r1h4 · 1 year
Hello guys (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) My name is Reiny ^^
And welcome to my AU
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Have a good dayyyy!
Undertale by Toby Fox
Glowtale by Reiny
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shortybones · 2 months
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utdr-stimming · 6 months
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Undyne the Undying stim board!!!
x x x
x :) x
x x x
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galaxywitch99 · 2 months
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captain-orphic-al · 2 years
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nooooough · 2 years
Unpopular opinion, but
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rachelfaye-art · 2 years
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I've been playing Undertale lately, so I had to draw my favorite monster girl, Undyne! I went with the classic bald Undyne this time. Next time, I'm drawing her with bangs.
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ace0fblades0 · 2 years
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Siren!! She’s the undyne of this world, she’s missing her left eye, and has some scarring around the missing eye. Although she usually wears her eyepatch.
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calpalsworld · 1 year
thinking about undertale again and the fact that we can see 1000 arts of genocide route sans sweating and bleeding sexily with a simple google search, yet only 1 or 2 arts of undyne the undying sweating and bleeding sexily across all the internet ever... shows that the artist sphere holds massive gender inequality. +sans doesnt even canonically have a bad ass glowing streaming eye. it like, flashes once or twice. genocide route sans lovers literally stole the bad ass glowing streaming eye from UNDYNE THE UNDYING. plus she has an original theme. megalovania was already used in homestuck. misogyny.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 9 days
[experiment] : {1/2}
(I will refer to the Undertale versions by their names—Doctor Gaster, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne—and the Othertale versions by their nicknames. Shade, Color, Ivory, Sage.
Part 2 linked in the numbers.)
So this animation short is set in the past of Undertale, before Gaster and eventually Sans fall into the Core/Void and are forgotten.
Little Undyne is here because she is getting her blind eye checked by Doctor Gaster. It appears she really hates these check ups.
When Gaster asks her if it hurts, she rather grumpily says that it doesn’t—of course, this is still a younger version of Undertale Undyne, so she is attempting to hide her pain. Perhaps to appear strong and tough.
Doctor Gaster notices this immediately and is both unimpressed and frustrated—he shows a tendency to press on and push up his glasses when he is frustrated. He informs the girl that he needs her to communicate her pain in order to help her properly, and asks again.
Undyne budges just a little this time—saying it doesn’t hurt “that much.” Doctor Gaster asks her if she can see anything in that eye yet, to which the kid shakes her head no—she has monocular vision, just like Sans one day will.
It appears that Doctor Gaster is trying to find a way to restore the girl’s sight in her blind eye. It’s unclear if something injured her eye or if she was born blind, because she has a bandage over the eye for the rest of the short.
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(Look at how cute!)
Unlike the full braid Ivory will eventually gain, this baby version of Undyne only has little pigtails.
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Here we see Sans with a babybones Papyrus.
This tells us a few things. One, that Color/Sans and Gaster/Shade used to be coworkers in the lab before everything happened.
Two, that it appears Sans was Papyrus’ only caretaker; as he has to bring the baby into work with him, in a dangerous lab, rather than leave him at home with a caretaker or a babysitter.
We can also see that baby Papyrus still has that orange scarf that Sage will eventually still have—even when kid Sage and Ivory meet up again in the Garbage dumps after an event only described as “the explosion,” Sage still has that scarf.
Assuming this was something Sans gave Papyrus, we can also assume that it’s possibly another sign of Sans’ existence in Othertale other than a mysterious sock.
Although how Sage got his scarf if Sans wasn’t there to give it to him is a mystery—did he find it somewhere and take because he was cold living alone on the streets, or did he always have it—he just doesn’t remember how, when, or why? If it’s the latter case—does Sage ever wonder if he had a family or a caretaker.
Does he think they abandoned him?
Back to the actual short, it’s revealed that this is the very first time that Sans, Undyne and Papyrus have ever met.
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When Sans makes a pun about “keeping an eye on ya,” Undyne is briefly confused—before she understands the pun, and lets out a soft laugh.
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It’s a little dark, but I find it funny how Sans doesn’t wear his casual jacket in the lab but he does wear his lab coat and pink flippers. Hilarious.
(or maybe sans is either very reassured in the safety of the lab. or perhaps he’s being a little too careless.)
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Here Sans teaches Undyne about “soul power”—the power of his soul that “allows him to create powerful attacks and call upon dangerous creatures in battle.”
His eye glows after saying this, and Undyne is enraptured. Sans seems to like taking on this teaching role—and perhaps it’s to make Undyne feel better about her eye.
However, we also learn that this power comes at a price. “The more power your soul holds, the weaker your body becomes.” This could definitely explain why Color’s body is so fragile and unstable after absorbing the six souls, and having done it so suddenly, why it busted his skull open.
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Undyne and Papyrus being cuties. They’re already behaving like siblings.
When Undyne asks if she will also get these powers, because of her eye, Sans reassures her that she won’t because, “Dr.Gaster won’t make the same mistake with you. He wants to fix your blind eye after all.”
It appears that the reason Sans has his glowing eye in this version of Undertale is because of Dr. Gaster. Sans says it was a mistake on Dr. Gaster’s part, so he doesn’t seem to hold any ill will towards Gaster about it (at least right now), but he also says that Dr. Gaster wants to fix Undyne’s blind eye.
Does that imply that Gaster didn’t want to fix Sans’ eye—if something was wrong with it before—or that Sans thinks he didn’t? If something wasn’t wrong with it before, then why did he give Sans this eye at all—and why did Sans agree?
Either way. I wouldn’t be suprised if Gaster feels some responsibility for Color’s predicament—and such a responsibility in keeping him both alive, and sane. Perhaps he feels he’s the reason Color’s body can’t handle too much of his power without slowly and painfully dying.
(Note that, when nervous or uncomfortable, Sans seems to have a habit of placing a hand on the back of his skull and looking away. Can’t imagine how many times Color tried to do this, only to be starkly and sharply reminded that his skull is fucking busted open.
There are no mirrors in the Void. How did he react the first time he saw his appearance in the mirror? Color Sans with body image issues real?)
The two are conveniently interrupted by Dr. Gaster, who has prepped another experiment, and who ask Undyne if she will be willing to perform this new experiment—to which Undyne happily consents to.
(Dr. Gaster seems to be showing a lot of respect for his patients emotions, boundaries, and time. So either Sans consented to whatever situation led to that eye comment, or there was some miscommunication—and Dr. Gaster has learned from his mistakes.)
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There is something in Wing Dings here I cannot translate.
But Dr. Gaster says that nothing is working with Undyne’s eye, and Undyne wakes up from being put under to the sound of Gaster and Sans arguing about it.
Gaster says that he is “sick and tired of all his experiments turning out to be failures.” This could just be referring to Undyne, as it seems the two have been trying to work on fixing her eye for a while now, but it could also potentially involve whatever mistake he did to Sans.
Gaster says he needs space, that he can’t think here—“not with all of you around.” A mirror to what seems to have become of Shade and Color in the Void.
Sans is concerned, calls him “Doc.” He calls out for Gaster to wait, to let him come with him—but Gaster ignores him and leaves, Sans doesn’t follow.
(I am getting a feeling this has happened before. And Sans is worried about leaving Gaster alone.)
Undyne asks where Gaster went, to which Sans shrugs. She says he hopes he comes back soon, that the lab is spooky where he’s not here. So even when grumpy and not wanting to be there, Undyne still finds comfort in Gaster’s presence. A sharp contrast to their interactions in the Void.
Also, Sans sits on chairs weird. Point and laugh. What a queer.
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Yay! It worked. (Unfortunately for Undyne, she will lose her sight again in only a few moments.)
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howlonomy · 6 months
Something I kind of thought about- so since Ceroba has her “Devoted” Form (I think that’s what it’s called?), it makes me think of how freaky it would be for her to just, have those glowing red eyes as a regular thing. Girl probably accidentally scared the hell out of her kids at least once when they see a pair of red eyes peering into their bedroom (she just wanted to make sure they were sleeping alright :( )
And on a sort of related note: since this is a pretty perfect pacifist timeline, clover likely wouldn’t really need to use it, but part of me thinks they’d absolutely think about their “cool super powered form” BECAUSE Ceroba can do that, and they’re like, one third roba so they GOTTA have one too right?! (Which could lead to them ACTUALLY finding their determined form just through trying to do it really hard, I dunno)
GDJFJ YEAH,, shes got those creepy reflective cat eyes. kanako is used to it and her eyes do the same thing but it scares the shit out of clover (maybe a bit of a trauma response from. you know. ceroba trying to kill them BUT)
AND YEAH i think clover would be super pumped to try and get their other form out!! after all ceroba can do it so cant they?? kanako was always excited to have her own form too bc well. her mom can do it!! (she did have a bit of a form when she was in the true lab; integrity. she doesnt ever really want to try and get to that form ever again now)
i like to think different forms are attached to one specific emotion (cerobas is devotion, which is why she could transform in pacifist and not no mercy; undyne with determination, ect). so in a truly happy and perfect timeline neither would ever be able to full transform; maybe small aspects but it just wouldnt happen. clover will never feel enough justice or determination, and kanako wouldnt feel enough integrity again. so as much as they would want it i dont think they could!
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sociopathicartist · 1 month
hii! :) i had an idea for a quick oneshot, maybe how (classic) sans told the reader that he liked them? or maybe their first date? love your writing btw!
thank you for requesting! i had fun writing this, i haven't written too many confession scenes before. sorry it took 4ever to come out, i was battling for a while on this because i felt like it was flowing very choppy, but i wanted to get it out for you guys to read so i’ve swallowed my pride and returned with this. thanks for reading ! :3
You groaned and snatched your phone off your bedsheets, waking up to the constant buzzing of your phone going off. Who in the world was blowing up your messages?
Oh. Sans.
13:01 - still on for today?
13:02 - if not its ok we can just watch movies
13:04 - orrrrr we dont have 2 hang if its too exhausting
13:10 - m just gonna dress causal for tonight
13:12 - are u alive ?
You sighed as you read through the messages, your hand that wasn’t holding your phone going to rub the tiredness out of your eyes and drag down your face. Typically you weren’t a big fan of taking naps, but you had woken up early today, so about an hour ago you decided it would be a good idea to catch some extra rest while you could before you went out with Sans today.
Turns out your nap didn’t last long. You and Sans had hung out plenty of times before, why was he suddenly blowing up your phone so much in a panic about hanging out?
Your thumbs went onto the keypad of your phone as you typed out a quick response to him.
Y/N - 13:15 - Sorry, took a nap. Yes, I’m still on to hang out tonight and will match the casual dress code.
His answer didn’t take long to reach back to you.
13:15 - great, i’ll grab you when it’s time. see ya.
Usually, you would have texted goodbye or chatted a bit more, but you were still tired from just waking up, so instead you just turned off your phone and rolled onto your side. Guess it was time to get up.
You sat up in bed before sliding out and standing up straight, stretching your arms out above your head as your feet started to lug you over to the bathroom to start getting ready. You opened up one of your drawers under the sink cabinet and grabbed your hairbrush, starting to brush through your locks of hair as you let your thoughts carry your mind.
Just a few days ago you had been at the infamous house of your skeleton friends, hanging out with the whole group for an anime night. The anime that Alpyhs and Undyne had gotten everyone hooked on came out with a new season, so everyone was gathered for the night with snacks and comfortable pyjamas to binge the new season all in one sitting.
It was great.
It had been great, just like every other hangout.
But since the space was a bit cramped for everyone, all of you were kind of budged together in front of the TV.
Toriel and Papyrus on the couch with you, Papyrus next to your side. Alphys and Undyne sitting on the floor in front of the couch, swaddled in blankets and cuddling each other while Asgore sat next to Undyne by the side of the couch so that his statuesque figure wouldn’t block the TV. Sans was coming back from the kitchen with some more popcorn since he had eaten through all of his (the chunk), and you had honestly been expecting him to also come to sit down on the floor in front of you since all the space on the couch was taken. It would have been funny, that way you could have kicked his back with your feet or teasingly poked at him as you both did to each other.
But instead, he came back and somehow wedged himself between you and Papyrus with a small ‘scoot over’ and his side was snug against yours, your arms together and your knees touching.
The contact was weird to you for some reason, and you were convinced that if the room wasn’t dark save for the illuminating glow of the TV, you most likely would have been caught with a blush around your face.
“i grabbed you some popcorn. take it before i scarf it down.” Sans’ voice whispered softly to you, and you glanced down at him to see his big eyelights meeting your gaze.
You showed a thankful smile to him, taking the bowl of popcorn out of his cold hands and setting it on your lap. “Thank you, Sans.”
Naturally, you focused back on the TV, trying to watch what was happening now. This seemed like an important episode, heaven forbid you miss something.
Your feelings had different plans though. Your stomach knotted a bit, and suddenly your popcorn wasn’t as appetizing. Why did you feel like this? Was it because of Sans? It wasn’t like the two of you hadn’t brushed up close before or anything, he took naps leaning on you all the time, and you guys hugged every time you saw each other to say hello and goodbye. So why did it feel so weird to feel his femur pressed against your thigh?
You had been trying to mentally scan through all of the possible options, perhaps the food, or maybe the anxiety of the anime.
Even as you tried to sort through all the different possibilities, you knew what it really was. You knew that you were avoiding the possibility of having worked up feelings for Sans.
It wasn’t like you could stop yourself from feeling them. The two of you had just hung out so many times, seeing eachother almost three times a week if not more, and always calling when you weren’t hanging out. Not to mention that he was funny, remembered things about you, and overall was just a fun person to be around.
Who wouldn’t fall for someone like that?
It wasn’t like you were going to cook your entire friendship by saying something to him about it, even though you knew he wouldn’t stop being friends with you over something like that, and would probably joke about it a year or so after, but you just didn’t want that to happen. You wanted to maintain your dignity.
After accumulating your thoughts for a long time, you hear the familiar voice whisper to you again.
“wanna hang out on tuesday?”
So here you were, finished brushing your hair and now just doing touch-ups to your looks as felt needed as you did almost anytime before going out. You were just going to Grillbys, planning on eating, talking, and most likely going back home after several drinks of the estranged monster's alcoholic shots with pretty colors and fun swirls that you loved. It was the only alcohol that didn’t give you any headaches or hangovers, most likely because it dissolved into energy with a bit of spunk rather than going throughout your body and poisoning your liver.
You finished up in the bathroom and rushed over to your bedroom to get changed, picking out a more casual but still visually appealing outfit to wear this evening, and as you were pulling your shirt down over your head, you heard the doorbell ring.
Great, you weren’t even done dressing yet and you were left in your underwear and a shirt gripping to your arms and barely pulled down over your head. Napping the time away earlier wasn’t the best idea.
“Just come in! I’m getting dressed!” Your voice called out across the house, and you knew that Sans heard you when you heard the door open and close.
You quickly tugged on your other clothes and slipped on your shoes before skittering out of your bedroom to go greet Sans in the entryway.
Immediately your eyes went to his appearance, seeing that he had on black cargo pants and a sea-foam green T-shirt, something you’ve literally never seen him wear before.
You didn’t hug him this time as a greeting, instead just staring a bit awkwardly as you kept your hands down by your sides. “What’s up with the sudden outfit breakout? Did Papyrus finally make you get some new clothes?”
Sans snorted a bit unpleasantly before glancing off to the side, shoving his hands in his pockets. “nah. these were just sitting in the back of my closet untouched, figured i might as well break them out for the occasion.”
“The occasion?” You cocked your head to the left just a bit.
“the occasion,” Sans repeated, but did not elaborate any further.
“Well…” You started again, choosing to speak your thoughts. “You look really great.”
Sans’ permanent smile twinged up just a tad bit, something you wouldn’t notice if you weren’t trying to spot it. “thanks. you ready to go?”
He took one of his hands out from his pant pockets, holding it out to you with the expectation of you taking hold of it.
So, you did, and with the blink of an eye and a bit of a sinking feeling before landing back on solid ground, you were outside the door to Grillbys.
You grinned as you let go of his hand and pushed open the door for him. “Ladies first.”
He rolled his pinpricks as he walked in, making sure that you followed in behind him.
“Hey, Sans! Back already?”
“Saaannss! Didn’t think you’d show up tonight!”
“Welcome back, Sans. Taking care of Y/N?”
You had begun to become a bit recognized at Grillbys since you tended to show up here with Sans all the time, and it was a bit odd having people recognize you, but you slowly found yourself recognizing them and remembering their names and faces.
Sans ushered you to sit down at the bar next to him, and you greeted Grillby before Sans immediately rattled off the order of two baskets of fries, one for each of you, the same thing you both always got.
“gonna drink anything tonight?” Sans questioned, his low and appealing voice ringing softly in your ears.
Should you? You shrugged, glancing down at him and taking in the familiar face once more. “Maybe, I’m not sure. Depends on how good our conversation goes.”
Sans must have taken that as a challenge to keep you entertained, because when he wasn’t cracking jokes to you for the next 15 minutes, he was busy trying to airplane one of his fries over to you for you to eat, or was bringing up stupid would you rather questions.
“hmmm… let me think… would you rather have no eyelashes for a year…. or be bald for a year?”
Pssh, easy.
“No eyelashes, obviously.” You told Sans, swirling your fries in ketchup before taking a bite. “I can wear falsies and nobody would ever know. Wigs are a lot more expensive than eyelashes.”
Sans hummed as he listened to your reasoning, tapping his phalanges on the countertop of the bar. “i guess. but who knows? maybe you’d be really hot bald.”
“No way.” You snarked, shaking your head with a small smile on your lips and watching as Grillby set out a shot for you.
The alcohol was pink, and it had a lighter, almost glittery substance in it that was swirling around and made your drink look even more appealing. You traced your pointer finger around the rim of your shot glass, eyeing your drink for a few moments before looking to Sans who was staring at you like normal. You didn’t think too much of it since it was so common.
“Are you sure you’re not gonna drink anything?” You questioned, feeling a bit bad for letting yourself get tipsy when he was just sitting there scarfing down fries.
Sans shook his skull, giving a small shrug. “nah. i want to be sober tonight.”
Hm. Well, you weren’t going to hate on that, there was nothing wrong with wanting to be sober, but you did enjoy seeing him be a bit more goofy and delusional when he was under the influence. You picked up your shot glass, going to drink it down, but you paused when you heard Sans.
“uhm, actually, can we talk about something first?” His voice sounded a bit shy when he asked.
You raised an eyebrow, a bit skeptical of his question before you set your glass back down. “Don’t you dare ask me another would you rather question.”
“no, no, it’s not that.” Sans chuckled, his eye sockets crinkling up a bit before he went back to being more serious, playing out one of his quick expression changes. “i know that we hang out all the time. you’re my best friend, you know that?”
Weird. Was he having doubts or something? “Yeah, of course, I know that. You’re my best friend too.”
The assurance wasn’t the problem, because Sans spoke right after you did. “and we’ve been through a lot together, and i value that.”
Okay… You stayed quiet, letting him get out what he wanted to say.
“i know that we usually just hang out at each other's houses or go out to eat here, but… i’d like to take you out soon. on a date.” He surprisingly didn’t look too nervous or embarrassed about telling you this, and you could vaguely see a small tint on his cheekbones, but he looked perfectly normal other than that.
“Really?” You questioned, your cheeks heating up just a bit. “You’re not playing with me right?”
“why would i play about something like this?” Sans questioned you back, matching your head tilt. “i guess i’d say i’d like to get to know you better, but i think we both know each other like the back of our hands. i just want to take you on a date so that we can learn more about what we’d want romantically. if you’d… uh, want to.”
Were you hearing him right? It was hard to recall if you’ve ever even heard him talk about any romantic things, and here he was asking to take you on a date so that you could both discuss your romantic future together?
Sans was quiet when he noticed how silent you were being. “alphys and undyne said i should write a letter, but i’m not the best at those…”
Oh. Oh! You needed to say something!
“I’d love to go on a date with you.” You answered him, speaking a bit softer and easing up your gaze on him to a more loving one. “It would be good to discuss what to do since monsters and humans do dating differently.”
You watched as Sans’ pinpricks grew in size, and the vague blue tint on his face became more apparent. “really? you’d actually?”
“Who wouldn’t?” You laughed, slightly baffled that anyone would miss up on the opportunity to go out with Sans. “Where are we gonna go?”
Sans snorted at your question, clearly finding it a bit funny. “isn’t it obvious? grillbys.”
Duh. You picked back up your shot glass and drank it in one gulp, feeling the tingly magic dissipate in your mouth and throat and leaving a bit of a leftover tangy cherry taste on your tongue.
“Alright, Sans.” You scooted your barstool a bit closer to him, pressing your arm up against his as you stole one of his fries. “Why don't we just come back tomorrow?”
Sans didn’t even feign a look of fake offense when you took one of his fries, a bit too caught up with ogling at you. “yeah, i like the sound of that.”
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bunningchaos · 8 months
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..This was meant to just be a shading test, but it somehow turned out like this.
Anyways, from what I've seen and were told. It's the murderer's birthday, so uh.
Happy birthday to the dusty boi!
Albeit this drawing definitely isn't a good celebration
Dust belongs to Ask-DustTale, on Tumblr!
Swap belongs to Popcorn Pr1nce, on... Uh, where?
Andd, because I felt like it, putting a extra story thingy underneath the cut
This is mainly only for the drawing
Time and time again, the timeline kept on being rewinded back to the start. As if the human whom monopolized the power of 'Determination' had encountered some sort of issue that forced them to go back constantly. Starting all over again, rather than continuing from where the last save point left off.
How unusual, Sans couldn't grasp the situation at all. Even so, this wasn't going to stop him from moving forward with his plans on gathering EXP and LV for himself. All for the sake of hindering the human's progress and to get stronger, much stronger than the vile being that treats every monsters' lives like nothing but toys.
As much as he tries to tell himself, "It's for the better". Guilt still overwhelms him heavily, especially when he land the final blow on his own brother. His one and only precious family member, though that's besides the point. He had to forsake literally everything he knew, his morals, the others that he knew. Even the friends he made from other Universes, having no other choice but to cut contact with them. For the fear of possibly putting them in harm's way just.. didn't feel right.
Not like the current situation was any better! Why?
The current issue, right at this very point, lies in the fact that.. there wasn't any monsters in sight. No matter where he looked, exception for the few that he had managed to dust within Snowdin's town. All of it accumulating to lesser LV than the initial amount he'd normally obtain in the prior resets.
Adding onto the fact that he could barely even get one simple thing done courtesy of the constant reloading and resetting that was ongoing. This in turns, ended up frustrating him more than expected.
Just what the hell is wrong with that thing this time?
Did they finally get bored of dusting monsters and decided to mess with him by screwing with the timeline?
That surely can't be it, right?
Or was it...?
Hell if he knows, pushing aside every single thoughts in his head for the time-being. He made his way towards Waterfall, his slippers damp from the snow, the fluffy fabric making soft 'squish'-like noises with each step that was taken. Disturbing the tranquil silence, where nothing else could be heard other than the subtle noises from the waterfall.
Too peaceful, everything was far too peaceful. In a horrible way, dust could be seen drifting within the air. The atmosphere abnormally tense whilst then temperature dropped to a all-time low, even lower than the snowy region's.
Narrowing his eye sockets, his eye lights glowed dimly. Barely illuminating the darkened surrounding, there having absolutely no light sources other than the occasional echo flowers scattered around randomly. The bright blue glow emitted from those flowers was eye burning, to say the least. Yet it did a pretty good job of lighting up the area, albeit a limited range.
Even so, every single one of those flowers he walked past. All repeated the screams and noises of sheer panic, presumably from the residents of Waterfall. The culprit that caused all those, however, was unidentifiable from just these voice 'recording'. If one can even call it that.
For there isn't a single word nor sound, uttered from the perpetrator.
This definitely wasn't the doing of that disgusting thing, so, who else could it be?
Undyne? No, she isn't the type to harm others. Maybe except the human, after all. Sans did witness her going all out against them multiple times, yet it never succeeded. They were always stronger.. no, they abused their ridiculous ability to reload and kept on trying, when they failed the first few times. Unfortunately, getting the upper hand eventually and finishing off the Captain of the Royal Guard, once they learnt from their mistakes that caused their deaths and losses.
Alphys? Definitely not, she's too much of a coward to even hurt a fly.
Asgore? Yet another no.
So who...?
Unbeknownst to Sans, as he lost himself within his own thoughts. He failed to notice a presence behind him, one that was familiar yet also not anymore.
Within the blink of an eye, Sans was abruptly yanked backwards by a hand grasping tightly onto the bright red scarf that hung around his neck. Startling him right back into reality, his balance being thrown off as he barely managed to keep himself from falling onto his bum. His guard immediately rosed up, however, before he could even react nor do a thing.
A sharp blue bone, was pointed directly at his neck. It was a clear threat, that if he moved even one inch. The culprit wouldn't hesitate to harm him, and knowing of his current stats. He dare not make a move.
For once, in a dreadfully long period of time. He felt fear seep into his body, whoever this was. Is definitely dangerous, even though they didn't give off the same presence as the human.
"..Huh?" Sans uttered under his breath, his eye lights shrinking when he took notice of the all-too-familiar cyan gloves that the other person.. no, monster, was wearing.
It can't be. There's no way, he tried to deter his thoughts away from the numerous possibility that stirred within his mind. Yet it was all for nothing, once the other spoke up
"Found you." The voice was so unsettlingly cold, sending chills running down his spine. His entire body tensing up and freezing in place, he couldn't move. It felt as if his feet were rooted straight into the ground.
Not just fear, but sheer disbelief overtook him entirely. Not at all needing to turn around, to figure out the other's identity. As it was more than obvious, Sans so badly wanted to curl up into a hole and die.
It was Swap, the one other version of himself that resembled his own brother, Papyrus. Especially, being quite righteous and isn't afraid of speaking up plus doing things for the greater good. Due to him wanting to join the Royal Guards, hence having a more, dominating presence and attitude.
So, if that was the case. Why did Sans feel so much bloodlust from him? The one monster that is meant to be.. kind and forgiving, but not naive. At least, not murderous.
"Don't underestimate me, Classic. Did you really think you could cut me off that easily?"
Swap's tone was like a sharp blade, cutting through the tense silence. His entire demeanour had completely changed, there wasn't even a single shred of the once upbeat tone he used to have.
As much as Sans didn't want to cry, his body betrayed him. Bright blue tears welling up within the corner of his eye sockets, this wasn't supposed to happen.
The other skeleton wasn't meant to be here, neither should he be.. this.. malicious. It felt as if this 'Swap' was nothing more than a genocidal freak, with the presence he gave off.
Sans was more than certain he made sure no one else, but himself knew what was going on. He ensured that he left quietly without arising any suspicions.
..Or did Swap just paid too much of a attention to him?
No one could tell at this point, even Sans himself wasn't sure what Swap's intentions even were.
Since his thoughts trailed off, only now piecing together the puzzles of what caused the human to have so much issues.
They were caught up trying to deal with Swap, a completely new and unexpected obstacle.
This is going to be troublesome.
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galaxywitch99 · 3 months
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amethyst-draws09 · 7 months
My head cannons for dog-day!!!!
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ever played undertale? You know that draw of bones that undyne has in her house? Yea dogdays got a draw of bones aswell.
He can def glow in the dark,why? Because of his sun charm! (Also because it's funny)
He will sometimes chase his own tail.
He LOVES hot chocolate and drinks it every
He never watches TV EVER. You'll only find this pup either playing outside with the others, or asleep (rarely)
He def has insomnia.
He hates fireworks and thunderstorms because it scares him:
He sees the best in everyone. Even if this hurts
Whenever he meets a new person he'll give them a good ol sniff. (Like what normal dogs do)
He plays skip rope with catnaps tail.(catnap has told him to stop this multiple times)
He likes to bury his prized possession’s in his back garden.(he accidentally buried catnap once)
He also has eaten the dog biscuits the staff keep hidden away and the staff have noticed this.
Dog day is def a germaphobe and hates getting dirty in general.
If he ever comes across a big hill he will roll down it though.
And finally. When he sleeps his tail will wag all the time he's asleep. Why? Because why not
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neverniko101 · 5 months
(For Horror!Dreamtale thingy!) Back yet again with another Askkk, okay so saw the recent one with Ink being 'ded'. Was he actually knocked out cold, or dead-dead but revived lol
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Heya folks! I’ve downscaled Horror Dreamtale to just be a normal ask blog instead of the chapters so I do t get burnout. But yes! Send asks!
Extra info under the cut.
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Firefly (HDT!Dream):
- Acts as a vigilante of sorts, working to fight local crime and cult activity
- He and Frostbite had a…disagreement…and haven’t spoken in years. Firefly misses his brother, but doesn’t want to head into the woods for fear of being chomped by the purple beasts
Frostbite (HDT!NM):
- Lives in the woods, defending the tree
- Hunts the purple beasts and eats their magic, bringing the bodies back to Muffet
- Cranky >:(
- tries not to eat people
- Proud, a bit of a jerk
- Glows in the dark
- Very obviously plotting to overthrow the kingdom, but he’s so harmless that no one takes him seriously
- he
- he’s Papyrus
- what more do you want me to say
- Idolizes Undyne and Lumi
- Born from the roots of the Tree
- Necromancer
- just a nice little fellow
- Accidentally summoned this angry little demon and now it won’t leave
- Angry little demon
- it won’t leave
- Has a crush on the local captain of the Royal Guard
- Definitely doesn’t sneak out to see her
- Expert on magic
- Accidentally started a cult
- Lives in the woods near the tree
- Sews bodies from animal parts and other materials and injects them with modified magic from the tree
- Attempting to make a beast capable of destroying the city since nobody would buy her doughnuts >:(
- Made a deal with Frostbite- Muffet would attempt to make a replacement positivity guardian to restore the balance (since Firefly left) and Frostbite would hunt down her failed creations and bring the materials back to her
- he is a doctor
- precious boy
- Scared of snakes
- Scarred by a recent beast attack
- Determined to find the source of the attacks to protect the townsfolk
- Thief
- Failed experiment of Muffet that escaped the forest
- Trying to find where he came from and what she should do with her life
- Passive aggressively bugs people to join her flower cult
- Bakes pies with flowers in them
- Everything is fine :)
The Reborn (Asriel):
- He’s Flowey
- Flowey the Flower
- Sad divorced man
- Trying to stop the beast attacks
The Leech:
- Dying human that drinks the sap of the Tree to survive
- he is Mettaton
- He runs a circus
- 👍
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