#Gabi aot
atropellabuelas3mil · 9 months
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Happy new year!
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reneacaye · 5 months
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When levi is younger, he used cup handle then handle broke. After hearing that story, gabi tearing up and felt sorry for levi, and she vows not to use cup handle for the rest of her life!
(updated, the cup is levi mom's so yeah..the poor boy traumatized) 😞
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Aww Levi Gabi having father/daughter moment , kids are such a healing for levi 😭😭😭
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kluoart · 5 months
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violentjo · 5 months
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Average Gabi hater doing the most to ignore her immense character growth. “She killed Sasha.” Literally watch the rest of season 4 I beg of you.
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dwchtjiminah · 1 year
Attack On Titan HD Wallpapers/Lockscreens
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worlds-worst-ships · 19 days
Do you ship it?
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I fucking love Gabi, she made me laugh more than most other AOT characters because she's so absurd while also being a great statement on child soldiers. And if you don't know anything about child soldiers but still hate Gabi, go read up. Watch a few documentaries. And maybe, for once, you'll learn something.
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gordie-kisser · 2 months
Gabi Braun wouldn't have missed.
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ainhoagm99 · 6 months
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Btw I forgot to post this
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teenitrash · 8 months
Something I noticed while watching the first 9 episodes of Season 4 is that Gabi is almost the exact opposite of Falco and is basically a parallel to Eren. Before you bash me, let me elaborate
For my first point, Falco is the voice of reason and more "thinking-driven" compared to Gabi, whereas she rushes into action and is more emotionally driven in the sense that she acts based on her feelings and doesn't think twice before acting. As I am saying this, Falco could actually be a parallel to Armin because he too was not very physically strong but he was smart and thought more than he fought. Both Eren and Armin, and Gabi and Falco are the opposites of each other.
For my second point, Eren was 12 when he witnessed titans invade his home and watch his village and loved ones get crushed. A literal parallel to Gabi where she witnessed titans invade her home as well, destroying it all and watching her loved ones die at a young age too. With that said, both her and Eren's first response was to get revenge, to kill them all (for Eren it was titans, for Gabi it was the "demons of Paradis Island").
They are two characters that can both be described as determined, angry, stubborn, headstrong, etc. In a sense, the way Eren saw titans and wanted to kill them all is the same way Gabi saw "bad Eldians" and wanted them all to die as well. If Marley was the victim and Paradis the villain in this situation, Gabi would've probably turned out to be exactly like Eren, save for the titan powers. She would've also grown up even more with the mindset that the bad Eldians should die and she would not stop until she achieves her goal, like Eren did.
And in the same way that Armin could never catch up with Eren, Falco can never catch up with Gabi. The only reason why we don't really see this though is because they were still 12 (?) when the war ended and they grew up further in a more peaceful environment restoring Marley/Paradis with Levi and such. If the war continued into their late teens/early twenties, Gabi and Falco would've probably ended up exactly like Eren and Armin. The one who destroys themself trying to end the war and the other who is left behind.
Eren and Gabi are actually so incredibly similar that it's insane. Gabi as a character is basically Isayama showing us Eren through a different lens, in different circumstances, in a different time period. A parallel of what Eren could've been if he wasn't born unlucky
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erens-princess · 6 months
unhappy birthday to g*bi, they could never make me like you 😍
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atropellabuelas3mil · 5 months
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sonderessence · 10 months
i'm sorry but i hate gabi from aot
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gloobwashere · 3 months
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ok but they’d literally get along so well
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violentjo · 4 months
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Gabi is NOT the female Eren idc. She was fed lies as a kid and didn’t have the freedom or material to form her own opinion, she just wanted to be a “hero” like Reiner. She changes quickly after being shown the truth. Her actions aren’t comparable to Erens and honestly neither are her opinions. I genuinely think a large portion of her hate stems from misogyny because you don’t see people hating on Niccolo the same way they do Gabi. They could never make me hate you Gabi Braun. 🙏
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Gabi Braun from Attack on Titan? She’s 12
Tribute Name: Gabi Braun
Age: 12-15 (throughout series)
Restrictions: Must remain human and can only use weapons and tools supplied in the Hunger Games arena
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If you would like to see a character aged 12-18 enter the Hunger Games, submit them through my asks. If you would like to see a character aged 19+ act as a mentor, submit them through this Google Form. The most popular of the 19+ characters will be posted every Saturday.
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sonofthesaiyans · 5 months
A 21-Gun 'Fuck You' to Isayama's little bastard child....
Well guys, another day, another birthday in the Attack on Titan canon. But there are no warm wishes, no fond feelings to be had for this one. Nothing but the blood of the innocent innocent all over her hands. And the beginning of the end of Titan as we knew it.
For it is none other than the biggest mistake in all of anime, GABI BRAUN.
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There's the look of a girl who's out to fuck an entire franchise.
To have to put her face on my profile truly makes me feel uncomfortable; I would feel better off if I never had to acknowledge the existence of someone as unlikable and as forced as Gabi, the character who has singlehandedly ensured that I will never EVER watch the series again from start to finish.
Still not enough words to describe my hatred for this bitch. Ever since her debut in the manga, Gabi has been nothing but poison to damn near every aspect of Attack on Titan, and while fans and critics may remain convinced that Eren Yeager was still the focus of the story after the ocean, that for a time was nothing but a motherfucking lie, as everything seems to shift its gears towards forcing Gabi Braun as the new hero of the franchise, a similarly overpowered, out of her depth suicidal bitch who Hajime Isayama REFUSES to let come to harm under any circumstances, and in fact seemed to take a perverse pleasure in how much he could defy the fandom's hostile reactions to her obnoxious, overzealous, and aggressive personality.
I've spoken at length about how truly awful Gabi is, for how much she takes over the story out of the blue and how far her worst fans will go to defend her, with Isayama himself and his overly defensive fans and critics pushing this nonsense "redemption arc" that some still insist was critical to Titan's final resolution. Right, a character who was only introduced in the final act of the story is the one who takes priority over everyone whom we've followed since season one, over her own fucking cousin Reiner, over Eren, over Mikasa, over Historia.....And that's not even getting into the biggest victim of all of this yet.
Yeah, this is the girl so many deluded fans will rush to defend, you take one look at this and you realize right out the gate she's nothing but bad news. An overly toxic character who by herself makes the story increasingly more uncomfortable to sit through, and yet gets a free pass because, say it with me now........"SHE'S JUST A KID"......
Yeah. A kid who regardless of upbringing clearly is NOT right in the head.
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And yet THIS is the character we push this goddamn "break the cycle" message with, this is the kid who we have to thank for that "children of the forest" horseshit. Well maybe some people are not worth rescue from the forest......
Gabi just an open condescension of the audience, and Isayama does everything in his power to frame us as being in the wrong for following our natural inclination to hate her guts, and to force sympathy for her when she's done nothing to earn it, and has never received lasting consequences for her actions.
Any sympathy I could have POSSIBLY felt for Gabi went out the window years ago. And it all comes down to one fucking reason:
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It doesn't matter how much time passes, it does not matter how many excuses I hear, it does not matter how many self-righteous little fuckheads I square off with online who try to hit back at me with "You just didn't get it!" ..........Absolutely NOTHING will make me forgive what Gabi did to Sasha. A character who had all the potential to be something so much more and who was so profoundly iconic in the series, just to be cruelly cut down like garbage to move the plot of an unwanted newbie who's name has since become synonymous with "garbage".
Never ever can I forget that horrifying from Assassin's Bullet, where Gabi stole Sasha from us. Gabi Braun is the only character in fiction to actually cause me lasting emotional and psychological damage. Of all the horrifying scenes Attack on Titan has given, that ISAYAMA has given us, Sasha bleeding out from the mouth and sent out on the most inappropriate and insensitive last words possible is the one scene I DID NOT NEED.
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The fact that that bastard Isayama would be sol deluded to think he can force sympathy for Gabi after having pulled a stunt like that, a scene so emotionally manipulative and disrespectful, the fact that he would have us tolerate her existence after such a spectacle....And the fact that she survived to the end after what she did to Sasha, and after all she did to provoke Eren's assault upon the world, again after facing no lasting repercussions for any of it.
And let me tell you something, looking up these images, seeing those disgusting scenes of Assassin's Bullet still brings great anger to me, reminding me how badly I still wish to see Gabi die for all of this, how much I hate Hajime Isayama, and how much I still wish to personally rip the man a new one for everything he's done since the day he published the chapter that brought on this VILE piece of animation.
And the fact that some fans have the AUDACITY to imply that Sasha and Gabi are anything alike, right down to their physical appearance, a notion that the anime and manga themselves promoted in their tasteless attempt to draw a parallel between the two of them in their encounters with Kaya.....It's a lie and a farce that I find personally offensive and stomach churning even now. There were so many ways they could have executed Gabi's story, and if it had been done any other way where she didn't have such egregious plot armor and wasn't so clearly overplayed and overpromoted by Isayama for the entire final act, MAYBE somewhere in my heart I might've found a speck of sympathy for Gabi.
If the story had made room for her AND Sasha, things might have been very different around here......
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But it's far too late. The damage is done, and for me the damage is lasting. And there is absolutely NO number of excuses today by the few fans Gabi does have that could ever make me see things from her perspective, let alone wish her anything other than a cruel demise to match the one she dealt to Sasha and the billions she got killed by provoking Eren with her recklessness. And to this day, I will NEVER understand what the hell Falco ever saw in her. Nothing good can come from a relationship with someone with the kind of of blood on her hands that Gabi has.
So no sympathy points for Gabi, let alone a 'Happy Birthday'.
And as a parting gift to her and her fans....
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A little souvenir from a friend of mine...
If you haven't figured out who I got this from yet....... let's just say she manages to make a chainsaw headed dog a lot cuter than any living soul could have accomplished voicing Gabi Braun. And for her, I have a lot more respect.
And if you know who I mean Gabi fans, sorry to tell you I got to say my piece first. Chew on that.
And speaking of chew.....
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Happy Birthday, Gabi Braun.
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