#Godhunter by Aviators
thestarsarehaunted · 5 months
Hiii (for the song ask game!!)
Rumors heard from a little black bird
I haven't met a locked door yet I couldn't beat
You see my hands are steady
It started long before me
Lo! I have become death
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deathianartworks · 4 months
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'To the master of the eldritch, she's a growing bed of thorns'
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il3x · 1 year
Foil as the postapocalyptic gunslinger she deserved to be...
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So I listened to Godhunter, heard the line "for who could be such a threat to me, the conqueror of time", thought Hey! Who do I know that could kill a god and has a nemesis associated with time? and uhhh. A sketch page followed.
File this with the "What if Ward was Parahumans Mad Max?" post genre.
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eggytugboat · 5 months
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When you're sinful to the bone (unholy)
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And you've claimed a throne for yourself (like me)
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And wield power of your own making
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Godhunter's gonna hunt you down
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azurine-cryptid · 2 years
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i havent drawn my scp researcher oc in a long ass while so here she is, Researcher Mary Oswald
probably will refine this later
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furtiveseal · 2 years
I feel like listening to Godhunter by Aviators and giving my thoughts on each song. Might finish this might not but it might be fun
Here's the list of songs, I'll try to link the associated post when I get to it:
- Godhunter
- Red Water Dreams
- Lost Boys
- Way of the Strong
- Too Late for a Savior
- Signed on for a sequel
- All Hallows
- Pop Cult Crucifixion
- The Longest Road
- Whenever It Rains
- A Castle on the Sea
- Endgame (including the remix probably)
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moonwolfhowl · 2 years
#22 for Spotify wrapped
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^__^''' you know it's funny I always mentally associate this song with Edelgard
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ilivewithintheshadows · 4 months
Indie albums that tell a story about a world I know nothing about is so fantastic but also so infuriating. What do you mean you're the last god and an immortal godhunter is coming after you? What do you mean there's a princess that wants to kill her mother to take the throne? PLEASE TELL ME MORE IM BEGGING CRYING SCREAMING
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meanyart · 7 months
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Godhunter's gonna hunt you down
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h9rd-t6-miss · 1 year
The fact that Signed on for a Sequel is 5:39 is a gift the universe could never replay
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lynnorien · 2 years
praxis is imagining all the people in songs who use she/her as trans women
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curuniel · 2 years
The only part of my Wrapped I'm proud of:
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sobie-is-scared · 6 months
I was listening to Godhunter by the Aviators, and it got me thinking about Jim again. But specifically about what is provably the most creative kill of the series - his final stand against Bular. It was stunning visually and really good choreography wise, but it got me thinking about another fight involving Bular. One of the very first things we see in the entire franchise.
The fight between him and Kanjigar. And why I think Kanjigar wouldn't even think of doing what Jim did in that final battle. It's fascinating how differently both trollhunters use Daylight, and I have my thoughts on it to share.
Let's start with Kanjigar. As we see in Wizards, he was a warrior long before getting chosen by the amulet, and it's safe to say he has been trained in using a sword. And so even when he fights with Daylight he treats it pretty much the same as a regular blade.
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Like over here. He burns himself to reach for the sword, when we know that Daylight can be teleported straight into your palm. But it's not something Kanjigar would have had to use often because, as it's established, he is an excellent warrior. He probably is disarmed very rarely, if at all.
Not our Jim, though. He is a scrawny sixteen year old fighting giant creatures of living stone. The sword is flung from his hands constantly. And so he had to learn how to get it back in an instant or die. He is doing everything in his power to keep up with beings much stronger, bigger, and faster than he is, and so he is using this trick a lot.
So for him, the sword is much less of a physical thing, is what Im trying to say. And that allows him to come up with an idea for something like this:
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Like he says in this scene, he is not a troll, and he doesn't fight like one. What a genius way to write a protagonist going against much more traditionally powerful opponents.
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faerynova · 10 months
full disclosure this number was picked by a friend in a verbal conversation so i just sent myself an ask. anyway. blood god's a woman.
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multi-lefaiye · 14 days
favorite song tag
thank u @vacantgodling for the tag :3
Rules: shuffle your playlist 5 times and post a poll with the songs and let your followers decide which is the best
tagging, with no pressure to any of y'all: @skitzo-kero @anexor @invaderskoodge @corvus-rose aaaand YOUUUU (this is an open tag)
so the wording of the rules implies that it's supposed to be your favorite songs playlist or whatever, but i have like over 100 playlists and would rather share songs from one of them instead.
anyway this is 5 songs from my into darkness we march playlist (the campaign i originally created eden for) (so, in a way, these are eden songs)
song links if you don't know them:
slim pickens does the right thing and rides the bomb straight to hell - the offspring
moving on - james
shifting roots - blixemi
kill the lights - the birthday massacre
godhunter - aviators
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furtiveseal · 2 years
The first Aviators song I ever listened to, and still one I hold dear with lots of memories attached to it. Plus I still like it! It's probably not my favourite from the album, but it's got several heavy hitters so that's not anything to be ashamed of imo. I feel like it's a good introduction to Aviators's style too, with a slower pace and long bridge.
Special mention to @/cardinailed0's art featuring the lyrics of the song, which is simply chef's kiss
Favourite line goes to the chorus which gets in your head and has a cool rhythm!
Rating: Still really cool!
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