#Gayle NieR
mysterydarling · 1 year
No thoughts, just Gayle supremacy
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Gayle (1/?)
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phoenastra · 2 years
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Some art of Gayle from NieR ReIncarnation. I was originally gonna do like a whole thing where I posted NieR art that looks similar to the style of the art from Reincarnation. But I guess not. Too tired. Got sick. Blah blah. I just wasn't doing well last month. Better now, but we will see.
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final-yorha · 2 years
She's So Beautiful 😍
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koyoriin · 2 months
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it's sad to see nier reincarnation go, but i'll always remember the amazing art, music, and stories! here's hoping for an offline release at some point in the future.
https://twitter.com/koyoriin https://patreon.com/koyorin https://instagram.com/koyori_n https://bsky.app/profile/koyorin.bsky.social
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sur1muk1 · 1 year
Sketch dump!! 6/13-7/5
(Reblogs are appreciated, don't tag bayonetta, p, or 9s as f/o. Sorry it's for personal boundaries.)
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gaymememachine · 1 year
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NieR Reincarnation x mouse in kitchen
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noxtivagus · 2 years
nier reincarnation 😳
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Fandoms I'm Writing For:
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sorted by category + fandoms in alphabetical order
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⋆˖⁺‧₊ ANIME ₊‧⁺˖⋆
A Condition Called Love
All Main Characters
⋆˖⁺‧₊ CARTOONS ₊‧⁺˖⋆
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir, Luka Couffaine/Viperion, Felix Fathom/Argus
All Main Characters
⋆˖⁺‧₊ BOOKS ₊‧⁺˖⋆
Anne Of Green Gables
Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, Diana Barry, Gilbert Blyth, Jerry Baynard, Ruby Gillis
Percy Jackson
All Main Characters
Most Side Characters (no Calypso, Stolls & Will - yet)
only requests for the main five percy jackson books & the first two heroes of olympus
⋆˖⁺‧₊ VIDEOGAMES ₊‧⁺˖⋆
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
All Playable Characters
Ace Attorney
All Attorneys, Prosecuters + Companions
Most Side Characters from All Games
no Investigations 2 characters yet!
AI: The Somnium Files
All Main Characters
Trigger Happy Havoc Characters + Komaru Naegi (no Yasuhiro or Hifumi)
Goodbye Despair Characters
V3 Characters
no Monokuma, Monomi or Monokubs
Final Fantasy 10
Tidus, Yuna, Rikku, Wakka, Lulu, Auron, Kimahri, Seymour
no spoilers for X-2!
Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core
Zack Fair, Aerith Gainsborough, Cloud Strife, Sephiroth, Tifa Lockhart, Cissnei, Genesis Rhapsodos, Angeal Hewley
Crisis Core Only! No Spoilers for Base FF7!
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
All Four Houses + Church of Seiros
Important Side Characters/NPC's
Fire Emblem: Three Hopes
All Playable Characters
Important Side Characters/NPC's
Fire Emblem: Engage
All Playable Characters (no Jean, Anna, Sapphire, Lindon)
Four Hounds/Winds + Fell Dragons
Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia
Alm's Party Members (no Mycen)
Celica's Party Members (no Nomah)
Berkut, Rinea + Fernand
Fire Emblem: Awakening
All First Generation Characters
All Second Generation Characters
Fire Emblem: Binding Blade
All Playable Characters
Kingdom Hearts
Sora, Riku, Kairi, Namine, Roxas, Axel, Xion, Larxene, Marluxia, Vexen, Hayner, Olette, Pence
i'm currently playing through the games, but for now no spoilers for anything that isn't KH 1.5
NieR: Automata
2B, 9S, A2, Adam, Eve
NieR: Re[in]carnation
Dimos, Gayle, Akeha, Lars, Griff, Noelle, 10H, Akeha, Yuzuki Kurezome, Hina Akagi, Marie, Yurie
Persona 5
Phantom Thieves (+ Akechi & Yoshizawa)
All Confidants (no Kawakami, Shinya or Lavenza)
Persona 4
Investigation Team
All Social Links (no Fox, Sayoko, Shu or Hisano)
Persona 3
S.E.E.S. Members (no Ken & Koromaru)
All Social Links (no Pharos, Maiko, Mutatsu, Bunkichi & Mitsuko)
All Strega Members & Velvet Room Attendees
no FES or Reload exclusive content!
Persona Spin-Offs
Labrys, Sho Minazuki
All Lab Members
The World Ends With You + Neo: TWEWY
All Party Members
All Reapers + Side Characters (no Kubo)
Xenoblade Chronicles + Future Connected
All Party Members
All Side Characters + Villains
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 + Torna: The Golden Country
All Party Members
All Members of Torna + Their Blades
All Blades (+DLC; no Ursula, Boreas, Finch & Electra)
All Torna: The Golden Country Party Members
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 + Future Redeemed
All Ouroboros
All Heroes (+DLC & Post Game)
All Moebius & Side Characters/NPCs
Future Redeemed Cast
Zero Escape
9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors Characters (no 9th Man)
Virtues Last Reward Characters (no Quark & Tenmyouji)
Zero Time Dilemma Characters (no Sean)
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canmom · 3 months
I underestimated how long NieR Reincarnation's stories would take. Thinking I'd get through all of The Girl and the Monster in one night, in this completionist approach, was completely off base lmao. But I had a great time covering what we did! Thanks so much for everyone who joined me!
If you weren't able to make it, the (six hour) VOD is available here for now! Though I plan to make my own upload of the individual stories to youtube and write about how they fit together soon.
We've fully covered the story of Rion and Dimos, and touched briefly on the story of Gayle. We'll continue next time with the rest of Gayle's story, and then move on to the stories of Akeha and Argo - and continue along the story of whatever is going on with Mama and the mute girl in the Cage.
Next stream will be tomorrow afternoon at 6pm UK time, prior to Animation Night! Hope to see you there!
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astralartefact · 3 months
NieR Reincarnation Finale Predictions, Hopes & Dreams
With the Ending of the Best NieR game finally coming next week here are some hopes, dreams, thoughts and feelings about what I would expect!
I'm starting with the big divisive one and I really don't know why I'm seeing this so often as a big, excited "Oooh, What If!?!?":
If they end with "Delete your save data to save Humanity" just because the other two NieRs did it I'm suing. Not that I'm expecting them to do that, the writers of this game are so much better than that, but I guess my key point here is that that doesn't even make any sense, it's not a sacrifice, the game is inaccessible in a month anyways - and if you want them to do "the NieR thing" so bad, if anything they should do the opposite. If you ever delete the app despite it shutting down NieR's Humanity dies.
Anyways. Here's what I actually think we can expect:
10H comes back in some way at some point. Maybe not corporeal, but if you didn't read her Hidden Stories then boy, do I have some news for you! (and revisit Gayle's Hidden Stories too while you're at it, something might have changed (some ARG sh!t I tell you!!!))
Drakengard bullshit [affectionate]
A glimpse of what's coming next. If the chapter isn't longer than average then we absolutely have not enough time to wrap everything up - especially since N2 is here too now - and I do think that's by design. They're probably wrapping up the Cage and only the Cage, and the rest that won't be explained is...
Setup for the next game. I honestly think it might already come out this year, otherwise there would be no good reason to shut this game down this quick. But whatever the case maybe on that front - what I'm sure about is that Yoko Taro already knows where we're headed and since this is pretty much the first time (exception being Replicant Remake's Ending E, but that also already existed before in book form) that we're heading into an Ending where he already knows concretely what the next game is going to look like, I think we can expect them to teaser something about it.
I would be cautious about expecting Accord. I think she's going to show up, but probably just in the stinger after the credits or something. Even if the chapter was - somehow - double the length than usual we still wouldn't have enough time to also explain Accord's whole deal, especially since we're apparently also doing that with N2 already. That being said if she doesn't show up in Reincarnation in any form that just means she's going to show up in the next game, because she has to at this point.
Now for some things I want to see, some more delusional than others:
I want Fio and Levania to sing a White Song, Black Scales as the Final Boss. I would kill for that to happen. Make it end on a Deadly Drakengard Ring Rhythm Game.
I think The End might be that our 20-ish characters reincarnate? That they're (part of) the future of Humanity? (I'm mainly hoping some of them get to show up in the next game)
Make N2 R3Pent!!! MAKE HER A MANAH DRAKENGARD 2!!!!!!!!!!! (also to add to my thoughts from here, i think in the scene from the trailer where Fio reaches out to someone she might be reaching out to N2)
One of the stills in the N2 Screen in the trailer looks like 2 N2s doing Her Inflorescence's pose from FF14's Y:DA (yeah of course i noticed that, i will keep you updated if they actually reference it at some point but #AnoggForReincarnation isn't dead yet!!!)
Speaking of which please mention Y:DA in N2's backstory I beg of you q_q pls. do it for me <3
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eshehdafah · 9 months
Nine people you would like to get to know better
Tagged by @flingsky
I don’t have enough people for nine but I’ll tag @corpseshadow @touyea @sinonlesbiantruther @rinkara @aeoneris @the-squid-lesbian and @skelal and leave it at that for now. I’m not a huge ship kinda person but I’ll throw those parts in here anyway.
Three ships
Irina/Sharon (Xenoblade X) - I’m sorry but it’s real and nothing will change my mind. I’m now disallowing myself any more Xeno- ships because that would be too easy.
Akeha/Gayle (NieR) - Yoko Taro please let these women get therapy together it would be so good for them. Also they should spar it would be beneficial I think.
Hegemone/Agdistis (FFXIV) - Coworkers in an office building they probably have to live in. Things are going to happen and I think they would get along well.
First ship
Really hard to say tbh, as said before was never much of a shipper. I think the first one I was ever made aware of was Hilda/N from Pokemon BW, since one of the first fanfics I ever read was under that category (though given I’m transfem and N is great autistic rep I think I can explain the interest with hindsight)
Last song
Impossible to answer. I listen to parts my library pretty much daily and it depends on what part of my hyperfixation cycle I’m in. I don’t remember atm, but right now it’s either Hearing Things (Armoured Core 6), Ascension (FFXVI), or Dancing With The Source (Divinity 2), specifically the Tambura version.
Last movie
Another one I don’t remember specifically, but I rewatched Hot Fuzz (2007) a couple of weeks ago, and beyond that I cleared out Gravity (2013) from my to-watch list earlier in the year.
Currently reading
I’m keeping up with webcomics like Mage & Demon Queen, and fics I’ve found over the recent months, but I’m currently reading a 750k word 160 chapter monster of a GoT fic called The Wierwood Queen.
Currently watching
I’m keeping up with the anime adaption of Bleach TYBW as it comes out, but nothing else beyond that.
Currently consuming
I was eating chocolate cookie ice cream a few hours ago. Beyond that, I don’t remember what I ate today.
Currently craving
Physical contact with close friends and my gf, because I am a lonely sapphic who went to local pride over the weekend and now want to hug my friends.
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artzsan · 1 year
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Gayle sister from NieR Reincarnation
I imagined the scene in the story where Gayle (Frenlyse) confronts her sister. I also complemented the visual of the sister with my imagination.
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final-yorha · 3 months
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Circus Time
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haelyonn · 2 years
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• Dissenting Hunter Tifa •
Made this as a birthday gift for a friend of mine, Tifa in Gayle's Dissenting Hunter skin from NieR: Re[in]carnation !
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ashendalia · 1 year
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Have sketch wip of my first Nier Reincarnation OC Katya
Gayle is there for style reference
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