#GOOD hpsc
You know what annoys me most about the entire Yagi and Inko bashing? Canonically EVERY adult has failed Izuku, every single one of them, (even Aizawa, especially Aizawa). However it's only Yagi and Inko who realized their own mistakes and tried to make amends and yet it's them who get most hated meanwhile Aizawa did fuck all for Izuku and yet the fandom treats him like a sagely perfect teacher because muhmuhm he expels kids to give them fear of death
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airanke · 4 months
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A scene from a fic I have not posted anywhere.
[Do not tag with any form of ship names, thank you.]
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dekubreaksbones · 24 days
You know those old AUs where Dabi/Touya trained at the HPSC?
That, but with Natsuo.
Losing both his brother and mother leads Natsuo to have a mental break, resulting in a stress mutation of his quirk. Makes it stronger; currently thinking his ice becomes unmeltable, and certain parts of his body turn completely into ice, such as his arms and jaw. He can regrow the ice and change its formation on his body. The HPSC already had an interest in Endeavor's children, but only after this incident are they able to get their hands on one of them.
He's not the same as Hawks; the commission doesn't own him, it's more of a "boarding school" type thing, and after he becomes a Hero, he's only so on paper. He doesn't have an agency, doesn't patrol, is mostly unknown. He doesn't assassinate people like Lady Nagant and Hawks, they keep his business mostly legal. He's just,,, a hero working specifically and directly for the Commission, called in on certain raids or jobs as the HPSC sees fit.
Outside of that though, he tries to have a normal life. Moves out at 18, attends college, keeps his civilian and hero identities separate. He doesn't have many connections in the hero world; everyone knows he's a Commission plant.
Anyway. Just something i'm thinking really hard of rn. Will probably do some art later
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chiquilines · 8 months
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I really love this AU if you couldn't tell
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
TW: violence
Apparently, there are confront characters? Characters you would, on sight, beat their organs to paste?
I have a ton of non-controversial ones (like John Winchester, Professor Pyg, Tarantula, etc.).
All Might. Fuck All Might.
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kurokoros · 9 months
I've been seeing the "endeavor is the best written character in BNHA" take for a while and regardless of if that's true or not (because that's an opinion, not a fact) do the people saying this not think it's questionable or off-putting that the "best" written character is a middle aged man discovering after over two decades that neglecting, abusing, and overall traumatizing his wife and children is BAD and he wants to be a better person now???
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takami-takami · 1 year
i know in my heart that hawks uses his status and fame to front a charity campaign, but i cant decide what the cause would be
HE DOES HE'S SUCH A GOOD BOY! His little charity campaigns are pet projects that the HPSC tries desperately to discourage out of him. A little charity is good for his image, they say, but it shouldn't detract from his "mission."
And oh, that bothers him so bad. This is his mission, so he's going to allot time for it regardless of what they say. I can see him doing a little bit of everything rather than championing one specific cause, trying to do the greatest amount of good for the most amount of people.
It definitely is something he'd do more if he had more time on his hands. His main goal is to change society, but he likes charity because it feels refreshing to be able to make a change without getting his hands dirty, so to speak.
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delku · 3 months
tbh i dont think villain deku is inherently a bad concept but he's been oncelerfied so badly it's kind of difficult to imagine a scenario that doesn't suck total ass.
like, there's practically zero good examples of it and a billion shitty ones - making him evil for the sake of it, arbitrarily replacing his fashion sense (this shouldn't happen basically no matter what - what does his social standing have to do with how he dresses lmao? do you think a life of crime precludes someone to wearing dumbass shirts and garish sneakers? participation in this phenomenon is loser behavior), totally rewriting his childhood, giving him a "villain's quirk", forcing him to be subservient to some shmuck who abducted him, all might denying him heorics/ofa so he becomes a villain out of spite (for some reason - usually because he suddenly develops a hatred of all might, as if he'd ever not worship the ground that man walks on even if he beat deku senseless (and let's be Extra Fucking Clear here that he wouldn't, ever)), he never meets all might so he (insert random previously-mentioned scenario here), et cetera. it's all thoughtless, boring, and trite - taking the path of least resistance in pursuit of an aesthetic, completely disregarding the character's, well, character. it fucking blows. if you want aesthetics without character, go find some brainless png slot machine to appropriate - they'll probably have a design that's more "gremlin-like" or "feral" anyhow, you annoying motherfuckers
what potential does a concept like "villain deku" have then if the existing popular scenarios are dogshit? it's very narrow, to be honest, and it doesn't make sense without some degree of interference in his life during or after the hero course. essentially: he learns of the injustices the hpsc operates on and goes rogue over it, in a manner *maybe* similar to lady nagant, though he wouldn't kill the director (he's got the potential to be faster than a speeding bullet; gunfire doesn't pose an imminent threat on his life).
(to be clear, i think intervening in his character at any point earlier than his entry to UA is fucking with who he is on a fundamental level and is lazy. work with canon even just a little bit for these "canon divergent" scenarios, please - your work and creativity will benefit from it, i promise. and calling it an alternate universe when the only change is making deku a villain is still lazy because it'll fall into one of those shitty cliches i was just bitching about.)
that's the type of thing that could lead him to be classified as a villain - rebellion against the system of power he intended to serve and its violence. he wouldn't just be out killing people or committing violence for fun, though - he has the make of a "beloved vigilante" among the populace; a righteous man of the people who's conscious of the injustices faced by the everyman. a robin hood among heroes, villains, and vigilantes. stain, if he rescued instead of killed. and was more intimidating anyways, somehow (it's the poor hygiene).
he has the drive to strive for justice in a way the people in power don't appreciate - let's not forget how he, alongside iida and todoroki, were treated by the cops after the stain incident; how the school responded to the bakugou rescue squad; how he was scolded for protecting UA from gentle and la brava (even if the incident was comparably mild, and he wasn't scolded for his action so much as his inaction. the point here is that he went against authority, not that he got in deep shit for it). deku doesn't care what the consequences of his actions are as long as (he believes) he's helping/defending someone or something he believes in.
also, like ‐ and pretend we're living in the world where ofa remains intact - he'd never get fucking caught. basically every power in ofa's arsenal is an escape tool. he has multiple distinct speed/mobility amplifiers, cover in the form of smokescreen, can fly, and (most obviously) danger sense. he escaped the cops in whm with just full cowling and blackwhip. he's untouchable with the rest of it.
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problemswithbooks · 2 years
the fact that spinner doesn’t care more about his fellow mutants like why tf would you even introduce this plot
Yeah, I really don't get why Hori wrote this sub plot like this.
Like I see people mad at Shoji, saying that he's not listening to Spinner and his grievances, but he literally hasn't said shit about the mutant discrimination stuff. Spinner can barely talk as it is, or think and only screams about getting Kurogiri back. Shoji isn't shutting down his or really any of the mutants issues, he's just pointing out that they're being stupid and violent for zero reason.
Getting Kurogiri back has nothing to do with their cause and will not help them what-so-ever. The only one it helps is AfO--a guy who has never shown any care for mutant discrimination and has not promised these people anything. Spinner hasn't promised to help them either--they just latched onto him because...idk, they like his face, I guess.
It's honestly a little insulting to write this sub-plot this way because it presents the oppressed people as stupid and looking for excuses to be overly violent. Their arguments for standing with Spinner are weak or even non-existent and they literally have no reason to storm the hospital the way they are.
I get what Hori was going for, but it's so clear he's out of his depth and didn't put in the work to research how to write this storyline. He put it in because X-Men did it and because it added to his worldbuilding, yet he didn't put in the time to actually have it be more then surface deep.
And I think that's why some of the takes on this chapter bug me because it's just people gushing about how good it is and how it makes the villains so deep and the kids/Heroes horrible people, yet it's written so poorly. Hell, Hori putting Rock Lock of all his Heroes in this part of the story is by itself questionable. Having you're stand in racial allegory tell an actual black character that he doesn't get their pain is ridiculous and if Hori had spent any time researching for this story he would have realized that was a bad idea.
I get that people want a story that takes the system to task and has this sweeping narrative about oppression, but BNHA, if that is it's end goal, is still terribly written. Yet, I don't see anyone who thinks this chapter is good admitting Hori has made mistakes with this plot point. They're just to focused on how it could make their favs look better and owning the Heroes, rather then if the story makes sense.
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bronzetomatoes · 2 years
bnha is crazy bc the #2 Hero could literally join the terrorist organization he's infiltrating and i would hate him less than i hate the #1. hell, i'd root for him
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touyasdoll · 7 months
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Scream 2
this is a follow up to a fic I wrote last year for kinktober, but it’s not necessary to read that one before this one. it can stand alone <3
pairing: ghostface!Dabi x f!reader x ghostface!Hawks
warnings: DARK CONTENT, please be advised. CNC, dubcon, fear play, knife play, home invasion, threesome, double penetration in one hole, eiffel tower for lack of a better term, oral (m!receiving), oral (f!receiving), backshots, also Touya is 6'4 idc what the canon says, au where Hawks actually double crosses the HPSC bc a girl can dream, rough sex, not exactly hair pulling but hair grabbing, face sitting, thigh riding, size kink, dirty talk, biting, marking, overstimulation, mild degradation, praise, impact play (barely), nipple play, breeding, let me know if I missed any please <3
word count: 5.3k
notes: Happy Halloween! 👻🔪🖤
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“You’re absolutely sure about this?” Keigo asks as he narrows his golden irises at the white haired man before him on the rooftop. 
The sky is dark, especially in this part of the city. The few lights from the rundown buildings and buzzing street lamps provide the only meaningful illumination, as the moon is hidden behind a thick blanket of dark, heavy clouds that promise a storm is coming. 
“I’m sure. Don’t sweat it, feathers. Just stick to the plan and everything’ll be fine. Scout’s honor,” Touya replies, flashing a sardonic smile. 
“Your honor isn’t exactly worth much,” the hero scoffs. “But I guess I’ll have to take you at your word.”
Keigo’s dressed in his civilian clothes; an all black ensemble consisting of jeans, boots, and a well-fitting hoodie. He’d clearly heeded Touya’s instruction to dress for stealth, while the villain is still dressed in his stitched ensemble. 
“That’s a good little bird,” Touya says as he heads for the stairs. “Good luck. You might need it, hero.”
“Thanks,” he mutters, heaving an anxious sigh before he takes off into the cool night air.
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You’re just getting ready to turn in for the night. It had been a successful Halloween. You and Touya were able to watch a few spooky movies and take turns passing out candy before he had to leave for whatever PLF business he’s up to tonight. 
He actually seemed to enjoy himself whenever it was his turn to answer the door. Maybe it was because he got a kick out of seeing the kids’ reactions to his Ghostface mask, but you have a feeling it was more about seeing your reaction to the mask. 
He hasn’t pulled it out since last Halloween, much to your disappointment. He just looks so good in it. You could even do without the theatrics. Just being able to ride him or get railed while he has that damn mask on would be enough.
You were hoping that he’d give you an encore tonight. He did use the code the two of you had established. You vividly remember him slowly lifting off the mask after closing the door on another round of trick-or-treaters and sauntering over to the couch with a mischievous grin on his face. 
“Hey, doll. What’s your favorite scary movie?” He’d asked, the question so full of promise, just as it had been last year. 
But it was well past midnight now. He’d said that he might be back late tonight, which is usually how it goes when he’s working. Maybe you two could have your fun on another night, you suppose as you retreat to your bedroom. 
You change into one of Touya’s t-shirts before you slip beneath the covers and just before you rest your head, your phone rings. Seeing that it’s your boyfriend, you pick it right up. 
“Hey, baby,” you greet him, sitting up against the headboard. 
Unfortunately, you don’t hear a word that he says. What you do hear is much more terrifying. A loud, sudden thud reverberates throughout the house and you swear it must be coming from your kitchen, but you were just in there hardly a minute ago. Surely, you’d notice someone creeping around your house, right?
Then again, you hadn’t noticed last year. Maybe he was keeping up the tradition after all. Trying to pull the wool over your eyes again to give you a scare. Well, not this year. You know better. 
“Sorry, baby. You were breaking up,” you say calmly as you slip out of bed and creep into the hall. “What did you say?”
You’d play along with his little game, but you know that you have no reason to be truly afraid. He’s probably hiding behind a corner somewhere, watching you as you pad about the house in nothing but his t-shirt and your underwear. The thought actually turns you on quite a bit. 
“I said I’m about to head home. Sorry things took so long, but I should be back soon. M’not far,” Touya says as he jingles his keys in his hand. 
“Okay. I was just about to turn in to bed, but I’ll wait up for you,” you say as you head into the kitchen to turn the light on. 
There’s a large duffel bag in the center of the floor and you can’t help but wonder what might be inside. Seems like he’s really trying to up the ante this time. Your insides start twisting with a heady mixture of both excitement and desire, but then you see a figure who seems too short to be your boyfriend step into the other entrance to the kitchen and your heart stops. 
“You don’t gotta wait up if you’re tired, doll,” Touya says on the other end of the phone, confirming that it’s definitely not him staring you down in that familiar Ghostface costume. 
“Babe,” you whisper, your voice trembling in fear as you take a step back and the masked intruder takes one with you. “S-someone’s in the house.”
“What?” Touya asks and you can hear the fear in his voice as well, which sends your blood pressure through the roof. “Doll, just stay hidden. I will be there as soon as I can. I’m on my way, okay? Where are you?”
“O-okay,” you respond meekly, your voice cracking as you continue to walk backwards. 
The intruder keeps at your pace, tilting his head to one side as he studies you. Your eyes are drawn to something glinting in the light as he reveals a blade from behind his robe. 
“Doll, where are you? Do they know you’re there?” Touya asks frantically as he fires up the car and takes off. 
You only faintly hear his voice and the tires skidding in the background of the call as you freeze up. Everything slows down for just a moment and then the adrenaline kicks in. 
You bolt for the front door, only to find that it’s locked from the outside somehow. You try again in vain to jiggle the handle, praying that maybe it’s just stuck, but it’s definitely fucking locked and that causes you to panic all over again. 
“Doll? Doll, answer me,” Touya yells loud enough for you to hear it even though you’ve since dropped your phone to your side. 
You don’t hear the stranger coming up behind you, but when you look over your shoulder, he’s right there. Close enough to kill you if he wanted. 
You scream in fright and drop the phone in your haste to bolt for the back door, but he jumps in your way. He’s on the smaller side, but he seems especially nimble. You aren’t sure you stand much of a chance getting away from him, but you have to try. 
You just have to last until Touya gets home. That’s what you keep telling yourself. A mantra that you repeat over and over in your mind as you scramble down the hall and into the first open door. 
The slam of the door knocks some sense back into you. You keep your hands pressed against it and take a look around the guest bedroom, eyeing the dresser nearby. It’s mostly empty and it’s not very big, but it’s better than nothing. 
A loud bang that sounds like a heavy fist thudding against the wood startles you and you let out a scream before you lurch towards the dresser to start sliding it across the floor. 
“Doll? Doll, where are you?” You hear Touya’s voice call out from down the hall. 
Your breath hitches in your throat. Do you come out? Touya’s more than capable, but you don’t know what this intruder is capable of. What’s his quirk? What if it’s deadly?
Your heart thumps wildly in your chest as you listen for sounds of a struggle, but your fear of something happening to your boyfriend wins out over your fear of something happening to you. 
“Babe?” You call as you burst out of the door, frantically scanning the dimly lit house as you creep down the hall once more. 
The kitchen lights have been turned off and it’s quiet. It’s silent. Eerily so. Just when you feel like you might have made a mistake, the stranger turns the corner from the kitchen and holds a voice changer up to his mouth. 
“Yes, doll?” He says, tilting his head in a mocking fashion as he slowly stalks closer to you. 
Your eyes go wide as you realize that you’d definitely fucked up and you attempt to retreat back to the relative safety of the guest room, but you hear footsteps right behind you. He’s moving too fast. He covers twice the distance that you’re able to and throws himself across the doorway before lifting the device to his concealed mouth again. 
“Fooled ya,” he says in the familiar, raspy distorted voice of Ghostface. 
Tears well in your eyes as you turn tail and run straight for the backdoor. You aren’t thinking, just moving. Hurtling towards freedom, which you are hoping against hope you are able to find, but all hope is lost when you suddenly collide with another figure in the kitchen. 
You slam into their firm chest and tilt your head back to look up at the imposing new intruder, who is also dressed as the masked fictional killer.
“Fuck,” you mutter, gaping up at the taller of the two in horror as you turn on your heel, only to find the other one right behind you. 
Both of them begin closing in, sauntering towards you silently. All that you can hear is the pounding of your heart echoing in your ears as you back yourself up to the island. The shorter stranger looks between you and his companion in crime, who nods in response as your heart sinks into your stomach. 
“Please. Please don’t hurt me,” you whimper, shrinking against the cool marble countertop. 
The shorter of the two lifts the voice changer to his lips and uses his other hand to brandish the knife once more, using the blade to lift the hem of your shirt and press the flat of the cold steel blade to your stomach.
“We’re not gonna hurt you, gorgeous. We just wanna play,” he says as he leans in closer. 
“I thought you liked playin’ like this, doll?” The taller one asks as he tilts his head to one side. 
You whip your head towards him, because you could swear that’s your boyfriend’s voice, but you’ve already been tricked once tonight. He flashes his palms, revealing no voice changer in his hand. No knife either. He snaps his fingers together and a brilliant blue flame burns away the glove concealing his hand to reveal familiar scars and staples. 
“T-Touya?” You ask shakily, blinking in surprise. “Then who the fuck is..?”
Your heart rate finally starts to slow as you trail off and shake your head, looking at the other Ghostface in confusion. You reach out to rip the mask off and are stunned to find Keigo’s wilder than usual blonde hair and disarming golden gaze beneath the disguise. 
“Happy Halloween, doll,” Touya purrs as you stare at Keigo’s handsome smirk. 
“I-I don’t understand,” you say quietly, not wanting to assume that what you sincerely hope might happen is actually about to happen. 
“Sure ya do,” Touya continues, his large hands finding your hips to draw you closer and bring your back flush against his chest, his lips brushing the shell of your ear as Keigo sets the knife down on the counter without taking his hungry eyes off of you. “You remember us having this conversation, don’t you?”
Your brow furrows and you look away from the hero as you try to remember just what in the fuck Touya is on about when you recall him prompting you with an unusual question a few months ago.
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You were sitting on the couch, curled up watching a movie. Sleep was beginning to tug at you, trying to beckon you to bed, but you were stubborn and insisted on staying up to see the end of the film, even though Touya was making it that much more difficult by rubbing his unnaturally warm hands along your back. 
“Say, if we were ever to have a threesome with one of our friends, who would you want it to be with?” He’d asked you seemingly out of the blue, but unknown to you, he’d been ruminating on how to top his Halloween escapade for some time already. 
“Hmm?” You ask as you tilt your head back to look at him and shrug. “I don’t know. You don’t exactly have a whole lot of friends. No offense.”
“None taken. I’d consider that a compliment,” he says, shrugging. “But seriously. Well, hypothetically, I guess. If ya had to pick one, who would it be? There’s plenty of hot people in the PLF.”
You hum curiously, taking a moment to think it over as you tuck your face back into his chest and nuzzle into him. 
“Keigo. He’s hot and I’d trust him,” you reply bluntly, a yawn escaping you a moment later. 
“Good choice. You’re right on both counts,” he murmurs, a plan already coming together in his mind. “That could be fun.”
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“I didn’t think.. I mean–I–,” you balk, looking between them in disbelief. 
“I wasn’t bein’ hypothetical, gorgeous,” Touya says as he spins you around to catch your chin between his thumb and forefinger, gently tilting your head back so that his blue eyes can bore into you while Keigo switches on the kitchen light. “So whaddya say?”
“We’re gonna need a clear answer before the real fun can begin,” Keigo says sensually as he steps close enough that you can feel his body heat behind you. 
“Yes,” you eek out, nodding your head as you try to wrap your brain around this unexpected turn of events. 
The bastard had gotten one over on you again after all, but it’s not like you can even stay mad about it, considering what’s in store for you.
“I hope you’re hydrated, doll,” Touya chuckles, fisting a hand into your hair to carefully tug your hair back and kiss you like his life depends on it. 
He sighs through his nose, groaning against your lips as his hand drops to your ass. He gives it a firm squeeze as he shifts his hips against yours, letting you feel how hard he is already. 
Keigo steps closer to press his toned chest against your back and tilts his head to start kissing along your neck as he grabs your waist and grinds against you from behind, revealing that he’s also sporting a raging hard on. 
You moan, working your tongue and your mouth against Touya as your hands explore his chest, searching for an opening in the black robe he’s wearing. 
“You wanna just cut to the chase already, doll?” The villain smirks, lighting his palm for just a second to reduce your scant clothing to ash. “I think we’ve been through enough foreplay and I’ve been waiting too damn long for this.”
He does the same to his clothing, pressing a hand to his chest and the other to Keigo’s. You feel another brief flash of tolerable heat before you’re hyper aware of the feeling of both of their bare bodies writhing against your own. 
“Oh fuck,” you sigh, tilting your head to one side as Keigo begins nipping at your sensitive pulse point, laving his tongue over it to soothe the subtle ache. 
You reach a hand back to work it into his hair and tug gently as you arch your back, grinding your ass against his stiff cock, which coaxes a gorgeous moan from him. You slip a hand between you and Touya as he captures your mouth again. Your fingers wrap around his length to guide the bead of precum along his shaft, drawing out a beautiful noise from him as well. 
Both of them suddenly pull away and you’re afraid that you’ve done something wrong until Keigo steps in front of you to grab your hips and effortlessly lift you up onto the kitchen island. 
“I’ve been thinkin’ about this for a long, long time,” he says, smirking as he leans in to kiss you and parts your legs. 
Touya stands back, stroking himself as he watches Keigo crouch down between your thighs. The blonde keeps his eyes on yours as he trails kisses and love bites along your inner thighs, slowly and steadily working his way up to your glistening pussy. 
“Fucking beautiful,” he murmurs as he sets his sights between your legs as dives in, his tongue parting your folds before it spears inde of you. 
He certainly knows what he’s doing and it immediately drives you crazy. You keep yourself supported and sitting upright with one hand, so that you can watch him feast on your pussy while you keep a hand in his hair. He alternates between bathing you with his tongue and sucking on your clit with just the right amount of pressure, drawing moans and whimpers from you with ease. 
You look up to seek validation from Touya, almost feeling guilty for enjoying yourself so much, but he seems to be just as into it as you are. He nods, grinning wickedly as he comes closer. 
“You enjoyin’ yourself, doll?” He asks as he stops stroking himself to instead reach beneath Hawks’ chin and slip two fingers inside of you. 
“Y-yes!” You gasp, your eyes crossing as your head tips back. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum, baby.”
“I know, gorgeous,” he purrs and you can hear the smug smirk on his face. “Go ahead and cum all over my friend’s face. He’s dying to taste it.”
His words send you over the edge and you cry out, sending your release gushing into Keigo’s mouth as your hips gyrate on top of the counter. The hero wraps his arms around your thighs to keep you still as he continues ravaging you with his tongue. He noisily cleans up your arousal, sending you into overdrive as you whine and beg for him to show you mercy when it just gets to be too much. 
He eventually lets you catch your breath, but when he stands up to wipe his chin, the look on Touya’s face tells you that you in for much worse if you thought that was too much. 
“S’my turn to taste that sweet pussy, gorgeous. C’mere,” he says, nodding towards the hall as he scoops you up off the counter. At least he doesnt expect you to walk after that. 
He carries you into the bedroom and switches the light on before he lays you down on the bed and lumbers over you. 
“First things first, clean up the mess you made,” Touya practically coos as he offers his slick fingers to you. 
You hold his gaze as you slowly take the digits into your mouth, swirling your tongue around them and moaning quietly when you taste yourself on his skin. 
“Good girl,” Hawks praises you as he crawls onto the bed and Touya repositions, laying flat on his back. 
“You know my favorite number, doll,” he says as he delivers a swift smack to your behind, just enough to make you jump a little. “Assume the position.”
You look between him and Keigo curiously and do as you're told, straddling Touya’s face to wrap your hand around his cock and begin stroking, but before you can take a seat, he tuts his tongue. 
“I want your mouth on him, baby,” Touya says before he hooks his arms around you and forces you to sit. 
His mouth starts working wonders between your legs and you think you might just cum in record time after what Hawks had done to you, but then you remember that your mouth is needed elsewhere than just filling up the sticky air with filthy noises. 
You shift forward as Keigo comes closer, his swollen cock bobbing in front of your face. You lift your eyes to his and take great pleasure in watching the watch his head dips back and his Adam’s apple bobs when you take him into your mouth. 
“Fuck,” he groans, struggling to keep still as he lets you slowly bob along his length until you’re comfortably taking him in and out of his mouth while working your hand along his shaft. 
You keep your other hand wrapped around Touya’s cock, focusing on trying to please both of them while feeling like your brain is going to break thanks to what Touya’s doing beneath you. The moans that you drive from him send vibrations straight into your pussy that only drive you closer to the edge. 
You hold on for as long as you can, but it soon becomes to much again and you pull your mouth and hands away from both of them to sit up and support yourself with your hands on Touya’s thighs, gripping them tight. 
“C-can’t,” you practically sob, squeezing your eyes tight as you hang your head. “Holy shit.”
“Yes, you can,” Keigo coos as he reaches out to cup your breasts, massaging them with care before he starts tweaking your nipples, which sends you cascading into oblivion for the second time tonight. 
You nearly collapse, slumping forward as you’re overcome with pleasure, but Keigo catches you, loosely holding you in his arms as he rubs his hand along your back, which only heightens the sensations you’re feeling. 
You whimper in his ear and he presses a kiss to the side of your head as he and Touya gently ease you off of the latter, so that Touya can sit up. 
“You’re doin’ so well, beautiful,” Hawks croons, peppering kisses along your jaw until he finds your lips. 
“Mm,” is the only response you can muster at the moment as you slowly come down from your high. 
“So well,” Touya praises, moving behind you to rest his hands on your hips as he kisses along your shoulder. “Such a good girl. Can you keep bein’ a good girl for us, gorgeous? If we give you what you really want? Hmm?”
“Yes,” you say breathlessly, nodding your head as your eyes fall closed. “I’ll keep bein’ good. I’ll be so good.”
“That’s our girl,” he murmurs, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck before he places a chaste kiss to it. 
Keigo moves aside and then Touya presses a hand to your back, keeping the other firmly planted on your hip as he forces you onto all fours. He groans as he grinds himself against you, his cock gliding through your folds, nearly penetrating where you need him the most. 
“Please,” you whine softly, shaking your ass as you drop your hips back against him. 
“Since you asked so nice,” he purrs, smirking as he slips inside of you, letting you feel him enter you inch by glorious inch, his piercings sliding against your walls and making your eyes roll back. 
Keigo starts stroking himself as he watches Touya set a steady rhythm, fucking you just hard enough to make you gasp now and then as you fist your hands into the sheets and meet him thrust for thrust. The sound of your bodies colliding fills the room, mixing with the euphoric noises pouting from each and every one of you.
“Just gotta stretch you out a bit, gorgeous,” Touya pants, draping himself over you as he slows his pace. He reaches a hand around ti gently guide your face towards Keigo, who’s abs are drawn taut as he continues stroking himself, his eyes now fixed on your face. “You think you can take both of us? He’s not exactly small either, but I believe in you, doll.”
Your eyes widen, but you find yourself nodding. You aren’t sure if you can do it, but you’d be damned if you didn’t at least try. 
“I want to,” you breathe out, nodding as you reach out towards Keigo to take over stroking his cock, tugging very gently to guide him closer as you smirk up at him. “We should get you nice and lubed up though, yeah?”
His eyebrows raise and he looks extremely pleased as he nods and cradles your head in the back of your hand as Touya straightens up. 
“So fucking good,” Touya marvels through grit teeth as he picks up the pace again. 
He lets you adjust to having Keigo in your mouth, but he starts pushing your further, driving into your hard enough to make you deep throat the hero, which makes both of them groan sinfully as they watch you swallow their cocks at either end. 
“Fuck,” Keigo sighs as he suddenly backs away. “Anymore of that and I’m gonna be done way too soon.”
“Let’s see if you’re ready then, doll,” Touya says, smirking as he pulls out and kneads the fat of your ass before giving it a light smack. “Lay down, Kei. You should her pussy for yourself first.”
Hawks lays on his back and Touya cups your cheek to guide your face towards his one, giving you a passionate kiss before he lets you go and nods towards the blonde. 
“Give him the ride of his life,” he says as he wraps his hand around his own cock. 
You climb on top of Keigo, leaning in to give him a kiss and slip your tongue into his mouth, teasingly tracing it around the entrance of his mouth as you wrap your hand around his length. You suddenly sink down and he lets out a choked groan as he seizes your hips. 
You rest your hands on his chest, smirking with satisfaction as you start riding him, moving your hips slowly at first as your walls clench around him, hugging his cock tight. 
“You feel so good, Kei,” you say breathily. 
His eyes widen and for a moment, he feels like he might just cum and pass out right there. He lets you set the pace, watching you intently as you bounce up and down on his length. His hands glide over your body, exploring every inch of you that he can reach before they settle on your breasts. He massages them as gently as he had earlier before tweaking your nipples. 
He seems to get a better idea as he sits up and wraps his arms around you, grabbing your ass to start guiding your hips more forcefully while he takes your nipple into his mouth to suck. He expertly moves his tongue across the sensitive bud, flicking and swirling it around as he applies more pressure to your hips and encourages you to quicken your pace. 
“Just like that, doll,” Touya pants, struggling to stave of his own end as he senses yours coming. 
“Keigo,” you whimper, grasping onto his shoulders as you squeeze your eyes shut and throw your head back, your hips bucking as you come undone again. 
“Oh fuck,” he groans loudly, panting for breath as he continues fucking you through your end while fighting off his own. 
Touya pulls his hand away from his cock to take a few deep breaths, watching you contort with pleasure until you’re through the worst of it. He moves behind you and kisses along your shoulder again, sending delicious shivers down your spine. 
“You sure you wanna do this, doll?” He asks quietly, his tone sincere. 
“Yes. Yes, please,” you whisper, nodding weakly nodding your head. 
“You don’t have to do any of the work this time, baby,” Keigo says as he runs his hands along yours arms and lays flat on his back. “Just let us make you feel good.”
You nod again and Touya rests a hand on your back to gently guide your forward so that you’re laying on top of Keigo before he situates himself behind you. 
“I’ll go slow,” he assures you as he first works one finger inside of you. Then another. 
You and Keigo both moan quietly, your shallow breaths mingling with one another’s as he drags his fingertips along your back. Touya starts slowly thrusting his fingers and Keigo slowly shifts his hips, working you open further as you rest your head on the blonde’s chest and submit to it. Once he’s confident that you’re able to take both of them, Touya slowly guides the head of his cock inside of you. 
“Shit,” he groans, continuing to gently bully himself inside. “It’s so fucking tight. So fucking good. You feel that, Kei?”
“Fuck yeah I do,” Hawks sighs, holding perfectly still as his face twists with pleasure. “It’s so fucking good.”
You press your nails into Keigo’s biceps as you feel the two of them stretching you open and filling you up in a way that you never thought possible. They’re right. It is so. Fucking. Good. 
“Fuck me,” you beg quietly once Touya’s seated inside of you. “Please fuck me. Wanna feel both of you.”
“You’re gonna, baby,” Touya croons as he slowly draws his hips back and pushes inside of you again. 
The sensation is glorious. It’s mind numbing. It’s like the best drug you’ve ever felt and you know that you need more of it. 
He holds onto your hips and Keigo seizes your waist as they both begin to move in tandem, slowly at first, but working their way to a pace that has you at a loss for words. You couldn’t find any if you tried. None of you can apparently. 
The only noises to be heard are your bodies all grinding against each other. The lewd squelching of fluids between your forms as you trade sinful noises and panting breaths back and forth. Eventually, you do find one phrase, but just one. 
“Cum inside me, please. Please,” you whine, your voice pitching higher as you feel another orgasm building, this one threatening to tear you apart in the best way. “Cum i-inside.”
“We’re gonna breed you so fuckin’ good, doll,” Touya promises without missing a beat. “I promise.”
They seem to have mastered their movements. Together, the two of them drive you steadily towards your end whilst chasing their own. You snap first, of course, howling with pleasure as your writhe on top of them, your walls contracting impossibly tight around both of their cocks. 
Keigo cradles your head and kisses the top of it, whispering praises and Touya hunches forward to do the same, speaking them right into your ear as both of them keep driving themselves inside of you with unparalleled need. 
Keigo finishes next, his eyes snapping shut as he lets out a long, loud moan, his rhythm stuttering just as Touya finds his end. His head snaps up as he leans back and grips your hips with bruising force, delivering a few more good thrusts while letting out a primal groan before his thrusts become sloppy and begin to taper off as he lays himself across your back again. 
The three of you are left a sweaty, blissful mess on the bed. You’re so wonderfully full. So much so that you’re leaking all over both of them, but neither of them seem to care and neither do you. It’s as if the world has stopped for a minute and you’re all floating outside of time and space, suspended in this moment.
“So good for us,” Touya finally murmurs after who knows how long. He gently grabs your chin to guide your face towards his once more, a lazy smile on his lips as he captures yours in a decidedly sweet kiss. “Happy Halloween, doll.”
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thank you for reading! I hope you have/had a safe & happy halloween!
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bakugoushotwife · 8 months
kinktober day six: dacryphilia kink
>>> i dunno what it is about dabi that scream dacryphilia to me, i genuinely believe every fic i've done for him involves it lmfao please! big thanks to @keigotakamiz for helping me thru some of the rough patches on this one, i luv u so bad bby!! this one contains dark content so please read the content warnings.
>>> starring: touya todoroki x curvy!fem!reader >>> cw: dacryphilia clearly, power play, age gap of three years, both are adults as always, keigo's little sister!reader, protective big brother keigo, pervy touya, coercion, dubcon, blood (just a tiny bit), size kink, corruption kink, fingering and oral (fem receiving), pierced dabi, degradation, pet names, temperature play. >>> wc: 4k >>> event masterlist
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touya has always been obsessive, selfish, and determined to get his hands on whatever he deemed as his. ever since he was a little boy, he had his own cunning ways of getting what he wants; but you keep slipping out of his grasp. he’s been watching and waiting for the perfect time to make his next move on keigo’s adorable and clueless little sister, so sweet and stupid with your sultry little bats of your eyelashes and cute little smiles with no idea of what he’s plotting behind his turquoise stare. 
it’s definitely your fault. you’re far too bright and kind for his liking. touya had to humble you, he had to take a little bit of your light for his own. it’ll be all too easy to make you his. you didn’t have any self-respect, that was clear from the way you walked around your house in skimpy dresses and slutty crop tops that reveal the delicious figure you keep beneath. but he had to be careful. keigo was oh so protective of his baby sister, so every intimidating stare your way had to be calculated. it took months for keigo to even leave the two of you alone with one another long enough for him to use the bathroom. but even in those brief two to three minutes that keigo walks away, touya’s got you blushing from his comments about your outfit. he just can’t help but grow addicted to the flushing of your cheeks and the squeal in your voice when you beg him to stop, you’re just so cute and malleable. he’ll continue to bide his time. just for you. 
the teasing and taunting only got worse from there. you would never tell keigo about it, if only to spare your own embarrassment from the inevitable blush and rubbing of your thighs as you tell your big brother all the naughty things touya whispers in your ear and how he touches you when he’s not around. he seems not to notice all your squirming away from and quiet responses around the white-headed man, chalking it up to your easily flustered nature. no, he doesn’t suspect a thing, not even leaving behind plumes of his fierce wings to spy on you. 
this has to be because touya is so good at throwing him off. he dotes on you just like keigo does, patting your head so sweetly and letting you borrow his coat when you’re cold. so, to your surprise or horror, keigo trusts his morally questionable friend to keep his quirkless baby sister safe during every meeting with the hpsc or his dates with his new girlfriend. so now touya gets to corner you on the couch and tug at the the flimsy fabric clinging to your plush chest—that despite his unrelenting jests, you still wear—only telling the deranged man that you enjoyed his attention. but to be fair, you’re not sure that he’s wrong. 
“you cold, dollface?” he coos, icy breath fanning against your neck as he leans in closer to get a better view of your hardening nipples. you’re precious, so easy to file up. “or do ya just like it when i get this close?”
you squirm, but there’s nowhere for you to go. one of your hips already bumps up against the arm of the couch and his fingertips practically sear into the flesh of the other one. there was something undeniably alluring about touya, he was scary and dangerous—and he looked the part too—but he is keigo’s best friend, so he couldn’t be too bad, right? and you knew your big brother would be disappointed in you, even if you could admit it to yourself that touya’s teasing wasn’t all that bad, no matter how naked it made you feel. what does it say about you that you enjoy it? his mocking laughter and hand grabbing your jaw brings you back to the situation at hand. 
“hm? it’s rude not to answer your elders, brat.” he clicks his tongue, admiring the way your eyes widen and cheeks darken a few shades. keigo and touya were only three years older than you, but the latter enjoyed making that feel like decades when it came to respect from you.  
“i’m–cold, yes.” you reply in a barely audible squeak, not able to meet his gaze despite the harsh grip he has on your face. he pouts at your response, of course it’s a sadistic mock of your shyness. he leans back and removes his coat, sighing at the loss of warmth before tossing it over you like a throw blanket. he has an interesting scent, the musk of smoke and ash combined with something more woodsy, like maple or pine. you inadvertently snuggle into the fabric, cutting your eyes over to him remaining in his thin white shirt, where his own hardened nipples peek through. he catches your gaze on him, tossing his head back with laughter at the idea of you checking him out. 
“like what you see, doll?” he arches his brow, letting his greedy hands feel your squishy thighs, a treat for his frazzling patience. he hears the sharp intake of breath, and you keep squirming away like you want him to stop, but touya sees the truth in your face, the way your sweet little eyes ask for more while you bite down on your lip–you’re confirming everything he needs to know. 
“keigo–” he places a rough finger over your lips to keep you from furthering the sentence. you sink further into the couch, his predatory smile making you feel like shrinking into nothing. 
“-won’t be back for a while, he’s with his new girlfriend.” he hums cheerfully, as if it was the best news in the world. to him, it was. keigo’s new girlfriend might just be touya’s favorite person alive right after you, keeping the man busy enough that he was no longer concerned with his little sister’s schedule, no longer watching her so closely that claiming her for himself was impossible. nah, this new chick gave touya the window he needs. “don’t worry a hair on your pretty little head. he trusts me, you should too, right?”
he’s petting the top of your head to soothe you, sending you mixed signals. you weren’t sure what he was trying to do: was he making a move on you or was he going to continue babying you like your brother does? you suppose he has a point, your big brother loves you more than anything, and not even love could blind him into leaving you with a bad person, right?
you nod. his smile grows. and he toys with you like that for a few more hours, leaning too close, touching your thighs and hips to watch you wiggle, fanning his minty breath over your face. he even taunts you about your clothes again, pulling his coat off you and scrunching his nose in the enjoyment that follows from watching you pout at the loss of warmth. he knows he has time, keigo planned to make a move on his woman, even told him not to wait up for him and everything. 
“your brother think you’re a virgin?” he asks, watching the goosebumps spring up along your skin, your clothes doing nothing to keep you warm or protected from his view. he thinks it’s naive of keigo to think another man hasn’t seen you for what you are, a little slut waiting to be used. “sure he thinks you are…but lookin’ at the way you dress, i bet you ain’t.” 
you shake your head violently, sitting against the arm of the couch, facing him. “i am! swear it touya, really!” 
he chuffs at your exclaimations, wondering if you could be telling the truth. he clicks his tongue, deciding to push you a bit to see. you just look so cute all panicked and pleading. “i think i should check! seein’ i’m his best friend and all, it’s only fair.” his grin is wicked now as his hands land on your knees, forcibly spreading them. you squeal a little, your hands reaching out to push him away, albeit a feeble attempt. 
he laughs again, truly amused by the way you pretend to fight him, but it only makes the blood rush towards his cock faster. “what? Not the virgin you swear to be, takami-chan?” he taunts, pinning your arms to your sides. you shake your head. 
“no–no, i am! i–” you cry at him, the commandingly tight and tingling grip he has on your wrists making you realize just what he was capable of. he was far stronger than he looked, and fighting would get you nowhere. his touch causes a new sensation, a fluttering deep in your stomach that makes you wonder why you fight him at all. 
“then quit your squirmin’ and let me see f’r myself.” he huffs, incinerating the tiny pajama bottoms you had the nerve to put on. your hips lift up off the couch as you try to shift away from him yet again, cold air blowing against that flame flickering in your pussy. he growls as you keep trying to escape even though your body so clearly wants him. he can see the way your nipples harden under your shirt again, so he’s reaching up to burn that away too. he has delicate control over his quirk after all his practice, and he knows exactly how to maneuver his flames to not hurt you. you still squall and scream at the sight of the blue embers turning your favorite crop top into nothing but black ash as if he could even afford to hurt you. he was sure his treatment would keep you quiet about this anyway, but he certainly couldn’t leave any visible evidence of his playtime with you, so he would settle for claiming your cunt until you had no choice but to grow the next generation of todoroki in your womb—and watch you have fun explaining that to your precious older brother. 
he almost thinks you’re stupid for not realizing it, that he’d never seriously hurt you, but the way tears gather at the corners of your eyes, glossy and threatening to spill over has him considering that fear might make you easier to deal with. and it sure would be nice to see you cry. 
“aw, i forget you’re just a quirkless little thing. might wanna listen to me then, yeah? i promise i’ll make ya feel real nice.” his voice nearly sings as he watches fat tears start to roll down your cheeks in embarrassment. you can’t hide your tits and pussy from him, not even as hard as you try to hold your arms around the areas. “let me make you feel good, pretty. been wanting to for so long…” 
he pries your legs apart again, getting into the floor to give himself room. when he lands on his knees, he slides his grip to your thighs, rotating the way you sit. your back rests against the cushions now, like how a normal person would sit on the couch, other than the fact that your legs dangle off touya todoroki’s shoulders and he’s leaning between your legs, smiling up at you like the cheshire cat. he takes a sinewy finger to separate your lips, humming as he moves through you with little resistance, you’re already wet, way wetter than someone crying and squirming should be. he chuckles when your body jolts a bit from the warm pressure he applies. 
“looks like you’re a little slut to me.”  he hums, circling the wetness around your hole. his fingers feel so interesting slipping inside you, so different from the little ones of your own. you were telling him the truth, you were untouched—by anyone else, of course. you squeeze down on his digit as he slides it in, the tight grip has him biting his lip immediately. of course you’re a virgin, that much is clear just from the way you act, even clearer from the way keigo acts. no way he’s let any dude near you—and for good reason, look what happens the first time he leaves you alone…
he can hardly even move his fingers from the way you squeeze, and he knows just how to loosen you up. he leans in to suck your hard clit in his mouth, not hesitating to run his teeth across the nerve-riddled bud. the feeling is so electric and delicious, you have no control over your hips as they push into his face; your walls finally relaxe enough for him to pump his finger through. he leans back to watch your face now that his finger is searching for your mushy spot, curling and stroking your insides. your nose is scrunched in pleasure, eyes closed and mouth dropped open. he snickers. if you were this fucked out from one finger he couldn’t wait to see how you would handle his cock. 
“yeahhh, you’re definitely a little whore. how’s keigo gonna take this?” he pouts, adding his second digit as he sees your eyes snap open to protest. they drag against you so deliciously, all the worry and guilt melts in your mind. his smell becomes overwhelming, his warmth is consuming. maybe you are a little whore, but maybe that’s fine if you get to be his. you are apart of the decision this time when your hips rock against his fingers, and he grins at your acceptance. it excuses him of any wrongdoings, any villainous behavior. you’re basically asking for what comes next. if everything goes to plan, he’ll have plenty of time to give you the full treatment of that a brat like you deserves, but for now he has to see the face you make when that untainted pussy stretches around his cock. 
“feel good?” he asks, to which you babble and nod. it did, he fills you up way better than your own fingers, only barely curling into your pleasure spot with every thrust of his digits, a little squelching noise paired with your breathy whispers make that very last thread of rationality snap. touya can’t hold himself back anymore. he stands up and takes your legs with him, pushing your knees to your ears. you gasp at the change, looking up at him with those beautiful bleary eyes. he mocks your pout, laying his cock over your pussy and up your stomach, nose crinkling at how cute your belly folds like this, how scared you look when you glance down and see his pierced length laying over your belly button. he’s massive and veiny, the tip almost purple with need. you can’t begin to imagine how all of that was going to fit inside you. like he was reading your mind, touya’s voice cuts through your thoughts. “it’ll fit. gonna hurt for a second, but then you’ll feel real good.” 
your anxious eyes flutter back down to his length, tears forming at the idea of that sharp metal along his shaft tearing through you. he grasps your jaw in one big hand again. 
“what’s a matter, babe? i thought you were a cockhungry slut?” he taunts, shaking his head at you. he can see the panic on your features while you look at his length. it’s adorable, the way your chin wobbles and your hips continue to squirm.
“not gonna fit, touy.” you sniffle and shake your head, letting your eyes drift back to the fiery blue ones towering over you. they flicker with amusement. “i don–don’ think i can do it.” 
“you’ll do it, and you’ll love it, and this’ll be our little secret, mkay?” he enthuses, sliding his hips along your soaked pussy. just his fingers had you dripping, and he thought it may not feel so bad for you after all–but the cruel voice inside him hopes it does. he makes you nod with his hand, but arches his brow. he wants to hear you say it. 
“our secret, i promise…” you nod, and he rewards you by patting your cheek with some amount of touya tenderness. 
“and i’ll take you…and i’ll–l-l–” he starts prodding his tip into your tight opening, biting his teeth to quell the moan that bubbles up at the way you clamp and he can hardly even get himself in there. he just knows it’s reflex, your face scrunched up in pain, tears sliding out of your eyes just at the first quarter of his cock. it’s too good, he has no choice but to sink the rest of the way in, eyes glowing at the way you paw and scratch at him, crying out loud and shaking your head at the feeling of being split wide open. it’s white hot and searing, feels foreign and like a huge rod sticking through your body, though that’s not too far off from the truth. he doesn’t give you much time to adjust, brutally shoving himself in and out of your buttery walls, your grip still choking. you wail and scream, clawing at the skin on his shoulders as your eyes fly open in shock. it hurts, it burns, it’s like that piercing was shoving your internal organs aside just to make more room. the tears trickling down your cheeks are almost as hot as the branding feeling in your gut, and he eats it all up.
“whatcha cryin’ for, doll? fits in you jus’ fine, told ya.” he grunts, every thought that crossed his mind about you so so justified. he knew keigo’s little sister would have the best fuckin’ pussy hiding under those tight pajama shorts and slutty miniskirts. he knew your body would take him like no one else, and he just knew you would look your prettiest crying over him. 
you sniffle, blinking through your cloudy vision to gaze up at the man plowing into you, his mouth was stretched into an almost evil giddy grin, the look in his eyes reminded you of the blue flames that licked up your skin earlier, making you shiver with something not even close to fear. the pain gives way to pleasure, or maybe you just start to enjoy the way he drives into you. it’s all so good; the bony smacks of his pelvis against the back of your thighs, and how he drapes his fingers over your clit to keep your hips jolting into his, his wild gaze flickering from your bouncing tits and the fat droplets rolling down your stained cheeks. he notices how your face melts into one of pleasure, causing him to snicker and lean in, that icy breath across your wet face. then it’s replaced by his wet tongue licking up the streaks with a loud moan that makes you tighten around him. 
of course your tears are salty, but they are oh so sweet to him. it’s way better than anything even his perverse imagination had provided him, you’ve got him completely sucked in, your hands now squeezing at his biceps, your little voice chanting out. he’s absolutely destroying you, and you’re loving it. even as his tongue drags up your face and over your lips, even when his kisses were rough and sloppy, you mewled at the feeling of it. you ran your hands along his face to plead for more of his mouth. his rutting is merciless, even coupled with the slight softness he shows in kissing you. his hands leave the backs of your thighs to slide under your ass, pulling your back down the couch to put you against the cushion instead of the correct posture you held previously, even with your legs by your ears. 
it lets him abuse your walls impossibly deeper, the sounds of his balls clapping into your ass alongside your wails had him twitching near the edge. he was so glad keigo was busy tonight, because you were going to be out of it for a while. his cock jumps again as you squeal and tighten, cumming all over him without any warning. he didn’t even know if you knew what you were experiencing to even tell him about it, and just that thought delights him again. tears pool in your pretty doe eyes once again. he grins, lifting your hips into his cock at a rate that will have him tired, but it’s worth it to hear those sounds, the way you moan his name and squeal while you blink your gorgeous tears away. 
“knew you was a slut the whole time, what did i say?” he grunts, trying to regain some composure against your magical cunt. to his surprise, you nod, and he thinks you must be so gone that he could do whatever he wanted to you—not that he couldn’t already. 
“mhm, your slut! jus’ for you though touya—never lied!” you squeal, feeling the tightening in your gut rapidly approaching again, this angle was far too intense, you couldn’t help it. so what you liked getting folded in half by your big brother’s best friend? if that makes you a whore, then you’d own it. 
your reply is so perfect he could shed tears of his own. you’re perfect, he just knew you were made to be his little toy. a girl like you had to be defiled by a guy like him, it was only right. and maybe this was his own kind of payback, the universe apologizing for the shitty life he’s had with a gorgeous teary-eyed doll wrapped around him like molded clay. 
“goddamn darlin’, you’re so fuckin’ sexy, wanna shoot my load in ya. you want that, yeah?” he groans, his lips quivering in a smirk at the sight of your vigorous nodding. who cares if you’re fucked out of your skull, he’s angry he can’t leave you bruised and branded beyond his cum oozing out of your newly ruined pussy. 
“yes! please, touy, it feels so good—wan’ more!” your legs are jelly, they’d be flopping all over the place if they didn’t rest on either one of his shoulders. well, who is he to deny a lady? with one more punishing slam, you feel the veins that endow him throb before the heat fuzzies your senses. he tastes that familiar tinge of iron, knowing he’s bit his lip so hard while emptying his balls that it’s started to bleed. his tongue soothes over it as he moves his hips a few more times, gentler, but still shoving his deposit deeper and deeper, intent to make sure you keep some of it. his heart was pounding in his ears, chest heaving as he tried to get everything under control. he smirks, leaning back over you to reward your performance with another harsh kiss, his hand smooshing your cheeks together to make you pucker. he laughs at you little tired whimpers, standing back up with a sigh. he had every intention of taking good care of you, wanting to take you to the shower and take you again in there, but help clean you up. you had to be presentable for keigo’s return, after all. he would even risk staying in your room, maybe sitting with you until you fell asleep, reminding you one last time that you this stayed between the two of you. 
the sharp scarlet feather aimed at his throat tells him he doesn’t have to worry about getting caught later. he feels several more sharp edges against his back, and then keigo comes into view. you’re shrieking and lunging for touya’s coat, shaking your head at your brother. you knew he would be disappointed but you definitely didn’t expect your elder to hurt him. 
touya chuckles deeply, pouting at his friend. “aw, keigs! better me th’n anyone else, yeah? and she just loved it, ask her!” he juts his chin out towards you, not missing the murderous intent in his friend’s glare. keigo’s eyes flicker over to you, and he makes sure to keep his eyes on your face. 
“am i killing him or just mild torture?” he asks you, raising a brow. 
“d-don’t hurt him, i..wanted to!” you defend, starting to tear up at all the drama, at the prospect of your brother hurting the man that just rocked your world. and damn if you didn’t look so adorable, all pouty and teary, pleading for touya to be spared. he giggles as his cock starts to harden again at the sight of your bleary eyes, his hand flying up to hold the ache. now that keigo was here, nothing would get past him. his eyes narrow at his friend and he points to his room. 
“go sit. we need to talk.” you could almost see flames of his own surrounding him as he spits out the threat, but  touya still winks at you and slinks off to endure his punishment.
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4izawas · 1 year
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— 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 ; 𝐤. 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐢.
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: her eyes are soft when she replies, “because you’re a good person,” and her words are all it takes for his stiff body to collapse into her hold as he begins crying earnestly into her shoulder.
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: my hero academia | 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: keigo takami/f!reader | 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: nsfw ; minors dni | 𝐰/𝐜: 1.79k.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: sorta nestfic, rut cycles/in heat, set on valentine’s day/ valentine’s day mentions, hurt/comfort, creampies, facefucking mentions, discussions of hawks’ traumas, mating habits, lovemaking, missionary.
𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞’𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @cherrykamado. 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 @suyacho‘𝐬 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞’𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐞𝐱𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞.
— 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞 !!
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a shiver ran across hawks’ skin as he lay in bed; after such an eventful fight with a villain beforehand, it was a real wonder that he’d managed to get so much time off, rut symptoms aside. regardless, once he’d tossed them at the policeman waiting, he’d taken off, calling the hpsc as he did to tell them his rut was imminent ( as in a couple hours away at best ) so they could black out his schedule, and they’d done so. keigo had returned to his penthouse and had taken up his right to bask in the sanctity that lay between his lover’s legs, his animalistic urge to breed taking over only forty-five minutes after he arrived home. he’d found her already ready, as she always was, and then the needs had taken over. 
his memory was always fuzzy after they did, and he always depended on y/n to remember everything to retell it to him. she was the only person he had ever allowed to spend his ruts with him, so that alone was enough for him to trust her completely when it came to her informing him of what happened whenever he went under. 
he glances at the screen of his phone as it lights up with one of a million notifications, his eyes catching the date as well as the mention of the league of villains having been spotted in the kanto region, but he turns away. y/n had made him promise no work when he went through his cycles, he’d even used to lock his phone away in a little automated lock box to make sure he kept to it — he couldn’t be weak now, she was here, in his bed, wrapped in his bedding and his clothes and his scent. 
“keigo?” comes his lover’s voice from behind him, and he takes a deep breath before completely relaxing into the arms that snaked their way around his body. that’s right, he wasn’t hawks here, because he didn’t have to be — he was just keigo.  y/n’s keigo. 
with a smile on his face, he carefully rolls over in her arms, his eyes shining when they meet hers. she’s still tired, the fog of sleep clinging to her eyes, but still she worries for him despite not even being completely aware of her surroundings. her sense of urgency when it came to him always made him feel mushy inside; no one had ever really bothered with him in that way before. 
“hey there, sweetheart,” he says softly through a half-assed smile. she squints at him slightly, reading his face with an ease that had made him deeply uncomfortable at the beginning of their relationship that now only served to strengthen it; hawks knew now that her knowing how he was feeling without him saying it played well into both of their strengths and weaknesses at this point. 
“what’s wrong?” she asks quietly, her scratchy-sounding voice echoing the sore throat that was the result of the strain that had been put on it after the brutal facefucking she’d received from him only a few hours before when his rut had been at its peak; the merciless breeding he’d put her cunt through had had her screaming, which was probably also a contributing factor, and while his inner beast preened at the knowledge that her hole was well-bred and still leaking his cum, keigo couldn’t hold back the stabbing guilt that coursed through him. his gaze darkens as he looks down at the bruises littering her throat where he’d gripped it as he’d fucked his fourth load in her, and the stinging sensation of oncoming tears overcomes him. 
she was in pain, and it was his fault — his fault for not holding back his urges, for using her like a tool when she was nothing close. it didn’t matter that she’d genuinely  asked for it, had begged for him to let her help him through his rut cycle as always, she always ended up worse for wear, and keigo always swore it would be the last time… but he always fell back in the cycle for taking out his more animalistic urges on her, and she always paid the price. 
just like they had always told him, he was bad. only bad people hurt the ones they loved. was he even worse than his parents? they hadn’t loved him, so he had to be. he was. 
the realization hurt. 
“why do you love me?” hawks whispers, tears shimmering in his eyes. he just can’t comprehend why she ever would. he expects  a quip of some kind, possibly a little rude remark to tease him, or even her maybe miraculously ignoring it — she did so hate it when he asked questions like this, but hawks knew that she would never ignore such a handful of words just as surely as he couldn’t help saying them. it didn’t matter if she told him how deeply she cared for him once or a million times, he’d always be surprised when she uttered those three words to him. 
her eyes are soft when she replies, “because you’re a good person,” and her words are all it takes for his stiff body to collapse into her hold as he begins crying earnestly into her shoulder. he can feel her wrap her arms around him, her voice soft as she shushes him gently without the intention of actually quieting him.
he doesn’t deserve this, doesn’t deserve her, hawks knows that. it doesn’t matter that he can be keigo to her, or that she most definitely is the only takami to actually love him, no. she deserves better than him, the son of two penniless scumbags who used their useless, waste-of-space child as a bargaining chip for their own freedom… but she chooses him. it doesn’t matter if he rages, because she soothes him. when he falls apart, she puts him back together again. when he finds himself missing something he doesn’t quite understand, she offers herself up as the perfect piece to fit the jigsaw puzzle of his life. 
it takes some time before he’s calm again, but eventually he is, if a little shaky. “h-happy valentine’s day,” he whispers into her bruised throat, speaking of the date he’d seen when his phone had lit up, and she chuckles lowly while running her fingers through his hair and nuzzling her nose against his temple. 
“happy valentine’s day, keigo,” she murmurs into his hair, and he sniffles as a new onslaught of tears threatens to overtake him. he didn’t want to cry again, really he didn’t…
“i love you,” he whimpers, unspeakably vulnerable, and he feels her hum lightly against him.. 
“i know,” is her only response, and he crumbles again, clinging to her like a lost man to religion — because that’s what she is, really. keigo spends his days, his life, worshiping her as she more than deserves — her, the deity he’d follow blindfolded with all senses stolen from him. 
her, the only one who had ever stayed. 
“make love to me, please,” she asks quietly, interrupting his thoughts. he protests at first, sure that she was too achy for something so trying, but she locks eyes with him and insists, her wants and desires clear. and fuck, even if keigo couldn’t be the man she deserved, the least he could do was make her happy as best he was able. if lovemaking was what she ( and, truthfully, he too ) wanted, then lovemaking she’d get. 
he carefully eases his cock, currently hard from the need that was already creeping up on him again, into her soft cunt, and she sighs softly as he fills her out perfectly. keigo squeezes his eyes shut, taking deep breaths and fighting off the whine at the back of his throat at how good she felt around him before slowly beginning to move, his hips pulling back only to slowly meet hers again. soft sighs and moans of pleasure left her lips, pairing beautifully with his own light grunts and groans as the muscle beneath his right eyebrow began to twitch; it always did this when he was close, and he always came so much easier during his cycles, but he had to hold out for her — he wanted her to cum first, wanted to watch her fall apart in his arms, so he holds himself back. 
“you’re so, so good, keigo,” she murmurs breathily, a soft whine to her words as pleasure courses through her body. “so good, so sweet.”
“m-mine!” he whimpers into her flesh, softly mouthing at the line of bruised bites that ran across her collarbone, and she sighs happily with a simple smile on her face. 
“all yours, my dove,” she whispers, her head tilting back as she gives up any further attempts to speak. keigo is all moans and whimpers anyway, and her point has been made regardless of whether or not she spoke any more. 
before long y/n finally cums around him, long past the point of overstimulation and easily aroused, and keigo follows suit. the thick cord that had drawn tighter and tighter in his stomach at every gentle thrust of his hips against hers had snapped just as the knot in y/n’s own tummy had been pulled taut so suddenly moments before. keigo fills her yet again with a long, drawn out cry as she spasms around him, his cum seeping from her insides around his cock with each bout of her tightening up, and his heart races against hers through both of their ribcages. 
he presses their foreheads together as they both come down from their respective highs, their noses slotted perfectly as their chests heave in tandem. his eyes are open, hazing into her own as she looks up at him with stars in her eyes, a smile in them just as bright as the sun though her soft lips are slack and at ease as she studies him. she breaks his gaze as she dips her head forward to kiss him, her own soft ones clashing ever so slowly with the wind-chapped skin of his own. they stay like this for a long moment, simply basking in one another’s existence as they share their kiss, before y/n slowly pulls back ever so slightly — not even half an inch is between them, and their lips still touch, but regardless it is enough.  
“i’ll love you forever, kei’,”she whispers into his lips, and a new, single tear falls from his cheek to hers before dripping down, soaking slowly into her skin as keigo closes his eyes. 
“and i you,” he whispers, before kissing her again and whispering a soft, “forever,” into her mouth. 
yes, forever. that sounded perfect. 
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𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © { 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 } 𝐛𝐲 𝟒𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐒. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭.
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gentrychild · 5 months
I have an Anyone au au question. How much chaos would be unleashed if Hawks let both Shouto and Izuku do their next internships at his agency. I know it would be a huge risk to Izuku's new identity but the two of them together, walking all over Hawks.
The first thing I can tell you is that there is no way that Hawks would let both Shouto and Izuku get into an internship at his agency. Not even him is so insane. So it would have to be because of Hawks' assistant, him not taking too good of a look at the file of that student from Kohaku, and he would be horrified when he would see both boys in his office on Monday.
Non exhaustive things of what would happen if both Shouto and Izuku found their way to the Aery in any official capacity: Izuku is adored by the entire staff of that agency and everyone of them is willing to swear that the Akatani boy is an angel, Izuku is suddenly the one giving orders and no one questions this, Hawks doesn't have an office anymore, the room that used to be his office now has things such as a coffee maker, All Might posters, and all of his Endeavor merch was vaulted put in a closet out of sight, Izuku and Shouto get involved in at least a dozen of vigilante cases, Izuku and Shouto somehow finds their way to the office of the HPSC president, several HPSC gets hacked and they never find the money again, All Might visits Hawks' agency, AFO visits Hawks' agency (fortunately not on the same day), AFO criticizes about everything about Hawks' agency until he makes a secretary cry and Izuku whacks him with a broom until he leaves, the two meetings Hawks had planned with Dabi are cancelled because he doesn't want to get involved in this mess, and through no fault of the two boys, Hawks once again loses most of his feathers.
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wri0thesley · 1 year
home - hawks x reader (6.7k)
you miss him when he's not here.
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cw: not sfw. reader is afab but no gendered language is used. chubby reader, insecurities mentioned. established relationship. possessive hawks. blood, injury (mild). cunnilingus, scratching, biting, multiple orgasms.
this was a commissioned work.
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There are drawbacks to being a Pro Hero’s partner.
Oh, there are some positives, too - the nice things that you get sent, sometimes, in the hopes that you’ll post them on social media and the business in question will get some extra footfall from being papped on the significant other of the more popular Pro Heroes (putting aside the occasional frustration of paparazzi always tailing you, the free clothes and free tech and free gear and free meals are very nice). The fact that Keigo has a sizable fortune that he mainly uses to make sure that you and he have the best life he can provide. The swell of pride that rises in your chest when you think about him, and all of the lives he has saved, all of the people who are grateful for him. 
The sunshine in Keigo’s face, too, when a small child tells him how much they look up to him - how they want to be just like him. The money that is funneled back by Keigo into charitable institutions for children. The fact that you’re doing a small part of good in the world despite your reasonably useless quirk (making flowers bloom at a touch is only useful when the flowers are not yet in season, after all - it’s a quirk that you can use maybe three months out of the year, and you’ve noticed flowers don’t seem to last any longer just because you’ve grazed them with your fingertips) by making Keigo happy, the way he deserves to be. 
But there are plenty of negatives. 
Those same paparazzi who sell photographs of you and Keigo to gossip magazines and comment on your appearance, your hair if it’s messy, your figure that you’re already not all that confident in. The online gossip-mongers who spend their time bemoaning how much of a better fit they’d be for a man like Keigo, if he’d just stop ‘pitying’ you enough to date you. 
The nights you spend stroking Keigo’s hair as he buries his head in your neck and all of the ugliest parts of his job fall out of his mouth; the fear of being a pawn for the HPSC for the rest of his life, the things he’s asked to do that remain secret except in whispered gasps into your ear, his hands clinging to you so tightly you think about talons puncturing your skin. The long, long nights when he’s out doing hero work and you fear that he may never come back to you. The way time stretches interminably on when he says he’ll be gone for a little while and you don’t know if it will be days or weeks or months. 
You wouldn’t trade anything for him. Keigo makes you feel seen and beautiful and loved and cherished in a way no other person could ever compare to. You get butterflies when he smiles at you. You cannot imagine a life in which you did not find each other, somehow. 
But tonight, your bed in Keigo’s penthouse (big glass windows, so he can feel like he’s flying - a huge bed, with room for his wings) is empty and cold. You wear a too-big ‘Hawks’s Baby Bird’ nightshirt that falls down to your knees, a gag gift from one of your friends who is a member of your boyfriend’s fan club. The little cartoon depiction of him is not enough to make you feel as though he is there with you.
Tonight feels like one of those nights that might last forever.
You roll over in the bed uncomfortably, legs tangling in cool sheets that you wish were warmed by your partner. The space seems to stretch on for an eternity without Keigo’s wings there for you to good-naturedly grouse about as he laughs and pulls you in even closer. 
You think not hearing anything might be the worst. 
You know what he does is important, you know that he doesn’t always tell you where he’s going because he’s worried about you - you know that being shrouded in secrecy is better for both of you. But not knowing where he is or who he’s with or what he’s doing makes all kinds of worrying scenarios play out in your head as you wonder if you’ll ever see him again, or if the last time you kissed him on the cheek and told him to be careful (and he looked at you with all of the love in the world lighting his gold eyes, his gaze saying far more than his easy laugh and his promise he would come back) would be the last time. 
Ugh. You flop onto your back and stare up at the ceiling. 
Maybe you should try making yourself a hot drink; distract yourself from the thoughts swirling around your mind and the loneliness that’s eating at your edges. That sounds nice. You swing your legs over the side of the comically oversized mattress, the soft hem of your nightshirt riding high on your thighs - and then you hear a familiar sound, and your heart feels like it swells to double its size in your chest. 
You quickly walk from the bedroom into the lounge, following the sound of beating wings and displaced air and something clinking against glass. There, on the balcony outside, stands Keigo - still in his hero costume, red wings in the process of being tucked behind him, keys tinkling in his hand. 
Through the window, he catches sight of you - and his smile is so wide it could split his face in two, eyes crinkling at the edges. He fumbles even quicker with the keys, eager to get inside and back to you - and you walk across the room, your feet warm on the cold tiled floor, to meet him.
Up close, you can see that the night has not been kind to him. 
Despite the smile that lights up his eyes and transforms his face, there are grazes all over his face; a rip in his hero costume at the sleeve, where he’s bleeding a little. His wings seem fine, but high on the left wing the feathers are bent out of shape and uneven as if he narrowly avoided trapping it somewhere. Your stomach drops somewhere in the region of your feet - and then, Keigo is through the window and it’s clinking closed behind him and you are embraced by all of him, all red feathers and fur jacket and arms wrapping so tightly around you that you can barely breathe. 
“Keigo,” your voice comes out in a choked squeak. “Keigo, you’re hurt--!”
“I’m so glad to see you,” he mumbles into the crook of your neck, his normally light tone heavy with emotion. “I missed you so so much. I . . . I thought I might not see you ever again--”
His gloved hands cling to your generous hips, squishing into the soft flesh there, dragging you against him. He noses against your neck, breathing in your scent, as if he’s trying to reassure himself that you’re real and true and there. 
“Let me look at your injuries--” You try to say, but Keigo instead pulls you into a searing kiss that makes your knees feel weak. Despite his relatively small stature - compared to most other Pros, anyway - he trains long and hard, and he pulls you into him as if you weigh nothing at all, the softness of your curves and pudge not presenting the smallest of problems. His mouth is hot and beseeching against yours; this is a kiss that says ‘I am alive, and I thought I wouldn’t be’. Fear is still rolling hot through your stomach, but it’s hard not to melt into him when he knows every spot of your mouth and every nerve of your lips as well as he knows his own. His teeth nip needily at your lower lip and you open your mouth for him - let his tongue mark you out as his, sliding across that spot behind your front teeth that makes you full-body shiver in his arms. 
It doesn’t seem to matter to him that the two of you are in full view of the windows (not that any paparazzi would be fool enough to try and photograph from here, after the last time) - all that matters is that the two of you are entwined, that Keigo is there and you are there. His hands slide down your hips to knead at the soft globes of your ass, a motion that’s meant to be teasing but instead simply feels desperate.
You break apart from him with a gasp, your heart beating frantically against your ribcage.
“Keigo,” you say, hoping you sound more sure of yourself than you feel. “I need to clean your w-wounds.”
He looks at you all half-lidded and wanting, his mouth swollen from the kiss - actually, you don’t think his gaze has strayed from you once since he first laid eyes on you. 
“I needed to kiss you,” he says to you, and he cracks a small smile that doesn’t quite mask the wildness in his eyes. “I needed to remember exactly what you were like. Remind myself you were mine, birdie.” 
“The kiss could have waited,” you say, exhaling in a way that’s part laugh and part exhaustion. “You’re hurt.”
One gloved hand raises to your face; his thumb strokes over your cheek. The smile on his face is so sad and so wanting that it makes you ache. 
“I could never wait to kiss you,” he says. “Not a second longer than I have to.”
You tug gently on his sleeve; there’s dirt all over the tan fabric. You wonder what happened to him on this mission, but you don’t ask - Keigo never wants you to have to worry about things. He keeps you as safe as he can - makes sure you can work from home, insists that if he can’t go shopping with you groceries are delivered . . . on another person, it might be suffocating. But on Keigo . . . 
He hasn’t told you much about his life pre-Wing Hero: Hawks. Still, he has told you more than almost anybody else in the whole world knows, and you understand why he clings to the vestiges of a home he’s managed to build around himself. It’s hard not to be flattered that he considers you home - and you, in return, feel exactly the same way about him. 
“Come on,” you say to him, a little more forcefully this time, and you give him a gentle smile so he doesn’t feel like he’s worrying you too much. “Let me clean these scratches and get your uniform off, and I promise you can kiss me as much as you like for as long as you like.”
He lets out a soft laugh but lets himself be tugged across the room anyway. 
“My uniform off?” He asks, lightly teasing, the edge of desperation slowly ebbing away now that he is with you and knows you are safe. “Why, birdie, you’ve only gotta ask! Little forward, but I’m not gonna complain--”
You roll your eyes at him, but laugh all the same, as the two of you enter the kitchen and you bully him lovingly into taking a seat on one of the stools by the long breakfast bar. You reach up onto your toes to reach the first-aid kit kept in one of the high kitchen cupboards, feeling the hem of your shirt rise up to reveal the thin red satin underwear you wore to bed--
“Are those Hawks brand, too?” Keigo asks. You can’t see him, but you can just imagine the shit-eating grin that’s painted itself over his face. “Look, I know you want me to stay still whilst you tend lovingly to me, but you’re making this really difficult--”
“Shh,” you tell him, turning around with the little metal tin tucked beneath your arm. “You’re just trying to get out of the antiseptic swabbing, aren’t you?”
It takes you by surprise how quickly he’s shed his garments. You suppose that speed is his greatest asset, but still - you’d heard only a little rustling, and yet Keigo is suddenly sat behind you totally shirtless with his uniform discarded on the stool beside him. You can see almost all of him; the lean muscles of his pectorals, dotted with old scars - the corded forearms, the surprisingly strong hands . . .
You’re grateful to see that the wounds and scratches are only surface-level. They’ll need cleaning and bandaging up a little, but that’s all - he’s not at risk of any infections, doesn’t need to go see any healers or hospital workers. You’re glad - you don’t want him to be out of your sight for any longer than he has to be now that you finally have him back for a while. 
You cough as you rifle through the medical kit for anti-bacterial wipes, feeling your face heat up at his proximity and his nakedness. Keigo laughs softly, angling his body closer to you.
“You’re cute when you’re nervous,” he says to you, his voice low and soft. “C’mon. See something you like?”
“Could you stop flirting for one second?” You ask him, as you wipe over one of the nasty grazes on his arm - you don’t think you could look into those golden eyes right now without falling into them like molten pools. “I need to get this cleaned up.”
“You’d be flirting if the prettiest thing in the whole world was touching your naked body,” Keigo says to you, reasonably; and he laughs again when you fumble with the bandage you’re trying to affix to the spot in question. “C’mon. You’re even wearing my merch! How’m I supposed to just sit here and let you look after me when I’m thinking about pinning you to the breakfast bar and having my wicked way with you, huh?”
“Have your wicked way with me when I’m done,” you tell him, and now you have no choice but to turn your hand to the grazes on his cheek - and looking at Keigo’s pretty face takes your breath away in the same way it always does. His eyes are liquid gold, burning you as you gently wipe the blood from his sharp cheekbones. At the touch of your fingers on his face, he takes a sharp intake of breath - and one strong hand lands on the outside of your thigh, thumb pressing softly into the skin there. Your own breath stutters in your chest. 
There’s a bloom of heat low in your core, to be looked at like that. Possession and adoration and hunger all mixed up in his gaze, your own body screaming at you that Keigo wants you and you want him and everything else should be thrown to the wayside in pursuit of the pleasure the two of you are clearly longing for. 
He breathes out after a moment that feels like it lasts a week, and his voice has dropped a semitone into something rich and low and starving hungry. 
“You’re nearly done now, right?” He asks, swallowing, the bob in his throat visible. “I’m not sure how much longer I can stop myself.”
You do not break eye contact as you drop the gauze, as you close the lid of the first-aid kit. 
“I’d think a Pro Hero would have more control,” you say to him breathily. “Stop yourself from doing what, exactly?”
He smiles up at you with a wickedness that makes you weak at the knees, and you feel all of your concern about his grazes and bruises and the feathers that have been bent and ruffled in his wings melt away in favour of the persistent pounding in your core.
He moves lightning-fast; utterly deserving of all of his accolades, and before you know it you’re pressed against the breakfast bar, your ass pressed flush against the rim of the surface, and Keigo has dropped down onto his knees. 
“Stop myself from eating you all up, birdie,” he says, with a grin bright and hungry, as he presses his nose softly against the plumpness of your thighs. “You’re looking delicious, and I’m starving after being away for so long. Won’t you let a guy have a taste?”
You gasp as he moves his face; as his nose nudges at your mound through the Hawks branded underwear. He breathes in deeply, savouring the scent of you on the air.
“I can tell you want it too,” he teases you. “I can smell you from here. That’s how I know how delicious you’re going to be.”
“Keigo,” you breathe out lightly, but there is no complaint in your tone. Your boyfriend takes this the way it is; your consent for him to do whatever he wants to you, and his smile is knife-sharp in the darkness as his fingers hook into the elastic of the underwear and slowly begin to edge them down your legs. 
“Spread for me, angel,” Keigo murmurs, dropping a kiss just above your knee, peppering the skin he can currently get to with more feather soft touches of his lips. “Show me how much you want it. Let me see you; I’ve missed you. Feels like a century when I don’t see you for a day.” 
You fall over yourself to please him. You’ve missed him just as much; too deeply for you to care if you seem desperate, when you spread your legs further and let him see the wet mess between your legs. Keigo’s eyes go half-lidded and wanting as he trails the pad of one of his fingers up your thigh to dip between the lips of your sex and into your slick. 
“Look at you, pretty birdie,” he says, low and awestruck. “This is all for me? Aren’t I the lucky one? Aren’t you just the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen?”
Your face heats up at the compliments; Keigo is never shy about giving them, of course, but when the position is so intimate and he looks so fascinated it’s hard not to feel woozy with the want that drips off every syllable. Keigo moves his face closer; kisses at the plump spill of your very inner thighs, where they’re damp with your own arousal. Teeth bite into the flesh gently, nipping at you until you gasp. 
“Y-you were being serious about eating me up, then?” You ask, a huff of laughter on your lips, as Keigo shifts his attentions to the other thigh, sucking love bites into the soft flesh. 
“Just making sure you know you’re mine,” he says, breathless. “Marking you up so you know who you belong to. After I’ve eaten you up, I’ll get on to eatin’ you out--”
He kisses over your sex this time; his breath fanning hot against your most sensitive parts. Your knees almost buckle, and you have to cling to the rim of the breakfast bar to stop yourself from just falling onto him completely. You feel a couple of well-placed breaths away from collapsing onto the floor.
“Is that a . . . a promise?” You ask him, and Keigo chuckles and the vibrations seem to travel from between your legs and right up your spine. 
“For you?” He murmurs, and his tongue darts out - laps up your cunt from perineum to clit, and you swear you see stars. “Of course it is.” 
Once Keigo has had a taste of you, there’s nothing you can do. You know it from past experience sprawled out on the bed beneath him as he works you over until you’re putty in his hands - when he wants someone, when he wants something, when something is his and it’s his responsibility . . . he will not rest until he’s wrung several orgasms out of you and you can barely move. The kitchen is a brand new development for this kind of thing, but Keigo is more than a little possessive and when you’ve murmured in the heat of the moment about christening every surface in his apartment it’s always gotten him going--
So it’s all you can do, really, to let him eat you out like he’s a man starved and he’s having his final meal before his untimely end. 
To let your fingers curl around the rim and to give yourself into Keigo’s mouth as it hotly works you over; his tongue dragging through your folds as if he’s trying to drink you in. Your own mouth falls open as your breath escapes you in little surprised gasps; it seems that for every slow lap of his tongue, he manages to do some kind of swirling trick of athletics that makes you feel like you’re melting into a pleasured mess. 
In between the licks and the sucks, he turns his attention back to the soft fullness of your thighs; drops little growling interludes of;
‘Mine’. ‘So beautiful’. ‘So good’. ‘You’re mine’. ‘Mine, mine, mine’. 
Kisses and bites and licks and mumbles, the soft abrasive scratch of his scruff making you dizzy and light-headed as you feel all of the pleasure that he brings you work itself into tight knots in your stomach. Sometimes he bites just a little too hard, as if he wants to ensure that the mark takes - and though on another partner, you might push him away, with Keigo it’s hard to not just let your lashes flutter and a soft moan escape at the thought of just how much he wants you to be his. 
There’s something to be said about having the mark of ownership of a man like Keigo upon your skin. 
He rubs his cheeks against your thighs, uncaring of how your slick is fair dripping from your sex; covering himself in your scent the same way he tries to cover you in his own. You’ve heard him complain when you switch shower gels or perfumes or shampoos; you know he can’t get enough of the natural scent of you. He never cares about cuddling up to you when you feel sweaty or gross - in fact, a couple of times, you’ve thought that it really gets him going--
It’s getting much harder to think the longer Keigo uses his mouth on you. 
It’s hard to think of anything other than the sensation of his tongue, the prickling pleasant heat that’s running through your veins, the groans of pleasure that he keeps putting forth with every new lap and suck and kiss of your clit. Your fingers twitch, your thighs shaking wildly, as you hover on the precipice of your orgasm.
“That’s right, beautiful,” he murmurs softly. “Come on. Come for me.” 
There’s no question of doing anything but. 
Your entire body goes taut all over, like a string waiting to be plucked - and then snaps, as your orgasm washes over you in fierce waves, making your body tingle like fireworks are being set off beneath your skin. You don’t try to muffle your noises - Keigo had coached that out of you with kisses and begging and telling you how much he loves hearing you - so soft whimpers and moans come issuing forth from your mouth, bouncing against the kitchen walls. Keigo makes his own noise in response; a coaxing kind of reassurance that you can let yourself go with him, you’re safe. His mouth is still pressed against your sex, though, his tongue still drinking in the slick you’re pumping out with every clench and pulse of your release. 
He stays there even as the orgasm slowly subsides and feeling returns to your extremities. You’re sensitive, your thighs shaking - and Keigo chuckles, pulling back and looking up at you with his eyes all blown with adoration. 
“I’ve missed the way you taste,” he tells you, tone teasing. “I’ve missed the way you sound, too. I’ve missed . . . all of that.”
“I’ve missed you more,” you say to him breathlessly. “A-are you going to let me repay the favour?” 
Keigo laughs again, and the sound makes happiness bloom in your chest. 
“No,” he says, sounding very sure of himself. “I’m not done with you yet, birdie. I need to make sure that every perfect inch of you remembers me; I need to make sure that you’re always with me, that you’re imprinted onto every part of me, that you know just how much I love you and I need you and that I can remember every part of you with my eyes closed--”
Your cheeks are hot at this profession of adoration. It’s not that Keigo is shy about these things - he said ‘I love you’ before you did - but . . . he’s not always prone to these big, grand gestures. He holds your hands and pulls you close and keeps you next to him, plays with your hair and remembers your favourites and checks in on you to make sure everything is alright as often as he can. Love story confessions are not his style--
And that’s how you know that he means every single syllable. 
“Th-that’s not fair,” you say weakly, as Keigo takes your hand and tugs you through the apartment instead, a mirror of you taking him into the kitchen to clean his wounds. “I want to do all that for you too--!”
“Ah, but you didn’t get to saying it before me, did you?” He shoots you a broad grin, pulling you into the bedroom. The sheets on your huge bed are still rumpled; he raises one eyebrow. “Not sleep well without me, birdie?”
“You know I never do,” you whisper, and his face goes impossibly soft. He pulls you closer to him, pressing his nose against your own so that the two of you are staring directly into one another’s eyes. 
“I love you,” he says, plain and simple. His hands go to touch your hips, to slide up to your waist and to your chest, his touch reverent like a sculptor and his masterpiece. “I love everything about you. If it were up to me, I’d spend every waking minute with you - I’d never let you leave our bed. We’d have everything we need. I . . .” He swallows. “I want to be with you forever.”
“I want to be with you forever, too,” you breathe out - you bring your hand up to stroke over his shoulders, to delicately curve over the musculature in his back to where his wings stand proudly out. He lets out a soft noise of pleasure at the soft touch of your fingers on the downy feathers at the base, his cheeks going pink. 
“Then let me take care of you,” Keigo murmurs, softly. “Let me come inside of you so many times you don’t remember what it feels like to have anything inside of you but me.” He takes a shuddering breath - and despite your earlier orgasm, your breath catches and your pulse beats between your thighs as if it’s agreeing that he can do whatever he wants with you. “Please.”
“Say I can, birdie.”
His touch gets desperate. His thumbs dig into the soft meat of your waist, the plump pudge there. You make the mistake of flickering your eyes away from his gaze, to between you and below your eye line, to see the way that his cock is tenting the front of his pants in need. You think about Keigo’s cock - about how it feels inside of you, about how perfectly it fills you up, about the sensation of having him come inside and keep going, keep pumping himself into you--
“Keigo,” you breathe, eyes flicking back up to him. “Of course you can.”
As much as you want to get on your knees for him and bring him the same pleasure he’s already brought you today, you can tell that this means a lot to Keigo - and so you’re not surprised when he groans out loud and pulls you back into a fierce kiss. Your lips are nibbled on, your tongue danced with, your entire body dragged into a kiss that Keigo puts every muscle into - until he pulls back, breathless. 
“Can we get this off you now?” He asks, tugging at your nightshirt. “Kind of weird to be looking at myself right now, even if I do look very cute as a cartoon--”
You laugh as you pull the dark red cotton over your head. You have a brief moment of doubt - that same flash that comes across you every time you fully disrobe in front of Keigo, a voice in your head saying that you’re not good enough or pretty enough for him - but it’s a doubt that Keigo quickly dispels as he pushes you back onto the bed and begins to pepper every inch of your newly exposed skin with bites and kisses. 
“I love these,” he murmurs, palming at your chest with rough calloused hands, plucking your nipples between thumb and forefinger until they stand to stiff attention. “They’re so pretty.” A pinch, and you whine, back arching. “And so sensitive--!” 
His tongue follows the path of his fingers, swirling around the nipple and sucking on it with a soft pop until you’re whining even louder, spreading your thighs apart for him in a silent plea to get on with it.
“You’re being needy,” he tells you, with a bite to the swell of your breast that you can tell will leave a bruise. “And I love it. Ask me nicely, pretty birdie--”
“Please fuck me, Keigo,” you say, breathless with need and want and the dizzying desire to have him inside of you. “Please, I want you inside of me--”
He kisses you fiercely again; fabric is displaced lower down his body as he works his trousers off without for a moment breaking the contact of your two lips. His cock slaps against the roundness of your tummy, leaving wet precome in a smear over your navel - hard and long, stiff and aching to find anchor in your port. 
“You have no idea what hearing you say that does to me,” he murmurs, his breath hot against your ear. “Spread wider, angel, alright?” 
You obey him, spreading your thighs so wide that it’s almost painful. 
The two of you have had to experiment with positions many times - Keigo’s wings provide an interesting challenge for ensuring that both of you are comfortable. Even now, in this simplest of positions, his wings make a canopy over you and give a soft red-warm glow to everything beneath them. Keigo smiles at you so softly that it feels like melting, and then his cock is nudging the lips of your sex apart and slowly slowly slowly sinking inside of you. 
It’s gratifying, to finally be full. His tongue felt good, but there’s a kind of intimacy in this that it can’t replicate - a feeling that the two of you are melding together, hearts beating as one. Keigo’s eyes flutter closed, a soft sigh escaping his pretty mouth.
“You have no idea how you feel,” he chokes out. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you--”
“You feel like home,” you say to Keigo, and he whines and sheathes himself fully inside of you. 
His arms wrap around you, pulling you up so you’re not just laid directly on the bed. His nails - fingers a little sharp, like talons - rake down your back, scratching into you, as he gets used to feel of you hot and tight and wet around him. The two of you are both panting, your own arms wrapping around his neck so you’re as close to him as you can possibly be. 
He crashes his lips against yours at the same time as he begins to move his hips in hungry little circles. He isn’t yet fucking in and out of you in wild abandon, but this is still overwhelming after being without him for a few nights and forgetting all of the places inside of you that are stoked like a brand new fire by his cock, stretching you out. You move your hips against him in tiny increments, his abdomen rubbing against your swollen clit in a way that sends pleasant little frissons of electricity up and down your spine. 
The electric mixes with the scratches of Keigo’s hands, an overwhelming symphony of sensation that is at once too much and not enough. You lose track of time - you lose track of anything but the feel of Keigo inside of you, the pleasure of being stretched and fucked and taken and knowing you are loved. 
His lips against yours, his words against your ear with whispers of how much he loves you and how beautiful you are and how good you are for him. Your own words, coming out slurred and breathless as you both chase your orgasms, wanting to crest that hill together. 
“Keigo,” you’re whimpering. “Keigo, Keigo, Keigo.” Chants of his name spilling out of your lips like prayer beads, prayers that he drinks up with his kisses and his own soft entreaties of your name. 
“I’m going to--”
“I want you to--”
“Fill me up, please--”
You both lose track of who is actually the one speaking; the words come out in a spill that’s mirrored by the twitch of your thighs and the coil of heat in your stomach. Your orgasm hits you like a train, and your fingers curl into Keigo’s short hair at the same time as he digs his teeth into the soft place where your neck meets your shoulders and his cock pulses inside of you, spilling his seed into your sex, marking you out as his. Your own release gushes over his cock, your cunt clenching around him as you pant and whimper. You’re light-headed and dizzy as you chase your aftershocks, gyrating your hips on his softening cock to eke out every last drop of pleasure you can. Keigo’s hands stay on you, sliding to the small of your back, encouraging you as he sucks and kisses on the bitemarks and lets his own pants fill the air. 
The comfortable silence that follows your releases lasts only a moment. 
He’s come inside of you once, and your body feels full and satiated with your own orgasm, but that’s not enough for Keigo. Even as he pulls out, his cock is already hardening again, a soft groan falling from his mouth as it slaps against the soft flesh of your inner thighs.
“Tell me I can fuck you again,” he murmurs. “I want you to be full of me, birdie. I want you to be dripping with my come for weeks. I need t’fill you up so bad--”
You manage to screw up all of your left-over energy - not that there was much of it - to roll over, gathering yourself up on your hands and knees, spreading your legs further apart and balancing yourself on your elbows. It’s a position the two of you have used often, made all the more comfortable by Keigo’s expensive bed. It means that you don’t have to do much more work than stay there and thrust your hips back into him - and, crucially, it means that Keigo gets so deep inside of you that you swear you feel him in your stomach. 
“Yes,” Keigo breathes, already gathering himself up onto his knees. He drops kisses onto the places on your shoulder blades and spine he scratched earlier, soft feather-light whispers of how much he adores you. “Fuck, angel--”
He fits inside of you like a glove; your earlier exertions making him slide inside of you so easily you barely feel the stretch. Your fingers clench into the sheets as you moan out a prayer that sounds like his name, as Keigo continues to drop wet messy kisses all over you. He’s rambling now, about how beautiful you look like this and how good you feel.
“I should fuck you on every surface in the house,” he whispers, as he begins to work his hips back and forth, sliding easily into a rhythm. “I should christen every single one of them, so it feels like home--”
“Okay,” you breathe in return, moving your hips as much as you can. You’re going to come again, you realise, embarrassingly quickly. He just feels so deep inside of you - like there is no end to where he starts or you begin, like there’s nothing in the universe but the two of you and the places you’re joined. One of his hands slaps over yours, holding it as best he can in the position you’re in. 
“I need to fill you up,” he’s panting. “I need you . . . need you to be mine, need you to know how much I love you, need you need you need you--”
“I need you,” you reply, in a whimper that feels like a sob as he adjusts his hips just so and oh, the spots he hits inside of you with every thrust . . . You feel born anew again; like this is the first time Keigo has fucked you and you’re as sensitive as a virgin. You squeeze your eyes closed. “I need you more-- please fill me up, I want to be yours, please please please--”
“Say my name,” Keigo begs into your ear, the words broken up with pants. “Say you love me.”
“K-Keigo--!” Your voice pitches as your orgasm clenches all up inside of you. You feel yourself tighten around him. The feeling of him inside of you, the wet glide of his cock, the sting of the bites and scratches from your earlier extremely enthusiastic love-making, all converging together until you can do nothing but let the white hot feeling take you over completely. “I l-love you--”
A moaning whimpering groan of your name, and the two of you are coming together. Keigo’s cock is twitching inside of you, spilling more thick ropes of his come as deep into you as he can to join his earlier load. You moan as you feel it trickle down your thighs, as he fucks it in deeper chasing the aftershocks of his orgasm and your body collapses into a jelly-like mass of nothing but feeling. Keigo lets you collapse and follows you down, breathless laughs turning into moans as you lie there for a few moments sweating and panting in the afterglow of your lovemaking. 
It takes a little while for the two of you to disentangle yourself fully; for Keigo’s cock to pop out of you (followed by a little rush of your mixed fluids), for him to drag your sweat-soaked body against him without caring for how you must be messing up the sheets. 
“I love you too,” he says, a belated reply to your call as you’d come. Your face goes hot at the reminder.
You curl up against his chest shyly, cheek pressed to his beating heart. Your fingers come up to trace patterns over his skin, and he makes a noise low in his throat almost like a chirp, pleasure at your touch melding with the pleasure of what has transpired between you both. He’s always a little more bird-like in this state; relaxed and sated and happy. 
A phone rings somewhere in the distance, and he groans. Eyes fluttering shut. 
“It’s in my pocket,” he mumbles in annoyance. “It’ll be the Commission.”
You make a soft noise of displeasure at the Hero Commission already wanting to monopolise his time when it feels like he’s been home for an hour or two at most. 
“I’d hoped we’d have a bit longer this time,” you say, and you hope that you don’t sound petulant. You don’t want to resent Keigo’s job! You know he’s one of the top heroes for a reason! But curled up in bed, it’s hard to reconcile Wing Hero: Hawks and Keigo, your boyfriend, your lover, your home. You want longer with him. You want to keep him for yourself. 
His mouth twists. Resolutely, he wraps his arms back around you. 
“We will,” he says, as he continues to ignore the ringing. “We’ll have more time. They can wait a day. I still have more things I want to do to you.”
“Unfair,” you say, hiding your smile in his chest. “It’s my turn to do things to you.”
He laughs and presses a kiss on the top of your head. The scratches and bruises and bites from your earlier exertions sting pleasantly; a reminder of home, a reminder of Keigo, a reminder of belonging. 
“Okay,” he says, with a faux sigh. “It’ll be a challenge, but I’ll take one for the team. I guess you can do things to me next time.” 
Both of you laugh and snuggle in closer to one another. 
The bed feels so much more right with Keigo in it beside you. 
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transhawks · 1 year
The whole point of this manga is that people are more than their quirks. That their quirks do not and should not define them. If you look at Keigo as finished in his narrative, as useless to the story without his wings, you are genuinely buying into the bullshit he has told himself about having to prove useful with his dirty wings. You are believing in the same idea that led him to manipulate and kill Twice because he was worried about the latter's quirk being so dangerous. You are agreeing with the idea that Tomura can do nothing but destroy.
That is not what this manga is about. It's about breaking the beliefs we have swallowed about ourselves or have been forcefed from society to abusers shoving them into us.
Keigo Takami has never tried to be more than Hawks. More than the Winged Hero. He believed that boy was a broken, dirty one who couldn't help anyone and was willing to put him aside for an identity groomed for him, because he is still internally the child being asked what good is he for by a neglectful and abusive mother.
But Tomie and the HPSC are wrong. Hawks was wrong. Even AFO remarks that Keigo's quirk is garbage. Losing his wings, gradually and now with this final removal, is actually Horikoshi making Keigo reckon with who he is as a person. And people are not their quirks. The whole point is that Keigo's cage was always, always himself.
Hawks can't trap him any longer. He has now face up to who he is outside of heroism, outside of his quirk. So this isn't the "end" to Hawks as a character because it was never about who Hawks is. It was always about Keigo.
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