#Galactic Alliance
magnetarbeam · 3 months
Recently, I've decided I want my main AU continuity that still needs a name to include a handwave that Mara lives, and it occurred to me that all else being equal, she wouldn't be able to go with Luke and Ben.
The original terms of Luke's exile were made on the assumption that Luke would go alone. He couldn't request information or assistance from Jedi resources. Ben wanting to go with him was a last-minute change of plans that the GA couldn't have found out about in time to stop, but Ben's still technically in the Order. I think the only reason the GA didn't hold that up, later, as a violation of Luke's terms is that Ben doesn't have sufficient rank for Luke to exert meaningful influence on the Order through him.
But another Master? Only if Mara also left the Order would she be able to go, and they both know she probably could do more good by staying on Coruscant and helping with that.
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ainyan · 2 years
I don't know why, but I feel some of my followers might appreciate this.
Back before my husband and I got our new wedding rings (matching set of blue tungsten rings with I Love You/I Know engraved on them), I had to get a replacement for one that got stolen from me at work (the perils of being a teacher).
I had this made (my husband's ring at the time had a Transformers symbol, so it's not like I was being any geekier than him) to wear until we settled on a design that suited us as a couple. (Han and Leia, natch).
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I still have it - I still wear it sometimes.
Okay. Maybe I was being geekier than he was. But mine was definitely cooler.
(Oh, if you're wondering, the one that was stolen had a Companion Cube on it.)
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legends-expo · 1 year
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Happy 17th release anniversary to Legacy Of The Force Betrayal, written by the late Aaron Allston. This inaugural novel of the series features trouble with the Galactic Alliance after the Yuuzhan Vong war.
Love Legends? Join us for Legends Con Sept. 9th & 10th 2023 in Burbank, CA!
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frc-ambaradan · 1 year
Just a quick reminder on who this guy is.
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Besides having been a trustworthy asset to 501st in the Clone Wars when he was captain of the Leveler (he was in particular good terms with captain Rex and had high regards for clone troopers).
Besides having been at the direct service of people such as Darth Vader, Admiral Piett, Emperor Palpatine and Grand Moff Tarkin during his imperial service.
Besides being Thrawn's right-hand man and most trusted and loyal follower and protegè.
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He acts as the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Remnant after Thrawn's death (actually restores the Galactic Empire) strikes an alliance with the New Republic and helps fighting off the Yuuzhan Vong.
But then serves as the supreme commander of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force and leads the Galactic Alliance (coming from the union of the New Republic with the Imperial Remnant) through both the Swarm War and the Second Galactic Civil War.
Retires again.
But then he comes back to serve again as leader of the Imperial Remnant (and I would like to point out that when he does man is in his nineties) up to his assassination in 41 ABY when he refuses to support Darth Caedus/Jacen Solo (who he really didn't like)'s faction of the Galactic Alliance.
Through all his life he retained a well earned popularity and autorithy among the Imperial Remnant's Moffs and he was kept in high esteem by the New Republic as well. He particularly had a close and mutually considerate working relationship with Leia Organa.
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Team Lightyear vs. the Galactic Alliance Senate
Buzz: Everyone wants to say hello to him and get a picture with him, because, ya know, he's Buzz fricking Lightyear. Mira: If Buzz is busy with a photo op, a more sincere individual will walk up to her and thank her and the team for saving their planet. Or they might just want to say hello because they think she's great and deserves more credit. The Galactic President always has a smile for her-or two. Booster: The Joad senator comes to say hello and ask about the farm and the family, check on how being a space ranger is going. The new senator from Roswell always says hello, may pass along a short message or a gift from Becky. XR: Senate pages pat the top of his head for good luck.
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renposter · 1 year
(SPOILERS) Star Wars: Legacy (2006-2010), the Sith Ambush of the Galactic Alliance at Caamas
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gahmah-raan · 10 months
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Xadisall Varessi - Besh Squad Captain
Here's a Mirialan OC that isn't Hiriss Moraana for once. And this is another one of my pieces edited in Paint Shop Pro after drawing it on paper. The rest of Besh Squad will follow in the same format. While it's hard to want to go back after trying a Wacom tablet in CSP, I chose to commit anyway since the sketches were already done.
Profile: Captain Xadisall Varessi (Codename: Cap, Boss) Species: Mirialan Homeworld: Mirial Gender: Male Age: 35 Affiliation: New Republic, Galactic Alliance (Besh Squad)
During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Mirial was one of several worlds marked for subjugation due to the Force being a major part of Mirialan culture, even if not every Mirialan was Force-sensitive and Mirialans in general were on the near-human spectrum, the latter of which would have otherwise put them in a relatively favorable position when taking the Empire's speciesist policies into account. Because of this, Xadisall's parents along with many other Mirialans would find themselves fighting for the Rebellion.
After the defeat of the Empire and the formation of the New Republic, Xadisall would follow his parents' example and train as a commando. After several years, he would lead a spec ops group made up of a few odd characters known as Besh Squad. Even if he seems more straight-laced and professional compared to his other squad mates, the fact that he was assigned to lead this group suggests he's also got a mischievous side, such as indulging in schadenfreude when corrupt politicians he's assigned to protect fail to go through with bills he personally disagrees with. His squad has been involved in operations against Imperial remnants, Neo-Imperials, the Yuuzhan Vong, the Valkoran Empire, and most recently, the Forceless Collective.
While tactics are his main expertise, Xadisall is also a trained pilot.
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netmors · 3 months
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Concept art for the Eleventh Fleet - Mitt'raw'nuruodo.
Hands got to the rendering of Mitt'raw'nuruodo's sketches. It was unusual to draw him without the Grand Admiral’s signature hairstyle, but I really wanted to make a strong contrast between his life “before” and “after” starting his service in the navy. Life on his home planet certainly wasn't easy.
+ some parallel with Ezra and his fate.
…And I still think the idea of ​​making Thrawn's kintsugi-style form during his exile is my best idea :3 After red eyeliner on Karyn's eyes, of course.
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pedroam-bang · 10 months
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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
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alphamecha-mkii · 1 year
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Star Wars: X-Wing - Rogue Squadron #32 (Mandatory Retirement #1 of 4) Cover Art by John Nadeau
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magnetarbeam · 5 months
At some point in Voices of the Force, I want Ahsoka and Luke to have a very long conversation about the Jedi's role in relation to the various galactic governments that these two have lived under at different times.
Luke Skywalker's Disaster Jedi Order has, by this point, forcibly removed the last three Galactic Alliance Chiefs of State from office. The only reason they've gotten away with it is that those three Chiefs of State were very clealrly malevolent megalomaniacs, and the killing of Caedus and Abeloth-Kem, and the arrest of Daala, were genuinely altruistic actions. That's essentially the basis of the system I headcanon Luke and Wynn having set up to fight the perception of Jedi as totally above the law, because that perception will lead to more Jedi abusing their abilities.
Meanwhile, I think Ahsoka isn't too eager to criticize for that, since the old Jedi had the opposite problem.
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short-wooloo · 9 months
George Lucas makes an entire trilogy about how a flawed democracy is better than dictatorship, only for countless people to stan the separatists
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purringysalamiri · 6 months
the pose I strike when I see an associate
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magicandmundane · 4 months
So @twinsunstars and I were talking about this yesterday, and our girl Omega would do numbers on the galaxy’s social media platforms, so here’s a few headcanons on how that scenario would play out:
She has the equivalent of a tumblr blog making daily shitposts roasting the Empire into oblivion
She has a twitter account where she blasts them and advertises for the Rebellion with well crafted arguments
Said twitter account also frequently posts memes to further roast the Empire
Her TikTok is her in a clone trooper helmet (anonymity to keep her brothers safe, she wants the Empire thinking they’re all dead) defending clones and talking more about why the Empire sucks
And last but not least (this isn’t quite social media, but it lives in my head rent free): Omega has a radio show a la Potterwatch in The Deathly Hallows called What the Empire Doesn’t Tell You with Havoc 5 (working title, let me know if you think of something better). It’s a sort of news outlet on a secure comm channel with a changing password or whatever. She brings in guest speakers all the time and it’s just talking about the unseen atrocities and what the Rebellion is doing to fight back and inspire hope. (The rebels on Lothal come up a lot.) Lots of clones come on the show with her, even Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair make the occasional appearance, and talk about their experiences. Hera is a frequent guest. Mon Mothma even went on the show once. The list goes on.
BONUS: The Empire has a whole ass tech division for the sole purpose of shutting down this mysterious ‘Havoc 5’. It’s honestly comedic how big this division gets because they keep failing lol. They can’t delete her accounts, they can’t track down the source of the activity, they can’t get on the radio show’s comm channel, etc. Why? Because Omega is a fucking menace who out smarts them at every turn seeing as Tech taught her everything he knew.
Feel free to add on to this!
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headlesssamurai · 1 year
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‘‘ Luminous beings are we… ’’
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star-wars-forever · 1 year
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