#Gintama app
eggsploded · 5 months
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sakamoto days moment
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cyatzura · 7 hours
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happy pride etc etc but moreover happy katsura enrichment month
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gntm-zine · 11 months
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☀️Contributor Applications are OPEN!☀️ Apply to be a contributor for Beautiful Days, a Gintama fanzine, from today until July 17th!
Contributor App Link
Info Doc 
Carrd Website
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soumeshi · 17 days
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sougo doodle
I was in the Gintama fandom around 2021! I see that there's more content around here than any other app.. I think.. so I wanna rejoin!
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alexa-fika · 5 months
What fandoms are you guys into? (Games,anime,movies ,book anything with a plot lmao)Im into a lot of them so perhaps I could expand my writing fandoms? I even have some works of other fandoms that I just need to edit before I post them I made a poll in a different app since here you can only choose one 👀 I still made it it for you in case you're not wanting to do the link or Smith < 3
Let me know in the comments if you are into any others!
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jellyluchi · 4 months
What fandoms are you in or shows that you like, anime, video games etc.
OO right now in technically still in the "jjba fandom" but like super niche subset of it just between me and the friends and I made there
I'm also in the phantom of the Opera fandom currently and it's like my newest one I'd never been part of this before
Currently into suits the th show and for video games ive always been into ace attorney and more recently resident evil (4 is my fav) there's so much anime from my past tho! Before Jojo I was into demon slayer for a little while, loved gintama and Akatsuki no yona those are ones I liked enough to own volumes of never owned a volume of DBZ but I wan to really bad bc it was like the first major anime I was genuinely into for a long time
Also super into historical romance books specifically I have a separate acc for reviewing books and interacting with historical romance book community like my Goodreads account etc
These aren't all the things I've been into! But you can check this link where it lists mostly all my fav shows and fandoms (has to be opened on desktop or browser app 😭)
I hope that answers your question!
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suchine-toki · 1 year
Hey can i ask u something? I just finished rereading gintama again and read the final chapter, and kinda stumbled to ur blog. Do you think in the end Takasugi kind of ressuracted, reincarnated, or not? It's really bothering me since he is my fav character and besides lackness that i felt towards his story, his 'death' chapter was delivered... so great, and i dont think ressuraction was needed:( isnt that mean he becomes immortal, again?
Hello! Thank you very much for your question. Sorry for the late reply, I didn't see your message because I was on hiatus due to the end of Gintama lmao
I consider the death scene very beautiful, and it shows that there was a lot of love behind it. In fact, Sorachi himself admitted that he cried while he was drawing it (didn't we all?). However, I think when Takasugi's death is judged only by the scene itself and not also by the context, you miss the forest for the trees. (I previously talked about his death in this post.)
Other people and I have discussed the ending as such, so I’ll now address the circumstances surrounding the end of Gintama before delving into Takasugi’s possible resurrection. I'll try to analyze what happened from other angles, including information both inside and outside of the series, like the fanbook released some time ago.
The prolongued ending
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Damn Manabe you could've done a better job. And I blame you for all the Utsuro crap, even if it wasn't your idea, you should've stopped it!
Weekly Shōnen Jump, where Gintama was published, has a system in which it’s announced half a year in advance when a series is about to end, to give it a conclusion in that time. Nevertheless, Sorachi exceeded this deadline, and for three years was unable to finish the series. Faced with this, they moved it to Jump Giga, where he would’ve three extra chapters with more pages and more time as it was a monthly publication. But once again he was unable to finish it and ended up concluding it through the Gintama App.
Even though at the time we all laughed at it, in hindsight the series did suffer from this. Especially if we consider that Sorachi's intention was to defeat Utsuro in Weekly Shōnen Jump and then use the other magazine just to have an epilogue. Even in the last chapter uploaded to the application they made him cut four pages. This denotes that it was a turbulent period, and the end was extremely hasty.
I think what happened in the end was Sorachi's attempt to squeeze ideas into a short amount of time. Takasugi and Zura weren’t present to defeat Utsuro, despite foreshadowing it. Thus, because he didn’t pay enough attention to the relationship between the members of the Shouka Sonjuku, the second part of Silver Soul arc emerged, in which Utsuro/Shouyo was revived and there was a greater focus on the connection between Takasugi and Gintoki. I explain this to emphasize that there wasn’t enough planning to properly develop and conclude what happened to Takasugi.
Takasugi's fate
The last page of the manga referring to what happened to Takasugi strongly suggests that he revived, due to the presence of a newborn baby in one of the dragon holes (places where altana veins sprout), along with dialogue from Sakamoto expressing, essentially, the high probability that Shouyo intervened to save him from death when his corpse was sucked into the terminal’s altana.
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However, in the fanbook, a page is dedicated to what happened to Takasugi. Sorachi is frank, revealing he intentionally left it vague to avoid giving a clear answer that might disappoint fans. Also, once again he alludes to the fact that he didn't have more pages to delve into what happened, so he opted to just put more jokes, thinking that was enough.
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In said fanbook, Sorachi chats with his former editors about various topics, including Takasugi's death, which he repeatedly avoids talking about. He says it's weird having to explain everything. Nonetheless, the others insist with questions. Among the most important things to salvage, he clarifies Takasugi’d already been sort of dead when he lost Shouyo, and he was just looking for a way to die. He also indicates he doesn't consider that Takasugi needed to be saved because he already was. Instead, he was going for the image of saving the Kiheitai beyond whether or not the baby was Takasugi. This gives me the impression that Sorachi didn’t actually plan to revive him.
I fundamentally disagree with the above point of view. Although I'm not a fan of resurrections, I think his rebirth would make sense, given that it's an element already introduced in the series. Also, I believe it's necessary because it didn't make sense to kill him in the first place, both for consistency on a character level and on a series level.
Now, regarding his possible immortality, I really wish he isn’t. Since it was never explained how that or the altana worked, I can't say for sure. But, considering the dialogue of the master protecting his disciples, it wouldn’t be logical for Shouyo to sentence Takasugi to live an immortal life. What would make the most sense is for Takasugi to live in a normal body with his own memories, experiencing both suffering and happiness, just like everyone else.
Regarding his growth as a normal human or abnormally by the altana, it’s even more difficult to discern. I think if he kept his memories, it would make sense for him to grow at an accelerated rate just like Shouyo, until the altana runs out at some point.
Deliverance from sin?
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Goddammit Manabe it's all your fault!
Since the concept is used on several occasions, I would like to comment on what is meant by “salvation”, a term closely related to religious beliefs. The perspective I’ll take in this part is that of Shinto and Buddhism, the predominant and deeply connected religions of Japan.
In both cases, the most common path after death is reincarnation. In Shinto, the concept of salvation is based upon the belief that all living things have an essence, soul, or spirit known as kami. This lives among us rather than in Heaven or Hell. Buddhists believe in reincarnation after death, known as rebirth. Depending on the actions a person has done during their life (karma), they’re more or less likely to be reborn as a lower or higher being. If one has a multitude of good actions, one is likely to be reborn as a human.
In Buddhism, anyone who understands Buddha's teachings can attain salvation. This includes the understanding that since suffering is a part of life, one must find ways to overcome it. In this regard, I don’t consider that Takasugi has been “saved” in the more traditional sense of the word, quite the contrary. As referenced, the true way to find salvation isn’t to die to stop suffering, but to continue living despite it, as Gintoki has shown.
From now on
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Sorachi explains he’s aware that the people who liked Takasugi aren’t as happy with how he ended up, and hints he knows the ending could’ve been better. This, coupled with the fact that he's been inactive for so long after Gintama ended (despite declaring his intentions to start another series) makes me think there might be more Gintama content in the future.
Could it be wishful thinking? Absolutely. But it’s true that Sorachi is interested in making money, and what better than to return to his star series with a question that interests many fans? Maybe it's something he didn't plan on doing. Do I take it? Without a second thought.
The next Gintama festival will take place on March 19, 2023. Perhaps nothing will happen. But hope is the last thing that dies. Being a successful franchise, I think it's very likely that in the near or distant future they’ll release more material showing what happened to Takasugi.
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TL;DR: I think it would be more consistent with the character and the series for him to be resurrected, keeping his memories, possibly growth-accelerated by the altana until it finally fades from his body. This would allow him to keep a mortal body. But no one can say for sure what will happen.
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chasing-storm-s · 9 months
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Completed my first route in Koihana Bakumeiroku!
Generally enjoyable, I like the MC and the guys. Also, compared to the others IkeSeries I've played, in this one Rin (MC) is also a mystery. Who is she, how does she know swordfighting, and a specific style of it too. This was a good aspect of the game for me. Not just about the guys, but her and how her recovering her memories affects the story. I do wish there's a bit more drama as to the effect of her identity has on everything (don't ask me what kind of drama, I just wanted a things to be a little more heated ok 😂)
It took a while since for a number of reasons, but it was enjoyable. There were lots of confusing terms and moments because my reading ability is very basic and translation app just keeps giving strange translations from time to time. Also, because I am not at all versed in the Meiji era going-ons, I had to pause mid story from time to time just to search it up, and still finding things confusing - history is far FAR from my strength especially when it comes to other nations. On top of that my first introduction with the Shinsengumi is from Gintama.. so yeah. Well aware that as fun as Gintama is, it do be pretty random and meshes up stuffs 😂. It does, however sparked my interest in them. Trying to separate anime with historical facts was something.
Anyways, the hunt for my ult love remains. Initially thought it would be Hijikata, but thought I like him, I wasn't that attached to him. Potential bias(es) may/may not be Saigo and/or Katsu, but alas, their routes aren't out yet.
Next up, Kido! He's such a tease in during story events so I'm looking forward to it~
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babygray · 1 year
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I finished translating and putting together the Kahoot version of the Gintama High School exam. 🥳
I still have to look through it, make sure everything's as correct as I can make it, but it's pretty much ready to go.
The app "quarantined" it while I looking the other way for a minute, and that gave me a scare. It should be fine for now, but worse comes to worst, I'll think of something else.
I'm going to run the game via Discord. Twitch was an option, but I'm worried about ads ruining the fun.
I'll run the game from June 17th and 18th. Sooner, if enough people are interested in doing it this weekend. A paper version will be available later.
You can find an invite to the VERY bare-bones discord server under the cut...
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one-piece-conservation · 10 months
One Piece X McDonald's (Shonen Jump Cover)
There is most likely lost media behind this collab, I've tried my best to grab what I can. Though some ads and other things are lost media.
A Collab between McDonalds and One Piece where you could get two manga freebies at the chain restaurant. It ran from August 28 to September 9.
People who purchase this year's 40th issue of the magazine, which will ship on September 3, will receive a ticket for one free hamburger at McDonald's. The coupon will be valid at any one of the roughly 2,900 McDonald's locations in Japan, and it will expire on September 9.
Manga fans who log into the free Wi-Fi available at about 2,400 McDonald's locations in Japan can read more than 1,000 pages of manga through the Shonen Jump+ app. Parts of a total of 20 titles will be available to read, and offerings will include One Piece, Gintama, Hunter X Hunter, My Hero Academia, and Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs.
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muimira · 11 months
sorry but are you on any other social media apps? I really adore your work and would like to support you
I am !! I keep putting off making a card or something for my links but I hope this will suffice for now
Twitter ( gintama side acc )
I feel the need to clarify that I’m about as active on them as I am here so not much
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queenharumiura · 1 year
Get to know me
what’s your phone wallpaper : It's a piece of Shura (Yu Yu Hakusho) sleeping while cuddled in Sesshomaru's (Inuyasha) mokomoko. Why? Just RP things. Why that piece in particular? The composition worked well with the way I have all my apps situated on my phone.
last song you listened to: Uhhh I honestly don't remember, but it was something on the radio. I can barely be trusted to remember what I had for breakfast, much less remember what I listened to last.
currently reading : I read so many manga/manhua/manhwa that it's wild to consider me making a list of what i'm currently reading.
last movie :  Ehh--- I think it might've been 'The Legend of Hei'? Tenka, confirm? Deny?
last show : I'm going to answer in terms of a show that I recall watching from start to finish and not just me randomly going 'I want to rewatch that episode again'. In this case: The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting' is the last show I recall watching.
what are you wearing right now : Uhh... basically homewear, I guess?
piercings / tattoos? : I'm allergic to pain, so neither, but I've seen a lot of cute earrings and it had me considering. I don't think i'd ever do a tattoo because they're permanent and that's a huge commitment to make. I'd have to think forever about a design, a meaning, a location, an artist, etc. It's a lot of pressure for me to think about. I would take too long to think of something and it's just not worth it. This is why I never touched Animal Crossing, because I knew i'd just take too long just analyzing everything and needing everything to be JUST RIGHT. So, if the question was a preference kinda question, i'd be more likely to go for a piercing.
glasses ? contacts?: Glasses. I can't really do contacts. That said, my glasses normally sit atop the top of my head like overqualified headbands. My prescription safety glasses at work have been used for their actual purpose more than my actual glasses. I've gone to the movies countless of times and went: ah-- I forgot my glasses. I'm dumb, yes.
last thing you ate? : The menu said 'chicken noodle' and it was under 'noodle and soups' so I assumed it was chicken noodle soup. I was wrong. idk what it actually is. I just know it's chicken noodle'.
favorite color(s) : Pink. Purple and black are close seconds. In terms of favorite colors from a sentimental/nostalgic reason: Jungle green and eggplant purple for dA RP shipping reasons.
current obsession : I don't think I have an obsession at the moment. IF I did, i'd be so gungho about it that you'd probably not see/hear me for quite some time. I'm currently just living every day like i'm a floating plank of wood on a calm ocean surface. My last obsession was... I think... watching a particular streamer I really liked. To be very subtle, he is known for using a sprout in Among us. Pretty sure that's right. Prior to that my obsession was the 'Trash of the Counts Family' novel until the licensing got pulled. Before that was the 'The King's Avatar' novel.
favorite fictional character : Oh man... I love so many. Haru Miura truly has a very special place in my heart. Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho was such a big thing for me when I was younger. Don't get me started on how I was very into Tokuchi Toua (one outs) or Hiruma Youichi (Eyeshield 21). Shout out to Tatsumi Takeshi (Giant Killing) and Tsubaki Daisuke (Giant Killing). Gintoki (Gintama) truly was a time where my friends thought if I'd marry anyone, it would be him. I'd find a way to crossover to another dimension and marry him lol. This is really just me talking about past obsessions, yes.
Tagged by: @zcitgcistcr Tagging: I don't tag.
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gntm-zine · 11 months
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☀️Contributor Apps are STILL OPEN☀️ "10 Days janai, 1 Week da!" There's now only one week left to apply to be a contributor for Beautiful Days, a Gintama fanzine! Don't forget to fill out the form if you're interested! 🖋️ Contributor Apps Form
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rindouverse · 2 years
it’s kai here. i’ll be writing some fics during our summer vacation and will upload it here even though i have no idea how this app works (i normally just read here 🫠). anw, i hope i’ll get to meet some amazing people here who likes the same stuffs as me so if you ever happen to like:
jujutsu kaisen
chainsaw man
tokyo revengers
the disastrous life of saiki k
spy x family
moriarty the patriot
my hero academia
attack on titan
tokyo ghoul
bungou stray dogs
hunter x hunter
seraph of the end
sk8 the infinity
blue period
yu yu hakusho
let’s follow each other <3
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neorukix · 8 months
Welcome! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
This blogs serves as a reblog archive of things I like :3 and is on queue all the time (hope to not run out of posts :D); here some of my links:
Art blog (@neorukixart)
Rambling, fangirl and updates blog (@orifumioshi)
Portfolio art blog for archive purposes (@greimrkgks)
Art commissions and contact info
| Artfol | Twitter (abandoned) | Bluesky | Instagram | Mastodon | DeviantArt | AO3 | Carrd | Cara app | Makinishi blog (@nishihime) |
Main Fandom tags (I try to tag everything so, your fandom might not be listed here but indeed available to search): | Bandori | BLEACH | Digimon | Dragon Ball (may vary) | Gintama | LoK | Mahoyome | Precure | Sailor Moon | Spiderman | Tangled | The Owl House | Utena |
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kaoarika · 11 months
I started collecting/reading Undead Unluck since April? And I'm enjoying it a little too much. I saw the recommendation in my feed (thanks to one of my fave fanartists of another series' OTP) and somehow, SOMEHOW I felt that I could definitely enjoy the series.
..And I could have started reading it three (?) years ago, if I was more clever, but Korean webtoons got me harder :'D.
So, I'm just at volume 5? Around the time we meet Anno Un, and we are seeing particles of Andy's past, and Fuuko is falling HARDER for him and... AHHHHHH.
TBH, Andy's character design kinda seemed... weird to me? (and it kinda got worse because Victor/Victhor kinda looks like SSJ3 Goku and that's a difficult dissasociation I cannot perform well; though maybe? it might have been the main design influence in his design), but I have been mellowing ever since because... the author DOES draw him attractive (mellowing to buff/muscley guys... what can I say) and the size difference between him and Fuuko is just *chef's kiss*. I dunno, this series has pulled heartstrings on me, being the romantic idiot that I am.
There's stuff that is also quite subtle, maybe? That suggests some further deep meaning (there's a bit where Shen looks disappointed? after the whole language unification thing; the way Juiz seems to feel about Victor) and other stuff that I cannot avoid and say "wow, look how Fuuko is all excited to enter this high school building1" until I realize that the girl has been a shut-in a great part of her life due to her Unluck ability.
I just can't with this series. I do know some spoilers without much context? (I KNOW it is available on Mangaplus... but I'm "OTL" in having to download the app on my phone because it's not fully available in the desktop website...). But all in all... wow. I haven't been soooo into a Weekly Jump series in YEARS (last being, I think? Assassination Classroom, since 2015 until I finally collected it full, this also a few years after Gintama's ending?), and it's mostly because of the chemistry of the characters (the rest of Union are loveable too, although I'm still in the point where everyone is starting to have some spotlight - I love Tatiana, Shen, Nico, even Gena...)
Maybe this is the series that motivates me in making me draw more buff male bodies :')
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