#Gigantor is my baby and I love him
fullbattleregalia · 1 year
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Wait, what?
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FUCK YEAH!!! My sweet child has been returned to me!!!
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(First thing I did was give him an apple.)
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jensengirl83 · 4 years
Unexpected Situation
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Dean x reader
Word count-4105
Warnings- Angst, unplanned pregnancy, fluff
Summary-The reader has been sick, thinking it was just a virus, Her and Dean get a shock to the actual cause.
The sunlight streaming through the curtains, bright and offending, is letting me know it’s time to get up. I groan wanting to just stay in bed all day, but we are heading back to the bunker today. This hunt has been absolute hell, just a simple witch hunt, turning into a four-day fiasco. On top of that, I am not feeling well, this stupid stomach virus is kicking my ass. Dean, being an overprotective ass, tried to make me stay in the hotel the whole trip. Thank Chuck I did not listen, or they would still be hunting that damn witch. I want to go home to the bunker, in my own bed, my own shower. I stretch my aching muscles, normally not this tired and groggy, on my way to make our coffee. That is one thing Dean and I have in common, our love for coffee.
“Morning sweetheart, feeling any better?” Dean leans down to kiss my temple, rubbing circles on the small of my back. Not many people get to see this side of Dean. To the hunter world, he is Dean Winchester, one of the best, a hard ass no one wants to cross. At home though, he is so sweet, caring, gentle, my big teddy bear.
“Morning babe. I’m feeling a little better, still not back to myself.” I lay my head back on his chest, his arms circling my waist. We stand there in silence waiting on the coffee to finish brewing, enjoying our quiet peaceful moment before Sam gets back from his morning run. Dean moves to get his cup and fill it up, turning to fill mine as well.
“I hope you feel better soon baby. I don’t like when you are sick, there’s really nothing I can do.”
“I know you do Dean. You know it’s not your job to take care of everyone all the time, right?” He rolls his eyes at me and I can’t help but giggle. He smiles down at me, his big bright smile, the one that reaches his eyes, the smile that lets me know he is genuinely happy.
“I’ll always take care of my girl.” He leans in to place a kiss to my lips, soft and sweet, beginning to grow in intensity. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance, our tongues moving slowly together. I can taste the coffee he has been drinking, the taste instantly making my stomach turn. I break the kiss and run for the hotel bathroom, dropping to my knees to empty what little contents I have in my stomach.
“Oh sweetheart….” Dean is behind me in an instant, sweeping my hair out of my face, placing a cold washcloth on my neck. I haven’t been this sick in years, the muscles in my abdomen twitching from all the dry heaving.
“Want me to call Sammy and have him pick you up some medicine?” Dean says as he is running more cold water on the washcloth. I nod my head, afraid if I open my mouth to speak, I will be sick again. I lay my head on the toilet seat, too weak to even care. Dean is back with the cloth patting it on my face and neck, being very gentle as to not jostle me, in hopes I don’t throw up again.
“You think you’re done for now and can make it back to the bed?” I sigh laying there for a moment longer, praying this sick spell is finally over.
“I think I’m ok now Dean, help me up?” I just want to lie down. I honestly believe this virus is going to be the death of me.
“Of course, darling.” He puts his hand under my arms to steady me as I stand, my legs weak and shaky. Once I am on my feet, he swoops his arm under my legs, picking me up to carry me to the bed.
“I can walk Dean. I’m sick, my legs aren’t broken.” Another Dean eye roll.
“How about you be quiet and let me take care of you please?” I’m to weak to argue, letting him continue carrying me towards the bed. He lays me down gently, sitting beside me, running his hand over my head. I am almost asleep again when the hotel door swings open.
“Damn short stack, you look awful.” Nice choice of words Sam.
“You sure know how to make a girl feel good Sam.” I say with a roll of my eyes.
“I didn’t mean it like that Y/n. You look like you feel horrible.” The blush on Sam’s face makes me smile.
“I know you didn’t Gigantor, throwing up your spleen has a way of making you look pretty rough though.” Both boys curling their noses up in disgust like they were picturing me actually throwing up my spleen.
“Nice visual sweetheart, a little dramatic wouldn’t you say?” Dean chuckles leaning down to place his lips on my forehead.
“I don’t have a fever Winchester.” I know what he is doing, the worry wart.
“What are you talking about? I wasn’t checking you for a fever.”
“Whatever you say Dean.” I close my eyes again hoping to just rest for a minute, the nausea finally easing. I have never been this tired in my life, this virus must be a doozy, I think to myself as I drift off to sleep.
I open my eyes just a little as I roll to get more comfortable. I don’t remember the hotel bed being this comfy, the thought making me open my eyes a little wider. I look around to see I am back in our bed in the bunker.
“Hello there sleeping beauty.” I turn my head to see Dean lying beside me, arms under his head like he has been there awhile watching me.
“How long have I been asleep?” I say with a yawn as I sit up, arms over my head stretching my aching muscles.
“A little over 8 hours. I was starting to worry you weren’t going to wake back up.” The look of worry written all over that handsome face. I must admit, I am starting to worry myself. I am not one to sleep like this. “If this doesn’t go away soon please go see a doctor sweetheart.”
“I will Dean, I promise.” I lean to press a kiss to his forehead, feeling bad for making him worry so much.
“Jody called, she needs me and Sam to help on a case.” I know he doesn’t want to go, but he can’t neglect Jody just because I don’t feel well.
“Go help Jody Dean. I’m just going to take it easy and hydrate myself, nothing you can really do for me.”
“You sure? I don’t like being away from you when you might need me.” I intertwine my fingers with his, bringing them up to kiss the top of his hand.
“I’m sure babe.” I put on the biggest smile I can muster, hoping he will buy it and not be too distracted helping Jody.
“We will be back tomorrow evening baby, promise.” Dean grabs the back of my neck pulling me down to place a sweet but passionate kiss to my lips “You call me if you need anything. I mean it Y/n.”
“I promise, now get out of here.” I laugh while pushing him out of the bed. He finally stands and grabs his duffle, making his way to the door, turning to look at me once more. I smile letting him know I will be ok, reassuring him that I understand he has to go. It works, he smiles that beautiful smile, winking at me as he closes the door. I lie back down thinking of what I can get done while they are gone. My brain still seems like it is in a fog, my stomach is doing better, but I still feel tired. My mind ponders on what could possibly be making me feel this way, nothing comes to mind as fall back into a deep sleep.
I wake up with a start, a shrill ringing filling my ears. I look to my clock to see that I have slept through the night. What the hell, this is starting to freak me out. It dawns on me that the shrill sound is my phone, grabbing to see who’s calling, Dean’s picture lighting up my screen. I answer hoping he can’t tell I just woke up.
“Hey babe, how’s it going?” I say as cheerful as I can.
“It’s good sweetheart. I was calling to let you know the hunt is over and we should be back this afternoon. How are feeling?” His voice is even, not being able to tell if he suspects anything.
“Better, my stomach is still weak but not as bad as it was.”
“Good. I love you sweetheart. We’re getting ready to hit the road.” I have a few hours to get myself together.
“I love you babe. Be safe.” We end the call and I jump out of bed. I need to get my ass in the shower and get some stuff done so he doesn’t know I have slept the whole time. I grab my clothes and make my way to the shower, turning on the water and hopping in to quickly get clean. I wash my hair, my body and shave in record time. I dry off quickly, thinking I should paint my toenails. It has been awhile, and they definitely need it. I throw on one of Dean’s shirts I stole a long time ago and my sweats, squatting down to get my nail polish from under the sink. I see the box and my heart stops, my tampons, staring me in the face. I fall back to the floor and my mind goes into overdrive, trying to remember my last period. Oh my god, it has been almost two months! I reach to the back for the pregnancy test I put back there from when we had a scare last year. I stand, ripping the test open and yanking my pants to my ankles, the urgency to know sending me into a frenzy.
I lay the test on the sink as I wash my hands, praying that it is stress causing me to skip my periods. We have been hunting nonstop for months. That is it, it has to be. Me and Dean have never really discussed kids. Our scare last year not really bringing up a conversation, so I assume it’s not what he wants. What am I going to do if I am pregnant, what will Dean think? The timer on my phone bringing me back to reality. I flip the test over but keep my eyes on the wall, wanting to know but then again not. I take a deep breath and look down to the stick in my hand, trying not to cry. Positive. I grab the edge of the sink to keep myself from falling, my knees trying to buckle beneath me. Steadying myself, I walk out to our room and lay the test on the table beside the bed, not knowing what else to do with it.
I make my way to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, my mouth being dry from the realization of the impending arrival of the small human in my body. I need to go sit down, all this so overwhelming. Reaching the library, I don’t sit, I just keep moving.
I could not help but to pace around, the boys were on their way home, due back at any time. The anxiousness of the talk I need to have with Dean churning in my belly. How did we end up in this situation? This is going to be one of the scariest conversations I have ever had. I just hope Dean will take the news better than I am expecting him to. I instinctively reach down to place my hand on my stomach, my baby, our baby, the thought has my eyes brimming with tears. I never thought I would want to be a mother, now I can’t imagine our unexpected bundle not being here. I pray to whoever is listening that Dean will accept this, not panic and push us away. Raising a child in this life will not be easy, but he/she is a part of us, isn’t that worth the extra effort? I want this for Dean, I know he doesn’t believe it, but he would be such a good father. Loving and protecting, doing everything he could to make sure his child has better than he did. What if he doesn’t want this though? There is no other option for me but to have and love this baby with everything I am. If Dean will not accept it, I will have to leave, that’s not what I want, but this child is my priority now. Just the thought of having to leave has tears streaming down my face. In my onslaught of the worst-case scenarios, I didn’t hear the bunker door open.
“Honey I’m home! I love saying that.” I can hear the happiness in his voice, boy am I about to rip that away.
“You’re such an idiot Dean.” Sam is laughing as they make their way down the bunker’s staircase. I am trying to wipe the tears from my face and hope they don’t notice.
“There’s my girl! How ya feeling sweetheart?” Dean is right behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. I stay silent, afraid my emotions will be heard in my voice, not ready for this conversation. “Y/n, honey, you ok?” He turns me to face him, no need in trying to stop it. His face drops seeing me in the state I am in.
“Y/n what’s wrong? Talk to me.” Looking up to see those beautiful green eyes, so full of love and concern, has me breaking down, the thought that this may be the last time he looks at me this way, more than I can take.
“I’m so sorry Dean! I didn’t mean for it to happen, it just happened. Please baby don’t push me away. I love you. I don’t want to do this on my own.” My body is wracked with sobs, his arms the only thing holding me up.
“I need you to calm down honey. Take a deep breath, whatever it is we can fix it.” Dean is trying to be comforting but I can hear the worry in his voice.
“There is no fixing it Dean! It’s happening whether you want it to or not!” I know I’m not making sense, which is not helping at all.
“Mind giving us a minute Sammy?” I look over to Sam who has a look of confusion, but also compassion, on his face.
“Sure man, I’ll be in my room if you need me.” Sam pats Dean on the back and places a kiss to the top of my head on his way out.
“C’mere, sit down and talk to me Y/n. I can’t help you figure out what to do if you don’t talk to me.” Dean is leading me over to one of the chairs, his arms wrapped around me like he is scared I’ll run if he let’s go. “What happened baby? You were fine when I called this morning? Is this about you being sick?”
“It’s about why I have been so sick, Dean.” My voice is barely above a whisper.
“You know why you have been sick?” I just nod my head. “What is it sweetheart?” The fear in voice is breaking my heart.
“I…I’m….” I can’t say the words, my breath caught in my throat as I begin to cry again. Dean’s arms are around me pulling me into his lap.
“Please tell me Y/n. You’re scaring me.” His eyes are brimming with tears, always thinking the worst. I have to just say it, not let him keep thinking it is something really bad.
“I’m pregnant Dean.” I feel his body tense beneath me. My worst fears realized. He doesn’t want this.
“How Y/n? Aren’t you still on your birth control?” I take his question as an accusation, my frazzled mind not thinking of it any other way. I jump to my feet and turn to face him, my hands in the air.
“Of course, I’m still on my birth control Dean! Why would you think I wasn’t? You think I did this on purpose?!” I’m yelling, my fear fueling the anger I now feel. “I didn’t plan on this any more than you did Dean, but here I am, pregnant.” He just stares, a look on his face I can’t quite make out. I take that as my cue to keep going.
“I know this is not what you want Dean! I didn’t think I wanted it either, but now I do. I want this baby more than anything! If you want me to leave I will, but I am keeping it Dean. I know it will be hard raising a child in this life, but I am willing to put in the effort, quit hunting, whatever I have to do. Why aren’t we worth it to you for a little extra effort Dean? Why would you not want this with me?” I can’t keep going, the tears and the thought of doing this alone, bringing me to my knees.
“Whoa sweetheart, be careful!” Dean is in the floor pulling me to him as soon as my knees touch the ground. He is rubbing his hand down my back and peppering kisses to my hair, forehead, cheeks.
“What makes you think I want you to leave Y/n? I have never said I was against having a baby with you.” His tears finally making their way down his face. “I love you baby. I don’t want you going anywhere.”
“When we thought I was pregnant last year, and it was negative, you didn’t have anything to say. I figured you were glad it wasn’t going to happen.” I am so confused. If he wanted a baby, would he not have said so?
“I didn’t say anything because you seemed to be relieved Y/n. Of course, I want this with you. I didn’t want to say something and make you feel obligated to have a child if that isn’t what you wanted. I know it’s going to be hard, but with you by my side we can do anything.” His words are shocking me speechless. He really wants this, to be a father to our baby.
“Really Dean? You want to have this baby with me?” His smile is breathtaking, reaching his eyes, so green and bright. A look of pure joy on his face.  He cups my face in his hands and crashes his lips to mine in a bruising and passionate kiss. We pull apart, the need to breath becoming to much. He places his forehead to mine, still pecking my lips. A full body laugh erupting from his chest makes me jump back. He falls over, laying in the floor, still in a fit of laughter. Well fuck, I broke my boyfriend.
“What is so funny Dean?” I look at him like he has finally lost his mind, but not being able to keep my laugh in. He jumps to is feet, dragging me up with him.
“I’m really going to be a father. We’re going to have a baby Y/n!” His excitement is the most adorable thing I have ever see. To think, an hour ago, I thought I would be doing this on my own.
“Yes Dean, we’re having a baby.” I can’t contain my excitement anymore, laughing as he wraps his arms around me. Before I can comprehend what’s happening, he is spinning me in circles.
“Dean!” I scream, a little louder than I meant to, the surprise of being flung around the room startling me. He finally puts me back on my feet, dropping to his knees, his hands on my waist. He starts placing kisses on my belly, making me giggle.
“Hey in there, this is your Daddy. You need to give your mom a break and stop making her so sick.” I laugh, running my fingers through his hair. I look down at him with a look of awe. This big strong hunter already wrapped around his son or daughter’s finger. “I love you so much peanut. I will always be here to protect you, make sure you and your mom have everything you need, make sure you’re both happy.”
“Dean! Y/n!” Sam yells as he skids around the corner, gun drawn. Dean and I jump, never expecting Sam to run in, guns blazing.
“What the hell Sam? Put the gun down before you hurt somebody!” Dean is on his feet, putting his body between me and Sam.
“I heard Y/n yell for you! I thought something had happened.” Sam looks to the two of us, a puzzling look on his face. I can’t imagine what we looked like when he burst into the room. Dean on his knees in front of me, tears in both our eyes. It must have been a sight. The thought causes me to bust out in a fit of giggles.
“What is going on in here?” Sam is looking at me and Dean waiting on an explanation.
“Calm down Uncle Sammy. We’re good.” Dean says with a smirk, waiting to see if his brother catches on to what he just said.
“I’m glad. The situation looked dire earlier. I was….Wait! Did you just call me Uncle Sammy?!” He is whipping his back and forth between me and Dean. His eyes as big as saucers, with a look between hopeful and confused.
“He did Sam. We’re having a baby.” The proud look on Dean’s face makes my heart swell. I so hope this baby looks like him.
“Oh my God! I’m so happy for you guys!” Sam rushes to wrap both his arms around me and his brother.
“Is that why you were crying earlier short stack?” Sam asks as he releases ne from his hug, looking down at me.
“Yes. I was letting my anxiety get the best of me, thinking Dean wouldn’t want a baby, but it’s all ok now Sam.” I smile up at the giant of a man.
“Y/n, he would be an idiot to not want this. If he didn’t, I would have to kick his ass.” We both bust out laughing at the look on Dean’s face.
“Well thanks a lot Sammy.” Dean huffs faking a pout.
“Alright boys. I am exhausted and going to bed. See you in the morning Sam.” I lean up to give him a kiss on the cheek, turning to head to mine and Dean’s room.
“I still can’t believe I am going to be a dad Sammy. It is still so surreal, but I have never been so happy.” Dean is looking at me with so much love. Like I just gave him the world.
“Some of the most unexpected situations turn out to be the ones we never knew we wanted. Night guys.” Sam heads back to his room with a smile. I hold my hand out for Dean to take, wanting him to follow me to bed. He takes the invitation, intertwining his fingers with mine as we make our way to our room. I head straight for the bed, laying down and getting comfortable as Dean turns out the light, and stripping down to his boxers, climbing in behind me.
“How did I get so lucky? I have the most beautiful woman in the world, giving me the most precious gift I could ever receive. I feel like I won the lottery Y/n.” Dean whispers in my ear while placing soft kisses in my hair.
“We’re both lucky Dean. This little bean is a gift for the both of us.”
“I love you so much sweetheart.” His words soft and sweet, his hand moving to protectively lay across my belly.
“I love you Dean.” I smile as we both start to drift off to sleep. If you would have told me a month ago, I would be laying here, pregnant with Dean’s baby, both of us this happy, I would have never believed it. Here we are, the two of us getting ready to embark in one of nature’s most beautiful but scariest adventures, parenthood. Who knew that such an unexpected situation could bring so much joy? A joy that will last a lifetime.
Tags: @flamencodiva​ @waywardbeanie​ @sorenmarie87​ @foxyjwls007​ @emoryhemsworth​
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whitewitchdani · 4 years
Laters, Baby: Chapter 13
Read Chapter 12 Here
Word Count: 1272
Pairing: Winchester!Sister reader x Lucifer
Warnings: language, description of injury, angst, fluff
A/N: Sorry I’m kind of dropping the ball with posting chapters but here’s 13! Let me know what you think and if you’d like to be tagged!
Laters Baby Masterlist
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You heard a muffled version of your name being called, where was it coming from? Slowly, you opened your eyes and blinked several times. As you looked around you, you couldn’t process what was happening. All you knew in that moment was that your ears were ringing something fierce and your whole body hurt.
The force of the yelling of your name caused your mind to clear, allowing you to evaluate the situation around you. You looked to your left, finding Sam unconscious next to you with blood running down his face. Looking to your right, you saw the smashed in passenger side of the Impala. Your first thought was, Dean is gonna be pissed.
You looked to the driver’s seat to see Dean looking back at you. Leaning against the door, he was the only one conscious besides you.
“Fuck, finally. Are you alright?”
You mentally took stock of your body, everything sore but nothing hurting until you got to your right leg. As you tried to move it, you let out a yelp.
“Ah! Shit, fuck, I think my leg is broken. And my wrist is still messed up.” You took a deep breath and leaned back against the seat, looking back at your brother, “What about you? Are you alright?”
Dean sighed, “I’m fine. I hit my head and I think I may have sprained my wrist. We just need Gigantor to wake up now.”
You both looked at Sam who was still unconscious, “Think he’s alright?” you asked.
“He’s got a thick skull; he should be fine.” Dean shrugged and let out a small laugh.
“Screw you, Dean.”
You both turned to see Sam finally starting to sit up. He let out a small groan and put a hand against his head, blood coating it when he pulled it away.
“So, someone wrecked the Impala again?” He asked as he checked a cut on your forehead, you pushing him away so you could check his.
Dean’s face immediately turned red, “Whenever I find this asshole it’s gonna be a long, painful death.”
In the moment after Dean stopped talking, you heard something. You turned your head towards the crashed side of the car.
“What is it?” Sam asked in a low voice.
In the silence, you heard people talking outside the car but couldn’t make out the words. But they were getting closer.
“Go, grab her. I’ll take care of the brothers,” you heard a muffled male voice say.
“Damn,” you swore as you knew there was no escaping this situation.
“What?” asked Dean.
“Demons. They’re here for me.” You told your brothers, causing Sam to sigh and Dean to swear.
“No way. They aren’t taking you.” Dean tried to get to you in the backseat but with his injuries, it was impossible.
At that moment the backside passenger door was ripped off, revealing a dark-haired man and a blonde woman. Their eyes flashed black, confirming your suspicion of them being demons.
“Time to go princess,” the man said in a low baritone.
You sneered at him, “One, fuck you. Two, I can’t go anywhere. My leg’s broken.”
“That sounds like a you problem, Winchester,” the woman quipped.
“Hey bitch.” You turned to see Dean holding a container of holy water, which was your cue to duck. He flung holy water onto the demons causing them to hiss and step away from the Impala.
“Nice band-aid Dean but that’s not really a permanent solution.” 
“Hey at least it was something! They aren’t taking you Y/N! We got plenty of holy water to hold out until Bobby comes, I sent him a text.”
“Oh god you texted Bobby, we’re doomed,” you let out a small laugh at the fact you were mostly right; you didn’t think Bobby even knew how to send a text.
“Nice one, Dean-o. But I don’t think your fancy water will work on me.”
You all turned to see Lucifer occupying the space his demons had vacated moments before. Dean and Sam’s eyes were dinner plates, shocked at Lucifer’s brazen actions. But you, you were dealing with the rush of emotions that hit you once you saw him.
Fear, longing, attraction. It almost felt like a force was pulling the two of you together. It took a great deal of your willpower not to jump into the archangel’s arms and allow him to whisk you away.
Lucifer turned towards you and met your eyes, “Good to see you again, angel.” He said with a smirk.
“Hi Lucifer,” you deadpanned, trying to ignore not only the pain in your leg, but also the awkwardness of the situation.
“Oh angel, always broken in some way when I find you.”
“Seriously? Your demons are the ones who hurt her! Twice!” Dean yelled at the devil.
Lucifer turned to Dean as his eyes flashed red, “I’m sorry was I talking to you? No, I was not. Now if you don’t mind Winchester’s, your sister will be coming with me now.”
Lucifer stuck a hand toward you, gesturing for you to take it. You felt Sam squirm as he attempted to get closer to stop you. Turning to both your brothers, you gave them soft smiles. “I love you both, and hopefully I’ll see you soon.”  
A single tear streaked down your face as you realized there was a very real possibility you’d never see them again. But you had to go with him. Not only would the connection not let you leave without him this time, but you knew if you tried there was a likelihood he’d take out his frustrations on your brothers.
“No. CAS!” Dean yelled as you took Lucifer’s hand, feeling the familiar sensation of his grace throughout your body as you did. It healed every wound you had as you stepped out of the crushed Impala.
There was a sound of fluttering wings that came from behind you, and as you turned you saw Castiel by the driver’s side door. He began to help Dean who, after being healed, demanded the angel save you.
Cas looked from Dean and met your gaze. You sent him a small prayer, Take care of them for me.
With a sigh, Cas nodded and ignored Dean’s order and began to help Sam. When they both were healed, they stepped out of the car, all turning to face you. You were standing next to the devil, his arm looped around your shoulders. Without them even having to verbalize it, you knew this sight crushed your brothers.
“Please, Lucifer don’t do this,” Sam pleaded.
“Sorry boys, she’s mine. I don’t want you disrupting us again either.” He raised his hand to snap his fingers and do God knows what but you stopped him with your hand on top of his.
“No, please. Don’t hurt them. I know you’re angry but they won’t separate us again. Please.” Lucifer took in your pleading look and lowered his hand, nodding. He’d go to the ends of the Earth if you asked, so sparing your brothers was no big deal.
Lucifer turned to the three men, “Laters, Losechesters.” And with a snap, you both were gone.
Dean swallowed hard and looked down, trying to stop the tears the felt coming. He’d failed you, again. Sam’s head just dropped with the weight of not only your absence, but the guilt of letting it happen. They turned to Cas, almost pleading with the angel over what to do next.
Castiel sighed, “There is nothing we can do. She’s made her choice, now it is time we trust her to do the right thing.”
Read Chapter 14 Here
Tag List:
@lovesamwinchester​ @tomhiddleston-is-mischief​ @loco-latte @stuckinsaudi1​ @sugar-nico​ @potato-extra-pot​ @humbledarkness​ @the-fiery-ghost​ @jo-wayward​ @streetghostfighter07​ @millieccino​ @some-local-dumbass​ @skittles-or-pants​
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that-one-gay-girl · 4 years
Gone - Ch.2
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word count: 1434
Summary: Y/n is still struggling to adjust to her new life. Sam and Dean want to help but don’t know how. Sometimes it takes the hardest times to turn things around. 
Warnings: medical talk, sad dean, fluff
In the next moment the damn burst and all the emotions and pain you’d been pushing down breaks through. “I love you, and you are going to get through this Y/n.” He tells you stroking your hair holding you as you cry.
“Dean, I'm useless, I’ll never hunt again, I can’t even take a damn shower!” you cry out.
Dean holds back tears of his own as he responds. “I’ve got you, shh…I’ve got you baby”
It had been three weeks since Y/n came home from the hospital, she  barely moved from the bed, refusing food, company, or help. Dean hated seeing you like this, but he also hated himself for not being able to help you. He hated that he couldn’t prevent this from happening. She’s here, She’s alive he thinks to himself as he takes another swig of beer.
Sam had been researching physical therapists and trying to learn anything and everything to help you when you were ready for it. He felt the best way to help you was to know everything. He would sit in the war room, day and night doing everything he possibly can to help you. He just had to wait for you to ask.
Another 3 weeks went by and you still refused food, barely moving from the bed. Everything you’d ever known had changed. You were a different person, most likely never able to hunt again. Dean won’t want to be with someone broken like me, you think to yourself as tears fall down your face again.
The pain that you felt, radiated through your whole body. You wanted to ask for help, but the words never left your lips. You couldn’t let anyone see how weak you’d truly become. Pushing the covers off your body you're determined to make it to the bathroom by yourself.
As Dean and Sam sit in the war room doing research to help a hunter they hear a loud crash. They look at each other quickly before taking off towards your room. “Y/n!” Dean yells out as they run down the hall passing doors quickly before arriving at your closed one.
As Sam tries to open the door a heavy weight prevents him from doing so.  “There's something blocking the door” Sam says quickly as he tries again just opening it an inch. Through the crack in the door dean can see your foot sticking out.
“Y/n!” Dean shouts worriedly as Sam carefully opens the door just enough to squeeze through. Once in the room he sees you laying on the floor, unconscious with blood running down your head.
“Dean! She's hurt!” Sam carefully maneuvers you into his arms carrying you to the bed, gently placing you down.
“What happened?!” Dean panics seeing the blood on your head.
“She was laying right in front of the door, unconscious.” He says concerned as your eyes start to flutter. A pained groan leaving your mouth. “Y/n, can you hear me?” Sam shakes you gently.
“Ow” you respond as your eyes finally open, seeing a worried Dean and Sam looking down at you
“What happened Y/n, why were you on the floor?” Dean questions you as Sam helps you sit up, leaving to get supplies to stitch your head.
Keeping your eyes cast down you avoid Dean's gaze, “I had to use the restroom, I just wanted to do something without your help. I’m so tired of being weak and useless!” you shout as your emotions take over. “I'm not the same person anymore. I understand if you and Sam want me to leave” you say wiping tears from your eyes.
“Y/n, where did you ever get an idea that we don’t want you here with us, with me? You are one of the best things that's ever come into my life and I would die before I let you go. I would do anything to protect you and I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you from this. But me and Sammy, we are here for you. All you have to do is say the word and we will help you. You are so strong Y/n, one less leg won’t change that.” He replies as he wipes the remaining tears from your face kissing you softly.
“I need help, Dean” You respond hugging him tightly.
 - 1 week later -
“Sam!” you yell from the library “Come help me reach this book gigantor!” you laugh as you spot Sam rounding the corner. Moving back on your crutches you point to the book you need.
“Doing research?” he asks as you both walk towards the table, Sam setting the book down for you.
“Yeah, Helping garth on a case and I need something to keep me occupied till I start physical therapy and get fitted for my prosthetic.” you respond sitting down and setting your crutches to the side.
“Well, I’m headed on a supply run. Deans in the shooting range if you need anything” he says.
Over the past week you’d been doing better, the boys have been helping you get moving again and you adjusted to using crutches. You refused to use the wheelchair determined to get back your strength. After talking to Dean and figuring everything out you were actually ready to get your life back on track.
The days passed quickly as your prosthetic fitting appointment was in just a few hours. You hoped with this leg it would get you back in the game.
“Alright, let's get this show on the road” Dean claps his hands together as he grabs your bag.
Grabbing your crutches you stand up walking out to the impala. Once Dean starts the engine and pulls out of the garage you're searching through the cassette tapes. “Black Sabbath?” you ask holding up the tape.
With a shake of his head Dean pulls out a cassette tape from his pocket “Something special” he says as he turns the volume up.
You can’t help but smile as the first lines of kansas’ ‘Carry on Wayward Son’ blasts through the speakers. You haven't felt this good in a while and there's no one else you’d rather have by your side.
As Dean pulls into the parking lot you turn down the music, suddenly nervous.
“Ready to kick ass?” Dean asks
Taking a deep breath you look at him, nodding “Let’s do this.”
After waiting for about 15 minutes you're called back into a room with your prosthetist.
“Hi Y/n, I’m Danny and i’ll be working with you over the next several months. Now, this will be a process but I don’t want you to worry or get overwhelmed. We will take this one step at a time and if you ever feel uncomfortable or want a new prosthetist that can be arranged. Do you have any questions before I start?” He asks you
“How long does all this stuff take?” you question
“Well today I’ll just be doing your initial exam making sure you are healing on the right track and once your surgeon has also signed off we can get started on the casting process. You will come in about every two weeks and once we get your prosthetic you’ll start on the physical therapy side. This process can take from 6 months to a year. But every patient is different. I want to go ahead and start your exam, can I touch your leg?” he asks you
Nodding you look away as he pulls up your pant leg examining the stump.
“Your leg looks great, swelling is practically gone, the incision has healed nicely. I’d like to discuss what your life activities looked like before the amputation and some goals you have for the future, so we can figure out what will work best for you.” he rolls the cloth shrinker back onto the stump.
“Very active, went on lots of hikes, running usual stuff. I still want to be able to do all that now” you respond.
Two hours later you walk out to the waiting room with Danny, Dean stands up as Danny holds his hand out “You must be Dean, Im Danny i’ll be Y/n’s Prosthetist”
“Nice to meet you Danny” Dean shakes his hand
“Im sure y’all are ready to get outta here so I’ll see you in two weeks Y/n.”
“See you then” you respond as Dean and you walk back to the impala
As you get into the impala Deans stomach rumbles loudly. “Burgers and pie” he asks you with a smirk.
“Burgers and pie” you smile.
Chapter 3
Dean/Jensen Taglist:
@akshi8278 @hobby27
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maximumninjavoid · 4 years
Mining for Unobtanium Chapter 28
Oh ho......... Why yes, I am.  And here’s some more for you thirsty wenches. The twenty Eight installment of my fic. I know, right? I just can’t stop.
Un Beta’s, we die like chocolate in a child’s pocket.
The usual warnings, I suppose18 AND OVER, nsfw,  BDSM and all that,
Dinner was lovely. The roast turned out perfectly, precisely mid rare, and while Henry wasn't looking someone must have given Kal  trimmings. I have no idea who that could have been. Oh. I imagine you're wondering about whether or not we talked about ethical ownership over dinner. We didn't. Someone was still butt hurt  that the whole cock warming  thing didn't go the way he had read about it. When there's no friction, even as randy of a buck as he is, one's member won't stay throbbing and tumescent. And if I'm not supposed to move, well, then, that's less friction. So,it sounded good in theory, but it was not as fun as he thought, having me kind of in his way and not really getting any benefit. I could sort of sense that it wasn't entirely what he had planned, and so, good girl that I was being, I got up, apologizing profusely for OBVIOUSLY doing something incorrectly, and laying myself face down over his lap for *correction*. We're always at least three steps ahead of you. Don't kid yourselves. He place one hand between my shoulder blades and told me to count and that other hand came down on my ass like a big meaty brick. "One, Sir". He smacked my ass again. "Two, Sir" I could feel him getting hard now, so I squirmed and wiggled, because, friction. He slipped his hand between my cheeks and commented about how this was getting me wet, and smacked my ass again and then fingered my cunt. "Three, Sir, I'm sorry" and I can feel my walls gripping his fingers, and I'm thinking maybe he's not thinking about spanking me anymore. As sure as God made little green apples, he grabs a fist full of my hair, right at the base, oh GOD THAT FEELS so good, I moaned and he practically tosses me over the arm of the sofa and jams that huge dick all the way home, one stroke. I gasped. Ok, maybe I screamed. But, not in a bad way, and he had one hand at my waist the other in my hair and I was definitely going to be walking differently Every snap of his hips shoved his cock to my cervix, and threatened to split me in two. And I kept trying to push back for more. "Oh God Daddy, please..." "Please, what?" Please let me cum all over your cock, Daddy" "You're forgiven darling, cum for Daddy." And I came apart, Shuddering, tears, unglued. And he roared like some animal, and I felt him pulsing ropes of his seed into me, and he collapsed on top of me like a weighted blanket with hair.  This was heaven, surely. Consciousness returned. He got up, I moved to get something to clean up with, I brought him a drink and a damp towel, because, service. I asked permission to check on dinner and popped out for a few drags off a cigarette. I plated and served dinner and returned to tell him that his dinner was ready. There was only his place set at the table. He gave me that eyebrow thing again. "Assumptions, remember? It may not be my place to dine with you. What if you were having guests? What if you preferred I sit at your feet and eat only what you feed me from your hand? " "If I have guests?" "Sir. If you wished it, I would cook for guests. And serve." "Wearing what you're wearing now?" "That would be your choice, and I'm not wearing anything now. I could wear only what you allow, choose or what you tell me." It was a bit to process. He bade me get a plate and eat with him, and we talked about the scripts, and the music I had picked and he didn't appear to want to talk about heavier things. So we had a delightful dinner, filled with small talk. It was comfortable and I enjoyed every minute I spent in his company. He was so well versed, about so many topics. I tried to tempt him with dessert. I should have known he would refuse. I sent him off to relax and do whatever and I did the washing up, tidied up the kitchen and asked if he wanted tea or coffee. He asked me to come sit with him, and I did. Happily. We watched a movie, cuddled on the couch, heaven. I asked to get up for a moment, he nodded. I got upstairs before he did and turned down the bed. I fluffed his pillows and smoothed the duvet, and went back down to tell him that all was ready for him to retire, unless there was anything else. Did he want a bath? A massage?  He looked at me and took my hand and said " Come darling, let's go to bed" I followed him, with my hand in his, We got to the bed and I asked his permission.  "What?"   " Well, you didn't say that this is where I sleep. If you'd prefer, I could sleep at the foot of the bed, or, if I had not earned it, then I should sleep on the floor. One never assumes. Privileges are gifts." " You really ARE a good girl, aren't you? I'm never going to get to spank you again " " Not for disobeying, no. But I am yours to do with as you see fit. If you desire to spank me, or flog me, or what have you, you don't need a reason." "Well there's my plan for tomorrow then" and he pulled me into his arms and kissed me thoroughly.  We got into bed all wrapped up in each other, Kal making room for himself and safe and happy I drifted off to sleep. I awoke the next morning melting. Between the blast furnace that was Henry and the baby bear known as Kal I swear, I was going to melt. I had to figure out how to get out from between them, one of them tightened their grip and the other one made a growly noise. I pried his arm loose and inelegantly slid out of the bottom of the bed. I headed for the shower and my morning routine, and managed not to wake either bear. I tiptoe downstairs, made coffee and brought a cup for him and set it on the nightstand. I couldn't help myself. I just stood there and looked at him. Committed it to memory. Tried to burn it into my brain. I thought about waking him up with a blow job, but figured Kal needed to go out . I tossed on a hoodie and jeans and took the puppy for his morning ritual. When I got back, I took off my clothes, put them away and brought fresh coffee for His Lordship.  He was in the shower, so I stepped in to wash his back. "Good morning ! Did you sleep well?" "Mmm yes, I did but it was odd waking up in the bed by myself" "Oh, do tell? Hot and cold running starlets Sir?" He laughed."No, I was referring to Kal. And you, of course." "Oh, I melted. You both throw off a great deal of heat. " He turned and kissed me. I put my arms around his neck, and came in closer, loving the feel of his chest against mine, the hair on this chest making my nipples hard. I slid down the front of him taking him in my mouth and cupping his balls with my hand . Eagerly I began to slide my mouth up and down his member, loving the feel of him growing as I sucked. He leaned back against the tile and held my face in his hands . I looked up at him and he began to fuck my face. Breathe through your nose, if you don't breathe through your nose on the down stroke you'll gag, and that's NOT sexy. I tried to relax and take him deeper down my throat but the angle wasn't great. I settled for wrapping my other hand around what wouldn't fit and trying to coordinate my movements. He began thrusting faster, and I felt his muscles tense. Protein for breakfast. My favorite! I ducked out of the shower, dried myself and had a towel waiting to hand him, brought his coffee in from the bedroom, kissed his shoulder and asked what he wanted for breakfast and when. " My God, woman, you spoil me so. I could get used to this." After breakfast we started playing with toys. We went through a bunch of impact toys, floggers of various weights and feels, stingy, thuddy, canes, paddles, from neck to knees I was quite marked. We did a bit with different kinds of restraint, but I admit, I'm not that great of a teacher. Bondage and restraint has never been my thing. In between toys, or implements, Henry was very sweet and caring, telling me how good I did and being very affectionate. It was loads of fun, really. I don't bottom that often, he's a very apt pupil, I was so incredibly turned on. My thighs were shiny with arousal, I swear, if he'd have so much as looked at me right, I would have cum without him touching me. My cunt was throbbing and it was all I could do not to try and squeeze one off. There were a couple of bumps, I suppose. I mean, I expected them, really. Henry really liked caning. I don't know if it's cultural, or a boarding school thing, but he really liked it. He probably would have loved it more if he got to push my skirt up over my hips and yank down my knickers, but he was SO enthusiastic, that I wound up with some really nasty ugly bruises a day or two later. Remember, canes, that's deep tissue bruising, hard to see immediate results.  Luckily I'm an indestructible old beast, and the wince when I sat just made me wet. Henry felt terrible, poor dear. That wasn't the bad one. The bad one was my four foot signal whip. It had been hand made for me, always behaved like an extension of my arm. But while I call it a toy, that's a weapon. I mean, I have other weapons in my toy bag. Knives, scalpels, needles, but Henry was really drawn to this whip. We negotiated. I walked him through its use, we discussed where not to strike, we talked about how that crack is the end of the whip breaking the sound barrier, and I put a brand new cracker on it, in case he broke skin. Because, no blood transfer. We aren't fluid bonded in that way. He was doing really well, and I was really enjoying that fiery kiss of each strike. I knew I'd have some lovely marks, too.  But then Gigantor leaned into one. Doesn't really know his own strength. It's not his fault. But the whip did what the whip does, and opened up a three inch slice on my hip, and you could see meat. That was going to leave a Mark. Henry dropped the whip and rushed to me, taking me down from the frame we had fashioned. I was according to him a bit pale. He scooped me up and carried me to the bathroom and cleaned up the wound. I bit my lip and didn't scream, but I knew he was going to have difficulties moving forward. I'm on bloodthinners. And I knew it wasn't going to stop easily. He applied pressure and I told him why it wasn't working properly and where the steri strips were in my things. He's got great hands. He really does. Handles himself well in a crisis. Very solid. So I'm all put back together and now he's fussing. He's taking care of me, while I should still be taking care of him. Haven't let me get up, much less do anything, and he's really being way too hard on himself for something that frankly could have happened to anyone. "Henry. HENRY. Darling boy, STOP." And with that tone of voice ,he stopped, and the control was once again not his. " Come here, please, love" Henry came and sat next to me. "I'm sorry. I apologize for 'pulling rank' but I couldn't get you to stop fussing. Please, love. I'm fine. I promise. I won't ever lie to you. This is not that kind of a relationship. In fact, I've quite fallen for you, and that is going to hurt worse than this oops ever could. Why you've stolen my heart Cavill. And every minute that I have with you is a precious gift. Please, STOP berating yourself. Everyone, and I mean everyone had a story like this to tell. Now you have yours. It's a rite of initiation I  guess. If you meet someone down the road and they say they're one of us, ask them for their oops story. If they don't have one, they've never played." " Now if I were a horrid human, I'd pout and say you should take pity on me and feed me, and then make love to me to make it all better, but ill settle for help me up so I can go to the bathroom and freshen up?"
@fishcustardandclintbarton @indigosaurus @whyyoudothistomecavill @michellemybelles-world @henrythickcavill @angryschnauzer @littlefreya
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tumbler-tidbits · 5 years
Bunker Bunch Ch. 14 - Damn Doctors (Dean’s POV)
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Word Count: 835
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Language, fluff, talk of committing murder lol
Summary: Taking the twins to the Doctor. This is Dean's POV
Y/N says this is necessary. That the kids need their shots to stave off diseases or whatever. But all I see are babies crying. MY babies. And it is taking every ounce of strength and self control I have not to punch this guy in the fucking face for hurting my kids.
The sicko isn't even done with his torture, he's only done two shots so far and for some God forsaken reason they're each getting four. FOUR! In case your bad with numbers that’s eight! Eight fucking needles going into my kids!
I'm gonna kill him. He's a monster right? Monsters make babies cry... so I'm only fulfilling my job as a hunter. Yeah. That's it. Saving future children from this bastard and his pointy needles of doom. I'll only enjoy it because right now he's hurting MY fucking kids.
He just stabbed Charlotte again and now she's screaming even more. That's it. I can't take this anymore. I push off the wall to head towards this jackass to give him a piece of my mind, but Y/N takes hold of my arm in a firm grip. I turn to look at her, silently glaring daggers into her head. Can't she see our kids are being tortured?!
She puts her hands on my chest, right over my heart and I know she can feel my pulse racing. She rubs my chest reassuringly in an attempt to get me to calm down. I stop and take a few deep breaths. As much as I want to, the logical side of my brain knows that I can't kill this guy, he's human. Trust me I know. I checked. I snuck in last night and put devils traps at all the entrances, spiked the water lines with salt and holy water, and yeah, maybe I "accidentally" dropped my keys with the silver and iron key chains so that he would have to hand them back to me. Dude's clean. But I still don't like him.
"Just one more."
WHAT?! He's not fucking done yet?! Y/N takes my hand and squeezes it gently. I can do this. We both turn back towards the exam table and gently rub the babies foreheads. Dr. Doom goes to stab John again, and I can't' help it, I squeeze my eyes shut. I've seen a lot of fucked up shit in my life, but watching... No. Letting, someone intentionally make my kids cry is killing me. Their wails break my heart, and seeing their tiny thighs covered in band aids nearly shatters it completely.
The second the asshat is done I pick up Charlie and snuggle her to my chest, gently rubbing her back and rocking her soothingly. Y/N does the same with Johnny and Dr. Doom finally leaves.
"It's ok peanut, daddy's gotcha" I soothe, wiping her tear streaked face with the pad of my thumb. I kiss her forehead, then lean over and kiss Johns as Y/N cradles him. She looks up at me with THAT look. You know the one. The one that says "I told ya so".
"They're gonna be fine babe," she says, "it was just a few pokes. Their legs will be sore, but they will be fine. I promise."
"Yeah, says the one who didn't just get stabbed in the leg four fucking times!" I snap. I can't help it, this was her idea, she can take the blame.
"Dean stop pouting. I know you wanted to kill that doctor. And trust me, hearing them crying was no picnic for me either. But Babe, it was necessary to keep them healthy, and I think you know that." she says softly, understanding lacing her voice.
I hate that she knows me so well. She knows I don't like shots. Thanks to Sammy for opening his gigantor mouth, when I refused to get a tetanus shot a few years back. Because of him, Y/N made me get one anyway! Shit. When did this turn in to therapy hour? Never mind, back on point, I'm mad at her.
"I know sweetheart, but that doesn't mean I have to like it" I say. The twins are finally calm now and nearly asleep,
"Come on babe, let's get these two home for a nap and then I'll get you a big slice of apple pie" she says as she walks towards the carseats to buckle the kids in.
I grin. Pie! I love me some pie,
"I like the sound of that!" I say "let's hit the road".
Order has been restored, my babies are safe in my baby, I haven't been arrested for murder, and I'm getting pie... It's a good day to be Daddy Dean, but we’re never coming back! Damn doctors.
Tidbits Taglist:  @idreamofplaid  @dean-winchesters-bacon  @maddiepants  @pisces-cutie ​ @covered-byroses @currentlyfangirling99   @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @xxhalfbloodprincessxx @supernaturalsammy01  @sammyimpala-67 @ladywinchester1967 @sweetiepie-dean  @fangirl-forevers-world @thoughtslikeaminefield​ @bobasheebaby​ @evansrogerskitten  @missjenniferb @sculptorofbeginnings​ @kbl1313 @spnskinnyballs @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @justcallmeasmodeus @ain-t-bovvered @getnaildbyme @akshi8278 @rebelminxy @a-mess-of-many-fandoms @fandom-princess-forevermore @unabashedsoul97 @dawnie1988 @flamencodiva @deanwinchesterswitch @adoptdontshoppets @princessmisery666 @spnbaby-67 @foxyjwls007 @cassiopeia-barrow
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The Contest-Part 36
To celebrate Supernatural’s 15th season, the producers have decided to hold a contest to cast an unknown in a recurring role as Sam’s rumored love interest.  They are doing open casting calls all over the country.  Your best friend Nikki wants to go and she drags you along. Much to your surprise, you land the role and your life changes forever when you fall in love with one of the show’s leads, Jared Padalecki
A/N:  I am actually telling two stories here, Jared and Readers, and Sam and Gemini’s.  It flips back and forth, so try and keep up! : *Note: My vision for the show is different from what has actually happened, and some characters and plotlines may differ.
Part 1                   My Masterlist
Characters: Jared Padalecki, Reader, Best friend Nikki(OC) Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins,  Rory Montgomery (OC), PA Emily (OC) Cliff, Other Supernatural cast and crew
Gemini’s POV
My head popped up from the table, startling Sam and Dean, who were quietly eating their breakfast so as not to wake me. “Pancakes?” I said groggily as I sat up quickly. “Why do I smell pancakes?”
“Hey sleepyhead,” Sam said with a smile. “You must be beat, Gem. You fell asleep right at the table!”
Dean pushed a foil-wrapped plate in my direction. “Saved you some.”
I shook my head to clear it. “No guys, listen! My BFF Kelly Kline paid me another visit in my dreams. She told me where Jack is!” I pushed away from the table and stood up. Sam opened his mouth to say something, but I waved a hand at him.
“And before you say anything, I HAVE to go. Jack will only come to me. Don’t ask me why, but Kelly said it had to be me. So I am going! Get Cas, get Mary, but I am going and you can’t stop me.” I was starting to get really worked up.
Sam held out a placating hand. “If Kelly says it has to be you, then it has to be you. I don’t like it but I won’t stop you. I just want you and the baby to be safe.”
I jumped out of my seat and grabbed a piece of scrap paper and I pet from the junk drawer. I quickly scrawled down an address and handed it to Sam, “This is where Kelly says Jack is.”
Readers POV
When  I entered Jared’s trailer, he was face-timing the kids. The turned when I entered.  “Perfect timing, babe. They were just asking for you.”
I looked over Jared’s shoulder at the screen. “Hey, Sheppy! How’s it goin’ bud?”
Shep proceeded to laugh into a long story about some cool bug he had found before Tom apparently had enough of waiting and pushed him out of the way. “Lemme talk!” he demanded.
“Hi, Tom-Tom! I promise I will talk to everyone. How’s school?”
Tom’s face filled the small screen. “I can add now!” he said proudly
I grinned at him. Damn Jared’s kids were adorable.”Good for you! Keep up the good work. Where’s Odette?”
“She’s nappin”.  But Mamma wants to talk to you. Bye Daddy, bye, Y/N.” Without another word, Tom zoomed off, and the screen was blank.  The Gen appeared, looking like she had everything under control, as usual.
I don’t know how the woman did it. Yeah, she had help, but she had two very high energy boys, a girl that was into everything and still managed to find time to run a blog. “Hey Y/N! How is your mom? We missed you at the wedding,” Gen said with a smile.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there. She’s much better, thanks for asking.” I replied
Jared cleared his throat. “Uh, Gen, we have something to tell you, well two things actually. I asked Y/N to marry me, and she’s pregnant.”
I leaned over his shoulder, “just to clarify, he asked me to marry him before I told him I was pregnant.” I said with a smirk.
“Oh my god! That’s wonderful news! I am so happy for you two! I can’t wait to tell David! When’s the wedding going to be?” she asked curiously.
Jared and I looked at each other. “We haven’t really talked about that yet.”
Gemini’s POV
Sam looked up from the paper I had handed him.”Jack’s in Biloxi, Missippi?”
“That’s what Kelly said,” I told him as he grabbed his laptop and entered the address into a site to get a satellite view. He turned the computer towards us.
Dean peered down at the screen. “It looks like a farm in the middle of nowhere.”
“I’m sure it will be crawling with demons,” Cas commented as he stared at the screen.
“Lucifer wouldn’t have it any other way. He knows we are going to take another crack at him, he’s just biding his time.” Sam said as he glanced at me with worry in his eyes.
“Gabriel was the only thing that kept us from getting our asses handed to us last time we tried to take on Lucifer! What’s gonna be different this time?” Dean demanded.  “If anyone has an idea I’d like to hear it.”
“Rowena,” I whispered.  “She hates Lucifer. He destroyed her body. He’s the reason she transferred her soul into me. Maybe we can strike a deal with her. Give her something she wants in exchange for her helping us.”
“I don’t trust her,” Dean snapped. “She always finds a way to screw us.”
“Do you have a better idea?” I said impatiently.
Dean looked over at Sam and they had one of those silent conversations that drove me nuts. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, would it kill you two to talk out loud lie normal people once in a while?”
Sam smiled sheepishly at me. “Sorry. Dean thinks we should call Crowley. He hates Lucifer with a passion. We can probably get him to help us. But I know how you feel about him.”
“Desperate times, Sam,” I said with a sigh. “He’s not my favorite person, but whatever we have to do to get to Jack and make it out alive, then I say we do it.”
“Fine then. You do your dream talking thing and see if Rowena will bite, and I’ll reach out to Crowley.” Dean decided.
“"What makes you think Crawley will listen to you?” I said with a smirk.
“Crowley and Dean were very close at one time. I think Dean will be able to get him to agree.,” Cas told me, and I looked at Dean with surprise.
“You and Crowley were close? Why on earth would you and the king of hell be BFFs?”
“Back when Dean was a demon, they were very close,” Cas said matter-of-factly.
“You were a damn demon? Seriously? Is there anything you two haven’t done?” I muttered with a shake of my head.
Dean glared at Cas. Thanks a lot, bigmouth!”
Cas looked completely confused as to why Dean was annoyed. “But you WERE a demon,” he repeated as if this explained everything.
I smiled at Cas. “Just ignore him. He’s just mad because he didn’t want me to know. If he can use his past with Crowley to get him to help us, then great!”
“So what kind of deal can you make with Rowena?” Sam asked.
“I don’t know. But she hates Lucifer enough that maybe she’ll help us just to see him suffer.,” I said hopefully.
Reader’s POV
Now that I was pregnant, the long days of filming were starting to take a toll on me.  When I was not needed for a scene, I could usually be found napping in Jared’s trailer. When I was late to shoot a scene because I fell asleep, the immature assholes I work with made sure to tease me about it.
“It’s about time, Sleeping Beauty. We have work to do.” Jensen said with a smirk.
“It can’t be easy carrying Gigantor junior in there. It must be sucking the life from you like a parasite,” Misha interjected.
“Guys…” Jared said warningly.
“For your information, children, you get to have all the fun, but we women are the ones who do the heavy lifting. So until you are ready to carry a baby, shut the fuck up!” you practically snarled.
Jensen and Misha held their hands up in mock surrender.  “We were just messing with ya, Y/N,” Jensen said consolingly.
“Well knock it off, or I’ll rat you out to both your wives.”
Misha’s eyes widened, “you wouldn’t dare!”
“Try me!” you said with a grin.
Gemini’s POV
I struggled that night to fall asleep. I didn’t like sharing my head with Rowena.  Every time she hijacked my body and I lost chunks of time, I resented her for it.  But eventually, exhaustion won out and I drifted off to sleep.
Just like before I was back in the dark, cave-like space, and I could barely make out Rowena’s figure in the shadows. “Hello, Rowena,” I whispered, not sure who else was listening.
“So, here for my help, are you?” she said with a cold smile.
“How do you.....I began, but she cut me off.
“I am always in the background listening, dearie. So if you want to count on my help to fight Lucifer and fetch his wee son, it’s going to cost you.”
“Cost me what?” I demanded impatiently. “Name your terms!”
“Normally I have healing spells in place so I can’t be killed, but after the last time, I took precautions. That is why I transferred my soul into you. Lucifer destroyed my body so thoroughly there was no way I could come back from it this time.”
“Tell me something I don’t know!” I snapped in annoyance.
“What’s left of me is sitting in an evidence box in a forensic lab in Chicago. An unsolved murder no one cares about.” I could tell Rowena was furious just by her tone of voice.
“What can I do?”
I need you to get one of my bones, there is a spell in the black grimoire that I can use to regenerate my body.  That is my price for helping you.”
@skybinx-blog  @percywinchester27 @a-sea-of-fandoms @dorky-and-i-know-it @waiting-4-the-doctor @ladylachesis @chelseypaigeake @tiffanycaruso @allinhishands @theoriginalvicki @elliewinchesterr @nothin-after-79 @oriona75 @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian @faegal04 @padackles2010 @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou  @mannagryn1 @munlis   @phoenixiaxia @pinknerdpanda @vh1015   @ally-miller16  @hellokittenface  @traceyaudette @theartofbeingmilla  @jaleeniexweenie   @magpiegirl80   @silver-and-green  @atc74 @sams-little-toy @pretty-fortune @luciisthebest @tmccarney @jayankles @bookshido @supersecretspnfanfiction @notnaturalanahi @multifandomlove2002 @ivebeenwinchesterd @kreborn17 @dekahg @mariahoedt @mizzezm  @jazzzybee @scrumptiousarcadebear @winchestergirl-love @moonstar86 @magickal-angel @duckieburns @imaginesofdreams @gecko9596 @joyfulinfluencermoon @everlastingcas @gemini75eeyore @hartman1967 @the-supernatural-yogii @essie1876 @squirrellover1967 @multifandom-slytherin@beachy2014@dixonsvixon2017 @cloudyaries @smoothdogsgirl@m00sesquirre1 @idratherhaveyou-cursed-ornot@captainradicalpassion@keelzy2 @disneymarina@mrswhozeewhatsis@deniewinkle @scrumptiouswinnie @nikkilafox @sammy-salamander @internationalmusicteacher @ellen-reincarnated1967 @i-like-it-heavy-so-i-can-panic @daughterleftbehind @iamnotsaneatall @crispycurly @tjforston @shamelesslydean @goldenolaf25 @my-squirrel-and-moose @eleven-eleven-make-your-wish@sadnessabuse @laurenisnot @maddieburcham1  @canadianjelly@muliermalefici @brewsthespirit-blog @ilsawasanacrobat @nanie5@weasleywinchester @samisimportant @fatalcrossbow  @soab1967 @bagiab @spnbaby67 @plaid-lover-bay25 @feelmyroarrrr @nessy-bearxb @mandylove1000 @kay18115 @carryonmyswansong  @spn-ficfanatic @akhuna01 @mirandaaustin93 @kissofvenom922 @super-fan-of-all-things @superlightalternateuniverse88   @tokyoghoulyz  @midnightjazzmine @moonlitskinwalker  @ronnie248-blog @bohowitch @just-another-busyfangirl @jotink78 @kittenofdoomage  @frankiea1998 @akshi8278 @stylinson531 @valynsia @dr-dean@theoutlinez  @imweirdandobsessed @growningupgeek      @laurenisnot  @canadianjelly@muliermalefici @brewsthespirit-blog @ilsawasanacrobat @nanie5 @weasleywinchester @samisimportant-blog @fatalcrossbow  @violetsamalamb @letmusicguideu @grantsgorgeousgirl  @feelmyroarrrr @milkymilky-cocopuff @mikimausiii @the-greatest-temptation @superpanicromancesummer @wh1sp3r1ng-impala @emoryhemsworth @squirrel-moose-winchester@jennifromtheblock1013  @mogaruke @sweetmisseddreams2002@negan–is–god @spnwoman @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @maximumkillshot @sweetpeamoose @mrs-meghan-winchester @woodworthti666  @herbologystudent252 @sandlee44 @blackcherrywhiskey @themes87 @some-random-stranger-007@topthis808 @justballoonfishthings @masha-meow01 @mannls @michelleraethings @awkwardnesshabitat @mountaingirlforever @thelittlestwinchestersister
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maximumkillshot · 5 years
The Situation- Part 4
Warnings: Mentions of Menstrual cycle, Gender bent! Dean Winchester, Some Cursing,  I can’t remember anything else at the moment but I hope y’all enjoy!   Pairing: None   
Characters: Gender Bent! Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel 
A/N: This story is too much fun!!!
All I Could Do” Masterlist- CLICK HERE
Overall Masterlist- Click Here
“When You Call” Masterlist- Click Here
“The Situation” Masterlist- Click Here
“Dean, what did you do?” Sammy asked me.
“Nothing.. Just got some clothes… some makeup.”
“You…. got makeup?!” snickered Sam…
“You won’t be laughing soon…” I quipped.
“What?” Sam’s face scrunched up.  
“Nothing Sammy, listen I’m gonna be a chick for a few more days, I mine as well commit to the new role. You can’t tell me that me not wearing a bra or makeup is making me blend in.”
“Dean, as much as I hate to admit it, you look like a model. You don’t need that.”
“Aweee Sammy, keep on saying things like that and I’ll start to think you like me.”
Sam chuckled as we loaded Baby and headed home for our nights out.
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“How did your outing to the mall go, Dean?” asked Cass as soon as we made it through the door.
“It was nice… I met someone, Stacey. She’s pretty cool and she invited me out tonight.” I stated as Sam snickered.
“Is she a lesbian?” Asked Cass confused.
“Wha-no! She has a boyfriend, he and Sam are going to hang out tonight too.”
“Is he gay? Sam are you gay?” Asked Cass confused, “I won’t judge, but that would make no sense since your physiological responses to Dean’s new….”
“NO NO NO I’m not gay Cass!” Yelled Sam just in time.
I smirked and said, “Sammy it’s rude to cut people off. I thought I taught you better…. Go on Cass, what about his physiological responses…”
“Then why are you going on a date with a girl as a girl and why is he hanging out with a man as a man?”
Immediately Sam and I started laughing.
“Well,” I said as I grabbed my bags from Sam, “You have fun explaining to the toddler man what’s going on here.”
‘Where are you going?” Asked Sam.
“I’m going to get ready!” I said with a little too much enthusiasm.
“Dean, we aren’t going over their place for another 3 hours,” Sam stated… If only he knew.
“Exactly, there’s no time Sam. I have to shower again because I just tried on a bunch of clothes. Then there’s the shaving, lotion, the hairdo, the makeup, the perfume, jewelry, heels, that’s not even getting my purse ready.” Halfway through my laundry list of items, his face just glazed over, when I finished, just to check if he was listening, I continued, “I also need to feed the pet dragon, walk my pet worm, his name’s Elliot.”
Sam just waved me off and said: “Uh huh sure Dean go ahead and do whatever it is that you have to do.”
“You have no idea what I just said did you?” I asked, feeling a bit peeved.
“You said something about shaving.”
“Seriously, Sam?”
“Nothing” I said as I stomped away. Hmm. That’s never happened to me before… People just checking out as I’m speaking.. I’ll show him. Just wait.
Ever since I became a chick, I’ve been loving my showers, they destroy my cramps and allow me to just relax for a second.
The minute I turned on Pandora, Juke Box Hero started playing. I let my hair out with only my underwear on and I started swaying, combing out my hair. By the time I was done I started singing the lyrics…
“Standing in the rain, with his head hung low Couldn't get a ticket, it was a sold out show Heard the roar of the crowd, he could picture the scene Put his ear to the wall, then like a distant scream”
At “He heard one guitar” I grabbed my brush and started jamming as I started the shower water.
“just blew him away He saw stars in his eyes, and the very next day Bought a beat up six string in a secondhand store Didn't know how to play it, but he knew for sure”
I started to sway my hips and traced a hand up my figure,
“That one guitar, felt good in his hands Didn't take long, to understand Just one guitar, slung way down low Was one way ticket, only one way to go So he started rockin' Ain't never gonna stop Gotta keep on rockin' Someday he's gonna make it to the top”
Then I started headbanging and giggling as I started screaming,
“And be a juke box hero, got stars in his eyes He's a juke box hero He took one guitar, juke box hero, stars in his eyes Juke box hero, he'll come alive tonight”
I slid into the shower, putting on my own concert.
“In a town without a name, in a heavy downpour Thought he passed his own shadow, by the backstage door Like a trip through the past, to that day in the rain And that one guitar made his whole life change”
I poured out the soap and started lathering up.
“Now he needs to keep rockin' He just can't stop Gotta keep on rockin' That boy has got to stay on top And be a juke box hero, got stars in his eyes He's a juke box hero, got stars in his eyes Yeah, juke box hero, got stars in his eyes With that one guitar he'll come alive Come alive tonight”
Then I started playing the air guitar on my stomach.
“Yeah, he's gotta keep rockin' He just can't stop Gotta keep on rockin' That boy has got to stay on top
And be a juke box hero, got stars in his eyes
He's a juke box hero, got stars in his eyes
Just one guitar, put stars in his eyes
He's just a juke box hero, aah aah aah
Juke box hero, juke box hero, he's got stars in his eyes
Stars in his eyes”
After that I started to shave, at least I was semi-decent at that. By the time I was out of the shower I was refreshed and ready to tackle this mane. The knots are ridiculous. They’re so bad that I actually have to ask Sammy for help.
“Sammy!” yelled from my bathroom with nothing but my red flannel lace bra set on… Maybe I called him in like that on purpose.
“Dean what do you, woah Hey clothing!” Sam screamed.
“I am wearing clothing, Sasquatch. I need your help.” I huffed as I popped a hip out.
“With what?” asked Sam as his eyes practically bulged out of his head, fighting to concentrate only on my face.
“My hair, I can’t get all of the knots out.” I said as I clawed at my hair with the brush.
Sam’s face contorted in pain.
“No Dean stop, you’re breaking your hair…. Hold on.” Ordered Sam as he walked out of my private bathroom. In a few minutes, he came back with a bottle.
“What’s that?” I asked confused.
“This is a detangler, helps you comb out your hair.” Then he started spraying me. “Flip your hair down.”
“Just trust me. Bend over.”
“I need to spray all of your hair.”
“So what does that have to do with me bending. You already sprayed it.”
Sam rolled his eyes, “I sprayed the top layer, not the bottom, now bend before I turn you upside down myself.”
“You wouldn’t…”
“Try me,” glared Sam.
I grunted as I bent over and then he started to spray the back of my head.
“Now flip your hair back and hand me the brush.”
“Like you know how to comb a woman’s hair nicely---oh my gah...that...feels..like...heaven” My speech started to slightly slur as Sam massaged the products in to my scalp.
Sam chuckled and said, “You are a disaster of a woman, Dean.”
“I’m new at it… shut up and brush Gigantor.” I said as I handed him the brush…
When he was done brushing I thanked him and began the struggle of putting on a dress. It took a few tries but finally the black bombshell dress slipped over my curves. Then I tossed my hair and threw gel all over it, I put on my jewelry and packed my purse, added perfume, and almost walked out the door.
Then I remembered, the heels. Stacey called mine black pumps. As soon as I threw them on I put on the makeup exactly how Stacey instructed me, how my makeup took an hour and she showed me on my face in 5 minutes I have no clue… but I managed… By the time I looked in the mirror, I didn’t even recognize the new me, I would be intimidated by me.
“Sam’s reaction is gonna be great,” I said as a Cheshire grin spread across my face.
When I walked out into the war room, Castiel was on the phone with Rowena.
“Another week? Rowena I fear that something’s happening to Dean. Apparently he’s enjoying this a little too much.”
I smirked as I fixed my breasts and said, “What am I enjoying too much, Castiel?”
“You being a fe---Rowena I have to call you back.” Said Cass as he turned around and locked eyes with me. His eyes roamed my body and his mouth open and closed like a fish.
You alright there Cass?” I asked as I approached him…
“I… I don’t know how to feel about this…” Said Castiel , shocked.
“Why? Because I’m hot?” I said with a smile.
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Behind me, I heard a beer bottle crash to the floor and when I turned around, Sam stood there, his face red and jaw permanently open. Sam’s eyes repeated Cass’ yet they stopped at my chest...
“Sam! Eyes are up here!” I yelled and Sam’s eyes shot up to mine.
“Holy shit.” Said Sam.
“Something wrong, Sammy? You look nice, ready to go?” I asked as if I didn’t notice his reaction.
“Give me a minute here, Dean. Tell me you aren’t going out like that.”
“LIKE WHAT Sam? Like a fuckin bombshell?!” I said near insulted.
“No, you’re too hot, Dean. You’re gonna attract the wrong kind of attention with that on.”
“I’m sorry? What I wear is my business, does it not look good?” I felt hurt now. How can he not like how I look.
“No it does, it just looks too good.” Said Sam...
“I KNOW RIGHT?! LOOK I’m FUCKIN HOT!” I squealed excitedly….
“Sammy look at my ass,” I said as I turned around and rubbed the globes, “It’s so fuckin’ perfect.”
“I’m not gonna stare at my brother turned sister’s ass, Dean.”
“Oh, so you can stare at my chest but not my ass? Makes sense, I knew you were a tits man anyway.” I said nonchalantly.
“What?!” Sam yelped.
“C’mon, Ruby’s ass wasn’t nearly as impressive as her chesticles.” I chuckled.
“Dean you’ve gotta change”
“HELL NO, Now are you coming with me or not?” I said with a pout.
As soon as Sam sighed in defeat I turned around to walk out… On my way out I heard both Cass and Sam groan… Ohhh this is gonna be interesting.
The minute we got in the car Sam took a deep breath in and his gaze shot towards me.
“What now, Sammy?” I asked.
“Are you wearing perfume?”
“Yeah, so?”
“I just can’t… why?”
“Well Samuel, in case you didn’t know,” I said with an air of sarcasm, “ all humans do this thing called perspiration. It is commonly known as sweating. When one perspires the scent can be off-putting to others in the area. Therefore, men and women put on deodorant. Men put on cologne, while women wear perfume and in case you haven’t noticed…. I’m currently sporting a vagina, meaning that I am indeed a chick. Therefore what you smell is La Vie Est Belle by Lancome.”
“How are you more of a dick when you don’t have one?” Scoffed Sammy.
“Like I said before, it’s a reminder, Sammy.”
As we got closer to their apartment, Sammy struck up a conversation.
“Do you miss it?”
“Miss what?” I asked as I fixed my lipgloss.
“Little Dean?” I asked.
“You call your dick what?!” Snickered Sam.
“Well, what do you call yours?” I asked, annoyed.
“Godzilla,” said Sam.
“And you’re laughing at me? Why ‘Godzilla’?”
As soon as we pulled into the driveway Sammy stated simply, “Because it’s known to destroy anything it comes into contact with…”
My jaw just hung open while he got out of the car and went around to open my door.
@mamaredd123 , @impala-dreamer , @impalaimagining , @jotink78 , @nichelle-my-belle , , @scorpiongirl1 , @ilostmyshoe-79 , @teamfreewillimagines , @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid , @chelsea072498 , @brickwall035 , @maui137 , @mogaruke , @jayankles , @butiaintgonnaloveem , @kawaiilivkitty , @naviwhite , @emoryhemsworth ,              
@cole-winchester , @nanie5 , @emoryhemsworth , @carribear31 , @death-unbecomes-you, @clarinette07 , @curlyhairedblueeyedangel, @deansbabygirl01, @anathewierdo , @atc74 , @kickasscas67, @mannls, @adoptdontshoppets, @meganywinchester, @xalgaliareptx , @healojane, @wolfiebucky, @rayvenrider, @screechingartisancashbailiff , @goodgodimaweirdperson, @beltzboys2015-blog, @animegirlgeeky, @paintballkid711, @dolphincliffs
 Wanna join the tag army? Shoot me an ask and consider it done!
The Situation Taglist!:
@mirandaaustin93 , @dolphincliffs
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ketslx · 5 years
The Saga of B
[ in a kik group for disordered littles ]
So there's this girl, we'll call her B, who was talking about Easter Bunnies and stuff. I, having recently received a new stuffie from my daddy that happened to be a bunny, decided to share a picture of said bunny.
B freaked out, started demanding to see more pictures of him and even asked me to make a kik account for the stuffie so she can be friends with him. When I said no, she then went on about how upset that made her. I was uncomfortable for many reasons, the main one being these are my stuffies. MY family. She then started asking about my other stuffies, asking to see them and asking if they're all friends that talk to each other. When I mentioned my tiniest one, an independent sloth named Gigantor, the conversation went as follows:
B: "Can you please try and get him to talk to the other animals? There all family." Me: "I'm not gonna force my independent baby to socialize. He already stated his feeling on it, let him be edgy." B: "That just really upsets me. Their all family ):" Me: "Yeah, but that doesn't mean they all HAVE to talk to each other."
If they aren't part of your stuffie family, then you cannot dictate how the dynamic is supposed to go. She kept asking me if any stuffie I mentioned had met my bunny, to which I started to get very irritated. After explaining again how my dynamic worked, she then asked if I could make a video of them talking to each other, with PLEASE all in caps. I told her no, she asked why. I said no again, and then she asked if they can ever hear them talking. I said no. "It's okay, I'm just really upset by that." I explained AGAIN that they are my stuffies. I don't have to share everything about them, especially when I'm not in little space.
B: "Can I still be their friend?" Me: "I'll discuss it with them." Me, after a little bit: "So after discussing it we've decided to say no - nothing against you but they don't feel comfortable being friends with strangers. I hope you understand."
To which she started doing that sad "..." and stutter typing, which also annoyed me - but then she praised me on raising them right and promoted me? Well, the other admin was pretty irritated with B on that. There was a nice little lecture for B about how she can’t just randomly admin someone, especially for silly reasons like that.. but B kept saying, “Stuffies are a legitimate reason! She’s the protector of animals and raised her stuffies right!” There was no reasoning or talking logically to her. She’s either legit that immature, trolling, or just in little space all the time.
After that spiel, she admined someone for liking cheese and we had to make a new group because she wasn’t gonna leave / return to be unadmined - she legit broke so many rules of being an admin in that group.
I want to clarify something - my stuffies don’t talk. Not in little space, not in big space. For me, they’re just stuffies (that I love very much). Sure, I’ll talk to them but only when I’ve legit got no one else to talk to and I’m anxious.
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girlbabyvelez · 5 years
Hóla! Congrats on 200! I'm here for the ship thing?? My name is Kayla, but you can call me Kay. I'm 5'8 (Gigantor according to my friends) but I'm very bubbly and I try to be the peacemaker of my friends! I love dark chocolate and making people laugh. Also, I dig old music and the rain🖤 I have wavy brown hair, a button nose with a piercing on the right side, brown eyes, and I'm not the thinnest but ehh. Hope you're having a good night!
I ship you with 
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Joel Pimentel De León
-So he’s not really that much taller than you but he prefers it like that because he can easily just pull you close and kiss you. Also it’s perfect to grab onto your waist and it’s easy to just lean his head against yours when either of you are tired. 
-You balance him out. Whenever he is about to go off on someone you’re there to kind of calm him down. Like sometimes if all of the boys are in a bad mood and Joel says something like a smart ass, you’re there to kind of help them through that and he appreciates that. 
-Also when you guys fight you are mindful of not crossing the line and he does the same. Because you are a peacemaker you kind of know how to treat each other in a fight so your arguments aren’t as bad. 
-He lovesss your bubbly personality because he can always have fun with you. Like you both always do fun things together an mess around and how happy you are makes him proud and happy too. 
-He loves your piercing okay? like a lot. so like you guys would be laying up in bed and he would look up at your nose and he likes how it looks on you because tbh he thinks it makes you look badass. And likes to poke your nose whenever you’re sad because he knows when he does it, that it’s goofy but it makes you laugh. 
-oh and when he’s upset, you pull out everything. okay so he’s just upset about something that happened with one of the other boys, so you make some dark hot chocolate and you take it up to him and put on a movie, but you make funny comments and you make weird faces up to him and he always laughs and it always makes him feel better. You just know how to make him happy. 
singing in the rain //
When you had left the house, it wasn’t raining so the both of you guys decided to walk down the street to get some snacks for the movie day that Joel had insisted on you guys having. He searched for your favorite dark chocolate while you looked for his favorite chips. The whole time the two of you sharing laughs and kisses in the aisles of the empty convenience store. The only person who was there was the cashier and he was just scrolling through his phone. 
“Ready babe?’ Joel asks you, placing a hand on the small of your back and placing a kiss on your temple. You just hum your answer and his hand guides you to the checkout. And the boy of you work as a team to get everything bagged and paid for before you leave. 
And that’s when you see the pouring rain outside. Your apartment wasn’t far but you both would get soaked in the short time it took you to get there. You could feel Joel gently push you forward but your feet kept you planted in your spot while you turned to the boy with wide eyes. 
“Amor,” You gently whisper. “I am not walking in that,” 
“Come on Kay. We’ll get home and shower with warm water,” He leans over to whisper that in your ear, pulling away and sending you a quick wink. You shake your head with a quick giggle, you weren’t going to deny him that. So when he pushes you again you let your feet be carried away. Shivers ran through your spine when you felt the drops of water begin to soak through your clothes and Joel was right behind you. 
The two of you began your journey home and you could hear him begin to sing one of your favorite old songs. He kept you close to him and look over at your every time he sang your favorite part. 
“Kay, baby,” He calls you. You turn to him with your bottom lip between your teeth. You look at him with those brown eyes he adored. And that’s when he grabbed your arm, spinning you towards him until your chests were up against each other. One hand found its way to your cheek, and once again he guided your face to his and your lips met. It was warm and wet because of the rain but he liked it, your lips moving in sync before he pulled away and continuing your walk home. 
Author’s Note: Thank you bby 💖 also I hope you enjoy bby
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alwaysadeangirl · 5 years
A New Life
Just a little kinda funny prompt I couldn’t help doing. Feedback is always welcome. As always thank you so much to my awesome beta @mysaintsasinner your encouragement and feedback is always amazing! All my fics are also going up on AO3 even ho currently i only have 2.For now. This is my favourite obsession. Come have a look I’m missmaree88 or come say hi on twitter @leahwood1488. Feel free to hit me up in you want to be tagged. Thank you lovelies!!
Prompt- @supernaturalimagine Imagine Dean being terrified when you tell him you’re going in to labour.
DeanxReader, Sam Winchester
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Warnings: Some explicit language, Pregnancy!fic, Best friend Sam, Funny, Some Fluff
Sprawled out on the long couch that had just been added to the man cave, or the Dean cave as you lovingly nicknamed it, was about the only place you could get comfortable these days. You had on a loose pair of sweatpants and a worn AC/DC shirt that you had stolen from your boyfriend, and were laying back on a cushion with a bowl of popcorn balanced precariously on your protruding belly while trying to pay attention to Predator on the tv screen. You had been feeling sick all day but had put it down to the baby girl in your tummy since there was only 2 weeks left in your pregnancy.
Suddenly you felt a sharp pain shoot across your stomach. Man, maybe that popcorn wasn’t such a great idea. After setting down the bowl you slowly stood trying to stretch out your back. Hopefully your daughter would hurry up because all you could feel now was discomfort and a longing for it to be over so you could hold your child. Hmmm maybe you could con Dean into rubbing your back in a hot shower.
You slowly wandered over to turn off the tv and headed out to the bunker’s kitchen in search of a cold glass of water. You had to stop a couple of times to rub at your back cursing the uncomfortable knots. After finally reaching the kitchen and gulping down 2 full glasses of water you felt another sharp pain in your stomach.
Holy shit is this the beginning of labour!  
You waddled steadily into the war room to search for a laptop since you didn’t feel like walking all the way back to your’s and Dean’s room to get your one. Sitting at the long table you spotted Sam hunched over a pile of books, laptop open beside them.
“Hey Sam? Can you do me a solid and look something up for me...without telling Dean?”
He eyed you warily since you know he hated hiding things from his brother about you but he was your best friend. Didn’t that count for something, especially since you were possibly on your way to exploding with his niece? He sighed and turned towards his screen.
“Sure Y/N but you are not getting involved with research again. You need to relax.”
You smiled softly at him. You had been hunting and living with the Winchesters for five years now and had been with Dean for three. Sam had helped you through those hard times before you eventually nutted up to tell Dean how you felt. He had always had your back, even when you were panicked that Dean would completely flip his lid about you being pregnant.
Dean always wore a condom since you both knew what it was like to be raised in this life, but a very drunken and rather rough night of sex had resulted in you discovering you were pregnant. Who knew those fuckers actually did break outside of some cheesy rom com! It was Sam that convinced you to sit down and tell Dean about the baby and promise you that no matter what happened you would never be alone in this. But even though Dean had been shocked and scared of how to raise a baby not only in the life of hunting but also a bunker, he had assured you that he loved you and wanted nothing more than to be with you and your child. You shook yourself out of your memories and focused once again on the moose sitting in front of you.
“Don’t worry Sammy I don’t want to do research. I kinda need you to look up that page you found last month about the beginning stages of labour…”
It took a second for Sam to register what you had said but then he turned to you with his big goofy grin.
“Really?! Is it time?! We gotta get Dean.”
“No not until I know for sure. I don’t wanna give him a heart attack until I’m positive.”
As soon as the words left your mouth you felt another sharp pain in your stomach. This one was stronger and lasted a little bit longer than the last and caused you to lean forward on the table. You gripped the edge and took a couple of deep breaths until it subsided.
The beautiful, older Winchester came sprinting into the room less than a minute after hearing you scream his name. Thank Chuck for hunter instincts. He found you sitting back in a chair lightly running your hand across your belly with an excited yet slightly scared look on your face.
“Your gonna be a daddy a little earlier than we thought.”
“Holy Shit! Do we need your hospital bag? What about towels? Are we even gonna make it to the hospital on time!?”
Dean’s face was pale and you could see him breathing faster like he was starting to panic. You rolled your eyes and looked straight at Sam with a smirk on your face.
“I got this” you huffed out as you made your way over to your boyfriend.
You gently rubbed his back while guiding him over to the chair you had just gotten out of.
“Breathe babe. Just breathe. Labour has just started and she isn’t about the poke her head out just yet.”
Those words were all it took for Sam to double over laughing, clutching his sides like he couldn’t breathe.
“You’re the one in labour! How on earth does it work out to be you calming him down!”
That seemed to be enough to snap Dean out of his panic attack and he turned to focus those gorgeous forest green eyes on you.
“Oh shit Y/N sit down” he said before jumping up and backing you slowly into the chair.
Another burst of pain hit you and you immediately stood and started pacing, absently rubbing your back again. Dean was immediately at your side pushing your hands out of the way to rub soothing circles into the tense muscles. Maybe that warm shower was a good idea after all.
“Sam?” you called quietly. “Did you pull up that page yet?”
After a few minutes of listening to the sounds of the keyboard clacking you were finally shown the website in question.
Every woman is different.
Some experience nausea.
Dull aching in the back.
Labour can last anywhere from hours to days!
What was that crap! Days you could be like this! Yep it was seriously looking like this was it. The final stretch. Hopefully it would be hours and not days.
After a slight amount of panicking on your end you got Dean to help you into a warm shower to help soothe your muscles. In this moment you were very thankful of the amazing water pressure the Men of Letters had installed.
You all spent the afternoon monitoring the contractions and trying to keep your mind off the pains that were slowly getting stronger and closer together. Finally at around six o’clock you couldn’t take anymore.
You only just managed to stand up as yet another contraction overtook you. They had gotten to be steadily staying at only seven minutes apart and you were angrier than a hellhound who had been kicked in the face. You groaned in pain trying to focus on Dean’s voice gently guiding you to breathe, rubbing once more at your aching back since of course you had to get labour pain in your fucking back too. You turned to glare at Dean.
“You and your stupidly pretty cock” you growled at him.
You heard Sam muffle a laugh somewhere behind you.
“Don’t test me Gigantor” you spat at him.
Suddenly you felt a slow leak run down your leg. Well fuck there goes my waters. Looks like putting off the hospital was no longer an option.
“Babe you gotta get me out to the car, it’s time to head for the hospital. Sam can you get my bag and some towels. My waters just broke and i know your brother does not want any baby juices on his Baby.”
The look on Dean’s face at that last comment was almost enough to make this whole thing worth it for now.
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mlovesstories · 6 years
Her Trip to Van (HDF 11)
Her Trip to Van
Warnings: car crash, emotions, flashing lights in GIF 
zero period- a class before the school day officially starts
Addy age 15
JJ age 3
Twins age Almost 4 Months
Tumblr media
Late March 2017
Addy was boarding a flight to Vancouver.  She couldn’t wait to cash in on her birthday gift of hanging out with her dad in Canada for Spring Break.  She hadn’t seen Jensen in a week because he and Jared went to a convention instead of coming home to Austin.  And she loved the city.  
just got in from chicago. meet me and gigantor at baggage claim when you’ve deplaned, princess.
Okie, Daddio. <3
She soon taxied in and exited the aircraft.  
“Daddy!”  Addy shouted as she arrived at the baggage area.  “Over here!”
“Hey, princess!”  Jensen engulfed her in a hug.  He kissed her on the top of her head and released her.  
“Hey, Ads,”  Jared looked at her tiredly but didn’t let that influence the big hug he gave her.  
“Did you check bags, pretty girl?”  Jensen asked his daughter.
“No,” Addy answered.
“Really?  That’s all you brought?  A sports bag an a backpack?”  Jared inquired.
“Why would you think I would need more, Jared?!  I’m low maintenance.  And it’s not like I needed all my winter clothing.  It’s warming up.”  
“Ok, well we didn’t check any either, so let’s get outta here,” Jensen brought them back to the task at hand.  “Cliffy should be out of the bathroom soon.  He’ll drive us.”
The group made their way to their Vancouver homes.  Addy and Jensen settled in after ordering takeout from her favorite restaurant. 
“So, princess, how was your week?”
The next morning at 5AM Jensen woke up his daughter.  
“Addy. Wake up, baby,”  he spoke in a soft voice.  
“No.  Too early,” she rolled over.  
“Fine, stay here by yourself then,”  he smirked because he knew she wouldn’t want that. 
“Ugh.  Ok, I’m up.  How do you do this every day?”  She yawned.
“How do you go to zero period every day?  I wouldn’t like that,”  he returned.
“It’s pure torture,”  Addy smiled even though she loved her zero period class.
The two Ackles got ready and met Clif at the curb.  
“Ugh, I forgot to make some coffee.  Wait, do you even have coffee in the apartment?  I didn’t even find napkins this morning.  How do you function without me around?”  Addy made fun of Jensen.
“Shut up.  Clif, can we get some coffee for the sleepy baby please?”  Jensen knew he would get a reaction from his daughter.
“Hey!  Don’t you have enough babies in your life right now?”  Addy responded.  “I mean, I could be a baby, but then I wouldn’t be able to babysit because I would be babysitting myself, which really isn’t a thing, but-,”  she was interrupted.
“Ok, smart one!  I get it.  Clif, coffee.”
“On it,”  Clif smiled at the silly conversation.
“Ok, you good to go?”
“Yes, Daddy.  You know I like to watch you work.  I’ll be fine.  Besides, I know almost everyone and the food services table is right there,”  Addy grinned.
“Hey,”  Jensen said.  “Stick around, ok?”  
“Dad, I’m fifteen, not four.”
“I know, I know.”  He gave her a shy smile.
“Places!” One of the PAs called for everyone to start a new scene.
“Gotta go.  Love you,”  Jensen hugged her, and he walked to his spot.  
Go get ‘em, Dad.  
Addy was excited.  They were shooting a scene where the monsters were trying to track down Sam and Dean.  She smiled as she saw her dad in his element.
“And... action!”
The stunt car skidded around a corner, stopping quickly when its occupants saw Sam and Dean in a motel parking lot.  The boys looked up at the car with wide eyes.
“Cut!”  The director froze the scene while the stunt monsters got out of the driver and passenger sides.  The actors wearing the same clothing as the stunt team traded places, and the scene continued.  
Addy continued to observe the happenings of the set.  After a few more takes, she walked over to get some fruit from the food services table.  On her way back to her dad’s chair, she looked up and noticed something was wrong.  The stunt car took the corner too swiftly, and the driver couldn’t slam on the brakes fast enough, running into her dad and uncle.
“DAD!”  Addy dropped the items in her hand and ran toward Jensen.  Both actors were on the ground.  Clif and a few others got to them before Addy.  The daughter could not get to Jensen fast enough.
“Addy.  Hey, it’s ok.  You gotta breathe, baby,”  Clif was blocking her from seeing the boys on the pavement.  He had let the on-set medics take over and sought out Addy.
“My dad.  He- he-”
“I know, but he is awake.  That’s a good sign.”
She wasn’t really listening.  As she became flush, she felt her legs give out, and she too was now on the pavement, guided safely by Clif.  The tears and shock came quickly.   Once she composed herself, she realized the ambulances and firetrucks had arrived.  Addy tried to go in the ambulance with her dad, but the EMTs wouldn’t allow it.  
“Addy,”  Clif stated.  “I’ll take you.  Come on,” he took her hand and pulled her to her feet.
“I need to call my mom and Aunt Gen,”  she said, “and get my dad’s wallet.  He’ll need it.
“I already did, Addy.  Let’s go, sweetheart.  Got your stuff?”  
“Yes, sir.”  
The duo, along with other cast members and crew filtered into the lobby.  Once seated, Addy’s phone was ringing, but she was staring off into the distance.
“Addy, your phone,”  Clif nudged her.
“Oh, sorry,”  she looked at the screen. 
“Hey, Mommy.”  
“Are you ok?”
Just scared, but Cliffy is with me,” she looked up and smiled at him. “We are at the hospital.  I don’t know anything though.” 
“Listen to me, Addy.  I’ll be right there, ok.  Have Clif call me or text me if there is an update.  Gen and I are on our way to the airport.  We’ll see you soon.”  
“Ok, Mom.  Love you.”
Addy was in her own world for the next few hours.  Clif tried to keep her mind occupied, but she zoned out.  He assumed out of shock.  After a while, he let her be. 
Clif and Addy stood up.  
“Addy,”  Clif stopped her from walking toward the doctor. “Please go get a soda. I don’t want you to hear something that will scare you.  Please.  I will tell you what he said when you get back.”
She rolled her eyes and walked past Clif toward the doctor. “Is he alive?”  There was desperation behind her question.  
”Yes, miss.  He is still alive.”
The bodyguard followed close behind.  “Addy, please,” Clif begged, “I’ll tell you what he said, I promise.” 
Clif saw the defiance in her face. He was also aware that a kid in her mid-teens probably wouldn’t react well in this situation, no matter the news, if it didn’t come from someone she knew.
“Misha!  Take her to get a coke or something.  I’ll fill you all in when you get back.” 
Misha stood up and guided Addy down the hall even though she inwardly wanted to fight Clif on the issue. 
 “Cliffy?  How’s my dad? 
“Hey, sweetheart. Have a seat.”
They both found their chairs in the lobby.
“Is he okay?” She was nervous.
“He has a few injuries, but they need him to wake up. Until then, we just have to wait.” Clif hated this whole situation, but he was glad he could be there for Addy.
“Dammit, Dad,” Addy felt sick all over again. 
Sen, wake up. Please.
“Addy, I know. But all we can do is wait right now. I’m sorry, baby.”
“Jared?” She asked about her uncle.
“Nothing yet, don’t know.” 
Don’t hate me! I love them just as much as you all and don’t like them hurt either! 
If you liked it, tell me!  Let me know if you want to be tagged.  Thanks for following this series!
@luci-in-trenchcoats .@katymacsupernatural  .@unicornblood4ever  .@ellie-andthemachine .@fangirl-moment-x  .@empirialwolf .@winchesters-favorite-girl  .@super100012  .@waywardnewcomer  .@percywinchester27  .@waywardsuns  .@supernatural-jackles  .@mcallmestiles .@mandyreese .@sdavid09  .@kingandrear  .@bellero @rosie-winchester @iliketowrite02 @seality
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Rehab For An Angel, pt.7
A/N: Hey beauties! So, this is a bit longer of a chapter and a bit different as you’ll see. This Original Character is based upon, and the chapter is dedicated to, my wonderful real-life best friend and faithful beta reader, @kissofthebadwolf. I love them both dearly, and I’m sure you guys will too! As always, if you would like to be tagged in upcoming chapters, let me know! We have a few more until the end of our journey with our favorite golden-haired angel. Thank you all, again, for the outpouring of love and support for this story. My tiny little writing blog has gained over a hundred followers over the course of a week, which is mind-blowing to me. The fact that you all love my writing so much is so incredibly humbling and confidence-boosting. I love you all so much!! Much love and chocolates, dearies. <3
Read Me on AO3:
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 8
Tag List:
@kissofthebadwolf @the-chick-with-the-best-fandom @eurusholmmes @speight-is-great @the-writer-in-blue @ourloveisforthelovely @thewinterhunter @cipherwheeldecoder @the-kryomancer @total-fandom-imagines @creativelyquestioninglife @becausefeelsthatswhy @tardy-bee @spnimpalaimagines @nobodys-baby-now @sumara62 @universallyvoidcandy @li-ssu @sebastianstanslefteyebrow
As the days passed, it seemed Gabriel was slowly, slowly, returning toward a version of himself he was before. He was still choosey with whom he spoke to and how much he said, but it was starting to come across as an active choice whether or not to speak, whether he felt like giving the time, versus whether or not he could. His eyes maintained a quiet, haunted look when his guard was down and he thought you weren't looking, but more often they were holding a shadow of the spark they once held of mischievousness. His pallor was back to normal and his complexion was clear of any remnants of his time in the cell. His wings had gotten most of their color back. They were still a muted version of the golden splendor they used to be, but they didn't hang lifelessly from his back any longer. He'd put on some more weight and was seen more and more often in the common rooms (if that's where you were, that is) and was even taking to snapping in small items, proving that his grace had almost completed its task of healing his vessel and was focused now on simply replenishing itself. In short, he was trying. Things were starting to look up, starting to edge the dial ever so closer to normal. Of course, that's naturally when life had to throw you a curve-ball.
Sam and Dean were in the library looking into lore about alternate universes and you were on the couch, strumming random snippets of chords and melodies on your guitar. Gabriel was on the couch beside you, your legs across his lap, a book he was reading resting upon them. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door to the bunker.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at each other. In no time you and the brothers were on your feet, the boys unsheathing their guns from the backs of their jeans and you had pulled the small knife you kept strapped to your ankle out of its holster. Gabriel stood as you stood and watched you closely as you, closest to the stairs, made your way toward the door. Whomever it was knocked again before you reached the lock. Slowly, you unlocked the door and eased it open a crack.
"No fucking way."
You opened the door fully and a mane of strawberry blonde hair engulfed you, making you drop your knife. Chuckling, you hugged its owner before pushing them back, your hands on their shoulders.
"How in fuck did you find me here?"
You moved to the side as you spoke, revealing a small woman about your age with long strawberry blonde hair, big blue eyes, and a face full of freckles. Her eyes were lined to a sharp point and her lips were a bright, blood red. She was dressed in hunter gear, a leather jacket buttoned over a blue flannel and snug jeans with a holster strapped to her hip. She was a strange combination of the most innocent and unassuming woman with the blatant capability to be lethal. She had a spark in her eyes that showed off her spitfire potential and you knew she could kill a man with a paper clip and chewing gum if she so wished without a single hair falling out of place (you'd seen it). She was more than a hunter, she was an assassin.
"Y/N, you can try as hard as you wish, but I'll always find you," she replied, her voice laced with amusement. You knew her words could be a true threat if she wished for them to be.
"I'll keep trying, but I hope to always fail," you said with affection. This woman had been the closest thing to a best friend you'd had for the last few years, after you'd separated yourself from the brothers. Your paths crossed on a hunt and kept crossing until you eventually sought each other out on purpose. Occasional hunting partner became occasional bar buddy became late-night confidant and friend. You owed her your life, several times over. In all truth, though, she could say the same about you.
A throat cleared from below you, alerting you to your forgotten audience. You ushered your friend inside and turned toward the three men standing in the living area.
"Gentlemen, this is my dear friend, Kaylee. She's a badass and will snap you in half if you cross her so look out," you laughed. The men were looking at you, confusion evident on each of their faces. You amended, "she's a hunter, but she's also an assassin. I owe her my life, and she seems insistent on collecting because I can't escape her, evidently." She giggled beside you, looking ever the most unintimidating creature. You turned back to her, "seriously, though. How did you find me here?"
She rolled her eyes at you, "Y/N, come on. I've known you for almost a decade, have a little faith. Also the GPS on your phone is still turned on." She patted your shoulder and started down the stairs as you blushed.
"So this is the infamous Men of Letters bunker," she said as she looked around appraisingly.
You followed behind her and stopped beside her as she paused to survey the men in front of her. A contemplative look on her face, she chewed her lip for a second, before pointing at Dean.
"You have to be Dean. I've heard enough about you that I feel like I practically know you already." She turned to Sam, and her eyebrows shot up as she obviously checked him out, her eyes raking up and down his frame, making him shift a little uncomfortably. "You, gigantor, must be Sam. I've heard about you but I must say, Y/N here didn't quite do you justice." She winked at him, making him flush and visibly swallow. You laughed to yourself at your friend's brazenness, knowing she was teasing him just because she could. She turned to Gabriel and her brow cinched in slight confusion.
"You...I'm not sure who you are."
You stepped in before Gabriel could answer. You weren't sure if he would, anyway. "Uhm, Kaylee," you cleared your throat and she turned to you. "That's, uh, that's Gabriel."
Her playful smile dropped from her face and her eyes hardened in concern. "What?" She said sharply, turning to look at the named man. By her reaction, it was obvious to the three men that she knew who Gabriel was. She turned back to you, eyebrows raised in obvious demand for an explanation. You chewed your lip in anxiety before taking her arm and saying in a rush, "We have a lot of catching up to do--"
"You're damn right we do--"
"--so let me show you to my room and we can talk, okay?" You gave her a meaningful look. With another look toward the angel, she nodded and started to follow you out of the room.
"Wait," you heard Sam call to you both. You and Kaylee both stopped and turned toward him. Looking sheepish, he continued, "you said she's a hunter *and* an assassin?"
A wry grin spread across Kaylee's face as she replied, "the best, for a price. Not everyone wants to commit credit card fraud."
"So you kill people instead?" Dean replied.
Kaylee's expression took on an undertone of danger as she turned her eyes to him and replied, "hey, a girl's gotta eat. The people I kill have it coming. When you really look at it, the two professions aren't too different. Both are about killing monsters."
With that, she strode ahead of you down the hall, leaving you to shrug your shoulders in a 'what can you do?' sort of way before catching up to her.
"Seriously, Y/N, when was the last time you even touched a makeup brush, let alone a flat iron?"
You laughed at her pretend annoyance as she swept the rouge across your cheeks. One of the best things about "catching up" with Kaylee? They almost always turned into juvenile-like sleepovers with makeovers and gossip. Although, you couldn't remember any of your sleepovers in junior high including sharing newly learned assassin combat moves and ways to hide various weapons in your clothes that made them virtually unnoticeable.
She put the brush down and gestured to the mirror for you to look at yourself. Another plus to Kaylee sleepovers? Her makeup skills were incomparable. She had contoured your face with such precision you felt you could cut a man with your cheekbones or your eyeliner, one. You hadn't seen your face so done-up in ages. You hardly recognized yourself and couldn't stop yourself from turning your head side to side, admiring her work.
"Yeah? You're hot, bitch. Get used to it," she teased. Rolling your eyes you got up and walked to your dresser, pulling out tshirts and shorts for the both of you. You were a bit bigger of a person than her, taller and more broad-shouldered, which made your clothes make her look even tinier than she was. You tossed her the clothes as you pulled your choices on for yourself.
"Are you hungry?" You asked her.
"Starved," she replied as she began to change into the clothes you'd given her. You left the room and walked toward the kitchen, intent on bringing as much snack food as you could carry with you. Kaylee had tastefully not brought up the angel-in-the-room, waiting for you to do so yourself, which you appreciated. You knew you owed her an explanation, not only for that situation, but for disappearing out of the blue for two months without contact. You knew you'd worried her.
Your thoughts were so full of the conversation you were going to have soon with your friend, you didn't realize the kitchen wasn't empty when you entered. Gabriel was standing by the sink, having obviously just gotten himself a glass of water. You walked in and he turned at your entrance. Your eyes met and his mouth fell open slightly at your appearance, eyes widening slightly.
Shyly, you ran your hand through your newly coiffed hair before clearing your throat and greeting the angel who was not-so-subtly looking you over.
"Um, hey Gabriel." You noticed his eyes lingering on your front and you were tempted to make a "my eyes are up here" joke when he spoke.
"Is that...my shirt?"
Your eyes widened and you looked down to realize the oversized shirt you were wearing was, indeed, a shirt you'd stolen from him months before he'd died. It had become one of your favorites and was well-worn due to the last decade of sleeping in it. It was perhaps thinner now than it used to be, which you were suddenly acutely aware of. You swallowed nervously.
"Um, yeah, I think so. Did you...did you want it back?" You cringed in your head at your words, knowing how they must sound. The old Gabriel wouldn't have missed the opportunity to crack an innuendo joke, and as you met his eyes, you could tell this Gabriel was considering it. The next time he spoke, however, his voice was strangely hoarse.
"Um, no. No, that's okay. You...you can keep it. It uh, looks better on you anyway than it ever did on me." He cleared his throat once, twice. "Have um, a good night, Y/N," and with that, he strode from the room, as if desperate to get back to his own room, glass of water forgotten on the counter. You watched him go, eyes lingering on the doorway from the kitchen where he'd disappeared for a moment longer before turning away and remembering your quest for food.
You heard a small cough from behind you and you whipped around to see Kaylee leaning against the opening in the wall behind you, her eyebrow raised and her expression one of bemusement. "So he is *that* Gabriel, then. Interesting. Tell me, is it all just eye-fucking and slow-burn, or have you climbed into his pants yet?"
Your eyes widened and chin dropped in shock, "Kaylee!"
She laughed, "you know I'm teasing you. You're too easy, sometimes. I was beginning to wonder where the hell you were with the food, I'm rather glad I came to investigate."
"How much of that did you see?"
"Enough to know your angel buddy is probably off to either take an icy cold shower or rub one out at the image of you all dolled up and lounging around in his clothes." You blushed deeply and swatted at her, making her laugh again. "Seriously, though, you've gotta tell me how he's even alive to do it. He's the one who died and broke your heart, right? What, did he actually not-die?"
You sighed as you started loading her outstretched arms with chip bags and sodas. "I...don't have the answer to that. There's a lot we don't know. He hasn't spoken about it much and I'm not going to push it. I've been through shit barely a fraction as intense as he's been through and I hate talking about it, I can't imagine he would want to drag up those memories. If he ever does want to talk, he knows I'm here for him. He's come a long way over the past couple of months. You'd hardly recognize him, he barely looked at anyone, let alone spoke. He's opened up a lot and I'm not going to ask for more than he's willing to give, you know?"
You turned back to Kaylee, your own arms full with cookies you'd baked the day before and a tub of cheese puffs. She was watching you with a soft smile. You raised an eyebrow at her, questioning.
"You're still in love with him."
It wasn't a question. You glanced toward the hallway where he'd gone, hoping he had his angel ears focused elsewhere. You lowered your voice.
"It's...a bit more complicated than that. Apparently, and don't you breathe a word to him because he doesn't know, but according to Castiel, we're, um...soul mates."
"Soul mates? Like cheesy rom-com, destined to be together?"
"Um, kinda, but with less cheese and more divine influence."
"How do you know?" The two of you started back toward your room.
"Well, I didn't know until I made an offhand comment about his wings to Castiel. Apparently, being able to see them is not a common skill."
She stopped in her tracks. "Wait. You can see his wings? Like, big, flappy, birdy, angel wings?" You shrugged and nodded.
She let out a low whistle. "Girl, and I thought my love life was complicated. Speaking of, I don't mean to change the subject, but what is Goliath's deal? Hmm? 'Cause goddamn I'd climb that like a tree."
You laughed and followed her into your room. It was going to be a long night, but a good night.
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renegadesrpg · 3 years
Paladin - Part 4, Charleston Surprises. Twila
I'm sitting here eating first meal and memories flood my head of my introduction to Charleston "society" and my best friend, my brother (although I'll deny that to my dying breath). 
I had been in Caldwell for many years, since the 1830's to be exact, and now it was the 1980's and I decided it was time for a change of scenery. So, I decided to take a trip south to another town the vampire community called home, Charleston. 
I found a train that ran to the outskirts of the city and decided to hop it. I could hide in one of the cars so daylight travel won't be an issue. I packed a bag with my most important items and hopped onto a train car that was empty.
However, this is my first time on a train and it's not as smooth as I'd assumed in fact this sucks! And to make it even better, I need to feed but this ride is taking longer than I assumed it would. Guess I should have read the exact schedule, huh? My bad. 
Have I mentioned how patience isn't a virtue of mine? Well it is not! I abhor waiting and this train ride has become a trap that is being dragged along a bumpy road at 1 mile per hour. *humphs*
I managed to fall asleep and then shit hit the proverbial fan...someone slid open the sidecar door...and the sun was up! "Who the fuck are you and what are you doing here?” screamed the railroad employee who happened to be a scrawny, dirty looking human. “Get out now lady!" Naturally I'm scrambling for shadows, screaming and hissing, realizing my time on Earth was over. But as seconds passed into minutes and all I felt was some extra heat on my skin, I realized daylight didn’t kill me. Why, no clue. How, a gift like being a day whalker was given to me, I will never know. The sun on my skin stung a bit but that was better than burning to a crisp. Holy shit! I’m a fuckin’ day whalker!! 
I smiled and grabbed the man, who of course was scared shitless that a girl half his size picked him up so easily. Naturally, I fed on him til he passed out then I hopped off the train and headed into Charleston. I still stuck to the shadows, as they were my comfort, but you can bet your ass I planned to explore this newfound gift.
It didn't take me long to memorize this city. It's big, yes, but there are busy areas and ones that really bore the hell outta me they are so cookie cutter dull. I have also found that most of the vamp community hangs around the older areas. I’ve also spent a good amount of time practicing my new daywhalking skills. Today’s day activity involves following a lovely female who I call Ms. Bitch in Heels. She and I had a difference of opinion last night when she kicked a young male out of her way because he didn’t move fast enough. Well, excuse him for having his hands full of food bags for his family! 
I’m not the nicest person on this ugly planet but I sure as hell won’t be found hurting a child, vampire OR human. I certainly don’t let nastiness like that slide either. So, today I plan on teaching her a little lesson on kindness and patience. *yes I’m aware that I have no patience myself but I’m not the problem...currently*
 Now, back to Ms. Bitch.I slip through the crowd, my hat and sunglasses keeping my sensitive areas protected as I follow the woman to her fancy two story home. 
She walks in her front door and I demat in front of her so that when she’s done closing her door...there I am. 
Now, I love the shadows but this daylight shit is the bomb!
She turns around, sees me, and screams, "AHHHHHHHHHH OHHHHHHHHH SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!!"
“Hello bitch. I'm so happy we have this chance to meet.” I turn her around and pin her against the wall. Of course she is taller and wider than me, but I'm used to that so I can handle the shifting and movements fine when someone fights me. 
“My name is Twila. Your name is heartless bitch, no wait it's Cynthia Vanderstein. You have two ex husbands and three children. One still at home, Timothy, age 15. Last night you pushed a young male for no reason other than impatience on your part. I want you to know that he is a good boy just helping his family out and you had no right to touch him, after all, our kind is superior to yours. I realize that makes no sense so I'll slow it down for you...be kind to others, especially children. They need to learn from you, not fear you. And, IF you hurt another I will know and I will kill you without even blinking. And just for shits and giggles I’ll kill your son too.”
“Oh and one more thing Cynthia...look into my eyes hun. That’s right, good girl, now remember this...be kind to all or know bad things will happen to you and your son if you don't. Understand?”
"Yes ma'am, I understand completely."
“Good female.Toodles!“ I slip out the door and through neighborhood backyards. Now home to nap then see what the night brings.
There was a carnival the next night  in the old part of the city and I decided to attend. After all, that's a prime pickpocketing opportunity right there.
I had gotten enough wallets from various males and females to feel satisfied and was just leaving the area when I felt a shadow looming over me. I pause on my way into the alley and turn around ready to fight when I see this giant male hovering over me, scowling. 
He was a gigantor, easily 7 feet tall, at least to me he was. *laughs* He just kept scowling and then proceeded to ask what I was doing.
Of course, being the smartass I am I replied that I was gathering wallets for the poor. He didn’t appreciate that. I didn’t care. We just stared at each other for a few minutes then he asked my name. I replied, “Twila, what’s yours gigantor?” He told me his name was Rehn and he was charged with making sure our race was taken care of in this city. 
Now when you are as old as me you tend to recognize youth so I couldn’t help but ask how old he was, meaning how long since transitioning in vamp terms, and he replied that he transitioned in the 1940’s. 
Oh Scribe Virgin save me. He's a baby but that air of authority he has is almost visible. Gotta respect someone who is young, still figuring shit out in many ways, yet has taken it upon himself to take care of his people.
“Listen Rehn I like you. I don’t know shit about you truthfully but you care about our people and that is admirable. I respect that. However, the streets and alleys are my territory. They are mine to manage and take care of so just go back to whatever you were doing and let me be. I never take more than needed and I always give some of it to the needy. Ok? Toodles!”
That’s when he grabbed my shoulder to keep me from walking away and I flew at him, dropping all my earnings. “DON’T EVER, I MEAN EVER, FUCKIN’ TOUCH ME!” I bit at him and he let me go. I was panting and trying to get control of myself when he bent to my level and apologized.
Noone had ever apologized to me before. I think that’s what broke the ice between us really. If you can apologize to a streetheart like me, you are a decent and forthright kinda person. He promised he would leave me be but wanted to make sure I would get home before sun up. That’s when I explained that one of my “gifts'' was day whalking. He peppered me with questions but I was hesitant to give too many answers so he finally dropped the subject.
As we parted I decided to impart some of my knowledge on him, for free. “Look Rehn, if you truly want to help our people then you need to talk to Victor over at Wharf Street Arcade. There’s some shady shit going down here, I’m talking gun and drug running by a prominent family named Danell. He can give you more deets. Normally, I charge for such info but I’m trusting you to do the right thing for our people. Also, I put my number in your phone, under T, if you need help again.”
You should have seen the shock on his face when I tossed him back his phone. He hadn’t a clue I’d taken it from his pocket! It was brilliant, I laughed a lot over that one and he even let out a chuckle. Who would have thought gigantor and I…
*rrriiinnnnggg, rrriiinnnggg*
The damn phone ringing takes me out of my memory. 
+What is it Rehn (@RehnegadeRuler) ?+ 
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helltoraze-a-blog · 6 years
deeks/venna for the ship meme thing
Who would be the big spoon/little spoon?
alright let’s be real here, Ravenna is a whopping 5 feet  &  Deeks is actually a foot  &  a half taller than her  &  pls let’s not even talk about her small frame compared to Deeks’  so clearly she’s the little spoon.  though Ravenna usually just tangles her herself around Deeks  &  makes it really hard for him to get out of bed in the morning.
Who would wake up first?
Deeks most likely but Ravenna won’t be in the bed much longer, she may not have to go to work for another couple of hours but she likes spending this with him.  while he gets ready for work, she gets ready for a run  &  along the way she steals kisses  &  tweaks his tie or smoothes out a wrinkle on his shirt.  &  of course, she teases the hell out of him.
Do they have nicknames for each other?
you bet your ass they do, aside from the common names ( i.e. baby, babe, love, etc. ) Deeks’ tends to call her babygirl, princess, my love, my girl  &  little one ( she doesn’t mind it too much in private but she doesn’t stand for it in public ). Ravenna prefers to call him handsome, gigantor ( only when she needs him to get her something she can’t reach, which is often ),  bestiola which is Italian  &  translates to  ‘ beastie ’  &  obviously daddy.
How do they apologize after an argument?
they’re both too stubborn to apologize quickly, still a little heated  &  not willing to be the first one to break.  eventually, one of them comes around  &  apologizes, Ravenna often brings food or a nice tie  &  Deeks brings wine or flowers.  they talk things through this time around  &  then have some great cuddles . . . after make-up sex.
What would they be like as parents?
they would both be nervous in the beginning  &  each with their own reasons.  due to some past traumas  &  experiences, it’s hard for Ravenna to become  &  stay pregnant; the fear of her losing the baby would consume her thoughts all 9 months.  Deeks, on the other hand, would be most concerned about becoming like his father ( Venna would reassure him daily that it could never happen ).  in the end, when their baby is born things will be a little chaotic at first but they fall into an easy routine, each sharing in the responsibilities  &  working together effortlessly after about a month.  their baby will be spoiled with love  &  affection  &  a whole lot of kisses  &  wouldn’t want for a thing.
Who is more romantic?
while Ravenna is a romantic, i think Deeks is more romantic.  maybe because on the outside he doesn’t exactly scream  ‘  romance  ’  considering what he does but he has a big heart hidden under all those walls so when he does something romantic  –  big or small  –  Ravenna appreciates it  &  cherishes it.
What sort of gifts do they get for each other?
Ravenna likes to buy him ties or some new clothes or gadgets when she goes out shopping ( which is more common than you think ).  she’s given him the pocket watch that matches her locket which are the 2 most valuable items in her entire life.  as for birthdays  &  holidays, she puts so much more time  &  thought into finding him the best gift  or gifts  because she enjoys the look on his face when opens the gifts.  Deeks sometimes brings home flowers or wine or chocolates which Ravenna always loves.  he tends to do that same for birthdays  &  holidays as Ravenna  &  he has a knack for finding gifts she didn’t even know she wanted.
Who gets jealous easiest?
they both get a little jealous but Ravenna feels it way easier.  her deep-seated fear of abandonment causes her anxiety to flare up  &   the little green monster to take the mic in her head.  she trusts Deeks  &  loves him with her whole heart which is why it gets her so anxious to see another woman flirting with him  &  the only way she can express it is through jealousy.
Who gets more excited for events e.g.. Birthdays, Christmas?
RAVENNA !!  she loves to go all out with decorating, keeping it relatively elegant around the house but each room is given something.  it’s her favorite thing to do, she helped her mother decorate when she was a kid  &  she enjoys doing it so much because it’s a tradition  &  creates a lovely atmosphere around the event.
Who is the most adventurous?
probs Ravenna, she likes to explore  &  wander  &  sometimes it gets her into trouble because she wandered somewhere she shouldn’t have.  she’s also an adrenaline junkie  &  quite the daredevil so she’s always looking for something exciting to do  &  the more dangerous the better.
Who is the most protective?
they’re both protective but Deeks is more protective, his line of work making Ravenna the perfect way to get to him.  when things get messy, she gets a bodyguard  &  8 out of 10 times it’s foolproof but she’s been taken  &  tortured before so she doesn’t argue with him about this.  it also doesn’t help that she’s so tiny compared to him so it’s almost automatic for him to be more protective of her.
What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts?
it honestly depends upon when they met because they’ve both had shitty childhoods.  if it had been anytime before Ravenna was 13, probs a lot of fluff  &  happiness.  anytime between the ages of 14-18 it would have been very toxic  —  on both ends  —  &  would have ended very badly.
Who uses all the hot water?
Ravenna, she just can help it.
Who would accidentally set the kitchen on fire whilst cooking?
Ravenna has never accidentally set anything on fire when cooking in her entire life so it’s Deeks who isn’t allowed in the kitchen without her present.
Who initiates sexy times the most?
it’s pretty equal but probably Ravenna considering she likes to tease Deeks to no end.  she isn’t known to start something  &  not end it but she does like to see how far she can push Deeks before he snaps.
Who is more dominant?
DEACON JAMES !!  though don’t be confused Ravenna doesn’t just take orders she also gives them but in bed 9 out of 10 times Deeks is in control.  when Ravenna has the control in bed she does relish every minute of it but she doesn’t want control often.
What would they do if the other one was hurt?
lmfao the person who hurt the other is a dead man walking, they both have powerful friends and means to get the information needed to exact revenge.  it’s scary what they would do if the other one was hurt.  though their first  &  main concern is making sure the other gets better.
Who gives nose/forehead kisses?
Deeks because Ravenna can’t reach his nose or forehead but she does give him bicep, shoulder, chin  &  chest kisses when she can.
What their biggest fight was/will be about:
considering how they started out, Deeks holding her captive forever, their biggest fight was  (  &  still is )  her freedom.  since they’ve worked past the initial hatred  &  now love each other Ravenna has freedom but when Deeks implements bodyguards or puts her on house arrest without talking to her about it a fight is bound to happen  &  often she sleeps in a different room.
BONUS #1: Song to sum them up?
the namesake of our verse,  Tale As Old As Time  &  also  Gangsta  by Kehlani kinda sums up our lovely little ship
BONUS #2: A head canon?
we’ve talked about it before but Ravenna going through a really bad depressive episode  &  Deeks taking care of her.  Though if you want a headcanon that we haven’t talked about, how about one where Ravenna has to go almost undercover for Deeks  &  in turn has to flirt with this big boss man to get the information needed  &  of course it disgusts Ravenna to have another man she a) doesn’t like, b) doesn’t know  &  most importantly c) isn’t Deeks touch her in such a way but it bring out tension  &  anger between them.  like this could happen at any time after they start to realize their feelings for each other but imagine it’s at the culmination of their sexual tension  &  this is how they finally break it  &  admit their feelings to each other  &  finally just get together.  just pls give them to me !!!!!!!
BOTTOM LINE: Do I ship it?
hmmmmm i don’t rea — FUCK YES I DO !!! IT’S AN OG SHIP  &  ONE THAT I WILL SHIP FOREVER !!!
SEND ME A SHIPaccepting  |  no longer accepting@sorrowsfate
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Warnings: This is my first time writing , let me know what you think and im waiting for requests
Sam was on a hunt with Dean , so you were in the bunker with Jack . You fall in love with that kid , for how strong he was , how everybody believe that he turn out evil , you and your gigantor boyfriend Sam didn’t believe that . You’ve seen the good in him . Even though he was confused at the moment. You heard Jack screaming , so you run through the hall to his room . You busted in the room , seeing him on the floor , scared.
Y/n: Jack , baby , what’s wrong ? You asked him with worries in your eyes
Jack:The ... the voices , they won’t let me alone .. my .. my da..
You took him and put him in his bed , laying next to him , he was in the fetus position , so you put your hands around him and started to calm him down . You were rubbing his back , telling everything it’s alright , that nobody will hurt him because you won’t let them . After a couple of minutes , his breath started to slow down and he was asleep in your arms like a baby . Not much after that you fall next to him .
The front door of the bunker opened. Sam calling for you . And started to frick out because he didn’t find you and Jack everywhere. Until he entered Jack room and see the two of you asleep . You holding him like a mother protect his child . Sam approach to cover both of you but you woke up .
Y/n: Hey baby . I didn’t hear you coming home . You said with a wide smile watching your boyfriend . He put a kiss on your forhead and leave to take shower. You slowly get off the bed , trying not to wake Jack . You take a last look at him , seeing how peacefully he was . You walked to your shared bedroom and found your boyfriend in his bed . A smile forming on his face .
Sam: C’om here. You layed on his chest , your head under his head ,his big arms around you , it felt like it was forever.
Y/n: I missed this you know.. all the things that happend in the past months . I really miss it .
Sam smiled in your head , rubbing his long finger through your hair.
Sam: You’re really good with him you know . He’s feeling safe with you. You act with him like it’s your own child . You’re a good momma Y/N!
You turned to face him.
Y/n: I guess my momma instincts are showing. You’re not a bad dad either. You really help him , with his powers and fears. Giving him advice, trusting him . I didn’t expect that from you , Sammy , honestly . I mean .. i know you’re carrying and lovely , but the way John was treating you .. i expected you to do the same with Jack.
Sam chuckled. “ Exactly that’s why i act like that with Jack. I believe in him , Y/n, he can make good. Lucifer is not the kind of dad you want to have .
Y/n: You know I love you right ?
Sam: I do. I love you to munchkin!
There was a few minutes of silence and then
Sam: I can’t wait to have our own baby , you know , seeing a little Sammy or a little Y/N , around here .
Y/n: You , you’re begin serious?
Sam: Of course munchkin. He pecked your lips , while you were smiling on his lips.
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