rays-original-shit · 4 months
Holy shit???? Who’s this in my Spanish assignment???
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ashleyeveerson · 5 months
Haven't been able to think about anything other than the victorian/edwardian/WW1 twink and his 80's punk almost-boyfriend for a week, send help
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idliketobeatree · 19 days
the allusion to the cat king and esther having a thing sometime long ago, and after a messy break-up deciding to avoid each other at all costs is a bit mental. imagine getting stuck in the same small town as your bloodthirsty ex, but you're both supernatural beings, living for hundreds of years and are only really separated by a few neighbourhoods. i'd go crazy. what if you go to the market to buy milk and she's there in the corner picking up packet bird food. do you just pretend to walk into a different aisle
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mattzerella-sticks · 5 months
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"Who are you?"
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"We're you, but on Netflix. And ghosts."
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many-gay-magpies · 3 months
i love how dead boy detectives presents such a diverse mix of the campiest, most over-the-top tv characters of all time, and the best representation of actual real-life human beings i think i have ever seen on television
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hey-there-22 · 8 days
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myoonmii · 4 months
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Edwin doesn't really understand the concept but he is very enthusiastic!!
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yvainart · 5 months
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when you’re lost in the darkness look for the light
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dead-chela · 4 months
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Everyone say hello to my new little brainworms
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windybreeze12 · 5 months
DBD Quotes that are my Roman Empire (and my reactions to them)
No version of this where I don't come get you - Charles S1 E7 (SIR???? IM SORRY??? If someone said that to me, i'd faint. Edwin is a strong one) .
Do you think it must be torture? Being the way we are? - Simon S1 E7 (I swear you could audibly hear my heart break when he said that) .
Teethface, what the fuck? - Esther S1 E6 (I love her. She's an awful person and is literally irredeemable but dammit she does her shit with style and sass and i love her) .
He did not feel the same way. But I think we are better friends because of it - Edwin S1 E8 (THEM. JUST THEM. I CANT WITH THEM.) .
You, Charles Rowland, are the best person I know - Edwin S1 E5 (It's like they want me to go throw myself off a cliff their friendship is everything to me) .
And we've got literally forever to figure out what the rest means - Charles S1 E7 (Charles is raising the bar too high i fear. the standards are through the roof) .
When you punish yourself, everywhere becomes hell - Edwin S1 E7 (*starts sobbing in the corner*) .
Imagine thinking there was only one way to do any one thing. How difficult would life be? - Kashi S1 E6 (I swear Kashi walked into this show to spit straight facts and then was never seen again. Icon.) .
We didn’t matter, he and I - Edwin S1 E1 (No because the way I swore to myself that I would protect these boys with my life the minute he said this) .
I will always hit a demon with a cricket bat for you - Charles S1 E6 (Fellas, never settle for anything less than Charles Rowland) .
I wasn't talking about you - Edwin S1 E5 (I'm not even kidding I paused the show, got up and had to take a minute because OOF Monty darling) .
As more than a friend, I’m afraid. Charles, I'm in love with you - Edwin S1 E7 (No joke this is one of the best scenes in a show I have ever watched. The acting, the dialogue, the pacing, the emotion??? UGH!!! Perfection) .
I certainly hope not, that story ends tragically - Edwin S1 E7 (There are already a million and one posts about the implications of Charles referencing Orpheus' story so go check those out but holy hell the way it made my heart twist) .
I could- we could lose Charles - Edwin S1 E3 (This was such a tiny detail but GOD I replayed it ten times before moving on) .
Honestly I just find her so charming - Edwin S1 E2 (I knew from this moment that Edwin and Niko were going to be a pair to watch. And boy was I right) .
That was my third life you bitch—i only get nine; would you fuck off - The Cat King S1 E8 (now THIS is how you creatively use a cat's nine lives in media I love it I freaking love it) .
You sacrificed me to a demon who traded me to another demon who traded me to a thing that is worse than a demon and this is your punishment! An eternity of papercuts! - Edwin S1 E7 (Honey I have an eternity of questions cause what the FUCK is this human trafficking system down in hell??? but also go off king??? 😭)
I'll update this whenever I remember anymore. Tell me more quotes in reblogs/replies i'll add them into this!
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queerly-done · 4 months
Does anyone genuinely believe Charles Rowland is straight? I mean even if we are to ignore the way he’s dressed in the most obviously queer way I’ve seen in my life(he dresses like me he has my fashion sense), his reaction to Edwin’s confession wasn’t ‘A Straight man rejecting his Gay best friend.’ It was a stressful situation, where a confession was answered with ‘I’m not quite sure how I feel yet but we do have eternity to find out and I love you no matter what.’ Thats not a rejection it’s a we’re in a bad situation and we’ll see where time takes us. Not only did he not reject Edwin, he clearly likes him more than just a friend. He went to hell for Edwin, he gets jealous when other guys talk to Edwin, even when asked why he likes Crystal he says she reminds him of Edwin. That’s not something I generally think about my best friend and the person I like.
Again sorry for the ranty dbda post I hope you liked it
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starfruitsomething · 5 months
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idliketobeatree · 2 months
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it's okay to just admit that you're jealous of me, you're obsessin', just confess it 'cause it's obvious i'm your number one. (or, edwin payne's cunty hot girlypop brat summer)
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starlight-archer · 5 months
I have now watched Dead Boy Detectives three times. This show has me in its clutches for real
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many-gay-magpies · 3 months
man i love how there was rly just. NO hesitation on charles' part on deciding to go to hell to get edwin out. like, typically you'd expect at least SOME deliberation, but nope he was instantly just like "so you can make a portal to hell? okay make one, i'm going in." and yeah some of it can be left up to the fact that he's a ghost and not as liable to die in hell as someone living, but seriously the fact that that was his default course of action? just right off the bat? that level of devotion is frankly a little insane
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Guys once you get past the British accents I promise Dead Boy Detectives is actually good
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