#Genetic requests
hellsitegenetics · 5 months
Are.. are there any matches for Smash Mouth All Star full lyrics? I need to know. For science!!!
String identified:
c t T ga a't t at t t a g t g a t t a a a
, t a tat cg A t 't t cg t t a t t g g 't a t t a gt at t a gt
c t , c t at' g t tag t ac tt? ' 't g ' 't g
, ' a a ta Gt ga , g a , ' a c ta Gt t , gt a A a tat gtt g tg ta a t
t' a c ac a t a t gt c ' t at t gt t t t g t gg t t att ct
T c at gttg tt t T at gttg a gt a ' , at ? Tat' t a t A gt
, ' a a ta Gt ga , g a , ' a c ta Gt t , gt a A a tat gtt g tg ta a t
, ' a a ta Gt ga , g a , ' a c ta Gt t , gt a A a tat gtt g tg ta
c a C a cag ga? t gt aa t ac a: , at a cct c a tt A c a a tt cag
t a tat cg A t 't t cg t t a t t g g 't a t t a gt at t a gt
c t , c t at' g t tag t ac tt ' 't g (g!) ' 't g
, ' a a ta Gt ga , g a , ' a c ta Gt t , gt a
A a tat gtt g tg ta a t A a tat gtt g tg ta a t
Closest match: Ennomos fuscantarius genome assembly, chromosome: 3 Common name: Dusky Thorn Moth
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sulietsexual · 2 days
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Amber Sweet | Repo! The Genetic Opera Requested by @heather-sweet
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cypherdecypher · 1 year
Animal of the Day!
Common Genet (Genetta genetta)
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(Photo by Steve Garvie)
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Habitat- Northern Africa; Sub-Saharan Africa; Southern Africa
Size (Weight/Length)- 2 kg; 55 cm; 50 cm tail
Diet- Insects; Fruits; Small mammals; Birds; Bird eggs
Cool Facts- Related to the civets, common genets are highly adaptive omnivores. They are both nocturnal and solitary, sleeping their days away in tree tops. During the night, they change into hunting mode. Common genets eat almost anything that’s slow enough to catch, capable of racing across desert dunes and treetops alike. Common genets hold large territories, fiercely defending it from other genets and small predators. During the mating seasons, genet will hiccup at each other to communicate and signal a friendly interaction. 
Rating- 12/10 (Biggest threat is the pet trade, wild animals should stay wild.)
Requested by @cosmiccake3
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archiarthur · 1 year
Flowers for your darlin
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Yep looks like mine got ate lol. Idk why but tumblr usually eats my request on the first attempt at sending it.
Anyways, could I prettty please request a hc for Thomas Hewitt, Bo Sinclair, Mark Hoffman & Nathan Wallace? 🍒
Where he has a s/o who's very doting on him. Like whenever he returns from work/ chasing down a victim she insists on checking him for injuries. And if there are any injuries not letting them do anything else until she's doctored them up. Always making their favorite meals etc?
Slashers with a Doting s/o:
Thomas Hewitt x reader, Bo Sinclair x reader, Vincent Sinclair x reader, Mark Hoffman x reader, Amanda Young x reader, Nathan wallace x reader, Art the clown x reader, Albert wesker x reader, Michael Myers x reader, Billy Loomis x reader, Stu Macher x reader, Asa Emory, Jesse Cromeans
Fem reader
Warnings: slight spoilers for the slashers, slight angst for Nathan
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Thomas Brown Hewitt
Thomas is a touch starved man. He's never actually thought that he would even have a significant other.
He's always had fantasies and dreams of eventually finding someone to settle down with and eventually starting a family. You made his dreams an reality.
Thomas adores how much you care for him. From the little notes you write him with his lunches all the way to the way you massage his sore muscles after a long day of supplying meat for the family.
The only issue that Thomas would have is not wanting you around while he's butchering the meat because you're too angelic to see him doing such.
Bo Sinclair
Bo isn't used to anyone being doting to him. The most doting Bo has experienced was from his twin but never with anyone else.
At first, Bo would be frustrated with how doting you are. Especially growing up the way Bo did, it caused him to have a more avoidant type of attachment compared to his brothers.
He thinks that you're trying to infantize him at the beginning, or trying to "demasculine him." Bo's the type to patch himself up, even Vincent has to force Bo to let him patch his wounds up.
Once he gets used to your doting nature, Bo would drink it up. Not only does your doting nature makes him feel loved, it also helps with luring victims with your "doting house wife" role.
Vincent Sinclair
While Bo's childhood has been on the physically abusive side, Vincent was more so emotionally abused. Yes, Vincent was the favorite child, but he also was forced to hide his scars from a young age by Trudy under the guise of not wanting to upset her by showing his face.
With your doting affection, it made Vincent short circuit because of the fact that you were doing this even though you've seen and know about his scars.
Vincent adores how you always make sure that he eats and stays hydrated while he's working. He even loves how you try to coax him into going to bed and rest after him working non stop for a couple days.
He wouldn't want you around when he "preps" his sculptures because he couldn't afford the possibility of one of then escaping and hurting you, his angel. But if he ends up getting injuries, he would let you take care of it.
Mark Hoffman
Mark has spent a lot of his life before becoming Jigsaw's apprentice taking care of himself and of his sister (until she died). He's not the one to really know how to react to having a doting significant other.
Given the life he's living, your doting nature gives him an escape from the darkness he's been engulfed in. If you're not another one of John's apprentices, you're most likely ignorant to what he does when he's not with you.
The excuses he gets whenever he comes home with injuries would be "work related." Mark would let you tend his wounds once the both of you have been together for a long while. It's not because he doesn't trust you, the reason is similiar to Bo, he doesn't want to weak around you because he is a detective after all.
Mark will protect you at all costs. He's already lost all of his family, he's not going to lose you.
Amanda Young
Amanda isn't used to having people doting her. The closest she's had was John and he was a father figure to her.
With you, Amanda thought that you were an angel sent for her. With how much you show her your love by the small things like making sure she eats, helping her through her recovery as an addict, making sure she's taken care off when she's not around you.
Amanda allows you to help her if she ends up getting hurt. The only thing that Amanda doesn't like is when you look at the scars from her using.
Just like with Mark, Amanda wouldn't want you to know about her double life and would do anything to protect you from the cops. It doesn't matter if you're an apprentice as well, Amanda is going to protect you no matter what.
Nathan wallace
Nathan has been pretty much touch starved and alone since the death of Marni. He's more than used to taking care of himself and Shilo.
It took a lot to let you in, both romantically and knowing of his secret repoman life. You in a lot of ways reminded Nathan of Marni because of how much you take care of both him and Shilo.
Nathan loves how both you and Shilo get along, helping her through the rough patches between the two of them. The both of you know that you will never be able to be Marni but Nathan hopes that she would be okay with you being in both him and Shilo's lives.
Nathan feels comfortable knowing that if anything happens to him that Shilo would have you there for guidance, love, and support.
Art the clown
Art is a rather touchy kind of person. This man probably has never been doted on in his existence. It's obvious that the only that that's keeping Art alive is some sort of dark diety.
Art is one of the very few people on this list that would gladly accept his significant other taking care of him. It doesn't matter how good or bad you are at cooking, it's way better that the food in the dumpsters that Art eats (or faces? Who am I to judge?)
It's a miracle that you're still alive around Art. The whole tending to Art's wounds wouldn't be needed but Art does appreciate when you clean the blood off his costume.
Being with Art and cleaning the amount of blood on his costume, you probably have a real good idea on what he does when he's not being taken care of at your house. Do you really want to potentially gamble on your life by asking?
Albert wesker
Wesker, depending on how long have you been with him would determine what ways you're doting towards him. If it's during his S.T.A.R.S days, he loves how you are always home to take care of him after the missions and trainings.
S.T.A.R.S Wesker would reluctantly allow his significant other to tend to his wounds after his missions, even give you a few flirty jabs if he's shirtless while you tend to him.
Wesker secretly enjoys having his significant other massage all the tense muscles of his shoulders and back. This is a common thing for both pre and post mutated Wesker.
Once Wesker becomes mutated, the healing his wounds wouldn't be needed because of the superior healing but he does find it nice when you stitch up any of his torn clothes.
Michael Myers
Michael hasn't been doted on since probably when he was a small kid before being institutionalized.
Similar to Art, Michael's diet before you was whatever he could kill and eat and that it doesn't matter what your skill level is when it comes to cooking, it's better than what he's eaten before.
It takes a lot for Michael to trust you enough to both see his face under the mask and for you to tend to his wounds after a night of killing. Once he trusts you, Michael would stay perfectly still while you quickly tend to him.
Michael would be shocked when you either gift him a new knife after noticing how his old one was failing him or if you cleaned and sharpened his knife for him.
Billy Loomis
Given that Billy has abandonment issues from his mother and to an extent, his father, Billy has a hard time truly letting someone in romantically. He usually uses his relationships to either make him look innocent or as side relationships to give him what he wants (i.e. sex)
It takes Billy a long time for him to get used to how caring and doting you are. Billy is similar to Bo when it comes to the Avoidant attachment style, often times getting agitated that you're babying him when the both of you were at the beginning stages of the relationship.
Once he's completely used to your doting ways, Billy will soak up the doting nature. Especially when it comes to you cooking hid favorite meals and making sure he's practicing self care.
Billy may not be vocal about his appreciation for you doting on him, he truly does appreciate how much you care for him . He wouldn't talk about his Ghostface side but you'll somehow figure it out but never said anything about him being a Ghostface.
Stu Macher
Stu was both lucky and unlucky to have the childhood he has. He has money to support himself while his parents are on business trips but he's never really experienced having someone dote on him as much as you
Seeing how caring and and doting you are, Stu instantly soaks up the attention you give him. This man loves it when you bake for him. Stu has a sweet tooth for your home made cookies and brownies and it makes his day when you give him a plate of your baked goods.
It's a possibility that you know about his Ghostface side. Or at least have suspicions of something going on because of the amount of bruises and scratches he has on his body that you've seen.
It's almost funny to see Stu make up a story about how he got the newest set of bruises on his skin. You decide to act like you believe his stories because you can see that Stu is hiding something and eventually he would spill the beans.
Asa Emory
Similiar to Jesse, Asa is all for having a significant other who's the "doting house wife" role when it comes to his day job where he's the professor.
Asa would be on the stubborn side when it comes to having his significant other taking care of his wounds because he deems it unneeded. He would probably let his significant other tend to him if he's probably passed out from blood loss or something similar.
You know about Asa's "Collector" side gig but between keeping yourself away from that business and the fear of Asa turning you into one of his pieces makes you keep quiet about the whole thing.
Asa does appreciate that you don't ask him too much about his secret life when you do have to tend to his wounds or patch up his sweaters constantly.
Jesse cromeans
Ever since the combination of the death of his late wife and nearly dying/ basically losing his physical appearance, Jesse lost any hope for anyone to even fake being with him as a front. That was until he got with you.
It takes a long time for Jesse to trust you to help tend to his face because of both Jesse not wanting you to see the full extent of his injuries and the fact that his face has became delicate for anyone to touch due to the scaring.
Jesse is all for having the "house wife" kind of significant other because it give him a more human side when it came to his "day job" and having you be there after his trips makes Jesse feel like he's not all monster, there's a man under a huge layer of brutality.
Unlike some of the others on the list, you do know at lease some of what Jesse does while on these trips. He wouldn't want you directly involved but he has made it so if anything happens to him, you would be safe with Spann.
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papa-evershed · 1 year
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Rob James-Collier on Act On This | requested by: anon
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murdermitties · 2 years
Because Tigerstar’s dark head is a gene from Pinestar, could you design him?
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onychophoraa · 7 months
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Hey!! I hope this isn't too bad considering I've never actually heard of this before!! I looked up some moodboards and went off of the overall vibe,, anyways, hope you like it!!
x x x / x x x / x x x
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livindeadgirlgrav · 5 days
Would you ever write for the other two I mentioned?
My slasher list will grow in time! I do have a bunch of work in the works right now but unfortunately I seriously doubt I will write for Hannable or Charles Lee Ray I love them both but I don't see me writing for them in the future..super sorry but thank you tons for tagging me on your page!! I really appreciate it! <3
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gingerakao · 4 months
I see you like to draw kitties…can I get an Ambermoon?
Thank you for your request and here is your Ambermoon!
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I decide to use me genetically accutrate design because well, I did spend weeks on it and leaving it unused feels like a waste, Hope you don't mind!
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hellsitegenetics · 3 months
Dig through the ditches and burn through the witches and slam in the back of my dragula!
String identified: g tg t tc a tg t tc a a t ac aga!
Closest match: Scleropages formosus genome assembly, chromosome: 12 Common name: Asian arowana
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zorangezest · 1 year
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what lovely kids I sure hope they don’t go on to die in increasingly graphic ways
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laines-laments · 2 months
Hi guys !! My fic requests are finally open !!! please please please send requests!! i write for the following fandoms
Be more chill
House M.D
My chemical Romance
Sally Face
The Magnus Archives
Law and Order : SVU
Stardew Valley
Repo: The Genetic Opera
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Heathers !
Hazbin Hotel !
Just send an ask (begging )
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s4turnzbarzzz · 10 months
yo so im new to tumblr so heres an intro/masterlist post. please read this fully and interact with this before interacting with my blog!
sorry this is long but im not putting a cut so i know people will at least see everything on it
last updated: 17/10/2023 (dd/mm/yyyy)
before you start reading, i will update this when needed. if you think i should add something on here let me know so i can add it here!
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about me!!
•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. ˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩.
♡ my names saturn, im genderfluid, im hard of hearing and im autistic. my favorite color is light pink and my favorite genre of music is hardstyle edm! my favorite movie is house of wax (2006) but i love slasher films in general ♡ i love writing so i figured that id bring my writing online to you guys
♡ i speak english but if you request something in another language i can try to figure it out with google translate but no promises that ill get your ask correct since google translate is funky sometimes
♡ im usually really nice but assholes will be blocked so if you come on here requesting something that i will not write or youre just mean to me i will not hesitate to block you
♡ i love pairing people with characters so please feel free to ask
♡ im a writer so feel free to send in a request, however, no promises that ill respond in a timely manner. ill try my best to respond asap but life can get in the way of that
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*games/movies/series i will write for*
○ horror movie characters
○ repo! the genetic opera (main characters, aged up shiloh)
○ resident evil 1-8
○ dead by daylight (killers and survivors)
○ fran bow
○ undertale (main characters)
○ deltarune (main characters)
○ night in the woods (main characters)
○ coraline
○ beetlejuice
○ cod (any)
○ tf2
○ tmnt (main characters)
○ sallyface (main characters)
○ puss in boots the last wish (pibtlw)
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*who i will not write smut for*
•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. ˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩.
● fran bow (fran bow)
● little misfortune (little misfortune)
● susie (dead by daylight)
● charolette and victor (dead by daylight)
● frisk, chara, and kris (undertale/deltarune)
● coraline and wybie (coraline)
● lydia (beetlejuice)
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*what i will write*
◇ headcanons
◇ shitposts
◇ lgbtqia+ reader
◇ underage characters (sfw only)
◇ nsfw (any topics like descriptive gore, not limited to smut)
◇ sfw
◇ fluff
◇ smut
◇ cnc (consenual non-consent)
◇ gore
◇ mental health issues
◇ male reader
◇ female reader
◇ gender neutral reader
◇ trans reader (pls be specific since i get confused abt trans labels easily)
◇ polyamorous reader
◇ platonic
◇ romantic
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*what i might write*
•̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧.˚ •̩̩͙ ✩. •̩̩͙˚⁺‧. •̩̩͙*˚⁺‧. ˚ *•̩̩͙ ✩.
☆ furry reader
☆ oc in place of reader
☆ character x character (can be poly but that might get confusing for me to write)
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*what i will not write*
asking for the following will get you blocked
■ pedophilia
■ incest
■ rape
■ beastiality
■ suicide
■ underage x adult (yes im aware this is pedophilia but im putting it again because its fucking disgusting)
(ex. lydia x beetlejuice unless platonic)
■ piss
■ scat
■ vore
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like i said at the beginning, if you think i should add something let me know so i can put it on here!
also if anything could be worded differently to make it easier to understand please let me know
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mushroom-for-art · 8 months
Gonna give this another go, preferably one of mine and somebody else's but like I'll do two from others as well
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