#God I wanna feel the satisfaction of finally stabbing myself over and over and over
sensitivegoblin · 2 years
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elliesguitarstrings · 4 years
Silence (Part 5)
Masterlist//Series Masterlist
Peter Parker x Stark!reader
Summary: You and Peter have been best friends ever since he stepped foot into the avengers compound. After a year of being friends you realize you’ve developed a crush on him, but he doesn’t feel the same way… at least, you don’t think he does.
A/N: Last part!! I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading it :) I may or may not do an epilogue to this but we’ll see bc I have a lot of other stuff I want to work on.
Warnings: language, angst with a happy ending
You lay on your bed, contemplating how in the world you’re ever going to manage ignoring Peter on patrol. Truthfully, you know you won’t be able to avoid him, but you want to go as long as possible without talking to him, which will be nearly impossible since it’s just going to be the two of you. Why couldn’t you just go with Nat, or Wanda, or like… anyone else?
Then the dreaded moment comes when your dad calls you downstairs to suit up for patrol. You rush down to the lab before Peter gets there, slipping into the suit you’ve been working on for the past few months. It’s nothing special, just your average stealth suit with a little bit of tech incorporated, but it’s yours. And now you can finally wear it for something other than basic training.
You admire your suit in the mirror, excited to put it to good use. In the reflection, you see Peter walk into the lab, already suited up in everything but his mask. Presumably he already knew you were joining him on patrol, but he still looks surprised to see you nonetheless.
Luckily, before he has the chance to say anything to you, your dad steps in.
“Great, you’re both here! Pete, you know the drill. Station at a tall building, look for bad guys, be back my midnight.”
Peter nods, “Yes sir. Same as always!”
God, what a suck up.
Your dad turns to you, “Y/N, follow Peter’s lead. He’ll brief you on the basics of patrolling and what to expect. Tonight’s a quiet night, but still watch out for trouble. And please, for the love of god, behave yourself.”
You roll your eyes, “Yeah, dad, got it.”
“Alrighty then kids, get to work. See you later.”
You follow Peter out, trailing behind him at quite a distance so you don’t have to talk to him.
Peter starts lecturing you about the basics of patrol (which you already know) as you walk out onto the roof of the compound, getting ready to head to Queens. He offers to swing you there, but you cross your arms and shake your head, still keeping your silent streak. Thankfully, you had installed jet thrusters into your suit, and while they aren’t very strong, they are enough to get you through the short trip to Queens.
As you fly through the city, you contemplate just going off on your own, away from Peter. But you decide that the lecture from your dad when you come back wouldn’t be worth the trouble.
You loosely follow Peter and land on a tall apartment building in the middle of the city. He sits on the edge of the roof, looking out over the city, motioning for you to come sit next to him. Instead, however, you swiftly turn your back and sit on the opposite side. Luckily, he takes the hint and doesn’t come to you, and the two of you sit in silence for a while, with both of you surveying each side of the city.
It’s not until about thirty minutes in that something finally happens. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a man in a black hood sneaking into a dark alley. You know if you say anything to Peter, he would want to come with you, so you slip down the building as quietly as possible, going to see for yourself what’s going on.
At first it looks like an average drug deal, something you could easily stop in no time. But then, you see one of the three hooded men pull a glowing weapon out of his duffel bag, something you recognize as alien tech. You try to sneak further around the corner to get a better look at the weapon, but you make the mistake of not looking down and you step on stick, the crack audibly heard by all three of the men in the alley.
You try to turn and run, but it’s too late. They already have you cornered, each of them equipped with one of the alien weapons, so you prepare to fight.
One of the men slowly inches towards you, weapon in hand.
“Well well well, if it isn’t little Miss. Y/N Stark. Daddy finally let you join the team huh?”
You don’t answer him and reach for the gun in your holster, but stop when you feel another gun pressed to the back of your head.
The man speaks again, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you sweetie. One shot of any of these weapons would kill you in an instant, so I’d do what we say.”
“What do you want from me?” you ask, trying your best to hide the fear in your voice, while also trying to devise an escape plan from this unfortunate situation.
“We’ve been looking for you for a long, long time Miss. Stark. We have questions about your dad and his little gadgets, and you have answers. And you’re going to give them to us, whether you like it or not.”
You decide that it’s now or never, so you take action.
“No.” you state, and swiftly kick the man behind you in the stomach, dodging the blast of his weapon as he shoots it towards you. He’s too hurt to try to shoot again, so you steal the weapon from his hands and hit him across the face, successfully knocking him out.
Unfortunately, you fail to pay attention to the two other men advancing behind you. Before you can even process it, the weapon is knocked out of your hand and you are pinned to the ground, with the smaller man holding your shoulders and the larger one restraining you with his knee. You writhe and struggle to try and loosen their grip, but they are too strong.
“So, you wanna play hard, huh little girl?” the larger of the two men drove his knee further into your abdomen, making you cry out in pain.
The other man speaks up, “Since you won’t cooperate, we’re just gonna have to make you,” he motions to his partner, “get the needle.”
Your eyes widen as the larger man pulls out a giant tranquilizer needle, still keeping you down with his knee. Both of the men tighten their hold on you, trying to restrict your movement. Still, you kick and writhe as much as possible, keeping the man from stabbing you.
“STOP FUCKING MOVING” the smaller man screams, following with a hard blow to your face, drawing blood from your nose and cheek.
At this point, you are helpless, accepting your fate as the needle inches closer to your neck.
“Not so fast!”
The needle is snatched out of the masked man’s hand, catching him off guard and making him loosen his grip enough for you to swiftly knee him in the groin. Peter catches the needle and uses it to stab the smaller man in the neck, immediately knocking him unconscious. The man who you had previously knocked out starts to stir again, so Peter runs to fight him while you still struggle with the larger man.
Although the masked criminal is much larger and stronger than you, you are able to use his own strength against him, throwing him to the floor (you learned that from Nat). Establishing control over him, you repeatedly punch him in the face until he is successfully knocked out. Once you are sure the man is fully unconscious, you glance at Peter, who is already webbing up the other two criminals.
You motion for him to web up the man you just knocked out, and you call your dad to explain the situation.
“Good job Y/N, we’ve been looking for those guys for a while now, so not bad for your first patrol. I’m sending agents to come pick the three criminals and bring them to the compound for interrogation, so just wait there with Peter until they show up.”
“Got it dad, thanks,” you say, still breathing heavily from your fight.
“Proud of you kid.”
He ends the call and you smile to yourself, happy that you made your dad proud on your first day as a part of the team.
And then Peter ruins it.
“You’re welcome,” he says flatly.
With all the adrenaline flowing through your veins making your blood boil, you decide to finally break your silent streak.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, would you look at that. She speaks!” he comments sarcastically.
You roll your eyes, “What am I supposed to be thanking you for, exactly?”
“Uh, for just saving your ass out there. Or maybe you didn’t notice that you were about to get tranqued in the neck and kidnapped by some of the city’s most wanted criminals.”
“Oh please, I could have handled myself just fine.”
To be honest, you know you wouldn’t have been able to handle yourself, and deep down you are grateful for Peter coming and saving you, but you don’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that.
“Come on Y/N, we both know that you would have been fucked if I hadn’t come to help.”
“I’m not having this conversation with you Peter.”
“Yeah, okay. Go back to giving me the silent treatment. That’s what got us into this mess anyways.”
“I’m sorry what? How the fuck is this my fault?” your voice is rising increasingly in anger.
“If you had just stopped ignoring me for one fucking second and didn’t sneak off on your own, we could have handled this so much easier!” his voice rises as well.
“Why does it even matter anymore Peter? We took them down anyways, who cares how it happened?”
“Because you’re ignoring me Y/N! And I have no fucking idea why!”
Oh, so he wants to go there.
“Don’t play the innocent card here, you know exactly what you did.”
“Please, enlighten me, because I have no clue what the hell you’re talking about.”
Oh fuck, you just messed up. You didn’t mean to say it, but your mind kept wandering back to your conversation with Nat earlier and it just… slipped out.
Peter stares at you in bewilderment.
“What did you say?” his voice becomes noticeably softer.
Fuck it.
“I love you Peter. I’ve loved you since the first day I fucking saw you when you walked into the compound and we watched A New Hope on my bed and I fell asleep on your shoulder but I know you only see me as a friend and you like MJ and I just ruined our friendship but I-“
Peter cuts you off by pulling you into him and pressing his lips onto yours. After a few seconds he pulls away, resting his forehead against yours and taking your hands in his.
“I don’t like MJ, I like you. Fuck it, you know what, you already said it so why don’t I, I love you. I’ve always seen you as more than a friend but I never thought you felt the same way.”
So many emotions are flowing through your head, trying to process what the fuck just happened. The main one, however, is just plain confusion.
“But then- then why have you been avoiding me for MJ?”
“Is this about our friendiversary thing?”
You nod your head, still trying to get an answer out of Peter as to why he was being such a dick.
“Look Y/N, I know this sounds stupid, but I- I was avoiding you because when you woke me up and told me about our one-year friendiversary, it reminded me that we were just friends, so I got weird. It wasn’t just you that remembered it, I did too. And I was actually planning on telling you how I felt about you, but then I got scared and bailed. And then I invited Ned and MJ to come with us because I didn’t think I would be able to handle myself if it was just me and you. I’m so sorry Y/N, it was such a shitty thing for me to do and I hate myself for it-”
This time it was your turn to cut him off with a kiss, still holding on to his hands.
“I forgive you Peter. And also, I’m sorry for giving you the silent treatment for three days,” you laugh.
Peter starts laughing with you, “We’re both such idiots, aren’t we?”
“Yeah. We totally are.”
Both of you are still giggling as you kiss for a third time, this one more passionate. He wraps his arms around your waist and you move yours around his neck, drawing him as close as humanly possible. You deepen the kiss, the both of you completely getting lost in each other, and in this moment, its like you and Peter are the only two people on Earth.
You pull away from Peter only to rest for a moment and catch your breath.
“I love you Peter,” you smile.
“I love you too Y/N, so much.”
Taglist: add yourself to my taglist here!
Strikethrough means I couldn’t tag you :(
All: @pxkajesus @hollanddolanfangirl @roseke @agentsofparker @lifeasjazzz @damnrancidchicken @loopyolivia @iwannabekilledtwice @rafehogwarts @non-eexistent @rosiexx8 @nearlydanger9 @realityisabitch07 @midgardassassins @jbreenr @cap-marvxl @ellesmythe @deepestcolorgiantopera @that-one-person @clandestine-nerd @nevertrustapanda16 @ohabbyoh @rxmanxff @bubbleskz @quinn-spn58 @baby-pogue @strangebouquetqueen @thatforgottenangel @pjmjams @tiredstudenttrinity @isabella-bby @i-will-take-care-of--you @hollandprkr @ladykxxx08 @white-wolf1940 @runawayolives @geekgirleve @thathurtbrolol@heyiheardyouwereawildone36
Peter Parker: @blizzardbabe @ifyouwereanybraveryoudbealioness @newsies-yeet @zosia-cichoracki @elismacleod @parkerpeterparker2004 
Series: @t-hollanderr  @allycat449-blog @haley-talks-too-much
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dweetwise · 4 years
OMG THAT ACE PALLET STUN ONE! Imagine if Laurie got the stun off on Myers and keep running thinking she is being stalked. Ace saw it runs to her and she accidently pallet stuns poor ace who was gonna say good job!
[that’s an A+++ idea anon! i was going for crack but then some angst happened? hope it’s ok!]
Laurie pallets stuns Myers (and Ace): headcanon/ficlet
Laurie mutters a quick curse under her breath, leaping through another window. Of course the killer is her brother, and of course he's being an obsessed jerkbag, refusing to leave her alone as soon as he spotted her in the trial. She thinks back to one of the trials earlier this week, where a lucky pallet stun somehow knocked a killer out cold. She sees Myers double back on the T-wall she’s looping, and quickly pivots to a nearby pallet.
Shit, she’s out in the open and Myers is stalking her like the infuriating creep he is. Laurie crouches behind some rubble just to spite him, refusing to give him his power even if it means getting hit. If only she could pull off what Ace did to the Spirit...
“It’s not WORKING!” Laurie yells in frustration to Ace, seeing the Trapper recover from the perfectly timed stun without faltering. “Don’t sweat it, you’ll get it eventually!” Ace tries to encourage her. “Now if you’d help me down--” “Over here, you big brute!!” Laurie taunts the killer, running away from Ace to another pallet with single-minded determination to get the technique right. “LAURIE FOR FUCK’S SAKE WOULD YOU UNHOOK ME!?” Ace yells while grappling with the entity’s claws, struggling to keep himself from being sacrificed on the hook.
After Laurie’s countless stun attempts in several trials and her fellow survivors growing annoyed by her selfish actions, Adam had been the one to come up with a decent theory. He’d suggested the one-off incident with the Spirit was probably related to the killer’s power and her going into shock from being forced out of another realm. Which would mean it could never be used on the other killers. 
Snapping back to the present, Laurie hears Michael’s disgusting heavy breathing approach. It’s just not fair! Why does Ace get to be the only one to fight back!? Laurie grits her teeth in frustration and jumps from her hiding spot to slam down the pallet on the killer.
She gets a small bit of satisfaction from hearing the pained grunt from behind the mask, suggesting she landed a stun. She quickly bolts, having no time to waste as Michael always recovers quickly and will surely be able to stalk her enough to get his power-up in case she lingers out in the open. Laurie runs into a jungle gym to block his line of sight, not once looking back.
Laurie positions herself near the pallet, waiting. She didn’t hear Myers break the pallet, which means he’s still on her ass. Sadly she doesn’t have a good vantage point, and with the killer suppressing his terror radius, he could come from any direction. The seconds tick by and she steels herself, ready for an ambush.
As soon as Laurie hears footsteps along the other side of the tiled wall, she slams down the pallet with expert timing, hoping to buy herself enough time to run to the main building--
“OWW!" she hears a very distinctly non-killer yelp, snapping her out of her fight-or-flight instincts and causing her to look around, confused. “A little help here?” she hears Ace’s strained voice and finally spots the man, stuck under the pallet with a pained expression on his features. She goes to lift the pallet, thankful for Yui’s teachings on the subject, eyes darting around trying to spot her brother in case he’s sneaking up on them. “Hurry up! Where’s Michael!?” Laurie hisses while extending a hand to drag Ace to his feet. “This is turning out to be an abusive relationship,” Ace weakly jokes while wincing in pain, rubbing his cheek that seems to have taken the brunt of the impact from the pallet, a bruise forming on the flesh. “Ace where’s--” Laurie demands. “Shh, let me show you!” Ace grins, wincing slightly from the action, motioning for Laurie to follow him. Laurie is about to protest, but seeing as she basically just assaulted the man, she decides the least she can do is humor him.
“I gotta admit, I didn’t think we could pull it off again. But hey, all that practice you did must’ve finally paid off,” Ace quips while leading Laurie towards the pallet she camped earlier. “You mean--!?” Laurie gasps. Could it be? Did she actually manage to do it!? She sprints the last couple of ten feet, coming to a halt in front of the pallet. She feels relief flood through her; next to the pallet, in an inelegant pile of sprawled out limbs, lies her brother, the bane of her existence, completely subdued and knocked out cold. “Congrats, Laurie--you did it!” Ace cheers, coming up beside her. “I saw him go down and wanted to tell you right away, and--well, then I ate a pallet myself,” Ace chuckles. “Sorry about that,” Laurie mutters, embarrassed by her skittish reflexes. “Eh, I’ve had worse,” Ace jokes good-naturedly and Laurie gives a small smile before shifting her attention back to the killer.
Looking at his motionless body, he looks like a regular human. He doesn’t look like the monster that has stalked her for years, killing her friends and ruining her life, before coming into this realm and doing it all over again, following her and killing her, choking and stabbing, again and again--
“So... did you want to prank him, or...?” Ace asks nonchalantly, interrupting her dark thoughts. Laurie bites her lip to suppress a relieved sob. She did it. She finally did it, and Michael isn’t hurting anyone, at least not this trial, she can finally breathe and her friends are safe-- Ace huffs out a surprised ‘oof’ as Laurie crashes into his chest, grabbing handfuls of his ugly pink sweater and choking out a few quiet sobs into the fabric. “Thank you--” Laurie starts, the sound muffled by Ace’s shirt. “Hey, this was all you!” Ace quips cheerfully, encouragingly patting her on the back. “--For giving me back some control over my life. Thank you,” she whispers. She feels her hands start shaking, cursing herself for being so vulnerable. Ace seems to hesitate, before placing a warm hand over her trembling fists and wrapping the other around her shoulders in an awkward half-hug. “Anytime,” he says softly, without any undertones of humor for once. 
Laurie appreciates the gesture, thankful for the strange turn of events that has allowed her to get a tiny bit of justice in her messed up life. She feels incredible gratitude for her friends, supportive enough to hold her during a breakdown in the middle of a trial with the unconscious body of her psychotic brother laying not even two feet away. Laurie feels the helplessness give way to courage, wiping at her tears with a familiar fire burning in her veins.
”Ready to move along?” Ace asks, tactfully giving her some space to pull herself back together. “Ready to kick some ass,” Laurie corrects, fierce and determined and ready to do whatever it takes to keep her friends safe.
[god i love laurie <3 also i see laurie and ace as a niece&uncle kind of dynamic but if you wanna ship go ahead]
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piperjalali · 5 years
Piper! Your job is to mingle with the fast food workers at rest stop 88, and see if any particularly friendly workers will give you a key to any of the building’s back doors. Bored Macon restaurant employees have been itching for someone interesting to pass through, so make sure to give ‘em a show!
Piper can feel the heat of every eye in the rest stop on her as she makes her way through her ice cream. It’s a powerful feeling honestly. All she’s doing is sitting here, wrapping her lips around a spoon and yet none of them can take their eyes off of her. 
Well. Maybe the dress has something to do with it, but Piper will maintain that it’s mostly her doing. 
Some may say that walking into the rest stop in a very cute thrifted wedding dress was overkill, but to that Piper would say that she had this very cute thrifted wedding dress and she was going to find an opportunity to wear it if it fucking killed her. Besides, go big or go home right? 
Piper makes sure to sniffle pathetically as she shovels another spoonful of ice cream into her mouth, swallowing down the icy treat with a stifled sob that she knows from experience sounds genuine. She can see the fast food workers buzzing behind the counter they’re meant to be working at, all crowding together and whispering as they try to pretend they aren’t sneaking glances at her when they think she isn’t looking. But she can see them in the reflection of the window she’s facing, clear as day, watching her like she’s some sort of cheap show. 
Piper isn’t particularly offended. Honestly, she kind of is (a cheap show that is). 
Piper lets out a shuddering sigh as she looks out the window dramatically, tears falling down her cheeks leaving behind black smudges of mascara. She dips her spoon into the little plastic cup again, only to blink when she discovers the cup is empty. 
Right on cue Piper starts full on sobbing. 
Even through her wet eyes Piper can tell feel the atmosphere in the room shift from mild curiosity to full on panic. Customers sneak peeks at her. The employees seemingly try to decide who’s job it’s going to be to approach her. Piper hiccups particularly pathetically as she swipes at her wet eyes, checking the reflection subtly and-- oh, there you go.
One of the employees is breaking away from the pack to approach her. 
Aw, he looks sweet. Kind of on the skinny side, and definitely a bit young. Even through his blatant panic, he’s got a certain softness in his eyes that she can work with. 
This’ll be a breeze. 
“Um, Miss?” His hand hovers over her shoulder hesitantly, and Piper makes a point to startle like a frightened baby deer. “Oh! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just… wondering if you were okay?” 
“Oh.” Piper blinks at the guy, eyes big and wet and innocent for a moment before she looks around the restaurant as if just seeing the havoc she’s caused for the first time. Her face contorts in horror. “Oh! I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t mean to cause trouble for you, I am so sorry, I’ll leave--!”
The moment Piper moves to collect her ‘things’, which honestly is just here measly little plastic ice cream cup, he jumps into action.
“No, no, it’s okay!” His hands flail around as he quickly moves into the seat beside her, obviously trying to calm her down. Piper stills long enough for him to think that it worked. “I-- I’m Kit. What’s your name?” 
Kit. Aw. 
“... Lola.” Piper replies hesitantly, and Kit gives her this big encouraging smile. It’s a bit patronizing honestly, but genuine so… She’ll give him a pass. 
“Hi, Lola. Rough day, huh?” Kit tries gently, and okay pass revoked because no shit, Kit.
“A-a bit…” Piper replies as she stabs her spoon weakly into her empty cup, unshed tears building up in her eyes until she finally releases another wet hiccup. 
“You wanna tell me about it? I’m a pretty good listener…” Kit tries gently, and he actually sounds sincere about it. 
Piper takes that sincerity as a good sign that Kit will believe pretty much anything. Soft people are gullible, after all. She should know, she is one. 
Her lips pulling into a weak smile for a moment before she hesitantly says, “... Okay.” 
♡ ♡ ♡
“He cheated on you with your best friend? The maid of honour?” Laura (at least, Piper thinks her name is Laura) repeats in disbelief. Piper bobs her head in a nod as she sucks the last of the ice cream off her spoon, watching the crowd around her at the fast foot counter look at her in varying expressions of awe and horror. She’s sat on the counter like it’s a pedestal, a full head above them all so they all have a good view of her telling the story. The transition from her lonely table to here wasn’t nearly as hard as you’d think. Bored nosy people really don’t tend to question a lot when it comes to a free show. 
“Can you believe it?” Piper asks almost shrilly as she gestures wildly with her spoon. Certain members of her newfound audience shake their heads in answer, and Piper can feel a curl of satisfaction in her stomach. She’s got ‘em hooked. “He didn’t even tell me about it! I had to catch the two of them together in the confessional booth!” 
There’s a string of gasps throughout the employees. The rest stop is pretty much empty by now. It’s just her, Kit, and the members of staff that have circled her in search of entertainment Piper is happy to bring. 
“God, Lola, that’s horrible.” Kit says gently, and it’s actually kinda heartfelt. Piper honestly hopes he at least has a foot fetish or something. She really needs something to hate about him. 
“I know. I lost two...two of the most important people in my life today, and everybody at the wedding knows, and I was just so embarrassed. I had nowhere else to go, so I just… kept driving until I found myself here. And I saw you guys sold sundaes so…” Piper looks down at her three empty sundae cups by her side pointedly, before a heavy calloused hand lands on her knee. She blinks up at the owner of the hand in surprise, only to be greeted by a lot of tall, a lot of blond, and a lot of muscle. She’s pretty sure this guy is the fry cook judging by his apron. Will definitely probably have a key to the back. 
“You can have as many sundaes as you want, darlin’. On the house.” He says gently, but his smile is a lot less pleasant than Kit’s. The kind of smile a lion would give a gazelle just before it pounced on it. 
“Thank you…” Piper trails off pointedly, and his shark like grin just widens. 
“Lance.” He introduces cockily, and Piper has to wonder if that’s a name to be that proud of. 
“Thank you, Lance.” Piper repeats again, lips pulling into a sugary smile as she slides her hand over the one he still has on her knee. “You’re so sweet.” 
Lance’s ego seems to inflate like a balloon at that. Good to know. He’s probably her best bet. 
It’s probably time to change gears. 
“You wanna know what the worst part is?” Piper turns to the gaggle of girls on her other side at this, meeting all of their gazes with her own pitiful one.
“There’s a worse part?” A redhead --Cindy, she thinks-- blurts out in surprise, and the brunette beside her elbows her in the side. 
“What’s the worst part, Lola?” The brunette asks hungrily, and Piper knows it’s a lot less that she actually cares and a lot more than she’s living for the trainwreck Piper is presenting her life to be. Oh, if only she knew. 
“We’d been dating since high school and I… I was saving myself for him.” Piper lets go of Lance’s hand to tuck her hair shyly behind her ears. “And I thought he was saving himself for me, but based on all that skin I saw in that booth... he obviously wasn’t.” Piper looks at the girls hopelessly, watching as they all melt in the kind of sympathy that only comes from a similar experience. “Oh, I feel so silly. I just… I just missed out on all that stuff for nothin’.” 
“Aw, sweetie.” Laura reaches a hand out and pats her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze with a blunt, “Men are trash.”
“They really are.” The brunette agrees solemnly. 
“Uh-huh.” Cindy seconds gently after her, and honestly? They’re not wrong. 
“Well, now that the two of you aren’t together, you can try all of that stuff you missed out on.” The girls all blink at the interjection, turning to Lance as Piper does. He’s stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, gaze roaming over Piper as he shrugs unapologetically. “I’m just sayin’.” 
“Lance! Stop hitting on the girl, she just ran away from the alter this morning!” The brunette snaps as she slaps Lance’s thick shoulder. Lance only arches his brow at the girl in return. 
“Yeah, that means she’s single, Rita.” Lance says. He meets Piper’s gaze in a long drawn out way he probably thinks is real sexy. It isn’t. “She can act like it.”
Well. An opening is an opening right? 
♡ ♡ ♡
God, he tastes like burgers. 
Kinda gross but also kinda brings her back to high school. 
Piper pulls back from the kiss with a perfectly practiced girlish gasp, straightening up enough to feel the steering wheel of Lance’s old dodge press into the small of her back. His chapped lips travel down the column of her neck, and his hands wander dangerously high underneath her white skirt, but well. 
This is all about as sexy as a wet paper towel if she’s honest. He’s got big meaty hands but no idea what to do with them.
His fingers edge dangerously close to her underwear and Piper rolls her eyes at the ceiling of the car. 
“Hey, hey, wait--” Piper says as she grabs his face, trying to drag him away from slobbering all over her neck long enough to meet his gaze. But Lance’s head is apparently as thick as it looks, because her words fall on deaf ears, the hand under her skirt hooking in the side of her underwear and tugging. “Hey--” Piper’s breath hitches a moment as Lance continues to do no such thing before she’s fisting a hand in Lance’s thick hair and sharply tugging his head back with a firm jerk, voice like honey on the edge of a knife as she snaps, “I said wait.” 
Lance blinks up at her in blatant shock, but Piper merely gives him a demure smile in return. Her gaze falls to her hand as she walks her fingers daintily up his shoulder and says, “Not here.” Piper pouts and juts her head towards the pitstop window, noticing about five different people suddenly busying themselves with menial things at the attention. “Everybody can see.” 
“So?” Lance asks as he slowly relaxes with a big toothy dumb smile, and god. She can’t wait to see someone shove a gun in his face. 
“So...” Piper replies slowly as she leans in to whisper in Lance’s ear, fingers loosening their hold in his thick hair as she says, “I think we should take this somewhere more private.” Piper pulls away just enough that she’s nose to nose with him, batting her eyelashes prettily. “How about… I get out of here, get myself lookin’ all pretty for you and meet you back here later? You’re closing right?” 
“Yeah,” Lance grunts as he slides a hand up and over the swell of her ass. Piper pretty vividly imagines breaking one of his meaty, grubby, greedy little fingers and smiles. 
“Well... I’ve never had sex before, and I’m willing to bet that you’ve never had sex in an empty rest stop before,” Piper smiles almost shyly as she pulls back to sit back on his lap, eyes twinkling. “It’ll be a first for both of us.” 
“Holy shit,” Lance breathes, giving her ass a squeeze presumably for emphasis. “You’re pretty dirty for a church girl.” 
Piper ducks her head bashfully and she giggles like she imagines Lola would giggle. Soft, shy and innocent. She looks back up at Lance through her lashes and decides to finally get this over with. She chews on her lip a moment before smiling around the meat of it and hesitantly asking, “...Speaking of… you think you can get me a key to the backdoor, stud?” 
Lance’s thick caterpillar brows almost look like they’re crawling towards each other as they knit together. “What? Why?” 
“Well, let’s just say I’m not exactly planning on wearing anything suitable for any eyes but yours tonight, and I’ll need a way to get in…” Piper purrs seductively, and she can pretty much see the moment Lance puts two and two together, the moment that key is as good as hers. Her shy smile becomes a full on grin. “So? Is that a yes?”
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carlyoshawott · 6 years
There’s Nothing Wrong With Being Human - Vol 2
In which a mirror dragon and a planet god piss each other off, again and again.
Vol. 2 - Reflecting Darkness
Rating: (for this part) G (swearing)
Notes: I’m gonna keep pumping these out until someone gives a shit about them.
Reflecting Darkness
“Firem, why?” He breaths.
“You must be healthy, and balanced, Father.”
“Let me leave this world, Darling…”
That landscape of peaceful dreams. They were shattered. Absolutely shattered.
Firem’s eyes slowly blinked open, as she was just conscious enough to feel something soft and silky brush against the tip of her nose.
When her vision cleared, she was greeted by a most unpleasant thing. Color.
As well as two red eyes.
The colorful thing was dragged away from her line of sight, and noise rang through her normally silent dimension.
“Wake up, wake up, sleepy bitch~!”
The voice was enough to make her sit up, but the profane word made her put on an angry expression on her usually calm face.
She looked ahead, and what she saw was enough to make her jaw drop.
A man clad in purple and gold armor, a flimsy toga, and a pure white cloth that seemed to float behind him. His skin was a shining umber, a golden winged laurel raked in his amethyst locks. There was a round hole in his chestplate, that looked like a gate to the void of space. He seemed to glow with a strange light, as if he was giving off what looked like the galaxy.
All of that, placed right there in her precious dimension. At first, she felt a wave of panic wash over her. (As well as a slight feeling of, well, something else that was unidentifiable to her.) And then she noticed two things. One was the long, shimmering purple blade hooked on his belt, and two, were those piercing red eyes.
“Quit ogling.”
“Y...you…” Firem muttered, shakily getting onto her feet. “You’re the one from the dungeon, aren’t you?” She rubbed her eyes, not giving him the satisfaction of being able to see them.
She heard the sound of metal clinking. “Yep…” The boyish voice came from behind her.
The dragoness spun around and glared at him, her legs tensing. “Who are you?” She called sternly, attempting to shake the grogginess from her voice.
More alien noise echoed through her perfect dimension, this time it was him yawning. “Listen, Reflecty, I just want that jewel back. So give it to me, and I’ll leave you be.”
“No.” Firem rebutted as soon as he stopped speaking. “And it’s Firem, not-”
“Firem. What a name, huh?”
She drew in a sharp inhale.
“...ugh.” He moaned, stretching out his limbs. “It’s too damn bright in this place. Here, let me fix it for you-”
“Hm. Well, that’s because in this place the laws of Light and Dark- wait what are you even doing?!”
Firem watched in shock as the intruder grabbed the blade on his belt, and pierced what looked to be the very fabric of the white void that was her world.
Her legs buckled, as noises she would only call pathetic slipped out of her mouth. He dragged the blade towards him, as the world tore like cloth, leaving a crooked diagonal slit that slowly pried open.
He tugged the blade and hooked it back onto his belt, and smacked his hands together as if he was proud of his vandalization. “There you go.”
“What have you done?!” Her cold facade was finally shattered, as she quickly made her way to the tear. “No! No! What is this? What is it?”
She heard him laugh raucously. “Chill! It’s only a rift. It leads to my own dimension, isn’t it pretty?” His honeyed words made her want to strangle him right there and then.
“No! It’ll be too much and he- I mean t-the dimension will die!” Pale hands flailed around, reaching to the cosmic rift, trying to find some kind of solution.
He laughed again. “Aw, you wanna go there? I might take you if you’re nice enough, little dragon…” He sat as he levitated, one leg slung over the other.
It was suddenly silent.
“Pathetic. You’re pathetic.”
“What did you say?”
“Disgusting! You’re so pathetic!”
“I hate you! Your kind is so...so...detestable!”
No words were spoken, as Firem was grabbed by the hair and forcefully spun around. She was met with the navy void of space, before her cheeks were pressed in by cold fingers.
Her limbs went limp as she was lifted up to meet his face. His playful yet devious expression was now gone, as he stared into her very being with those dreaded bloody eyes.
In a state of terror, she shut her eyes, unable to express anything else with her scrunched face.
Firem felt his cold breath brush against her face. Her eyelids quivered.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you.”
Firem had never felt such hate for anything before. No human, monster, dragon, god, devil, spirit, whatever was this detestable to her. Despite the hurricane of emotions inside her, she gathered her little strength and opened her eyes.
Regret poured into her as her very soul was stabbed by those crimson daggers.
“Listen here, Shiny.”
He was now speaking in an angry, gravelly tone, tilting his head ever-so-slightly so he could get a good look at her.
“I am Uranus, and I am a God.”
Her soul quaked.
“You will not slander me, unless you want to ripped apart, limb by limb, piece by piece, into tiny, little, scraps.”
Firem’s face was beginning to turn a sickly grey.
“Do I make myself clear…?”
She nodded, knowing that if she disobeyed, she would be suffocated violently. “...yes…”
Uranus dropped her.
Firem fell to the ground, landing on all fours, brutally coughing as she attempted to catch her breath.
She hacked as she felt Uranus press his boot onto the back of her bare midriff.
“Y’know, you’re doing a great job at holding in those tears.” He laughed, toyingly putting pressure on her spine. “Most people would’ve broken down by now, but you’re a pretty tough girl.”
“...most people?” Firem whimpered, afraid of what he would do to her if she even talked back.
The God lightened the pressure, giving her the chance to recover. “Oh, I haven’t really done this to anybody else. I’ve usually just killed malicious human robbers, stuff like that...m-a-n, those guys have such fragile little brains.”
“But I don’t wanna kill you, Firem. You’re super fun to mess with!”
She couldn’t even come up with anything to say back to that.
Uranus finally removed his foot, but she didn’t stand up. “Okay, enough messing around. Where’s that stupid jewel?”
Firem, despite her determination and reluctancy, didn’t hesitate to summon the jewel beside her with a weak snap. She rose to her knees as she watched him take the artifact in his hands, and cover it with his bizarre white cloth-cape thing.
Without saying a word, Uranus strolled over to the rift he created. He looked back, smiled, and waved at Firem, as he stepped into his own dastardly place. “Bye-bye, Firem!” He cooed.
But, as he was waving goodbye to his little draconic plaything, he felt someone grab his hand, and he jerked back with a grunt.
To put it shortly, Firem was now in his dimension.
And she was not okay.
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Gizzy’s City: Chapter One           ~   The Day of the Uprising
                                          ---------------Tuesday, February 12, 2071 5:35 AM------ Morning, Rise Up, Begin tasks they set out for you.
“Get Up. Rise, It is time for you to train.” they spoke. Their masks, I hate them. I can’t see their face, and they know they don’t want me to. They hide their scents with putrid smells, Like roadkill in the dead of summer. Their voices, monotone. No emotion for me, I hate them. I HATE THIS PLACE! Today, is My day. Freedom, Will be MINE.
How strange will it bee when i Escape, my Utopia Awaits. An entire city.. For Me, And me Alone.
But for now.. Time to play along, be a good little Wolf, But these Goats, will be slaughtered soon Enough..
“Good to know you’re Following orders, Subject 23. You have to eat after Training, Tine to Earn everything to finally make it out on the field.” “Yes, Commander. I will do you well.”
I spoke in a hidden sarcasm. Even by the time i was Close. That’s when i enacted my first phase. I started to take out every guard with My powers, 18 long fucking years, AND NOW IS MY CHANCE! My first taste of freedom.. like i dreamt of. Damned if they don’t see this plan coming.
I already poisoned their Booze kegs. They will die, a slow, yet effective death. in Three, Two, One!~ I start using my abilities. weapons of their guns, i start to tear their limbs apart, strangling. every bliss of their head being hung from the screams, Glorious Music. This. Is. My. City. I Am QUEEN. I. Am. Kailee Gizzy Hartwell. And this, Is my Time to be freed. Thanks to someone that believed in me; told me it wasn’t going to be a fair fight.. but it was worth a shot.
Somehow.. it went dark, blacked out, i saw red, and.. then.. I was broken free, it happens in a whirlwind..
Everything is torn from their hands. Bones Shattered. Spines broken, “THIS IS YOUR TIME TO DIE! You have not known what have you’ve done to me, Somehow, you shouldn’t even live..One The Pandoras’ Box, Is opened, and It has Opened.. Wide. Too late to back down, YOU DISHONORABLE CUNTS!”
The knots that had long entangled her mind like overgrown vines released. Satisfaction permeated her body, and she screamed, voice reverberating against the metal city. For longest time coming, she Unravels.
The City of Kyoto will be cleansed Of these bastards! Let me Rid this place.. let the world..
 Plant life..? Yeah, good thing that will overthrow the building,  The Yaro-Kabuki Theater is now flooded with  the Overgrowth it Deserves, the structure falls through as i stand on top of the roof, and slide my way down and run full force into the wilderness and the Unknowns of this once beautiful masterpiece. 
My first breath of Air, It’s Thrilling, as i look like I killed a thousand Men and women. somehow, when i went into the docks, I secured a boat for food, the river is at least fresh from all waste from their cover-up stories for greener life.... i have everything i could ever need in my pack, but first.. I need to free myself of this 
Hours passed.. I awake.. my head and body ache all over.. sleeping in a boat as it starts to wane into sunlight.. my skin burns.. god this burns.. 
This is my life, MY CHANCE. And, I got this.. I have this.. but first and foremost.. I have to get cleaned up.. 
But where is.. ‘Here’ 
‘Am.. i dead..?’
“My.. My fucking god.. i haven’t ached like this in.. how long..?? It fucking burns! AND WHAT EVEN IS THAT THING!” I screamed as i shielded my eyes. I suddenly sit up.
Even an entire day, spent exploring, feasting on my plants i have grown, cooking, trees growing from sky scrapers, an old overwatch base, i know that logo.. “Heros..? bah.. I don’t think they’d like me intruding.. then Again..~” i burst the sky light out and climb down the tree limbs, I stare at the systems, “this is.. Solar powered! sweet! I.. Think i found a way to learn about tthem their weaknesses are going to be great, I don’t wanna be somebody’s little pet to toy with and beat. I just want freedom, a life without rules!.. be free with everything.. and everyone..? will bow to me! AHAHAHHAAHH- ha..ha.. i’m fucking crazy, AND I LOVE THAt! OR- it’s my stockholme syndrome talking hhhhhaaaAAAAAHHHHH-HHEEEE-AAHHHHH!! Hell with that!”
 after a hours, countless seconds into minutes.. I end up finding a new set of clothes in a drawer.. “it’s cool, dog tag, not mine but who gives a flying fuck. time to change!~”
it soon turns into a sweet outfit, my feet bound in a way as to were i can summon my powers, and also gain traction!! awesome.
Evening falls.. i sit in the middle of ashore, clean.. I think..?
I feel Free, and this is why It matters.
..but hours turned into days- Weeks even! the ringing in my ears as guns and bombs went off..  but that was all a distant memory.
too bad.. I.. can’t remember what happened.. 
----------------Present Day----------------
“Oi! Why in the bloody FUCK are we ‘ere? I know we gotta do our jobs, Bu’t..Why this! it’s.. Differ’nt-- Wasteland..??! Who in their Roig’t mind would..- ROADIE! THERE WUZ SUMONE THAT RAN PAST US!” Junkrat yelled. Their mission was to find an old experiment that had gotten loose from Talon’s Grasp, armed with genetic enhancements, and could kill on sight if seen. Little is known about Them. And if you see them, Sedate them.
  Hog shined a light, it’s just a Giant Golem.., it’s just spooked by their presence. “O-oh.. uh.. ahhah...- jus.. what is tha’t thing?!” hog then grumbled, knowing he is annoying him, but.. he knows he is just unsure of all of this.. Wildlife, they normally get sent to remote and ruined places.. But this..? was Remote, Yes, but.. it was once a thriving city. 
wait.. you can.. see the stars..? the air is.. cleaner..- but.. HOW?!
The “culprit” seems.. Young, for starters from what they saw in pictures, zoomed in, from the salvaged footage from the base before they had to evacuate, Jesse says he let her before, saying she was just looking for freedom, and she was Volatile  at first until she was freed, it was.. it was a freedom she Craved, like honey, something so sweet yet it was too dangerous to grasp the concept of, He.. knows she was.. damaged but other than that, that’s all he knows.
he seems to be understanding they don’t want to be caged, The fact is.. they seem to be like Jamie, robbed of a childhood, nobody to turn to, no love.. this, will be interesting..
With a grunt of approval, and a soft resting of his hand he says. “They are..Interesting, you know.. They’re Passive Aggressive..It’s an old Maori legend.. This place was a thriving city, but.. I don’t think they mean any ha-” soon a vine grabbed jamie and dragged him into the old sewers. a growl of spite. “Hunters, Become The Hunted.” BOOMED the terracotta golem.  she growled as she was leading him below grown, the massive mazes of the pipes and tunnels.
“waoit!- A SHEILA?!” she growled as she stands over him, back grazing the tunnle, she growled as she stands over him by a good eight inches, but that’s only by shadow of her silhouette, she’s in her armor. he then sees the shadow come Closer, and then.. she throws him down as she stabbed on his gut. pinning him down. “don’t make me kill you, you’re already invading my kingdom!” she growled, “’OG! H-heelkkkkkkkk” soon he comes down with a hook grabbing her from her from behind and she growled, screaming, she never felt like this at all. somehow.. she gets a sudden surprise as she gets taken from her terracotta-like armor. when he had punted her into a side tunnel, causing her outer layer to crumble. she is Wedged. But manages to unfurl her second layer and first.. she has a bloody nose for starters.. she gets held in a tight embrace.
“Thank Mate! wait.. pFFT!! AHAHAHHA! IT’S A MIDGET! now ow cute~ yera tiny ankle boiter!” “James i don’ thi-” he gets picked up by a vine and hung upside down and being disarmed of his peg leg and his arm and his bomb gun as well. “CALL ME TINY ONE MORE FUCKING TIME YA ROADKILL! I’LL RIP YER COCK OFF AND FEED IT TO YA!” “AAAHHHGG! ‘OG! ‘OH! ‘ELP!” “You started fighting with a Hartwell, you best be prepared for a Fight. She’s also damaged, look, we have to earn her trust besides, I knew her mother. She was a close friend of my family, Almost.. like a sister.. then she went missing.. so, cut her some slack, Jameison.” she froze.. her hair sloppy and wet from the sweat that she had aquired from being inside her armor.
“liar... my mom abandoned me, and left me with a life of pain. you never know me, yER JUST A COUPLE OF STRANGERS! WHY SH-SHOU-ULD I TRUST YOU?!”
Mako knows, this will be a long rest of the year..
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gingervsblondie · 5 years
Blondie Has Servant Trouble (1940)
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11:51 PM, Saturday, 19 October 2019
What a title, eh? The biggest first world problem of the 20th century. Needless to say, there are bigger problems in the world in 1940 than Blondie’s servant trouble, but here we are. I’m not in the best mood so why not take it out on this totally well-meaning but inconsequential piece of light entertainment from 80 years ago?
Hey so: the mailman Dagwood runs into in the intro isn’t the mailman he runs into in the movies proper. I don’t know if it ever was. Maybe in the first movie, I honestly don’t remember, but I don’t know who that guy in the intro is. He’s not the mailman I know and love from these great great flicks.
Hey, noir detective newspaper guy is back! I guess whatever drama I decided was going on behind the scenes last time is resolved now.
We may never know how much blood he has on his hands, how far he went, interrogating petty criminals in alleys, following the trail that ended at the dog-catchers, God rest their souls.
12:01 AM
So… I think a lot of what I’ve seen so far is stock footage, which isn’t something they’ve done to any noticeable degree in the previous movies. Maybe it isn’t though? I don’t know! I don’t trust myself. Maybe these movies are just so repetitive that I can’t believe that they filmed this stuff a second time anymore.
(Future Euan note: I’m pretty sure it wasn’t stock footage.)
So far, this entry seems to be about superstitions. You know, black cats, walking under ladders.
I’m kinda checked out. Which I can only apologize for. If you’re reading this I want to give you my all, but I mean YOU KNOW WHAT’S GONNA HAPPEN. YOU’VE SEEN OLD CARTOONS. Man I miss Dagwood and Blondie just chilling on the train.
Blondie: “Poor Daisy. Maybe she’s tired of doing the same thing over and over. I know I am.”
Holy shit, the movie heard me. I’m scared now. I’m feeling very vulnerable and I’m not ready for Blondie Has Servant Trouble to Sonic.exe me.
Dagwood just electrocuted himself atop a ladder at the top of a flight of stairs, which he then fell down. And all I can think is “man I wish Dagwood could die.”
Alexander Hamilton Bumstead has a kite.
Kinda like how Charlie Brown flies a kite.
You know, What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown has a really interesting sequence of World War II footage that’s hand-tinted in bright stylized colours. I could be watching that right now.
I promise I’ll go easy on the next movie. I’ll look on the bright side for that one.
The mailman says he transferring. It’d be weird if the movie where I finally notice that there’s a different mailman in the intro is also the last movie with the mailman that actually is in the movies.
There’s a gag where Dagwood, through a series of hilarious events, runs into the mailman while caught on Alexander Hamilton Bumstead’s kite, and we see the kite flying in the air with the mailman’s hat stuck in its string. And all I could think was “that must have been a very hard shot to get and it was not worth it.”
Dark Side Euan has entered the chat.
Apparently people said “no offence” in 1940. Did not know that.
You know, I was in a good mood last night. Maybe things’d be different if I did this then.
See, like: Dagwood just kicked his boss in the ass so hard that he slid clear across the room. And I feel nothing.
Turns out the mailman transferring was just more “ooh, is the mailman gonna avoid getting run into this time? No. He’s not.” The mailman’s transferring to a neighbourhood where Dagwood’s boss is going to put him so that he and Blondie can have servants. Shenanigans. Malarkey. MALARKEY I SAY.
Somebody died. I’m pretty sure this is the first allusion to death in the Blondieverse. So people can die. By that token, Dagwood can die, assuming he’s a human.
But you know what they say about assuming: don’t do it if it’s not funny.
Is Dagwood an alien? That would explain what I’ve taken to be the strangely pointy bits of his hairdo, maybe they’re actually antennae. Perhaps he’s some kind of god, or an angel, a being from a higher- wait I’m just doing the Mr. Bean lore now.
Dagwood, Blondie and Alexander Hamilton Bumstead (to say nothing of the dog) are on the car-ride over to the house they’re going to stay in, where a magic trick manufacturer died (more malarkey incoming.)
While Blondie was getting all horny at the thought of having servants (I don’t know how else to describe it, she just keeps saying the word “servants” with satisfaction,) Alexander Hamilton Bumstead cut her off and said “Daddy, are we still in the United States?” I thought, true to his abolitionist namesake, he was condemning his mother for indulging in the privilege her position in the class hierarchy provided her. But apparently he was just commenting on how long the car-ride was taking.
They’ve arrived at the house, and it doesn’t have electricity.
Alexander Hamilton Bumstead: “This is a mess, how are we going to eat?”
Blondie: “We have plenty of candles, dear.”
Alexander Hamilton Bumstead: “Only eskimos eat candles.”
Never mind, Alexander Hamilton Bumstead isn’t a progressive in the realm of race politics after all.
Alright. The movie’s acting like there’s a ghost in the house. They’ve shown us someone under a cover, cartoon ghost style. I’m betting you right now it’s the magic trick manufacturer and he’s still alive and that’ll be the shenanigans and in fact death remains an unconfirmed theory in the Blondieverse. And if I’m wrong, I’ll just go back and delete this paragraph.
I’m wrong. But anyway I’m pretty sure they used stock footage for real this time, for a shot of Daisy running into a door and hitting her head because there’s no dog door. Unless maybe Daisy had a catalogue of tricks she could do, and so they’re filming them more than once to get the most out of having trained the dog to do that.
So! The guy under the sheet was a black man by the name of Horatio Jones, played by Ray Turner. I note that he’s black because of our experiences with Willie Best, the only other black representation in these movies up until this point. Horatio’s in the house because he’s being initiated into a lodge, and he has to spend a night in a haunted house. So maybe these movies are improving at representing black people?
(Future Euan Note: Horatio is still a pretty stereotypical character, and has his eyes wide practically every second he’s on screen, but he’s presented as equal in class to the Bumsteads so I guess I can count that as progress.)
Shenanigans alert: the servants just arrived, or rather two people purporting to be the servants, but they reacted oddly when Blondie said “you must be the servants,” and haven’t said anything, instead letting Blondie talk for them, so I suspect they’re not actually the servants. Maybe they’re there to rob the dead magic trick manufacturer’s house? I’m determined to figure out the shenanigans before they happen.
The “servants,” on their own:
Servant A: “This is my house, it always has been my house.”
Servant B: “But those young people are harmless.”
Servant A: “Harmless? No-one is harmless!”
Servant B: “...Sometimes I think your mind is-”
Servant A: (Turning, putting his hands on her neck as if to strangle her,) “You’ll never say that again!”
These bastards are straight out of a completely different movie.
Blondie has her fur coat from the last movie. Continuity! Wooooo.
Please make this movie be over.
I hate you
You hate me
Let’s team up and kill Barney
With a baseball bat and a two-by-four
No more purple dinosaur
Dagwood got a flashlight stuck in his mouth and can’t get it out. Which is upsetting more than it is comical. Reminds of that one bit in The Empty Child.
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After getting it out, Dagwood promptly got the flashlight stuck in his mouth again, while demonstrating to Horatio how he managed to get it stuck the first time ‘round.
What a fucking dipshit.
Eric the fake servant dude just grabbed a kitchen knife and walked menacingly in the direction of the Bumsteads, before fake servant lady stopped him.
Don’t tease me like that, Flournoy!
(Future Euan Note: Wow that’s dark, I’m sorry.)
The guy playing Eric, the demented mystery man masquerading as a servant and repeatedly holding his head in anguish, is named Arthur Hohl, and a cursory glance at his Wikipedia tells me that he’s a fairly serious actor. And I mean I’m down. I’m struggling with this one but I am down for the introduction of a thespian playing a violent and dangerous man losing his grip on reality.
Maybe, just maybe, it’s Dick Flournoy’s self-insert character.
There was just a bit where Dagwood ran to get water to douse on fake servant lady, who’s unconscious.
...Which reminds me of this one scene in A Boy Named Charlie Brown, which I’d also rather be watching.
Snoopy’s an asshole and I love it.
15 minutes left. My eyes are doing that thing where they feel bad to keep open. You know. When one is sleepy.
This movie is weird you guys.
Welp, the movie broke me. I laughed.
Blondie: (reading a newspaper clipping with a picture of the crazy fake servant dude) “Man eludes police after knifing attorney.”
Dagwood: “Euh- with a knife?”
This movie’s never gonna end I wanna SLEEEEEEp
Ignore this entry, I’m just typing something so I don’t fall asleep.
Dagwood just yelled “Blondie, I’m shot!” What actually happened is he burnt himself with a candle, but if I was a real sociopath, I could edit that line with gunshot sound effects either side of it. Like Dagwood’s Crazy Frog and I’m on Newgrounds circa 2005.
I think Dagwood just got stabbed. I think Dagwood has a knife in his back. I think Dagwood just got STABBED.
Nah the knife was just stuck in his jacket. But if I was a REAL sociopath, I could- 
idk, edit in a punchline when you’re not so tired, Future Euan.
(Future Euan Note: I dunno, painstakingly animate CGI blood dripping from his back? I don’t really know what you were going for here, Past Euan.)
Okay it’s done! IT’S DONE! It’s done.
Quick quick quick, wrap up: This movie was good, probably, maybe? I was miserable watching it but it had weirdly life or death stakes and a psycho killer (qu’est que c’est) which is almost interesting by Blondie standards. It’s even the kind of movie I could see myself stumbling on and enjoying if it wasn’t a Blondie movie, or if it was but I wasn’t on this crusade. The kind of movie I’d find on some weird DVD collection of public domain or cheaply licensed old movies, like a favourite of mine, The Answer, a 1955 episode of Four Star Playhouse that felt very profound when I was little.
My Dagwood Sandwich rating is: one sandwich containing ice cream. You appreciate the ice cream, but you weren’t exactly expecting it in your sandwich. And when somebody asks you how it was, you’re like, “Well, it was ice cream, so good I guess.” And they say, “Did you enjoy it?” and you say, “Well, no.”
I’m gonna go to sleep.
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