#Go Du-sim
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loelett · 8 months
u should draw Louwe wearing a "it gets better" pride shirt hashtag love wins hashtag pride hashtag gay rights hashtag love wins
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it gets better louis u are my everything
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nocturnalazure · 2 years
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To be continued
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duusheen · 2 years
how old are Leif, Journey and Simon right now? i mean how do you feel about it l, beside sims age
I would say leif is in his mid-twenties, yeah so 25-26-ish? journey is older than simon by two years, so 52 and simon 50
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branwinged · 2 months
the magnus archives is a romcom—no what the hell it's not. it is, however, a gothic horror romance between jon and elias. because you see, the thing about jonelias is that their canonical dynamic is built around an absurd number of gothic genre tropes. jon sims obviously fits the mold of the tortured gothic protagonist quite nicely who's facing both external (the other avatars targeting him) and internal horrors (his progress as the Archivist weighing on his conscience). but he's also trapped in the gothic manor which is the magnus institute. there are secrets (the place being a temple to the eye), locked doors, forbidden chambers, and bodies in the attic which serve as evidence of past misdeeds (the panopticon; gertrude and jonah's bodies in the tunnels), the institute/archives is ultimately destroyed by fire - purging the gothic manor i.e. the symbolic destruction of the previous order with fire is a common motif in the genre. and jon's work in the archives is haunted by the figurative ghost of gertrude who remains a curious mystery he must unravel and will serve as a constant reminder to jon of his own inadequacies (just like du maurier's rebecca fr)
elias is then —
1) his personal bluebeard figure who murdered his predecessor, a comparison which only gets stronger with the jonah magnus reveal since he's been cycling through archivists for two hundred years, all having met gruesome ends in service to him and jon being his final and most notable choice. are you seeing the maxim de winter rochester imagery. are you.
2) his gothic double. doubles as a literary trope are your hidden self made manifest, the horror lies in the double (elias) revealing the gothic protagonist's (jon) hidden, true self to them. elias as an avatar of the eye is entirely unrepentant for his nature, he revels in it. which is a mirror to jon's own self-flagellation because despite how much he feels torn about his own metaphorical vampirism, he likes it. he admits as much to gerry as early as s3 when asked about his feelings on his ability to compel truths. and why wouldn't he! after being kept in the dark so long, why wouldn't he like it? and jon and jonah had in common their natural curiosity even before they found the beholding. elias is a mirror and jon looks in it and sees someone who is him, but not quite. someone who is what jon would be if he could simply let go, but jon can't. like most gothic protagonists he will kill his double because it is a reminder of a self-truth he can never escape.
and watcher's call. like what even is that. what do you mean that's a thing. what. literally wuthering heights. "why did you heed the call?" // "because this is the place i know i should be" <- normal dialogue to write for two guys definitely not starring in a gothic romance.
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^ same genre of images. so the spider, the mother of puppets, the web which is the symbolic representation of narrative thread in the magnus archives universe WEAVED them together? red string fated, that's what they are? so they're soulmates. that's what you're saying. they're literally soulmates. soulmates as existential horror? just enough of an illusion of narrative agency for jonah/elias to claim, "the Chosen One is simply that – someone I chose" but paradoxically joined by fate, which isn't a good thing! because no god-like powers of hope, or love, or indigestion, or whatever, only fear. because even though both help the other achieve narrative self-actualisation (elias making jon the archive and jon making elias the king of a ruined world), their union also irrevocably destroys their lives as they hurt each other in deeply personal ways which signify their greatest fears. elias manipulating jon, whose biggest fear is mr spider, i.e. loss of control and jon repaying by being the very thing that kills jonah, who has spent multiple lifetimes trying to escape the end. and that's romance <3
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jakkkuu · 1 year
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lot type - community/restaurant
size 30 x 20
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I think i finally have idea how Newcrest should look in game - going to keep it contemporary and moder. Here is another build for your sims social life - David's Restaurant. Inspired by @pierisim lattest costum content collections - modern interiors with a hint of loft style. I really like when whole lot have some simlife realism, so i've decided to build residential building with 6 apartments (unfortunately not furnished).
Gallery id: JakkuuSim
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Full list of CC used in this project down below..
Pierisim cc:
david's apartment
domaine du clos
mcm house
oak house
the office mini kit
winter garden
livingroom mini kit
Hey_Harrie cc:
Harrie and Felix collab cc:
livin’ rum
Felixandre cc:
Tuds cc:
cross bed and bath
WyattsSims cc:
basegame trashcan recolors + recycling
Littledica cc:
rise & grind (only logo)
Syboubou cc:
wall mailbox
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maplebellsmods · 1 year
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Nursing Home Mod
Get ready for new gameplay for the elder life stage. Now your Sims can make the tough decisions when it comes to their elder. Say goodbye to the days of worrying about your elders' well-being, because nursing homes are now a viable option for their care.
This mod will need to tap into your sims imagination because I didn't want to make it too invasive. So when you believe your elders need specialized support, it's time to explore the world of nursing homes. This mod lets you dive into a variety of options, each with its own unique vibe, price, and perks. Whether you're looking for a swanky senior living community or a cozy, nurturing atmosphere, three options will be available. You can start by taking a look at the different nursing home options.
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There are a few ways to go about sending you elder away to the nursing home. First of all, you can fill out an interest form and you will receive a call from a representative.
There are three nursing homes to choose from:
Green Tea Home Care - $1,250 simoleons a week
Du Pondersoa - $4,000 simoleonsa week
Desert Palms -   $10,000 simoleons a week
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Nursing Home Order
If you decide a nursing home would be the best option for your elder sim the next steps would be to, get an order from the physician. You can do this by scheduling a meeting with the physician. Once your sim is at the meeting they will be able to choose from a wide list of symptoms the elder may have. Now this is where you will use your imagination and pick the option that would fit best with your game.
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Your sim may also really want to send the elder to a nursing home, for reasons that may or may not be malicious. They have the option to bribe the physician for pretty large sum of money. This could make the physician lean more toward giving your sim the nursing home order. 
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If the nursing home order hasn't been issued, but this was not the outcome you wanted you should read the section below. But, if the nursing home order has been issued you can move on to the next step. (Keep in mind these steps are not dependent on one another. You can do them in any order you would like.)
Finances are an important part of figuring out how your sim will pay for the nursing home. There are three options to choose from: 
Medicare: You will qualify for Medicare if your household funds are under 30,000 simoleons
VA Benefits: If your sim was a veteran they will be applied to apply for this (There aren't any actual conditions for it because this would make strangerville a requirement for the mod and elders who you created and have no history wouldn't qualify even if you imagined this history for them.)
Self Pay/Private Pay: Self Explanatory 
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Finally, you will need to get permission from the elders themselves because you cannot just force them into a nursing home against their will... unless they aren't able to make that decision anymore based on their mental health. In that case, you would need documentation from the health care provider letting the nursing home know that the elder is unable to make these decisions on their own and will need assistance. 
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But if you don't have this document you will need to ask for permission. You will get different responses from doing this. Ranging from positive to negative.
After you've completed all of the necessary steps you can submit your application and will soon receive a response from the nursing home. 
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After you, the nursing home will call your sim and let them know about the outcome. Then your sim will finally be able to send the elder to the nursing home. When you send them away make you are ready because the first payment is deducted immediately after they are admitted. 
After that you will automatically pay every week, based on your financing and nursing home option the payments will differ.
Your sims can visit the elder during specific visiting hours and they may all feel different about seeing their loved one in a nursing home. 
If your sim does change their mind about the nursing home they can withdraw the elder. They will return home. This would be useful in cases where your sim cannot pay any more, want to explore the other options or just misses them.
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Does this mod require any DLC?
No, it does not.
What else do I need for the mod?
Lumpinou's Mood Pack Mod, so it is required for the mod to work properly.
You can get her mod here.
If you already have it great! But make sure it's up to date.
Questions and concerns you might have?
I didn't get the nursing home order 
If you didn't get a nursing home order, you can wait 24 hours for the results to reset, and then try again you may get a nursing home order.
The elder keeps refusing the nursing home request
You have to wait a few hours before the interaction shows up again. But another household member can also ask and maybe the elder will be more willing to listen to them. 
I don't want to ask for permission 
If you don't want to ask for permission then make sure you select, the "memory loss or confusion" option when the doctor asks you for symptoms. 
I'm being charged twice
Make sure you only select ONE payment option. If you choose something you regret you can withdraw the elder from the nursing home. Another option is if you have mc command center you can use cheats to remove the buff where you chose the financing option. 
Some of this information is inaccurate
I was trying to be somewhat close to how it goes in real life, I did a lot of research about this and made the decisions I thought would suit the game best. I still may have gotten some stuff wrong and I apologize if I did.
I'm experiencing some weird bugs!
Let me know, please.
Report it here: Mod Bug Report
Public: 18/06/23
Download: Here
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crimsonhydrangeavn · 1 month
I really love the game demo so far. I’ve watched day 1 and 2 of the demo played by a Let’s Player I follow. The writing is beautiful and I very much like Garret.
That being said, why is the “bad” and “toxic” character the only nonbinary one? I’m nonbinary and use they/them pronouns exclusively myself, so it’s a bit painful to see the toxic ex character be the only one that’s the same gender as me, and I’m sure to other nonbinary people like me.
Can you tell me the reasoning behind making Teagan nonbinary? Or why there aren’t any redeemable characters that are nonbinary? I understand it’s just fiction, but also nonbinary people don’t really get a lot of representation in fiction especially not in dating sims.
Thank you to much for reaching out and letting me know how you found out about Crimson Hydrangea VN and how much you've enjoyed the game and Garret so far! I'm assuming the Let's Player you're referring to is Espoir Du Vide since she's the only one who I've seen make a video about CHVN. I've been following her for a little while and I'm fan of hers as well. She has a wonderful soothing voice and her jokes/memes really make me laugh!
I also want to thank you for feeling comfortable enough to send me such a sensitive and completely legitimate concern. Thank you for phrasing it in such a respectful and straightforward manner. I'm always open to all forms of feedback and am always open to learning and hearing others out.
That being said, I completely hear your concerns and I can understand where you're coming from. Unfortunately Teagan hasn't had a lot of screen time compared to others in the game (Only really showing up in Day 2). And the limited screen time that they have had hasn't really shown them in the best light.
Of course, I'll go into more depth as to why that is down below just in case people don't want to risk being spoiled.
I also summarized what I wrote below for those who don't want to risk seeing spoilers but want to know the main points of what I said.
Teagan isn't inherently bad and they are redeemable.
While their gender expression is an important part of them and their backstory, their gender isn't and should never be considered a factor as to why they're toxic.
They're toxic because of their actions, not because of who they are as a person or what they identify as.
I also apologize that Teagan's current perception is painful for you and others. That was never my intention and I'm genuinely sorry it's come across that way.
Teagan's current perception is completely overshadowed by the fact that they're your ex and you had a terrible dramatic break up. The game currently doesn't go into the decade or so of history you two have. All the sweet and meaningful moments between the two of you, how utterly devoted they were to you, how they supported you through difficult times and vice versa.
Unfortunately you're seeing them through the eyes of an ex who is still processing a rough break up and suppressing/ actively ignoring all of the positive traits they originally fell in love with.
That being said, I will say that Teagan has to be one of the most complex characters I've written. Yes, they are flawed but that doesn't mean they are inherently "bad". Their negative actions are currently overshadowing their positive traits. Teagan does have the capability to grow and learn and improve themselves, if you decide to go down that route in the game.
There were several reasons why I made Teagan nonbinary, and I can assure you that none of them were malicious or ill intended.
I don't necessarily want to go into all of the reasons as to why I made them nonbinary since I feel as though it'll spoil a few key elements about their backstory that I plan on revealing in game.
Instead I'll focus on one of the main reasons you actually mentioned in your ask, Representation.
For me, representation doesn't mean that they need to always be painted in the best light. Yes, they shouldn't be painted in a stereotypical or hateful way, but I also don't think they should be shown as perfect and flawless.
You see, I personally adore character development. A complex and flawed character who learns and grows from the people and situations around them to become a "better person" is my favorite kind of character arc.
What better way to honor Teagan than to show their journey of character growth during Crimson Hydrangea? Or at least that's what my thought process is/was.
I also wanted to mention that Teagan and Garret were created to be foils of each other. Yes, they're both yanderes, but they're still completely different kinds of people.
Garret comes off as very sweet and charming because you're only seeing him on a surface level. That perfect version of Garret is a facade he wears for you and others. There's a deep rooted darkness to him that you'll see in later days and you'll discover just how horribly toxic he is/can become. (Perhaps even more so than Teagan...)
Teagan on the other hand, has already shown you their toxicity. It's all come to light because of the break up and there's no hiding from it. You know them better than anyone else and that has it's pros and cons. Depending on the route you choose, they can either dig their heels in and become the worst version of themselves, or they can finally face reality and take accountability for their actions and start to heal as a person ( and potentially as a partner if you so choose.)
I hope my in depth explanation has helped you understand where I'm coming from and see that there was no intended slight meant towards those who identify as nonbinary.
With all of that being said, I will apologize that Teagan's current perception is painful for you and others. That was never my intention and I'm genuinely sorry it's come across that way.
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babyangelsky · 4 months
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After not touching the game for like three years, I suddenly got inspired to recreate Joe's house in the Sims 4. It's not perfect but it's as close as I could get with what I have available to me.
And it was gonna be just a fun little thing but then I just kept having thoughts and Joe's house suddenly became fascinating to me.
There's something almost gothic about what this house has become to Ming and even Sol, although to a lesser extent. It reminds me of Manderley in Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca in that it's almost a character in itself.
Ming has been cooking for himself and for Joe in it for two years but it's so much more than that. When Joe broke in during the last episode, he was able to navigate it just the same as always because every little thing is in the exact same place, just the way he left it. Ming hasn't moved or touched anything and I suspect the mere notion of doing that would be unthinkable to him.
He uses the bowls Joe bought for them. Their matching pillowcases are still on the bed. Even the key is in the same place because what if Joe comes back?
Hell, Ming--who looks about as far from a plant person as it's possible to be--has kept all of Joe's plants alive and thriving for two years. And there are a lot of fucking plants! I know! I placed them in my recreation!
For Sol's part, the thought of someone breaking in is absolutely appalling to him, never mind that he's doing the same damn thing himself. His word choice is so telling when he happens upon who he thinks is a random thief.
"How dare you break into this house? Do you know whose house this is?"
Of course a random ass thief wouldn't know or care! But Sol says it because he cares, because it's so much more than just a house to him. It's Joe's house. It's the place filled with Joe's things, art Joe picked, the floor where Joe walked, the bed Joe slept in, and how dare anyone break in to this sacred place?
Which I strongly suspect is exactly how Ming is going to feel when he finds out Sol let himself in next week. Because the house is all the same things to Ming that it is to Sol, with an added giant layer of it being the house he shared with Joe, where they loved each other and were happy until his bullshit sent everything to hell in a hand basket.
Joe's house is a cathedral and a mausoleum and a shrine and it's all of Ming's hope and all of Sol's regret and it's FASCINATING.
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chere-indolente-plays · 6 months
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Hello there ! I'm Adèle, she/her, 29 and french. I like and follow from @chereindolente (my old abandonned art blog)
I have been amassing historical CC and making some of my own (over on @chere-indolente) for a few years now, but without touching the live mode 🤡. As of this year I took the resolution to go back to playing the actual game (I'm not there yet since my save is far from ready but on my way) and I wanted a tumblr that would be more suited to share my save preping and eventual gameplay as well as to interact and reblog other simblrs ...so here it is !
For now I will mostly introduce my sims, possibly share some of my planning or wip builds, and eventually, once I'm finally ready, some snipets of my 1880s rotational gameplay, which will be set in France as you might have guessed from the title. See you soon bye ❤️
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yourpicasso25 · 3 months
Me is back!
Phew, guys, it was a close call!
Now, I can hear you thinking "what happened?" (or not, but you're going to learn all about it anyway )
First for a small explanation on how I deal with the sims: One world, one all new game, as is put the one I'm playing away, and make another all new, all virgin "the sims 3" and put the One custom world I'm doing at the moment.
And then start hunting CC.
Tis good, because I have quite different themed worlds, and if I tried to have all in one save, my poor PC would probably get depression, go feral and try to kill me.
Still, the CC hunting part is something. So far, nothing out of the ordinary... at least for me.
And Vogoel is sort of a French Normand/Breton place who can't ha the same CC as my Parisian region Fouilly les Oyes, no?
But then...
I had a CAS crisis.
AAArgh!!! It had been years. (I hate CAS)
But I want Vogoel les Mouettes to be a contemporary place (sort of)... and have modern Simmies and not go back to my usual vintage look.
What was I thinking?
Guys, I'm officially an old. The compulsory cropped top and belly button galore is NOT my jam. Nor is that weir combo or the low neck tee with knitted thing that leases half yours boobs out.... combined with a mini skirt who should be called a belt.
Seriously. T'was hard.
Not that I didn't work on Vogoel. First, we have Le phare du Cormoran
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It is the in came lighthouse... with a house build around it!
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It will be home to captain Merlu (eh, not everybody can be a Haddock), his nephew/mousse Titou, and their dog Gaufrette
Next is one of Vogoel Landmark, le Château de Petrel
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As castle goes, it is not that huge, but one must admit it has the "location, location, location!" part down pat. It is livable as is, even if the floorplan is a wee bit weird.
Next, I'm not going to upload this one:
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It's one of the library RH I HAD to use because the espadon on the building, and I added a small flower shop on the side. Cute, but easy build.
So, here it is for this week, more to come in the future. Wishing you a delightfull sunday full of cool stuff!
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vals-sims-world · 1 month
Hey guys! Thank you so much for all the love you've given to my Sims versions of Merlin and the knights!
Since there's interest in my Merlin save I will be sharing some stories about what's been happening in that world. However, before I do I feel I need to explain the way I play this save since it's not your standard Sims 3 fashion. I typically play rotationally, spending a week with each family before moving on and using nraas story progression mod to keep everyone from aging while I'm not there. My nraas setup also keeps sims from changing their relationship status or progressing in their careers when I'm not playing them but they can meet new sims, make friends, declare enemies, and start up a bit of a flirtation on their own. I like coming back to a household and seeing what dynamics have formed when I leave them to their own devices, though I get the final say on what romantic interests they end up pursuing.
Now that's just my standard setup for most of my games. For my Merlin save I decided to add some interest by using Merlin characters for my own version of The Medieval Charter Challenge! For those unfamiliar The Medieval Charter Challenge is basically a sims 2 build-a-kingdom challenge where you start with a small settlement and slowly build your world up until you have a medieval city. There are a lot of rules including a tax system and class structures that I'm not going to go over but if you're interested you can check out the original rules here For those of you who are familiar with the challenge just know that I've tweaked some of the rules to fit better with the sims 3 and I don't always follow them strictly. I treat them more like guidelines than actual rules, especially since I'm using pre-established characters, some of which have magic which opens up excuses for all sorts of shenanigans. So if you see me doing something that doesn't follow the rules don't worry about it.
Mainly what you need to know is that I started with an empty world, 3 households who are not part of my rotation but are there to help populate the town (druid camp, knights barracks, and the Ladies' manor), 5 peasant families (du Lac, Smith, Hopper, Emrys, and Ealdor), 2 Yeomen families (Macken and De Grance), and the royal Pendragon family. As my save is currently I have 9 community lots, 3 peasant families (Hopper, Ealdor, Oliver), 1 yeoman family (Emrys), 1 Merchant family (du Lac), 1 Gentry family (Macken), 1 Noble family (De Grance), and the royal Pendragon family that have all dramatically changed as they intermarried, had kids, built up their businesses, and rose in the ranks.
My plan is to make a post on each of these families explaining their story. This will take time though as I plan to give you guys family portraits, before and after tours of their homes, any screenshots I happened to have taken while playing, as well as writing out the twists and turns of their tales. So please bear with me while I sort that out.
In the meantime here's some screenshots of some shippy poses I did with my sims that aren't part of the save
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Tagging those who expressed interest in knowing more about my save (let me know if you want me to tag you in future posts about this): @tansyuduri @building-camelot @chairwiththreelegs
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chicademartinica · 8 months
2023 Favorites
Come play favorites with me.
Favorite Korean BL: The Eighth Sense. / Runner up: Our dating Sim
Favorite Thai BL: Never let me go / Runner up: Moonlight Chicken
Favorite Japanese BL: The end of the world with you / Runner up: My Beautiful man eternal (Show +Movie)
Favorite Taiwanese BL: Kiseki Dear to me / Runner up: Stay by my side.
Best director(s): Inu Baek & Werner du Plessis for The Eighth Sense (Korea and Germany) EX AEQUO with Jojo Tichakorn Phukhaothong (Thailand) for FIVE SHOWS (BL or not everything Jojo does is QUEER): Never let me go / Never let me go Our Skyy 2/ The Warp effect / Only Friends / Dirty Laundry. To be noted and congratulated: OG Thai BL director Tee Sintanaparadee with his best work to date: I feel you linger in the air.
Best cinematography: Never let me go by Rat Rungruang (Thailand) / Runner Up: Moonlight Chicken ALSO by Rat Rungruang EX AEQUO Never let me go Our skyy 2 ALSO by Rat Rungruang.
Best use of color theory : The eighth sense GREEN.
Best score /musical moment (instrumental): “Save you from the Death” by Ruiqi Zhao. This song is so good it was used in two shows, airing at the same time, produced by the same man, on the same channel. We first hear it in Never let me go (episode 05) as Palm ravenously kisses Nueng (for a long long long long time) for the first time. AND THEN it’s back in Moonlight Chicken (episode 01) as Uncle Jim and Wen do everything but kiss under the moonlight. Aof and Jojo really said we both using it to be desperate and erotic and what of it. 10/10 no notes.
Runner up: “Refined enlightenment” by Howard Harper-Barnes in I feel you linger in the air (episode 07): The soaring strings that perfectly follows Jom’s arousal as he masturbates to the memory of the most erotic oil massage ever. Refined INDEED. // “Bleeding Signs” by Chris Shards in Never let me go (episode 05): Dark and moody indie rock rumbles as Nueng reels from his brutal outing, homophobia, and Ben’s betrayal before collapsing in Palm’s arms in the yellow of Bangkok polluted twilight.
Best score/ musical moment (with lyrics): “I can’t lose it all” by Ben Goldstein in The Eight Sense (episode 06) The singer belting “I’m losing my mind (…) I can’t lose it all” are the only words we hear for the last minutes of a great, hazy fugue of an episode. (Last spoken line: “To give you trauma” before the lovers start kissing.) Jae Won and Ji Hyun make love and when the song stops, I was left with greys waves, panic, and a burning “JAE WON WERE YOU OR WERE YOU NOT HIGH OUT OF YOUR MIND FOR ALL OF THIS? Was that song a call back to “Where is my mind” of Fight Club fame just to play with our nerves? Good times. //Runner up: “Monsoons” by Johannes Bornlöf and Le June in Never let me go. This song plays for two minutes straight as Palm sways drunkenly in his lover’s arms as he reels from his mother’s violent death. “Monsoon rain and chest pains”, blurry lens and sloppy, tear-soaked kissing. Peak lakorn.
Favorite couple: PalmNueng in Never let me go. // Runner up : KingUea in Bed Friend.
Favorite chemistry: PondPhuwin as Palmnueng, GMMtv true hidden gem. Runner up: Nat Chen and Jiang Dian as Chen Yi and Ai Di in Kiseki Dear to me.
Favorite individual performance: Film Thanapat in Laws of Attraction// Runner up: Mix Sahaphap in Moonlight Chicken.
Most beloved actor this year: Mark Pakin.
Favorite Ensemble: Moonlight Chicken // Runner up: The Warp Effect
Favorite mother figure: Grandma in Laws of Attraction. Amazing actress, well written (Grieving!) character. // Runner up: Ji Hyun’s boss in The eighth sense.
Favorite friendship: Pat and Chot in Step by Step! Pat’s whole friend group! // Runner up: Alex and Army in The Warp Effect.
Favorite siblings: The Gu siblings in Stay by my side. // Jeng and Jaab in Step by Step.
My hatred for you knows no bounds: Uea’s "mother" in Bed Friend. // Runner up: Phupha in The Promise EX AEQUO Tae Hyung in The eighth sense.
Most beloved character: Palm! My sweet boy! // Runner up: King! MY King!
Favorite “I love you”: “I LOVE YOU UNCLE JIM” Li Ming in Moonlight Chicken.
Favorite proposal: Charn being a lawyer and a marriage equality advocate while Tinn is just trying to marry the nutjob in Laws of Attraction.
Favorite wedding: TinnCharn and the baby’s doll on the chair (Tears!). Runner up: Palmnueng marrying by proxy while being guests at a gay wedding.
The category is “Boohoo snot bubble I’m dazed and crying”: The eighth Sense. Runner up: Moonlight Chicken.
The category is “I’ve watched this scene without breathing.”: Ji Hyun’s reaching for Jae Won’s hand in The eighth sense ep 09 // Runner up: Ki Tae confronting Lee Wan in episode 04 of Our dating Sim.
The category is “My cheeks are hurting I’m smiling so much”: Our dating Sim // Runner up: Love tractor.
Punchline: “Have you been well? Without me?”  Ki Tae to Lee Wan Our dating Sim / “I miss you so much. I miss you so much” Fan Ze Rui to Bai Zong Yi Kiseki Dear to me.
Funny punchline: “You only love me when you do me.” Cher to Boss in A boss and a babe. // Runner up: “We can continue as a throuple” Rando in Laws of attraction.
Erotic honorific: “Call me Hia Win. Hia Win.” In Between Us. // “Can you tell Nong Cher what your present is Phi Gun” or “Phi Jeng” for “The kinkification of Phi” in A boss and a Babe and Step by Step.
The category is ‘What is this?!! A 90’s Yaoi Manga ?!!”: Kim Jong Chan’s (Korean actor Kwon Hyuk) Yaoi hands holding his lover’s whole head in his palm as they kiss in The New employee. // Runner up: Cho Jun’s ( Ki Hyun Woo) in a an all-black suit in Jun & Jun.
The category is "Whew why was this so hot ?" : Charn obscenely rubbing Tinn's arm up and down while Tinn is trying to punch him in Laws of Attraction// Runner up : Jae Won manhandling Baby Mouse by the straps of his backpack in The eighth sense.
Best smile: First Kanaphan as Sand in Only Friends // Nat Chen and his dimple as Chen Yi in Kiseki Dear to me.
Unfathomable eyes: Pond Naravit and his under-eye mole in Never let me go EX AEQUO Net Siraphop in Bed Friend.
Favorite dream sequence: Baby Ye Chan’s first erotic dream in Love Tractor.
Favorite kiss (on the lips): Palmnueng last kiss on the beach in episode 12 of NLMG. It’s soft and super erotic, there’s a bit of tongue, a bit of teeth and they are both shivering like crazy. Pondphuwin killed it and the magnificent Thai scenery finished it// Runner up: Bostonnick against the wall at the back of the store. Surprisingly Nick was the aggressor but was still moaning loud as hell. Neomark punched me in the face with their chemistry and hunger. Give them a good show and let them kiss. A lot.
Favorite kiss (not on the lips). Nueng burying his face between Palm’s shoulder blades to kiss his tattoo in the finale of NLMG. // Ze Rui rubbing and kissing Zong Yi’s beauty mark every chance he gets in Kiseki dear to me.
Favorite sniff kiss (special Thailand): Uncle Jim inhaling Wen’s face in Moonlight Chicken. Possibly the most erotic sniff kiss I have ever seen, shout out to Earth. // Runner up: Winteam having a HEAVY ratio of sniff kisses in their make-outs in Between Us.
Favorite neck kiss: Bed Friend’s King is the BL best neck kisser, licker, biter ever. Net being shorter than James made this even more enjoyable. // Ray being obsessed with Sand’s neck in Only Friends.
Favorite make out: JengPat car make out in Step by Step. Whew. // Runner up: WinTeam locker room make out. Whew.
Favorite erotic moment: Win seducing Team and making sure he is sober, single, and horny while fogging up the room in Between Us. // Runner up: I feel you linger in the air oil massage than orgasm to the memories of said oil massage.
Favorite O scene: Songkhram and Ai making love in Destiny Seeker. Who knew 69ing could be so cute? // Runner up: Ritsu and Masumi, I quote “going at it like monkeys” in The end of the world with you. Ritsu was a fuckboy from space but also like, a Japanese sex God.
Favorite cuddles: Winteam. In bed. Every single scene in Between Us // King clinging to Uea, dead asleep in the crook of his neck in Bed Friend.
Favorite hug: Li Ming hugging a sobbing Heart in Moonlight Chicken.
Favorite tears: WinTeam devastating sobs after Win saves his boo from drowning.
Favorite lift off: Ai Di spending one third of the show being carried by Chen Yi. // Runner up: Joke carrying Zo like he is not also 6ft1 in Hidden Agenda.
Favorite food : Love Mate's orgasmic post sex burgers and fries in episode 04.
That's my too long list of 2023 favorites. Hope you enjoy. @absolutebl and all of you booes are welcome to use the categories you like, please tag me in your lists. To a very bisexual (AND VAMPIRIC) 2024 together.
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Steve Carlsberg (Welcome to Night Vale)   
Emperor Belos (The Owl House)   
The Onceler (Lorax)   
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)   
Pikaman (Tumblr)   
Warren the Eagle (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)   
Lord Hater (Wander over Yonder)   
Harry Du Bois (Disco Elysium)   
Bill Hawks (Professor Layton)   
Springtrap (Five Nights at Freddy's)   
Walter White (Breaking Bad)   
Cronus Ampora (Homestuck)   
Jerry (Undertale)   
Reigen Arataka (Mob Psycho 100)   
Dr. N. Brio (Crash Bandicoot)   
Elias Bouchard (The Magnus Archives)   
Doofenshmirtz (Phineas & Ferb)   
Kavinsky (The Raven Cycle)   
Dennis Reynolds (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)   
Lord Farquaad (Shrek)   
Lemongrab (Adventure Time)   
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)   
Thaddeus "Rusty" Venture (Venture Brothers)   
Shin Tsumiki (Your Turn to Die)   
Zim (Invader Zim)   
L Lawliet (Death Note)   
Flint Paper (Sam & Max)   
BoJack Horseman (BoJack Horseman)   
Connecticut Clark (Connecticut)   
Fassad (Mother 3)   
Baldi (Baldi's Basics)  
Tony Stark (MCU)
Wallace (Wallace & Gromit)
Spamton G. Spamton (Deltarune)
Logan Roy (Succession)
Grima Wormtongue (Lord of the Rings)
Crux (The Locked Tomb)
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives)
Five Pebble (Rain World)
Tingle (Legend of Zelda)
The Grinch (The Grinch)
Benrey (Half-Life VR But The AI Is Self-Aware)
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto)
Neighbor (Hello Neighbor)
Tighten (Megamind)
Scout / Jeremy (Team Fortress 2)
Santa Claus (Christmas)
Sans (Undertale)
Ben Chang (Community)
Olaf (Frozen)
Jurgen Leitner (The Magnus Archives)
Pierre (Stardew Valley)
Jesus Christ (The Bible)
Randy Jade (Dialtown)
Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
Trip (Facade)
William Murderface (Metalocalypse)
Syndrome (The Incredibles)
Martin Kratt (The Wild Kratts/Zooboomafoo)
Oswald Mandus (Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs)
Naven Nuknuk (Epithet Erased)
Wario (Mario)
Mordecai (Regular Show)
Glenn Quagmire (Family Guy)
Voting will begin as soon as I have a proper image for the bracket :}
(im probably going to end up making my own at this point LOL)
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empiredesimparte · 10 months
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Oliver: The Polytechnique ball thinks big! Napoléon V: I suggested the Garnier Opera to the school president. You've got to have a bit of fun!
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Oliver: How did your honeymoon go? Napoléon V: Very well, thank you. It was strange to be cut off from the world, away from all the hustle and bustle of Paris.
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Oliver: Good! You needed a rest. By the way, I thought it would please Hortense to have an estate in Francesim, so that we could visit you from time to time. Napoléon V: That's a good idea, I like knowing that my twin sister won't be too far away from us.
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Oliver: Of course, don't worry, I'll look after her… That is, if you agree, officially Napoléon V: Officially, so that's it?
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Oliver: Yes, I've been ready for several months now. I'm sorry again for all the trouble I've caused you, it wasn't… Napoléon V: Let's not talk about it any more. It's all settled. I know that Hortense will be happy with you, surely … more than with me.
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Oliver: You were born to take different paths. At this time in your lives, the distance is natural. However, I believe I can echo Hortense's sentiments that she loves you dearly, no matter what and despite everything that has happened. Napoléon V: Thank you, Oliver. I'm counting on you to look after her.
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⚜ Le Cabinet Noir | Paris, 17 Messidor An 230
Beginning ▬ Previous ▬ Next
Napoléon V and his entourage went to the Grand Bal de l'X, organised by the École Polytechnique to celebrate the end of their year of study. The ball took place at the Opéra Garnier, and featured a number of performances including dances, fencing, a choir and many other distinguished ceremonies. It's a not-to-be-missed event for young students. During the evening, Oliver approached his friend Napoléon V to officially ask for his sister Hortense's hand in marriage. The Emperor agreed to make the engagement official.
(Thanks to @theroyalthornoliachronicles and @funkyllama for the sims deco and accessories! Oliver is a character belonging to @officalroyalsofpierreland)
⚜ Traduction française
Napoléon V et ses proches se rendent au grand bal de l'X, organisé par l'école Polytechnique pour fêter la fin d'année d'étude. Le bal se déroule à l'opéra Garnier, et donne lieu à de nombreux spectacles comme des danses, des combats d'escrimes, une chorale, et bien d'autres cérémonies distinguées. C'est le rendez-vous immanquable des jeunes étudiants. Durant la soirée, Oliver approche son ami Napoléon V pour lui demander officiellement la main d'Hortense, sa soeur. L'Empereur accepte d'officialiser les fiançailles.
Oliver : Le bal de Polytechnique voit les choses en grand ! Napoléon V : J’ai proposé l’opéra Garnier au président de l’école. Il faut bien s’amuser un peu !
Oliver : Et ta lune de miel alors, ça s’est bien passé ? Napoléon V : Très bien, merci. C’était étrange d’être coupés du monde, loin de toute l’agitation parisienne.
Oliver : Tant mieux! Tu avais besoin de repos. À propos, j’ai pensé que cela ferait plaisir à Hortense d’avoir un domaine en Francesim, pour que l’on puisse vous rendre visite de temps en temps. Napoléon V : C’est une bonne idée, j’aime savoir que ma jumelle ne sera pas trop éloignée de nous.
Oliver : Bien sûr, ne t’en fais pas, je prendrai soin d’elle… Enfin, si tu y consens, officiellement Napoléon V : Officiellement, alors ça y est ?
Oliver : Oui, cela fait plusieurs mois que je suis prêt. Encore désolé pour tous les ennuis que j’ai pu t’attirer, ce n’était pas… Napoléon V : N’en parlons plus. C’est réglé. Je sais que Hortense sera heureuse avec toi, sûrement … plus qu’avec moi
Oliver : Vous êtes nés pour prendre des chemins différents. À ce moment de votre vie, la distance est naturelle, mais je crois pouvoir me faire l'écho des sentiments d'Hortense qui t'aime tendrement, quoi qu'il arrive et en dépit de tout ce qui s'est passé. Napoléon V : Merci Oliver. Je compte sur toi, pour veiller sur elle.
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mousysims · 2 years
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mousy save; hold onto your hats
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i started with my go-to simlicy save, so most of the residential lots and many of the community lots are by simlicy. i agonized over lot placement and number of each type of lot; i only ever play one family so it makes sense for me to have fewer residential lots and tons of community lots. i'm missing a lot of packs so this is pretty carefully curated to fit with what i do have (i'm used to replacing wallpaper and some furniture for most gallery builds but if it's missing much more than that I try a different lot). i love community lots that a) have things for sims to do and b) look pretty. all of these fit and i highly recommend every single one!!
willow creek
strip mall by simlicy
blue velvet by simlicy
rosado lounge by bottsbotts (it's turned the wrong way in the screenshot lmfao i've since turned it the right way)
summer lane vinyl by pixelddump (cc required)
umbrage manor by simlicy
sushi bar by therealpraline
acadia springs park by silrosse
honeydew coffee shop by ratboysims
oasis springs
thriftea mirage by ratboysims
rock n roller diner by amy_alston93
calico community pool by silrosse
house of mango by silrosse
desert bloom by wafl
llama lanes by simlicy
magnolia promenade
l'heure de the by e-aplouf
magnolia complex by simlicy
simazon bookstore by irrelephant7
ice cream shop by anadius
newcrest mall by plasma-janes (cc required)
greasy goods by littledica (cc required)
monsun noodles by ratboysims
rollin park by ratboysims
george's brewpub by silrosse
solcaf by silrosse
rise and grind cafe by littledica (cc required)
industrial plant cafe by therealpraline
the forgotten by bottsbotts
les boules du lhama by e-aplouf
kids center by anadius
health and fitness center by jessiejessan
planete popemiel by e-aplouf
bamboo wok by silrosse
plant shop by simlicy
island bluffs by wafl
thriftea by kateemerald
old quad restaurant by simlicy
old town bridal by simlicy
old town center by simlicy
the new old quarter inn by simlicy
bathe de rill by simlicy
ocean crown by ratboysims
discotheque pan europa by moonbearsim
patisserie by stjernesky
san myshuno
planet honey pop! by allisas
culpepper heights by bottsbotts
the naked gnome by bottsbotts
casbah gallery by pictureamoebae (cc required)
stargazer lounge by ratboysims
skye gym by ratboysims (converted to a library in my save)
myshuno meadows by simlicy
brindleton bay
pupperstone park by thaisvolpe
vet clinic by simlicy
yacht club by simlicy
grimalkin kitchen and tap by quiecence90
cat cafe by therealpraline
bedlington boathouse by simlicy
deadgrass discoveries by simlicy
del sol valley
hotel by simlicy
studio pbp by roxxysims
ward park and cafe by pinneaple8904
orchid a go go by whyeverr
newcrest cinema and arcade by silrossse (renovated to fit into del valley in my save)
starbucks and gym by simlicy
pride music festival by kriint (i placed on a bigger lot and expanded on the existing one)
laguna mermaid beach by feliciabrenning
sapphire shores by kwizz66
sulani juice bar by simcubeez
ohan'ali beach by simlicy
hang loose hangout by vulpeculai
evergreen harbor
quarry building by marie-lennie-joe
utopia cafe by silrosse
warehouse nightclub by simlicy
the waterfront by luckyheather
sprucewood pool by ratboysims
mt. komorebi
matsu no yu by tamo-sim
komorebi onsen by tksims__0oy
senbamachi market by diviniityx
hanamigawa koen by kaledz
izakaya ippai x2 by mariakarita
restaurant and karaoke bar by bottsbotts
romantic woodland wedding by riemunen
granite lake by wafl (renovated to fit into henford-on-bagley in my save)
finchwick village hall by thesimline
the gnome's arms by yuliana_fib
high school by aharris00britney
auditorium by luzy_lou_77
thriftea by luzy_lou_77
lakeview park by tinynezumi
mt komorebi cafe by pchrseen
teddy’s pizza and arcade by ratboysims
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