o-sharkpop-o · 9 months
hello phighting tumblr community i was drawing in my sketchbook during class
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skymagpie · 1 month
Shazidra of clan Stonefang - Short Backstory [Warlords of Draenor]
1. Early Life
In the rocky, harsh, mountains of the north, Clan Stonefang considered prematurely born children a bad omen, a sign of incoming hardships for the clan. The chieftain, Makdura, was advised to leave the child to die, but the clan's Farseer, Akh’tra, claimed that the birth of the baby was heralded by a raging storm which would make her a great shaman.
Under Farseer Akh'tra's guidance, Shazidra would grow up showing great promise as a shaman, succeeding in all the dangerous trials and rites of passage she had to undertake over the years to secure her place in the clan. While her mother Makdura loved her, Shazidra was closer to Akh'tra than to her own parents. The young girl and the old woman would meditate with the elements for days and even weeks at a time, away from the rest of the clan.
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2. War with the Blackrock Clan
Bordering the territories of the industrial Blackrock clan and the Thunderlords to the east, the small clan Stonefang was forced to compromise with it's neighbors over territory. While their relationships remained friendly, Chief Makdura maintained the peace by sending her strongest warriors as tribute to the other clans to serve in their cause.
With the forming of the Horde under Gul'dan, this peace could no longer be maintained as Blackrock would attack Stonefang territories to mine for more stone, mineral and coal for their forges. The Stonefangs preferred to live in with the land, taking only half of what their home had to offer, and leaving the other half to nature. With this mindset and values they shared with the Frostwolves and the Whiteclaws, they refused to follow Gul'dan.
Knowing that a war is inevitable and that her prematurely born daughter, who was smaller and weaker than the other orcs, would certainly not survive the conflict, Makdura made the choice to give Shazidra over to clan Thunderlord as tribute. She hoped that they would accept her, not knowing of how deep their corruption ran.
(The rest of the story and art are below the cut!)
Shazidra refused to leave her home and family, thinking about running away in the mountains and seeking help from the Frostwolf Clan, knowing that she would survive the journey as the elements were on her side.
However, she would not get the chance as clan Blackrock would attack without warning, killing the majority of her clan, including her mother, chief Makdura, as well as Farseer Akh'tra.
3. Imprisonment by the Blackrock Clan
While the Blackrock had no reason to spare her, a male orc she knew by the name Kortag would vouch for her, convincing the others that her great shaman powers would be useful to the Blackrock forges and that she would soon bend her knee and serve the clan. Kortag was raised together with Shazidra and given as tribute to the Blackrock clan in his youth. He and Shazidra spent their early teen years training and learning together, speaking of how they would be each other mates once they came of age.
Feeling loyalty to his former friend, Kortag took her as his own prisoner, hoping that in few days or even weeks, she would see reason and see that their weak clan had to fall and yet she can live on and achieve glory under Blackhand's command.
Shazidra refused. Having witnessed the death of her family, her friends, the genocide of her clan, she would rather die than serve Blackhand and this new Horde. Stubborn and prideful, Kortag did not relent and he decided he will do whatever it takes to break her will. Instead of the comfort he first offered her in his own quarters, he now chained her in a cold iron prison cell, away from the elements that gave her power.
Days turned to weeks, weeks to months. And months to years. It was no longer about turning her to their side, it was now about showing her the weakness their former clan carried, about winning this standstill between them. But Shazidra was like a stone, she refused to budge and be broken even by the merciless industrial machinery of the Blackrock clan.
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4. Escape and meeting Khadgar
As luck would have it, one day something stirred the Blackrock orcs, something foreign set foot on their home planet of Draenor. While she was cut off from the elements and from her power, the droplets of water, the earth under the steel of her cell, the wind and draft that crept between the metal plating of the walls, whispered to her that her time to escape was now.
In one last ditch effort, Kortag came to her, telling her that the Horde will claim a new world beyond the seas and the sky, and that she can leave this cell as a conqueror or as fodder for their Dark Portal. Not knowing what this meant, Shazidra finally relented. Almost a decade after her capture, chained up as a girl and now released as an aged woman, she convinced Kortag that she finally sees his side.
As he took her out, Shazidra sought to find a way to escape. The moment his guard was down, she took her chance and ran as far as she could. However, emaciated and weak from the constant imprisonment, she couldn't get far. Kortag caught her and this time, would grant her no mercy. She pleaded with him, saying that in that new world it wouldn't matter what clan they are from and that she will disappear in the mountains and no one will ever find her.
However, Kortag refused to lose. He had changed too much in his service of Blackhand, so it would dishonor him to let her go. As he grabbed her, Shazidra pounced and bit him on the neck, almost ripping his flesh before he let her go.
Enraged, he reached out to struck her down, but the storm that gave her life, now took his. Lightning struck his raised axe, burning through him and parting the rock they stood on.
Shazidra now knew that the elements had not forsaken her. In fact, even in her weak state, she felt more powerful and alive than ever. If only she could save her friend, make him see reason. Save the one thing left from her family. Being the only Stonefang left, she had no direction, no home to return to, no clan.
In the distance however, she saw strange beings, tall creatures with long ears, smaller figures with no tusks and some bearing strange pink skin. Seeing that they made quick work of the Blackrock, Shazi approached them. On the face of what she assumed is the one leading them, she saw no fear when her malnourished and bloodied form came close. Only what she believed is to be worry. Perhaps even sympathy.
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She felt so weak, so ashamed to cling to this creature for help, but they defeated the Blackrock. They laid waste to this new Iron Horde in their wake. Perhaps not all was lost. Suddenly a new emotion stirred in Shazidra - the thirst for vengeance. She would go with these strangers and do whatever it takes to get back at those who destroyed her home.
In time, she would learn the name of their leaders - an orc shaman named Thrall who bore strange green skin and a human - Archmage Khadgar. The man who saved her and pulled her out of the ruins.
Even though she felt no obligation, she still followed him, using his knowledge of this Horde and providing him her own knowledge of the land.
As she gained her strength, the friendship between her and this Archmage grew, and the two became close through all the hardships that fighting the Iron Horde and chasing after Gul'dan brought.
At the end of it all, Shazidra proved that she was a shaman to be feared and through their joined effort and the help of her slain ancestors and the elements, they were victorious in saving her home.
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When the handsome stranger, the Archmage Khadgar, decided he must return to his home, to another timeline, Shazidra refused to say goodbye. She insisted that her work is not done as long as Gul'dan draws breath and that with no clan and no home to return to, she had nothing to lose. For her honor and for her clan's honor, she had to see this done.
Khadgar could not refuse her and the two of them returned to the his timeline and to the strange world of Azeroth. The threat of the Legion that Gul'dan brought over from her Draenor was greater than anything she could imagine, however she had no fear. With her new "clan", made of all the people she met on this journey and with her new friend Khadgar by her side, she knew they will get through this - together.
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yo admin H (@hyp3rsh0ck ) here, forgot to make an update post
> Im going to be inactive till abt may 7th, may 7th is my AP Human Geography exam and I also have state end of course exams coming up too over the next two weeks
> For the FRC trips i went to, they both went well! The first one my team got to be on the third place alliance and the second one we got Judge's award
> i MIGHT use this time to catch up on asks when i feel like it, im jst loaded with school work rn so yeah
yall take care of yourselves, do your daily clicks, and glory to blackrock
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brokerkisser · 1 year
Gold Coin/Trigger Happy - Skylanders Phighting au
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(click for better view & image id under keep reading) I'll also add on legendary & spring variant designs when I have ideas for those.
IMAGE ID : First image is Gold Coin drawn as a bloxy robloxian it has a paper white skin tone and it's color is a browny red It's horns are shaped like pointed bunny ears that point backwards with a smaller pair of horns under it's face has a brown marking across it's eyes with a mischeivous look on it's face with it's fangs and tongue poking out of it's mouth Gold coin is wearing a cowboy hat that sits betwen the gap of it's horns the cowboy hat has a gold coin emblem on the front it also has a orange torso and legs it's torso has a small star to the right that's half covered by the vest it wears with a belt with a coin buckle it has a pair of gloves and boots on the glove cuffs are clipped with the same coin emblem on the back of it's vest is the Cloud Scape symbol a simple cloud behind a floating island it's gear is a dual pair of golden revolvers the revolvers are stylized and blocky with a large barrel and handle with a small circle with a star at the top of the handle at the hammer Second image is Double Dare Gold coin it's redish orange in color it's wearing a tan helmet with red orange lines and orange visor with a tan full body suit that has red lines and orange shoes with a pair of tan gloves with red orange lining and orange tassels on the side the body suit is undone on the top with a knot revealing it's chest and a single curly chest hair on it's back is a knee length cape that's a dark red orange underneath with a tan and orange outlined front that has a gear design it's gear is a dual pair of golden cannon barrel looking guns that have red and orange detailing with a gear attached to the back and a ring of fire at the front and a small star keychain dangling Third image is a info sheet that has a small doodled portrait of gold coin to the top left with it's catch phrase under it " No Gold, No Glory! " the info text reads Name: Gold Coin Nickname: Trigger Happy Race/Species: Demon Age: 42 Pronouns: It/Its Mirror nouns Faction/Region: Cloud Scape Class/Job: Part time super charger and phighter full time cow boy Height: 3'2, 97 cm Gear: a image of it's dual golden revolvers next are a row of sliders reading Nice Neutral Mean Nice is hightlighted Brave Middle Cowardly Brave is highlighted Silly Neither Serious silly is highlighted Honest Mix of both Liar mix of both is highlighted Famous Average Off the grid average is highlighted Questions: " Any Notable friends or relatives? " Generally refers to many phighters as an ally. Gold Coin respects a fair worker A good friend to playground & theives den. Lightly weary of Lost temple, but it's chill While concerned and untrusting all of blackrock, It respects Hyperlaser's work Gold Coin refers to Hyperlaser as a fellow worker, and does have an interest in helping the man out " How about enemies? " While not very knowledgable, Subspace and Medkit give it bad vibes. Not enemies by any major means for medkit at least Gold Coin has no trust in Subspace, It's weary and neutral on Medkit. It does not like or trust Biografts at all It finds Biografts facisinating but their use and creation are not it's fancy " Are they good at their job? and do they like it? " Gold coin spent many years training, so it's quite good at it's jobs as both a gunslinger and supercharger It never takes it's job that seriously, always having fun roleplaying as some sort of sheriff or stunt devil Gold Coin is also well versed in phighting gear and machinery, It often tinkers around with engineering Health: 200 Shield/defense: 30 m1 pew pew guns m2 golden charge, hold down m2 to charge up a laser shot Q Lucky Sheriff's Coin Flip, RNG self status boost, Tails - slow debuff, Heads - Damage buff E Pot 'o gold - throws a pot of gold at enemies, short blast radius, slows down enemy Ult Golden machine gun Activates a golden turret machine gun, short radius blast when activated
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dragongraft · 10 months
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Hey, Im the silly owner of this account, I guess. Ill put 🌙 in any tags or posts to signify that the following ooc :3 also i'll seperate using the cuts. yipee
i just wanna say im really nervous to start doing this but spent too long drawing a ref for this siller and im not backing down now
also every ask and most posts will get an art to go with it. i love when blogs do that and I want to do that. so im doing it.
gays to blackrock ✨
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biograft-11 · 1 year
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icygraft · 10 months
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floatiegraft · 1 year
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ruinedtablet · 1 year
I decided to make an account here because uhhhh
Well anyways.
o7 o7 o7
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gamekatz · 9 months
Fire and Ice
Pt. 5
Water contours around your body as you luxuriate in your bath, the soft candlelight casting dancing shadows on your skin. The muffled sounds of celebration and merriment seep into the chamber. You let out a contented sigh, feeling the warmth of the bath penetrate your muscles, relaxing them in a way that you haven't experienced in ages. The troubles, scars, and responsibilities fade into the background as the water soothes your soul.
Gently, you run your fingers across the ridges of the scar on your chest where the arrow had nearly taken your life. Your gaze then shifts to the black markings on your left shoulder, left behind by the phoenix's talons. Tears begin to well up in your eyes, blurring your vision and allowing you to break away from these constant reminders of the borrowed time you’ve been given and the burden of responsibility left to you and your sister.
As you exit the bath, your reflection in the cracked mirror catches your attention. Your hair, once red like your sister’s, has turned bone white after your near-death experience as a child. It’s no wonder people mistake you for being the older sister. Your muscles, well-defined from constantly wearing weapons and armor, seem out of place on your otherwise small figure. You quickly cover them with a loose-fitting white tunic and burlap trousers and bind your white locks into a tight ponytail, despite your longing for more moments of solitude.
Descending to the banquet hall, you're greeted by the jovial presence of Officer Alden Thorn. His breath carries the unmistakable scent of alcohol as he slings an arm around your shoulders.
"Ah, Lieutenant! You made your way here; I was thinking you got lost!" he exclaims, teetering on the brink of balance.
You respond, confused, "No? My quarters are almost right above the banquet hall; there’s no way I could get lost."
Alden's laughter is boisterous, and he leans in a bit too close, his breath now uncomfortably near and bearing a strong scent of alcohol. "A secret lover then?" he jests, his eyes searching yours.
A hint of annoyance flickers across your face, and you gently push Alden away. "I don't have time for anything like that... Where’s Captain Fierra?" you respond curtly.
"Captain Fierra?" Alden's expression sours a bit, as if something precious had been denied him. "She's soaking up the glory as usual. Rumor has it she's in line for a promotion after the reclaiming of Blackrock," Officer Alden Thorn slurred, his expression a mix of disappointment and jealousy.
You thank Alden for the information and excuse yourself. As you navigate through the banquet hall, the festivities reach a crescendo around you. Goblets clink together, and raucous laughter fills the chamber. The tables are laden with dried meats and cheeses, along with what looks to be freshly made bread. Not the most immaculate feast, but definitely the best thing any of these soldiers have had in a long time.
At the far end of the largest table, your sister stands. Still adorned with all her armor and her two swords, she stands commanding the attention of all those around her. You can’t understand quite what she’s saying, but the way she’s gesturing about, you can assume she’s recounting one of her many victories. She breaks off suddenly, her emerald eyes locking onto you, and somehow her smile becomes even more vibrant.
“You’re finally here…” her voice fills with warmth, “good, it wouldn’t be the same without you.”
“I could hardly miss it, since I was assigned to one of the rooms right above the hall.”
“Now who could have done such a thing?” she says, her compassion twisting into a sly smirk. “A poor recluse like you probably wouldn’t be able to get any rest during the party.”
“You know I’m not a fan of this sort of thing,” you say, giving her a friendly punch to the shoulder, “besides, shouldn’t the soon-to-be Marshal have more important things to tend to than meddling with her sister’s sleeping arrangements?”
“It’s a good room; you should be thanking me,” Fierra replies sarcastically, “and I’m not taking that promotion anyways,” her smile slipping away.
“There’s no point; if I’m not on the front lines, no one else can do what we can, Asril. Anyone with an ego can order people around.”
“Fierra, we took Blackrock, we’ve taken all of Vildean back, besides a few camps of stragglers, there’s not going to be much for you to do in the next couple of months.”
“We’re not stopping at Blackrock.” The firmness and certainty behind her words cause your heart to sink into your chest.
“Our goal was to take back Vildean; we’ve been fighting for years for this moment.”
“And now we have a chance to let them know what it’s like…” her voice falters for a moment before continuing in passionate anger, “what it’s like to lose everything!” A silence falls over the two of you, broken only by the sound of celebration all around you. Your shoulders slump forward; this celebration has taken more out of you than any battle you’ve fought.
“How long have you known about this?” your voice trembling.
“Ever since it became clear Blackrock was going to be ours, General Hershin finally began to take my plans into consideration; it’s part of why they wanted to promote me to Marshal.” Her cold words sting just like ice.
“When were you going to tell me?”
“You were going to find out tomorrow, with everyone else, but I guess I’m telling you now.”
“I’m your sister! You knew how I’d feel about this! There’s no reason for it!” you spit. Your sister, Fierra, gazes at you with a mixture of sorrow and determination. The raucous celebration continues around you, but in this moment, the world narrows down to the two of you.
"I get it, Asril," Fierra speaks softly, "I know you're not on board with this, and it hurts me too. But I genuinely think it's necessary. If we don't act now, the Grumnsh forces will just come back..."
“No, you don’t get it! If you did, you wouldn’t have proposed we do such a thing!”
Fierra exhales in visible frustration, fingers clasping the bridge of her nose.
“The ships will be ready to set sail by the end of next month. You and me are going to be on the first fleet. Until then, you should enjoy yourself.”
The rest of the celebration passes by in a daze, a surreal cacophony of laughter, clinking goblets, and jubilant soldiers. You try your best to put on a facade of enjoyment, for Fierra's sake and for the sake of camaraderie with your fellow soldiers. Yet, the weight of the impending mission hangs heavily on your shoulders.
You drift amongst the revelry like a ghost, your mind racing with thoughts of all that lies ahead. The mission, the fleet, the upcoming march into unfamiliar lands - it all looms over the horizon, casting a shadow over each step.
Fierra becomes the center of attention once more, continuing to regale those around her with tales of her courage and victories. Her charisma draws in a crowd, yet she effortlessly navigates through the sea of admirers. You can’t help but feel a pang of envy at her ability to make her voice heard above the masses.
As the celebration begins to wind down, you find yourself standing on the balcony of your quarters overlooking the city of Blackrock. The ruins of once-great buildings mar the quiet cityscape, an echo of a time before the war. When will it be over?
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tinygraft · 1 year
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eightyonekilograms · 4 years
Last month I engaged in some wild speculation about how index funds and other big diversified institutional investors would cure Covid-19. Sort of. What I wrote is that those big investors, who own every public company, are less interested in the relative performance of any one company, and more interested in the performance of companies—and the economy—in general. They do not particularly care which company wins in cutthroat competition with other companies; they care about all of the companies doing okay.
All of the companies, right now, are not doing okay. If one company could find a way to fix that—if a drug company found a cure for Covid-19, say—that company could, theoretically, make a lot of money for itself. If you had a cure you could charge a lot of money for it; if you were the first drug company to make the cure there would be glory and patents and market share in it for you. Curing Covid-19 could be a high-stakes competitive endeavor, for a drug company, just like solving any big societal problem is generally a high-stakes competitive endeavor for the for-profit companies looking to do it. From a societal perspective this might not always be good: It might be better if the drug companies all shared information and worked together to find a cure as fast as possible; once they found it, it might be better if they gave it away for free. But from an individual company’s perspective there are other incentives.
Except that all the individual companies are owned by the same big shareholders, and those shareholders don’t care about who wins, they care about getting the economy working again. So I wrote:
"I will say that if I ran one of the big index-fund companies, and a pharmaceutical company in my portfolio developed a patented fully effective cure for Covid-19 that it could manufacture cheaply and planned to sell to anyone who could pay $50,000 a dose, I would call that company right up and say “no, you give that pill away for free, because the value to me of Covid-19 going away quickly and the economy recovering—the value to me as an owner of airlines and hotels and chain restaurants and retailers and every other company—is vastly, vastly greater than the value to me of your profits on that pill.” Strictly as a financial matter I mean, strictly as a matter of my fiduciary duty to my investors. I would call my index-fund-manager friends and tell them to do the same thing, and between us we might own enough shares of the company’s stock to make it do what we want. Later the antitrust authorities would ask us some uncomfortable questions about our conversations, but in these extreme circumstances that is a risk I’d live with."
Sadly we are not there yet, in that no one has found a cure. But the rest of that paragraph—about index funds calling drug companies, and each other, to coordinate—is totally happening. From the Financial Times:
"The world’s biggest investors are urging drugmakers to collaborate on developing a coronavirus vaccine to end a crisis that has unleashed market turmoil and hammered returns for pension funds across the world.
BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, Fidelity Investments and sister company Fidelity International, Aviva Investors, Janus Henderson and Amundi, Europe’s largest asset manager, all told the Financial Times that they want drug companies to put aside any qualms about collaborating with rivals. …
BlackRock has recently held talks with pharma companies about ways of developing and deploying medicines and equipment, including working with industry competitors and regulators.
A separate group of more than 50 investors, managing more $2.5tn in assets, will next week step up the pressure by writing to more than a dozen global pharmaceutical companies. The letter will ask the groups to share any relevant findings on a vaccine and other treatments as well as to drop any enforcement of relevant patents."
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A History of the Trolls’ Intertribal Relationships
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Approx. 16,000 – 15,000 Years Before the Dark Portal Opens: The Formation of the Tribes
The first and most powerful tribe of trolls to arise is the Zandalar tribe, who lay claim to the highest peaks of the Zandalar mountain range and build a grand city of gold called Zuldazar [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume I, pg. 70]. Over the next several centuries, the Drakkari, Amani, and Gurubashi tribes form and amass enough strength to rival the Zandalari’s own [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume I, pg. 72]. A smaller tribe composed of dark trolls also comes together, although they remain largely independent from the others, uninterested in their desire for land and power [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume I, pg. 93].
During this time, the Drakkari, Amani, Gurubashi, and Zandalari all occasionally engage in skirmishes over hunting grounds, but major conflicts are few and far in between [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume I, pg. 72].
When the C’Thrax, Kith’ix, emerges and begins waging war on the trolls, the Zandalari move to unite the disparate tribes into one force – known as the Empire of Zul – strong enough to overcome the monstrous creature and its armies of aqir [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume I, pg. 72]. Realizing that the minions of the Old Gods must be defeated for good lest they rise up to threaten trollkind once more, the Zandalari convince the various troll factions to pursue the aqir wherever they flee across ancient Kalimdor. In return, the Drakkari, Amani, and Gurubashi are allowed to settle any land they find [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume I, pg. 73].
Both the Drakkari and Amani push north, whereas the Gurubashi pursue the insectoid aqir to the south. After centuries of fighting, the tribes eventually claim victory and, consequently, the land that was promised to them. Now located across far-reaching parts of ancient Kalimdor, the factions grow distant and become increasingly insular without war to bind them together. Nonetheless, the Zandalari continue to maintain a significant degree of influence over all of the trolls for years to come [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume I, pg. 73-74]. In fact, according to the non-canon RPG, trolls from each of the tribes gather in Zandalar every six years to discuss political matters [RPG: Lands of Mystery, pg. 82].
At some point between the formation of the tribes and the Third War, the Frostmane and Winterax tribes split off from the Drakkari Empire and settle in Dun Morogh and the Alterac Mountains respectively [Page: Winterax Tribe, Page: Eimear].
Approx. 10,000 Years Before the Dark Portal Opens: A Sharper Divide
The Razorbranch, a small tribe of jungle trolls living on the fringes of Gurubashi territory in modern-day Tanaris, are cut off from the rest of the Gurubashi Empire by the Sundering [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume I, pg. 76, Troll Compendium: Sand Trolls]. Following the catastrophic event, Tanaris undergoes dramatic climate change and quickly becomes a harsh desert wasteland. Forced to adapt to their new environment, the Razorbranch eventually rebrand themselves the Farraki and become known as the sand trolls [Twitter: Matt Burns, Troll Compendium: Sand Trolls].
Approx 2,800 Years Before the Dark Portal Opens: The Amani Encroach
The Zandalar tribe, seeking to reassert the trolls’ dominance in the Eastern Kingdoms by strengthening the Amani following their defeat at the hands of the high elves several thousand years prior, send a handful of emissaries to Zul’Aman to aid them in war against the quel’dorei [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume I, pg. 129]. Although the Amani are initially successful in battle, the high elves’ alliance with the humans ultimately proves too powerful for the trolls to overcome. The Zandalari emissaries, dismayed at their failure, return to Zandalar [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume I, pg. 131].
According to an outdated source, this is when many of the forest troll tribes break off from the Amani Empire and split into small, independent groups. Some – namely the Mossflayers, Vilebranch, Revantusk, and Witherbark – depart the Amani capital, Zul’Aman, in favor of reclaiming their tribal ancestral grounds in the Hinterlands and other regions in the northern Eastern Kingdoms [Troll Compendium: Forest Troll Tribes].
Approx 1,500 Years Before the Dark Portal Opens: The Loa of Blood
Desperate to reclaim their former glory after the Sundering destroyed much of their territory, the Gurubashi begin sacrifices to the loa of blood, Hakkar, in exchange for strength and power. Bolstered by the loa, the Gurubashi conquer and claim massive swaths of land in the southern Eastern Kingdoms, although it soon proves evident that Hakkar’s endless bloodlust will ultimately be turned on them. Horrified by this realization, some of the Zandalari sail to Stranglethorn Vale and put an end to Hakkar and his most crazed adherents, the Atal’ai [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume I, pg. 138].
Just as the Troll Wars fractured the Amani, so too do the Gurubashi fall apart after Hakkar’s defeat [Troll Compendium: Jungle Troll Tribes]. The Shatterspear tribe relocates across the world to northern Darkshore while both the Skullsplitter and Bloodscalp tribes stay in Stranglethorn Vale where they proceed to fight each other over territory [Troll Compendium: Shatterspear Tribe, Skullsplitter Tribe, Bloodscalp Tribe]. The Darkspear also remain in Stranglethorn for a time, but their violent warring with the Skullsplitter tribe and the constant abuse they suffer at the hands of the other jungle trolls ultimately causes them to leave and settle elsewhere [Troll Compendium: Darkspear Tribe, World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume III, pg. 54, Quest: Split Bone Necklace, RPG: Horde Player’s Guide, pg. 142].
Approx. 6 Years After the Dark Portal Opens: The Second War
Although the Amani Empire fractured into many independent tribes centuries earlier, they all agree to unite and join the Horde after Orgrim Doomhammer frees the Amani leader, Warlord Zul’jin, from a human prison camp in Hillsbrad [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume II, pg. 146-147, 160, Troll Compendium: Forest Trolls]. However, their alliance is short-lived as most of the forest troll tribes leave the Horde after the orcs’ crushing defeat and the trolls’ own failure to destroy Silvermoon City during the Second War. That said, one tribe, the Revantusk, stays and remains their ally [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume II, pg. 173, NPC: Elder Torntusk Dialogue, RPG: Horde Player’s Guide, pg. 9].
At this point, the already tenuous relationship between the various Amani tribes breaks down even further. The Revantusk took the Second War as an opportunity to claim more land in the Hinterlands, an action that enrages the Vilebranch and incites them to attack the Revantusk [Troll Compendium: Vilebranch Tribe]. The Witherbark also turn against the Horde-allied tribe, likely because of their decision to stay allied with the orcs [Troll Compendium: Witherbark Tribe, Revantusk Tribe].
Sometime after the Second War, both the Firetree and Smolderthorn forest troll tribes join with the Dark Horde and take up residence in Blackrock Spire [Troll Compendium: Firetree Tribe, Smolderthorn Tribe].
Approx. 21 Years After the Dark Portal Opens: A Growing Unity
Fleeing from the Alliance navy, Thrall and members of the new Horde temporarily take refuge on a chain of islands inhabited by the Darkspear trolls. After helping each other fend off Kul Tirans and murlocs alike, Thrall invites the Darkspear into the Horde [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume III, pg. 53-54]. They accept, making them the second tribe of trolls to officially join the Horde after the Revantusk.
Approx. 25 Years After the Dark Portal Opens: Hakkar’s Return
The Atal’ai, eager to bring Hakkar into the mortal plane once more, return to the capital of the Gurubashi Empire and begin enslaving Gurubashi trolls to use as sacrifices. King Rastakhan, leader of the Zandalari at the time, sends several of his personal emissaries to oversee and deal with the threat. The Zandalari emissaries travel to Stranglethorn Vale where, through their connection to the Darkspear tribe, they employ the help of Horde adventurers to defeat the loa of blood once and for all [World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume III, pg. 123, NPC: Exzhal Dialogue].
Following Hakkar’s defeat, Bloodscalp trolls torture and kill Bloodlord Mandokir, the leader of the Gurubashi tribe [Quest: Who’s a Big Troll?].
Approx. 26-27 Years After the Dark Portal Opens: The Empire of Ice
While the vast majority of the Drakkari stay in Northrend, the small Icetusk tribe departs on large canoes to escape the Lich King [Quest: Icetusk Fur Coat].
Just as in the past, a contingent of Zandalari trolls travel to Zul’Drak mostly to witness and chronicle the impending end of the Drakkari Empire, although some take a more active role and attempt to put a stop to the ice trolls’ blasphemous actions [NPC: Chronicler To’kini Dialogue, NPC: Hexxer Ubungo Dialogue].
The Winterax tribe, a group of ice trolls from the Alterac region, return to Northrend and rejoin the rest of the Drakkari for a time [Page: Winterax Tribe].
Approx. 28 Years After the Dark Portal Opens: The Shatterspear
The Shatterspear are recruited into the Horde by Garrosh Hellscream, which unites them with both the Revantusk and Darkspear tribes [Page: Shatterspear Tribe]. Unfortunately, the death of their chieftain at the hands of the Alliance shortly thereafter greatly weakens them, leading many of the Shatterspear trolls to leave the tribe, although some decide to remain in the Horde [Ask CDev, Round 4].
Approx. 28-30 Years After the Dark Portal Opens: The Empire of Zul Reborn
Shortly after the Cataclysm, King Rastakhan – under the Dark Prophet Zul’s advisement – begins negotiations to unite the disparate troll tribes for the first time since the Empire of Zul’s  dissolution thousands of years ago [Object: The Dark Prophet Zul, NPC: Vol’jin Dialogue, World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume I, pg. 74]. Zul, acting as Rastakhan’s liaison, initially unites the main Gurubashi and Amani tribes, although the Darkspear, led by Vol’jin, refuse to join because of their allegiance to the Horde [Trailer: Patch 4.1: Rise of the Zandalari, Vol’jin: Shadows of the Horde, Chapter 23, World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume III, pg. 209]. It is only when the notorious Thunder King Lei Shen returns a few years later that Zul is able to fully, albeit briefly, unite all of the major troll tribes. He even succeeds in rallying the Frostmane tribe, a group of Drakkari indigenous to Dun Morogh, although the ice trolls are cut down by members of the Alliance, ultimately preventing them from joining with the Zandalari [Scenario: Blood in the Snow].
To cement the union of the tribes, each of their leaders come together in a Council of Elders that consists of representatives from the Drakkari, Amani, Farakki, Gurubashi, and, most importantly, the Zandalari [Dungeon Journal: Throne of Thunder, Council of Elders]. Unfortunately, the Council of Elders and, consequently, the united troll empire, fall apart after Lei Shen’s defeat.
Approx. 33 Years After the Dark Portal Opens: A Horde United
Under Queen Talanji’s rule, the Zandalari officially join the Horde, an action that unites four troll tribes: the Darkspear, the Revantusk, the Zandalari, and what remains of the Shatterspear [Quest: Allegiance of the Zandalari, NPC: Elder Torntusk Dialogue, Page: Shatterspear Tribe].
Present Day
Many of the troll tribes currently harbor a strong disdain for the Horde and, consequently, any Horde-allied trolls, especially the Darkspear [NPC: Bloodscalp Speaker Dialogue, Troll Compendium: Firetree Tribe]. While some simply dislike the Horde because they see them as weak, others hold grudges against several of the races that make up the Horde – particularly the high elves, undead, and trolls [NPC: Firetree Speaker Dialogue, NPC: Mossflayer Speaker Dialogue, NPC: Skullsplitter Speaker Dialogue, NPC: Frostmane Speaker Dialogue, NPC: Winterax Speaker Dialogue, NPC: Smolderthorn Speaker Dialogue]. The Amani’s long-standing conflict with the high elves of Quel’thalas, for example, makes them particularly unfriendly toward the Horde and its former leader, Sylvanas Windrunner [NPC: Mossflayer Speaker Dialogue, NPC: Firetree Speaker Dialogue]. Moreover, some of the tribes resent the Darkspear and Revantusk for allying with the orcs, seeing them as having betrayed their own kind [NPC: Bloodscalp Speaker Dialogue, Troll Compendium: Firetree Tribe].
Although the Zandalari have always maintained a modicum of influence over the rest of the trolls, their decline in the last several years has led the other tribes to look down on them as well. Many of the troll speakers in Zandalar comment that the Zandalari are weak, stagnant, and both unlikely and unable to hold power for much longer [NPC: Bloodscalp Speaker Dialogue, NPC: Mossflayer Speaker Dialogue, NPC: Skullsplitter Speaker Dialogue, NPC: Frostmane Speaker Dialogue, NPC: Winterax Speaker Dialogue].
As things stand, the Darkspear consider both the Amani and Skullsplitter tribes to be their mortal enemies [Quest: Zul’Marosh, Quest: Split Bone Necklace].
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importantlovecolor · 3 years
Riverbed Nightmare Pathfinder
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It’s the find of a lifetime. A dried out riverbed, full of pre-colonial relics, untouched since it bore witness to a brutal battle sometime in the twelfth century. A team of Miskatonic University researchers are dispatched to Clayton River at once, and by July 10th, 1927, work is underway. Then the first people go missing. Riverbed Nightmare Quest During one of the night’s rests, the main character will have a nightmare with a noisy river. You should find the location called Nettle’s Crossing, which is located on the right of Old Sycamore. Head for this location, then go to the top right corner and talk to a ghost. Sep 30, 2018 Getting drawn into this stalemate starts the quest “Riverbed Nightmare”. If you pick the Neutral option you’ll just watch as both sides butcher each other, and Jaethal will show she’s a poor gambler, as the Nixie does not, in fact, have a better chance of winning.
These farming guides are designed to help you gather materials you may need for your chosen professions. All of these guides are up to date with patch 9.0.2
If you are like me, you have many times wondered where the best location would be to farm for certain items. Here I have compiled a list of the best farming places for most items.
Contact me if you have other great farming spots!
Shadowlands Farming
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Death Blossom Rising Glory Marrowroot Vigil's Torch Widowbloom Nightshade
Desolate Leather Pallid Bone Heavy Desolate Leather Callous Hide Heavy Callous Hide
Laestrite Ore Solenium Ore Oxxein Ore Phaedrum Ore Sinvyr Ore Elethium Ore
Creeping Crawler Meat Tenebrous Ribs Raw Seraphic Wing Phantasmal Haunch Shadowy Shank Aethereal Meat
Battle for Azeroth Farming Guides
Dredged Leather Cragscale Coarse Leather Tempest Hide Shimmerscale Mistscale
Briny Flesh Stringy Loins Meaty Haunch Thick Paleo Steak Moist Fillet Rubbery Flank
Zin'anthid Anchor Weed Akunda's Bite Winter's Kiss Sea Stalk Riverbud Siren's Pollen Star Moss
Osmenite Ore Monelite Ore Storm Silver Ore Platinum Ore
Gilded Seaweave Tidespray Linen Deep Sea Satin
Old World Farming Guides
Linen Cloth Wool Cloth Silk Cloth Mageweave Cloth Runecloth Netherweave Cloth Frostweave Cloth Embersilk Cloth Windwool Cloth Sumptuous Fur Lightweave Cloth Shal'dorei Silk
Lean Shank Leyblood Fatty Bearsteak Wildfowl Egg Big Gamy Ribs
Copper Ore Tin Ore Iron Ore Mithril Ore Thorium Ore Fel Iron Ore Adamantite Ore Cobalt Ore Saronite Ore Obsidium Ore Elementium Ore Ghost Iron Ore Blackrock Ore True Iron Ore Empyrium Felslate Leystone Ore
Rare Ores
Dark Iron Ore
Light Leather Medium Leather Heavy Leather Thick Leather Rugged Leather Knothide Leather Borean Leather Savage Leather Exotic Leather Raw Beast Hide Fiendish Leather Stormscale Stonehide Leather
Rare leathers
Heavy Hide Fel Scales Blackened Dragonscale
Essence of Fire Essence of Water Essence of Earth Essence of Air Essence of Undeath Living Essence
Mote of Fire / Primal Fire Mote of Water / Primal Water Mote of Earth / Primal Earth Mote of Air / Primal Air Mote of Shadow / Primal Shadow Mote of Life / Primal Life Mote of Mana / Primal Mana
Crystallized Fire / Eternal Fire Crystallized Water / Eternal Water Crystallized Earth / Eternal Earth Crystallized Air / Eternal Air Crystallized Shadow/Eternal shadow Crystallized Life / Eternal Life
Volatile Fire Volatile Water Volatile Earth Volatile Air Volatile Life
Spirit of Harmony
Silverleaf Peacebloom Briarthorn Mageroyal Stranglekelp Bruiseweed Grave Moss Wild Steelbloom Kingsblood Liferoot Fadeleaf Goldthorn Khadgar's Whisker Sungrass Firebloom Purple Lotus Blindweed Ghost Mushroom Gromsblood Golden Sansam Dreamfoil Mountain Silversage Icecap Sorrowmoss
Felweed Dreaming Glory Terocone Ragveil Nightmare Vine Netherbloom
Goldclover Tiger Lily Deadnettle Talandra's Rose Adder's Tongue Icethorn Lichbloom
Cinderbloom Stormvine Azshara's Veil Heartblossom Twilight Jasmine Whiptail
Green Tea Leaf Rain Poppy Silkweed Snow Lily Fool's Cap
Frostweed Fireweed Starflower Gorgrond Flytrap Talador Orchid Nagrand Arrowbloom
Astral Glory Aethril Dreamleaf Foxflower Fjarnskaggl Starlight Rose
Home >Magic >Spells (Paizo, Inc.) >N >
Schoolillusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting, evil]; Levelalchemist 5, bard 5, sorcerer/wizard 5; Domainmadness 5; Subdomainsleep 6
Fangberry For Bokken
Casting Time 10 minutes Components V, S
Pathfinder Kingmaker Shrike River
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Range unlimited Target one living creature Duration instantaneous Saving ThrowWill negates; see text; Spell Resistance yes
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You send a hideous and unsettling phantasmal vision to a specific creature that you name or otherwise specifically designate.
The nightmare prevents restful sleep and causes 1d10 points of damage. The nightmare leaves the subject fatigued and unable to regain arcane spells for the next 24 hours.
The difficulty of the save depends on your knowledge the subject and the physical connection (if any) you have to that creature.
Riverbed Nightmare Pathfinder Dnd
KnowledgeWill Save ModifierNone*+10Secondhand (you have heard of the subject)+5Firsthand (you have met the subject)+0Familiar (you know the subject well)-5ConnectionWill Save ModifierLikeness or picture-2Possession or garment-4Body part, lock of hair, bit of nail, etc.-10
*You must have some sort of connection to a creature of which you have no knowledge.
Dispel evil cast on the subject while you are casting the spell dispels the nightmare and causes you to be stunned for 10 minutes per caster level of the dispel evil.
If the recipient is awake when the spell begins, you can choose to cease casting (ending the spell) or to enter a trance until the recipient goes to sleep, whereupon you become alert again and complete the casting. If you are disturbed during the trance, you must succeed on a Concentration check as if you were in the midst of casting a spell or the spell ends.
Riverbed Nightmare Pathfinder Character
If you choose to enter a trance, you are not aware of your surroundings or the activities around you while in the trance.
Riverbed Nightmare Pathfinder Armor
You are defenseless, both physically and mentally, while in the trance. (You always fail Will saving throws, for example.)
Pathfinder Kingmaker Feather Tokens Quest
Creatures who don’t sleep (such as elves, but not half-elves) or dream are immune to this spell.
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officialtoa · 4 years
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The Dwarven Vanguard is once again excited to bring to you, the Flavors of Khaz Modan booth once again this year! Come eat and drink the finest the Dwarves have to offer and if you're feeling lucky, sign up for our drinking game!
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The Dwarven Vanguard is bringing a full arsenal of ales and brews to share with our friends at the Tournament of Ages! Below is a brief description of each. Dwarven drinks are not for the faint of heart, so mind your livers!
Weak:                                                                                                                      Thunder Ale 
Distilled at the famous Thunderbrew Distillery in Kharanos, this mild drink carries a warm tone. Smooth and easy to drink, this is sure to warm up any who travel in Dun Morogh - or Icecrown!
Rhapsody Malt
The secret to our delicious ribs, this single malt whisky is aged for three years. Tasting of caramels, cinnamon and lacking the bite of stronger drinks it is paired best with its counterpart: ribs!
Northrend Honey Mead 
The bees in Northrend make a delicious honey that has a complicated taste. Sweet, a touch sour and refreshing, this mead is sure to please.
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Medium:                                                                                                                                                                  .
Dwarven Stout
Ironforge’s own, these stouts are what keep our soldiers alive on the frontline! Full-bodied, almost chocolatey and carrying a tinge of spice, who needs water with this around?
Dun Modr Peat Whisky
Peat from the swamps of Dun Modr, The Vanguard’s base of operations, is dried, crushed, then the malt is triple smoked, adding a hint of salted caramel flavor. Artificially aged in brew-making Golems, it also carries prominent notes of pine-nuts, toffee, cinnamon and apricot.
Strong:                                                                                                                                                                     .
Dwarven Mead
Fermented honey in Loch Modan is deceptive. Sweet, light and easy to drink, this mead will have you passed out in Thelsamar before you know it! Badlands Bourbon 
Smooth, enjoyed neat or on the rocks, this bourbon carries strong spices and isn’t for beginners. Sure to grow your beard and best enjoyed with some Chops, it’s a wonder they call it’s homeland the ‘Badlands’. Highlands Spirit
Pomegranates, tea, cinnamon and pears are distilled together to create this strong and vibrant spirit. Please do not fly your gryphon and drink. Stormhammer responsibly. Darkbrew Lager
Somewhere between the strong body of a stout and the gentle bite of bourbon, this once-secretive drink is a real novelty. The imperial excellence of Dark Iron craft meets the beauty of Loch Modan, making this drink the perfect toast to Dwarven unity. Sulfuron Slammer
A drink quite literally on fire. Often enjoyed at the Grim Guzzler, or thrown as a weapon, this is likely the strongest drink on offer at the Tournament of Ages and it always draws a crowd.
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Old Ironforge
An old Dwarven blend, distilled from barley malted over blacksmith fires, this ale is nice and crisp. Dangerously refreshing, you’ll find yourself reminiscing of the glory days after a couple of these!
The Aerie 8 Year Malt
An untamed spirit with a grassy character owed to the use of wild grains which grow only near the peaks of the Hinterlands mountains. Often touted as the strongest legal drink the Wildhammer Clan offers! Haustvald 25 Year Cask
The magical properties of the Runewood provide a truly unique finish to this vrykul spirit. The Dwarven Vanguard is not responsible for combustion, implosion, liquidation, shrinking, growing, widening, farting and/or death. Plugger’s Blackrock Ale
Before young Dark Irons are ready for Sulfuron Slammers they grow up on this and often get used to it. Full of spice, with a dark fruity twist, this ale is a must-try.
Powder Proof Rum
Made from the sugar mash (or molasses) frequently produced in tropical climes, Powder Proof rum has become a staple within the Vanguard’s navy for its suitability on long sea voyages and its staggering potency. So strong it makes black powder sizzle! Overproof means perfect strength for our sailors.
The Dwarven Vanguard is also bringing a taste of Khaz Modan from the northern wetlands to the Tournament of Ages. Try some of our favorites, from our hearth to your stomach!
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Steam-Baked Apples
A peeled tart apple, cored and stuffed with a cinnamon-brown sugar and oats mixture and wrapped in puff-pastry, then flash steamed in a portable pressurized oven. Served with a spoonful of local honey from the Bael Vorn Meadery hives.
"Warm Hammer" Pretzels
A thick braided pretzel in the shape of a dwarven hammer. Served with mustard and a spicy beer cheese sauce to dip in. Can be ordered with or without salt.
Beer Basted Crocolisk
Crocolisk tail tenderloin, braised over several hours in a mixture of spices and dwarven ale, then seared on the grill and topped with crispy onions. Served with a toasted sourdough roll with herb butter.
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Kickin' Chimaerok Chops
Bone-on chimaerok tenderloin chop, marinated in a garlic-chili-ginger sauce and wrapped in a thin sheet of bear fat, then grilled over very high temperature to achieve a perfectly cooked chop with a crispy layer of fat. Served with deep-fried mushrooms.
Barbecue Boar Ribs
A half-slab of boar ribs, rubbed with a special blend of seasoning and slow-smoked over a mixture of applewood and whiskey-barrel wood chips. Served with a toasted sourdough roll with herb butter.
"Silverbelt Special"
Three-quarters of a pound of fatty ground bear meat shaped into a patty, cooked medium-medium well. Served on a toasted brioche bun with a spicy harissa spread and topped with arugula, gouda cheese, and smoked bacon. Served with thick-cut deep fried potato chips.
Pickled Pig Snout
Pig snout, pickled in an earthy, spicy brine. Only the brave order this.
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biograft-11 · 1 year
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