#Give me my remake already capcom
wish i found leon and ada believable as a couple bc the dynamic of action hero and antihero who steals shit from them inc. their heart and brain is so good but unfortunately there is nothing there. and there will continue 2 be nothing there as long as ada exists in perpetuity as the video game equivalent of the sexy green m&m
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tyanis · 7 months
"Long as we stick together, we'll be fine."
I have not been able to stop thinking about this line from the ending of RE 2 Remake. In the original, Leon's final words are about stopping Umbrella. And at the time, I assume that's what Capcom intended. Everyone grouping up to stop Umbrella... but things changed and RE 4 happened.
Can't really blame them for losing that story thread (actually you can and should, but I digress). In hindsight, they probably regretted it. But they didn't have a crystal ball to know the future with.
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Can't really say the same thing about the remakes though. By virtue of being a remake, Capcom kinda already knows how the story is going to go... so why have him say this line when they know for certain that they'll be separated from each other very soon? Maybe to give new players an optimistic note to end on while also twisting the knife for veterans?
There was a recent IGN interview with RE 4 Remake's producer, Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, that has stirred up some rumors of an Operation Javier remake of some sort. Combine that with the ever present rumors of a Code Veronica remake and...
What if we ARE getting that CV remake with Operation Javier being a "Separate Ways" style dlc later on? Maybe the game could even start with Leon saying those words only to go on to show how he, Claire, and Sherry all get separated from each other and how they all ended up very not fine.
Anyway, that's just where my mind has been lately and this is purely speculation. But please excuse me while I go cry into my pillow.
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ovaryacted · 6 months
Hey there! I saw that you mentioned writing an analysis on Leon's character, and truthfully i'd personally be really down to read what you have to say about him. There's barely any to go around unfortunately so it's very fun to read what other's take from the games.
Also, the most interesting arc of Leon so far to me has been from 4 remake, would you ever consider doing an analysis on him from that period and how he went through a drastically better development rather than that of OG? (ofc it's just my opinion since i prefer 4 remake version much much more!) either way, would love to see what you got!
Hey anon! I know you sent me this a while ago, and I want to give you a proper answer to this analysis so I will try my best to give you something well thought out because I really loved the direction they took to characterize Leon differently in RE4R. I also apologize if this was long, I tend to ramble lol.
So, we all know that the original RE4 is a cult classic in the horror gaming genre, and rightfully so. Here we see Leon Kennedy as the badass he is, he is capable, witty, and nonetheless different than the rookie we were first introduced to. However, considering the period the game was released in and the intentional perception of Leon Kennedy at that time, Capcom went the route of pleasing the "gaming bro" community to make Leon into something he isn't.
Sure, he's one hell of an agent, he knows what he's doing and quite frankly is probably the only person who is capable of saving Ashley Graham. But in the OG RE4, Capcom does not focus on the trauma that he's carried since RE2, which I also don't blame them for doing. The OG RE4 was released in 2005, of course, they were going to focus on making Leon Kennedy super macho and strong and just overall cool because that is what sells. Not to mention the objectification of Ashley Graham also matches up to the period as well, and that's already a whole other problem with gaming as a whole that is not just reserved to Capcom entirely.
Regardless of that, OG RE4 is still considered one of the best games in the genre. It's timeless, it's fun, and it makes other people appreciate Leon in another light because he is now "cool" enough as an agent that the rest of his experiences don't matter as much.
Now moving on to the RE4 Remake released in 2023, the direction they took in characterizing Leon is more on par with what they've been doing with his character since RE6. One of the biggest gripes I have with Capcom in particular is their lack of character depth when it comes to elaborating on the traumas that each character possesses. They are so busy trying to make these characters killing machines that they leave huge gaps in showcasing their humanity, hence why a lot of the lore involving these characters' pasts is left for consumers to interpret.
In RE6 which came out in 2012, Leon Kennedy often compares the mission in China and what happened at Tall Oaks to Raccoon City, saying how it reminds him of that day before he found himself in this mess fighting bioweapons. The detail might be minuscule, but it gives people the assumption that Raccoon City was in fact traumatizing and left a huge imprint on Leon's character, altering him for the rest of his life. You also see Leon wanting to save as many people as he can with Helena reminding him that they don't have the time or ability to do so. His survivor's guilt and humanity are now considered as parts of his character for probably the first time on screen.
Until then, we didn't really know anything else regarding Leon's experiences until the RE2 Remake came out in 2019, and here the way they characterized Leon changed dramatically. He really is just a guy who came to the wrong place at the wrong time, experiencing horrors unimaginable and miraculously survives with two other people he met less than 24 hours ago. Yeah, I'm sure if you drove into a city and experienced your own personal apocalypse, that is sure to change who you are as a person. Now, the RE2 Remake I think was the first remake that used the new RE Engine seen in RE7 & RE8, and from a gaming perspective, Capcom is now adding the horror aspect back into the RE franchise that was certainly missing.
We don't know what happens to Leon, Claire, and Sherry after the RE2 Remake game ends because they're seen walking into the sunset hand in hand, but the idea is that Claire goes off to look for Chris and leaves Leon and Sherry behind where they are eventually apprehended by the U.S. government. I think it's in Darkside Chronicles where Leon is seen being interrogated by the government and he's blackmailed into military service as a means to protect Sherry because she's infected with the G-Virus.
After that, we know that there are other missions that Leon went on in between that time; Operation Javier being the most prominent one since that happens before RE4 and it's where he's working alongside Krauser. There are of course other animations and movies that are made to show Leon at different points in his life, but we don't know much about Leon and what he's been doing in the new canon timeline until he is re-introduced to us in the RE4 Remake.
At the very start of the game, we get an opening monologue from Leon directly where he mentions that Raccoon City was a day he will never forget, the cop inside him died that day, and shares his frustrations with the government because they left people to die before literally nuking an entire city off the map and not saying anything about it. He also mentions that he was "asked" to join the military and help in this new initiative to destroy BOWs and states that he didn't have much of a choice. Just his training alone was gruesome even if we don't necessarily know what it involved, but it kept his mind off of the trauma and the pain he experienced constantly.
The words that Leon is saying plus the way the camera pans out to show Leon's face for the first time since we've last seen him in a canon game reflects just how much he's been through in that 6/7 year timespan. The details on his facial features are enough to show that he's been through the gutter: he's lost the baby fat in his cheeks (which happens with aging anyway but still), his dark circles are prominent along with his scowl, and he already has wrinkles on his forehead which probably came from stress.
It is very obvious that this is not the same Leon Kennedy that we saw in RE2R and that is done very intentionally. He's an agent now, he has experience under his belt, and just like the OG RE4, he is still badass and capable enough to do this job. The big difference in how Leon is characterized in the remake is his humility is now added as an aspect of who he is.
Despite all of the trauma that Leon has gone through and continues to experience, he still has his humanity attached which is one of the biggest things that make me love his character in particular. He cares, and that's what makes everything hurt for him. In that scene where he finds Ashley in the castle and consoles her, he's telling her the words he wishes someone had told him, reassures her that she is strong and will get through this, and even adds a small smile at the end. Leon isn't this heartless person and his trauma hasn't wiped out any remaining empathy he has left, which the remake captures well.
You also see Leon acting like this when he's next to Luis after Krauser kills him and is still remorseful towards him until death despite knowing that he used to work for Umbrella. And then again after he kills Krauser, someone who trained with him closely and who he thought was dead, he is emotional after using his superior's knife to end his misery despite it being a subtle detail. As you continue to play the game, there these moments in the gameplay where you get bits and pieces of Leon and the kind of person he is, which weren't really there in the original game.
The remake also didn't just highlight Leon's humanity but also changed how the other characters are perceived and added new elements that we could appreciate as consumers. Personally, RE4R is such a phenomenal game because of the changes they made to showcase Leon as a human being who is trapped in the worst possible circumstances one could think of, and it makes me hope that they'll elaborate on his trauma in a RE6 Remake or in other CGI movies.
I also hope that Capcom continues to give their beloved characters more of a spotlight that reflects who they are as people instead of their capacity to be badass agents, but one can only hope, right? I wonder what direction they'll go for the RE5 Remake and how they will change Chris, Sheva, Wesker, and Jill but everything is under speculation so we really won't know until that game drops.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Things I didn’t notice until my 10th playthrough of the game:
Leon: You know, after the incident, the world changed. You try to save one person, a hundred others die. I guess I changed, too.
*Some hours later*...
Wesker: All you need to know is a new dawn is breaking. A hundred will give their lives so that just one may live. I am expediting that change.
I don’t know how I overlooked this for so fucking long, but now that I’ve noticed it -- holy shit does it seem very deliberate. Like, in the “this is setting up for something” kind of way.
Wesker is basically saying that he intends to bring the whole world into the reality that Leon’s already been living. And Leon’s saying that he’s changed and grown enough to be able to rise to the occasion.
And I really wish I had something more meta to say about it, but I don’t because Leon and Wesker never interact in canon. And in Remake, it seems like Leon has been kept almost completely in the dark about Wesker’s continued bullshit in the bioterrorism world all together. 
You know, I always thought it was weird how, in OG, Leon straight-up calls Ada out for working with Wesker, but then... nothing comes of it. Ever. Chris just goes and blows up Wesker with a rocket launcher in the middle of a volcano, Leon gets trapped in Groundhog Day and develops a drinking problem, and that’s that. So it made sense to me that Remake changed it so that Leon has no idea who Ada’s working with this time around. The W-word is never said.
But then I look at this very obvious, very deliberate-seeming parallel, and it makes me tilt my head to the side and go “huh.”
And then I think about how Ada’s character motivation has changed between OG and RE4make and how she doesn’t go into Remake already planning on double-crossing Wesker -- but rather that it’s a shocking (even to herself) decision she makes at the very last second, so we actually have no idea what she’s going to do with the Amber this time around -- and I tilt my head to the opposite side and go “huh” even louder.
And then I think about how the top leaker in the RE world who leaked RE4make in the first place says that no, actually, a RE5make or CV Remake haven’t been greenlit, that’s not a thing (yet), we’ll see other RE titles long before we hear anything about another remake, and I start to feel like I’m going absolutely insane so I reach up to try to pull my tinfoil hat off and I can’t tell if I keep missing or if there’s actually not one on my head at all.
And I gotta wonder.
Is Capcom going to build off of the remake series? Is it secretly a reboot series? And will we finally get a game involving Leon and Wesker that takes place at some point between RE4 and RE5?
Is Capcom just going to straight-up change what RE5 actually was because they can’t salvage the horrible, horrible racism present in that game?
As someone who’s been analyzing game stories and literature for over 20 years, I just can’t look at that dialogue parallel and say that that’s not foreshadowing -- that it’s there for fun and no other reason.
It’s just
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cobwebcorner · 1 year
Hey there, are you new to the Resident Evil fandom and want to know more about this weird blond guy with the sunglasses? Maybe you only play Dead by Daylight and want to know what his deal is without having to comb through a 20+ game series for his appearances? Are you trying to write a fanfic and can't think of anything for him to say, outside of constantly proclaiming his right to godhood?
Then have I got the resources for you!
(don't trust the fan wikis. They do things like claim that a man with one of the most Irish surnames in the world is Italian, just because his parents have some implied organized crime connections)
Ok now that you're in here I will reveal that the real purpose of this post is to spread the good word of original flavor Wesker, who I think is a really interesting villain with more complexity than people might expect. It doesn't look like Capcom is ever going to remake code veronica, which has a significant portion of his story, and there's a ton of his lore locked in a rail shooter most people never played, so I'm here to help fill in some knowledge gaps.
To start off, here is Wesker's Report 1. This is Wesker himself summing up the first 3 games for you, with glorious footage of the original playstation graphics:
Don't panic it's actually only 22 minutes long, the rest is an untranslated interview with the game directors.
Bam boom, you know what Wesker was doing from 1998 through 2000. Now let's step back in time a little and talk RE 0, the prequel game that explains how the outbreak that started it all happened in the first place. This is the story of Wesker and his buddy Birkin's past mistakes coming back to haunt them with a zombie-leech army (the past mistake in this case is disposing of your mentor's body improperly):
Stepping even further back in time we have Wesker's Report 2, which talks about his early years at Umbrella. This was only ever released in Japan, but fans have done a translation and gotten it voice-acted. This video has both the report and a compilation of all Wesker's scenarios in Umbrella Chronicles (the rail shooter this-is-the-story-so-far game):
It's long because it includes the gameplay footage. If you just want to read the report instead, google project umbrella Wesker's Report 2. You can also find UC's cutscenes separately on youtube. Wesker's scenarios are Beginnings, Rebirth, and Dark Legacy. UC condensed a lot of stuff and made some…odd story changes (especially to RE 3. Poor, poor RE 3), but it also added fun new stuff for Wesker to do, like beating up his creepy masochistic ex-boss. Godspeed, Wesker.
Now rumor has it that we are going to get Ada's campaign added to RE 4 remake eventually, but we don't have it yet, so until then here's their interactions from the original (lovingly updated to HD by fans):
RE 5 was Wesker's last (chronologically) and probably most significant appearance in the series, not to mention the version of him that's been everywhere since, but I'm not actually going to talk about him. To my eyes, RE 5 Wesker is a fun villain in his own right, he just isn't Wesker. He feels like a completely different character to me. If you've watched these videos you might have noticed this already.
RE 5, if you wish to give the writers the benefit of the doubt, is a story of Wesker having a complete mental breakdown after finding out certain retcons truths about his past. He's not usually like that. For one thing, count how many times he mentions being a god in any of this footage. Go on. I'll wait.
Classic flavor Wesker is calm, cold, and calculating. He loves pitting enemies against each other and then running off with the spoils. He does very little grandstanding and he's not all that hammy (campy? definitely, but not hammy. there's a difference). He's pragmatic to a fault, and a master at shifting his plans around to work on the fly. He also doesn't give a flying fuck about eugenics, or "saving the world", he's in it for power and money and building better monsters just because he can. There. I said it. I feel better for it.
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light-wolf · 3 months
Ok, time for some of my Nintendo Direct thoughts! I'll go in announcement order:
Mario & Luigi: Brothership: Well, this came out of nowhere! After the closure of AlphaDream, I assumed the M&L series was dead, at least for the time being, so this was a really cool surprise. Mario RPG fans are eating good lately. Game looks really fun and charming and I'm looking forward to it!
Fantasian Neo Dimension: I'm not super familiar with this game but I've heard cool things about it so it's nice seeing it on Switch. I have soooooo many JRPGs in my backlog already though...
Donkey Kong Country Returns HD: This one was a bit of a disappointment, to be honest. Not that I don't like seeing a great game get an upgraded version available on a modern console, but man... it's been 10 years since the last original DK game, and all we can get is yet another remake? This is one of Nintendo's biggest and most iconic franchises and it feels like all they do with it these days is using it as Mario spin-off fodder. It's just sad. Oh well. Great game, though, highly recommended.
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake: I haven't played much DQ outside of DQV (which is one of my favorite RPGs of all time) but this one is said to be a classic and I like the HD-2D look so it's definitely on my radar. Nice to see the first two games get remade as well. But I can't help but feel that what I really want is a DQV remake in this style. xD
NSO stuff: Great to see Four Swords live again in some form! Also ZERO MISSION FINALLY!! I've been wanting to replay that one lately. I'm not really interested in Turok or Perfect Dark but I guess it's a good thing that the West also has an "adult" version of the N64 app now, as that opens the door to more games.
Super Mario Party Jamboree: I've never been much of a Mario Party fan, but this one looks quite fun! At least it seems more interesting to me than the other Switch ones. I probably won't get it since I'm more of a solo gamer but I'll keep an eye on it.
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom: HOLY SHIT!!! YES! YES! YES! Oh man, I'm soooo glad that this game exists! I LOVE 2D Zelda and I've been wanting a playable Zelda for so long. Also the gameplay looks so creative and fun! Not a huuuuge fan of it reusing the "toy" art style of the Link's Awakening remake (even though I loved it in that context) but I feel like this game has enough differentiating stuff to have its own identity, so I'm fine with it. Absolutely love this. Probably my favorite thing about the Direct, and it's releasing quite soon too! Can't wait!
Stray: Not a lot to say about this other than it's a game I really wanted to play back when it first released but I didn't have access to it. So it's great to have it on Switch! If the port doesn't suck I'll probably get it at some point.
Ace Attorney Investigations Collection: YESSSS!! These two are the only AA games I haven't played yet, and while I've considered emulating them for years, this is even better! Also great to see the second game get an official localization. So all around a great thing. AA7 when, Capcom? :P
Metroid Prime 4: Beyond: Oh man, what can I say? It's real. Seven years after being announced with just a logo, we finally got a real first look at it. A very short first look that didn't really show much, but a first look nonetheless. It was a bit disappointing seeing it get a 2025 release date, but oh well. I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up being a cross-gen release. We'll see. Can't wait to see more, and find out what's the deal with Sylux.
Overall I'd say it was a pretty good Direct! Nintendo is still giving the Switch a lot of love during its final years and that's great to see. Now, to keep working on that backlog...
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wfagamerants · 3 months
You know the drill by now. New Direct, New Mario games shown. I will talk about them here. There was plenty else I enjoyed, but with the Mario focus of the blog, I wanna give the three new Mario games my attention.
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Donkey Kong Country Returns HD
I understand this one feels underwhelming for some, given DK has still not gotten a non-port or remake game on Switch, but to be honest, I like this. DKCR is a phenomenal platformer and with the 3DS content included, we now finally got a definitive version to point people to and I do think this gives this re-release a lot of value.
Not much else to say, because I doubt there will be much, if anything, new. Seems like a very Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD situation and I am okay with that.
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Mario & Luigi Brothership
This was easily the biggest bombshell and yeah, what a way to start the Direct. The recent RPG and TTYD remakes made me hope that Nintendo may be working on a serious relaunch for the RPG branch of Mario, but to see them do it this soon is not something I could have ever seen coming.
Much is still unknown, but there is quite a bit we can look at, like the visuals! The occasional use of 3D models in the 3DS games made me wonder what a fully 3D M&L could look like and Brothership gives a very pleasing answer. Translating a series known for stellar sprite work into 3D is an uphill battle and Brotherhood manages to pull it off with both a really faithful translation of the series’ artstyle we always saw in official art and animation that’s as snappy and toony as it should be for a series like this.
Especially happy about the cutscenes. RPG already made me really want to see more like those and Brothership is very similar. Seeing the characters be this animated and not limited to their standard animation sets is a joy to watch and M&L is the perfect series to do a lot with that.
We got plenty of new character designs already too and those largely go for a tool theme. Very interested to see where this will take things, but just in terms of designs, I like em’. Connie seems to be the big hit among fans and I am firmly in that camp too. She’s adorable.
What we hear of the music is good stuff too. It’s to be seen if Yoko Shimomura is still working her magic, but I’d be surprised if she wasn’t brought back.
In terms of gameplay there is not much known yet, but I am very curious how they’ll do things. After the Baby Bros, Bowser, Dreamy Luigi and Paper Mario, we are back to just Mario and Luigi and that promises some expansions to the gameplay around just the two of them.
We already see hints of that with the jump and hammer attacks shown in the trailer, which involved Luigi helping out Mario for a bit of a team attack. They don’t seem to be Bros Attacks, since we see the Shell one we had since PiT at the end of the trailer, so maybe that’s just what jump and hammer moves are like now? We’ll see, I find the idea intriguing. 
One thing up in the air is how the game will handle previous M&L specific characters. The series has been remarkably good about keeping those in the picture and making these games feel truly connected. Not a big deal if they treat this like a soft relaunch though, even if I would be perfectly content with even just a picture of a Shroob on a wall or something.
The titular ship and island theme makes me curious about the overall structure of the game. The most likely answer being that different areas are separated into islands you visit one by one. Perhaps there could be an exploration mechanic ala’ Wind Waker, or the very blatantly based on that section in Origami King, where you can sail yourself, find treasure and optional islands?
Only time will tell, but I am really excited and happy to see a series back that has been in a very unsure place for years.
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Mario Party Jamboree
As far as realistic wishes go, Mario Party was my big one, so I am very pleased and it easily stands shoulder to shoulder with Brothership and away from Mario, Echoes of Wisdom and the Marvel vs Capcom Collection, for me.
Mario Party is one of my favorite series period and I even got quite a bit out of the pre-Switch NDCube games. 10 and Star Rush in particular I openly defend a lot. That said, my relationship with the Switch entries has been a rocky one.
I never really liked Super, it always felt like a pale imitation of the classic formula, that lacked a lot of what I like about the series and made many decisions I didn’t vibe with.
Superstars is much better, but still ended up being a tug-of-war of really good stuff and things I found still lacking, particularly in terms of content and how off a lot of minigames felt to control, compared to their original counterparts.
Jamboree is looking to be the Mario Party I have been waiting for all gen and it’s looking to fix all the problems I had with the previous games.
7 boards, 5 new and 2 returning. Never thought of a mix of old and new as an option, but it’s a move I can get behind. It’s a good way to get more boards in. I’d like it if they remade some of the GameCube boards for once, but I am not complaining. Hard to when Western Land is back baybeeeh!
The new boards all look good. It really seems like we are back to the 6-8 era approach of giving every board their own gimmick and that’s something I have been waiting to see again. The theming looks great too, especially the mall and race track ones, some creative stuff in there.
The roster surprised me too. Superstars had a laughably poor one and while Super had a large one, it made decisions I didn’t like, particularly relegating several established characters to NPC roles.
Jamboree does away with that, Birdo’s here, the Toads are back, which I really wanted and all around while I prefer less mook heavy rosters, I like the selection on offer here, especially Ninji and I’ll never say no to Boo or Shy Guy.
I also like what they did with Bowser. I love the guy, but his playable role in Super I feel robbed the series of something. His usual role is a big, irreplaceable part of the series, in both gameplay and vibe. This force who commands the power to massively shake up the game. Kamek in both function and presentation just didn’t offer a good replacement, so the new approach to have a Kamek created Bowser clone fill in is a significantly better compromise.
Ninji not being in the intro and bringing the roster up to an odd numbered 21 does indicate possible unlockables. I’d be happy if what we saw is what we get, but I’d never say no to say, Pauline, who is otherwise still strangely absent from the series.
What we saw of the minigames meanwhile looks good. A much better mix of zany antics and more grounded competition than Super had, which dialed back the slapstick adventure feeling a ton. The large number of minigames, seemingly all original this time, is also genuinely impressive.
We also got the promise of more modes, but so far the only one we got concretely introduced to is Koopathlon, which is blatantly Coinathlon from Star Rush brought online and escalated to 20 players. As someone who loved Coinathlon, I fully support this.
On top of that, I could already hear new voice clips, which is just that extra mile I appreciate. Mario spin-offs are no stranger to reusing those a ton and Party is one of the more notable examples of it, but something about the ones used post-10 I found especially grating, especially how much Superstars spams them in some minigames, so I am VERY pleased to get away from that.
On the whole, Jamboree feels like a lot of lessons were learned and they really want to make this one something special and I am very excited for that. This really makes the previous two games feel like test runs and I did hope they were just that. Especially Superstars which showed some real understanding of how to make a great Mario Party, but just wasn’t there yet in too many areas for my liking.
In general, a strong trio of titles, that really shows a surprising amount of gas in the tank for a system that is now in its twilight years. Along with the 2023 output for the series, I am extremely excited where things will go from here.
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lipglossanon · 5 months
i am going to limit myself and just ask,,, 🍇, 🫐, 🍐, 🍋
- 💀
(if you get to this late already answered some just disregard me asking <33)
Howdy 💀 anon! 👋
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/ book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
Hmmm 🤔 I’m going to go with OG RE4 and the scene where Leon grabs Ashley’s hand to jump (“No way, Leon!” “Way.”). I think of that scene a lot when writing snarky Leon cause I feel like that whole segment including “I knew you’d be fine if you landed on your butt” encapsulates his character perfectly 🤣
And as for remake Leon, the “I’ll give you holy body” is so good for inspo 😵‍💫
🫐 What's your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there's almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn't been written yet, etc.)
Oooh how fun!! I’m all about underrated characters, Ark Thompson for example 🤣 and I love Billy x Rebecca! 🥺 Rebecca isn’t written about a lot and she’s such a cutie! And tropes? 🤔 I kinda wish there were more normal-ish tropes used (like coffee shop barista meet cutes 🤭) but I’m not put out there aren’t any 🤣
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc...
I’d have to go with character deaths or just characters disappearing never to be seen again (Luis, Carlos, Billy, Krauser, etc 😭). I hate that Capcom takes the cheap way out with their characters so I try to fix that when possible 😝
(And also, since there’s so many versions of each game and they’re all kinda canon in some way, I like to find the versions that work best for me and work them into sounding right)
🍋 What's your favorite spicier trope to write?
Hehehe 🤭 this is so tough!!! 😩 I love monsterfucking but I think my fave trope is lactation kink or thigh fucking 🤔 this is too hard 💀 anon 😭 I have too many!
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lenskyq · 1 year
the potential of Ada and Luis' partnership in "Separate Ways" of Re4Make (speculations and spoilers from main game).
I have no doubt that Capcom will release DLC "Separate Ways" (especially after Leon's words about it), the only question is when it will happen.
and if so, then we will inevitably see the partnership of Ada and Luis, and this is what I have a lot of expectations about. I understand that it's not a fact that Capcom will devote a lot of time to their relationship, but this is what I would like, because it really has a lot of prerequisites (since re4 original).
in the original, they worked as a team, but, unfortunately, it was not felt. they had only one (rather dry) dialogue for all the DLC, and honestly, this is such a lost potential, given the facts that we had in the canon.
that it was Ada who helped Luis get rid of the parasite in his body. that it was Ada who recommended Luis to the organization, explaining this not by saying that "he is useful", but by saying that "I like him". her report about Luis (chapter 2) shows how she treats him positively, and that he reminds her of her "young self". but we didn't see it in the game itself.
now we have a remake, and this is where Capcom can fix this misunderstanding and give us a really memorable bromance.
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we saw only one joint scene with them (from Leon's story), but already in it they and their dynamics look damn good. Ada gives her hand to Luis when he almost fell (as a partner and ally), smiling at him, while Luis' expression describes gratitude, and you know, he smiles back at her. at the beginning of the scene, Ada stood taller than Luis, reminding him of the terms of the deal, but at the end? the situation is clearly softening. Ada picks him up (helps him as a partner) by the hand and they are on the same level. the gesture itself (the way Ada lifted Luis) it seems to be what looks like a relationship of partners, allies (the bromance we've been waiting for).
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it seems very likely to me that now Ada and Luis will really work together, and that now they will really be a team. I can see it even in the scene we saw in Leon's story. it will be strange to lose and not develop the dynamic that they gave Ada and Luis in this scene.
I think Luis didn't join Leon and Ashley at the castle because he was with Ada at that moment.
I can be bolder in my assumptions and suggest that the partnership of Ada and Luis may be stronger than the partnership of Leon and Luis. why? well, at least because Luis doesn't tell Leon anymore that he has a sample. he tells Leon what Leon needs to know, but no more. for example, he does not tell Leon about Ada (and does not talk about the sample that he hid in his pocket for Ada).
it is interesting that now Leon and Luis do not have such a strong connection as in the original, that now Luis does not come to Leon with a sample that he got for Ada, but hides it from Leon and keeps a sample for Ada, as Luis and Ada agreed. Luis withholds information from Leon for Ada's sake, but when he encounters Ada, he tells her that "there is something you should know about." is Luis more open with Ada than with Leon? well, so far it looks like it.
until we got "Separate Ways", I can assume that Luis and Ada are connected not only by their "deal", but also by the partnership that we will be watching in the DLS (based on what I said above).
Krauser killed Luis and took the sample from him (which Luis kept for Ada and which he did not tell Leon about), explaining that he was hunting for "a couple of rats". obviously, this couple consists of Luis and Ada (this also speaks in favor of the fact that they will be allies in "Separate Ways"). in the original, Ada was a witness to Luis' death. it seems inevitable that this will remain unchanged in the remake. at least because Luis got the sample, and he has to give it to Ada. it is unlikely that Ada will see the process of death, but she will definitely see Luis' dead body. if they really have a bromance, then this moment will be really touching.
in addition, it will add sharpness to the conflict between Ada and Krauser. Capcom changed the root cause of the conflict (because now it's not Ada, but Luis who saved Leon from Krauser), but set the route in which Krauser wants to eliminate Ada and Luis. he handled Luis. if Ada and Luis have developed a bromance, then Ada will have personal motives in her conflict with Krauser and the theme of revenge for her ally.
it can be said that Leon has already avenged Luis, but for Leon, his connection with Krauser is more than his connection with Luis. this is fair, because Krauser is the one who trained Leon, the one who had a great influence on Leon and other moments of their relationship in the remake. Ada doesn't have such a connection with Krauser, which for Leon is more than a connection with Luis, but Ada can have a connection with Luis, which (theoretically) can be more than a connection between Luis and Leon. this will work very well if Capcom keeps Ada and Krauser's fight in "Separate Ways" and that it was Ada who killed Krauser, not Leon.
because of the way Krauser's death was presented at Leon's hands, I'm not sure Ada will be the one to kill Krauser definitively. but I admit it possible, given that Krauser's phrase implied a conflict with Ada and that this conflict would be more personal for Ada if she developed a bromance with Luis. whatever it was, Leon's murder of Krauser did not look like revenge for Luis, but as their personal moment of farewell. but we can get revenge for Luis if they keep Ada and Krauser fight (and Ada has a bromance with Luis).
it is also important that if Ada and Luis really have a bromance in "Separate Ways", then her mention of Luis in the ending will carry a stronger message and sparkle with new colors (that we did not notice during the main game, because still we have not seen the bromance of Ada and Luis, which we will see in Separate Ways).
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a small addition: also Luis can become a "shipper on deck". how Helena was to Leon when she saw his feelings for Ada. Luis can be the one who will see Ada's feelings for Leon, and now Ada will face something like "She is more than just a friend for you, isn't she?". and while I don't deny that one of the reasons Luis helped Leon was his sincere desire to "get better," I also think that this may be what Ada asked Luis (it doesn't diminish Luis' help for Leon and doesn't diminish his desire to become a better person).
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captivis · 3 months
Just finished Jake, Leon and started on Chris's re6 campaigns (I've also played re0, re2 remake, re3 remake, re4, re7 and a little bit of resident evil 1) and I'm now certified to talk about ships because there are a lot and they're never canon in resident evil so I can have a field day.
Ps. If I miss any feel free to suggest some there's a high possibility I just forgot
Chris x jill
I see the appeal but idk where is the depth, they work just as well as close friends and trauma bonded comrades in arms and I love that for them.
Leon x claire
Again I understand why people would ship it but absolutely not for me. (They are the best co-parents to sherry though)
Leon x Ada (pls don't come for me)
I truly don't understand it, Ada saved Leon once and he's spent decades trailing around after her for no good reason?? Like this man's pining has a body count +I just don't really feel the chemistry, I know I'm supposed to play and root for them but I just don't care.
Chris x leon
I don't know why this ship appeals to me so much when they've had like 4 interactions but I just think it kinda slaps and they already have lots of tension so A* from me.
I was going to put Chris x Claire but if you ship that then there is something unfortunate occurring in your brain and you need help.
Claire x Jill
I think there's a universe where Claire x Jill and Chris x leon are both canon and I think that the character interactions would be peak
Jill x carlos
I genuinely really like this ship, in the remake at least it feels like there's chemistry, they're not just trying to escape raccoon city they have a connection and are looking out for each other (I also really love that Carlos respects Jill's ability because she is such a baddass)
Jill x brad
Nah they're comrades in arms
Any ship involving nemesis or Mr X is a wrongun
Chris x wesker
I think it's funny for the lols but I don't think I properly ship it
Jill x wesker
Sherry x jake
I LOVE THIS SHIP I don't know why it's so underappreciated and why it's not canon, capcom you cowards
Rebecca x billy
Luv it 10/10
Rebecca x wesker
Ew no 0/10
Luis x leon
In the OG re4 no way but remake Leon and Luis I definitely see it and I kinda ship it yeah
Leon x ashley
No pls no, Leon gives such big brother/ uncle vibes
Ethan x mia
I don't like Mia so I'm not a fan
Ethan x Heisenberg
HULLO SAILOR I unironically quite like this ship like it's my fav of the re8 ships
Ethan x chris
I think Chris cares for Ethan but not in that way
Any male character with lady D is a no no, she doesn't like men and I respect that
Helena x leon
I definitely think they would be kind of friends but I don't think they would be good for a long term relationship
Chris x piers
I ship it icl, I haven't even finished the campaign but dear lord piers is not being subtle at all, that twink is down bad good lord.
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Bread's Game Of The Year #2: Resident Evil 4
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What do I even say about Resident Evil 4 Remake? The fact RE4 isn't my number one game this year is nothing short or a miracle of quality for the #1 game, but that's not what we're talking about right now. Right now we're talking about Capcom pulling off the gaming equivalent of the called shot home run. Pointing directly at a level of quality I feel most thought was unattainable, and slamming the final product out of the park to such a degree that no remake may ever feel this way ever again. Capcom didn't have to do much to make the RE4 remake a good product. Hell, they didn't have to do much to make it a great product. Making a gussied up remake of the game that transformed action shooters way back in 2005 was probably enough to garner high reviews and player goodwill. Capcom didn't do that. Capcom went deep into the bones of RE4, the very core of that experience, and built from the ground up, a new experience, based on the one we all love, that twists, turns and polishes every little possible thing you could imagine. The basic story, of course remains the same. The core gameplay is very similar to what we've all grown accustomed to, albeit morphed and changed in key areas to update the game to modern sensibilities while losing nothing of the original charm. Even the characters are largely similar, but in this one lies I think one of the most important triumphs. The number one thing I was worried this remake would forget, is how funny Resident Evil 4 is, it didn't. Sure, things are indeed a little darker, the times are different, intentional cheese is not quite as welcome. Every character in this game is so damn charming, though. Leon is still a hyper competent super-spy dork who can't tell a good joke to save his life. Ashley has been expanded upon and is no longer a shrieking damsel in distress, but the original fish out of water energy she always had remains and works wonders in the new tone, her plucky energy a highlight of the whole story. Luis, with a new found obsession with Don Quixote, gets the best update of them all. Featuring a much clearer character arc, genuine pathos, and still keeping his cigarette smoking, dirt covered, cagey information doling charm. I say all of this before I even get into the core of the gameplay loop, which is immaculate. RE4 Remake may have an entirely different feel to the general gameplay, much weightier and with better movement options, but it fits like a glove. Even if you've never played this remake, if you've played the original game even once, this remake has a remarkable ability to feel like you've just stepped back into home after years away. Getting that first stagger headshot and seeing Leon give a good weighty kick to a Gando is an unbeatable goofball feeling in gaming, I cannot stress how incredible an experience Resident Evil 4 Remake is. Hell, I didn't even get into Separate Ways, probably the best DLC of the year. That anything beats this out for my GOTY is a testament to the astounding quality of video games we got this year, but if you know me, and the very specific niche of thing I am obsessed with, you probably already know what that'll be.
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ovaryacted · 5 months
CW: Discussions about Resident Evil Leaks
Been seeing posts about these Resident Evil leaks surrounding RE9 and a possible RE1 remake. If Leon Kennedy is somehow the lead character of RE9 (which I don’t believe), I will either scream or cry but I don’t know if I’ll be a good reaction or a bad one. Either way, they’re gonna milk him till the end so let’s see what they come up with, especially when you consider how the face models and voice actors are treated by “fans”. Pero jajaja.
My only request is that if Leon is relevant to RE9, they should make him older and give him longer hair. If they can give us Chris when he’s like 40 something and graying, I want the same for Leon. GIVE HIM THE GRAYS! I also am secretly hoping that eventually, we get Leon having a breakdown. Idk, after all the shit he’s been through I need him to do some manic shit and have a cathartic moment where everything comes crumbling down. I want to see that man haunted by his demons and come back like a phoenix even if it’s one last time.
I love Leon to death, I do, but I also don’t want him to be the main character of the next installment lowkey. I also don’t really know if that makes sense considering they just dropped RE4R last year with Leon, and the context of the Winters family is allegedly supposed to be a trilogy so RE9 can be a conclusion to Rose & Ethan AND possibly Chris to figure out more about how he got involved in the first place or what happened to make him go rogue from the BSAA. We already know Capcom is remaking the prior RE games, we just don’t know in what order or what games they’re prioritizing. I would kill to have a Code Veronica or RE5 remake, or having something regarding Jill and Claire because I want them to return to the franchise as the important characters they are but Capcom just hates the RE female characters so we’ll see.
I never really trust leaks cause I just don’t think RE9 is anywhere near done and considering the inconsistencies in the RE “canon” timeline anyway, we just have to wait and see for any real announcements. But, I will continue to manifest the RE5 remake, I think a complete overhaul of that game and a reintroduction to Wesker, Chris, Jill, and Sheva would be so cool. Again, I don’t know shit, this is just me speculating but I don’t think those leaks are real either way so snooze fest. 🤷‍♀️
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
I think people tend to ignore Leon fucking up (like with Shen May), because they have the mindset of "oh no, that's my favourite character! So he can't do anything wrong or have any flaws!" It's such a limiting way to think. I mean, I really like Leon too, but I'll openly say that he often gives me the fucking ick, lmao. The Shen May scene had me recoiling. Man's a stereotype of "that creepy guy at the bar" and he exudes that a LOT. I'm glad he was turned down. Even the characters we love need to be humbled when they're full of shit, because it's realistic and interesting. It's okay to think outside of the caveman "he good! no bad!"
Also, tacking on, because despite it being a different topic, I may as well stick to a singular ask. Jilleon is such a weird concept to me, lmao. I think for the most part it's treated pretty lightheartedly, but I'm confused because I couldn't really identify where it came from, other than that they're both attractive. I love Jill, but I don't see her reciprocating any attraction. Like, remotely. They get along fine, but I can't even see a close friendship. Maybe I'm biased though, cause I love her and as much as I enjoy Leon, dear god above he doesn't need another love interest. Also Capcom please just grow your balls and properly address Valenfield. We all know they're either a couple or have been pining for several decades.
I'm not gonna lie, if OG Leon asked me out, I'd have told him I had a boyfriend, too. Or maybe just even told him I wasn't interested in men all together. His approach is so... old-fashioned in a bad way. It's evidence that his development was arrested in 1998; he hasn't matured past that point, so he thinks that it's still a thing to just go up to a cute girl and ask for her number right after getting her name.
So like. I'm not surprised that it's pretty much exclusively early 20s and younger ppl who don't think he's trying to ask her on an actual date, because no one does that shit anymore. That was already out of fashion by the time I was in high school, even, and I entered high school in 2003.
But for any tiny childrens who are reading this: yes this is literally how relationships would start in the 80s and 90s. Out of nowhere and on a whim between complete strangers and just hoping it works.
Re: jilleon
Prior to Death Island, I would have agreed with you. 100% I didn't understand what the basis for it was, and I didn't think she'd be interested in him at all.
Then I watched Death Island. And I'm 85% sure that they've already slept together LMAO Chris dropped the ball between RE5 and DI, and Leon just kind of slid in there and took his shot and actually seems to have made it???
If I'm not mistaken, Jill is the only person other than Remake Ashley in the entire series who actually laughs at Leon's jokes. And she actually gets him to laugh out loud in return -- which is almost unheard of for him.
They just seem very comfortable around each other in general. Jill seems more at ease in his presence than she's been in Chris's since... Lost in Nightmares? And Leon is definitely more comfortable being with her than he is being with Ada or Claire. Like, Jill seems as comfy as a presence for Leon as Chris and Ashley are.
I just really like their dynamic in general. I don't think of them as romantic, but I see them as very, very good friends who just fuck every once in a while.
Like, Chris is still Leon's best friend, but their relationship is a lot more intense. But Jill is the person that Leon first thinks to call when he needs to nerd out about movies or to just bullshit in general. And then every so often, a text message conversation happens like:
"Gonna be in DC for a weekend for BSAA shit. Pick me up from the airport?"
"Sure. What hotel?"
"Staying with a friend actually idk if you know him. Leon Kennedy? In the DSO. Brown hair, blue eyes, giant cock?"
"Never heard of him. Sounds like he's in for a fun weekend though."
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biohazard-4ever · 3 months
how did you like RE4 remake in comparison to Shinji's OG 4?
curious to know your review on the game if you'd ever like to share xd
story, characters, gameplay and all that
I am completely and utterly biased about the OG RE4 and I'll NOT deny it. But I'll make a TL:DR section:
RE4Remake: 10000/10
RE4Original: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10
I AM biased. But, this is MY opinion, so, now the long deal:
Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4R) gives a way more serious tone to the story. Many would say a: 10000/10, much better than the OG.
Here comes my Biased self opinion: I think the cheesy and silly plot and scenes all make perfect sense for a Resident Evil game. Especially about Leon as a character. This is what Leon is, too. The cheesy, the bad punchlines, this is all part of Leon's charm. So...
When CAPCOM decided to make the story a lot darker to be taken serious, they also are walking away from what is Resident Evil - in part. But I also don't blame them...
But "awesome horror stories" happen everyday. Storywise, RE4R really became one more in an ocean of gazillions.
It will not age as well as the OG did. I have my doubts if the RE4REMAKE will become as timeless as RE4OG STILL is. The story was fine back then, and now, it is iconic. Leon (OGRE4) made it iconic.
"Your right hand comes off?"
"This is no ritual. It is terrorism."
"Rain or shine, you're going down."
"Hasta Luego"
"B I N G O?"
Leon in the OG can still entertain you. Make you fall for him and make you laugh. He calls the attention to himself.
RE4Remake has a small problem... One of the most Iconic and best chat between Leon and Salazar happens during a boss fight. But it can easily be missed because you'll be a little too busy trying to survive mid a BOSS FIGHT. You will not pay attention to it.
Most of Leon's best moment in the REMAKE happens OUT of cutscenes. During gameplay -, and some can even be skippable if you don't trigger it. So, you kinda miss part of Leon.
Meanwhile, RE4OG Leon, while quiet during the entire campaign, has a bigger presence because of the cutscenes he does appear.
RE4Remake Leon is FUCKING AWESOME. But RE4OG Leon... Is simply... Unreacheable. There are no words do describe it.
Definitely RE4Remake came to improve the entire experience. The gameplay is AWESOME. The enemies are way more dangerous and smart. You get surrounded easily and it does feel claustrophobic even when you are in the middle of the village, an open area. It is AWESOME. It is PERFECT...
But RE4OG started an entire trend. The over the shoulder camera? Thank RE4 for it. It popularized it for us. The crown will forever belong to the OG for that.
And I tell you more. BOTH are still very playable and DELICIOUSLY SO! Like how it is with the OG, I'm sure RE4Remake will age REALLY WELL (talking about its' gameplay.)
When talking about the OG Resident Evil 4, and when you ask me about:"Characters", I'd tell you: Leon.
Now, if we are talking about RE4Remake... I'll say: Leon and Ashley.
Ashley became PART of the universe. She exists. She is real. She is there. She is not a mechanic, she matters. Ashley is fantastic... The remake now tell us the story of TWO AMAZING main characters -, Leon and Ashley. How they overcome it all... It is all so cinematographic it is PERFECTION.
Also, small curiosity! Did you know the first cutscene, with Leon in the car with the cops, was the LAST scene they recorded from the RE4Remake? (while the chain scenes was one of the first). Nick didn't say why and no one put much thought into it...
But in my opinion? That was a very wise and AMAZING decision. Because it sure helped to give Leon/Nick this vibe of exhaustion he shows in that scene, with the hype already down and the actors already comfortable and used with the role... It was a perfect idea. It is amazing to end the job by reccording the beggining of the work; because the weight of everything you went through will finally weight down on you during those last few seconds in scene.
You know what is about to come, you know what your character will go through from that point on... And that can almost be SEEN in the Remake
It is almost as if Leon knows too. This is where I felt the most connected with him -, because like all of us (or, most of us who played the OG), he knows it... He knows. He is already exhausted by it.
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possessionisamyth · 1 year
previous anon about Carlos should have been in here: there is a few things about RE2R that I wish wasn't left out was Chris having anything to acknowledge why he didn't tell Claire himself he'll be "taking time off" and she had to hear it in the midst of the world ending from Marvin (in OG2 we find a file saying can't tell Claire I'm being watched and she would want to come with me to guard my back... does that get addressed in OG code veronica? i don't remember much all I remember is Chris "I always keep my promises"... hi call back in Village Mia in the cells says something like "you promised you would keep us safe") and Jill already being there and suffering/tying up loose ends (she had a planned time to leave its on her calendar and suffering is the pills on her bedside table and that letter "barely eating/ barely sleeping") the only people she had with her is Carlos and Tyrell and they were ubcs
the only form of "jealousy" i want to see from Chris when it comes to Carlos is none (maybe a little angst about Carlos did something Chris didn't which is get to Jill in time). Chris is in a horrible situation with Jill AND more importantly Claire who we barely get to see him interact with (he couldn't even try to reach for her when they were in neighbouring cells?) and then we throw in Carlos? who went through so much helping Jill (does Carlos know that giving the "vaccine" to Jill is what made Wesker want her- that her blood had the t virus specifically modified for the Nemesis and the vaccine?)
i enjoyed the film... the one time i watched. it any time I rewatch my enjoyment will be because i am watching it with my sister (after her first time watching it obviously) and we start making fun of it
(next and only time I want to see Leon again is when he is getting dragged by a horse. watch trick riding then watch that motobike scene in vendetta as to why)
Welcome back! There was a lot in the first paragraph, so I spent the day rereading and poking at what events you're talking about. I know after reading the rest of this ask that there's something I need to state.
I don't know what train of canon these movies are going for post-RE2 Remake (2019). Vendetta dropped in 2017 the same year as RE7 and as far as we know follows the canon timeline of all the games prior aka RE0-RE6. But after this? Infinite Darkness and Death Island? Entirely up in the air. With all the changes they're shifting to make things more realistic they could be going from the remakes, but Infinite Darkness dropped before the RE4 Remake and takes place after those events. Other than hard dates for what movie or game happens when, I'm genuinely adverse even considering touching which canon trail the movies and animated series are following from 2021 forward. The best I can do is say the original games are one canon, the remakes are another, and they're not supposed to be interchangeable, but Capcom is trying to shove them into one box for???? reasons??? (Money. The reason is money.)
I always try to compare them as separate trails just to see what the remakes try to pull from the original games based on inspiration and improvements. One of the most notable changes they make for the remakes is how important information is delivered to the player.
In the original games they make you read a lot. There are tons of documents and files sprinkled all over the area, in desks, behind paintings, on the ground, in lockers, on doors, in windows, in safes, under chairs, on the stairs, buy my wares, it's all over the place! And it's overwhelming! Especially because you don't even need half of the information you find to progress. It's good for people who want to know lore, but if you're a seasoned player, you can filter out the lore from the "this has a hint or keycode I need to unlock the next area". So you won't read what you don't care to read meaning character beats like Chris' notes can be skipped with no consequence other than losing some of the story. By having a different character voice this information to the player, you can't skip it. You are getting vital information that helps enrich the backstory and the nuance of the characters and the world around you in those same bites of time.
The best example of this is the changes they did for Luis from Resident Evil 4. In the original, you learn all of his information, his backstory, his motives, everything about him through a fuck ton of notes and letters that are very easy to skip or miss. From a storytelling perspective, there's no value in that. If you miss most of this information, he's just some guy the entire time, who's kinda sexist, and gives you bullets and healing items. In the remake, he's telling you and showing you who he is through his actions. You the player get to see his motivations and character through cut scenes with Ada and Leon with minimal sleuthing with a couple pictures and a singular journal you find that may or may not relate to him. And the last edges of the truth come out in just a couple documents in his lab before the final boss fight. It's not through this 20 page lore dump that's supposed to inspire sympathy at the end of the game. This change worked because everyone wants to fuck Luis now.
So it's small, but I do appreciate Marvin being the one to tell Claire about Chris. It highlights that Chris trusted Marvin adding a little more sadness to his death because maybe they were friends. It let's the audience know that Chris talks about Claire at work enough that Marvin knows how important she is therefore telling the player Chris cares about her a lot. It also lets Claire and the player receive this information very painlessly because not everyone is a completionist who needs to play the game 50 times and wring everything out of it.
As for Chris being in a bad situation with Claire and Jill, I really don't think that's the case. I know Chris drops the ball sometimes, but it's not on purpose, and it's never out of malicious intent. He tries, and he beats himself up when he fails. He's his own biggest critic because he's lost so many people, and it hurts him to see others doing what stupid shit he does, because he doesn't want them to get hurt. He wants the people he cares about to be better than him.
Chris did blame himself for not being there for Claire in Raccoon City, and he apologized to her in Code Veronica. As for not holding Claire's hand through the bars, I don't know how he would've done that.
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Look at Jill's hand and how she grasps one of the bars of the cell. The gaps are very narrow, and Chris has huge arms. Maybe Claire could squeeze a limb through, but she'd have to bend her arm very awkwardly for Chris to make that reassuring contact unless they both sat on the floor. I know he very much did want to hold her hand, and I do blame the directors for not giving us a single Redfield hug. But I don't think it was a matter of Chris not wanting to make sure she's okay. He does love Claire. This movie was terrible about showing that kind of care between literally everyone in the cast.
As for Chris being on bad terms with Jill, I can't say that's true either. This movie takes place 6 years after Wesker is finally dead. Presumably that means this is Jill's first year back on the field since her traumatic event. Chris isn't going to leave her on radio silence after all they've been through together. She's not Leon. I like to believe Chris was there for her through a lot of her recovery and probably endorsed her return to the BSAA because she wanted to come back. It's a small moment, but when Chris first approaches her in the shooting range, Jill tells him not to worry about her and passes him a water bottle. There's an understanding here. Their friendship isn't gone nor diminished, but Jill is putting herself under a lot of pressure, and Chris doesn't know how to take that weight from her shoulders. That's why their conversation deteriorated the way it did.
As for Carlos, I think he'd have mixed feelings on knowing him helping Jill survive was a boon for Wesker, but I don't think he'd beat himself up for it. At the time, there were only two options which were save Jill or let Jill die. He's no scientist that could synthesize an alternate cure, and he cares about Jill as deeply as she cares about him. In any variation of the events of 1998, he wouldn't have let her die if he had the power to prevent it. He also knows if their roles were reversed, she would do the same for him. Yes, it's awful that Wesker manipulated Jill for a fact of her body she had no control over, but I'm sure Jill and Carlos would've had a long talk about not playing the blame game if the conversation came up between them. Capcom had to get rid of Carlos (and Sheva) because he actually has decent communication skills, and that doesn't work for their half-assed written angst dynamics.
Also don't get me started on RE7 and RE8 because I have a bazillion words about the Winters family and Chris. Like...too many...
But I'm happy you're having fun making fun of the film! I'll be doing that myself during my rewatches as I write out my rewrite with Carlos.
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ya-kiri · 1 year
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I don't normally get ranty but I wanted to bring it up barely anyone seems to be bringing it up. The way Konami handled the physical release of the Switch version of MGS Master Collection Vol. 1 is incorrigible and abysmal. There is nothing on the cartridge, how can they keep getting away with their antics? It's just a digital download with extra steps!!
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They might as well just save more money by making it a code in a box than spending money on producing cartridges with nothing on them. To make it worse, PlayAsia can't save us this time because the Asia version is the same. A special kind of incompetence indeed for Konami. For crying out loud the .Hack Last Recode collection on Switch from Bandai Namco has four games, 3 of which are PS2 games, and it's all on one cart, to give an example. And you know they're not gonna rectify this cuz it's already set in stone and they have two other console versions (PS5 and XBOX) that don't have this issue. Jeez it's like they saw what Capcom was doing with their collections in the early days of the Switch and said "hold my pachinko machine."
​ There is no respect or effort being given. To them the Switch version is the runt of the litter, an acceptable loss because they think they'll make most of their profits off the other console versions. To Konami, Metal Gear is not a cherished and renowned series, in their money-grubbing eyes it's a popular brand to be sold and so, they think people will buy anything with MGS plastered on it even if it's half-assed, that's the obvious and harsh reality of it. They want a quick profit and take us for a couple of chumps and suckers. Unfortunately, there are a small few I've seen who have said they're okay with it as long as they have the case and cartridge, instead of demanding better.
Think about it. The last physical releases they've done have been for Classic Castlevania and Symphony of the Night but not the Advance collection. My guess is because Classic Castlevania and Castlevania Symphony of the Night are the most recognized, marketable and profitable, and that's why the Advance games got nothing. Hopefully this ages poorly in the future, but for now that's what it seems.
"Why not just buy it on PS5 or XBOX?"
 The problem isn't a lack of alternative console options. The issue is how BS this practice is and how blatant the lack of effort is when compared to what the competition has done as of late. How can you sell a PHYSICAL game cart with NO games on it? You may as well not have a physical option. Also, not everyone has a PS5 or XBOX and it's not right to be screwed over for your choice of console, especially if it's not because of technical limitations, but instead it's because of the lack of effort and care by the company. That's the bottom line. Konami is pulling a Konami again.
I hope the upcoming Snake Eater remake is good because if it isn't it's obvious why that happened. Konami sees a profitable entry, not an acclaimed, classic title that left a deep impression on gaming and players. Again, I hope this ages poorly and I'm proven wrong.
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If Konami couldn't get any more scummier, they omitted having to download the games in the Amazon descriptions. So people are going to fooled into buying the Switch version thinking all the games are on the cartridge.
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