#GR Garden Plots
bestpropertyinindia · 2 years
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jackactuallywrites · 7 months
I am asking very nicely for part 2
I need our pathetic duo
Besties are making fun of MC for being an idiot and they take her to a club and WHO'S THERE? 💀
They meet in a smoking area and MC is going through all stages of grief
That's us btw
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Drunk and Disorderly
Pairing: Simon Ghost Riley x You
Rating: Still pretty mild
Warnings: Alcohol, smoking, clubbing, Liverpudlians
Summary: You to the club assuming Ghost won’t be there. More fool you!
Notes: we simp for @xxven providing all these excellent plot ideas it would not happen without her 🫡
Word count: 1,666 (spooky!)
“I’m not going back to the pub.”
You were being uncharacteristically firm; usually, enough badgering from Katy and Elle would have you giving in and trudging off to the pub, but this time you were absolutely resolute. Elle was less than impressed, letting out a heavy groan as you vetoed the classic Friday evening plans, “Is this because of the whole Ghost thing?” You glowered at her, and Katy snickered, “Can’t believe you thought Soap was some girl chatting him up.” You huffed, “It’s hard to tell in that lighting! Plus, a lot of the girls around here have that haircut.” Elle did her best to hold back her amusement, whereas Katy did no such thing, cackling at you outright, “You twat.” You made a face at her, “Bite me. We’re not going to the pub.” Elle acquiesced, “Alright, fine, fine. What about the club?” Katy grimaced, “So we can watch you get embroiled in lesbian drama again?” Elle grinned, “I mean, what’s a night out without a little drama?” “A little drama? You almost got your extensions ripped out.” “But I didn’t.” You interrupted, “I vote to go to the club as well.” Katy huffed, “That’s because you know you won’t see Ghost in a gay bar, isn’t it?” You saluted, “Absolutely. Two against one.” She sighed, knowing she’d been beaten, “Fine. But no drama!” Elle held her hand over her heart, “No drama!”
Of course, it had been a promise that couldn’t be kept. Elle had a habit of finding herself in the middle of arguments, no matter how hard she supposedly tried to keep out of them. It was lucky for her that Katy was there to console the jilted lover and convince her not to throw her drink over Elle’s head. Elle was unbothered as always, already finding some beautiful person to dance with. With Katy busy soothing troubled lesbians and Elle trying to seduce anything even remotely sexual, you were left alone, though you didn’t mind.
You couldn’t think of a better place to bury your embarrassment than in the middle of a gay club, your face painted with colour and sparkles, your tits pushed up so high they practically touched your chin, and your waist cinched by your corset, your confidence absolutely untouchable. You’d already gotten several numbers that night, not that you planned on using any of them, still silently pining for a certain murderous spectre, but it had done wonders to restore your self-esteem after that dreadful night the week before.
The memory had long since faded into irrelevance in your mind, the music seeming to pump directly into your veins, the bass pounding along with the beat of your heart, your hips swaying, your hands touching your hair, your neck, absolutely enraptured by everything in that moment, lost in the sensations of absolute peace that only pounding music and heavy drinks could provide. You danced until your feet hurt, and the sweat began to bead up on your forehead, threatening to ruin the intricate swirls Elle had spent so long on, finally taking a break from your dancing and heading out for a breath of fresh air—in the smoking area.
You paid little attention to the patrons as you pushed open the heavy door into the cool night air, letting it flow over your face, enjoying the smoke-tainted breeze. The door shifted slightly behind you, someone taking the weight of it out of your hands, holding it open as they came into what was generously called a garden, though was more accurately a group of cheap metal chairs on fake grass, grouped around a single space heater. Most of the chairs were occupied by a group already deep in conversation, some of them known to you, huddled together, with two chairs left out. You were too happy to sink into the available chair, taking the weight off your feet, leaning back and stretching out your ankles, only somewhat regretting your decision to wear heels. The person who’d come along behind you sunk into the last available chair, and you finally looked over at them, wondering if they’d be good conversation.
Fate, it seemed, had a very funny sense of humour.
Ghost was sitting in the chair beside you. Ghost, terrifying Lieutenant, was in the smoking area of a gay bar. He was looking at you curiously, still wearing that trademark skull balaclava, inexplicably allowed to wear it no matter where he was, dressed in a slightly more casual version of his usual uniform, a thick black jumper paired with the classic cargo trousers that every soldier favoured. And there you were, in your skimpy sparkly dress, arse out, tits out, dignity left somewhere behind on the dancefloor. Your only saving grace was the hope that he might not recognise you, as crushing as that might have been.
The nod he gave you was friendly enough, as well as the “Alright?” he offered in your direction, and you did your best to squeak out an “Alright!” in response. Thankfully, he didn’t seem entirely bothered by your practically virginal awkwardness around him, his attention on the cigarettes in his pocket, digging out his lighter as he pulled up his mask, revealing a clean-shaven jaw as he clamped the cigarette between his lips. You were clearly not one for subtlety, as he offered the pack out to you, clearly noticing you staring.
Broke and gasping for a quick smoke was probably a better look for you than desperate, so you took one from the pack, trying to remember where you’d stashed your lighter, but Ghost was already leaning in with his, the tip of his cigarette touching against yours as he sparked them up, taking in a deep breath to encourage the embers to catch. You were absolutely spellbound to be so close to him, able to smell the slight hint of cologne that lingered around him, but you leaned away the moment he did, trying to look at least somewhat casual about it, as though smoking with your lieutenant was something you did every day. It was an undeniably insane scenario, yet when he settled back into his chair, entirely at ease, the tension seemed to dissipate from your body. He wasn’t judging you or staring at you with murderous intent, nor was he stained in blood with sweat trickling over his sculpted chest. He was just a man, sitting in a rusted chair, smoking cheap cigs out in the cold. It might have been the alcohol that caused this revelation, or perhaps the soothing effects of the nicotine, but you could feel the anxiety fade away as you looked at him, noticing just how ordinary he seemed.
“I’m not gonna grass you up for being drunk and disorderly if that’s what you’re worried about.” Ghost’s soft voice snapped you out of your revelation, the man clearly having cottoned on to your weird behaviour around him, yet he’d entirely misconstrued the true cause and given you a perfect excuse. You leapt on the opportunity, smiling, “Hey, I might be drunk, but I wouldn’t say I’ve crossed into disorderly just yet. I’m just worried what Elle will say if she catches me talking to a Manc.” He hummed at that, “What, she a scouser?” You nodded, “And proud of it.” He snorted, his lips curling into a slight smirk, “Why would anyone be proud of being from that shithole?” You gently kicked his leg with the toe of your heel, “Hey, nothing wrong with Liverpool!” “Scousers are what’s wrong with Liverpool. And the world.” You rolled your eyes at him, “Yeah, yeah, get over it. She’s perfect.”
There was something easy about his company, the conversation flowing like water as you idly gossiped about the various officers you’d seen out that night, some of whom were decidedly less than single, as well as occasionally dipping into the finer points of what military equipment you each favoured, with him favouring the classic goretex and you preferring the AKUs. Your cigarettes had long been stubbed out, and the psychological warming effects of the alcohol were beginning to fade, your skimpy dress doing very little to protect you from the chill.
After the third time you’d been wracked with shivers and the second time you’d refused his jumper, Ghost took matters into his own hands, tugging it over his head and offering it out to you. You opened your mouth to protest, but he cut you off, “If you don’t take it, I’ll give you a formal reprimand.” You pursed your lips, rolling your eyes at him, but you took the jumper from his hands, tugging the warm material over your head and letting it fall down over your body, shifting in the chair so it covered more of your exposed skin. The fabric swamped you, but you weren’t complaining, amused that the hem of his jumper was longer than your dress. You grinned at Ghost, holding your arms out to showcase how long the sleeves were on you, “How do I look?” Ghost had long since pulled his mask back down, but you could see the slight crinkle at the corner of his eyes as he smiled underneath it, “Warm.”
The heavy door opened again, revealing a very happy-looking Elle with a big lipstick smudge on her cheek and a somewhat tired-looking Katy. Elle pointed at Ghost, wrinkling her nose and booing loudly, “Manc!” Ghost looked at you, then back at Elle, folding his arms over his chest, showcasing the tattoo sleeve that wrapped around his forearm, “Scouser.” She responded with a childish stream of incoherent babble, and Katy sighed, “Come on, we’re off.” You weren't about to bicker with Katy, so you pushed yourself up from the chair, looking down at Ghost, “You’re not getting this back, you know.” He shrugged, “Fine by me.” You smiled down at him, “In a bit then.” He nodded as you left, his eyes flicking over your body, drowned by his jumper, “In a bit.”
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stedesbonnets · 1 year
📘 :)
jums thank you beloved!!!
i feel like my biggest "wip in my head" is the gold rush sequel, in which stede gets invited to take this really estimated pastry course in paris, and he and ed has to separate for two whole months. stede makes several friends and they form this group, and meanwhile back home, ed has to manage their restaurant alone. since stede is essentially studying, i was trying to figure out what ed is doing during all of this, and i came up with the idea that he really gets into gardening, and he starts planting vegetables next to all their flowers
of course that throughout the entire story they are both trying not to break down because of how much they miss each other. stede is really happy to be learning from the best but he's just so sad ed isn't by his side, and ed is very happy for stede but he has a hard time being alone both in their restaurant and their house, and neither tells the other because they don't want the other to feel sad or guilty
fun fact that may make all of this seem bad: i actually didn't want a sequel at all when i finished GR. i didn't walk to milk the story just so i wouldn't miss my boys, and by doing so cheapen the og story. i liked separating them even less, but the more i thought about this sequel the more i liked it. i'm still hesitant about it, and i certainly don't have the time to write it now, but i like that it exists, even if only in my head for now
wow this got way too long
send me a book emoji and I'll explain the plot of a fic that I haven't written but daydream about
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holethoa2010 · 2 months
Hard Work in the Garden Tilling Soil Planting Veggies and Waiting for Gr...
Gardening is a labor of love that demands patience, dedication, and a good dose of hard work. Whether you're cultivating a small backyard plot or a larger piece of land, the process of tilling soil, planting vegetables, and nurturing them to full growth is both rewarding and challenging. Here's a detailed look at what it takes to turn a patch of earth into a thriving garden.
1. Tilling the Soil
Tilling is the first and one of the most important steps in preparing your garden. It involves turning over the soil to break up compacted earth, mix in organic matter, and create a loose, aerated bed where roots can easily grow. This step is crucial for several reasons:
Improving Soil Structure: Tilling helps to break up clumps of soil, allowing for better water drainage and root penetration.
Incorporating Organic Matter: As you till, you can mix in compost, manure, or other organic materials that will enrich the soil and provide nutrients to your plants.
Weed Control: Tilling can help to uproot weeds, reducing competition for your vegetable plants.
Tilling can be done manually with a garden fork or hoe for smaller areas, or with a tiller for larger plots. The process can be physically demanding, especially if the soil is heavy clay or has not been worked in a long time. However, the effort is well worth it as it sets the foundation for a successful garden.
2. Planting Vegetables
Once the soil is prepared, it's time to plant your vegetables. This step requires careful planning and execution to ensure a bountiful harvest.
Choosing the Right Vegetables: Depending on your climate, soil type, and the season, choose vegetables that will thrive in your garden. Popular choices include tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, beans, and leafy greens like lettuce and spinach.
Planting Techniques: Different vegetables have different planting needs. Some require deep planting, while others do well with shallow planting. Ensure that you space your seeds or seedlings according to the recommended guidelines to avoid overcrowding.
Watering: After planting, it's essential to water the garden thoroughly to help the seeds or seedlings establish roots. Consistent watering is crucial during the early stages of growth.
3. Waiting for Growth
Gardening teaches the value of patience. After all the hard work of tilling and planting, the next phase is waiting for your vegetables to grow. This period can be both exciting and nerve-wracking as you monitor your garden for signs of progress.
Regular Maintenance: While waiting, it’s important to continue caring for your garden. This includes watering, weeding, and checking for pests or diseases.
Monitoring Growth: Keep an eye on your plants for signs of healthy growth. Look for new leaves, buds, and flowers, which indicate that your vegetables are on the right track.
Managing Expectations: Growth can be unpredictable. Weather conditions, pests, and other factors can affect how quickly your vegetables grow. It's essential to remain patient and flexible, adapting your care as needed.
4. The Reward of Harvest
After weeks or even months of care, the moment finally comes when your vegetables are ready to be harvested. This is the culmination of all your hard work, and there’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of picking fresh produce that you’ve grown yourself.
Harvesting Tips: Harvest your vegetables when they are ripe, but not overripe, for the best flavor and nutritional value. Each type of vegetable has its own harvesting window, so be sure to check the guidelines.
Enjoying the Fruits of Your Labor: Whether you eat your vegetables fresh, cook them into a meal, or preserve them for later, the reward is in knowing that you’ve grown them with your own hands.
Hard work in the garden is a true test of determination and patience. From tilling the soil to planting veggies and waiting for growth, each step is a labor-intensive yet deeply satisfying experience. In the end, the reward is not just in the harvest but in the journey itself—nurturing life from the ground up and enjoying the fruits of your labor.
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greatlakesworks · 2 months
Brush And Tree Debris Removal: Everything You Need To Know
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Small amounts of brush can be removed and disposed of in green trash containers, but large amounts of brush cannot be removed and disposed of in these containers. It is best to assess a plan for brush clearance and removal if you are clearing and removing a sizable amount of brush or currently have a pile in your yard.
How Do I Get Rid of a Lot of Brush?
Upkeep and maintenance for a tiny residential property with tame turf are not too difficult. However, maintaining a brush can be difficult if you have a larger plot with some natural areas. Without a doubt, cleaning brush is a really difficult task, regardless of how densely grown the lot is or even if it only needs little pruning. As a result, consulting an expert is always recommended. But, if you still wish to do the job by yourself, then we have got the best tips for brush removal near Raleigh, NC, and nearby regions. So, without further ado, let’s start!
What is Brush? Why Should You Clear It?
Simply put, a brush can be defined as woody vegetation, such as tree limbs, branches, dead or nuisance-causing bushes, trees, and shrubs, along with vines and stumps. Besides, brushes also include invasive or unwanted live plants and debris. The main distinguishing feature of the brush is that it crowds out desirable plants and flowers, and can be attractive to snakes, rodents, and pests. Thus, the brush is a safety hazard and restricts a property’s inhabitants’ ability to fully enjoy their outdoor spaces!
Best Time for Brush Removal
Winter is the best time for brush and tree debris removal near Norton shores, and the proximal regions. It is significantly simpler to rake, prune, hoe, and trim vegetation in the winter since it is organically less dense. Additionally, working on the frozen ground has no negative effects on the neighboring healthy and desirable plants and causes no soil disturbance. Additionally, it is ideal to remove bush in the winter when it is less likely that you may encounter snakes or get bitten by mosquitoes or other insects.
A Seven-step Guide to Brush Removal and Tree Debris Removal
Invigilate the Landscape
When planning on clearing your lawn for landscaping or constructing a new structure, you will know precisely what you are dealing with. But, of course, the process requires rigorous invigilation of the landscape and then laying out what needs to be done. Of course, you do not need a map of the lawn, but you do need to navigate the yard and gauge the best possible way to clear and brush and undergrowth. Also, make sure to mark the unwanted trees in the lot, and note areas that appear particularly thick and overgrown.
Lay Down a Plan for Brush Disposal
Before you begin the brush and tree debris removal near Clayton, NC, and nearby areas, it is a good idea to come up with a plan of action for appropriate brush disposal. Otherwise, there is a big possibility that you will end up with a lot of excess in your yard, which can create a fire hazard. Moreover, a very large pile of brush can also be a safe haven, snakes, rodents, ticks, and fleas. The three possibilities for brush clearance include –
Dumpster hiring:
After removing the brush from the landscape, you should usually clean it up by moving the waste to a dumpster that you have leased. The advice is particularly useful if you have a lot of large pieces of waste to get rid of, like trucks and tree limbs. However, there are countless more things you can throw away in a trash, like grass clippings, shrubs, and vines.
Opt for on-site Brush Grinding
If the lot you are clearing is large enough to accommodate a grinder, then it can be an excellent option to mitigate the footprint of the material and make a product that is much more advantageous for the landscape. Once the brush is ground up, it biomes mulch, which has a plethora of garden-oriented uses.
Mulch can be used in a variety of ways, such as to cover existing garden beds, discourage weeds from growing, preserve moisture, keep walkways free of mud, protect tree roots, and more. Mulch is a very appealing addition to the landscape and is simple to utilize on any type of property.
Create Mulch-based Compost
Lastly, if you do not prefer to keep the mulch made from your brush on-site, there is always the alternative of hauling it away and using the mulch to make compost and soil blends. Thus, you get organic matter, which is sustainably recycled and kept out of the landfill.
Equipment for Brush Removal
Before delving into the process of clearing brush from your lot, make sure to have proper and adequate equipment in hand. Remember to use tools and equipment that are serviced and properly working. Brush removal is an arduous and risky process, and vigilance is imperative. Some of the things that can assist you in seamlessly clearing brush from the lot, while staying safe are –
Work gloves
Sturdy boots
Thick pants
Long-sleeved shirt
Protective goggles
Ear protection
Insect repellant
Weed Wacker
Chipper or Shredder (In case, those who want to use leaves and twigs to make their own onsite mulch)
After marking down the trees you want to cut during the prep section, it is now time to get down to business. The key is to remember that any brush and tree debris removal near Clayton, NC, or nearby areas must begin with removing the trees. Uprooting small trees is simple, and can be easily done at home. However, you must be extra careful while dealing with medium and large size trees, as they can be difficult to take out without proper equipment or professional help.
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orionrealtor · 9 months
Raheja Vanya City Plots, Sector 99A, Gurgaon: Crafting Your Dream Home in Every Square Yard
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In the bustling landscape of Gurgaon, where urban aspirations meet the desire for a tranquil abode, Raheja Developers introduces Vanya City Plots in Sector 99A. Offering plots in sizes of 125, 156, and 175 square yards, this residential venture is more than just land; it's an opportunity to build your dream home in a community that embraces modern living. This comprehensive article unveils the charm of Raheja Vanya City Plots, exploring the various facets, amenities, and the promise each square yard holds for future residents.
The Canvas of Your Dreams
Plot Sizes: A Palette of Options
Raheja Vanya City Plots presents an array of plot sizes, catering to diverse preferences and aspirations. Whether you envision a cozy haven on a 125-square-yard plot, a spacious dwelling on a 156-square-yard canvas, or a grand residence on a 175-square-yard expanse, Vanya City Plots provides the flexibility to turn your dreams into reality.
Architectural Freedom: Designing Your Home
One of the unique aspects of Vanya City Plots is the freedom it offers in architectural design. As a plot owner, you have the liberty to collaborate with architects and designers of your choice, shaping a home that mirrors your lifestyle, preferences, and aesthetic sensibilities. From modern architectural marvels to timeless traditional designs, each plot is a canvas awaiting the strokes of your creativity.
Amenities That Define Your Lifestyle
Green Spaces: Nature's Embrace
Vanya City Plots is designed to embrace the natural beauty of its surroundings. Green spaces are strategically incorporated, ensuring that every resident is in close proximity to nature. Landscaped gardens, tree-lined avenues, and well-maintained parks create a serene environment that serves as an extension of your home.
Community Clubhouse: Social Hub
The heartbeat of Vanya City Plots is its community clubhouse. This central hub serves as a gathering place for residents, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie. Whether it's social events, fitness activities, or cultural celebrations, the clubhouse is a versatile space designed to enhance the overall living experience.
Recreational Facilities: Leisure at Your Doorstep
Vanya City Plots is equipped with a range of recreational facilities. From sports amenities like tennis courts and badminton courts to dedicated play areas for children, every member of the family can find a space for leisure and relaxation within the community.
Security Infrastructure: Peace of Mind
Raheja Developers prioritizes the safety and well-being of its residents. Vanya City Plots is equipped with modern security infrastructure, including surveillance systems, manned entry gates, and a secure perimeter, ensuring that you can enjoy peace of mind in your dream home.
Retail and Convenience Stores: Daily Essentials
The convenience of daily living is a key consideration at Vanya City Plots. Retail and convenience stores within the community ensure that residents have easy access to daily essentials. This thoughtful addition enhances the overall convenience and livability of the neighborhood.
Crafting Your Daily Routine
Morning Serenity: Nature Walks and Green Views
Residents of Vanya City Plots can begin their day with a leisurely nature walk, surrounded by lush greenery and well-maintained landscapes. The plot owners who choose to build their homes here wake up to the soothing sounds of nature, setting a positive tone for the day ahead.
Midday Leisure: Community Clubhouse and Recreational Facilities
The community clubhouse and recreational facilities become the focal point for midday leisure. Whether it's a workout session at the gym, a friendly game of tennis, or simply relaxing by the pool, residents have a variety of options to choose from within the community itself.
Afternoon Bonding: Socializing in Green Spaces
Afternoons at Vanya City Plots are ideal for socializing in the green spaces. Whether it's a picnic with family, a community event in the park, or a quiet afternoon reading a book in the shade, the well-designed green areas offer a multitude of possibilities for relaxation and bonding.
Evening Entertainment: Retail and Convenience Stores
As the day winds down, residents can conveniently access retail and convenience stores within the community to meet their evening needs. This not only adds to the overall convenience but also fosters a sense of self-sufficiency within the neighborhood.
Nighttime Tranquility: Secure and Serene Surroundings
The nighttime ambiance at Vanya City Plots is one of tranquility and security. The well-lit pathways, secure perimeters, and the comforting presence of the community clubhouse create an environment where residents can enjoy peaceful nights in the comfort of their dream homes.
Your Dream Home Awaits at Vanya City Plots
Raheja Vanya City Plots in Sector 99A, Gurgaon, is not just about land; it's about crafting your dream home in a community that prioritizes your lifestyle and well-being. The plots, ranging from 125 to 175 square yards, offer a canvas for architectural creativity, while the amenities and green spaces provide the backdrop for a life well-lived.
As the sun sets on Vanya City Plots, it leaves behind a community that embodies the essence of modern living. The project stands as a testament to those who seek not just a plot of land but a neighborhood that resonates with their values, aspirations, and the fundamental need for connection.
Vanya City Plots by Raheja Developers is more than just a residential project; it's an invitation to be part of a community where dreams are built, memories are created, and every square yard is a promise of a life well-lived. In the dynamic landscape of Gurgaon, Vanya City Plots stands tall as a canvas where your dream home awaits, ready to be woven into the vibrant tapestry of your life.
Visit: https://www.rahejaplotsgurgaon.com/ or Call us on 8970427042
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valgasnewsthings · 2 years
Uninvited guest.
Reynoutria multiflora is carried a name  Japanese knot weed are liked by  Dutchman's  . Her liked for beautiful inflorescences, leaf ornament  ,  and later at garden grew ,   are liked for fast grew and a nice kept soul.And cattle enjoyed ate his , and he is best honey plant. And on a time for botanical surveys at Japan a German  naturalist Fillip Franz  von  Siebold  was amazed for unusual external kind and beauty for inflorescences of this  plant . And  he decided shared own discoveries   with gardeners and botanists , in 1840 showed his on a floristic exhibition at Dutchman town Utrecht.
Ten years later Siebold  as after warm reception an own find from a country a rising sun , he sent a piece of root a Reynoutria in a queen botanical garden in London, where are too her liked. But in 100 years, that he never knew, that his finding in Foggy Albion and in the USA will be a fear , like plague, which a monster he released . Later  he ran away from a garden, that affected by her popularity, which are grown  in garden Britain's and change between a botanical gardens. And a moment begun when she felt freedom. And she is not having natural enemies, but prudish Britain Herbs are not resistance for stormy pressure  this powerful plant. And soon is catastrophe begun , which is keeping and on this day.And on 2010 Britain's are searched a genome for this plant from different country regions , and found,that all of these a clone for plant, which sent Siebold   And would fall this foggy Albion ,like A Rome empire   in attacking for enemies, if would be a not politic of total fight with this invasion beauty. Thus is happens, when in resisted ecosystem are quests visiting.
For example since 1990 at Great Britain is prohibited on any kind to transport this plant.If this plant will be close to your home , thus you are not receiving   credit in any bank as under bail a  mortgage. And to sell a plot for good moneys with this plant you cannot  ability,   just possible to pay extra  moneys for this. And lots of litigations are done of charges in infection for neighbour plots by this monster. And this plant also broken lots for fates and life for many peoples.As  on 2013 a famous case happened, that poor family from Birmingham are suicide done,as and left note , and messaging,are tired fought this plague and true crazy gone. They are planned sold a house and begun life new in other place, but this plant braided his house of a big clot a green. And does it true or fiction is not known. But to prepare and grow this plant am not recommending, and Am sure you are not interest to despire in fight with this monster, but in big scale, that we are having in fighting with hogweed. But its  true wondering this monster having a cure effects also. And using in Alternative China s medicine for gastrointestinal fighting and cardiovascular diseases .She  is a source for Stilbene, Emodin, and last is soft laxative, but stilbene  improving blood circulation and by a few researches are showing, that lengthens  a life and improve her quality  , and lots of phenol derivatives having and flavonoids. As antibacterial, febrifuge, healing, expectorant, diuretic effects and using in cold, cough, lowering temperature. And helping in abundant menses , for diuretic, anti inflammation in urethritis, cystitis.
2 tbl.sp. chopped roots add in 0.5 l. of the hot water, cook for 30 min is on the water bath is on the weak fire, turn off fire, infuse 30 min, filter through gauze and lead till a first size with boiling water . Use warm on 0.5 glass for 4 times/day before meal.
Powder of plant.
Dried roots good, grind, and powder use 9-15 gr /day before meal, or dose separate for a few methods as for 3 times/day on 5 gr, drinking with a water small quantity.
In burns, injures, skin boils, wounds, skin ulcers use 3 tbl.sp. chopped root in 0.5 l. of the hot water, cook on weak fire for 15 min, remove from a fire, and infuse 30 min, filter, wet in gauze and apply compresses on damage place.
And this herb not having serious contraindications, but before use ask in a doctor , if you are pregnancy and lactation time having. And possible individual bad injuring and allergy reactions.
By A.Filin,  biologist .
For pain plant, as by points and etc use links on my right board as convert image till paints by points, or play in puzzle online!
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/xl1uKUm via https://ift.tt/NkeAVWJ
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canirove · 3 years
The Lord in Blue | Chapter 2
Author’s note: Thank you very to anyone who read the first chapter and for all the notes it got! I was expecting two or something like that tbh 😅 Hope you like this one too 😊
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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"Your majesty" I reply while bowing.
"Oh, please. Stop that and come give me a hug!" I've never liked hugs too much, but I didn't know how much I had missed my cousin's. They always were special. "Now, tell me" she says while breaking our embracement. "What happened to you? Why did it take you so long to get here? We have so much catching up to do! Let's go talk while we eat, you must be famished."
As I leave for my room, I start thinking about who that perfect man could be. How he could look like. Maybe blonde, with green eyes, and definitely tall. She always liked men to be tall. But my mind only shows me one person. Lord Mount.
I follow her to a different room where a table has been set with some of my favorite meals. We take a seat, talking and eating for hours. It's almost midnight when we choose to retire to our rooms.
"I asked them to clean your old room, change some new things that I think you will enjoy. And rest as much as you need. My morning is busy with boring meetings, but we'll meet for lunch in the gardens. We still have to talk about him" she says with wink.
It's almost lunch time when I manage to get out of bed. I was way more tired than I expected. And even though it's been years since the last time I was at the palace, I still remember every corner, where each room is. In the gardens, a big tent has been set for us to eat, the Queen already there. As we sit to eat, she starts telling me about the changes she's done, how she's improved things. When we make it to the desserts, she asks me to take some and join her for a walk.  
"His name is Mason" she says.
"Who?" I reply, not understanding what she's talking about.
"The man I told you about on the letter! You read that part, didn't you?"
"Oh, that" I say.
"Yes, that" she replies, rolling her eyes. "I think you are going to like him very much. The more I think about it, there more I see how perfect you are for each other."
"Uhm" I kind of reply while eating some of the cherries I brought with me.
"He's very handsome. Not the usual handsome you read on novels, but he still has something that catches your eye. He's not very tall, but you never were too fussy about it the way I am. He's from the south coast, and he is very close with his family. They make boats for the crown as the family business. I remember Father used to say that they make some of the finest boats in the country. He's loaded of course, and already has a title of his own. He's a few years younger than us, but oh well. If men can marry girls who could be their daughters and get away with it, why can't we women marry someone a few years younger?"
"He isn't a child, is he?" I ask, already fearing the worst. "I don't want to look like his mother next to him."
"He's not, I promise. Sometimes he behaves like one, but all men do. And..." She says while getting closer, smiling the way she used to do when she was plotting how to skip our lessons to go to the woods. "A child doesn't do the things he does with his tongue."
"Cousin!" I say way too loud, my face already burning.
"Oh, don't be like that. You should be glad we know he's a great lover. Not unpleasant surprises on that field when the day comes. Quite the opposite."
"I... Wait... How do you know?"
"We were lovers for a while" she says, giving it the same significance as if she was talking about the weather.
"You want to marry me to your lover?" I say, raising my voice too much and forgetting my manners and that a couple of knights are following just some steps behind.
"Ex-lover" she corrects me. "I know how it sounds, cousin. But trust me, there was no love there, and it ended a long time ago. We both have moved on."
"There is no catch" she says. "He's great, but just not for me. I would never introduce you to a bad man, you have to believe  me."
I don't know how to feel. I'm so shocked I think I've forgotten how to speak.
"Why... why did it end? What's the catch. There must be something."
During the next couple of days we keep hanging out as normal, acting as if that conversation in the gardens hadn't happened. I've been busy helping her choosing the decorations for the Summer Ball, the food, what we are going to wear, the music that will be playing. Turns out I'm pretty good at all these things.
The day of the ball is here, and lords and ladies from the whole country and beyond are attending. We get ready in her room like we used to do when we were younger, and when we make it to the big salon, it is packed with people, everyone looking at us. That is a feeling I didn't miss. At all. But before I can start hating everything, people come to greet us, and after a while, I lose count of all the people I've met. Names get mixed, I've drank too much champagne, and I can't feel my feet anymore.
"Why would I... Oh" I say when I finally realize. "It's him, isn't it? You want to introduce me to him." He is here. Of course he is.
When I finally think I can have some rest, my cousin drags me to the other side of them room.
"There is someone else I want you to meet. Please don't  be angry at me" she says, almost pleading.
"It'll be just a small introduction, you don't have to talk to him" she says while I let her take me to him. "He's the one giving us his back, the one in blue."
That blue... I've seen that shade of blue before.
"Lord Mount" she calls.
"Lord Mount, allow me to introduce you to my cousin, Lady..." I don't know what she says next. They are talking to me, but I can't hear them. Their faces are blurry, everything starts spinning, my knees feel weak. It's like I'm drowning. But before everything goes dark, I see one last thing. Him.
Oh no. Oh no no no. It can't be.
The moment he turns around, I can feel his eyes on me. At first he doesn't recognize me, but he definitely finds my face familiar. When he realizes who I am, a little smile shows up in his face. And so does his dimple, making me suddenly feel too hot, my dress becoming more and more tight around me.
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cayenne-twilight · 4 years
Professor Layton Iceberg Explanation
As I said in the tags of the original, the iceberg I made was a meme consisting of both real theories and satire/parodies/fandom memes. If anyone is interested, I can work on an unironic version that only has real theories.
Buckle in because this post is LONG and heavily saturated with lore and information.
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Actual theories
Parallel universe 1960s where the world wars didn’t happen. There’s an unused file in Curious Village that shows the year as 1960 and the time machine from UF is set to 1973, ten years into the future. The series canonically takes place in an undefined time period (hence the technological inaccuracies and fantasy elements), but it’s based off the 60s. There’s more evidence but we don’t have time to go over every little thing. I linked my “no wars” theory below but TL;DR the outdated airplanes and underdeveloped medicine in the Layton series imply that the world wars may never have happened. https://cayenne-twilight.tumblr.com/post/632205992162099200/outofcontextdiscord-timegearremix-zonosils-war
The real meaning behind the statue in Future London. In UF, the purpose of the statue is to spark Layton and Luke’s conversation about their friendship. Luke is stressing out about moving overseas and sees himself and the professor in the story behind the statue, but in the bigger picture, Clive must have been the one to commission it. Some theorize that the little boy is Clive and the man is either his father or the professor. One idea I’ve seen is that Clive wishes he could be Luke for real, while another is that he wishes he died ten years ago, and another is that he’s literally terminally ill explaining why he doesn’t care about consequence. Personally, I think “the boy succumbed to his illness” refers to his mental illness seeing as he wanted the professor to save him from his madness as he saved him all those years ago.
True location of Monte D’Or. there are no deserts on the British isles to my knowledge, so it makes the most sense for Monte D’Or to be in Southwest USA where English is the default language, they have a desert, and there exists a city famous for flashy hotels, casinos, and entertainment. What makes it odd is that nobody ever mentions overseas travel, and all the major characters are from England.
Loosha’s origins are not explicitly explained if I remember correctly, but the implication was that her prehistoric (supposedly) species was sealed away along with the garden, allowing them to survive all the way to the time of LS until Loosha was the only one left. The garden provided a good habitat and protection from predators, and it’s logical that they’d slowly die out anyways, but there’s no explanation of any specific factors that led to Loosha being the last.
Beasley is not a bee I wrote a post about this one as well, but TL;DR Beasly lacks several defining bee traits whilst having several human ones. He is not human, yet, by definition, not a bee. It’s possible that he is the result of Dimitri’s testing, but whatever his untold story is, he remains an enigma of nature. https://cayenne-twilight.tumblr.com/post/632381715250282496/theory-beasly-isnt-a-bee
Subject 2’s identity is currently unknown. There is a subject one (parrot) and subject 3 (rabbit) so there has to be a second. For a long time, people suspected Beasly to be him seeing as he’s a bit of an amalgamation and definitely not a regular bee (see above). After the release of LMJ, though, people began to suspect Sherl, the intelligent hound who could speak to certain people but not others. That being said, it’s possible for one to be subject 4. Sherl’s memory of a bright flash matches up with subject 3’s memory of being electrocuted. They never explain why the animals were being experimented on, but it was probably Dimitri making sure the conditions of his machine were safe for humans before reliving the incident from ten years ago.
Lady Violet died from the plague from DB. There’s no evidence for this or anything, it’s just an idea. People say she died from the flu but I don’t remember them saying that in the game, at least the US version. Extending off my “no war” theory: it’s theorized that the Spanish Flu was spread by the travlelling soldiers, so if that’s true, it’s possible for the epidemic to have been averted for some decades. Maybe the Spanish Flu reached England later than in real life. The hole in this is that DB’s plague must’ve been close in time to 1918 while Violet’s death was much later, so it would’ve had to stick around.
Bill Hawks is working with Targent and Arthur Cantabella. There was a force in the shadows buying the time machine technology from Bill. Someone with a ton of money who helped him cover up a freak accident and get away with it completely, a feat that involved shady means like violence by hired thugs. Some theorize that it was Targent, seeking power over time in exchange for a little mafia magic. The Labarynthia project was sponsored by the UK government, so as the PM, Bill must’ve known about it. He probably supported dubiously ethical, high stakes (witch pun) psychological experiments like Cantabella’s and helped him stay in the shadows.
All the NPCs in St. Mystere and Folsense are dead. I make fun of this type of theory later, but they’re admittedly captivating. I’m pretty sure the canon in CV is that the villagers are Bruno and Augustus’s OCs that they made robots of and built a town around, but it’s more interesting to think that the village was there before, and the townspeople died of a plague and were replaced like Lady Violet. In Folsense, there really was a plague and they never explain the NPCs there. They’re either real people who appear way younger than they are due to hallucinations (even the ones who already look old ?), or they don’t exist at all, which is pretty spooky. This part of the story is a gaping plot hole. In a similar vein to CV, the edgy yet plausible theory is that they used to live in Folsense but died of the plague and now live on as hallucinations.
Hershel seeing everything as a puzzle is a coping mechanism for all his trauma. This was a joke but I thought about it for more than five seconds and it makes way too much sense.
Plot holes and unexplained questions that we like to overthink because it’s fun
The downfall of the Azran was vaguely explained in canon by people being so greedy that it lead to the civilization collapsing. It’s not a stretch to imagine that happening, but it would’ve been more interesting with a little more detail.
Layton and Luke are programmed to routinely forget how to walk. I didn’t know whether to list this in the joke section or not, but it’s odd that the characters actively participate in the walking tutorial (as opposed to showing a little memo to the player) as if they didn’t know how to before, especially when they go through this several times a year.
The truth behind Pavel. He’s simply a joke character who teleports, is a polyglot (sort of, at least he wants us to think he is) and is mega confused all the time. He’s a fun character to make crack theories about because of his cryptic nature that even he doesn’t seem to understand.
Miracle Mask deleted scenes. The first trailer for MM featured animations that were not in the final game. One was the Randall falling scene, except in a slightly different style than the one we know. Others were completely foreign, like Layton and Luke pacing across a theatre stage as if Layton’s about to expose someone with a dramatic point. Cut content and “could’ve beens” are always curious to think about.
Evan Barde: secret mastermind. Arianna and Tony’s dad is a mysterious character who died under mysterious circumstances. I think the canon is that his death was a genuine accident, but concept art of him making a creepy evil face suggests that maybe he originally had a larger role in the first drafts of LS than the finished game.
The secret to how Paul and Des pull off their disguises is unclear and will remain unclear. There is no plausible explanation for their shape shifting. Unless Paul is just a little dude wearing a human suit like that one Wizard of Oz species and Des is the best quick-changer ever and hides his naturally feminine legs under his cloak.
Alfendi’s mom. When LBMR came out people scrambled to piece together who Hershel had a kid with, but there’s no way alfendi is his biological son. This happened with Kat as well and her biological parents turned out to be brand new characters, so I’m sure Al will get an adoption backstory if his arc continues, be his parents old major characters or nameless, faceless NPCs.
Granny Riddleton and Stachenscarfen are omnipotent deities. Idk which section this fits best under, but these two characters have some serious power. At first introduction, they’re implied to be robots, but they appear everywhere in later games. They follow the Professor wherever he goes and assist him on his adventures, GR collecting puzzles and housing them by some odd magic, and Stachen teaches you how to walk. They both introduce and supervise the gameplay. By extension, I guess this idea could apply to Albus as well in the prequels. GR and Stachen even had the power to appear in LMJ, something no major character could do. I consider them akin to the velvet room attendants from the Persona games.
Clive’s kill count is a vague subject in the game for the sake of keeping it PG. I don’t know if anyone’s ever mathematically estimated the damage he caused, and I sure don’t want to try, but the game appears to push the idea that he didn’t kill anyone at all, saying they stopped him in the nick of time and things like that, even though we watch him raze the city. If they ever want to bring him back post-time skip, I can see them twisting it so that the mobile fortress cutscene wasn’t a linear sequence of events, but instead a compilation of scenes over the course of hours so that London neighborhoods around him could be evacuated and have it make sense. Knowing Level-5, it’s more likely that they wouldn’t think this deep and do something more lazy, though.
Memes and references
Post-time skip Flora is real references the famous L is real theory from Super Mario 64. Like Luigi in SM64, Flora was also a highly anticipated character who didn’t appear in a new game, in this case LMJ or LMDA. In the end, Luigi did become real in the DS port so hopefully Flora is real will be realized as well.
Hershel can’t read is a veteran fandom meme referring to how in the first few games, especially Curious Village, Layton asks Luke to read every document out loud for him. Perhaps this was an exercise to improve Luke’s reading skills and independent thinking, or perhaps he was just too lazy or preoccupied to do it himself, but this grew into the joke that our genius Professor was actually illiterate this whole time.
Layton’s smash invitation is hidden in PLvsAA. It’s no secret that the fandom would kill a man to get the Professor into the smash brothers franchise. In PLvsAA one of the puzzle artworks features a goat eating a familiar white envelope with a red stamp, sparking the joke that either Layton or Wright got the invitation their respective fans desired, but it got lost along the way.
The science board is the mysteriously vague organization Don Paolo got kicked out of for the crime of being evil. It’s the epitome of liberal arts majors and art school graduates trying to bs their way around not knowing any science and failing miserably. “He was very good at all the sciences, but then the CEO of science told him to stop because he was using the power of science for evil science”. They do this again when “Dr. Stahngun” describes his time machine what with the soolha coils and whatnot.
Hoogland is death cult initiation is a parody of “Mario 64 is Freemason initiation” which is ridiculous, just like the creepy human sacrifice subplot of AL.
You can see the reflection of someone watching you in Aurora’s eye references the famous, creepy Talking Angela theory. In retrospect it would’ve been funnier if I said Angela instead of Aurora.
Every copy of Professor Layton is personalized references the famous “every copy of Super Mario 64 is personalized”
Clive’s fat ass in HD is a meme that originated from the announcement of UFHD, saying that half of the excited fans wanted to cry again while the other half were simply attracted to Clive. If we want to enter real bottom-section-of-the-iceberg-chart territory then let’s say Clive’s character has some sort of psychological siren properties that draw people to him like a magnet and/or Harry Styles.
Things I pulled out of my ass for shits and giggles
Infinite hint coin hack: I’m sure a tech savvy cheater could hack the game for infinite hint coins, but there’s no easy or interesting way. I don’t know why someone would do that though, considering a lot of the hints suck and there are puzzle guides on the internet.
Cringy, unused Randall villain monologue. This joke is derived from the actual scrapped MM content as well as deleted content being a popular element of iceberg charts, but it’s sadly not real. Would’ve been hilarious, though.
Last Specter Puzzle 031: Light Height tracks and records children’s intelligence level. It doesn’t, but it’s always fun to make fun of arguably THE most ridiculously difficult puzzle in the franchise. (Seriously, do they expect 7+ year olds to know trigonometry???)
Hershel struggles with tea addiction. Hershel from the games drinks tea in moderation, but the manga begs to differ. He has a tea set in the Laytonmobile, and an attempt at teatime while driving causes him to crash.
Folsense is a metaphor for Alzheimer’s. This is inspired by those edgy kids’ show theories where everyone’s in hell or something, but nobody has ever said this.
London Life is reality and the plot of the games is all in Luke’s head. That’s one way to fill every plot hole. How funny would it be if Luke made up crazy characters and stories based off his fellow townspeople Sharkboy and Lavagirl style. “This dude who lives in a castle and asks people to give him all their money for nothing in return is a vampire from 50 years ago involved in a tragic love story”.
Secret ending encoded into Tago’s Head Gymnastics. It’d be crazy if there was, and Dimitri would hound Tago for the secret to time travel. If you didn’t know, the Layton games started as an adaption of Akira Tago’s puzzle series, except they decided to add a story to make it more interesting and marketable.
Daily puzzles datamine your DS. I’m bad with technology but is it even possible to datamine a DS??? Idk, but I think my DS lite from 2008 is safe.
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serpenteve · 3 years
In most cases when you venture into an anti's profile after they've spewed some nonsense about how shipping fictional characters is supporting ab*se and gr*oming, they're a teenager and you're like well, at least this poor child's brain hasn't fully developped yet so that's something, but when in some cases it says 22 yo or 23 yo on there and you want to fling yourself into the sun, this new wave American centralized puritanism is gonna send back to the 1800s, this time by the hands of women.
As someone who's been in and out of this fandom since 2015, the shifting landscape of the fanbase has been fascinating to watch.
After the trilogy was published, Darklina was the most popular ship (called 'Alarkling' back then and I honestly have no idea why we picked such an unwieldy ship name lmao). Tumblr was much more active because this was before the Infamous Purge of 2018 and most of the fanbase was concentrated here instead of spread out across multiple platforms like it is today.
Mal hate was rampant. After Darklina, the most popular ship was Nikolina (this being before the duology paired him with Zoya) and/or shipping Alina with nobody. There were like max 4 people unironically shipping Mal with Alina, and usually those people were multi-shippers who shipped Alina with everybody. Most fanfics would either pretend he didn't even exist or would include him just to shit on him or kill him off. People would go and edit his wiki page on the Grishaverse wiki to remind people what an asshat he was and I'd be lying if I said this didn't have me in tears of laughter.
The amount of fan art, fanfic, fan edits, fan content about Mal x Alina was embarrassingly low. You could be forgiven for not even realizing he was supposed to be the main love interest based on fandom engagement alone.
The fact that the vast majority of the fandom hated Mal because of how much he reminded us of your run-of-the-mill garden variety toxic fuckboy (at best) was incredibly validating. We didn't fall for the author's failed attempts of excusing his bullshit. We kind of just made our own fanon and ran with it.
Six of Crows got published and while their fandom was much larger than Shadow & Bone, there wasn't a whole lot of overlap in the fanbase. A lot of SoC fans didn't even realize S&B existed at the time since it wasn't prerequisite reading to enter the Grishaverse. Also, SoC was obviously better written and tightly plotted so anyone who went back to read the original trilogy was going to be in for a surprise with the massive drop in writing quality.
Then the Tumblr purge happened and the fandom just kind of died off. This wasn't just something that affected S&B, however. A lot of users migrated to Twitter or just left Tumblr for good. I actually don't even know too much about the fandom history from 2018-2020 because I also left around this time (for other unrelated reasons).
Someone else might be able to fill in the details here but what I *imagine* happened is that the Darklina fandom kind of died off post-Tumblr purge as did a lot of fandoms at the time. Leigh published KoS in which she created a parody cult of Darklina fans and used her heroes as mouthpieces for her anti-Darklina agenda because she was pissed 3/4 of the fandom hated M*l and were shipping Alina with the villain out of pure spite and her terrible writing choices.
A new generation of fans entered the fandom through either Tumblr, Twitter, BookTube or TikTok and saw the chaotic mess of rampant Darkling simping and indiscriminate Mal hate that we left in our wake and then reacted to that. So now new fans starting unironically shipping Alina with Mal out of spite for the original fans who blatantly didn't and probably felt emboldened by the author herself immaturely reacting to her own fanbase and painting us as stupid cult members who read her book wrong.
And thus began the era of the Darkling antis (a phrase that 2016 would have absolutely clowned at) who, like the author, think anyone who ships Alina with the Darkling is an abuse apologist and is somehow too stupid to see his ~evil~ villainy and need to be reminded via anon hate about how dumb we are 🤡
Is it also a coincidence that people are turning around and claiming any critique of the sexist ending of R&R is now itself sexist? Is it a coincidence that new fans are willing take the author's excuses for Mal's shitty behavior? Is it a coincidence that antis are running around and calling Darklina shippers "racist" because...the Netflix adaptation racelifted the characters and they will jump on any half-baked excuse to harass shippers? ☕
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spellcasterlight · 2 years
I’m curious about the forest adventure romance and playing in the park wip.
Hi there @coyest! 😊
Why you shame me like this? (I kid, I kid) 😂
Warnings: None - under the cut simply for length!
Thanks for the ask! ✨
WIP Titles Game! 📓
Ao3 ✨ | WIP Game Always Open ✒️| Ko-Fi ☕
Forest Adventure Romance - [Kiba x Ino] [Shino x Tenten] [Shikamaru x Hinata]
Another just under 8K fic that's nowhere near ready for release! 😂
So! Ino gets bored doing homework (gonna set it the last year of secondary school, make them all seventeen/eighteen) and organises a Saturday hike in the forest park! 🏞
Of course different drama pops up throughout the trip! Akamaru nearly drowning and Ino jumping in to save him, Tenten fretting over Shino because he hasn't got into the habit of looking after his diabetes yet, Shino being content simply spending his birthday with his friends even if no ones remembers, Shikamaru's migraines and Hinata's photography is a plot point too!
I actually quite like the story idea and the pacing I have for it so far but alas! Only time will tell if I ever bother to finish it 😂
Here's the (unedited) first chapter!
Ino slammed her maths textbook down on her desk so she didn’t scream in frustration.
“I don’t understand any of this!”
She outright groaned and placed her cheek in her palm with a pout, staring longingly out the window.
Her father was out in the garden looking after the flowers, getting the last of the weeding done on a normal Thursday night just before the sun went down and Ino sighed; that’s where she wanted to be.
Outside; with the trees and the flowers and the fresh air and the living things.
An idea hit her.
Picking up her phone with speed she found the group chat she was looking for.
Ino: Anyone free for a Konoha Forest Park adventure on Saturday? I need out of the city! My soul needs a good forest hike!
Kiba: Now you’re talking! Me and Akamaru are in!
Ino took a second to grin at the handsome Inuzuka's instant reply.
Ino: Knew I could count on you!
Choji: Already got plans! Sorry guys! Have fun!
Tenten: Sounds fun! Count me in!
Hinata: Would it be okay if I joined you? I just got some new camera equipment and would love to try it out.
Ino laughed at the Hyuga girl's polite reply.
Ino: Of course Hinata! Everyone’s welcome!
Lee: Alas! I am working friends! Have many adventures for me instead!
Tenten: Shino! You free?
Ino grinned at Tenten’s message. If it wasn’t Shino making sure Tenten was included it was the other way around. Not that either were ever excluded but they just always seemed to watch out for each other like that. It was cute.
Sakura: We have a Biology test on Monday and I need to pass or else I’m in so much trouble! And besides I need to beat Shikamaru on this test! As a matter of pride!
Ino scoffed at Sakura’s reply; both about not going and thinking she could beat Shikamaru on a test.
Shikamaru, almost like he sensed he was mentioned, replied.
Shikamaru: You can try Pinkie, you can try.
Shino: I am free yes. I’d love to join.
Tenten: Yay Shino!
Kiba: Yes! Good boy Shino!
Ino counted in her head.
Ino: We need more than one car then! Tenten, are you on your mum’s insurance yet?
Tenten: I was just about to say! I am indeed! I think Shino, Kiba and Akamaru are closest to me! I can pick you guys up! Message me your addresses!
Kiba: Will do boss lady!
Shino: Address sent Tenten.
Tenten: Oh Kiba hahaha!
Tenten: It’ll take us about two hours to get there.
Tenten: I’ll pick you boys up at 11am!
Ino let out a low “yeaaaa” in excitement at her plan coming together nicely.
Ino: Tenten you rock! Shikamaru can pick up me and Hinata then!
Shikamaru: How did I get roped into this?
Ino rolled her eyes at her lifelong friend.
Ino: Because you can drive! And I know for a fact you’re free!
Shikamaru: Ugh fine. I’ll pick you guys up at 11am too.
Shikamaru: Hinata send me your address please.
Hinata: Yes! Of course! Thank you Shikamaru!
Ino: I’m so excited guys! I can’t wait!
Plan confirmed; Ino set her phone down with a single nod and a grin, her grin disappeared however when she remembered her maths homework she had all out abandoned.
So when her phone went off again she grabbed it happily, it was a private message from Kiba.
She opened it to see a, rather cute, picture of Kiba sticking his tongue out holding his adorable dog Akamaru.
Kiba: Akamaru can’t wait to see you on Saturday.
Ino let out a girlie happy sound as she scrunched up her eyes and grinned.
She quickly opened her own camera, snapped a picture of herself doing the peace sign and grinning; she sent the picture back before sending.
Ino: Tell Akamaru I can’t wait to see him either <3
Playing In The Park - [Shikamaru x Hinata] [Shino x Tenten]
Shikamaru, Shino, Tenten and Hinata are on a mission at a local amusement Park and as a thank you the owner gives them free tickets for the next day. After some convincing from the girls the boys give in and the story is about their hijinks at the park!
Water rides, fried food, Tenten scaring Shino with giant roller-coasters, Shikamaru attending to sick deer in the petting zoo, all four of them watching the fireworks at the end of the day! 🎇
This one has far less done to it, I'm far more likely to finish the other one first because I have more of the story fleshed out but I still like this wee idea 💡
Here's the rough notes first chapter!
I cannot thank you enough; if we didn't get rid of that pickpocketing ring we would have had to close for sure!
It was our pleasure Sir. Shino assured the manager of the park for the sixth time in the last hour. We will be heading out; first thing.
The manager looked confused. You will?
Now it was the Nara who looked confused. Is there other business in relation to this mission you need us to do?
We thought, hoped, that you would stay tomorrow and enjoy the park free of charge on us!
The man then took four plastic wrist bands out of his pocket.
Shino and Shikamaru exchanged a look silently agreeing they would rather stick senbon in their eyes for fun.
We wanted to express our gratitude so we wanted to give you four free day tickets to the entire park for tomorrow.
The Nara heard the girls behind him let out excited gasps.
Shikamaru began to shake his head. We are very sorry but we-
Oh ye-yes please!
Tenten and Hinata were at the managers sides the next second.
We would lo-love to! Hinata spoke up. Does-does it include the petting zoo?
Of course! The manager assured happily handing the Hyuga the four purple wrist bands.
And all the roller-coasters? Tenten asked from the mans other side looking excited herself.
Every one! Including the Death Fall!
Tenten looked ecstatic
Well I will make sure to let the staff know and thank you once again!
The two girls waved the man down the hall before closing the door. Tenten started jumping up and down while Hinata excitedly swayed on the spot.
I'm going to go on the Death Fall until I throw up!
I can't wait to pet all those cute little baby animals.
Hinata grabbed Tenten's hands as they both continued to look ridiculously happy.
Can we watch the night time light s-show? And the closing fireworks? They always looked so pr-pretty!
Of course we can! Tenten beamed before gasping Can we get one of those giant jumbo candy floss things to eat while we watch?
Hinata beamed then. Ye-yes!
Both girls turned to their mission leader.
The mission is over; we are going home.
Both girls jaws dropped. What?!
They were both suddenly in his personal space.
Oh come on Shika! Tenten yelled looking upset. When are we ever going to be back here? When do we get to do anything fun?! And for free too! Hinata held up the wristbands in proof of how free it was. Don't be such a bore!
P-please Shika? We-we really want to. Hinata then openly pouted.
Stop that. Stop pouting. I don't know if you learned it from Mirai or she learned it from you but I can't say no to it.
Then don't say no! Come with us!
It-it'll be so much fun Shika.
When Shikamaru didn't reply Tenten rounded on the other boy. Shino!
What; do you want me to do? He asked, almost sounding confused why he was addressed at all.
Tell him it'll be fun.
It won't be as fun unless it's the four of us!
Ugh what a drag fine fine. Shikamaru sighed deeply. But if we get in trouble with the Hokage this is falling squarely on your heads.
Tenten snorted loudly. Like Kakashi Sensei is going to care, he'll only be jealous he didn't get to come!
What a drag; today is going to be a long day.
Yes; I believe you maybe right.
Hurry up you two! If we're one of the first hundred to enter the park we get a free hat that looks like a ducks head!
Shikamaru sighed.
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otakusparkle · 3 years
There's actually a live broadcast today, but I haven't watched because I'm busy today :')
So instead, I will translate from Mori-san, the one from Twitter that mostly very updated about IDV
(Btw, starting from today, I will be more active to give information here. Looking forward to work with all of you ~)
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Costumes + Acc
- Retrospective (ONCE) series of Violinist and Doctor
- Ivory Tower Series of Coordinator
- Event shop costume of Prospector
- Wax seal costume + acc of Explorer
- SS-tier costumes of Perfumer
- LNY event, in-game bonuses, limited furniture
- New collaboration
- No costume for valentine (Psychologist & Patient)
- Reprint of COA 3 and 4 at May (COA5 Live global tournament begin)
- ONCE series will be reprinted (The Ripper, Gravekeeper, First Officer)
- COA winner new costumes series (it is said it will be Mechanic) for team GG
- COA winner costume series reprint (Coordinator & Dream witch) of team GR
- New season logic path costume will be Axe boy (season 20)
- Planning for Gardener S-tier costume
- Coordinator S-tier Costume will be under consideration
- A-tier of Naiad will be implemented this summer (speculation)
- Broken Wheel new costumes will be implemented next season essences
- Alexander plan to returned is under discussions
- Man in Red optimization
- No plan to buff The Ripper
- No plan to buff Smiley face
- No plan to buff Wilding
- No plan to adjust Undead
- No plan to adjust Mercenary
- No plan to adjust Wu Chang
- No plan for Acrobat new costumes
- Chasing Shadows (No new map plan, challenge/obstacle added)
- Light optimization
- Mercenary diary will be release this year
- Circus plot
- New plot in 4th Anniversary
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fericita-s · 5 years
The Feel of Your Hand in Mine
Iduna and Agnarr spending time together in the woods, on the coast, in the garden, on the castle grounds. Set right after “First Days,” part of the When All is Lost series. Thank you @the-spastic-fantastic for daily swooning with me over these two and helping me get this story in shape!
When Iduna learned Mr. Botner’s class expedition to the skerries wouldn’t happen until the spring, she was disappointed.  When Agnarr learned the expedition wouldn’t happen until spring, he made plans for the two of them to row out to the small islands immediately.  It was some trouble to secure a boat, more trouble to keep the palace guard on the shore instead of on the boat, and no trouble at all to convince Iduna to come on the boat with him. Which is how Agnarr found himself expertly rowing them out to the first of a series of skerries which rose up above the water in the fjord, all dotted along the shore in a line as though an earth giant had left behind crumbling footprints.  Iduna had her satchel cinched tight across her body, and she was leaning into the wind, eyes closed, breathing deeply.
“I love that smell! I love that wind!” She called to him over the rush of the breeze moving off the ocean.  Agnarr admired how the wind whipped her hair around her face, splayed like a halo, constantly in motion.  It made her seem like a mermaid, hair flowing in the currents.  He was filled with the oddest, most reassuring sense of remembering something, seeing her like that.
“How do you do that?” He wondered aloud. “Stay happy? Smile?” She turned around to look at him as he spoke, taking care not to rock the boat too much. It was still winter and tipping over would put a premature and cold end to their planned adventure for the day.
“If it’s not too intrusive, I mean,” he reassured her as he caught her expression.  “I’m sure you don’t always feel happy, but whenever I see you - you seem to be helping someone, or smiling and laughing with someone, or excited about a new idea or new plant. How do you do that? How do you go on after all the sadness?” He was careful to avoid naming the sadness, since inquiring about her home had caused her such distress the day they spoke on the castle grounds.  But he continued to marvel at her ability to stay cheerful and bring sunlight to others. It was a gift and one he wanted to understand.  Maybe his own heart would stop missing his father so much, maybe he would stop his constant sense of worry for those lost to the north.
Iduna seemed to consider the question, and in her continued silence, Agnarr found he had more to say. “I feel sad all the time, and worried all the time.” He confessed.  It made him feel a bit better, being able to get the words out.  These weren’t things to discuss with the Council.  “About the kingdom, about losing my father, how all I can remember from that day is him dying when the Northuldra warrior shoved him off the cliff. . . but there are so many other pieces to it that are important.”
Iduna answered slowly. “You don’t remember anything else? Maybe that’s best. Maybe it would be too awful to know more.”
Agnarr considered her words as he continued to row. “Perhaps.  But someone rescued me. I’d like to know who. And why it is they didn’t stick around to be rewarded for the safe return of Arendelle’s monarch.”
Iduna stared at him, trying to figure out if he suspected her. But he seemed genuinely perplexed, not probing for truth. She tried to answer his questions, even though she skipped answering the one that he perhaps most wanted to know. “When the worst happened, and I realized my family was gone and I wouldn’t be able to go back to my home, someone told me to keep going. To do the next right thing.  And I did.” She looked at him, and reached for his hand. She hesitated a moment, but grasped it. They were far from the shore. No one would see. “And the next right thing is sometimes making Iggy laugh or helping Eir or going to school. And even though I have to make myself do it, each time I do those things it feels easier the next time.”
They bumped against the skerry and Agnarr looked for a place to tie off the boat. He had to let go of her hand to secure the rope, and was sorry for the loss of the warmth of it, of her. “I’ve thought something similar.  That I should just act like the king and eventually I might feel like the king.”
They both stood and Agnarr offered Iduna his hand as they stepped onto the rocky island  She took it and rewarded him with one of her warm smiles. “I think you’re doing a wonderful job as king. Your people know you care – at least, I know the children at Eir’s do, and the others at the academy.”  He held his breath.  She was still holding his hand.  “You should eat with us more often. They should get to know their king, and you should get to know them.” Agnarr nodded, and thought about how nice it would be to have time every day with Iduna, a bright spot in his monotonous schedule.  
They stopped talking in favor of exploring. He watched as she looked carefully at the moss growing on the rocks, lifting it here, scraping it there to reveal what was underneath. They explored the entire chain of skerries, finding several nesting birds, a variety of moss and fungus species, and even a bewildered duck that Iduna insisted they bring back to shore.
As they said their goodbyes at the dock, she ran ahead and then stopped to let the duck down on the grass. The duck made noises of relief and waddled off. Agnarr waved goodbye to Iduna, now a few steps ahead, but instead of waving, she said his name. He looked at her, expecting to see her point to a new plant or an interesting species of toad. But instead, she said “You smiled today!”
He closed the distance between them and gave her a little bow. “I did. I did!  Thanks to you.” She smiled, and was gone, working her way through the crowd at the dock and back to Eir’s.
It was a good day. He had smiled. In fact, Agnarr found that he couldn’t stop smiling for the rest of the day.
Eating daily meals with the academy students became a habit, and Agnarr eventually ordered the castle kitchens to begin providing food after seeing the meager meals that the other children brought.  He knew for a fact that on more than one occasion Iduna skipped her mid-day meal to ensure one of the other children had enough to eat.  The councilors and ministers raised a fuss about using the national treasury for such a purpose, but the king noted the expense was taken from the royal family, and not the national coffers. The wealthiest citizens of Arendelle soon realized that though they could afford private tutors for their children, the palace academy was the best place for their children to have the ear of the king, to make a friendship that could benefit their business or interest. Soon even the wealthy children were also enrolled at the academy. Henrik Sundberg, whose mother owned a rather impressive lutefisk enterprise, was always up for a walk in the woods or the castle grounds, and would sometimes accompany Iduna and Agnarr on an adventure.  Elias, son of Captain Calder, was often there as well, quick with a joke but also quick with any new material the teachers assigned.
Agnarr was pleased with the success of the school, and pleased that Iduna was gaining friends beyond the walls of Eir’s. The next trip they took by boat, Elias helped Agnarr manage one of the larger royal sailboats. The three of them went beyond the skerries to look for loggerheads, and Elias doubted their mission would be successful. “I don’t think we have loggerheads here.  Maybe leatherbacks though. My father saw a bunch of loggerheads in the Caribbean.”  He paused a moment.  “What is a bunch of turtles called anyway? A flock? A trinket? A trove?”
“It’s a bale!” Iduna shouted above the wind from her perch on the bow. She leaned into it, and Agnarr noticed how much she enjoyed the strong feel of the wind whenever they were on the water.
They didn’t find turtles of any kind, but Iduna located what she thought could be cloudberry and bilberry bushes on a larger skerry near the shore. “We’ll have to come back and see it in the summer, maybe they will be blooming!”
Agnarr looked at the shrub, clinging stubbornly to a rocky island that could not have been its natural habitat, beautiful in its dedication to life, and thought he could understand why Iduna was interested in it.
Henrik picked up a branch from the forest floor and waved it about like a sword. Agnarr laughed. “Put that down before you hurt someone!”  Iduna had invited the two of them on one of her walks in the woods to stock up on medicinal herbs, claiming that she could use the extra hands to carry more supplies back to the orphanage.  Needless to say, he and Henrik were toting several sacks and satchels stuffed with the forest’s bounty.
Iduna took the stick from Henrik’s hands, and exclaimed over the moss hanging off of it. “Sphagnum fuscum! I’ve been searching for this! It’s the type that will make a good pack in a wound!”
“You hear that, Agnarr? I can get hurt! We already have the perfect moss for Iduna to get me back to rights!” He waved his branch towards Agnarr, flourishing it in the air in an invitation to battle.
“Sure, fine, but if that moss turns you into a troll, I’m not sure there’s much she can do for you.”
“Old wives’ tales!” shouted Henrik. “Nothing but tales! No moss can turn me into a troll!”
Iduna titled her head and studied Henrik, head to toe, stocky and barrel chested. “Are you sure you’re not  already a troll?”
Henrik yelled, ran at her with the stick, she shrieked in delight, and Agnarr chased them both, laughing.
“A plot of land? For me?” Iduna looked at him, confused but hopeful, unsure what Agnarr was offering.
“Well, yes, it’s nearly May and it’s time to plant the castle gardens.  I thought Mr. Botner and your class, well, you could plant some of the bushes and plants you’ve been studying and collecting, and see if you could get them to grow here on the castle grounds. Like a final exam but more fun.” He gestured to the overturned soil, a large rectangle on the castle grounds, now marked off and ready for planting.  “The working gardens have been neglected for too long.  It wouldn’t be any trouble.”
“Yes! I would love that! And then I could come here this summer even with school out to check on you. I mean on the garden!” Agnarr smiled, and helped Iduna plan out where each bush and shrub and plant would go, writing down her plans for a medicinal row, a row for edibles, and a row for beauty. He longed to tell her that she would be the most beautiful creature in the garden, but he couldn’t figure out how. And besides, she was his friend. He didn’t want to make their time together awkward by declarations of her beauty. He was content to be her friend and spend time together, growing a garden, exploring on the skerries, walking in the woods. Sharing secrets and jokes and laughing at Henrik’s impressions of his mother and Elias’s tales of his father’s bravery. He was content, and it was a better feeling than any he could remember having had for a very long time.
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kaitoujokerscans · 5 years
Showdown in the Dark Night! Joker vs Shadow CH3
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At the same time around the other end of the manor, patrol cars with their red lights and sirens were roving about, and searchlights whirled dizzyingly over the area. They were watching the sky so closely that not even a fly could slip by unnoticed.
A dark silhouette jumped down from the manor's roof into the bushes. It was Shadow, who had just stolen the golden hairpin. He seared the handcuff on his wrist with the heat from his umbrella tip and cast it off. "Blast, I can only escape on the ground." He gave up on an aerial retreat and sprinted through the courtyard. He had hidden his trusty bike "Black Speeder" in the garden for just this very situation.
He had finally gotten the treasure before Joker. All I have to do now is use it... Shadow put a hand to the hairpin in his breast pocket. Rose welled up in his mind. He hadn't told Rose about this venture. He had secretly come out by himself. Shadow passed through the courtyard breezeway and came out of the forest thicket. In front of him was a sizeable glass-walled greenhouse.
Just as he was about to go around it, he heard a voice from behind him. "Oniichan."
"!?" Shadow turned around in surprise. "Rose...!" There was Rose, breathing heavily. "Why are you here?"
"Same to you, Oniichan. Why did you go out by yourself? When I came after you, I heard a sudden explosion, so..."
"T-That was..."
"You're plotting something on your own, aren't you?" Rose prodded a little angrily. Shadow was weak against that look.
"N-No, well..." Shadow unconsciously put his hand up to his chest.
"That's where the treasure you stole is, right? What'd you take?"
"This is..."
"What? You can't show me?"
"Ur..." Shadow looked at Rose and tried to say something, but before he could--
"There you are, Shadow Joker!"
When he looked around again, there was Oniyama standing imposingly and holding out a roped pair of handcuffs. "You're so under arrest!" Oniyama swung the cuffs around and ran towards him.
"Drat...!" Shadow quickly held up his umbrella and shot beams. "Bloody Rain!" But Oniyama was also quite swift. He jumped to the sides of Shadow's beams and kept dodging. "What!?"
"Ha ha ha, don't underestimate the police!"
"You cheeky-!" Shadow fired with even more intensity. Oniyama had not lost yet, however. He frantically evaded the shots and came ever closer to Shadow. "Ghh!" Shadow grabbed hold of Rose and jumped back.
"Oniichan, shall I?"
"Step back! I'm going to exterminate him here!" Shadow moved Rose behind him and turned to Oniyama with a death glare. He raised his umbrella to face level and pointed the end at Oniyama, gazing down it as if it were a rifle scope. "Snipe mode! Bloody Rain!" The beam fired towards its target more precisely than usual. It hit square on Oniyama's leg.
"Gah..." Oniyama held his leg and kneeled down.
"Heh, now he can't come after us. Rose, are you all right?" Shadow turned back, but for some reason, Rose wasn't there. "Rose?"
That was the moment.
"Ha ha ha ha ha hah!"
"!?" A familiar laugh came from above. The most despised, vexing voice in the world, and the one that riled Shadow up the most, rang through the darkness of night. Shadow looked up to see Rose floating in the air, Balloon Gum in hand.
"You're always so meek with your sister, Shadow!" Rose's body inflated and popped apart with a bang.
"Grrh...!" Shadow watched the boy who appeared from within with gritted teeth.
He wore a bright red suit and blue silk hat, with a brilliant letter "J" shining on his chest and shapely patent leather shoes on his feet. His purple cape billowed in the wind. His glossy silver hair was now neatly set, and a clear light shone in his goggled blue eyes. His high and loudmouthed laugh was bursting with confidence. He was no longer a pitiful excuse in pajamas. This here was indeed Phantom Thief Joker...!
"Rrrgh... Joker!" Yes, who he had thought was Rose was actually Joker in an Image Gum disguise. Image Gum is one of the phantom thief tools in Joker's arsenal. An image formed in the mind is transferred to the gum, and by blowing the gum, it can be formed into any shape. It can be wrapped around oneself as a disguise or be used to create a variety of objects. Behind him, Oniyama also expanded and blew apart with a bang. Hachi popped out from inside wearing an apologetic expression.
"You punk, you dared to pretend to be Rose... I won't forgive you for that!"
"Heh heh, sorry for being late. But you were a great help for stealing this in my place." Joker held the golden hairpin in front of his face and smiled.
Shadow's eyes instantly ignited with anger. He rapidly positioned his umbrella, aimed it into the sky, and fired without a word. The beam pierced through the Balloon Gum and Joker fell to the ground. "Waaugh! Say the attack name like you always do!" Joker called out as he hastily ran away.
"Shut your trap! I'm going to kill you right now!" Shadow threatened, firing a barrage of beams at Joker.
"Waah, hold it, Shadow!!" Joker hopped around and barely avoided each of the beams. He turned in mid-air and landed on the ground. The two faced off in front of the immense greenhouse.
"Quit scurrying around like a rat! That's always been the only thing you're good at! The only makeshift strategy you have is snatching and running away! You're still the same damn cowardly Jack!"
"Ma- what'd you say?" Joker's look changed at Shadow's outburst. Jack was the name Joker had as a child. Being called that made old feelings suddenly rise up again. Feelings from when the two of them first met...
Joker flapped his cape over and refocused. "Hachi, go back ahead of me!"
"Eh? But..."
"It's fine, just go! I'll finish things with him." Shadow's provocation seemed to have spurred Joker. Joker took a card out of his pocket and glared at Shadow. The light in his eyes was just as piercing as Shadow's.
"Bring it on!"
"With pleasure!" Shadow spun around his umbrella, fixed his grip, and jumped above Joker.
"From above!?"
Directly above Joker, Shadow pointed his umbrella straight down. "Have a taste of my new technique! 𝓑𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓮 𝓑𝓲𝓰 𝓑𝓪𝓷𝓰!"
"Wha- that's so lame!"
"Shut up!"
The umbrella was falling straight towards Joker. "...!" Sensing danger, Joker instantly moved aside. The next moment, Shadow's umbrella stabbed into the ground. There was a thunderous bang, and a crater formed around the area. It was as if a meteorite had fallen.
"What the heck, that's crazy dangerous...!"
"Bah, I missed!" Shadow switched his grip and flew towards Joker without a moment's delay. He brought his umbrella down on Joker like it was a sword. Joker quickly caught the umbrella with his card, twisted his wrist, and let Shadow's strike slip to his side. Joker had dodged the umbrella's violent swoop both swiftly and precisely. "Joker! Aren't you going to fight back at all!?"
"Show me one of your ridiculous parlor tricks already!"
"'Parlor trick'...? Well then, let me show you!" Joker exclaimed, then leapt back and made an aerial 360. Keeping his stance, he fanned out five cards in front of his chest. "Straight Flash!" Joker yelled, and the Ace, Deuce, Trey, Cater, and Cinque of Hearts radiated a glaring light.
"Guh...!" The brilliant light bombarded Shadow's eyes. Joker's special move was to blind his opponent and make his move while they were down.
--But Shadow was already well aware. He had seen him use it countless times. He had already planned for the light. He instantly lowered the brim of his hat to block the light.
The bright light could indeed blind the enemy for some time. But the emanation of light was not just an attack, it was a weakness -- it revealed the location of the user. Which meant... wherever the light was coming from, there was Joker!
Shadow checked for where the light was originating and pointed his umbrella towards the exact spot. "Bloody Rain!" Shadow's red beam went straight up Straight Flash's stream of light and hit the middle dead on.
"...!" There was a reaction.
"Ha ha! How's that, Joker!" Shadow looked up as soon as the light faded. A hole had been left by Shadow's beam in the center of the five fanned cards... but Joker was not there. "!?"
Extraordinarily enough, the cards were hovering in midair. A tiny bubble of balloon gum stuck at the top was keeping them afloat. "What the...!"
"Hahaha, you were one step behind, Shadow!" Joker's laughter came from behind.
"Ghh...!" Shadow turned around to see Joker looking down at him from the greenhouse roof. The searchlights reflected off of the glass and illuminated him. Shadow returned the stare from the darkness and grinned. "You're not bad... It wouldn't be any fun otherwise!"
"Yeah, things are getting interesting!"
The clock tower bell rang. Bong! Bong! Bong!... The midnight bell rang through the darkness. Hachi watched the battle from a short distance. The two youths faced each other in silence. Light and shadow-- the shadow eternally pursues the light, and the light snares the shadow. The two of them fought to test their skills. Neither underestimated the other's strength, each trying to read two and three steps ahead and constantly pushing the battle to a higher standard. It was as if they were on a summit that only they could see...
The clock tower's bell ceased. "..." Joker sensed something. He pondered for a moment as if he had realized something odd.
But his thoughts were interrupted by Shadow's yelling. "Here I come, Joker!" Shadow set upon Joker once again.
Fwish! Something shone from within the greenhouse foliage, followed by something rushing down from above. "...!" Joker looked up and saw a thin mesh-like object blending in with the bleak clouds. "Khh!" He immediately spun around and forcefully kicked the stomach of the approaching Shadow.
"Gaah!" Shadow's body flew some meters away from Joker and hit the ground.
At the same moment, Joker's body was wrapped in a giant net from above. The cold and hard lattice constrained Joker. "...!" Bound by the steel net, Joker fell off the greenhouse and onto the ground. "Guh...!"
"Hah hah hah! I've finally got you, Phantom Thief Joker!" Oniyama ran towards them, his short legs clacking. This one was the real Oniyama.
Joker saw Hachi dash towards him and shouted. "Stay back, Hachi!" Looking over, he could see a swarm of police officers following behind Oniyama, carrying a large barrel-like thing. That barrel seemed to be the launcher for the net.
"Enough, Hachi, just run!" At that very moment, the police fired a net at Hachi. Fwish! A lattice flew over Hachi's eyes and spread to cover his body. But just then, an arm wrapped around Hachi's body and lifted him up. It was Shadow's.
Shadow jumped aside while holding Hachi and quickly lifted up his umbrella, which spun around and flew up like a helicopter. Having dodged the confines of the steel net, Hachi and Shadow rose into the night sky. "Joker-saaaaan!" Hachi's pitiful cry rang through the blackness.
On the ground, Oniyama had reached Joker's side. He laughed triumphantly as he looked down at Joker writhing in the net. "Gahahahahahah! Phantom Thief Joker, you've been apprehended. You are so! So! Soooo under arrest!" Oniyama let out a bellow of delight more boisterous than ever.
Outside of the courtyard, at the edge of a quiet bridge where there were no officers, black Image Gum burst apart with a pop. Spade, Queen, and Rose appeared from within. Spade had made the Image Gum turn dark and wrapped it over all of them so that they would blend into the night.
Rose landed on the grass and softly gazed up at Spade and Queen. Needless to say, this was the real Rose. "T-Thank you, for helping me..." Rose murmured.
"I was surprised, what with your powers suddenly wearing off."
Rose was startled by her reply. "You were watching the whole time?"
"Yeah, we were."
"..." Rose looked down.
"Do you know that detective -- Hayami Kyoutarou?" Queen had never met him herself, but she was aware of Hayami. She knew that he was lauded as a genius high school detective in Japan and that he had faced off against Joker multiple times. She couldn't imagine where Rose could have met him.
"..." Rose kept her eyes averted as if she was distressed.
"...I won't force you to talk if you don't want to. We all have our circumstances." Queen gently told Rose, supporting her. The two of them were about the same age, but Queen might have considered the rather demure Rose to be like a younger sister.
"Thank you..."
Something had probably happened with Hayami. Queen switched to Spade. "Spade, it looks like either Joker or Shadow got the Gilded Chrysanthemum. What now?" But there was no answer from Spade behind her. "Spade?"
She turned around to see Spade pressing his hand against his head, his body shaking so much that even standing looked to be agonizing. "What happened!?"
Without replying to either of them, Spade let out a low moan and collapsed on the spot.
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😂 🗑 🤡🖊
Under the cut because I wrote so much...
😂 What’s the funniest comment someone has left on a fic of yours?
Oh dear XD I'm a bit ashamed of myself that I couldn't think of it off the top of my head and had to scroll through my fics on AO3!!
Not the funniest comment but the funniest comments that I received are for a parody fanfic about Ciel and Sebastian I wrote years ago. Back then, I still read a lot of fanfiction, and scrolling through AO3 and looking for something to read left me so pissed one day that I wrote that FF on my itsy bitsy old phone with no autocorrect and my terrible phone typing skills. I had seen a story like that (roughly the same plot, no paragraphs, bad grammar) right before with quite a lot of kudos and raving comments and modelled mine on that. (Whereas an actually well-written fic I had found before barely had any comments and kudos :/)
The comments on that parody fic are so much fun, especially the ones by the butthurt people who didn't even have the guts to comment off-anon^^ (their reading comprehension is terrible too)
🗑 What is one fic idea that you loved at first but then scrapped?
Ah, welcome to the graveyard of ideas XD
One? Have multiple XD
A Monsters of Verity AU (it's a book duology, I recommend!) where Grim Reapers are the fourth group of monsters alongside the Sunai/Corsai/Malchai from the books; I renamed the GR to fit with the naming scheme. They're similar to the Sunai, but (you know) collect the souls of the dead instead of stealing the souls of the living. GR, like the Sunai, also use instruments instead of gardening tools for this! The story would start with Phantomhive Manor being raided in 1838, with UT being there to collect the souls and Cloudia being the sole survivor (but permanently injured). Anyway, I didn't get far with my notes and building for this but wrote the prologue.
A Modern AU about Cloudia enrolling Vincent and Francis in the now co-ed Weston College. Vincent is very unhappy about this and does his best to be expelled. And how can he make sure that he will be expelled? By driving a fellow student (Diedrich) crazy! I wrote two chapters and have a handful of notes.
A Descendants AU with Ciel as Mal and Lizzie as Ben which I completely outlined. Quotes/backstory/chapter titles/what happens/distribution of the songs - I did it all XD That was before the release of the 3rd movie, so nothing of that was included - but my 3rd act was also about a sleeping curse which made me very happy^^ Anyway, I wrote one chapter and started the second.
A row of WotQ bonus AUs (yes, AUs of the AU, uffff). One of them was based on The Selection book series with Cloudia as the princess who's having her Selection and Undertaker as one of the chosen candidates! I wrote the first chapter.
Etc. Etc.
They were all scrapped because of a mix of "shit, that's so dumb"/"no time to write this"/"not enough ideas"/"I hate how I wrote the start".
🤡 What’s the dumbest thing you’ve written?
Everything I write is a bit dumb? Also: A few years ago, I needed to write something that wasn't WotQ for a change, so I came up with a stupid fic idea (Kuro fic about... sushi) and ran with it. I had fun writing the first two chapters (started the third). They were even up on AO3 for a VERY short period of time so that it was "fully out of my system". (I deleted it because it was super stupid and I didn't want to continue anyway. It was deleted at 0 hits which I was/am very relieved about XD)
And the parody fanfic, of course!
🖊 What is the most recent line you’ve written?
He wondered if Vincent was already up or not.
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valgasnewsthings · 2 years
Uninvited guest.
Reynoutria multiflora is carried a name  Japanese knot weed are liked by  Dutchman's  . Her liked for beautiful inflorescences, leaf ornament  ,  and later at garden grew ,   are liked for fast grew and a nice kept soul.And cattle enjoyed ate his , and he is best honey plant. And on a time for botanical surveys at Japan a German  naturalist Fillip Franz  von  Siebold  was amazed for unusual external kind and beauty for inflorescences of this  plant . And  he decided shared own discoveries   with gardeners and botanists , in 1840 showed his on a floristic exhibition at Dutchman town Utrecht.
Ten years later Siebold  as after warm reception an own find from a country a rising sun , he sent a piece of root a Reynoutria in a queen botanical garden in London, where are too her liked. But in 100 years, that he never knew, that his finding in Foggy Albion and in the USA will be a fear , like plague, which a monster he released . Later  he ran away from a garden, that affected by her popularity, which are grown  in garden Britain's and change between a botanical gardens. And a moment begun when she felt freedom. And she is not having natural enemies, but prudish Britain Herbs are not resistance for stormy pressure  this powerful plant. And soon is catastrophe begun , which is keeping and on this day.And on 2010 Britain's are searched a genome for this plant from different country regions , and found,that all of these a clone for plant, which sent Siebold   And would fall this foggy Albion ,like A Rome empire   in attacking for enemies, if would be a not politic of total fight with this invasion beauty. Thus is happens, when in resisted ecosystem are quests visiting.
For example since 1990 at Great Britain is prohibited on any kind to transport this plant.If this plant will be close to your home , thus you are not receiving   credit in any bank as under bail a  mortgage. And to sell a plot for good moneys with this plant you cannot  ability,   just possible to pay extra  moneys for this. And lots of litigations are done of charges in infection for neighbour plots by this monster. And this plant also broken lots for fates and life for many peoples.As  on 2013 a famous case happened, that poor family from Birmingham are suicide done,as and left note , and messaging,are tired fought this plague and true crazy gone. They are planned sold a house and begun life new in other place, but this plant braided his house of a big clot a green. And does it true or fiction is not known. But to prepare and grow this plant am not recommending, and Am sure you are not interest to despire in fight with this monster, but in big scale, that we are having in fighting with hogweed. But its  true wondering this monster having a cure effects also. And using in Alternative China s medicine for gastrointestinal fighting and cardiovascular diseases .She  is a source for Stilbene, Emodin, and last is soft laxative, but stilbene  improving blood circulation and by a few researches are showing, that lengthens  a life and improve her quality  , and lots of phenol derivatives having and flavonoids. As antibacterial, febrifuge, healing, expectorant, diuretic effects and using in cold, cough, lowering temperature. And helping in abundant menses , for diuretic, anti inflammation in urethritis, cystitis.
2 tbl.sp. chopped roots add in 0.5 l. of the hot water, cook for 30 min is on the water bath is on the weak fire, turn off fire, infuse 30 min, filter through gauze and lead till a first size with boiling water . Use warm on 0.5 glass for 4 times/day before meal.
Powder of plant.
Dried roots good, grind, and powder use 9-15 gr /day before meal, or dose separate for a few methods as for 3 times/day on 5 gr, drinking with a water small quantity.
In burns, injures, skin boils, wounds, skin ulcers use 3 tbl.sp. chopped root in 0.5 l. of the hot water, cook on weak fire for 15 min, remove from a fire, and infuse 30 min, filter, wet in gauze and apply compresses on damage place.
And this herb not having serious contraindications, but before use ask in a doctor , if you are pregnancy and lactation time having. And possible individual bad injuring and allergy reactions.
By A.Filin,  biologist .
For pain plant, as by points and etc use links on my right board as convert image till paints by points, or play in puzzle online!
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/xl1uKUm via https://ift.tt/NkeAVWJ
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