#Gestalt Therapy
idigitizellp21 · 11 months
Exploring The Power Of Gestalt Therapy: A Journey To Wholeness
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In the world of psychology and psychotherapy, there exists a diverse array of therapeutic approaches, each with its unique philosophy and techniques. Among these, Gestalt Therapy stands out as a holistic and experiential approach that aims to help individuals understand and resolve their emotional struggles by focusing on the here and now. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of Gestalt Therapy, exploring its principles, techniques, and providing a real-life example of its application.
Understanding Gestalt Therapy
Gestalt Therapy, developed by Fritz Perls in the 1940s, is deeply rooted in the belief that individuals possess the inherent capacity for self-awareness and personal growth. The word “gestalt” itself means “whole” or “complete” in German, reflecting the central idea of this therapy — the pursuit of wholeness and self-acceptance. Unlike some other therapeutic approaches that delve into the past, Gestalt Therapy focuses predominantly on the present moment, emphasizing the importance of experiencing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as they occur.
Key Principles of Gestalt Therapy
The Here and Now: One of the core principles of Gestalt Therapy is living in the present moment. It encourages clients to become fully aware of their thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations as they happen, fostering a deeper understanding of their immediate experiences.
Holism: Gestalt Therapy views individuals as complex, integrated beings, acknowledging that one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected. It seeks to explore and address these connections to promote self-awareness and growth.
Personal Responsibility: Clients are encouraged to take responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions. This principle emphasizes that individuals have the power to make choices and changes in their lives.
Awareness and Contact: Gestalt Therapy places great importance on awareness and contact with oneself and others. It emphasizes the need for authentic, meaningful interactions with others to achieve a sense of fulfillment.
Creative Experimentation: This approach often employs creative and experiential techniques, such as role-playing, empty-chair exercises, and dream work, to help clients gain insight and explore their emotions.
Example in Practice: Sarah’s Journey to Wholeness
To illustrate the application of Gestalt Therapy, let’s consider the hypothetical case of Sarah, a 32-year-old woman struggling with unresolved grief after the sudden loss of her father. Sarah has been experiencing persistent sadness, anger, and anxiety. She decides to seek the help of a Gestalt therapist.
In their sessions, the therapist employs various Gestalt techniques to guide Sarah toward self-awareness and healing. One such technique is the “empty-chair” exercise, where Sarah is asked to imagine her father sitting in an empty chair and engage in a dialogue with him. This exercise allows her to express her unspoken emotions, reminisce about their relationship, and gain closure.
As Sarah continues her therapy, she becomes increasingly aware of the anger she has been harboring towards her father for leaving her too soon. Through Gestalt techniques, she confronts these feelings and, over time, experiences a shift in her perspective. She begins to focus on the positive aspects of her relationship with her father, leading to a sense of acceptance and closure. Sarah’s journey to wholeness is marked by her newfound self-awareness, personal growth, and the ability to live more fully in the present.
Summing up:
Gestalt Therapy offers a unique and powerful approach to self-discovery and personal growth. By emphasizing the present moment, encouraging self-awareness, and promoting holistic understanding, it can help individuals like Sarah navigate their emotional challenges and embark on a journey toward wholeness. Whether you’re a therapist or someone seeking personal growth, exploring the principles and techniques of Gestalt Therapy can be a rewarding experience on the path to self-discovery and healing.
– Urveez Kakalia.
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nelligekata · 6 months
Незріла та зріла особистість по Перлзу
Незріла та зріла особистість по Перлзу
1. Незріла особистість намагається змінити інших, пристосувати їх під себе. Зріла особистість намагається змінити себе, перейти на саморегуляцію.
2. Незріла особистість намагається змінити обставини, зріла – пристосуватися до них.
3. Незріла особистість часто знає, але з вміє. Зріла особистість як знає, а й вміє. Тому незріла особистість критикує, а зріла робить.
4. Незріла особистість намагається влаштувати насамперед своє особисте життя, та був справи. В результаті не влаштовується ні те, ні інше, а вона потрапляє у залежність від інших людей. Зріла особистість насамперед влаштовує свої справи і набуває незалежності. Особисте життя влаштовується саме собою.
5. Потреби зрілої особистості випливають із її успіхів, із її справ. Незріла особистість, не роблячи справ, копіює потреби зрілої особи, збільшуючи їх розміри. (Згадайте потреби дорослих дітей, які сидять на шиї своїх старіючих батьків.)
6. Незріла особистість думає про результат, а зріла про діло.
7. Незріла особистість хоче більше, ніж має і заслуговує, в результаті нерідко втрачає і те, що має. Зріла особистість задоволена тим, що має, і тоді до неї прибуває.
8. Незріла особистість хоче, щоб її справи влаштував хтось, зріла влаштовує їх сама.
9. Незріла особистість сподівається, зріла діє.
10. Незріла особистість намагається керувати іншими людьми, зріла керує собою.
11. Незріла особистість – декорація, яка хоче стати фігурою. Зріла особистість - фігура, яка не замислюється, як вона виглядає.
12. Незріла особистість спочатку приймає рішення, та був підганяє факти під обране рішення (звідси підозрілість незрілої особистості). Зріла особистість спочатку збирає факти, та був з їхньої підставі приймає рішення (звідси відкритість зрілої особистості).
13. Незріла особистість хоче зайняти високе становище, не переймаючись особистісним зростанням. Зріла особистість дбає про особистісне зростання, і в результаті починає займати високе становище.
Фріц Перлз
Засновник гештальт-терапії помер 14 березня 1970 р. у Чикаго.
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schizoidvision · 9 months
Dr Elinor Greenberg Interview
Topic Areas - Schizoid Adaptations, Childhood, Object Relations, and the Possibility of the Onset of Schizophrenia
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an-adhd-infested-nerd · 10 months
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Took a photo of a slide in my psych class and this is almost modern art
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psiclarasa · 1 year
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Prazer meu nome é Maria Clara. Me formei em psicologia recentemente e agora estou cursando formação em Gestalt-terapia.
Criei esse espaço para compartilhar vivências, conhecimentos e para promover uma ampliação da consciência. Além disso, tenho uma enorme paixão pela arte e pela fotografia, e acredito que essas duas áreas tão importantes para mim se articulam muito bem com a psicologia e com a expressão dos nossos sentimentos e experiências, portanto, também pretendo abordar sobre isso aqui e trazer um pouco do que eu amo.
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martiove · 1 year
Głównym zadaniem, według Perlsa, nie jest przekonanie pacjentów do zaakceptowania nieprzeniknionych interpretacji ich przeszłości, lecz pomoc im w odżyciu w bezpośrednim doświadczeniu w teraźniejszości. Cel ten nie jest osiągany przez przebłyski intelektualnego wglądu ani przez przepięcie behawioralnych obwodów, jednak nie jest też osiągany przez zwyczajne wyzwolenie emocji (jak Perls zdawał się czasami sugerować). Jest to bardziej jak przebudzenie się na bezpośredniość i prostotę rzeczywistości, jak to zostało przedstawione w tych wersach krótkiego wiersza Wallece'a Stevensa:
Gdy siedzę w swoim pokoju, świat znajduje się poza moim zrozumieniem;
Lecz gdy po nim chodzę, widzę, że składa się z trzech lub czterech wzgórz oraz chmury.
Z punktu widzenia Perlsa sarkazm, humor, odgrywanie różnych ról, szok mogły służyć do wyciągnięcia pacjentów na świeże powietrze ze stęchłych pokojów ich psychoz, w których pozostawali za zamkniętymi drzwiami w stanach zamraczających fiksacji. W zasadzie jego teatralne taktyki podobne były do sztuczek mistrza zen, takich jak uderzenie medytujących uczniów drewnianym mieczem, by przypomnieć im o namacalności teraźniejszości.
Michel Vincent Miller o terapii Gestalt (Frederick S. Perls, Terapia Gestalt, s. 17)
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thepeelingrenoir · 2 months
"The mind is not more than the sum of its parts, the mind is different than the sum of its parts. That is to say, something else entirely than the sum of its parts."
Kurt Koffka on Gestalt Therapy
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communitas-goodman · 7 months
"He regards the organism as much more incubated and self-contained than it is. Psychologically, this comes to thinking of the it is more profitable to think of the self as a process of structurinh the organism-enviroment field" - Paul Goodman, about Reich.
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holistico021 · 1 year
The Vital Connection Between Fitness and Recovery
In the relentless pursuit of physical excellence, many individuals focus solely on the aspects of fitness that involve strenuous workouts, disciplined diets, and pushing their bodies to the limits. While these components are undoubtedly crucial in achieving peak performance, recovery is another equally important factor that often goes overlooked. The synergy between fitness and recovery is essential for sustained progress, injury prevention, and overall well-being. This article explores the intricate relationship between Fitness and Recovery, shedding light on why both are indispensable for anyone on a fitness journey.
Fitness encompasses a wide range of activities, from cardiovascular exercises to strength training, flexibility routines, and more. It is the process of improving and maintaining physical health and well-being, often with the goal of achieving specific outcomes, such as enhanced endurance, muscle growth, or weight loss. 
Engaging in regular physical activity offers numerous benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased energy levels, better mental health, and a reduced risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.
Recovery, on the other hand, is often overlooked but equally vital. It refers to the body's ability to repair and adapt to the physical stress imposed during exercise. Recovery encompasses various aspects, including rest, nutrition, hydration, sleep, and stress management. Neglecting recovery can lead to burnout, overtraining, injuries, and stagnation in fitness progress.
The Interplay Between Fitness and Recovery
1. Muscle Repair and Growth:
After intense workouts, muscles undergo micro-tears, which is a natural part of the muscle-building process. Proper recovery allows these tears to heal and the muscles to adapt, resulting in increased strength and size. This process is facilitated by adequate protein intake, hydration, and rest.
2. Prevention of Overtraining:
Pushing too hard without allowing sufficient recovery can lead to overtraining, characterized by fatigue, decreased performance, and a higher risk of injury. Balancing challenging workouts with adequate recovery time is essential to avoid overtraining.
3. Energy Levels:
Recovery plays a significant role in maintaining energy levels. Sleep and nutrition are critical factors in ensuring the body has the energy required for workouts. Sleep, in particular, is when the body repairs and regenerates tissues, making it a vital aspect of the recovery process.
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4. Injury Prevention:
A well-balanced Fitness and Recovery routine includes not only exercise but also injury prevention strategies. Recovery techniques like stretching, foam rolling, and mobility exercises can help prevent injuries by enhancing flexibility and joint function.
5. Mental Health:
Physical activity is known for its positive impact on mental health. Engaging in regular physical activity triggers the release of endorphins, natural chemicals that have the remarkable ability to enhance mood and alleviate stress.
However, adequate recovery is crucial to prevent mental burnout and maintain a healthy mind-body balance.
6. Consistency:
Without proper recovery, consistency in fitness routines becomes challenging. Over time, this inconsistency can hinder progress and lead to frustration. By prioritizing recovery, individuals can maintain a consistent fitness regimen, leading to long-term success.
Strategies for Effective Recovery
Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to allow the body to repair and recharge.
Nutrition: Consume a balanced diet rich in protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. Ensuring your body receives the proper nutrients after a workout is paramount to support and expedite the process of muscle recovery.
Hydration: Proper hydration supports muscle function, joint health, and overall well-being. Ensure you drink enough water throughout the day, especially before, during, and after workouts.
Rest: Include rest days in your training schedule to give your muscles and central nervous system time to recover. Active recovery activities like light yoga or walking can also be beneficial.
Stretching and Mobility: Incorporate stretching and mobility exercises into your routine to improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury
Stress Management: High stress levels can hinder recovery, Incorporate stress-reduction methods into your daily routine, including practices like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness.
In pursuing fitness goals, it's crucial to understand that fitness and recovery are two sides of the same coin. Neglecting one at the expense of the other can lead to suboptimal results, burnout, and increased risk of injuries. By recognizing the interconnectedness of Fitness and Recovery, individuals can achieve better physical performance and improved overall health and well-being. 
Whether you're an elite athlete or a fitness enthusiast, prioritize recovery as an integral part of your fitness journey for lasting success.
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thislifetherapy · 1 year
Integrating Trauma Therapy and Gestalt Therapy for Holistic Healing in Los Angeles
Los Angeles, with its vibrant cultural scene and bustling urban environment, often serves as a backdrop for the pursuit of dreams and aspirations. However, within this seemingly idyllic landscape, many individuals carry the burden of unresolved traumas that hinder their ability to fully embrace life. Fortunately, Los Angeles also offers a range of therapeutic approaches, including trauma therapy Los Angeles and Gestalt therapy, which can provide a path towards healing and personal growth.
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Trauma Therapy in the City of Angels
The fast-paced and competitive nature of life in Los Angeles can sometimes exacerbate underlying emotional wounds. Trauma, whether stemming from childhood experiences, accidents, or other distressing events, can cast a long shadow over one's well-being. Trauma therapy, a specialized form of counseling, aims to address these deeply ingrained emotional scars. In Los Angeles, trauma therapists are well-versed in various techniques to help individuals navigate their traumatic experiences and find a way to regain control over their lives.
Trauma therapy sessions often provide a safe and supportive space for individuals to explore their emotions and memories. Therapists use evidence-based techniques such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) to guide clients through the process of processing and integrating traumatic memories. This allows individuals to develop healthier coping mechanisms and reduce the distressing symptoms that often accompany trauma.
Gestalt Therapy: Fostering Wholeness and Self-Awareness
Gestalt therapy, another approach widely available in Los Angeles, focuses on the here and now, helping individuals become more attuned to their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The therapy is rooted in the belief that self-awareness and personal responsibility are essential for leading a fulfilling life. In the bustling metropolis of Los Angeles, where the distractions of modern life can easily lead to disconnection, Gestalt therapy Los Angeles offers a pathway to reconnect with oneself.
Gestalt therapy often involves experiential exercises and creative techniques that encourage clients to explore their emotions and thought patterns. Through role-playing, guided imagery, and mindfulness practices, individuals can gain insight into their behaviors and relationships. This approach aligns well with the diverse and creative spirit of Los Angeles, where unconventional thinking is celebrated, making it an appealing choice for those seeking therapy in the city.
Integration for Holistic Healing
Recognizing the complementary nature of trauma therapy and Gestalt therapy, many individuals in Los Angeles are now opting for an integrative approach that combines the strengths of both modalities. Trauma therapy addresses the deep-seated wounds that may be contributing to emotional distress, while Gestalt therapy nurtures self-awareness and personal growth. This integration can result in a holistic healing journey that empowers individuals to not only cope with their past but also thrive in their present and future.
In the sprawling city of Los Angeles, where every corner holds stories of ambition and resilience, the availability of trauma therapy and Gestalt therapy provides a ray of hope for those seeking healing. Whether it's the shadows of past traumas or the desire for greater self-awareness, these therapeutic approaches offer valuable tools for embracing life fully and authentically amidst the glitz and glamour of the City of Angels.
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modernmindsaus · 1 year
How Senior Psychologist Leisa Utilizes Gestalt Therapy for Mental Health Improvement
The use of Gestalt therapy by Senior Psychologist Leisa offers a strong framework for improving mental health. For more information visit this website: modernminds.com.au/leisa
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nanmykel · 1 year
The only time someone has really argued with any of my wide-ranging posts was when I wrote about earlier good and truthful books on child rearing.  One father wrote telling me how his parents disciplined him (the belt) and that he turned out okay. I recall trying to help a child molester see how molestation was damaging for the child and almost feeling sorry for the molester when he said, “I was…
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gestalt-dada · 2 years
"Destruir (desestruturar) é a demolição de um todo em fragmentos, para assimilá-los como partes num novo todo" - PHG, cit. por Belmino, p.329
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7. Gestalt Principles
A couple days ago, a friend of mine from Sri Lanka, asked me to take a picture of her, she handed me her phone and didn’t give me much instruction on how to use it, the phone was another brand very different from mine, and the text on the phone was also in another language, however, in the center, right below the frame gridlines, there was this big white round button, so my brain immediately identified that big element in the center that is next to a very common element of photography, as the shoot button, so I knew that this was where we were supposed to click to have the picture taken. And after this interaction, it got me thinking, how is it that I knew where it was, even though it was in a completely different language and the phone was in a very different layout than mine?
When researching about this, I came across the subject of the gestalt principles. The Gestalt principles are a psychological study that has been widely used in design because it studies the way people group different visual elements together, and how with this they interpret the whole picture differently than they would each part individually.
Nowadays, the aesthetic of an object is a key factor for a consumer to decide whether to choose it or not. We might think that functionality, pricing and quality are main elements, however, in this competitive and industrialized market, the visual part of a product ends up being, more times than not, a key factor that clients take in consideration. The gestalt principles are even ‘consider as aesthetic guidelines by design scientists’ because it helps explain the way people distinct individual elements and how they interpret them as a whole picture. There are seven main principles of design which are proximity, continuity, symmetry, closure, parallelism, and similarity. And this can usually be used to predict people’s preferences regarding the aesthetic of an object.
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VALENCIA-ROMERO, A & LUGO, J.E. (2017) ‘An immersive virtual discrete choice experiment for elicitation of product aesthetics using Gestalt principles’ Design Science. [Online] 3 (11) pp 3. Available from- https://doi.org/10.1017/dsj.2017.12. [Accessed: 2nd December, 2022]
In the image above (VALENCIA-ROMERO, A & LUGO, J.E., 2017, p.3), we can see how the three main elements for design, can be linked together with the gestalt principles, as the connector from aesthetics, function, and object preference. The elements of a visual design, might be consider as arbitrary and just for aesthetic and emotional purposes, should be objective and rational, and most importantly justify with what it communicates. Although for successful intuitive design is very valuable to follow the principles of Gestalt, it is important to keep in mind that these principles do not reflect the meaning the users might relate to the visual characteristics.
We can consider for example everyday shapes for clarity, arrows communicate movement and direction; points represent a focused point; elements surrounded by a circle can represent unity, while elements organized in a circular manner can communicate continuity/cycle and processes. Colour also plays a key role in intuition and judgment ; however, we should remember that the context of colour can vary from culture, scenario, public, and even background. For example, Red in a romantic background might represent intensity and passion, or even as a form of attracting a certain public. Meanwhile in a very technological/ engineering scenario, Red might be intuited as danger and as a form to detract the public.
The principles of gestalt are also applied in architecture and landscape design because the clarity and intuitiveness of a space can be provided by the connection that the people perceive on the environment as a whole. The different areas of design use different principles of gestalt depending on their intentions, and their state, for example, a 2D design element might not be able to apply the same principles of gestalt as a 3D element.
VALENCIA-ROMERO, A & LUGO, J.E. (2017) ‘An immersive virtual discrete choice experiment for elicitation of product aesthetics using Gestalt principles’ Design Science. [Online] 3 (11) pp 1-24. Available from- https://doi.org/10.1017/dsj.2017.12. [Accessed: 2nd December, 2022]
HU, G; SHENG, A;  ZHANG, Y; PAN, Z & ZHANG, M. (2016) ‘An Analytic Measure of Perceptual Factors for Color Composition’ COLOR research and application [Online]41(2) pp 165-174. Available from https://doi-org.ezproxy.herts.ac.uk/10.1002/col.21952. [Accessed: 2nd December, 2022]
YILMAZ, S. (2018) ‘An aesthetic approach to planting design in urban parks and greenspaces’. Landscape Research [Online] 43(2018) pp 965-983. Available from- https://doi-org.ezproxy.herts.ac.uk/10.1080/01426397.2017.1415313 [Accessed: 2nd December 2022]
PETERSON, D.J., & BERRYHILL, M.E. (2013) ‘The Gestalt principle of similarity benefits visual working memory’ Psychonomic Bulletin Review, [Online] 20(2013) pp 1282-1289. Availiabe from- https://link-springer-com.ezproxy.herts.ac.uk/article/10.3758/s13423-013-0460-x [Accessed: 2nd December 2022]
HAN, S., HUMPHREYS, G.W., & CHEN, L. (1999) ‘Uniform connectedness and classical Gestalt principles of perceptual grouping’ Perception & Psychophysics. [Online] 61(4) pp 661-674. Available from- https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.3758/BF03205537.pdf?pdf=button%20sticky [Accessed: 2nd December 2022]
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upliftinspire · 2 years
Explore the Best Grief Counseling
The process can advance considerably more quickly and easily with the assistance of Grief Counseling. Getting help with your grief recovery has a number of advantages in addition to these. Some advantages of grief counselling are listed below: You can then once more concentrate on yourself. The person you care about won't have to be forgotten.
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psiclarasa · 1 year
Como eu me dirijo ao mundo, me faz.
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