#George weasley imagines
obsessedwithceleste · 5 months
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Daisy Chains and Kept Promises
George Weasley x reader
Based on this request🫶🏽
Summary: George Weasley was never one to break a promise. Especially not one sealed by a daisy chain ring.
word count: 3.2k
©️ obsessedwithceleste. all works posted here belong to me and should not be reposted or copied in any way or form.
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It was the first sunny afternoon in what seemed like forever, but in reality had only been a few days, and the residents of the burrow were eager to escape onto the vibrant, green lawn.
“Fred, George you stay out of trouble now!” Molly shouted from the kitchen as you run out the door with the twins.
“Come on now, it’s our last summer before they ship us off to Hogwarts! We gotta make the most of it!” Fred replies, sprinting out to the shed where the Weasleys stored all their brooms.
“Hurry up Georgie, or I’m taking the good broom!” You tease as you race past the other boy, snatching the best broom from the rack before he has the chance to protest.
“Aw c’mon! Why’s she always get the good one?” Ron complains as he catches up with you all.
“Oh shut it Ronald,” George retorts, not bothering to give his youngest brother a second glance.
The four of you spend the afternoon zooming across the field, a beat up quaffle tossed between you in carefree bliss as the sun shines down on you and Ginny watches from the ground below.
Eventually you all tire and you find yourself lying in the shade of the old oak tree that loomed over the garden. Thankfully the rain had scared off the gnomes that had a habit of sneaking into the garden for a tasty treat.
“Show me how to make those daisy crowns? Like the muggles?” Ginny asks, bringing over fists full of the little white flowers.
“Not now Ginny,” Fred sighs, rolling his eyes at the young girl.
“No, no, we can do it now,” you argue, patting the ground next to you, gesturing for the younger girl to sit beside you.
“Yeah, let her stay,” George agrees, smiling fondly at you.
Fred snorts at his brother, eyes rolling once more.
“You always side with her, you’re supposed to be my twin! How are you two going to survive without each other?” Fred retorts, leaning back against the tree.
“It’ll only be a year, then y/n can join us in the fun,” George replies happily.
“Oh at this point you might as well just marry her,” Fred responds with a huff.
You feel your cheeks begin to grow red and you turn to focus all your attention on the young girl beside you, showing her how to intricately wrap the stems together to form a chain of daisies.
You’d known the twins for as long as you could remember. You’d practically grown up with them. Your father Remus did the best he could raising you on his own, he really did, but it was hard. Especially on full moons. The Weasleys always took you in on those nights, often resulting in you staying for days while Remus recovered.
George had had a soft spot for you since the beginning, always being the slightly softer twin while Fred was more severe and brash. You could remember a particularly bad night when it had been storming, the loud thunder making you shake with fear. George had stayed up with you all night, making sure the storm didn’t get you. You had been seven at the time.
It had started back then you supposed, your little crush. It had confused you at first as you had thought of all the boys as your brothers, but now, at the ripe old age of ten, you could tell that Georgie was different from the other Weasley boys.
“There!” George announces excitedly, shaking you from your thoughts as he brandishes a single daisy up into the air, its stem tied rather roughly in a small circle.
Without warning, he grasps onto your hand, sliding the makeshift ring onto your finger, looking rather pleased with himself.
“There. You’re my wife now,” he says proudly as you stare at the little flower adorning your finger.
“You didn’t do it right! You have to ask her to be your wife. Everyone knows that!” Ginny exclaims, watching the two of you with a dopey little grin on her face.
“Oh. Right. Y/n, will you be my wife?” Georgie asks, batting his eyes dramatically at you and sticking out his bottom lip.
“Yes I will,” you reply with a laugh, admiring the pretty daisy that now sat on your finger.
“You two are so gross,” Fred says, making a face.
“Oh, oh! Do the promises! The ones where you say I do!” Ginny urges excitedly, clapping her hands.
“Alright. Do you promise to always laugh at my jokes, always be there for me when I need you, and always take my side when we argue with Fred?” George asks.
Fred begins to make dramatic gagging sounds.
“I do.” You reply with a giggle as Fred just glares at you. “And do you promise to always make me smile, always protect me, and always make me hot chocolate when I can’t sleep?”
“I do.”
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It was dark. The whole house was dark really. All the time. Dimly lit and constantly smelling like mold and rotting wood. And the furniture seemed to be permanently damp, the coldness settling into your bones.
You hated it here at Grimmauld Place. The constant shrieking of decrepit, old portraits, the eerie feeling of constantly being watched. The only positive attribute about living in this wretched place was the fact that Remus had never been happier.
It had taken months to do it, but after Harry had been able to help Sirius escape the dementors, Dumbledore had inconspicuously been able to move Sirius into Grimmauld place where you had been staying ever since.
It had been strange at first, no doubt. You had only just met the man, but he grew on you quickly. Like a fungus. You loved seeing how comfortable he made Remus who visibly softened whenever the other man was near. And you hadn’t seen Remus smile as wide or as often, well ever. You could tell that the two of them were just meant to be side by side, and honestly, that was enough for you. Especially in dark times like these.
“Lighten up love, we have a surprise for you before dinner,” Remus announces, entering the drawing room where you sat wrapped in a pile of blankets, a book in hand as you tried to ignore the screeching bag lady in entry way portrait.
“Is it another one of those horrendous sweaters that Sirius keeps digging up from somewhere?” You ask, nose scrunching at the thought of another one of the putrid smelling things being presented to you. You didn’t have the heart to tell him that you detested the nasty things, so you had been giving them to Kreacher to dispose of rapidly. “I know I keep telling him that they’re lovely, but how many of the things does he think I need?”
Remus just laughs, shaking his head. “I’ve told him to move onto something else, but he’s determined to fill your wardrobe I think. But no. It’s not another sweater. For now at least. No, I do believe you’ll quite enjoy this little surprise.” He tells you before leaving you to your book and your thoughts.
Dinner time couldn't come fast enough as you eagerly eyed the clock every fifteen minutes, only to be disappointed by how little time had gone by.
About thirty minutes before the three of you usually ate dinner, you began hearing a chorus of voices coming from the entry way. And not the familiar voices of the Black family portraits.
"Well where is she then?" a loud voice asks.
Hearing the voice, you immediately perk up, not quite believing you'd heard correctly. This place might be driving you mad.
"Oh bloody hell mate, don't seem too eager now," comes the sarcastic response.
You'd know those voices anywhere. Practically throwing yourself from the couch, you eagerly scramble to the door and down the staircase to be greeted by the whole Weasley family grinning up at you.
"Look Georgie, there's your wife, don't get your knickers in a twist now," Fred scoffs.
You fly into George's arms, sighing contentedly as his arms wrap securely around you.
"Well hello to you too," you hear him laugh as he gives you another squeeze before releasing you.
You hadn't seen him, or the other Weasley's for that matter, in what felt like ages. He and Fred had grown their hair out, and you didn't quite remember them being so tall last you saw them. His smile never changed though.
Bashfully, you greet the rest of the Weasley bunch, even Fred giving you a quick hug, before rubbing the top of your head affectionately and effectively tossling up your hair. You stick your tongue out at the boy in response, batting his hand away.
"I missed you all, so much! I've been going absolutely bonkers being here alone for so long," you tell them.
"Well not to worry love, we'll be here all summer. Hermione too, though she's not coming for another few weeks." George tells you.
Feeling eyes on you as you laugh with the boys, turning to see both Sirius and Remus gazing at you intently, eyes flickering between you and George.
Sirius silently points at you, then George before drawing a line across his neck with his finger before giving you a wink. You feel heat creeping into your cheeks as you turn back to the boys.
"What are you all doing here?" you ask eventually as the adults begin to file into the kitchen.
"Came to be used as house elves of course," Fred replies, earning him a nudge from George.
"Mum said that Sirius volunteered the house to be headquarters for the Order," Ron butts in.
"Yeah, then mum volunteered us to help clean the place up," Ginny adds.
You make a face at that.
"We have a lot of work to do then, this place is disgusting," you tell them, leading them up the stairs to the room you'd been staying in. On your way up the stairs, George's hand never leaves yours, fingers intertwined as you guide him up the dusty staircase.
"Long as there aren't any spiders," Ron replies, eyeing the spiraling stairs with suspicion.
You just look back at the boy with concern, pity overtaking your face as his own face turns pale.
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For once Grimmauld place was silent. A rare luxury you'd found, especially since the Weasley's had moved in. Not that you minded, the red headed family made the grim, old place feel alive and vibrant. Something you thought the it needed desperately. But you liked the quiet too.
It had been a strange couple of weeks as everyone, the adults especially, seemed to be on high alert. And who could blame them? Hermione had just moved in, sharing a room with you and Ginny. You could hear their breathing now as you stared up at the dark ceiling above.
After the Weasley's arrival, you had all spent countless hours decluttering Grimmauld place. Sweeping, dusting, banishing the more mouthy portraits to the attic. It was hard work, but you had loved every second of it with George making you laugh until you keeled over, tears streaming down your face. His presence just made everything better. You thought so at least.
In the darkened room, your mind drifts to the conversation you had heard between the adults just hours ago. It definitely wasn't a conversation you had been meant to overhear, but Georgie had given you a pair of extendable ears that he and Fred had developed, and you just couldn't help yourself.
"Oh really Sirius, they've all practically grown up together, George would never do anything to hurt her," Molly had said.
At the mention of George's name, you just had to find out what they were talking about.
"We never said he was going to do anything malicious, we just don't want to see her get hurt," Remus replied with a heavy sigh.
"They're practically adults, you can't protect her forever. So what if they fancy each other? They're not children!" Molly retorts.
"Oh that's rich coming from you. Just the other day you were going on about young witches and wizards rushing into marriage during the first war. And how many times have you told the twins that they're forbidden from joining the Order hmm? They're adults, Molly, you can't protect them forever," Sirius responds.
"Oh but at least I've done all I can to protect them up to this point. What have you done for y/n? Nothing. Because you've been locked up!" Molly spits. You can hear the fury in her voice.
Your fists ball up in rage at her comments. None of it was Sirius's fault. He didn't do anything wrong. How dare she?
"That's enough!" you hear Remus cut in, a sharpness in his voice that you hadn't heard before. "We weren't coming to attack George, or the way you raised any of the children. We were simply raising our concerns, as any good parents would. Now that we've made our point, if you don't wish to interfere, fine. We won't either."
After that the only thing you had heard was the shuffling of feet as they abandoned the dining room. They had most definitely been talking about you. No doubt about it. You hadn't realized they were concerned about you. They never said anything. And it was only Georgie. The two of you had been married for six years now. In all the ways that mattered to you at least. He would never hurt you. In fact, he'd made it a promise.
Mind racing and unable to sleep, you slip out of bed, careful not to make a sound as you slowly creep to the drawing room that you so often took refuge in. To your surprise however, a dim light was already flickering inside when you approached, and a familiar head of red hair sat facing away from you on the sofa.
"Georgie?" You whisper cautiously, not wanting to spook him.
His head turns in surprise, but his face lights up when he sees you.
"What are you doing this up this late, love?" he asks.
"I could ask you the same."
"Fair enough. Just a lot on my mind I suppose."
"Me too," you reply.
A silence falls between the two of you as you stand, watching mesmerized as the light flickers on and off of the boy's handsome face.
"Want me to make you a hot chocolate?" George asks finally.
A smile grows on your face and you instantly perk up at the mention of your favorite treat. George always knew how to put you to sleep, and he always made the best hot chocolate. Nodding enthusiastically, the two of you make your way down to the kitchen where George begins gathering supplies.
One thing you'd always admired about him was that he never minded doing things the muggle way. While Fred was always quick to magic his way through things, George was content taking his time.
"Help stir the milk so it doesn't burn?" he asks, gesturing to the pot now on the stove.
You silently take the wooden spoon from his hand, fingers brushing ever so slightly, before focusing on the task at hand. George sets out two mugs on the counter before helping you melt in the chocolate.
It all felt terribly domestic. As if there wasn't a sociopathic murderer on the loose. Like it was just the two of you.
It isn't long before George is pouring the dark liquid into the mugs, sprinkling in a few little marshmallows and a cinnamon stick or two and the both of you are retreating back up to the drawing room.
The first sip sends shivers of satisfaction down your spine as you lean into George who wraps his free arm around you. You pull a blanket over you and revel for a moment in the comfort.
"Care to share what's been on your mind?" George asks, breaking the silence.
"Only if you go first," you reply, not quite sure how to explain that he was really the only thing on your mind these days.
George just sighs. "It's nothing you we haven't told you before," He tells you. "Mum is just fighting for her life to keep Freddie and I out of the Order, but Moody agrees with us. We're of age. There's nothing she can do to stop us."
"Will you be safe?"
"Safe as can be. Mum has made sure they don't give us any real missions. Just patrolling Diagon Alley since that's where we set up shop."
You simply nod your head, letting it fall against the boy's chest as you feel his even breathing and let it overtake you. You'd never admit it out loud, but you were grateful for Molly to an extent. The twins had an abysmal lack of self preservation skills, and you didn't know what you would do if you lost Georgie.
"And what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"
You feel your shoulders shrug as you think carefully of what to say.
"I overheard our parents talking today," you mumble, not exactly sure where you were taking this.
"Dads are worried about us," you tell him, hiding your face in his chest.
"I dunno. They said something about your mum talking about how a lot of wizards and witches rushed into marriage during the first war, and there was a lot of talk about you being of age and what not. It got intense. There was a lot of yelling."
You feel George's chest rumble with soft laughter at your words.
"Well that's a silly thing to be worried about considering we've been married for years now at this point," he says.
You're not sure if he's joking or not. Maybe the exhaustion was finally getting to you.
"I'm being serious Georgie. I didn't know they were so worried about me. And Sirius sounded so upset," you reply, sitting up to take another long sip of your hot chocolate.
"So am I." he responds, looking you dead in the eye. The usual mischievous gleam is gone this time and you know he's never been more serious about something. "You know I'm not one to break a promise."
The air grows heavy as you feel yourself freeze for a moment at his words before you sink back into his warm embrace.
"I still have it you know. Your ring. Your mum charmed it for me so it wouldn't wilt. She knew all along," you tell him.
"She tends to have a sixth sense when it comes to these kinds of things."
Another silence falls between the two, but this time, the silence brings comfort as you feel your eyes growing heavy. George tries to stifle a yawn, but it escapes anyway. It was later then you had realized.
"I'm glad it's real for you too," you murmur, leaning further into the boy as your eyes flutter close. Something about being in George's arms provided a sense of security you couldn't find anywhere else.
"It was always real. I'd never break a promise to you, love."
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bby's first non-slytherin boy fic🫣
don't ask me if I edited this- the answer is no and I don't want to talk abt it💀
tag list: @sol-lupin-black @breeistired
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shadowbriar · 7 months
George Weasley - What Matters
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Pairing : George Weasley x (she/her) Reader Word Count : 0.8k Warning : Takes place on the night after the Seven Potters event. Not proofread I'm too tired. Synopsis : Soothing conversation after what seems to be the greatest nightmare the couple had to live through. Notes : Part of Shadowbriar's 2024 Valentines Project. If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕
"Have you ever imagined a world where we’re not together?”
George frowns, lifting from the bed to lay on his side, his arm supporting his head. He watches her closely, seeing the glimmer of uncertainty in her eyes. Supposed the nightmare of him arriving at the Burrow with blood soaking his shirt earlier was still etched in her mind. 
The plan was a success, should one argue. Their objective was met. Harry is now safe and sound, sleeping in Ron’s room like a baby. Though some sacrifices needed to be made, loss to mourn and cry for, at least knowing that what they fought for was achieved would be the softer side of the bed they’ll sleep on tonight.
“No, never.” He says firmly, trying to provide some comfort for her “Why would I ever think that?”
She shrugs, “Reasons.”
Gently, George reaches for her hand and places it to his chest. He hopes that it could ease her wary mind a little. He wanted her to feel his heart beat, to feel his heat, to feel him. He knows that it would take more than sweet words and tender embraces tonight to get them through the night, to get them just a blink of sleep no matter how sore and aching their bodies are, but he has no idea how else he could comfort her when he too was still a little shaken from the event that occurred.
“I’m sorry,” She whispers, her voice shaky as she tries her best not to let the tears fall “I should be the one comforting you, but I just—”
“Shh, it’s alright, Darling,” George says as he pulls her close “It’s okay. I’m right here.”
“I could have lost you.”
“But you didn’t,” He reassures, patting her head gently “You’ll never lose me.”
“But I almost did, George. I almost lost you.”
“Love,” George pulls away a little, staring deep into her eyes with that boyish smile “It would take much more than Voldy’s gothic underling to keep us apart, trust me.”
She forces a smile, one that didn’t truly reach her eyes. Her stare was still vacant, like she’s trying to comprehend her surroundings and finding firm stepping after the rug beneath her feet was pulled. There has been no greater horror, no bigger fear and terror than the one she felt a couple hours ago.
“I can’t lose you,” She says to him “I just can’t.”
“I know. I can’t lose you, either.” He says gently, caressing her cheek “I’m here. I’ll always be here.”
“What’s left of you, you mean.”
George raised an eyebrow, “Meaning?”
“You lack an ear,” She tries to jest, smiling slightly bigger though her eyes still welled of tears “Can’t decide if it makes you lose a couple points in the appearance department or if it enhances it.”
“The latter, of course. You have one hell of an unkillable boyfriend,” He says proudly, grinning “Reckon muggles write it on their papers? A bloody ear fell from the sky. Imagine the horror!”
Her laughter finally breaks. Though it didn’t last as long as George wished it would, the lingering smile on her lips was enough to tell him that the storm is slowly passing. Gently, he leans in and kisses her. How the night went by was certainly unideal but now that she’s here, laying on his bed, everything feels alright. Like the pain on his ear was reduced into a slight itch and the soreness of his body was caused by nothing but a typical quidditch practice.
The sigh she let go as they parted lifted tons of her burden. The corners of her lips were still curled, satisfied with the solace they could both find in each other though chaos still unravels around them. It was modest and unadorned, but much more than enough to soothe both of their scarred minds.
“I love you,” She says softly “I don’t want to ever imagine a world without you.”
“Then don’t,” George answers “Don’t imagine it, don’t think about it, don’t worry about it because it would never happen. It’s us or nothing, remember? That’s all that matters.”
She chuckles, “That’s a bit extreme now, init? Us or nothing?”
“Well, I wouldn’t have anyone other than you,” He argues, raising an eyebrow “Do you have anyone you’d have other than me?”
“There’s a short list of possible names.” She jokes once again “You’re in my top three at the moment, honestly.”
“I hate you.”
“Okay, top five now from that comment.”
George let out a satisfied laughter, pulling her head close to his chest that she could feel the echo of his chuckle and the steady beating of his heart. Her arms now encircle his waist. There seems to be too much space between them tonight though their bodies were cramped together on such a tiny bed. No close is close enough for the two right now.
“I hope you know I didn’t mean that.” She whispers to his shirt “There could be no one but you.”
“I know,” George says, planting a kiss to the crown of her head “I know, Sweetheart, I know.”
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sunset-curve-fantom · 6 months
On your knees- George Weasley x Reader
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You felt the door behind your back as you slowly backed away from George's stare.
His stare watching you softly, watching every motion your body made. The shutter that went down your spine as he bit his lip softly, the blush that crossed your features.
The image you had in your mind of him buried deep between your legs made your pussy wet with excitement.
"You know George, I prefer a man on his knees" you said in a seductive tone. Watching his movements as he stalked towards you, his long legs reaching you no problem.
He carefully gripped your hips, bringing you into him.
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kinzis-writing · 10 months
Three Years | George Weasley
Kinzi's 25 days of Christmas: Blogmas Day 2.
Summary: In which Y/N and George have been together for three years, and it takes a mistake for him to take the next step of their relationship.
Pairing: George Weasley x Fem! Reader
Warning(s): mentions of wizard war, mentions of death (not major character and not specified),
This could have ended way better, also the fact that this imagine is shorter than I like as well. I am doing my best at making my Blogmas posts as long as possible, but sometimes it takes me hours to plan the plot of these short stories out. I am a perfectionist, so that is why I never re-read and edit any mistakes because I am afraid of wanting to go back and change the whole story. *Fred did not die in the war*
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Three years, it has been three years since George had grown a pair and asked Y/N to be his girlfriend. Since then, there had been many events happen in the course of their relationship. They had moved past the awkwardness of the beginning of the relationship, they had gone through their firsts that every relationship goes through, and everything in between.
Their relationship had survived the second wizard war but had challenges. Seeing as Fred had to be taken care of because of an accident and then George getting hurt before then. It was a hectic and stressful time for the couple, but now everything was back to normal. Well, normal as everything could be after losing some of the nicest people.
Christmas was tomorrow and Fred and George had many customers in and out of the joke shop. Whether it was for Christmas gifts or something before going home for a Christmas prank. They had many customers a day and George had found it hard to be able to see Y/N during the holiday season. The joke shop was closing early and they would stay closed until after Christmas because they all knew the wrath of Molly if they did not show up on time or if they left early.
On Christmas day, Molly was having dinner at the newly built burrow and told everyone that dinner was at 5 o'clock sharp. That morning, George had gotten up to wrap the present for Y/N that he had spent a decent amount of money only to find it missing from the place that he had put it.
"Hey, Fred." George called knocking on his bedroom door and walking in, "have you seen-" He stopped when he noticed Fred's girlfriend wearing the necklace and earring set that he bought specifically for Y/N. The reason he had picked them out was because he had seen her looking at them and she refused to buy them because of the price they costed. “Found them.” He mumbled to himself, his eyes not leaving the necklace.
He was sure that there had to be some sort of mix up. His twin would not steal his girlfriend’s gift on purpose. Instead of getting angry, George did what he believed was right, found Fred and asked him what he thought he was doing.
“I’m sorry,” Fred mumbled when he noticed the distressed look on George’s face. “I grabbed the wrong gift and before I could correct it she was so happy.” He trailed off making George groan. “You could give Y/N the gift I bought for Angela.” He suggested.
George thought about it for a moment, they had hidden their gifts in the same place. Meaning it was an easy mix up and he knew that Fred was telling the truth about grabbing the wrong box. Fred had planned on getting Angela a promise ring, and that gift would work if George hadn’t already given Y/N one of those almost a year ago.
“I’ll come up with something.” George mumbled before leaving his twin to himself. He had less than four hours to come up with the perfect gift for his girlfriend and he was determined to find it.
Four hours had flown by and by the time George and Fred joined everyone at the burrow, Y/N was already there. It wasn’t a shock to the twin, seeing as she was early to everything.
“You’re lucky you aren’t a minute later.” Y/N spoke as she walked up and greeted George from where she had been helping Molly. She had gotten there early knowing that it would be hectic if she didn't. "Molly has be waiting for you guys to arrive."
George gave her a quick kiss before going and putting their gifts under the tree. He wasn't sure how Y/N would like his gift, but he had come up with something... sentimental. Angelina had gone into the kitchen to see what the girls were up to, while Fred and George joined their brothers and Harry by the fire.
"I doubt that Ron even got me something." Hermione stated to Y/N who was setting the Table for Molly. "He's still so awkward about some things."
Y/N let out a small laugh, "I think that's just Ron." Y/N was a year between each group. Fred and George were a year older than her, and she was a year older than the golden trio, while being two years older than Ginny. "Hi, Angie." She greeted with a smile her eyes flickering to the earrings and necklace the girl was wearing. "I love your jewelry set! I wanted to buy the same one, but I didn't want to pay that price."
Angiela gave the younger girl a small smile, "Thank you, Fred got it for me." she replied before going over to greet Molly.
Dinner had come and gone within an hour and Molly had the kitchen cleaning itself. The family gathered around the fireplace as they got ready to open presents. Y/N was sitting on the floor, between George's legs as he sat on the couch. She was chatting with Hermione as they were talking about the after-holiday plans and if anything had to change.
"I think I am going to move." Y/N told Hermione as the girl played with the necklace she always wore. "The place I live at is getting worse and the landlord won't fix it."
Pretty soon the presents were being handed out by the Weasley's and everyone gathered knowing the Christmas tradition at the Weasley's house. Y/N had gotten George the thing he had been wanting for a while and he was beyond excited to receive the gift. It was unexpected and it made him nervous about her opening her gift.
"Can you go upstairs?" George asked Y/N as he noticed Molly hand her the gift that he had gotten her. "I would prefer you not open it in front of everyone." he mumbled quietly as the couple stood up and snuck off.
The pair in the room that they assumed was Ginny's for when she came back home just due to the looks of the room and so on. "There was a mix up of gifts this morning," George started as Y/N went to open her gift. "Fred gave Angela yours and-" He stopped talking when he noticed Y/N's reaction to what was in the box.
Wide eyes stared down at the little jewelry box, you would assume it would hold something that you could wear. Yet, it was nothing close to that. The key laid flatly in the velvet box, and y/n did not know what to think. "What Are-What are you asking?" she asked scared to assume.
Maybe this was a sign that she could come and go as she pleases instead of knocking, or maybe it was exactly what she thought it was. "Will you move in with us, well me?" He asked carefully. "I know it's not expensive and like I said, Fred gave Angela yours by mistake and-"
His sentence was interrupted by Y/N stepping forward and wrapping her arms around the boy she had loved for four years, even though they had only been together for three. "It's perfect." She assured to ease his nerves at the fact that his gift was something he already had, or just the price of making a copy of the key. "You didn't have to get me anything."
George shrugged, "I figured it was time to take the next step, it just took a push from Fred." he spoke softly to the girl he knew he was so lucky to have.
"Well, you just saved me the stress of apartment hunting." She replied back as she grabbed the key out of the box and handed him the box back, knowing that it probably belonged to Fred's other gift. "I love you so much, you know that right?"
"Of course, love." George nodded with a smile on his face. "I love you as well." With that Y/N leaned forward and caught the Weasley's lips between hers. They kissed for a moment before pulling away, George with a cheeky grin, "I could have proposed instead."
Y/N's smile grew at the thought of eventually marrying George and becoming a Weasley herself. "That sounds like a plan for next year." She winked before kissing him one more time and leaving the room, him trailing behind her.
"Are you saying you'd rather live with me, instead of marrying me right now!?" He asked not knowing how to take the information if she were to confirm.
"I have to live with you first to see if we're compatible." She told him with a shrug, but she was joking. Regardless of what happened she knew that she would love him.
"What does that mean?"
I hated the way I ended this, but Blogmas day 2 is complete! I have been working on Blogmas, requests, and my Mattheo series so I have been busy. This is on top of having to study for my finals so.
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year
Baby Mine [George Weasley x Reader]
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Title: Baby Mine
Pairing: Husband!George Weasley x wife!Reader, dad!George Weasley x Mum!Reader.
Timeline: Set after DH (no mentions of war, voldy and Fred is very much alive)
Summary: The birth of his daughter brings up many feelings in George, none more so than worry that his child would be upset by him being an identical twin.
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, birth and children. Brief mentions of birth related injury. Illusions to breastfeeding. Mentions of sex but no descriptive smut. Just some lovely fluff 🤍
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When you fell pregnant just two months after your wedding to George, you were both absolutely elated and ready to start your family. You had the regular concerns that any couple has about being good parents, money and all the usual things bringing a child into the world makes you question, but George was also secretly harbouring a fear that he hadn't told you about until well into your pregnancy.
"What if the baby can't tell me and Fred apart?" He said quietly one night whilst you were in bed.
You were absolutely exhausted, well into your second trimester and though your morning sickness had all but worn off, the tiredness had not. Just to complicate matters, you'd libido had gone through the roof and you couldn't get enough of your husband, despite feeling like you could fall asleep standing up for most of the day, as soon as sex was brought up it was like you'd had your daily allowance of caffeine all at once. That's how you found yourself in bed with a very naked and sweaty George after another round of passionate love making, both of you talking about your future and the baby as he cradled your bump, your little one kicking up a storm after your coupling, no doubt hearing your heart rate speed up.
"What if they cry because there's two of us? Or if they prefer Fred to me? Or what if they don't like Fred at all because it's too confusing for them?"
You turned in his arms to face him, which was not an easy feat at 23 weeks pregnant, to look up into his sad eyes as he disclosed his fear.
"It's stupid I know, most people have confused us at some point, even mum still can't tell us apart," he says with a sigh, "but this is different, our baby, I just don't want to confuse them."
"George, sweetheart," you said, reaching up to touch his face, "It might be hard for them at first but I'm sure they'll be able to tell who their daddy is. There will probably be some mistakes and confusion but you're very different, they'll just know."
Poppy Weasley was born in the early hours of a cold November morning and her whole extended family had been completely overjoyed by her arrival, but none more so than her Uncle Fred. Two days later when mother and baby had been discharged from the hospital and the new family of three were settled at home, her grandparents and uncle Fred had been the first to come to meet the little bundle of joy.
"I think she's suspicious of me," Fred says as he delicately holds the little girl in his arms, bundled up in blankets, watching her closely as she stares up at him with a slight frown.
"She's clever then," you tease as you sit beside George on the sofa, tentatively taking a seat as you were still very sore from birth. Fred looks up at you with a mock glare and you can't help but smile as you see him interacting with his niece, chatting and cooing as she wraps her little hand around his finger. You look at George beside you and it seems that all his fears had been momentarily forgotten as he watches his twin and his daughter meeting with misty eyes. You rub his arm a little and he gives you a smile, wrapping his arm around your back as he pulls you gently into him, placing a kiss on your head.
"Still so proud of you," he mumbles quietly, his arm stroking your back as he looks firstly at you and then back to your baby daughter.
Only a few weeks later when Fred was visiting yet again are George's fears completely erased as your sweet little girl starts getting hungry and restless. George had run out for a few things at the shop whilst Fred was on hand to help you but it seemed that he was no replacement for the real thing after all. You'd nipped to the toilet quickly and to get the breast pump you'd left upstairs when Poppy had started crying in her bassinet. Fred had instinctively reached in and gently lifted out his little niece, swaying gently as he cooed at her trying to calm her down but nothing seemed to work. You'd tried to rush and race downstairs, gathering all the parts you needed, but by the time you'd come downstairs, you saw that George had gotten home and was just taking his coat off. He hadn't seen you on the stairs and had stepped into the front room and taken his daughter into his arms without hesitation, cradling her and shushing her in the same way that Fred had only moments ago, only this time she stopped crying instantly.
"She clearly has favourites," Fred jokes as he sits back down on the sofa, watching his brother soothe the little baby. You watch as George simply shrugs, still cooing and shushing his daughter as she whimpers, before saying proudly with a smile, "I'm her dad."
A few years later just after Poppy's third birthday, the entire Weasley family were gathered at George and y/n's house for a summer evening barbecue, with little lawn games and a colouring table set up for the kids.
The younger generation of Weasley's had all been playing nicely when Poppy had accidentally slipped over on the wet grass and had grazed her knee. Immediately bursting into tears, she ran over to where she saw her daddy and ran straight into his arms, sniffling.
"Pops, I'm not daddy," Fred says gently as he tries to get her to look at him, not wanting to upset her further if she realised too late that he wasn't his twin. George had rushed outside once he heard his daughters cries and had watched her as she ran to Fred, anticipating more tears very soon.
To everyone's surprise and amusement, the little girl did not cry more nor get shy and embarrassed by her mistake but instead pulled back and looked up at her beloved uncle Fred and simply said' "you'll do," before worming her way back into his arms.
On Poppy's sixth birthday, they went to the local amusement park and had stopped for pizza and ice cream on the way home, something that was turning into a yearly tradition for the Weasley family. That night they would watch a movie that Poppy had chosen, complete with popcorn and pumpkin juice, just as she's requested. Fred had been working in the shop so that George could take the day off and had visited after the shop had closed, dropping off his niece's presents. She was worn out from her big day and after opening her presents from Uncle Fred, they had all started watching a muggle movie that she'd chosen, something animated that had her completely transfixed to the screen. They had paused the movie quickly so that Poppy could get dressed into her pyjamas and brush her teeth, getting ready for bed. When she returned, she immediately climbed onto the sofa and had began cuddling into Fred's side, her eyes slowly closing as the exhaustion from the day caught up with her.
"Baby, I'm right here," George says delicately from the other couch, again not wanting her to be embarrassed by cuddling up to the wrong twin.
Without missing a beat, Poppy had lifted her head gently, not even looking between the two brothers and had declared, "he's closer."
Truthfully, George's fears about his daughter being freaked out by the concept of her identical dad had been extinguished entirely by the time she could talk. She loved that there were two of her dad, told all of her friends just as much and had even taken to calling Fred 'uncle daddy'.
There'd been a few times that Poppy had mistakenly run to the wrong twin in her haste but it had never fazed her, feeling just as comforted by her strong uncle daddy who loved her just as much as her real daddy did. Other than the few times she's not been paying attention, Poppy had never confused her dad and Uncle Fred, always instinctively knowing who was who, even when they were dressed identically.
"How can you tell us apart baby?" George says as he sits at the kitchen table at the burrow with his mum, dad, heavily pregnant wife, daughter and twin. Molly had called Fred by the wrong name when he'd walked in and little Poppy had been quick to correct her, before running excitedly into her grandad's open arms.
"You smell different," a ten year old Poppy shrugs as she tucks into the food her granny Molly had made for her. You watched on with interest, seeing from a child's perspective how she could tell the twins apart, wondering if it were the same tells as you.
"Smell?" George asks, looking at his daughter in surprise, not expecting that to be her answer.
"Yeah, uncle Fred stinks!" She shouts with a laugh and you couldn't help but laugh along with her. Fred bursts out into a loud laugh before high fiving her across the table.
"It seems she really does have two dads," you'd muttered, sitting down with a cup of tea as you looked upon the scene around you. Fred beamed with pride as did George and you couldn't help but laugh at seeing the little girl sandwiched between the two twins.
When Poppy got married aged 25 to her Hogwarts sweetheart, she'd walked down the aisle linking arms with her dad, who had tearfully but proudly given her away. That night she danced with George in a tender moment that would be imprinted upon your brain forever, both of them swaying to the music. When the song was over, she'd instinctively reached her hand out to Fred and had danced once again with her uncle daddy, never leaving him out.
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multifandomsimagine · 8 months
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Imagine Fred and George comforting you after you had detention with Umbridge
"I do hope we see a change in behavior, Ms. [Last Name]" Umbridge says as you set the quill down, having finished writing your lines. You had been warned by both Harry and Lee about the quill but hearing about it and experiencing it had been two different things. The back of your hand burned as you wrote the lines. But you didn't want to give her the pleasure of seeing your pain so you stayed quiet. Holding in your noises of pain and instead tried flexing your hand in an attempt to make the pain away when it got too much to handle.
It was well after midnight when Umbridge had decided that the message of your punishment had sunk in and made you stop. You said nothing at her parting sentence, opting to give her a silent stare before making your way out of her office. Your robes swished behind you at your sharp turn.
Leaving the faculty tower, you made your way back to the Gryffindor Tower, taking careful steps to make sure that your newly formed scar did not brush against the inside of your sleeves.
Your tough facade breaks though when you see your boyfriends waiting for you on a couch in the Gryffindor common room. The room is empty as everyone else is sleeping soundly in their dorms. Tears prick the corners of your eyes as the twins stand from their seats and make their way to you. Making sure to not touch your hands, the two guide you to the couch, seating you between the two of them. "Let us see," Fred says softly.
You nod and the two fold up your sleeves, the scarring clear as day on the back of your hands once the sleeves have been pushed high enough. Fred presses a kiss to your shoulder as George stands up and walks to a nearby table. He gets the bowl that sits upon it and carefully makes his way back to the couch, careful to not let the bowl's content spill out.
"Hermione gave us some Murtlap Essence. It's supposed to help with the healing." He explains.
"You're supposed to soak your hand in it." Fred continues.
Your eyes soften with appreciation before placing your hands inside the bowl, flinching when the cool blue liquid touches your scar.
Resting your head on George's shoulder, you let your tears fall down as you take comfort in the twin's presence. "Merlin, I hate that horrid woman so much." You whisper to them.
The two don't say anything and instead lean closer to you to press kisses on any inch of your body they can reach. Showering you in their affection as you let out everything you were holding in.
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futurewriter2000 · 8 months
Second Chance
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A/N: I don't know how this can end in a happy ending but... I'll try. I didn't even know how to start writing this request but I think I did fairly well and even better than I expected. I think I can do it better though but for now, I'll give you this. Short-ish and sweet. I tried to put everything into one fic.
REQUEST #14 (wattpad) @fredsdeath: HI!! I love all ur books especially the fred weasley book and uhm i was wondering if you could do my request abt how y/n pretends to have amnesia and not remember fred bc fred was her ex and broke her heart in their past relationship like happy emding or not its fine and this is just a suggestion its still okay if you dont do it tho :D
They say that the first few months always feel like a true honeymoon and then the reality hits but it wasn't like that with you and Fred. It was different because the two of you were friends first before anything and that changed everything. You knew who he was, the good and the bad, as well as he did. The two of you had this undestructable bond, nothing in the world could break. It felt real, it felt true, it felt like a once in a life-time love and you believed that.
You did... until you didn't anymore.
There were moments of Fred acting ditant. Sometimes when you looked into his eyes, he wasn't there and when he smiled, it felt forced. You felt like you were too much for him so you took a step back as well, thinking that space was all that he needed. You were different than him however, you didn't want space, you needed reassurence that he is still the Fred that will hold your hands and kiss them randomly when the two of you are laughing or just sitting together. You believed that the Fred that walked down the hall, nagging you jokingly until you retorded a sarcastic comment back, pretending to be furious with him until he nagged you until you laughed- was still somehow there. You believed that the Fred who made your stomach cramp either from laughter or butterflies will appear soon. It's just a hard transitioning moment, now that the new headmistress is on. He's coming back... he's still Fred.
He wasn't though.
"What do you mean?" your eyes twitched and you couldn't figure out whether you were angry or sad. You kept looking at the ground, not knowing when your hands ripped themselves from his.
"It's not you, I swear, it's just-"
"It's you." you looked at him, your lip trembling but you refused to cry in front of him.
"It is..." he bit his lower lip. "I just don't think that this is it." he said and you refused to look at him. He forced a smile and swayed on his feet. "We can still be friends." he said, touching your shoulder playfully as if all of a sudden you will place a smile on your face, bright and jolly but you turned your head away, wiped the crocodile tear that fell from your eyes and looked at him.
"Who is she?" you said with a sharp cold tone.
"There isn't-"
"You never lied to me, Fred. Don't start now." you glared.
He looked at you and pursed his lips together. He looked away and you let out a laugh from disbelief.
"I had a feeling but I always refused to listen to it. You know why?" you paused. "Because my trust for you was bigger than my insecurities but you just made me believe I was going crazy for such a long time until you grew balls to tell me."
"I just kissed her once-"
"Oh-" you literally heard your heart break inside your chest.
"She KISSED ME-" he mumbled. "I swear, I didn't kiss her first, she just sort of leaned in and I pulled away and I didn't want to say anything, I swear because I thought it was nothing but she just sort of... I don't know... I couldn't stop thinking about it."
"So you want to slag around."
"NO!" he started to get frustrated, shaking his head. "I just- I'm lost right now. I don't know what I want."
"You want her."
"No-" he shook his head. "I don't know... maybe... I don't know."
"Fuck you." you said, slapping him hard on his cheek that it turned red immediatelly. "You just wasted fucking 8 months of my life." and with that you turned around.
It's been a long year now since then and you knew her name... not that you truly wanted it but you heard of a short fling between Fred and Angelina Jonson. She was another good friend of his and you wished you figured it out sooner but you haven't.
You've cried. You did. More than just one crocodile tear. You've made a mess from your room and your roommates didn't really mind. They've been patient and graceful with you. They've also been a good distraction from your emotions and you were glad you weren't when Fred made his great parting with fireworks in Hogwarts that year.
You've put yourself together since then. You did and you've heard he's been with that woman, another woman, a few other women and you didn't want to hear none of it. Your friends kept telling you about it, despite you didn't want to. You heard about his shop and all of other things.
Now... well, now you've had your own appartment, which was quite hard with the economy but you wanted your place since you were an early teen. And to think of it, getting an appartment was easier than getting a job that pays well on your education. But it did. You've worked in a small bussiness, grammar checking documents that came in and out. Something close to an accounting. It wasn't what you wanted but it was something.
You haven't seen Fred in a year and a half. He was still on your mind though. He was. It was as if he put a chip into you that keeps rewinding time back to when the two of you were in love.
What you hated more was that you did move on but somehow he was still following you everywhere you went. You didn't see him anywhere and you knew that was a good sign but you were always on the lookout. Close to his shop, you felt anxious and you thought it over what would happen if he came out now and see you. You didn't know. You didn't know anything. Your brain turned off like nothing.
But that never happened and so you were okay with moving on.
So how did you end up here?
How did he end up here?
The last thing you told him was that he should have fun with your replacement and he did... for a short time. It really infuriated him that you told him that but Angelina really wasn't the one either. He pushed it as far as he could but something didn't click with her. He didn't feel joy with her, he felt obligated to be with her but he grew tired of being with someone.
He told you he forgets people easily but why did seeing you hurt so much. It was like a sting into his heart- quick but short. He couldn't mumble a word when you stood there and there was no shine in your eyes, no glow on you as he remembered you. There was a smile but not as joyful.
You stood there... still beautiful.
He hated that. He hated that you were still beautiful- more than him... since always.
He turned his head away, not wanting to look at you anymore. He was furious- so darn furious. Why didn't anybody tell him about you?
"There she is!" Remus came over with his hands on your shoulders, gently and formally.
You smiled brightly at him because you adored him as a professor. He was the only professor who made a course feel important and interesting.
"She was my best student and she now works in a small company for accounting- a shame to waste your talents there."
Sirius, he stood up tall and mighty, almost king-like and you felt infatuated by his kingly presence. His eyes were cold blue but his look was warm and safe.
"Aren't you supposed to be in Azkaban or something?" you joked and he laughed.
"Been there, didn't like it much." he retorded back and a few of the group laugh. "She's been working for me too for a bit. Remus recommended her- just for a short time and she turned out to be trustworthy. I bet she went to Hogwarts with you."
Ginny ran to you into a hug immediately and smiled up to you... well not up anymore. She seemed taller than you by a few centimeters. The two of you always had a great friendship, despite Fred. She adored you and you adored her.
"I can't believe you're here!" she exclaimed and you laughed, hugging her tightly.
"Me neither. This man put me through hell."
"I did not." Sirius gasped.
"Don't leave him alone in this house for long ever again."
"We have so much to catch up!"
And you did. With the whole group. You did work with Sirius through Remus. You've never really met him personally, always through some Howlers, letters, some other secret forms of communication and he was always so arrogant through it. He had grumpy and sassy remarks and at first you were professional about it but through time you've had enough and returned the energy. It has mostly been with the documents you've been grammarly correcting. They had been reciepts from big, luxiourious wizard families and you could see in some of those reciepts which were on the bad side, which on the good and which were fleeding and unreliable.
You didn't know about the other participants except Remus, Tonks and Sirius. Soon you figured Moody was one as well when he trampled into your office, asking questions and now you've met others.
You've never been much of a leap of faith person but you've always had a strong urge to stand for fairness and justice. You've fired up when you had to, not knowing until you went to bed that night. Remus saw that in you and he knew that all you needed was a little push.
You've always been reliable and when you promised something, you didn't back out, even if you were extremely anxious. He knew you could never back out from this. A bit manipulating but well, that was the push.
You've looked at Moody with your mouth on the ground.
"Turn into Harry?" you looked at all the others, especially at Remus.
"You don't have to, if you don't want to." said Harry.
"No, it's not that." you laughed. "Couldn't we just turn Harry into some random Muggle and transport him?"
The others thought about it as it could be.
"No!" Moody shouted. "Would you think they'd just let some random Muggle with a stick in his boot let into the Ministry?" he growled at you, approaching you. "No- now dress up lil priss." and he shoved clothes at you.
You looked after him than walked to Harry. "Are you comfortable with this? Us... turning into you?"
He gave you a comforting smile. "Not really but a plan is a plan. My comfort is not really in question." he offered you a smile and you returned it, though you felt a bit sad for the boy, espeicially when others made awful comments about them.
What you didn't notice was the little peeps Fred was giving you when you undressed, easily unclasping your bra under your Harry shirt and throwing it in the corner.
George apperead in front of him as Harry, giving him a grin meanwhile Fred just put his glassess on and pretended not to look.
"You're with me little priss." one of the Harry's told you and winked at you.
As you walked behind fake Harry, you passed what you thought was Fred and he called out your name. "Hey, (Y/n)."
You turned around. "What?"
"Stay safe."
You looked at him and nodded, turning back to the fake Harry, feeling your heart beating fast. Not because of Fred... this was pure fear.
Fred just turned back into himself, laughing with his father about the trip when Ginny told him about George. He was running into the living room, finding his best friend bloody on the couch.
"Shit, George." he came to his side.
"I'm howy." George whispered.
"What George?" Fred leaned in worriedly.
"I said..." George took a breath. "I'm holy now Fred."
Fred rolled his eyes and laughed from all the relief. "Only you can crack a joke about a blown up ear."
He looked up, smiling joyfully when the others smiled back, hugging him and George. It wasn't until two were missing. He looked around again. "Where are Tonks and (y/n)?" he asked but the others looked around and nobody was around.
"Remus is waiting for them, I'll go out and check." said Arthur but just as he was about to head out the door, Remus came rushing the door with you in his arms. His shirt was soaked in your blood, Tonks' hands as well.
"MOVE!" shouted Remus as Arthur cleared the table so that Remus could place you there gently.
"It came out of nowhere- I don't know who is was but she was blown off our broom and fell hard on the woods. She hit her head pretty hard." Tonks spoke quickly, like your life depended on it.
Ginny and Molly were right by your side, Remus as well. Fred just watched with his eyes wide open. Everything was gone, all the anger, all of it, out of his system. There was no room for anger, only regret and sadness.
"(y/n)- come on little priss, you have to wake up." Remus slapped your cheeks gently.
It was so sudden. You laid there calmly and like you were awaken from the dead, you jumped up and took a deep breath in.
"Where am I?!" you looked around, feeling your head pounding but everything was extremely bloody.
You heard voices around you but none of them were clear.
"You're safe-" you looked around but you recognised that voice anywhere.
"Professor Lupin? Where's Madam Pince my head is-" you were just about to say something when you started choking on your own blood.
Fred fell on the floor, just by George when he saw the sight.
Arthur saw the terror in Fred's eyes and shouted at the other. "GET HIM OUT OF HERE! ALL OF YOU OUT!"
Fred had a whole review of your life together back in Hogwarts. Everything turned back- everything. The small things, the big things and he realised that not once did the two of you had a bad memory together. Not one but until he broke things off.
He was pacing up and down outside the living room. Ginny kept trying to calm him down but he was not consolable. Not until you were completely alright. Not until he comes back and you're breathing and smiling at him.
Finally Arthur came to Fred, only to Fred because he knew of their past together. His expression was grim but it wasn't something Fred could read at the moment. He had you in perfect image. Since always.
"How is she?!" he quickly asked and everybody stood up and listened as well.
"She's living and breathing." he said, putting his hand on Fred's shoulder. "Remus is great at taking care of people, so she's resting with George... however... she kept recalling back a few years..." he looked up worriedly. "She kept asking for Dumbledore and... McGonagall..." he continued. "Remus says it could be shock or some short amnesia."
"What does that mean, dad?" Fred asked but his father only looked away. "Dad!"
"I don't know really... only time will tell when she wakes up."
Fred burst through the door and found his two favorite people laying on the couch. It was odd sight becuase you were there moving your lips and looking at your roommate, fist bumping him.
"Samesiess." George shouted weakley. "I've always wanted a girl roommate."
"Ew." you said, laughing.
"Not like that- Merlin." George said. "If moving my eyes wouldn't hurt I'd roll my eyes right now."
"If I could have the strenght to move my hands I'd show you the middle finger."you replied and could hear him laugh, caughing.
Fred smiled from relief and walked confidently into the room. "Hey, you two are on bed rest, stop talking and laughing." he said, sitting at George's side first. He looked at you and you looked at him.
"George?" you said worriedly. "I didn't know you had a sibling?"
"I have eight of them... or seven... six... I really don't know..."
"I didn't know you had one that looks exactly like you." you furrowed your eyebrows and it was only for a joke. You've always wanted to play a joke but something in Fred's eyes.
Something in his eyes made him come towards you and look at you with the same look he did all those years. The same eyes that you prayed for such a long time ago.
"You don't remember me?" he asked.
And you haven't got any clue why you turned your head and mumbled no. You turned it away from him because you felt something hurt inside of you so much by having him looking at you so close. Your heart was tearing up inside of you all over again and you wished, you prayed, you said you never met him because that was what you truly wanted. You wanted that he never existed in your brain because it just... hurts so much.
"Please leave me alone." you said and kept shutting your eyes.
Fred backed away, terror in his eyes, his heart, rage? Perhaps shock- something was in his chest, burning up his throat. He didn't hear the pain in your throat or the tears that fell from your eyes when you turned away. He couldn't function properly.
"Fred..." he heard George but he just stormed outside.
It was as if something was spinning in his head. It was so horrible.
Ginny came after him, calling out his name, asking what is wrong.
Ginny stood there. Usually she would shout something back but she just let him yell.
"Ginny- she-" he started to break down, falling onto his knees and pulling his long legs into a hug.
Ginny walked to his side and hugged him around the shoulders. "It could be temporary... she's just in a shock."
"She remembers George."
"How do you know? She just talked to him like she woud with another person."
"She wouldn't talk to me like this..."
"She would." Ginny added and Fred looked at her, letting a laugh.
"Yeah... she would... she was unpredicatable like that." he said.
"Why did the two of you even break up?"
"I don't know really." Fred mumbled. "But I don't know if I can live through her not remembering us... you know?" he looked at Ginny, then laid his head on her shoulder. "We used to have so much fun... when we were together. She was so snarky and confident..."
"She's always so happy and has such a good heart." Ginny added.
"Yeah... she was perfect and... I really didn't know we would work so well together but I don't know... I thought she would be a fling and I wasn't ready to commit- she just... she deserved so much better than me, I always knew that."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean... look at her and look at me." he lookd at Ginny.
"Fred, she looked at you as if you were the whole world for her, not because of your looks or it was because of your looks, I doubt that though but she didn't want anybody else. She wanted you." Ginny said and Fred looked at her.
"I don't know Ginny."
"You do know, Fred. You were the one who thought you didn't deserve her and with the way you were acting after the two of you broke up, just told me how much she hurt you." she continued without any filter. "And it wasn't that she hurt you... it was that you were furious that you fucked up a good thing."
Fred looked at his sister with a confused look. She didn't use that kind of language. "I don't know when you grew up so much, Ginny." he said and laid his head back on her shoulder. "But... if she forgot about us... and me... I don't know- she was the only person who really knew me and it was hard for her to trust me in the first place. When she did, it felt like I met the right person to feel safe with..."
"Like I said... we can hope that she does remember."
You and George were laying in the darkness, both resting. You were glad the whole thing was over, even though you almost couldn't have made it out alive.
"Do you really not remember Fred?" asked George.
There was silence but you looked to the darkness beside you where George was speaking from. "I wish I didn't." you said.
"Why did you tell him then you didn't?" he asked calmly.
You turned your head back to the dark ceiling. "I just... I actually don't know... it was a joke at first..."
"I gathered that but he just saw two of people he cared about almost die in front of his eyes so I believe him for not catching it."
"Then he just looked at me with those eyes... like that he cares and I just... I don't know I wanted to make sure if he does or not so I just said no."
There was a small laugh from the other side. "Did you get your answer?"
"Kind of." you shrugged.
"(y/N)." he said in a serious tone. "He bloody loved you. You didn't know how he was when you weren't around. First he was furious, then he was frustrated when you didn't catch our fireworks, then he was melancholic for a while and all of a sudden he got an urge to go after every girl that walked into the shop- age appropriate to be clear." he stopped for a moment. "He cared, he really did- he didn't know how much he had lost until months later. Angelina couldn't compare to you. He wasn't as ambitious and happy as he was with you. He was absent and lost..."
There was a loud silence after that and you felt as if you have to say something in return. "I didn't know you could preform such long speeches."
You heard shuffling on the other side and suddenly something soft landed on your stomach. "Owww!"
"Shut up, we're both poor right now." he said and you laughed , throwing the pillow back.
George was awake and walking. He was just getting suited for the wedding when Fred was tying his bowtie. He walked into the living room and saw your space empty. He looked around and tried to find any traces of your disappearance.
It wasn't until he heard a grunt from the bathroom and you walked out, pinning something into your hair. "Hey Ginny this bandage is so unnecessary-" you looked up and he was staring at you as you stared back. His hands were at the untied bowtie and yours were stucking a flower somewhere where your bandage was loose around your head.
"You remember Ginny?" he asked and you kept looking at him.
You let your hands fall down to your side and you took a few steps forward. "I do." you said and grabbed his tie and started to throw it around into a bowtie.
"Do you remember me?" he asked softly as he looked down at you but you kept your eyes on his bowtie.
You were silent for a while and started to twist it around to stay on its place. "I can do it better." you said and untied it again.
He smiled at that. "A perfectionist, you remember that." he said and he could see a smile on your lips. "Please, (y/n)..." he said and placed his hands on top of yours.
You finally looked up and found his eyes in such pain. You didn't think eyes so joyful could look that tormented. "I remember you Fred." you smiled softly, then looked back at the bowtie. "Just like I remember how to tie a perfect bowtie." you smiled and fixed it on his collar.
He breathed out a long breath of relief. He saw your hands leave his bowtie and he immedately started to fix your bandage and hair flower. "You're beautiful today." he said as he continued to tuck in the last peaces of the bandage before going to the flower. "You're beautiful every day."
You continued to look up, his slick and gentle hands touching your scalp and spreading warmth, even the memories you forgot existed. "I'm sorry." you said and he raised an eyebrow. "I always knew who you were..." you said and his hands dropped, still holding the flower that was supposed to go into your hair.
"You did?"
"I did." you said. "You were so close and you were just- and it really hurt- you really hurt me." you said, looking into his eyes, knowing yours were filling themselves with tears. "It was the first time I saw you so close after such a long time and everything came back- and it hurt so much I wished to forget you." you said, avoiding his gaze.
He didn't say anything. To be honest, he wasn't furious or in shock. "You could have done worse, really..." he gave an awkward smile and you laughed. He put his hand back up to your head and started placing it into your hair.
You only observed and as you did so, his hand fell to your cheek and brushed it with his thumb. The two of you were looking at each other, felt like a whole century since the two of you were looking at each other like this... and it felt like yesterday.
Time truly is an illusion, isn't it.
"Please, give me a second chance." he said, leaning his forehead onto yours.
"Fred..." you sighed.
"I know it's a lot to ask but please- I promise, I won't run away again like I did last time." he said, pulling back and cupping your cheeks. "We're special. I know you know... I know we are... please..."
You smiled, closing your eyes and feeling all this warmth, safety and love over your body.
There's nothing wrong with having hope.
There's nothing wrong with second chances.
You looked up at him. "Second chance then."
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dracowars · 2 months
Hello!! I just found your blog and I love your writing style 💖💖
I was wondering if I could request headcanons for the Harry Potter boys (or just George Weasley!!) about forgetting their crushes birthday? Totally okay if not!!
george weasley forgetting your birthday
pairing: george x reader
a/n: headcanons are so much fun, but i never have enough different ideas for more characters so i stuck to george only with this one 👉🏻👈🏻
warnings: cursing
universe: harry potter
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George knew he fucked up, totally and utterly screwed up
He already had a feeling that he forgot something important
But the moment he entered the Great Hall, he was doomed
There you were, laughing and talking with your friends
They hugged you and handed you small wrapped gifts with even smaller bows on top
And he knew then: he forgot your birthday
Out of all the things he could have forgotten, he forgot this ?!
And the worst part: he already had the perfect idea for your gift
But now he doesn't have anything and just stands there like an idiot, completely frozen
It's a wonder no one has noticed or bumped into him yet
George's fight or flight instincts are kicking in and he comes to the conclusion that he needs to get out of there to think of a last minute gift idea
But too late, your eyes locked with his in that exact moment
Oh, how he would love to dissolve into thin air right now
Or to apparate out of here, but Hermione's voice tells him "You cannot apparate inside Hogwarts!"
Yeah, that becomes evidently clear this second
You smile at him from the distance, sending him a gentle wave
George decides that it is time for the fight mode to be activated and he puts on his best poker face before casually strolling towards you
When he reaches you, his heart beats against his chest, something that only you are able to do to him
For a moment it is very awkward
George is too stunned by your beauty that he can't even formulate a coherent sentence
Your hair is adorned by a cute bow, in the colors of your house, and your hair is made into a beautiful hairstlye, your stunning eyes looking up at him
Finally, he manages to congratulate you and you hug each other tightly
Before you can sit down again, however, he grabs your hand and leads you a bit further away from the table and - specifically - your friends
"Do you want to go out with me?"
George would very much like to slap himself the moment those words leave his mouth
And apparently, you are just as stunned as he is
"O-On a date, I mean."
Good save, he thinks to himself
Only now does he notice how his heart is going crazy inside his chest and his hands are getting sweaty
But the smile you answer him with makes him forget everything
The loud voices around you? Gone
You giggle, squeezing his hands a bit tighter
"I said that I would very much like to go out with you. On a date."
You are teasing him, he knows that
And he absolutely loves it
He can't stop a big smile from spreading on his face now and he notices a slight blush on your cheeks as well
Only after you left to go back to your friends does he realize the meaning behind your words
George actually has a date with you
Now he needs to make sure it is the best date the whole Wizarding World has ever witnessed to make up for the lack of an actual gift
What he doesn't know, however, is that you immediately saw through him and knew that he forgot
But he couldn't have given you a better gift
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Life With George Weasley, Pt.3
George, pointing: "May I sit there?"
Y/N: "That's my lap."
George: "That doesn't answer my question."
George: "Hermione, can you please tell Y/N that I’m mad at her? We’re in the middle of a fight, and I don’t want to talk to her."
Hermione: "You’re literally sitting on her lap."
George: "Yes, what’s your point?"
George, sweating: "Y/N, there’s something I need to ask you-"
Y/N: "Finally! You’re proposing!"
George: "How’d you know?"
Y/N: "George, honey, you dropped the ring five times during dinner. I even picked it up once."
Y/N: "Oh, and by the way, the answer is yes."
If your url is crossed out, I'm unable to tag you.
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @samberriejams @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @mrsgweasley @hufflepuffie @morally-grey-obsessed @fredweasleyyyyy @anvaaryn @lastwandastan @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @kaysau2510 @qmylovexoxo @planetkt @costheticbabe
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fa-headhoncho · 7 months
Old Men
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(Eventual) George Weasley x Malfoy!Reader
Summary: Aftermentioned gits put their plan into motion.
Word Count: 2453
Reader: Female
Warnings: Admitting your wrongs :(
Author’s Note: Inconsistently back as ever :)
Series Masterlist
The group lets out a booming roar as Cedric drops his name into the goblet. You half-heartedly join in, clapping along with his friends while the blue fire eats his name. The sound of singeing seals Cedric’s fate; if his name is popped out tomorrow night, he was in the game. 
The Tournament was filled with hard tasks, doubling the intensity most likely since the volunteers were at legal age. Times were pretty messed up right now and you wouldn’t put it past whoever was behind this to make the students work for the reward. The uncertainty is what would kill you… and possibly Cedric. 
Alfred already has the blonde in a chokehold when you turn back to them. You watch as the rest give him pats on the back or words of positivity, the worry slowly dissipating when you see the smile on his face. He lets out a laugh before pushing his friend off of him and lurching off him and onto you. 
You barely have time to hug back as he starts to squeeze you, letting out another laugh. 
“Oi, Cedi, I don’t think they’ll let you participate if you’re in Azkaban for suffocating me to death,” You joke but he only tightens his hold. The pressure and his excitement rubbing off of you makes you giggle. 
He pulls back slightly and stares at you for a moment then he places a wet, sloppy kiss on your forehead and disappears back into his crowd of friends. A large blush appears on your face from his affectionate action. It wasn’t like you weren’t touchy with your friends, far from it, but the new crowd of students intimidated you. You could feel the eyes burning into your skin and you just wanted to combust. 
A tuff of red hair comes into view and you reach out for safety. Ron’s head turns as he feels a gentle touch on his elbow, his confusion dissipating when he sees you falling into step with him and Harry. 
“Oh, hi (Y/N).” He greets you with a small smile which you half return, “Pretty wild that Cedric put his name in the cup, huh?” 
You nod absent-mindedly, looking around the students standing about the room to see if you spotted the two nimrods you were searching for. “Have you seen the twins?” 
He shakes his head and you turn to Harry who does the same. You let out a sigh, dropping your hand from your hold on him and looking down at your shoes. You wanted to find the twin before they finished their potion, hoping to help them out instead of having them kill themselves prior to them even putting their name into the Goblet. There was an apology in order from you once you realized how your words had a double meaning to them. You weren’t trying to undermine them, you were just scared to lose them. 
Harry seemed to notice your face fall and the gears turning in your head, “Why are you looking for them? Is everything okay?” 
You bite your lip, debating telling the two what happened. “I kind of… yelled at them this morning for wanting to put their name in.” You shyly admit making Ron let out a light laugh. Your eyes immediately snap to him and send him a scowl. He doesn’t seem to get the hint until Harry knocks his shoulder with his. 
“Yea, I would be mad too if I were as close as you were with them.” The black-haired boy consoles, “Who would want to put their life at risk for a silly title and some galleons?” 
Sometimes you wonder how someone could be so rude to that boy. You didn’t interact with Harry a lot but when you did it was always pleasant. 
You open your mouth to respond but it dies in your throat when the room fills with cheers and hooting. All eyes turn toward the door as the twins bounce through causing an uproar. People clap as they hold up the long glass vials, showing off their finished product. 
Their cockiness makes every bit of guilt and remorse you feel fly out the window. Sure, it was kind of impressive that the two could whip up such a complicated potion within less than 24 hours but still. They were prancing around like it wasn’t going to be the thing that killed them. 
Maybe you were being a bit extreme. But, still, it was a stupid idea. They had an age restriction for a reason. 
After a brief conversation with Hermione who pointed out that the age line would just knock them out (something your brain failed to point out before your emotions took over), they make a show of linking arms like a couple at a wedding and down the liquid. 
Your breath hitches when they drop from the bench and leap over the age line, the room going silent in anticipation. When nothing happens, the crowd resumes praising the two. You can’t help yourself from smiling, a weird sense of pride replacing the worry since they outwitted Dumbledore himself.  
The boys dance around the circle, yes-ing and throwing thumbs up to everyone. They then both raise an arm and drop their papers into the Goblet. The same bolt of panic that surged through you when Cedric put his name in shoots through your spine again. You didn’t have any time to dwell on the feeling before their whole plan turns sour. 
Blue flames twist out of the goblet, swirling in the air before shooting out and blasting the red-haired nitwits. The blow sends them flying back, students circle them once they land. You’re too far away to see what they’re doing, too busy processing what just happened before chants fill the air. 
“Oh Merlin,” You finally snap out of it, rushing around the circle and rushing towards them. You wiggle through the crowd, pushing people out of the way and halting when you come to the front. The twins were rolling around on the floor, greybeards and all, wrestling each other. 
You let out an indigent sound, angry at the two for getting themselves into this situation in the first place but also at everyone who is just sitting back and watching. 
Rushing forward, you try to pull the two old men apart. You tug at whoever was on top’s robes and a hand flies back to hit you. You gasp at them, grabbing the hood and using all your strength to at least give them a hint. The twin on top rolls off beside the other and they both look up at you. 
You stare down at them, they both have long grey hair and matching fluffy beards. There was a small skip of a beat in your heart as you looked at what the two would look like when they were old. Hopefully, this won’t be the only time you would see the two like this. 
Shaking your head to knock the paranoid thoughts out, you focus back on the situation at hand. “Are you two stupid? Even Hermione told you that it wouldn’t have worked.” They just share a pained glance with one another. You snap your fingers, grabbing their attention again but all you get is their puppy dog eyes. “Why don’t you two listen to me ever?” 
They send you a sheepish smile, barely visible under their large beards. You let out a dramatic groan, “Get up, nimrods.” You signal them with one hand and turn around, not bothering to see if they are following. The sea of students part for you, the scowl on your face enough to strike fear into them to clear a path without question. 
None of you say anything until the three of you were out in the corridor, the only words being spoken along the way were Ron wishing the twins good luck. Once the doors shut, the two start bickering once again. 
You’re tempted to stomp your foot like a child, but you are too busy focusing your energy into not tripping up the staircase. People stare as you march through the corridors, some Beauxbatons students whispering in French as you pass. 
The twins bump into you when you stop abruptly. Both of them are about to mouth off something yet decided against it when you raise a finger. “Could you two stop for one second?” One of them, Fred presumably, opens his mouth to spit something back but George stops him with a light smack to his chest. You give him a grateful smile before digging into your robes for something. 
Two potions daggle in front of the two boys making the older, well usually older, one roll his eyes. “You really made a bloody antidote. Do you have zero faith in us?” He scoffs but takes the potion and storms off. 
You call after him, giving up when he turns a corner and disappears. As much as you like Fred and appreciate the friendship he forced upon you, he was quite difficult to make amends with when a problem arises. A frustrated huff escapes your mouth and your shoulders slump. Would he have rather gone to the hospital wing and get in trouble?  
Deciding it was better to talk to him when he cools off, you turn back around to face the remaining twin, “I’m sorry, Georgie.” A guilty smile crosses your lips, “You have to be a wiz at charms and potions to pull the pranks. I didn’t mean to insult your guys’ intelligence, just your decision making skills.” He rolls his eyes, “I mean, I just don’t understand why you two would just jump on the opportunity to basically kill yourself for money.” 
“Well, we’d rather die than not get the money.” 
“George— “ 
A small smirk appears on his face when your voice raises a few octaves, anything to release some of the tension built up between the three of you. “Love, I’m kidding.” He runs a soothing hand over your scalp, running it down your arm and ending its journey when his hand slips into yours. You lean into his touch easily, glad they’re not the wrinkled ones from moments before. “You really don’t get it, do you?” 
His tilted head makes you frown, you truly had no idea why the two were so adamant about joining this tournament. The risk outweighed the reward by miles. You felt guilty about calling them stupid, not about being protective of them. You just shake your head in return and let him guide you to a nearby bench. 
The red head opens his mouth then closes it, not knowing how to express his feelings without you taking it the wrong way. “Fred was right when he said we don’t have money like you do-- not that he said it in the nicest way,” He quickly adds when he sees your head tilt down in shame, “Nor do we have the same notoriety that comes with your last name. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just--” He trails off and looks past you, trying to reorganize his thoughts. 
“I don’t know my privilege sometimes.” You finish for him, and he nods to confirm. “I’m sorry, I guess I didn’t realize that.” The connections make sense, the glances shared between them when you went to the shop together, the nervous expression on George’s face every time you exchanged gifts during holidays, the staying at home during Hogsmeade weekends with “doing homework” excuses. 
“We needed the money to open the joke shop and the allure it would get being owned by a Triwizard Champion, not because we wanted it for anything else.” He explains fully, glad to the realization on your face. 
“What about the money from your bets at the cup?” 
“Bagman said we needed a lesson about underage gambling.” 
“That no good--” 
George lets out a chuckle at how easily you switch moods. “Love, it’s fine.” He doesn’t know what’s gotten into him when he goes to run his other hand over your head again. The clarification of you worrying about him -them- waters his insides as his crush on you blossoms even more, “We’ll figure something out, Fred and I already have some plans.” 
You huff and lean into him, “I am truly sorry, George. I really didn’t mean to insult you guys. I worry about Cedric but if something happened to you.” You look down at your intertwined hands, enjoying the moment before your eyes widen, “--Or Fred!” You quickly add, realizing what you said. If he heard your slip, he didn’t mention it. But, if you took a daring glance, you would see his bright red face. “Is there anything I can help with? As an apology?” 
He fiddles with a loose string on the sleeve of your robe, debating between his options. “Do my potions essay?” That earns him a slap on the wrist making him giggle and squeeze you closer to him. 
“I’ll be your first employee.” You offer, running through different ideas through your head. “I bet I can stock shelves faster than you.” A proud claim yet there is a mischievous glint in your eyes as you look up at him. 
His mind goes blank at the thought of you suggesting a future event with him after graduation even if it was to make up for some silly understanding. Add that to the way you’re looking up at him, he couldn’t tell someone his name if they asked. He’s glad Fred stormed off because if his brother saw him this way, he could never live it down. 
You call out to him, pulling him back into reality. 
He feels his cheeks start to heat up, so he just pushes your head back into his shoulder, “We’ll see if you’ll have time once you’re traveling the world saving creatures.” You easily tuck into his side and fall into step with him as he starts moving the two of you down the corridor. 
You falter a little at the mention of your dream career, the possibility of it slowly dwindling as time goes on. “I’ll always have time for my favorite Weasley.” The response comes so immediate, like it’s something you’ve said to him a thousand times. It’s like you don’t know what you do to him when you say those words— well, you couldn’t have since he’s never told you. 
“I mean Ginny, of course. Not you.” 
One last blow to regain the normalcy between you too. George recovers rather quickly this time, pinching your sides to make you as frazzled as he was. You let out a squeal, surprised by the action and push your face into him more. 
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keykeep · 2 years
Kinktober Day 16: Call The Shots- George Weasley
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Authors note: Dear Anonymous, hope this is hot enough for you 🔥
Warnings: Wall Sex, Anal, Female Masturbation, Overstimulation, Vaginal Sex, Oral (F)
You heard the door slam in your apartment above the Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. You jumped at the alarming sound. You knew George was home from work and if that sound was anything to go by, He didn't have a good day.
Suddenly, you were pushed up against the wall and pinned there capturing your hands above your head. Through gritted teeth, he spoke "You have some explaining to do" You wiggled trying to escape his grip but it was solid. "you sent me pictures of you naked while I was in a work meeting". He pushes his hips against you and you feel the erect cock press against you. Your breath catches in your chest as you gasp.
"You feel that don't you? I've been like that all day, did you really think I would forgive and forget?" he says with a smirk his fiery brown eyes raking over your body. His muscular hands trap your face with his lips claiming yours in an urgent fashion, his tongue intertwining with yours. The kisses turned to growing lust.
As a moan escapes his mouth, you feel him press into you again as his hands rip open your clothing sending buttons flying around the room. “You’re wearing too many clothes,i needed them off” he says.
As his making out with you, his hands roam over your body giving you goosebumps as you dig your nails into his back.
His hands slide over your breasts caressing them through your sheer bra causing you to moan against his mouth. Your nipples pebble under his touch as you push your chest into his hand. His hands unclasp your bra as it falls to the floor. His hands slide down your body to your sheer underwear as he rips it off your body leaving you in front of him nude.
You feel a finger push deep inside you as he slowly teased you by rotating his finger slower and more sensual causing you to whimper moving with his hand desperate to feel the pleasure. His finger began moving in and out of your wet cunt with ease. The movement made you feel like you were melting into the floor as you arch up against his hand. He inserted a second finger and you turned into a puddle, his movements grew harder and faster.
His burning gaze bore into yours as he pulls out before penetrating you deeper. You whimper at the feeling building inside as he says “you like that don't you baby?” you nod looking into his eyes. Before he kisses you deeply as he mumbles “I know you do, I can feel it” he chuckles darkly. You feel the other hand rub your clit faster than the fingers as you start bucking your hips, close to explosion.
His lips brush against your ear as he says “look at me when you cum” as if your body heard his words, a cold shiver ran up your spine as your knees go weak, holding onto George's biceps as your orgasm flowed through you.
He pulls his fingers out of you as his strong hands grip the back of your head pulling you into a nice hard kiss. As he kisses you, his hands go to his belt expertly releasing his erect cock and removing any clothing left on his body. You admire your boyfriend's strong body from his ginger hair and freckles peppered all over his body. His thick biceps, the lean muscles of his abdomen and his above-average cock.
Next thing you felt the cold feeling of the wall against your body, you felt his lips against your ear and his cock press against your ass. “ you're not going to sit down for a month” as he pushed his rock into your asshole for the first time. As he pulls you closer to him holding you in place so you couldn't get away. You suddenly felt his fingers in your asshole cool with lube, as he began working them inside of you, you focussed on your breathing as he withdrew his fingers before adding a second. You could feel your insides being spread as his fingers moved in and out. Suddenly you didn't feel his fingers you felt his cock as he pushed his hips forward.
His hips pushed himself deeper inside you, you cried out as you bit your lip, he withdrew his cock before leaning forward and thrusting it back in, each time deeper thrusts as you got into a rhythm, hips pushing back to meet each thrust. You felt another orgasm approach you faster this time and by George’s heavy breathing you could tell he was close too. He held you up as you moan loudly through your orgasm. He pulled out of you as you groaned at the loss of contact. You noticed he left you in the room breathing hard and physically spent leaning against the wall for support as he went to clean himself up.
You realised he never orgasmed, he had complained of being hard all day and now he never came. Caught up on your thoughts you never heard George enter the room again, nor did you hear him crouch down but you did feel his strong tongue on your wet folds. As he licked your clit swirling his tongue in torturous circles against you. He hummed against your body, licking thoroughly back and forth your swollen lips with the occasional special attention on your clit, but when you felt his tongue deep inside you, you moaned his name, his mouth latching onto your clit sucking as you grabbed his hair, “I will never get tired of hearing you moan my name” he continued to devour you as your legs shook muscles clenching all around your body, he pushes his face deeper against you as you came, he kept licking until you calmed down.
You yawned physically spent from endless orgasms, George picked you up as you wrapped your arms around him. “I think there is one last orgasm left in you” “Baby please” you moaned. He slowly rocked his hips back and forth, gliding into your slick cunt, savoring your invitation into warmth and softness.
As he plunged his thick cock inside you, you heard yourself tell him ‘harder, faster,deeper’ and he was more than happy to oblige your requests. He began to slam into your pelvis hard.
He continued sliding in and out of you at a fast pace. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the room. As well as groans and moans from both of you. “Look at me baby” George said as you looked at his sweaty face and wild hair those brown eyes staring back at you with intense love.
You gripped down on his cock as you let out a massive cry. Followed by George’s mighty grunt as his orgasm follows suit. Your orgasms peaking as you wrapped your arms around his neck as you felt him empty himself into you, feeling your walls squeeze every drop out of him.
You cuddle up to his chest as he strokes your hair.
“Sorry, for teasing you” you mumble “let this be a lesson you'll never forget”. George said.
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shadowbriar · 1 year
George Fabian Weasley Masterlist
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♤ Angst - ♡ Fluff - ✮ AU - ♛ Popular
♡ Overtime: Inspired by Overtime by Seafret. George gathers the courage to confess to the Gryffindor Head Girl who always seemed to have a handful heart.
♤♡ Never Walk Away Again: Inspired by Never Gonna Leave This Bed by Maroon 5. She knew that she’s playing with fire from the beginning, but his demeanour has poured nothing but gasoline and now she’s the only one burning in flame as he watches on the side.
♡ Mother Knows Best: The Weasley family dinner might not just be another gathering this time as Molly Weasley invited his long lost lover. Set after the Great War. Fred is very much alive.  
♡♛Pretend Boyfriend: “Well, since you don't have anyone you want to go with and that I need someone to shield me from these boys, would you please be my pretend boyfriend?” George deals with his feelings as he falls deeper for her in their fake relationship.   
♤♡ Soul Bound: The old grimoire was wide open for her to read. Truth be told, she never thought she would ever need to open the grimoire. But desperate time calls for desperate measures and that’s certainly what she is right now.  
♤♡♛Delicate [Requested]: Insecurity and misunderstanding led the boy to ask the wrong girl for the Yule Ball.
♤ Starcrossed: George Weasley x Malfoy!Reader George comes to the realisation that sometimes, somethings are destined to end.  
♤♡ One Day [Request]: Being the centre of attention all of their lives has made the two crave for privacy and tranquillity more than anything, but would solitude be a good enough reason to keep their relationship secret?  
♤♡ Loved and Lost You [Requested]: Fake dating gone wrong when she realises that her silly idea to help the Hufflepuff boy costs her his bestfriend.  
♤♡ Nothing’s Gonna Hut You Baby: The war took something from everyone and it certainly took a big part away from George Weasley.
♤ Vitalum Vitalis: Balancing the scales of life and death is never close to the word safe, but what else could she do when he’s losing his other half?
♤ Reignite: One ill-considered joke leads to another hasty decision that though both of them have to suffer the disastrous aftermath, only one could try to light the spark again.
♤ Ember: This story is part II of Reignite. He crawls back to the past, trying to salvage whatever is left of them. But one could only try so much before their heart yields and cave in defeat.  
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years
Tis the Season... Mistletoe Season
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Pairing: George Weasley x Best Friend!reader 
Characters: Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Best Friend!reader, Ginny Weasley, Molly Weasley, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Arthur Weasley (briefly mentioned), Bill Weasley (briefly mentioned), Harry Potter (briefly mentioned)
Warnings: Shenanigans, this is crack I swear, use of mistletoe, Reader is late to the crushing on a Weasley twin game, fluff, slight angst (at the end), reader has the best friendships with the twins, mentions of the war, mentions of... Fred (I somehow can’t not mention him when I write for George)
Word Count: 2,256
“I know someone who has a crush on you,” Fred whispers in a sing song tune. 
You don’t look up from your essay, adding a coma where you see it needs to be. “Are you sure that it isn’t you, Fredbear?” 
“I still prefer Fred the one with Fabulous,” he lifts his hand, swishing his hair all about. “Hair but whatever.” Fred yanks the nearest chair and sits on it with his arms crossed. 
“No, no, no,” you repeat. “No sitting.” 
“And, why not? You saving it for someone? The real someone who has taken a liking to you for some reason.” You scoff, shoving his shoulder. “I’ll have you know, Fred that I’m a delight.” 
He nods, pretending to listen as he stares off into the space in front of you. “You still coming over?” 
“And break Molly and Arthur’s hearts? No thanks mate. I’m not that crazy.” 
“Same time?” 
You think about it for a minute. “You mean when you drag me home with you?” 
“Same time.” 
“You better be ready or else I’m leaving without you.” 
“You’re the one that’s late. Last time, I went out and you weren’t there so then I figured you’d forgotten because you had other plans involving your pranks and I went to Diagon Alley.” 
“I was on time,” he scoffs. 
“You showed up three days late.” 
“Whatever. You better have everything you need before you come over.” 
“I will because I’m leaving Hogwarts with the Weasley clan.” 
“You are?” 
You nod, returning your attention to your homework. “I am, I’ve already written to your mum about it, and she can’t wait.” 
“I don’t know if I should be concerned or not that you’ve talked to her.” 
You turn towards him, head resting in your palm, fingers curled settling on your cheek. 
The sarcastic and dark smile sends a shiver down his spine. “And you wonder why I don’t invite you to help George and I with pranks.” 
“Oh, shut it!” You shove his shoulder. “You lie.” 
“I would never,” he says with his right hand over his heart. “Scouts honor.” 
“You have no idea who or what the scouts.” 
“Harry said it.” 
You barely walk through the hallway to your usual meeting spot with Fred when you hear his voice. 
“Finally. Let’s go.” 
You scoff, “can’t even be a charming mate and help me with my bag. You can clearly see I’m struggling here.” 
Before he could respond, someone took your bag from you. “Thank you, George. I’ll buy you a chocolate frog as repayment for your kindness.” 
His brothers jaw drops open. 
“Don’t you start with me, Fred. Your brother has been more helpful than you, therefore he deserves a nice treat before we go home to the chaos.” You start walking ahead of the two, not wanting to hear Fred being a little shit. 
“Told you.” 
“Told me what,” George grumbles, hoping that the cold air will take away some of the warmth from his cheeks before you could see. 
“She fancys you. Why is this so hard for you to understand?” 
“Her offering to get me something on the train doesn’t mean she likes me.” 
“The only other time she got someone a chocolate frog was our second year and she bought it for that idiot Bobby.” 
George pauses, taking in this new information he’s just learned. “Wasn’t he the bloke who stood her up?” He continues to walk towards the train. 
“Exactly,” Fred nods. “She liked him, so she bought him a chocolate frog. Now she likes you and wants to buy you a chocolate frog.” 
“Maybe- Maybe she’s just being nice.” 
“I’m nice but I don’t buy people chocolate.” 
“That’s because you eat it all before anyone can get to it like the toad you are.” 
“That was uncalled for!” Fred shouts, chasing after his brother. 
You turn around, realizing neither of them are behind you only to run into something. 
“Sorry,” his voice comes out quiet. 
You lift your head from his chest and realize it’s George. You shake your head, smiling at him. “It’s alright, better you than the other one.” 
He chuckles. 
“Are you alright though?” You step back, placing your hands on his forearms as you check him out, making sure he’s not injured. “Oh, you’re looking a little red. Are you sick?” 
He shakes his head, lowering it to hide his embarrassment. “I’m fine.” A piece of paper slides by his foot. “Look up. Tis’ the season.” 
He can hear Fred snickering off to the side, his nerves are teetering closer to the edge of full-fledged embarrassment. He slowly lifts his head to find a bundle of Mistletoe beside you. He walks away from you, rushing over to Fred so he can bear him or spell him, whichever comes first. 
You notice the note and bundle, covering your mouth to hide your nervous and excited smile. 
George comes back, his hand on your back as he guides you onto the train. “Let’s go.” 
“Are you sure you’re, okay?” 
“Would be better if my brother would stop being such a prat.” 
“Good to know we agree on something. Oh.” 
“What is it?” 
“Sit with me and you’ll find out.” 
“Prank Fred?” 
You nod, a wide smile dancing across your lips. 
“I have a notebook full of ideas.” 
He finds an empty seat for three even though you’ll both try to kick his brother out. “Let’s get started, shall we?” 
“Hey, can I-” 
“I’m your brother, Georgie. Let me sit with you.” 
“That’s rude to say to your best friend.” 
“I have George, that seems like plenty of company to me.” 
“Why do you hate me?” 
“Should we let him in before he causes a scene?” You ask him. 
“If we do, we won’t be able to plan anything.” 
“I know what to do. Don’t you worry about that.” 
He stops when he notices you two have stopped whispering. 
“Come in and shut it.” 
“Good. I was worried I’d have to do something Ronnykins in order to have a seat.” 
You roll your eyes. “Shut up.” 
“Gladly... but-” Fred raises his hands when he sees your glare. “Alright, alright. I’ll shut up now.” 
“Oh, look at you, dear.” Molly greets you with a smile, arms wide open for a hug. “Have they been feeding you?” 
“Fred stresses me.” 
“Oh, that won’t do. Fred!” 
You snicker into her embrace. 
The boy hops down from the last few steps, wondering why he’s being called down like he’s in trouble until he sees you. 
Now it all makes sense. 
“Why have you been putting stress on your friend?” 
“What? Stress? I haven’t-” 
“Don’t try and deny it. Look at her.” 
“She looks fine.” 
“Fred Weasley! You little-” 
You sneak away while your friend whines. You stare up, knowing that he’s around here somewhere. 
His head pops over the railing, his arms crossed as he leans over slightly. 
You give him an okay hand signal with a nod. 
He smiles, waving you up. 
You look back, making sure no one is watching so you can escape. 
He backs away from the railing, leaning against the wall as he waits for you. 
You snicker as your foot touches the last step, “Oh that was too funny.” 
“It was. It’ll be funnier later.” 
“I hope so. Do you think he'll know it was us?” 
He shrugs, “maybe. Maybe not. He’s gonna try and blame us but we won’t break, right?” 
You shake your head and hold your hand out for him, “I’ve got your back as long as you have mine.” 
He shakes your hand, holding onto it longer than a normal person would. 
Ginny’s voice travels up as she runs up the stairs bringing you two out of your mini staring contest. 
‘He has really pretty eyes- oh no.’ “Uh- I gotta- bye.” You pass the youngest Weasley and run down the stairs. 
You stop in the kitchen, resting your back against the wall. ‘I fancy my best mate’s brother, who’s also my best mate.’ “Oh Merlin,” you head falls back, resting against the wall. 
“What’s got you all flustered?” a mumbled voice comes from beside you. 
Your head snaps over at his. “Noth-nothing Ron. All good here,” you give him a nervous smile. 
He narrows his eyes at you, taking another bite out of his snack. 
“Ignore him,” Fred shoves the boy away from you. “Good plan you two created back there. You should be proud.” 
You narrow your eyes at him, ignoring him as you search for your bag. 
“What’s got you all red? You’re face practically matches my hair.” 
You march in front of him, index finger a mere few centimeters away from his chin. “Shut up.” 
“Calm down,” he pushes your hand away from him. 
All of a sudden, he’s on the ground and you’re being pulled away. 
“Wha- George?!” 
He sheepishly smiles. “I’m back.” 
Neither of you say anything. 
“Would you two look at that? Why is that- Hermione, is that what I think it is?” 
The girl stares at him with furrowed brows, unsure of why she’s been brought over and then she sees it. 
A quiet, “oh,” escapes her. “If you’re talking about mistletoe, then I do believe your right, Fred.” 
“And what is that?” You ask, jaw clenched. 
A mischievous smirk takes over, “if I remember correctly when I asked Harry, which I do. You and whoever stands under the mistletoe must share a kiss and not- not on the cheek or the forehead or anywhere else. I know you and loopholes.” 
“That,” you point up to the bundle, “that is- is holly.” 
“No, it’s not.”
“No, it’s not,” you whine. 
“Fred,” George starts. 
“No, Georgie boy. You’re not getting out of it today.” 
“Out of what?” You ask him. 
“Oh, look at that. Ron’s choking- we’re coming to save you brother of mine. Have fun, you two.” 
“What did he mean by that?” 
“Huh? Oh, nothing,” he rocks on the balls of his heels. 
“Well, now that’s just rude-” 
You take a step closer to him. “How is it rude?” 
“You called me a liar with no proof,” he tells you, also taking a step forward. 
“Well, maybe it’s because I know you and I know when you’re lying.” 
“Only Fred can do that.” 
“You forget, I can tell the two of you apart.” 
He nods, eyes focusing on your lips. “You can.” 
You try to respond with a witty comeback only to feel his lips smashed against yours. It takes you a second for your brain to process his movements but before he can pull away, you eagerly return the kiss. 
“Finally… wait, does this mean you two are gonna be doing this all the time?” Fred has the audacity to ask (when he was the one pushing you two to get closer for the last few months. 
You two part, his hands on your waist, yours wrapped around his neck. You share a look with him and glances back at your friend. 
“Yes,” the two of you say in sync. 
“Oh, Merlin.” 
You giggle, turning to look at George again. “Good holiday so far?” 
“Best one before I ask you a question.” 
“Hmm. What’s that?” 
“If I tell you now, it’ll ruin the surprise.” You pout but he makes it up by showering you in affection. 
After Fred and George decide to open WWW, Weasley Wizard Wheezes, he proposed to which you happily accepted and got married after the war. 
You would have chosen to do it sooner had their older brother, Bill, not planned on getting married around that time. 
But you both had something to honor him. You used the pin he secretly made when he found out George had begun to fancy you. It was a prototype then and once the shop was open and he had proper tools and supplies he was able to successfully make a one-of-a-kind hair pin that popped out a small veil. 
The only reason you found it was because Fred had, at some point, stuffed it into your jacket pocket before you all left for Hogwarts. 
You thought your fiancé had barely just fallen asleep when you began weeping as you read his note. 
I always knew he would ask you to marry him and, look at that, I’m right. Ha! 
This is the first and only of its design, don’t lose it or else I’m gonna be upset when it’s time. 
Put it in place and it’ll work, I promise. 
P.S. I better be best man. I don’t have the right figure for a maid of honor dress. 
Warm arms and shaky hand pulled you close to him. 
And George, he wore Fred’s friendship bracelet, the one you made (during one of your crafting stages) after the two of you decided you were gonna be friends and pranking partners, if there ever called for a time. 
It was the only thing Fred wore on his wrist since it was “special”. Also, he would never switch with him if they pretended to be the other. 
You two didn’t leave each other’s sides during this time but as time went on, you two slowly began to get help regarding your trauma while learning how to heal and not lose one another. It pains you to say but, it’s possible that your friend’s unfortunate death brought you two closer and more understanding of how special it is to know someone and have the kind of bond you two do. 
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darling-i-read-it · 2 years
A Slytherin's Gryffindor
George Weasley x fem!Slytherin!reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: Draco being an asshole (he breaks up with the reader, makes crude/cruel jokes at George and her), physical violence, slight insinuations to smut 
Author’s Note: HELLOO
If you remember this story you probably read Horrid Ex Boyfriends which I wrote in 2020 but I feel like I’ve grown a lot since then and wanted to take my hand at rewriting some old fics. I loved this one much more in its current form <;3 
The original request: by anon, Hello love, your pinned post made me all fluffy inside: I’ve dreamed of this story for so long!! Could you do a Draco Malfoy’s Slytherin ex-girlfriend hating the Weasley twins but amidst the break up, finds herself drawn to George and falling for him? Just so you know, I even read the stories about fanbase I do not know because your writing is A+ !!! ❤️
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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Draco gave you a look you didn’t recognize. You knew his face by now. You knew his expressions better. Dating the Slytherin heir came with its perks but it also came with its downsides, like having to know exactly what he was feeling for the sake of yourself and everyone around you. 
But this look seemed unfamiliar. You sat together at the table in the Great Hall, across from Goyle and Crabbe. You didn’t particularly like either boy but you tolerated them for the sake of Draco. 
“What��s wrong?” you asked, gently, trying to coax out some sort of emotion. His face wiped of any disdain. 
“Nothing,” he snapped. You widened your eyes. 
“Alright.” You cleared your throat, putting down your fork. “Do you want me to meet you after the Quidditch game tonight?” 
“Don’t bother,” he said. “I have things to do.” 
“Oh? What kind of things?” you asked, defensively. 
“Nothing that concerns you.” 
“What is your problem Malfoy?” There was a loud bout of laughter coming from the Gryffindor table. Your eyes followed the noise, landing on the familiar group of redheads. George Weasley’s head was resting on the table. He was shaking from laughter. You found yourself longing to know what they were laughing at. They always seemed to be having more fun than you were. 
“Damn Weasley’s think they’re the only people in the world,” Draco grumbled. “Don’t they know we can all hear them?” 
“You didn’t answer my question,” you pointed out. 
“We’ll talk later,” he promised, voice sneering. He reminded you of his father then. You had the displeasure of meeting Lucius on multiple occasions and the more you watched Draco grow the more he became like him. Was that his goal all along? Did he strive to be the heir his father wanted him to be? Or did he want to be his own person, more like his mother? 
You got up from the table and grabbed your bag. If you could sit with the Gryffindors you would, if only to annoy your boyfriend. You left the Great Hall and Draco didn’t even bother to watch you go. 
George did, only because you caught his eye. Dinner wasn’t even halfway over. You had a determined look on your face that intrigued him. No matter how much your boyfriend attempted to put the Weasley’s down, you never were able to join him. You usually stood, a bystander, which implicated you only in your silence. 
George stood abruptly. 
“Where are you going?” Fred questioned, still laughing about the tail end of some other joke. 
“I’ll be right back,” he promised, the light hearted smile never leaving his face. He rushed to the doors, suddenly eager to follow you. 
The silence outside of the Great Hall was sometimes deafening. It always surprised you when the loud voices became muffled. You never felt more alone than when you were no longer part of Hogwarts student body. You were just a girl inside a large school, far too large for her own good. 
It was easy to hear that someone had followed you. The door opened, creaking, and the voices were loud once more for just a moment. You leaned between some pillars, against a stained glass window. You should get your books for your next class. Forget Draco entirely, focus on the schoolwork you knew you had to get done. 
You expected Draco to round the corner, a forgiving look on his face, knowing that you would mend things with him again. You were startled to see a gentle look and some red hair. You squinted, confused. 
“Miss Slytherin, what on Earth are you doing out here?” he questioned. He crossed his arms. He wasn’t here for some other reason, he had followed you. You glanced behind him, attempting to find Fred. Surely they were here to tease you mercilessly, just as Draco would’ve done to them. 
“Where’s your better half?” you asked, bitterly. He clicked his tongue, shaking his head. 
“He’s still eating, just as we both should be.” 
“Who’s stopping you from going back?” 
“A very solemn look on a very not solemn girl.” You hardened your face defensively. You looked down at your shoes, hoping not to reveal anything else to him. 
“I’m fine. Just getting some air, Weasley, don’t worry about me.” 
“I’m not worried. I’m curious. There’s a large difference.” You found yourself grateful for his care. Draco should’ve been the one to follow you but he never would've been inquisitive on your feelings. He would’ve told you his, begged you to forgive him, promise it would never happen again. 
“I’m fine,” you repeated but it sounded less true this time than it had the first time. 
“I can sniff out liars. It’s a skill I have, courtesy of Ron being best friends with the boy who lived and such.” You eyed him, guarded. “Alright, well you can’t say I didn’t try.” 
He started to back away. 
“It’s Draco. Though I suppose that gives you satisfaction doesn’t it?” 
“I can’t lie, it absolutely does.” He smiled slyly. “But you don’t deserve whatever that twat has dished out.” You looked back down at your shoes. 
“Thank you Weasley,” you said, quietly, like saying it any louder would mean you’d have to confront the situation. 
“Do you know which Weasley I am?” he questioned, hands in his pockets, a familiar trickster look on his face. 
“George,” you said, without missing a beat. “I’m not stupid.” The smile he gave you was genuine. It felt like he had handed you a small promise, a gentle secret. 
The doors to the Great Hall opened. Draco emerged, showing almost no reaction to you and George speaking. Almost. You knew his face and you knew the twitch in his lips and the anger boiling within his eyes. 
“Get lost Weasley,” he said, enunciating clearly. 
“Come to beg for forgiveness Malfoy?” George questioned. 
“I don’t need to tell you twice,” Draco promised, walking between the two of you. George put his hands up in surrender. 
“Not my circus, not my monkeys,” he joked. He sauntered away, throwing you a wink that only you caught. You tried not to smile. It wasn’t until he had returned to the Great Hall that Draco spoke. 
“We need to break up,” he said, clearly. The smile on your face fell into despair. What had you done to warrant this? The question seemed to be painted all over your face because he answered without you saying anything verbally. “We don’t work anymore. It’s nothing you’ve done.” 
Your face twisted. 
“Clearly it is.”
“It’s not. There’s no need to be emotional about this, we both knew it was coming.” You wished you could disagree with him. But you could tell he was distancing himself for this moment. You just thought you could play this game a little bit longer. 
“Alright,” you breathed. “Fine.” 
Draco showed nothing on his face other than awkwardness. He shoved his hands into his pockets. How long had he been wanting to do this? You crossed your arms and turned away, walking farther away from the Hall and back to the dorms. You weren’t going to class this morning. 
“You aren’t going to fight?” he questioned, annoyed.
“Why would I? Clearly you’ve given this a lot of thought. We’re better off without each other.” His jaw set. He wanted a spat. He wanted a fight. Draco and you did nothing better than fight. You two could fight like no one else, screaming, throwing things, kissing and making it all better. 
You wanted to fight him. You knew how it would end. But you also knew you were better off without it this time. 
“Fine,” he said. You were still walking away. Draco had been part of your identity here at Hogwarts. It would be an adjustment without him. 
“Fine,” you repeated and rushed away, turning a corner so you could allow your emotions to flow. 
The next morning you made it halfway to your potions class before giving up. Sitting in the hallway and fake studying seemed so much more appealing than sitting in a classroom with Snape and Draco. You had no energy to make your way to the common rooms or a library so you sat on the steps beside a window, a book in your lap that you weren’t reading. 
You could hear footsteps making their way towards you and you quickly searched for some sort of excuse to be on stairs instead of in class. You were pleasantly surprised to not find a teacher when the footsteps emerged. Fred and George Weasley gave you curious looks. 
“Oi! What are you doing over here?” Fred asked. He seemed a little annoyed that they had run into you. You couldn’t blame him. Draco was cruel to the Weasley family and you couldn’t say that you were any better. You at least, never stopped it. 
“Just ignoring potions,” you said truthfully. You wiped your eyes, just in case any stray tears from your small homework crying session had lingered. 
“What’s wrong?” George asked.  He seemed genuine but you didn’t want to give him the immediate satisfaction that Draco had broken up with you.
“I want to apologize. For being so rude to the two of you, it isn’t something I pride myself on,” you said changing the subject. It had been itching at you since yesterday and you were happy to finally get it out. 
“It’s alright,” George started.
“We rarely think such things personal,” Fred finished.
“I would personally blame the most of it on that horrid boyfriend of yours,” George said. You locked eyes with George. The sympathy on his face led you to believe he knew. He hadn’t been told. He had guessed. 
“Well I suppose you won’t have to worry about him influencing me any longer,” you promised, voice hard. You attempted to ignore the emotions that came with speaking it out loud. He wasn’t worth the tears, you tried to tell yourself. 
“He finally did himself in,” George observed. 
“After I spoke with you yesterday,” you explained. 
“Good to be rid of him then,” Fred said.
“You always did deserve better.” 
“Truly so.” 
All three of you heard footsteps coming down the hallway at the same time. A panicked look came across your face but they remained entirely calm. George grabbed the book off your lap and helped you up. You gazed at him, confused, as he led you to a hallway that hadn’t seemed to be there before. You gasped, looking around, somehow within the walls of Hogwarts. 
“How did you know this was here?” you questioned in awe. 
“Lucky guess,” George promised, hand still holding your arm. It was a tighter space than you had been in before. You heard whoever was walking go past. You remained where you were, looking up at him with curious eyes. 
“This wasn’t a guess. What do you two know?” 
“More than you,” Fred assured. You scoffed, though the laughter was pleasant. You moved away from George, leaning against the wall. 
“You Gryffindors act like Slytherins are the sneaky ones,” you mused. 
“To be fair, a Slytherin created the Chamber of Secrets didn’t he?” You shrugged at the observation. 
“Alright Weasley’s let me out of the walls.” 
It was unexpected, just how drawn you felt to the twins. Especially George. You had never bothered to give them the time of day when you were with Draco. George was easy going when you needed emotional attention. They were light hearted and funny. You needed light hearted and funny. 
The Hogsmeade trip was the highlight of everyone’s month. Getting to leave the school was exciting, even if your school was a literal castle. You had always gone with Draco, even before the two of you dated. Still you forced yourself to get ready, bundle up into a scarf and hat, promising yourself a good time. 
“Hey!” You turned to find George, a smile plastered on his face. He was cozied up for the cold as well, though he was without the twin that usually trailed behind him. 
“Well if it isn’t my favorite Gryfindor,” you mused. “Where’s Fred?” 
“Fred had to stay behind and make up a test for Snape. I offered to help him cheat but he’s already on the terribly bad side of that teacher and decided to fend for himself,” George explained. 
“Well better that than to end up having detention for the next month.” 
“Would you care to be my companion on this trip?” he asked, bowing dramatically and offering a hand. You laughed gently, shivering. It was starting to snow. You took his hand. 
“My red knight,” you teased. He threw his arm around you. You tried not to lean into him, or feel anything at all. You had just broken up with Draco. 
Well, Draco had just broken up with you. 
“Honeydukes?” he asked. 
“I thought you’d never ask.” 
You stopped in for some butter beer and walked around until you were too cold to be outside. By the time you entered Honeydukes you were full and George had a butterbeer foam mustache. You pointed at it, shivering from the new warmth of the shop. 
“I’ve been trying to grow one,” he admitted, not wiping it away. 
“It is a good look,” you admitted, laughing. 
“You think so? Perhaps I could draw one on with some make-up pencils.”
“They’ve got to have some fake mustaches around here somewhere.” George gravitated towards the candles which had some prank ones mixed within them. 
“Which should I bring back to Fred?” he questioned. “I was sorry he had to miss today.” 
“One of those,” you said, pointing at the ones that explode when you light them. “He’d love that.” 
“You’re absolutely right Miss Slytherin. I’m glad you’ve got to come along with me.” 
“Me too,” you said earnestly. You couldn’t remember the last time you had so much fun at Hogsmeade. Your smile lingered more now. George could almost swear you were glowing. It made him want to take you aside, keep you to himself. He refrained and offered you a candle to smell. You leaned in, a serene look going over your face as you breathed in. You made a twisted face. 
“What is that one?” “Firewood.”
“That’s an awful candle!” 
You were laughing when Draco saw you. It was odd, going to Hogsmeade without you. He found himself unable to figure out what he wanted to do. Usually you dragged him around the shops and he ended up buying something you didn’t need. 
Seeing you so happy made his stomach churn. With a Weasley no less. He had thought you would still be heartbroken. He would be lying if he still wasn’t a tad torn up himself.  But you looked immensely unaffected by the lack of him around. 
You looked happier. 
“Goyle, go see what they’re getting,” Draco spat. His friend nodded, eyeing him suspiciously before slinking through the crowd of people. 
“Smell this one,” you said, offering another disgusting one. “You should get this one for Fred, if you’re going to get him the chocolate frog like a good brother. It’s only…” you trailed off, feeling Draco’s gaze. You caught his eye. At the same time George saw Goyle, coming to do Malfoy’s dirty work. 
“Oh bloody hell,” George muttered. He gave you the things he was holding and turned to Goyle who looked like a deer caught in headlights. George grabbed him by the scarf, dragging him over to Draco. 
Draco had never noticed how tall George Weasley was. 
“Made your minion come and do your dirty work, did you?” George questioned. You rushed forward, leaving your things on the table where you were at. 
“What’s your end goal here Weasley? Have you gotten into her pants yet?” Draco questioned, voice like venom. George shoved Goyle at Draco, almost causing both of them to fall over. 
“Listen here Malfoy-” 
“George he isn’t worth it,” you promised, grabbing his shoulder.
“Oh no, let him speak.” Draco stepped up, sizing up the twin. “What, did she call my name instead of yours?” There was nothing you could have done to stop George. He was already throwing the punch before you could even register Draco’s words. 
Draco staggered, hand up to his nose. 
“Watch your tongue Malfoy,” George seethed. You had never seen him so worked up before. You weren’t even sure he knew how to get angry, let alone through a punch as good as that one. Draco’s nose was bleeding, dripping down his chin. Goyle turned to his friend, eyes wide in shock. Hexes were one thing. An actual assault was something completely different. 
“George come on,” you hissed, pulling him away. This time George listened, allowing you to drag him out of the shop. You didn’t speak until you had left the scene completely, landing on one of the hills just outside of Hogsmead. The snow had piled up. You could see the footsteps you took here.
George had calmed down, the red almost completely gone from his face. 
“God George,” you hissed, grabbing his wrist. You looked at his knuckles, now slightly bruised from the impact on Draco’s face. 
“I don’t regret it,” he promised. His general joy was back. 
“Why are you being so nice to me? After all Draco and I put you through, I didn’t deserve that,” you questioned. 
“Fred and I agree, it was always more Malfoy than you.” He paused, gazing down at you. “And I always did think you deserved better than him.” His voice was quieter now. 
“Like who?” you asked before you could even process his words. “You?” You meant for it to come out like a joke but your tone was too soft to have it be read as one. There was a moment of silence. You smiled at his stunned face. You had caught him off guard and he wasn’t sure how to answer. 
“Well yes. I suppose,” George said finally. You smiled. You could feel the cold on your face, making your movement slower than usual but the joy was there either way. 
“Good then.” 
“Good?” he asked. You were still holding his wrist, so close to his hand. 
“We’re in agreement.” He scoffed.
“Agreement then.” 
“Yes. Agreement.” 
“Love, I’m going to kiss you now.” The words sent shivers down your spine. 
“Alright,” you breathed. His lips were warmer than yours. He didn’t allow you to get away with just a peck. He said he would kiss you and he meant it. You were smiling against the kiss, too stunned to do much else than kiss him back. 
When you pulled away you noticed one of his hands were on your side and he had started to hold the one that was once holding his wrist. You could see your breath in the cold but you could see him more clearly. 
“Let’s go back to the school and get a bandage for your hand,” you said quietly. He nodded, keeping your hands intertwined. 
“Just a moment.” He took off his scarf, the red and gold one that signified his house colors. He took off yours, the Slytherin green and black. He wrapped his own scarf around your neck and you watched him with wonderstruck eyes. The scarf smelled like him. It was warm with his body heat. He lazily put yours over his neck. “Alright we can go now.” 
Fred was in the Gryffindor common room when you got back. The school was empty, sans the portraits, ghosts and a few stragglers. Everyone was still going about enjoying their day outside of the grounds. 
“What did you bring me?” Fred questioned, standing up from the couch beside the fire. You had started to shed your layers, taking off your gloves and hat. “You have a severe case of hat hair Slytherin,” he noted. 
“George punched Draco in the face,” you explained brightly. 
“Good for him.” He patted George on the back. “He had it coming.” 
“So we had to run away,” you explained. “Hence, the empty hands.” Fred rolled his eyes. 
“You could have stolen something but alas.” George gave his twin a gaze that caused Fred to pause. There was a beat of silence. “I think I left something in the dorms...” he said, slowly, eyes squinted. 
“Yes that sounds right.” 
Fred backed away, a cheeky smile on his face. 
“Faster Fred,” you said, smiling. You couldn’t remember the last time you had smiled this much. He took the hint and scurried up the stairs. George sat in front of the fire. You looked around for some bandages, finding a familiar box of supplies that you had in the Slytherin common room. You sat beside him, helping him take off his large jacket. 
“You can help take off the rest of my clothing if you would like Slytherin.” You flushed, unable to meet his eyes. 
“I’d like to wrap up your hand first.” 
“First implies a second thing,” he mused. 
“Yes, yes it does.” You finally looked up at his face. He was gazing at you with a look Draco had never even understood. George’s eyes had softened, the lines on the side of his face turned downward. His lips were parted expectantly. “Thank you for today,” you whispered. 
“I’d like to do it again, if you’re up for it.” 
“Punching Draco or kissing me?” 
“Honestly I wouldn’t mind doing both again. But I was talking about the kissing thing.” You giggled. You actually giggled. 
“I already promised that. Don’t be so eager George.”
“I will be as eager as I want to.” 
You gently joked at each other as you wrapped up his knuckles, getting warmer by the fire. He played with his scarf around your neck. He distracted you by trailing his fingers across your jaw. He promised to memorize your face. 
You promised to memorize his.
Harry Potter Tag List:
@karasong @lov3vivian @russian-soft-bitch @elisaa-shelby @alexxavicry @valentina-luvs-u @demigirl-with-problems @chaotic-fangirl-blog @mads-weasley @secret-obsessions @shownuflakes @dumb-fawkin-bitch @captainsophiestark @neptunesbxtch
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year
Exactly my cup of tea. [George Weasley x reader]
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Title: Exactly my cup of tea
Pairing: George Weasley x Gryffindor!reader, background mentions of Cho x Harry.
Timeline: Set during OOTP (mentions of Harry and Cho’s canonical date on Valentine’s Day 1996)
Summary: After Harry’s failed date with Cho at Madam Puddifoot’s, he tells the reader and George all about it. They decide to check out the place for themselves.
Warnings: Brief mentions of sexual acts, no smut or detailed description. Friends to lovers. Just a big ball of fluff 🤍
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"Ughr I'm telling you, it was awful," Harry groans as he throws himself onto the couch next to you in the Gryffindor common room. George, who is sat opposite you in a little armchair looks up from tinkering with his newest invention and gives Harry a look which tells him to carry on. Harry looks around to check no one is listening in before he continues. "It's that stupid teashop! She talked about Cedric the entire time, cried through most of it and when I briefly mentioned Hermione she stormed off and disappeared."
You and George's eyes met very briefly as you tried to stifle the giggles that were threatening to spill out of both of you at the awfulness of the story but you quickly recovered and tried to console Harry.
"It was probably just too soon mate, she probably felt guilty that she wanted to go out with you so soon after his death," you reasoned, earning a slight nod from Harry, who had listened to your opinion.
"Yeah but how long does she need?" George says with a tone to his voice you couldn't place.
"What, you think she can just get over it like that? If it were-." You began to say, only to cut yourself off sharpish when you realised what the next words out of your mouth would be. George gave you a strange look and Harry seemed to be completely oblivious as you carried on. "It's not the same for everyone, these things take time, especially when it was such a shock like that." Both boys silently agreed and we carried on talking about the whole debacle until Fred and Lee joined later on. Harry had described in excruciating detail the floof and frills of the tea house, with its chintzy furniture and outdated wallpaper that looked like a remnant from someone's great grandmothers house. The conversation quickly diverted as Fred began waffling about an idea for a new product that had piqued George's interest and had lost Harry's.
George tinkered with the project a little while longer whilst Fred talked you into designing new packaging for his new idea and drawing up a basic plan for how he wanted it to look. Only when Lee had fallen asleep and had slunk down and dribbled onto Fred's shoulder did you all declare that it was time for bed, seeing that the common room had been vacated by everyone else hours ago.
"I'll be up in a minute," George says, ushering his brother and a very sleepy Lee away. Fred pauses, waiting for you with an outstretched elbow for you to take but you also say you'd be up later with George so he shrugs and walks off to bed.
"So, Harry and Cho..." George says with a smirk, chuckling to himself. You had to giggle back, finally able to now that everyone had disappeared.
"Do you think she meant to take him there? Like, for the reason everyone else goes?" You asked, still laughing.
George looked up at you with confusion for a second, "what, for tea?"
"No you great oaf, it's where couples go when they want to be alone... away from the prying eyes of Hogwarts," you said with a wiggle of your eyebrows. George's eyebrows shot up high on his head at the information, clearly not knowing it was Hogwarts' number one make out spot.
"Go Cho," George says, his shoulders shaking with laughter, to which you snorted in reply.
"Do you think Madam Puddifoot knows that she's running a teen brothel? Or maybe a live sex show at least." George barks out a laugh that is much too loud for the current time and situation and you both fight to hold back your laughter.
"Probably, she is a Madame after all," George laughs with a shake of his head.
"Maybe she puts something in the tea," you joked, "you and Fred should get on that. Aphrodisiac all sorts," you said cheekily, alluding to the popular liquorice muggle sweets that Arthur was so fond of. He laughed again, finally putting down the invention and assortment of tools.
"Shall we go?" He asks.
You look at him completely dumbfounded at his question, shocked that he'd even ask. Reading your reaction, his eyes immediately shoot open and words fall from his mouth to recover, "I didn't mean like that! We should go tomorrow and scout the place out." You can almost make out a small blush settling on his cheeks and you laugh whilst nodding your head.
"It's a date, Weasley. Dress nice!" You smiled and walked over to him to hug him goodnight, something you had both done for years, before you climbed up the stairs toward your dormitory.
The next morning you dress nicely, choosing a cute skirt and sweater to wear as you prepare to meet George ready for tea. When you walk down the stairs from your dorm you see him sat there with a single flower in his hand. He looked so handsome in his blue floral shirt and nice chinos, apparently having listened to your warning of dressing nice.
He rises as soon as he sees you, smiling as you walk down the stairs and you have to remind yourself briefly that it's a fake date.
"You look really pretty," he says as he hands you the flower, causing you to blush as you smile shyly up at him.
"It's not going to squirt water is it?" You laugh, gesturing to the flower. He looks at you with a puzzled expression, clearly not getting the joke.
"It's a muggle thing, like a magic trick? They have flowers that squirt water, mostly clowns," you explain as his eyes widen.
"Muggles have magic tricks?" He asks in complete astonishment. You laugh, nodding as he continues to look amazed.
"You and Fred should sell some, when you open your shop," you chuckle as he leads you out of the common room and down the staircases.
"One eyed witch or regular walking?" You asked George, preparing how you were going to get to Hogsmeade.
He shoots you a little look before replying with a smirk, "regular, I'm not taking you down one eyed witch in your little skirt."
"God it's like Umbridge threw up in here," you commented as you sat at the intimately small table at Madam Puddifoot's tea shop, waiting fir tour tea to arrive, the hideous decor already making you feel claustrophobic.
"Yeah except there's less cats," George mutters, scrunching his face up as he looks around with a loom of utter repulsion.
The exterior of the tea shop should have been enough evidence that the inside was going to be as frilly and pretentious as it was with the powder pink windows and door frames but nothing could have prepared you for this.
There wasn't a single surface inside that wasn't covered in either powderpuff pink, florals or lace. Harry really was telling the truth. There were armoires filled with delicate China teacups and boxed teas that fit the aesthetic of the shop, China plates lined up on the walls alongside some truly hideous artwork of loved up couples and badly painted floral bouquets.
How this place had become a den of inequity you had no idea but there were subtle references to love all around; erotically named teas and treats, picture on the wall that seemed to blend into female silhouettes the longer you looked at it, even some of the cakes on display looked phallic.
You looked around at the couples that were clearly there on dates and had to stifle a laugh at the awkwardness of it all. Some couples looked like it was their first date and were sat awkwardly amongst the sea of people clearly much more comfortable and familiar with each other. Some of the boys looked painfully uncomfortable amongst the ostentatious decor, clearly having not chosen the venue of their date. Most couples however were more than comfortable, most of them glued to each other in one way or another.
Your tea was brought over and you thanked the waitress as you poured the tea for you and George. He hadn't said much since you walked in, more silently observing with an outright puzzled and disgusted expression that you couldn't help but chuckle at.
A few couples, particularly near the back were snogging, no doubt regulars on account of their knowledge to sit at the back and wrapped around the little cozy corners.
"Godric, he'll get lost if he gets any further down her throat," you whispered, laughing at a couple far off in the corner, nodding your head subtly towards them so that George could see. He immediately snorted after catching a glimpse of them, looking around to mock more of the patrons.
"How is this place getting couples riled up? It's like my great aunt Muriel's front lounge," George laughs, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Well it seems to be working regardless," you chuckle, taking a sip of your tea which was actually quite delicious.
"She's definitely getting fingered under the table," you whisper suddenly, nodding towards a couple in the back you and George had been mocking.
George immediately spits out his tea, eyes bulging at your blunt words making you laugh. He wipes down the front of his shirt as his eyes flick over to the couple in question and he quickly looks away from them realising you're probably right. His reaction was so cute that you couldn't help but laugh, seeing George Weasley shy was an incredibly rare occurrence and you were loving it.
"Cushion in the lap," you nod towards a guy on your left sat with a frilly, heart shaped velvet cushion placed in his lap, "might as well have a sign over his head saying 'I've got an erection," you laugh.
"Girls know this stuff?" George whisper-yells, eyes bugged wide, horrified that you'd apparently cracked guy code.
"Only the bad girls," you wink at him before taking another sip of your tea. You couldn't help but notice George begin to vividly blush, all the way up from his collar to the top of his hairline and you smiled sweetly up at him, finding his reaction entirely too endearing.
You both carried on making fun of the couples around you, happily sipping your tea as you enjoyed spending time with George. He'd become a little less bashful over the course of your visit and had began actively mocking the couples, pointing out particularly aggressive ones and making little quips.
When you walked up to the little counter, the waitress passed over your bill and you began reaching into your bag to pull out your little coin purse. At the same time, George reached into his pocket to pull out his own money but you quickly placed down your money and dragged him out of the tea shop before he could fight you on it.
"Why did you pay?" He asks, frowning as he looks over at you. You smiled sweetly if not a little sarcastically at him as you replied.
"My treat, for you being gentlemanly enough not to feel me up under the table," you joked.
"Not like I wasn't thinking about it," he mumbles, making you pause. His eyes widen at he realises he just said that out loud as you both stand frozen, looking at each other with shocked and surprised eyes. Usually you would have thought nothing of a comment like that coming from George, thinking he was simply teasing you but his reaction told you otherwise.
"You wanted, with me?" You said in utter shock, wanting him to clarify what he meant. He was blushing again, not as heavily as before but you could definitely detect a pinkness to his cheeks underneath his freckles.
"Yes," he says, looking up at you nervously.
You didn't think twice and immediately stepped forward, shyly pressing your lips to his. He began kissing you back a few seconds later, assuming the shock had settled and he reached delicately for your hip, holding you to him as he kissed you back.
When you pulled apart, you both smiled nervously at each other, letting out a little awkward chuckle at the sudden twist.
"I told you, she puts something in that tea!"
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waternilly · 3 months
Sunshine & Flowers
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Fandom: Harry Potter Ship: George Weasley x gn!Reader Genre: fluff, post Battle of Hogwarts Word count: 300 Warnings: none A/N: Ah yes, I love me golden retriever men. Can't believe I'll marry one some day fr fr.
Waltzing down the stairs, you hopped off the last step, landing into your kitchen. With a flick of the wrist, you turned on the record player that immediately started an old-timey tune. Busying yourself at the counter, a breakfast soon took shape. Once everything was ready, you picked up your plate and drink, and installed yourself at the 2-person table by the window.
The sun was rising above the roofs of London, tainting the sky with bright orange shades. The streets were still mostly empty, only occupied by the earliest birds of the city. A comfortable warmth was starting to install, the kind that envelops you without making you sweat.
As you finished eating, the doorbell resonated throughout the floor. You were not expecting anyone, but nevertheless, you strode to the entrance and peaked through the peeping hole. Recognizing a bright mass of hair, you promptly opened the door, smiling from ear to ear.
"Good morning!"
With crinkles around his own eyes, George greeted you back before leaning in to press a sweet kiss on your lips.
Just as you were about to welcome him in, he pulled something from behind his back and declared: "And these are for you!"
A bright and colourful bouquet of flowers were offered to you, George's grin not dropping. The composition included some of your favourite varieties and would match perfectly with your tastefully decorated interior.
"What are these for?" you wondered, still beaming, as you closed the door behind you.
George shrugged and offered: "I knew they'd make you happy."
You had to fight the urge to make an awww sound. Instead, you walked over and gently captured his soft lips.
"You make me happy."
"So do you."
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