#God i love abh
aslanvlad · 1 month
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When I tell you this has not left my mind for a second
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the0retically · 21 days
The fact that Alfred is the March Hare in Sick to Death but takes the hat off and is just Alfred and gets in Alice’s face about how she won’t let the story continue and keeps trying to stop it to save him, because if they don’t finish the story then he can’t die and leave her
But Alfred is so tired and she won’t accept that he’s going to die and she tells him that everything she’s doing is for him “it’s all about your pain” and he looks so defeated when responding with “sorry, but who’s pain” because that’s the question: is she trying to save him from death or herself from the pain of losing him?
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A Moment of Serenity
A small attempt to describe one of the many scenarios in my head involving Cassiel and Audrey into words 🫶🫶🫶
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As Audrey stepped into the garden, an eerie silence enveloped her. The evening air was warm, carrying the sweet scent of roses. She smiled and walked towards the statue, calling softly for Rufus.
"Rufus," she half-whispered, half-shouted, as if reluctant to disturb the stillness. There was no sign of her wolf. 'Her' wolf, she thought, and it brought a smile to her face. In such a short time, she had grown close to him.
She loved visiting the garden nearly every evening to meet Rufus and scratch his ears. Surprisingly, the company of a certain grumpy knight who often accompanied her didn't bother her as much as she had expected. Audrey rolled her eyes at the thought. No, it didn't bother her at all, in fact, she seemed to enjoy it. Lost in her musings, she made her way to the statue and called for Rufus again. "Rufus!"
The bushes behind the statue rustled, breaking the stillness and making Audrey jump. A huge black snout emerged into view.
Slowly, the beast emerged from the bushes and made his way toward her. She had grown accustomed to his imposing size and stealthy movements, so she raised her hands to pet him. But instead of coming to her, he looked in a particular direction beyond the darkness surrounding them, then turned and started walking that way.
"Rufus?" Audrey called after him, confused. She hesitated before following him.
A few seconds later, they reached another part of the garden, and the sight before her made Audrey stop short. Rufus continued walking, but she was rooted to the spot. Cassiel was there, building the dog house she had asked for. Calling it a "dog house" didn't do it justice—it was enormous, designed to accommodate their wolf. He was nearly finished, fixing some loose ends by hammering nails. His muscles, already glistening with sweat, flexed with each movement, making Audrey gulp.
Suddenly, it felt too hot, and she tugged at the material of her cotton tank top. She hadn't expected him here. For some reason, the thought of him fulfilling her request and the view before her warmed her heart.
"Are you planning to spend the rest of the evening pretending to be a statue there?" Cassiel broke the silence, continuing his work without looking up.
Audrey straightened quickly. "I wasn't stari—" she stopped, realizing her mistake. Of course, Cassiel chose that moment to glance over his shoulder, his smirk infuriating her even more. Her cheeks flushed. "I meant I wasn't pretending to be a statue," she corrected herself, moving to sit on the bench near the kennel where Rufus was already waiting. He tilted his head, having observed the entire exchange with silent amusement.
"Good, because guarding one is enough," Cassiel drawled before returning to his work.
Trying not to stare at his drenched shirt again, Audrey looked at Rufus, who now had his head on her lap. She began petting him, her fingers threading through his fur. She felt she could watch Cassiel working on the doghouse forever. The thought made her heart race and she bit her lip. "Are you done with it?" she asked, trying to fill the silence.
Cassiel replied dryly, "It's not dark enough yet. I'm sure you can tell."
She rolled her eyes for the second time today because of him. Why couldn't he ever answer directly? Audrey decided she had enough of his snark and teased, "Oh, so you're just getting started? For someone who's been at it for so long, you’re quite slow," she finished, feigning innocence.
That made Cassiel pause his work. He looked up at her, a frown creasing his brow, which made Audrey smile. "Do you—" he glanced at her smiling lips, "enjoy annoying me?" His eyes then drifted to the exposed skin below her neck before returning to her face. The intensity of his gaze made Audrey freeze, and Rufus looked up at her, puzzled. She didn't want to be the first to look away, but eventually, she did. Glancing down at Rufus, she resumed petting him and said with as much smugness as she could muster, "Everyone seems to annoy you. Nothing new there."
Cassiel, having returned to his work, grumbled, "Not nearly as cutely as yo—" He stopped abruptly, his words trailing off as if he had let something slip. He missed a spot but quickly recovered, not missing a beat. Audrey's cheeks turned a deep shade of red, and she was grateful for the darkness concealing her blush. She took a few deep breaths to steady her racing heart, which had been unsettled since she first saw Cassiel.
After a moment, she cleared her throat and said, "It's turning out quite well. Thank you, Cassiel. It really means a lot." She meant it more than she admitted to herself. Cassiel murmured, "No problem," and looked at her with one of his rare, genuine smiles. Audrey returned the smile, and they spent the rest of the evening discussing mundane topics and teasing each other. While she did most of the talking, she was grateful for his company nonetheless.
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fanged-fate-fest · 10 months
2023 Anything But Human Master list
That's about a wrap for the 2023 Anything But Human fest! Thank you to everyone who participated. It was a lot of fun, horror, and laughs. There are a few more people still writing so the list will be updated in the next week or so.
Updated Dec 2nd
Submission list page
AO3 page
Whether Land or Sea, You’re the one for me by dystopianRebel Ariel isn’t the only mermaid to get a happily ever after.
the righteous dead by Aspen_Gray Harry is resurrected, sewn together with thread and magic. He remembers nothing except that he loves his savior, a man named Voldemort.
I will follow you into the dark by evaleon70 for queasy Harry loves a good horror book, and this new one about a monster called Voldemort is now his favorite. Unknowingly, he calls out to the shadowy entity, and gains the monster's full attention and appetite.
caught in my web by queasy Well well well, look who The Other Tom has finally caught.
tom's foolery by queasy for sujing Harry is an absolute menace as a ghost. But Voldemort's guesses this is the price he has to pay for killing Harry Potter, and becoming the newest leader of the magical world.
to the grave by asterismal (asterisms) Four times the denizens of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry speculate about the Dark Tower's ghost. + One time the ghost speaks for himself.
Therefore, Repay Evil with Blessing by evaleon70 Father Tom loves his position as a Priest - it is so much easier to kill with his collar. Harry has been watching him, and the Angel is far from pleased with the blackening soul inside those vestments.
Got lost in it, feels impossible by Soulseeker (Laserswordtraining) Revived Harry’s horcrux, Tom is part-dementor with powers over emotions and memories. Especially Harry’s.
windswept by asterismal (asterisms) Eleven years old, in a shack on a rock in the sea, Harry Potter learns there’s an entire secret world of people just like him. People with magic. People who are strange. Perhaps even people who are trouble. Except, even here, no one is strange like him. (At least, not yet.) AKA: Three meetings between Lord Voldemort and the Boy-Who-Lived.
haunting you by queasy for purplemineralwater Harry James Evans-Potter is Godric Hollow’s well-known wizard for any and all things spirits and the beyond. He was given The Riddle Case last month, when one of their squib servants called him up in hysteria for help. What Harry first summoned was a sloppy job of some amateur necromancers or grave robbers, turned into something far more inexplicably horrific.
The Woods are Lovely, Dark and Deep (I have promises to keep) by evaleon70 Prompt fill for Anything But Human Fest: "Lost in the woods surrounding their secluded village, James and Lily are found by the monstrous forest god Voldemort, who leads them back to safety in exchange for their firstborn child. When Harry is born they don’t give him up, and figure they’re safe as long as they keep away from the woods, as its creatures are somehow unable to leave. But even if V is unable to physically reach them, his powers manage to drain their lives before Harry turns two. Being raised by the Dursleys, Harry grows up strangely fascinated with the forest, even if he knows he must never enter its domains (surprise: he ends up doing it)"
World Saving Distractions by SolidMisfortuneandThings Voldemort was always obsessed with Harry. Now they finally know why. Severus Snape was the first one to figure it out and uses it as a distraction so that he could hunt down the horcruxes and be labled as a hero. Harry Potter is only a sacrifice anyways. Who cares how it happens? Submission for Anything but Human fest Prompt: Voldemort is more snakelike than he realizes and its mating season
In body, in mind, in spirit by Ciacconne For the ABH fest. For the prompt: “Tom is a doll maker, and he creates Harry, his personal Pinocchio who thinks he is a real boy. What will he do when he finds out the truth? What was he made for? (for Tom's entertainment?).” Green eyes wooden fingers green eyes trembling fingers searching piece by piece a world now known
Chemical or Magic (I can't let you go) by SquibNation10 For my prompt: Aliens!! Voldemort's spaceship crashes on Planet Earth and of course, he has to find resources to rebuild his ship and later take over the stupid planet that dares mess with his plans! Unfortunately, he meets a homeless Singer-wannabe Harry Potter who messes up his plans. It features Regulus as the Star Elf, Luna as the Loveable Robot, Ambitious General Umbridge and a very Don't give a F Dr Snape. Inspired by a convo with someone I had when they asked me about fanfiction: "You spend all your time on remaking other stories because you have no idea what the real thing is- this is no art," "Maybe, but in my remakes, I never lose hope that I'll find art, and yeah okay it's never going to be an original... but it's mine."
treasures untold by asterismal (asterisms) This close, it’s impossible to mistake for human. Perfect symmetry. Black scales that sweep across its cheeks and forehead, framing too-big eyes, round and wide-set; chips of jade that threaten to swallow inky black pupils. He swims closer, unthinking, and the creature poises to attack, needle sharp fangs bared. Deadly. Dangerous.  In which Tom Riddle enters the Black Lake seeking a prize, and he finds one.
Listen Intently (Your secrets are mine to keep) by SquibNation10 for quiet-of-snow The Rock is black and smooth, interspersed with emerald green jagged carvings, almost too beautiful to be a coincidence. Tom (later Voldemort) discovers this rock has an interesting magical signature. He finds out the rock is a sentient being and can communicate with him. The Rock wishes to be called Harry.
carve through the dark by asterismal (asterisms) The creature’s face splits in a grin, its sharp teeth gleaming. “You may call me Voldemort, Lord of the Forest Below.” “You’re Lord Voldemort?” The monster from Dumbledore’s stories (from all the stories, really), leaving him gifts? Helping him? Surely not. “Are you sure?” Voldemort laughs. “What a rude creature you are,” it says, delighted, winding ever closer. “Yes, little faun, I am sure.” “But Lord Voldemort has been hunting us for centuries.” Its head tilts. It smiles again, and its teeth gleam. “Indeed I have.” Harry’s heart flutters. “Oh.” “Scared?” Voldemort asks, behind him now. Harry feels its breath on his neck, and all the hairs there rise. He whirls, glares at the creature head-on. “Never!” AKA: Faun Harry Potter meets infamous snake-man Voldemort.
reign down by asterismal (asterisms) Harry Potter is being watched. Tom Riddle is in crisis. These things are 100% related
Tomarrymort drabbles & stuff by abraginsky__2 One shots. Tomarrymort One Shots.
and all that you've made of me by LyingInSpirals Anything But Human 2023 Prompt fill As a child, Harry was possessed by the demon Voldemort. Even after a successful exorcism, the demon refuses to leave him alone, although he can’t touch Harry anymore and only Harry can see him. As the years go by, Voldemort’s threats of finally getting him seem more and more real, with the demon’s figure turning ever so slowly more corporeal.
the righteous dead by Aspen_Gray Harry is resurrected, sewn together with thread and magic. He remembers nothing except that he loves his savior, a man named Voldemort.
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webanglikethat · 4 months
Ram and Deviya (Kali flame of Samsara)
“Please, I’ve been on my knees, change the prophecy”
Deviya Sharma (Kali flame of Samsara)
“I was tame, I was gentle, till the circus life made me mean”
Catherine and Hodge (on thin ice) (I swear this one makes sense to me)
“Oh, here we go again The voices in his head Called the rain to end our days of wild”
Catherine and Brian (On thin ice) (From Brian’s POV)
“They shake their heads sayin', "God, help her" When I tell 'em she's my man woman But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger I can fix him, no, really, I can And only I can”
Raj and Radha (Kali flame of Samsara)
“All of this to say I hope you're okay But you're the reason And no one here's to blame But what about your quiet treason? And for a fortnight there, we were forever Run into you sometimes, ask about the weather Now you're in my backyard, turned into good neighbors Your wife waters flowers, I wanna kill her”
Vera (elite tag) (reflecting about her toxic relationship but without the “you’ll find someone part)
“And you say I abandoned the ship But I was going down with it My white knuckle dying grip”
“And I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free”
Jiyoon and Seonghwa (Garden of Eden) (this whole song istg )
“I keep these longings locked In lowercase, inside a vault” (Seonghwa’s song abt her)
Serena and Liam in season 1 (Arcanum)
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Vera and Adrian (Elite Tag)
“Was any of it true?”
“Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead? Did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed? Were you writin' a book? Were you a sleeper cell spy? In fifty years, will all this be declassified? And you'll confess why you did it and I'll say, "Good riddance”
Vera and Daniel (after he ghosts her one day after getting together)
“for a moment I knew cosmic love…”
Sophie and Flo (Sophie’s 10 wishes) as LOML:
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Serena and Bert in season 1 as So Long, London:
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Audrey and Raphael (ABH) as I can fix him (no really, I can)
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Vicky and Lucifer (HS2) as Imgonnagetyouback:
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Vicky and Malbonte (HS) as this verse from So high school:
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Vera and Daniel (yes again) as Peter:
“and I won't confess that I waited, but I let the lamp burn. as the men masqueraded, I hoped you'd return, with your feet on the ground, tell me all that you'd learned, ‘cause love's never lost when perspective is earned.”
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💙 talking here:
well; this is it! thanks for reading all of this if you’re here <3 I probably got a few more ideas, but I’m running out of space 😭 I had so much fun doing this and thinking of every song and how it tied specifically to whom!
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taemcains · 2 months
I have no idea how Boris got popular lately. I thought he's only popular in Russia but I guess rc redditors love him too. I only found 1 post about not wanting Boris to be a LI. I'm tired with players forcing authors to make branches with side characters they liked. The only additional branch I think was executed perfectly was Alexandre from VfV. And I don't want the male-to-female LIs ratio in HSR to be 4:1. Too many male LIs, I'm tired of it. It could've been 3:2 but y'know it's RC we're talking 🤷‍♀️. TDR got 6 male LIs and 2 female LI (you can get an ending with Caro if you didn't romance anyone). HS main series have 7 LIs in total and ONLY Mimi as female LI. ABH got 5:1 male-to-female LIs ratio. It's redundant, retire that ratio already 🙄.
and its always for a mediocre white man like pack it pleaseeee. i doubt boris will be an li, 4:1 is alr insane but three white men? and only one poc li in total...
hs is diabolical. we could take 2/3 of the horsemen for a ride but plague is where alice drew the line? the way her character was handled too just reeks of misogyny. why do the other horsemen have a human side to them but she was crazy w/ no motives other than pushing the plot forward 😭
malek could've been a sexy offputting woman but god forbid 🙄
it's so depressing that sapphic players don't have a choice other than picking the only female li in the book ://
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ionlyseeu · 8 months
And here it is, the worst of all.
When I think of K
Stop tormenting my mind.
I love you so stop it
I can’t have you
No one compares to you
And I compare everything to you
I can’t help but be angry at these people who are normal and kind because they are not you
Ah the only ay you made me feel so safe and secure
Don’t look at me for everyone else but for you, look at me
J j want you to see me behind all the white noice
You would have loved me
You could have but why didn’t you
I we I not worth the risk
Am I not enough for anyon to
Was it b vwuwr I didn’t t ll you enough how much it is we meant to be us
From the first conversation we ion with you that I had I could see it.
You would get along so well with my family
You would love my culture
It would have embraced you
And yet here you are
With someone else
Whilst I am alone and waiting
And some days I hate you for it
But when I remember how you held me as if I was the most gentle delicate being on the plant all I can remember is that I love you
Why can’t you come back to me
I am hunk I kissed you hand when I really meant to kiss you
I remember Goulding your hand so much w m so unlike me
Accept it
And I remember gulfs suck a far cry from those who have no intelligence mats embarrassing comparing you tk abhing
Ah when I fall in love I cannot even imagine falling in love with an anyone other than you again
And with my eyes half closed and a lid of rubbish written before this,
All I remember is you. The smell of your sweater, the silk of your hair. I remember your eyes, the warmth of your hand .
I way you looked at me. I can’t be this being that is an idea anymore and just like I said you turned me from a shadow creature to flesh and blood. You literally made my brain stop imagining myself from a silly joke, a fucking idea in someone’s mind to something real. Someone with want and desire and need and for that I am ever grateful. You K, you liked my curly hair before everyone else, you liked my sun kissed skin, you liked me when I was ugly, you liked me and I was fat, you loved me all through this and that is why I have to have you. It has to be us we have to have it out.
Please I beg you come back to me, you are in my mind always as the one I beg you I can never confess but by god if you give me a chance I will have you. I won’t fight others for you but I will have you, as you are. We simply need to have it out.
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ukcorruptpolice · 1 year
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Aaap kabhi kabhi baithe hote ho and all of a sudden you are like bombarded with thoughts and especially when you recently have been through a break up jo aapne kabhi expect nahi kiya tha and honestly when that happens you are shattered.. You started to hear about the thoughts and perspective of the person jisko aapne itna pyaar kiya... He said things about you or have said thing that litteraly have stung your heart like a fast bullet. And inn saari bato ke baad bhi there is one thing that does not leave your mind and heart is that person , the feelings you had for him , the moments you spent with him , the tinny little stupid conversations you had with him .... No matter how much you say to yourself that now he is not going to come back you need to move on the deeper your feeling grow . I when people say ki aap kabhi bhi apne phele pyaar ko nahi bhula sakte shaayad sahi bila hai woh kitni bhi galtiya kare aap phir bhi unhe maaf kar dete hai ... Shaayad sahi mein insaan pyaar mein andha ho jata hai... Iss duniya mein sabhne yeh toh sikha diya ki pyaar karte kaise hai par kissi ne yeh kyun nahi sikhaya ki usse bhulate kaise hai .... Honestly jab bhi yeh sabh dimag mein aata hai uske saath god knows kyun ek ajeeb si hope bhi aa jaati hai ki nahi ek din usse apni galtiyan realise hongi aur woh wapis aayega sabh theek karne dimag jaanta hai kahi na kahi ki essa nahi hone wala par dil iss kabhkat dil ka kyaa kare janaab yeh bolta hai ki woh aayega .... aur hum insaan issi kashmakash mein rahe jaate hai .... Jab aap uss inssan ke baare mein aap apne dosto se yaa ussike dosto se sunte ho ki abh woh kaise sochte hai cheezo ke baare mein aur kaisi baate karte hai kahi na kahi woh aapke dil mein chubhti hai ki iss insaan ko yeh kyaa ho gaya hai kya yeh wahi hai ....... In short bolun na toh shaayad jitna pyaar hum sabh ne apni first love se kiya hogana utna humne kabhi kissi se nahi kiya hoga aur kahi na kahi unke wapis aane ki umeed mein hum mein se bahot sabh honge .. Its not easy to move on
Har pal har har ghadi jabh bhi uska khayal aata hai uski tasveer dikhti hai dil mein yahi kayal ya kaho dil yahi kaheta hai ki WAPIS aa jao .Chalo phir se sabh nayi tareeke se shuru karte hai . Par yaha baat yeh hai ki mein tayaar hoon humko ek aur moqa dene ke liye lekin tum nahi
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Thanks god annabelle is dressed very pretty / these make up and dress make her look very soft, a rare occasion when she's not dressed in mostly black😅❤️
Yes, she looks amazing and I love the shoes
And speaking of make up, she now will receive the ABH pr packages probably lol so lucky
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thewhizzyhead · 3 years
i've been trying to exhaust myself into like aCTUALLY GETTING SOME SLEEP through scrolling on tumblr, thinking a lot about build a problem, and watching random stuff on youtube and i sTILL FEEL EXHAUSTED BUT NOT ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY SLEEP AAAAA
in other cursed brain-hyperactivity related news, Isn't It A Trial has been playing on loop in my head for quite a while now-
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averlym · 3 years
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hello abh fandom accept my offering
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laalalalalalalaaa · 5 years
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new meme format
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youngjanefonda · 5 years
Seb Stan is hot and all, but imagine having Anastasia Soare as your godmother.
That is my dream
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xjoonchildx · 3 years
I wanna get in on the list thing, best bangtan eyebrows?
okay so for those of you who do not know, i have a crippling cosmetics addiction. you guys would probably call the police if you saw the actual tower of makeup products in my bathroom, backed up only by the remaining products in my closet. that being said -- i know a little bit about brows, and bangtan has some of the best in the biz.
so let's take a look, shall we?
jeon jungkook
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i mean -- you knew this picture was coming, right? JK embracing his inner goth with this piercing that looks amazing on him ana everything looks amazing on him for fuck's sake and brows cut to the gods by some kind of magic concealer. i love that the actual brow is very light, i'd guess something like an ABH brow wiz or hourglass brow pencil. perfection.
kim taehyung
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this was the first image that came to mind when i thought about tae's brows -- this iconic almost straight brow from the mic drop era. it's so damned aggressive and it suits the attitude of this entire look so well. i would bet dollars to doughnuts they're using brow setting gel because each hair stroke is so pronounced. maybe the glossier boy brow or the ABH brow freeze?
park jimin
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god, i love everything about this look. the straight brow, the subtle tinting to match the hair. love, love, LOVE the feathering at the top of the brow and the soft definition on the tail. this is that styled just enough but not so much that it looks out of place look and honestly, props to the makeup artist you nailed this.
jung hoseok
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not to be dramatic or anything, but this hoseok dynamite VMA look changed my entire life and these brows hurt me on a personal level. i love that they matched the precision of his undercut (sob) and those pointy-ass sideburns that literally give me heart palpitations. these brows are sharper than every knife in your kitchen.
min yoongi
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holy shit, y'all remember shadow yoongi? a long time ago a very stupid woman it's me once said she didn't get the whole deal about headbands and i promise you, she is ready to take all of that back. shadow headband yoongi slayed this entire look and these brows were perfectly styled -- tinted to match his hair exactly and the texture stayed perfectly hair-like despite the (i'm sure) many products that went into this look.
kim seokjin
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yes, i am weak for blonde seokjin -- but specifically i'm weak for dark brow blonde seokjin. also, apparently i'm just into straight brows because yet again we have a very straight shape and these look fucking perfect on this fucking perfect man. big hit stylists win again.
kim namjoon
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argh these are so beautiful and soft i wanna cry. i love the fullness at the front end and the very natural tapered shape to the end. and i also love that they've been tinted just a bit to lighten up and match the entire look. they're so beautifully crafted to his eye shape.
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dreamgrlarchive · 4 years
Oh my god have you ever thought of what a bratz makeup line would be like?! I want!!
oh my gosh yes. like if abh or huda beauty were to collaborate with mga it would be AMAZING. shimmery shadows, bold lip liners, powder foundations. I would LOVE it
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here’s some makeup I have that I think would make for really cute bratz looks:
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