azspot · 2 years
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walkingdetroit · 3 months
John K. King Used and Rare Books
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I had a wonderful walk today on this beautiful 55 degree afternoon!
I hopped off the Fort/Cass People Mover and made my way over to Lafayette Street to visit John K. King Books, one of my favorite places to spend a few hours. The largest bookstore in Michigan, John K. King features four levels of books to peruse; you'll find everything from the classics to art, film, spirituality, and even artwork.
After leaving the store, I walked down Lafayette and enjoyed some of Desiree Kelly's vibrant pieces, one of my favorite artists in Detroit.
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noovella · 1 year
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Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell
“A gripping first-person account of the Spanish Civil War. Orwell at his best. One of the best books about war ever.”
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epicforwards · 14 days
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“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” ― George Carlin
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carlahantonart · 6 months
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va-diarydash · 9 months
Finding Freedom in Speaking Up
August 3, 2023
Today is another workday, but I feel more energetic since I rested yesterday when I was out sick, even though I wasn't that sick, haha. As soon as I got out of bed, I knew the first task I'd work on. After breakfast and getting ready, I started on that specific task, and I must say, my motivation is coming back, all thanks to Doc. Margie's Management plan.
Delegating tasks is easier now, and I have fewer worries. The only major trigger at work today is my OC tendencies. During a call, a colleague's screen presentation wasn't perfectly aligned, and it bothered me. I wanted to request control of his screen to align the codes. It might sound funny, but I scored high on an OCD test. I shared this with a close friend at the office who knows I'm undergoing psychotherapy. She cracked a joke about it, and we laughed together. Surprisingly, voicing it out helped me; the urge to align his codes faded away, and I let it slide.
Our management team faces various challenges: projects closing soon, overworked staff, utilization, and revenue targets. I can feel the stress and pressure, but voicing out my feelings helps release some of the tension and makes it feel shared within the management. Today, I opened up to all the managers about how stressed and pressured I feel. Since I'm not usually open about my feelings, they were surprised and appreciated my honesty.
I'm also stepping out of my comfort zone by inviting a friend I haven't seen in a while to our house, so we can get ready together and attend a wedding. I'm anxious about our interaction, but I'll embrace being more sociable and just go with the flow. Who knows, it might not be awkward, and we could enjoy catching up while dressing up.
Positive Talk:
- Let your worries be heard; a little voice goes a long way!
- Don't keep everything inside; there are caring ears waiting to listen.
- You're not forever stuck with those quirks; they're just for now, and they can totally get better! ���
- No need to force the talk; let it flow naturally like a sweet melody.
- Inhale, exhale - all will be A-okay! 💕
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guerradeclasses · 1 year
"Então era isso o que se dizia sobre nós: que éramos trotskistas, fascistas, traidores, assassinos, covardes, espiões e assim por diante. Admito que não era nada agradável, especialmente quando imaginava quem eram as pessoas responsáveis por isso. Não é uma coisa prazerosa ver um menino espanhol de quinze anos sendo carregado em uma maca, com o rosto pálido e atordoado, olhando por entre os cobertores, e pensar nas pessoas finas em Londres e Paris escrevendo panfletos para provar que aquele jovem era um fascista disfarçado. Uma das características mais horríveis da guerra é que toda a propaganda bélica, todos os gritos, as mentiras e o ódio vêm invariavelmente de pessoas que não estão lutando. Os milicianos do PSUC que conheci na linha de frente e os comunistas das brigadas internacionais que encontrei de vez em quando nunca me chamaram de trotskista ou traidor; deixavam esse tipo de coisa para os jornalistas na retaguarda. As pessoas que escreviam panfletos contra nós e nos difamavam nos jornais permaneciam seguras em casa ou, na pior das hipóteses, nas redações de Valência, a centenas de quilômetros das balas e da lama. E, além das calúnias da contenda interpartidária, todas as coisas usuais de guerra, o palavreado violento, a grandiloquência, a depreciação do inimigo - tudo isso foi feito, como sempre, por pessoas que não estavam lutando e que, em muitos casos, teriam preferido correr em disparada para não lutar. Um dos efeitos mais deprimentes dessa guerra foi me ensinar que a imprensa de esquerda é tão espúria e desonesta quanto a de direita."
Homenagem à Catalunha, Apêndice 01 George Orwell
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anshhh-if · 2 years
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There are instances when you read a random book and find it really appealing to your senses,  but for the moment you can't clearly fathom the source of the delight, and you ponder over it casually for a while, and suddenly you are like "hell yeah this was the reason, this is what I was waiting for, this is the type of book that interests me". To realise one's taste in reading, as any other self-reflections, is truly a matter of joy. And this is truly quite a great milestone (or a stepping stone, I'm not sure) in his reading career. In a world where there are millions of books and writers, and countless genres, and a reader who is vexed by the idea of what utilitarian choice he can make, it's truly relaxing to finally fix on one and be able to discriminate among the possibilities and confidently venture into what he chose. 1984 is one such book that helped me in finding my type. With its ominous, dystopian setting, compelling characters and its bold use of various tropes and elements to intensify the plot, such as the Thought police, Telescreens, Newspeak and the different ironical ministries, the book was dissecting the performance and propaganda of totalitarian regimes (no wonder why it got banned once). Such a presentation of brutal historical facts through fictional and symbolic means was unprecedented in my readings until then. My fondness for the book brought me to the realisation that books with a political understructure and those concerning the ideas like power, ideology, identity and the sorts are of my interest. I need my mind to be disturbed than relaxed. I need to delve deep into the harsh realities that those in power, the Big brothers and their bureaucrats, make the fellow citizens to go through, their oppressions, interpellations, the propaganda, and all the sorts of force the state brings to 'discipline' its subjects. What makes 1984 the best of its kind, apart from its subject matter, is the way it emphasises its political and ideological thrusts through its careful introduction of linguistics, sexual, corporeal and psychological elements into the plot. #georgeorwell #1984 #animalfarm #bookstagram #book #writing #october #darkacademia #reading https://www.instagram.com/p/CjU61xNB5HK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oblivionwithbells · 2 years
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'The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.'
― 1984 by George Orwell
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I also can't resist a good condition Penguin Classic, this one Animal Farm by #georgeorwell now available. #bookstore #usedbooks #vintagebooks #scifi #sciencefiction #classicscifi #vintagescifi (at The Bookstore On Pluto) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn4TBuOLIYe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Für Pressefreiheit und freie Rede
Staatliche Willkür wie in "1984"
Gestern am 1. Donnerstag im Monat, wie auch an jedem 3. Donnerstag im Monat, fand wieder eine Mahnwache für den seit 14 Jahren seiner Freiheit beraubten Journalisten Julian Assange statt. Viele Jahre im Botschaftsasyl und jetzt seit mehr als 3 Jahren in einem britischen Hochsicherheitsgefängnis lebt er, ohne dass gegen ihn Anklage erhoben wurde - das ist staatliche Willkür die an Georges Orwells Buch "1984" erinnert.
Nebenbemerkung: Nicht nur seine Behandlung, auch der Umgang mit anderen politischen Meinungen, wie nach der großen Friedensdemo vom letzten Samstag erinnert an "1984". Anstatt über Inhalte zu reden, muss man sich erklären "ob nicht-Anwesende hätten anwesend sein dürfen". Auch der Orwellsche "Neusprech" hat Eingang in die poltischen Strulturen gefunden: EU-Chefdiplomat Josep Borrell hat eine weitere Milliarde aus dem "EU-Friedensfond" für Waffenkäufe für die Ukraine gefordert - also "Krieg ist Frieden".
Deshalb ist unabhängiger Jounalismus und deshalb sind Whistleblower so wichtig! Presse- und Meinungsfreiheit als Grundlage für Demokratie und Frieden!
Hier wieder einige Ereignisse der letzten 2 Wochen über die berichtet wurde:
6.7.22, der Bundestag nimmt die Assange-Petition an, https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/news/wikileaks-usa-auslieferung-psychologische-folter-bundestag-nimmt-julian-assange-petition-an-li.244063
Am 1.3.23 hat sich der Petitionsausschuss des Bundestages nochmals mit dem Fall Assange beschäftigt. Dazu ist diesmal Herr Tobias Lindner vom Außenministerium geladen. Die Sitzung ist leider nicht öffentlich. Die 30 Mitglieder des Petitionsausschusses sind: https://www.bundestag.de/ausschuesse/a02_Petitionsausschuss
Coole Plakat Aktion für Julian Assange https://blog.freeassange.eu/2023/02/17/plakat-aktion/
Im Spiegel: Jagd die CIA Assange Unterstützer?“ https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/mutmassliche-jagd-auf-julian-assanges-unterstuetzer-im-schleppnetz-a-403c1e32-939d-4534-985d-2dd8e30573d7
Stefania Maurizi präsentiert in Stockholm ihr profundes Buch "Secret Power - WikiLeaks And Its Enemies" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2oxLipYOvQ
Am 4. März wird wieder ein „Belmarsh Tribunal“ stattfinden, diesmal in Sidney: https://act.progressive.international/belmarsh-tribunal-sydney/
Auch die Skulptur „Anything to say“ wird in Melbourne und Sidney im März zu sehen sein: https://twitter.com/assangecampaign/status/1628995690591408129?s=43&t=mTdLbmauXkdi73Gas6SiMA
Aktuelles Interview mit Stella im James Kennedy Podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNy_Qm3MSts
To Do
Wer etwas tun möchte zum Thema:  Man kann bei unseren Abgeordneten nachfragen, was sie zum Fall Julian Assange zu tun gedenken und/ oder, falls sie nicht informiert sind, auf dem Gebiet Abhilfe schaffen. Eine Kontaktaufnahme z.B. über "abgeordnetenwatch.de", beispielhaft mit unserer jetzigen Außenministerin: https://www.abgeordnetenwatch.de/profile/annalena-baerbock/fragen-antworten/sehr-geehrte-frau-baerbock-warum-aeussern-sie-sich-nicht-zum-fall-julian-assange
Mehr dazu bei https://freeassange.eu und alle unsere Artikel zu Julian Assange https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/cgi-bin/searchart.pl?suche=Assange&sel=meta
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3sL Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8323-20230303-für-pressefreiheit-und-freie-rede.htm
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elementallecter · 1 year
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oyqw · 1 year
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Tasarımı şaka gibi✨ . . . George Orwell-Hayvan Çiftliği💕📜 Dışı saman gibi ve kutusu tahta🫠🤌 #georgeorwell #georgeorwell1984 #georgeorwellanimalfarm #book #bookstagram #kitap #kitapönerisi (Penguen Bookstore & Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CouJH7wteVd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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monriatitans · 1 year
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POVERTY AWARENESS QUOTE 12 OF 12 Friday, January 27, 2023
"It was possible, no doubt, to imagine a society in which wealth, in the sense of personal possessions and luxuries, should be evenly distributed, while power remained in the hands of a small privileged caste. But in practice such a society could not long remain stable. For if leisure and security were enjoyed by all alike, the great mass of human beings who are normally stupefied by poverty would become literate and would learn to think for themselves; and when once they had done this, they would sooner or later realise that the privileged minority had no function, and they would sweep it away. In the long run, a hierarchical society was only possible on a basis of poverty and ignorance." - George Orwell, 1984
Check out Global Citizen to see how you can help those in need! Image made with and shared via the Quotes Creator App! This was originally posted to Instagram, check it out here; everything posted to Instagram is shared to Tumblr! Interested in seeing where the quote came from? If so, click here!
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eugenio-sobral · 1 year
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Livro 1984 + A Revolução dos Bichos Autor: George Orwell Editora Temporalis . Um romance atemporal de George Orwell. . "O Partido lhe dizia para rejeitar a evidência de seus olhos e ouvidos. Era seu comando final e mais essencial." . #GeorgeOrwell #GeorgeOrwell1984 #livro1984 #1984 #EditoraTemporalis #dicadelivro #livroseleitura #amolivros #lerfazbem #amorporlivros #leitorescompulsivos #livro #livros #boock #livroseleitura #livroseleituras #livrosemaislivros #leiaemcasa #dicadeleitura #livrosecafe #livrosecafé #cafécomlivro #cafecomlivros #cafécomlivros #dicasdelivros #fortaleza #aquiraz #eusébio #ceará #brasil https://www.instagram.com/p/CnhVZimLx49/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamrodrigoov · 1 year
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Ganhei uma edição de 1984 com a capa mais peculiar que já vi pra essa obra. #1984 #georgeorwell #livro #livros https://www.instagram.com/p/CmeMEEVLts6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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