#Gil: hey Sunshine light of my life
softquietsteadylove · 7 months
You get so many specific prompts, so I thought maybe it might be fun to send you a prompt with just a few words so you can write ANYTHING you want for them, in any au or in canon! (And obviously if muse doesn’t strike feel free to skip lol but if you like this i’ll keep sending them!) words for this one: sunshine, gratitude, eyes
Gil smiles as she finds her place next to him. They're not on watch, he just would rather be out here than on Ajak's mission to socialise with the humans. "Hey, Sunshine."
She laughs, because she thinks it's funny that he calls her these things. Like it's a sweet joke, just between the two of them. He calls her that because it suits her--describes her. "Admiring the view?"
Honestly, the planet is...dull. Not that Sersi wouldn't have a whole dissertation with which to correct him on that. But he hasn't yet seen enough of it to think it's this truly marvellous place. "I like the water."
"Hm," Thena muses beside him, also taking in the shades of green and blue below them. The scent of the salt travels upward and the breeze of it rustles her hair. "There is something calming about it."
Gil isn't sure if he would describe it as calming. He always looks down at the waves crashing into a cliff as a tumultuous and violent thing. He thinks they should fear and respect the sea, but keep their distance. "You think?"
But Thena nods, soaking in its majesty. "The humans have claimed the earth they need, plots of land and spaces for their settlements. But no one owns the sea."
No, that is true. The waters of this planet are unencumbered, threatening to swallow up the landmasses by domination but always receding as per the moon's orders.
Thena bumps his hip with hers.
He chuckles, "what?"
She tilts her head, and it is unfair for someone so deadly to be so charming. "You're ruminating."
"I am not," he laughs off, but she's caught him fair and square.
"Share your thoughts," she prompts him, pursing her lips as a playfulness comes over her, "oh great tyrant king, Gilgamesh."
He rolls his eyes and huffs at her poking fun. As if her joy is not his joy also. "We shouldn't take the ocean lightly. It's dangerous, no matter how calm the beach waves might look at times."
"I'm not taking it lightly," she replies easily, and he gets the sense that she's heard and understood all the thoughts in his head. "I see it for what it is--the force behind it."
They both look out into the bay, where the gentle lapping of waves against the shore gives way to the rough and choppy texture of endless depth. Those waters will see plenty of Deviant carcasses, too deep for the humans to ever find.
"But I accept that along with this part," she moves her head in the other direction, nodding to where Sersi is showing a human family how to cast a net. The young ones giggle with glee and their joy makes the Elemental Eternal glow from within. "They are both part of the sea. I think that only adds to its beauty."
Beauty, Gilgamesh thinks, is not so simple a thing. He struggles to describe things as beautiful. A sunrise or a sunset merely exists, the sea is the colour it is because of the sediment in the water, the sky changes per the hour sometimes.
But he sees the light shining off Thena's eyes, constricting her pupils and bringing out the green colour of them. The darker rim around the iris, the jade colours swirling more calmly. That, he thinks, is beauty.
"Gil?" Thena asks, pulling him from his silence.
He smiles, because she's good at making him smile. "I guess I see what you mean."
"I for one am thankful for the cooling breeze the water offers," she states more clearly and lightly, moving away from the contemplative. She inhales as another wave crashes below and causes an updraft.
Gil unfolds his arms so he can move some of her hair off her shoulder and away from tickling her face needlessly. She looks at him and he withdraws, exhausted from the affection. "I don't have to be thankful to a body of water."
Thena laughs, and it's a very cute laugh for a Goddess of War. "There must be something for which you're thankful."
Her. It's always her. If she knew the degree to which he focused his thoughts on her surely she would recoil.
"Hm?" she prods, sliding closer until he can feel her much smaller arm against his thicker one. Their shoulder plates clink together and she celebrates getting a laugh out of him. "Anything?"
He looks at her unabashedly now. If he could tell her that she is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, he would. Far more than any of their travels to this planet, far more than any natural phenomenon here now, he would. "I guess there is something."
"Someone," he amends quickly, and it seems to make his point. She smiles down at the water below, something like shyness coming over her.
Her hands clasp behind her back, "I'm sure they're thankful for you, too."
He snorts, "I don't know about that."
"Well," Thena angles herself towards him before rising onto her toes, "I am."
Gilgamesh lets her bend to press her lips to his cheek. He does it passively, letting her delicate hands balance her against his shoulder and his elbow. He leans ever so slightly for her, but that's it. He doesn't want to encourage this. He'll lose all sense, if he does.
"Shall we?" she prompts him, turning in the direction of their own.
"Fine," he grunts, but follows her like she has him on a leash. His steps are heavy and slow behind her light and graceful ones. If something were to approach from behind, let it face him first before so much as getting a glimpse of her.
"You should tell Ajak you are warming to the planet," Thena suggests lightly. "She seems quite bewitched by it. To say nothing of Sersi."
Gilgamesh has to constantly stop himself from telling Ikaris that he will never fully capture Sersi's heart away from this planet and the people residing here.
"We have much of it to see," she looks over her shoulder at him. "Perhaps somewhere you would like more."
He thinks all of this planet will look the same--feel the same. He shrugs.
Thena doesn't take offense to his lack of contribution. She looks forward again, "Ajak says we will abandon the ship entirely the more humans perceive us."
Gil doesn't entirely trust Ajak. He thinks she means well, but he also thinks that there are times when she doesn't tell them all she knows.
"I know you will miss our refuge away from them."
Gil uncrosses his arms, moving more deliberately to walk beside his partner. "So long as they don't ask me to join in any dancing, then fine."
Thena laughs, letting him capture her hand in his. "I'll defend you from such trials."
Then he has no qualms, no matter where they go, or how long they stay on this blue and green marble. If she is with him, then he can face anything.
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Holy Matrimony
This is my first time writing for the Prodigal Son fandom, but I’m still excited either way. This was requested by @jiejie-eonni-onee-sama, and the idea is so adorable and funny. Gif and characters are not mine. Hope you guys enjoy it!!!
Description: Malcolm plans to propose to his girlfriend during their date at a fancy restaurant, but some of the team and his family arrive to make sure he doesn’t blow it. An unexpected quest also makes an appearance
Warnings: just some mild swearing, spoilers for season one, and a brief description of a crime scene, but otherwise none
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“I know this is a big night for us, but you didn’t have to rent out one of the fanciest restaurants in town. I’m perfectly fine with a night in at home.”
Malcolm turned to look at his girlfriend of eight months as he continued to button up his white dress shirt. “Come on, Y/N. It’s going to be wonderful I promise. Besides, I would do anything for you.”
That was very true. This was the longest relationship that Malcolm had ever been in, and Y/N was different. He was worried after what happened with Eve, love would never return into his life. It did, however, and he was grateful to Y/N for all she had done for him so far. Tonight was the night he was going to show how much he loved her.
“Our cabs here,” Y/n said as she straightened her outfit. “You ready for go?”
“Yeah, just a few more minutes. You can go ahead down stairs, and I will catch up with you in a minute,” Malcolm responded. While Y/N was a little suspicious as to why Malcolm needed to stay back, she shrugged it off and walked out the door of the apartment. Once Malcolm was certain that she was gone, he opened a drawer that was located discretely under the bar.
He pulled out a small velvet box, and inside was the ring that he planned to propose to Y/N with. His family and friends were all supportive of this move, and yet he was still a little worried. He took a deep breath and placed the box in his suit jacket. “It’s okay,” Malcolm whispered to himself. “Nothing could possibly go wrong.”
Sunshine tweeted happily. “Thanks, Sunshine. The next time you see the two of us, you’ll have a new mom to look after you.” With that, Malcolm opened the door and dashed down the stairs to the cab. The giddy energy he felt fueling his steps.
The couple sat in a rented out section of the restaurant. Malcolm didn’t want to raise any extra attention when he proposed to Y/N, and while renting an entire room might have been much, he didn’t want to risk it. His family already had to much attention focused on them because of his father, and he didn’t want anymore.
“Excuse me, but I’m going to go use the restroom before our food gets here,” Y/N said as she stood up from the table.
“Sure, that sounds great! I’ll be waiting here doing nothing in particular,” Malcolm stuttered as he fidgeted in his seat. Y/N smiled at him as she walked out of the room. He’s a lot jumpier than normal, she thought, Perhaps he has a recent case on his mind. In fact, the only thing Malcolm had on his mind was her, and he mentally screamed as he placed his head in his hands.
“Oh my god he’s going to blow it. My son needs to get it together.”
Outside of the restaurant, Jessica Whitley was standing outside with a pair of binoculars, her daughter Ainsley by her side. They were leaning against the brick wall of the building across the street. The pair was trying to spy on Malcolm and make sure that he didn’t mess this up.
“Well, you know how my brother can be,” Ainsley replied as she examined her fingernails.
“Your daughters right,” Gil chimed in as him and the rest of the team walked up to Jessica and Ainsley. “Malcolm Bright does whatever Malcolm Bright wants to do. We can’t control him.”
“I’m his mother for crying out loud, so I have more control than you think. What are you guys doing here?”
“Coming to see how Malcolm will manage to pull off this proposal. Same as you guys,” JT stated.
“I think you guys are being to hard on him,” Dani commented, “As much as Malcolm loves Y/N, he will know exactly what to say.”
“That’s right! From my statistical analysis, their love for each other is 100% legit,” Edrisa added in as she appeared from behind Gil, Dani, and JT. “Also, it’s a pleasure to see you again, Mrs. Whitley.”
“Likewise,” Jessica said with a smile. “Well, looks like the gangs all here.” The group waited and watched as Y/N returned to her seat at the table. The couple had begun eating, but the group that they didn’t know was waiting outside began to twist with anticipation.
“That’s it! I cant take this anymore. I’m going in,” Jessica declared as she shoved the binoculars she was using over to Ainsley. With determination, Jessica strides across the street. All the while Ainsley and Gil were trying to drag her back, but it was to no avail, and they began to follow her too. The rest of the team was close behind. However, another lone figure was lurking in the shadows.
“Holy crap, this pasta is the best I’ve ever had. No offense to your cooking of course,” Y/N said through a bite full of her food.
“None taken,” Malcolm replied with a chuckle. “I know how much you love Italian cuisine.”
“You know what I love more than pasta?”
“Day time television?”
“No, silly. It’s you! Ever since we first met at that crime scene, I just felt a connection with you.”
Malcolm couldn’t help but grin at the memory. Y/N was also part of the team, and the two had met during a case at a Bakery. At first Malcolm didn’t understand how Y/N was able to eat pastries while a man’s guts were strewn across the floor. Then he soon realized that she had witnessed a lot of crime scenes in her day.
This had to be the right moment. Somewhere deep inside, Malcolm knew that it was time to pop the question. Malcolm took a bite of his pasta, and tried to begin his proposal. However, when he saw his mom walk through the entrance of the room, he nearly choked.
“Mom! What are you doing here?! How’d you even know we were in here,” Malcolm questioned as he whiped his mouth with a napkin.
“Oh please dear, finding you wasn’t that hard. I came in because you need to stop stalling and do what you came here to do,” Jessica replied.
“Well I was going to say it, but-,”
“Jessica please, come back outside and let the kid do his thing,” Gil insisted as him and Ainsley enterted the room as well.
“Gil?! You’re here too? Let me guess the whole rest of the team is here,” Malcolm added with a wave of his hand. The rest of the team slowly made their way into the room, and Malcolm let out an exasperated sigh. “Well, now that everyone is here. May I please finish?”
Everyone nodded eagerly, and so Malcolm turned back to his girlfriend, who was still in shock by all the people who had just shown up out of the blue. It was a lot, but Y/N didn’t mind. Malcolm grabbed her hand, and Y/N’s E/C eyes met his icy blue ones. “Ever since I met you Y/N, my life has changed for the better. When I’m with you, the darkness in the world fades away. Now while I wasn’t expecting so many people to be here for this, I’m still certain that this is the right-.”
“Now hold on, my boy. Before you say those oh so famous words, aren’t you forgetting the one person that’s not here?”
The entire party froze as Malcom’s father, Dr. Martin Whitley, emerged from a dark corner of the room. Gil, Dani, and JT all pulled their guns from their holsters. “Holy shit,” JT said, “I thought this dude was in prison?”
“Yes,” Jessica snarled. “That’s exactly where he should be.”
Martin simply rolled his eyes at his wife and the others. “Oh come on now, you can’t expect me to miss the biggest day of my son’s life do you? I promise I will go back as soon as everything is done. Gil will make sure of that I’m sure.”
“Damn right I will, but for now I’m reluctantly allowing this to happen. No funny stuff though,” Gil said. Martin simply nodded as he gestured for Malcolm to continue.
Malcolm took a deep breath and focused his attention back on Y/N. “Well, as you can see my life is pretty crazy. I have a serial killer for a father, a mother who can sometimes be just as crazy.”
“Hey, that’s not very nice,” Jessica said as she pretended to be hurt, but her smile gave it away. Malcolm shook his head as he continued. “All of these people support us, and I plan to support you until the day I die, which hopefully will be a long time from now. So, without further ado,” Malcolm got down on one knee, and opened the velvet box. The central diamond in the ring sparkled due to the chandelier light from above, and Y/N let out a gasp. “Y/N L/N, will you marry me?”
“Of course I will!! Now come here my soon to be husband,” Y/N pulled Malcolm up by the lapels of his jacket and kissed him on the lips. At first her boldness caught Malcolm off guard, but he relaxed into the kiss. All the while cheers filled the room, and Martin even gave a few claps himself.
“So, will I be invited to the wedding,” Martin asked with a raised brow.
“Unless you happen to escape again, I wouldn’t get your hopes up,” Gil retorted as the cuffs snapped on Martin’s wrists. However, Martin only laughed at this. If he escaped once, he could easily do it again, and nothing was going to stop him from seeing another big moment in his son’s life.
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doubleattitude · 3 years
The Dance Awards, Orlando Florida 2021 Results
Best Dancer:
Mini Female
Top 20:
Kaylee Schwamb
Maya Steinfield
Georgia Beth Peters
Esme Chou
Diana Kouznetsova
Ariana Kovalevsky
Bella Rey D’Armas
Regan Gerena
Top 12:
Kensington Dressing
Denise Torres
Emely Carrillo
Braylynn Grizzaffi
Isabella Kouznetsova
Elizabeth Scott Lanier
Ellie Melchoir
Roxie Onellion
Ellary Day Szyndlar
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Carrigan Paylor
1st runner-up: Skylar Wong
Kya Massimino
Mini Male
Top 9:
Dylan Custodio
Philip Trescases
Ian Castenada
Liam Retseck
Mateo Perez
Brayden Winchell
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Blake Metcalf
1st runner-up: Santiago Sosa
Michael Cash Savio
Junior Female
Top 21:
Jazmine Raine Werner
Anya Inger
Alexandra Perez
Mary Jordan Clodfelter
Halle Hunt
Lena Garcia
Mya Tuaileva
Emme James Anderson.
Brooke Toro
Kamri Peterson
Top 11:
Maddie Ortega
Giselle Gandarilla
Stella Condie
Taylor Morrison
Daniela SanGiacomo
Aaliyah Dixon
Hayley Marshall
Top 4:
3rd runner-up: Angelina Elliott
2nd runner-up: Laci Stoico
1st runner-up: Gracyn French
Cameron Voorhees
Junior Male
Top 9:
Amir Shah
Bosco Wong
Lucas Pignotti
Gage Davis
Kylan Wright
Kaden Brown
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Nicholas Moreno
1st runner-up: Zachary Roy
Ian Stegeman
Teen Female
Top 20:
Zoe Ridge
Suvannah Hunter
Harlow Ganz
Ying Lei Pham
Whitney Tomes
Brooklyn Law
Camilla Cordoer
Natalya Toirac
Sophie Garcia
Top 11:
Destanye Diaz
Lindsey Weaver
Rachel Quiner
Isabella Lynch
Cydney Heard
Avery Lau
Arianna Quant
Rachel Loiselle
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Hailey Bills
1st runner-up: Keagan Capps
Dyllan Blackburn
Teen Male
Top 21:
Logan Speer
Phoenix Decker
Joshuah Rivera
Gavin Miele
Edon Hartzy
Jeremy Powalowski
Niko Nyman
Julian Smith
Sam Evans
Skai Llorente
Top 11:
Hayden Mucha
Braylon Browner
Garris Munoz
Colin Bendziewicz
Jesse Flaherty
Andres Jiminez
Anthony Dessables
Samuel Ek
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Xander Perone
1st runner-up: Sam Fine
Brady Farrar
Senior Female
Top 23:
Shane Higa
Amanda Taylor
Kiara Fina
Karisa Pluchino
Gionna D’Alessandro
Tyler Burden
Samantha Schmaling
Morgan Olschewski
Nanea Yu
Hallie Green
Bella Mills
Top 12:
Kaitlyn Linquist
Paloma Santos
Camila Schwarz
Chantel Le
Madi Autry
Madison Mazovec
Ruby Castro
Emma Cook
Cassidy Reigel
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Savannah Quiner
1st runner-up: Selena Hamilton
Kayla Mak
Senior Male
Top 24:
Jaylin Sanders
Parker Brudzinski
Dominic Keider
Zakk Fowler
Thomas Perkey
Christian Bottger
Brian Class
Oliver Morris
Cameron Stedman
Evan Hamilton
Ta’Nario Riggins
Kahly McCurdy
Caden Thephavong
Top 11:
Reginald Turner Jr
Caden Hunter
Franco LaGrega
Wesley Cloud
Jordan Apodaca
Artem Tikhonenko
John Chappell
Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl
Top 3:
2nd runner-up: Carter Williams
1st runner-up: Thiago Pacheco
Jaxon Willard
High Scores by Age:
Cash Prizes:
1st: $200
2nd: $100
3rd: $50
PeeWee Solo
1st: Lainey Hess-’Amayzing Mayzie’
1st: Amanda Carpenter-’Hey Daddy’
1st: Sophia Novo-’Red Hope’
1st: Ella Venerio-’Signals’
2nd: Stella Brinkerhoff-’Fly’
3rd: Ava Piedrahita-’I Am Free’
3rd: Penelope LeMieux-’I’d Rather Go Blind’
4th: Amaya Rodriguez-’Fly’
5th: Ava Wilkins-’Always Love You’
5th: Reese Braga-’Fallen Memory’
6th: AnnaCameron McGlohorn-’Dance Like Yo Daddy’
6th: Mikaela Florez-’Stop Go’
7th: Audrey Mikkelson-’Shake the Room’
7th: Navie Mees-’Sweet Child’
8th: Khylie Wilkerson-’Proud Mary’
9th: Addie Goodwin-’Cause I’m A Blonde’
9th: Charlotte Brayman-’Wonderful World’
10th: Brinley Evans-’Beauty and the Beast’
Mini Solo
1st: Kensington Dressing-’A Distant World’
1st: Kya Massimino-’System Activated’
2nd: Michael Cash Savio-’Interpretation of Mike’
3rd: Carrigan Paylor-’Orange Colored Sky’
4th: Lexus Natalie-’Alternate World’
4th: Regan Gerena-’My Boyfriend’s Back’
4th: Camila Giraldo-’Welcome to Miami’
5th: Isabella Kouznetsova-’Almost There’
5th: Ella Dobler-’Enter Now’
6th: Winter Eberts-’Hit the Road Jack’
6th: Ellerie Cox-’New Miss Rhythm’
6th: Mya Lanigan-’Roxy’
6th: Denise Torres-’Swan’
6th: Sophia Gil-’Sway’
6th: Jazmin Covos-’The Air’
7th: Dylan Custudio-’Discerning’
7th: Bella Rey D’Armas-’Extraction’
7th: Alyson Merino-’Internal’
7th: Emily Core-’Without Limits’
8th: Savy Luetchtefeld-’Beautiful Thing’
8th: Ashley Otano-’Dark Matter’
8th: Raegan Hess-’Intertwined’
9th: Camryn Studebaker-’Everything Fades’
9th: Diana Kouznetsova-’Rainbow’
9th: Jasmine Pando-’Strains’
10th: Santiago Sosa-’Becoming’
10th: Baker Barboza-’Boots’
10th: Milly Berry-’My Big French Boyfriend’
10th: Melody Cocina-’On The Hour’
10th: Ruby Arnold-’Ruby Blue’
10th: Lily Hackney-’Static’
Junior Solo
1st: Gracyn French-’A Character of Quiet’
1st: Cameron Voorhees-’Unplug’
2nd: Kylee Casares-’Lonely’
2nd: Laci Stoico-’Mein Herr’
3rd: Giselle Gandarilla-’All Human Beings’
3rd: Aaliyah Dixon-’That’s Life’
4th: Maddie Ortega-’Summetime’
5th: Zachary Roy-’Higher Ground’
6th: Hayley Marshall-’Ink’
7th: Alexandra Perez-’Valentine’
8th: Caitie Polis-’Fallen Angel’
8th: Daniela SanGiacomo-’Restless’
8th: Shayla Blair-’The Thing’
9th: Angelina Elliott-’Out’
10th: Kamri Peterson-’Broken Mirrors’
10th: Lena Garcia-’Falling Away From the Surface’
Teen Solo
1st: Brady Farrar-’The Apology’
2nd: Sam Fine-’Obsession’
3rd: Georgia Greene-’Alpha and Omega’
3rd: Dyllan Blackburn-’Indian Summer’
4th: Avery Lau-’From the Ashes’
5th: Isabella Tagle-’100 Times’
5th: Destanye Diaz-’My Own’
6th: Xander Perone-’Elijah’
6th: Garris Munoz-’Enlightenment’
6th: Rachel Leon-’Just the Two of Us’
6th: Kaitlyn Esquivel-’The Curse’
6th: Isabella Weidmann-’Where They Lay’
7th: Iliana Victor-’Drawn to You’
7th: Jordan Lassiter-’Hometown Glory’
7th: Antonia Gonzalez-’Like the Wind’
7th: Sophie Gracie-’Lost’
7th: Ava Miller-’Tarnished’
8th: Kaitlyn Ortega-’Ain’t No Sunshine’
8th: Ava Carroll-’Are You Sure’
8th: Harlow Ganz-’Breaking the Surface’
9th: Edon Hartzy-’Claire De Lune’
9th: Sam Hardin-’Crunk Driving’
9th: Sarah Georgiana-’Heartstrings’
10th: Angel DiMartino Palladino-’Disable Blocker’
10th: Ellen Grace Olansen-’Ghost’
10th: Hadley Snell-’Like This’
10th: Isabella Warfield-’To Be Continued’
10th: Samuel Ek-’Uncovered’
Senior Solo
1st: Jaxon Willard-’Female Energy’
2nd: Caden Hunter-’I Am Not the One’
2nd: Kayla Mak-’Tuesday’
2nd: Gionna D’Alessandro-’Wish You Were Here’
3rd: Thiago Pacheco-’Strange’
4th: Carter Williams-’Change is Everything’
5th: Selena Hamilton-’Black Car’
5th: Wesley Cloud-’Black Lake’
5th: Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl-’Darkness’
5th: Sophie Tosh-’Lumina’
6th: Melina Dalton-’Errors’
7th: Jaylin Sander-’Extraterrestrial Movement’
8th: Caitlyn Knowles-’Exhibition’
9th: John Chappell-’Through the Fog’
10th: Gabriella Garavelo Bortoleto-’Kitri’
10th: Javon Hunter-’OMG’
10th: Emma Cook-’Out of Line’
10th: Elle Tosh-’Safe’
PeeWee Duo/Trio
1st: Dance Town-’3 Blessings’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Fly Me to the Moon’
3rd: New Level Dance Company-’I’ll Be There’
4th: Evolve Dance Complex-’Beats’
5th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’No More I Love Yous’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’Yesterday’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Something’s Gotta Change’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Gallows’
4th: Evolve Dance Complex-’Lumineuse’
5th: Dance Town-’Cola’
5th: Project 21-’I Am the Cute One’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Exiles’
2nd: Dance Town-’The Boy and the Snake’
3rd: Project 21-’A Match Made In Heaven’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’C’mon Talk’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Size’
5th: Center Stage Dance Studio-’Arms Around You’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: Stars Dance Studio-’Wake Me’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Home With You’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Not That News’
3rd: Dance Town-’No Weapon Formed Against Me Will Prosper’
4th: Evolve Dance Complex-’Still Life’
5th: Artistic Edge Dance Center-’Cello Sonata’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Dance Town-’This Time is Real’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’To The Moon’
3rd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Le Plat Pays’
4th: South Tulsa Dance Co-’I’m Coming Home’
5th: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Be Still My Heart’
PeeWee Group
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Bird’
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Ooh La La’
2nd: New Level Dance Company-’I Need A Hero’
3rd: Dance Unlimited-’Fabulous’
4th: Dance Spectrum-’Mr. Sandman’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Shake Your Groove Thing’
Mini Group
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Impending Loss’
1st: Dance Town-’Together in Separation’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’The Awakening’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Undertow’
3rd: True Dance and Company-’Doors are Closing’
4th: Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
4th: True Dance and Company-’Fly’
4th: West Florida Dance Company-’Spice Girls’
5th: Dance Town-’Good Question’
Junior Group
1st: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
2nd: True Dance and Company-’Another Time’
3rd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Cello Suite’
3rd: True Dance and Company-’Solitude’
4th: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’
4th: Dance Town-’No Journey’s End’
5th: True Dance and Company-’Eyes Closed and Moving Forward’
5th: Evolve Dance Complex-’New World’
Teen Group
1st: Project 21-’GirlsGirlsGirls’
2nd: South Tulsa Dance Co-’I Love Movies’
2nd: True Dance and Company-’In Memoriam’
2nd: Westchester Dance Academy-’Now You’re Out of Sight’
2nd: Dance Spectrum-’Seven’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Softly, Heavy’
2nd: Westchester Dance Academy-’The Mist’
3rd: companyONE-’Her Blues’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Lost’
4th: Dance Town-’My Hypergraphia is Exploitable’
5th: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Anything I Do’
5th: Evolve Dance Complex-’Debut’
5th: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Endless Falls’
Senior Group
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Fade’
1st: Vlad’s Dance Company-’Your Weight Is Not Mine to Carry’
2nd: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’I Feel Pretty Perplexed’
3rd: Dance Town-’Kiss’
4th: Westchester Dance Academy-’Against the Dying of the Light’
4th: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’React’
5th: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’WAIT’
PeeWee Line
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Dump Him’
2nd: Center Stage Performing  Arts Studio-’Let’s Get Loud’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Mr Piano Man’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Reflections’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Rainbow Brite’
3rd: Center Stage Performing  Arts Studio-’The Rose’
4th: The Southern Strutt-’ABC’
5th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Scooby Doo’
Mini Line
1st: Project 21-’Dive In the Pool’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Scrapers’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Fergalicious’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’I Work 2020′
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Uptown Girls’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’The Moon’
5th: Studio 61 Dance Company-’I Don’t Speak French’
Junior Line
1st: Dance Town-’Create’
2nd: Dance Town-’Black Bird’
3rd: True Dance and Company-’Final Moments’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Girls’
5th: Stars Dance Studio-’For All We Know’
Teen Line
1st: Project 21-’Post That’
1st: companyONE-’The Whole Truth’
2nd: companyONE-’City Limits’
2nd: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Get Up’
3rd: The Artist Project-’Wanted: Dead or Alive’
4th: Stars Dance Studio-’Through Our Strength’
5th: Dance Town-’305′
5th: Dance Town-’Lord Have Mercy’
5th: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Mack the Knife’
Senior Line
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’After Dark’
2nd: Dance Town-’Now What’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Deep Fried Flavor’
4th: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Maybe It’s Just Me’
5th: Stars Dance Studio-’Minus 61′
PeeWee Extended Line
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Flying Solo’
Mini Extended Line
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Wonderland’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Drumming’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’Dawn of Love’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Flykicks’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Time’
5th: Dance Town-’Disco’
5th: The Southern Strutt-’Yacht Club Cuties’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Sheffield School of the Dance-’New York City’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’The Gospel Truth’
3rd: Dance Town-’Cats’
3rd: Sheffield School of the Dance-’The Beat Drop’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Foot On the Gas’
5th: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’My Dearest Friend’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Aquatic’
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’You’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Could Look Away’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Weightless’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Earthquake’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’The Wave’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’XR2′
4th: The Southern Strutt-’Pound Sterling’
5th: The Southern Strutt-’Beetlejuice’
5th: Dance Town-’Grown Woman’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Goliath’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Here Comes the Boom’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Kick It’
4th: Sheffield School of the Dance-’FUNK2K’
5th: Sheffield School of the Dance-’Symphony’
PeeWee Production
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Chewy Chewy’
Mini Production
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Swagger Jagger’
Junior Production
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Snitches and Rats’
Teen Production
1st: Dance Town-’Salsa’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Diamonds’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Sexy Back’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’Papa Was A Rolling Stone’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’For Dodo’
5th: The Southern Strutt-’Book of Love’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’Money’
Senior Production
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’No Bystanders’
1st: Stars Dance Studio-’Catwalk’
2nd: Sheffield School of the Dance-’The Hollywood Wiz’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Cash Prizes:
1st: $200
2nd: $100
3rd: $50
PeeWee Jazz
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Ooh La La’
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Chewy Chewy’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Dump Him’
3rd: Dance Unlimited-’Fabulous’
4th: The Southern Strutt-’Rainbow Brite’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Shake Your Groove Thing’
PeeWee Hip-Hop
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Scooby Doo’
2nd: Dance Spectrum-’Juice Break’
PeeWee Tap
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Mr Piano Man’
2nd: Dance Spectrum-’Mr. Sandman’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’ABC’
PeeWee Contemporary
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Flying Solo’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Bird’
PeeWee Lyrical
1st: New Level Dance Company-’I Need A Hero’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Reflections’
3rd: Center Stage Performing  Arts Studio-’The Rose’
4th: Studio Powers-’Big Love, Small Moments’
PeeWee Musical Theatre
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’New Girls In Town’
PeeWee Specialty
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Lets Get Loud’
PeeWee Acro
1st: Dance Spectrum-’Hot Hot Hot’
Mini Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Dive In the Pool’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’I Work 2020′
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Fergalicious’
3rd: Studio 61 Dance Company-’I Don’t Speak French’
4th: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Kiss, Kiss’
4th: The Southern Strutt-’Ponytail’
5th: True Dance and Company-’Business of Love’
Mini Ballet
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Concerto in E Major’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Spanish Flair’
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Flykicks’
1st: West Florida Dance Company-’Spice Girls’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Back at It’
3rd: Studio 61 Dance Company-’C-Breezy’
4th: True Dance and Company-’Mint Chocolate Chip’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Jump’
Mini Tap
1st: West Florida Dance Company-’Do Your Thing’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Splash N Go’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’As Good As It Gets’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Jitterbug’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Love Shack’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’A Train’
5th: Xplosive Dance Academy-’This Will Be’
Mini Contemporary
1st: Dance Town-’Together in Separation’
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Impending Loss’
2nd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Undertow’
3rd: True Dance and Company-’Doors are Closing’
4th: Stars Dance Studio-’Dawn of Love’
5th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Time’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’The Awakening’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Drumming’
3rd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’The Moon’
4th: True Dance and Company-’Fly’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’I Believe’
5th: Evolve Dance Complex-’Fly Me to the Moon’
5th: Westchester Dance Academy-’Fade to Silence’
Mini Musical Theatre
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Wonderland’
2nd: Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Yacht Club Cuties’
4th: Carolina Collective Dance-’Legally Blonde’
4th: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Don’t Rain on My Parade’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’Forget About the Boy’
Mini Ballroom
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Swagger Jagger’
2nd: Dance Town-’Cafe Latino’
3rd: Dance Town-’Ballroom Babies’
4th: Stars Dance Studio-’Let’s Do It!’
Mini Specialty
1st: Stars Dance Studio-’Scrapers’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Uptown Girls’
Mini Acro
1st: Evolution Dance Company-’Dream On’
2nd: Dance Spectrum-’Hoedown Throwdown’
Junior Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
2nd: Dance Town-’Black Bird’
3rd: Sheffield School of the Dance-’New York City’
4th: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Replicas’
4th: The Southern Strutt-’This Place About to Blow’
5th: Project 21-’Proud Mary’
Junior Ballet
1st: Dance Town-’Waltz’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Waltz of the Hour’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Violin Fantastique’
4th: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Going to School’
5th: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Springtime Waltz’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Sheffield School of the Dance-’The Beat Drop’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Snitches and Rats’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Foot On the Gas’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Dirty South’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Walk it Out’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’Mr. Brown’
Junior Tap
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’My Dearest Friend’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Birds’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Sussudio’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Here Comes the Sun’
4th: True Dance and Company-’Art Official’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Crazy in Love’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Dance Town-’Create’
2nd: True Dance and Company-’Final Moments’
2nd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Cello Suite’
3rd: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’
3rd: Dance Town-’No Journey’s End’
4th: Evolve Dance Complex-’New World’
4th: True Dance and Company-’Eyes Closed and Moving Forward’
5th: Evolve Dance Complex-’Better Days Ahead’
Junior Lyrical
1st: True Dance and Company-’Another Time’
2nd: True Dance and Company-’Solitude’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’For All We Know’
4th: The Southern Strutt-’I Will Leave the Light On’
5th: True Dance and Company-’Almost Heaven’
Junior Musical Theatre
1st: The Southern Strutt-’The Gospel Truth’
2nd: Dance Town-’Cats’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’First Day Frug’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Zero to Hero’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’Fish are Friends Not Food’
Junior Ballroom
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Girls’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Salome’
Junior Specialty
1st: Dance Town-’Life is a Tango’
2nd: West Florida Dance Company-’Rama’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Spa’
3rd: West Florida Dance Company-’Bamboo Banga’
Junior Acro
1st: Xplosive Dance Academy-’Nocturnus’
Junior Improv
1st: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Grey Achea (Shen)’
Teen Groups:
Teen Jazz
1st: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Anything I Do’
1st: Evolve Dance Complex-’Debut’
2nd: West Florida Dance Company-’Glass’
3rd: Middletown Dance Academy-’Make Your Body’
4th: Orlando International School of Dance-’Focus’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Delivered’
Teen Ballet
1st: Westchester Dance Academy-’The Mist’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Lost Light’
Teen Tap
1st: Dance Spectrum-’Seven’
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Softly, Heavy’
2nd: companyONE-’Her Blues’
3rd: Legacy Center for the Arts-’Ain’t No Mountain’
4th: West Florida Dance Company-’Sir Duke’
4th: Dance Spectrum-’Don’t Worry’
5th: True Dance and Company-’Requiem’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Project 21-’GirlsGirlsGirls’
2nd: South Tulsa Dance Co-’I Love Movies’
3rd: Evolve Dance Complex-’Lost’
4th: Dance Town-’My Hypergraphia is Exploitable’
5th: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Endless Falls’
Teen Lyrical
1st: True Dance and Company-’In Memoriam’
1st: Westchester Dance Academy-’Now You’re Out of Sight’
2nd: Thomas Dance Studio-’It’s Been A Year’
3rd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Then You Look At Me’
3rd: Orlando International School of Dance-’Grey’
4th: Patti Eisenhauer Dance Center-’The Face’
5th: Middletown Dance Academy-’Love Wins’
Teen Specialty
1st: Stars Dance Studio-’Carbon Cycle’
2nd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Highest Flood’
3rd: Orlando International School of Dance-’I Won’t Complain’
Teen Acro
1st: The WHEREHOUSE-’Lime in the Coconut’
Teen Line, Extended Line, Production:
Teen Jazz
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Sexy Back’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’XR2′
2nd: Project 21-’Post That’
3rd: companyONE-’City Limits’
4th: Dance Town-’305′
5th: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Santa Maria’
5th: Stars Dance Studio-’One More Night’
Teen Ballet
1st: Dance Town-’Swan Lake’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Sometimes When It Rains’
3rd: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Apres Minuit’
3rd: Dance Town-’Snowflakes’
4th: Sheffield School of the Dance-’Faust’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Bataille’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: The Southern Strutt-’The Wave’
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Earthquake’
2nd: Studio 61 Dance Company-’Get Up’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’For Dodo’
3rd: The Artist Project-’Wanted: Dead or Alive’
4th: Dance Town-’Grown Woman’
5th: Dance Town-’Lord Have Mercy’
Teen Tap
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’House of Frug’
1st: Rhythm Dance Center-’Rock Your Body’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Hook’
3rd: Dance Spectrum-’Shining Star’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Gold Watch’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’You’
1st: Stars Dance Studio-’Papa Was A Rolling Stone’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Could Look Away’
2nd: Stars Dance Studio-’Weightless’
3rd: companyONE-’The Whole Truth’
4th: Stars Dance Studio-’Through Our Strength’
5th: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Still’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Aquatic’
2nd: The Southern Strutt-’Pound Sterling’
3rd: Westchester Dance Academy-’Things Left Behind’
4th: True Dance and Company-’Et Moi’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’Young & Beautiful’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’We Choose’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Beetlejuice’
2nd: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Mack the Knife’
3rd: companyONE-’Hot Honey Rag’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Groundhog Day’
5th: West Florida Dance Company-’Time Warp’
5th: Studio 61 Dance Company-’One’
Teen Ballroom
1st: Dance Town-’Salsa’
2nd: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Diamonds’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’After Hour’
Teen Specialty
1st: West Florida Dance Company-’Money’
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Book of Love’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Into the FUNknown’
3rd: Dance Town-’Paradise’
4th: Westchester Dance Academy-’DarkRoad’
5th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Born to be Alive’
Teen Acro
1st: Dance Spectrum-’I Just Wanna’
2nd: Studio Powers-’Area 51′
Senior Jazz
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Fade’
2nd: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’Maybe It’s Just Me’
3rd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Fade’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Kick It’
4th: Westchester Dance Academy-’Just What I Need’
5th: Dance Town-’I’ve Got You’
Senior Ballet
1st: Dance Town-’Stars and Stripes’
2nd: Sheffield School of the Dance-’Carmen’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Recomposed’
Senior Hip-Hop
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’No Bystanders’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’Deep Fried Flavor’
3rd: The Southern Strutt-’Here Comes the Boom’
4th: The Artist Project-’Taking Over’
5th: Sheffield School of the Dance-’FUNK2K’
Senior Tap
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’I Feel Pretty Perplexed’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center-’What A Girl Wants’
3rd: West Florida Dance Company-’Come Together’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center-’Layla’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’After Dark’
2nd: Dance Town-’Now What’
3rd: Vlad’s Dance Company-’Your Weight Is Not Mine to Carry’
4th: Stars Dance Studio-’Catwalk’
5th: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’React’
Senior Lyrical
1st: Westchester Dance Academy-’Against the Dying of the Light’
2nd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’How Do I Live’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’First Encounter’
4th: West Florida Dance Company-’Sweet Dreams’
5th: Dance Spectrum-’Station’
Senior Musical Theatre
1st: Sheffield School of the Dance-’The Hollywood Wiz’
1st: The Southern Strutt-’Too Darn Hot’
Senior Ballroom
1st: Dance Town-’KISS’
Senior Specialty
1st: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Goliath’
2nd: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Moonlight Presto’
3rd: Dance Town-’RUN’
4th: The Dancer’s EDGE-’Think About You’
4th: The Artist Project-’Curious Creatures’
5th: Westchester Dance Academy-’Ne Me Quitte Pas’
Best Performance by Age:
The Southern Strutt-’Flying Solo’
Winner: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Swagger Jagger’
1st runner-up: The Southern Strutt-’Impending Loss’
2nd runner-up: Project 21-’Dive In the Pool’
3rd runner-up: Dance Town-’Together in Separation’
4th runner-up: Stars Dance Studio-’Scrapers’
Winner: Dance Town-’Create’
1st runner-up: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
2nd runner-up: Artistic Edge Dance Centre-’Cello Suite’
3rd runner-up: The Southern Strutt-’The Gospel Truth’
4th runner-up: True Dance and Company-’Another Time’
5th runner-up: Sheffield School of the Dance-’New York City’
Winner: Project 21-’GirlsGirlsGirls’
1st runner-up: Westchester Dance Academy-’The Mist’
2nd runner-up: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Softly, Heavy’
3rd runner-up: True Dance and Company-’In Memoriam’
4th runner-up: South Tulsa Dance Co-’I Love Movies’
5th runner-up: Dance Spectrum-’Seven’
Line, Extended Line, Production:
Winner: Dance Town-’Salsa’
1st runner-up: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Diamonds’
2nd runner-up: Stars Dance Studio-’Papa Was A Rolling Stone’
3rd runner-up: companyONE-’The Whole Truth’
4th runner-up: Project 21-’Post That’
5th runner-up: Rhythm Dance Center-’Earthquake’
6th runner-up: The Southern Strutt-’XR2′
Winner: Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’After Dark’
1st runner-up: Dance Town-’Now What’
2nd runner-up: Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Goliath’
3rd runner-up: Vlad’s Dance Company-’Your Weight Is Not Mine to Carry’
4th runner-up: Stars Dance Studio-’Catwalk’
Best Performance by Style/Division:
Best Hip-Hop
Rhythm Dance Centre-’Earthquake’
The Southern Strutt-’The Wave’
Best Tap
Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’I Feel Pretty Perplexed’
Best Contemporary
Denise Wall’s Dance Energy-’After Dark’
Best Jazz
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Sexy Back’
Best Ballroom
Dance Town-’Salsa’
Best Musical Theatre
The Southern Strutt-’Beetlejuice’
Best Ballet
Westchester Dance Academy-’The Mist’
Best Lyrical
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Aquatic’
Best Specialty
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio-’Goliath’
Best Acro
Dance Spectrum-’I Just Wanna’
Special Awards:
Westchester Dance Academy
Best Production
Dance Town-’Salsa’
Outstanding Achievement:
Mini/Junior Choreography
Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’ (Molly Long’
Teen/Senior Choreography
Dance Town-’Salsa’ (Manny and Lory Castro)
Costume Design
Rhythm Dance Center-’Recomposed’
Mini Technical
The Southern Strutt-’Impending Loss’
Junior Technical
Dance Town-’Create’
Teen Technical
Stars Dance Studio-’Papa Was A Rolling Stone’
Senior Technical
Westchester Dance Academy-’Against the Dying of the Light’
Best in Studio ($3000 per style):
Best Hip-Hop
Rhythm Dance Center
Best Tap,
Denise Wall’s Dance Energy
Best Contemporary
Dance Town
Best Jazz
Project 21
Best Ballroom
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio
Best Musical Theatre
The Southern Strutt
Best Lyrical
Westchester Dance Academy
People’s Choice ($250)
Rhythm Dance Center-’Earthquake’
15 notes · View notes
Encore - part of your world - Harry Hook x reader - part 8 - Uma
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“Hey (y/n)?” Uma called from her chair at the kitchen island, you turned from the pancakes humming to show you were listening “do you think I could come with you and harry to your world?”
You paused, locking your jaw in thought. “I…I don’t know? I would think you would need an anchor like I do” you gestured to your ruby necklace “because my world doesn’t have magic so you could possibly be in danger while your there?” uma hummed, poking a lone strawberry.
“that’s true, maybe we can call kore and ask her?” you shrugged, flipping Gil’s set of chocolate chip pancakes.
“maybe, KORE!” a swirl of teal, fuschia magic appeared and dissipated, leaving the spring goddess in its place.
“yes?” she asked, eyeing the pile of pancakes in the oven “is the something you need?”
“yep~” you chirped, shoveling Gil’s pancakes into the oven to keep warm “we were wondering if uma needed an anchor to visit my world?”
“well yes” kora muttered, stealing an apple “as she is mostly a magic-based being, unlike harry who isn’t, she would need something withholding magic to keep her energy and life force up, like her shell necklace”
You and uma nodded, uma lifting the necklace from her chest “so I could use this as my anchor?”
Kore nodded, smiling when you finally handed her a plate, giving in to her eyeing the pancakes.
“precisely, now, im going to go enjoy these, I will return the plate”
*poof* in a swirl of smoke she disappeared
You snorted, yelling out to the two still sleeping boys.
“BOYS! BREAKFAST IS READY!” you heard two thumps, the signs of the two taller boys falling off their beds and scrambling to get downstairs if the rapid thumps down the upstairs hallway was a told you anything.
“pancakes!” Gil appeared first, slightly drooling and hair a mess. you opened the oven, piling his five chocolate chip pancakes onto a plate, sliding it onto the counter for him to take.
“thanks (y/n)!”
“no prob”
Harry trudged down the stairs, rubbing his eyes and yawning “morning sleepy head” you teased, he hummed, walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around you, burying his face into your neck, pressing his lips to it.
“mor’nin” he muttered, rubbing his nose into your hair “pancakes?” you sniggered, leaning away from him, scrunching your shoulder and chin together.
“y-yes, st-stap!” harry had realized what he was doing and began to blow raspberries into the crook of your neck. You dissolved into laughter, wriggling about trying to escape his grasp.
“harry staaaaap!!!” you felt him grin as he tightened his grasp on you, beginning to move his fingers against your sides.
“noooooo-aahhhH!!!” you screeched, reaching out to uma who was ignoring you.
“uma halp!!!” she continued to ignore you, eating her pancakes. “ill buy you ice cream!” she locked eyes with you, smirking.
“three scoops, extra hot fudge and caramel and rainbow sprinkles”
“de-deal!!!” uma flung her hand out, pushing harry away form you, letting you catch your breath.
“t-thank you” you were still slightly giggling, one hand on the counter, the other on your stomach
“ice.cream” uma said slowly, you nodded, reaching out your hand and shaking hers.
“yeah yeah, I know, for dessert tonight”
“alrigh’ “ Harry sat up from the floor, grabbing a plate and opening the oven door, naturally extracting two pancakes. “wha’ time do yeh want teh head back love?” harry asked, spreading butter on his food.
“well” you stared, opening your phone and looking at your schedule “auntie put me in for 12-9 today so I guess…10?”
Harry nodded, smiling before it dropped “wha’ are we gonna do about…ye know who?” you sighed, brushing your hair back.
“I don’t know, let's just hope they don’t blurt this out”
“who are you talking about?” uma asked, tilting her head
“Harrys actor..and yours, they found out”
Uma froze “shit it might not be a good idea for me to go with you guys then?” you shook your head.
“nah, China seemed like she wanted to meet you” uma nodded unsure but finished her food and placed her dishes in the sink.
“Alright, imma get dressed, 10 right?”
Both you and Harry nodded.
You nervously jumped your leg on the ground, staring at china’s DM’s, wondering if you should message her about uma.
You sighed, she would find out through the paparazzi anyway so.
Hey…its me? (y/n). The girl whos been seen around harry? Any way, uma wanted to come with us and I was wondering if u wanted to meet her?
If ur busy its fine, but was just wondering.
<China is typing>
Dude yesss, meeting my own character!? That would be soo cool
You breathed a sigh of relief, slumping on your bed slightly.
Sweet, so about 1130 well be at my aunt's bakery, if u wanna meet us there?
Sure! See you!
see ya!
You sighed and stood, cracking your neck, grabbing your clothes and house keys, smiling at the blue gemmed key with Harry's initials staring at you.
Tossing it in your bag, you stepped into the bathroom, quickly showering and getting dressed, drying your hair as best you could and making your way downstairs.
Were Gil and Harry already were playing video games.
“fuck ye gil!”
“harry that’s (y/n)s job ew”
“Gil what the fuck that’s nasty!”
“then don’t blue shell me!!”
You shook your head, walking up to behind harry and leaning down, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing his cheek.
“you almost ready hook?”
“aye” he muttered, smirking as he passed Gil, who groaned in frustration “on the last lap love”
About a minute later, Harry won, cackling as he finished the last lap.
“ahaha! I won, I won!” Gil pouted, leaning back and crossing his arms.
“Yeah yeah, whatever!”
“aww,” Harry cooed, pinching Gil’s cheek “you good sunshine boy~”
Gil smacked his hand away, sticking his middle finger up at harry. Who just flipped his right back.
“alright” you patted Harry's shoulders a couple of times, gaining his attention “it's almost 10, let's start heading out.”
Harry nodded, standing and grabbing his black converse, sitting back down to get them on.
“uma! We’re about to head out!”
“got it!” she yelled back, you grabbed your back, fishing your key out and sticking it in the back door lock.
Uma trotted down the stairs, harry moving forward to meet her and allowing her to use him as a steadier as she jumped off the last step.
“Alright let's go!” you turned the key, the portal behind the door opening, light bleeding from behind the door.
You opened the door, letting uma step through first, harry standing at the edge waiting for you.
“see ya gil! Jay, dude, and Carlos are gonna be here soon right?” gil nodded, waving you off,
“yep, see ya!”
You grasped Harry's hand, stepping through and closing the door behind you.
---end of part 8---
@dpaccione​ @Ibuck121 
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lowkeyaesthvtic · 5 years
Evil Karma - Chapter 10
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Word Count: 1,922
Summary: Sofi’s feeling a bit angry, but that anger turns to fun when she realizes the Isle has a special visitor
Pairings: OC x platonic!Gil, mention of Ben x Mal, mention of Jay x Carlos
Rating: T 
Warnings: swear words, violence, murder, blood but not gory, choking kinda?
Tags: @descendantofthesparrow @hookedradge @newtshairdryer @curse-brekker @amityravenclawelf AND @batmanwearsabowtie bc they’ve been such an active/amazing follower and I love them with all my heart.
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The Isle is usually quieter when night falls. The day had gone by incredibly quickly and it was quite busy to say the least. I looked down at my bronze timepiece. Good, I still had about 15 minutes to get back to the Chip Shoppe before Harry would overworry and send Gil and the crew to get me. It’s not something that I entirely believed he would live up to, especially considering that he’d have to ask Uma first. Still, there was that slim chance that she would permit it. I didn’t think I would have to tell them, but I’m not some kind of princess that needs to be looked after constantly. Was there a chance that my episode in Uma’s room had changed their opinion on that?
I don’t need protection anymore! I had to teach myself nearly everything I knew after realizing that my demonic excuse for a dad wasn’t going to teach me shit. I know a dagger so well that one swift flick of my wrist could slice even the toughest skin as easily as a letter opener would tear a piece of paper! I can fire an arrow from the highest point of the Isle and still hit my target square in the eye! I’ve got the venom of a cobra and the tongue of a rattlesnake luring its prey! The little girl who got scars and bruises and tossed around like a worm on a hook died when she slipped that bottle of thick, black Dreamshade poison into her father’s wine. I will do absolutely anything to prove that.
A smile tugged at the corner of my lips when I saw Gil at a pickled egg stand in the marketplace. The bone-thin, wrinkled lady running said stand was giving him quite some trouble. “Get this through your thick skull, kid! These eggs ain’t free!” The voice was nasally, overly crisp, and far too forward for the woman to be anybody other than - 
“Yzma, Uma said that I get these for free!” Gil continued slipping the thick yolks into the basket. This was exactly the opportunity I needed. I quickly rushed to Gil’s side and place my hand on his shoulder, leaning onto him.
“Hey Gil, is everything okay? I see you’re out for pickled eggs again.” He looks at me with the eyes of a confused puppy. Gil and I hadn’t spent a lot of time together outside of shifts at the Chip Shoppe, but he was someone I wanted to protect. His loyalty towards Harry and Uma is as indestructible as a diamond and as never ending as the open sea. He showed this ray of sunshine type of kindness but Harry and Uma know there’s a sliver of evil somewhere. Maybe I know it’s there too, but I’ve yet to see it. So, for now, I want to protect him.
“Uma said I get these eggs for free!” He looked over to Yzma, a soft yet angry expression forming on his face. “This empress won’t let me take them!” I looked to him, exaggerated shock and hurt in my eyes. Then, I turned my attention to the wrinkled witch in front of us.
“You can go and tell that pirate rat that her words don’t mean shit to me! You pay for the eggs or I throw you to the fish! You hear that, kid?” I wrap my fingers around the handle of my dagger, getting ready for a quick fight. Fire bubbled in my chest and I could feel my smile widening with a sense of madness. Since arriving on the Isle, I tried my best to keep a calm composure. But in cases like this, how else is one supposed to show that they’re not to be messed with?
“Oh, she’s not gonna like the sound of that. Come on, empress, you should know more than anybody how annoying it is when one doesn’t listen to the woman in charge..right?” Yzma gave me a scowl that was semi-threatening at the most.
“I’ve seen you riding around here. You think that just because you’re on the pirates’ good side that people will forget how much of an outsider you are? I’ll break you the news, girl. You can parade around with two buff pirates at your hip and a fancy dagger in your pocket...but it ain’t gonna bring those kids back from the dead.” Before she could let out another word, I remove my dagger from my left pocket and slash her left arm. A crimson trail starts leaking down the small, skinny limb as she goes to grab the arm in pain. I press the dagger against her throat, pushing up her head so I can see the fear and pain starting to taint her eyes.
With a maniacal laugh, I leaned in close and lower my voice. “Oh PLEASE say that again. I haven’t spilled some blood in quite a bit.” I look behind me to see Gil in a way that I hadn’t seen often. His eyes were slightly widened, possibly in shock of what I was about to do. There was a playful smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Not a teasing kind of playful like Harry’s, but like the playful smile of a kid who had found their way into the cookie jar. “You’ll get your eggs, Gil, don’t worry. We just may have to throw a body in the ocean afterwards.”
With the fear in her eyes growing stronger and more blood spilling out of her bony arm, Yzma makes an attempt at a soft smile. “You know what? Maybe giving free eggs to a regular customer isn’t such a bad idea after all...at least somebody would be eating them, right?” Fear shook her voice until it was a quivering mess. The old skeleton of a woman tried everything she could to hide it. It was a valid attempt, I’ll give it that.
“You see, Yzma? Was that so hard?” 
“I did what you asked, girl. Now let go of me!”
I tsked in disappointment and began to tighten my grip on the dagger. I pushed the blade closer to her throat, hearing her breath hitch as she began to lose control. I wasn’t going to let anybody condescend me. Nobody will ever be allowed to make me feel like a street rat ever again! I will make sure of it. “I would...but you pissed me off, empress. Not only did you insult my Captain, but you disrespected my boys. Nobody does that and survives the night. So...Yzma..any last words?” She attempts to speak, her voice coming out much in a much raspier tone than usual. “Oh, that’s right. You can’t talk. Oh well.” With a quick swing of my arm, her skin is broken and blood begins to spray from her throat. Her weak body immediately falls to the ground as she attempts to save herself. But the attempt is futile, and after a minute or so of meaningless flailing, her body goes limp. I look up to Gil with an innocent smile and gently place my hand on his shoulder. “There you go, Gil. She won’t be bothering you anymore. Now come on, let’s go home. I’m sure Harry and Uma are expecting both of us.”
As Gil and I began walking, I feel a harsh bump against my right shoulder. Out of instinct, I pick up my dagger once again and pin it to the man’s throat. Almost immediately, I realize who he is. His hair was light and long enough to nearly cover his light brown eyes. He carried the aura of weakness, of pity and mercy. The thought of it made me sick. “Well, look who we have here. Another street runt that doesn’t know how to watch where they walk.” It’d be perfect to play dumb. Nobody on Auradon had seen my face before. The four VKs who attacked Neverland were gone by the time I made the portal to escape. None of them knew who I was, so it’d be perfect logic to pretend I didn’t know them. But I knew, and I knew well.
“Hey man, hey! H...hey, hey I know you!” I look over to Gil, a grin tugging at the corner of my lip. We had found the King, and if we could find a way to distract the entourage behind him, we could snatch him up. 
“Uh, no...don’t know you either, man.” Ben replied, choking out his words through the firm grip my dagger had on his skin. The three around him were nervous, but they did a lot better at keeping a calm composure. It was easy to tell that they used to have a life here.
“Uh, yeah you do. Come on man, really? Dude, I’ll give you a hint. My dad is quick...slick...and his neck...huhhh..is incredibly thick.” Gil points to his neck as if to give some kind of demonstration. I keep the dagger hilted but look over my shoulder to speak to him.
“Gil. Really?”
“Why doesn’t he know me? Everybody knows me…” Gil asks, a little twinge of both confusion and sadness in his tone. 
“Gil, of course he knows you. He’s lying to you to save his ass. You know him too..right?” Gil took a longer look at Ben, racking his brain to come up with a name, but there was nothing. “Gil. Come on, use your brain.”
“My dad said I don’t have one of those.”
I rolled my eyes and pointed to a nearby poster of Ben and Mal, which had been tagged with our crews’ own ‘we ride with the tide’ tagline. “Then at least use your eyes!” Gil pointed back in forth between the poster and Ben. The entourage surrounding Ben followed Gil’s gaze as he looked back and forth. 
Finally, his eyes widened in recognition and with a gasp, Gil spoke up. “Oh! You’re King Ben!” The four of them immediately tried to reject the claim, but it was far too late. “Yeah, no..you’re totally King Ben! And J-Jay, Carlos, Evie, hey guys!” The three of them stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. 
“King Ben, huh? I had a run in with your girlfriend earlier..or should I ex-girlfriend? A bit of trouble in paradise?”
“Mal and I aren’t broken up.”
“Why else would she come to the Isle, huh? She’s not welcome here anymore, and there is no way that Uma would give her back her old territory.” I lowered my dagger. King Ben would be an essential tool in my plan with Uma, just not yet. Not when he has an army around him ready to fight. I looked up at Ben and slowly brought my finger to his neck, wiping off the blood that my dagger painted onto him. “Well then, welcome to the Isle, your majesty. Enjoy your stay.” I mockingly bowed and extended an arm away from the stand. The blue haired girl, who I now knew as Evie, grabbed him by the back of his shoulders and lead him away. Jay and Carlos soon followed, their hands interlocked to as a way of affectionate protection. I looked over to Gil as they left, he soon smiled and jumped up and down in excitement.
“Oooh! Uma’s gonna love this!” He taps me on the shoulder and turns toward the direction of the Chip Shoppe. “Last one to the Chip Shoppe is a bucket of shrimp!” He shouts giddily, and I run alongside him back home.
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A Total Boss
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): Final Fantasy XV/Prompto Argentum
Rating: PG-11/T- (for minor peril + spider)
Original Idea: @welovegroot asked: Could I request a bodyguard fic? With Prompto?---coupled with This set of headcanons
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) Heck yes you can! First Prompto one-shot! Isn’t he an adorable sunshine boy? XD Enjoy this Bodyguard!AU
The moment Prompto saw you, his brain stopped working. He wasn’t aware that he was going to be assigned to protect someone so pretty! He had a hard-enough time talking to girls as it was but talking to you? Being around you all day and keeping you safe? He was going to make a complete idiot of himself. Biting his lower lip, he awkwardly approached you.
“Uh… hi. Pleasure to meet you. I'm—” He gulped and stuck his hand out. “—I'm Prompto Argentum.”
You beamed at him and shook his hand, giving him your name in return. He barely heard it over the blood roaring in his ears. “The pleasure is mine, Prompto Argentum,” you said. “I'm grateful for your service.”
OMGOMGOMG, he thought frantically. You were smiling and your smile was breathtaking.
He let go of your hand quickly when he realized his hand was sweating. He was wearing fingerless leather gloves as usual but he didn’t want to take any chances.
“Uh—yeah! Uh, no sweat,” he replied.
Nailed it. Smooth as a cactus. If he’d been alone, he would have smacked himself in the forehead.
Trying to hide the pink rising on his cheeks, he turned to your father. “I, uh, believe there’s still some business to take care of?” he asked.
Your father nodded. “There is. Right this way,” he said. The two step into your father’s study to complete the boring paperwork.
The moment the door shuts, your friend snorts and dissolves into a fit of giggles. She’s been sitting on the couch twiddling with her hair since before your new bodyguard came over. You’re used to her antics by now, but you turn a look at her. “What’s so funny?” you ask.
“He’s so adorable!” she replies. “Who would guess that he’d be a qualified bodyguard?”
You shrug. “My father, apparently,” you say.
“The five-foot-eight blond dork whose bulletproof vest looks like it was made for a man bigger than he is.” She snickers again. “Hey, at least he’s cute.”
“Oh come on, Estelle,” you protest. “That hardly matters—”
“Sure but at least the guy you’re now stuck with all day every day is nice to look at.” She kicks her feet up on the coffee table and twirls a bit of her hair around her fingers casually, her dark eyes glittering with humor. “I, for one, cannot wait to see how this turns out. Two-hundred gil says you two will be dating before he leaves service as your bodyguard.”
“I’ll take that bet,” you say impulsively. “And when it’s over, I’ll be two-hundred gil richer!”
Estelle just grins. “We’ll see.”
Prompto may have seemed flustered and embarrassed when the two of you met, but as time goes on he loosens up. Within the first week of him guarding you, you get a measure of his true personality.
He’s bright and cheerful. A bit talkative, but at least he fills the awkward silences. He gets friendlier the more time he spends with you.
He starts feeling less like a bodyguard and more like a somewhat-overly-attentive friend.
“Look! Puppies!” he exclaims as the two of you walk down the street. He scuttles away excitedly and kneels in front of the couple out walking two very small yellow dogs covered in soft hair. You laugh and jog to catch up. The smaller of the two has a cowlick on the top of its head that reminds you of Prompto’s hair.
“Aw!” the woman says. “You have a very sweet boyfriend, miss.” She smiles at you.
Prompto starts coughing. “Oh, no, no, ma’am, you’re mistaken,” he says politely, pushing himself to his feet. “We’re not… together.”
“He’s a friend,” you put in, smiling back at the woman. “We’re just friends.” It’s too complicated and personal to explain why you have a bodyguard to every stranger on the street—though how they don’t notice his bulletproof vest is beyond you since he doesn’t even wear it under his clothes—so you decide “friends” is the best way to put it.
“Oh. Sorry,” the woman says. “You two have a nice day now!” She and her companion stroll off.
Prompto’s ears and nose turn red. “OMG. I should not have done that. I am so sorry, miss. I’m not supposed to leave your side and—”
“Prompto!” you protest, grabbing his wrist to catch his attention. “It’s okay. No harm done.”
“Boyfriend, huh?” Estelle teases after you tell her what happened in town. Prompto turns a light shade of pink on the armchair in the living room. Estelle gives you a playful raised eyebrow. “I can see why people might think that initially.”
“Estelle,” you begin. “There’s really no reason to—”
“Spider!” Prompto shrieks, waving his hand and arm madly. “Spiderspiderspiderspiderspider!”
Your friend covers her mouth with both hands to hide her laughter as the spider lands on the carpet and gets crushed under Prompto’s boot. When you look up at his face, his eyes are red and tearing up and his lip is quivering. You give him a sympathetic look, get off the sofa, and throw professionalism out the window because goshdangit he looks like he needs a hug. Ignoring Estelle’s barely-muffled snickers, you wrap your arms around him.
Prompto squeaks in surprise. “Uh… miss? What are you doing?”
“This is a hug, Prompto. I'm hugging you.”
“I know what a hug is. Why are you hugging me?”
“Because you look like that spider scared you to death.”
“Well,” Prompto says, slowly prying himself from your hug, “no one likes finding out a spider crawled on their arm.”
“True that,” Estelle remarks with a snap of her fingers pointing at Prompto. She glances at her watch and gets to her feet. “Well, I gotta be off. Boyfriend and I are going out to dinner and if I don’t go put on a nicer shirt my mother will never let me hear the end of it!” She winks at you and ducks out your front door. “Oh, and bye Prompto!” she calls over her shoulder.
“Uh, bye!” Prompto replies.
You roll your eyes at your friend—and immediately rub at your eye as discomfort shoots through it. “Shoot,” you mutter.
“What’s wrong?” Prompto demands, looking around in sudden vigilance you’re not particularly used to.
“Eyelash in my eye,” you say.
“Here. Let me get it out,” he says.
Am I going to trust him with this? Your mind races as you lower your hand and open your eyes wide, looking up so he can get the eyelash out. His face is ridiculously close to yours. You can see every detail in his light blue eyes—and practically count the star-field of freckles across his nose and cheekbones.
You do trust him to remove the eyelash. He does it gently but quickly. Sure it feels wrong to have someone touching your eyeball, but one quick poke and the discomfort goes away. You rub your eye again. “Thanks,” you say.
“Anything for you, miss,” he says professionally—with just a hint of his trademark playful friendliness in his voice.
You laugh and sit back down on the sofa, flipping open the book you’d been looking at before Estelle stopped by. “Hey Prompto?” you ask.
“Yes?” he replies with a bright smile.
“Do me a favor and grab me a pen, would you?”
“You got it, gurl!” He gives you finger guns and does a front-flip over the loveseat toward the kitchen. You can’t help but giggle. He’s a funny guy. Really you couldn’t have asked for a better bodyguard right now. Sure, you were in danger, but with Prompto around life felt almost normal. Like having a friend.
A really overprotective friend who carried a gun.
“LOOK OUT!” Prompto shouted, grabbing your hand and yanking you out of the way of a car that blew through the red light right where you were about to cross. The force of his pull sends you right into his chest. His other arm closes around your back, holding you close.
After a moment of both of you panting with adrenaline and fear, he lets you go. “Oh man. So sorry. I shouldn’t have—oh wow.” He steps back and pushes his hand through his hair. “I shouldn’t have touched your bare skin like that. So unprofessional—I'm so sorry—”
“Prompto! It’s okay. You’re just doing your job. And without you I would have been run over, okay?” you press.
He nods. “Okay. But… still. I'm sorry.”
“Don’t be. I'm safe.” You smile at him. “Now come on. Let’s cross.”
He twitches a bit as you cross the road, making sure you’re not going to be run over again. It’s a nice evening, turning into a warm summer night. The heat of the sun has baked the pavement and the stone that the buildings are made from, and as the sun’s power fades toward darkness, the pavement and stone radiate the heat they’ve captured. It’s fantastic weather.
Perfect for seeing a film.
One good thing about having a bodyguard twenty-four-seven is that going to the movies is easier. You don’t have to try and coordinate schedules with a friend so you don’t go alone. Prompto has a difficult time sitting still in a movie, but sometimes he does manage to relax.
“Come on,” you say, nodding toward a gap between two buildings. “This is a shortcut. Estelle and I always cut through here.”
Prompto looks wary but follows you in. You notice his hand rest on his gun. The buildings cut off the sunlight, plunging you both into near-nighttime. Prompto steps closer to you. You can almost feel him vibrating from anticipation.
“Prompto, it’s okay,” you say. “Nothing ever happ—AAAHHH!”
The scream is torn from your throat before you can stop it. It was just a reaction as Prompto grabbed your hand and yanked backward. He shoves you behind him protectively, one hand gently brushing your upper arm to make sure you’re still there and within reach should something happen.
A man almost twice Prompto’s size emerges from the shadows—how you hadn’t noticed him is beyond you. You see yellow, dirty teeth leering at the both of you and the glint in a pair of eyes too far away to really see.
And the barrel of a gun—gleaming in the half-light.
You yelp, fear catching you up.
Prompto reacts fast—and you’re reminded that he’s there to keep you safe. He’s not just a friendly dork who hangs around all the time.
He kicks the gun out of the man’s hand, using the momentum to flip backward. Sticking the landing, his hand shoots into the air and catches the gun, which he then cocks and points at the man. “Don’t try that again,” he snaps at the huge dark figure.
The man looks as surprised as you are. He puts his hands up and backs off.
Prompto reaches back and finds your wrist. “C’mon. We’re going,” he says. You don’t protest as he keeps you behind him, circles the man, and then runs through the rest of the alley. He puts the safety on the unfamiliar gun into place and shoves it into a spare holster you’d noticed but never thought much of. The two of you are standing near the side-door of the movie theater.
“That… was awesome,” you say. “Terrifying, but awesome. How did you do that?”
“Years of training,” he replies, panting. This time he takes your hand gentler and pulls you toward the front door of the theater.
You’re almost there when he starts to cry.
“Prompto… what’s wrong?” you ask quietly.
“I… I failed you, miss,” he says, voice shaking. “I couldn’t stop the threat before it happened. I'm such an idiot. Completely disposable.”
“Prompto,” you say, reaching up to brush some of his messy hair out of his face. “You are not disposable. I couldn’t ask for a better bodyguard. And look at me—I'm safe! You did not fail, okay? You’re a great bodyguard! A total boss!”
He sniffs and wipes his face on his bare arms—you’re fairly certain he hasn’t worn anything with sleeves since the day he began—giving you a melancholy smile. “You think so?”
Impulsively, you tilt up onto your toes and peck his cheek. “Absolutely. Thank you, Prompto.”
“M-my pleasure, miss,” he says. Still holding your hand, he pulls you around the corner to the front of the theater and opens the door for you, as he always does. “Your evening of entertainment awaits.” There’s his playfulness. You grin, making him smile.
“I’ve had plenty of entertainment already,” you say.
“Too much,” he says. “Hopefully you won’t have to have any more of that kind.”
“Well, with you here, at least I know I’ll be safe,” you say.
I think I might owe Estelle two-hundred gil when all this is over, you think as you give your tickets to the usher and head into the right theater to catch the film.
Surprisingly, you’re pretty sure you’re okay losing that bet.
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kazosa · 7 years
We Were Just Friends, pt 4
Summary: Saturday at the convention. Reader and Briana chat about the night before. Reader and Rich meet for brunch and dinner.
Words: 3300 (whaaaat?!)
Warnings: language, super fluff
Tags: @aquivercactus  @lefthologramdeer  @byereallife  @dragongirl420  @nobodys-baby-now  @sorenmarie87  @soythedemonqueen  @sumara62
Previous PART 3
Saturday was always the real test of your endurance. The con went non-stop, all day. Your wake-up call came far too quickly. Taking significant effort to actually pick up the phone, you grudgingly answered.
“’ello?” you answered.
“Get your ass up, bitch!” It was Briana.
Eyes still closed, you smiled, “You talk so sweet to me.”
“Meet me at the gym in 20, got it?” she ordered.
“Ma’am, yes ma’am,” you answered. Briana was your con work-out partner. You helped each other keep to your workouts and routines. The jetlag could be terrible and, for some reason, working out helped to combat the effects.
Seventeen minutes later, you were walking into the gym and Briana was already there, waiting for you.
“You better tell me everything!” she said as soon as she saw you.
“Sure you wanna know?” you teased.
“Ugh, gross,” she got on the treadmill. “A little discretion, please.”
“I don’t know what happened. I still can’t believe it was real. I got on the elevator and he was there. Maybe he was coming to get me? He asked me to be his date for the night,” you said, Briana ‘awed’ and you started your treadmill. “I told him we could just do how we always do, ya know? Go as friends. He said we could do that if that was what I wanted, but he wanted it to be a date.” Briana was listening intently. “I agreed, and you saw us together. He held my hand and walked me back to my room. I’d teased him about a proper courtship, but I meant it, too… So,” your cheeks flushed remembering, “he kissed me goodnight. Said he’d better go and that he’d see me later.”
“Oh my god, (Y|N)!” she squealed. “Did he make your toes curl? Did he light up your vag? Oh my god! You guys are finally together!”
You knew your face was bright red, but if anyone asked, you were going to blame it on the treadmill. Briana was still walking and looking at you, waiting for you to answer her questions.
“Oh god, B…” you could barely keep the giggles away, “he’s such a good kisser. Not gonna lie, my vag approved.”
“Holy shit, babe!” she said. “You gonna make him wait? Hell, it’s Rich, make him wait.”
“I promised myself I wasn’t going to chase men anymore, so when the time is right, it’ll happen.”
“Do us all a favor, just keep traveling with us. It’ll happen. That man has been a miserable piece of shit without you.”
You threw a look of disbelief at her.
“I’m not even exaggerating. Sad-sack city,” she went on. “It’s not just him though. We always miss the people that can’t come or whatever.”
Briana didn’t like to get gushy about feelings and neither did you. You knew what she meant, you’d missed them all, too.
“I got to hang out with Gil and Matt a few times, so it wasn’t all bad. I missed my Supernatural loves, though. …Matt and Gil sure are dirty fuckers. God, I love you guys.”
“Good, cuz you’re stuck with us, especially if you and Dick are a thing,” she winked at you. “I’ll talk to the powers that be if I have to. So, did you guys make plans for later? Are you going to dinner with us before SNS?”
“Yeah, I said he could take me to dinner, just us, and we could meet everyone later for drinks,” you said.
“I’m happy for you, baby,” she said sincerely. “Glad you’re back, too.”
If you didn’t go get Rich for brunch, he’d probably be late and have to rush to get something to eat. To spare Rob a little torment that Rich would surely inflict, you text him that you were on your way to Rich’s room to get him moving.
“You owe me two months, but I forgive you. See you soon,” he text back. Poor guy, they could be relentless on each other.
Standing outside Rich’s door, you banged on it as hard as you could and quickly stepped to the side, so he couldn’t see you through the peephole. There was a thump from inside the room and muffled cuss words met your ears. You banged on the door again, just as it opened.
“Who the fu…” he opened the door.
You leaned on your shoulder against the wall, snickering.
“Mornin’, sunshine,” you giggled.
He turned to see you. Clearly, he’d just rolled out of bed. His hair was a mess, he didn’t have on his glasses, and was missing a shirt. From what you could see, you were unsure if he was wearing anything at all.
“You decent?” you asked, still smiling.
“Shit,” he said disappearing inside. “Just one sec.”
You chuckled and stuck your foot in the door, waiting for his “okay.”
“Okay,” he called. As you stepped inside, he said, “How late am I?”
You looked at your watch quickly. “Not too bad,” you told him.
He was wearing a pair of shorts, which surprised you that he even had any. You’d only ever seen him wear pants. He was bustling about his room gathering clothes and toiletries, so he could get ready.
“Time for a shower?” he asked.
“Haul balls, Dick,” you told him.
He was gonna give you a hard time when he realized you’d actually gotten to him early. Rich liked to get his sleep and was a bit of a night owl, like you. Waking up earlier than was absolutely necessary was not something he liked to do. The bathroom door closed, and you heard the shower start right after.
While he was in the bathroom, you took a seat in the open desk chair and surveyed his room. The desk was filled with the chaos that was his life. It reflected how his mind worked. It never failed to amaze you how on the surface, he looked cool as a cucumber, but on the inside, his mind was working at a million miles a minute. He was constantly working and by what he had laid out, it looked like he was going to direct a Supernatural episode again soon.
The bed wasn’t a disaster, but you did note that he’d spread out overnight. You’d rousted him from his room before, but you’d never really paid much attention to the inside. Usually, when you got to his door, he was mostly ready to go.
About ten minutes later, he was out of the bathroom, nearly ready. He was fastening his watch and reached for his coat.
“You about ready, gorgeous?” he asked. “Always waiting on you.”
“I’ve been ready, ass,” you answered, getting up from your chair.
Rich opened the door for you, “Honestly, woman.”
You pointed at his chest, “So.” tap “Mouthy.” tap
He grabbed your hand and let the door close as he pulled you to him.
“Missed you,” he breathed out as his demeanor changed.
Your bodies were pressed together as he held you. Leaning back a little, your hand went to his longer strands of hair that fell behind his ear, your fingertips gliding through his hair.
He went on, “I shouldn’t have let you go.”
You were a little confused but feeling playful, “But you were being a proper gentleman.”
“I didn’t mean last night,” he clarified. “I should never have left your house.”
He was talking about leaving your house when he stayed in your guest room for a week after finding out about Jaci and Brady. How was it that he could always give you butterflies?
Your hand brushed his cheek. “It’s okay, though,” you assured him. “Things have worked out.”
It had been harder staying away from Rich as much as you had in the last year than it had been going through the divorce from Brady. Not seeing Rich between conventions, not spending all of your free time with him at the conventions…it was best for the divorce proceedings, but it had sucked, bad. Talking on the phone, when you weren’t with him, was tough, too, it wasn’t the same as going to each other’s houses to hang out. Cutting yourself off from your best friend, when you needed him most, was gut-wrenching. The last thing you wanted to do was rush him, but your impatient side wanted him to love you the way you loved him, right now. Loving him as long as you had, it was getting tiring carrying the torch on your own.
“Things would be so much better now,” he was regretful.
You smoothed back his hair again. He looked so handsome in his scruffy beard and new glasses. You’d helped him pick them out during a video chat call.
“Hey,” you said softly, “none of that. This was how it had to be. We’re here now. Our timing was always off, but we’re finally on the same track, right?”
“I guess we should go eat,” he suggested.
Brunch with your friends went as it usually did, lots of chatter, good food, and friendly ribbing on all sides. Once you’d all eaten, you had to go your separate ways and Rich made you promise that you’d come by the green room to see him whenever you could get away. You always tried, but you liked to tell your convention stories from the point of view of the spectator, which meant you were all over the place. Your convention days, like Saturday, were spent watching the panels, taking notes and pictures of the guests and interviewing convention goers. You were planning to try something different for SNS, though, and Rich had nearly discovered your plan.
The idea to surprise Rich at SNS by going out on stage to sing with everyone on the last song had come to you at your last convention. It was no big deal. You just didn’t want to embarrass yourself. You’d had dinner with Jensen after a practice session with him and Jason at Jason’s house. You knew you couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket, and if anyone could help you sing better, it was Jason and Jensen. Jensen had borrowed Jason’s car to take you out to dinner. He had to go to Vancouver the next day and needed to get back to Jason’s house, so he dropped you at Rich’s house without going inside. Rich, of course, had seen Jensen pulling out of the driveway and that had started the green monster showing up.
There was a three-hour break before the SNS and you were going to get the most out of it. You went back to your room and started picking out our clothes that you were going to wear for your date with Rich. He was going to “pick you up” from your room and from there, you didn’t know what was going to happen, but you prepared for… whatever may happen. You zipped your clothes into a garment bag for later and waited for Rich to get you.
Thankfully, you didn’t have to wait too long. Your nerves didn’t have a chance to get to you. Telling yourself that it was just a normal dinner and that there was nothing to be nervous about was actually helping, right up until you heard the knock on the door. Fairly well springing up from your spot in front of the TV, you had to make yourself slow down as you went to answer the door.
Taking a deep breath, you unlocked the door and saw your best friend smiling back at you.
“Hey gorgeous,” he grinned. “Might I take you to dinner?”
There were those damned butterflies again… “Um, yes, just let me grab my garment bag.”
“Garment bag?” he followed you just inside the door.
“Yeah, I want to wear something special tonight and I don’t want to ruin it by slopping food on it. Thought I could change in your room and we could go to the show together.”
“Oh, great. Perfect. I’ll take it. Ready?” he said.
You smiled at him. He was so wonderful, in your eyes. He spoke fast like that when he was nervous or being a smart-alec. You handed him the garment bag and took his arm once you got outside your room. He led you toward the elevator bank and pushed the ‘up’ button.
“Wouldn’t it be something if a little scout and an old man with a walker were in the elevator,” he asked.
Catching his reference, you said, “I’d be more impressed if it were Ellie and Carl. I mean, clearly, you’re Carl, but I’m definitely not Russell, though the age difference is there.”
“Ouch,” he said, feigning hurt. There was a small moment of quiet between you as you waited for the elevator to arrive. “Nah, you’re my Ellie.”
The elevator dinged, and the doors opened for you. You caught your beaming reflection in the elevator walls as he pulled you inside with him. He laid the garment bag on the floor of the elevator before pulling you to him for a kiss. Your knees felt like they might not be able to hold you up any longer as his tongue swirled with yours, lighting you up, once again. Eventually, he had to let you go.
“Wanted to do that all day,” he mumbled as he picked up the garment bag and the elevator stopped on his floor. “C’mon gorgeous.”
Still trying to recover, the doors almost closed before you came to your senses.
“Where are we going?” you asked as he led you to his room.
“By strange coincidence, we are going to chez Dick this evening,” he carded his door and opened it for you to step inside.
“Awfully presumptuous, don’t you think, Dick?” you said.
“Well, we don’t have time to go out, and I didn’t want to rush dinner. I thought we could have a nice time here,” he said.
It was then that you looked around his room and realized that it was very neat and tidy. All of his notes and computer were put away. In the middle of his suite, the table was set up with a white cloth, a small bundle of flowers in a vase, and two candles.
“Oh Rich,” your voice barely more than a whisper.
He hung your garment bag in the wardrobe that was near the bathroom and gently moved you closer to the table. He pulled out your chair for you and got you seated.
“In the interest of saving time, I took the liberty of ordering for you. I hope you don’t mind,” he said.
Who was this man? Did all men do this, or had you just won the lottery? Brady took you out to dinner, but he never did anything like this. Rich had even gotten flowers in your favorite color. Had he done that knowing or was it just luck? And he ordered for you?
“What did you order?” you asked.
“Don’t you trust me, (Y|N)?” he teased. “I think after all this time, if anyone is going to know you, it’s me.”
You couldn’t deny that. “This is all very nice, Rich. I gotta say, I’m impressed.”
The two of you talked and discussed what the set list looked like for the show until the knock at the door came from room service. Rich excused himself to get the door for the hotel staff. Your mind briefly flashed to that Kings of Con episode and a fantastic day for you on set. When the staff member took the cover off the dishes, you laughed at Rich’s choice for you. He was spot on, it was your favorite, go-to meal. You waited for him to sit back down before you dug in.
“So, how’d I do?” he wanted to know, his eyebrow cocked at you, a knowing smirk on his face.
“I think maybe you do know me,” you assented and took a bite.
After that dinner went smoothly and before you even realized, your food was gone, and Rich’s alarm to get going sounded. Rich didn’t have much to do as far as getting ready for the show. All he really did was change his shirt. You, however, grabbed the garment bag from the wardrobe and went into the bathroom to change. It didn’t take you long to get into your outfit, but you did need help. Stepping out of the bathroom, you looked for Rich to help you.
He didn’t know what he expected, but he hoped like hell that the night wouldn’t be a total disaster. He’d kissed her the night before and he couldn’t stop thinking about it. All day, he’d seen her flitting about, talking to people, taking pictures. She’d come by and give him a quick hug, not anything too out of the ordinary. All he’d wanted to do all day was to see if the kiss the night before had been a fluke. He’d taken his opportunity in the elevator and he found out that it was even better the second time around. He thought for sure that it would be weird, but it wasn’t, it was fantastic.
Just like always, dinner had been great. He’d gotten her favorite food and drink for dinner and the conversation was just as easy as it usually was. It had been a huge relief, for both of them, he suspected. He was riding pretty high as he went to change his shirt. (Y|N) was next to change and she grabbed her garment bag to head into the bathroom. He had no idea what she had in there, but when she stepped out of the bathroom there was nothing in the world that could have prepared him for what he saw. Only one time, in the ten years he’d known her, had he ever seen her in a dress, and that was on her wedding day. She stepped out of the bathroom wearing a black dress, like what Audrey Hepburn would wear. He was staring, and he didn’t care.
“Rich?” she said. “Will you button me up? I can’t reach all of the buttons.”
She went over to where he sat in one of the arm chairs, sitting on his lap, her bare back open to him.
“You’re killing me here, gorgeous,” he said, not trusting his hands to stay PG.
“Are the buttons too small?” she asked, seemingly unaware of the torture she was putting him through.
His fingertips brushed her warm skin as he fastened the buttons. What he really wanted to do was feel all of her skin, soft and warm under his touch and to let her know the sweet torture she was unleashing on him. The buttons finally done, she got up from his lap like nothing had happened. “Mother of Christ,” he thought. “This is not just a fluke.”
By the time she had put on a delicate silver necklace and earrings, he’d calmed down enough to not embarrass himself and stood up from the armchair. (Y|N) was smoothing her dress and checking herself in the mirror. Why he had never seen the way she lit up when she saw him? How had he never noticed? Maybe he had and told himself it wasn’t real. He went to stand behind her in the mirror, when she saw him there, her eyes lit up again and she smiled at his reflection.
“How do I look?” she asked.
He put his arms around her waist from behind, kissing her shoulder, “Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.”
She put her hands on top of his and any qualms about them being together completely melted away. He had no doubts left.
“We better get going,” he grudgingly said.
She turned and gave him a quick kiss, “I can’t wait for tonight.”
Part 5
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atc74 · 7 years
Fire & Ice
A probably not highly anticipated part 2 to She Waits. I totally did not intend for it to have a second part, but then I joined another challenge and the host graciously agreed to it. So if you’re interested, here is some more disgusting fluff. Taylor, @impalaimagining, this is for you, love and your Sing It Supernatural Challenge. Thank you for all your love and support! My prompt is in italics.
Pairing: Rob Benedict x Reader
Word Count: 2192
Warnings: Rob singing, pregnancy, birth (not graphic), Rob singing
Thank you to all who indulge my Rob Crisis as is reaches critical mass. I mostly blame @iwantthedean and @d-s-winchester, as they are horrible, amazing influences and I love them. Also, to my beta, @just-another-busy-fangirl, I love you!
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(photo credits to google search, @mandileaphotography and @stardustandmelancholy)
Rob slipped quietly through the door to your rented condo in Vancouver. He knew you had been tired lately, being six months pregnant and all, and he didn’t want to risk waking you. It had been a long night on set and the director hadn’t called a wrap until almost two in the morning.
He removed his shoes and tossed his jacket over one of the kitchen stools before grabbing a bottle of water and shuffling his tired feet and body down the hall. He ensured the bathroom door was shut before he turned the light on and set to getting ready for bed. After a quick shower, he brushed his teeth. He flipped the lights off and tiptoed into the bedroom.
Rob reached his way along the wall to his dresser and grabbed a pair of boxers and pulled them on. He eased his way to the bed and gently pulled back the comforter.
“Rob?” your voice was raspy from sleep.
“Hey, Honey, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you,” Rob whispered.
“S’okay, baby woke me up anyway; hafta pee,” you groaned as you eased your swollen body from the mattress and rushed the bathroom. You quickly finished your business and returned to the bedroom, greeting Rob with a kiss.”Hmmm minty. How was your day, Babe?”
“It was good. Long, but good. Only one episode left,” Rob welcomed you back into bed with open arms.
“I missed you, Baby,” you snuggled into his side. “Only a couple weeks left and we will be on our way home. I can’t wait to get the nursery finished so we can be ready for this little wiggle worm.”
“I can’t wait to meet our baby, Y/N. I love you,” Rob murmured into your hair.
“I love you, Robby,” you whispered before drifting back to sleep.
“Honey, are you ready?” Rob called through the apartment.
“I will be in just about three minutes,” you responded strolling out into the living area. “Can you zip me please?”
“Honey, you look absolutely exquisite,” Rob breathed out, his cerulean orbs roaming your figure in the dress you had found on a recent shopping trip.
“Thank you, Robby. I am just glad it fits, for now,” you joked. “I am getting bigger and bigger every day. Pretty soon, I will only be able to fit into sweats!”
“It doesn’t matter what you wear, you will always be the most beautiful woman in the world to me,” Rob said. “And you’re all mine.”
“Okay, you sap, we are going to be late if you don’t zip me up,” you joked, turning around and gesturing to your back.
“I don’t care. I just want you all to myself,” Rob murmured, as his fingers slowly caressed your spine, taking his time.
“I promise you I am all yours tomorrow, but tonight,” you sighed. “Tonight we have a wrap party to attend and you are the emcee and entertainment.”
“I am going to hold you to that promise, Y/N,” Rob relented and zipped your dress with a heavy exaggerated breath.
“You know, you look pretty damn good in that suit, Babe,” you teased, getting an eyeroll in response.
The bar had just started to fill up and it looked like you and Rob arrived just in time. Jensen and Jared greeted you at the door.
“Y/N, you look beautiful, too good for Rob. Run away with me?” Jared teased.
“I am sure Gen would not be okay with that. Control yourself, MIster!” you joked just as easily with him. You loved this family with everything you had and knew your life wouldn’t be the same without them. Throughout all the struggles of the past few years, before, during and after Rob’s stroke and thinking you might lose him, they had all been there for you, through thick and thin.
“Jare, get off the pretty lady! Hey, Sunshine, how is my favorite niece doing?” Jensen hugged you and instinctively rubbed a large hand over your belly.
“Jen, we don’t know if it is a girl or boy, so don’t get too excited just yet. You’ll have to wait a few more months, just like us,” you told him.
“Yeah, well I can hope! And we have receipts for everything!” Jensen blurted out as he took your hand and led you to a table reserved for you. “What can I get you?”
“Just some water with a lemon, please,” you eased yourself into the chair and noticed Rob in the corner talking with Bob Singer and Jim Michaels, figuring it was most likely about the episodes they had just filmed.
“Hey, Honey, you comfortable?” Rob crouched down in front of you.
“Yeah, I’m good, let’s go mingle with everyone before you are stuck on entertainment duty,” you proposed and Rob helped you to your feet, one hand on the small of your back as you walked around, talking to all of your friends and family.
“So how many weeks left, Y/N?” Brianna asked excitedly.
“Just about ten. It feels like just yesterday when I found out,” you marveled.
“I know! It feels like it goes by in the blink of an eye, but lasts forever at the same time!” she exclaimed, hugging you tightly.
“Hey, where’d my husband go?” you wondered aloud as the music started. Brianna just pointed toward the stage where Rob and Rich had taken up their post.
“Ladies and germs! Thank you all for coming tonight. We have some people who wanna say some stuff, so please, pretend to listen and be interested, and blabbity blah, yada yada yada,” Rich joked and passed off his mic to the show runners.
Jokes were made, insults tossed back and forth, but it was all in good fun and camaraderie; the cast and crew were notorious for it and it was what made them all family. They had another great season under their belts.
“Robby?” Rich called out.
“Yeah, Rich?” Rob answered.
“So you guys gonna play something for these nice people? And Jared and Jensen?” Laughter broke out among the party, Jared and Jensen feigning offense.
“We were thinking about it, why, you gonna join us?” Rob asked. “And ah, Jensen Ackles, get your ass up here, too.”
Applause rang out as Jensen jumped on stage, Rich handing him a microphone. The opening notes of ‘Whipping Post’ started and Jensen was flawless. More and more guests joined the stage singing a variety of songs, just like a Saturday Night Special concert.
You alternated between sitting and standing, singing along and carrying on conversations with everybody. The baby would start kicking furiously whenever Rob was singing and it made your heart happy to know that your baby loved Daddy’s voice as much as you did. You had just returned to your seat and slipped off your shoes when you heard your name.
“Y/N, Honey, I know this isn’t the most romantic way to spend our first anniversary, but I don’t think we would be here today if it wasn’t for the love and support of some of the people in this room,” Rob looked off the side and then you saw Gil walk out on stage, followed by Jensen, Brianna, Kim, Ruth and Mark took up his post on the drums. “Surrounded by our friends and family, I vow to you, Y/N, to love you more each day and never to look back, as you are my future.”
You smiled sweetly, not believing what a sap he had turned into. “I love you, Robby!” you yelled to him as a familiar pair of arms encircled your waist and a loud kiss was placed on your cheek.
“Nic! What are you doing here?” you squealed as you hugged her.
“Well, we were coming just to help you move, but Gil couldn’t pass up an opportunity to sing with the boys, so here we are,” she shrugged.
The music started again and you both turned back to the stage, giving your husbands and friends your attention as a old country tune filled the room. This was different than they normally played, but you didn’t care. Rob singing was what you enjoyed most and it didn’t matter if he sang commercial jingles.
“This song is dedicated to my beautiful wife. She is everything I could want and more. Happy anniversary, Honey,” Rob announced.
She’s sun and rain, she’s fire and ice
A little crazy but it’s nice
And when she gets mad, you best leave her alone
‘Cause she’ll rage just like a river
Then she’ll beg you to forgive her
She’s every woman that I’ve ever known
She’s so New York and then L.A.
And every town along the way
She’s every place that I’ve never been
She’s makin love on rainy nights
She’s a stroll through Christmas lights
And she’s everything I want to do again
You and Nicole swayed to the music, not caring anymore that you had taken your shoes off or that your feet still ached. A warmth surrounded you as Rob sang, the group harmonizing perfectly behind him. You watched him as he left the stage and knelt before you.
She’s anything but typical
She’s so unpredictable
Oh but even at her worst it ain’t that bad
She’s as real as real can be
And she’s every fantasy
The song finished, but you couldn’t hear anything. Your attention was on your husband as he wrapped his arms tight around your middle, placing soft kisses to your baby bump. He looked up at you with tears shining in those blue eyes you loved so much.
“You and this baby are all I could ever want. Thank you for being patient and loving me. I don’t know where I would be without you,” Rob confessed and kissed you soundly as everyone clapped, wishing you a happy anniversary.
“You’ll never have to find out,” you promised.
“Rob!” you yelled from the bathroom one dark and stormy night. A rare thunderstorm had rolled through Los Angeles County and although you loved a good storm, this one had woken you up only to discover that your water had broken.
“What flavor?” Rob mumbled from the bed, still half asleep.
“Rob, Babe, I need you to get up and get dressed right now. My water broke,” you told him, gathering a change of clothes from the bedroom.
“Okay, I’m ready! Let’s get to the hospital!” Rob jumped out of bed and put his shoes on.
“Babe? Uh, you probably are going to want a shirt…and some pants,” you observed as he stood before you in nothing but his boxers and a pair of sneakers.
“Oh, yeah, right. Pants,” Rob babbled as he ran around your bedroom, looking for said pants, settling for a used pair from the hamper.
“Baby bag, check. Mama bag, check. Pants and shirt, check,” Rob recited his list of go items, as he ran down the stairs of your two story home to the door to the garage, slamming it behind him. The door opened and slammed again, and you heard him as he bounded back up the stairs. “Pregnant wife, check.”
“I was wondering if you were coming back for me!” you laughed as he helped you down the stairs, out the door and into the car. Your breathing exercises were not exactly helping, but as you glanced in the back to the brand new car seat he had installed the day before, worry set on your face. “Rob, what if we are horrible parents?” you blurted out as the panic started to set in. You and Rob hadn’t had the smoothest of roads and you worried if you had rushed into the parenting thing.
“Honey, as long as we have each other, that is all that matters, remember? We made it through together and we will make it through this, too,” Rob assured you, his hand rubbing soothingly up and down your arm. He started singing as he drove, knowing that always helped calm you.
You woke to the sun as it shone through your window, blinking in the brightness. Your arms stretched over your head and you noticed a dull ache in your midsection. The events of the night rushed back to you as your eyes opened wide to take in your husband singing softly, gazing lovingly at the pink bundle in his arms. You listened, content at the sight before you.
“You know, she still needs a name,” you pointed out and his eyes met yours.
“Hey baby girl. Your mama is awake,” Rob cooed gently as he rose, shifting your daughter into your arms. You had marveled over this little wonder for months and she was finally here.
“I was thinking about, too, and may have an idea,” Rob volunteered. “How do you feel about Rowan?”
“I love it, Rob. Welcome to the world, Rowan Elizabeth Benedict. Your Uncle Jensen is going to be so pleased to meet you,” you whispered. Rob reached over and wiped away your silent tears before he kissed the top of your daughter’s head. “She’s beautiful.”
“Just like her mother,” Rob agreed.
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persmisc · 7 years
Happiness, 12/6/17
On a search for Christmas decorations, I stumbled across a box of university-era journals. Post high school, my journaling was always well-meant, but inconsistent at best. One notebook – a spiral that I ended up using for lecture notes but started as an assortment of collages and blurbs about what kind of future I wanted for myself, had two really striking gems that reminded me of several intense desires I used to have. A few have resurfaced over the years, others completely fallen by the wayside. But a May 2009 “Strive List”, written at the end of my first year and featuring a fairly well-articulated series of both short and long-term goals I had, was particularly striking.
Write a book? Done. Write a successful screenplay? My biggest current passion project. Own a dog? Hey, have you met Gil?
Some are less black and white. Love my job? Well, yes and no. The luckiest people in this world get to love their job every day. I rank in the second luckiest group, which is that where people get to like their job most of the time, and get paid well for it. So I suppose I’ve achieved that goal in my own way. “Become a yoga aficionado” and “learn how to shoot a gun” make me gag for different reasons. “Not be attracted to horrible, arrogant men” isn’t really one I’ve been confronted with lately – I haven’t been attracted to much of anyone on that front since my last serious relationship, so there that is.
So where those goals are all concerned, I like to think I’ve landed in a solid place for twenty-eight – nine years after the writing of said list.
But the second striking piece was this rather heart-breaking entry about how afraid I was of amounting to nothing beyond a financially unstable, paycheck-to-paycheck “adult”, incapable of ever looking feminine or like a real woman. And, startling for me because I remember more than anything feeling utterly confident, happy, and golden for the majority of the time I spent in England, this entry was written a mere two months before I graduated from college.
The timing of both entries isn’t lost on me. In the middle of college, it’s really easy to casually expect amazing things from life. It wouldn’t occur to me to aim for anything but the absolute sun after one year of college. Even the most dramatic challenges could always be overcome by the right night out with the right people, by the right series of movies and chocolate. And while I’ve retained some of that light-hearted and enviable ability to look past the impossible in my life and aim high, the version of me that wrote hopelessly, two months before entering that dreaded “real world”, that I was likely to never achieve anything was very afraid. She had a real fear that the sunshine that was so recently certain, had no guarantees.
And the truth is, I did spend the year following my graduation coming to terms with those non-guarantees. I returned to my home town, to my old job, and spent a great deal of time doing everything in my power to go back to England, and the surety of the future and life that I had when I lived there. And the same way that everyone – everyone – tells you, the moment you switch your focus away from worrying about how to fix everything, everything somehow fixed itself.
I learned the most important lesson there is when measuring success in life – that success is different for everyone, and that it’s not about checking off specific goals. It’s about finding what makes you happy and taking whatever steps, however small, however gradual, to get you to that end game. Achieving a job title isn’t my measurement of success, the same way that hitting a particular salary isn’t a goal anymore either. Making a home, in a place that feels right, surrounded by the things I love – that’s the goal.
It’s comforting to know that some of the tangible things I was worried about in the post of despair – you know, knowing how to dress well, wear makeup, and become financially stable – are things that I have most definitely achieved. But the important thing is that in the long term, I’m in a far healthier place when it comes to ensuring happiness for myself.
Yes, I’m working on a screenplay. Will it ever see the light of day? God only knows.
But does working on it make me happy? You bet it does.
And that’s all that matters.
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Dennor college AU
God I love college AU. This headcanon is based on college life in my country, so this might be a bit different with American one. 1. Mathias is majoring chemical engineering and Lukas economics. 2. They are childhood friend who got through whole elementary-middle-highschool years together. 3. Mathias was not hard-working student till he was junior in highschool(he was talented in chemistry and physics though), but he made a bet with Berwald for mid-term that semester so he tried really hard to beat him. The consequence was draw, but Matt got confidence with his academic ability and started to care for his grade. His goal was to go to the same school with Lukas. Lukas said nothing after hearing his goal, but instead asked Mathias if he wants to sleep over tonight. That's his way to say that he loves Matt. 4. When they got admission notice from college, they rushed all over the town in joy, with Mathias carrying Lukas on his shoulder, shouting out some weird song related to college life. It was later found that the song was created by himself. No wonder why its lyrics was so weird. 5. Every Wednesday Mathias' courses ends way earlier than Lukas'. Even though he can just go home alone, Mathias waits about 4 hours till Lukas' day ends just to walk along the road with Lukas to their dorm room. 6. They live in dorm together. Mathias' job is to cook and Lukas' is to do the dishes. 7. By the way Matt is widely known for his skilled cooking. Gil calls his cooking awesome. Alfred says it's sacred. 8. Mathias gets along with Alfred and Gilbert well. Gilbert majors mechanical engineering and Alfred majors space engineering. Al's dream was to make a spacecraft since 6 besides becoming a superhero. He plans to achieve both dreams someday. They take courses like engineering mathematics together and are known as 'the delightfully barking Cerberus' of the faculty. 9. Since Lukas is pretty shy in front of strangers, he doesn't really have many friends. Mostly he is alone or hanging around with Mathias. 10. Since not many people know who Lukas is and Mathias is social among campus, people wonders who the indifferent-looking, cold boy who hangs around with Matt daily. 11. Mathias always said 'hey wanna go for date? No homo lol'. But when Lukas actually asked him out, he went really red and could not say anything. 12. Their first date was not really different from their usual hangout session. They went out of their dorm, had an ice cream, talked about nothing while they walked in the sunshine along the road, had a dinner at the restaurant they usually dined. The only thing that was different was a light kiss in front of their dorm room after the date. 13. Matt once took remote control for a/c instead of his scientific calculator on the exam day. Later to be added!
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