#Gardiner Conference
fideidefenswhore · 2 days
Meanwhile, the Franco-papal conference went ahead in October despite Henry’s protests. News from Anne’s cousin, Francis Bryan, whom Henry sent to Marseille with Stephen Gardiner on condition ‘they never present themselves to the pope’, only served to enrage him. The proceedings began, Bryan’s letter solemnly recounted [...] when Francis kissed Clement’s foot and grovelled before him, after which the Duke of Orléans married Catherine de’ Medici with the pope officiating, and without any resolution of Henry’s affairs. After reading Bryan’s dispatch, Henry crumpled it up and threw it on the floor. Stomping back and forth, he called Francis a traitor, a villain and the pope’s gull.
Hunting the Falcon: Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn & the Marriage That Shook Europe, John Guy & Julia Fox
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ying-doodles · 6 months
// cpsm novel spoilers (chp 591)
... holy shxt, gardin was stuck in the portal for 10 whole days??? jesus christ, poor guy! he was left floating between dimensions with only demon blood to sustain him?? harrowing experience,,
also the visual of damien exclaiming to the conference that they must save rakiel no matter the cost while still wearing his hospital gown and being covered in blood is. wow...
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 years
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“POOL "EMERGENCY" MAY BE DISCUSSED AT SPECIAL SESSION,” Toronto Globe. August 23, 1930. Page 1. ---- Action in Saskatchewan Likely to Depend on Replies Sent Premier ---- CONSULTATION IS DESIRED ---- Formation of Board to Handle Entire Western Crop a Possibility ---- (Canadian Press Despatch.) Regina, Sask. Aug. 22. - A special session of the Saskatchewan Legislature is believed to be involved in the request of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool to the Saskatchewan Government to make provision for the Wheat Pool to handle the entire 1930 crop of the Province, though no official statement to this effect could be obtained. 
Such a special session, it is pointed out, would probably be called in the immediate future, since the new crop is already coming on the market. The fact that Premier Anderson has urged members of the Legislature to wire their views on the proposal is interpreted to indicate that a special session will be called as soon as possible if sufficient support for the Wheat Pool's proposal is forthcoming. 
Observers in touch with the situation assert that the request sent out for telegraphed views of the members of the Legislature. referring specifically to the formation of a Provincial Wheat Board, predicates some provision being made for representation of non-pool growers on such a board, if it is set up.
Conference Not Held. The conference called for today by Premier Anderson to discuss the pool's proposals and the possible formation of Western Wheat Board failed to materialize. Representatives from Manitoba and Alberta who had been invited to attend were unable to be present. 
Efforts to locate Premier Anderson failed tonight, and it was impossible to obtain from Government officials any information as to what the next step would be.
Questioned by long distance telephone, ex-Premier Gardiner stated that he had been invited to attend the conference held Tuesday, when the Wheat Pool officials met the Government, but, had not been requested by Premier Anderson to express his attitude on the Pool proposal, he said. 
State of Emergency. Convinced that a state of emergency exists, the pool, with its thousands of members, representative of 60 per cent. of the total yield of the Province, sent the resolution advocating formation of the Wheat Board to Premier Anderson and his Cabinet, and the Premier notified all members of the Legislature of the pool's request. 
What action the Premier will take, following the receipt of replies on the proposal from members of the Legislature, has not been announced, but It is evident that he is desirous of consulting the Governments of Manitoba and Alberta before making a definite move. 
There is a possibility that Premier Anderson may have in mind the formation of a Wheat Board to handle the entire production of the West. 
Comment was not available from official sources in Manitoba and Alberta, and it is not known if the other Provinces would accept plans for a prairie-wide compulsory marketing board. 
Already grain is being delivered to the elevators in some places, and threshing is being hurried along before advancing fall, but the Wheat Pool, giant co-operative of more than 140,000 members, has not yet announced its advance of members' grain deliveries from the current. Usually, the initial payment is set on July 15, cut-off date between the two crops. Pending final decision, pool members are being given 70 cents per bushel-lowest advance in the pool's records. 
Coarse Grain Pool Suspends. During the day the pools, silent on the initial payment question, recorded! only one move. This came on the part of the Alberta Wheat Pool, headed by the veteran Henry Wise Wood. The Alberta unit decided that it would suspend operations of the coarse grains pool for the current year, pool elevators will handle coarse grains delivered by pool members on a cash basis, paying current market price. 
It was pointed out in the Pool's statement that the reason for the temporary suspension of the Coarse Grains Pool was due to prices being at such low level that the Pool initial payment must of necessity be restricted to a nominal amount. Directors felt, it was stated, that immediate cash requirements of many members was of such importance that suspension of the pool! was advisable. 
Under the terms of the Alberta contract directors are permitted to suspend operations by a public announcement prior to Sept. 1. While officials of the Saskatchewan and Manitoba Pools made no comment as to whether similar Coarse Grain Pool suspensions would result in the other two Provinces, no such result was expected.
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hummingzone · 3 years
Alex Nedeljkovic may not win the Calder Trophy, but he’s undoubtedly been the NHL’s most valuable rookie
Alex Nedeljkovic may not win the Calder Trophy, but he’s undoubtedly been the NHL’s most valuable rookie
Alex Nedeljkovic is the NHL most valuable rook.Image: Getty Images Earlier today, the three finalists for the 2021 Calder Trophy were named. If we’re being real though, only two men on this list have a chance at taking home the hardware: Minnesota’s Kirill Kaprizov and Carolina’s Alex Nedeljkovic. Jason Robertson was great this season for the Stars, but he was outpaced by Kaprizov in both goals…
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This Is Not A Love Object: A Philosopher Looks at Love and Limerence
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I’ve been writing about love addiction for, oh, 12 or 13 years now. Most of the time, people just thought I was crazy. I interviewed psychiatrist Dr. Reef Karim for the 2011 book Love Addict: Sex, Romance and Other Dangerous Drugs. He told me, "If I went to an American Psychiatric Association conference and said, ‘Doctors, today we're going to talk about love addiction,’ a third of the room would start laughing.”
Well, he and I had the last laugh in 2014 when psychiatrist Dr. Vineeth John stood up at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association and said, "What might be the criteria for love addiction and its destructive and dysfunctional behaviors?”
Okay, we didn’t actually laugh. Being right about a debilitating and potentially fatal behavioral addiction isn’t that all damn funny… although sometimes it helps to look at it that way.
So now there have been more than 700 peer-reviewed scientific studies about the neurological, behavioral and emotional aspects of love addiction. As of today, we can add “philosophical” to the list, as University of Tennessee Professor of Philosophy Dr. Georgi Gardiner has written We Forge the Conditions of Love -  Linguistic Luck: Essays in Anti-Luck Semantics (eds. Carlos Montemayor & Abrol Fairweather.)
Guess what? I’m footnoted!
“As you know,” Dr. Gardiner told me, “there aren't many scholarly articles about limerence, and this is the first philosophy essay about limerence.” She does write about other aspects of love than limerence — aka infatuation, my favorite drug — but I’m all about what she has to say about this one. And she says it using very big words.
One of her main points is that how we verbalize or frame our ideas of romantic love can change how we experience it. “Self-ascribing love can change emotions, attitudes, and values,” is now she puts it. “Self-ascriptions of love are affected by the person’s conception of love.
“A person’s whose conception of limerence is shaped by discourse that emphasises addiction science, neurochemical pathways, or behavioural conditioning might accordingly conceive of limerence as primarily an addiction.” That would be me. My discourse about limerence is that is can be addictive, particularly to people who are genetically and environmentally predisposed to addiction.
“The addiction is to thought patterns, rather than external drugs or behaviours like cocaine or gambling,” she writes. “They might thus understand limerence as contiguous with non-romantic cognitive or attentional addictions, such as maladaptive daydreaming, compulsive rumination, cognitive stimming, mental perseveration, and compulsive suicidal, violent, argumentative, or sexual ideation.”
“The addiction,” she continues, “is not to interacting with the person. It is to thinking about them.” 
I agree. We are rarely in love with a person so much as we are to the feeling of being in love with that person. And thinking about them re-stimulates that feeling. It’s as if thinking about a drink actually gave you a buzz.… and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t stop thinking about it, even if you wanted to.
“Two features of this mental activity are emphasised: Incessance—the thoughts are constant — and lack of cognitive control. Therapeutic manuals bluntly deny limerents can intentionally stop thinking about the limerent object. [Dorothy] Tennov writes, ‘In summary, limerent fantasy is, most of all, intrusive and inescapable. It seems not to be something you do, but something that happens.’ Forum posts continually cast suicide as the only escape.”
The thing is, “limerence — not love — is a monomaniacal attentional phenomenon.” In other words, that thing that feels like this-is-my-soulmate-I-must-be-with-them-or-I-will-die-are-they-thinking-about-me-I-have-to-check-their-Instagram… that ain’t love. That is a “monomaniacal attentional phenomenon.”
“Limerence—like many addictions—ultimately arises from unmet needs: The need for romantic companionship or to feel desirable, which corresponds to romantic limerence. The need for approval, especially from authority figures, which commonly underwrites limerence for teachers and bosses. And the need for emotional processing, leading to limerence for therapists and alterous limerence.
“In the resulting conceptual nexus, perhaps love is—at least in its most ideal instantiations—a way to bond, connect, and structure a life. The addiction described by the discourse is not to interacting with the person. It is to thinking about them. Limerence is a way to think.”
So if I have this right — and my degree is in World Literature, not Philosophy, so bear with me — Dr. Gardiner is in our corner. Addictive love isn’t a way of loving; it is a way of thinking. And we do it because we are trying to fill that existential hole every addict and alcoholic talks about. So maybe if we talk about it differently, we will start to experience it differently. I assume this is what she means by “linguistic luck.” The reality we inhabit depends on the way we frame our reality. Changing the way we talk about our thinking… can change the way we think. Which, for some of us, is a worthwhile goal.
So thanks for the reframing, Dr, Gardiner. Plus, I like being a scholarly footnote. A scholarly footnote who cusses.
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indizombie · 4 years
Early in the crisis, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen appealed directly to Danes’ samfundssind. “We have to stand together by keeping our distance,” she said at a press conference on 11 March as the country locked down, one of the first in Europe to do so. “We need community spirit. We need help. I would like to thank… all who have so far shown that this is exactly what we have in Denmark – samfundssind.” Danes responded enthusiastically. Private companies helped ease pressure on healthcare services by procuring medical equipment through the Denmark Helping Denmark campaign – the response to which showed “incredible goodwill and community spirit,” according to the Danish Medicines Agency's Director General Thomas Senderovitz. Several of Denmark most-loved attractions also stepped up: the Lego factory began manufacturing visors for healthcare workers; amusement park Tivoli Gardens turned into a temporary kindergarten, with social distancing guidelines in place; and double Michelin-starred Alchemist pivoted from serving exclusive 50-course tasting menus to cooking pasta for 12 homeless shelters around Copenhagen.
Karen Gardiner, 'The single word that connects Denmark', BBC
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elopez7228 · 4 years
Scenic route 23/47
Read on AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/18268208/chapters/43229774 
Start over : https://elopez7228.tumblr.com/post/620919089893933056/scenic-route-0147
Perched on the sidewalk with his elbows on his knees, Ben Solo lit a cigarette.
With his other hand he scrolled through his phone, reading and re-reading Rey's last messages.
He knew exactly where she was and what she was doing: Syed was sending him a brief every hour. Yesterday she had visited the southern reaches of Yellowstone, today she was up north. Syed had even mentioned something about bathing in the river.
He had hoped for a picture that never came. Imagine his reaction if he ever saw Rey in a swimsuit—of course, that would go beyond the strict definition of surveillance—he’d be flirting with the boundaries of stalking. And he had taken enough liberties with his initial mission to know not to venture there.
Was she going to text him?
He had ended their conversation last night...was it pathetic of him to contact her first?
She said she wasn’t ready for a fling and instead wanted to get to know him better. But that evening...her hands and mouth told a different story. He could feel the desire coiling in his abdomen at the very thought of their heated embrace...
He gave in, thumbs gliding across his screen:
Good morning stranger, sleep well?
Should he sign it with a name?
He would have liked her to call him Kylo Ren, like everyone else. Ben Solo was the name of an anxious teenager with voices in his head, abandoned by his parents, misunderstood by the world. Kylo Ren was the name he had given himself to turn the page. It was the emblem of his reincarnation as a critically-acclaimed rockstar and celebrated prodigy, Andrew Snoke’s prodigy, and Armitage Hux’s infamous nemesis.
He felt that she was suspicious of Kylo Ren...but the only person who called him Ben was his mother, and that was one more reason to bury the name. It brought him nothing but bad memories. She would just have to get used to calling him Kylo.
But he couldn’t bring himself to sign it.
The answer was almost instant:
Good afternoon to you.  It’s 1400 hours, if you just got up I reckon you had a rough night?
Touché. I’m more of a night owl. Music and inspiration are nocturnal things.  
And I’m ever the early bird. It's amazing that our paths crossed, in the end.
The day and the night...
The sun and the moon?  
Okay stop.
Rey and Ben looked down at their phones, simultaneously terrified.
What was this? Some heartfelt exchange of poetry? Flirting, both??
They were thousands of miles apart, her sitting on a park bench and him on a patch of asphalt. She was brilliant, shining in the sunlight as the wind swept against her face. He was taciturn, his heart preoccupied and his vision clouded with worry. Yet they found themselves back to back, each contemplating the absence of the other.
So far and yet so close.
In that moment suspended in time, Rey was the first to breath again.
What had changed? Nothing, in a sense. She was still mourning her marriage, drowning in anguish for Finn, and lacking insight on Ben. On the other hand, she was no longer angry, and under the Wyoming sun, on the cusp of happiness. Soothed, to say the least. She was no longer afraid of what the future would hold for her.
But Ben was drowning. It felt like they were at an impasse. Rey carried the weight of her grief like a burden, she lived on another continent and entered his life only by accident. She seemed destined to exit it just as quickly. They had met for the first time only a week ago, and the conviction that she was going to escape him and disappear forever from his life plunged him into an abyss.
Rey got up, stretched, slipping her phone into her back pocket. Maz was still playing fetch with BB8.
“You’re turning red. From the sun, no doubt?” Maz smiled mischievously.
“Of course. It’s only sunburn. Why else would I be turning red?” They smiled;  neither fooled by this coded little conversation.
Rey sat down at the wheel of the Millennium Falcon and put both hands firmly on the steering wheel.
“Maz...would you like to attend a concert tomorrow?”
Maz, busy fastening her belt, turned her head to look at the girl before her. “What kind of concert?”
“The rock kind. I would like to introduce you to someone.”
"A rendezvous with the sun himself, I take it?”
"Perhaps," said Rey, who felt the "sunburn" come back to her cheeks, “it's up in Gardiner tomorrow night. That still leaves us this afternoon and most of tomorrow to see the park...if you’re alright with the agenda, that is.”
"Nobody's waiting for tea with me in Anchorage, child. I can bring myself to spare time to meet someone tomorrow night.”
“Okay,” Rey giggled, she couldn’t repress her broad smile. “I hope you'll like him more than BB8...And honestly, I want to know what you think!”
“Ah, so it's BB8’s dear friend Ben Solo, the same man you had to speak to...I see.  I don’t know if I'm the best judge of character, you know.”
Rey turned to her, beseeching. “Please.  I cannot stand to be left alone with my contradictions, I lose focus. I need an outside opinion, and an objective one at that.”
Maz nodded, but she had stopped smiling. “You know Rey, we have not known each other for a long time, but I feel that sometimes, it feels good to be a little lonely. I think you did well to undertake this trip, and I think you shouldn’t go too fast with this Ben Solo.  Concentrate on yourself, your needs. The temptation of meeting someone “new” is great, I understand. But don’t let him lead your heart astray.”
“Well you'll be there to stop me from doing something stupid, right? Please?”
The little woman took off her glasses. Her eyes were tiny, almost lost in the middle of her face. “You must also learn how to cope with what is happening to you, instead of letting your entourage deal with your problems...Take charge, make decisions, learn from your mistakes.  It would not help you at all, if I "stop" you from anything. It's time for you to stop letting others decide for you. "
These words, though spoken kindly, pierced Rey like a dozen stab wounds. It was all her fault, in the end.
Her breathing became uneven and she looked away, so that Maz wouldn’t see her glistening tears. But the old woman could guess, all the same. She laid an affectionate hand on the girl's forearm:
“I'm sorry to have hurt you. You are a wonderful, bright girl. You simply lack confidence in yourself. Listen to your heart, it will never lead you astray.”
“My heart led me to marry a man who could never love me the way he was supposed to,” she replied bitterly, “you will forgive me if I'm suspicious of my intuitions, now.”
Ben Solo crushed his cigarette underfoot.
He would have to handle the tour and the mission at the same time. He had to be in Gardiner that very evening, after what was shaping up to be three hours of skirting Yellowstone traffic. The roads were flooded this time of the year. Syed, who was still chasing Rey on her adventures, was ahead of him.  The rest of the group was split into three vehicles and a van, all parked in the 4B parking lot for lunch.
His phone vibrated and he grimaced as Hux's name appeared on the screen.  Hux calling never meant anything good.
“Kylo Ren.”
“Hello, Kylo. I have Snoke on the other line, let me activate conference mode.”
Hux’s voice was too smooth, overly honeyed and precise in a way that indicated he was plotting something...and there was no telling what trouble was brewing with Hux and Snoke in the same room. Ben ran his fingers through his hair, straightened his shoulders, and took a deep breath. Every conversation with Snoke these days smacked of lawsuits. He wondered what it would be this time.
The sound of Snoke's slow breathing filled his speaker.
“Kylo Ren. How have you progressed?”
“As discussed, I’m tracking the girl, sir.”
“What were the results?”
"For now...her connection to Earth Soldiers is still unascertainable, apart from the fact that she is traveling with BB8 aboard the Millennium Falcon.”
"I’m certain she's walking you across the country when we need to concentrate our forces here at the headquarters. The mission is over, you are to come back.”
Ben Solo's heart skipped a beat. He had expected a reprimand, but not this. He did his best to control the trembling of his voice. “With all due respect, sir, it's too risky.  We would have a lot to lose from letting an activist agent go. "
"She's no more an activist agent than you are a musician, Kylo Ren," rasped Snoke. “The party is over.”
Ben was looking for the right words when Hux intervened.
“Don’t forget to keep your receipts, I will ask my assistant to prepare your expense report.”
The bastard was having a ball. He would pay for it dearly when the time came. Ben felt his blood boil with a combination of fury and humiliation. “Every single move Rey Jakku makes is being monitored. Where she's going, who she's talking to. I will make her talk, it's only a matter of time.”
“We are out of time. This conversation is futile, I’m sure Skywalker’s devotees are tired of running around like chickens without heads. It is time to silence them. Get rid of the girl and come home.”
Ben’s blood turned to ice. “Get rid of? What do you mean…?”
It was Hux who replied, his nasal drawl annoyingly triumphant.
“Burn the Millenium Falcon to ashes, kill the dog, steal the girl's papers to scare her. Come tomorrow, she will be back in England and her hitchhiker will find some other pathetic tourist to ride with.”
"What hitchhiker?”
The question came out reflexively and Ben regretted it in an instant. The first rule of the First Order was to never, ever admit failure, even if you were behind. Too late.
“How is it that you didn’t know?” Snoke said, sotto voce. “Am I to understand that you are supposedly monitoring every single one of Rey Jakku's actions, to use your own words, but that you did not know that she had picked up a travelling companion along the way?”
Ben remained speechless as he processes this new information. How did Hux and Snoke unknowingly get such intel?
“Perhaps you owe this failure to a pair of pretty eyes. If you want to keep your job, Ben Solo-Skywalker, you have an interest in getting results. Immediately.”
His full name was uttered with such contempt that Ben got goose bumps. He could feel his throat growing tight with hate as he held his tongue.
“Get rid of this girl, her car and her dog, and come home. I leave you twenty-four hours. If I don’t see results by then, I think you would benefit from a stay in the office. Hux will ensure your field work gets done while you go back to the drawing board.”
So that's what Hux had been up to, Ben thought, he wanted my place. Ben could feel his jaw clenching. Hux would pay for this in blood.
But he had to admit, it was the ideal form of blackmail: Rey or him. Whatever decision he made, it would cost him dearly. He knew he would not be able to recover.
His throat constricted, his eyes began to burn. Everything was falling apart so fast...as a young man, Ben had risen past his childhood trauma to become one of the most powerful men in the United States, respected and feared by all. But Snoke called the shots. He could reduce Ben to misery as easily as he had propelled him to the top.
"Do you hear me, Ren?” Snoke hissed.
“Yes sir. Crystal clear.” He paused. “Have you canceled the concerts?” He added quietly.
“I think your little publicity stunt, once a credible cover to justify your absences and trips with your cohorts, has gone to the head. You will play Gardiner tomorrow.  As for Bozeman...we'll see. You know what you have left to do.”
Ben hung up and screamed. In his rage, he snatched a metal trash and hurled it to the ground, before kicking it violently against the wall.
It was Syed. That fucking bitch. She had doubled crossed him and sold him out to Hux. Oh, that she was going to pay for, very, very dearly.
It took him a long time to catch his breath and find a semblance of sangfroid. A few yards away, Shakti, Skylar, and his other knights watched the scene in terrified amazement.
They heard nothing of the conversation but knew that only Snoke and Hux could ever make Kylo feel this way.
And Shakti, though she would never tell anyone, could have sworn she saw him cry.
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(Regarder!) Effacer l’historique Streaming VF (2020!Film) Gratuit En ligne
ᐅ Voir Effacer l’historique en streaming version française directement sur Films VF . Film gratuit en streaming
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Regarder Effacer l’historique en streaming vf 100% gratuit, voir le film complet en français et en bonne qualité. Regarder {Effacer l’historique} 2020 Streaming VF Complet en Film FR Effacer l’historique Streaming vf les films et les livres tiennent une partie de mon cœur. Et de cette façon, j’aime tout. Non, je ne parlerai pas de la scène entière, je pourrais finir avec un nouveau film si je le faisais, donc c’est seulement pour des films spécifiques au filmEva en août , RegarderEva en août complet. REGARDER : ▶️▶️ https://bit.ly/3aHxuNt Télécharger : ▶️▶️ https://bit.ly/3aHxuNt Regarder Effacer l’historique en streaming gratuit VF Film complet HD
5 août 2020 / 2h 09min / Drame
De Jonás Trueba
Avec Itsaso Arana, Vito Sanz, Isabelle Stoffel
Nationalité Espagnol
26 août 2020 / 1h 46min / Comédie, Drame
De Gustave Kervern, Benoît Delépine
Avec Blanche Gardin, Denis Podalydès, Corinne Masiero
Nationalités Français, Belge
SynopsisDans un lotissement en province, trois voisins sont en prise avec les nouvelles technologies et les réseaux sociaux. Il y a Marie, victime de chantage avec une sextape, Bertrand, dont la fille est harcelée au lycée, et Christine, chauffeur VTC dépitée de voir que les notes de ses clients refusent de décoller.Ensemble, ils décident de partir en guerre contre les géants d’internet. Une bataille foutue d'avance, quoique.Regarder Effacer l’historique Film complet en français Streaming VF en VOSTFR.Combien de temps as-tu dormi pendant le film Eva en aoûtRising ()? La mLe Voyage du Pèlerinique, l’histoire et le message étaient phénoménaux chezEva en août (Effacer l’historique). Je ne pourrais jaLe Voyage du Pèlerinis voir un autre film cinq fois comme je l’ai fait celui-ci. Retournez voir une seconde fois et faites attention. RegarderEva en août Movie WEB-DL Il s’agit d’un fichier extrait sans erreur d’un serveur telLe Voyage du Pèlerin, tel que Netflix, ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. Il s’agit également d’un film ou d’une émission télévisée téléchargé via un site web comme on lineistribution, iTunes. La qualité est assez bonne car ils ne sont pas ré-encodés. Les flux vidéo (H.264 ou H.265) et audio (AC3 /Effacer l’historique C) sont généralement extraits de iTunes ou d’ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video, puis redistribués dans un conteneur MKV sans sacrifier la qualité. DownloadMovieEva en août L’un des impacts les plLe Voyage du Pèlerin importants de l’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du streaming vidéo L’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du DVD a connu un véritable succès grâce à la vulgarisation en Le Voyage du Pèlerinsse du contenu en ligne. 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Regarder le filmEva en août (Effacer l’historique), les téléspectateurs n’ont pas trouvé la qualité du film très différente entre le DVD et le streaming en ligne. Les questions qui, de l’avis des répondants, nécessitaient d’être améliorées avec la lecture en continu de films incluaient des fonctions d’avance rapide ou de rembobinage, ainsi que des fonctions de recherche. L’article souligne que la qualité de la diffLe Voyage du Pèlerinion de films en continu en tant que secteur ne fera qu’augmenter avec le temps, alors que les revenLe Voyage du Pèlerin publicitaires augmentent chaque année dans l’ensemble du secteur, ce qui incite à la production de contenLe Voyage du Pèlerin de qualité.étiquette :Effacer l’historique film completEffacer l’historique 2020 film completEffacer l’historique film complet en françaisEffacer l’historique streaming vostfrEffacer l’historique film streamingEffacer l’historique streaming vfEffacer l’historique film complet en ligneEffacer l’historique film complet en ligne gratuitEffacer l’historique film complet en ligne gratuitementEffacer l’historique film complet téléchargerEffacer l’historique film complet sous-titreEffacer l’historique film 2020 streaming vfEffacer l’historique bande annonce vfEffacer l’historique 2020 film complet en francaisEffacer l’historique film complet 2020Télécharger Effacer l’historique Torrent Film FrançaisEffacer l’historique fCineEffacer l’historique allocine frEffacer l’historique ugcEffacer l’historique cgrEffacer l’historique critiqueEffacer l’historique SokrostreamEffacer l’historique HDssEffacer l’historique cacaowebEffacer l’historique Gum Gum StreamingEffacer l’historique Streaming BelgeEffacer l’historique GratFlixEffacer l’historique streaming french❍❍❍ Definition and Definition of Film / Movie ❍❍❍While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as supporting characters with few roles in the film. This is different from the main actors who have bigger and more roles. Being an actor and an actress must be demanded to have good acting talent, which is in accordance with the theme of the film he is starring in. In certain scenes, the actor’s role can be replaced by a stuntman or a stuntman. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors doing scenes that are difficult and extreme, which are usually found in action action films.Films can also be used to convey certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a human being visualized in film. The film itself is mostly a fiction, although some are based on fact true stories or based on a true story.There are also documentaries with original and real pictures, or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, ranging from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, documentaries and others.That’s a little information about the definition of film or movie. The information was quoted from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful.❍❍❍ TV MOVIE ❍❍❍The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 1930s. Televised events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 19340 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 1948, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “”Mr Television”” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 4, 1951 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets.The first national color broadcast (the 1954 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 1, 1954. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 1965, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 19402, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completely all-color network season.❍❍❍ Formats and Genres ❍❍❍See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genresTelevision shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional MOVIE). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows.[citation needed]A drama program usually features a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 2020s, shows (except for soap opera-type serials) typically remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premise changed little.[citation needed] If some change happened to the characters’ lives during the episode, it was usually undone by the end. Because of this, the episodes could be broadcast in any order.[citation needed] Since the 2020s, many MOVIE feature progressive change in the plot, the characters, or both. For instance, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television MOVIE to have this kind of dramatic structure,[4][better source needed] while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further exemplifies such structure in that it had a predetermined story running over its intendevd five-season run.[citvatio””&n needed]In 2020, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film.[5] Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In 2020, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: “”I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television.❍❍❍ Thank’s For All And Happy Watching❍❍❍Find all the movies that you can stream online, including those that were screened this week. If you are wondering what you can watch on this website, then you should know that it covers genres that include crime, Science, Fi-Fi, action, romance, thriller, Comedy, drama and Anime Movie.Thank you very much. We tell everyone who is happy to receive us as news or information about this year’s film schedule and how you watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That’s all from us, greetings!Thanks for watching The Video Today.I hope you enjoy the videos that I share. Give a thumbs up, like, or share if you enjoy what we’ve shared so that we more excited.Sprinkle cheerful smile so that the world back in a variety of colors.
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5tereoface · 4 years
The Universe is a Bad Card Dealer
The universe and I are not on speaking terms right now. If you want to know why you’ll have to ask it. I fear that altruism doesn't exist as this sort of un-reachable platitude that everyone strives for- religous or not. As I write this I'm so mad that the tears won't dry from my own face. "It's not fair" runs through my mind like a petulant child on a tantrum. I am speaking of the unlucky hands that life seems to contiuously deal my Mother. She's sleeping in the next room. What set me off this time was she nodded when I asked her if she was loosing the ability to respond. Horrifying. To chase the dragon is to try and get the euphoria of that very first high, but what is it called where you can't even get back to normal complete thoughts. Unable to do anything more than barely mumble a yes when you are asked if you are hungry. I am her auto pilot now. Barely able to walk or maintain balance. Side-effects of the varying perscriptions. Oncologists clearly keeping up appearances for what is most definitely nothing more than statistical data anyalysis. They don't give me estimates anymore, it's just about maintaining a course. How well do you enjoy a sinking ship, a crashing plane? One of the first things she said when she was able to comprehend her prognosis was "I don't know what to do with the rest of my life." I immediatly cried, loudly, like I was before I started writing this. It was brutal. Someone having just had one third of her brain removed, more than half of her cognitive functions, and more than half of her memories gone, can still contemplate the meaning of life. And while I cry on the bed next to her, she is completely calm in that moment, lost in thought. That was eight months ago in December. Now it's coming up on her 63rd birthday, July 16th. A day I will no doubt have marked in a calendar until the day I die. I'm sure I will get a tattoo of her artwork in her honour. Probably write a song or two. That's to be expected. What I don't know is what to do now. I've never been in a holding pattern for so long. We're still in a state of emergency in Ontario, though you'd never know it the way that people act. My seething hate for this universe partially stems from the fact that early in February, post-radiation, the Doctors all suggested we travel and enjoy ourselves now. Don't delay! [Enter Covid-19 Stage Left] Right when she was at her best physically and mentally, the world shuts down. No traffic on the Gardiner, no heavy trucks waking me up every night, and no way to leave without a huge risk of catching it. I don't need to go into the details for most people, as it sort of affected everyone. I haven't earned any income since February, as I work in the Entertainment industry, or what's left of it. Most of my work is born from the conferences and concerts happening around Toronto. Who know's when that will come back. My point is, I can't afford to have anyone help me economically, or from a health risk perspective. To add- I also can't risk working around anyone right now, because if I get sick, she gets sick. I don't want her to die in some quaratine bed, all alone, nobody to hold her hand and tell her how the weather is that day. We should be with the ones we love when they go. That's my motivation for following the rules in these crazy times. It really isn't easy. I've cheated a few times to see some friends in Hamilton. I've also started seeing someone through all of this. Highly improbable for me based on my track record of relationships. Maybe it has something to do with my overwhelming desire for help, when none is really available to me. I can only assume she continues to tolerate my rough edges due to pity. Last summer was my 31st birthday and after a string of uninspiring dates, I had all but given up on meeting anyone interesting. Ok well, I'm not crying anymore. I've switched to self-loathing and emotional analysis mode- the default setting. There's more stories that I could write about her. Maybe that will help.
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system76 · 5 years
It’s Time for an August News Update!
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When Back to School season threatened to overpower outdated hardware, it was up to us to help students and teachers succeed in the classroom. As a result, we began the month of August with our Back to School Sale! Until September 10th, those looking to upgrade their hardware can save on computers and increase their discounts as they upgrade--up to $1510 on desktops and up to $370 on laptops.
In other news, we’ve recently announced some new hardware and features! Read on for more about the Adder WS, Pop!_OS, and the new Firmware Manager, as well as information about our attendance at Open Source Firmware Conference.
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The Adder WS made its debut this month, becoming the first-ever 4K OLED laptop from System76. And while we could talk about how the screen looks absolutely dazzling with true blacks and eye-popping color, the only way to fully appreciate the magnificence of 4K OLED on the Adder WS is to witness its beauty in person.
This workstation laptop’s 4K OLED display is supported by high-performant components on multiple fronts. The Adder WS can be configured with the i7-9750H CPU with the option to upgrade to the i9-9980HK—Intel’s most powerful option for laptops. Additionally, the Adder WS features an RTX 2070 GPU and fits up to 64GB RAM and up to 4TB NVMe storage (8TB total storage).
For our Back to School Sale, you can save up to $310 on the Adder WS through September 10th.
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We also recently released our new Firmware Manager. The Firmware Manager is a simple, easy-to-use tool for checking and updating firmware. This new feature keeps more of your devices up to date, thanks to support for both System76 and LVFS-provided firmware.
The Firmware Manager has been integrated into Pop!_OS through the Settings application. If you wish to check if you have a firmware update available, go to Devices in the sidebar, and then select Firmware.
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Users will have access to updates from the Firmware Manager not only on Pop!_OS and System76 hardware, but also on computers running any Debian-based distro (including Ubuntu) from any hardware vendor that supports fwupd.
The Firmware Manager is System76’s solution to delivering firmware updates across multiple Linux distributions. For more information, check out Pop!_OS Maintainer Michael Aaron Murphy’s writeup on GitHub.
The Firmware Manager is provided to Ubuntu customers as a standalone GTK application (as seen in the above image). It’s also available for other distributions to package and distribute to help their users manage firmware.
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August 23–27: We’ve just returned from Thessaloniki, Greece, where a System76 was afoot at GUADEC. We’re always excited for the opportunity to speak with members of the GNOME community, whether at home in Denver or across the pond.
September 3–6: We’re headed to California in early September for the Open Source Firmware Conference. There, attendees can learn about our open firmware project as we break down our process for replacing the proprietary firmware on the Darter Pro with open source firmware. Our talk is scheduled just after the keynote on the first day of the conference. We hope to see you there!
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The Linux Gamer
After unboxing his new toy, Gardiner reviews the Adder WS. Take a look at his unboxing video to find out how you can win this 4K OLED laptop.
*These two videos are sponsored by System76 and Samsung.
Jason Evangelho provides information on System76’s new Firmware Manager.
Linux Unplugged 315 (1:33 - 6:46)
Chris and the Jupiter Broadcasting crew react to System76’s new Firmware Manager.
Linux Unplugged 314 (5:47 - 11:41)
System76 Happiness Manager Emma Marshall meets up with the Jupiter Broadcasting crew to provide details on the OSFC-edition Darter Pro.
Looks Like New
“Lack of a female presence is holding back innovation in the software world. Can you imagine if 50% of people developing code were women, what kinds of applications we would have?” Emma Marshall talks System76 support, computers, and the importance of balanced gender representation in tech with Nathan Schneider on Looks Like New.
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Fife Claim First Silverware of the 2017/18 Season
Fife Claim First Silverware of the 2017/18 Season
It was the Fife Flyers who got their hands on the first trophy of the season following a dramatic 7-6 overtime win against the Dundee Stars. A runner-up of three conference titles its now the Fife Flyers name that will be engraved on the cup. In what has turned out to be quite an eye-opening season from some teams, Todd Dutiaume’s side have surprised many, “Trophy aside for one second, this team…
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Convict Sam Bean Made Apology to the Court," Kingston Whig-Standard. June 27, 1933. Page 2. ----- Said He Regretted Outburst of Monday Afternoon When He Told Witness That He Was Lying --- The jury case against Convict Sam Behan, charged with rioting at the Kingston Penitentiary on October 17 and with causing damage to penitentiary property, was commenced on Monday afternoon in the General Sessions of the Peace of the County of Frontenac before His Honor Judge McLean. Before proceeding with the Behan case, Convict Harold Kosh appeared before His Honor charged with rioting and causing damage and pleaded guilty. Kosh previously had elected to be tried by Judge MacLean. He changed his plea from "not guilty" to one of "guilty" and was remanded for sentence. His Honor remarked that he was glad that Kosh had changed his plea so that he could be more lenient with him under the circumstances. Kosh was the first of the convicts charged with rioting to plead guilty. Sam Behan Convict Bam Behan was arraigned before Judge MacLean yesterday afternoon following disposal of the case of Convict Harold Koch and pleaded not guilty," announcing that he would defend himself but asked that Convict Garceau be allowed to take notes to assist him. The request was granted and Garceau was sent for.
The selection of the jury was proceeded with and the following were chosen: William Bews, E. B. Keeler, J. A. Casterton, John Brindle, Bernard Moran, Richard Berry, Arthur Deline, Roscoe Gardiner, Clyde Hillerbeck, Daniel Zurbriga. Edward Walsha nd George T. Wilkinson. Following the election of the jury, court was adjourned for ten minutes to awalt the arrival of Garceau from the penitentiary.
James Kenny The case was outlined to the jury by Crown Counsel Col. J. Kelller McKay and the first witness called was Guard James Kenny, a guard in the mall bag department of the penitentiary, who told of the happenings as they occurred in the mail-bag department on the after-noon of October 17 last, and described the physical features of the penitentiary with respect to the layout of the various shops. Kenny said Behan was one of those who left the north-east end of the dome and went towards the prison of Isolation. The shop dome was then in a turmoil.
The accused, Kenny said, was one of those in the mail bag department who spoke to the officers when they were already lined up.
Behan cross-examined Kenny at length. The accused suggested to His Honor that it was difficult for him to go on if he could not ask certain questions of motive. He argued that the Crown could refer to records of what happened years before yet he could not refer to what happened two days before. At this point the jury was taken out while Crown Counse, Behan and Judge MacLean discussed the point. "Did you see me with any weapon?"asked Behan. "No," answered Kenny. "Did you see me threaten anyone?" "No."
Harold Robinson Harold Robinson, an officer at the Kingston Penitentiary was called as the next witness. Robinson was in charge of the change room where Behan was employed. Behan was one of the first to leave the change room at three o'clock, he said and saw Behan making a speech later when he was addressing the convints.
Robinson said Behan had said it took ten months to get them (meaning the convicts) to go but that it would not take so long the next time.Robinson said he just heard the re-mark as he was going into the change room. The judge instructed the jury to disregard that evidence as there was nothing to show guilt of being an instigator in the riot. In the mail bag department Robinson said it was Behan who conferred with the two wardens and made the announcement that an agreement had been reached.
Cross-examined by Behan Robinson said he saw only Behan making a speech though he did not hear what was said because of the noise.
Questioned again by Col. McKay, Robinson said Behan looked to be taking an active part. Again Behan asked Robinson if he had said he would take the responsibility if the leaders were not punished. Robinson stated that he heard Buck say then that there were no leaders.
John Gilbey Keeper John Gilbey was the next witness called and stated that on the afternoon of October 17 at three o'clock or after the convicts were out of control and were prepared to oppose anybody who opposed them.
Behan, he said, demanded the keys of the shops not already opened as they would eventually be broken open.
In the group going to the Prison of Isolation, Behan urged the men on saying the guard in the P. of I tower could not shoot. When two more shots were fired, the gang returned to the shops and barricaded the doors. Previous to this Gilbey said he heard Behan make a speech in which he urged the men to stick together and demand clgarette papers, etc.
Gilbey said he remonstrated with Behan and urged him to take the matter up through the proper channels.
"You are lying," cried Behan.
He was called to order by Judge McLean. "The truth is bad enough," Behan cried, "I've suffered for years from those dogs." "Stop, Behan," commanded Judge McLean. "I'm sorry," said Behan, "but the truth is bad enough." Gilbey continued with his evidence after the interruption, and told of convicts throwing missiles in the mailbag department. Witness said he did not see Behan take any active)part in the mall bags although he heard him. Col. McKay asked why Gilbey didn't stop the convicts from breaking the locks off the stone shop and he said he felt he would have been in a serious situation. Gilbey described Behan as one of the leaders on that day.
Behan asked to have certain exhibits of paddling machines etc., in the Court to show under what condition sthe convicts existed.
Col. MacKay objected to the admission of such exhibits into the Court even presuming for the moment that there was ill-treatment.
Cruelty, he maintained, was not the case. Provocation Col. Mackay, contended was not justification." such exhibits would tend only to create sympathy in the jury. Behan's request was denied by the Court. The Court was adjourned when theJury returned to the Court room after arguments before Judge MacLean, Behan and Col. MacKay, as to the admission of the articles mentioned by Behan. Behan Apologizes Just as court opened on Tuesday morning Convict Sam Bahan, charged with rioting at the Kingston Penitentiary, addressed himself to Judge McLean and said he desired to make public apology to the judge, the Crown, the jury and Chief Keeper Gilbey for his outburst of yesterday. His apology was accepted by the court. Cross-examined by Convict Behan, Chief Keeper Gilbey said that Behan had demanded the keys from him or the doors in the shop-dome would be broken open. "You said to open the _____ doors or they would be smashed open," said Gilbey. "You really believe I used that profanity?" "Yes, you certainly did." Witness said between 50 and 100 convicts were in the shop-dome when he arrived there on the afternoon of October 17. "Have you heard the men from the scaffold came in first?" "No, I have not." Witness said the blacksmith shop door was open when he arrived. "Who opened the change-room?" "I don't know." "Then how did I get out of the change-room if the door hadn't been opened?" "I don't know." Witness said he has been on the penitentiary staff for fourteen years, but could not say as to the locking of the change-room door. "How did I ever get out?" "That's best known, to you, Behan. I suppose the door was broken open." "And you can't tell how I got there?" "You came through when the door was broken open." "But other officers have said that the change-room door was last opened, how could I have been in the dome when the stone-shed door was being burned?" "You know that better than I do." "How did I get into the dome?" "I explained that." "You've already tried to explain four times I think you're wasting thetime of the Court and I haven't anytime to waste." Glibey was asked to stand down a few minutes and Convict Behan's request to call Guard Robinson was granted, but Gilbey was called back to the box pending Robinson's arrival from the penitentiary." Who had the keys?" "The guard on duty in the dome." "Why did I ask you for the keys?" "For reasons best known to yourself. You knew I was a keeper." "That's no answer, you wore no insignia and there are many keepers who are only known as guards to convicts." "Behan," remarked Judge McLean. "I'd give you credit for knowing more than that." "I'll drop that question before I lose it," said Behan. "Is your eyesight good?" continued Behan. "Fair." "Why do you wear glasses?" "It improves my sight." "Did you ever see things that are not there?" "No, I don't drink." Witness resented the question by Behan and explained he considered it a slur. He said he contracted typhoid soon after entering the penitentiary staff and had to wear glasses since then.
"I don't appreciate the slur from Behan," said Gilbey, rather heatedly. "I'm sorry if you took it as a slur," said Behan and Judge McLean cautioned him not to ask such questions again. He explained he was allowing the accused considerable latitude, but would not permit such questions.
Dealing with the running out of the number of convicts from the shop-dome, witness said Behan was a leader and was carrying a hammer, being turned back only when shots were fired from the Prison of Isolation tower.
"The men are playing, bail in the yard now and running and shouting," said Behan. "Why doesn't the guard shoot at them now?" "Because they are not in a mob." "You heard my speech in the shop-dome?" "Yes, I did." "What part didn't you hear?" "Now, Behan," said Judge McLean, "that's rather an Irish way of asking a question." "All right, your honor, I'll drop that part of the question." Witness said that Behan had asked for papers, cigarette papers and recreation. "Did we get exercise?" "Yes, you did. The finest exercise you could get." "What was that?" "Walking." "How much a day?" "I am not sure." "Yet you have been on the staff for fourteen years and you don't know how much walking the men got?" "I think twenty minutes." "And you call walking around a circle looking at the heels in front of you, the best exercise in the world?" Witness said he had not heard Behan tell the men to do no damage. "Have you had trouble with inmates?" "Not a great deal." "Then you never harmed any of them?" "No, I have not." "Would you harm you dog?" "No, I would not." "Would you be kind to your dog?" "Yes." "Would you treat a human as you would your dog?" "Yes." "Then you mean to say you'd treat a human as you would a dog or a cat?" Col. MacKay immediately raised objections, maintaining that Behan's remarks were a distortion of the evidence and Judge McLean asked Behan to refrain from making such remarks. The accused also asked regarding paddling and personal grievances, but Judge McLean once more stopped the questioning. "I must insist," he said, "on dealing only with the charge. The preliminaries are all over. Get into the ring." Had Fear Gilbey said that no one was seriouly hurt in the riot, but he would not say there was not intent on the part of the convicts. "Then you were not afraid?" asked Behan. "I had fear, because I felt if the officers had used force on the men, there would have been bloodshed." "Why didn't the convicts go after the officers?" "Because the officers did not resist them."
Gilbey told the jury he went overseas at fifteen and served in France. "I had many harrowing experiences," h esaid, "but I feel that the affair at the penitentiary on October 17 was more terrifying than on the western front." "Do you really mean to say that in France, where thousands were being killed all around was less terrifying than the affair at the penitentiary when there wasn't a scratch?" "Yes." "That's a broad statement. I leave it with the jury." "When the shots were fired in the mail-bag department, where were the officers?" "They were lined up in front." "Why weren't they ever hit?" "Because the shots went over their heads." "So that is why the men got under the tables?" "I saw plenty there." "You did not." "I did so."
Witness was cross-examined by Behan regarding his actions in the mail-bag department and said that he didn't turn his back on the convicts.
Not In Warden's Court "I want you to answer my questions," thundered Behan, "you're not in the Warden's Court now." Witness said he did not know who took part in the parley with the Warden in the mail-bag department. He said he had no idea what amount of damage had been done in the shop-dome and Behan told him it was $504. "Did the officers stand their ground when the firing started?" "Yes." "Do you know what you're talking about?" "I certainly do." "I'm afraid you've got a very poor memory." Replying to Col. MacKay, witness said Behan was waving a hammer over his head as he and others rushed out of the shop-dome to go toward the Prison of Isolation. Court was then adjourned until two o'clock this afternoon.
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janeaustentextposts · 6 years
If, for example, Lizzy and Mr Darcy had got engaged while she was in Derbyshire, how would he go about getting Mr Bennett's consent? Is that the sort of thing you can do in a letter, or would he be expected to go to Hertfordshire?
Letter is fine! Like, if the lady is very young you might confer with whoever the nearest de facto male guardian is (Mr. Gardiner’s opinion might be asked? I guess? Maybe? It’s not ironclad.) But in Mansfield Park Sir Thomas Bertram is away when Maria becomes engaged to Mr. Rushworth, but he sends his approval in a letter. HOWEVER, Sir Thomas is in Antigua dealing with plantation issues, not just chilling in Hertfordshire; so within England it’d not be as difficult to travel for a face to face meeting.
I think it all depends on how young the woman is and how swiftly the marriage might be contracted. Lizzy is old enough and knows her own mind, and so on that level it’s probably not hugely necessary for Darcy to have Mr. Bennet’s consent BEFORE he broaches the topic with her and they agree between themseves, and I don’t think he’d rush out for a special license or elopement immediately from there; so there’s no reason they couldn’t travel back south so that Mr. Darcy could speak to Mr. Bennet to formally give him notice that an engagement had been formed. (Mr. Bennet hardly seems the type to put his foot down and refuse to allow the marriage.)
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fromthe-point · 5 years
Norfolk, VA - The Norfolk Admirals are proud to announce that they have signed 2 time Kelly Cup Champion goaltender Joel Rumpel for the 2019-2020 ECHL season.
Rumpel, 28, posted a record of 30-28-0 last season with a 3.03 GAA and .900 save% with the Glasgow Clan on the EIHL in Scotland.
The 6’3, 190lbs Swift Current, SK, CAN native spent the 4 seasons playing NCAA D1 at the University of Wisconsin (2011-2015).  At Wisconsin, Rumpel helped the Badgers win the WCHA in 2012-13 and the BIG10 Championship in 2013-14 while taking home multiple accolades including 2012-13 All WCHA Academic team and All Tournament team.  In 2013-14, Rumpel was BIG10 second All-Star team while also being a Hobey Baker Award finalist and in 2014-15, he won the BIG10 Sportsmanship Award.  Since, Rumpel has played for 4 ECHL teams (Allen, Cincinnati, Wichita, and Utah) between 2015-2018 while also seeing action in 2 AHL games with the San Jose Barracuda before spending last season overseas with Glasgow where he helped the Clan win the EIHL Gardiner Conference Championship.
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ateeztism · 5 years
things i desperately want: canes facing the bruins in the eastern conference finals (again) but this time it goes to game seven and in double overtime jake fucking gardiner scores the game winner for the canes
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1 September of 1532
Henry VIII makes Anne Boleyn Marquis of Pembroke
  “ If she was to meet him now (Francis I) as England’s intended queen, she needed status. This she was given at an impressive ceremony in Windsor Castle on the morning of Sunday, 1st September. There, her hair about shoulders and her ermine-trimmed crimson velvet hardly visible under the jewels, Anne was conducted into the king’s presence by Garter King-at-Arms, with the countesses of Rutland and Derby, and her cousin Mary Howard, the Duke of Richmond’s prospective wife, carrying the crimson velvet mantle and gold coronet of a marquis. Henry was flanked by the dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk and surrounded by the court, with the officers at arms in their tabards and La Pommeraye as a guest of honour. Anne kneeled to the king, while Stephen Gardiner read out a patent conferring on her in her own right and on her offspring the title of marquis of Pembroke. Henry placed on her the mantle and coronet and handed her the patent of nobility, plus another granting lands worth 1000 pounds a year.”
      _ Extract from Eric Ives’ The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn (2004).
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