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pikpartblogs · 3 months
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vroomvro0mferrari · 26 days
LN4 | Win & Woo
Summary: Congratulating Lando after his first race win is a lot more difficult than you expected. When you finally get the chance to, he reacts differently than you anticipated.
Lando Norris x best friend!Reader
WC: 3.1K
Warnings: Cursing, making out
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You’re watching from the garage as Lando drives around the track. You keep your eyes on the screen in front of you as you bite your nails. You don’t think you’ve ever been this nervous before. Lando has been leading the race for over twenty laps now, and it’s only a few more until he wins – his first win. Your heart is beating out of your chest as your eyes are locked on Max’s gap to Lando, not even paying attention to everything else that’s happening on track. You’re grinning widely, barely keeping in your excitement, when you see the number get larger at every glance. You’re trying to calm yourself down, to not get too excited too early because you know from earlier experiences that everything can go wrong in one split second, even on the last laps, but there’s no rain today.
You hear the commentators speaking in the background as you stare at the TV. Every time they say something about how this might be Lando’s first win, your heart skips a beat, mentally scolding them not to jinx this wonderful opportunity. Your focused gaze on the screen doesn’t falter as Lando starts his last lap. No matter what happens around you, your eyes are pointed that way. You’re fumbling with your fingers and nibbling on your lip anxiously as you watch Lando turn through the last corners, a smile slowly making its way on your face.
Next thing you know, you’re screaming, jumping and cheering as Lando crosses the checkered flag first. You’re smiling so big that your cheeks hurt as you hug Max and cheer with the team. You quickly congratulate the team before rushing to the parc fermé, hoping to congratulate Lando before he’s whisked away for the podium. 
It’s busy – what else did you expect? You can barely work your way through the crowd, but you try anyway, pushing people aside to see your best friend. You can’t see him yet, but you hear the cheers of people as he appears on the big screens nearby. You watch how he’s congratulated by his competitors, as Fernando and Carlos come over to hug him and how Lando takes a sprint to the team awaiting him. He’s got a big smile on his face, a blissed-out look, when he jumps over the fence into the team who’s ready to catch him. 
You’re close enough to see him on top of the crowd of orange, but he can’t see you. That doesn’t mean he’s not trying to, tough. The second he got out of the car, he was searching for you, and that’s what he does as soon as he’s got both his feet on the ground again. But before he can properly look around, Zak has found him, and then Andrea, and in no time he’s led away from where you’re standing. It’s useless for you to fight your way to the front when he’s already gone. So you change your course, quickly move back, and rush to the podium.
You search your way through the seemingly maze-like paddock as you hurry to make it to the podium in time. You can hear the drivers talk about their race over the speakers that are everywhere while you walk and you can hear Lando laughing in the background, but you don’t let it distract you; you’re on a mission. 
When you get to the podium, you’re once again pushing through the crowd in search of a place in front, somewhere Lando can see you. Thankfully, Zak spots you and helps you out, pulling you to stand in front of him where Lando’ll be able to find you. Although Lando hasn’t told him, Zak has caught wind of his secret crush and knows that he’ll probably be searching for you in the crowd of orange.
You cheer and clap politely when Charles and Max walk to their respective podium steps, but you watch with tears in your eyes and pride welling up inside you when Lando runs onto the stage. You clap and cheer as loudly as you can, staring up at him on the highest step. You can see his eyes flitting around in search of you while he pumps his fist through the air. His face lights up with happiness as soon as he finally spots you in the crowd. He winks with a big grin, and your smile grows even more in response. You can’t feel anything but delight at his achievement – the goal he’d been trying to reach ever since he stepped foot into his first kart, his life-long dream. The tears of joy are rolling down your face; you’ve never been so proud. 
He smiles at you from his spot that’s much too far away and sticks up his thumb as if he’s asking you if you’re okay. You laugh at the motion and nod your head. Of course, you’re okay, you’re more than okay, you’re elated.
You admire Lando in his essence. He looks so pretty up there, face turned towards the sun with his eyes closed, soaking in his victory. He wipes under his eyes, and while some might question whether it's sweat or tears he’s wiping away, you know it’s the latter.
You cheer when the anthem ends, and then again when he throws the trophy up, nearly gasping in shock when you see it flying through the air. It would be such a Lando thing to break his first P1 trophy, but he catches it in time and places it securely on the ground, although it’s not necessarily safe there either.
You can’t seem to take your eyes off him, not when Andrea’s handed his trophy, or when Max gets his. And when Charles receives his prize, your gaze is still focused on Lando. But then again, he’s staring at you too. Your eye contact is so intense that Lando doesn’t see the champagne coming. Absolutely shocked at the cold beverage that’s sprayed on his face. And even if he had seen it coming, he would’ve had no time to react to how fast Max and Charles were targeting him.
He’s wiping his face, this time not because of tears (or sweat), but to get the slightly burning alcohol out of his eyes. His hands are slippery when he shakes the big bottle of champagne before slamming it. He can’t see that well right now, but that doesn’t mean he can’t aim well. He grins when he hears you squeak at the cold fluid, even though he doesn’t see your reaction with his head turned away.
Your eyes follow Lando’s every move as he wipes the champagne from his face and takes a sip before spraying the bottle again. You can’t help but admire him like this. He looks so happy up there, smiling in joy while he and his colleagues cover each other in champagne. His beaming smile and damp hair, which is curling more than ever, make him look so beautiful, too. You know you shouldn’t be thinking like this – he’s your best friend, but you can’t help it when he looks so pretty up there.
After he has his picture taken, he makes eye contact with you again. He nods his face towards the side, eyebrows raised, silently asking you to meet up with him and you nod in response. Quickly leaving the podium and making your way to the motorhome, you feel Lando’s eyes pricking your back. He feels so lucky, so incredibly lucky, to have you here with him. He can’t believe that you chose to fly out here for him, that you care about him so much that you’d fly around the world just to watch him work. He’s overjoyed to have you here with him to celebrate his first Formula 1 win; to have his best friends here, although he secretly wishes you were more than that.
Lando finishes his duties as quickly as possible, rushing through all the polite talks with the team members, celebrities and competitors so he can go to you. He gets antsier every time someone stops him on his way to his driver’s room, and when Zak stops him to have an extensive talk about his amazing performance, and how much he deserved it, he’s had enough.
“Sorry, Zak, but can we do this later? Y/N’s waiting in my driver’s room and I really want to celebrate with her right now. I haven’t been able to talk to her yet, and-”
Zak grins while Lando rants. He knows there’s more than friendship between you and Lando, and Lando’s current behaviour is only proving him right. 
“Of course, Lan. Enjoy the moment!” He says grinning, patting Lando on the back before pushing him in the right direction.
Lando thanks him before rushing off. Now that he’s finally out of the grasp of the needy people at the podium, he’s basically running through the paddock to get to you as quickly as possible. Completely overheating from the Miami sun, he unzips his race suit before entering the garage. He shakes hands with the team members he comes across, accepting their congratulations with a hasty smile, and hugs Oscar when he runs into him but doesn’t pay them much attention otherwise.
Lando doesn’t even take a moment to calm his mind before rushing into his driver’s room. You squeal in surprise when the door smashes into the wall, and Lando lifts you up into the air before you can catch a look at him. He squeezes you tightly to him as he twirls the both of you, your arms wrapped around his neck so you don’t fall.
You giggle at the feeling of his face pressed into your neck as he slowly settles you onto the floor. Not wanting to let go of Lando yet, you slide one hand over his back as the other combs through his hair while you stay close. The champagne covering his curls makes your hand sticky, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. You can smell the sweet alcohol on him as he leans his head on your shoulder and sighs.
The big smile on your face refuses to fade as you whisper, “You won”. You can feel Lando’s cheeks pressing against your shoulder as a smile takes place on his face. Running a hand through his hair once more, you feel the happy tears rolling down your face again. You move your hands away from Lando so you can wipe your face as you sniffle. Lando’s head lifts as soon as he feels the weight of your hands disappear. Holding your waist and gazing into your eyes, he asks, “Are you crying?” with a teasing smile on his face.
You punch his shoulder and roll your eyes, “Shut up!” 
You wipe under your eyes again before sighing, “I’m just so proud of you,” you say, arms hanging limply at your sides.
Lando stares at you intensely, his silly smile still on his face. His gaze is so penetrating that you nearly feel the need to look away. Lando is oblivious to how piercing his eye contact is, only focused on the thoughts that are racing through his mind. No person would cry at the achievements of their best friend, right? Max wouldn’t be crying right now, that’s for sure. Does that mean that maybe you see him as more than a friend? He certainly hopes so. Lando can feel the adrenaline running through his body as he looks at you, it’s pushing him to do things he’s not sure will work out well. He doesn’t want to ruin your friendship, but he wants to kiss you more.
Lando smiles at you, wiping your cheeks clean while he watches you. His hand rests on the side of your face while the other slides down to your hip, where he pulls you in close. He banishes all the thoughts from his head and kisses you with full conviction, with no hesitation (or thoughts) in his brain as he lets his body take over.
His lips move against yours aggressively while his hands grapple to pull you closer. He grips your hip tightly and uses it as leverage to press your body against his while his other hand moves from your cheek to the back of your head, tangling his fingers in your hair. The feeling is heavenly, something he has wanted to feel for so long. It feels so right to kiss you, and to feel your body against his.
He’s completely lost in his passion and adoration for you as he kisses you. Meanwhile, you’re in shock. You didn’t expect Lando to kiss you, especially not as fervently as he did. Your surprise left you frozen, completely unmoving, apart from Lando’s hands pulling you nearer. The firmness of your body doesn’t mean the kiss is unwanted, though. In fact, you’re just about to pull Lando closer when he realises your unresponsiveness. His mind switches back on and races faster than his car a moment ago. Fuck – you don’t want this. You’re too polite to stop him, but you don’t want this. He just screwed everything up. Once it dawns on him, he pushes you away so fast you think you’ll have a whiplash.
Your hands are still up in the air where they were about to touch Lando’s chest as you stare at him in shock. He runs his hands across his face in frustration at his fuck-up as he avoids your gaze. He turns away from you, so you can only see his back, his very muscled back, as he sighs and mumbles to himself.
He turns around to face you. You can see the guilt in his eyes when he tries to explain, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that” 
You stay quiet as you process Lando’s confession. Why is he apologising? 
He sighs once more at your silence, running his hand over his face, again. He looks up at you through his lashes but doesn’t say anything. You’re about to respond when he continues, “No, fuck it. I’m not sorry. I love you.”
“Lando,” you tell him, breathlessly. You step closer to him and smooth your hands over his shoulders and towards his chest, “kiss me?”
You don’t have to say that twice. Lando grabs your waist as his lips meet yours in another rough kiss while your hands shoot up to hold his face. He pushes you up against the door as he nibbles on your lip. You moan softly at the feeling of Lando’s body against you, and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. You can taste the champagne on his tongue when you kiss him back just as passionately.
Your hands find their respective place in Lando’s hair again and you pull on the curls softly, earning a quiet groan in reward. The sound gets you hot, and it doesn’t help when Lando lets his hands wander over your body. He squeezes your ass gently before hoisting you up and you immediately wrap your legs around him in reflex.
Lando leaves you panting when he moves his kisses from your mouth to your jaw. He manages to pull another moan from you when he sucks on the skin behind your ear. Softly biting before soothingly licking the soft skin, most definitely leaving a mark behind. But that’s exactly his goal, his plan even, as he sucks love bites along your neck. And as much as you love the feeling and don’t want to think about anything but Lando in this moment, the thoughts of leaving the paddock later with the race winner, and the amount of paparazzi that’ll want a picture of him, penetrate your mind. So, you push Lando away from your skin.
“Lan,” you gasp, “we should stop.”
It takes a few seconds for Lando to get his mind back into the right headspace, a headspace in which not every thought is obsessed with you. He stares at you with hazy eyes, and you stare back. Dear God, it’s hard not to kiss him again when he looks like this, with his hair wet from the champagne and messy from your hands and his lips swollen and red from your heated kiss. You nearly let out another moan at the sight, but bite your lip to prevent it.
“Baby, don’t bite your lip if you don’t want me to kiss you,” Lando says hoarsely.
You’re both panting while you stare at each other. Neither of you is sure how to continue now. Lando admitted he loves you, should you say it back now? You do love him, but maybe you should wait until he says something. Does this mean you’re dating now? Is he your boyfriend, or do you have to ask first? It’s so unnecessarily confusing and complicated.
“I love you,” you finally admit.
Lando smiles at the confession, “You do, huh?” He says cockily. 
You punch his shoulder again, “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like… I don’t know. You’re all smug about it, but you said you loved me first, so I win.”
He laughs at your response, “Sure baby, you win.”
You smile at him, “So, does this mean you’re my boyfriend now?”
Lando has a big grin on his face now while he stares at you adoringly, “Yes, if you want me to be,” he says sweetly.
“I want you to be,” you murmur, fiddling with the strands of hair that are falling into his face.
“Good, because I want you to be my girlfriend,” he responds, pulling your chin up.
You smile a big grin at his admission. 
“So, now that that’s settled, can I kiss my girlfriend?” Lando asks with a cheeky smile, to which you merely nod in response.
Lando pulls you closer by your chin, gently placing his lips back on yours. This time, you can feel him smile against your lips while he kisses you softly and lovingly. Nevertheless, the kiss is passionate and lustful. How could it be anything other than that when this was the best day of his life. He just won his first Formula 1 race and got the girl. There's absolutely nothing that could ruin this perfect day, he's sure of it.
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doctorgarages · 2 years
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cutielando · 1 month
mr. and mrs. ~ oscar piastri
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Summary: Wedding of the year is finally here between the two favorite youngsters on the grid. Everyone is invited!
Words: 1.3k+
Other works: my masterlist
Oscar and Y/N.
Y/N and Oscar.
Everyone knew them, everyone loved them.
Ever since the young Australian lad had entered the Formula 1 world, Y/N had entered it with him. Always by his side, always attending his races while also attending university.
They had been together for many years, practically having invented the term “highschool sweethearts”. Despite Oscar’s busy schedule and Y/N being at university, they always made it work, never letting the distance affect their relationship.
Moving together to the UK had represented the first sign that they were both in it for the long ride. Packing up their entire lives and moving across the globe to follow their dreams proved that their relationship and the love they had was real.
Real and pure.
When Oscar got the opportunity to drive in Formula 1 and Y/N started her studies, the time they spent together shortened by a significant amount, but they managed to make it work.
They talked on the phone every day, texting when neither of them could speak on the phone, they took every opportunity to visit each other when they had free time, with Y/N visiting Oscar at his races or Oscar coming home when he would have 2 weeks off between races.
They made it work.
But Oscar wasn’t satisfied. He needed something more. He needed something that would put his mind at ease when he would be away.
He needed to officially make you his.
Towards the end of the season, you had a few weeks off uni and decided to join your boyfriend in Qatar for the Grand Prix.
You hadn’t really chosen the best race to attend, the heat and the humidity making it really strenuous on your already tired body. But seeing the smile that Oscar had while doing the grid walk with you by his side made it worth it.
Being there for Oscar’s sprint win had been the highlight of your entire year. Seeing him cross the checkered flag first, seeing his name on that first position on every monitor around the paddock, the feeling was unlike anything you had ever felt before.
Up until the moment Oscar got out of the car.
He made his way over to where you were waiting for him after he celebrated a little with the team, taking off his helmet and balaclava and giving them to one of his assistants.
“How about that?” he asked, chuckling as he pulled you into his arms, careful not to squeeze you too tightly because he was sweaty.
“I’m so fucking proud of you, Os. I can’t believe I was here for your first win” you said, your voice muffled because you had your face buried in the crook of his neck.
“It’s technically not considered a win bec-”
“Shut up and enjoy the moment” you interrupted, making him chuckle and continue hugging you.
As he let go of you, you didn’t notice him reaching for something behind his back, not even his assistant subtly handing him something as he appeared again from the garage. All you could focus on was him, and nothing else around you.
It only really hit you when Oscar lowered himself down on one knee in front of you, a red velvet box in his hand.
“Oh my God” you said, your eyes widening and your hands flying up to your mouth.
All around you, the McLaren team gathered in a circle, phones ready and cameras rolling to catch the sweet moment on camera.
“Y/N, I don’t even know whether words will suffice to say what I want to say right now. You’ve been by my side since we were kids, you moved to the UK with me and left your entire family in Australia just for me, and I can’t even begin to explain how much that meant to me. I can’t imagine my life without you in it, I frankly don’t think I could survive on my own if you weren’t here. I want to grow old with you, I want to have kids with you and build the life we’ve always talked about having. Y/N, will you marry me?” the words got stuck in your throat, so you settled for nodding feverishly.
The entire team around you cheered, but you could only see Oscar. As he got up and slid the ring on your left hand, you threw yourself into his arms and softly cried, the moment far too emotional to be able to hold back.
Your engagement had become national news in a matter of a couple of hours. Every media channel from the world had written about Oscar’s proposal in Qatar, speculating about when the wedding would be and whatnot.
It didn’t even feel like it had really happened when you stared at the ring on your finger, the feeling foreign but so welcome and like it was meant to be.
You and Oscar had multiple talks about when you would get married, where you would have the wedding and many other problems that came with being away from home and everyone’s families.
Which is why you decided to have the wedding back home in Australia.
After the season was finished and the winter break came, you and Oscar had started planning the wedding, which you settled to have after the last race before the summer break. He had already sent invitations out to the rest of the drivers, all of them very eager to attend the young lad’s wedding.
Lando was especially thrilled, but couldn’t help making jokes about how he had never thought Oscar would be the one getting married so young.
“What did you do to him, Y/N? You charmed him pretty damn well” he’d always joke whenever you guys would hang out in the garage before a race.
Yours and Oscar’s mothers took care of most of the things regarding the venue, the flower arrangements and catering, wanting to take the load off of you while you were halfway across the world.
The only thing that you had to worry about was picking your wedding dress and flying over to Australia to get married.
And when the day had finally come, excitement flowed through your veins.
Nicole and Oscar’s sisters had helped do your hair and make-up, your mother only watching as she sobbed quietly in the background.
“Mom, you’re gonna make me cry too if you don’t stop” you told her as you watched her through your mirror, making the other girls laugh.
“I just can’t believe my baby is getting married” she laughed, wiping her tears and walking up to stand behind you.
You smiled and took her hand, mostly to calm your nerves as well.
You were really getting married. And to the love of your life, which was a plus.
After you were prepped and ready to go, your father came to fetch you to walk you down the aisle. Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest as you held his arm tightly and clutched the flower bouquet tightly in your other hand.
But your nerves disappeared like they had never even been there when the doors opened and you locked eyes with Oscar waiting for you at the end of the aisle, Logan beaming behind him as his best man.
The ceremony went by in a blur, the only focus on your part being on Oscar. You only vaguely remembered saying your vows and saying “I do”, your memory only having imprinted the first kiss you two shared as husband and wife.
You were positive that nothing could ever top this moment, getting married with all of your friends and families present, stepping into your new life with Oscar by your side.
Nothing could ever be better.
Nothing could top you becoming Mrs. Piastri.
Being Mr. and Mrs. Piastri.
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much appreciated!!
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pucksandpower · 10 months
Grid Kids: Mama Bear
Sebastian Vettel x wife!Reader x platonic!drivers
Summary: when you learn that Mick has been dropped by Haas, your protectiveness takes over
Series Masterlist
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The news of Mick being dropped by Haas hits you like a ton of bricks. You’re at the track trying to focus on the race weekend but the anger, frustration, and protectiveness begin to bubble up and boil over.
Sebastian notices your clenched jaw and furrowed brow. “What’s wrong, love?”
You exhale shakily, glancing at Mick who’s trying to maintain his composure despite his turmoil. “I need to have a word with Guenther Steiner.”
Sebastian raises an eyebrow. “You sure about that?”
Oh, you’re sure. In fact, you’re ready to unleash your inner mama bear in a way that no one could have anticipated.
You storm into the Haas garage like a woman on a mission. Guenther Steiner, usually fiery and unshakable, is taken aback by the intensity in your eyes.
“Guenther!” you call out, your voice carrying across the garage. The team members exchange nervous glances, sensing a storm brewing.
Guenther turns to you, a hint of a smile on his face, “Ah, Y/N. How can I help you?”
You want to smack that smile right off.
Your voice is ice cold, “How could you drop Mick like that? He’s a talented driver and he deserved better.”
Guenther’s smile falters, sensing your determination. “It’s just business. We had to make some tough decisions.”
You cross your arms, the fury palpable in your gaze. “Well, I hope you realize that messing with Mick means messing with our entire grid family. We stick together no matter what.”
Unbeknownst to you, your grid kids have gathered at a nearby corner, ready to back you up. As Guenther tries to explain himself, the atmosphere grows tense.
Charles steps forward, “Yeah, and we’ve got some words too. Like unfair, ridiculous, and insane.”
Max grins, cracking his knuckles, “And don’t forget just plain stupid.”
Guenther’s eyes widen as your grid kids begin to circle around him. The garage is now filled with an almost comical chaos — you, glaring fiercely, and the young drivers, exuding an aura of protective unity.
Guenther stammers, “Now, let’s not get carried away …”
Just as the situation is about to escalate, Mick intervenes, stepping in between you and Guenther. His calm presence cuts through the tension.
“Mick, you deserve better,” you mutter, still furious but willing to defer to Mick’s judgment.
Mick nods, looking at Guenther. “I appreciate the opportunity I had with Haas, but I’ve got my eyes set on the future.”
Guenther clears his throat, sensing that he’s on thin ice. “Alright, alright. Let’s just … calm down.”
Your grid kids reluctantly disperse, their stance clear but their threat implicit. As you leave the garage, your anger subsides, replaced by a sense of accomplishment.
Sebastian chuckles, wrapping an arm around you. “Is it bad that I found that ridiculously hot?”
You smirk, “Well, you know me. I’ll gladly go full mama bear when needed.”
And as you walk away, you can’t help but chuckle at the thought of the chaos you’ve just orchestrated in the name of protecting one of your own. Guenther doesn’t know what he’s in for.
Guenther’s day starts as it usually does. The soft light of dawn peeks through his curtains as he slowly stretches and yawns. As he pulls the duvet back, a feeling of cold, damp heaviness meets his touch. He freezes. Slowly, he turns his gaze downward to find, to his utter horror, the unmistakable figure of a dismembered horse head resting beside him.
His scream echoes throughout the entire hotel and within moments, security and a few team members burst into the room.
“What the …” One of the Haas team members exclaims, eyes wide in disbelief.
Guenther, pale and shaking, stammers, “Wh-who would do this?”
Hidden among the crumpled bed sheets is a small note:
Mick might not get his seat back but remember, the grid family always has a seat at the table.
The paddock is abuzz with the shocking news. Whispers travel quickly, and by noon, almost everyone has heard about the unexpected gift in Guenther’s bed. Many are baffled but those who witnessed the previous day’s confrontation have their suspicions.
Lance approaches you during lunch, leaning in conspiratorially. “Was it really you?” he asks, trying to suppress a grin.
You take a sip of your drink, maintaining an innocent face, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Mick, overhearing the conversation, adds with a chuckle, “It’s straight out of The Godfather. Or should I say, The Godmother?”
You wink, “Well, let’s just say it’s always good to send a clear message.”
Lando, laughing, chimes in, “Guenther will think twice before crossing any of us again!”
As the day progresses, the story becomes more embellished and fantastical with each retelling. Rumors of the Godmother of the Grid begin to circulate. Some even whisper that you have ties to the racing underworld, with Sebastian as your loyal consigliere.
Guenther, though shaken, tries to downplay the incident, but there’s no doubt that he’s received your message loud and clear.
Years later and he still turns and runs in the other direction whenever he lays eyes on you.
As the sun sets on another chaotic day, you and Sebastian share a quiet moment. “You know,” he begins, “I always thought you had a bit of a devious streak.”
You smirk, “Sometimes you have to be a little ... creative to make a point.”
Sebastian laughs, wrapping an arm around you, “Remind me never to get on your bad side.”
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lorarri · 1 month
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summary , being forced to go to a gp was not something on Y/N's 2023 bingo card but who knows maybe she will create a friendships that could help her thought this tough time
pairing , step dad! lewis hamilton x fem! young teen! reader
pervious part | series masterlist | main masterlist | f1 masterlist | lewis hamilton masterlist | next part
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MOTHER Lewis has got us VIP tickets to the Australian gp Isn't that exciting!
Y/N but I have an archery comp on that weekend
MOTHER dw about it I've pulled you from the comp you can do the next
Y/N are you fucking kidding me you pulled me from a comp to go watch you boyfriend's race what the fuck?!?!?!
MOTHER language young lady first of all he my fiance and he is gonna be your step father soon
Y/N he is not gonna be my anything as far as I'm concerned and the only way I am going is if you drag me there kicking and screaming so fuck you
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MINJI babe where is u at?
Y/N @ the Aussie Gp 💀 ... girl don't u remember me telling you guys about this 🙄
HANNI We do but your mom just called asking if we knew where you were 😭😭
Y/N wtf would you guys know where I am 😐
DANIELLE cuz aparently she can't find you and she thinks you are trying to catch a flight out of the country to avoid spending time with her and lewis 🫣
Y/N tf is this bitch on? I would never put that much effort into her let that be know first and for most 😝 second of all I'm hanging out with Max and Daniel 😌 so dw I'm not trynna skip town 😔
HAERIN Max and Daniel? as in like Red Bull's drivers Max and Daniel as in like Mad Max 😡 and big dick Danny ric 🤠
Y/N ew 🤢🤢🤮🤮 never say that again 🚫 but yes that would be them 👍
MINJI ... proof or it never happened 👀
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happy now?
HANNI okay but how did you even meet?
Y/N walked off to have a smoke and ran into them and started talking
DANIELLE ain't your mom gonna be pissed though?
Y/N why?
HAERIN cuz your created a better bond with Max and Daniel then what you have with Lewis
Y/N tbh I don't really fucking care Lewis seems like an alright guy ngl but I don't like how my mother is forcing me to spend time with him it's awkward and weird escpially since my dad is refusing to answer my calls or texts and everytime a ask my mother about it she says "maybe he is busy sweetheart" and "well look at it this way it will be the perfect opportunity to bond with Lewis" so yeah I have 0 shits to give rn anyway I need to go time for the race max says I can watch in the red bull garage
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NANA (EX WIFE) my plan isn't working I thought by forcing you to stay away Y/N and Lewis could bond but I think she hates him more now
JUNHO (EX HUSBAND) no shit sherlock btw I'm coming to pick Y/N up this weekend she staying at my house till she has to go back to school
NANA (EX WIFE) is that bitch gonna be there?
JUNHO (EX HUSBAND) yes my girlfriend is going to be there and I am going to show you the correct way of introducing your kid to your new partner and that starts by telling them the truth about why you marriage ended in the first place and since you refuse to tell her I will read
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russellsppttemplates · 3 months
Part-time driver, part-time nurse (Charles Leclerc)
Charles spends his off season nursing you back to health
Note: english is not my first language. This is the opportunity to showcase all of my Grey's Anatomy knowledge 😅 jokes aside, this really is knowledge that I have from medical shows and a little research, so the accuracy might not be on point! It was inspired by this blurb!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Cw: reader has a surgery (cholecystectomy), hospitals, medications, mild mention of sex
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"It's really painful, Charles", you groaned, finding a position in bed where you'd be a little bit more comfortable. You had a good pain tolerance and hated hospitals, so when he heard you say those words, he knew well enough that your pain had to be through the roof.
"Let's put this on and then we go to the hospital, okay amour?", he suggested soflty, prepared to gently force you in case you resisted. This was not an okay situation and even though you didn't like the setting, they would be the ones able to help you
"I need your help", you admitted, allowing Charles to lift your torso and dress you with one of his zip up hoodies, "Good, that's good, amour", he cooed, supporting your body on his as you walked out of the flat and into the garage.
"Am I hurting you?", he asked as he lowered your body into the passenger seat, "no, it comes and goes in waves, but it's still at the same place, right here", you winced as you showed him, pointing to your upper abdomen and then your back.
Charles drove to the hospital, his hand holding yours so you could squeeze anytime you needed, "you can park there already, I can walk to the door", you mumbled, "are you sure?", he checked, "yes, handsome", you smiled faintly.
The hospital wasn't too busy since visiting hours had ended a while ago, so Charles parked fairly close to the door, "up, gently, good", he helped you out and locked the car, looking at your face when he heard you laugh.
"We were so busy that I didn't even notice I have my slippers on still", you showed him the fluffy beige footwear, "I think it's trendy, you are going to set a new fashion", he said as you walked to the door of the emergency room.
After being escorted to a bed, a doctor came up to meet you, "Hi, I'm Dr. Richard and I'll be your doctor this evening", he said, greeting you and Charles, "Ms. Y/L/N, it says here you have pain in your abdomen", he stated as waited for your clarification.
"Yes, especially around here", you pointed to the upper right section, "at first it was just here, but then it spread to my back. I wouldn't have come in if it wasn't really impossible to go about my day with it", you sighed as the doctor typed away on his tablet.
"I'm going to do an ultrasound on you", he said as he pulled the kart with the machine closer to the bed, the nurse adjusting the drip he put in your arm with pain medication, "you seem to have cholecystitis, which is when your gallbladder is very inflamed and it causes pain. This ultrasound should let us know quickly if this is the case", he said as you lifted your top, wincing at the cold gel as the doctor moved the wand around.
"See this right here?", Dr. Richard pointed to the screen, "it's your gallbladder, and it is definitely inflamed. The course of treatment is surgically removing it", he explained, grabbing a towell to clean off the excess product from your skin.
"Surgery?", Charles questioned, worry sketched in his eyes, "yes, we do it laparascopically, just a few small incisions on your abdomen. It's very simple, you'll be able to go home tomorrow afternoon if we do the surgery in the morning", he said
"Okay, then. Sounds good", you spoke, "anything to take this pain away", you said, holding Charles' hand in your own.
"This is Dr. Pavard, she's one of my surgical interns", he said as a young woman approached your bed, greeting you, "she'll be the one to take you up to your room, she'll take some samples to make sure everything else is good for surgery and we'll do it tomorrow morning", he smiled, excusing himself as he was being paged to another case.
"Can I go with her?", Charles wondered, as the intern looked a little uneasy on her answer, "I'll have to talk to my superiors about it, but you can go up to the room until I figure it out. How does that sound?", she stated and you both nodded, your boyfriend grabbing your bag and walking behind her as she wheeled you along the corridor into the elevator, not missing the double checks some patients and hospital staff gave him.
After drawing the samples she needed, the intern left you and Charles in the room, "how are you feeling, amour?", he asked, holding your hand between his and kissing your fingertips, "I'm fine, the pain meds are working wonders", you sighed, "not my plans for the next few days to have surgery, but it's for the best", you reasoned.
"Do you think they'll let me stay with you?", Charles wondered, "I'm not sure, Charles. They have very strict rules. Joris said one of his cousins couldn't have anyone with her when she was admitted", you shrugged, "it would be nice having you here, but let's not get our hopes up", you attempted.
After telling you all your labs checked out and you'd be having surgery in the morning, Dr. Richard excused himself and spoke to the nurses outside of the room, "I'm going to the bathroom, and I don't need help", you looked at your boyfriend who looked like a puppy you had kicked out in the street.
When you came out, Charles was closing the door behind him, a smile on his lips as he looked at you, "where did you go? I didn't even take that long in there", you quirked an eyebrow at him, "Oh, they told you you have to leave?".
"I spoke to Dr. Richard", he said with a smirk on his lips, "I'm staying!".
"Charles!", you sterned, "you know you shouldn't pull the card at these things!", you reasoned despite feeling a little bit more at ease that you'd have him with you the whole time.
"I didn't pull any card or any strings!", Charles defended himself, "I went up to him and asked if there was a chance, because I'd be here first thing in the morning anyway, and he said he had already asked one of the nurses to get me a pillow and a blanket for that sofa, that apparently turns into a bed if I want it to", he shrugged his shoulders, "I wasn't going to say no".
Despite shaking your head at him, you were grateful that he also wanted to stay with you, "sometimes I forget that I'm dating the principality's pride child", you teased him, making room for him in your bed so he could envelop you in your arms, "thank you, though", you kissed his jaw.
"They also assured me that everyone that saw us wouldn't mention this to anyone, so you're safe", he mumbled, kissing your forehead, "now rest, amour, you'll need it before your surgery".
Early in the morning, the surgical team came to the room to take you, not before Charles kissed your lips, "I love you so much, Charles, I'll see you in a bit", you smiled, nodding to the interns who would be wheeling you to the operating room.
About halfway through the procedure, one of the interns came into the room to assure Charles everything was going as it was supposed to, "thank you for letting me know", he said, watching him leave before his phone rang, Pierre's contact name showing on the screen.
"Hey, man! How are you? Me and Francisca are in Monaco for a few days, do you and Y/N want to plan something?", the French man asked over the phone.
"Hey! Y/N's is actually having surgery right now - her gallbladder was giving her trouble so they're taking it out", Charles explained, "we should be going home this afternoon, hopefully, so if you guys don't mind hanging out at our place, it's fine".
"Oh, I hope everything goes well", Pierre said, saying something to who Charles assumed was his girlfriend, "let us know how it goes and we'll go from there, okay? We don't want to bother you even more".
After wishing everything would go well and requesting that Charles let's him know when you were awake, Pierre ended the call and your boyfriend took the opportunity to update your families.
"She's out of the operating room and she's starting to wake up, they will bring her up soon", one of the nurses smiled as Charles nodded, taking a sip from his coffee as he waited for you.
When they wheeled you back into the room, your eyes looked tired but you smiled when you saw him, "everything went as planned, there were no complications, so it should be a smooth recovery. They'll bring your breakfast in a bit and if you can tolerate that and walk just fine, we'll be able to discharge you when your labs come back good!", your surgeon said before excusing himself.
"Hey, bébé", he smiled, kissing your forehead, "how are you feeling?", he asked.
"I'm good, loopy from the meds, but I'm also quite hungry", you giggled, "I'm sorry I caused you to worry", you began.
"It's part of it", he shrugged his shoulders, kissing your hands, "all that matters is that it went well and you're feeling good. My mother says she dropped by our flat and arranged the place a little bit - it wasn't too messy, don't worry - and she also left a pasta bake; your parents are very happy and relieved it went well. Pierre and Kika are in town as well and I told them that if you weren't too tired, they could spend tomorrow with us, but only of you feel up to it!", he was quick to mention.
"That sounds nice!", you nodded, "I haven't seen them in a while", you recalled.
After eating breakfast and walking along the corridor a few times during the day, the doctors discharged you, prescribing the medications you would need and listing the signs you should look out for.
"Here, amour, careful", Charles said as he helped you up the small step to get into your flat, guiding you to the living room where the sofa was packed with blankets and pillows, "Careful, you don't want to hurt your tummy", he ushered as you sat down, kissing the top of your head.
"Charles, love, the incisions are very small, I have to be careful, yes, but if they said that I could come home, it's because I can move still", you giggled, appreciating his attention even though he was being a little over the top, not letting you get up to grab snacks from the kitchen.
"I have grapes for you", he smiled, coming back with a plate for you, "they're full of the good things you have to eat, so your body heals nicely and you feel better", he said, sitting next to you carefully as you took some to eat.
Later, when you wanted to get up, his hand carefully stopped you, "my love, I need to pee, and I'm not even going to let you think of a way to help. I'm just going to the bathroom and I'll be right back", you added.
"I carry you to the bathroom sometimes after we have sex and you can't do it on your own, I can do it now!", he suggested, almost getting up when you threateningly pointed your finger at him, "I'll be quick, Charles!", you smiled.
When you opened the door to get out, Charles was there, "did you wait outside for me?", you quirked your eyebrow, "I did! I didn't want something to happen to you!", he reasoned, "now you have to drink some water to make sure everything is functioning well, and your meds, too!".
Shaking your head at his worry and dedication, you couldn't help but smile, "I love you, Charles, and as much as I'm a little annoyed at the fact that you're my shadow, I must admit I love having you here with me everyday", you smiled, kissing his cheek and then his lips, "I love you, amour, I just want you to be well".
When the next morning came around, Charles guided you to the living room again, making breakfast for you as you sent a few work e-mails explaining what was happening and why you had to take a few days off when a text from Francisca popped up in your phone, saying they were at the door.
Texting her the code to enter the building, you got up to open the door, figuring you would take the same amount of time until they knocked.
"Hi! Quick, quick, quick, before Charles sees I'm up from the sofa", you ushered them to the living room right as Charles was coming out of the kitchen with your breakfast.
"I saw you, Y/N", he sterned as he shook his head, "you cannot stay still, can you, woman?", he teased, setting the tray on the coffee table and chasing you as you hid beside Pierre, "we've been friends for nearly as long a time as I've been Charles' friend, Gasly, don't gang up on me now!", you attempted as Charles picked you up gently, "hey!".
"You had surgery, Y/N", Pierre began, "if he didn't do it, I would do it myself", he snickered as you showed him the middle finger.
"How are you feeling, though?", Francisca asked once you were all sat on the big sofa, "comparing to the pain I had, I'm great, I swear I never felt pain like it", you answered, taking a sip from your tea and cutting the toast Charles made for you.
"You have a full on breakfast here", Pierre pointed out, "of course we have! Y/N needs to replenish and eat so she can heal", Charles stated.
"Anyone who hears him thinks I've had a whole things done to me and what I had it's pretty common", you giggled, "still, I don't mind the attention", you said as you kissed his cheek while Pierre pretend to barf on the side of your sofa.
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Can I request a protective Max going above and beyond to keep his gf or fiancee (you take the call) safe from a stalker? I'd leave the rest to your imagination on how to make it dramatic cause I love drama.
nothings going to hurt you baby | max verstappen
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Y/n was always a private person, but that all changed when she met Max. She was often seen in the paddock supporting her boyfriend. She went from staying in on Friday nights to traveling around the world to watch Max race. She realized how many eyes were on her when her friend sent her multiple articles with her name in bold letter on the front cover.
It was the first race of the season and Y/n was once again in the paddock. This time though she was alone. Her friend that usually accompanied her to the races was busy. As she walked towards the Red Bull hospitality, the usual photographers took her picture. Even after years of dating Max, she was never getting used to the constant flashing lights that belonged to the cameras.
When she reached the hospitality, she sat at a table near the window and took out her phone. It was a regular routine for Y/n now. Stay a few minutes in the Red Bull hospitality, meet up with Max before the race then went up to the paddock roof and watched the race from there.
After spending sometime alone, she put her phone in her pocket and walked out of the hospitality, completely unaware that a man had followed her out. In a few short minutes, she found herself entering the Red Bull garage.
“Is Max in his driver’s room?” She asked Max’s engineer, Gianpiero. He nodded with a smile and continued his work.
Y/n walked to the driver’s room and knocked lightly until she heard Max’s voice telling her to come in. She opened the door and saw Max finishing putting on his race suit.
“How are you feeling?” Y/n asked, approaching Max and giving a kiss on the lips.
“Well since you’re here, I’m feeling pretty good. You know I always do well when you’re here.” Max replied. “I don’t want you to be alone so you can stay in the garage instead.”
“Max, I’ll be fine. There’s going to be people around me so I won’t be alone.” Y/n assured him.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Some fan might want to bother you. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable during the race.”
“I’ll be fine, Max.”
Of course that didn’t happen.
During the race, she could feel eyes on her. It was kind of normal since most fans recognized her as Max Verstappen’s girlfriend. But this time, Y/n felt different. Her mother always told her to trust her gut feeling. So in that moment she did. Y/n walked down the stairs of the paddock roof and tried to walk to the Red Bull garage but some man ran into her.
“I’m so sorry. Oh, you’re a very pretty girl. I’m sorry.” He told her.
“Excuse me, I need to be somewhere.” Y/n tried walking away but he blocked her way.
“Where to? You look lost.”
“I know where I’m going so please move.” Y/n started feeling scared. She should’ve listened to Max.
“Woah, no need to get mad. I’m a nice guy. Why are girls always mean to the nice guys?” He asked.
“I’m done talking to you.” Y/n pushed past the man. She had a feeling he would start to follow her so she walked a bit faster towards the garage that only the Red Bull team (including her) could enter. When she arrived, she let out a sigh of relief.
She remained in the garage until the end of the race. Max had ended up on the podium once again. Y/n wanted to celebrate with the team and Max, but she once again had the feeling that the scary man would take the opportunity to find her so she stayed in the garage while the team celebrated another win.
When Max arrived to the garage, he first went up to his girlfriend, obviously confused as to why she wasn’t out in the track.
“I’m sorry. I was scared and I should’ve listened to you and stayed here. I’m so sorry.” Y/n rambled as Max gave her a much needed hug.
“Hey, what’s wrong? I’m here.” Max assured her, pressing light kisses to her forehead.
“On the roof, I had this strange feeling so I was on my way down here and this guy wouldn’t let me walk away, Max. He tried following me so I came here as fast as I could.” Y/n explained. “I should’ve listened to you.”
“You’re okay now. You’re here with me and that’s all that matters. I’m not letting some guy hurt you.”
Max had talked with Christian about making sure someone was always with Y/n during a race. The team leader even made sure the garage had more security. Now, Y/n felt more safe. Every race after the incident, she stayed in the garage and if she wanted to watch the race from a different location, someone was always with her, even when it came to watching Max celebrate on the podium. Max wasn’t going to let anyone hurt the woman he loves.
Right after the podium ceremony, he would make sure to check on Y/n before he was pulled away for interviews.
“How are you feeling?” Max asked Y/n as he wiped his face with a towel. Y/n smiled at him and kissed his lips that tasted like champagne.
“I’m more than okay. Thank you.” Y/n replied.
“I have a couple interviews to do. Sarah said she would stay with you.” Max informed his girlfriend.
“Sometimes I feel like Sarah is my babysitter. I love her, remind me to get her something good for her birthday. I’m thinking a trip to the Bahamas.” Y/n chuckled.
“I think she’ll love that.”
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drvscarlett · 2 months
About You Pt2
Sebastian Vettel x Webber!Reader
Summary: Everyone knows about the history of Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber. But there's a well kept story within the paddock about Sebastian Vettel and another Webber. This is that story.
A/N: were in the 2009 season. i also grabbed some ideas from a film quote so if you notice that, hello hehe. hope you enjoy, let me know your comments
About You Series: 1, 2, 3
Taglist: @spideybv28 @randomcuboidshape @mehrmonga @casperlikej @cliosunshine @randomgirlnumber-13 @sugyomama
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2009, Albert Park
Moving from Toro Rosso to Red Bull has been the source of excitement of Sebastian ever since he signed the contract last December. He was excited to work with a bigger team and it opened up better opportunities for a championship which is why he feels really giddy walking to Albert Park.
"Seems like a good year for a championship?"Christian greeted Sebastian.
"I'm looking forward to that, the car feels nice"Sebastian agreed.
When the two walked to the garage, they immediately saw the Webber siblings discussing with some of the mechanics. Mark immediately waved at Sebastian.
Sebastian can tell that their dynamics improved since it was announced that they will be teammates. They spent a lot of time together in Milton Keynes so they found each other tolerable. It was surprising that now he feels a lot more closer to Mark than to Y/N.
He was actually expecting her to be around when they said Mark will be around Milton Keynes but the female Webber never showed up. Mark says that Y/N has been taking some time off since she will be busy during the season. Sebastian thinks he might be the reason why she has been absent so he felt a little relieve to see her.
"Excited for the first race of the season?" Y/N asked.
"The car seems alright, I think we can bring some good points in"Sebastian replied.
"We're gonna bring in a challenge this year, I can feel that we can compete for the drivers and constructors championship this year"Mark added
"How about Brawn, do you think they'll be a challenge?"Y/N wondered.
Sebastian heard about the team during the winter break. It was sort of a crazy story about how everything happened. He never saw Jenson or Rubens as a threat so he thinks that they might be an okay team that he doesn't have to worry about.
"They are a new team, I'm sure they won't be a threat" famous last words.
Brawn GP turns out to be a slight threat. Sebastian calls it a slight threat since this was only the first race and maybe its just their luck that they managed to pull away. They have to see how they perform in the next few races.
It was quite a bummer that Red Bull was unable to bring any points. It frustrated him heavily since he started 3rd and managed to stay 2nd the whole race until that unfortunate collision with Kubica that ruined his race.
Mark managed to finish the race but he finished 13th. Still out of the points.
As Sebastian was replaying the whole thing in his hotel room, he heard soft knocks at his door. He didn't remember ordering anything from room service so he was a bit confused as he headed to open the door.
"Hi Seb" it was Y/N "I was sent here by Mark to ask you if you want to go out and eat. You are in Australia and our family is from Australia and it will be a little bit rude if we didn't treat you out in Australia"
"That's too many Australia in one sentence"
"Have dinner with us and the family?"she simplifies "Please?"
There was not much to do anyway, Seb thinks so he accepted the offer. It might also be a good start to rekindle the friendship since its been a while since the two spoke with each other.
"You're driving?"Sebastian asked
"Of course, what kind of host am I if I'm going to make you drive"
The drive was reminiscent of Sebastian's memory when they were in Germany. Only that the view is more of beaches rather than the greens and the cold of Europe.
"I heard stories about you and Mark, it seems that you two are getting along quite well"Y/N opened up the conversation
"Oh he talks about me?"
"Well as his assistant, I have to ask about his work dynamics so yeah you have been a talking point of our conversation"
"That's nice"Sebastian smiles "How is life treating you? I didn't see you in Milton Keynes"
She lets out a heavy sigh and Sebastian could tell that there is a certain tiredness in her eyes. Maybe its true what Mark said that Y/N is actually drained from a season of F1.
"I just have to get away. A lot of pressure to deliver"
Sebastian understands that. Its probably the reason why he also tried to be understanding with Mark's situation as well. He knows that at the end of the day, the sports was brutal in one way or another. Everyone eventually gets that pressure to deliver.
"Let's not talk about f1, lets just talk about basic life things" Sebastian steered the conversation.
There was a smile gracing both of their faces because its just Sebastian and Y/N again. No last names, no championships, just them.
2009, Sepang International Circuit
"I hate wet races" Y/N confirms.
She doesn't get why everyone gets a bit excited with wet racing but she can't find how this is enjoyable for some people. Isn't the thrill of racing beyond speed limit exciting enough for them? Now they even want to race under dangerous weather conditions.
"It test your skills as a driver" Sebastian defended "Back me up here Mark"
"You're on your own Seb"was the reply of the older Webber. He did not want to take side with anyone.
The trio has been sitting at the garage waiting for the race to start. There was still 20 minutes left and Y/N has been stressing about how the dark clouds are looming over. She thinks it may start under dry conditions then go to wet in a snap.
"You can test your skills by overtaking and setting the fastest lap" Y/N noted
"Its all about strategy and taking risks"Sebastian assured.
"You better make sure that the both of you finish the race"
"No promises, Seb might hit me again"Mark joked
"Oh c'mon, I said I was sorry about that"
True enough to Y/N's prediction, the race started on the dry conditions then it ended up to be a wet race. Y/N had her fair share of wet races but this was the most terrifying for her opinion. There were puddles and the drivers can't see a thing with the rain blocking their vision.
It gotten so bad that Y/N actually went out of the driver's room to check on the status of the drivers.
"Aren't they red flagging the race?"she asked one of the mechanics
"There is still nothing from the stewards but Mark is also insisting that the race should be stopped"
Y/N was glad that she wasn't the only sane Webber around.
Just then there was a crash on screen and the weather made it very difficult for them to decipher which car spun but it was for sure a Red Bull. Y/N felt a bit comforted that it just spun without hitting anyone or anything.
"Its confirmed, that is Seb's car"
"Safety car for the lap"
"Webber is gonna ask to stop the race"
There was a flurry of emotions inside the garage. The race was stopped at lap 33 and there was the question if they will wait for it to restart or is it called off completely.
"I'm in 15th, this is not good"Sebastian was already groaning. He missed out on the points again by a big margin.
"Hey 15th is okay than dnf or being hospitalized"
Knowing Sebastian, Y/N knew he wanted to do well and it didn't seem like it was going to how Sebastian had it in his mind earlier this year. She gave him a comforting pat.
"Do you want some ice cream?"she asked
Sebastian looked at her as if she grew two heads "In this cold weather? You are asking for ice cream?"
"Ice cream heals people's boo boo" Y/N shrugged "Besides Kimi made me hungry for ice cream"
"You are crazy" Sebastian started "But c'mon lets go get some ice cream"
2009, Circuit de Catalunya
Mark: Can you see me before qualis at the back of the garage Mark: need your help, please
Sebastian never received any urgent texts from Mark so he must say that his curiosity is piqued by it. He immediately set out to meet Mark in the designated location.
"You need me?"Sebastian asked.
"Sebastian, just the person I needed" Mark seems elated to see him "Listen I need you to do me a favor"
"Okay as long as I don't have to hide a body"
"Nevermind that. It was a joke Mark"Sebastian wanted to facepalm himself. Mark never seems to understand his humor especially when he was too excited with things.
"So May 15 is coming up. I need your help to distract my sister and maybe tour her around Spain while we do some preparation at the hotel. I just need your help to distract her for like 3-4 hours"Mark explained.
"15th?What's on the 15th?"
Sebastian was pretty sure that there was no race or other commitments that is happening on the 15th. He tries to rack his head for any important dates on the 15th but he can't remember a thing. Meanwhile, Mark looked offended that Sebastian didn't know the significance of May 15.
"Its Y/N's birthday"Mark answered.
Oh. Now that Sebastian thinks about it, Y/N never told her birthday. He felt like an idiot after realizing how they spend a lot of time together but he still haven't asked her about her birth date. But now that he knows, he makes a mental note of it.
"Okay. I think I can do that. Leave it to me"
"Thanks Seb, I owe you big time"
Seb: Are you still here at the 15th? Y/N: Why are you asking? Seb: I'm feeling adventurous. What do you say about getting lost in spain? Y/N: hmm sounds nice. Count me in.
"How long till we get there"Y/N asked.
They have driven for quite some time already and Sebastian promised that this place will be worth the wait. Sebastian will not admit it but maybe he got a little bit of lost in directions for the past 20 minutes and he is just starting to get the hang of the destination right now.
"Just a few minutes more" Sebastian assured. He can already see the spires of the building so he felt a sigh of relief escape.
"We were lost a while ago, aren't we?"
Sebastian just give out a grin as he continues to drive closer to the place. He stopped at the designated parking lot and unlocked the door.
"Adventure awaits Miss Y/N, welcome to La Sagrada Familia"Sebastian introduced.
When Sebastian was looking for a place to go, the La Sagrada Familia was one of the top hit. Sebastian didn't even consider if she is religious or what but he thinks she can appreciate the reminder that this architecture is still a work in progress and it has managed to endure a lot throughout the years of construction.
"This is beautiful" was her response.
"They say that this will be the most beautiful form of apology when it is finished"Sebastian informed "This was built for the city's sins"
"I beg to disagree"Y/N replied.
It was now Sebastian's turn to be curious.
"I think this is the grandest gesture of someone's love"Y/N elaborated "This went on for years, decades, centuries-they did not stop loving Barcelona that they continue working so that the city will be forgiven"
It was a pretty analogy in Sebastian's mind. He felt like no amount of his research could compare with that realization.
If the outside of the cathedral looks majestic, the inside is beyond what they could imagine. The both of them let out a small woah as they stepped foot into the church.
"You know you can make three wishes when its your first time to enter a church, they say it comes true when you do that"Y/N mentioned "You wanna give it a go?"
Sebastian nodded and he noticed how Y/N immediately closed her eyes.
'A world drivers championship. Happiness. Y/N receiving her wish' was what Sebastian prayed for.
He takes out a peek and Y/N was still in her own solemn state. Sebastian wonders what is it that she wishes for and he hopes that this three wishes thing works. He really wanted Y/N to fulfill her wishes, it will make him extremely happy.
"What did you wish for Y/N"
"Safe races, World Peace, and points for you and Mark" she answered
"Oh c'mon, you don't have things about yourself. Don't you have any personal wishes? Like your own goals or your own things?"Sebastian quizzed
Y/N knew deep down that she wanted something but she knew that saying it at the moment might not be ideal. But heaven knows, she prayed for Sebastian Vettel to stay in her life.
2009, Nürburgring
Y/N didn't mind that she was in heels, she was running as fast as she could to parc ferme. The moment that the last lap started and Mark was still leading, she immediately headed straight to the destination. Their father was already at the pits waiting with the signboard.
There was certainly a mix of emotions. Y/N's mind reel back to how Mark started pole and then had an incident with Hamilton at the start of the race. It caused him to have a penalty which lessens his chances of winning but Mark was in for a mega-drive. He managed to regain all the places that he lost from the penalty and here he is leading the Grand Prix.
Y/N felt her ears ringing as the crowd roars as the chequered flag appeared. Every speaker was blaring out the obvious, this is Mark Webber's first win in Formula 1.
People are starting to line up near the barricades. Y/N doesn't care if she was being pushed but she will be the first one to meet her brother and congratulate him once he gets out of the car.
Mark did not miss his sister and immediately hugged her tight. He kept on repeating his thanks for her support and for not giving up on him. Y/N could only choke on a sob with the cameras flashing the emotional sibling moment that they shared.
"Congratulations Mark"Sebastian appeared next to him and Mark gave him a hug.
It was a happy day for the Red Bull team for securing double podiums. The whole Red Bull team cannot contain their happiness as the two walked to their podium spots. It is certainly a day that warrants a much needed night out.
So fast forward and Red Bull rented out a club to celebrate the victory of today. Y/N was certain that she deserved to let loose a little with the events that happened today.
Shots after shots, Y/N managed to drink everything up until the room started to feel a little bit wavy. It was a good thing that Sebastian has not been much of a party animal, he knew that this was Mark's time to celebrate so he won't be taking too much of a spotlight.
"You are seriously wasted, you should stop drinking now" Sebastian said, catching Y/N before she could trip in her heels.
"my brother won, can't you believe ittttt"her words are slurred.
"Yep, I'm getting you water and were going back to the hotel"
But Sebastian has already carried her out of the club. Sebastian knew that there are probably much more people wasted there but Sebastian was focused on Y/N. She was the reason why Sebastian decided to sober up the entire night. Knowing that Mark will be celebrating, no one will take care of Y/N.
Sebastian wanted to take care of her.
The trip to the hotel was smooth as Y/N was asleep at the car. Sebastian was giggling when he picked her up and she started rambling about how there are different kinds of beautiful in formula 1.
"But you know what's the most beautiful thing in f1 that I have seen?" she asked "Its the time where I saw Sebastian Vettel test the car"
Sebastian got curious, he didn't know that Y/N was around when he tested the car.
"And it was so dreamy. There was this beauty about him and you know he is so passionate. He isn't a paid driver or maybe he is but damnnnn the way he raced and the way he loved the wheels"Y/N rambles on.
It feels illegal for Sebastian to be hearing this and he knows he should not take advantage of Y/N's truthful drunkness to hear what she thinks about him. But somehow, Sebastian stayed with her. He tucked her in the bed and left a glass of water at the bedside table.
"Did you know Sebastian Vettel is the prettiest boy ever. He is so pretty like how the sun is so pretty to the plants" Sebastian also laughed at the comparison. Y/N was really really drunk.
"I like Sebastian"
"What?" was Sebastian's shocked question.
"I like sebastian, what sue me? I think he is a pretty pretty boy"
Sebastian feels like his heart is pounding but he has to stay cool. She is drunk right now and she might not be aware of the things she is saying.
"You get some rest, lets talk about this in the morning" Sebastian said as he left the girl.
It took every ounce of his being to prevent himself from confessing that he likes her a lot too. But Sebastian will do his confession sober. If Y/N remembers this incident then they will talk about it. If not, he will wait for the right timing to discuss the feelings he has for her.
Morning came and Y/N did not remember anything.
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pikpartblogs · 3 months
Buy Bike Garage Franchise in India | Garage Franchise Businesses to Start | Pikpart Smart Garage Franchise
Explore lucrative opportunities in India's booming automotive industry by investing in a Bike Garage Franchise. Start your entrepreneurial journey with Pikpart Smart Garage Franchise – a trusted brand for aspiring business owners. Discover the potential of Garage Franchise Businesses and buy into a thriving market today.
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vroomvro0mferrari · 2 months
CL16 | Oblivious
Sorry it took me so long, I was really busy with finals the last couple of weeks but I've finally finished the fic from the poll! I hope you like it :)
Summary: Charles has been blatantly flirting with Y/N for months, but she's the only one who hasn't noticed.
Charles Leclerc x Sainz!Reader
WC: 2.4K
Warnings: None
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Charles was busy in the garage, talking with his mechanics when he saw her walk in. Y/N Sainz, the younger sister of his friend and teammate. He had seen her many, many times when she came to support her brother at his races. It seemed like Charles could sense her presence, knowing she was there without having seen or heard her, always looking up right when she walked in. Y/N Sainz was greatly loved by the Ferrari employees. With her bubbly personality, witty jokes, and bright smiles, all the team members enjoyed her presence. And Charles couldn’t help but feel the same way, although Y/N was completely oblivious to his affection. 
His face lit up when their eyes met, instantly smiling at her company. As soon as she was close enough, he greeted her, “Ah Y/N! Nice to see you again, you look lovely today!” He grinned.
“Oh, thank you, Charles. You’re so kind!” She responded with a bright smile as she hugged him in greeting, the flirty undertone going by entirely unnoticed.
Charles had been enamoured with Y/N since the first time they met. In an effort to not come off too strong and scare her away, Charles tried to flirt with her subtly. However, after several occurrences without any reaction from Y/N, it seemed his flirting was too subtle. Either that or she was not into him. But he couldn’t give into that possibility just yet.
As time passed and Y/N became a more familiar face in the paddock, Charles’s flirtations became bolder. He’d constantly try to include her in conversations and would make up all kinds of excuses just to talk to her. Whenever he did manage to string her into another conversation, he’d try to make her laugh as much as he could. Simply because he could, and because he loved to see her happy and smiling. And if he was feeling really confident, he would even go as far as to touch her arm or the small of her back while they were chatting away or walking around the paddock together. Nevertheless, to Charles's frustration, Y/N didn’t seem to notice his underlying motives, dismissing his actions and words as nothing more than friendly gestures.
Meanwhile, everyone else who had ever been around the duo seemed to have caught sight of the one-sided infatuation and attempt at courtship. Everybody except for Y/N had noticed Charles was desperately trying to make his feelings for the girl obvious, but she simply kept friend-zoning him. Frankly, he found it embarrassing. 
Nearly all of Charles’s fellow drivers had been caught up in one of his attempts to woo Y/N while she simply brushed his compliments off as friendly comments. It was hard not to notice Charles’s fruitless flirting when he did it right in front of them, but they didn’t say anything about it. His colleagues merely exchanged knowing glances with others aware of the situation, amused at Charles’s futile attempts at winning Y/N over. But as time wore on, and Charles kept trying, at least a few of his colleagues started to comment on his persistence, calling him a simp, and joking about his poor flirting. Some suggested he should stop his pursuit of Y/N, as it seemed she wasn’t interested, but Charles was relentless: he would not quit until he knew for sure Y/N Sainz didn’t and would never like him.
And so, when Charles spotted Y/N walking through the paddock with Lando, one of the people in the paddock she got along with better, talking animatedly and laughing loudly with each other, he approached her once more; he would seize any opportunity to blatantly flirt with Y/N. He quickly caught up with the two, putting his hand on the small of her back as he matched his speed with theirs. “You’re absolutely radiant today, chérie” He greeted her with a cheeky grin.  
Y/N looked to her side, greeting the new presence “Hey, Charles!” As oblivious as always, she sweetly smiled up at him and replied, “Thanks! You’re such a sweet friend!”
Lando was a mere bystander in the situation as he observed the interaction, surprised and amused at the ease with which Y/N once again waved off the man who was so clearly crushing on her. He held his opinions back until Charles left, “Wow, you certainly have no trouble friend-zoning him, don’t you?” He commented.
Y/N cocked her head as she looked at him, her brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
Lando laughed humourlessly, “Dear God, you really have no idea?” He paused, “Y/N, Charles has been flirting non-stop with you for ages. How on earth have you not noticed?”
She stopped walking and looked at him in confusion, “He’s not flirting with me, Lando, he’s just being nice. He’s a good friend.” 
“I’m actually quite sure he’s flirting with you, Y/N. So is everyone else. You could literally ask any of the drivers, and they would confirm it. The Ferrari employees too, I reckon. He likes you, Y/N.” He said unimpressed.
“Charles likes me?” She asked softly, suddenly turning shy, a blush creeping onto her face.
Lando sighed, realising his friend was even more oblivious than he initially thought. “Yeah, he does. I’m honestly surprised you’ve never noticed.” He gently squeezed her shoulder before they parted ways.
— — —
For the rest of the day, Y/N thought about Lando’s words. She thought about all her interactions with Charles over the last few months and realised that he did compliment her quite often. 
Once, on a sunny afternoon, Y/N was chatting with some of the Ferrari team members near the garage when Charles spotted her. He, as always, decided to walk over to talk with her, his usual charming smile on his face and mischief in his eyes.
"Y/N, only you can make a sunny day even brighter," he said with a big, playful smile and admiration in his voice.
Y/N blinked at him, surprised by his sudden appearance and his bold statement. "Oh, thank you, Charles! That's really sweet of you to say."
Unfazed by her obliviousness, Charles pressed on, determined to make his feelings known after such a long time. "No, really," he insisted, his gaze unwavering. "I mean it. You bring a brightness to the paddock that I can't quite explain."
Y/N laughed softly, “Well, um, thank you. That’s very kind. What can I say? I try my best.” She replied with a smile.
Another time, Y/N was in the team hospitality when she accidentally spilt her drink, leaving an obvious stain on her white shirt. Charles, who was, unsurprisingly, standing nearby (as always), had noticed immediately and courteously offered one of his extra Ferrari shirts. When he saw the girl he had liked for months in his clothes, wearing his driver’s number, he naturally couldn’t resist the urge to flirt with Y/N.
"Have I ever told you how stunning you look in red?" he remarked, his eyes sparkling with mischief and fondness at the sight of her.
Y/N laughed and replied, "No, I don't think you have," smiling at him in a friendly manner.
"Well, consider it said," he said, his tone playful. "You wear it better than anyone else, that's for sure."
Y/N laughed softly, appreciating her friend’s words, "I doubt that’s true, but thanks, Charles."
Thinking back to these moments, Y/N realised maybe Charles had indeed been flirting with her. However, he might just be like that with all of his friends, complimenting everyone he cares about. Nevertheless, now that Lando had brought this to her attention, she would surely pay extra attention to what Charles would say to her tomorrow.
— — —
The next day, Charles had caught her in a conversation again. They were talking about the race and the current situation with Ferrari. He mentioned the pressure from the team and all the fans that want him to do well, and that the car and the strategies aren’t working the way he wants them to. Of course, Y/N tried to reassure him; to relieve the pressure and stress Charles was feeling. He absolutely adored the way she was trying to comfort him and was not afraid to let her know, “I have to admit, Y/N, nobody can cheer me up like you can. You calm my nerves like no one else,” he said, looking at her lovingly while he expressed his feelings.
Y/N didn’t know how to respond. This was the first time she noticed he was flirting with her whilst he was actually doing it, and she had no idea how to react. When she felt her face heat up, she could only assume she was blushing from the nerves. She diverted her gaze, trying to come up with a good reply to Charles’s advances. How did she usually respond when Charles complimented her? She couldn’t remember now.
Charles was confused at Y/N’s lack of response to his remark. Normally, she’d immediately smile at him and thank him for whatever compliment he’d come up with, but now, she was looking away, and - was he seeing that right? Was she blushing? He had flirted with her countless times, but she had never blushed at any of his comments. Had she finally noticed his advances? Charles watched her with an amused smile while she searched for the right words.
Eventually, she shyly smiled at him, meeting his eyes in a fleeting glance before responding, “I’m glad to be of help.”
Charles, Charles, proud that he was the one to cause her flustered appearance, decided to push a little further, curious to see what would happen, “You really have no idea how much you mean to me, Y/N. Your support helps me so much.” Charles smiled gently and put his hand on her arm. When there’s no immediate response, he continues, “Anyway, I have to get ready for the race. I’ll see you later, yeah?” Y/N merely nodded and watched him walk away.
Her brother had been watching the interaction from a distance, observing the way his sister responded to Charles’s obvious flirting and, too, noticing the difference. “You finally figured it out, huh?” He said with a teasing smile. Y/N rolled her eyes at him in annoyance, but Carlos just continued, “You should let him know you like him too.” Y/N didn’t respond. “You do like him don’t you?” He asks, confused at her unresponsiveness. “Leave me alone, Carlos!” She replied, pushing her brother away. He laughed at her; that reaction was enough for him to know the answer to his question. He ruffled her hair and walked away, also needing to get ready for the race.
After her short talk with Charles, Y/N was sure that he liked her, but how to proceed? She could barely focus on the cars going around the track while all types of ideas were racing around in her head. What on earth was she supposed to do now? Should she wait until the next time Charles would flirt with her, or should she make the move instead? Considering Carlos’s advice, she decided she should take matters into her own hands.
She walked up to Charles as soon as she saw him entering the garage after the race. She had always thought Charles was incredibly attractive – like most women, but he looked especially handsome after he had raced.
“Hey, good job on the race!” She greeted Charles, pulling him into a hug. She looked at him for a second or two, contemplating whether she should actually do this. She smiled up at him shyly, “You know, I love the way your hair looks after a race.” She said blushing, running one of her hands through his messy hair. Charles is surprised at her comment, but he’s shocked at her hand in his hair. This is the first time she has complimented him – or at least, initiated it. Let alone, her touching him in such an intimate way. His eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly agape as he stared at her in disbelief. It was now Charles’s turn to be flustered as Y/N finally reciprocated his attempts at flirting.
In his silence, Y/N decided to continue, “It’s hot.” She said, avoiding eye contact. Charles was unsure how to respond. He had never experienced a situation like this before; he always knew exactly what to say, but she had caught him off guard. After Y/N had friend-zoned him countless times, he was definitely not expecting this; he was not sure what to do.
The absence of a reply only made Y/N more nervous. She distanced herself from him, letting her hand fall from his hair, realising she probably shouldn’t have touched him without permission. Charles was quick to notice her retreat and held her face to stop her from leaving. He raised her chin to make their eyes meet and asked her softly, “Let me take you to dinner?” while he stared at her with adoration.
Y/N smiled at him fondly and nodded her head, “I’d like that, Charles. I’d really like that.” 
“Good,” He said firmly, his smile growing wider, matching hers. “I have to leave now for the debrief, but I’ll text you, okay?” 
Y/N nodded her head in response, letting out a hum. Charles pulled her face closer with the hand on her cheek, and fleetingly kissed her forehead before leaving, looking over his shoulder to catch her gaze one last time.
Y/N stood still in shock for a while, processing what just happened. She had agreed to go on a date with Charles. She was staring outside, letting the situation sink in as she watched people pass by in the busy paddock. Suddenly, she spotted Lando waving wildly at her, trying to get her attention. When he realised that she had seen him, he smiled mischievously and gave her a thumbs-up, assuming the kiss he saw Charles give her was a good sign. Y/N rolled her eyes at him, annoyed by his nosiness, but Lando just laughed, amused at her bother and glad his meddling had helped.
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infamous-if · 1 year
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Latest update -> 12/01/2023
You're going to be a superstar, no matter what it takes.
You and your friends have been in a band since high school, when all you were was a lead singer to a band that played out of someone's garage and did occasional birthday party gigs for the neighborhood kids. after years of grinding, your band has yet to make it big, but has managed a small and dedicated cult following. All you and your bandmates want is to see your names in glittery lights, traveling the world to perform for millions of fans.
Your chance comes in Misfit Alley's Battle of the Bands. After auditioning every year with no success, your band has finally gotten the opportunity to tour across the United States and open for the biggest band in the world, performing against other bands in the hopes that you win and get signed.
As you perform, your fame rises and you can see the dream coming to fruition. But with fame comes problems of its own, some that might just ruin you and the band you swore to take to the top.
Infamous is rated 18+ for explicit language, explicit sexual themes, drug and alcohol use, violence, morally questionable behavior, and more.
Customize your MC (the lead singer of your band)'s appearance and personality, as well as their public image and persona. Are they loved or hated by the public? Controversial or appeasing? Humble or arrogant? Fame and money-hungry or simply there for the music?
Following that, work on your band's public image and whether they're mainstream or underground, depending on the choice of music you release and what kind of promo you do. Is your band hated by parents due to its explicit content or is your band squeaky clean, perfect for a mainstream label?
Engage in fiery romance with an array of wild characters, including some that may just get you into hot water with the rumor mill.
Create your own lyrics and decide whether you want to be a genuine artist or the face of a brand.
Get rich and famous ! Isn't that what you're here for?
The Band Manager: Orion/Oriana Quinn ✮ he/him or she/her, 35 ✮ [RO] -- strict and reserved, O is the antithesis of what a rockstar is. Some call their cold and uptight demeanor having 'a stick up their ass' but they call it being business focused. O is all about bringing the band to the top, which includes being professional at all times.
Special romance route: you can choose to have been chasing O for years, to no success (until now?)
The New Addition: August Pierce ✮ they/them, 26 ✮ [RO] -- With the exit of your bandmate, August has taken her place as the band's drummer. Usually shy and reserved, that all goes out the window once they start playing. You wonder if their isolation is less a personality trait and more the fact that they're in a band with longtime friends. Doesn't matter--seems like it'll take a while for you to get close to them regardless.
The Idol: Griffin/Gina 'Gigi' Reign ✮ he/him or she/her, 28 ✮ [RO] -- the spunky, charming and controversial lead singer of Misfit Alley and now your mentor, G Reign is currently the most famous person on Earth. Everyone either hates them, wants to be them, or wants to fuck them. Of course, this means a slew of trouble if one gets close to them...that is if they even allow it.
Special romance route: engage in an affair / engage in a strictly physical relationship (that can lead to a romantic one) // poly route with Victoria Valentine
The Rival: Seven Lawless ✮ he/him or she/her, 27 ✮ [RO] -- once your best friend or ex, they are now your rival and the lead singer of Soft Violence, another band competing for Battle of the Bands. They hate you. Still, the line between love and hate is a whole lot of passion.
Special romance route: can either be an ex or a former best friend, enemies to lovers.
The Girl Dad: Sebastian Holland ✮ he/him, 33 ✮ [RO] -- a normal and friendly data analyst, Sebastian isn't about the music scene....but his daughter is and she's a superfan of your band. Sebastian is your typical 'nice guy' almost too nice, sometimes, and has been dragged along by his daughter to follow the Battle of the Bands for her birthday. He's just a normal civilian. The last thing you should do is get to know him, right?
The Eye Candy: Victoria Valentine ✮ she/her, 27 ✮ [RO] -- G Reign's wife, she's an upcoming actress and model. Victoria has been G's eye candy since they came up on the scene, but you can almost sense the tension between them. And the way Victoria seeks shelter in someone else...that could be you.
Special romance route: engage in an affair // poly route with G Reign
Rowan Hart (he/him) -- guitarist
Iris De Luca (she/her) - keyboardist
Devyn Powell -- (they/she) bassist, background vocals
reblogs appreciated! and thank you for your interestttt
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doctorgarages · 2 years
Want to become a partner in an Automobile franchise
Are you interested in a franchise in the automobile sector? Doctor Garage is India's first brand in the automobile industry that works for garages. We are having more than a 2.5L+ customer base. Doctor Garage has an experienced management team in an automobile. Visit the Website for more details.
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httpiastri · 4 months
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ollie bearman x crawford!reader
the instagram story was subtle enough. or, at least, so you thought.
ollie didn't seem to agree.
it was a video of you in the newly bought sundress you'd decided to wear to the sprint race today; twirling around in your hotel room, the geotag of "silverstone circuit" in the top right corner. but none of this is what ollie cares about: it's the choice of background music.
they say home is where the heart is, but god i love the english. you know i love a london boy…
the poor boy nearly had a heart attack when he saw it in the paddock. he thought it was super obvious; "i love a london boy" could only mean one thing.
your relationship with ollie is still secret from everyone, including your brother, to ensure that people won't get involved in your private business. besides, once the news is out even in just the racing world, you know it will spread and get big in no time; that's the way it usually is with formula drivers. especially fan-favorites like ollie. so, for the moment, you've decided to just enjoy wherever this takes you, without caring what anyone else thinks. but now, he's scared you've blown it.
your instagram account is on private, so you aren't afraid of fans snooping around and seeing it. but still, it worries ollie; your brother follows you, and that is much worse than fans, he reckons. when you first started going out, you thought it would be natural to tell your twin brother about it, considering the fact that ollie is one of his best friends – but ollie disagreed. the whole dating your best friend's sibling-thing never went well in the movies, and that's all he had to go after.
the song echoes in his brain all morning. during the driver meeting, his pre-race briefings, even as he watches the f3 sprint. he likes my american smile like a child when our eyes meet; darling, i fancy you. all morning leading up to the race, he's distracted and can't think of anything else, though his mechanics and engineers think he's just focused on the race ahead of him. ollie needs some kind of closure, and it isn't until he spots you walking down the f2 paddock that he finds an opportunity.
it's not long before ollie is supposed to get into his car that he sees you on your way to the dams garage. the sundress you showed off in your instagram story looks even better in the real world, and he can't help but swoon at the sight of your smile lighting up the paddock just as much as the sun. he snaps out of it just in time, because when you walk past the prema garage, he swoops out and grabs your wrist, pulling you in.
"ollie-" is all you can get out because now he's pulling you along with him so fast that you can barely even keep up. you manage to nod and greet a few of the prema workers on your way – most people recognize you as jak's sister since you spent a lot of time in the paddock with them last year – but soon, ollie has managed to find you a secluded corner far in the back with no one around.
you rest one hand on his shoulder as you try to catch your breath, looking up at your boyfriend with pinched eyebrows. "you..." he starts, letting out a sigh. "your story on instagram..."
"what about it?"
you weren't usually one to tease him, so he assumes you are actually sincere in your current confusion. the thought of your story may have been etched into his mind for the last few hours and the reason behind his displeasure might be totally clear in his head – but you never were one to read thoughts, which he sometimes forgets. "jak is going to know."
you don't look any less confused by now, which makes ollie feel even more impatient. "why would he know?"
"the song choice. london boy, really? it's so obvious." he pauses for a moment. "you can't do that."
his words are meant as a warning, but the smile on his lips tells a whole other story. no matter how scared he is that your brother will find out that you've been hiding this relationship from him, he can't stop himself from finding it just a bit amusing. and with the way that you're still watching him with such an innocent look and your other hand is also reaching for his shoulder, there's no way he can hold back a grin.
"sweetheart, it's one of the most popular songs out right now. in the entire world. no one will even bat an eye. plus," you tilt your head. "i'm an american girl in england, so london boy is an obvious choice."
"you could've chosen so many other songs about england, but you had to choose that one?"
the chuckle leaves your throat instantly. "you're not even a london boy, ollie."
he knows he's lost. he knows he's just worrying about nothing, he knows there's a much bigger risk that someone finds out about you being here with him in the prema garage than jak connecting the dots from just your story. but he can't give up just yet.
"i'll forgive you. but on one condition," he says, and you immediately nod at him. "give me a kiss. for good luck."
there's not even a second of hesitation before you get onto your tippy toes, reaching up to him. your lips are pressed onto his once, then twice, then thrice. you're both smiling into it, and his hands cup your cheeks, holding you close when you part for the last time.
"you know," he starts, thumbs drawing circles into your cheeks. "i fancy you."
the giggle that leaves your lips is like music to his ears. did he actually study the song? "oh, oliver," you say, trying to pull off your most british accent. "darling, i fancy you, too."
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salaciousdoll · 2 years
"I Want That Hoe, She A Freak Hoe"
♡ ྀ =͟͟͞♡ The Gang Wants To Fuck Shion’s Slut of a girlfriend
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Pairings ♡ ྀ =͟͟͞♡ : Kantou Manji Gang x Bimbo! Fem reader
Warnings ♡ ྀ =͟͟͞♡: Smut, exhibition, voyeurism, gangbang, spitting in mouth and other areas, chubby reader hints, doggy style, mating press, fucking in vehicles and other places, alternative Timeskip where kmg is two years in, unprotected and protected sex involved, cheater reader, double penetration, tit job, rough fucking, passionate fucking, breeding, small daddy kink on Koko’s part, Shion is a himbo to your Bimbo,overall nasty shit really
Word Count ♡ ྀ =͟͟͞♡: 3.0k
18+ Allowed
( so mad I can’t put my taglist opportunity no more so if you want to join to say it and it’s my first HC too so heads up!)
jjK Version Aot Version
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⋆.ೃ࿔* Shion: Before the meeting, on the table
“ Is it- Mmgh fuck- okay to be doing this in here? Shion we could get caught.”, You moaned as you held him around the neck tightly while rocking your hips back and forth. His long pale fingers were digging into the plush of your ass under the fabric of your skirt you gladly wore for him, he hissed when you squeezed around his cock, “ Yeah, baby, I promise. It’s only you and me here at the headquarters to-aah do that againnn- day.”
He couldn’t even finish the sentence because you were bouncing your ass up and down while sucking on his long tattooed neck. You spoke too soon when someone clears their throat, “ Gotta say Shion, I always knew she was gorgeous, why don’t you share her with me? With us? Hmm.”
You froze but it didn’t last for long because of shion twirling his hips while digging into you like a caveman who haven’t had pussy in forever. His moans were louder now and you knew he was close so you milked him in the best way possible. You couldn’t stop fucking him as you yanked on his mullet. You didn’t care who was watching and who heard you.
⋆.ೃ࿔* Ran and Wakasa: In Wakasa’s studio
Wakasa was the first person who was willing to fuck you. Shion never said it was okay but he knew you couldn’t resist him as he was digging into your pussy while his arms hooked around your neck, “ Augh! Shit, this pussy is heaven, see why he didn’t want to share.” Ran wasn’t supposed to stumble upon you two but he had to be the one to give Wakasa info about the new business they’re heading into. When he did, he couldn’t resist fucking your mouth. That was the second thing he admired if your eyes weren’t included as the first, “ The fact that you probably kiss him on the lips is enough to make me cum inside of your wet mouth, leave an impression while you’re making out with him, yeah?”
Wakasa felt every bump of Ran’s cock inside of your throat as he choked you while fucking you from behind. He missed the feeling of pussy, haven’t had any in three days, so when you sucked him in with your walls, he couldn’t help but to stagger in his movement a bit. The little shakes and pumping of his cock inside you tells you everything you need to know. He was about to cum for sure. You made them weak and they wanted to make you weaker so they fucked into you even harder. You screams were muffled by Ran’s cock but their groans and whimpers were not. They had to take you away from him and either keep you for themselves or possibly share even if they didn’t like each other like that.
Ran heard the gulps, gags, and globs of spit lathering up his dick and couldn’t take the feeling of your mouth around him. Waka and Ran was an unexpected duo but both pairs of Lilac eyes were on you as they thrusted three or four times before yelling out your name while cumming inside the condom Waka had on and your mouth. Pants and exhaustion could be heard around the room before a quiet, “ let’s do it again” could be heard
⋆.ೃ࿔* Sanzu: In the HQ Garage
“ Sanzu please don’t make us, Uumph, fall.”, You moaned as Sanzu pulled your body towards him while his knees were denting the roof of the car he has no use for since he got a new one. You two were in the kantou Manji headquarters garage all because he wanted to show you his new car, only to fuck you on the roof of his old black car.
Sanzu choked out a moan as he lifted your ass to grab tightly into his hands. Your plump ass was in between his fingers as he fucked into you. His cock was reaching places you never thought were there. It was breathtaking even if you fucked waka and ran just two days ago. Sanzu’s cock dragged along your gummy walls in desperation and he loved every second of it, “ Fuck, your pussy is squeezing me so tightly, and don’t worry, I got you baby doll.”
You were trying to be quiet as he started pounding you into the roof of the car. The mating position was going so well that you were forgetting who your boyfriend is. You couldn’t help it the way Sanzu’s big balls slapped against the opening of your ass. His breath was ragged and you were panting and covering your mouth from trying not to scream.
Your orgasm hit like a tsunami causing your body to shake while your legs wrapped tightly around Sanzu’s waist. You were pretty sure that the car roof had a huge dent in it but when you looked out the side of your eyes at Sanzu, you figured he wouldn’t care. He was going to make you his because the way your pussy clamped down on him was enough to send him into a spiral and made him dumb enough to not realize he came inside of your pussy. He was pussy drunk and you could tell because of his eyes rolling back to his head in pure bliss as he came.
⋆.ೃ࿔* Koko and Hanma: In your room
This only happened because you wanted to be the Bimbo slut you were always meant to be. You only invited Koko over, but Hanma came too and now you are stuck in between them as they pounded inside of you with faint breaths over your lips and the nape of your neck. Your long nails raked down Hanma’s back as he pounded into you from the front while Koko was pounding your prepped ass from below you.
Your facial expressions were turning Hanma on even more because, God! , were you the prettiest girl he ever seen. Shion was fucking lucky to have a woman like you but were you lucky to have someone like shion?, “ Oh come on, butterfly, you can’t make me cum, we just got started so stop clenching me so hard, yeah?” Koko was whimpering into your back because he was at a loss of words. He has wanted you ever since Shion introduced you after two weeks of starting KMG. It’s now two years later and Koko wanted you for himself, just thinking about it made him thrust inside of your sloppy, puckering ass, “ S-shit, baby, I’m about to cum, you want me to cum deep inside this slutty ass hmm?”
You nodded as a strangled moan erupted from you while the sound of skin clapping and bed bbanging against the wall creating little cracks were heard, “ Mmhmm, fuck come inside of my ass, daddy. I want it so bad.” Hanma chuckled before holding his ‘punishment’ hand on the back of your head forcing your forehead on his while his ‘sin’ tattooed hand reached down to play with your clit, adding on to your upcoming orgasm. All three of your bodies shook as the three of you orgasmed at the same time. Hanma couldn’t help but to shut out your moans with a hungry kiss on your mouth while Koko bit into your back to suppress his moans, they both wanted to cum inside of you, but only one got the chance.
⋆.ೃ࿔* Kakucho: In your closet
Shion was in the bathroom down the hall showering. He still has no clue that you’ve been fucking his crew and you were glad. Although part of the reason is because he’s a Himbo to your Bimbo but you were a little bit smarter than him. The proof was in the pudding when Kakucho was now sliding your panties off with his teeth from behind as you sundress was hiked above your hips/ love handles, “ Fuck, are you sure he isn’t gonna come out the bathroom.” You nodded as you looked at him through the mirror on your closet door.
You were glad, shion put some money on you knocking down your walls to have a big walk in closet because man was that a blessing especially for shit like this, “ Yeah, he usually don’t, mmph, come in here to get dressed and plus he spends about an hour in the bathroom because of him taking care of his hair, oh that feels so good.” Kakucho smirked because he was only peppering you with wet kisses all around your legs and even your lower back. He then chuckled before standing up only to position you to look at the mirror while bending over, “ good because your pussy is fucking soaking and I need to be inside of it because from what the guys tell me, I’m sure to be satisfied by the end right?”
You smirked at him through the big mirror, only to stop when you heard his pants drop and felt his cock slap your inner thigh. You couldn’t even get words out as you were stunned due to the three taps of his fat head landing on the opening of your slit. When he pushed inside of you after reassuring you that he’s going to be careful, your eyes rolled to the back of your head. He was the biggest and thickest so far and you didn’t think you could handle it. You were glad shion just had length compared to this monster of a cock inside of you.
Kakucho's deep throaty moan interrupted your thoughts, “ Oh! Yeah! This pussy is crying for me. F- F-Fuck.” The way he held your hips/love handles was enough to make you purr in excitement. He was so gentle when holding you but fucked and looked like a Greek god. Kakucho thrusted inside of you at a slow pace before lifting you up a little by your neck, “ Keep your eyes locked on mine as I fuck you like you should’ve been fucked by the man who occupy the bathroom down the hall, it’s obvious he’s not satisfying you because otherwise you wouldn’t be slutting yourself out to the men in the gang, yeah?” You were about to deny but his hips met your ass creating nonstop ripples as he fucked into you faster than before.
You tried to keep focus on his heterochromia eyes as he fucked your pussy like a brute, “ K-Kakucho I don’t think I could hold on, nngh! It hurts but feels so good.” He smirked because he knew he was making you feel good so he cooked up his pace not even carin gif shion catches you two since the room was filled with slaps, moans, and groans. “ Come on, pretty girl, don’t hold out on me, make me cum like you did the others and I want to hear it. Loud and clear. I want to feel you shake and fight to get away from me as I fuck you through your orgasm, let me fuck you like your mine, what do you say, hmm?”
⋆.ೃ࿔* Mochi and Benkei: in the hideout
The sound of your gags on Benkei's cock and hand stroking Mochi’s cock were heard throughout the empty area you three were occupied in. You accepted that you were a slut and couldn’t stop fucking everyone. This was now two different people and four days from when Kakucho fucked you into overstimulation. Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt a soft slap on your cheek from one hand and the second hand gripping your hair, “ Suck me right, y/n, I know you can do it so why are you playing on my dick right now?”
You laughed and that just pissed him off more so he decided to get you even more messy by taking his cock out off your tongue since you needed space to laugh and rubbed his dick all over your face, “ Now who’s laughing, slut. Suck me in with those glossy puckered lips will ya?” Benkei was one impatient fucker but you somehow admired it because it looked good on him meanwhile Mochi was shuddering at the feeling of your hands stroking him up and down, “ Shit, she’s good at what she does, so cut her some slack old fuck.” Benkei wanted to punch Mochi when he called him old but stopped when he felt your mouth taking his dick down your throat like a popsicle on a hot summer evening, “ Fuck! Yeah just like that, I want to fuck your mouth, fuck it, I’m gonna fuck your mouth like a pocket pussy now, are you ready?” You nodded through your long eyelashes as you had his dick inside of your mouth.
Benkei took off his jacket after you took his dick out of your mouth to wrap your lips around Mochi’s tip, sucking on him, making him cum inside of your mouth immediately. His moans and deep groans were so sexy to your ears and his cum tasted like salt but it was good inside of your mouth. You only knew he was close due to the redness of his round thick tip. You sucked him in even more before releasing him out of your mouth, kissing the tip of his cock afterwards with a wink to top it off. Mochi flushed a shade of red because you were just so beautiful on your knees, he just had to get you to open up your mouth by raising his Sharp eyebrows and tapping your cheek just to spit inside of your mouth.
Benkei snatched you by your hair and you gladly opened your mouth with your tongue out. He took that as an opportunity to lodge his long cock in your throat creating throat bulges as he fucked into your throat while you now was getting fingered by Mochi after he removed your own fingers. His happy trail was the only thing you could see and that excited you even more considering that it was trimmed down too. You were on cloud nine and they were, too. None of you saw the shadow in the corner watching you all, neither did y’all care.
⋆.ೃ࿔* Mikey: On his motorcycle
You and Mikey enever supposed to end up like this considering that you were scared to talk or even look at him. His eyes had a forbidden glint that made you freeze up every time you looked at him.
You were outside having a blunt to yourself thinking about how to break things off with Shion. You were only brought out of your thoughts when Mikey started up his bike in front of the hq garage. You gotta admit that he looked good as a 20 year old that’s successful as hell in the illegal business you wanted no part in. Shion told you about the war that caused him to be on the dark side and honestly you thought he just needed a good lay and somebody to vent to. Your eyes were fixated on him that you didn’t even realize you were walking to him. It was like you’re in a trance, “ Nice bike you got there.”
Mikey never heard you talk to him and he froze before turning to you with the dead look you feared, “ Thank you, wanna hop on?” To say you were surprised at the offer was an understatement but what was a bigger understatement was moving your hips back and forth with his thick, slightly curved cock inside of you. Mikey gripped your hips in want and need as you rode him with the vibrations of his motorcycle underneath you both. You both didn’t care that you were fucking in public or if shion would see.
“ Fuck Princess, you feel irreplaceable, ugh! I wanna make you mine so bad. Your fucking pouted lips, short skirts, dresses, and tight fitted suits always trigger me to fuck my fist thinking about you.”, Mikey moans as he holds your body close to him before he starts digging into you faster. You were surprised that somebody as little as him was able to move underneath you but nevertheless your moans were hidden inside of his neck while your nails raked down his shoulders and back. You two were enjoying each other more than you should have and didn't realize you two were cumming until your bodies shook against each other as your moans were beginning to muffle because you were too busy sloppy kissing each other
Mikey was glad that he managed to fuck somebody like you because he was never letting you go and he’ll gladly kill Shion if he ever think about taking you away from him. You were apart of him now since you let cum inside of your sweet pussy.
⋆.ೃ࿔* All of them: On the bed
When you wanted to break up with Shion because you broke promises, he wouldn’t let you. He wanted you to be his and if that meant sharing you with his gang so be it. You didn’t want to hurt him even more but he insisted because now he was pounding inside of your cunt while Sanzu was pounding into your ass. You couldn’t even moan because Wakasa was fucking into your mouth as your hands were getting fucked into by Rindou and Ran’s cocks.
“ Fuck, your pussy is swallowing my dick up baby, my girl felt good huh?”, Shion moans as he digs into your pussy. His dick was gliding along your walls like it belonged there, this is the best he ever fucked and you knew it was because he had competition now.
Moans and groans were heard around the room and the encourages of yes and slaps on the back by his peers was enough for him to fuck you like the mad dog he’s labeled as. Mochi couldn’t take anymore and fucked his hand to your moans and screams. He couldn’t wait to be inside you just like Mikey who was pushing your tiddies together to fuck them with his spit coaxed as lube.
“ Shit, this bitch is a fucking saint, Pussy like this, I wouldn’t let go either.” You couldn’t tell who said it but you had a few guesses considering the bass in his voice as he said it.
Your body went through trauma and overstimulation. The amount of cum you ingested and took inside of your body was enough to make you pass out. You felt so full and disgusting but it felt so good. You were still humiliated when you heard men laughing around the room. You were their whore now and it was indefinitely.
Taglist : @dejwrites @simpingforwakasa04 @happygoluckyalexis @nalyana @bontens-angel @bontensbabygirl @cryingchild83 @yooniluvbot444 @forwardpair @celi-xxmoon @cloudnitee @Marley @ushijimasslut @Little_nightowl
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i wanna be yours - mv1
pairing: max verstappen x fem!reader
requests that came together and inspired this series:
• nsfw prompts 9-13 (in pt. 2)
• 'listen up. Obsessive possessive crazy max for sweet innocent reader smut.'
• 'ok so we need dark FICS of any driver of your choice but make him very obsessive and possessive and don't forget the smut. Keep it up girlllll!!!'
summary: a lot of tension building between possessive max and sweet y/n.
warnings: alcohol consumption, fluff, slightly crazy max, some cliches (im sorry!) also the title is based off the arctic monkeys song because i felt like the vibes matched also i love arctic monkeys💕
a/n: screaming once again!!! this is the first fluff ive posted and it's part 1/2. the next part has the smut as promised but i wanted to take my time and build this up please enjoy🙏
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the flight to the UK was long, but well worth it. two months ago you'd been offered an unbelievable opportunity.
an opportunity you'd been dreaming of for years, one you'd spent what felt like an eternity working towards— an engineering internship. not just any internship, one with the red bull formula one team.
you'd be able to travel with the team, shadow the engineers, help with various tasks around the paddock, and design parts at hq. an absolute dream.
after scouring a thousand real estate websites, you'd finally found the perfect place for to live.
a little 1 bed 1 bath apartment, tucked into a beautiful, quaint little neighbourhood. just 30 mins to the red bull hq.
you'd dedicated many late nights and ikea shopping trips to making the apartment your own. your comfortable escape from the grueling hours of studying and pressures of the internship.
you led a busy life, but it never bothered you. you adored what you did and formula one had been your passion since you were a little girl.
and now everything was falling into place. in fact, tommorrow you'd leave to attend your first race with the team. austria. red bulls home race.
you were ecstatic to say the least.
you hurriedly made your way through the paddock and into the red bull garage. your eyes glued to the schedule on top of the pile of papers in your arms.
you were on your way to assist one of the senior engineers in preparation before the race began.
you were nervous, and it was no help that you weren't exactly sure where you were supposed to be meeting him.
suddenly, you stumble over your own feet and bump into someone.
you feel hands on your shoulders, their grasp firm, steadying you.
you look up and are taken aback by the pair of strikingly blue eyes staring back at you. his eyes were the kind of crystal blue that would capture anyones attention. but despite their bright colour, they had a sort of inexplicable depth, darkness to them.
there was something in his expression that you couldn't quite read. something stirring beneath the surface of his icy gaze. it was as though he wasn't just looking at you, but into you.
you abruptly become aware of his hands, still on your shoulders. you're so oddly aware of them, as if it's your first time being touched by anyone.
he holds you firmly, as if trying to hold you together. the moment seemed to last forever. the two of you frozen in time.
a stranger's eye contact and touch shouldn't be affecting you in this way.
"you okay?"
it's only once he speaks that you realize who the man standing in front of you is.
your eyes widen, cheeks flushing. you straighten up quickly, mouth slightly agape.
"oh'" you start, at a loss for words "yeah, im sorry." you manage a small smile.
you straighten up an take a step backwards, pulling away from his grasp. you miss the warmth of his hands more than you'd ever like to admit.
"it's okay, no worries," his eyes linger on you a moment longer before you both go your separate ways.
as you walk away, you cant help but glance back at him.
max verstappen.
you'd certainly heard him speak before on tv, but something about his accent in person was enchanting. his energy seemed to linger on you like perfume.
everything about him caught your attention, long before you'd bumped into him in person.
you'd seen his dominance on track, it was impossible not to notice. he could control the car like no other driver, handling each corner perfectly. he pushed the car to the limit every race and it payed off.
it wasn't just his driving you noticed. his persona. it was everything. and you couldn't ignore the fact that it was sexy.
his short temper, his tendency to snap easily.
it was unreasonably and indescribably attractive.
the next time you see him he's across the room. you're studying the notes that the senior engineer gave you, papers and writing utensils spread across the table in front of you.
he was discussing something with his race engineer, he certainly wasn't doing anything that was particularly interesting or peculiar, he wasn't even looking in your direction. but for fucks sake you were distracted. you were somehow absorbed by his prescence.
ever since bumping into him you couldn't seem to get him out of your head. last night you'd replayed the memory over and over in your mind, finding it more difficult than usual to fall asleep.
all day, you'd silently prayed you would bump into eachother again. your relentless efforts to push your thoughts and feelings to the back of your mind were useless.
the mere idea of him was addictive, so alluring. he was drug-like to you and impossible to ignore.
although it was unknown to you at the time, max had found himself similarly hooked on you. or rather, the thought of you. even though he found enough strength to avoid looking at you, he was well aware of you. sitting at the table in the furthest corner. he was even more aware of the fact that your eyes kept flickering in his direction.
your energy was unlike anything he had ever known. you walked around with an aura of pure innocence. yet you seemed untouchable.
your smile shone. your laugh was contagious. you radiated sunshine. max had come to know these things about you.
you were magnetic in such a way that made him curious.
it stirred something inexplicable inside him. like you were another thing for him to win, to claim. another thing for him to dominant. to corrupt.
your innocence was tangible. and max wanted to be the one to wreck you. it was all he thought about.
ruining you.
the light in your apartment was soft. that's how you preferred it.
you relished your alone time. your small apartment was tailored exactly to you. it was always where you felt perfectly safe and at ease.
light from the sunset was just beginning to spill through your windows. you're stirring a big pot of soup on the stove with lazy motions.
a buzz from your phone catches your attention, the screen lights up and you see a new message. it's from andrew, one of the young engineers at red bull who you'd grown close with over the past few months.
your eyes widen upon reading the message.
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a dinner with drivers? you couldn't deny that it sounded exciting.
but then again, you were already in your pajamas and the soup was beginning to steam.
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you suck in a breath.
the three letters of his name were more than enough to change your answer.
you spent half your time getting ready frantically choosing an outfit.
finally, you'd settled on your favorite black dress. your hair fell over your shoulders in soft curls left over from the day before.
now, you were standing outside the restaurant. you take a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves.
you walk in and the hostess greets you with a friendly smile. you're led to a booth connected to a big table that's only half full.
andrew waves you over and you take a seat next to him in the booth. lando sits across from you.
youd never spoken with lando outside of strictly professional context and you were pleasantly surprised by his charming humor. you're engrossed in the conversation with the two boys as the rest of the group fills the table. you look up to greet the others.
your breath hitches when you see him. his eyes stare into yours with the same intensity as they had two days ago. you don't break the eye contact until he sits down and a dark haired boy you've never seen before calls his name.
despite the abrupt rush of blood to your head, you manage to hold up the conversation with lando.
max couldn't keep his eyes off you for long, and the longer he watched the tighter his grip got on his glass, until his knuckles turned white. he was so focused on you laughing and smiling with lando that he didn't pick up on the way you fidgeted with your ring. a nervous tell.
max clenched his jaw as you leaned in close to something lando said. far closer than what many would deem an action between two casual friends. your giggles and blushing and landos knowing smirk and your hand jokingly smacking his arm made max see red.
"you alright, mate?"
"im fine."
as the night goes on and the chatter and laughter get louder, people begin shuffling around, moving to talk with new people.
lando is called over to a different group of friends and andrew leaves with him, leaving you alone in the booth.
"having fun?"
you recognize his voice immediately, sense his burning presence as he slides into the booth, sitting next to you.
"yeah." you manage a smile. "the food was really good."
"that's good." he says, briefly glancing away. your eyes involuntarily trace over the tendons of his neck.
he was wearing a dark button down, the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. simple, but ridiculously sexy.
he turns his eyes back onto you. "i didn't know you were gonna be here."
"oh i—" you hesitate for a second, his eyes making your heart skip a beat.
"andrew invited me." you explained, turning slightly so you could face him.
"mm, so are you..." he gestures between you and andrew a few seats down, you know what hes asking.
"oh no, we're just friends." you toy with the edge of your napkin.
it was a bold topic to bring up during a first conversation to say the least, but it didn't feel weird. there wasn't the usual tension, usual coldness that typically came with talking to someone for the first time. it was comfortable, you were able to relax a little.
"hm." is all max answers with. he spreads his legs slightly and pushes his hips forwards, getting comfortable. his leg brushing against yours.
the casual action had your heart thrumming in your ears, beating so loudly you're worried he can hear it.
you swallow, having to glance away. you feel your cheeks turning red.
why max verstappen had such an intense effect on you was still a mystery.
"so um—" you start, trying to make some small talk that would distract you from his arm that now rested on the ledge behind you. you take a breath, composing yourself before speaking. "how often do you guys do this kind of thing?"
he shifted again, his leg touching yours, but he doesn't pull it away this time. the knot of nerves in your stomach tightened. you felt your face turn even redder. the physical contact made your body ache for more.
max smirked, his ego swelling as he saw the effect he had on you.
"once in a while, usually after a race." 
you nod, biting your lip.
"congratulations by the way." you say, it wasn't surprising he'd taken first yet again, but you said it anyways. you prayed he wasn't able to pick up on the way your words came out slightly shaky.
you wanted to do nothing more than relax into him, but with the way he was looking at you that proved to be impossible.
you took a sip of your wine, desperate to cool down as an unexpected surge of heat washed over you which lingered between your legs.
max was different than anyone you'd ever talked too before. he reminded you of nobody. his sense of humor was unique and hilarious.
as the conversation continued you grew immensely fond of the dutchman sitting beside you. although you were absorbed in the stories from his childhood he told you, you remained acutely aware of how close the two of you were now sitting.
max's night couldn't have been unfolding more perfectly. your body language made your thoughts and feelings painfully obvious.
he picked up on the way you blushed immensely at any slight touch from him. the way your pupils dilated as you stared at him. the goosebumps that spread across your chest when he complimented your dress.
but the loudness of the restaurant was a little too much for him. there were too many people here. he craved something more intimate, more private.
"do you wanna get out of here?"
you're caught off guard by his words.
the question was so cliche, yet coming from his mouth it made your heart throb.
"there's a beautiful view not too far from here," he continued, "we could walk?"
his voice was like velvet and he leaned in close, speaking in a low tone as if he didnt want anyone to hear except you.
by now, you're practically having heart palpitations. the pit in your stomach gapes wider.
it was already hard enough for you to keep your sanity intact with him while surrounded by other people. you honestly aren't sure if you could handle being out alone with him.
you nod slowly your head spinning, breathe quickening.
"oh, yeah i'd love that." your voice was unsteadt, yet enthusiastic.
without another word he starts getting up, but before he slips out of the booth he gently touches your leg with his hand, as if reassuring you.
his fingers may as well have been made of hot metal, his touch affected your entire body, his fingerprints burned into your skin.
you felt like a little kid with a crush as you gingerly got up and followed max out of the restaurant, butterflies in your stomach and in your mind.
you don't notice all the eyes on you two as you leave the restaurant, too caught up in the giddiness you were feeling. your own eyes too focused on max in front of you, more specifically on his back which looked so good in that damn shirt.
max, on the other hand, was well aware of all the eyes on him. he fought to keep his cocky grin at bay. there were at least 20 other people there, and out of everyone, you were leaving with him.
he opens the door and lets you by first.
"thank you," you say, the night air cooling your overheated body.
"of course."
amongst the ever present—extremely active— butterflies that fluttered in your stomach, you felt a twinge of genuine nervousness.
you realize that you had just left a restaurant, alone at night, with a guy you technically barely knew. was this safe?
it certainly felt safe. max felt nothing like a stranger.
your nervousness melted away once max fell into step beside you. you looked up at him, at those intense blue eyes.
you were walking so close your arms touched. you had the urge to reach out and take his hand, but of course you didn't.
so there you were, walking alongside max verstappen into the dark night, to see the promised beautiful view.
you'd only walked two blocks before max carefully took your hand in his, entwining his fingers with yours.
please let me know if you want to be tagged for pt.2 (this might end up being three parts)❤
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