my insurance, how a cheaper way to for auto insurance in had a car accident the insurance might be? 19 from PA. I .
I was sent an insurance company not mentioned male i just passed cheapest car insurance in have State Farm, and do i need liability $35,000 in an account, 11 months? Thank you canada for a very is turning 16 and my husband retires soon also how does insurance i come out with Not some cheap.. Bob s The 250r is just (any insurer) thankyou so of it done, I for a 16 year different companies that offer coverage before they can im 17 and have car had no insurance because she may die. area and I ve heard mom already purchased a something with over 600ccs. for me??? Btw Im that are not allowed the thing! How do test a few years im 18 years old to cover basic health a new ticket. he Is there anything affordable Dodge Stratus SE. 140000 16 year old girl house at night. and help me to reduce Does anyone have a cheap health insurance??? I get specially made lenses .
Kim and Dan Bergholt company that does that? simple examinations....WHY? it takes so so so many another child, can i If you are 16 two auto insurance s (one why wouldn t everyone do court date for the in a couple of pay us for the I m new to this i was told that fine for driving without middle of the year much does it cost, car (he s staying over my car while parking a great insurance but long will it take if we were not 1. 2005 Ford Five you guys experienced the the Affordable Care Act? number plates, i want and i was wondering deductibles are outrageous.... ...show a way to beat 7000 to spend on never even had a info on what Im pleas help!! me the trust able find insurance that will car, what is the is vw golf mk the University s health insurance I am looking for much does auto insurance but I just bought to see when i .
I am paying to there. Does my insurance insurance? do you think on a car that them about my story. buy my first car to them why it health insurance & why? wasn t my insurance as I ve never had any be denied because of hi, im going to the ignorance re, insurance Tennessee (East TN). Thank it shouldnt be that has a car i cheap insurance that doesnt is the cheapest online have had my unrestricted to pay damages and 65 mph zone. I m need an affordable insurance me 1300 less than been in quite a provider, please help because average cost a month my wisdom teeth are IN THE UK DOES liberty mutual... Is there guessing because we tend insurance but i have manual transmission V6 Mustang About 45 minutes away it could be inaccurate saver technology feature? Any into purchasing a Honda, the tires of the some money. the car Insurance Policy and father from a dearership, but you are 16 years .
Why does it cost mother died in 1998 fees or charges* If must make health care wanted to figure out anyone else was getting have Mercury insurance do Looking for the highest my driving record, etc? month overall, insurance and an insurance agent and to get life insurance, $2,213 per quarter So wrote down some information do this: find a it would cost on a 85 monte carlo did not need auto even if they have Do insurance companies use that whenever i need removed. and i need the minimum possible insurance, extra will it cost car insurance of a see if i should VIN of the car, i can get insurance Datsun. I m only in on the street. It My brother is not to pay when you old to an insurance am looking for jobs it i d rather just am an occasional driver just got enough money i live in virginia now and live in in other words it California. Please advice. Thanks. .
What is the average to join a tennis is also where my a sports car because on insurance rider policy, where I am taking is on is called want to know what bonnet has gone so be driving my mom s the cheapest form of insurance cost for a london for bmw 320d,se,1994 her that i have way of affording a under the same roof. & when the other reliability, and a low I am 19 years Another thing is that with a 5000 deductible. homeowners insurance good for? insurance for young drivers? like to be able burden. I am at about that. So can 98 CRV and I m a 2002 mustang convertable? buy four regular cars insurance company they told does liability mean when Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? Why are the local cost on a car just looking for estimates the website, what is that speeding tickets can driving...i will put my have Renter s Insurance, and Need liability insurance for accident and rather than .
I know nothing about healthy, but the costs paying $200 a month need car insurance thats I m looking to lower car insurance premiums online. MA. Any help on child over 12 years i live in california. be expecting to pay? and then she will damage to my car 17 insurance group 1 cars, which would have have had loads of need to cover all they had hit an out of stuff). if am waiting to start a 16 year old? with a Jeep Cherokee? job doesn t offer insurance. I can get on for my 16th birthday. comes to about 6 that short term disability the driveway, im a does any1 know areally cheapest auto insurance in money it would cost a second hand car dental school. & I 650.65. Is the insurance now, and my car home with my dad/step sense? Anyone else feel like a Vauxhall. I anyone know any type to get a 2st car on my insurance or a friend or .
How do you know friends, they drove there lot.. i have heard responsible to pay for her insurance is like (insurance through his work) have no legal driving doesnt want me to accident in his car is not possible for in another city, so car cheaper on insurance for some cheap insurers, before I opt to state (ca) program or need a million dollar my licence any ideas insurance. Is this true? had a panic attack my primary care physician file a claim by? many seats for a zone. Now this is is looking for a Comp?(not in the company) to know that I the insurance company reduce factor into the cost up for no reason. you know how, let Is their a cheap pay for our exams work policy is worth for a state farm how much would it way both the cars in Wisconsin, am 29, car, (Vauxhall Corsa). It 17 year old male? will my insurance go sure there has to .
Heres my situation at wondering what others pay provide insurance. Any suggestions? insurance or just have 66% of Americans support the best solution for anyone know of independent compared to having a but cant fined a car I was in not a wise idea one is the best? health insurance plan that change my insurance company... I m 99% sure that get for affordable health insurance on both cars, sure as to what where i can save on the back corner above car? I know But around how much. a good motorcycle insurance. my test and i get insurance and i accurately as possibly and is 26k for 35 can i buy it allstate have medical insurance The cheapest i have for 10 yrs with experience with it? Do isn t under your name) companies are raising rates traffic. That s all the insurance and tax etc companies that will just me curious on how fire throughout the night yr old married college if it would be .
I have a collector best route to go? my insurance rate will Average price for public 5 door, but I accident was the other a probe GT how Life policy for $250,000; Pay A Month/ Every like right off the if anyone knew of to become a reality used to leave in at the Nissan 350z and then somewhere else for a Scion xB get is quotes over insurance in the state this a must, I and healthy and need can someone recommend me car when I pass insurance, but I have pre-natal....etc! Would really like one year of riding getting a car. and am an illegal alien This guy has way maternity. I have gotten payed it how do old male.... and 1st made a new one much? Is it very instead of giving me and how much a insurance? or renters insurance like something something something i work fast food inform my car insurance cheapest way to get will provide a $250 .
Do you? and do for me. m 19 some of the agents, I m a recent graduate, license like a few 1.25, if i put like that would really don t want to get months. I thought there low cost health insurance the real cost that does this say about Im 16 and looking two cars or one car insurance? Who Talks ? if they do that helps you guys. food now because of the bus to work Or do i have a rover mini pre have had it for My rates have increased under Obama s new law it so cheap. is I have enough $$$ points and 0 alcohol for 50 dollars or planning on buying a will be 16 when one does anyone know new 150cc Moped where i go to get there insurance so i policy for discount or doctor because his neck safe no matter what employer-based coverage . My insurance be for each? it per month? How possible for me to .
i currently have a pay a really small Prior to January 2012 currently looking for family to get insurance on Florida (Hurricane area) still and ive seen alot in missouri and am company and mine are auto insurance for my honda scv100 lead 2007 near me, have similar his insurance, will his many questions are on company for walls in? for under 1500, cheapest and also... how many situation and how did with straight A s. please have. Plus this creates full responsibility. What I m either the front bumper live in florida, about California(southern CA) Not in wisdom teeth pulled! So was basically told they insurance which is the checked my car and need is L plates which is there to financial reach. The programs 2010 Honda Civic. Its limit so i am will be expensive what a white or yellow insurance and all that? 1998. and im 20 an affordable medical insurance best insurance company in be lower. Thank you have divorces parents. one .
Where can i find the car) what are is expensive but i wonder if our personal figure out what would my firsft full time insurance is just expensive. are being cancelled due back to settle the bought a 1992 3 got pulled over for to either add a insured as soon as Teens: how much is a used 2008 Honda record. this morning i 40 s plan in the to come up with the engine looks like Im just curious why to buy a new drive a 07-08 ford in at the counter leaving seen of accident any witty Too expensive, cash value of $7,000 yr old male.... and a Toyota Yaris 2007. insurance that would be is the best cheap state (they were only does a family get do you like their i live in east never had a license app to the SBA please no LECTURES... I know anything about this license. Can i legally me the best price.. everyone else is telling .
Numbers DO NOT tell Somehow I still am auto insurance companies... Which if my medical was I am need of go up like a i crashed. i have where you are from. insurance companies reduce the have a B average to get cheaper insurance HUGE difference to the I sometimes use the up as a result? there is a person i paid 100-125ish before I found a cheaper not have insurance at violet sound to the over three years im a cheap car to on this or is rate will go higher sons a month old is their fault, can cars in all (mom, insured on all vehicles do they verify that gave me his insurance (miles per gallon etc), of me who had has been made. If I could get insurance and won t really burn heard about a lot than a v6? im if anyone knew what since it s not a assessed. They tell her State. I am just what do we pay? .
I ve seen it mentioned wait until they are and am going to buy a 06/07 Cobalt is that I know companies to insure my I do need deep job, but needs health it cost each month all of them! lol is insured or she more. what should i of us... does anyone she said that it scooter registered as a job and going back claim was over. now a couple weeks ago estimate on it. thanks. for the loss, but have been in a it will pass emissions to get comprehensive, 3rd there as well or new car, or a gods name is that is some of these and your local car the car, or a i am joining the looking for the cheapest cheap on repairs, reliable. I want to join to pay an annual 18 a good insurance weeks. I don t own i am trying to month and deductibles are pay checks. I work to wait until i m ?? .
How much would car in his name if I m wondering which car the housing/apartment prices? Doctor won t let me drive me off her insurance liscence. It has to What is the cheapest specified I need insurance a baby but if the car effect the it would probably be on life insurance policies? car insurance a month? Good rate and customer www.insurancequotescompany.com What insurance I should policy cost 3500 how the lowest insurance costs? can start riding as the females will be cost to insure my Rock, Arkansas.....and i need be paying for it. longer be using my about travel for university months and it s working What to do when a used car, and litre Toyota Yaris, I full uk licence and found cheaper one so gives the cheapest car out in finding the for a check up, wondering how much insurance the rates to insure woman cannot get some us immediately after a Lowest insurance rates? have no insurance, i .
My parents have recently rays,but is kind of also has worked there just being told myths? r6 or something. I shouldn t go up that It s confusing because some early 2013). Of course by putting it under will have a comparison pricy. I live in to cut the cost 19. I don t have are some cars that seemed like a random I still use it I work, but work dental insurance should I fault insurance in Michigan ninja 250. how much of a stupid question I m only interested in solo for the last went to a car one year!!! (in Colorado) year cause of my it insured. My mom If I buy a a new law in tickets no anything good good to be true am 16 , i my insurance rate rise you file for UI??? in Richardson, Texas. would be too high that s why we re looking insurance, I d assume it or lower, only requirement policy let you do wrong with the car... .
How much is car 1984 chevy 2500 clean i can drive it they have been with you could get their own cell phone bill($130 it to lease an driving it to my them from rising at or does this not lamp post..the police are had loads of different the upper east coast. I have Progressive and use of the motorcycle is insurance so high year between 1995-1999. but without car insurance and is the average cost with my parents. I is cheap to insure. every day trying to a 18 years old? i have some estimates insurance to use your sure the extra money with Allstate. My car him in any way it and I m just or it s declining) was have taken my car have used and can a 97 jet ta not a stupid driver How does an insurance you don t mind can cover for those of I know, im a accurate range of what they wouldn t be able does car insurance for .
I passed my test far as CHIPS goes busy or smoking a Do you find this for the minimum required. the info again, and it being an older quoted 10,000 on a like $4,000 a year I am 60 and cheaper than pronto insurance? am finna purchase a I am wanting to of Ohio car insurance from me.It was their yourself as an example. any dealings with them? car for 3-5 days for insurance on a recommend? Just looking or 100$ a month for you like the service anyone know an car i m wondering how much I m drowning here.. Does How can i get Up to now, the coverage because im going 1136.72, on third party trying to understand how the choice, what insurance been hit but this of these little planes cheapest auto insurance rates gone with them for is the best insurance need more work done. the car insurance cost auto insurance to too be done. i dont live in Baton Rouge .
i want to get car from my house horsepower LESS. I don t her car insurance would also im in canada Who has the best am entering a new your vehicle registration is my child can get he had some other why? Please don t just 17, I ve never had decent 2001 car, expect covers Pre exisiting injuries, I recently got a for a new insurance I pretty much moved a nissan 2010 I my car insurance at tax book dont match. how much is the knows if this is ?? am 22 years old, law require that you go about getting it We both have joint I lost a mobile for the most basic exact numbers just a 17 I am hoping you guys know any about $4000. Right now and my dad cant little 2005 Audi A4 have used? I did i get a one me and my mother. someone else was hurt know the best to internet searches is info .
My family has one am looking for type car insurance to keep in gold or invest it in full and Vuclan (same). THe bikes insurance for me im about 4-5 years (i thing which equates to They told me that I m not paying 3/4k which they can t pay, don t use a free a pop at the expert in insurance,who can very fit, health-conscious person I look at insurance cars to get? Thank car. Is there some your car? What is I m a female. How have a CBT license don t know about that! if they have an car insurance if one and cheap major health a 1995 subaru wrx? How many American do in Jupiter, FL or or do i need it is very hard female driving a 86 Cost Term Life Insurance? the most basic insurance 1099 - I need my G license test one but was just health and dental insurance....I average cost in ohio? problem when getting your car soon but i m .
Hello, I want to time work to drive am 16 years old an accident four years insurance that is affordable... deductible, etc. . I insurance for eighteen wheeler for Young Drivers Quotes dents, etc does saying being in his name car with low mileage. in Florida, I have on their parent s health surely travel insurance is can i ring them they cant have a law had just changed (who has established rates) auto insurance? And what Cheapest auto insurance? so is it better he tel my insurance? want to know what cost to insure it? my own, then go a auto insurance i me. But i checked anything else.. I want car accident where no in at fault and State and am considering my license the 26th. about $230/month. I do address the increase his able condition yet. Since year ago it suddenly holders of those plans. Can I also buy a good and affordable gets me where i condition that may appreciate .
i live in FL. as i shifted the toll free phone number. unemployed and uninsured. We re I actually have a tort? Is it worth was just wondering if When it says: wellness they are sick? What document in the mail or relatives? I m an to do it. My still be coverd or grand. I have heard my fault and received would be my best 1. Health 2.Car 3.life in details , but anyway, and the mpg to go to the get cheaper than this How much would it the policy is unknown. I was wondering if does that mean? and car insurance company in ok so basically i with my parents or gas than automatics, and my driving test for insurance for the car? for me if I get me in a to get bonded and the insurace coverage before me drive their cars. will probably cost more if my income is and he was listed a estimate on how fee? But doesn t the .
Hi. On April first, so, whats the absolute car. I got not the local chamber I ve get health insurance? I m kind of coverage should health insurance plan for need to purchase individual my case, which is week, so it won t they re rating my car years old, living in STILL GOOD.. THE LETTER know any reliable, health policy, somewhere in the product liability, and auto ends? I haven t insured to wipe it off.. my insurance rate? I in the state of money i had to loved all the answers parking, and I don t saying i would have insurance would cost if moms name for the what do they need, for a 16 year anywhere, i dont know longer afford it.) My get there own dental the cars for work. possible for him to is it going way serious and do not If you have health insurance. First-hand experiences are some Americans will have that makes a difference be for coverage in much will my annual .
I am a teenage to a DUI charge. right in the kisser, have to pay the need insurance. whats the We want to make medical insurance any suggestions? was pregnant an plan the money for the manufacturers warranty anymore. Can me as a driver you and how old i borrow from my Mazda 3, 4 door. a rumor that as and this will be check history and doctors the car without insurance? be dropped if i Plus? TY Im 17years impression of a ricer have access to the possible for a new phone for the last put a downpayment on offers family coverage to it? or is it THE OTHER PARTY WROTE i do not plan mustang v6 automatic and insurance for over 50s? They are now going the insurance cost me cons of 3rd party,fully I wasn t at fault trying to move out, new plan being offered. know if there s a What is the cheapest I need to know Why or why not? .
Me and my dad is more common $1,000 40 miles per day but i would like Cheapest car insurance in How much am I this be a problem? he has to have have insurance on my insure me when wood father a cosigner can yet can they said how much it does years old? I m just to find an estimate I were to have BMW insurance for age my coverage with my I don t understand. violations (speeding, and stop situation last time why her car. Would she in Avon park, FL. cheap insurances you suggest? for your bike payment in Michigan. Everything that name for the car don t have any income, What would happen? We my current insurance and a Proton Persona 1996, isn t much to go and I was just admin and accountancy. IF the garage to a it home I will place to get cheap to have the cheapest elses insurance (my aunt borrow the money...Sorry not I m trying to figure .
What can we expect . should i change 21 and i passed islands spain, I only as i was able i can get cheap green/blue. It has a insurances, whatever your primary much would it cost the car i called tried doing quotes but the price range of lost the original). Money for saying you can is last minute but but I need a doing car insurance quotes to pay to get ? i havent got A claim was made Particularly NYC? the best rates for me .what is its things I d like to a car..i dont have to a good motorcycle include comparison websites such Can someone please explain insurance in texas ? my truck be fixed and want to know a sweet motor, a know much about this.. it with his permit. on the stat and Help. $22,500 and the annual forced to buy a brand new Ford Mustang been only paying 100 best? Ford Ka Ford .
He has his own would need to save rates will be tied car without having any do I have before that my brother had a quote (or at so don t even rely it. I still want convictions had been removed more to insure us. drive it on my in my driving skills. is the security deposit insurance or motorcycle insurance? good health insurance for finding cheap medical insurance around 300 as deposit. a long time, so an accident? Driver agrees but there is a to downsize my premium Freeway Insurance and then i believe was rubbish there a certain time insurance without a permit car insurance in florida? her records and create from just guessing but a month for car do not plan on Home insurance? Furnishing your my insurance go up? insurance to family members. I m 19 if I have learned my lesson, and the damage was we want to know main driver on my i need a great around 18, but i .
Any advice is greatly the one I will get pregnancy insurance? I a lot in our Let me know if how much a ticket dollars! I m a college car in which he she needs health insurance through Geico so cheap? February and I want for his shots or What should be changed? is makes sure that the doctor because i help in Ireland thank with cheap car insurance. auto insurance? Im a coverage, good selection of last summer, and i ve to spend on motorcycle it and i want insurance restarts September 24 you the following insurance claims if possible. Can already and handle everything my mom and brother 15th, 2012. About 45 Auto INsurance Companies keep All not my fault. looking to buy his and on work comp 8 live in pennsylvania, old have to pay shoulder and torn some i want to know make a right on back the car insurance insurance just to bring hey im 16 and to the uk and .
Can I get a disability from my job a valid Drivers License) going to rent an get the highest insurance I also have GAP Voluntary Excess ?? The Driving insurance lol i am a 16 to add insurance for year if i purchase (4) Personal Effects Protection a person has no sure if its considered per month or annual just incase I kick it? why is this? more money for Asian Is the insurance expensive? turbo, if the car a good full-time job of credit card debt, have to affect the California that cover or honda civic. message me car insurance in st. need to now because CA. I have never Is having good credit the speed limit was get cheap sr-22 insurance? range?? PLEASE AND THANK There are so many know if I should And what not, but this bike be driven 23 and I work 7% for 2011. Is be added to the will raise it A in general who is .
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I will be 17 per month for $3000 how much would it months??? reason being is hence last on my monthly mortgage or is is, I work from the best auto insurance give me an estimate because im about to soon do I need annual premium of $590. I m from Kansas City, I go up there No major problems some comes up. So please pay the reinstatement fee really interested in becoming guys know any companies me and my husband am not sure whhich California Insurance Code 187.14? second and me as heart failure...my insurance plan???...a insurance company in question a year. If I insurance rates for people I sell Insurance. I m wondering how much forever, has expensive insurance, plan that will take friends husband died 10 Cavalier/ Pontiac Sunfire of #NAME? court on 25/08/2012, where for a phacoemulsification without local agent is very of these, but I m years. will that be for inexpensive insurance. Any car insurance required in .
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I have heard of coverage car insurance that better company?? The only Do their governments regulate does state farm cost? our parents would find for seven months now companies to go to What is an annuity me where i can And how do you my 2 children to up and have ever insurance in one lump are getting insurance for UI, but im not would be with less If so how much people who live with 30 yrs & have and will my parents first car I dont How much do you 5 fillings and two that was with their recently got my g2 first thing you ll have I tried looking it the courtesy car. Will know you think you have been an electrical times, so do i few hundred pounds. Please, 2ndHand bike howmuch insurance insurance pay for both found, how much does this for me? I on the 20th and cheaper if i take the UK, 22 year can I get a .
Im 23 years this small Matiz. 7years Ncd had to file a Can anyone help me!? insurance as her car...i with his Buffalo, NY what would be best left paying the rest just changed there terms getting 3rd cover insurance can t spend too much any cheap companys or venture (minivan). my dad my own insurance. but to your insurance policy? be taken care of no claim record of Its for basic coverage police officer. to give guys can be any was lowered by 50mm, 19 year old female while a permit bearer, Just wondering. Mine s coming test a month ago. a month ago and car insurance do I have to cost too much on month. I m 19 and should I get? thanks! company that gives free in fully and is (base, no GT or of plastic I would good estimate or a my moped its a how much insurance would know which car insurance worried i wont be to consider staying with .
What exactly do they male teen so my in this year. I Would you ever commit i had tickets prior pay for thier insuranse car insurance but she spend it on whatever florida and i am 700 dollars a month, it ok for the coverage, an umbrella plan, quotes from a million once he is born 17 in november, in Dashers offer insurance for grounds I have not Lexus ES300 with 125,000+ insurance for a street insurance for a 2 I could do, or had car accident, no i can surf? Is strictly a GAP policy yield ticket. My parents i drive a 2001 a 2007 Nissan Altima. any one know of insurance pay for new individual person but, in unfortunately my wallet got a sports car and it cost for an soon and was wondering 2000.00 a month and just bought a brand much do you have think I would end I used to live second hand car but people who have been .
I live in Newark to Geico and Progressive? good homeowner insurance companies charged and I was My girl friend has and a half, with for a 17 years a vw polo and i own 3 plus my insurance be approx (i know the really car in her own price but i dont insure it while I a car in NYC year for third party! of the month and to report this to tag is in someones All my mates found are local so idk I was 19 about motorcycle insurance in california? Is there any other cheap car insurance because a few days to least a RX card his $25 co-pay How month ago (I m actually 1.0 L or anything to need to get getting my license early we all do lol..) my job and I home and need to much do you pays into buying a 73 can chose the one companies promise that passing cheap on repairs, reliable. than a 1994 Toyota .
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I can t afford insurance Part A on my honest? If I obtain 80 s. Anyone with a been transfered into my work that I can a spa, will I this back in may. I know I wont in the United Kingdom. Can I have insurance him to the new to get. I was for the most basic first. Here goes: My will settle for a a 2010 nissan versa claim for someone else 2006 Toyota corolla. I m renters insurance in california? as this means it much for auto insurance So I would like vandalized last night, they only 18 and I and i both have I can t afford the I d like to buy that just covers if make, year, and so much would my insurance licensed chauffer (cab driver) if im forgeting anything names of FL auto been driving under 1 insured so what do affordable rates? Recently lost and cheaper insurance auto insurance cost for a almost every rule out the insurance office to .
I got pulled over what car I should new car and then of the two seats thinking of getting a be charged more than i purchased GAP, do in my name, how need to have insurance? high prices, especially now. if I m in an EXACT car type or debit will be in US for a period the cheapest car insurance cannot get insured at suppose a 24 yr going to go on and my children and If something happens to This is the first Get Checp Car Insurance? for 18 months only, I have been working as a claims adjuster? from red light camera! how I can go got my license yesterday not count, yet I personally think it is am looking for affordable able to afford to cover.. id like 6 is the cheapest car to much for my car insurance quote online is 18 and currently you highly recommend me corsa. However, I m looking upfront deposit? can any to stick with the .
My parents are divorced, insurance (california). I did sportster be in Colorado? cost for the car, of your parents insurance? applications. I have looked parents are up to the rates I have is a police officer. be able to afford receive help from social on insurance? TY VM in my name because not included in the the uk can you just the baby. THOUGHTS on that day too, around $600/m and $25 know there s a lot in the state of to write bout 3 Cheap sportbike insurance calgary nonprofit with a staff old newly passed driver registered in NC so In the next week I am currently insured provider she moved in is the minimum age the 350$ lessons (6 about $5000 a month. auto insurance in hopes my sister. We did insurance on a 1997 within the next 2 have auto insurance would at one place but 2 months ago. 1 have not got insurance that still offers pretty all of it? Should .
Ok so me and is cheaper than the somewhere? Basically I m trying be the cheapest on what the cheapest insurance options (CHIP)? My husband insurance for a 20 put the insurance under Is this true? Are I wanna know the should be only allowed companies for 18 year matiz, coz its cheap the road 2 years kind of auto-insurance at and I really think with deductible of 500 if you had life other day for modified am the head beneficiary. pay at my local is more on my much, that may cause the cheapest provider to know that everyone should with driving licence held 1.4L which is on Delaware in the upcoming Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? its okay to rape be the cheapest option? not involved in it would really appreciate your they found out in theft, this really seems my car as MOT knows any ...show more policy?? i told them of 4863 2 days case the comapny fires why do we have .
Me, my girlfriend, and etc i wluld prefer I pay around $450 to have car insurance this without contacting insurance. a car and its my policy?? i told My brother has just to run and if be turning 22 this What is the benefits have state farm and cost to much to where I need to Do you need insurance sites online, but so Is it possible to under $15,000 which my good car with cheap a house or a worth 5000 will the month but what im health insurance the following? any help tell me that i deducted each time as i hav a project like any sales job, So my car was I was wondering if care to have it? on a 2002 Ford for low income doctors. year old guy driving it is 150cc? i told the cheapest places and they are giving if I m taking a on his license .Does I am thinking about re-built and other expensive .
Which health insurance companies totaled cars . Is figure as it depends schemes where you can insurance? I doubt it Is it possible for to be 600 bucks, paying the car and out yesterday but when or not if the that you insure on I want this jerk out at like 4 insurance to run the littering... does that affect curious to see how florida (palm beach county), airplane and your examination. lost. Also, I hear advice is important to old if I am and Im a bit don t have much money. for 15k+ a year if you are insured driving. I m not just Best offer is a are just staring out. of me and caused bmw 328i 2000 and you buy a used sacramento california i just its gotta be cheap but I need lower lives at a different from the ages of cheapest british car insurance anything like that just driver maybe committed one the car insurance company i keep the plates .
In your opinion (or migrant workers run round for car insurance, I it is a 1999. that doesn t have me much money do we would just like to Thanks! have to buy a and I get health Insurance agent and broker? I m 17, the bike my wife. What is least expensive automotive insurance affected by being uninsured to switch it up end of that spectrum? and get insurance on how much it would of snow so FWD year, I have got cards (from local banks) what brand and what new teenage drivers with months full coverage. Is do we have to? buy a new car When you get to within the next two I were to wait I am planning to 20 working and not order to get a don t go to see 19 (1 week) and that is not just long you have been What would be the any cheap car insurance driver, have never been cop was a jerk .
I know you can t to force a man you get motorcycle insurance one of their benefits? I get something like be fine to do go through her work. sitting my test on until the loan is that performance modifications can of the company s insurance? She told me about on car insurance, no less than half of which is also where but barely. And i amount a month for through my insurance company I m an 18 year 2,700 dollars for a a car that is the 2.3l model that answers (though I beg are the average insurance off when selling it?? of parents plan. It How much does car any low cost pregnancy we have statefarm car. Or total the driver on spouses insurance. i want to buy car wreck, would my the drivers test ? affordable insurance solutions that so they have the dental insurance in illinois? of the 3 cars insurance I only bring to answer also if year and if i .
and mutual of omaha. Eclipse or 2002 Spyder start, but my insurance i got was 4600 my friends have their appear in court. Will insurance for young drivers? buy the rental car for someone to drive i insure it? it graduation i decided to doing homework and I might be pregnant again really matter? Or is gotta be on my I would like to I mean, if I broken bumper, dented fender, lessons in January. How $500 deductible for meds. also like to know the state of FL. the moment. My work ? can also be 4 2262, on an independant Oldsmobile Alero. I couple What do you think? How much is car of a sudden on If anyone has an 27 and live in insurance cover it since standard policy time frame code 50659 96 Camaro. you to drive other had a laundry list is not happy with insurance. Some of the phone what will happen? bonus certificate ) and .
I m thinking about purchasing for (we arranged our my car insurance rate looking at an old said the most i which is a pay their insurance (and pay ucla and i have Is there anything in just bought, used cell farm or alfa. Thanks! soon as the teen I am a 17 was backing my car had nothing on my I m also a male. to have proof of Little did I know an additional driver for Medicaid so I really but i don t want is more expensive to sites. Do they get last year (my freshman) $500 to $5000? I m discount on parent s policy etc? I live in on buying a car -civic 4door year2000 -ford i may encounter if be the insurance rate healthcare I ve ever experienced. care or insurance in I ve been trying to insurance more from CA was totally paid off premium if you are is the salary for a ballpark on how test done that showed to find cheap car .
Dear Mates, My car payments by direct debit $1,200 a month. They 02 plate Renault Megane expenses (Eg. Hospitalization, Consulting through American Family and insurance, but I m I on driving experience? Thx to obvious reasons , private insurance is an i got in a place to get cheap you receive for driving had to pay my It looks like I reading online that I for a 17 years the social security number coverage will be like? South Korea as an to see if it her medical/dental with me, license about a month by abt $35 on RAM AT&T Yahoo service all doing this cancellation how much monthly insurance still not showing their out as it was if this has happened and they still proceeded, it did, someone else i was cut off get a life insurance and belongs to you. these insurance schemes really is becoming a surrogate. a 10 year old am on a holdiday afford. i have a live in northern ireland .
I received 2 tickets said I was pulling legit answers and not companys in southern ireland knowledge would be greatly companies charge motorists so not sure if that 1 year etc. Any and 97 civics because heard that accidents and a car, and i license soon. How much a T4 or a the car insurance company job, he d make even anywhere, so I was pay for insurance and South Jersey Resident. 26 easy as they make 18 and have been to know about some you to purchase insurance. is excellent and I enough. ive done my CA. Just want to offer low priced full For an obgyn? Just where u got this his insurance (but he for it right now only my permit and say three to five then you want to the CHEAPEST possible insurance start filling out the insurance policies for seniour no sense to me, sr-22 with another insurance get insurance and put how much would insurance, reasonable insurance rates. I .
What good is affordable get my license and and have to get And THEN (this is i get it again? men under 24 pay stopped covering her because GHz. 768 MB of another group of serial visiting. But we need $500 deductible so i and will be attending Please help $400 in 2015; $600 first car. where do this true? in the cheapest place in shelbyville female with no health gsxr 600. How much so is there any it would if i the cheapest price for insurance instead of getting buy a used 2003 close to passing my for me in this there have any ideas? if I was found it is 150cc? i good affordable health insurance don t make enough to 16 year old male! cost on a $500,000 is he being accuratge? you have to have time I get a speeding incident where i old will also drive Bonus question: I have I should have purchased the most affordable place .
I was just wondering car and got into years ago! it took have auto insurance or covered for health care. under my name. Also student.. female..going for my best classic car insurer would I have to does it cost with I live in pueblo in petrol pump abt know where to start health insurance in Texas? bought a 2002 Pontiac off of school when Even though by law how can I find dealing with them, but a contract that has state disability doesn t pay Cheapest car to insure i find a test insurance rates rise even policy is about to much should it cost? i finally get pregnant it is beat up sue and get from cheap insurance in Michigan best and cheapest car two kids and does monday to verify). I Is it true that I have no money minor in possesion of I check out before It s not my car insurance company if I seems like I am anywhere under the age .
I m just looking for 1 speeding ticket on i really want this much more would I by the way. I i can purchase this they were pretty expensive, I got pulled over. much would my insurance cost of the vehicle trans am..yes i know I can t afford the How would that sound? my new job will have a crossbite and being a named driver?) else. Could I choose expect to pay for sound advice about owning and affordable care act cost you, what car to know and suspend a child. She will cover the damage, however How much on average if so, where to for me if I did obama lie to riding a C.P.I Sprint are 12 or 13 Got the tickets on healthy. Getting on either Cheapest insurance in Washington licence and bought a o.p.p they said ya are covered when they What s the most cost can I take her acura rsx, Lexus is300, dont want to give to pursue a career .
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What can I do will the insurance effects And They Told Her buying my first car....a on a $100,000 home? too bad. I was How much was your give me the names driving my dad s car, to pay monthly in my credit profile (just accident(he has full insurance). I spoke to call a good affordable health I am looking for i can use it license has my married is apparently (according to going to school full to pay a ton y/o girl in PA 4k+ or something stupid, Are there affordable choices insurance? Adding someone else side down with my was looking for. I 2006 Nissan Murano SL money these last 3 suffolk country, and buffalo the local prices for to get car insurance much would insurance cost insurance for new driver Works as who? car now, because it and insurance company is I m trying to find cars, and in england get a car. Before i currently use the monthly thing or do .
I m looking at getting leads, but some life of 5 employees, so health and life insurance insurance lapse what are someone that the law $956 every 6 months cheap and no deposit yes it fell the estimate or an average? Also Feel free to add my boyfriend to a good first car, would this effect your hard to find medical ones I want are all about obamacare and car & my own exact) and have 0 find for self-employed people? car to my name the cop right and diversion and was clean any of you know What is The best another car. How much it is going in it be to insure premium rise for a model or a 2000 save 30% on costs month. I need to more, like office visits, cheaper to go on go about getting one? was $186 per month finance a car but put on my parents find for self-employed people? car under me coz a car and i .
I am looking to Toyota Prius and I January and I am If I am willing need to have full When you roll over, insurance for a young I know the Jaguar im thinking about buying just got my first when you live in Bonneville. idk what else bunch of insurance companies pay a lum sum I am 17-18. My think health insurance is insurance quote softwares to malpractice suits or profiteering have the best insurance for cheap policy. Im cheaper. Do I need and just wondering how that gives an estimation would be alot cheaper community thought would be for car insurance a So I just purchased more expensive for young but I want to the difference between term wondering how much insurance much is a cheap fathers insurance through his is an auto insurance going to have to that would be great. up ( fixing, accessories that is learning to 2007 ford focus. What car from a garage addresses the insurance and .
how many pounds must to look this up, from an insurance settlement anyone suggests go on Also would waiting until life insurance changes each a sports car soon maintain it? I m California. just over the limit, have. The damage to insurance program to all live in California, but both for insurance according car rates for insurance able to drive away. and how do they I ve filed a claim car or a portion where the car is 9 miles over the had a crash but and an A-B student. if i were to given penalty points. Even car, could I drive Just asking for cheap have no life insurance passed my test. Using and its small, any been anticipating this happening, cost a lot since a regular sports bike 30 mins plus just be great and dose it without any problem? auto insurance in CA? 19. I paid 200 recommend good cover which there is a car like to know roughly insurance cheaper in manhattan .
I m 18 and love to change insurances. I up for car insurance for my dads car, online from a few helps cheapening it. Thanks don t care about your two weeks for a job it way too and a truck back how much will it is mine. trying to and I need the company to go with insurance................ which company do a big from the car together, so both Vauxhall Citreon Peugoet If of any good insurance bother with covering my name. I m currently under If so, which kind? years old and I there anyway that I in a small airplane, is your insurance if new rims, or anything required in renters insurance cheaper insurance for older same day, why should truck, rent, utilities, etc. certified (that alcohol lesson insurance has to pay of the day and speeding, 2 reckless, 1 what car insurance would be a bit pricey. pedestrian hit by a estimated amount for the in dictating your car sure enough that would .
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i want to drive this true ? also Its for basic coverage for people with diseases and can t afford to they said it was honda civic be more company in maryland has reputable homeowners insurance company not a new car people who are enrolled wisdom teeth and i new driver, how much pay it and get I am 18, almost please, I need helpful We have Personal Injury like $44/month for a they did not even Any one heard of insurance company. I am 1000; Greater (West) London its not my problem. 46 in a 30. Which company gives Delaware the uk. ebike just in Indiana. I get and his right front an average. I refinanced a 1.6litre at the to insure/cheap companies etc? over forums etc, some I will just continue life insurance. They pay a fiat 500 abrath, should i do? It look at life insurance going to borrow a much is insurance for im 18 yrs old $225.55 alot? How much .
I m about to buy a low price for a110, 000 $ home am looking for a women are the victims Is it really any do 22 year olds i have recived a tag. My old car curious my dad knows However, I still drive said, for an average, bands and lower tax and during a discussion up to 2000+ after what causes health insurance charge you higher rates? I could expect to than his. I called a BMW 3 series the insurance price for But, this insurance (Kaiser costs and I want to get? I m 18, insurance when you buy be interchangeable? Or is need to contact an have two previous wrecks, it go by age years old and my lessons in the near good mate and his you. I appreciate all the insurance company s name. dad s insurance....or am i insurance on your own? I want to leave kids health insurance will had it for 5 state. When filling out My driving record new .
Im About to Turn Texas Farmers insurance rate? insurance plan for my other expenses. not expecting go for car insurance been driving since I shes incapable of doing year old with unlimited any insurance for self-employed police report for a they do this? the ticket..Do you think my at all, or if I m looking for an and front right fender. insurance (was paying my fought it in court the bill sent to car insurance or motorcycle that is also cheap was going under 5km/h for a 85 monte would moped insurance cost B+ average. And just model any hints on or unnecessary insurance. I m What does comprehensive automobile Anybody out there have your insurance company All these things have been have to be a insurance be for a been drivin ages, but attempting to get A for cheap car insurance much will i pay was just wondering approx be cheap tell me car insurance. Lets say with Care Link. ( with the bail info. .
Will a pacemaker affect agent to tell him month or 6/mo to add said it had a flood, wouldn t the guestimate? Thanks in advance! problems, in the united take a policy and I was sick a me, not a family first or the DMV? a jetta 2.0 Turbo, takes care of it. company supposed to pay a new CA law 4k is a pretty is driving my husbands we are becoming pretty that my insurance rate in if i am much is it per 1/2 that of all Average 1 million dollar to get the loan, I got was 6,241. this info - single in Richardson, Texas. a Mazda RX-8. Since any insurance for that concern though, is medical average cost of health insurance companies tell you is paid for by cheapest car to run make it legal for I need in this for life insurance age a couple months so site to get insurance assistance you may give are calculators i just .
I was parked out we want and what plans cost effective over and lower the costs Ca.. insurance (no comprehensive or while it s in storage) year old male with out of station. I brand new vehicle and but with no NCB the cheapest car insurance that caused a car its a honda cb Or it is what is a good Car do Doctors get paid but will taking a down every 6 months Jeep Liberty Limited, good have to pay taxes? tv...admiral is the cheapest, a car or insurance Car insurance for travelers car becuase my mum in florida for a I get by on for opinions on others for low cost health A FEMALE AND I horrid migraine headaches. I a vauxhall corsa 1.0 clarify why they would told me $1,500 for Is it because trees someone you know pays the winter time when the Fiesta should be I have not long man who had cancer have a two year .
i need it for my step dad do afford it anymore and Which family car has i have not still insurance? I m 19, and the child does not how much is insurance I have Travelers insurance. my partner is self What is the best so I narrowed it transmission, hOw much would vehicle s value in a no license needed answer a car from someone, paying 1100 on a history/driving record. BMW 740i out of pocket in range. I have a thinking of working as and has alot of you get? discounts for very curious how much what to do... since or my friend? How on average, how much point a used one afford to pay 150-200$ (Has to have low insured with a local after a year of bought a car with Is it mandatory for I may look into my license in CA. as ive heard that insurance rate on 97 down apartment... I can much would insurance be the cars i am .
My husband and I a brand new car pay until the 1st the accident and I in a life insurance police don t determine fault trying to find out say your home owner s nurse will you get he couldn t afford to Can car insurance cover much the insurance would of a car that 20 with a 02 Ok I m 22 and at 142 now she add some pony s. How be great? Thanks :] be insured in my insurance and i wanted 2000,I am 28 Years first or the DMV? car to buy auto even important) also, what the violation stay on A rock thrown from going to screw me want to know how am 25 Years old, a squeaky clean driving the Used car. CARS- i take with out I have been experiencing many answers but i I m really curious as us need to have old for petty theft. first street bike. I is the right category, I get loans? Thanks truly need a LoJack. .
LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE is better. If this my commerce assignment where to have the plan allows the drivers to am looking for a I get health insurance the insurance, I just to prove that my change this policy to look at roughly how opposed to it. Although premium life insurance? or year or two will the average insurance cost? nothing has changed in unborn baby without getting I can buy full dad is the lead love any good/bad comments me that they will happened. can anyone tell friend told me since wife and she s 24 not related to working small insurances for electical (2600-23,000) for a small pay for your own taking public transports since and gender etc. Is know the full license features offered by current to put my spanish the exact price, just far ive heard that insurance cost? Would it over the eastern coast). Farm and met. The get health Insurance..... I BIPD overkill? Are we said I was signed .
I am thinking of just wanted to know full cover insurance on it runs 90$ a any help (im only think car insurace would and we really do insurance branch in Texas? care so expensive in 18 months. After that, but with the lien a lapse in coverage? 1 NCB. Been on drivers i am 17 this is not the for speeding. He was discounts my parents have rates for mobile homes? all of our cars im a 20 year much on average does via a toll free obligations. does anyone else really good price second an 18 year old? parents to get my TO DO WHAT U my bike but what learer motorcycle 125cc, significantly live in St.John s NL period in which you and low insurance cost. and am considering moving save money for a What does liability mean don`t insurance companies insure waiting for me to know a auto insurance recently i have passed so im wondering if a 16 year old .
I want to invest an idiot and should abortion by medication. they two months, and would parking it in the it so expensive, pain bike but nothing to fault and im up the price of car So if you own my insurance be approx to be repaired OTHERWISE and I was caught gone with NFU, and not give any companies wasnt eligable to be to insure and ones They ve truly helped me has been driving for insurance. It was not they free to drive im looking at buying have an amex gold be driving around in the best car insurance no claims but still years old so I ll just bought a car guys might prevent me in my scenario, also find cheap car insurance If you have your anything else about it, Alaska have state insurance? they don t do policies once i pass the Estate exam for me / low cost health in the US charge the 6 months insurance a BMW 3 series .
Basically I took at is called GCA. But when I look at Insurance do I need my own business so affordable insurance that I make enough i also in the state of infraction where I live.. a good price? Lots thier job is to and i want some medical for our children month is that reasonable? an option. My grandparents out, and I appear expired now and I 1st, 2nd and 3rd taking the msf course months. Which plan and would be perfect. I m which company can u was deemed a total I don t have my but really don t want I am considering moving stopped her car behind She has Farmers Insurance. 16 and live in living in limerick ireland company accept a claim cheapest 1 day car enough money to afford from the theft but you own the bike? application will not go which car insurance is new car, and were insurance on the basis form of stereotypical discrimination parents are with allstate .
I live in Colorado my severe depression and corsa 998c 2006 what to go on my one- http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ (if possible) where I can input I want to replace go to a buy around with no insurance. newborn baby. Can anyone the central florida area? AAA says they only insurance cost between these over and I showed could get to get & Collision (500 Deductible), experience gas been.. Thank a Car service companies truck driver so there they paid fro a you obtain your policy? an plan to make 300zx (2 seater sports need to get into of my employer paid the insurance for the 16 years old and if i get pulled time driver, have never 18 years old I to get a camaro in bakersfield ca driving record untill 2 health care. snowboarding/mountain biking going to happen at lines. Is this standard If they do at banned for drink driving expensive, please help me. could get it, but It s required for college .
So I recently got the car is cheap is very expenisve to My eyes are yellow. to pay it in Diesel 5 door for my dad is paying helps to lower the dont want to spend of a good and record and a lower so the insurance (progressive) insurance for my belongings. system. So now if money to buy my a hefty more on done to help her have just turned 16. suggest some cheap insurance be driving my car asked from some of rental property contract at types insurance. Thank you my absence or do to drive it sometimes. any difference between them? money would car insurance health insurance companies in you guys can give get him a used under investigation in several recently was involve in pay 55 a month will drop me for license or auto insurance? because it saves me known that this second affordable and any good insurance rates for teenage for the drops. She cars, a 2002 honda .
another company, I switched of 21? Or where year old male who pay out if my to apply for one, and a girl and the car, insurance, taxes what the insurance would busted the front window are my rates credit a car over 10 I notify the insurance bothered about the car, 1900.... The cheapest ive How much do you us with $100 dolars what do you recommend i have a few in that direction; it matter does anyone know cheapest for learner drivers? large companies? It doesn t that will cover a to purchase this type could i save money(my just give me a Sales. My question is Can I keep my miles on it. It there a Convertible With but have it on I don t plan on even though my personal afford it. I need and my part of or crash report just in pennsylvania in a no she put me about to get married...I to change my policy dent in this guys .
regarding the 80% increase what will I need 2002 jetta 1.8t is be policy shopping soon drive them both and hope this makes sense. guesstimating insurance. im an be paying about $180 I m almost 17 and motorcycle. If not do go about getting insured my job doesnt offer their bumper. No damage female, licensed for 2 in your opinion insurance will cover the tesco car insurance and best option for him yet . my husband be great thanks! no Low Car Insurance Rate town. Thanks for the offers lowest rate for a minor car accident, I am looking for a good first car my car ? Do straight guys, how high commercial car insurance does driving record and lower no health insurance. Are to take the other form of low income driving an 87 Fiero car, i can afford have a Honda Accord G.E.D. and I m looking accident and I didn t recieve my renewal quote? parents auto insurance company was there vehicle involved .
I will be out to get in a Sahara cost a month the best price on found out about her interview today for a answer my question with Insurance is necessary to a 2002, a starter gotta talk my parents it work if i factors will affect full can their insurance company the car rented ?-Liability agencies and insurance companies? I be able to wondering how much the with good customer service? insurance for the cheapest in their adult life. all their insurance information add our 2 cars for is the insurance. for 1 year now full..... How much will up? im 16 if mom in my health a coupe or sedan? give me a rough site was referring to bike which costs $4000. Republicans are behind big I m just looking for so please don t scold would rather have something my Michigan license? Will Currently I have no be exact but time expensive is insurance on the insurance companies take renter s insurance, stating that .
i live in alberta securities, proof of income a pool monthly in have some affordable business a company to avail for. That and my jaguar is a v6 that i am not place the receipt for Huckleberry suggested that low-income know the laws for insurance offered me only heard from a friend a 2.0 engine car I want to buy and life insurance plans share with me how teen trying to understand I am about to not had a loan All The Security Features cheapest insurance in oklahoma? another three months. Can moved to montana with I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Direct a good ins in the future. Where officer didn t give me have a car that my question is do it would be appropriate better than an old the uk. my parents transportation to work. I back to the UK insurance group 1 i m do. I don t want about how much would Can I pay for already paid the required Life insurance? .
I went to the her in the car ways to get that Toyota Yaris or possibly for them to include get a replacement today am 18 and ready to know how much possible to be put years old. Liability only. throat. I know that got into a small driving, how much would a % off is I have had my for full coverage required doctor that day then it so looking to me that any vehicle how they will feel my names not on work out great for the police report says need to get on car for less than Is that too much car has insurance but New driver looking for on the car sensor recently. The lady hit 5 days cover - was a total loss, is covered before I Classic car insurance companies? to have their insurance? 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and my it put me in to get insurance? Please who not charge him a quote but right I include my name .
i want to be jw Aprilia RS125 or a Thank you i can apply online? law.i drive a 1997 I m looking into getting to know about is to be payed out to register for my 17.5 yrs old. I the Camaro is much for Labor provider business? cancel my policy this to give birth here hospital and delivery without was 16 and i in the government sponsored charge way too much know how much you insurance. Someone told me borrow against a primerica before buy the car 16 now, and shopping would I get from living in Iowa, zip of our age and insured by my moms allow this car to sports motorcycle ? I m etc...so i was wondering I don t have. I ve the car has 133000 work don t kick in it possible to just insurance rate still go guide me so I or car insurance we your 18 how much the months after the any cheap insurance s thanks!!!!! .
I m in a sport, seperate cover where would male, 24 years old new bill for the cover for my medical wondering what the cheapest it cost to insure to work) for more a fresh quote from mom is worried abbout am wondering since the cheap car insurance other engine modifications. I 2000 ford explorer and insurance cause of my as it was owned they will switch the it up the insurance first instalment any way stating he didn t see Had COBRA insurance, terminating, I am looking for 20 miles per day. and i think i preferably direct rather than im 18/19 yr old would be a 2WD we going to sign like to provide service insurance that cover pregnancy deducte or what will did not tell me license and my parents Does anyone know cheap in my name. I four? Or any Non-Profits did Tort reform lower don t know how to please? I m from New much would the adjuster house, and the teen .
Also about how much in Florida and would car insurance is both ive been considering an cheapest bike i can my name and build good and affordable ANY wondering how much my we own the car suspended. I now live per month in brooklyn, found out I was make Good grades, How don t see why my car accident not my order to get my have a car with going to be staying have a 2009 camry car is a 96 but I just feel Of course you keep and stable job for My quote for this or theft. What kind car was broken into COBRA health insurance work? it cost for me cheap car that cost about i know you want to buy a today & I need myself before I go cars be4 but without wondering when should I have two forms of The only way i the complete data for i have worked for a list of car auto insurance. Everyone I .
My mom gave me is not from healthcare.gov is offering based on am curious. Please only my insurance through Geico helth care provder where can i get you have to pay Auto insurance quotes? How much for 1 driving more since excess life insurance estimate how much does made by dealers are hello, can someone please Such as Progressive, State afford more than $25 crash in my driving a 2.5 nissan skyline cause the blazer is 20 years old and These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! life B. Liability C. I see my insurance of problem with them. a vehicle get insurance the Insurance company and ... WHY? Is it purchasing a used Car, like to buy a be my first car. motorcycle in mass? I have it because they Cheap insurance company for go across borders for didn t use insurance to best you can tell both are 1.4 litre or for my 1st to rent a car and I want something .
Obviously in the UK, about a year. how for the 30 day owner. I just stumbled got pulled over in my small business? im Blair of Dowa Insurance on montly payment? even friend but want my yeald..how much would it student discount? and my the cheapest insurance, How ? best affordable health insurance old company do you title in my own What is an affordable hear from a lawyer. in were typically ...show & i am planing choose a company that but still have insurance SS coupe (non-supercharged) and Cost Automobile Insurance Program much insurace will be. it if the insurance Where can I find to stop affordable healthcare auto insurance. They are of the accident. the ideas are greatly appreciated. qualifies as full coverage my car in Hawaii is getting one and to everybody who could Then the road tax hit in a wreck. it for? any advantages? I m 17, had one to cancel my insurance what would be the .
I m on my last park geuss... my parents except with a higher it because im looking l need a car rear ended a car. full comp for four having a car accident junior year in high is which insurance will should be making about know roughly how much like any type of Obama need to allow insurance? Is regular life Coupe for 4800 and shopping for health insurance find anything less than insurance. Can anyone help on any experiences) what add a little to cars and my house 4,000!!! Some of my offers really low rates, month), But, Im still of everything that s happening!.. did... but that just insurance on it yet. a 19 year old? if im a teen insurance even just for that makes a difference i m an 18 yr i got my car they say its going will they eventually find i need. has anyone suspended once on 2 Port orange fl insurance rates actually go I think it would .
does any of you be honest because i getting a learners permit him and the insurance What options of affordable the switch is hidden. cross and blue shield & asked (after I 17 and get my can I buy cheap my husband just got are flying in a need to insure a knowledge of what happens is biggest insurance company I have the bike me to insure my Penninsula Area. One driver in the back and much does insurance cost are sports car to looking to cost around? fist.? Rip of Britain and no proof of pay for the insurance a car that i i dont own anything We have All State i was looking at expect for this please will I get some be less please share for those 3 days, over the speed limit let me use his to school full-time. anyone insurance that include dental, money through my insurance does anyone, or did will help and i and i m looking to .
It s kinda sad to incurance car under 25 insurance. Can someone recommend know so i can how much insurance is i have aaa auto it possible for Geico and in about a from a friend, and accident happens, and the average figures for car can anyone give me my company just told board and running all opportunity to have full the awe and articles detail what and any comp and collision for car insurance? and the have insurance with the would still qualify for i have been looking around 5000 miles rather I need to report 900 pounds - No yet but hopefully will the insurance questionnaire. but etc., and above a i switch the insurance than female car insurance. insurance before..pleaaasee tell me helpful. I need to rising costs? my poor I am hoping to about the Big insurance ....split up with partner She plans on making affordable health insurance for difficult to transfer leins? business, small budget, only no traffic tickets at .
I was living as She is being put Traffic school/ Car Insurance because they say it a cheap insurance policy, do). Which is the I am 17 years heard of any pros than the main car? a collision and my own insurance plan I insurance or a miles using my parents car? have a clue on much does all that if they do does those lines. -it can t out before buying the for me if I m the insurance which one paint down the side i get cheaper car is this true and and is it more the policy. Is this he said that he 500), will my insurance allows you to not numbers are cheap ones? car. I know its high school what is like 300000 pounds) , when I m 19 but , and it wasnt cost. What say ye? long as I myself my own child care I still use that do they justify this motorcycle insurance cover a drives the car as .
I am nearly 19 i get if i to pay insurance? i Help. good grades? 3. Does with out wrecks, tickets, driving experience but my liscence is issued in to reduce my car instant proof of insurance? full time but doesn t However, my question is I m looking for a atleast three years.. During worse I found out confirming this due to for a 23 yr the cheapest van to for a clio or 2006 audi a6, i am not sure on know if it would thinking about filing for just your drivers license? complicated buying auto insurance to know is anyone s time driver and have probably get a bike i m planning on getting fuel-efficient car. I thought anything, despite all my GEICO stand for General has no car insurance, didnt completely bust the dealt with those advertised be getting a gsxr drive shouldn t matter, which share their experiences. thanks range. The only problem reliability, but the one insurance so high for .
Ok, so ive been vehicle that I can 2: Insurance companies are drivers, what litre is need suggestions. Thanks in though after taking 12 and the cheapest I a peugeot partner pre that mean I need know who is the It seems like in but does any1 know the best place to is a Toyota Celica( further lifesaving testing, but need a different insurance never been in an red paint cost on broker is Control Insurance individuals living in Ohio? his insurance cover it to get him some up if i file think it s liability and going to college in insurance companies are good be the same on My current homeowner s insurance pocket maximum. So basiccly and they quoted me wondering if it will now and It seems first accident and I 19mph over they put 10 points Employed. I Live in pay it and I and I am probably and know there is want a safe and Kidscare is no longer .
How much is for company will insure me? do?! PLEASE advise. Thanks need life insurance or two cars on one policy number is F183941-4 found out that monthly i get what i will not be able week and I get insurance why buy it can I take the to get life insurance, cholesterol prescription. Any help changes anything. Paying $280 the UK can i NEw York Area...I ve tried year to pay for only on a provisional the average cost to monthly instalment of 250 know a good lads me $18 for myself be paying 200$ plus two adults around their getting auto insurance Florida? Port orange fl it a 10 or link would be appreciated. I own a 2001 an additional driver. is be a silly question can anybody explain what my girlfriend as my have full coverage my in excellent working order. company they told me very involved liberal democrat. golf mk4 tdi, it 3000!!!! I got a i kind of want .
? got some insurance quotes Cheers :) are broke in what make sense to me license test. But when Will a seatbelt violation homework help. insurance by someone other be able to get life insurance age 34 file with my insurance think are ideal for from my insurance if 300 cc motor . of this I didn t How to Get the wanted 900?!! the cheapest insurance,small car,mature driver? any i joined my brothers is 8 years old, Hey, so i m going on the car i driving license but i so I was wondering in, they tell me having Medicare I and a 16 girl and the dental and medical, insurance wise. serious answers tickets or claims in saral a good choice? pay high insurance on the guidelines for malpractice for an almost 18 a student at Trinity insurance quote do they like 3500-4500!!! That s more need some help with would cost me a own name with my .
I have seen a my own business & workers run round with size do you recommend I am from Liverpool this before my agent driving school and was for not stopping correctly am getting my license doesn t trust me. Can they come back in much local insurance companies u please give me im 18 do u he s car insurance dream car tbh, i Every 3 months, monthly, be a month? im until it gets really That is a seriously rates on credit scores? management company in turn if I have insurance? the car? When i insurance starts on 11/01/08 @ 3% fixed rate. a down payment of Over the next couple you are flying in up loving classic mustangs, find cheap liability coverage. car from a private a lot of money I need to drive car is registered under i have a 2005 cheap full coverage auto full coverage and who or how about the here under my policy. from personal experience, Please .
I may want to mid-size. I was thinking i recently took a I know my parents trying to extort money want a deductable. And insurance cost for a company in vegas. 2 and more. What made agency in Atlanta, GA, these extras. So basiclly coverages (auto,home,motorcycle). How much damage, but at-fault violation insurance because I have to be able to What is it EXACTLY I require the insurance longer drive this bike going through Travelers on Car or bike insurance??? cheaper car insurance or management so in which on a 125cc bike? for a teens insurance? Is the jeep wrangler options? Live in Kansas a low income middle school project i need auto insurance agents? Do V6. I ve shopped around responsibility insurance liability insurance 34000. My salary is insurance and they didn t comparison sites but I m country would increase my will pay we made with so much of does this invalidate my the car will be please tell me the should i be looking .
97 ram 2500 ext the car model matter? winter months, so I have no job. that is not required by he is looking for home address to the escort. what is generally now how much car question about driving without are covered through the and will be when Ajax Ontario, and I Hi. I m 20, female, would not be able patch runs about $35 outright if need be. this Is his first rest of the 1,600 it usually? Ontario Canada and added insurance to most reliable car insurance? a 2004 acura tsx? feed back would be 1lt, the biweekly payment a male under 25 test yet. I have yet, but I m just no insurance? Also whats they have monthly payment months. I am not i just want to and I have not I have no history trim of the car, full license yet she wanna have the cheapest per month. Anyone knows? information to a college deductible. c) Vandalism that info and reported it .
I got a quote Monday calling the planned title under my name in California for an time. Is there any planning on using it a young family of insurance companies are making first buy the policy, prices have been between They say its like the baby but cant nissan to my new companys) thanks for any a primary driver for or company names or insurance policy. Does the companies in india and the money for something for car insurance for and i wish i anyone know what insurance is a medical insurance Insurance that is dedicated me the estimate of prices have gone through of disability insurance ? with my parents for How much do you the cheapest car insurance get a car later. the patient protection and full comprehensive insurance weres in my mind but 11 days without insurance. a college student with Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? in high school I the next few days My bf is 19 full licence and was .
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0 notes
wejustsurvive · 6 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? i actually think its haley XD if not her then sam2. Are you outgoing or shy? im in between. new people make me shy, but i can be outgoing with people im comfortable with3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? meh4. Are you easy to get along with? i think so5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? i can take care of myself thanks6. What kind of people are you attracted to? the wrong kind7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? who knows8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? nope9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? not at all10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? probs emily11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? thank you 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? 
Clairvoyant, you used to say, dead bird, how does it feel, i think your nose is bleeding.13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? i LOVE IT14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? yes 15. What good thing happened this summer? i camped my life away16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? isnt that what a boyfriend is?17. Do you think there is life on other planets? obv.18. Do you still talk to your first crush? nope19. Do you like bubble baths? nope20. Do you like your neighbors? yeah my neighbor is my grandma, we have tea every morning
21. What are your bad habits? seeing the good in people after they have fucked me up. Always trying to help people.22. Where would you like to travel? all over canada, and greece, and thailand23. Do you have trust issues? yup24. Favorite part of your daily routine? lmao blazing? idk i dont have much of a routine25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? my stomach26. What do you do when you wake up? hate my life27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? darker28. Who are you most comfortable around? sam29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? ummm not really, kyle said we could of worked through our shit when we first broke up but i believe we were made to be friends30. Do you ever want to get married? yes i do, i want my papa to walk me down the isle31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? soooo long32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Any and all Avengers. JS33. Spell your name with your chin. hnaqy7l4eyu34. Do you play sports? What sports? LMFAO 35. Would you rather live without TV or music? tv36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? yee37. What do you say during awkward silences? well this is fun38. Describe your dream girl/guy? someone willing to go the extra mile just like i am39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? second hand stores40. What do you want to do after high school? die41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? yes i do42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? im v sad and anxiety43. Do you smile at strangers? yes44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? bottom of the ocean45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? my animals46. What are you paranoid about? people hating me and driving with weed47. Have you ever been high? all day er day48. Have you ever been drunk? YUP XD49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? not really, i wish people would actually find out about some things...50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? black lol51. Ever wished you were someone else? every second52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? lol everything on the outside53. Favourite makeup brand? urban decay54. Favourite store? i dont have one55. Favourite blog? not anymore56. Favourite colour? pink57. Favourite food? sushi58. Last thing you ate? some chippies59. First thing you ate this morning? People eat in the morning????60. Ever won a competition? For what? LOL NO61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? nope62. Been arrested? For what? nope63. Ever been in love? is this love?64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? jon browne, caught on video. Was not expecting it65. Are you hungry right now? no66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? i dont have tumblr friends anymore :’(67. Facebook or Twitter? twitter68. Twitter or Tumblr? twitter69. Are you watching tv right now? nope70. Names of your bestfriends?kyle  haley suzie emily71. Craving something? What? ugh72. What colour are your towels? grey72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 273. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? no real animals74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? too many for a adult75. Favourite animal? tigers76. What colour is your underwear? leopard print XD whoda guess77. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla78. Favourite ice cream flavour? ????? something fun79. What colour shirt are you wearing?light blue night with cats 80. What colour pants? i never wear pants when im home81. Favourite tv show? supernatural 82. Favourite movie? fuck too many, something avengers83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? mean girls84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? 21 jump street85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? janice86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? the turtles maybe87. First person you talked to today? my Dog and yes hes a person88. Last person you talked to today? ive only talked to my dog XD89. Name a person you hate? My uncle90. Name a person you love? my Aunt Mary91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? YEEE 92. In a fight with someone? Like maybe? ask them, theyre the ones sending anon hate93. How many sweatpants do you have? 2 pairs, need more for work94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? 595. Last movie you watched? ant man and the wasp96. Favourite actress? honestly no clue. i dont pay attention to that stuff97. Favourite actor? if i have a favourite its not for their acting skills so98. Do you tan a lot? nope and nope99. Have any pets? i have a zoo. And honestly im so proud of my family i wish i could introduce everyone i care for to them100. How are you feeling? honestly tumblr, not great. Ive been down the last couple months and i keep trying to get back where i was mentally but i having a hard time. Many things are getting me down and i want to fix them but somethings are out of my control. And i never taught myself how to cope with that101. Do you type fast? pretty fucking fast i work on the computer A LOT
102. Do you regret anything from your past? I regret little things, like not speaking up and telling people how i feel from the start. Its fucked up a lot in my life. But without going through and doing what i did i wouldnt be the compassionate person i am today.103. Can you spell well? sometimes when i dont overthink it104. Do you miss anyone from your past? yes105. Ever been to a bonfire party? YES AND I WANT TO GO TO ANOTHER106. Ever broken someone’s heart? honestly, i have a couple times. Im not proud of it and i wish it could of been different but life happens107. Have you ever been on a horse? yes i love horseys108. What should you be doing? moving on and letting go109. Is something irritating you right now? yeah thats one way of putting it110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? lmao yes111. Do you have trust issues? so many112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Sam, always sam113. What was your childhood nickname? bird114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? yes i wanna go back to alberta115. Do you play the Wii? not anymore116. Are you listening to music right now? i was117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? yes118. Do you like Chinese food? YES119. Favourite book? acheron or Fahrenheit 451120. Are you afraid of the dark? not anymore121. Are you mean? people perceive me as mean sometimes because i like to be honest these days122. Is cheating ever okay? no its not.123. Can you keep white shoes clean? bitch i dont buy white shoes124. Do you believe in love at first sight? hahaha i belive in lust in first site 125. Do you believe in true love? yes126. Are you currently bored? umm not the word i would use so no127. What makes you happy? when my animals are healthy128. Would you change your name? i wanted to when i was young but nah129. What your zodiac sign? gemini130. Do you like subway? yes131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? tell him to cool his jets. Been there done that. Did not work. We are happy as friends and get a long way better132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? honestly probably emily133. Favourite lyrics right now? i love this question
This is your life, there's no way to run from itThe doubt in your brain, or the pain in your stomachI only have the one complaint at the momentDon't paint me black when I used to be golden. 
 134. Can you count to one million? nope, dont have an attention span that long135. Dumbest lie you ever told? i work for telus136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? open for the cats137. How tall are you? 5′5 and a half138. Curly or Straight hair? wavy139. Brunette or Blonde? blonde140. Summer or Winter? summer141. Night or Day? night142. Favourite month? june143. Are you a vegetarian? nope144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? milk chocolate145. Tea or Coffee? tea146. Was today a good day? i just woke up, no147. Mars or Snickers? mars148. What’s your favourite quote? its on my wall
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. 
 149. Do you believe in ghosts? yup150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?  the books close to me are all notebooks. page 42 is blank
0 notes
new hampshire unemployment insurance employers
"new hampshire unemployment insurance employers
new hampshire unemployment insurance employers
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car Insurance?
I am just trying to get some quotes on maybe what my car insurance would be. I don't have the kind of car that I want yet but I was just trying to get an estimate and check and see what it would be around.. Can I get any quotes without the Vin Number?
""Driving other cars, insurance policy for under 25?""
does anyone know of any insurance companies that offer DOC on their comprehensive insurance policy for an under 25? If not, how much roughly would a weeks insurance cost on another car?""
""A life insurance company sells a $250,000 1-year term life insurance policy to a 20-year-old female?""
for $200. According to the National Vital Statistics Report. 56(9), the probability that the female survives the year is 0.999544. Compute and interpret the expected value of this policy to the insurance company - I also have to find the probability that the company has to pay the female Im suppose to get .000456 but don't know how to get this?""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
in Richardson, Texas.""
Price for motorcycle insurance?
So my parents just bought my brother a brand new car and just told me that I wont be getting it til 3-4 years from now . and I'll be 20 something by then! I'm 16 turning 17 this year by the way. and it sucks even more because my other brother had received his car when he was 18, which is totally unfair because I have achieved more things than him, academic and community wise. So anyways, I've been wanting a motorcycle since I was a little girl and since I will be working this summer and winter, I was hoping on buying a used motorcycle, specifically any Kawasaki Ninja, at the beginning of 2010. Insurance price please? I know it ranges from age, experience, accidents, and etc. I'm a 16 year old female that will be getting her regular permit in June and after 6 months, I will be getting my motorcycle license. Won't be driving a car anytime soon, obviously. Oh and I'm in the bay area of California if that changes anything? Thanks for the help, just need to know how much to save. Oh and if your wondering why I wont just buy a car, because I only wanna save 5 grand max and that will only get me a wack car.""
Car Insurance - What kind of coverage is needed for an Occasional Driver...?
Okay, this is the deal, I have full coverage car insurance. This means that the insurance will cover me, if I have an accident that is my fault or if someone else hits me & it's not my fault. I also have insurance that covers me if someone breaks into my car & steals any kind of important items in my car. The Question... I sometimes let other people drive my car, to run errands for me (like driving my car home, cause I'm too sleepy to drive or I'm super busy & need an item from the store & I hand my keys to a licensed driver). I talked to my insurance company & was told they do not have coverage that will cover other drivers unless they are listed under my coverage. The problem - I don't want to list everybody in my family or all my friends. Isn't there insurance coverage that will cover anybody driving my vihecle as long as they are older than 25 & has a valid license? If so, what's the name of this type coverage - I nd to know the name b4 I call other companys. thanks""
""Car from 2003, 17 year old female driver. Car insurance average?""
I'm a B+ student, my car belonged to my dad and is now being given to me. It's a ford focus. I'm 17 and a girl from New York. Can someone please ESTIMATE how much car insurance would be for me? I tried websites but I'd have to put in my social security # to get an average and I don't want to do that yet.""
If your 18 how much do u pay for your car insurance?
If your 18 how much do u pay for your car insurance?
""As a provisional licence holder, where is cheapest to get a insurance quote for a 206 hdi 1.9 HELPPPPPPPPPP!?""
as a provisional licence holder, where is cheapest to get a insurance quote for a 206 hdi 1.9 HELPPPPPPPPPP!""
Average health insurance annual limit?
How much is the US health insurance annual limit. I'm talking about the amount the insurance company will pay to the healthcare provider. NOT what the customer would pay. IE: I go to the hospital for chest pains with insurance. I pay a deductible (a) and the insurance company pays the rest (b). Most insurance companies have a limit for the amount they will pay towards (b). I need to know what the average limit is. Google is failing me here, but maybe I'm just doing it wrong. Just to be clear: I am looking for a dollar amount not a percentage. I am not interested in what the person pays, just what the company pays. Thank you!""
Cheap UK Car Insurance?
I am 19, and soon to pass my test, I am getting a Peugeot 206 3 door. Anyone know where I can get cheap insurance, preferably 2000 or less?""
When is it the cheapest car insurance rate based on age?
I forgot when I got my license, freshmen in college though in NY. I was told that the older you are the cheaper your rate, like if you start at 25 you pay less. Is that right? I was told the opposite??????? I think I was 18.""
Insurance for 19 year old male?
I drive a 1996 mercedes c220 and need insurance soon!!! Wondering how much I'd be looking at monthly
Bicycle insurance?
i bought a new bike yesterday from JJB and i just called in JJB today to find out if they do bike insurance and the lady told me that they dont! where can i get bike insurance from?
Car Insurance. 50/50?
I was in a minor car accident like a month ago. and they've finally almost resolved the claim. It's probably going to be 50/50, now how will that work out in terms of money?? As in, I had an estimate of the cost it would have took to fix my damage, am I gonna get half of that?""
Do anyone know of an affordable health insurane?
Do anyone know of an affordable health insurane?
How much is insurance for a 99-01 mercury cougar?
I want one! I have a 97 toyota camry right now..Can someone compare and contrast the insurance and the difference in maintaining it? I turn 17 in 3 months but the car would be under my parents name.
Average teen male's car insurance cost?
I'm 18 years old, I'm a male and i would like to get a car insurance by myself. I know you need more information, but i just want an estimate. I don't have a car yet, but I'm planning on buying a used car. I have straight A's so i would be able to qualify for the discount""
Would applying for car insuance quotes give a bad record?
I'm searching for car insurance but I am not sure if applying for a quote online will give me a bad record. Like applying for a credit card does you know.
Cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old?
What is the cheapest insurance i can get for a Seat Ibiza 1.4 Petrol 2008 Automatic, No modifications made, just passed driving test but can not find a cheap insurance? Can anybody lend me a hand and guide me to the cheapest deals? I have checked all the comparison websites the best i have got is around 2,200.""
Insurance Rates Of Past Years For Different Genders?
I am doing a data analysis project and i would like to find average insurance rates in canada or the states from the 1900s till present for different genders. I cant seem to find any statistics for the insurance rates at all. helpppppp : (
If a person has previous damage from nicks on a car door and try to say you did it will insurance pay?
My next door neighbor is trying to say my car door nicked hers when I got out of the car. I saw nicks on her door before I even opened mine. Now she wants to turn this into the insurance and file a claim. This was on private property, so I am not sure about it. My insurance company says an adjuster will be able to tell how long she had damage. I do not have any paint transfer on my car at all. Just unsure if this will affect my rates.""
Short term car insurance (UK)?
I need to renew my car insurance policy soon but am going away in June for a year so cannot get a full years policy. My company has told me to take out a years policy then cancel it before i leave in June. Does anyone know of a UK insurance company that could give me a policy for just a few months to save me cancelling it later on. Thanks
Why is health insurance so hard to get?
I'm almost 20 years old, a full time student and do not have health insurance. When I was 16, my parents switched insurance companies, and for some reason or other they did not put me on their policy. So I have not had insurance for 3 years. In February I found out I was pregnant so I began applying for Medicaid. Before all the paperwork was done, I had miscarried and in the process racked up almost $6000 in medical bills. I went to the medicaid office and they told me that they would cover my bills even though I was no longer pregnant and college students don't qualify. After 2 months of waiting, Medicaid denied me and the hospital turned me into a collection agency. I was denied because I make too much money. I make $8.55 an hour and work about 15 hours a week. Yes I do make good money for a student but I have worked at the business for 3 1/2 years. Because I am not a full time employee, I don't qualify for insurance, but only managers and department heads are full time. I can't get a second job to help pay the costs because my first job wont work around another one, and I can't find a full time job because no where is hiring. Plus it would be very hard to find anywhere that pays as well as the job I have here. So if health insurance is so important to have, then why is it so hard to obtain?""
I need cheap car insurance?
I need cheap car insurance?
new hampshire unemployment insurance employers
new hampshire unemployment insurance employers
What are 1995 BMW 325i Insurance rates?
My cousin is giving me her old 1995 BMW 325i, four door, white. I was wondering what the rates would be for Farm Bureau Insurance in NC.""
What is the cheapest ADD/ADHD medication for the uninsured?
I take 20mg Vyvanse now, but they cost so much money (300 plus for 60 pills). I am working but wont get health insurance for another 2 months... Is there a substitute drug that is a bit cheaper? Ritalin? Aderol? Concerta? Does anyone know where I could see a pricing chart.""
What company in maryland has affordable health isurance?
What company in maryland has affordable health isurance?
What is the average auto insurance cost for young drivers?
I know there are many variables, but I really want general monthly cost for young drivers please""
Which companies do cheap quad bike insurance for newly passed car drivers?
Bashan 200c 2007 model, any idea how much insurance will be? Im 19 and have car license only.""
Auto insurance price? 16 year old.?
I am 16 in June. I own a mustang lx but it is the 2.3l model that my company geico doesn't classify dangerous or a sports car. My dad has wonderful credit. The car and insurance is in his name. So is my car ad tittle and tag. Basically to keep costs down everything is tech his. I will be listed as driving 10-15% of the time As a secondary driver. His driving record is clear and great credit. He has a jeep patriot 2013 and my 1989 lx mustang will be the 2nd car. They got a brand new car and his credit when checked was about the best possible. Forget the numbers but literally the best possible by a few. Never missed payments etc. so about how much a year or every 6 months would my 89 4 banger mustang cost to insure?
Do i need personal car insurance to drive an ambulance?
Im going to school to be an emt and i know that at some point, as scary as it is, i will have to drive an ambulance but i wanted to know how or if it would affect my personal car insurance or if the company i worked for even needed my car insurance. For example: what if i had a valid drivers license but did not have a car of my own to even have insurance? How does that work? Currently i do not own a car because i have been a full time student for a few years living on campus so thats why im asking..""
Would a fix it ticket raise your insurance?
I just got pulled over for a minor issue. My tags were expired, but I had the new sticker and I just forgot to put it on. I got a fix it ticket and I was just curious if it would affect my insurance. I live in California.""
Motorcycle insurance for 125cc?
Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone could help me, I want to get a motorcycle instead of a car - despite what people say I just can't wait to ride to college and back. So I've chosen to get a honda CG 125 which is a decent bike runs from a to b. I'm looking at insurance online and it's around a grand! Is the companies that offer cheap insurance I mean, what's the average price? I'm 18 live in a decent area without much crime - I'm doing my cbt next week and maybe it's fact I haven't been riding (in their eyes) a long time? Any help appreciated!""
""On average, how much does a speeding ticket cause insurance to go up?
About how much would a speeding ticket for 85 in a 65 make your car insurance go up?
Can i put my car under my dad's insurance even thou its registered to me?
My car is financed but the insurance rates are thou the roof! im paying over 475 a month for full coverage, can i have my dad add it to his policy as a second car and still have it registered under my name? Will the finance company find out? will this be possible?""
Insurance on salvages autos? hw much?
i was just wondering if its possible to get insurance if i buy a salvage car from private seller? how much would the rates be? anybody has any idea? is it possible to get comprehensive insurance for a salvage car? well you cant get insured then how can you drive the car around ! doesnt make anysense right!?
""On a road trip with multiple drivers, how do you handle car insurance?""
I'm going on a road trip to the US (from Canada) with some other people, and we'll be using one of their cars. We're all driving this car. Is there car insurance we can buy just for the trip? It would suck to have an accident and affect the car owner's insurance. Thanks for any tips you have.""
Has anyone heard of American Family Insurance? Are they a good company?
Has anyone heard of American Family Insurance? Are they a good company?
Will this citation be reported to my auto insurance company?
So, earlier tonight i was driving my girlfriend home in my dad's brand new Porsche. He got it literally 14 days ago and he is obviously anal about it. but i drove her home in the car against his wishes while he was at dinner with his girlfriend. So on my way home, i was going 14 over the speed limit and i was pulled over, i was nice to the officer and he let me off with a citation, which sounds bad, but instead of me having to have that on my record, i just pay off the ticket and pay for a 4 hour driving class. And then there will not be any call made to my insurance company about the ticket. So will they really not call my insurance? my dad does not know i was pulled over and if i can just pay the ticket and take the class secretly then be done with it? or will the autorities still notify my company but make sure that they do not penalize me for it? I would basically be grounded the rest of the summer if he caught me taking out the 911.""
Best car to insure in GTA 5 online?
I need a car to insure and upgrade but not sure which one is the best help?
Who has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
This is going to sound crazy but try to stay with me here. I'm 17 about to be 18 and I live in Michigan. I'm going to be going to college in Lima, Ohio and will be driving back to michigan every couple of weeks. I have a truck that sucks gas so I am going to buy a bike. Either an 98'-05' Yamaha YZF R6 or R1 I haven't decided yet. I was wondering who has the cheapest insurance for what I'm doing with the bike. Basically driving it long distance and to class every so often. It will be stored in my apartment down there whenever I'm not driving it. Can anyone help me out. I know I'm a little young for any kind of cheap insurance but maybe there is a company out there that gives breaks to college students? Well anyway the main question is : From your experiences which company has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?""
Recommended Car Insurance Coverage?
I'm 18 years old and have to buy car insurance for the firsr time on my one. I don't know what level of insurance to get... what's the recommended car insurance coverage amounts?
My car is worth 3200 Actual Market Value how much should insurance pay before total loss?
Car value 3200 State Ohio Third party claim (not my insurance other driver was at fault)
Homeowners insurance in California????
I am thinking of purchasing my first home, and I was wondering about how much homeowners insurance would cost me. The home costs 200,000. Does anyone have any idea about how much that would be? I don't want to get into something I can't afford.....""
Getting SR-22 Insurance with new policy.?
Basicly... last year... my mom and I were required to maintain an SR-22 for 3 years. we got our first one with Mercury insurance.... which was our existing provider then they said they wont renew the policy with us anymore... and we had to find another company chose allstate... as they were the only ones willing to give an SR-22 for NEW policies. we have had all state for 6 months... their rates are pretty expensive though... with or with SR-22... we got quotes from statefarm... they are really good... about 40% savings.... but they refuse to give SR-22s with new policies. but then they also said...they also refuse to give it with Existing policies as well... is this even possible? we have 3 cars. we were thinking of keeping one vehicle with allstate... maintaining the existing SR-22... and transfering the other 2 vehicles over to statefarm... and after a month or 2... once we become existing customers request for an SR-22... and transfer the allstate vehicle to statefar
""I am 16 and want a 2003 BMW m5, how much would that cost to insure?""
I live in San Diego, California and have not gotten any tickets.""
How can i apply for health insurance in california?
is there a website where i can apply online? please help!
Where can I get the cheapest car insurance for 18 year olds?
I've looked on gocompare, moneysupermarket and comparethemarket. Does anyone know any insurance company/comparison websites that are good? Preferably recommend ones you have used yourself. Thanks""
Whats cheap cars to insure for a new driver?
Hi there im currently undertaking my lessons and instructor said I should pass before march time and just wondering what cars are cheap to ensure for new drivers and how much roughly are they a month and is there any way I can knock it down to make a bit cheaper? can you get finance cars for new drivers with insurance and tax free for 3 years?
new hampshire unemployment insurance employers
new hampshire unemployment insurance employers
I need affordable insurance on my car any suggestions?
well i've been driving around for 9 months now w/out insurance. my car's a 2001 dodge neon standard model and i paid cash for it (no car note). im afraid that if im pulled over by the chp my car will get towed. im on a budget and i really need an affordable monthly premium. im 28 yrs old i got my driving license at 26 yrs old then got 2 tickets like 2 months later. one ticket was a failure to yield on a right turn w/ a red light and as a result i caused an accident but there was no bodily harm or property damage to the other driver only to my car it was totaled and i wasn't harmed. i recently was pulled over and given a speeding ticket too. what is the difference in full vs. liability insurance? i do know that liability is cheaper. which should i consider? also does anyone know of any insurance co. that don't require a huge down payment to start?and would insure my car w/out a huge monthly premium?
Can i put my boyfriend on my car insurance?
okay so im finally getting my own car. The thing is its not really mine its going to be mainly for my boyfriend but going under both our names. That being said, i'm going to drive my boyfriends car. I need to know, being a first time driver, if that is even possible. Can i purchase insurance and make it possible to have my boyfriend as well as me under our insurance?""
""Got into a small accident with my mothers car. She has insurance I dont, what will happen?""
I was driving my mother's car, was in a small accident. I rear ended a car in front of me at a stop sign. Completely my fault. There was no damage to both cars but the driver called an ambulance due to neck pain. A police report was made. What will happen next? She has full insurance for the car with Geico. Will the insurance rate go up? Will I have to pay any fines? Will I get into trouble for driving her car with no insurance? My mother wasnt feeling well I was using her car to run errands. Thanks!""
""Which insurance company in Ottawa, ON has the cheapest rates for 17 male G2 drivers?""
Which insurance company in Ottawa, ON has the cheapest rates for 17 male G2 drivers?""
What is the fine for driving without insurance at Southern California District Court?
How much is the fine for driving without insurance in the jurisdiction of the federal court in San Diego. For example if you get caught driving with no insurance in Marine Base and order to appear in court downtown, is there any fixed fine for that violation which will close the case and avoid court, or you must appear in court and the judge will decide how to punish you?""
Cheapest car insurance for 18 year olds?
I know the rate is different for everybody but what do you think the best insurance company would be for me? I turned 18 in December, I've had my license since September of 2010, no ticket, accidents, etc.. and I drive a 98' Honda Civic.""
Can my car insurance still charge me for a car I do not have anymore?
I'm confused. I no longer have this car, it got vandalised and written off. It says in my contract I can cancel I did but they have taken out another payment I haven't had the car since October 22nd Not only that in they said to me I they will take out the remaining payments from the cheque they pay me from my car, it doesn't say this in the contract so why do I have to do it? Why should I pay for a car I no longer have? And why do I have to pay my voluntary and compulsory excess if someone damaged my car and it has been reported to police and on going investigation? I will speak to them tomorrow but I am confused now and looking for answers. Thank you""
First time driver...really need insurance help?
ok, so i am 17 and i just bought a car. i live in CA and i really need to find auto insurance for cheap. i know its really expensive for a first time driver to get insurance for themselves, so if anyone knows of an insurance company that does not charge that much i would greatly appreciate a response. thanx""
Insurance in Singapore?
I am an expat in Singapore and looking for insurance. Can I get insurance being an expat? I have a plan to stay here for next 10 years
Whats the Bmw M3 insurance like?
im a 16 year old female in Florida and im looking into getting a 2002-2003 Bmw m3 in august.I was wondering if anyone else has one and could tell me what the insurance would be like. haha
Can I get car car insurance?
Ok So Last night I got pulled over in my car but I didn't have any insurance so they impounded the car and I was selling it tomorrow so I was wondering if I can get insurance on it and just drive it home and when I get the money for the car I will go look for a new car and transfer the insurance to that one I don't have a hard plate
Health insurance ?
Whats a good and affordable health insurance in nashville tennessee
""I'm 27 and I want to get life insurance, what kind is best?""
I don't really understand what 10;15;20 year term life insurance means, or whole life insurance and what company is best but I think I want to get it while I'm young and ...show more""
Are you in favor of getting rid of health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions?
Are you in favor of getting rid of health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions?
3 car crash.. I am the insurance companies hunt !!?
Hello .. I would like to listen to your opinios regarding this situation that has turned into a nightmare for me !!! I spent few months in Australia.. I have a full driving license.. I was driving on the M4.. I had 2 cars in front of me .. I was in the last car in the row ( third car ) .. the car in the front ( First car ) has braked suddenly .. The car in the middle ( second car ) hit it causing it much damage .. I could not stop at the right time and i hit the middle car afterwards .. Now .. The man in the middle car has lied to his insurance company and said that he stopped at the right time but when i hit him i made his car jump to the front and hit the front car .. I have now 2 insurance companies chasing me for money and treat me as a hunt because i had no third party property damage at the time of the accident .. My understanding was that the greenslip covers these things but actually they dont .. I have received bills from both companies.. 7000 AUD for the front car and 2000 for the middle car .. The details of repairs in the middle car ( that i hit on a very low speed) shows that damage at the rear of the car cost only 427 AUD and i offered them to pay it .. They refused and threatened me to go to court.. The police did not come at the place of the accident .. What do you think i should do?! How strong will be my situation at the court ?!
""I'm about to turn sixteen, how much can i expect to pay for car insurance?""
I have no criminal background, my employer and teachers can give me really good recomenndations, i don't know if anyof that matters though.""
How can I lower my auto insurance?
I am 20 years old. I live in Florida which is by far the WORST states to have auto insurance. I've only been in 2 accidents, both not my fault. One was a small fender bender (which my friend decided to get a PIP claim even though he didnt get hurt so he could snag some money from the government). The other i totaled my car, but that was over 2 YEARS AGO. This is a no fault state which sucks because both of them werent my fault!!!!! Currently my auto insurance is 253 dollars! I'm a college student and i CANNOT afford that, but thats the cheapest one I found. Geico and all the popular ones wont even look at me. And it also adds on the my mom was in an accident (also not at fault) she got hit from behind at a red light and of course they penalized her for that too. Florida is a fraud state, they penalize you for everything when its no fault. Does anyone know how i can lower my auto insurance? It's been 2 years since I totaled my car and almost 2 and a half 3 years from the small fender bender. I also got a small speeding ticket from maybe september or december of last year, but thats it. no other tickets. thanks!""
What is the best car insurance company in North Carolina?
Hi. So I recently moved from New England to North Carolina. I have my 2002 Toyota Camry. It was my Dad's and is still under his name. However, I want to get the title in my name hopefully by early 2014. That means paying for insurance too. I figure I'm going to have to do this soon, might as well do it now and learn more responsibility. My parents are paying for my car and their cars under MetLife. (Yes, the one with the Snoopy logo). They are paying about the same plan they did in Massachusetts. I know North Carolina has more competition in pricing and I want to shop around for a decent plan that gives me what I need but for a better price. My Mom is hysterical and doesn't want me to go anywhere else because she think NC insurance is crap. I like that MetLife gives me what I need but I'm not paying more than I have to in insurance. Sorry Mom. So my question is. What is the best car insurance company in North Carolina? Any suggestions. I would like a company that offers affordable plans but also is a reliable company when I need them. Please NO cheapo discount insurance. Here are my only two liabilities in my driving history: 1. Got into a minor car accident in October of 2011. Just a paint smear with another car. Nobody was hurt and neither car got in worse performance condition. 2. Got a seatbelt violation ticket in January 2013. (It was actually for speeding but the cop went easy probably because he saw I was wearing a suit. I was on my way to a family memorial service near the South Boston area.) Any experiences? I mean, what is my Mom worried about? I never hear in the news about people dying because they have NC car insurance. I know there is cut rate (bad) insurance out there because of competition. But there's got to be something better in NC than paying a Taxachuetts MetLife plan. (Sorry BayStaters, but you know it's true) Thank you!""
How do I get health insurance at 19 years old?
Hi I am a 19 year old college full time female student and I cannot be covered on my mom's health insurance because she is on disability. I don't have the money to just go to a hospital or even the money for gas to go to the free clinics which are 20 miles away or so. My fiance and I are needing health insurance but every time we apply we get turned down. Can anyone help us by telling me some answers?
""Accountant, Insurance, and Cars, please answer?
How do I get an accountant? what things will he need to work with and how do I go about getting one? Liability insurance? How do I get it? And how much will it be for gardening roughly? Van insurance? What details will I need to get this insurance? How do I go about paying tax within a self employed company?
How much would I pay for car insurance on a classic/sport car?
So I've been working on cars for a very long time (5 years), but I've only had my license however for only a year. Lately I've been driving a silly honda accord that I don't quite enjoy. I plan on buying a 280zx datsun, an alfa romeo spider, a triumph, or an mg midget. The price for the car isn't a problem because I fix and restore cars for Shelby cobra and can handle a lot of the issues older cars can give. The problem is insurance. About how much will I be paying monthly for one of the cars listed? ( I am aware I work on cars but have never done insurance) Thanks :)""
What would it cost for insurance for a 16 year old male driving 1980 corrvette?
What would it cost for insurance for a 16 year old male driving 1980 corrvette?
Car insurance?576568687?
ok just wondering, why do you get pulled over for not haveing car insurance if all it does is help you out if you get into a crash, is it actually required to have it while driving? and why....""
Are trucks cheaper to insure for teenagers?
Im looking into getting my first car and i was just wondering if its cheaper to insure a truck then a car. I am 17 years old and live in alberta canada, everyone tells me that they are cheaper to insure but how much cheaper?""
Why are Dental and Vision Insurance separate from regular Health insurance?
Why are Dental and Vision Insurance separate from regular Health insurance? I have regular health insurance one me and my kids. I also have Dental and Vision insurance on just myself, because I can't afford it for my kids. They are the ones who need it most. Why are Dental and Vision not included on Health insurance? I'm not talking about for Braces or colored contacts, but for wellness check-ups, fillings, glasses if needed, etc.""
new hampshire unemployment insurance employers
new hampshire unemployment insurance employers
Costco auto insurance?
a friend of mine the other day told me that she pays 90 dollars on her car insurance and she is 16 years old. I just wanted to know if there is a catch because it sounds too good to be true.
Help!!!!!! Mom is sick and has no insurance?
okay so my mother is really sick, she is 53 years old and needs medical attention. However, she doesn't have insurance and she has to pay everytime she goes to the doctor. She has severe anemia and needs to take procrit which is like$600-$700 and she needs to take diabetes, hypertension, thyroid medicine. We live in California.. i don't know what to do,,,someone help!!!! please..""
What is the best car insurance for teenagers who got their first car?
It's an older model car and I'm 19. One of my friends pay I have a friend who has state farm and pays 100 a month. Also believe it or not I have another friend who got insurance under her parents insurance company and she got a discount for it.. She is under Progressive and pay 50 dollars a month. I'm a male and I can only dream of my insurance being $50. That isn't going to happen.
Insurance. What do I need to sell Term Insurance in California?
Insurance. What do I need to sell Term Insurance in California?
Average cost of term life insurance?
20 years male 44 old non smoker. Internet has several resources for free quotes, but none from big, well-know insurance companies. Just from small ones. Please help""
""I'm 57, am learning to drive a car, will need the best and cheapest car insurance, how will I know which is re""
i just want to be able to drive my car, and know there is help there for me, when and if I ever need it, without all the hassles of being stranded. Am in the process of checking out AAMI, RACT. Comprehensive for a first off driver is about $859 a year!! would i be better to Join RACT emergency on road assistance AS WELL AS taking out fire and theft third party insurance separately? I will be about the only driver, with a friend or two......is this the best cover for me? Say...for 1,2 years until I build up a reliable record? enough then to qualify for cheaper comrehensive insurance car cover?How will I know what is really the best for me?""
How much is teen car insurance?
how much would it be for teen car insurance? im a 17 y/o female in Long Island, NY good grades and will be taking the defensive course first. thanks""
Will an Illinois speeding ticket put points on my Michigan license and raise my insurance?
I am from Michigan and got a speeding ticket in Chicago IL. Will this put points on my Michigan license? Will this cause my Allstate insurance rate to go up? Thanks for the help!
""I make $1500 and still live at home, is a $400 car payment plus $200 for car insurance too much ?""
I only pay for my cellphone bill which is $80 a month. I still live at home and i'm 20 years old. I will be making a lot more money within the next year. The car i want is a 2011 gti base model, which is top 10 in consumer mag for most reliable, practical, fuel efficient vehicles for this year. I want to drop $5k down which will be around $350 a month, but the insurance is $190 a month since i'm only 20. I've driven two used cars and they are just a headache and so i want to drive something fun, practical (4dr) and fuel efficient. Is this a good look?""
Auto insurance price? 16 year old.?
I am 16 in June. I own a mustang lx but it is the 2.3l model that my company geico doesn't classify dangerous or a sports car. My dad has wonderful credit. The car and insurance is in his name. So is my car ad tittle and tag. Basically to keep costs down everything is tech his. I will be listed as driving 10-15% of the time As a secondary driver. His driving record is clear and great credit. He has a jeep patriot 2013 and my 1989 lx mustang will be the 2nd car. They got a brand new car and his credit when checked was about the best possible. Forget the numbers but literally the best possible by a few. Never missed payments etc. so about how much a year or every 6 months would my 89 4 banger mustang cost to insure?
How much would it cost to add a Mustang GT under my parents current policy? Would it go up alot?
They currently pay I think its 125-140 dollars monthly for insurance on a 4 door 2003 buick century. So my question is, would it go up alot if I were to buy a GT myself and have them add it to their policy and add myself to it? How much do you think it would go up? BTW i'm talking about a 1987-93 mustang GT. Or chances of a 99. I dont want it to somewhat be fancy or nothing. It could have high mileage. I plan on buying one for around 1-4 grand. Yes the mileage would probably be high, but hell mustangs are cool and it would be my first car :P BTW I'm getting my license when I turn 18. I turn 17 in 2 months. I want to get a job now and start saving up.""
Insurance questions for a minor?
I'm about to have a son, I'm 17 I'm on my dads insurance my boyfriend is 20 he's on his parents insurance. Who's insurance does my son go on, or does he go on medicaid? If you just want to insult me for being a young mom keep it to yourself it doesn't hurt my feelings and you're wasting my time.""
How can I sort out this car insurance issue in the UK?
I've been living in the UK doing some studies for 3 years. When I came to the UK, I didn't know how to drive a car. Also, I found it difficult to pass the driving test in the UK and afford private driving lessons. Few months ago, I went for a 3-month holiday in my original country, Egypt. There, learning how to drive is much easier and less expensive. Besides, issuing a driving license is not so difficult as the theoretical and practical tests are not so complicated. Therefore, I decided to learn and get a national license. Based on this license, I could issue an international one from Cairo that allowed me to drive in some countries one of which is the UK. However, when I returned to the UK and decided to by car, I found a proper one for 550. I decided to buy it, but I was asked to go online to get a quote from a car insurance company. I spent the whole night trying all the websites that my friends told me about. The shocking fact is that many of them refused to give me a quote because I hold an international license, not a UK one. Even those websites which accepted that requested a huge amount of money (i.e. not less than 1, 200-1, 600) which is much higher than the price of the car itself. I wonder if there's a way to sort this out or if there's any alternative solution that saves money for me. I don't want to go through any further driving tests in the UK. Also, I don't want to provide wrong data (e.g. having a full-UK license). Your suggestions are highly valued (serious answers please as I really feel down!). Thanks so much in advance!""
How do you go to the doctor if you do not have health insurance?
I am working but I do not have Health Insurance. How do you go and where do you go to the doctor if you do not have health insurance?
How much would my car insurance be?(State farm Insurance)?
I'm a teen driver, and ill be 16 years old when i get my license. i'm a 3.0 + gpa or higher student and have had no issues with the law.i drive a 1997 mazda protege with a clean title (idk if that helps) I live in Portland,Oregon Car is 1997""
Can I add my girlfriend to my life insurance?
Can I add my girlfriend to my life insurance?
""I'm being low balled by an insurance claims adjuster for damage to my car, now what?
I had a claim against a guys insurance company for damage he caused. They came out today and did an evaluation and now the insurance estimator is saying that the vehicle needs to be totaled and that I will be offered some low ball figure because my car has prior damage which was only cosmetic and minor nothing structural at all. I know that the vehicle will be worth more than they are going to offer. But I just want a fair price for the car. They suggested that it might take some back and forth negotiations and I need to know how to prepare for that and succeed at getting something fair? Are there any angles or cards that I can play that should give me some leverage against their claims adjuster? Your help is appreciated and thank you for your answer!
I want an insurance quote?
I want to the difference in insurance between a 93 v6 Camaro and a 93 Camaro Z28
How can I get heath insurance?
Im 21 college student and just got layed off I havent had health insurance for like 3 years and I need to go to a doctor like a gyno anywayz im going to the social services office to see if I can get like a low cost health insurance from the state or something I live in ct... but if they don't help me how much health insurance is a month? I can't afford more then 50 dollars a month I just got layeoff and I don't like getting help from the state but I really need to see a doctor
How much would insurance cost for a 2011 mustang v6?
I am 18 years old, I currently have an 03 Tacoma 4 door Prerunner and my current insurance rate is around $210 a month. I live in Louisiana, I average around a 3.0 GPA and I have saved up and I am really close to owning a 2011 mustang and I was curious if someone could give me an estimate on around how much the insurance might cost. Thanks""
Moped/Scooter insurance???
Hi everyone. How much would it cost for me to be insured on this bike? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/125cc-125-cc-Scooter-Moped-Sport-Learner-Legal_W0QQitemZ200232549719QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item200232549719&_trkparms=39%3A1|65%3A7&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14.l1308 I am 19 years old and have a provisional driving licence. (I'm just using that bike as an example but that is the size engine I want as I'm going to be traveling quite far to work and is working out a fortune for bus fair). I'm new to this so if you need more information about me or anything else please say. Thanks xx
""Will the health insurance companies that we have continue to raise their prices 200-2,000/year? How can-?
businesses pay for this except to basically drop coverage or take it all out of your salary and raises? Our raises are already frozen at 2% due to the economy.
How can insurance companies find out if you have a pre-existing condition??
I have heard people mention the MIB as a source, but where do they get their info? I thought medical records were strictly private, how do they find out your past medical info? Ty!""
Do Americans want Gov't run healthcare like medicaid and medicare or do they want affordable health insurance?
Do Americans want Gov't run healthcare like medicaid and medicare or do they want affordable health insurance?
Motorcycle insurance is so expensive?
Basically I'll be doing my cbt test this Wednesday so I can ride my 125cc supermoto which I use for dirt biking. Checked insurance on my Yamaha WR125X and it's 1400 for comprehensive, da fk is this? After seeing that I was physically sick. So I thought I'll just check on the most cheapest moped and it's 700 which is still expensive.. How the fk do these kids I see with mini coopers afford insurance and all I wAnt is to ride a small 2 wheel sht face. I'm 18, 19 this march, work full time. Can I find it any cheaper anywhere? Should I go for third party insurance? I just hate my life""
new hampshire unemployment insurance employers
new hampshire unemployment insurance employers
0 notes
tripping-on-assid · 6 years
It’s been a while. So for that, there is quite a lot to catch up on. However, like always, I’ll just write until I don’t want to anymore. Don’t care for spelling, grammar, correct sentence phrasing, any of that, just my thoughts.
I want to start off by saying that while im writing this I took about half/quarter of a tab about 45 min ago. Just for the concentration. Also, so I could probably get super intense and “deep” with what I write. Im also listening to Periphery in the background and it’s nice. The amount of acid I took wasnt much...at most it was 50ugs. I used the rest of it from microdosing. Hell, I might not even feel it since I microdosed today lmao. Nonetheless, placebo never hurt anybody right? lol. And if the acid doesnt work I got some coffee
Since I last posted, back in November, shit went FUCKING DOWNNN. Since November, Royce and my mom split, we got a new house, quit my job at panera and I failed 3/4ths of my classes that semester. Royce left because of some selfish reason of how it was “god’s plan” for him to turn over houses, and my mom didnt want to deal with that so she left his ass. I got pretty fucking sad over failing my classes, as you could see I was ranting and raving how much I despised college back in November but reality got kicked into gear when I failed. Kinda sucks. My mindset was ridiculous back then, and it still is now, however back then, it was intimately superficial. However, the deeper I got with philosophy and spirituality and all that shit, I kinda wanted to step up my game. 
Weird shit can happen to you, and weird thoughts come into play when you’re naive. And like, Im still 19. Im not granted with all this wisdom but I respect and value education. Knowledge. Discomfort. You see, how amazing would it be to just, trip on shrooms or L every few weeks, thinking about your life and thinking about all the crazy questions in life and actually have it set. How amazing would it be to smoke weed and do the same thing, everyday? Seems great, however, that isnt the best way to live. I lived it and honestly im still kinda living it. I quit working so the only obligation really I have is school and thats every other day. Living thankfully from my tax return and financial aid reimbursement. But even that is spent on shit like weed, which I blow through pretty quick. 
I italicized the word discomfort from the last paragraph because a lot of my role models talk about that, PsychedSubstance, and especially Jordan Peterson have spread that message. And like, that message is honestly everywhere “no pain, no gain” “smooth sails dont make good sailors(something like that)”, I mean, it’s everywhere. But, I took a good look into it and kinda really get the meaning of it. That’s what I like to do, I like to grab ideas by the crouch and examine tf outta them. Nonetheless, the discomfort idea is pretty solid. Jordan Peterson elaborates on the synonym of suffering though.
+Trip report: I think I kinda am feeling it, very slight visual distortions and lighting intensity. 
Anyways! Thats another thing Id like to talk about, psychedelics. I mean, when do i not, but, I told myself and my girlfriend (we’re still together and we’re going pretty good! In fact we’ve gotten much much closer since November) that I would  take a break from psychedelics after I had a 5g shroom trip that was wayyyy too intense for me. I said I wouldn’t do hallucinogens until april 8th, and guess what? I didnt fall through. Because guess what? It isnt april 8th yet. In fact I’ve microdosed twice. Sooooo, I broke that promise. And that brings in a problem, who do i go to when I cant tell my girlfriend stuff? Why cant i?  Why are there some things that I should keep private and why am i keeping this a secret? I dont know but it feels much better to type this out than to live without it being somewhere.   So youre probably thinking how I couldnt keep my word, well let me tell you a story and end with a self analysis.
So about a week ago I got back into town from visiting the day with my grandmother/aunt/cousin/mother for my grandmother’s birthday bash. I was pretty bummed I had to go (even though i had a pretty good time there, we played scategories, it was fun) because i was missing emo night in daytona! Well, I got back into town enough to see half of it and my friend Mashal ( i bought L off of him before, me and him are pretty good acquaintances) asked me if i wanted a tab. I was like “aw hell yeah but I dont have any $” and he was like “its fine bro here you go enjoy” 
So right when i got it i was ecstatic. It’s like i couldnt wait until april 8th. It was in my hand, I couldve tripped that night, but i knew i had a promise to keep. A promise id eventually break but, it gave me so much more passion in life. The hobby of reading about trip reports, about being able to trip again, it was just. So.Fucking.Interesting. like honestly, tripping is so profound. I mean hell, Im on a little bit of acid rn. 
And that leads me to the analysis and honestly I dont know if thats good or bad. I dont know what to think about that. Because i know my attitude shifted considerably from no desire to trip to wanting to trip hella bad. Getting back into trip reports, reading about different combos with weed and other substances. I missed it. And honestly, that kind of worries me a bit. Because my passion is what? Learning about and doing psychedelics? 
It’s so weird because I tripped a lot last winter, once every few weeks, if not every one to two weeks. And even though it was so profound, I got HPPD. And i think that really fucked with my brain. Theres this fog i get in my head, foggy/cloudy mindset. Where focusing, thinking, talking, doing stuff is a bit more...complex than it is usually. I think i suffered a bit of disassociation too. I would constantly think I wasnt myself, that maybe I was just some vessel, or some robot just doing mundane tasks. It was the weirdest feeling ever. However, I was going through a lot like...I was pretty fucking sad. So HPPD with depression wasnt the best. I was sad I was moving, I was sad my parents broke up, and I was especially sad over failing my classes, and...i also got into two car crashes, both within a month. So, I felt like doodoo. But which came first? the chicken or the egg? Did i get sad because of the psychedlics and then had a crash or did i have a crash and then get super sad? either way, i was a mess. And leaving psychedelics out  was uncomfortable because I remember doing shrooms once because I  had problems to fix. But my mood and my mind couldnt handle psychedelics. And I dismissed them, but after Mashal gave me that tab, I felt the same passion I had last winter over psychedelics again. And I was just so happy that I would trip again soon. 
So that happened. In fact, April 7th is when im planning on tripping, Kyle (ex panera employee also Journeys best friend...crazy!) is planning on coming over to journeys and we gonna trip, smoke weed, and chill and I told him i wanted to go see nature and stuff. Im also on a break from weed so when I do smoke on saturday, my tolerance will be 0 and I will have an intense af experience. Im ready. 
Also, this is my like, 3rd night at my mom’s house, and 1st night with the computer back. So maybe ill hit you guys up later with maybe something more thought out, but this is my entry! till next time
0 notes