onlyswan · 9 months
hi art im a BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG BIIIIIIIIG (big) fan of your in which series i literally reread them all the time to feel Something lol. but have you ever thought of making a masterlist of the drabbles in timeline order?? ur obviously not obligated to since it’s your blog and im sure it’ll take a while. but just thought it’d be cool to read their story in order! :-) luv u
hi hi!! i sorted out the plot-driven drabbles in timeline order with a few other sprinkled in there off the top of my head which i also think would be cool for u to read but doing all the drabbles would take me forever i’m sorry 😭🫶🏼 (maybe soon! or i’m thinkin’ when i leave the blog to wrap things up :p) but thank youuu sm for all the love and interest in the iw!couple it really means a lot to meee 🥺 <3 and i hope this helps for now!! <3 ilyyy
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in which drabbles from their first meeting leading up to them moving in together + some bonuses! ★
> in which music waters a wilting flower on a chilly autumn night
> in which you sacrifice your strawberries and eyelash wishes for the boy knocking at your door
> in which you always get what you want and jungkook is dying to kiss you
> in which jungkook kisses you for the first time
> in which jungkook says i love you for the first time
> in which jungkook doesn’t understand you sometimes
> in which you say i love you to jungkook for the first time
> in which your boyfriend, jungkook, gives you a concussion
> in which jungkook misses you before he even leaves
> in which you drive jungkook mad but you make his heart beat
> in which you come home tipsy and jungkook is upset
> in which you always come home to jungkook
> in which jungkook won’t tell you what’s wrong and you get emotional motion sickness
> in which leaving the past behind is not as easy as forgetting, and you want to be everything jungkook wants to know
> in which jungkook is giving up on you but you have so much love left to give
> in which you don’t want to give up jungkook (even when he gave you reasons to, even if they give you reasons to)
> in which you want to turn back the clock and jungkook wants you to stay
> in which moving in together is a herculean task and jungkook teaches you how to fold his underwear
> in which you’ve found comfort in laying on top of jungkook and you just… won’t let go
> in which the sweet ache of yearning metamorphoses into the art of intimacy and knowing
> in which your period cramps bring you to tears but jungkook’s gentle hand is warm
> in which you wake up in the middle of the night without jungkook by your side
> in which jungkook likes cooking late at night
> in which you and jungkook go on a spontaneous drive
> in which jungkook loses you in the grocery store
> in which for you, jungkook would commit crimes and his mother would peel oranges
> in which jungkook doesn’t mind you waking him up— he just wishes it’s not in the middle of a good dream
> in which you and jungkook visit your hometown and a typhoon welcomes you
— main in which masterlist! ★
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thatdesklamp · 4 months
hi maggie !! i really really really love IW and just wanted to ask how you got inspired to write a gojo x reader fic from reading one day? you’ve also convinced me to buy the book and now i’m patiently (not really) waiting for it to arrive.
also i find it kinda funny that gojo became a huge comfort character of mine because of IW, like if i never read it, i wouldn’t have been THAT attached to him.
i hope you’re feeling better, make sure to rest lots !!
HUZZAH!!!! My plan is a success. The ‘One Day’ + Gojo conversion has begun! But jokes. The inspiration for IW is such an interesting question.
Funnily enough, I kind of approached the ‘One Day’/IW/jjk inspiration the opposite way: I watched season 1 of JK and kept thinking about the bare bones of a story idea, or, at that point, a vague, self-indulgent self-insert of a love interest for Gojo: a girl who couldn’t touch people, hands behind her back, wearing black gloves. I couldn't tell you why I thought of that, but I just thought it was cool as fuck. I had this badass mental image of this cool asf woman removing her gloves with a powerful flourish in the climax of a sick anime battle sequence. Idk, man. And then, when I started taking myself more seriously, I figured that because I love childhood-friends-to-lovers, I decided she’d be Gojo’s childhood friend.
But I wanted to explore that childhood first: I think the main reason most people don't like friends-to-lovers is because most authors don't put in the time to establish the characters as friends first. Why should a reader care about the protagonist/childhood-friend-love-interest's relationship when all they've been given is a blithe attempt at exposition in which the protagonist tells (not shows) the reader that 'yes we've been friends for so long and we really care about each other so yippee root for our relationship!'? I knew that friends-to-lovers works best when there is so much time spent to flesh out the 'friends' relationship first, and that I wanted to show that, preferably chronologically, and not just rely on flashbacks that are just a general pet peeve of mine (they're so difficult to do right, I can go on about it for donkeys).
That's why I came up with using 'One Day' as an inspiration: I wanted to go through years of these characters' lives--genuine decades--and use a chronological narrative, without doing crazy time jumps, and still being able to focus in on the day-to-day, moment-to-moment aspect of a relationship, to really foster that intimacy I wanted to convey. And, so: boom! The 'A concept shamelessly stolen from 'One Day' by David Nicholls' tag was born.
You've got me thinking more about how 'One Day' has influenced IW. Give me a second and I'll write it up fully.
(And thank you! I’m on the mend. Sending out thoughts n prayers to Alexander Fleming, my absolute g, antibiotics are fire 🔥)
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four-white-trees · 4 months
Sunday Six
I've finished IW so hopefully I won't miss any more sundays lol
This week I've been working on a couple kuwagami pieces. This one is from the murder mystery longfic I've been slowly working on since December. This will be my priority project in March so you may see more bits of it here and there.
Tagging: @overdevelopedglasses @mike----wazowski @skysquid22 @passthroughtime @fragilitease @woundedheartwithin @danketsuround
Kuwana was deep in thought, his gaze fixed on the crime scene photos spread on the coffee table. Yagami stood up and joined Amasawa at the kitchenette, where she was in the process of making tea for everyone. She’d just poured the water into the kettle and was waiting for it to boil. Her brows were furrowed, her tell-tale sign that she was deep in thought. 
“You doing okay, Amasawa-chan?” Yagami asked, leaning against the counter. 
Amasawa blinked and met Yagami’s gaze. She nodded. “Yeah, I was just thinking.” 
“About the case?” Yagami asked. “If it’s too much for you, you only need to let me know.” 
“Oh, no,” she said as the kettle reached a boil. She turned it off and poured the water into the teapot. “I wasn’t thinking about the case at all, actually.” She said with a shade of blush on her cheeks. “Yagami-san, can I ask you something?” 
Yagami tilted his head, wary of where her line of questioning would go. “Yeah, of course.” 
She set the kettle back down. “You’ve been in relationships, right?” 
Yagami felt his stomach drop. Of all the times for her to ask about this, it had to be when he was the most tender about it. Still, as much as he wanted to jump out the window, he steeled himself to answer the question. “Here and there, yeah.” She nodded, her brow furrowing again. Yagami wondered what she would ask next. He was hardly the guy to give a teenage girl relationship advice. 
Finally she spoke. “In the novel I’m reading, the main character kills her ex-husband. Her neighbor hears the struggle and immediately volunteers to help her cover up the murder. He says he’s in love with the main character and that’s why does it. But I don’t understand why anyone would want to cover up a murder like that.” 
Yagami cocked an eyebrow. “Interesting premise.” 
“Oh, it’s quite good,” Amasawa said, pouring the tea into cups now. “The puzzle is less about who killed the victim and more about how this guy covered it up. But I’m still struggling with the character’s motivation. He does a lot of illegal things just for one woman.” She shook her head. “I mean, would you cover up a murder for someone you loved?” 
To buy time, Yagami picked up one of the tea cups and breathed in the nutty scent of the tea. “Love can make you do some unexpected things,” he said at last. “Or so I’m told.” He gave Amasawa a smile, but she shook her head. 
“That’s so unsatisfying,” she said with a sigh. Yagami chuckled as she picked up a tea cup and brought it to Tsukumo. 
Yagami took a sip of his tea and glanced back at Kuwana. He caught Kuwana watching him. Kuwana quickly looked back at the photos, but there was an unmistakable smile on his lips. 
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maskedpeach · 14 days
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Rant
Warning. This article contains spoilers. Alas, this post is an enormous wall of text and consists purely from me complaining. Get the children away from the screen.
Okay, I’ll probably regret this later, but I’ll post this anyway. Years ago I used to be pretty vocal about my opinion, but these days I prefer to keep most of the negative opinions to myself. But I believe if I’d keep everything bottled up on this one particular matter I’ll simply explode.
I’m currently enthusiastically playing Like a Dragon/Yakuza series, which is now one of my favorite game series. Back at high school used to play first two games on PS2, and later there was Kurohyo on PSP, but didn’t get too far in any of them, decided save it for later, and this “later” has finally happened several months ago after listening to one pretty entertaining podcast about JPRGs. One of the hosts has totally sold me Yakuza: Like a Dragon (I’ve literally ran and bought it after listening the podcast). I’ve played it, loved it and almost cried my eyes out on the ending (seriously, if someone asks me how my ideal JRPG should look like, I’d say that’s the one).
After that I’ve beaten Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. I’ve really enjoyed this game in general, but comparing to its predecessor, while most of the gameplay issues were fixed, some story issues did arise. Story itself is far more simple and lacks memorable antagonists (Ebina was okay and Bryce was outright lame). Still, there were a plenty of interesting moments to keep me going, and I really liked the ending, which was extremely moving, the part before the ending credits I mean. And then this stupid love confession scene happened and completely ruined the mood for me. Seriously, it wasn’t funny, it was tasteless like in the worst romcoms.
And, well, here lies the main issue with Infinite Wealth for me - this poorly-written romance subplot between Ichi and Saeko, and how Saeko character is handled in this game in general. So, if you are the fan of her I suggest you to stop reading right here, right now.
First, I would like to point that, when Saeko was just an optional romantic interest in LaD it was perfectly fine, but in IW, where she became the designated love interest, the whole romance plotline became very forced and uncalled-for. In LaD they were simply on friendly terms with no indication of evident romantic interest, and in IW the whole “Ichi falling for Saeko” thing looks extremely out of nowhere. All interactions between them look artificial without real chemistry between characters. Seriously, every time Ichi says, that he loves her or have feelings for her, it sounds hardly believable, like he is trying to convince himself and the players. At moments like this I could almost imagine something like this:
RGG Studio staff: *gives Ichi the script* Start reading.
Ichi: But that’s a bunch of bullshit!
RGG Studio staff: *points a gun on Ichi* Start reading. Now.
To be honest, I’m not the fan of romance genre at all and I mostly view romance sublots in various media as a nuisance. Still I won’t deny that there are some romantic storylines I genuinely enjoyed and was rooting for the characters till the very end (like Alphen and Shionne from Tales of Arise or Oswald and Gwendolyn from Odin Sphere for example), but there are still very few of the quality romantic stories to my liking comparing to those, which are either okay or boring at the best, and unbelievably stupid or outright unhealthy (and stupid) at the worst.
Worst of all, that RGG Studio actually can write a decent romance subplot. And I believe that Yakuza 0  is a good example of this. There we have Goro Majima (who is my second most favorite character in the series, after Ichi) and Makoto Makimura (who belongs to one of my least favorite character archetypes-“damsel-in-distress”, but considering her condition and the fact that everyone is after her, she really does need help and protection). In their story there wouldn’t be a single “I love you” or “I have feelings for you” or any other needless words, they just go through many shit together and slowly develop feeling for each other, which is shown very subtly through finely directed cutscenes. They don’t get together in the end (which is pretty logical, considering everything, that’s happened), but this plotline gets pretty heartwarming conclusion in Kiwami 2. But if they actually did get together I wouldn’t mind at all, even though Makoto isn’t one of my favorites, simply because their story is well-written and makes sense.
Alright, back to Ichi and Saeko. Let’s start with the infamous “proposal-on-the-first-date” scene, I won’t deny that it was awkward as hell (I was like: “Ichi, please, just shut up.”), but Saeko’s reaction wasn’t one of the mature woman either. I would’ve understood her reaction if they’d barely knew each other, in that case it would’ve been perfectly natural. But they know each other pretty well by this point (three years, no less) and she knows that he tends to speak his mind and has zero experience with women. I believe, she could’ve always say something like:”Hold on, let’s not rush things.”, I’m sure he would’ve understand. But no, she just runs away and leaves him hanging. And when, thanks to Adachi and Nanba, Ichi realizes, what he did wrong, he goes and apologizes. Saeko seemingly accepts the apology, says that they are still friends, and that as a friend she will support him no matter what. And what Saeko does next? She ignores Ichi for a whole year. And when he loses his job and becomes pariah thanks to Tatara Channel, only Adachi and Nanba go and check up on him. When she finds out, she doesn’t even bother to send something like: “Are you okay?” or whatever. And that’s after all the crap they’ve went through in LaD. A “true friend”, nuff said.
Oh, and you know what’s rich? In her Drink Link (I did it only for the achievement and to see whether she actually expresses any remorse at all, spoiler-no) it is revealed that, the whole year she was ghosting Ichi, she was dating some obvious bastard, who was manipulating her into marrying him to get her money and business. Funny, how she didn’t see that until he went and said it himself. Another fun fact, that in some random dialogues she actually asks Kiryu and Nanba how Ichi is doing, only to add something like: “Not that I care.”. Seriously, her whole attitude towards Ichi is so fucked up and can easily be described as emotional abuse. If I were him I would’ve dismissed her after that year of ghosting and just forgot about her. And the last, but not the least, everyone either criticizes or mocks Ichi because of this stupid proposal, but no one criticizes Saeko for her craptastic treatment of him.
Also putting romance aside, I believe Saeko has nothing to offer as a character. In LaD she was an okay character, albeit with the little to zero relevance to the main plot. I believe RGG Studio has added her only for the sake of adding at least one playable girl in the party full of dudes to expand the audience, since Eri is an optional character and you can beat the game without even getting her in the team. Speaking of Eri, while she is totally unimportant to the main storyline, she is still much more likeable and fleshed out character than Saeko, and more useful in battles too.
In IW Saeko became much worse. As I see it, her portrayal is something of a strong and independent woman. And it does not withstand any criticism. Even in LaD there were some optional dialogues, were she is mocking other party members in a form of a joke. In IW she is even more immature. For example, remember how in LaD she refused to go with you in cabaret club ( I mean, where you can order a hostesses)? In IW Seonhee tags along with the guys in the same club (because, why not?), and Saeko decides that she is going too, even though she is not interested in the stuff. And there is more instances (all optional dialogues though), where someone does something, she clearly disapproves, but everyone else in party does, and she decides to do it too. I believe, that being strong and independent actually means having an opinion of your own and not caring about what others would think about you. While both Seonhee and Chitose really can be described as strong women, Saeko only seems like one, but in reality she is just pathetic. When it comes to main story in IW-she can be easily removed from all cutscenes, because most of the time she either all bark no bite (strong and independent woman, uh-huh) or just stands there. Looks like RGG Studio simply didn’t know what to do with her after LaD and wrote all this pseudo-romantic crap simply to justify her presence in IW. For me it sure didn’t work, I felt utterly disgusted with her the whole game. I wish they would just wrote her out entirely from the story. While in LaD she was only one non-optional girl in the party, in IW we have two more well-developed female characters, who, unlike Saeko, are actually important to the plot.
I’ve read somewhere that RGG Studio is currently working on the next installment in the series. I have no idea, what it’ll be about, but I really wish that they’d just drop the idea of getting Ichi and Saeko together for the sake of it. It seriously looks like the cupid on drugs is garroting the poor guy with the red string. To be honest, I’m not exactly excited about new installment at all. Saeko stuff aside, for me IW is the fitting conclusion to the series. I seriously don’t see what else could be added to the main story, since all the major storylines got a closure by that point. I only wish for Kiryu to heal his cancer and for Ichi to get his job back (and the same goes for Majima, Saejima and Dojima, since I don’t remember anything said about it in the ending), and for both of them to live in peace for the rest of the days. They’ve had enough shit in their lives already.
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
I feel like the rwby fans who are against rewrites and AUs really need to consider that not everything someone makes in a rewrite or AU is because we think that it's how things should be in the actual show. Not everything is a 'this is what rwby should've been' and even the fics that are framed that way tend to take on a life of their own and the people that write them put stuff in just because they think it's fun or it suits their interests.
Like for instance, in the wake of volume nine, I'm coming up with a 'what I would've wanted V9 to be based on their ideas but with tweaks to make it more enjoyable to me, and where I think it'd go from there,' AU where I'm planning to bring back and fully redeem Ironwood and not make Blake and Yang stay together. This doesn't mean that I think the show should bring back and fully redeem Ironwood, because at this point it would feel like a total-walk-back and it'd be cheap and make even more of V8 totally pointless and I think the writers would screw it up by trying to appease the IW haters, and I think they should just leave him dead and let him go completely. And this doesn't mean I think they should make Blake and Yang split up in the actual show, because even though I don't like the ship and I don't like their relationship at all, I think that the show should stick with it both because I think not enough same sex relationships are actually shown and also because these writers suck at writing relationship drama.
As another for instance, in the wake of volume nine, I've started coming up with an idea where Neo 'ascends' by trying to give up herself to bring back Roman in the same way it's implied that Ruby could've just stopped being Ruby and decided to bring back Summer instead. Roman however would 'come back different' because despite the Cat's insistence, Neo still loved herself and wanted to be herself so no matter what she chose there was still a small part of her that influenced the new Roman, AND her envy of the life Ruby had made her want Roman to come back but 'able to have that sort of life' by having some qualities of Ruby. So Roman came back basically still himself but A) a bit more moral, B) aesthetically influenced by Ruby and looking younger than he was due to both her and Neo, landing him around twenty or nineteen, and C) with Neo's ability to break/teleport, and D) with Neo's memories of everything that happened. And I haven't decided all the details yet because there's a possibility that he could stay in the Ever After and there's a possibility that he could just immediately follow the others back to Remnant (and I have different plans for each.) but that's all a side note. Because I would never want the actual show to get rid of a female character SPECIFICALLY to bring back a male character they killed like six years ago. If they sacrificed Neo for Roman's sake in the actual serious product, I would be so mad.
The war against re-writes and AUs is so stupid. People just write what they think is fun, what they like, even 'fix-its' included because people are doing those rewrites for themselves so there are going to be things in fix-its that are just for them. Not everything is a 'this is better than what's in rwby/this is what the writers should do' people just write what they find enjoyable.
Rewrites and AUs are super cool actually.
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allisonsoul · 3 months
introduction ⊹₊ ⋆
Hi !! My name is not Allison but that’s how would like to be addressed here. My goals with the blog are to keep track of my progress and share some of my thoughts regarding my eating disorder. If that’s not what you are looking for, please block me and scroll, don’t report !
• this is a safe place <3
• I am a minor, so if that’s something you are not comfortable with feel free to block me ^^
• Not single, I love my boyfriend more than anyone else in the world !!!!!!
• I’m a high schooler and sleeping is one of my favorite activities of the day, so I probably won’t be much active
⋆。°✩ my interests - fun facts !
I love music, especially MPB (popular old Brazilian music) and some emo/metal kinds of genres
I am a self taught artist and have been for around seven years now !
My absolutely favorite color in the world is blue, if there’s something blue within my reach it will be mine !
I really enjoy cooking my own foods, prepping meals and going on daily walks with my dad (who’s the coolest guy on earth)
I’m Brazilian, an october libra and a huge romantic
I love winter, cold weather and especially rainy days ⊹₊ ⋆
⋆。°✩ dislikes - dni if !
dislikes… unnecessary rudeness, hot days and sweat, bad smells and sleepless nights
dni if…
- you’re actively fatphobic
- you’re ableist, racist, xenophobic or homophobic
- you give meanspo to people without their consent
୭ ˚. Weight Updates ⊹₊⋆
height : 5’5 ft / 165cm
- hw : 165.3 lbs / 75 kg // sw : 154.3 lbs / 70 kg
- Iw : 114.6 lbs / 52 kg // cw : 116.6lbs / 52.9 kg
- gw : 110.2 lbs / 50 kg // ugw : 101.4 lbs / 45 kg
- cbmi : 19.4 // gbmi : 16.5 !
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popcaki · 2 years
I think MW2 gives us some insights on what probably happened to Ghost before he was recruited into task force 141, notice him talking to Soap how those that you know can hurt you the most, if that doesn't imply he was betrayed left and right during his career and had to do questionable things to survive then idk what does. I personally don't think IW is gonna go full out just to tell a full backstory of Ghost, they never do that with any of the characters, they do give important info however as to what happened, what they did and whom they worked with etc etc. For Ghost especially i think the most important thing would be getting or at least giving players an insight as to why he's wearing that skull mask, why his past is redacted... like all those superficial elements. To me it more than likely that he has no one, no family, (lost them most likely) and his military career is what kept him alive all this time, whatever happend couldn't have been pleasant. But i don't agree when people say that he doesn't care or is emotionless i just think he's too afraid to form attachments or close bonds because of his fear of losing even more people.
Also, one thing about Ghost is that he prefers/or prefered to work alone, but i personally wanna see him interact more with Soap and others, i see people write him in fics where he falls in love even(mostly reader fics, but with Soap too) which is a nice idea to explore at least, considering COD isn't about that jazz. I also remember Samuel Roukin saying in one of his interviews that "Ghost doesn't go to dates" which i found funny but also understandable at the same time. Anyways, sorry for such a long ask in your inbox. D:
the comics explain all the important stuff like his mask-wearing etc, but yeah the reboot might change things. He definitely isn't emotionless he shows many times quite the opposite. But yeah he's a complicated character with lots of things going on. The people you know can hurt you the most statement is most likely a reference to the original game with Shepherd's betrayal but also a hint that he's been betrayed multiple times. It'll be interesting with what future content we get! I personally see him on the aro/ace spectrum, don't really see him being interested in romantic love and dates. I do see him probably wanting friends tho but probably afraid to admit it, I think he'd find peace and comfort to finally be able to trust someone without any more betrayals or deaths. He just has a hard time with that. It will be fun to see more interactions! also don't worry about it being a long ask! ^^
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elendsessor · 4 months
the initial, spoiler-free thoughts on infinite wealth
because honestly i loved it and frankly it is worth the money (not the dlc though please don’t it won’t affect your enjoyment of the base game at all don’t buy it i beg).
definitely the perfect way to end things off for kiryu while passing the torch. nearly everything, from thematics to character writing, was fucking fantastic. some don’t get as much screen time as they should’ve but hey that’s ok. the romance substories are the biggest flaw because they romanticized some frankly disgusting shit but it’s easy to avoid them.
i will say on a personal note, i’m really glad 8’s as good as it is. started my experience with the series with 0 back in 2021 during the baka mitai meme’s height and the games definitely got me through the covid lockdowns. 4, while i loved the main cast, drained me to hell and back, however, so i wrote it off as burnout and didn’t touch anything yakuza-related until infinite wealth. and tbh iw brought back that initial draw i had to the series back then. seriously it’s so fucking refreshing and really reminded me what made yakuza so special and interesting (at least to me). if you’re facing burnout from the series too, please give 8 a shot at least. if you haven’t played any of the games in recent years, give 8 a shot. holy fuck it’s amazing.
so yeah good shit ichiban’s a lovable goof kiryu is still best dad tomizawa better appear in 9
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lazlolullaby · 1 year
GOTG Holiday Special rewrite/subplot additions
(alt title: Damn, Yondu got a funeral and two follow ups and he was an a-hole of a dad, but Gamora was a core member, a love interest, and a mom and gets nothing??? Lemme fix that.)
Take this with a grain of salt, as with all fanworks, this is for me and i’m just sharing it with you. It’s also a messy rambling outline so. if you have more questions or ideas, message me or make your own post.
Stakar and Aleta Orgord, the Ravager Leaders, send a single helmeted person to hunt The Guardians down and give them a box. It should be easy, they just bought a new base.
It cuts to the Guardians on Knowhere, looking at at a message from the planet Zen-Whoberi. In-between Infinity War and Endgame, Rocket and Nebula were able to bury the Guardian!Gamora on Zen-Whoberi. Now that people were returned from the Blip, there were some arguments and Gamora’s remains now need to be moved. Peter is distraught, but he goes with Rocket and Groot to pick up the body.
Mantis, Drax and Nebula stay behind. Mantis, seeing how Peter is sad, checks a calendar. It’s almost Christmastime! She remembers in the time between Vol 2 to now that he does celebrate it. He usually does something small; a gift exchange, splurging on a good sit down meal. This year Mantis wants to go BIG.
Kraglin tries to talk her out of it, but Drax and Nebula back her up. Drax because now they have a Permanent Base in the form of Knowhere he’d like to make good memories. And Nebula also had been invited to the Stark’s Extended Family Christmas parties and wants a little more of that cheer.
In the background the helmeted person leaves the Box on Knowhere, it looks ominous but it’s soon lost and swept up in the Christmas planning. Nebula looks at it thoughtfully.
So now we have two running plots, one a somber grieving of Gamora and discussion of what she would have wanted. And one Christmastime with Aliens Mania. Decorating, discussing traditions, going to a gay bar and stealing Kevin Bacon.
Add in some details that Rocket remembering Lylla and his first family, that Groot also considered Guardian!Gamora his mother. Peter did go to the Stark funeral, but...emphasis on the implication that he’s been running for so long that he’s never slowed down to process that grief. Picking up her remains forces him to start thinking and that foreshadows in Vol 3 where he knows he can’t “fix” Feral!Gamora and he’s a bit of a mess.
It’s just a toss up if they steal Kevin Bacon before the others get back and Cosmo is the one to object to human trafficking. But Kevin calms down and celebrates with them.
Peter, Rocket and Groot come back to a highly decorated Knowhere with food and cheer and it’s just the thing to remind them of what they have now. Mantis tells him they are siblings and Peter is thrilled.
Groot opens the Ravager box for everyone - it’s fabric and leather with a new logo for the Guardians for them to make their own outfits. As a congratulations, a peace offering from the Ravagers.
Nebula gives Rocket the prosthetic arm. “How in the heck didja manage to get this?”
There’s a flashback with Bucky and Nebula. “I want the arm for my friend for Christmas. I don’t wish to harm you...much.” “Hey If I just give it it’s gonna look suspicious. So. Let’s make the fight look good.”
Nebula replies: “The Spirit of Christmas possessed me and gave me the strength not to kill him.”
After Kevin returns home, after the major gift giving and it winds down, they hold a second funeral for Gamora.
Her remains are burned like Yondu’s were and released outside of Knowhere to the song “Rubberband man”. The Ravager ships show up and throw some fireworks. Referencing her nearly dying in space with Peter in Vol 1 and the song she was singing in IW. In a way, she’s there with them at their new home, with her family.
Cut to credits.
end credits scene where Feral!Gamora was the helmeted person and was watching the funeral from afar. “This is a waste of time and resources. I’ve never even seen such foolish warriors. How did they even manage to save the galaxy?”
Nebula jumps in on the communication. “Twice. Even more if you look close enough.”
“I suppose I will have to take your word for it. It’s...good to talk to you again, sister. You were the one I hated least.” Gamora tips up her chin.
Nebula grunts and tips up her chin. “I understand if you don’t want to stay.”
“I suppose...it’s difficult. You’ve always been compared to me, and now - I feel as if I go back, I’ll be compared to myself.”
“Whoever you turn out to be. You will always be my sister.”
Gamora smiles and turns away.
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thatdesklamp · 7 months
hihi!! i absolutely love ur writing and was wondering why you dislike using y/n ? i hope this doesn’t come forward as hateful !! much love 🤍🤍
omg no not at all! This is actually a very funny question, so absolutely.
Let's talk about x reader fics, hell yeah.
This is all to do with my personal preference: when I have read x readers in the past, I have literally never imagined 'myself' as the 'reader' character. I've always found it awkward to do--it's just not my thing--and so to combat this, I just imagine the reader character as this... separate character, more of an OC than anything, and I'm just reading a fictional story and oh wow maybe she doesn't actually have a name, there we go, cool.
This then evolves into me reading x readers where the characters are, actually, essentially OCs: in order for the fic, assuming it's multi-chaptered and pretty longform, to be interesting, the perspective character needs to have good and consistent characterisation, and they can't be a bland 'eh' type person that the reader (e.g. me) can just project onto. Give me a character with flaws and personality! That's the type of 'reader character' I prefer. This is even better when authors give them a name--I've often seen authors sidestep the 'absolute OC'-ification of the reader by having the MC's 'real name' never be mentioned and them only be referred to by a nickname, or something like that. I like this! It's more fun when the MC has a name and a personality: it gives strength to the romance and idk man, I just like it, especially since this 'OC-ification' is just what I was doing anyway.
However, I still don't like 'absolute OC-ificaton', just 'partial OC-ification', and prefer a good middle mix. And I know that some readers do like to project themselves onto the MC, so I've tried to go for the same middle mix too.
You can see it in IW, really. This is the type of balance I like: I've given our MC a name, but it's only her surname, so you can pretend that her first name is your name if you want to, or you can lean into the 'partial OC-ification' and chill with the fact that this is a character with a different name to you. I've definitely given Hebi a personality (or, hell, I've tried to), and she's got her own set of flaws that some people will or won't relate to. But IW's got a wordcount of over 150k now, and it would've been pretty tricky to write all that much without feeling like our perspective character was... well. A character, you know?
Despite this, I try really hard to avoid mentioning physical descriptions, because that can be pretty jarring, imo. Hence why Hebi doesn't have the wattpad-y 'long blonde hair and blue eyes and also she's 5'1 and so petite and little with F CUP TITS' etc. I try not to make overt references to hair (like, no-one will ever 'smoothly run their hands through your hair' because, like,,, not everyone has pinstraight smooth type 1 hair, yk? However, someone might 'brush some hair away' or 'curl their fingers in your hair' etc etc, since that's a bit more universal). I'm not infallible, and I've probably slipped up somewhere without noticing, but I try my best to make it as universal as I can, yk?
As for 'y/n' specifically, I just am not a fan, lmao. I find it disrupts the flow of the writing, and takes you out of the story; it reminds you that you're reading something, rather than letting you get sucked in, you know? It also reminds me of 12yo mafia alpha male harry styles wattpad fanfictions and oh lord, I would rather forget those days.
I like my little x readers where the characters have names etc, but I know some people find that to be jarring and off-putting instead of y/n! It's just what you're used to, you know? <3
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bedlamsbard · 1 year
choose violence: 12 + 16 + 24 (sorry in advance if I pick ones you've already answered)
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I answered Howard for this the last time, who else is actually unpopular that I like...I'm going to say Betty Ross. I don't think she's necessarily unpopular, I think that for the greater MCU she's just less known because she only appeared in The Incredible Hulk, which is now fifteen years old, not available on Disney+, and had its main character recast in The Avengers, so it's really easy to overlook. TIH also has some weird pacing, but given what she actually does in TIH, Betty is just...incredibly strong, character-wise, and manages to give off such a vivid sense of personality despite not necessarily having a lot to do in the film. And at the risk of defining her in respect to Bruce Banner, I think she occupies a really unique position in regard to him, because at the end of the day Betty Ross loves Bruce Banner full stop, end of story, no questions asked; everyone else sees Bruce in terms of "here's the Hulk," with not much space left for Bruce himself, and Betty is the only person who's more interested in Bruce than the Hulk. And all of that comes through in TIH; this is a woman who blows up her whole life for the man she loves and then has to live with the wreckage.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
oh, most things, though usually I can turn my brain sideways enough to figure out why people like them even if they do absolutely nothing for me and are usually contra canon (or at least my read on canon). what's one of them. oh, wait, here's one that I absolutely do not get: people who really want Thor to not be king or to be in a position of leadership/responsibility. (I haven't seen TLAT yet, so I don't know what that movie does with it.) inasmuch as they had a through-line, the first three Thor movies are all dealing with kingship in the medieval Germanic sense, good kingship, bad kingship, culminating in Thor taking up that responsibility in Ragnarok (and then having it stripped away from him in IW); kind of similar to this read on Theoden. And for me, as someone who grew up reading Germanic (Norse, English, Old English, etc.) literature and mythology and who is a classically-trained medieval historian as well as being a high fantasy reader all my life, it's really obvious to me that that is what those movies were doing. And while Endgame itself later completely flinches away from it, even before that, I see so many Thor fans who were really angry that Thor actually took up the throne, and I do not understand, to this day, where that is coming from. like, is it general American "we hate monarchies"? is it people who are not familiar with those tropes? is it people who just decided they hated Asgard? like, I literally do not understand!
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
gave a list for this in my last response so here's part 2
the MCU: is it good or bad (it's neutral, y'all; it's done some things really well and some things really poorly, and yes, it changed the face of the entertainment industry; I don't think it's as easy to answer as a yes or no question)
any of the deaths in Infinity War and Endgame. like, pick one, it always goes terribly.
does Asgard have primogeniture? I don't actually know how much discourse there is about this but it's the one that drives me personally insane.
Tony Stark and Peter Parker. any variation of this just goes places.
how absolutely weird Hayley Atwell and Peggy Carter fans are about Sharon Carter and Emily van Camp. I don't know how much this one comes up anymore but I've Seen Things.
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onlyswan · 8 months
ahhh one thing about u is that u never disappoints ☹️💓 answering my big and detailed asks w/ an even bigger & more detailed paragraphs? :(( thank u so much for all of ur thought out and kind answers 🌷🌷 sending love ur way!!
and also i didnt realize this the first few times i read the latest drabble… but when kook called oc his little firefly? shit hits the fan like i…… paused for a few moments to reread and ☹️☹️🧚🏻🧚🏻 oc really is huh.. the light of his life:( small and annoying at times but everpresent and follows jungkook around bc he is the brightest light in her life 💓🌈🌤️
omf stop i love youuuuu 🥹 thank you so much for your love and interest in the iw!couple and for giving me the chance to ramble about them hehehe 🩵🩵🩵
oh my gosh yesyesyes i might’ve cried a little bit typing that out and every time i read it while proofreading :( he adores oc soooo much </3 and now i’m crying again thinking about it and reading your lovely words ASAAJAJAJS i love my babies so much. ur right they’re truly the light of each other’s life 😭🫶🏼
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seek--rest · 8 months
Hey Seek!
So I’m starting to work my way through your master list. I just read The Truest Stars We Know and loves it! I did notice at the end you said it was going to be a part of a series. I tried looking, but i just want to make sure I didn’t miss the next part!
So excited to read some of your later work! I have just gotten into this world over the past through months! Any that you recommend that I read next?!
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I am so glad that you enjoyed that series!!!! I had every intention of writing a sequel (as I still think imagining a world where Mary Jane Watson is MCU MJ’s mom is interesting!!!) but other WIPs took me away. Never say never!!!
As for your second question, SCREAM!!!!?????? I never rec my own work when asked for fic recs because it seems very self serving (and also super silly) but I would LOVE to give you some self recs. The work that I think is My Very Best can all be found here in this series but since I’m as obnoxious as hell, here’s a breakdown by year of my top 3 fics (specifically solo fics):
The Five People Who Missed Peter Parker the Most (my first fic)
Someday We’ll Know (an a walk to remember au)
graceless (drunk Peter)
Your Hand in Mine (post IW/EG rewrite)
like a dream (you can’t quite place) (Felicia pov inspired by Satisfied from Hamilton)
Indirect Proof (spider-man: blue but make it MCU)
Cosmic Love (gwenmj post blip meta)
No Need to Say Goodbye (May Dies trope, non-misogynistic version)
when you help someone, you help everyone (outsider POV immediately post NWH)
I know who you pretend I am (pepper and may friendship pre and during NWH)
from the sidelines (spider-man: blue but make it MCU, take 2)
2023 (so far)
point of view (MCU comic blend)
lift me up (post NWH and post Wakanda Forever)
sending my love (Adam project inspired, May POV)
Despite how self serving this is gonna sound, if you enjoy please let me know!! I love getting asks but there’s nothing like reading a comment on the fic in question, especially as that stands the test of time and is something I love going back to 😌❤️
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I read online a rumor that an older Sylvie ends up behind the TVA and plays a villain. If that's true, it means Kang might get the Loki Treatment and be edged out of the show for Sylvie. Is Kang going to pine after her, too now?
I keep hearing the "don't like, don't watch" platitude about it all, but it's horrid. Our favorite character gets his own show after years of us latching on to the anemic trickle of Loki content. We look forward to it for so long, then it's got no characterization of Loki in favor of The Magical Mary Sue who's better than every character she meets no matter how strong they were originally. She'll treat them like some poo she stepped in, they'll fall for her after knowing her for not even a week regardless, and she goes "I don't have anyone 🥺" and we're supposed to feel sorry for her? And act like Loki finally loves someone when he loved several people (Thor, Odin, Frigga) to the point of desperation and self sacrifice.
And we're supposed to love Mobius, too. Aww, he calls Loki a cockroach who's only born to bring suffering and death, literally keeps him prisoner, locks him in a time loop to be beaten and degraded! So cute and sweet!
They been to rename the show Sylvie Sucks the Soul Out of Everything and Bureacratic Fascist is Just So Lovable. Sorry for ranting, this has been bugging me. A friend of mine loves the show but never saw the original movies. I had her watch A1 with me and she asked me why Loki was so scary and cold. Ugh.
(Love your blog and insights, btw)
Thank you dear 😉 And rant away, I don't mind it at all!
I heard that rumour too, it would be hilarious if Sylvie took centre stage in S2 after Kang is introduced in Quantmania and the fanboys got mad because she took the spotlight from him (we could use the "first time?" meme on them lol).
The "don't like, don't watch" always makes me laugh. When a movie/series is about to be released and someone says they're not interested they're hit with the "oh but if you don't give it a chance how will you know it's not for you?", so you do watch it but if you don't like it you voice your opinions and then you're hit with the "well if you don't like it don't watch it". Which is it then?!!!!! 😂😂🤦‍♀️
What happened to your friend is what bothers me the most about the series. For those of us who have been watching these movies for years we know the canon, we've seen them at a time when Marvel actually cared about Loki's character so we know his past. But now all the new fans who watch the series first are going to watch those movies with tainted glasses: they'll see the scene with the Kursed in TDW and think Loki is leading him straight to Thor and they will blame Frigga's death on him even though at the time did anyone ever think of blaming him? I doubt it. Now they'll see the NYC invasion and blame him and only him as if Thanos hadn't been the one to send him there -- we even have Banner admit as much in IW.
It sucks. If they wanted to ruin his character and a good chunk of his fanbase then mission accomplished. And my fear is they might use S2 to claim the Loki pre-series was never canon and no more than a Kang puppet who said and did whatever he wanted him to. I hope they don't do that but......... 🤷‍♀️🤢
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
Ooh! New ask game!
Ironwood, obviously. And Qrow too.
Alrighty, these are my boys!
Let's do Ironwood first for the new ask game
1: sexuality headcanon
I headcanon Ironwood to be bisexual with a preference for men.
2: otp
Ironqrow for life. They are just so great as a ship, with all the 'mutual pining, not actually unrequited they're just both idiots, bickering divored-couple-energy that still allows for the spark of new love, the matching color scheme they had in their first looks, the way they look at each other, the freaking hug! It's an amazing ship.
3: brotp
Ironwood and Winter. A lot of people ship them and I can see why, but even though I've long headcanoned them to be the same age, in my head they're just very close friends, close to brother and sister, which makes him accidentally want to favor Weiss and Whitley when he knows them. XD
4: notp
Ironwood and Robyn. Blegh.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
James uses the training facility at Atlas Academy sometimes and will indulge students that want to spar with him. He's always careful and takes things easy on them, and always lets them get in hits to build their self-confidence.
6: favorite line from this character
"You have two choices: Defend your kingdom and your school, or save yourselves. ...No one will fault you if you leave."
This line is so very James at his best, aggggh! Because it starts out professional and stern, not exactly harsh but more blunt, and then the students all give each other these worried anxious looks, and he softens so clearly in his tone and tells them no one is gonna think less of them, that it isn't their job or their duty or morally right to endanger themselves, and that if they make the choice to leave they can. These kids are seventeen, this might be one of the only times in the first seven seasons that anybody told these kids it's okay to prioritize their own lives.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
I am also kind of socially awkward! Ironwood with his tie adjusting and struggling in conversations and kind of stiff deliveries of things like 'it's good to see you again'... Me too, buddy, I also have no idea how to talk to people. XD
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
The villain arc, ugh. What a terribly written final arc to have. It's always embarrassing to have to specify that I like Ironwood outside of his stupid badly done rushed villain arc that turned him into a boring two dimensional evil-laughing rando with a giant gun-gun using his two remaining braincells to do pointlessly evil things just to get at teenagers. Like??? Cringe.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Problematic fave. Even at IW's very best, he still was flawed in some fun ways, he could do the wrong thing, he could do the right thing but do it in a way that makes you go 'huh.' (Gonna be honest, although I love cinnamon rolls, they're not half as interesting as problematic faves.) XD Aaaand at Ironwood's worst, he was a pointlessly evil stuck up bastard trying to kill and torture people for very little reason, and not in a fun way.
Now for Qrow
1: sexuality headcanon
I headcanon Qrow as bisexual as well, and I also headcanon him as having only realized he was bisexual as a grown adult (partially because Qrow is one of my faves and I project onto my faves, and I only realized I was bi when I was a grown adult. XD)
2: otp
Ironqrow again. XD This ship is just so good that it's my number one fave for both characters.
3: brotp
Qrow and Ozpin. This is a ship that I could see myself enjoying, but what I enjoy even more is them as close friends, with Qrow looking to Oz for guidance and as an authority figure and then the roles reverse when Ozpin gets put into a teenage body and suddenly Qrow is the guide in charge.
4: notp
Funnily enough, this one is also Robyn. Qrow and Robyn started being a ship when she caused a fight and then partially due to her actions, the queercoded Clover was brutally murdered, and then Clover and Qrow spent an entire season doing next to nothing but talking to each other despite their relationship mattering less than any other relationship Qrow had that could've gotten developed, and Robyn compared her problems with her active truth-telling semblance to Qrow's "I hurt everyone around me" problems caused by the passive semblance that makes his life harder despite him not doing anything, and then she was like "don't be sad that your actions helped the Salem worshipper brutally murder your friend, he was probably secretly evil and bad and you're better than that despite the fact that I've known you for like a day." Like, their relationship is nothing but angering for me. XD
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
I have this headcanon that Qrow doesn't realize it, but his bad luck semblance tends to react to large emotions he has. He still absolutely can't control it, but when he's calm and casual and cool, his semblance affects him and the world around him a bit less, and when he's really angry or really sad or even really happy his semblance kicks up and sometimes does really big things like cause unexpected rainstorms and make the electricity in buildings go out and stuff like that.
6: favorite line from this character
Raven: "They were your family." Qrow: "You have a very skewed perception of that word." Maybe it's just because this line fits into my headcanons, but I love it because Qrow's past easily lends itself to him having been abused by the people in the Branwen Camp, and then acquired a found family in Team STRQ and Ozpin, and now he has Yang and Ruby and he was involved in picking up the pieces when Raven left and then again when Summer died, which was probably devastating for him. I also just like Qrow's quippy nature and I like that at least someone was calling out Raven on her BS.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Despite the fact that I've projected onto Qrow, we actually don't have very many similarities. But I'd say that although it's not nearly to the point of Qrow's own issues, I also struggle with feeling like a burden to the people around me and too much of a mess to deal with. I like writing for Qrow partially because it's a good way to explore those feelings.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
"The size of the waitress's skirt length" Ulgh, gag me with a spoon. The at the time all male writers and one with a particularly bad past regarding misogyny on a show concepted by a guy who likes animating a seventeen year old woman character's boobs to bounce around to a jeering laughing cheering crowd... Yeah, no thanks. I much prefer writing my version of Qrow to flirt a lot but know where the line is and not do things like talk about how hot he finds miniskirts on service workers to his two underage nieces.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Problematic fave for sure. Even at his best, Qrow is a rough-around-the-ages spy with shady connections blindly following a leader and not seeing much wrong with getting kids involved who also picks fights with people and is drowning in his own emotional problems in ways that have negative effects on the people around him. But Qrow also (especially in the third and in the eighth season) like it or not also suffers from the problems of the writers, whether that's never giving a damn about inequality, objectifying service workers in a funny story to his underage nieces, seeming weak willed and hypocritical due to the writer's misuse or retconnings or making him go along with whatever Ruby says after Argus, or actively aiding a servant of Salem in volume seven and losing all his braincells in the process so the writers can force it to happen. Either way, Qrow is very problematic, in some fun and interesting ways and some not so fun ways.
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takasgf · 10 months
Might as well just talk about the Morket confession already. Loooooong post ahead
For context, in the months before IW, Morgs and R.ocket have gotten very, very close. They are a lot more comfortable with eachother, sometimes they even are affectionate and Morgen tells him pretty much every day that she loves him. Not necessarly in an overly romantic way, but she feels the need to remind him that. He almost never says it back. Sometimes a few "me too"'s slip from his mouth, but that would be all. He doesnt need to be vocal for Morgs to know that he loves and appreciates her as a friend too, especially since they've made so much progress together. She does have the biggest crush on him, and has had it for the past 4 years (it developed during/immediately after? vol 2; just seeing how caring he was towards Baby G.root made her heart absolutely melt and she slowly fell in love with him as the days passed) but she doesnt act on it. She keeps her affectionate gestures rather platonic, as platonic as forehead good night kisses can be though😆 Thing is, she doesnt mind if he loves her back romantically or not, she just wants to make him feel appreciated and for him to appreciate her back. The only person she tells about her crush is G.amora, since she's the most trustworthy of them all.
Considering he never showed her any kind of romantic affection back (although he starts to compliment her a lot when he drinks a bit too much), Morgen just assumed he's not interested and didnt do anything that implied she loves him more than just a friend. She was content and happy with just his friendship.
Rocky was confused. Very confused. He reciprocated her platonic affection because he got comfortable with her but what he didnt know was that he would eventually be hit with real sudden romantic thoughts. Kind of a realization moment, not exactly a build up. That scared him terribly. He couldnt allow himself to feel that kind of love towards anyone, let alone Morgen.
Her openness with her feelings and affection convinced him that she genuinely just wants to be friends with him and thats how she expresses herself. He thought that if she did have romantic feelings, she'd be more reserved and shy about it. He brushed his feelings off for a while, he really does not want to be in touch with his own emotions. He does not want to get attached, scared of the pain that will come after losing her. He got sick of his own attitude and made the HORRIBLE decision to start being a jerk to her again. To push her away. To make her hate him so that he wouldnt have to deal with his feelings anymore. He suddenly began to ignore her, insult her, reject any sort of affection she tried to initiate, overall just being really cold towards her. Comically so; it was too mean and rude even for him, but its what he thought he had to do. He was feeling awful and remorseful, but he didnt give up his act.
Morgen thought she did something wrong and he got mad at her and tried to get him to talk about it. Before this, they used to be very clear and verbal when something upset them and they'd quickly talk it out and solve it. But this time he had nothing to say. Because she didnt do anything wrong except love him. She tried for days to get him to talk to her, she was really worried and panicked the whole time, desperately trying to fix what she thought broke in their friendship. But it was of no use. She realised he was being mean to her on purpose, not because he was mad and couldnt control his emotions - he was making an active choice to be a jerk to the person that loved him the most. And that angered her. He clearly wasnt going to talk about it so she decided to give him the same treatment for the first time. It wasnt like she accepted his rude behaviour and remarks before, she always called him out on it when it went too far, but she never got this mad before. Let alone reciprocate his coldness. Lets just say, the rest of the G.uardians were pretty shocked. They all pretty much bicker with one another, but it was suuuuper unusual for R.ocket and Morgen to be THIS upset at each other. Morgen vented about her feelings to G.amora, trying to make some sense of the situation while Q.uill tried to get some sort of explanation from Rocky.
Overall it was a very tense atmosphere that continued for WEEKS😭 For a few days Morgen still came into Rocky's room before bedtime, to give him her usual good night forehead smooch but he did not accept any of that, growled at her to get the hell out of his room while she sat there looking at him like "☹️". She gave up eventually. She also had to stop bringing him snacks while he worked because he wouldnt even touch them anymore. Flake note here, writing this SUCKS and its ripping my heart into pieces but it will get better i promise.
Things fizzled out as the days passed, but they were still upset at each other - they just got used to it (🙁this sentence made me shed real tears). Fast forward to the day T.hor bumps into the G.uardians' spaceship window. They talk, blah blah watch the movie, and it gets to the point R.ocket, G.root and T.hor are about to leave to N.idavellir to get T.hor's new m.inecraft pickaxe or whatever. Usually Morgen would join them but this time she prefers to stay with the rest of the team, which is a first. Even if she's still mad at him, she tells R.ocket to take care ("...or else!") before he leaves. The whole time they are separated, Morgen is constantly thinking about him and hoping he was doing okay. They very rarely had separate missions and she was stressed out. Fast forward to purple guy snapping his fingers and killing half the population of the universe. In that moment, Rocky was on Earth with the a.vengers and Morgen was on Titan (planet where the G.uardians and the T.ony S.trange P.eter crew tried to fight T.hanos). All these words make me re-live 2018 wowow. She was left with the other two survivors, T.ony and Nebs. That was the moment that made her finally break down and she spent the next few days doing nothing but crying (or the zteamer person equivalent of crying) and constantly having to repair her shell cracks. Her entire face had entirely cracked at one point and she waddled around the spaceship looking like W.ithered B.onnie. I wonder what funny jokes mr Iron made about this situation.
Anyways, Captain M.arvel comes and brings the spaceship back to earth and its reunion time!!!! Important shit, finally. Morgen almost screams with joy seeing that R.ocket is still alive and gives him the biggest hug ever. She's almost out of energy at that point but she's insanely happy and grateful to see that he was okay. The first thing he does is apologize to her for being such a jerk in the past few weeks, but she shushes him and tells him it's all okay.
They are still in shock after the recent events, since they just lost their entire found family but they get to sit down and have a serious talk a few days after. R.ocket makes a genuine apology to her about his behaviour and the way he treated her. Morgen forgives him fully but still wants to know what the hell upset him so much. He really cant say it at first, but he painfully tries to explain to her what he feels. He is honest about their relationship, the way she makes him feel, the consequences of all her care and affection that resulted in him being incredibly attached to her. Then, he told her why that scared him so much. He was teriffied of the idea of falling in love AND losing that person and having to deal with the pain that comes after. Morgen understood and she couldnt stay mad at him. She comforted him as much as she could and reassured him that love is never in vain and there is no point in running away from it, pushing all of those who care about you away, just because of a hypothetical situation. Yeah, he definitely could lose her, space is a dangerous place, but why deprive yourself of love entirely? Why not enjoy the present? She encouraged him to be brave and open about how he feels. At least to her. At least now. After they lost everything else. He finally told Morgen how much he loves her. How sorry he is for treating her with coldness when all she did was take care and comfort him whenever he needed. She told R.ocket that she loves him too. And she has, for such a long time. He was pretty impressed at how patient she was with him. And grateful. Very grateful that she was part of his life and she was willing to get the stubborn idea that he was unlovable out of his head. That would be when they officialy started a relationship.
Of course N.ebula heard the entire conversation and got a lot of second hand embarassment from it, but as the years passed she grew very fond of them. They were the only 3 g.uardians left alive after the snap, so they became close friends. Even after the rest of the team came back, during E.ndgame, Nebs was still the only one who knew about Morgs' and Rocky's relationship. They preffered to keep it hidden from the rest but that didnt last too long. It was pretty damn obvious they were even closer than before. That and T.hor kept mentioning it by accident (they never told him they were a couple, he just assumed it💀in e.ndgame they both team up with him to get one of the stones. "Rabbit, is she your girlfriend?🤔")
This one is a bit more of an extra fact, but outsiders had a hard time accepting their relationship once they were more open about it. Aeneas was fricking flabbergasted and also felt slightly insulted that Morgen rejected HIM (ultimate beauty what can i say) and got with "THE LITTLE BEAST??!!,?," but he was too busy running the planet (after IW Aeneas is finally able to become the leader of Zteamer) to focus too much on it. Anyone outside their aquaintances was a little weirded out about the couple (Earth people being the most weirded out) but they didnt let that affect them too much. It was all the same problem of not seeing R.ocket as an actual person with feelings and thoughts. Those who knew Morgen's species though were less judgemental because they disliked equally Zteamer people and animal-looking people and had no respect for either of them. Point is, it was a struggle. But they managed, because they loved the other too much. And nobody outside their relationship was allowed to interfere with it.
They care for eachother so so much and they are glad they are able to express it without shame now. They hug after battles and they make little hearts with their hands when they are at a distance to say "i love you". They have a thing called "big heart little heart" where one (usually Morgen) makes a big heart symbol with their entire arms (like ballerinas who put their hands over their head in a circle shape but here its a heart) and the other (usually R.ocket) has to respond with a little heart, more subtle, made from their hands (just the usual heart pose people do). Sometimes there's a third littlest heart which is just the korean heart sign (made from fingers only). They dont like pda, but they still find ways to show their affection for one another ♡
Thank you for suffering alongside me. 🦝🐞
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