#Get Your Max Refund Today
nexgentaxes · 1 year
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oneforthemunny · 5 months
break the ice |hockey!eddie munson x reader|
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prompt: a scheduling mishap leads you and eddie to meet. or how you and hockey!eddie's story begins lol.
contains: eddie au. fluff. that's it. happy one year!
The hiss of the puck gliding over the ice, skittering into the goal, skates whizzing to a stop. It was comforting to Eddie. He’d never really known what people meant when they’d say “get in the zone” growing up, until he started playing again, playing for real this time. It was easy to focus on the sounds, silence your brain by tricking it to listen to the claps of the stick on the ice, the pop of the puck soaring, the- 
“Skidamarink a dink, a dink. Skidamarink a doo.” 
A clean miss, startled by the sudden blaring of music from behind him. Skates wobbling, knees locking into place. Eddie turned, squinting towards the other end of the rink. 
“Hey, hey!” Eddie skated, shouting over the music- horrendous at that, what was this song? 
“Excuse me,” You looked up, adjusting the volume on your boom box. “Hey, uh, sorry this is a closed practice.” Eddie skated to you, hockey stick waving exaggeratedly behind him. 
“Yeah it is.” You nodded, head tilting to the side slightly. “Are you… here to drop off?” 
“What? No, no, I-” Eddie paused, brows furrowed at you lightly. “I- this is my practice.” 
“Your practice?” You repeated, pointing at the ice below you. 
“You’re here for the Snowflakes?” 
“No, I play for-” Eddie shakes his head, hand running over his face. “Snowflakes? What-” 
“-The three to four year old class?” You press, brow raised, face contorted in what Eddie could only assume was your best judgment masking, though by the scrunch in your nose, it wasn’t working very well. “For ice skating lessons?” 
“Lessons? Sweetheart, c’mon, does it look like I need lessons?” Eddie grins, smug and sweet. His heart skips when you bite back a smile, lips twitching. “I’m- I rent out the time to practice.” 
“Oh,” You frown slightly. “I, uh, I did too.” 
“You know what, let me- let me just go ask Max.” Eddie flashes you a dazzling smile. “I’ll get it sorted out.” 
“You’re both right.” Max droned behind the desk, flipping through a magazine lazily. “Both of you have the slot for today.”
“What? Why-Why would Bobby book up both spots?” Eddie frowned. “That makes no fuckin’ sense. I’m here every Thursday-” 
Max huffed, snatching the scheduling paper off the back wall, slapping it on the desk. “Eddie Munson. Five to six-thirty. Left.” Her blue eyes raised in boredom. “That means, you’re on the left side.” 
“Left? This is- That’s fuckin’ ridiculous, Max, c’mon-” 
“-It’s Bobby.” Max rolled her eyes. “He’s trying to double book, make more money during the dead season. I don’t know what to tell you.” 
“So I have to practice with a bunch of fuckin’ kids running around?” Eddie huffs. “How the hell am I gonna do that? Huh? Do you hear the shit they’re playing in there?” Eddie throws a hand out towards the rink. “I’m already about to lose my mind.” 
“So get some ear plugs, Eddie, I don’t know.” Max huffed, throwing her hands up. “You know I can’t refund you, so either leave, or suck it up. I honestly don’t care, Munson, up to you.” 
Eddie’s tongue poked the inside of his cheek, rolling furiously. Bunch of kids skating all around him, screaming and shit, he’d never get anything done. 
Still, Eddie’s eyes wandered back to you. In your matching tracksuit, a powdery blue that seemed to shine even under the fluorescents of the rink. He supposed there could be worse people to share the ice with. He faced Tommy Raider again next season, and he’d rather be with a bunch of screaming toddlers anyday over him anyday. 
Besides, the kids weren’t so bad. The occasional screech or laughter when you’d have them do something silly. It was cute, honestly, Eddie decided, seeing these little kids wobble around on skates while you cooed enthusiastically at them. 
“Ok, my little flurries,” You grinned, cheeks aching from the amount of feigned enthusiasm you had to muster. “Next week we’re going to really work on our glide.” You pushed off dramatically, soaring a few spaces then stopping. 
It was so exaggerated, over the top and made the kids giggle; Eddie was sure he was in love. 
“So be sure to be practicing holding your arms way, way out!” You extended your arms, beaming at the few who mimicked you. “And I’ll see you all next week!” 
Eddie had spent the majority of the time practicing what he’d say to you, how he’d ask you out. A classic chat up line always worked at the bar, always helped him score. Still, his knees wobbled, tight and a little unsure as he skated over to you. 
You were waving goodbye to a student, stepping off to the bleachers to undo your own skates. “Hey,” Eddie’s voice cracked, wobbly and unsure in his throat, teeth clenching in a grimace.
You looked up, a tiny half smile in greeting. “Hi. Hope we didn’t bother you too much.” 
“What? No. No, no, no. No, you didn’t-” Eddie took a breath, heart hammering in his chest, ringing in his ears. “It was… Yeah, that was really fun to watch actually. The, uh, seeing the kids in their skates and shit. You’re-You’re really good with them, and, uh…” The fuck is that Munson? The fuck are you doing? Eddie’s mind raced, furiously. 
“Thanks.” You grinned, a wicked little smile that had Eddie’s cheeks flushing. He hadn’t felt like this in years. Felt like he was back in middle school, swooning any time Connie Donohue would swish her hair over her shoulder, letting it land on his desk and brush his hand. 
“They’re a fun age. Super sweet. Not like the asshole eight year olds.” Your finger curled under the untied laces, shimmying them loose. 
“Oh? Eight year olds, they're the asshole group?” Eddie grinned, leaning against the rink’s surface. He hoped you couldn’t tell how he was flexing, muscles protruding under the tight, black material of his shirt. 
“Total assholes. I had them last year, and that’s why I switched-” 
“-Excuse me?” A tiny squeak of a voice came from behind you. You turned, expecting one of your kids who had forgotten a mitten or jacket. 
“Are-Are you Eddie Munson?” The small boy with wide eyes gaped at Eddie. 
Eddie flushed, swallowing, eyes flickering to you. Your brows creasing, looking at the tiny boy then back at Eddie. “Yeah, yeah that’s me.” Eddie forced a smile, gripping the rink as he stepped onto the bleachers, settling on the ones across from you. 
“What’s your name, little man?” Eddie grinned. 
“Samuel.” The boy grinned, a little shyly. 
“Samuel, that’s a cool name. How old are you?” 
“Eight.” The boy beamed. 
Eddie’s eyes cut over to yours, lips twisting, fighting back a grin. You blushed, turning away from his glances, cheeks burning with heat you hoped he didn’t see. “Eight? That’s a… that’s a cool age, right?” 
“Right.” Samuel nodded. “I-I watch you all the time with my dad and my mom.” Samuel babbled in true kid fashion. “You’re my favorite hockey player.” 
“Me? No way, c’mon.” Eddie shook his head playfully. 
“Yeah, ‘cause you’re from Hawkins too.” Samuel nodded, matter of factly. “They said that on-on the TV one time when I was watching.” 
“Yeah, that’s right.” Eddie nodded. “Used to practice here when I was your age.” He nodded over towards the rink behind him. 
“We went one time to a game, and… and you lost a tooth!” Samuel giggled in true, eight year old asshole form. “The other guy knocked it out when-when you were fighting!” 
Eddie laughed, a howling of a cackle that bounced off the walls of the rink, over the hum of the electricity and heat in the stands.
You watched carefully, interest piqued. You knew he was good, you’d watched him practice, it was obvious he had skill. And the name did sound familiar, plastered across headlines and the local news, one of Hawkins’ very own made it big. 
Eddie signed Samuel’s jersey, left him scampering back to his awaiting parents with a triumphant grin. “What are the odds of that?” Eddie beamed, grinning ear to ear when he looked over at you. 
You laughed, knotting your own skates together, reaching for your snow boots. “I, uh, I didn’t realize you-you played for the… Played hockey.” 
“Yeah,” Eddie shrugged, inked hand running down his arm. You tried not to stare. “It’s alright, really. Not bad benefits, but work hours are a little crazy.” 
“Yeah?” You laughed lightly. “I would say so. Pretty demanding.” 
“Oh yeah. And you lose a tooth or two sometimes.” Eddie’s eyes cut to yours playfully, a dimpled grin that had your heart shooting with heat. 
“Yikes.” You sucked in a breath dramatically. “That seems brutal.” 
“You ever been?” Eddie asked, untying his own skates, letting the blade rest on the cement barrier in front of him. 
“To… what? A game?” 
“No.” You shook your head. “Not, like, a real hockey game. Not… Not one of yours.” Your knee bounced nervously, a little unsure even in your own answer. 
“You should come.” Eddie shrugged cooly, hoping you couldn’t see the way his hands shook with adrenaline. “Come to the opener in a few weeks. I’ll get you tickets.” 
“What?” You laughed lightly. “You- No, you don’t even know my name, and you’re gonna get me tickets? Yeah, right.” You rolled your eyes at him. 
“Well, I was hoping I could get your name, maybe your number too.” Eddie’s lips pursed lightly. “Get to know you before the game. Can give you those tickets next time I see you. What do you think? You free Friday night? Saturday?” 
You blushed, looking down at your boots, fiddling with the laces to avoid his gaze. “Saturday. I don’t have to work.” You looked back at him. 
“Saturday it is.” Eddie beamed. 
You scrawled your name and number on the torn corner piece of the schedule. Eddie had snatched it and a pen from behind the desk, ignoring Max’s huffs of annoyance. He’d clutched it the whole way home, paper a little soft from the dampness of his sweaty hands. The tiny slip of paper was taped to his landline, staying there long after Eddie had memorized the number. In your pretty, loopy handwriting for Eddie to see each time he called you. 
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cognitiveleague · 3 months
Truly one of the more frustrating recurring experiences of trying to navigate life as a grown-ass person with ADHD is that like… it’s so goddamn hard to keep my brain (which is, y’know, diagnosably deficient in Reward Self for Accomplishing Task juice) motivated to put forward the effort to take care of chores and errands and shit, because I have so many unpleasant memories of failing at that sort of thing and I feel so little sense of reward (or even relief) when I do get things done that it’s this huge effort to not just… ignore tasks until they develop into a Bullshit Avalanche that I can no longer ignore? And when I do force myself to Do Something, running into obstacles can make me feel so frustrated and embarrassed that it’s almost as if I’m being punished for trying to accomplish the task and it would have been better not to try in the first place
Like today I noticed that I’d worked about an extra hour over the last few days, and instead of doing overtime I was like “ok, it’s payday and the ‘get your oil changed, bitch’ light has been on for a while, let’s clock out at the 40 hour mark and go do that before it’s time to pick my wife up from work so I don’t have to try to make that happen this weekend”
Which meant not just the actual task of taking the car to the oil change place, but also sheepishly explaining to the folks there that a) I did not have the financial means to be upsold on anything that was not likely to be a life or death issue before tax refunds come in so please don’t bother unless you are literally afraid for my life if I don’t get the additional service, and b) I actually already know about the headlight that’s out and the old-ass air filter but please don’t replace them, I have the replacements in the car and just keep forgetting to install them myself and only remembering about it when I don’t have time or the engine is too hot for me to go feeling around for where the fucking headlight bulb goes
And to add insult to that injury, they finish up and I’m like, oh. Right.
I lost my debit card like 2-3 weeks ago (yay, absolute garbage perception of time) and KNOW it’s on the floor of the car or maybe in my apartment somewhere so I haven’t reported it lost to get a replacement I just need to find it but the car’s a huge mess and I keep always being too tired or busy when I think about it. And also it’s hard to not be underemployed when I don’t have the spoons to look for a better paying job on top of holding down the job I have, and my wife has similar issues, and the cost of living these days, guys, am I right?? And we’ve got a little windfall coming soon that will help us pay off our debts, but crucially. That is still ‘soon’ and hasn’t happened yet. Anyway so the credit card is apparently maxed out from us having to use it to get around not being paid a living wage the last couple of years :))))))) And the “emergency use only because the bill goes to my parents’ house and I don’t want to abuse the privilege of having parents who can afford to and are willing to help financially when I really need it or to keep being a burden on them, and also they WILL judge me if anything unnecessary is on there” card in my wallet is expired and the new one is somewhere in the kitchen (or living room?) mess at home so I can’t use that right now either
So I had to explain in front of the other customers that I just straight up forgot that the only functioning card in my wallet was maxed out and like, stand there while she looked at records to confirm I was a regular client who’d never pulled shit like this before and also put a note on my file so they could like, know about it and refuse service in the future if I didn’t make good on my promise to come back and pay once I pick my wife (and their debit card) up from work in an hour and a half
And the embarrassment of all of that so thoroughly outweighs whatever minuscule satisfaction my brain can derive from “but I got the task done!” that it feels like I didn’t accomplish anything and also like I put myself through a shitty awkward experience for (what feels like) nothing. And it’s that, but with like…. every fucking thing that I have to deal with when I get home from work and I’m tired and my meds have worn off. So I just have to keep powering my way through a wall of experiences telling me “you will have all of the suffering and experience none of the reward, OR you could not bother and do something that does make you feel nice instead because wow fuck that” for EVERY GODDAMN LITTLE THING.
Anyway I love my brain for so many things, but goddamn it would be great if the “positive reinforcement machine broken” issue impaired me as little as ableists seem to think it should
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owlyteas · 2 months
Alright guys this is gonna be a big chunky update on the Digimon fan game stuff
First up: Title screen! I swear I'll make it prettier later it just needs to function right now. Got saving and loading working, and yeah I couldn't think of any better name than "Digimon Quest" so I guess that's what the game's called now
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After showing off the Data Bank and Clothing Shop last time I got a couple other important NPCs with jobs.
Cerberumon runs the Item Bank where you can put inventory items into storage. I might add a way to add more storage but right now it's 100 extra slots which seems like a lot but I always hate it when a game is really stingy on item storage so I might have gone a bit overboard lol
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Ganemon runs the Bit Bank which is pretty simple. You can store and withdraw your Bits. That's it.
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Bulkmon runs the Training Gym and will exchange a Digimon's Training Points (or TP) for a chance to increase their stats. There's three different difficulties for each stat to train (Attack, Defense, Max HP, and Max SP), with higher difficulties giving bigger stat boosts but are harder to succeed at. As mentioned before if you've played Digimon World 3 it's a lot like the Training Gym there, except you can refund your TP to lose any stat bonuses you've gotten but will get all your TP back to try again. Digimon get 1 TP each time they level up and the higher difficulties require more TP per attempt (1, 5, and 10 respectively). Your Digimon gets three attempts to succeed at the training with a bonus fourth attempt if they succeed all three attempts. Even if they fail an attempt, they'll still get a little stat boost, just not nearly as much as succeeding.
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I don't need to show every single training type but just to show a couple examples here's the lowest difficulty for Attack.
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...And the highest difficulty for Defense. We chose violence today.
HATCHING! This is the best part right getting more Digimon to use. You need to get a DigiEgg, which is a rare drop from enemies or can sometimes be found in the overworld or as quest rewards, plus a shop where you can buy some eggs, though I haven't decided if it uses Bits or maybe data yet. Each egg requires a certain type and amount of data, and once you have enough all you gotta do is put it into the incubator and hatch your new friend. :D
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In this example a BlackAgumon DigiEgg needs Dragon, Devil, and Fire data to hatch.
Digimon also now have a bond level that can be increased by doing things like leveling them up or giving them treats they like. I haven't put in any benefits for a high bond level yet but I've got some ideas. Max bond level is 500.
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And since I've got Digivolving working, I added a tab to the Digimon menu to view all of their possible evolutions.
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If you want to view more info on an evo and their evos you can just click on the information button. You can also set a default Champion, Ultimate, and Mega level Digimon that will be more easily accessible on the sidebar or from a button press so you don't have to navigate through menus every time you wanna Digivolve.
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Unfortunately Ultimates (and Megas) probably won't be available right away since I've got enough artwork to get through with just Rookies and Champions to worry about. The framework is in though.
Quests are implemented! I've still got a couple things to mess around with to make sure I can do different types of quests but yeah. Your quest item inventory doesn't run out of room and doesn't take up your main inventory so you can collect as many quests as you want and you'll always be able to get the right items. The quests here are just a bunch of test quests obviously.
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Also got a couple things pertaining to enemies/combat. There's now buffs and debuffs that some attacks can have a chance to apply, like Agumon's Pepper Breath has a chance of applying a Burn. I've got a few debuff/buff types right now and I can always put more types in if I feel like it's needed for some type of attack.
The debuffs are: Burn (damage over time), Poison (damage over time plus lowered attack & defense), Leech (steals health from the target), Drain (steals SP from the target), Glitch (prevents use of Special Attacks), Weaken (lowers attack), Enfeeble (lowers defense), Stun (prevents movement), and Paralysis (lowers movement speed).
The buffs are: Heal (heals health), Restore (restores SP), Strengthen (raises attack), Bolster (raises defense), Shield (prevents damage), Counter (attacks enemy when attacked), and Speedup (raises movement speed).
If you don't remember all of those you can see what buff/debuff your partner or your enemies have by hovering over them so a little tooltip pops up. You can also see the duration for each buff/debuff.
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I can't tell if we're screwed or not.
I also put in a small feature where you can click on an enemy to focus on them and keep their healthbar at the top of the screen. It won't make attacks automatically aim at them or anything but it's nice to see all the info of whatever enemy you want to focus on.
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Aaaand I've got a storage system working for extra Digimon you don't want in your party. You can freely swap between party and storage and organize them however you want. I don't have a hard number on how many pages of storage you would get but I'll decide that soon, right now it's only 4 pages. You can probably unlock more somehow. Clicking on a Digimon will also bring up a little info window that doesn't have as much info as the Digimon Menu but it's info you might want to see at a glance for your Digimon in storage.
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Oh and I either totally spaced on this last time or hadn't implemented it yet, but I've put in items that can be equipped to your Digimon. Each Digimon can only hold one of each type of item but there's two slots to use. I've only put in items that can give you a close-range attack (gloves) and a long-range shooting attack (wand) but there'll probably be all sorts of items that won't necessarily give you another type of attack but will do something else when equipped. Both of these items give you a Neutral element attack but other types of gloves and wands can give you elemental attacks.
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OKAY I think that's everything whew. The next things I'm going to work on is a framework for achievements and maybe something along the line of Tamer perks that you can use to get upgrades or bonus stuff as you level up. I don't know if I'll be fully implementing them but I at least want to get the framework ready for whenever I do put them in.
And then after that it's time to knuckle down and DRAW DRAW DRAW and start building the actual game wow exciting!! I'll keep showing progress on sprites once I get back to them. :D
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azure-cherie · 10 months
Doing paid readings for 4.84$ / 400 INR today for your tools :
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What does this include?
I will be mentioning what are the things you can borrow energy or healing or protection from , from herbs to stones to runes , to random objects my intuition tells me about.
How can you harness their energy.
Why and which sector you'll be benefitting in by using this .
Additional information about deities who want to connect to you . If I get any .
Pre payments only no refunds, your reading will reach you within max extension of 2 days in case of problems . Exclusive discount for the first 3 people to register .
I only use gpay
Dm for details 🌷
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chqnified · 1 year
Jumping on the ask game thingy: currently, hands down, mossy moss. The whole mega war situation you went through today had me whipping out the biggest box of popcorn. The way you K.O.'d them is just chef's kiss!
I swear had I done, it would've been deserved
It was a mildly long story with the old lady. So here's what i wrote about her to Alélé
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And to add on that, as my dad was finding his keys, she legit got in her car and started trying to reverse.... Like where was she trying to reverse to?!!?? Like babes. Then she yelled at my dad again because he had to get in the van from the other side instead of normally. Her own fault she'd reversed up to the flipping door. Alas.
And that was only at 9am. We had to go with my dad because he was going to drop us off in the town so we could return the faulty shoes. Which was a whole drama again. The manager of the shop wasn't having it and said we did get the right shoe (context, I'd got the max Dr martens shoes, so yk the platform on those are a good 8cm+. What turned up was the regular ones, so 4cm ish? platform. The key difference you could tell it was a different model was the bigger platform didn't have the zip on the side too). She kept showing us the picture on the website, so my mum told her turn the picture to the other side, it doesn't have a zip but these do. She wouldn't do that. So i said look babes, there's one on display right now, you can go compare it. She huffed and said it didn't matter and made one of her employees do the refund (we'd already re-ordered online bc they didn't have size 7 in the shop). As he's giving us the refund, i turn to look back at the manager and deadass she's there having a heated debate with another colleague and holding up the shoe to the display stand, to probably compare.
Yes they were the same design, just with a different size platform and the zip.... That might not seem like a massive deal (asides from the fact that different models size differently too so I'd have needed a size 8 in those.), but we'd been sent the cheaper version too, and by £30- which is a lot. For all the hassle though, they were doing a sale online and we got them £60 cheaper than we originally paid. And £90 cheaper than rpp. So they weren't cheap by shoe standards, but cheap for dr martens.
Drama didn't stop there either. There was this little shit spitting on people in the shopping centre. Had he spat on me, i would've gone for him. 13 year old or not. Idk why people weren't doing anything about it.... Like a kid just spat on you??? That's disrespect. And we've just come out of the pandemic. Spitting is also a well known cause of spreading diseases too. Anyhow. Could tell he thought about doing it to me, luckily for him, he didn't.
People are genuinely so rude too. I'm not able bodied and it's visible by the fact i have a crutch. I understand people may have hidden disabilities too, but with a crutch it makes it difficult sometimes to move spontaneously??? I'm not expecting everyone to get out of my way, but for it to have to be me constantly is tiring. The way if you don't, people will purposely walk into you ..... If I'm feeling it, i will only partially get out of the way, resulting in crashing shoulders. For having a crutch and having been an athlete, I'd like to say i have pretty solid shoulders. So bet it hurts. The way they glare at you and shit afterwards .... I thought it was about giving 50/50 huh? No. You expect a disabled person to get out of your way because you have to get to New Look?! Hope those people's shoulders hurt. Assholes.
It didn't stop there. People let their kids run around everywhere. Again, bad idea, you can figure why running in front of people is bad. Parents will literally watch their kids do it and say nothing. You know the type. One kid ran into me, she fell over lmao. Don't see how that was my problem, she was about 9, so old enough to know exactly what she was doing. She just expected me to move for her. The mum was going to say something, so i gave her the challenging look and she decided against it.
There was more but this is getting long. You get the gist of what was happening all day. Believe me, if i wasn't disabled and in an averaging 7 pain on the daily, i would've jumped so many people that day... It was that bad. I'm not even a violent or aggressive person, it just brings it out when you're being treated like shit all day.
In conclusion. I hope you brought popcorn to read through some of my war situations from yesterday 😌 I'm glad it offers entertainment to some, otherwise my suffering would literally go to waste :D
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Genshin OC
Name: Valentina, nicknamed Tina
Rarity: 4*
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 19
Nation: Mondstat
Vision: electro
Weapon: claymore
Substat: electro dmg
Meta role: Sub DPS
Background: Valentina was born in a small village just past the borders of Stormterror’s lair. In this village, everyone is like family. The habitants are all very focused on getting a vision, and a vast majority of them succeed. From a young age, kids start training hard and acquiring different skills (cooking, art, combat) to get noticed by the archons and eventually get blessed with a vision. Everyone wears colours according to their visions in the village, and also has corresponding tattoos. Receiving a vision is considered a “baptism” and comes with a whole ceremony.
Occupations: Substitut leader of her native village while her father is away, and general of defence, she makes sure her village is well protected. Since she will replace her father once he’s no longer in shape to operate the village, she goes to a lot of meetings. She prepares a lot for the day her father retires, training not only her body but also her mind. She often goes on outside missions, and has travelled to Liyue several times.
General appearance: tied up blonde hair, black eyes who are distinctive to her native village, tan skin, purple tattoos all over her body, average height, electro sigil on her forehead, wears armour over lights clothes
Personality: Determined, good strategist, cold in appearance but nice to her friends, intimidating, strong and agile, always stays on her guard
Hobbies: Pottery, sewing, marksmanship, running, forging her own armour
Fighting style: Heavily swings around her claymore with one hand
Signature Weapon: Call of the Thunder - a very shiny claymore with embedded amethyst in it; earned after completing an event that takes place in her village. Substat: Crit Rate / Passive: for every electro character in the party, gain 10% electro dmg bonus
Normal attack: Godly Guardian / perform 5 consecutive strikes
Elemental skill: Amethyst Judgment / summons an amethyst to the field, dealing AoE electro dmg. The amethyst will zap up to 5 nearby opponents, dealing electro dmg. Lasts 10s. Cool down of 15s.
Burst: Archon’s Mighty Favour / Changes normal attacks to electro dmg for 15s
Talents conferred after ascension: Increases the number of enemies that can be attacked by Amethyst Judgement to 6 / When gaining an electro particle, gain 5% electro dmg. Can be obtained every 6s, max 5 stacks.
Passive: When preparing a dish, Valentina has a 30% chance to refund some of the ingredients she used
Friends: Amber, Diluc, Yun Jin, and Collei. She would appreciate Cyno, Alhaitham, Dhya and Candace if they met. Her village operates in a similar way as the Sumeru desert and she would therefore feel a sense of familiarity towards the desert folks
Signature dish: Sweet and sour fish sticks (DEF boosting dish that requires fish, sweet flower, salt and apples)
Good morning: Suns up. What’s the plan today?
Good night: Sleep well. Don’t worry, i won’t let anyone harm you tonight.
When it rains: Let’s collect the rain to make dinner later. We always have to make the most of nature’s ressources.
When it’s sunny: Perfect weather to go fishing.
When it snows: Pretty but unpractical. Let’s find heat.
In a thunderstorm: Don’t worry, i know my way around lightning
Sprinting: No time for slacking / meetings about to start / let’s pick up our pace
Fallen: I… couldn’t protect you/ There was still more to do…/ What about my village…
Low HP: Let’s find shelter/ retreat can be a wise option sometimes
Hit taken: You’ll regret this / I won’t hold back anymore
Ascension: Let’s go test out these new skills! How about an adventure, just the two of us?/ I’ve really gotten used to fighting by your side. You’re one of the few people i trust, traveller./ This will serve greatly for my village duties. Thank you, traveller. I hope we can continue to partner up in the future.
Chatting: I think it’s fascinating you can control the elements without a vision. Everyone in my villages trains so hard to get noticed by the archons and receive such power; yet you merely gained it by touching a statue… Could it be because you’re from another world?
Adding to party: Let’s make it quick/ What do i need to deal with?
Favourite food: Fish and meat
Least favourite food: Yogurt and dairy products in general
Opening a chest: Better than i expected/ This was worth the chase
Idle chatting: Are you ready for the next meeting?/ Travelling truly is fulfilling… let’s do this more often
Idle animations: checking a map/ crossing arms/ creating an electro sphere between both hands
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morsingwyatt14 · 17 days
Cheap replica luxury bags - An Overview
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I've a real louis and i by no means continue to keep receipt. us is very old twenty yesrs as hood as new. old product. how can they think about ta acquire awsy my serious luois that will be very unfare. Battling versus pretend is nice but the way to differentiate fake from true is a major deal in Africa, especially for a person like me in Cameroon exactly where most of this brands don’t have outlets below nor franchise and everybody lets you know “mine is authentic”. Don’t worry about not capable of finding these hidden goods as being the Best Chinese Replica Crew is persistently looking at the best branded replica offers. My guess is this: Folks have been touring abroad getting the actual thing and telling customs that it’s bogus to stop taxes. So, are they now selecting individuals that can explain to if an item is a true or bogus on the place? Hell jewlers now a times can’t even explain to a true diamond from a phony Along with the naked eye!! In relation to modern labels, you’re prone to get more bang for your personal buck. “In 7 star replica handbags bags ’re looking for a great offer, look at a design that speaks for you but is from a few seasons back (just like the Loewe Puzzle Bag or The Row Looking Bag) or bags from far more rising designers—we appreciate Staud and Cult Gaia,” states Skoda. Effectively is sweet details excursions pretend n serious merchandise to hold if you journey by airline or almost every other transportation that are rigid on inspection. I believe that each airline or other has just about every proper to acquired n vacation what they need . I’m not rich with large money to purchase highly-priced goods to travel with induce to me touring with genuine excellent pricey things is a lot more perilous there a good deal creedy crazy people today on the market n they cover as thieves . Disclaimer: Branded Replicas are outlined as rapid as These are taken down, nonetheless We've no challenges in any way While using the suppliers who're eradicated since the replica products and solutions remain delivered Irrespective of not remaining shown thereafter. AliExpress has insurance policies in order that items are delivered or refunded Dropship bags and purses from one of a kind dropshipping suppliers while in the United states, and produce a competitive advantage with quick shipping, excellent high quality, and irresistible aesthetic. Choose between kinds which are built to mirror larger-stop bags or just try out for one which loosely resembles some designer selections out there that would cost hundreds or Countless dollars. The production of handbags that use The brand or precise type or style and design of a designer handbag is illegitimate. The generation and sale of faux designer handbags cost American taxpayers an incredible number of pounds annually. This kind of solutions tend to be developed abroad underneath unsafe Operating conditions and afterwards marketed to customers who possess minimal comprehension of the ramifications from the counterfeit business. To mention that “Built in China” equals unethical and that in comparison ‘created in’ a western country equals to the highest standards of creation is satisfying the essence of western propaganda. We don’t know very well what their factories appear like. Nobody stated they have wonderful Operating disorders. We believe they do. Because of the Status, these providers have, no-one would query their function ethics. replica louis vuitton handbags may be exploiting their workers. They almost certainly pay back their personnel pennies for the bag and demand us $2000 additionally. Louis Vuitton pays its personnel $11/hour while marketing its popular bags for $ 4000. Its truly disturbing to find out that individuals are more give attention to futile matters. How about the more critical things like homelessness, starvation, maximize psychological well being disorder,what about hiring not staff members to keep large maximize of delayed flights? Those are more important than stressing about an individual’s handbag!
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willie-beerbohm · 1 month
How to Purchase Free Fire Diamonds for Ultimate Gaming Success
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Free Fire is one of the most popular battle royale games in the world, with over 1 billion downloads globally. In the game, players parachute onto an island and battle against 49 other players in a fight for survival.
To gain a competitive edge in Free Fire, many players choose to purchase Free Fire diamonds. These premium in-game currencies can be used to unlock exclusive cosmetic items, character abilities, weapon skins and more.
What are the Benefits of Purchasing Free Fire Diamonds?
Here are some of the key benefits of buying Free Fire diamonds:
Gain access to exclusive in-game content like character costumes, weapon skins, and accessories
Unlock new characters with enhanced abilities that can help you win more matches
Stand out from other players by customizing your style with elite outfits and weapon skins
Progress faster by purchasing supplies, upgrades, and other boosts
Limited-time and seasonal exclusive items that provide bragging rights
How to Safely Purchase Diamonds
When looking to purchase Free Fire diamonds, it’s crucial to select a reliable and secure third-party top-up website. One of the safest and most reputable options is LootBar.
Step 1: Select Your Package
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LootBar offers Free Fire diamond packages ranging from 70 diamonds all the way up to 6600 diamonds. Select the amount you wish to purchase based on your budget and needs. Higher packages offer more value per diamond.
Step 2: Choose Payment Method
LootBar supports various secure payment methods including credit/debit cards, PayPal, cryptocurrency, and more. Select your preferred option during checkout.
Step 3: Enter Game Details
You will need to provide your Free Fire player ID and server ID so LootBar can deliver your diamonds. Make sure to double check you have entered this information correctly.
Step 4: Confirm Order
Carefully review all the order details before confirming your purchase. Once confirmed, your Free Fire diamonds will be topped up instantly!
Why Choose LootBar for Free Fire Top-Up
Here are some of the key reasons LootBar stands out for Free Fire diamond purchases:
Secure and Reliable Service – LootBar utilizes encryption and other security measures to protect your information.
24/7 Customer Support – Friendly agents are available round-the-clock to assist with any issues.
Instant Delivery – Diamonds are topped up directly to your Free Fire account within minutes.
Discount Packages – Special sales and promotions offer great value on bulk diamond purchases.
Refund Guarantee – If any problems occur, you are fully protected by LootBar’s money-back guarantee.
With its exceptional service, competitive pricing, and dedication to customer satisfaction, LootBar is the top choice for Free Fire players seeking to enhance their experience by purchasing diamonds.
Tips for Making the Most of Your Diamonds
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Here are some tips to get the greatest value after topping up your Free Fire diamonds on LootBar:
Wait for discount events – Occasionally characters and items go on sale for lower diamond prices.
Focus on limited editions – These exclusive cosmetics tend to offer more prestige and style.
Upgrade top-tier weapons – Spending diamonds to max out powerful guns can help win more fights.
Learn each character’s ability – Make sure to match your playstyle before unlocking with diamonds.
Follow these tips and make each diamond count as you climb the tiers and build your elite collection of Free Fire cosmetics!
Enhance Your Gaming Experience with Free Fire Diamonds
Purchasing Free Fire diamonds opens up a world of exciting customization and upgrades to amplify your performance. With a trusted and reliable service like LootBar, topping up diamonds is a smooth and satisfying process.
Unlock your full gaming potential today and stand out from the crowd with exclusive diamonds items in Garena Free Fire!
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ar-fmp · 3 months
15/03 - Development
Plans for today:
Alter some stuff on bout the tesla.
Bug fixes.
New enemy type (maybe)
Get upgrades to work with tesla
New UI / controls.
So to begin with I have increased the tesla's range by 50% and decreased the main collision damage from 4 to 3.
I have made it so the tesla can be upgraded, but only with the basic ones (+max health, +regeneration, -health, etc).
Something I noticed when testing this is that the middle button will sometimes not have text on it, while all the other will always have their text.
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I have just finished making some tesla themed upgrades for the right button:
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Destroy ALL Teslas. For each Tesla destroyed, gain 10 gold.
Increases the attack speed and the damage zone of current Teslas, but lose ALL current money.
Destroy ALL buildings.
I also fixed one of the upgrades where it was supposed to be a 50/50 chance, but it only went one way.
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Now that the tesla feels more involved in my game, I am gonna start work on an extra bit of UI, so the player can choose what they want to place.
So far I have added the buttons to choose what to place albeit they don't do much at the moment. I also added some extra UI to replace the money counter; and even display the build price and money increase per second.
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While I was play testing my game, I found out that there is a bug where the player can choose the same upgrade multiple times, resulting in something like this:
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I chose the upgrade that makes the tesla shoot faster and have a larger radius about 7 times before clicking something else. Also I should think about capping stats before more things like this happen...
I tried making the buttons decided what gets placed down; however changing the variables casted from the Player Pawn in the HUD would not update the variable in my Player Pawn blueprint.
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So I made the variables in my HUD widget blueprint so that the Player Pawn can cast to the HUD (which it's already doing to display the HUD) and get the variables from there. The rest is just my previous controller for placing plus an IF ELSE loop.
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I have also added a way to delete buildings, just in case you have too many towers and aren't making enough money. It will also refund you a 20% of the current build price, just to make it more forgiving. I made it 20% because if the build price is like 30, and your getting refunded like 40; that's an easier way to exploit the refunds - but also if the build price is like 60 and your only getting 4 back; it's not very useful.
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Major bug fix alert! After a few weeks trying to wrap my head around my the bullets would fall through the ground DESPITE the constraints preventing them from moving on the Z axis; I finally figured it out! I assumed it was the towers or their bullets which were at fault, but the spawner would spawn the enemies on a slightly random Z axis - causing the towers; who are always trying to look at an enemy; to shoot at them at a slight angle.
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So I changed the blueprint to take the vector separately (as a double) so I could keep the Z axis the same, while still having a random XY axis.
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And with that I have completed all of what I wanted to do today. Although I do have a fair bit of time left, so I am gonna make a new enemy type that is a lot stronger and a lot slower than the others. Taking inspiration from Clash Of Clans, I want this enemy to target the castle rather than any other buildings.
It was easier than I had expected to make the giant enemy (I just duplicated the normal enemy, made them bigger, gave them more health and damage, made them move slower and only target the castle). Spawning them wasn't too difficult either, I made it a one in eight chance that they will spawn instead of a normal enemy.
I have also changed how the tesla works, it will no longer damage enemies by hitting them with its main projectile; but can only hurt enemies with the radius around the projectile. I also gave it an other upgrade in the middle button where its damage is increased by 1. I have nerfed the normal enemy from doing 5 + wave number *2, to 5 + wave number.
I said in my previous blog post that I want the tesla to be more of a support defense, and at the moment - it's just lacking all round. So I made it stun enemies on hit:
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I forgot about the giants...
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There we go. The giants have a slight immunity to the tesla as it will damage and stun the normal enemies first, so I made the giants get stunned for longer.
I also changed the HUD a bit so it took up less of the screen.
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There are now only 2 lines of text in the top left however the top line displays the current money, and the build price. Also the 4th button at the bottom does not do anything at the moment, I put it in for convenience later.
Here's a quick video of the gameplay so far:
I realized upon playing for the first time, it's quite difficult and kind of boring at the moment.
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cohenwebb97 · 5 months
Are Usb Asic Miner Units Nonetheless Profitable?
Also, examine the vendor's refund coverage just in case after you buy there is a matter. For those units that do come with a PSU, ensure it's a good quality one for max power effectivity, corresponding to Bitmain's personal AWP3++ power provide which additionally works with the S9. The S7 additionally generally generates much less heat and noise than the more powerful S9. With so many jumping on the mining bandwagon, these gadgets have become costly and troublesome to purchase. In most cases, along with the AIC unit you'll additionally must purchase a good quality PSU (power supply) for max efficiency. It’s primarily an digital chip that's designed particularly in your needs. An essential consideration when buying an ASIC must be how soon you're likely to see a return in your unique funding. This is set by the hash power of the device – i.e. the number of BTC it can generate day by day – minus your electricity costs, mining pool charges and current mining issue. StrongU have been around for a few years and make the Hornbill H8 and H8 Pro bitcoin miners which hash TH/s, with and effectivity of W/TH. In principle the H8 machine can be very worthwhile, yet no miner reviews are found and the model stays a thriller. And, in 2018 they had been the primary producer to achieve a chip effectivity of lower than 63 W/TH (75 W/TH at the wall). Expressed in hashes per second, it denotes what quantity of calculations a miner can execute every second. If you are a person looking to mine in trade for cash from the consolation of your personal home, you will want to buy an ASIC miner. Soon after Canaan Creative, firms corresponding to Bitman, Bitwats, and MicroBT started manufacturing ASIC miners. You’re seeing this advert based mostly on the product’s relevance to your search query.
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Although not for the faint-hearted, a profitable ASIC miner may be constructed that generates passive crypto rewards. It could be very troublesome to create an ASIC miner from scratch however is not impossible. There are several challenges similar to sourcing the elements and correctly assembling them. Furthermore, the miner needs to have fundamental programming information to set up the mining software program and connect to the blockchain. Overall, the WhatsMiner M30S sequence is an impressive Bitcoin miner - it can present hashing power that rivals Antminers with a a lot smaller initial funding required. Here is a desk of the 30 most profitable bitcoin mining rigs in the marketplace in 2021. In this article we examine the thirty most profitable bitcoin miners of 2021, and then talk about points with popular fashions. We finish this piece by taking a look at off-brand ASICs, in addition to not yet launched bitcoin miners. There are more than ~1 million ASIC miners (specialized gadgets built for mining BTC and other cryptos) securing the Bitcoin community, and only one ASIC at a time can win the block reward. https://horizonminers.com/ M30S++ is an effective alternative for miners who are looking for a robust and efficient ASIC miner. It has a hash rate of 112 TH/s and an influence consumption of 3,392 W, for a total effectivity of 33 J/TH. In a nutshell, mining is working complicated calculations in the seek for a particular number. Whether it’s an ASIC miner or a GPU mining rig, mining hardware must run through many calculations earlier than discovering that number. In proof of labor systems like Bitcoin, the primary one to find that number will get a reward — at the time of writing, 12.5 Bitcoins price around $96,850. Today, they proceed to be the second largest manufacturer and designer globally of Bitcoin mining machines. The major purpose why folks mine cryptocurrency is due to the incentives. But the thing isn't every individual can acquire the specialised hardware that is required for mining Bitcoin, Litecoin and Dogecoin. Whereas miners for Ethereum are far more accessible to the common public. Competition for bitcoin mining rewards will continue to spur technological evolution. However, it is unclear what the subsequent main leap in mining know-how will appear to be. One of probably the most noticeable developments in ASIC mining technology since 2013 has been a gradual discount in chip dimension.
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skteeshirt · 6 months
Vintage Fear and Fridays Zach Bryan Poem Sweatshirt, Zach Bryan Tour 2023 2024 Sweatshirt
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Vintage Fear and Fridays Zach Bryan Poem Sweatshirt, Zach Bryan Tour 2023 2024 Sweatshirt Introducing the Vintage Fear and Fridays Zach Bryan Poem Sweatshirt, a nostalgic tribute to Zach Bryan's captivating storytelling. Get ready to join the Zach Bryan Tour 2023-2024 in style with this must-have sweatshirt. Step into a world of captivating storytelling with the Vintage Fear and Fridays Zach Bryan Poem Sweatshirt, a nostalgic tribute that brings Zach Bryan's essence to life. Embrace the upcoming Zach Bryan Tour 2023-2024 in style with this must-have sweatshirt. 1/ Please note that the mockup images and product titles displayed are for illustrative purposes only. We offer a diverse range of custom products, and it is crucial for customers to select the appropriate shirt style based on their specific requirements. 2/ If you want to wear oversized, please up to 1-2 sizes. 3/ We have many other colors. Please contact us directly for advice. We also have Gildan, Bella Canvas and Comfort Colors fabric. * Sure to be one of your favorites, our T-Shirt with special and modern perspective stylish design will catch people's attention when you walk down the road * Bright, accurate color, soft material for outstanding finished garments, our shirt will make you more attractive, charming, fashionable and chic, make your shape look great * A great gift for yourself or your beloved ones on Birthday, Halloween, Christmas, New year, Father's day, Mother's day, Anniversary day, Valentine, St Patrick's Day * This shirt has the classic cotton look and feel. Casual elegance will make it an instant favorite in everyone's wardrobe. - PRINTED & SHIPPED from USA - Classic fit - Runs true to size We can customize all of our designs to your needs. Just message us with your request! - There may be slight differences between the color displayed on the screen and the actual color. - This is a customizedly printed item produced just for you. For this reason, we only refund or replace items if they are defective or damaged. - Care instructions: Machine wash: warm (max 40C or 105F); Non-chlorine: bleach as needed; Tumble dry: medium; Do not iron ; Do not dryclean Don't hesitate, Click Add to Cart to take this amazing shirt today!
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review-with-metul · 9 months
QuickFunnel Pro Review 2023 || Introduction:
QuickFunnel Pro Review 2023 👉 Introducing The Industry’s First Visual Funnel Planner, 400+ Beautiful Templates, Free-Flow Editor, and Inbuilt E-Mail Marketing - All Rolled into One Easy to Use Application!
👇QuickFunnel Pro Software allows you to perform valuable and important tasks:
✅Launch Your Products & Services Online without Tech Hassles.
✅Create High Converting Websites for Desperate Local Businesses
✅Sell More of Your Courses & E-Books
✅Build Mailing List, Generate Webinar Registrations, & Send Unlimited Emails.
✅Boost Affiliate Commissions Using Review & Bonus Funnels
✅Sell High In-Demand Services with Included Commercial License.
QuickFunnel Pro Review 2023 || Overview:
✅Vendor: Dr.Amit Pareek et al
✅Product: QuickFunnel
✅Official Website: Click here
✅Front-End Price: $37
✅Niche: Software
✅Refund: 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
✅Recommendation: Highly Recommended
QuickFunnel Pro Review 2023 || About Vendor:
QuickFunnel Pro Review 2023 || What is QuickFunnel Pro?
QuickFunnel Pro Review 👉 With the QuickFunnel Pro tool you can Create fast loading funnels and websites in just 7 minutes with no technical hassles and no monthly fees.
👇QuickFunnel Pro software allows you to perform valuable and important tasks:
❇️Quick & Easy: Create Lightning-Fast Funnels Easily with Free-Flow Funnel Planner & Drag-N-Drop Editor,
❇️Maximize Results: Max Engagement, Max Leads & Max Sales with High converting Funnels & Pages,
❇️Reliable & Robust: Battle-Tested Architecture to Handle Huge Load without Any Hassles,
❇️Proven & Elegant: Empowered with 400+ Proven Converting & Elegant Templates
QuickFunnel Pro Review || How Does QuickFunnel Pro Works?
👇Create Amazing Profit Pulling Websites & Funnels in 3 Easy Steps,
✅Step #1: Choose Create stunning visuals in minutes! By just choose from our 400+ ready-to-use, beautiful templates according to your business niche & marketing goals.
✅Step #2: Edit Revolutionize your funnel creation with our next-generation Drag & Drop page editor and free-flow funnel planner! Without knowing any coding or design skills.
✅Step #3: Publish & Get Paid Create stunning visuals in minutes! By just choose from our 400+ ready-to-use, beautiful templates according to your business niche & marketing goals.
QuickFunnel Pro Review || Watch Demo Video:
What Are the Cutting Edge Features of QuickFunnel Pro?
We Guarantee, This Is the Only Funnel & Website Builder You’ll ever need:
✅Create Proven-To-Convert Funnels & Websites in Just A Few Minutes in Any Niche,
✅Build Any Type of Funnel– Sales Funnel, Lead Funnel, Webinar and Product Launches Funnel,
✅400+ High Converting & Ready-To-Go Templates,
✅Mobile Friendly & Fast Loading Pages- Never Lose a Single Visitor, Lead or Sale.
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✅Precise Analytics to Measure & Make the Right Decisions for Future Success!
✅Automatic SSL Encryption- 100% Unbreakable Security,
✅Industry’s First, Fully Drag & Drop & Visual Funnel Designer,
✅Create Any Type of Landing Page - Sales Page, Lead Page, Membership, Bonus, or Product Review Page,
✅Next-Gen Drag and Drop Editor to Create Pixel Perfect Pages or Templates from Scratch,
✅User Friendly Business Central Dashboard- Everything You Need, Under One Roof At Your Fingertips!
✅Cutting-Edge Autoresponder Integration- Use Any Email Autoresponder without Any Technical Glitches,
✅Grab Maximum Leads - Show Pop-Ups inside Landing Pages and Funnels Pages,
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>>>Get Instant Access Now<<<
🎯400+ Battle-Tested and Done-For-You Templates to Build Beautiful, Mobile-Friendly & Fast-Loading Landing Pages, 👇 Such as Below:
✅Lead Generation Pages - Get Max Potential Buyer.
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✅Webinar Registration Pages- Get MAX Registrants for Your Webinars
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✅Create Any Type of Page- Deal Page, thank you, portfolio, contact us, legal pages & much more…
What Kind of Benefits Will You Get From QuickFunnel Pro?
✅With the QuickFunnel Pro software, you get many benefits. Because the software is an all in one solution. 👇Below are some of the notable features that QuickFunnel Pro will provide you:
✅Inbuilt Page SEO for Better SERP Ranking & Traffic: You will also get 100% SEO funnels & pages to get better SERP rankings and additional search traffic.
✅Automatic & FREE SSL Encryption: Get 100% unbreakable security with SSL encryption for all your pages & funnels created with QuickFunnel.
✅Manage All Campaigns, Projects & Clients in A simple to use Dashboard: This lets you manage everything effortlessly. Use our never offered before customized drag & drop business central dashboard.
✅Easy, Copy-Paste Facebook Remarketing, Google Remarketing & Webmaster Setup Simply copy-paste your code in our page settings and you’re all done. Completely Newbie friendly. No tech skills needed
✅No Website. No Hosting & No Domain Needed : With QuickFunnel, You’re 100% covered– No worries of monthly hosting bills, domains and websites.
👇Also you get all the support after buying this software:
👉 24 hours Round-the-Clock Support
👉No Coding, Design or Technical Skills Required
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👉Complete Step-by-Step Video Training and Tutorials Included
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👉Limited Commercial License
Who Is QuickFunnel Pro Is The Perfect Choice For? QuickFunnel Pro 2023
👇Here’s A Never-Ending List of All Business That Need This Amazing Solution Today:
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QuickFunnel Pro Review || Why should you buy it Or Does It worth Buying?
❇️There’s no match to the power packed QuickFunnel because it’s built with years of experience, designing, coding, debugging & real user testing to get you guaranteed results.
🔥QuickFunnel brings you speed & ease of use on a silver platter. It is highly optimized to build only high converting and fast-loading funnels to literally crush your competition.
👉It comes with next generation free-flow page editor to create entire template from scratch without touching a single code and with industry’s first visual funnel builder to make this absolute winner.
QuickFunnel Pro Review || Users Opinion:
QuickFunnel Pro Review 2023 || What Are The Fast Action Bonuses?
⭐⭐⭐Good News, you will be very happy to know that with QuickFunnel Pro software you are getting a bonus package worth $3300.
🔥Bonus #1: Live Training - 0-10k a Month with QuickFunnel (First 1000 buyers only - $1000 Value)- Start Your Own SIX Figure Business In FEW Minutes. This awesome LIVE training will help you to build a SIX FIGURE Business PLUS THREE lucky attendees will be selected randomly to win $100 cash each! And there will be a Live Q & A Session at the end of the training.
🔥Bonus #2 Private Access to Online Business VIP Club Connect with a community of like-minded individuals and take your business to the next level.
🔥Bonus #3: High-Quality Video Training on How to Drive Cost-Effective Traffic on Your Funnels, Products & Affiliate Offers Drive laser targeted traffic to your funnels, products and affiliate offers without spending tons of time and money. Combine this useful info with QuickFunnel, and get best results for your business like you always aspired.
🔥Bonus #4: High-Quality Video Training on How to Build An Email List This complete PLR bonus package helps you discover how to build a list of responsive buyers and reap the most from them in a cost-effective manner. When used with QuickFunnel, it reaps long term business benefits.
🔥Bonus #5: Internet Marketing for Complete Beginners Video Training Value packed course that enables you to learn the basics of SEO, site design, affiliate marketing, email marketing, social media, and more. Use this proven information along with QuickFunnel, and see results flowing in like a pro.
>>>Get Instant Access Now<<<
QuickFunnel Pro Review | Pros & Cons:
✅Drag & Drop WYSIWYG Page Editor
✅Team & Client Management
✅24/7 Chat Support
✅$37 One Time Only/ No Monthly Charges
⛔No significant cons until now
QuickFunnel Pro Review || Is there a 30 day money back guarantee facility?
✅You can definitely take this product because, with QuickFunnel Pro product, you are getting 30 days full money back guarantee, that is, if you don't get any benefit after buying and using QuickFunnel Pro, then you can return the product and get your full money back.
My Final Honest Opinion about QuickFunnel Pro:
QuickFunnel Brings You a Huge Opportunity on a Silver Platter 👉You Just Need To Capitalize On It – The Easier Way. No Competition with Others.
😎Friends, all I can say is that there is still time for you to use QuickFunnel Pro software to take your online business to a higher level. ✅You can definitely get the desired profit for your business using it and there is no alternative to QuickFunnel Pro software to grow your business.
👉So, grab it today for this low one-time price because it will never be available again after launch at this price.
>>>Visit Official Website<<
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shop-korea · 1 year
Are these popular NYC Instagram spots TOURIST TRAPS?
$0 - $250, 000 MAX FINE
WE'RE - DROPPING - 53.com
BUYING - $300 - FOR - $9
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haridoydatta512 · 1 year
Domain Nova Review - Empowering Entrepreneurs in the Domain and Hosting Industry.
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Domain Nova Review - ​ Introduction
Welcome to the Domain Nova Review article. In today's modern era, establishing a robust online presence is crucial for both businesses and individuals. Central to any successful online venture is the influential factors of domains and hosting.
Imagine a world where you can effortlessly launch your own profitable domain and hosting business, even without prior technical skills or a substantial upfront investment. It may sound unbelievable, but get ready to be astounded because Domain Nova is here to revolutionize your entry into the domain and hosting industry.
This review will delve into the remarkable features and advantages of Domain Nova, the world's first technology designed to empower you in kickstarting your very own domain and hosting business. Through its user-friendly interface, state-of-the-art functionalities, and unmatched affordability, this platform levels the playing field and grants you control over your destiny.
Get ready to embark on an exciting journey as you witness the emergence of a new era in the domain and hosting industry. It's time to embrace the boundless opportunities, freedom, and independence that await you with Domain Nova. This extraordinary technology has the power to revolutionize your business and propel you toward unparalleled success. 
 Review - Overview
Product – Domain Nova
Creator – Yves Kouyo
Official Website – Click Here
Front End Price – $17
Content – Software Online
Niche – Domain Hosting
Bonuses- Yes, Huge Bonuses
Refund- YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Recommendation – Highly Recommend!
>>>Click here to visit the official website<<<
What Is Domain Nova?
Introducing Domain Nova, a revolutionary technology that empowers individuals to venture into the domain and hosting industry and establishes their own profitable online businesses. This platform simplifies the domain registration and hosting process, making it accessible even to beginners without technical expertise or significant upfront investments.
With Domain Nova, you gain access to the lowest domain registration prices, enabling you to offer cost-effective services to your customers. The platform is designed with a user-friendly interface, ensuring that anyone can effortlessly navigate and utilize its features.
One of the key advantages of Domain Nova is its ability to level the playing field in the domain and hosting industry.  As more businesses and individuals establish their online presence, the need for domains and hosting services continues to grow.
Domain Nova offers not just cost-effective choices but also delivers cutting-edge features and functionalities to elevate your business. By selecting premium upgrades such as Domain Nova Premium, Max, DFY, Agency, Reseller, and Whitelabel, you gain access to a wide array of enhanced capabilities and personalized customization options designed to meet the specific needs of your enterprise.
Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, someone seeking passive income, an existing domain and hosting business, a web designer, or a developer, Domain Nova offers a compelling solution. It brings together convenience, affordability, and the potential for growth and success in the domain and hosting industry.
Domain Nova Review- Features
● Independence and Control – Revolutionary Technology Solution
Domain Nova revolutionizes the domain and hosting industry by offering groundbreaking technology that empowers you to launch your own domain and hosting selling platform. Say goodbye to third-party providers and take full control of your business operations.
● Expansive Domain Selection – Seamless Integration Made Easy
With Domain Nova, integrating millions of domains from various TLDs such as .com, .net, .org, and more is a breeze. Enjoy a vast inventory of domains to meet the diverse needs and preferences of your customers.
● Lucrative Selling Opportunities – Premium Domains & Hosting Services
Maximize your profits by selling top-notch domains and hosting services at your desired prices. Tap into the global market and capitalize on the increasing demand for reliable online solutions.
● Cost Savings – Say Farewell to Expensive Subscriptions
Eliminate the burden of costly domain subscription fees. With Domain Nova, you can cancel your existing domain subscriptions and save a significant amount of money each year.
● Monetization Options – Unlock Revenue Potential with Affiliate Marketing
Boost your income streams by incorporating affiliate links. Earn passive income whenever someone purchases a domain through your affiliate links, increasing your overall profitability.
● Cutting-Edge Functionality – Streamlined and Intuitive Process
Domain Nova offers a user-friendly, three-step process to effortlessly search for and sell premium domains. Experience a streamlined interface that simplifies the experience for both you and your clients.
● Lightning-Fast Hosting – Premium Performance at Affordable Prices
Enjoy top-tier hosting capabilities without straining your budget. Domain Nova provides lightning-fast hosting services, ensuring optimal website performance and customer satisfaction.
● Commercial License and Support – Empowering Your Business Success
Gain access to a commercial license that enables you to provide in-demand services to business owners worldwide. Expand your reach and tap into a vast market of potential clients with Domain Nova's support.
● Newbie-Friendly Technology – Simple and Beginner-Friendly
Domain Nova is designed to be 100% user-friendly, catering to professionals and beginners alike in the domain and hosting industry. You can start your journey within minutes, with no prior technical or marketing skills required.
● Comprehensive Training Resources – Expert Guidance for Success
Unlock your full business potential with Domain Nova's comprehensive training resources. Benefit from expert guidance and insights to maximize your success in the domain and hosting market.
>>>Click here to visit the official website<<<
How does Domain Nova work?
Experience the transformation with these three straightforward actions, propelling your business toward success and unlocking a multitude of advantages:
1. Access: Seamlessly enter the Domain Nova platform by effortlessly logging in, opening the doors to a world of possibilities.
2. Craft Your Selling Site: Construct a personalized domain and hosting selling site tailored precisely to your preferences and business goals, empowering you to stand out in the digital marketplace.
3. Reap Profits: Witness the power of earning as every domain registration or hosting plan purchase made through your platform directly translates into financial gains. With a steady stream of payments, you can enjoy consistent income, all while eliminating reliance on external platforms.
Embrace this revolutionary solution, empowering you to establish a lucrative domain and hosting business while retaining full control and independence.
Domain Nova Review - Pros & Cons
- No requirement for hosting or domain registration
- Ability to share your website on various social media platforms, ensuring unlimited traffic
- Enhanced security and privacy with a brand-new SSL encryption
- Convenient management of users and domains through the built-in admin dashboard
- Flexibility to set your own domain prices
- Quick and effortless domain-selling shop creation with a single click
- Thoroughly tested by the creators, ensuring a 100% proven success rate
- Trustworthy utilization of cutting-edge technology for the utmost security and performance
- Enhanced domain-selling experience for customers with Domain Nova
- Comprehensive software designed to generate online revenue
- An innovative solution that has never been seen before
- Currently, there are no known drawbacks or limitations.
Domain Nova Review- FAQ
Do I need prior experience or technical/design skills to get started?
Domain Nova was specifically designed with beginners in mind. It is completely newbie-friendly and does not require any previous design or technical skills.
Do you offer a money-back guarantee?
Absolutely! We proudly offer a 30-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. Rest assured, your investment is safe with us.
Is step-by-step training included?
Yes, indeed! Domain Nova provides comprehensive step-by-step video training that simplifies the entire process and guides you smoothly through it, without any difficulties.
How do you differentiate yourselves from other tools in the market?
Domain Nova stands out by offering a range of industry-leading features that have never been seen before. Furthermore, if you've explored other available tools and are seeking a complete solution, you won't find these exceptional features at such an affordable price. You can confidently make your purchase knowing that you're getting unparalleled value.
Do you offer support?
Absolutely! We are committed to delivering an unmatched experience to our users. If you ever have any queries, simply drop us an email, and we'll be more than happy to assist you.
Domain Nova Review- My Recommendation
Without a doubt, Domain Nova represents a significant leap forward in domain registration, offering you unparalleled opportunities for your online business. I strongly recommend taking prompt action to avoid missing out on this exceptional launch, as you may deeply regret it in the future. This product undeniably presents a budget-friendly solution that can set you on the path to online financial success. Thank you for dedicating your time to reading my review!
>>>Click here to visit the official website<<<
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Infatuation Scripts by Clayton Max
Have you ever thought about being in a relationship with a man you have had a thing for, for a very long time? If you have, you are going to benefit from this review. One thing you should know is that you can become a better woman and can grow to new heights. Things can change for the better. Of course, these things are not going to happen magically. To reach your true potential as a woman and never get pushed away or rejected by the man you love, you are definitely going to have to put in some effort. Infatuation scripts by Clayton Max is a program that is specifically designed to trigger the Infatuation Instinct in any man you talk to… So you can get him thinking about you non-stop and erase all other women from his mind and focus all his romantic and sexual desires onto you stirring up such powerful emotions inside him that he starts feeling like he can’t live without you. Clayton Max claims that the reason some women can make men want to get married is because they were able to successfully turn on their “infatuation mode,” which make men blind to their flaws and focus on their positive aspects. Also, it triggers a strong desire in men to focus all their attention, love, and sexual desire to only one woman (The Infatuation Instinct).
The course is made up of 12 effective techniques that can make any woman become more attractive. These techniques have been tried and tested by many women; their positive reviews say it all. So, if you want to turn your relationship around and start making men fall for you, then you should consider purchasing this course. The concept is quite easy and focuses on saying specific things that trigger a man’s desire for you by feeding him the three ingredients of infatuation – uncertainty, investment and curiosity. The program comes with a variety of example scripts for you to choose from for different scenarios, so you can easily see what to say without changing who you are or what you want. You are simply learning how to readjust your responses and what to say to have the effect you want. Everything is broken down into step-by-step sections, complete with script examples, definitions, scenarios and more. There’s even a review at the end of each section that recaps what you’ve learned, which is great for referencing back to as needed.
Infatuation Scripts will teach you how to easily, in powerfully, completely new and fun ways reverse all the damage in your relationship and compel your man to want to get as close as possible to you. You’ll learn techniques and words you can use on your man today that will make him crave you like a kid crave chocolate and want you in his life more than ever. Unlike other similar programs, this one doesn’t require you to memorize weird one-liners or recite phrases you would never say. Instead, it’s all about readjusting your responses to activate the three components that make men infatuated. You don’t have to change who you are, what you want or what your standards are, nor do you have to change your appearance. Infatuation Scripts comes with a variety of different for you to choose from, so you can properly respond to situations to get the reaction you want, which is, of course, him to become infatuated! If you want the power to make a man ‘lock in’ on you, so that you are the only woman he can imagine being with even if he has always been a commitment-phobe,Even if he’s never been in a fully committed relationship before… And even if he’s stuck on another woman… Then Infatuation Scripts is best suited for you. Emma and Clayton Max give you full two months to try their program. If it doesn’t help turn on his “Infatuation Instinct,” or you’re not happy with it for whatever reason, you can request for a full refund by emailing their customer support team. In simple words, this guarantee makes the Infatuation Scripts program a risk-free choice…
Click Here to Download The Infatuation Scripts eBook Now
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