#Goddess Mahishasuramardini
jannattravelguruhp · 7 months
Hatkoti Temple in Shimla: A Tranquil Haven of Spiritual Grace and Architectural Splendor | #travel
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clearlyivy · 11 months
Day Six of Navratri
9 days, 9 Godesses
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Day Six: Maa Katyayani
Once there lived a sage called Katyayana who prayed to the goddess to be born as his child in order to kill Mahishasura. She agreed and was born as his daughter and thus was called Katyayani. When the gods invoked Mahashakti – the primordial feminine power to protect them from the demon, Mahisha, she emerged from the sacrificial fire of the sage Katyayan. All the male gods bestowed their special powers and weapons on her. She is the avatara of Parvati in the form of the warrior goddess and is one of the most well-known and beloved of her forms.
Riding a lion, she proceeded towards the Vindhya mountains where the demon lived and killed him. Hence, she is also known as Mahishasuramardini.
Jai Maa Durga 🕉️🔱
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Age is slowly fading into me as childhood draws out. It is autumn now and the dragonflies dance with euphoria in the morning air. I gaze at the scattered bushes of kaash springing up in and around the suburban area as I pass the rush-hour traffic. I’m returning home – a place I know not the whereabouts of.
It is autumn and the start of the devipaksha. Within minutes, houses across neighbourhoods would reverberate with the hymns of Mahishasuramardini. For that fleeting 1.5 hours, autumn floats over the mortal surface, placid like a sleeping child. Whatever human’s idea of time is comprised of, these minutes span the autumn of 12 years ago and all those before it. The autumn of today is restless, derailed, sordid. But it’s not the autumn that has changed. It’s not the season we lose. In all the autumn that hardly slept, I’ve gradually lost pieces of myself in the souls I mistook to be made up of flesh.
On Mahalayas, I remember to wake up at 4 o’clock and turn on the radio. I want to believe I have only woken up to Supreeti Ghosh’s voice in “bajlo tomar amar benu” and fallen back into the blissful sleep that is only found when one is young. The sound of agomoni travels from far afar, like the resonating conch, carrying announcements of some divine proceedings. The sound voyages across dreams and lulls me back in its warmth. Grandpa has turned the radio on, so I will not have to wake up for it. In some memory, his bed lies empty; I try to imagine him lying there, slowly waking up with the sun. it remains empty, but I can remember his damp soft smell of his aura. This time, I turn the radio on and ask him to go back to sleep.
The Mahalaya is the only morning in a year I sleep in perfect stillness.
With every arrival of the Goddess, I think of ghosts. Such great fallacy it is to call them dead entities. With our every attempt to remember them, they become more living than us. My ghosts stay on as transcendent memories of people, with and without flesh and bones, who still carry pieces of capillaries of my heart with them. In autumns, we sing with the ghosts in unison. Year long, grandpa sits with us each night for dinner and check up on me on my all-nighters. Only now I say, “Sleep well, Ta”. Let this be my tarpan to you.
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maa-durga-chalisa · 1 year
Pain Reliever Maa Durga Chalisa
Maa Durga is a Hindu goddess who is worshiped as the embodiment of divine feminine energy and power. She is known by many names, including Mahishasuramardini, which means the slayer of the demon Mahishasura.
According to Hindu mythology, Maa Durga was created by the gods to defeat the demon Mahishasura, who had become invincible due to a boon granted to him by Lord Brahma. Maa Durga is depicted as riding a lion, carrying weapons in her multiple arms and wearing a red saree. She is also known with various other forms like Kali, Bhagvati, Amba, Chandika and many more.
The festival of Durga Puja is celebrated every year in the month of October or November, depending on the lunar calendar. This festival is widely celebrated in India, especially in West Bengal, where it is considered the biggest festival of the year. During the festival, people decorate their homes with lights and flowers and set up pandals (temporary structures) where beautifully crafted idols of Maa Durga and her children are worshiped. The festival concludes with the immersion of the idols in a nearby river or lake, symbolizing the departure of Maa Durga and her children to their heavenly abode.
Maa Durga is believed to represent the triumph of good over evil, and her worship is said to bring prosperity, happiness, and good fortune. She is also considered the mother of the universe, and her devotees pray to her for guidance, protection, and blessings. The legend of Maa Durga and her victory over Mahishasura is a powerful reminder of the importance of courage, determination, and faith in overcoming obstacles and achieving success in life.
Maa Durga Chalisa
Maa Durga Chalisa is a devotional hymn dedicated to Goddess Durga, composed of forty verses (chaupai) in Hindi. The chalisa is recited by devotees to seek blessings and express their devotion to the goddess.
Each verse of the chalisa describes a different aspect of Maa Durga, her divine qualities and her accomplishments. The chalisa starts with an invocation to Maa Durga, asking for her blessings and protection. It then goes on to describe her form, beauty and strength. The verses also describe the various weapons and attributes of the goddess like her trident, sword and bow.
The chalisa narrates the story of Maa Durga's victory over the demon Mahishasura and how she destroyed various other demons who threatened the gods and the universe. The verses also describe the different forms of the goddess such as Kali, Bhavani and Ambika.
The chalisa concludes with a plea to Maa Durga to bless the devotee with her love and protection and to remove all obstacles and difficulties from their lives. The devotee also seeks forgiveness for any mistakes they may have made in their devotion to the goddess. 
Reciting the Maa Durga Chalisa with devotion and faith is believed to bring blessings and good fortune to the devotee. It is often chanted during the auspicious occasion of Navratri, a nine day festival dedicated to the worship of Maa Durga and her various forms.
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ed4wo-study-abroad · 11 months
Katyayani is an aspect of Mahadevi and the slayer of the tyrannical demon Mahishasura. She is the sixth among the Navadurgas, the nine forms of Hindu goddess Durga who are worshipped during the festival of Navaratri. According to Hindu mythology, Goddess Shakti decided to take birth on Earth and end the reign of Mahishasura. She granted the wish of Sage Katyayana and was born on Earth as his daughter, Katyayani. Katyayani is depicted with four, ten or eighteen hands. She is one of the highly revered forms of Goddess Durga and is worshipped during Navratri. The following is a brief story of Katyayani: She killed Mahishasura and became Mahishasuramardini. Desiring to obtain Krishna as their husband, the gopis would then worship the goddess Kātyāyanī with incense, flowers and other items.
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megashadowdragon · 1 year
durga/kali lines
www . reddit . com/r/grandorder/comments/14je1nm/durgakalis_lines/jpku25l/?context=3
Durga [CV: Shitaya Noriko] Battle Start 1 I'll exterminate them. Battle Start 2 This is the decree of the gods. Skill 1 Mahamaya. Skill 2 The power of the gods resides here. Skill 3 They are good kids. Skill 4 Great phantasmal power. Skill 5 It's your turn. Skill 6 Searching for armaments. Command Card Selected 1 Light... Command Card Selected 2 So be it. Command Card Selected 3 Be destroyed. Noble Phantasm Card Selected 1 Rage can not be suppressed─── Noble Phantasm Card Selected 2 Request, acceptance. Noble Phantasm Card Selected 3 Executing. Attack 1 Judgement comes from the heavens. Attack 2 Awaken, Naga. [1] Attack 3 The power of Himavat. [2] Attack 4 These are the arrows of Vayu. [3] Attack 5 Sacred water, pierce through. Attack 6 Fire, ray of extermination. Attack 7 Simhavahini. [4] Extra Attack 1 Flare up, O Agni's flames! Extra Attack 2 Stoke your anger, Agni! [5] Extra Attack 3 Activating incinerating armament. Noble Phantasm 1 Lifting limiters on all god-gifted armaments. Shiva, Vishnu, Indra, Surya, Varuna, Brahma. [6] This is the rage of numerous gods and also the blade of the goddess who destroys the demonic deity. Mahishasuramardini: O Rage, Desire and Demon-Massacring Goddess!![7] Noble Phantasm 2 Issuing the warning of the goddess. This goddess shall henceforth transition into an extermination system. I am the light of Shiva and Vishnu, the light of numerous gods. Break into pieces─── Mahishasuramardini: O Rage, Desire, and Demon-Massacring Goddess. Noble Phantasm 3 Commencing high-ranking extermination action. Permitting the scorching of the earth, the ten god-given armaments shall be deployed. It is the form of wrath that splits the skies and crushes the lands. Perish, demonic beings. Executing divine punishment. Damaged 1 What are you...doing? Damaged 2 This won't hinder me. Defeat 1 The execution of this goddess' divine duty...has failed... Defeat 2 O gods, forgive me... Victory 1 The divine duty has been carried out. Victory 2 The demons haven't perished yet. Victory 3 This goddess shall shift back to normal mode. Victory 4 Fear the wrath of god... Level up 1 My annihilating performance has risen. Level up 2 A new light of the gods... Level up 3 A welcome replenishment. Ascension 1 I am letting you know that my exterior has changed. This is this goddess' form suited for espionage and camouflage. There are cases where I must blend in with the world of men for the sake of exterminating demons who hid away in the world of men. ...Nothing looks odd, right? Ascension 2 I'm dissatisfied. I am waiting for your impressions. Aren't you gonna utter words like this suits me or that I look way too divine? Of course, that is only to make sure there are no problems with this form when it comes to carrying out my divine duty and it has nothing to do with my mood. ...I see. I'm satisfied. Bond 1 I am a goddess who exists for the sake of carrying out my divine duty...the task given to me by the gods. Make sure you don't get in my way. Bond 2 Surely, the fact that I'm here means that affiliating with Chaldea is also the intention of the gods. There are no contradictions here. Bond 3 Destruction and slaughter are my jobs. In the process of destroying demons, no matter how gruesome the sights I witness, they were all brought forth by the gods and me. I do not believe you have any need to mind it. Bond 4 There are some points to take note of when using this goddess. I get drunk off of blood. It is dangerous when I go on a rampage so please make sure protecting yourself is first and foremost. Do you understand? I do not wish to harm you. Bond 5 I am a goddess who was created with only the performance of exterminating demons in mind. I do not come with the function of smiling like Parvati. ...Even so, you would like me to smile? ...You are quite the oddball. Dialogue 1 There are no signs of demons in sight. I recommend you take this goddess with you outside to search for enemies. Dialogue 2 O mortal, obey the gods and revere them. O mortal, deny the demons and oppose them. That's all I have to say. Dialogue 3 You are probably a messenger-like existence whose purpose is to relay the orders of the gods to this goddess. Therefore, I shall call you Conveyer. It is a provisional interpretation, but I don't think I'm wrong. ...For now. Dialogue 4 The Wicked Serpent and King of the Asura. I'll overlook you for now, but if something were to happen, I will kill you as Indra's representative. Make sure you don't do anything funny. (If you have Vritra) Dialogue 5 Those ten claws are...I see, you might be like a relative to me. (If you Passionlip) Dialogue 6 You are the Goddess of Grace. Originally, fighting should be my role. You have no need to possess Shiva's spear, but...I guess I can't say that in the current situation. (If you have Parvati) Dialogue 7 While I may not be your mother herself, I surely have the right to scold you for your slovenly lifestyle. ───Sit right there, Ganesha. (If you have Jinako) Dialogue 8 gh...When I get close to him, my heart aches for some reason... While the cause may be unknown, I will withdraw for now. Afterwards, I will observe every single move of his from a hiding place and determine the cause. For the time being, please don't let him talk to me. (If you have Muramasa) Dialogue 9 Aphrodite Unit...is she a god-gifted armament from the West, I wonder. While I am interested, she probably won't be up to standard with this goddess. (If you have Galatea) Likes I like carrying out my divine duty...and of course, my husband. Dislikes Being unable to kill the demons that should be killed. There is nothing I hate more than that. Holy Grail The Holy Grail...it is not an essential armament, but I have judged it to be useful for expanding this goddess' functions. Event The world appears turbulent. The demons must be on the prowl. Give me permission to exterminate them, Conveyer. Birthday I was born from the light of the gods' wrath. You are different, surely, you were born from a warmer light. Summoning I am Durga, the Divine Light Fusion Type Goddess of Annihilation. This goddess exists for the sake of destroying demons. Please exercise due care when it comes to operating me. Kali [CV: Shitaya Noriko] Battle Start 1 HAHA, GYAHAHAHA!! Battle Start 2 Give me offerings of blood! Skill 1 Looks tasty... Skill 2 Victory is...approaching... Skill 3 Aah...I'm getting excited...! Skill 4 I'll have my fill... Skill 5 Is it still...too early... Skill 6 Mine eye, open up...! Command Card Selected 1 Die! Command Card Selected 2 I'll eat them... Command Card Selected 3 Blood! Noble Phantasm Card Selected 1 Victory...VICTORY...! Noble Phantasm Card Selected 2 Time to slaughter them... Attack 1 I'm watching. Attack 2 I'll mince you and eat you... Attack 3 Turn into minced meat. Attack 4 Fufu, UHAHAHA! Attack 5 Death rains from above! Attack 6 I'll stab you to death. Attack 7 You are already dead. Extra Attack 1 Devi Mahatmya. [8] Extra Attack 2 Rise before me, destruction and slaughter. Noble Phantasm 1 I am Shiva's Shakti...rage born from within rage. [9] The Goddess of Slaughter will dance on the blood and flesh of demons like so... Samhara Kali: The Dance of Victory That Crushes the World...!! Noble Phantasm 2 Hear this rhythm. It is an omen that leads to slaughter. The goddess will sip the blood of the demonic deity and a dark time will arrive. Samhara Kali: The Dance of Victory That Crushes the World... Noble Phantasm 3 Fufu, HAHAHAHAHA!! Where is it, whereisitwhereisit───Here!! Chanda, Munda, Raktabīja. [10] I'll cut off your heads, drink up your blood and kill you!! And then, I will surely dance amidst victory... Damaged 1 This is...battle...! Damaged 2 Aah... Defeat 1 Shiva... Defeat 2 Goddess of Slaughter, functions, suspending... Victory 1 Ahaha, HYAHAHAHAHA!! Victory 2 It's not enough...blood...battles...! Give me more...! Victory 3 Dance, let me dance───! Victory 4 I drank it all up... Level up 1 Tasty...blood...! Level up 2 I can't get enough of the feeling of it flowing down my throat... Level up 3 Do not worry...you, I won't eat. Ascension 3 I am Kali... I desire blood. I desire slaughter. Offer them up to me...... Ascension 4 I do not deny the emotion known as wrath. Rage that can be justified is something with the power to mow down anything. This goddess was born from that emotion. However, O Conveyer. That is a power difficult for mortals to handle and could even prove to be dangerous to them. Please, make sure you do not get consumed by rage... Bond 1 I am the Goddess of Massacre... Have you seen the likes of me before? Bond 2 Unlike Durga, I do not kill because it is my duty. I simply kill, because I am a being that kills. Bond 3 Only the blade is needed. If that's not enough, I'll just have to use this mouth of mine to sip out their blood. Bond 4 Keep it up. Continue to offer blood and battles to me. Then your enemies will surely disappear from before you. ...Nay, if they were to disappear, you won't be able to offer battles to me, will you... How troubling... Bond 5 Sniff sniff ...Your smell. It's mysterious and brings me comfort. Is it the smell of blood? Or perhaps something else...? ...I do not know. Since I do not know, strip off your clothes. I'll smell you directly. Come now... Dialogue 1 Slaughter waits outside! Let's go, let's go───! ...Are we not going? Dialogue 2 The strong eat and the weak get eaten. That is providence... Dialogue 3 Keep giving me battles to fight, Conveyer. If not... Dialogue 4 The King of the Asura. Without Indra being present, it is inevitable that I will be the one to kill you! (If you have Vritra) Dialogue 5 Those who like blood...I can understand that sentiment... (If you have any version of Liz, Euryale, Baobhan Sith, any version of Medusa, Carmilla, Summer Carmilla, Stheno, or Consort Yu) Dialogue 6 Ganesha...don't run away... Let me stroke your head... (If you have Ganesha) Dialogue 7 Mata Hari... So you are a dancer too. How about dancing together...? (If you have Mata Hari) Dialogue 8 If you aren't the God of Love but the Demon King, I will kill you. Even if that isn't the case, if you bother my husband, I will kill you...! (If you have Kama or Summer Kama) Dialogue 9 Those mice smell good so I like them... However, when I approach them, they run away. It seems they are scared of me. That makes me sad... (If you have Daikokuten) Likes I like blood and killing! And...Shiva... Dislikes Weak enemies bore me. Holy Grail The Holy Grail... A cup is to be filled with the blood of the enemy... Event This boisterous mood...is it a battle? There's blood and carnage to be found on a battlefield! It's time to go on a rampage! Birthday Whose rage were you born from? If that anger hasn't been vented yet...I don't mind lending you a hand. Translator notes: [1] Naga: A race of half-human, half-snake beings with divine origins. [2] Himavat: The personification and guardian deity of the Himalayas in Hinduism. Also the father of Parvati. [3] Vayu: The Hindu god of the winds and the messenger of the gods. [4] The one who is mounted on a lion, one of Durga's epithets. [5] Agni: The Hindu god of fire. [6] The god of destruction and one of the Trimurti (as well as Durga, Kali, and Parvati's husband), the Preserver and another member of the Trimurti, the god of thunder and king of the Devas, the god of the Sun, the god of water, and the creator god and the last of the Trimurti in Hinduism, respectively. [7] Another epithet of Durga that means "The Killer of Mahishasura". Mahishasura was a demon who used his shape-shifting powers to do evil. Durga used her trishula (a trident that is used as a divine symbol in Hinduism) to slay him. [8] Devi Mahatmya: A Hindu philosophical text describing the Goddess Durga as the supreme power and creator of the universe. In this text, Kali is her form as the destroyer, representing destructiveness, darkness, and the desire principle of the mother goddess. [9] Shakti: primordial energy with a female aspect. This name often refers to the wife of Shiva. [10] Chanda and Munda; Raktabīja: All three were asuras slain by Kali.
reddit comments The way they talk about functions, it wouldn't be out of place to think they're like the Greek gods. Especially because of the Galatea line Durga has.Ah yes, Durga and Kali eyeing Vritra as she makes a Rubix Cube for her master to solve.Guda confirmed to have Blood and/or Genocide deodorant (no wonder Carmilla is so affectionate by the time of Summer 4). The depression continues. I guess when Kali is unable to rampage she's fairly...safe. But please don't ask Guda to strip. Interesting that Kali still refers to Guda as Conveyor, like Durga. It means she also believes they're meant to relay messages from the gods to her. Meaning they might be safe from harm.I'm glad Passionlip got SOMETHING. Yes, you are a relative, but not in the way you think m, Durga.Ayo! Mata Hari has received attention! Let's GOOOO- wait, the person is really dangerous though!Also I'm pretty sure Jinako is going to attempt to lock herself in her room forever. Imagine having 3 versions of your mom around, the nicest one gets very angry at your laziness, and they get progressively angrier.
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The writers were still the ones that chose to make her Ganesha in the first place, and there’s only so many times you can retread that ground before it gets pointlessly repetitive (especially when you know they wouldn’t let either side of the equation change)
Not to mention it isn’t even the most interesting thing they could do with having jinako as Ganesha. She was orphaned as a young teenager and her unhealthy habits were a direct coping mechanism in response to that, resulting in years of isolation that further compounded upon itself, and now that they’ve given her a proxy parent the only interaction they can come up between them is ‘haha nagging parent and lazy child?’ Like idk I just feel like there’s potential there that they continue to miss for the sake of a very basic joke. And it’s not like parvati is even bringing up how Ganesha ‘used’ to act or anything, she’s just criticizing jinako for how she spends her time off in chaldea. Jinako DID do her duty in lostbelt 4 but that hasn’t been brought up outside of that to my knowledge, and parvati’s frustration is less because jinako isn’t doing her job (there isn’t really anything for her to DO with no one alive) and more because she isn’t spending her time in a way parvati, in how fgo characterized her, agrees with.
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mollisarts · 2 years
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Goddess statue of Maa Durga Family - Terracotta tile wall art for Puja and Decoration. Hindu Goddess Statue presented by MollisArts India. Order now...😀 Please visit mollisarts for many more unique Indian art collectibles and follow us to get update on new Indian Folk art stories.
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l2aias · 2 years
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Current Affairs | L2A | 27/09/2022 1) During Mahalaya, elderly folks of the family pay recognitions for their precursors by performing Tarpan - a ritual wherein water is proposed to the predecessors' spirits on the banks of Ganga. 2) proples of West Bengal mark the favorable event of Mahalaya by paying attention to an early morning rendition of MahishasuraMardini a set of Sanskrit recitations on India's oldest radio show public broadcast circulated by the All India Radio Kolkata. 3) Moreover, on the day of Mahalaya, sculptors design Goddess Durga's eyes, fill colors in them and play out a unique puja prior to doing likewise. 4)Mahalaya has exceptional importance, particularly for Bengalis, as this day denotes the start of Durga Puja festivities in West Bengal. 5) The day denotes the appearance of Goddess Durga to Earth from KailashParvat with her divine powers. 6) It additionally denotes the last day of PitruPaksha and is otherwise called SarvaPitraAmavasya. 7) It is accepted that in the first part of the day, the principal precursors are given goodbye, and afterward, at night, MaaDurga comes to earth to favor her people.
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kailasanath · 5 years
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Devī Durgā Mahiśāsuramardinī
A magnificent stone sculpture of the Goddess Durgā slaying the buffalo-demon Mahiśāsura. The Devī is depicted in her eight-armed (aṣṭabhuja) form – she holds the demon Mahiśā by his hair as he emerges from the buffalo form as she readies to strike the fatal blow.
Durgā Mahiśāsuramardinī was popularly worshipped across the Hindu kingdoms of Java throughout the Hindu – Buddhist period.
This well-preserved icon from the Prambanan complex probably belongs to the 9th or 10th Century CE.
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teresiel · 6 years
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The Goddess Durga Victorious over the Buffalo Demon, Mahisha (Mahishasuramardini)
Period:Central Javanese period
Date:9th century
Culture:Indonesia (Java)
Medium:Volcanic stone (Andesite)
Dimensions:60 1/32 in. (152.5 cm)
Credit Line:Purchase, Friends of Asian Art Gifts, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bruckmann, Mr. and Mrs. Perry J. Lewis, and Anonymous Gifts, 1988
Accession Number:1988.160
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bhrm555 · 7 years
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Durga Mahishasura Mardini
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arjuna-vallabha · 2 years
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Title: Yogamaya, Size:30"x15", Medium: Wash on Paper The episode of the goddess Nidra in the Harivamsha Purana (3rd Century CE) is the first instance of the goddess's entrance into the Puranic canon, her journey from the margin to the centre. Launched as a dark alterego of the central deity Krishna, her eschatological presence embodies in every respect the essence of Death/Time/Illusion/Sleep/Delusion. In Bihani Sarkar's terms, 'She is the dark, skull adorned chaos of our uncontrolled subconscious, the inner eye beholding images when the external eye has shut' as opposed to the royal and luminous presence of Vishnu, who rules at the centre. This is well illustrated in the narrative of the text where her original place is located in the netherworld and the entire journey of her ascend to heaven through the accomplishment of the task assigned by Vishnu, is coupled by a process of her anthropomorphisation into a fully formed deity from a mere impersonal abstract presence as sleep or Nidra. The goddess Nidra in the Harivamsa is a powerful prototype of the Devi's later depiction in the 6th Century Devimahatmya where she has completely emerged as a central deity. The first charita of the Devimahatmya is a continuation of her dark shadowy presence in the Harivamsa as Sleep/Death/Delusion with however significant changes in her theological position. As Bihani Sarkar observes, the appearance of Mahishasuramardini from the combined energies of the gods with Shiva forming her face and Vishnu her arms echoes the Harivamsha iconography of Nidra where she has a white face like that of Samkarshana and dark arms like those of Vishnu. Most significantly, the following scene from the climax of her narrative in the Harivamsha has been verily replicated in the dramatic episode in Devimahatmya where she drinks liquor before vanquishing Mahishasura. सा वै निशि तमोग्रस्ते बभौ भूतगणाकुले। नृत्यती हसती चैव विपरीतेन भास्वती।। विहायगता रौद्रा पपौ पानं अनुत्तमम्। जहास च महाहासं कंसं च रुषिताब्रवीत्। कंस कंस विनाशाय यदहं घातिता त्वया। सहसा च समुत्क्षिप्य शिलायां विनिपातिता। तस्मात् तवान्तकालेऽहं कृष्यमाणस्य शत्रुणा। पाटयित्वा करैर्देहं उष्णं पास्यामि शोणितं।। एवं उक्त्वा वचं घोरं सा यथेष्टेन वर्तमाना। खं सा देवालयं देवी सगणा विचचार ह।। In the middle of a night seized with darkness, swarming with throngs of ghosts, she cast terror as she danced cackling, flashing inauspiciously. Filled with wrath, she quaffed eminent liquor in the sky. She bellowed with mighty laughter, and in her anger, addressed Kamsa: 'Kamsa, O Kamsa! Since after hurling me up you have suddenly cast me down on a rock and executed me in order to end my life, I, at the time of your death, shall cleave you with my hands while you will be dragged by enemies and shall drink your warm blood.' Having spoken terrible words, the goddess accompanied by her retinue went to her heavenly abode following a path of her choice.
Text and art by Arghya Dipta
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hinducosmos · 4 years
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Kolaramma Temple, Kolar, Karnataka.
Travellogrush wrote : This thousand years old temple has been built in South Indian style of architecture. It has granite stones that display a range of inscriptions made by the Cholas. The temple has two shrines- one is Kolaramma and the other is Saptamatras. A common vestibule is shared by both the shrines, although the main temple faces east and the other shrine faces north.
The presiding deity in the temple is Mahishasuramardini, who is named Kolaramma by the local people. She is an eight-armed Goddess Durga.
(via Instagram: Travellogrush)
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aic-asian · 3 years
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Goddess Durga Slaying the Buffalo Demon (Mahishasuramardini), 501, Art Institute of Chicago: Asian Art
Gift of Marilynn B. Alsdorf Size: 76.5 × 44.5 × 15 cm (30 1/8 × 17 1/2 × 5 7/8 in.) Medium: Sandstone
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yoga-onion · 4 years
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Hindu Mythology & Deities
- Hindu deities (18)-
Asuras / Mahishasura
Mahishasura is a member of the Asura divine family belonging to the Dhanava tribe in Hindu mythology. He was born as the son of Rambha and a buffalo. Mahishasura is a Sanskrit word composed of Mahisha meaning buffalo and Asura meaning demon, or Buffalo Demon. He is known among most sections of Hindus for his deception and as someone who pursued his evil ways by shape shifting into different forms. Mahishasura had gained the boon that no man could kill him. In the battles between the gods and the demons, the Devas led by Indra were defeated by Mahishasura.
Dejected by their defeat, the Devas assemble in the mountains where their combined divine energies coalesce into goddess Durga. The newborn Durga led a battle against Mahishasura, riding a lion and killed him. Thereafter she is named Mahishasuramardini, meaning The Killer of Mahishasura.
The name of Mysore, a city in the southern Indian state of Karnataka, is derived from Mahishasura.
マヒシャースラとは、ヒンドゥー教の神話に登場するダーナヴァ族に属するアスラ神族の1人。ラムバーと水牛の間の子として生まれた。 マヒシャースラとは、水牛を意味するマヒシャと悪魔を意味するアスラからなるサンスクリット語で、水牛の悪魔のことである。 彼は、ヒンドゥー教のほとんどの部門においてマヤカシの悪魔として知られており、さまざまな形に形を変えて彼の邪悪なやり方を追求した人として知られている。 マヒシャスーラは、誰も彼を殺すことができないという恩恵を得ていた。神々と悪魔の間の戦いでは、インドラが率いるデーヴァ神族はマヒシャスーラによって敗北した。彼らの敗北によって��胆し、デーヴァ神族は、彼らの結合された神のエネルギーが女神ドゥルガーに合体するため山に集合する。
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Devipaksha : Part Two of Devipaksha 
Hail The Mother, gracing us with Her Splendour,
Hail The Daughter, adorning us with Her Grace!
The official festivities begin from the day of Shashthi, when all rituals start, and continue through Dashami, which marks the end of the festivities. Dashami, is also widely known as Dusshera, which marks Lord Rama, slaying Raavana. 
In Bengal, however, we widely follow the Legend of Mahishasuramardini, where The Goddess slays The Half-Man-Half-Buffalo Demon, Mahishasura, and restores order in the world.
Taglist: @mayavanavihariniharini : The one who prompted this.
@walburgablack and @medhasree : Pujo eshe gache!
and @carminavulcana and @ruminationsofaraven : Thank You Ladies, for being my literal 3 a.m. friends! 
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