cosmonautroger · 5 months
Graham Bond Organisation - Harmonica (1965)
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on a group portrait The Graham Bond Organisation (GBO), British jazz/rhythm and blues group of the mid-1960s. This photograph was later used as cover art to the band's second studio album, also released in 1965, "There's a Bond Between Us."
L to R: Ginger Baker (drums), Jack Bruce (bass guitar), Graham Bond (vocals, keyboards, alto-saxophone), and Dick Heckstall-Smith (tenor/soprano saxophone).
PSYCHEDELIC BABY MAGAZINE: "Can you tell me briefly about how you hooked up with Graham Bond, Dick Heckstall-Smith and Ginger Baker to play in Alexis Korner’s band?"
JACK BRUCE: "Well, I’d sat in with Dick’s band at a May Ball in Cambridge, and then he spent a long time looking for me and when he eventually found me he said I should come and audition for Alexis. This was the original band with Cyril Davies, Dick, Alexis, Johnny Parker and myself. This was the most settled line-up, where Ronnie Jones off the US bases would sit in with us. Then Graham joined. That’s how it all started."
PSYCHEDELIC BABY: "What was the reason you guys broke away from Alexis’s group?"
JACK BRUCE: "I came in one day and Graham handed in my notice for me. He resigned Ginger and me. (much laughing from both Jack and me). I didn’t speak to Alexis for years after that, but that was the kind of guy Graham was. I was just a kid really, I was only about 19."
PSYCHEDELIC: "How responsive were the audiences to this new R&B group?"
JACK: "We used to play as a trio before Graham got the organ, with just alto sax, Ginger and me. That was enjoyable. Then we became just about the hardest working band in the country. We used to open loads of clubs, like the Hanley R&B club in about ’65 or so. But it was just the kids that used to come and see us and they’d just go crazy. We were funny looking too, we weren’t just some boy band."
Sources: www.psychedelicbabymag.com/2019/10/jack-bruce-interview.html & Sophology 101 (blogspot).
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rastronomicals · 7 months
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Graham Bond
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mcufan72 · 4 months
Sugar and Cinnamon
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Loki x female reader/ 18+
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Warnings: contains fluff, smut, sex, oral sex, angst, alcohol, soft!dom/sub vibes, jealousy, dirty talking. It's a very long chapter (~9.5k words) so please be prepared! Some of you asked for it and I delivered.
Note: the dancing scene came to my mind when I walked through Soho/London a few weeks ago. It's also inspired by the dancing scene from the movie "Last Night in Soho" and you can find it on YouTube, and this is the song Anya Taylor-Joy and Matt Smith dance to... just to get a bit of the vibe ...and I couldn't resist to let MS make an appearance
I couldn't resist, my lovely @lokisprettygirl You already know that. Thanks for your help and for answering my special question and I sincerely hope I got it right...
This special part of the chapter is for you, my dearest (you'll know it when you read it)❤️🩷💚🤍
Loki couldn't remember the last time he felt that nervous and excited before an event. It must have been on Asgard when he was a young innocent prince, attending for the first time to a ball at the Asgardian Court, expected to dance with a princess for the very first time. He was delighted when Rhea sent him your confirmation for tonight's gala dinner and he looked forward to seeing you again. It wasn't even a real date, officially he booked you as his companion or as you were calling it, his arm candy. Nonetheless, he was grateful that you still wanted to spend time with him.
Dressed in black briefs after a relaxing bath which he took after returning from a run in Morris Canal Park, he stood in his closet and began to dress himself for the evening. For the gala dinner, he chose a black three-piece suit, perfectly tailored, excellently wrapping and emphasizing his muscular body. He combined it with a tight-fitting black shirt, and a dark-green tie which perfectly matched with the dark-green details of the waistcoat and the dark-green evening gown he gave to you, and finished his look with black leather shoes. He wished you would wear the dress tonight. He'd feel honoured. He had a further, little surprise for you. It was nothing special but he hoped you'd like it.
Nervous, nauseous, and excited. Three words to describe your condition. With trembling hands, you did your makeup and put on the dress. Why were you always so nervous when you had a date with Luke? You already slept with him so there was no need anymore to be nervous. You pulled your hair into a sleek tight bun like you always did, the knot high on your head this time. You'd prefer to wear your trainers but of course, you chose the elegant golden high heel sandals you had bought for events like these. They were just a further pair of beautiful little beasts but they perfectly rounded up the elegant design of the gown. You finished your look with the dark red lipstick and there she was: Sugar, ready to meet Luke. You grabbed your golden box clutch, studded with shimmering rhinestones, from the dresser and left your apartment, leaving all your problems behind. You wanted to enjoy this evening to the fullest. You deserved it, didn't you?
When you arrived at the event location, Luke was already waiting for you. Because of the evening darkness and the tinted car windows, you couldn't see what he was wearing but you were sure he would be the most handsome man tonight. He was always eye candy but for tonight he was your eye candy. Luke opened the door for you and offered you his hand helping you to get out of the limousine. You smiled brightly at him, happy to see him again. How could he look better every time you met him? He looked dashing in his tailored suit. Did his tie have the exact same colour as your evening gown? You found his attention to detail remarkable and adorable. What a man. What a wonderful, attentive man. Why wasn't he already taken? There must be a woman who would appreciate and want to be with a man like him.
Loki helped you to get out of the limousine and the first thing he saw were your beautiful legs and the elegant golden high heel sandals with the delicate straps on your feet. When you had left the car completely he smiled lovingly at you. You were wearing it, the evening gown he had chosen for you and you had no idea how happy you were making him. The evening gown hugged every curve of yours perfectly and the strong updo allowed an excellent view of your smooth neck and nearly bare back. You were so damn beautiful, and for tonight you were his and nobody would take you away from him.
“Good evening, Sugar. You look stunning in that dress. Absolutely gorgeous,” he gushed, one hand still hidden behind his back.
“And you look very dapper in your black suit. You're such a handsome man, Luke. And I like your tie, it looks gorgeous. I'm so happy to see you,” you complimented him.
“I hope I didn't overstep a boundary by sending you the evening gown. I just thought you might like it. Thank you for wearing it tonight. I feel extremely honoured,” and a hint of shyness appeared on his face.
“You didn't overstep, Luke. The dress is fantastic and I love it. It's perfect. You have an excellent taste for fashion. I don't deserve such a generous gift and I appreciate it. And also thanks for your lovely letter and I can assure you, I'm not mad at you. How could I, you don't owe me any excuse,” you explained to him sincerely.
His answer was a thankful smile and then he gave you what he had hidden behind his back. A little bouquet of multi-coloured wildflowers, tied together with a small green ribbon.
“Oh my god, Luke! Thank you! Thank you so much…how beautiful,” and your eyes teared up. You've gotten a lot of bouquets from some of your clients but none of them compared to this one. You never got a bouquet as pretty as this. You were sure he had poured his heart into it.
“Did you pick the flowers yourself?”, and you caressed the flowers.
“I did. I collected them in Morris Canal Park. I hope you like them,” he told you and you recognised a bit of shyness in his gaze.
“No man had ever done this for me. Thank you, Luke,” you whispered and pressed the flowers gently to your cleavage. You wanted to hug him but you didn't dare do it.
“It's nothing special but I…”
“Don't underestimate the beauty of self-picked flowers…and they are special. They're special to me because they're from you and I love them,” you interrupted him. You didn't want the flowers to wither and so you gave them to Walker who promised you to take care of them.
Loki felt like a little boy, trying to impress his first crush. He had never expected this cute reaction. He could've impressed you with a giant bouquet of roses but it seemed you appreciated the wildflowers more than any rose or lily he could've bought for you. You were amazing. How could you still be without a loving man by your side? You were so adorable… and naughty as well. A perfect combination.
“Shall we go in?” and as the gentleman he was, he offered you his arm.
“Yes, I'd love that!” and you two entered the location.
Loki introduced you to some of his business partners and finally, he wanted to introduce you to the host of the evening, Mr.Smith, who was still in a conversation. But he had already made eye contact with you. And then you understood what Rhea meant when she said, he's an attractive man. He wasn't a classic beautiful man but he definitely had an extremely charming aura. Almost as tall as Luke, he was lean but bulkier, had dark blonde hair and a sly smile which gave him something boyish and devious but in a very sympathetic way. His green deep-set eyes were sparkling with mischief and fun, and they had nearly the same stare as Luke's. The way he moved, spoke and behaved could captivate everyone under his spell. His elegant black tux and black bow tie perfectly rounded up his impressive appearance. You were sure a lot of women wouldn't say ‘no’ to him and your gaze wandered to an Indian beauty in an amazing black lehenga dress. This absolutely beautiful and elegant three-piece ensemble consisted of the actual lehenga, a long ankle-length and voluminous skirt, embellished with golden intricate embroidery, the choli, a well-fitted blouse top which emphasized her perfectly formed torso and the dupatta, a scarf which she had draped around her stunning outfit. Her waist-length and nearly black hair shimmered like black velvet and cascaded over her back, her big and sparkling dark-brown eyes were the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen. She was such a stunning eye-catcher and you didn't miss how Mr Smith looked at her from time to time. You knew that kind of gaze very well, not just from your clients and every time their gazes met, they both quickly looked away. It was kind of adorable. One might think he was totally smitten by the Indian beauty and nobody could blame him for this, she was one of the most beautiful women at tonight's gala.
“I don't like the way he looks at you,” Loki growled quietly.
“Do I hear some jealousy in your voice, Mr.Larsson?” you teased him. You didn't want to annoy him, you just wanted to see his reaction. You didn't want him to fall in love with you, he paid for your company but nonetheless you wanted him to desire you. You knew that was weird but tonight you were just his, and he was just yours, right?
“What? No, of course not! You're my escort, not my wife,” he frowned, pressing his lips firmly together, his jaw clenching.
“No, I'm not your wife. A pity, actually,” you teased him further and he side-eyed you, the expression on his face unreadable.
At this moment Mr Smith ended his conversation and came over to you two.
“What a beautiful sight at my friend's side… good evening, Miss…?
“...Black, I'm Miss Black,” you greeted him and he took your hand in his and gave a brief kiss to your knuckles.
“You look gorgeous, Miss Black, a further sparkling diamond at my party,” his deep-settled eyes staring flirtatious into yours and a sexy smile curved one corner of his mouth. He grabbed a glass of champagne from a waiter, who passed by with a tablet of filled champagne glasses, and gave it to you.
“Thank you for completing me, Mr Smith,” and you took the offered glass of champagne from his hand. “It's a pleasure to meet you,” you responded tantalizingly and held his gaze.
“The pleasure is all mine, Miss Black and I hope you enjoy the evening. Eat, drink, dance and have fun,” he encouraged you and he turned towards Loki. Mr.Smith was such a player, a sexy lad, you've already sensed that.
“Luke, my old friend, what a pleasure to have you here. I hope you enjoy the evening,” and he shook Loki's hand and placed his other hand amicably on Loki's shoulder.
“Matt, it is a pleasure to meet you, as always and thank you for the invitation," he answered, slightly annoyed and both appraisingly staring into each other's eyes. After a short conversation, Mr.Smith left to order a drink for himself at the bar.
You sensed the tension in Luke's shoulders and you suppressed a grin. He was a bit possessive over you, wasn't he? Since you worked as an escort lady, you were used to a man’s behaviour like Mr.Smith’s. You did everything to get these reactions, through clothes, style, and attitude because every man you saw could become your client. But all of this was a costume, a mask. That wasn't you. Luke would never want you or even like the woman and her problems, who were hidden behind that mask. The woman behind all the makeup and the dark-red lipstick. The woman who called herself ‘Sugar’.
“He was just being polite, and there's nothing wrong about it. He's interested in someone else so, relax Luke, he really was just being nice,” and he side-eyed you again, with raised eyebrows.
He was just being nice? Interested in someone else? You were a head-turner, an eye-catcher tonight and he just saw this guy lustfully staring at you and the only thing he could think about was that no man should ever chase after a girl on a friend’s turf. He saw you taking a sip of champagne, turning your head and grinning at him.
Between the main courses and the serving of the desserts was a pause so that everyone could take a short walk, have some drinks at the bar or enter the dance floor. Shortly before Loki wanted to ask you to dance with him, Mr.Smith came back to you, a glass of bourbon in his hand. With the biggest mischievous smirk on his face, he addressed Loki with a question.
“Would you allow me to dance with your charming companion?”
“You don't have to ask me. You have to ask the lady,” he said to Matt, giving him a fake smile.
“I think I should allow our host of the evening to dance with me, shouldn't I, Luke?” and Mr.Smith took you by your hand.
You would never understand why you had fun annoying Luke and where your self-confidence came from. Why did you want to provoke a reaction from him? And what kind of reaction did you expect? You didn't understand yourself anymore. Did you expect him to fight for his right to dance with you because he paid you for your company? You knew that Mr Smith just wanted to provoke a reaction from that gorgeous-looking Indian lady his eyes had been glued to for over several hours now. He couldn't fool you.
“I'm on to you, Mr. Smith but…Let's play a little game," you said to him while he led you to the dance floor. “But don't you dare play with her, she likes you,” you warned him.
“What do you mean, Miss Black?” He tried to play ignorant.
“Mr.Smith, don't fool me. I just dance with you when you spend the rest of the evening with her and dance with her only,” you answered demandingly, smiling at him.
“Her? Who is ‘her’?”
“The beautiful lady in the black lehenga.”
“I don't dare ask her. I'm sure she doesn't find me pretty enough, not good enough for her.”
“Then you probably should stop eye-fucking each other all evening… it's pretty obvious that you like her… and she likes you,” and you sensed he felt caught.
“Likewise,” he mocked you, "Mr Larsson is eye-fucking you as well, so… you two are not any better than us. It's obvious how possessive he's over you,” and he crowned his statement with a smug smile.
“I see we're speaking the same language, Mr.Smith. Get your girl, she likes you more than you think and believe me, you are very attractive and charming,” you tried to convince him.
“Thank you for saying that, you're very kind...And you go and get your man before he combusts with jealousy… he's addicted to you. And by the way, call me Matt.”
Before you could answer anything the music started to play and Matt began to dance with you.
“You're not his girlfriend, are you?” And he twirled you around.
“What makes you think I'm not?” you asked when you faced him again.
“Don't get me wrong, you're beautiful and charming but he's more the type for fake dating, he never wants to be connected to someone or be close to someone, nonetheless…,” you danced several steps away from him and twirled back into his arm, “…he's undressing you with his eyes,” and he twirled you around again and when you danced face to face again, he held you by your midriff, swaying to the rhythm.
“Why does it bother you? You should mind your own business, Matt. And to be very clear, I'll never date you, it'll always be him and you better take care of the Indian beauty over there. You should really ask her to dance with you … I'm not the one that you want,” you said kindly.
“Yeah, you might be right. I think if Luke is addicted to your personality and not just your body, then he may be falling for you.”
“I think we shouldn't play cruel games with them. We both have what we want, both are furious with jealousy. We should redeem them from their suffering, shouldn't we?” you suggested.
“You're an amazing woman, Miss Black, no man can fool you, indeed.”
“Not in this case, I guess, and… you can call me Candy,” you responded and with that the song ended, your dance was over and you both left the dance floor, walking towards Loki who was waiting for you with an annoyed expression on his face.
That was it. That was the reason why he hated it that you worked as an escort. Other men touching you, lustfully looking at you, dancing with you the tantalizing way Matt just did… This guy was too close, his hand too low on your back, his gaze at you too intimate. Loki fumed with jealousy. All those men didn't deserve you. He didn't deserve you either but he must do something to get you out of the escort business and he better not run out of ideas.
“Thank you for this nice conversation and the dance, Matt,” you thanked him with a bright smile.
“The pleasure was all mine, Candy. Thank you very much for telling me about your opinion and enjoy the rest of the evening.” Loki looked unbelievingly back and forth between you two, frowning.
“Relax, mate, she talked about you only,” Matt said to Loki, patted his shoulder and walked over to the bar.
“Candy? What?” Loki was confused.
“It's my second name, don't think about it further…oh and you can relax, Matt is off the market, he's no competition for you. He never was,” you smiled defiantly at him, clearly feeling the tension in his body. When the next song started, you saw Matt entering the dance floor with the Indian lady. ‘What a beautiful couple,’ you thought and smiled.
You could be such a bratty girl. You did it on purpose, didn't you? You had forbidden him to fall in love with you but you didn't hesitate to tease him like this? Maybe he should give you a proper and all-devouring kiss, here and now so that you and everyone else know, you belong to him. No, no he should not do that. You didn't belong to him. You were your own person and you could do whatever you wanted to do. But he had enough. He grabbed you by your upper arm and pulled you with him into an undisturbed, dark corner and pressed you with his whole body against the wall, breathing heavily.
“What are you thinking you're doing here, hm? Teasing me like that, here in public? Want me to fuck against the wall? Now? Hard, quick, deep?”
“Maybe? You wanted to show me pleasure…”
“You're such a tease. You in that dress… have you any idea what you're doing to me?”
“You wanted me to wear it…”
“Oh yes, because I knew how amazingly sexy you would look in it. And I wanted you to be one of the most gorgeous-looking women tonight because you deserve it. And I'm proud to be the man by your side,” he growled softly.
“Why didn't you want to dance with me? You let him dance with me but don't demand your right to a dance from me? You pay for me and my services. Why don't you force me to do my job?” you asked him quietly, still caged between him and the wall.
“I don't chase, I attract and to make myself very clear, I won't force you to do anything!” His voice dropped to subzero temperatures, dryer than gin.
“And believe me, Sugar, the kind of dance I'm thinking of, is not meant for the dance floor. All you have to do is ask me.”
“You can ask me the same question, I'm your escort, you pay for me, you can possibly demand it from me,” you provoked him further, a tantalizing smile on your lips.
“I'd never do that. I'd never force you. I'm still not sure if you want to do it at all so you'll have to be the one to ask!”
There it was again. He tried to give you the feeling that you were the centre of everything, that he was there to please you, not the other way around. You grabbed his tie and pulled his face closer to yours.
“I want to sleep with you, I want to make it up to you, I want to erase my mistake. I want you to play with me. And I want to try new things,” you whispered, your lips slightly brushing his earlobe, making him shiver. “Play with me, I allow you to kiss my whole body, if you want to, except my face,” you offered him sweetly.
“So you allow me to play with you? Are you sure?”
“Yes, show me pleasure, Luke. Show me how to give in to you, show me how to do it right. I won't disappoint you again,” you promised him.
“I'll do whatever you want and whatever you allow me to do. You won't regret it and believe me, you did nothing wrong or disappointed me,” and he pressed a gentle kiss on the soft flesh of your throat, his hand caressing the part of your naked thigh where the gown had the slit. Your hands clasped his shoulders and you felt his muscles tensing. You lifted the leg he was caressing and hooked it around his waist. He immediately pressed his hips against your throbbing core and you felt his cock hardening.
“We should stop doing this, Luke. We don't want to cause attention, do we? We should continue our ‘dance’ in the hotel suite later,” you moaned faintly.
“You have a valid point there. I don't want anyone to look at you while I tear you apart,” and he gave your butt a gentle squeeze. You felt so good in his arms, too good.
You giggled like a schoolgirl and loosened yourself from his lustful grip, took him by his hand and intertwined your fingers with his. It felt so familiar as if he were your lover, not your client.
“Let's get something to drink. And I need to sit down somewhere…my feet…”
“…are killing you. The little beasts, right?”
“Yeah, sorry. I shouldn't complain so much.”
“It's alright, sweet thing. We'll drink something and you can put your aching feet on my thighs if you want… underneath the table, of course. No one has to see it,” and he winked at you.
“You're adorable, Luke. I don't deserve it. Come, I need a cool beverage now… and…”
“…a dessert, yeah. I already know that. Sometimes I think it's the only reason why you escort me to dinner events,” he joked and teased you and he got a heartwarming laughter from you. You were so devastatingly beautiful when you were laughing. He shouldn't allow himself the feeling but you grew on him more and more.
“You might be right, Mr.Larsson,” was the only thing you could answer him. Desserts were definitely your weakness.
On your way to the dining area, you saw Matt and his beautiful Indian lady heavily making out in another dark corner of the location, both completely melting into each other's arms and forgetting the world around them.
“Shhhh,” you gestured to Luke, “we don't want to disturb them” and you both sneaked silently past them. You couldn't deny that you wouldn't mind Luke Larsson kissing you the same way Matt kissed his girl but unfortunately … you'd never kiss a client.
“I don't like desserts. I don't have a sweet tooth.” Loki complained when you both sat at a dining table to eat some dessert, sitting opposite to each other.
“Who doesn't like desserts? I still don't get it. It's the best thing about a meal. The culmination of every menu… sweet and a melting pleasure on the tongue…,” you gushed.
“I hate it, okay!”
“No, you don't!”
“I do!”
“No, you don't!”
“I do...mpffhh…” and you shoved a spoonful of chocolate mousse with cream into his mouth before he could speak further nonsense. The delightful glance in his eyes when the taste buds of his tongue were pleasantly surprised by the dark chocolate, told you otherwise. A blissful moan rumbled in his throat, making you smile.
“As I said. You don't hate desserts,” you stated knowingly.
“You forced me to eat it!” He frowned and pouted, licking the last droplets of mousse from his lips. “Can I have some more?” He whispered, barely audible to you.
“What did you say?” You mocked him.
“Can I have some more, please?”
“I'm sorry, it was the last one on the buffet… Well, you shouldn't be too disappointed that you can't have more, Luke, because you hate desserts, right?” A mischievous grin curved your lips.
“Hm!” He pouted and crossed his arms in front of his chest, trying to avoid showing his disappointment. “It's not as bad as I thought it would be… but, yeah you're right. I still hate it.”
You chuckled silently and recognised how cute he was at that moment. Trying hard to hold on to his opinion about desserts and not to show you how much he truly liked it after tasting it. Gosh, he was so adorable.
“You can tell me that you've changed your opinion about desserts. It's nothing to be ashamed of. And we can share my chocolate mousse if you want,” you told him softly.
“I appreciate it, Sugar, thanks. Enjoy your chocolate mousse. Come, place your foot on my thigh, sweet thing,” and you did.
Loki opened the straps of your sandal, took it off your foot, placed it on the free chair next to him and began to massage your aching foot and the toes tenderly but with the right amount of gentle pressure.
“Gosh, that feels so good,” you sighed blissfully and enjoyed his tender hand kneading your foot for several minutes.
“Now the other foot,” he said and gave it the same attention and care as he did with your other foot. You moaned blissfully again and the way Luke glanced at you was arousing you. When his fingers massaged around your ankle, you jumped at the opportunity rubbing your foot over his crotch and you felt him getting hard. You looked enticing at him and his pupils dilated with arising lust.
“You're such a bratty girl,” and he pressed a thumb into your bunion, hitting the right spot. You hissed lustfully and a dull throb in your core made you feel all giddy.
“Shall we leave for the hotel?” You asked him and he just nodded. He came over to you and gave you your shoes and when you put the first sandal on he bent down on one knee and fastened the straps.
“Luke, please, get up. I can do this on my own,” you begged him vehemently. He wasn't your servant and he certainly did not have to do this.
“You wear this torturous footwear for me so helping you with your shoes is a bare minimum,” he declared.
You stood up from your chair and stood close to him. He leaned into you and you put your hand on his shoulder. Your cheek gently touched his cheek when you whispered a soft “Thank you” into his ear.
Your closeness and your scent intoxicated him. His one hand wrapped automatically around your middle and pulled you closer to him. The way you gave in to his movement without any hesitation came so naturally that he immediately felt wanted. He couldn't believe that you were just pretending to want him. But it was maybe just your art of seduction and your magic allure that blurred his mind and made him succumb to you.
When you arrived at the hotel and finally in the same suite as the last time, you both didn't waste any time. You quickly prepared the things you needed to be prepared and put your kimono and a lace bra on the backrest of the chair. The purpose of being here again was more than clear. Loki took his jacket off, as well as the waistcoat and the tie. He would need the tie later. He opened his shirt completely but let the hem stay in the waistband of his trousers. He took a seat in the armchair and spread his long legs wide.
You stood opposite him, getting off of your high-heeled sandals and watching him getting partly undressed and taking a seat in the leather armchair, his shirt completely open. Every muscle in his arms and thighs and torso was flexing and relaxing while doing it and it sent a shiver down your spine and directly to your cunt. When there was one thing you hated, that disgusted you to the core, it was men sitting with wide-spread legs. Normally it disgusted you but Loki doing it did something to you, you had never expected. It aroused you, you wanted to sit on his lap or … humping one of his beautiful, muscled thighs. God, if you didn't shove those thoughts away immediately you would've turned into a wanton whore sooner than you thought. Nonetheless, you couldn't stop staring at his prominent bulge. This man was too sexy. His whole body screamed sex.
“Do you like what you see?" he teased you, an arrogant grin on his face while slowly rolling up the sleeves of his shirt.
“I asked, do you like what you see?” And he placed his now bare forearms on the armrest of the armchair again, his long fingers curling around the ends.
“I hate it when a guy sits like a man whore.” Loki chuckled darkly, smugness written all over his face.
“You like it!”
“I hate it,” you murmured.
“Liar! Come here, Sugar!” Loki pronounced every single word, his voice deep and rich.
You looked at him and a smirk appeared at the corner of your mouth. You shook your head lightly and rolled your eyes. You wanted him to play with you and the game had already started. You both were all in.
“Come.Here.” His voice dropped to subzero temperatures. Harsh, cold as if he could freeze the whole room into an ice cave.
A shiver ran down your spine again and you obeyed. You walked slowly toward him until you stood between his spread thighs. You stared down at him, his ocean-blue eyes glancing up and down between your eyes, your lips and your cleavage. You wanted to be cool and collected but you couldn't help the wetness between your thighs drenching your lace underwear. Why was he able to cause such arousal in your body? It was just sex. A sex appointment. A date, set by your escort agency. A consensual sex date to get some steam off. Just a natural need that you and he wanted to satisfy.
“Strip off your dress,” he commanded seductively.
You obeyed again. You loved to be told what to do next. Since when? You reached behind your back to pull the zipper down but had some struggle finding it.
“Could you please unzip me?” And you slowly turned around. You couldn't see him but you felt his gaze wandering up to your shoulders and down to your buttocks where his eyes remained for a moment.
He could smell you. The subtle scent of your perfume, the natural scent of your skin and the heavy, beguiling scent of your arousal.
“You're outrageously beautiful, Sugar,” he murmured and pulled your zipper slowly down. It was the most arousing sound you had heard for a long time. He was so close to you and you felt his breath fanning over your skin. You let your green dream of a dress slide down your shoulders and it pooled around your ankles and you stepped out of it, kicking it carefully aside.
Slowly he let his hands slide over your shoulders and flanks to your front and cupped your naked breasts carefully, teasing your nipples with his thumbs, making you sigh and moan. A warm tingling rushed through your veins but a coolness rushed over your skin as if a god would touch a mortal to make said mortal shiver in submission.
“Get your bra,” he whispered to your ear, nibbling at the soft skin of your neck. You did as he told you and he took the flimsy lace bra from your hand, put it on you, and closed the clasp of your bra. From the last time, he remembered that you felt better leaving your bra on. And he wanted you to feel comfortable.
“Am I still allowed to play with you?” He asked quietly.
“Yes, yes you are,” you whispered and turned around to face him.
Loki made some steps backwards, sat down again in the leather armchair, leaned back and spread his long legs wide.
Loki's heartbeat quickened and his mouth watered when he saw you in your tantalizing black lingerie. The flimsy lace bra emphasized your cleavage and cupped your breasts perfectly. Your peaked rosy nipples were on display for him through the transparent lace and he felt his cock throbbing with anticipation. He was on edge and he would've loved to take you instantly, roughly, thrusting his cock deep inside of you until you were a dripping mess, screaming his name. But he wanted to take his time with you, enjoy you, seduce you slowly till you were begging him to fuck you. And he would make sure you never needed to fake an orgasm again. With him, every orgasm of yours would be a real one. He would take good care of it and he wanted you to enjoy it to the fullest without feeling ashamed or bad.
“How do you want me?” You asked him softly, your lips slightly parted. Your plump lips drove him crazy. He wished he were allowed to kiss these beautiful lips of yours. He could just imagine how deliciously they must taste.
“I want you to suck my dick. I want you to suck and lick it extensively,” he demanded, testing you. How far would you allow him to go? The imagination alone of your lips wrapped around his cock made him harden.
“Okay. But you won't cum in my mouth. I don't like swallowing your sperm. You can cum over my breasts…and don't hit my face!”
“With that I can deal,” Loki answered darkly.
You didn't like sucking cock at all and the last time you completely ruled it out. Not to talk about swallowing sperm. But it seemed possible to suck him, this handsome guy and you wondered why. You told him you wanted to try new things and so you wanted to give it a try.
You knelt between his thighs, unbuckled his belt and opened his trousers. You reached into his briefs and pulled out his dick along with his balls. Loki moaned quietly and you could just let out a small gasp when you saw his erection. You saw his cock for the first time tonight because the first time when he slept with you, he had blindfolded you before he got rid of his clothes. Loki was a bit bigger down there than the other men you had had sex with. And his cock was… beautiful, pretty even. Perfectly formed in length and thickness, his tip swollen and leaking pre-cum, the veins on the underside pulsating in anticipation, his balls heavy and hot. Your mouth watered and you couldn't wait to suckle him. You had never expected to think about a guy's cock like you did right here and now.
“Am I allowed to place my hands on your thighs?”
Loki hesitated for a moment before he permitted you to do so. If he lost control, nothing would be noticeable there for you. And he still wasn't sure if he was able to stand your touch. But he gave it a try.
“Yes,” he moaned, and you placed your hands there.
You lowered your head and licked a stripe from base to tip. Torturously slow. Once, twice, then you took his cock head gently into your mouth and let your tongue swirl over and around his sensitive tip. You released him with a plop and licked your lips. He tasted so good. Sweet and salty and you craved for more. You gave him a devouring look and turned your attention to his balls. With your hand, you gave him light strokes while you kissed and sucked his balls and when you bit them gently, Loki whimpered loudly. His cock got rock-hard, aching for your warm mouth. How could he even get harder than he already was?
His scent intoxicated you. The smell of musk and the natural scent of his skin, manly and heavy, awoke a kind of lust in your body that you didn't know you had inside of you. Unbridled, initial desire. You were dripping wet and you weren't sure if you were already soaking the floor with your juices.
His breathing became heavier, filled with whimpers and moans. Loki was so turned on that he nearly forgot to blindfold you.
“Should we get you more comfortable, Luke? Lift your ass for me,” you asked him quietly and pulled his trousers and his briefs completely down and took them off completely. While his ass wasn't placed back on the armchair again you took the chance and you caressed his buttocks and kneaded them firmly. Loki sat down again but now he rather laid in the armchair than sit on it so you were able to continue cupping his ass cheeks in your hands and kneading them tenderly. You started to lick his cock again and he gently blindfolded you with his tie.
You flattened your tongue and licked his tip like a popsicle, stimulating his frenulum tenderly but firmly, testing the waters of what he might like. You didn't want to hurt him. Your one hand fondled his balls, carefully and tenderly scratching over the skin. Loki moaned and sighed heavily, writhing under your merciless but delicious torture. You took his unbelievingly hard cock into your mouth again, hollowed your cheeks and started to suck the life out of him.
“Fuck…Sugar I can't…I can't take it…much longer,” he whimpered.
You sped up your pace, your head bobbing up and down in a steady rhythm, sucking and licking him until his eyes fluttered shut, his head leaning back against the armchair's backrest, his fingers clawing into the armrest. You felt him tensing up and shivers ran through his body and you were sure he would come soon. His arousal and writhing and the way he allowed you to own him in this moment made your cunt throbbing and dripping with need. You wanted to get off as well, you never felt so needy before. Never before was any other man able to do this to you.
“I'm…fuck…I'm coming…fuck…,” and he withdrew his cock from your mouth instantly, grabbed his cock and stroked himself two more times. The coil in his lower abdomen snapped and a mind-blowing orgasm washed over him, and he ejaculated in thick ropes all over your breasts. The sight of you blindfolded and letting him come all over your precious bosom doubled his satisfaction.
“Luke…please…” You didn't know what you were begging for but the feeling of his warm sperm running down your cleavage made your head spin. You still knelt between his legs, still blindfolded and dying because of arousal, your clit throbbing and yearning for attention. Loki came slowly down from his high, his cock still hard.
“Come here sweet thing,” and he grabbed you carefully by your upper arms and pulled you onto his lap.
“You took me so well, you're talented, sweet thing. You know exactly what you do, don't you? And now you will get off on my thigh, sweet girl. Want to ride my thigh, hm? Rub your needy clit over my leg and drench me with your arousal. Come, sweet thing, drive me wild…” he moaned lasciviously, guiding your hips when you began to gyrate them back and forth to get the friction to work yourself to much-needed relief. You placed your hands on the backrest of the armchair, your forehead close to his. You felt the warmth of an orgasm rising in your stomach and you moaned and whimpered breathlessly. It felt heavenly, he felt heavenly. And these feelings were all you had because you were still blindfolded. You were already on edge when Loki took one of your peaked nipples into his mouth, suckling and nipping it through the thin lace of your bra.
“Oh god…please…” you moaned. You needed to cum. Now. But Loki stopped your gyrating movements by holding your hips firmly.
“You will come around my cock, sweet thing. No fake orgasm this time, Sugar!”
“Close…I'm so close…please…”
“I know, I'll let you cum, be patient, sweet thing and don't move,” and you heard how he unfoiled a condom. Mere seconds later he lifted you from his thigh, shoved your lace thong aside and slid you carefully down onto his fully erect length, giving you enough time to accommodate his cock and get adjusted to him. He didn't want to hurt you. He would never forgive himself if he would cause you any kind of pain. You whimpered because of how deliciously he stretched and filled you and you were still in desperate need to cum.
“Are you okay, Sugar?” He asked quietly and concernedly. “Can I move?”
“Yes …yes please, I need you,” you answered desperately.
“Good girl, taking me so well. Fuck… you're so pretty…so tight…you've such a pretty cunt.”
Loki guided your movements, made you hop up and down and when you both had found a comfortable rhythm he thrust firmly upwards, faster, deeper, hitting your inner spot at a perfect angle. He took your nipple in his mouth again, nipping, sucking and licking it until it couldn't get any harder and changed to your other breast to torture that nipple in the same delicious way. At this point, you were a moaning, whimpering mess. You felt his cock throbbing inside of you, every vein and ridge massaging you straight towards your climax. It had never felt that good.
“Cum, cum all over my cock, show me how much you want it, Sugar. Scream for me!” And his one hand reached down to your throbbing clit and he pinched and rubbed your swollen bud purposefully. His thrusts became sloppier, he felt his own orgasm rising and he rubbed your clit faster than before.
“Cum…fuck…cum for me…now…” and right on cue you exploded. Your orgasm was intense and not only your cunt but also your whole body was convulsing and shaking and your toes curling.
“Good girl…you're such a…good girl.” Loki's abdominal muscles tensed up, his body shaking when he felt your walls clenching around his cock and it made him orgasm harder than before. You collapsed against each other, bathing in post-orgasmic bliss. This time you didn't fake it. This time you truly had an orgasm and it felt good, so damn good. For both of you.
When you came down from your highs you both chuckled in unison and Loki removed the blindfold from your eyes. They needed a moment to adjust to the dimmed lights of the hotel room again and you could swear there was a light shimmer of blue on Loki's skin. But then you were sure you had just imagined it and blamed the blindfolding for it.
“I'm sorry. I made a big mess out of you,” Loki chuckled.
“Don't worry about it, Luke Larsson. I'll take a shower after you've left. But we still have some time until midnight.” You released his cock, stood up from his lap and you instantly missed the warm feeling of him inside of you. You were still a little weak in your knees.
“Did you enjoy it this time, Sugar?” Loki asked you softly.
“The more important thing is you enjoyed it,” you answered him smilingly.
“That's not the answer to my question, sweets.”
“Why do men always need the confirmation that they were good and are a grenade in the bedroom department?” You contered sarcastically.
“That wasn't my question either. I don't need confirmation that…”
“You're being very self-confident, aren't you? Do we have a god-complex, Mr.Larsson?”
“Why do you have to destroy it, Sugar? I just wanted to know if you enjoyed it and if you're okay.” Loki sounded disappointed and sad and you instantly regretted your rude answer and your behaviour genuinely. You were afraid of your feelings again. You saw him heading for the bathroom and heard him opening the faucet of the sink. You followed him. He was cleaning himself, tossing the condom into the bin and preparing a washcloth with warm water. You stood next to him, facing him in the mirror.
“I'm sorry, Luke. I didn't intend to be mean. I did enjoy it. It felt good, really. I'm just not used to getting so much attention and care afterwards, you know. But please, Luke…don't catch feelings for me. I'm just your escort.” You smiled mildly at him. Your heart clenched when you saw how sad he looked at you. You liked him more than you were ready to admit.
“No worries about that. I won't catch feelings for you, Sugar.” A lie, a perfect lie from a perfect liar. That was what he always has been and always will be, a liar.
“I just wanted you to feel comfortable around me.” And he turned towards you, the washcloth in his hand. You wanted to take it out of his hand to clean your cleavage and stomach from his now sticky seed but he didn't give it to you.
“Let me do this, sweet thing. It's the one thing I'd like to do for you,” and he began to gently clean you. His actions were so soft and caring. You wished you could have this tenderness every day. But not with anyone, no, it had to be him.
'Don't fall in love with him, just don't, you foolish girl' you cursed inwardly.
“I destroyed your lingerie. I'm sorry for that. You looked so tempting and sexy in it, and it was wonderful to have sex with you dressed in this hot lace.”
“A bit kinky, hmm? Lingerie, a blindfold, commanding me…” you stated and smiled.
“Watch your mouth, sweet thing. Don't be a brat.”
“What if I'm bratty? Will you punish me next time?”
You both chuckled and looked into each other's eyes. There weren't only mischievous and lusty thoughts. There was something else. Sympathy, harmony, trust. You two didn't know how or why but you felt drawn to each other.
“Well, the biggest mess got cleaned,” Loki said after he finally cleaned you from his seed and smiled at you.
“Thank you! That was very sweet and thoughtful of you,” you said gratefully.
“My pleasure!" He answered with his deep voice, wrapping around you like a soft blanket. You wished you had a boyfriend like him. Attentive, affectionate and gentle. And not only in a sexual way. With a boyfriend like him, you surely haven't ended up here, as an escort with a man you liked more than you were allowed to like, not to talk about you weren't allowed to fall in love with. You made these rules yourself and you would never break them. Anyway, a man like him would never want to have someone like you as his partner in life. Why should he choose you when he could have any other woman who was smarter, more beautiful and more decent than you? Under different circumstances, you two might have had a chance but now your life was fucked up. You wished you would've met him before you became an escort but it was what it was and you couldn't turn back the time.
You walked back to the main room, took on your kimono and climbed into the bed. You curled up on one side and pulled the duvet over you.
“Are you okay, sweet thing?” Loki asked you softly when he found you lying in bed under the sheets when he returned to the main room as well, dressed in his briefs and his open shirt.
“Mhmh…,” you murmured sleepily. “I'm just tired.”
Loki climbed onto the bed, leaning his torso against the cushions on the headboard. You looked so innocent and cute with your head snuggled deeply into the fluffy pillows. He watched you dozing and he smiled lovingly at you.
“I'll stay until midnight if it's okay for you,” he whispered and you nodded slightly. It made him smile again. He hated cuddling after sex and cuddling without sex even more. But suddenly you came closer and in your sleepy state you draped your leg over his, curled your hand around his waist and your head snuggled into his chest as if he was a damn comfy pillow or a plushie. A sugar angel sleeping in the arms of a monster. He shouldn't enjoy it. He shouldn't touch you. His hands were the hands of a killer, a liar. Hands that fit easily around a gun or a neck. He shouldn't hold a precious woman like you in his embrace.
He wrapped his arm tightly around you and pulled you closer to his chest. You must've fallen asleep, your breathing became calm and deep. You felt so soft and warm and good in his arms and he stole a little kiss by pressing his lips softly on the top of your head. It wasn't a direct part of your face, was it? He closed his eyes for just one short moment because he had to leave soon but he wanted to enjoy every minute he had with you. Maybe aftercare wasn't as bad as he probably thought.
A loud banging at the hotel suite’s door and a loud man’s voice woke him up.
“Sugar? Sugar!” The banging became more violent. “Sugar, are you okay? Sugar, open the door, if not I'll have to break down the door.” It was Walker, deeply concerned because you hadn't been back by the limousine right in time. You also hadn't sent an emergency message. Loki shook you awake when he got aware that you both had fallen asleep.
“Sugar, wake up, Sugar…,” Loki tried to wake you up.
“I'm so tired…I just want…to sleep. Just… a few minutes…just a bit longer…,” you murmured, still sleepy when you heard the banging at the door.
“Sugar, I break the door open! Now!”
All of a sudden you were wide awake. You jumped out of the bed and ran to the door hurriedly. You flung the door open right in time before Walker would break it down.
“I'm okay, Walker, I'm okay,” you gasped in shock, breathing heavily. “Everything is fine,” you told Walker, appeasing.
“Are you sure?” Walker asked concernedly. He peeked into the suite and saw Loki getting dressed.
“Yes, I'm absolutely sure, Walker. I'm so sorry for frightening you but…we…we fell asleep. Mr.Larsson did nothing wrong, I assure you, he behaved decently,” you told Walker and he trusted you. You'd tell him if there was anything that wasn't okay for you. “Please give us a few minutes, we will just get ready,” you asked him.
“Okay, I'll wait for you by the limousine,” Walker answered, throwing a warning look at Loki, who didn't show any reaction towards Walker. You nodded once at Walker and closed the door, leaning against it and taking a deep breath.
“Didn't you tell me, you don't do aftercare?” you questioned Luke teasingly and slightly laughing.
“I did.”
“Do you know what it's called what you did for me in the bathroom and by lying in bed with me sleeping?”
Loki buttoned his shirt upwards, leaving the last three open, buckled his belt, put his waistcoat on, slid into his shoes and looked smilingly at you.
“You tell me,” he asked you and grabbed his jacket from the sofa and his tie from the armchair and draped them over his arm.
“The loveliest aftercare I've ever gotten. Thank you, Luke… also for this wonderful evening, the dress and…”
Loki walked towards you and cupped your head gently between his large hands. They were so soft and felt comfortably cool on your warm skin, that you had to suppress a shiver. He leaned down and pressed a tender, featherlight kiss to your forehead and you closed your eyes.
“No, Luke, please…please don't do that …,” you whispered with teary eyes.
“I know I'm not allowed to kiss your pretty face but I care about you and I want you to know that. I know you could call Walker immediately and tell him to beat me up and throw me out… but it's worth the risk.”
He leaned his forehead slightly against yours and his warm breath fanned over your face. And there it was again. The spicy aroma of something you couldn't specify mixed with his comforting scent of fresh cotton, sandalwood and orange blossoms.
“I just hope that all the other men you meet handle you with all the respect and care you deserve. Thank you for this wonderful evening and night, sweet thing. It was such a pleasure. I felt very comfortable with you. When can we meet again? What about tomorrow?” Loki asked, his voice dark and smooth. He was a picture of pure elegance and arrogance but also gentleness, and his eyes staring longingly at you while waiting for your answer. Would you ever be able to be without him?
“I'm sorry Luke. I already have appointments for the next three evenings.”
“Okay. Then I call the agency tomorrow and ask for another date with you. A club night? Dinner? Would you like that?” He asked you softly.
“Uh hmmh! Sounds good.” You seemed insecure and indifferent but he didn't ask you further.
“Good night, Sugar and take care of you.”
“Good night, Luke… and sleep well.”
Should you hug him? Should you tell him that he's the only one you were sleeping with? Did he already sense it? He had almost left the suite…
“Luke…”,you stopped him in his actions by calling his name and he turned around, facing you. You ran to him and fiercely flung your arms around his neck which obviously caught him off guard. He hugged you back, not knowing what to say.
“Luke Larsson, you might be the only one I take with me to this suite,” you whispered into his ear and for a brief moment you felt safe in the arms of a man who'll never love you back. “Say something …please say something,” you begged him and let go of him to look into his eyes.
He rubbed a thumb tenderly over your lips, his eyes teary.
“You shouldn't be an escort. You should leave the agency. You're too precious for that business. But if you'd do that, I'd never see you again. So I don't know what I should wish for. You being an escort so that I can still meet you but sharing you with other men or knowing you're safe and protected, away from that business but never be able to see you ever again. It both hurts, Sugar… and I know I've already let you come too close to my heart.”
“I can't quit this job, Luke. And maybe someone like you is the only reason that keeps me going. I'd love to meet you again next week. We could go to a nightclub, it doesn't have to be Vivian's Velvet. You can choose another one and afterwards you can have me again,” you offered him, your voice almost breaking. You better contain yourself and not show him that you don't want to let him go.
“In the beginning that was exactly what I didn't want and somehow you convinced me otherwise. You already know that I want to meet you again next week. You, and you alone decide what you want to do afterwards and please don't feel obliged to sleep with me. But you should also know that I'd never deny you. Good night, sweet thing. Promise me to get dressed now and let Walker drive you home. You need some sleep.”
“Promised,” you nodded. He was right. You were tired beyond belief.
When he finally had left, you opened your hair bun, got dressed in casual clothes and Walker drove you home. The whole time until you arrived at your apartment you held the wildflower bouquet in your hand, thinking of him.
“I'm sorry if I scared you, y/n but I was truly concerned.”
“It's okay, Walker, you just did your job. I should be sorry for frightening you… we just fell asleep, I was so tired.”
“Understandable, you are on the road seven days a week. You should take a break. You won't last forever.”
“I know Walker but I have no other choice,” you sighed.
“There's always a choice, y/n…and Mr Larsson likes you if not more,” and he grinned at you through the rear-view mirror, watching you gently touching the flowers Luke had given to you. You smiled tormented back at him.
“He doesn't know me, it's just my pretty shell he likes.”
“You might underestimate him. Sometimes you just have to ask for help and help will be given to you,” Walker told you wisely. Maybe he was right. If it just were that easy.
Next chapter things will change 👀👀
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rhapsodynew · 3 days
#Night broadcast📌
The instrument that changed the sound of rock: the mellotron.
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The mellotron is a musical instrument, a kind of analog synthesizer developed in the early 60s. He has a unique hypnotic sound and without him, many compositions of psychedelic and progressive rock of the 60s and 70s would have turned out much less interesting.
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Mike Pinder (Moody Blues) behind the mellotron
The idea was successful for its time: inside the mellotron there are looped tape tapes that are played when certain keys are pressed. The sound turns out to be completely unearthly, ghostly.
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One of the first recordings released on which he can be heard was Baby Can It Be True by The Graham Bond Organization (1965).
The following year, Manfred Mann used it to arrange their Semi-Detached single, Suburban Mr. James.
Mike Pinder from The Moody Blues became a great enthusiast of the instrument: he sounds on all the albums of the band from 1967-78. He also introduced the Beatles to the mellotron, and they instantly used it on the recordings of Strawberry Fields Forever.
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It was possible to replenish the musical bank of the instrument with completely different sounds - starting from the sounds of various instruments and ending with the sounds of fireworks, sirens, sounds of battles, the noise of rain, wind, thunderstorms, the sound of the surf, etc., the duration of such tracks could not exceed a duration of more than 8 seconds, given the design feature of the instrument and the length of the magnetic tape, which the track was being recorded. And after playing 8 seconds of recording, the pickup head returned to its original position, and the recording was looped in this way (a kind of sample was obtained).
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And after that, mellotrons began to be in great demand. King Crimson, for example, purchased two of them at once!
Let's just remember and listen to some of the compositions to which this wonderful instrument gives its magical aura.
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hphmmatthewluther · 7 months
Weekend With the Grays - Day 2: The Welcome Ball III
It's time for the next part! Once again thank you to @endlessly-cursed for organising this event and for Prim! This story also features @camillejeaneshphm 's Helen, mentions of their Lillian, and belonging to @gaygryffindorgal, Malcolm!
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Time passed, and soon the ball was in full swing, with couples dancing to and fro through the large room. This included Fred and Helen, who were thoroughly enjoying the experience. The taller of the two looked around the two as they moved in rhythm with each other. "It's nothing like what we have back home, but...it's pretty damn good either way."
Fred simply smiled up at her as they span across the floor. In spite of the relative height difference, he had learnt to get pretty good at dancing with someone taller than him. Though, it must be said that his ability to pause time to briefly reorient himself helped a lot. "Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it, at least..."
Helen clicked her tongue. "Don't tell me you're still worried about Atticus. He got here, didn't he?" she pointed out. "You got a bad feeling about him being left on his own?"
Fred shrugged as they span across the floor. "Something like that. I dunno, see, I think his family might be pressuring him to move on a lot quicker than he's able to."
Helen rolled her eyes. "Y'know, that'd explain it. His family have never exactly been...understanding of him. Or his sister, either."
"He always was rather vocal about how much his family irritated and tried to control him, minus Josephine of course. It was..."
Fred's hair fluttered between colours for a moment, settling on a darker red. "It was one of the things he and Lilly bonded over."
Through the crowd, Fred made out Atticus standing in the corner, his shadow stretching out above him a little, fluttering as if in the cold wind that howled outside. His eyes were fixated upon the floor, as if unable to look at the ongoing ball. He wanted to go over, but Helen proceeded to twirl him before he could do anything. She stopped him and from this position he watched as Prim and Malcolm walked over to Atticus. "He may be your best mate, Fred, but they're the hosts. They'll handle it."
Atticus didn't move his head as Prim approached, Malcolm behind her. His head felt strange, overloaded, as it normally did these days. That was how he viewed it now, the time after. These days.
In spite of his admittedly defeatist view, it was clear that Prim was not going to let him into her estate just to sulk in the corner. Thinking this through, he finally looked up before bowing his head a little. "Lady Primrose...Malcolm...apologies. I was just...thinking."
"You always are," Malcolm said, trying to help. Atticus shrugged at the words. He couldn't exactly argue against that.
"Atticus," Prim began, studying his expression, "It is wonderful to see you. I wish for you to truly enjoy your time here at Winbourne, and I think you will enjoy yourself even further if you were to join in the dancing."
Atticus straightened his back a little, the fluttery shadow behind him shrinking in response. "...I fear I am out of practice. It has been a while since I last danced." His stomach twisted in upon itself as he trailed off, neither him nor Primrose having to say aloud who the last person he'd dance with was.
"I understand your trepidation, Atticus. But believe me when I say you are not betraying yourself or anyone else by dancing once more. And don't start about how nobody would want to dance with you." she said pointedly. Atticus' words dried up in his mouth, Malcolm looking on with an amused expression as this avatar of ancient shadow magic stood powerless before the Viscountess of Winbourne.
"...Ok." He said finally. "...I will try."
"Good!" Prim said, bringing her hands together. "What's more, I'm not opposed to dancing with you, and perhaps Mrs Graham would be too?" she said as they passed Helen and Fred, the former smirking and rolling her eyes.
"That's her way of saying "maybe"." Atticus said, unable to stop himself from smirking too.
"Splendid. Though she seems rather preoccupied with her husband at the moment, as I will be with mine for a while. Still, I am quite sure there will be partner here willing to dance with...what was it they called you in France...Le Phantome?"
Atticus couldn't help it. He laughed, and a bit of that light returned to his eyes. "Perhaps. Honestly, though, you cause one international incident trying to rescue your sister and people never let it go..."
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sporcafaccenda · 9 months
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Simon ARBELLOT "Les hallucinés des Gobelins" Le Masque 554, LCE 1956
》》(….)Allons, allons, il n'était tout de même plus un enfant et une ou deux lampes allumées ne signifiaient pas la fin du monde. Et en mettant les choses au pire, le cambrioleur était sûrement parti. Y avait-il même un cambrioleur ? Il allait en avoir le cœur net, que diable! Et bravement, la canne à la main, il traversa le vestibule, arriva au salon et, d'un geste décidé, ouvrit la porte vitrée. Il recula, effrayé : là, au milieu de la pièce, un homme immobile était assis dans un fauteuil, le regard dur fixé sur lui. C'était un être sinistre: vêtu, coiffé, ganté de noir, le visage glabre et maigre avec deux yeux brillants de fièvre et qui s'était levé d'un bond au moment où la porte s'ouvrait, sa haute silhouette sembla vaciller et, tout d'une pièce, le corps raidi,la face en avant, sans proférer le moindre son , il tomba sur le tapis. Tout ceci se passa en moins d'une seconde, avant même que M.Barfleur ait pu ouvrir la bouche pour lui crier: "Qui êtes-vous ? Que faites-vous chez moi?" Les mots s'étaient arrêtés dans sa gorge. Il se tenait là maintenant, stupide et sans voix, devant ce long corps noir étendu sur le tapis d'Aubusson. En rentrant, au matin, dans l'appartement, les domestiques trouvèrent leur maître prostré et hagard dans un coin du salon, les yeux fixés sur le visiteur nocturne. L'émotion avait été trop forte. Deux jours après, M.Barfleur mourait de trouble nerveux, à la maison de Santé où il avait été transporté d'urgence, sans avoir pu expliquer aux enquêteurs la présence chez lui, en cette nuit de janvier, de l'Homme en Noir.》》
Brrrr. Quelle frousse dès le début….😱 Une enquête où nous retrouvons Picot, passé commissaire, et Jacques Boivin, son ami des Beaux-Arts; les enquêteurs du "Mystère du Dragon d'Or" sont à nouveau à pied d'oeuvre.
Une bien étrange affaire, en vérité, où plusieurs victimes de chantage ou d'extorsion finissent par se suicider ou décéder de curieuse façon. Toujours, un personnage différent, insaisissable, inconnu de la Justice, semble avoir été mêlé aux événements, peut-être guidé par une main invisible, hypnotisé ? Mesmerisé?😬 Les victimes, quant à elles, semblent avoir un passé qui n'a pas toujours été exempt de tous reproches. Seraient-elles les cibles d'une vengeance? Picot et Boivin prennent la piste d'une oeuvre de Charité et de Bienfaisance - "Les Amis de la Vérité " - installée aux Gobelins. Que se passe-t-il derrière la façade de cette organisation marrainée par la richissime et alcoolique Lady Graham? Etc…
Comme dans "Le Mystère du Dragon d'Or", l'action est censée se passer en 1950, mais tout fleure bon les années 1920/30 - les conceptions, les protagonistes, les descriptions… En ce qui me concerne, cela redouble plutôt l'intérêt du roman.
Art: La façade occidentale des Gobelins Aquarelle anonyme, 1823
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#Simon Arbellot #Le Masque #Mystery
#romans policiers
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Thank you!
1. Storms - Fleetwood Mac
2. Bella Donna - Stevie Nicks
3. Go For It - Djo
4. Figure It Out - Orla Gartland
5. Wade in the Water (Live At Klooks Kleek) - The Graham Bond Organisation
Send me a “♫” and I will put my music on shuffle and give you a 5 song playlist
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sarahlancashire · 1 year
i realised that on my last reblog i forgot some things! also i was forced to omit a few things bc i ran out of tag space oops ("nobody cares, lamorna" - shut up i need to document this correctly)
so let's explain:
saw belinda lang in present laughter (also saw serena evans in that!! and david from cold feet robert bathurst, but he's less important to me); the reluctant debutante (also saw jane asher in it!!); and single spies
old times: met kristin scott thomas, saw lia williams + rufus sewell
the audience: met helen mirren + haydn gwynne (this was also the day when i chased jenny agutter accidentally, and i saw anne reid + stephen tompkinson going through the stage door)
passion play: met sam bond, zoe wanamaker, and lyndsey marshal (she wasn't in the play, she was just there with zoe), saw owen teale
the weir: saw dervla kirwan, met ardal o'hanlon + brian cox
private lives: met anna chancellor
the importance of being earnest: met cherie lunghi + nigel havers
relatively speaking (i went to an ayckbourn play for felicity. this is true love and dedication) met felicity kendal
the national theatre masterclasses: went to penelope wilton + david hare's one, saw them (saw penelope out front beforehand!!), met penelope afterwards
also went to amelia bullmore's masterclass, along w lots of my lovely mutuals 💖; we all met her and talked to her at length
kiss me, kate: saw hannah waddingham
guys and dolls: saw sophie thompson, and phyllida law (her + emma's mother) was in the audience
a damsel in distress: saw summer strallen
mrs. pat: saw penelope keith
oklahoma!: saw josie lawrence (also saw her + paul merton at the comedy store one time)
me and my girl: saw caroline quentin, also matt lucas
fleetwood mac: i've seen them live twice, once with chris mcvie
once there was an event that a choir my mum + i used to be in were invited to sing at, and a lot of the other performers / organisers were famous people: julie graham was one of the organisers, so i saw her, alison moyet was performing (i'd already been to one of her concerts, but not met her yet), so i met her then (she hugged me!!!!) and emma kennedy was there bc she and alf are best friends so i stood near her awkwardly; and caitlin moran was also a speaker so i saw her (backstage and onstage) too; and my mum spoke to her
my mum once won tickets to see a bbc show being filmed, and it happened to be upstart crow (you don't choose what you see, you just get allocated something by the bbc people), so we were on set with david mitchell, liza tarbuck, gemma whelan
i've told the story of being caught in the fire w the new tricks actors + sarah beeny SO many times, but i will tell it again if anyone else wants to hear it
comedians/-ennes i've seen live: ed byrne (twice), alan davies, omid djalili, rich hall (i wasn't that keen on seeing omid or rich but my mum made us all go with her and they were better than i'd expected them to be), zoe lyons, tim vine
and finally: i live in the same town as dave benson phillips (of get your own back, british blue's clues, various other children's television), and he used to be (might still be, for all i know) the next door neighbour of a family friend, so i met him at a party at their house once as a child
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speculativism · 3 months
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msvblight · 8 months
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I need some assistance naming a new OC of mine.
He's from the same setting as Delilah, Graham and Joey, and he works for the same organisation.
He does, however, focus more on the occult and arcane. Having ritualistically removed his own eyes and replaced them with ancient coins - giving him a paranormal "sight beyond sight".
"I can see in the dark, can you?"
Furthermore in battle he works in tandem with his familiar, a Church Grim that bonded to him after its graveyard was removed to make way for a building. The Church Grim, which he has named Baskerville, by default takes the form of a black Labrador. Though in a fight it becomes more monstrous, at times simple a shadowy blob with vague canine features. At times even simply being a mouth emerging from the shadows - a favourite move is for him to tell Baskerville to "fetch" and the Grim will bite down on a target.
Outside of this he is good natured, if not eccentric with a passion for most things gothic. He also tends to "collect" strange animals. Outside of Baskerville he also has two mundane but still strange pets. A cat that was born with a third eye on its forehead that he's named Grimalkin - and an albino raven named Poe.
Anyway, with that ramble out of the way, I desperately need a name for this character. So I can stop calling him "Coin Eye Guy" lmao
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on a c. 1964 EMI promotional shot of THE GRAHAM BOND ORGANISATION (a.k.a. GBO), a British jazz/rhythm and blues group of the mid-1960s consisting of bandleader Graham Bond, saxophonist Dick Heckstall-Smith, and the rhythm section of Jack Bruce, & Ginger Baker.
"This one’s 2am with a matte black finish. The Organisation’s take on the traditional blues holler done up in the hands of mid-sixties young blues freaks and jazzbos. A tonic by the way of The Graham Bond Organization’s "The Sound of 65.""
-- AQUARIUM DRUNKARD, on the GBO track "Early in the Morning" (1965)
Graham Bond✝ – Hammond organ, vocals, Mellotron, alto saxophone
Dick Heckstall-Smith✝ – tenor saxophone
Jack Bruce✝ – electric and acoustic basses, vocals, harmonica
Ginger Baker✝ – drums
Source: https://aquariumdrunkard.com/2013/05/20/the-graham-bond-organisation-early-in-the-morning.
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rastronomicals · 1 year
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9:26 AM EST January 13, 2023:
Graham Bond Organisation - "It's Not Goodbye" From the album Solid Bond (1970)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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bungitonthen · 10 months
all your love - john mayall's bluesbreakers
crawling up a hill - the zany woodruff operation
louise - anderson jones jackson
I love you - the graham bond organisation
I'm a man - the yardbirds
don't want you no more - the spencer davis group
I can't keep from crying sometimes - ten years after
jumping at shadows - duster bennett
charlie - the deviants
you shook me - jeff beck
ain't nothin' in rambln' - jo-ann kelly
love that burns - fleetwood mac
wang dang doodle - love sculpture
operator - alexis korner with robert plant
can blue men sing the whites - the bonzo dog doo dah band
walking - dr k's blues band
little woman you're so sweet - shakey vick
a stranger in your town - the climax chicago blues band
lord of the rings - downliners sect
(crawling up a hill: a journey through the british blues boom 1966-71)
drowned in wine ... some poor soul ... love s a sleeper ... stop for the traffic - through the heart of me ... wheels - family (a song for me)
good news, bad news ... willow tree ... holding the compass ... strange band - family (anyway)
take your partners ... children ... crinkley grin ... blind ... burning bridges ... in my own time - family (fearless)
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grad604-melody-tan · 10 months
SDL: Pohewa Pāhewa: a Māori design kaupapa
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Desna Whaanga-Schollum
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The way Desna's work approaches and discusses national identity ties it together. She works on projects with people from many different communities, business and design professionals, artists, and academics to get results that improve people, practises, and places. Desna is involved in Mori identity design, discourse, and stakeholder involvement in Aotearoa through design consulting, study, exhibitions, wnanga, speaking engagements, and governance roles.
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Tyrone Ohia
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Tyrone Ohia is a designer working out of Tmaki Makaurau. He is of the Ngti Pkenga and Ngi Te Rangi iwi. He grew up in Whanganui but was born in Tauranga, and now he runs the award-winning design business Extended Whnau out of Tmaki Makaurau. The studio is motivated by the desire to elevate and promote all parts of Te Ao Mori through design and, as such, works on a wide variety of projects with a wide variety of collaborators.
Graham Tipene
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“I grew up in Auckland at a time when the only place to see Māori representation in art was in the museum or the statue in downtown,” he says, referring to Molly Macalister’s 1967 bronze sculpture A Māori Figure in a Kaitaka Cloak. "I thought it wasn’t good enough and we needed to do better for our kids who don’t see themselves in their environment.”
Graham Tipene's art can be seen all over Tmaki Makaurau, from the impressive concrete panels in the Waterview Tunnel and the beautiful Tirohanga Whnui walking and cycle bridge in Albany to the Central City Library and the Te Ao Mrama (South Atrium) at the Auckland War Memorial Museum Tmaki Paenga Hira.
The carving behind him shows Kane Nepu Paora, the grandmother, and Mere Paea Tipene, the granddaughter, coming together in a hongi. This shows the tuakana-teina bond between the two women.
Below them are two manaia who live in the water on either side of the Tmaki Isthmus. Their names are Kaiwhare and Horotiu. They show an old, intangible link between each river and the value of the two waterways for getting from east to west. They are guardians, or kaitiaki, who keep us safe and help us understand their job through stories.
Johnson Witehira
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Johnson Witehira is of Tamahaki and Ngi T-te-auru origin. He is an artist, a designer, and a professor. He helped start both Waahi Wairua and Indigenous Design and Innovation Aotearoa (IDIA).
Since he got his PhD in Mori Visual Art in 2013, Johnson has been on a journey to bring Mori culture into every part of life in New Zealand. He was responsible for developing Mori designs for the Auckland City Council, TVNZ, the Auckland International Airport, and Waka Kotahi, the New Zealand Transport Authority. Other essential design projects include making the first set of Mori alphabet blocks, co-designing the PAKU gardening tools for kids, and making the first usable Mori-specific typeface.
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Zoe Black
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Zoe Black is the deputy head of Objectspace in Auckland, Aotearoa, New Zealand. She is Ngpuhi, Ngti Hine, and Pkeh. Since 2008, she has been working in art spaces. Her organising work has been mostly about building up communities and speaking up for craft and object art forms that don't get enough attention. She is the director in residence at Norwegian Crafts (2020–2022), where she works on projects that bring together the ways that Indigenous people in Aotearoa and Sápmi make things. Zoe Black helped put together the Embodied Knowledge issue of The Vessel, which was the third issue.
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brn1029 · 2 years
On this date in the complicated world of music….
October 25th
2015 - Marlo Henderson
American guitarist and saxophonist Marlo Henderson died aged 67. As a session musician he played on albums such as Off the Wall by Michael Jackson and worked with Paul McCartney and Minnie Riperton.
2014 - Jack Bruce
Jack Bruce, best known as one third of Cream died of liver disease aged 71. Bruce played bass, sang and was the principal songwriter in Cream, and his CV reads like a comprehensive guide to the British blues boom, with spells in Alexis Korner’s Blues Inc, the Graham Bond Organisation, John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers and Manfred Mann.
2004 - John Peel
John Peel died in Cuzco, Peru of a heart attack, aged 65. He was BBC’s longest-serving radio DJ and the first DJ to introduce the Ramones, The Smiths, Rod Stewart, Blur, the Sex Pistols, T Rex and others to the masses. He founded Dandelion Records in 1969, and was also known for his ‘Peel Sessions’, releases of live radio sessions. Peel was appointed an OBE in 1998.
2003 - Johnny Cash
Johnny Cash's step-daughter, Rosey Nix Adams and her fiddle player Jimmy Campbell were found dead on their tour bus in Clarksville, Tennessee from Carbon monoxide poisoning. Heaters that had been left on were blamed for the accident.
2002 - Richard Harris
Richard Harris, who had the 1968 US No.2 & UK No.4 hit 'MacArthur Park' died of cancer. The 72-year-old Irish-born actor had been undergoing chemotherapy at a private clinic in London. Though he charted three other times, Harris was better known for his acting roles on stage and film, most recently playing Albus Dumbledore in two Harry Potter films.
2001 - Jerry Garcia
13 law firms were still involved in claims to Grateful Dead guitarist Jerry Garcia's $10m estate six years after his death. Former wives & girlfriends continued to fight on how to distribute his estate and annual royalties of $4.6m.
2000 - William Martin
William Martin drummer with Sam The Sham & the Pharaohs died of a heart attack. The quintessential Tex-Mex band of the 1960s, had the 1965 US No.2 & UK No.11 single 'Wooly Bully'.
1997 - Johnny Cash
After falling over on stage when reaching for a guitar pick, Johnny Cash announced during a gig in Michigan that he was suffering from Parkinson's disease.
1992 - Roger Miller
Roger Miller died of died of lung and throat cancer in hospital in Los Angeles. Scored the 1965 UK No.1 & US No.4 single 'King Of The Road’. Miller won eleven Grammy Awards as a songwriter and seven Tony awards for writing the music and lyrics for 'Big River'. The Proclaimers had the 1990 UK No.9 hit with their version of 'King Of The Road.'
1975 - Art Garfunkel
Art Garfunkel was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with his version of 'I Only Have Eyes For You.' Written in 1934 for the film Dames the song was a No.2 hit for Ben Selvin in 1934 and most notably a hit for The Flamingos in 1959.
1970 - President Nixon
Speaking at a US radio conference, President Nixon asked programmers to ban all songs containing drug references.
1969 - Archies
'Sugar Sugar' by The Archies was at No.1 on the UK singles chart. It stayed at the top for eight weeks, and was also No.1 in the US, selling over six million copies worldwide. The Archies were a rock group based on comic book characters.
1968 - Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin played a gig at Surrey University, England. Although there are unconfirmed reports of earlier shows, this appears to be the band's first gig with their new name after initially performing as The New Yardbirds. In 2003 a poster for the Surrey gig (billing the group as The New Yardbirds) sold at auction for £2,400.
1968 - Jimi Hendrix
The double album 'Electric Ladyland' by the The Jimi Hendrix Experience was released. It was also made available as two albums with changed artwork after complaints about the naked women who were pictured on the sleeve. The female models were each paid £5 for the photo shoot and another £5 if they posed completely naked.
1966 - Jeff Healey
Aged 7 months old, Jeff Healey had his right eye surgical removed (and subsequently his left eye, 4 months later), and replaced with artificial ones, necessitated by a form of cancer of the eyes called retinoblastoma. Three years later Healey was given his first guitar by his father. At the age of 13, the Canadian guitarist formed his first band, Blue Direction.
1964 - Ed Sullivan
The Rolling Stones appeared for the first time on The Ed Sullivan Show from New York, performing ‘Around And Around’ and ‘Time Is On My Side’. A riot broke out in the studio, prompting Sullivan’s infamous quote, ‘I promise you they’ll never be back on our show again.’ The Rolling Stones went on to make a further five appearances on Sullivan’s show between 1965 and 1969.
1963 - The Beatles
The Beatles kicked off their first tour of Sweden by playing two shows at Nya Aulan, Sundstavagen, Karlstad, Sweden. The local pop reviewer was not impressed, saying The Beatles should be grateful to their screaming fans for drowning out the group's terrible performance, adding that The Beatles "were of no musical importance whatsoever and that their local support group, The Phantoms, decidedly outshone them."
1958 - Cliff Richard
Cliff Richard made his British radio debut on the BBC's 'Saturday Club.' The show had started life as Saturday "Skiffle" club in 1957 hosted by Brian Matthew and was broadcast from 10am to 12noon Saturday mornings on the BBC Light Programme.
October 25th
2015 - Marlo Henderson
American guitarist and saxophonist Marlo Henderson died aged 67. As a session musician he played on albums such as Off the Wall by Michael Jackson and worked with Paul McCartney and Minnie Riperton.
2014 - Jack Bruce
Jack Bruce, best known as one third of Cream died of liver disease aged 71. Bruce played bass, sang and was the principal songwriter in Cream, and his CV reads like a comprehensive guide to the British blues boom, with spells in Alexis Korner’s Blues Inc, the Graham Bond Organisation, John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers and Manfred Mann.
2004 - John Peel
John Peel died in Cuzco, Peru of a heart attack, aged 65. He was BBC’s longest-serving radio DJ and the first DJ to introduce the Ramones, The Smiths, Rod Stewart, Blur, the Sex Pistols, T Rex and others to the masses. He founded Dandelion Records in 1969, and was also known for his ‘Peel Sessions’, releases of live radio sessions. Peel was appointed an OBE in 1998.
2003 - Johnny Cash
Johnny Cash's step-daughter, Rosey Nix Adams and her fiddle player Jimmy Campbell were found dead on their tour bus in Clarksville, Tennessee from Carbon monoxide poisoning. Heaters that had been left on were blamed for the accident.
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2002 - Richard Harris
Richard Harris, who had the 1968 US No.2 & UK No.4 hit 'MacArthur Park' died of cancer. The 72-year-old Irish-born actor had been undergoing chemotherapy at a private clinic in London. Though he charted three other times, Harris was better known for his acting roles on stage and film, most recently playing Albus Dumbledore in two Harry Potter films.
2001 - Jerry Garcia
13 law firms were still involved in claims to Grateful Dead guitarist Jerry Garcia's $10m estate six years after his death. Former wives & girlfriends continued to fight on how to distribute his estate and annual royalties of $4.6m.
2000 - William Martin
William Martin drummer with Sam The Sham & the Pharaohs died of a heart attack. The quintessential Tex-Mex band of the 1960s, had the 1965 US No.2 & UK No.11 single 'Wooly Bully'.
1997 - Johnny Cash
After falling over on stage when reaching for a guitar pick, Johnny Cash announced during a gig in Michigan that he was suffering from Parkinson's disease.
1992 - Roger Miller
Roger Miller died of died of lung and throat cancer in hospital in Los Angeles. Scored the 1965 UK No.1 & US No.4 single 'King Of The Road’. Miller won eleven Grammy Awards as a songwriter and seven Tony awards for writing the music and lyrics for 'Big River'. The Proclaimers had the 1990 UK No.9 hit with their version of 'King Of The Road.'
1975 - Art Garfunkel
Art Garfunkel was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with his version of 'I Only Have Eyes For You.' Written in 1934 for the film Dames the song was a No.2 hit for Ben Selvin in 1934 and most notably a hit for The Flamingos in 1959.
1970 - President Nixon
Speaking at a US radio conference, President Nixon asked programmers to ban all songs containing drug references.
1969 - Archies
'Sugar Sugar' by The Archies was at No.1 on the UK singles chart. It stayed at the top for eight weeks, and was also No.1 in the US, selling over six million copies worldwide. The Archies were a rock group based on comic book characters.
1968 - Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin played a gig at Surrey University, England. Although there are unconfirmed reports of earlier shows, this appears to be the band's first gig with their new name after initially performing as The New Yardbirds. In 2003 a poster for the Surrey gig (billing the group as The New Yardbirds) sold at auction for £2,400.
1968 - Jimi Hendrix
The double album 'Electric Ladyland' by the The Jimi Hendrix Experience was released. It was also made available as two albums with changed artwork after complaints about the naked women who were pictured on the sleeve. The female models were each paid £5 for the photo shoot and another £5 if they posed completely naked.
1966 - Jeff Healey
Aged 7 months old, Jeff Healey had his right eye surgical removed (and subsequently his left eye, 4 months later), and replaced with artificial ones, necessitated by a form of cancer of the eyes called retinoblastoma. Three years later Healey was given his first guitar by his father. At the age of 13, the Canadian guitarist formed his first band, Blue Direction.
1964 - Ed Sullivan
The Rolling Stones appeared for the first time on The Ed Sullivan Show from New York, performing ‘Around And Around’ and ‘Time Is On My Side’. A riot broke out in the studio, prompting Sullivan’s infamous quote, ‘I promise you they’ll never be back on our show again.’ The Rolling Stones went on to make a further five appearances on Sullivan’s show between 1965 and 1969.
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1963 - The Beatles
The Beatles kicked off their first tour of Sweden by playing two shows at Nya Aulan, Sundstavagen, Karlstad, Sweden. The local pop reviewer was not impressed, saying The Beatles should be grateful to their screaming fans for drowning out the group's terrible performance, adding that The Beatles "were of no musical importance whatsoever and that their local support group, The Phantoms, decidedly outshone them."
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1958 - Cliff Richard
Cliff Richard made his British radio debut on the BBC's 'Saturday Club.' The show had started life as Saturday "Skiffle" club in 1957 hosted by Brian Matthew and was broadcast from 10am to 12noon Saturday mornings on the BBC Light Programme.
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