#Genius Cafe
bits · 6 months
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Genius Café SDJオープン!
Genius Café SDJ 今回は、2023年10月3日にオープンした東北事業所内のカフェを紹介します。 物価高騰の影響により設置が遅れていたソファーカバーが届きましたので、カフェの全貌を写真と共にご紹介します。
カフェの目的 東北事業所社員からの要望によって造られたカフェですが、社員や協力会社様が自由に利用できるスペースとなっています。カフェのコンセプトは、創造性と好奇心を刺激し、社内の活発なコラボレーションや自己表現を促進する空間を目指しました。 仕事の合間にリフレッシュしたり、コミュニケーションをとることができ、普段は話す機会が少ない人とも様々な話が出来る空間となっています。
カフェの雰囲気 カフェは照明の明るさが程よく、落ち着いた雰囲気となっています。大きなテレビも設置されており、普段は動画配信サイトを利用したBGMが流れているため、ほっと一息つける空間となっています。 また、リラックスできる掘りごたつ席や、屋根付きのボックス席、フレキシブルテーブルの席、眺めの良いカウンター席、ミニキッチン等、その時の気分で座る場所や様々な椅子を選ぶことが出来ます。 カフェ中央には大き目のフレキシブルに形を変えられるテーブルが設置されていますので、イマジネーションを駆り立てたいブレストで利用されることもあります。 ちょっとした研修や勉強会で利用されることもあり、大型テレビをモニターとして利用し活発な意見交換の場にも役立っています。
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メニュー コーヒーはもちろん、日本茶や紅茶も飲むことが出来ます。オープン当初はありませんでしたが、多くの要望により一口サイズのお菓子も設置されました。
特別解放 日本代表の試合がある日は、終業後にみんなでお酒を飲みながらスポーツ鑑賞をすることもあります。また、仕事納めである納会もカフェで行われる予定です。今後、プロジェクトの打ち上げなどにも使われていくことでしょう。
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東北事業所に新設されたカフェスペースは、創造性を刺激し、社内のコミュニケーションを活性化させるスペースとなっています。 オフィスフロアとは異なる雰囲気で、美味しい飲み物を楽しみつつ、リラックスしながらコミュニケーションを深める場として、多くの方に利用されています。 東北事業所にお越しの際は是非お立ち寄りください。
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years
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swatchvember prompt: party
happy 37th birthday to Microsoft Paint ✨🎂🎉🎈
#deltarune#swatch#swatchlings#tasque manager#queen#art#swatchvember#THE ONE PROMPT I COULD NOT AFFORD TO MISS THE DATE ON#''guys what theme should we do for the bosses cake'' ''what if we made 3 cakes with diff themes and stacked them on top of each other''#''by the fountains Percy you are a genius''#queen makes them run around all day doing stupid shit and they finally get to the cafe and mysteriously its rented out#they cannot believe this is the first they're hearing of it this stuff usually has to go through them first#they very quickly find out that queen is also behind this and it is a huge private party just for them <3 they work so hard they deserve it#she is Snapping that stupid party hat onto their stupid head#and Repeatedly shoving a second one over the end of their beak all night to be annoying#yknow its good when swatch breaks character and actually Emotes but its an even better sign when they go completely static#because that means they are hiding an absolutely embarrassing display of emotion and its taking All of their energy#the cake flavors are strawberry - chocolate/vanilla split - and Funfetti btw#... funfetti is just vanilla with sprinkles in it last i checked but Shut Up Lmao#also i totally messed up their mood tints i figured fear was yellow but happiness is also yellow. so. i decided fear is more of a#highlighter/yellow-green color and happiness yellow is like a. nice mac and cheese yellow :) very warm but still distinctly golden#one is pleasant to look at and one is terrible
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kozumesphone · 1 month
HI CUTIE PATOOTIE!!!!!!! i'm gonna gossip in your inbox like we're hanging out at the mall. (Actually lemme set the scene *AHEM*)
♡⸜(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)⸝♡
We're sitting on a round table in the food court, noises from both young and old buzzing around. Babies laughing and adults chattering, the sounds of food being fried and orders being yelled. It smelled like a cacophony of meals, each one melting into a Valhalla of food. We were huddled close, sharing earbuds as we listened to some Chappell Roan and gossiped like silly schoolgirls.
"So, I am trying to get my friend to find me a boy at her school because the boys at my school suck." I explained, munching on some fries as I spoke, "Because like all the boys at my school are either ugly, taken, or have the world's worst personality. And it's not like I could date a girl from my school since they're like all straight."
I took a sip of my milkshake, dipping my french fry in the drink. The salty-sweet combo is amazing and should be tried by everyone.
"Like there is this one boy in my Spanish class who probably has a crush on me." I grimaced as I continued, "But I could go on a whole rant about him. He is awful."
HELLO GORGEOUSSSS <3333 mhm ofc ofc 🤭🫶
'each one melting into a valhalla of food' FIC THIS UP OMG it sounds so cool 🤭 AND OMG????? CHAPPELL ROAN????????? could our day out at the mall get any better fr? <33
okok let's get this day into place <3
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა --
"oh my god?? because, SAME. it's so sad that the guys are like that, and that the girls are straight," I said. I sipped my soda, nodding at your words, and smiling at your fries-and-milkshake combo.
"I didn't know you took spanish oh my god?? I'm a french student hehe, our languages go so well together! and yeah! it's so weird how it was one of the most awful person in my class had a tiny crush on me too," I said, my mind flashing back to those traumatic events. "Not only was his personality absolutely trash, but no offence to him, he looked like he got mutilated by a baby wolf."
ᡣ • . • 𐭩 ♡ --
that's so relatable bc my friends are all going to different sixth forms after finals and I specifically told them "keep an eye out for good guys okay?? AND GIRLS TOO-" 😭 it's even funnier because ALL my friends are in relationships already 💀
OKAY OMG MORI this was so fun 🤭 can't wait to hear more about this STUNNING and GORGEOUS kid in your spanish class 😌 lmao jkjk, hoping you find someone perfect enough to deserve you fr 🫶🫶
LOVE YOUUUU, AND HAVE A GREAT WEEK; i'm expecting so many updates on this situation tho 😌✊
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fishareglorious · 2 years
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I’ve never played a card game in my life. Wish me luck.
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Timaeus and Sucrose my babygirls!!! How are you two
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Lmao Timaeus is playing tcg at work isn’t he
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Okay Imagine if someone gave you a card of yourself though when you’ve never heard of it before. Like once you realize your image is featured in the game and gets... egh?
Also now that I think of it, how exactly do people get their faces into the game? Look I can understand the brooding ex-captain of the KOF with a pyro vision and other well-known people as character cards and all, but like... fucken Timmie’s there.
Did the creators walk up to him and go ‘heya random pigeon kid wanna be featured in your favorite card game?’
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Oh Yae’s gotten in on it. Is it before the fabulous fungi event or after she played a few games with Cyno?
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Timaeus gagi lmaoooooo. Kinda relatable ngl
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Oh yeah they furnished up the Cat’s Tail didn’t they? Let’s go there I guess
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Forgive me if my memory is spotty but isn’t this the cat we tried to catch at Jean’s Story quest? Prince, wasn’t it?
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Lmao nice call to one of Sucrose’s character stories.
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Man’s really is going full-throttle on the ‘I was serve no one but my pet cat’
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I mean, Neko from the Asase shrine can talk so idk what you’re at. But I guess she can’t really play card games with you
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Oh I like her voice. Very spunky kid.
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More people means more business, and more business means more mora. But he cat’s tail doesn’t quite look like a bar at first sight though, so I get ya.
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Okay I love this tuna plush
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I wanted to explore and I just walked into this random Inazuman woman chilling here lmao
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secret-third-thing · 6 months
your last reblog reminded me of this sketch and how it is 100% how eris and his brothers work
IS THIS WHERE THAT MEME COMES FROM!??!!? I've heard the first bit of the audio but never knew where it originated.
you've made my day anon. I am cackling in the middle of the cafe. I love this dynamic for the vanserra bros. Truly we need more vanserra bro shenanigans.
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wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
joyousness be to me when i get to write a scene with a cafe setting. you will never read a more homosexual setting in your life
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el-em-el · 1 year
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made something dumb how can i get it on a tee shirt immediately?
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pridepoisoned · 1 year
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[ooc. pictured above me is the logo of Pokemon's most underrated developer, responsible for developing Pokemon games specifically for GameCube/Wii: we're talking Colosseum, XD, and Pokemon Battle Revolution--aka a massive part of my entire Pokemon childhood experience...
And what are they working on now? Well, the Pokemon Company decided to task them with developing/maintaining...Pokemon Cafe Mix.
In my opinion, this is one of the greatest gaming injustices of our time. Let Genius Sonority be free.]
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 1 year
I love genshins npcs they are so silly
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Getting art inspiration when you have 20 other responsibilities in school or just life in general is the most frustrating thing ever
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cranedcurse · 7 months
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Slightly ashamed to admit that this is my roblox oc
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yuellii · 8 months
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𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 his female best friend tries to help him win your love, but knowing her, it all goes wrong
feat. lyney, neuvillette, ayato ( separate )
note. gn reader, features : lynette, furina, ayaka. hello i am officially back and also officially 21 !! :]
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“Oh, woe is me! Please assist, my dearest sister!” The magician sat sprawled atop the couch quite dramatically, backhand over his forehead feigning feverish feelings. “Whatever shall I do when the God of Romance is plotting against a hopeless romantic, such as I?”
“What’s wrong this time?” By contrast, his sister’s voice proved no fluctuations, tone lacking the honeyed sound he needed for sympathy. Instead of catering to his sorrows, she instead sipped lightly at her tea, for it was far more relaxing than her brother’s ‘woes.’
Still, Lyney sighed. “The love of my life—my soulmate!” he cried out. “How should I win the affections of my other half, when I can’t even grasp the scale of romantic favor?”
Lyney sat up. “I beg your pardon?”
“Give desserts,” Lynette shrugged. “Everyone likes desserts.” This reasoning totally made the most sense to her.
She watched as Lyney started at her blankly for just a moment, and then he inhaled sharply. “So I should… use desserts as my gift…” With each passing word, Lynette watched as a staggering excitement in his voice grew tenfold. “And then, if I keep giving their favorite treats”—Lyney gasped—“they’ll start to associate the sweetness with me! Oh, Lynette, you’re a genius!”
Lynette blinked at him. That strategy explanation was not what she said at all, but whatever. Not her problem.
But when Lyney dragged her by the hand to go purchase desserts, and then forced her to sit down at the cafe just to watch him gift treats to you, then maybe it was her problem.
“A very special dessert!” he presented, and Lynette sat with disinterest as she watched your eyes light up at his cheap old appearance trick. “For a very special person.” And now came her own eye roll—caused by the way Lyney giggled to himself at the end of his own sentence.
Maybe it was charming ( but personally Lynette didn’t see the appeal ), because there was a sparkle that appeared in your eyes in admiration of him. And suddenly, Lynette didn’t understand why he was trying to win your love at all, because it’s clear to her that he’s already won it.
“This is for me?” she heard you say. “This is actually my favorite! Oh, Lyney, you shouldn’t have!”
“Don’t even worry,” she watched Lyney wave off. “It was given to me for free at the shop”—Huh?—“and I have no space for it”—What was he…?—“so I thought you might like it!”
Lynette blinked to herself. Then she blinked to herself again. And then one more time, and now Lyney was back to her spot with you no longer in sight. “How did I do?” Lyney excitedly questioned her. “A good start, right? Step one of your idea to get my crush to become obsessed with me is complete!”
Okay first of all, that was literally not her idea, but maybe she should’ve communicated it better. And second, “Why did you lie? That dessert wasn’t free—You specifically bought it to give to them.”
Lyney immediately raised a finger with that confident smirk of his. “Because, my dear sister,” he began, “it’s called playing hard to get.”
If she could sigh, she would. “You can’t be serious.”
“I am! And I’m taking this game very seriously, too. Do you know how hard it is to keep my cool when I’m around the love of my life?!”
“Playing hard to get just makes it harder to get someone, Lyney. They might lose interest and move on.” But still, Lyney insisted. And still, Lynette just silently rolled her eyes.
The next time this happened was literally only a day later. So much for playing “hard to get,” she supposes. Perhaps Lyney didn’t quite fully understand the scope of how suspicious it was to offer you another “free dessert” only a day later. Or, he was just so lovestruck he absolutely could not wait to talk to you again.
Lynette decided the answer to be the latter option.
And once again, he claimed not to buy this dessert on his own, and Lynette did not miss the obvious eyebrow raise you gave her brother this time. You were still grateful since it was your favorite, of course, but it was rather clear you were beginning to question this. Lynette sighed to herself.
“Lynette!” Lyney called excitedly once he left you. “Oh, dear sister, did you see it this time? She stayed with me a bit longer—grabbing the plate much more slowly. She must have been at the start of falling in love with—!” Lyney stopped when he saw the empty seat. “Uh, Lynette?”
Farther away, you suddenly yelped in surprise, almost dropping the plated dessert in your hands.
“Sorry,” Lynette mumbled. Oops, she didn’t mean to scare you. But… maybe appearing in your field of sighs so suddenly once you turned a corner and coming from a darkened alleyway was not the most subtle.
“It’s alright,” you brushed of. “Oh, you must be Lynette, right? Lyney’s sister!”
“Correct.” Ah, how would she bring this up? She was never really the best with words… And definitely not when she had to use a lot of them. “Um, my brother,” she started. “Don’t mind him being weird.”
At the mention of her brother being weird ( perhaps she should defend him, but whatever, he was being weird. ), you seemed to relax. “Yeah…” you trailed off. “He’s been giving me these desserts lately—didn’t seem too coincidental that he keeps getting them for ‘free’… Especially since they’re, um, not even having a promotion right now.”
Again, if Lynette could wack her brother on the head right now, she would.
“He likes you.”
The sudden shock on your face tells Lynette that maybe she shouldn’t have said that so bluntly. Or that she shouldn’t have said that. At all.
“You’re a very dear friend to him,” she correct. Oh, wait, but she didn’t want to completely shut off the idea of romance. Correct it again, quick. “Or, very dear person… Yeah.”
You stayed quiet for a moment, probably trying to process the amount of confessions and corrections she just shot at you. Archons, you probably thought her and her brother were so weird. Unfortunately, she couldn’t blame you.
“Thanks, Lynette,” you said, and she noticed your feet shift to walk away. “Actually, I think I’ll keep that in mind for next time.”
Well, Lyney certainly hoped you would. She just silently watched as you walked off. But she wasn’t worried, no. As long as you spoke of this “next time,” Lynette was sure her brother would eventually succeed with you, even if he was being weird at this game.
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The thing that gets Furina the most excited—absolutely elated, much shown in the way she kicks her feet and patters her fingers—is the fact that her dear Iudex has no idea he’s so in love with you.
To not only her, but also the rest of Fontaine, word is quick to spread with the simple way his feet always end up turned in your direction, or how lips curve a slight upwards motion when he speaks to you. Or, the way his feelings of admiration brings out the colors in his eyes, and the shyer tone in which he laughs along with you.
And Furina, being the bestest of friends she certainly is, only wants what’s best for the Chief Justice, truly! It’s such a downer seeing him be a quiet, unsociable, hard-to-get-along-with loner all the time. And so, the moment she catches wind of his feelings, she is more than quick to come up with a way to loop the two of you together.
She pats herself in the back. She’s confident that he’ll totally thank her for all her efforts later.
This confidence still yet remains even when she has you standing up nervously on trial, wide eyes a bit scared to be accused of a crime by the Hydro Archon herself. And Neuvillette atop his seat looks exasperated, much so in a way the audience is always eyeing him with fluttering eyes and chattering whispers—because the Iudex is looking at you with such a public display of concern that he has never been known to show another on trial.
Oh, she could already see the Steambird’s morning headlines! Chief Justice Neuvillette casts eyefuls of worry towards the accused?! Or, The Iudex’s rumored lover: Accused by Lady Furina?! —Oh, oh! She was so excited!
Amidst her internal giggles was when Neuvillette’s cane came hammered down on the wooden floor of his balcony seat, silencing every voice in the Opera Epiclese. “Furina,” his voice scatters as firm as ever, though the Archon could some people gasp to themselves—Ah, she could always trust her people to spot even the slightest difference in his voice; He was clearly angrier today! “I believe you have some explaining to do.”
“Is it not obvious, my dear Iudex?” she loudly proclaimed as if acting in a performance. Her voice was playful and teasing as always, and she could tell Neuvillette was much more annoyed by it than usual today. “I am pressing charges against a darling citizen, yet a criminal over here…!”
And that was when she threw the back of her hand over her forehead for dramatic effect, making you only more nervous upon your stand. Such an increase in your fear was clearly noticeable to the Iudex, of course, as he immediately spoke to silence the Archon accusing you.
“And what would those charges entail, Furina?”
There was a sudden glare in his eyes, almost threatening. But oh well, nothing he could do—She knew he would stick by the law and allow her to make her claim anyways. This was so easy, she could almost laugh to herself!
Oh, celebration was already at the back of her mind!
…Holy shit. Oh Archons. She was supposed to say theft. “Theft,” for stealing Neuvillette’s heart. But instead she slipped up and said murder.
Oh, she can’t take that back now. But… But no worries! She was the beloved Archon that had absolutely no issues performing for her people—ergo, she could totally come up with a new plan! Certainly, a single-word slip-up will surely not mess up her entire pickup line here.
“Yes, you heard me,” she played along, hands balling to fists and dramatically sitting at her hips. “Murder!”
“Furina!” Neuvillette silenced from his place below on the podium. Never before has she seen his facial expression this angered. There was a furrow between his brows that betrayed his usually calm and emotionless look—and aw, she thought it was so romantic for him to show these emotions so outwardly just for you! The audience must love his display of passion right now—all to defend your honor! “What is the meaning of this?” his voice boomed.
Furina cleared her throat. “Murder…” she began to make her case against you. You, who looked up at her so fearfully. She almost felt bad. “For… For breathing…!” Wait, that’s not what she meant. “No, no, like murder… of breath— of my breath— no, of Neuvillette’s breath, I mean—” Okay, at this point, she just needed to spit something out. And that was when she raised a finger, pointing it accusingly down at you and making her claim: “You killed Neuvillette!”
The next instance was filled with a silence so deafeningly powerful that she felt her own stomach churn and her knees grow shaky. Well, this was definitely an embarrassment she hopes to never feel again.
Surely, this silence wasn’t awkward enough for her land the finishing blow…?
“Like, you stole his breath away…” she tried. “So you technically killed him.”
Okay maybe it was time for her to shut up.
Neuvillette’s face; oh, he looked absolutely furious. This was not the picture-perfect sight of cherry tomato blushing she was hoping for here. And you: a horror-stricken disbelief. Your mind looked like it was racing to comprehend both being charged with such a serious crime, and having the Chief Justice just randomly outed in public for… having a crush on you…?
Meanwhile Furina stood still in her usual place, just about ready to curl up and die from her failed attempt at a love confession. But before that, perhaps Celestia heard her prayers.
The audience pretty much erupted in girlish screams and whispers—all those watchful citizens of Fontaine who treated your relationship with Neuvillette like the hottest topic of the century, like the storybook romance they were reading obsessively. And now, Furina watched—watched as your expression contorted to slow realization that maybe your Archon wasn’t exactly lying about Neuvillette’s feelings, and that maybe almost the entire nation was already romanticizing you two.
And then, there: that was when Furina watched as your face blew up an expression of pure embarrassment, all the fear being completely wiped away. Then Furina could almost die when she turned her gaze to Neuvillette—who was still watching you very intently—and how the ends of his ears turned a blushing red.
Oh, this view was priceless. Once again, perfect Focalors saves the day!
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Thoma clicked his tongue. “Tall and awkward.” He squinted his eyes. “Practically unrecognizable in Inazuma despite your status.” Then, he tilted his head. “Absolutely terrible at small talk.”
Finally, Thoma nodded his head. “Yep, you don’t have a chance, my Lord.”
Thoma yelped as a paper fan hit his shoulder, and that was when Ayaka slid at the seat next to him. He made a quick apology to her, but when Ayaka looked across the table, she saw how her older brother didn’t seem quite phased at Thoma’s mean evaluation at all.
Instead, he seemed to be really considering what was told to him.
“Oh, brother,” Ayaka caught his attention. “Don’t listen to Thoma, he was only being mean. Personally, I think you have a good chance at winning this date!”
“No, no, Thoma might be right,” Ayato pondered. Aw, Ayaka didnt like it when he doubted himself. “All of those traits may make this date go horribly wrong—I might end up appearing as undesirable…”
Ayaka frowned. She may not have a love life of her own, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t watching her brother’s love life like an Inazuman drama act or like a romantic storybook. And the fact that Ayato has downright fallen tremendously hard for you—who Ayaka also loved dearly, and who she admired so much—makes her pray to the Archons every night for your relationship to set sail.
So Ayato scoring this first date with you was already a big deal on its own. Only… He wasn’t quite sure what date plan would make him the most appealing man to be courting you.
Of course, who else could he turn to, other than his darling best friend and sister? Ayaka certainly had no expertise in this, but if there was one thing…
“Brother, please take this!” Across the table, she shoved a stack of just a few papers, slightly faded and lightly wrinkled, into his hands. He blinked in surprise at them for a moment before squinting at the rushed handwriting that clearly did not belong to his sister. “The Traveler gave this to me; It’s a recipe for a pizza dish from Mondstadt!
And that was how she ended up here, watching with Thoma from the sidelines of the estate as Ayato gives you the friendliest smile can force upon himself as he offers to make the both of you food. Now, the last time Ayaka tried this, she blew up the oven with the Traveler in earshot. But surely, she knew her brother had much better survival skills than she did, and there was no way he would ruin a perfectly easy pizza recipe.
But then Thoma almost burst out laughing from their secluded hiding spot, and that was when she noticed her brother bringing out not one, but instead two platters of pizza. A rather odd aroma in the air. Oh.
“I thought we’d spice things up!” they heard Ayato say to you, clasping his gloved hands together and regaining his weird, excited smile and that equally weird, excited tone in his voice. Oh brother… “One pizza is normal, and the other pizza has random toppings I threw on it—as a taste test!”
And when he set the two down, it was… quite interesting. One was a normal mushroom pizza, cooked based on Traveler’s recipe: Ayato certainly made it much better than Ayaka could’ve attempted. But the second pizza was topped with a rather colorful palette: lavender melons, sea grass, and what looked like Sea Ganoderma. Ayaka and Thoma already found themselves gagging at the smell.
When Ayaka glanced at her blonde companion, he was furiously shaking his head at her, running a thumb straight across his throat as if saying “It’s over for him.” And honestly, Ayaka might have to agree this time. Maybe she should’ve never given him that pizza recipe or that cooking idea.
“A ‘taste test’…” you echoed. The two eavesdroppers heard shifts from your side do the table, meaning you reached forward to grab a slice—they quite obviously guessed you picked the regular mushroom pizza. “The host should go first, don’t you think?”
Oh? Did that mean you were interested in this game of two after all? Ayaka’s eyes practically lit up—She was so excited for her brother!
“I’ll take up that offer of yours,” Ayato chuckled lowly. And with no gag or hesitance at all, he takes a large bite with a whole unsavory mixture of the ingredients entering the cave of his mouth. “Mm, not bad at all.”
You were visibly surprised by his calmness, now reaching out to grab a slice of your own and biting it just as he did.
But almost immediately, that bite was spat right back out onto a napkin at the mere taste of this weird concoction. “Bleh, Lord Commissioner! How did you manage to eat a whole slice?!”
The first thing Ayaka and Thoma noticed: The way you said this was amidst laughter. You were laughing, and it even sounded like you were smiling. Because whenever Ayato tried this sort of gross mixing method with Thoma or Ayaka, they would also say the same line of disgust, but in an unfavorable way. But, no—You sounded genuinely lighthearted?
The second thing Ayaka and Thoma noticed ( from even the slightest of peeks ): The big, bona fide grin on Ayato’s face at your reaction. Oh, he was absolutely eating this up, as no one ever showed a positive reaction to his weird little hobby before. And of course, being partnered with the fact he was ( not-so ) secretly in love with you, only made it so much better for him.
“It was alright, I’d say!” he spoke excitedly, a hint of an uncontrollable laughter and uncontrollable smile laced in his voice. “It had the most memorable texture, and the taste felt like I was in touch with mother nature.”
You only scoffed at him in a joking manner, “None of those ‘compliments’ of yours weren’t inherently positive, Commissioner.”
To that, he gave you another big grin before silently reaching to eat yet another slice of this suspicious pizza. Well, Ayaka supposed her brother’s weirdness landing a perfect date with you, after all. And then she pat herself on the back—because maybe, giving him that recipe was the best mistake she could make.
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lavenderspence · 8 days
Cute, Outraged Genius | S.R.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Content warning: fluff, Spencer being a bit of a technophobe
Word Count: 1.5K
Summary: Spencer comes home only to find you using a kindle…cue, outrage
A/N: This is just a cute little story about Spencer being our little technophobe genius. I actually don’t own a kindle, so don’t know how those work or anything, but physical books are in fact superior, so.
The quote at the end is from “Book Lovers” by Emily Henry
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You loved his apartment, sometimes more than you loved yours. Being in his space, surrounded by his things - his books, his clothes, the silly art he indulged in. Being drowned by his scent, meters upon meters of space he’d touched, it soothed you like nothing else could.
The peace you felt whenever you were in his space was unparalleled.
You loved his bedroom, the plushness of his bed, his closed, where you found yourself stealing his shirts and cardigans, never giving them back. 
Your favorite place in apartment 23 was his couch, where he found you often enough, when he returned from a case, curled up with a book. You loved the blanket thrown on the back and the windows that allowed for the whole apartment to light up with the sunlight. 
And then there were his bookshelves, in clear view from said couch. Filled with his favorite books, special editions he held close to his heart, or some that brought him knowledge. The shelves, that now also held some of your favorite books too.
Reading, books, was the thing that had brought you together in the first place, so when he’d made space for your clothes in his closet and your toiletries in the bathroom, he’d also made space for your books to sit beside his own. 
He’d insisted it made the place feel less like it was his own, and more like it was shared, even though you weren’t living together. It warmed your heart to know, that he saw his apartment as a home for both of you.
Seeing your books among his own, made you fall even more in love with him because he knew what they meant to you. So much so, he tumbed through a few, leaving sticky notes with his little thoughts between the pages.
As for your first meeting, it was funny.
You’d met a year ago, at a cafe close to his apartment. Stuck in a long queue, waiting for your turn, your nose had been buried into a book, completely oblivious to your surroundings. Spencer had been standing behind you, and like the nosy dork he is, had been reading along with you, over your shoulder.
When he’d pointed out an inaccuracy in the plot, compared to real life, you’d screamed, slamming the book shut, and successfully making a fool of yourself in front of the whole cafe. 
He’d apologized bashfully, and asked to buy your drink for you, and then lingered for a short conversation before he’d been called away on a case. 
In his hurry to get to the FBI on time, he’d forgotten to take your number. Two weeks later, and after a lot of blaming himself for being a dumbass, he’d seen you again, nose buried into another book, sipping a beverage next to the window of the cafe. 
You hadn’t attached puzzling looks this time, and he’d gotten your number. A year later, you couldn’t be more happy for the fact that your boyfriend sometimes didn’t really get social cues.
You smiled, thinking back on that day. 
You focused on your book again, eyes dancing around the page, following with rapt attention. 
Reading was one of the few things that brought you peace, quieted your brain, and improved your mood. 
Sometimes you envied Spencer’s genius, being able to go through War & Peace at breakfast, without batting an eye. Reading, and reading, and still having the time for other things. If, in your lifetime, you could read as many books as Spencer had read thus far in life, you’d be happy. 
You were giggling, kicking your feet, and enjoying your book, when you heard the telltale sign of Spencer arriving home - his key being inserted into the lock. 
You didn’t move your eyes away from the book, having reached a great part of the book. 
The door opened, and in walked your boyfriend, a peep in his step, happy he’d get to see you and spend time with you after 6 days of being away. 
He left his keys in the bowl next to the door, freed himself of his shoes, and set his messenger bag down. 
He walked further in, noticing the vanilla and chocolate scent in the air - you’d followed tradition, baking a small tray of chocolate chip cookies as a welcome for him. 
He stood behind you, draping his hands around your neck, and leaned over to kiss the side of your head gently, finally diverting your attention away from the book. 
“Hello, sweetheart,” he murmured, warm breath tickling your neck next, as he kissed around your ear and pulse point. 
“Hi there, babe.” you were whispering too, finally happy to be in your own bubble. “How are you? How was the case?” you asked, just like you did every time, just like you did every day. You always wanted to know how he was, you wanted to know about his day, and he’d gotten so used to it and had done it so many times for you too, it had become routine, a way to show each other you cared and loved each other. 
“I’m good, a little tired maybe,” he nuzzled your neck, eyes shut in contentment, “The case was tough, but successfully closed at the end,” he rarely elaborated, only if someone was hurt, or the case had taken a toll on his mental health. Other than that, he didn’t like bringing the gory details of the cases home with him. 
Home was his space with you, where you laughed, and sometimes cried. Where you cuddled and made love, read together, or to each other, where you cooked, where you relaxed. It was no place for the realities of a BAU profiler. 
“What are you doing?” it was a simple question. 
“I’m reading,” and there was an even simpler answer, except if you were Spencer Reid, a doctor with three PhDs, three bachelor’s degrees, an FBI agent, and a complete, and utter technophobe. 
You felt him lift his head before he choked out a high-pitched “You’re what?” and you turned around to see him, shock and betrayal written on his face, his eyes as big as saucers. 
You looked at him like he’d grown two heads, but you knew you should have expected this. 
You’d made the decision to get a kindle last week, and you’d used the time he hadn’t been home to set it up and try it out. 
“What are you even reading on that thing? That’s not a book!” he was outraged, but at the same time, he looked so cute, that you started laughing. You brought a hand to your mouth, in hopes of muffling the sound a little because you were losing it, laughing with everything you had. 
“Stop laughing, it’s not funny. I’m serious.” you just laughed harder, even though you tried to reign it in and stop. 
Around a minute later, your laughter started dying down, and you looked up, only to see him with his arms crossed against his chest, an expression between bewilderment, and those deep brown puppy eyes staring straight into your soul.
“It’s a kindle, Spence, it’s all digital,” you told him
“No, I know that, but you can’t be serious,” your brows furrowed, a bit butt hurt, until he continued, “You know, readers prefer physical books. A recent study found that only 21% prefer e-books, as little as 14% audiobooks, and 65% are physical book readers. Another study found that your brain absorbs less when you read on a kindle than on paper.” You laughed again, loving his brain, and then patted the space next to you, waiting for him to sit down.
“I thought you were pro saving the planet Mr. Three PHD’s.” you joked, waiting for him to sass you back. After all, one of your favorite characteristics of his was how sassy he was. 
“Well, yes I am, but statistically, physical copies are superior. A book needs to be physical, not whatever bullshit that is. Come on, let’s just return this, and I’ll buy you all the books you want,” he went to stand up, and you pulled him back down by the back of his shirt. 
“Aww babe, I know you will!” Spencer loved buying some of your books for you, he loved seeing the smile on your face when he bought a book you’ve wanted for a while. You buried your face into his neck, hugging him to you. 
“Come on, let’s cuddle before dinner, get a cookie, and I’ll read to you for a bit, I just reached a good part,” you whisper into his neck, and he exhales, reaching towards the coffee table to get a cookie before you relax into each other, and you pick up the kindle, reading where you left off. 
“We really are two opposing magnets, incapable of being in the same room without drawing together. I want to scrape my fingers through his hair and kiss him until he forgets where we are, and everything and everyone that ever made him feel like he was a disappointment. And he’s looking at me like I could, like there’s an ache in him only I could soothe.” you read, hand running through his hair, happy to have him back.
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Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!
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nxrrislando · 2 months
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BUTTERFLIES ೯⠀⁺ ⠀ 𖥻 l.norris
𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 — ᝰ.ᐟ SMAU
PLOT ━━・❪ When they haven’t seen each other in several years after having a turbulent relationship as teenagers and she releases a debut album with a song dedicated to him, and accidentally admits it to the internet ❫
WARNINGS ━━・❪ everything written is fake and for the purpose of entertainment ❫
a/n: ❝ you give me butterflies, got me falling in the deep end of your disguise ❞ - this fic is based on tyla’s song butterflies (so it’s only right she’s the faceclaim) which is about a complicated relationship, both the ups and the downs. Ps I love this song and I adore tyla. This is a short/fast pace one shot!!
my fics!
published a new video — 2w ago
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published a new tweet — 2h ago
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maybe: lando
2 new notifications — 4 mins ago
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uploaded a post — 6h ago
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell and 1,444,762 others
yourusername thank you for all the love on my debut album, it means the world!! what’s your fav song? 🫶🏽
view all 5,791 comments
username my goodness she’s attractive
username real I want her to be my wife
username I love jump the most and ART is a second fav🫶🏻
username um lando norris?
username him AND max are in the likes, what does this mean?! username @ username could just be fans of her music?
username hear me out: lando is who butterflies is about
username butterflies is my favourite🦋
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posted on their story — 8h ago
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viewed by landonorris, and 2,228,765 others replies to your story
username I KNEW IT. butterflies is about lando, I knew it!!!
username you trying to tell us something? lando lando lando
username soft launching?😞
yourbestfriend care to elaborate?
| yourusername he flew all the way to London to talk to me… brought me flowers my favourite hot drink from my favourite London cafe from when we met, we talked for hours and hours we’re not back together but I wouldn’t rule that out for the future, he wants to make us work without the negative energy we had when we were younger, and I do to… I missed him so much, tried pushing him away but he’s just so different yet he’s the same guy I fell in love with.
landonorris maybe tomorrow?
| yourusername maybe tomorrow.
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posted on their story — 23h ago
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viewed by maxfewtrell, carlossainz55, and 2,067,889 others replies to your story
posted on their story — 1h ago
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viewed by landonorris, and 228,765 others replies to your story
posted on their story — 4h ago
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viewed by oscarpiastri, yourusername and 4,746,885 others replies to your story
oscarpiastri it was lovely to meet her the other weekend in the paddock, lily loves her!
| landonorris get in line. I’m kiddding I’m glad you guys all like her, I think she fits right in to the papaya family
maxfewtrell just as smitten with her as you were when you were a teenager
| landonorris except this time I will give her reasons to stay rather than leave
| maxfewtrell that was oddly poetic and mature
| landonorris what can I say she makes me a better person
@edwardslvrr 🫶🏽
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organicxslime · 9 months
☆how they bagged you (gojo, geto, nanami, toji)☆
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「GOJO」 wriggled his way into your heart with the power of sweets. He figured out pretty early on that you had a sweet tooth as rotten as he did, so he used it to his advantage, inviting you to try out new cafes and bakeries that cropped up in cities where he was going on missions. Each time you'd accompany him to one of these establishments, he'd promptly show off, flashing a platinum bank card that sounded an expensive, metallic clang as he tossed it on the counter, buying quite literally every single dessert you had your eye on with no regard for the cost. He's fairly certain he accidentally spent $400 in a single bakery once. He finally bagged you by taking you to an upscale cafe and having the waitress bring out the fluffiest, most intricately decorated cake they could possibly produce, looping cursive on the top spelling out “will you be my girlfriend?"
(In all honesty, you don't have enough room in your stomach for the sheer amount of sweets that he buys you, but his students certainly enjoy it when you slip them whatever mountain of dessert you have left over.)
「GETO」 gently coaxes you into loving him with his sweet, quiet voice and honeyed words. He noticed within a few weeks of meeting you that you seemed to stand at rapt attention whenever he spoke, and it didn’t take a genius to know that you liked his voice. It wasn’t the first time he’d experienced something like this - there had been others before who complimented his voice, saying he had a soft, kind tone that was pleasant to listen to - and he knew he could use it to his advantage. He intentionally makes himself sound quieter and more agreeable when he speaks to you, lovingly praising you and complimenting you for the smallest of things. you can’t help but swoon each time he greets you in that lyrical tone, and when he finally asks you on a date , you melt at how hopeful and sweet his voice sounds.
(later, when that same voice is murmuring filthy things into your ear, you’ll be silently reaffirming to yourself that he was absolutely the right choice.)
「NANAMI」 won you over by being the perfect gentleman. He's not one for dirty tricks or flashy displays of affection - he finds these things repulsive. No, he's going to take a much more classic route with it. It starts with little things - a shared smile here and there, complimenting you often, and making sure to stop by and greet vou everv morning at work. From there, he'll graduate to more direct methods, like inviting you to dinner and remembering your exact coffee order to surprise vou with the next morning. As your bond grows, so do his advances, and he finds himself arriving to work an hour early to slip sweet hand-written notes into our desk. Eventually he surprises you with a bouquet of red roses, chastely asking you out on a date, and you're so smitten you can't imagine a world where you would say no.
(You like his methods, but in all fairness he could have taken you on a date to a 7/11 and you still would've been drooling over him afterwards. For the sake of your standards, though, the romantic gestures were entirely necessary.)
「TOJI」 snaked his way into your heart by shamelessly using his body. You were gym buddies, and he had noticed before how your eyes lingered on his body, watching beads of sweat roll off of his glistening pecs and paying particularly close attention to the way his back flexed when he would lift. He began teasing you, making you sit on his toned back as he did pushups, giving you a front row seat to every contraction of his rolling muscles. He'd have you help him tape up for support, too - smoothing the athletic tape over his thick legs and reaching around his basketball-sized biceps to bind up his elbows drove you absolutely wild. At one point, you're pressing his feet to the floor while he does sit-ups, and all of a sudden he leans up further than ever before, leaning into your face and catching you by the lips. Amused, you ask him what that was for, and he says he'll explain himself - but only if you'll let him take you out to dinner.
(You knew damn well what he was up to - but you're just as depraved as he is, and knew a solid opportunity to feel up on a buff man when you saw it. You're so down bad you didn't even care that he asked you to pay for dinner.)
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miley1442111 · 25 days
all alone-s.reid
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summary: spencer doesn't want to get hurt, too bad it hurts you in the process
pairing: spencer reid x fem reader
warnings: spencer's a dick in this, reader puts him in his place :)
You were the new office genius. You’d just joined straight out of the academy, but with your genius, and your experience, you’d been brought straight to the BAU. 
What experience, you may ask? 
Your psychiatry and psychology degrees, oh, and the eidetic memory, IQ of 190, and Hyperthymesia you had. 
And the experience you’d had with a certain serial killer. Your father, Jason O’Neill, had been caught a few months ago, and after that you’d been given a full-time position. You got on well with the team, though one clearly didn’t like you. Dr. Spencer Reid. Apparently he was your equal in intelligence, though you never knew, he refused to speak to you. You probably had a more bubbly personality than the BAU regularly hired, but that had been disproven upon meeting Penelope, the Technical Analyst. 
He just didn’t like you. Oh well. It wasn’t going to ruin your life. You didn’t really give a shit. 
He gave a shit. He cared far too much. 
“Spencer, I’ve got your coffee, extra sugar,” you smiled as you handed out the drinks you’d brought the team from the cafe down the road from the small police station. You handed it to him, not waiting for an answer, he never gave one.
 Emily kicked him under the table. “What’s with you two?”
Spencer rolled his eyes and went back to his book. “Nothing.”
“She’s the nicest person on this team Spencer, yet you treat her like she’s just there for decoration.”
“She’s only good for two things, getting coffee, and keeping quiet,” he snapped, not realising you were behind him. You frowned, then hit him over the head with your bag as you were walking past, not sparing him a glance. 
Honestly, Spencer was practically in love with you since the second he’d met you. You were perfect, gorgeous smile, always something kind to say, always an interesting fact on your beautiful lips. He thought he could listen to you talk forever. Your voice made his day. Your eyes on his made him feel things he never thought he’d be lucky enough to feel. 
But he’d never let his guard down again. Not after Maeve. Never again. 
He’d rather be alone, though everyday you became more tempting.
Everyday he wished he could be with you.
Everyday, just like today. 
“Doctor,” Your voice rang through the precinct. “Aaron wants you.”
In recent weeks you’d adopted calling him ‘Doctor’, rather than Spencer. His name from your lips often went straight to his heart, he was a romantic, after all. Now ‘Doctor’ sounded clinical and impersonal. It was maddening. 
He didn’t answer, he just stared at his book, making his stand. 
“Doctor Reid, Aaron wants you,” You stated, standing beside him. “Reid-”
“Say my name,” he deadpanned, staring at his book, but not reading the words. 
“I just did,” you scoffed. “We aren’t school children, go to Aaron.’
You called everyone else by their first name, why not him? He knew the answer of course, but it still didn’t take away from his curiosity. Why had it affected you so much?
“Can you stop being a huge asshole for one day and just treat me like I’m a person and not just something here for you to fuck with? I deserve a spot on this team just like you do,” you boomed, smacking his book out of his hands. 
“I don’t think you do,” he said, standing up to his full height. 
“Well I guess it’s your lucky day because I’m leaving in a week,” you snarled back, then walked off to go back to the rest of the team. 
What? You were leaving?
Spencer caught up to you in 4 quick steps and he pulled you to the side of the corridor, shading you both from prying eyes in a broom closet. “You’re leaving?”
His eyes were frantic and… scared? You’d never seen him look at you with anything other than indifference, so this was quite the change.
“Why?” He pleaded.
“Why? You are seriously asking why I’m leaving?” you sarcastically sighed. “Gosh, I guess it was that the coffee’s shit, or maybe it was the fact that I work in a hostile working environment!”
“That’s corporate bullshit-”
“No. It’s your bullshit. I have been nothing but kind to you in my few months here and every day it’s the same blank stare and shitty comments. Go fuck yourself Doctor Reid.”
You tried to pry out of the grip he had on your shoulders, but you couldn’t. He stood there, shocked and shameful at his actions. 
“I-I’m sorry,” he sighed, letting go of you to run his hands through his hair. “I’m such an idiot.”
“Yeah, you are. Now if you’ll excuse me-”
“I’m in love with you,” he admitted. 
“Pardon?” You squeaked, jaw-dropped. 
“I’m in love with you… a-and I didn’t think it was a good idea because the last time I was involved with someone like that-”
“Spencer, I don’t care. I’m leaving the BAU. For good.”
Spencer’s stomach sank. He was too late. You waited for a minute as he just stared at you. He was trying to process it, realise his mistakes,and find a way to make you stay in a 15 second window. 
“Bye Spencer,” you sighed and left him in that broom closet. 
All alone.
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, marvel, top gun, challengers, the bear, the hunger games, obx+)
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