#Generic Gal No. 46
stiwfssr · 1 year
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maddogofshimano · 1 month
Hello! Seeing this blog was an insta-follow. JW, did u do a translation somewhere of…whatever this is? https://youtu.be/tfAqq15hv5s?si=xXzvWG1ImZ_qGGGb
I’d love to know what she’s saying, I’m scraping and scrounging for more Goromi content. There *is* a translation in the comments section, but it’s worded strangely…
hey thanks!! I am waaaaaaaaay less confident in translating spoken stuff, especially with Goromi's wildly fluctuating accent and general screeching but at one point I did go through and do some of the easier ones. however!! a kind soul has transcribed everything in the comments since the last time I checked so I'm doing this proper now. under a cut because it got long lol
italics is Goromi dropping into the masc Majima-style voice
0:00 どーもー ゴロ美でーす。真島? あ? 誰やそれ つべこべ言わんと はよドンペリ入れんかい! Hiii I'm Goromi. Majima? Huh? Don't talk about whoever that is, hurry up and bring out the Dom Perignon! 0:13 はぁあん 仕事もできる女 それがゴ・ロ・美 またモテてまうわぁ はぁ 参るなぁ Haaa~ A woman can do work too. That's Go - ro - mi. She'll be popular again. Haa~ Give me a call~ 0:28 めっちゃジロジロ見られたわぁ 嫌やわぁ セクハラちゃうー? I'm gettin' stared at so much. I don't like it. Is this sexual harassment? 0:35 よっしゃー! 暴れるでぇお前らー! All right! I'm gonna go ballistic on you all! 0:39 あ? パンツ見えてる? だからなんやねん Huh? Ya can see my panties? Watch where you're lookin'! 0:46 あーあ 早う桐生ちゃん来んかのぉー Ahhhh… won't Kiryu-chan hurry up~? 0:53 なんや 俺は安い女とちゃうで  What is it? I ain't a cheap gal. 0:59 あ? パンツ見えてる? いやーんこのドスケベー 目ん玉くり抜いたろかぁ! Ya can see my panties? Ooooh ya perv~! I'll gouge out your fuckin' eyes!* 1:08 いやーん ええ飲みっぷりやないかぁ ちょっと見直したでぇ Oooh, you seem like ya can hold your drink~ I'm startin' to come around on ya~ 1:16 うち 強い奴が好きやねん うちを その気にさせたいんならぁ 殺す気で来いやぁ! Me, I like strong guys. If ya want me to like you… then ya better come at me like ya want me dead!* 1:27 やだ ゴロ美ったらドキドキしてる 気に入ったでぇ おぉ! ドス持ってこいやぁ! いっちょやり合おうやないかー! No way, ya got Goromi's heart all flutterin'. Oh! This is perfect for my dagger! Time to fight!" 1:39 うちも一杯もらってええか? 今日はなんだか飲みたい気分やねん Is it alright if I get one too? Today I'm in the mood to drink. 1:48 はい どーぞっ! ゴロ美特性 ゲロマズカクテルやでぇ なぁ 飲めや Here you go! Goromi's special super yucky cocktail! …Hey, drink it. 1:57 桐生ちゃん 驚くやろなぁ Kiryu-chan's a surprisin' guy~ 2:01 ゴロ美 ドキドキしちゃう You're gonna make Goromi's heart flutter.* 2:04 うちが ナンバーワンキャバ嬢 ゴロ美や 覚えときー I'm the number one cabaret girl Goromi, ya better remember that. 2:12 ヒーヒッヒヒヒー 惚れても知らんでぇ Hehehehee not my fault if you're fallin' for me~* 2:16 ますますべっぴんになってくでぇ I'm becoming more and more beautiful~ 2:20 奇麗なバラには トゲがあるんやでぇ A beautiful rose still has its thorns. 2:26 魔性の女 それがゴロ美やでぇ Goromi, a woman with a devilish nature~ 2:31 ゴロ美の新たな魅力 感じてやぁ Experience Goromi's fresh new glamor. 2:36 ふぉーん なかなか見どころあるやないかぁ ま、けどアフターはお預けや There's a lot of good things to see, aren't there? Well, that will have to wait for the after hours date. 2:45 やるやないかぁ へえぇ ゴロ美アフター権 進呈したるわ このボケがぁ! Well it can't be helped. I'm presentin' ya with the rights to an after hours date with Goromi. Ya dumb ass! 2:56 ご指��� おおきに Thank ya for requestin' me.* 2:59 男女がやる事いうたらー 喧嘩しかないやろがぁ! There's a thing that men and women do together… They fight each other! 3:06 か弱いレディーに 何するんじゃボケェ! This weak lady, what the hell are ya doin' to her, idiot! 3:10 あかーん そんなんじゃゴロ美は濡れへんでぇ! Siiiilly, that kind of thing won't get Goromi wet! (tl note: I……………………. I feel like there's something I'm misreading here. but. turns out I'm not!!) 3:14 当店はお触り禁止じゃぁ! We don't allow touching in this establishment!!! 3:17 野暮な男は嫌いやでぇ! I hate men with no manners!!
(tl note: the rest of these are various battle callouts) 3:24 ボトル入りまーす! Bottle comin' through! 3:26 これ うちの名刺! Here's… my business card! 3:30 ゴロ美に惚れたら 火傷するでぇ! If ya fall for Goromi… You're gonna get burned! 3:35 お客様は神様 なわけあるかボケェ! The customer is king… what a stupid idea! 3:41 イーヒッヒヒヒー 太客認定したるわぁ! Eeehehehehee, I just bagged a big spender! 3:46 シャンパン入りまーす! Champagne comin' through! 3:49 花は いつか散るんやでぇ Flowers will… always scatter… 3:54 終わりがあるから 美しいんやでぇ Because they must end… They are beautiful… 4:01 またのご来店 お待ちしてまーす! We look forward to seeing you agaaaaiiiin! 4:05 はぁ うちをもっと燃えさす奴はおらんのかいなぁ Haaa… is there no one left who can get me fired up? 4:11 ゴロ美の「み」は 皆殺しの「み」じゃぁ! The "mi" in "Goromi" is… from the "mi" in "minagoroshi"! (tl note: wholesale slaughter) 4:16 稼ぎ時を逃さん女 それがゴロ美じゃボケェ! Goromi, a woman who's never let a chance to make a profit escape her! 4:23 ヒヒッ ゴロ美 ほてってきたでぇ Hehe, Goromi's burnin' hot! 4:29 ヒヒッ 延長やぁ 当たり前やろ! Hehe, an extension. Obviously! (tl note: for using a continue in a fight) 4:36 ごっついのぉ Real strong, huh… (tl note: for losing)
whew! as usual if I fucked something else please tell me some of this stuff gets real in the weeds. all I can do is my best
thanks again for the follow and for suggesting this! I'm real glad I took another look, that minagoroshi line really made me laugh. unrelated to Goromi but I'll have a new event up in a week or so because the one going on right now is so incredibly funny to me. it's a Saejima event. look forward to it * Edit: a couple of line corrections thanks to @imustbenuts Thank you again!!!
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ellaenchanting · 1 year
50 Days of Fetishes List
50 days of writing about what turns me on:
1. Pocketwatches
2. Trance Face
3. Being "Period Angry"
4. Teacher's Pet (Being "Good")
5. Needy and Greedy (Feeling "Forbidden" Emotions)
6. Dapper Gals
7. Slow Dismantling
8. House Special (Doing the Play the Other Person Feels Best/Most Experienced At- Or Enjoys the Most)
9. Conspiring/Plotting
10. Denial/Orgasm Control
11. Being "Hot" (Looking Pretty/Attractive to Someone)
12. That First, Delicious Moment of Sinking into Trance
13. Casual Fucking With
14. Resistance Play
15. Evocative Hypnotist Smiles
16. Connection in Trance
17. Kneeling
18. Pleasure Conditioning
19. Homework
20. Involuntariness (Feeling Like Things Are Happening without Conscious Volition)
21. Evil Therapist Tropes
22. Skill
23. Attention (Having Someone's Attention)
24. Innocence (And Being Corrupted)
25. Relaxation as a Pathway to Arousal
26. Almost-Telepathic Rapport
27. Incredibly Deep Trance
28. Oral Fixation
29. Amnesia/Memory Play
30. Strong/Buff Women (and Rasslin')
31. Being Clever
32. Being Taught or Coached
33. Dominance
34. Witchcraft (Witchy Tropes)
35. Camp
36. Fucked Up Ageplay
37. Covert Hypnosis and General Hypnotic Sneakiness
38. Intentional Vulnerability
39. Keeping it Simple
40. Accents
41. A Touch of Patronization
42. Bad Hypnosis
43. Team Ups
44. Dissociation
45. Voice Changes (and Hypnotic Voices)
46. No-Win Conditions
47. Begging
48. Comfort Kink
49. Partner Enthusiasm
50. Words
It's strange- I thought when I finished this I'd have a very clear picture of my sexuality and what turns me on. Looking at the list overall, it feels pretty piecemeal. It's hard to sum up something as vast and quirky as "what I think is hot" with a list.
Still, I'm glad I wrote it. My goal was to write a spontaneous entry every day and doing that gave me some insight into both how I was feeling during different days and how different fetishes feel exciting at different times. It also helped me think deeply about what turns me on about some of my fetishes and why they're interesting to me. I may add entries past 50 if more thoughts come up. (The 50 was always an artificial limit I posed on myself anyway.)
As I was writing, I felt like I was covering a lot of switchy interests and being very conscious of the ways I enjoy play from the bottom and from the top. The entries felt pretty balanced between top and bottom as I was writing them. I even tried to make them more balanced- when I wrote a bottom-leaning entry, I'd try and write a top-leaning entry the next day. However, when I look back, there are about 24 items I enjoy primarily as a bottom, about 14 I enjoy primarily as a top, and 7 that feel 50/50 pure switchy. (The rest don't really neatly fall into top/bottom/switch categories.) That's more lopsided than I anticipated. I don't know if that signals I'm more of a bottom-leaning switch or if it's the result of having recent new, exciting bottomy play with a new partner and fantasizing more about that. I wonder if my list 6 months from would be different.
I'd be curious if any of you out here have thoughts on this list. Is there anything that's surprising? Anything you want to ask about? Especially if you know me well- is there anything obvious I'm leaving out?
If this kind of exercise sounds fun to you, I encourage you to try it! @misscammiedawn finished her list yesterday- it's here if you want to see her entries. Both @ultinath and @h-sleepingirl are doing projects - Nath was writing hypnokinky essays and Sleepingirl has just started writing their own days of fetish entries. I highly recommend you check all of these Tumblrs out for insights and some great, thoughtful writing.
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Good Morning!!! People, Pokemon, beings from otherworldly galaxies, everyone is welcome to look at the news forecast!!
Here today we have your favorite Weather Anchorrrrrs, Mulberry and Beany! Take it away you two!!
"Casto!! Casto form!! Form form!! " -->
[ "YIPPEE!! here we are again everyone! Reporting to you live from within the Fast Cast Studio, it's me and Mulberry today if you couldn't understand our introduction man Gregory. We love you Greg!" ]
" Haha~ awww Beany, all hyped up and raring to give us that forecast ay buddy?? Well... First we have to go over our latest events! Be sure to translate for me to all our pokèfriends at home please "
" ahem... Route 4 in Unova is still undergoing a massive Sandstorm and hasn't made progress on that new road yet, can't blame the poor guys and gals. I hope you can get those poor pokèmon to settle down now that the whole Team Plasma shindig is dealt with, best of luck to you! "
" Lacunosa Town in Unova is still recovering from the recent discoveries of the legendary pokèmon Kyurem being the cause of all their nightly terrors! Hopefully now that once again; the Team Plasma ordeal is over with the dragon will go back into hibernation and leave your Town alone, until now these news anchors advise you stay inside at night still! "
" The Jagged Pass in Hoenn is undergoing some renovations in order to attempt making the slope easier and safer for trainers to climb! However we don't expect that task to be easy! Make sure you guys and gals take plenty of Water Type pokemon with you, even with the volcano being inactive you can expect 90° to 105° bright sun temperatures around that area! "
" And with that out of the way we can go straight into our news forecast! Like always, here at Fast Cast Studios care about your safety and recommend taking the necessary precautions to ALL outdoor activities! From all over the world! Here is your Weather Forecast!! "
" Unova, Partially Cloudy with a chance of rain. 60° - 65° heat "
" Sinnoh, Cloudy with a 46% chance of rain Tuesday through Saturday this week. Sorry guys! The general temperature in Sinnoh will be 40° - 55° except at the North Peak of your beautiful region where it'll be a chilly 20° - 10° "
" Kanto, Full sun all week! Though it seems Beany senses a 20% chance for rain so keep your umbrellas ready! We can't tell exactly which day, so we're predicting a pokèmon will be using Rain Dance on an unexpected interval during the week.
Your temperatures are steaming hot this summer, so stay hydrated in your 80° - 90° weather! "
" Johto, your temperatures are practically the same as Kantos being fairly close by and all! So be sure to keep hydrating as well in your 70° - 90° weather! You're also partially cloudy with a 60% chance of rain Monday through Wednesday "
" Kalos, put on your sunscreen Sunday through Wednesday because those are YOURRRRRRR sunny days! The rest for this week will be cloudy with a 55% chance of rain so prepare those electrical wires for the possible storms Lumiose City!
The weekly temperature is 58° - 69° "
" Alol- oh holy Arceus... Guys are you sure abo-" [Commercial Break!!! 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡]
" We're back! Sorry about that folks, Alola always catches me off guard. It's like y'all are roasting marshmallows on Slugma down there or something- anyways... Be sure to stay cool with some Mantine Surfing cus y'all got 96° - 99° weather 'whispers: sweet Arceus how do y'all live-'
Ahem! Sunny all across Alola except in Po Town as usual "
" Galar! Cloudy with a chance of Sleet and Rain, we're unsure of the percentage or when it will happen so we predict that some Pokèmon are going through turf wars right now and it'd likely be best advised to stay out of the Wild Area and travel by train!
40° - 60° temperatures when you put the Turf War weather aside! "
" Last but not least we have Paldea, 60° - 69° partially cloudy with a strong wind predicted to happen Tuesday from the South East "
🎶 News Cast Music 🎶
" Casto!! Casto Castform!!! Form form! Castform! " -->
[ " What a wonderful day of Weather Forecasting!! But phew... I sure am tired from all the reports, what say we go and get some tacos today partner? "]
" You said it Beany! It's bean- a pleasure to talk with you all as usual guys and gals, until next week or the next immediate news forecast. This is Mulberry and Beany signing off! Bye bye! "
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ms-m-astrologer · 5 months
Transiting Pallas Athene enters Retrograde Zone
Timeline (current events in bold)
Saturday, January 6, 20:07 UT - transiting Pallas Athene enters pre-retrograde shadow, 19°46’ Scorpio
Tuesday, February 6, 08:04 UT - transiting Pallas Athene enters Sagittarius
Friday, March 29, 13:18 UT - transiting Pallas Athene stations retrograde, 8°36’ Sagittarius
Thursday, May 16, 17:32 UT - transiting Pallas Athene re-enters Scorpio
Wednesday, July 20, 02:47 UT - transiting Pallas Athene stations direct, 19°46’ Scorpio
Sunday, September 8, 10:25 UT - transiting Pallas Athene re-enters Sagittarius
Saturday, October 5, 04:09 UT - transiting Pallas Athene exits post-retrograde shadow, 8°36’ Sagittarius
Caveat: this probably won’t have much (if any) of an impact on you unless Pallas Athene is prominent in your birth chart: closely in aspect to the Sun, the Moon, &/or an angle (Ascendant, IC, Descendant, MC).
Pallas Athene’s main thing is strategic intelligence - the kind that wins you a chess match. She’s prominent in the charts of lawyers as well as of generals. Artisans also fall under her guidance (including fiber artists, as she was a weaver). She’s the “career gal” of the Lady Asteroids, concerned with professional excellence. And she has a “thing” for political activism.
Martin Bulgerin, at his web site biopscinst dot com, wrote about Pallas Athene:
Frequently, Pallas retrograde is a time when you must concentrate more fully on some creative endeavor. There's often a need to rethink your plans and come up with a new approach to some situation. It may seem like there's a conflict between the head and the heart, although it's possible to go beyond this apparent conflict and have it both ways. You may be experiencing troubles adjusting to situations where you don't naturally fit in, requiring compromise or creative resolution on your part. This is often a "mental" period when the emotional life takes a back seat to something more important.
If it seems like an extended Mercury retrograde, that’s a fair comparison. There is a big difference, though, between planning your errands, and planning your life. Something needs adjustment - or, with Scorpio a factor, more like something needs a complete transformation.
During the next month, while Pallas Athene remains in Scorpio, it’s especially important to take note of any issues arising in her “areas.” (When she’s in Sagittarius, we’re more likely to see the consequences of getting Pallas Athene/Scorpio wrong.) We have a mystery to solve!
House position is important, too. Pallas Athene’s entire retrograde zone is in my 1st House - I’m the mystery. In the 6th House, the mystery is connected with the job, or the daily routine.
And remember that your natal Pallas Athene is what motivates the mystery. (In Cancer and my 8th House: perhaps my knitting and crocheting have more behind them than “just” doing as my mother and her mother, etc., have done….)
Allow a few days on either side of these aspects. Again, unless Pallas Athene is strong in your chart, this may not affect you at all - but if these aspects “ding” a natal placement, that may be an exception.
Friday, January 12:
Pallas Athene/Scorpio sextile Juno/Virgo (21°52’)
Pallas Athene/Scorpio sextile Sun/Capricorn (21°53’)
This is such an interesting way to begin! We may be feeling pretty smug about ourselves. We want to work effectively with others, to achieve practical results. But: are we truly willing to cooperate, or do we just want henchmen?
Sunday, January 14 - Pallas Athene/Scorpio (22°43’) semi-square Mars/Capricorn (7°43’). Semi-squares teach us patience; astrologer Bernadette Brady wrote that they lead to “null” results. This semi-square reeks of our being somehow thwarted. Any “smugness” from the 12th dissipates in a hurry.
Wednesday, January 17 - Pallas Athene/Scorpio inconjunct Vesta Rx/Gemini (23°33’). “Lack of focus” is always going to be a problem for mutable-sign placements; here, a scattered Vesta makes creative blocks for Pallas Athene. There is also possibility of political fanaticism.
Thursday, January 18:
Pallas Athene/Scorpio semi-sextile Venus/Sagittarius (23°57’)
Pallas Athene/Scorpio inconjunct Eris/Aries (24°09’)
This has a flavor of an American sports stereotype: “If we don’t play the game my way, I’m going to take my bat and ball and go home.” Probably not too serious, but there will be some warning lights flashing we’d be wise to take note of.
Monday, January 22:
Pallas Athene/Scorpio (25°21’) semi-square Mercury/Capricorn (10°21’)
Pallas Athene/Scorpio trine Neptune/Pisces (25°31’)
Our logical minds aren’t working, so we try to use our intuition. We have some kind of vision or illumination, but as of now we lack the skills to communicate it to others - or maybe even sort it out to ourselves.
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yamisnuffles · 8 months
twenty questions for fic writers
Tagged by my best gal @feralkwe
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 46. I have a lot of fic that just lives on Tumblr or that was on older fic sites, so that's not really indicative of my total fic amount lol.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 338,924. Again, A LOT of one shots and stuff elsewhere.
3. What fandoms do you write for? On AO3, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, FFXIV, Skyrim, Good Omens, One Piece, and Star Wars
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Blitzed (GO 1941 smut and my first smut ever lol), The Altus Inquisitor (DAI AU, pretty much as it says on the tin), Get Closer To Me (GO S1 night at Crowley's place fic), Heartbeats (a series of one shots for a One Piece Corazon lives AU), and The Ecstasy of Anthony J Crowley (GO divinity kink smut fic)
5. Do you respond to comments? I try to! I didn't always but I'm trying to get better about that because I really appreciate each and every comment.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Uuuuuh, might be For Want of Words? It's GO post S2 and not fix it so it is not happy lol. Possibly Wicked White, which ends as Shadowbringers ends and thus isn't the happiest place for a WoL/Emet fic lol. Otherwise, they're series and neither finished but my Law as the new Corazon AU series was just bummers all the way down and, ironically, Too Much of a Good Thing gets progressively less... optimistic. Lots of sad smut and series I guess.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? If I resist making a smut joke, Just For Two is one of the fluffiest things I've ever written. Pure GO S1 fluff fic written for the fun of it.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really? I got an... indirectly cruel comment one time on something but people are generally very nice on the fics themselves.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes. The Good Omens kind lmao. I mean, I've branched out but it was the first fandom I wrote smut for and continues to be the one that gets the most. It hovers between that M and E rating for good reason. Very feelsy and in the case of GO, I love some religious symbolism lol. I like to weave it into longer works but I also happily write one shots (or try, sometimes it takes a few chapters to get to my one shot plans).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I don't think I've ever written a crossover. I've done crossover art but I tend to stay within a fandom for fic.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Again... I don't think so?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! I used to write with my best friend a lot in high school and I adored it. It's one of the things I miss most about that friendship and, in general, something I miss doing.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Do I even have to say? Aziraphale/Crowley own my soul. That said, I do have the softest of soft spots for my Trev/Dorian and Shakarian. Also, Justice/Anders/Hawke because it burns with the added power of spite.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Ahahaha... *sweats nervously.* So many. I am determined to finish the Altus Inquisitor but it's hard to get my heart back into DA with good reason. I'd love to continue my various OP series but I doubt I ever will for a few reasons.
16. What are your writing strengths? Characterization. I work really hard on it. I obsess over it. There is nothing I think of more in any fandom than characterization lol. I'd also like to think I'm good with emotion and description.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Finishing anything ever. I'm a whimsical creature and if I'm not into something at the moment, it's really hard to get myself to focus on things. I also feel like a monkey with a typewriter any time I'm trying to write smut, but I think that's just the nature of the beast.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I am really bad with languages so I try to just avoid it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Jurassic Park! As a wee bab I wrote about a raptor ripping someone open and eating them lmao.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? Oh man, oh man, this is actually really hard for me. There are a lot of things I've written that I'm fond of for different reasons. I adore my AUs because I put so much of my soul into them to make them feel authentic. Various fics for various fandoms hit hard for different reasons. If I absolutely HAD TO choose, I'd say either The Altus Inquisitor, because Lucien is my baby and I genuinely enjoy rereading it, or Dig Down from my GO AU, which I feel like is just a strong short fic and best sums up that whole series. Both are hard to recommend though because one is chronically unfinished (I am trying!) and the other is smack dab in the middle of a series.
I tag anyone who wants to do this because I am too tired to think rn. Go forth with my blessing
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aerodaltonimperial · 2 years
oh look a pinned post
hi. i’m katy. i am a certified fandom old™️fair warning, i do not know how to use the queue so following me means you get all my hyperfixations in real time as god intended. this blog is typically wrestling, wrestling, more wrestling, and things that make me laugh so hard i snort liquid out my nose. i only watch aew. i’m in it for the little guys (and gals). i use A LOT of capslock. my tags are a mess and absolutely nothing is searchable, that’s just how we run things around here. generally speaking, i flail about my ride or dies and simply won’t talk about anyone i dislike, so for the most part, this is a hate-free zone. the exception to this is cm punk. i think that man should be lit on fire. do not follow me if you are a punk fan. i’ve probably already blocked you, but there’s a chance i missed if you are quiet about it and weren’t in the tags when i went on my sprees. other than that, no surprises; you know who you gonna hear about here!! pretty transparent.
i used to fill a lot of prompts. maybe someday i will do this again. i’ve got a young kiddo, and i talk about her. she is generally the reason i don’t get much sleep. i love getting asks and typically don’t sugarcoat things! i’m a matched set with @perhapswhoknowsvamp. 💚
🖤 💚 the junglecorpse story video lives here 💚 🖤
reminder that my ao3 account is here
🖤💚junglecorpse (jack/darby)
ride | do you understand | alone together | they say we won’t last | why do they love you | hospital | playing us both | shower | discovery | salon | ‘down into the water black’ - epilogue | naked coffee | taste you | don’t leave me | hesitantly | ruin me | my plan all along | talk to you later | don’t fear the reaper | hospital roommates | can’t say it | just a little more | jekyll & hyde | i think i’m in love | the little things | i’m not leaving | good taste | rainstorm | forever | something good | worse than my mom | i know i’m in love | hot when you’re bossy | got something of yours | what time is it? | we’re not dating | chipotle and concussions | you look like shit | nonverbal: shovel talk | nonverbal: tangles | nonverbal: nap
🧡💚junglehook (jack/hook)
kiss 83 | not what you want | in danger | lighthouse AU flashback | you’re a nightmare | got you against the wall | gum swap | wild things | the next stage | on top | where it hurts | backstage victory | candids | elevator | why didn’t you say anything | make me jealous | don’t know what’s next | lost and found | eventuality | love languages | still | wanna practice? | how much do you want it | absolutely not mad | shouldn’t be here
💚🤜🤛🧡the besties (jack & hook)
college AU | besties break-up part 1 | besties break-up part 2 | ghost hunting | tattoo parlor | coffee shop | new friends | martha is the safe word | matchmaker | commit a felony | i need your help | too many miles | death threats | fell asleep | the theater | no one will find you here | concert | showing affection | party-hopper | thankful for you
⚰️🧡 darby/hook
you miss him too | comfort where you can | someone else | wound tending | the one i want | not the right one | surprise
🍊🖤 orange/darby
where it doesn’t hurt | haven’t died yet | comfort | fingers
🔮🍑spookypeach (anna/julia)
scents | promise | not the right move | wish it were me | an option | ceiling fan | you’re ready | i still miss you
the russian roulette of other wrestle pairings
kiss 48 | kiss 46 | hookcaster | absolutehook | tazhausen | danhausen/evilhausen | jack & julia | orangehausen | darbyhausen | nothing you can give me | junglehookhausen | half-deadjunglehook | max caster gets his shit rocked | jungleorange | the quad | let’s get him back | dariushook | orangehook treats | hook + darby treat | hook talks to RVD | orangehook manflu | hook vs. reader | bluehart | orangehook breakfast | half-deadjunglehook follow my lead | bluehart ice cream date | orangehook tell me how | anything you want jack
chrono trigger
shallow regret | kiss 99 | ‘saints & martyrs’ - follow-up | how dare you | come to laugh at me | mist | destiny | as a yes | never wanted more
chrono cross
kiss 1 | ‘top shot’ - follow-up | feather | on a scar | breakfast | in danger | you weren’t obvious
current tag to search for all works written since the tumblr-pocalypse is tag so you don’t lose this shit. anything posted to AO3 is removed to keep this somewhat manageable.
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felinemotif · 7 months
i am also nosy <3333
4, 21, 24, 33, 34, 41 (or other hot drink), 43, & 46
two nosy gals <3333
4. which cryptid being do you believe in?
listen i LOVE cryptozoology my dream is to one day go to the annual mothman festival in west virginia and spend an entire weekend. i don't necessarily believe-believe but if at least one were real???? like say....the yeti... i would not be shocked. honestly it makes me pretty happy to think that there are all sorts of interesting creatures out there. so maybe not true belief but wanting to believe?
21. something you’ve kept since childhood?
my childhood dog passed on when i was a teen. her name was jackie, and she had a white collar with a diamond bejeweled bone. the leather got worn down over the years but i still have the jeweled bone!! eventually i would like to get a copy of it tattooed + have the pendant remade into a bracelet or hair clip.
it's actually one of the only things i still have from my childhood! some things are just worth saving.
24. if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
definitely eating for one. i don't know how you feel about fast food but it's not something i eat bc i worry about cross contamination (no meat outside of seafood for me) so it'd have to be either a picnic or convenience store snacks. totally painting each other's nails and talking about childhood comforts and fiction.
33. the last adventure you’ve been on?
i did a roadtrip with an old coworker of mine. he moved out to idaho about a year and a half ago now, but we were good friends fast so we try to stay in contact. he had to drive back my way on his way to go see his parents so he stopped, picked me up, and then we went all the way up to NH together. it was a lot of fun. i really appreciate his calm way of going through life; he lived out of his van by choice for a few years straight out of hs and then saved up to buy a plot of land so he could start building his own place. he's like a strange cousin to me.
34. is there a song you know every word to by heart?
so many!!! memorizing lyrics is easy for me. i've been singing un puño de tierra by becky g (my girllllll) in the shower though lately. and while washing dishes. and driving. basically all the time. i rarely even play the song anymore since it's already so stuck in my head.
41. how do you take your coffee? (or other hot drink)
if i'm very tired i'll just drink regular old black coffee to wake up, no milk. for hot drinks i really prefer to have matcha or a bay leaf and cinnamon stick tea.
43. what’s your take on spicy foods?
i'm latina; if it's not spicy, i don't want it lol. i have been really into indian food recently actually and have been learning tons of new recipes bc they have such a large amount of vegan and vegetarian dishes that all have a kick to them. it's great.
46. favorite holiday film?
i'm a the nightmare before christmas girl all the way. one of my favorite films in general, even outside of the holiday category. i also like to watch the low budget horror films they come out with for holidays (mostly the halloween ones but the christmas ones are always pretty funny too).
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bcofl0ve · 7 months
kaia gerber bookclub brief - cleo wade episode
(as a kaia fan these summaries will be more kaia centric than guest centric, if you guys would prefer me do more summarizing of things the guests say lmk!)
beginning bit with just kaia, says she's excited to try the prerecording thing because it takes away the pressure of being live/timed/cut off (austin i am ounce again asking you to fix y'alls router!!!!!!)
nooo kaia don't say you dogear your books nooo (it's okay i do too)
the way she says "hi!"to cleo at the 1:46 mark is SO cute i'm gonna trim it down later and post she's so baby girl
lauren dern is who introduced kaia to cleo
first question was asking cleo how she's found her voice in her writing- which kaia prefaced by saying she feels intimidated by poetry.
cleo brought up mary oliver and kaia mentioned that she also really liked her
kaia saying she researched by reading past interviews cleo has done was a real cute moment wah she's such a sweetie
i assume this was filmed a while ago bc of the following:
"i had a friend say to me the other day- i'd rushed home from a really long flight and it was her birthday and i rushed to a dinner and i was so tired but i was like i need to show up for everyone this is what i have to do. and she goes- she was turning 28 (so this was ayo then? the flight i assume coming back from paris)- "i can't wait till you turn 28 and you text me and you say i'm tired i don't feel like coming i love you." she's like- i'll be so proud of you."
realizing midway through that was about ayo made me read it in her voice typing it LOL friend of the year!!! she truly seems like such a great gal
next question is about forgiveness and remembering love even when it's hard. really liked cleo's answer to this essentially saying that everything can be seasonal f you look at it a certain way and to embrace the nature of things.
kaia saying friendship breakups are harder than relationship breakups and that they feel like open wounds that live in us...soooooo real.
skipped typing the 3rd question oops but it was about showing love to yourself
4th question: how do we move forward from [unhealthy] things we've learned especially from our family dynamics
cleo mentioned being obsessed with a guy in her twenties and kaia's little exhale laugh (17:42 time stamp) made me giggle...#real i'm obsessed with him too dw!
topic is moving to social media, kaia says she tries not to go on it very often
5th question is about what social media has done to people's empathy.
while i listen to cleo: there's a few jump cuts and i can't help but be a little nosey about what was maybe edited out but i think that nosiness defeats the purpose of what they're talking about rn so maybe i shouldn't say that haha
kaia said it's reflective of how she's doing when she chooses to obsess over the one negative comment as opposed to the positive ones. bby ):
"i think social media has made it so these thoughts that we convince ourselves no one else would ever notice about us are written for everyone to see"
i'm glad she has her comments off for herself but man it makes me sad that she sees the nasty shit people say else where.
generally speaking listening to this niche of talk from celebrities is always so interesting in that i'm like wow so true! while at the same time typing this on a gossip blog and in a very big way being a "part of the problem". much to think about.
cleo talked a lot about people thinking celebrities belong to them and kaia very much echoed all of that
kaia circled back to the positives of social media and talked about the march for our lives. as someone who has on and off worked with march that made me smile! jaya, laura dern's daughter occasionally goes to events too lol i have friends that have met her.
okay now we're getting to the blurb that she posted on Instagram so i feel like summarizing that would be kinda redundant haha
but kaia holding her book open with her hair like this is sooo princess belle core.
i like this format a lot better than the instagram lives tbh
for some reason it's easier for me to pay attention?
little end bit with just kaia. her little thank you to the viewers was so youtube vlogger core but in a very endearing way. okay miss youtuber!!!
and that's it! excited for the revamp of book club that seems to be in the making and the future of it. you can tell that kaia loves doing it and i like listening to her!
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verm1c1de · 1 year
zadr for 1, 39, and 41 and tagr for 12 and 46?
Who’s the primary protector of the two?
39. Which of the two is more artistic?
41. Who’s the most self-aware?
uhhhhh good motherfucking question! i think its about equal, maybe zim a bit moreso, considering that hes just. full of weapons and dibs just a meatboy human
zim!!! dib also draws but not extremely passionately, except when it comes to doodles of dissecting zim,,, but zim likes a bit of efurrything! hes a very creative fellow even if he doesnt "get" a lot of artfurms
theyre both purretty mf delusional lol but uhhh. im not sure! dib is more outwardly self aware but zim is more,,,,,, repurressed self aware of himself which is why hes more outwardly,, Like That. not sure abt this one!
12. Which of the two rolls their eyes the most often?
46. Who gets most intense during a fight?
theyre both very eye-rolly gals but in general gaz by a bit more. if only beclaws shes faced with stupidity more often ((dib))
it depends! gaz can get Very intense when it comes to things she rlly cares about ((game slave 2)) but tak is the kind of purrson who gets Really Into It and her opponent just doesnt care. unrequited rivalry summarizes tagr purretty well tbh!
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
Lockheed XF-90A 46-0687 by Wing attack Plan R Via Flickr: The Lockheed XF-90 was built in response to a United States Air Force requirement for a long-range penetration fighter and bomber escort. The same requirement produced the McDonnell XF-88 Voodoo. Lockheed received a contract for two prototype XP-90s (redesignated XF-90 in 1948). The design was developed by Willis Hawkins and the Skunk Works team under Kelly Johnson. Two prototypes were built (s/n 46-687 and -688). Developmental and political difficulties delayed the first flight until 3 June 1949, with Chief Test Pilot Tony LeVier at the controls. Performance of the design was considered inadequate due to being underpowered, and the XF-90 never entered production. Design and development: In response to a 1945 Army request for an advanced jet fighter, Lockheed proposed a jet powered initially by a Lockheed L-1000 axial flow turbojet, and then the General Electric J35. Further design refinements included using two Westinghouse J34 engines with afterburners. After data showed that a delta planform would not be suitable, the Lockheed Model 90 was built in 1947 as a mock-up. The final design embodied much of the experience and shared the intake and low-wing layout of the previous P-80 Shooting Star, but with 35° sweptback wings, a sharply-pointed nose, and two Westinghouse J34-WE-11 axial-flow turbojet engines, providing a total thrust of 6,200 lbf (27.6 kN), mounted side-by-side in the rear fuselage and fed by side-mounted air intakes. The wings had leading edge slats, Fowler flaps, and ailerons on the trailing edge. The pressurized cockpit was fitted with an ejection seat and a bubble canopy. Proposed armament was six 20 mm (.79 in) cannons. The internal fuel was supplemented by wingtip-mounted tanks, bringing total fuel capacity to 1,665 gal (6,308 l). The use of 75ST aluminum rather than the then-standard 24ST aluminum alloy, along with heavy forgings and machined parts, resulted in an extremely well-constructed and sturdy airframe. However, these innovations also resulted in an aircraft with an empty weight more than 50 percent heavier than its competitors. The first XF-90 used non-afterburning J34s, but these lacked the thrust for takeoff as rocket-assisted RATO were required for most of the first flights unless it carried a very low fuel load. The second (XF-90A) had afterburners installed which had been tested on an F-80 testbed. Even so, the aircraft remained underpowered. Testing and evaluation: The XF-90 was the first USAF jet with an afterburner and the first Lockheed jet to fly supersonic, albeit in a dive. It also incorporated an unusual vertical stabilizer that could be moved fore and aft for horizontal stabilizer adjustment. Partly because Lockheed's design proved underpowered, it placed second to McDonnell's XF-88 Voodoo which won the production contract in September 1950, before the penetration fighter project was abandoned altogether. Upon Lockheed losing the production contract, the two prototypes were retired to other testing roles. The first aircraft (46-687) was shipped to the NACA Laboratory in Cleveland, Ohio in 1953 for structural tests. It was no longer flyable, and its extremely strong airframe was tested to destruction. The other (46-688) survived three atomic blasts at Frenchman Flat within the Nevada Test Site in 1952. Notable appearances in media: The XF-90 lived on as the aircraft flown through the 1950s by the popular Blackhawks Squadron in the comic book series of the same name, first published by Quality Comics and later by DC Comics. The Blackhawks flew fictional "B" and "C" models, single engine production variants of the twin-engine XF-90. Aircraft disposition: 46-0687 – tested to destruction at NACA lab in Cleveland, Ohio. 46-0688 – in storage and awaiting restoration at the National Museum of the United States Air Force in Dayton, Ohio. In 2003, the heavily damaged hulk was recovered from the Nevada test site and moved there. It is currently undergoing minor restoration in one of the Museum's restoration facility hangars. Its wings have been removed, and its nose is mangled from the nuclear blasts. During the decontamination process, all the rivets had to be removed to remove radioactive sand. At present, the museum plans to display the XF-90 in its damaged, mostly unrestored condition, to demonstrate the effects of nuclear weaponry. (wiki)
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xtruss · 4 months
Social Security Reform Splits Young Americans and Boomers
— February 28, 2024 | Newsweek
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A majority of Americans agree that Social Security needs reforming, but they disagree on how it should be changed. Photo Illustration By Newsweek/Getty
Younger generations in the U.S. are more likely to support cutting Social Security benefits for retirees to ensure the future sustainability of the program than older generations, according to a recent survey commissioned by Newsweek.
The poll, conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies on behalf of Newsweek between February 18 and 19, found that a 66 percent majority of Americans across all generations agreed that the Social Security program needs reforming, though they disagree on how to do it.
The Social Security program is facing a financing shortfall that has led experts to warn that the fund's reserves might become depleted in 2034, with recipients possibly receiving only 78 percent of their full benefits.
"The hard facts are that the system's revenues are insufficient to pay the full amount of scheduled benefits, starting in 2033," Gal Wettstein of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College told Newsweek. "At that time, ongoing revenues are projected to be sufficient to cover roughly three-quarters of scheduled benefits. The only levers we can pull are revenue increases, benefit cuts, or some redistribution of benefits from one group to another."
A majority of 69 percent of respondents across all age groups opposed cutting benefits to those on Social Security, while 52 percent were against raising the retirement age and 44 percent opposed raising taxes on workers' income. The poll was run among a sample of 1,500 eligible voters in the U.S.
Baby boomers—those born between 1946 and 1964—and members of the Silent Generation–born between 1928 and 1945—were much more likely to oppose cutting benefits for recipients than the younger generations. Only 3 percent of boomers supported such reform against 11 percent of Gen Xers—born between 1965 and 1980— 20 percent of millennials—born between 1981 and 1996—and 30 percent of Gen Zers—born between 1997 and 2013.
The generations were more aligned in their opposition to raising the retirement age (opposed by 41 percent of Gen Zers, 53 percent of millennials, 46 percent of Gen Xers and 53 percent of baby boomers and members of the Silent Generation) and increasing taxes on workers (opposed by 36 percent of Gen Zers, 48 percent of millennials, 55 percent of Gen Xers and 38 percent of baby boomers and members of the Silent Generation).
Significantly, younger respondents to the poll were less likely to say Social Security will be important for them when they retire, with respectively 51, 44 and 32 percent of Gen Zers, millennials and Gen Xers saying that the program will be able to support them in their retirement against 52 percent of boomers and the Silent Generation. Across all generations, 44 percent of respondents agreed that Social Security benefits will support them in their retirement.
"Many young professionals think of Social Security as this ambiguous thing and aren't sure how it will affect their future," Northwestern Mutual Financial Advisor Kendall Bregenzer told Newsweek.
"They feel discouraged and have lost faith in the program because it's projected to run out of money," Bregenzer said. "The outcome is unknown, and this scares young professionals as they start to plan for retirement. However, working with a financial advisor can provide some grounded perspective and help people prepare for factors that are out of their control, such as changes to Social Security."
Northwestern Mutual recently published its own study, which found that more than four in 10 Americans (42 percent) can imagine a time when Social Security no longer exists, especially young people.
"When it comes to younger generations, Gen Z and millennials anticipate Social Security delivering significantly less in terms of overall retirement funding compared to boomers," Bregenzer said. "People crave stability with their finances, and the lack of clarity around Social Security is generating financial anxiety. However, younger generations have time to adjust and plan ahead, which could minimize Social Security's impact on their retirement income."
Wettstein told Newsweek that younger generations are generally overly pessimistic about the Social Security System.
"Many polls show that large segments of young adults believe that they will receive no Social Security benefits whatsoever, which is highly implausible," he said. "Again, even if no policy action is taken, revenues are projected to be sufficient to cover roughly three-quarters of scheduled benefits."
For Wettstein, one reason for this pessimism "may be a concern that policymakers might hold older, current beneficiaries harmless even as they shift the burden to younger, current workers," he said, adding that a large part of the shortfall in Social Security is attributable to debts incurred by early cohorts of recipients who are mostly dead by now.
"The early cohorts received benefits far in excess of their contributions and we are burdened by this legacy debt to this day," Wettstein said, adding that younger generations should beware of the impact that cutting benefits could have on them.
"It is important to understand what the alternatives to Social Security are: If individuals will save more to compensate themselves for benefit cuts, this may benefit their heirs when some inevitably die without exhausting their assets [although those benefits would likely tilt towards the children of the wealthy more than the current system]," Wettstein said.
"But, if people end up not saving enough to sustain themselves with lower Social Security benefits, that could in turn place an even greater burden on their children to care for them financially. As is often the case, it is not straightforward to understand who the winners and losers of a complex policy change will be."
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soft-jihoonie · 10 months
I was tagged by @lovjeon to answer these 85 questions and then tag people!!
1. drink - Coca Cola
2. 📱 call - probably my boyf
3. text - definitely my boyf
4. song you listened to - power - EXO
5. time you 😢 - like a week ago
6. dated someone twice - nah
7. 😘 someone and regretted it - of course
8. been cheated on - as far as I'm aware no
9. lost someone special - definitely
10. been depressed - 100%
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - way too many times
12. purple
13. black
14. pink
15. blue
in the last year have you
16. made new friends - yes
17. fallen out of 💛 - I haven’t
18. 😂 until you 😢 - probably
19. found out someone was talking about you - i don’t think so
20. met someone who changed you - nah
21. found out who your friends are - 100%
22. 😘 someone on your facebook friends list - many
23. how many friends from your facebook friends list do you know irl - maybe like 400 but like obvs I don’t still talk to them all 
24. do you have any pets - 2 cats, 2 chinchillas and my boyf has a dog that’s basically mine too
25. do you want to change your middle name - nah I like it
26. what did you do for your last 🎂 - went for a meal with my parents and boyf and then later in the week got way too drunk with my friends
27. what time did you wake up today - 12pm
28. what were you doing last night at midnight - probably reading fanfic
29. what is something you can’t wait for - seeing Kard in London
30. what are you listening to right now - nothing
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - yeah
32. something that gets on your nerves - customers interrupting me whilst I ask them questions
33. most visited website - does tiktok count as a website?
34. hair color - purple
35. long hair or short hair - long hair
36. do you have a crush on someone - does my boyf count
37. what do you like about yourself - my tattoos
38. want any piercings - pretty happy with just the ones I have
39. blood type - no idea
40. nicknames - Cat
41. relationship status - in a relationship of 4 yrs
42. zodiac - Leo!
43. pronouns - she/her
44. favorite 📺 show - the good place
45. tattoos - I have like 18 I think
46. right handed or left - right handed
47. ever had surgery - yeah when I was like 11
48. piercings - yeah my ears, nose and nipples
49. sports - I used to do circus, now I just go to the gym sometimes
50. vacation - dying for one
51. trainers - more of a crocs gal
52. eating - nothing rn
53. drinking - nothing rn
54. i’m about to watch - probably tiktoks
55. waiting for - my boss to tell me if I can get more hours at my job
56. want - to be financially stable
57. get married - I want to but it’s unlikely
58. career - no clue but I have two degrees at least
59. kisses or hugs - hugs
60. 👄 or eyes - eyes
61. shorter or taller - taller
62. older or younger - older
63. nice arms or stomach - arms
64. hookup or relationship - idm either way
65. troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant
66. 😘 a stranger - yh 
67. drank hard liquor - of course
68. lost glasses - I dont wear them anyway
69 (oof). turned someone down - yh 
70. sex on first date -  surprisingly no
71. broken someone’s ❤️ - I don’t think so
72. had your 💔 - oh for definite
73. been arrested - nah 
74. 😢 when someone died - yeah
75. fallen for a friend - many a time
76. yourself - sometimes
77. miracles - not really
78. 💛 at first sight - nah
79. 🎅 - nah
80. 😘 on a first date - yeah
81. angels - nah
82. best friend’s name - Beth
83. eye color - brown
84. favorite movie - currently Barbie
85. favorite actor - maybe pedro pascal
I'm tagging no one bc I don’t have kpop mutuals anymore
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rokonuzzamansblog · 2 years
Cute scrubs for women in providing adequate healthcare
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lebaronlordking · 2 years
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Saturday Afternoon Reggae Show DJ LeBaron Lord King July 23, 2022 [email protected] Kpoo.com
4:00 PM The Wailers - Them Belly Full 4:03 PM Everton Blender - Blend Dem 4:06 PM Jah Lightin Mountain - Them Afi Surprised 4:10 PM Burning Spear - Jah Kingdom 4:14 PM Popcaan - Silence 4:17 PM Yaadcore - Ghetto Youths 4:21 PM Kristine Alicia - I & I 4:27 PM Kabaka Pyramid & Damian Marley - Red Gold & Green 4:30 PM Sizzla - Your Culture 4:33 PM Cloud Tissa - Mr. And Mrs. Brown 4:37 PM Peter Tosh - Wanted Dread and Alive 4:42 PM ILah Medz - Bunn de Beast 4:45 PM Eek-A-Mouse - African Children 4:47 PM VADIE - Nuh Come Around 4:52 PM Yabby U - Jah Over I 4:55 PM Ranking Joe - The Loving Feeling 4:58 PM Dawn Penn - You Don't Love Me 5:07 PM Projete - Weed & Ting 5:08 PM Capelton - In the Game 5:08 PM The Scientist - Steppers 5:13 PM Baba Ras - Real Vegetarian 5:16 PM Puppa Lëk Sèn - Fire is Burning 5:19 PM Snoop Lion - Smoke the Weed 5:23 PM Luciano - Here We Go Again 5:26 PM Lee Fry Music - Di General 5:30 PM Anthony B - Raggamuffin 5:35 PM Skip Marley - That's Not True 5:38 PM Bob Marley & The Wailers - Could You Be Loved 5:42 PM Toots & The Maytals - Do You Remember 5:46 PM Roy Richards - Dead and Wake 5:48 PM Omar Perry - No Pam Pam 5:53 PM Chester Miller - Come Over This Way 5:57 PM Garnet Silk - Every Knee Shall Bow 6:00 PM Junior Murvin - Police & Thieves 6:04 PM Dezarie - Not One Penny 6:07 PM Shaggy - Mad Mad World 6:11 PM Matisyahu - Step Out Into The Light 6:19 PM Burning Spear - Walking in Dub 6:22 PM Chronixx - Dela Move 6:26 PM Biblical - Inna d Ites 6:31 PM King MAS - Age of Knowledge 6:35 PM Black Uhuru - Shine Eye Gal 6:40 PM Barrington Levy - Dancehall Rock 6:44 PM Burning Spear - Calling Rastafari 6:48 PM Yellowman - Soldier Take Over 6:52 PM Steel Pulse - Steppin' Out 6:56 PM Burning Spear - Jah Is Real
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hiswordsarekisses · 2 years
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The name for ancient Egypt in Hebrew is “mitzrayim” (מִצְרַיִם) a word that can be translated as “straits” or “narrow places” (i.e., -מ, "from," and צַר, "narrow"), suggesting that “Egypt” represents a place of constriction, tribulation, oppression, slavery, and despair. The Hebrew word for salvation, on the other hand, is “yeshuah” (יְשׁוּעָה), a word that means deliverance from restriction, that is, freedom and peace. As it is written: "From my distress (מִן־הַמֵּצַר), i.e., from "my Egypt," I cried out to the LORD; the LORD answered me and set me in a wide open place" (Psalm 118:5).
But why, it may be asked, did God tell Jacob: “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt” (Gen. 46:3)? Why did God allow this excursion into “heavy darkness” that Abraham clearly foresaw (Gen. 15:12-13)? What is there about Egypt that prepares us to take hold of our promised inheritance? Joseph become a prince of Egypt; however, he was still captive to Pharaoh, and later, after he died, a “new Pharaoh arose” that did not acknowledge his contribution to Egyptian history (Exod. 1:8). All that remained of Joseph were his bones – a chest of bones that were carried out by Moses (and later buried by Joshua in Shechem). The “bare bones” of Joseph represented the essence of his faith, as he foresaw the time when God would rescue the family from Egypt and raise him up in the land of promise (Gen. 50:24-26; Heb. 11:22).
A general principle of spiritual life is that the "the way up is the way down" (John 12:24). As Yeshua said, "Whoever would be first among you must be slave of all" (Mark 10:44). Becoming nothing (i.e., ayin) in this world is the condition for seeing something in the world to come. Unless a seed falls to the ground it abides alone (John 12:24). But we become “nothing” by trusting in the promise of God, not by trying to do it ourselves... This is not another venture of the ego. Life in the Spirit means trusting that God will do within you what you cannot do for yourself... We can only take hold of what God has done for us by "letting go" of our own devices (Phil. 2:13). When we let go and trust, we will be transformed, carried by the “Torah of the Spirit of life” (i.e., תּוֹרַת רוּחַ הַחַיִּים, Rom. 8:2), The way is not trying but trusting; not struggling but resting; not clinging to life, but letting go...
God's way of deliverance is entirely different than man's way. Man tries to enlist carnal power in the battle against sin (i.e., religion, politics, etc.), but God's way is to remove the flesh from the equation. The goal is not to make us stronger and stronger, but rather weaker and weaker, until the ego is crucified and only the sufficiency of the Messiah remains. Then we can truly say, "I have been crucified with Messiah. It is no longer I who live, but the Messiah who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me" (Gal 2:20). The word "Hebrew" (עִבְרִי) means one who has "crossed over" (עָבַר) to the other side, as our father Abraham did when he left the world of Mesopotamia (Gen. 14:13). Likewise it is on the other side of the cross that we experience the very power that created the universe "out of nothing" (i.e., yesh me'ayin: יֵשׁ מֵאַיִן) and that raised Yeshua the Messiah from the dead. [Hebrew for Christians]
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