#Goethe Institut Tokyo
nobuyukikakigi · 2 months
ここへ来てようやく春らしい陽射しが注いでくるようになりました。それまで福岡では、気温は平年と変わらないものの、重い雲が垂れ込め、時折雨風が強くなる日が続いていて、気分も体調も落ち込むことが多かったので嬉しく思っています。学期の始まりの慌ただしさもようやくひと段落し、溜め込んだ仕事に少しずつ取り組んでいるところです。美学と哲学の講義にも、またこれらを深めるゼミにも熱心な学生がいて刺激を受けています。ゼミではエドワード・W・サイードの晩年の著作を読み始めました。彼が何を問い続けてきたのかを顧みることをつうじて、現在の厳しい状況を見通す思考の方途を探れればと思います。 3月8日に広島交響楽団の演奏会を聴くために訪れた広島にて さて、3月から4月の仕事についてご報告しておきたいと思います。まず、書評紙『週間読書人』の3月1日号に、郁文堂から昨年末に刊行されたヨアヒム・ゼング編/細見和之訳『ア…
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vroerry · 8 months
Berliner Mauer
Michael Kaiser x Fem reader
tw: mentions of abuse, sex, controlling, gaslighting i think
Clopp. Clopp. The raindrops fell on the window. The sun has already set, as you were packing your suitcase and sorting things into boxes.
Why did you agree to this? How could you agree to this? You can still leave. There's still some time before he comes home. You can make a run for it. You can quietly get on a bus, go to a random location and start a new life. Without him. Without any of this.
You stared at your carefully folded clothes in the suitcase. Then you looked around the seemingly empty room. The only things that were left were the mattress, the closet and the huge pile of personal belongings you had to go through in the next six hours. You glanced at the backpack you've already packed.
Your heart sank. You don't want to leave. You can't leave.
As you opened the bag the trigger of the night fell out.
Certificate of attainment of successful language exam.
language: German
level: b2
Goethe Institut Tokyo
Tears started to roll down your cheeks faster than ever. Your throat tightened as you gasped for air. You can't do this. No. It's impossible.
What's a Japanese girl to do in Germany of all places?
It was his demand. One day he just came home. Handed you a book with a phone number. Learn german. Make it quick. Get at least a b2 in four months. We're moving to Berlin.
You sobbed as the memories resurfaced. His blue eyes darting through you. His knuckles clenched as you stuttered your concerns out before he hit you for the first (but not the last)
Michael Kaiser. Football prodigy and toxic boyfriend.
Michael Kaiser the man who's ruining your life yet again. As you sobbed through the events of the past months you heard the front door creaking open.
He finished practice early.
"Liebe! Ich bin zu Hause angekommen! Liebe? Wo bist du?"
"Don't speak German, I beg of you" you started to sob even more. You heard his footsteps coming closer and closer before he entered the room.
"Oh Liebe... Are you sad about having to leave? It's going to be okay my. dear you speak German good. You'll be able to make it!" he tried to brush it off.
"No" you continued with the tears. "You're so cold with me. German sucks. I'm an Asian girl, not knowing shit about Europe. I'll have to marry you for a visa. I don't want to be there"
"Oh, Liebe.." he kneeled next to you. "You'll be okay. I understand it is hard to... Leave your home but I promise you'll love Berlin. It's similar... to Tokyo"
"Really?" your eyes sparked up.
"Of course! and don't forget that you can already speak so much German and your degree also uncommon and looked for in Germany."
"I-i understand but still... It's.. still scary"
"You'll be fine" he started to lose his temper.
"But... what if..."
"Shut the fuck up!" he suddenly yelled and shoved you before standing up. "Listen I can't listen to your sorry ass! Uuu, just a Japanese little girl, nobody fucking cares! You should've achieved a better level, you should've picked an actual degree so you wouldn't have to rely on me! So continue packing your shit! We're getting on that dang plane. Now if you excuse me. One of us here is actually earning money and paying all your expenses. And he'd like to have a shower before I show you mein Schwanz one last time in your fucked up country! Before we leave for the paradise. " he hurried off immediately.
Your sobs took up again as the incident of the wall of Berlin came to your head. You'll be trapped in the part of Berlin Michael wants you to see. The life he wants you to live. Saying no? Not an option.
Maybe it's going to work out. You thought.
Will it?
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sugurugoto · 23 days
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Penrose Stairs
Date and Time: May 24, 2024, 19:00 Location: Goethe-Institut Tokyo 7-5-56, Akasaka, Minato, Tokyo, 〒107-0052
Suguru Goto: Concept, direction, music
Daichi Akiyama: Laser
Toru Yokoyama: Video
Can Li: Assistant
Liu Chenhan: Assistant
Photos by Yohta Kataoka
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gotosuguru · 1 month
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2024/05/22(水) 22:00-24:00
「ライブエレクトロニクスと空間拡張メディアワーク」Hans Tutschku x 後藤英
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cineparlour · 9 months
2023 >> info + activities >> updates
Scott Miller Berry is a film festival obsessed cinephile and filmmaker who has lived in Toronto since 2001. He currently programs films at Rendezvous With Madness Festival and with the re:assemblage collective's DIFFUSION non-fiction/documentary film festival.
Previously he was Executive Director for ten years at the Images Festival. Recipient of the 2015 Rita Davies Margo Bindhardt Award for cultural service in Toronto, he sits on the Boards of Toronto Media Arts Centre (TMAC) and Long Winter Music and Arts Festival.
Recent Jury work includes EXiS Festival (Seoul, South Korea, 2021), ARKIPEL Festival (Jakarta, Indonesia, 2019 & 2016), Canada Council for the Arts (2022-2017), Ontario and Toronto Arts Council (2019-2016); Future of Film Showcase (2021).
He co-curated a program entitled "Foster Films" at the 2023 Oberhausen Short Film Festival and has toured film programs to Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Taipei, Tokyo, Bangalore, Bangkok, Seoul, Singapore and an upcoming tour to Manila and Hanoi.
Recent public speaking, interviews and writing include: (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periferico; Oberhausen Short Film Festival, POV Magazine and Goethe Institut Toronto.
As a cultural catalyst he has instigated and/or served Board time at the 8 fest small gauge film festival, Early Monthly Segments, MICE Magazine, Media Arts Network of Ontario, Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre, etcetera.
Most of his short films are shot on 16mm and/or Super 8 film and address themes of mortality, grief, memory and collective histories and sometimes are processed by hand. His film ars memorativa screened in competition at the Oberhausen Short Film Festival after debuting at Experimenta India in Bangalore. Other recent screenings include Seoul, Zagreb, Vienna, Regina, Calgary, Montreal and a fall 2015 solo screening in Toronto
Instagram @cineparlour
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jeduka · 2 years
Top 5 Amazing Student Cities In Germany
Germany is a great place to study, but many students have been worried about choosing a city. Whether you’re looking for the best party scene, the most vibrant nightlife, or simply a safe place to live, choices are abundant in Germany. This post lists the top 5 amazing student cities in Germany where you will find everything that you could want or need for a student lifestyle.
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Study in Berlin
Berlin, Germany’s capital and largest city, is without a doubt one of the best cities in the nation for international students. Even among the greatest cities in the world for international students to live and study is this one. Really, why not? Germany’s cultural and commercial hub, Berlin, offers a wealth of chances for enjoyable yet useful learning. Berlin also has many noteworthy historical depictions that might deepen your understanding of events you previously only knew from literature.
Germany’s academic and research capital is Berlin. Several internationally renowned higher education institutes are located in the city. The top three universities on the list are the 
Freie Universität Berlin, 
Humboldt- Universität Zu Berlin, and 
Technische Universität Berlin, 
All of which are renowned for offering a wide range of English-taught programs. Tuition-free education at the majority of Berlin’s universities is excellent news for any international student wishing to attend one of the city’s educational institutions. The high ratio of international students at Berlin’s institutions is another reason why you won’t feel out of place there.
Study in Frankfurt
Frankfurt, the multicultural capital of Germany, is regarded as having one of the greatest quality of life rankings worldwide. The city is regarded as Germany’s equivalent of economically robust cities like Singapore or Tokyo because of the concentration of business and tourism hubs that it has. Therefore, it is simple for international students to hunt for career or internship opportunities in this location.
Universities in Frankfurt will not disappoint when it comes to the quality of education they provide their students. A few of Frankfurt’s most prestigious universities are the 
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, 
the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt, 
the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, and 
the University of Music and Performing Arts.
Frankfurt is the city to attend for international students who want to be in the thick of things. They must lead active lives in this city, combined with fun pursuits for a study-and-play lifestyle.
Study in Munich
Munich (or München), the third-largest city in Germany, is a top-ranked student city not only in Germany or Europe but also globally. Munich, which is in the center of Bavaria, stands out due to its elegant Bavarian architecture surrounded by vast parks, lovely gardens, and mountain ranges. Additionally, it is close to Austria and the Czech Republic, where you can visit if you need a break from school.
Munich’s universities consistently receive positive views from other organizations.. The city’s most prestigious universities which you may want to attend are 
the Technical University of Munich, 
The Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, 
 the Munich University of Applied Sciences
Students from non-German-speaking countries can enroll in a variety of English-taught programs at these universities. Low tuition costs and a sizable number of university scholarships are what Munich students may anticipate. International students, who make up 16% of the city’s overall population, are a popular choice for the city.
Study in Dresden
Dresden, known as the “Jewel Box of Germany,” is arguably the most stunning city in the whole of Europe. Because of its wonderful architecture that lines the city, Dresden, the capital of Saxony, draws both visitors and foreign students. It also boasts well-kept green spaces that make the city appear more lovely than it is. Although Dresden has a gorgeous face, she is more than that. In addition to being an important political, economical, cultural, and intellectual hub, the city attracted over 40,000 students to study in its academic institutions.
International students have the option of enrolling at the well-regarded Technische Universität Dresden in Germany. Dresden’s student population has access to upscale locales including the Neustadt, a hangout for students, and the Altstadt, which houses museums, libraries, and study facilities. You can always visit tourist attractions like the Zwinger Palace if you want to get some fresh air and see more of Dresden.
Study in Aachen
Students seeking a place to live in Germany frequently pass by the attractive city of Aachen in North Rhine-Westphalia, which has roots in an old Roman bath. Aachen, which is in the country’s westernmost region and borders Belgium and the Netherlands, has a lot of exciting characteristics to offer if you know which viewpoint to adopt. One reason is that Aachen should be your first choice when you want to live in a city that is at the forefront of innovation and technical growth while yet being drawn to its rich cultural traditions.
Aachen is home to several prestigious academic institutions. In actuality, one of the best universities in Germany is the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH Aachen University). The IDEA League, a grouping of the most esteemed technological colleges in Europe, includes it as a founding member. Another university that takes pride in its superior engineering science education is the FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences.
Therefore, Aachen should be your student city of choice if you are an international student seeking a professional degree in engineering, automotive, or industrial technology. Similarly, Aachen is the ideal study place for medical technologies. The Klinikum Aachen, the research and academic branch of the RWTH Aachen University, is one of Europe’s major medical institutions and is located in this city.
Germany has long been a popular destination for students, and there’s no shortage of great cities across the country. We hope you found this article on the top 5 favorite student cities in Germany helpful. For more information visit Jeduka.com
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chinthree · 4 years
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Okazaki Art Theatre stage performance“The Story of Descending the Long Slopes of Valparaiso”@Goethe-institut Tokyo, 2019
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inframince-inc · 6 years
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Thanks for coming: HA biest A tour jp 2018 / 大阪、京都、東京にて開催しましたHA biest A tour jp 2018へご来場いただいた皆様、関係各位、そして本プログラムに助成をいただきましたゲーテ・ インスティトゥート(ドイツ文化センター)に感謝致します。 今回のBIESTの来日プログラムは全て終了となりましたが、引き続き彼らの活動にご注目くださいませ。
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zootapes · 3 years
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2020/02/22 SAT19:30–23:30
Goethe-Institut Tokyo「TELEXPLOSION:テレビ王国の憂愁1980s」開催記念SPECIAL@SUPER DOMMUNE!!
●Chapter1「DER PLANとNeue Deutsche Welle」 ●Chapter2「Die Tödliche Doris SPECIAL!!」 ●19:30- 21:30 Goethe-Institut Tokyo「TELEXPLOSION:テレビ王国の憂愁1980s」開催記念SPECIAL!! Chapter1「DER PLANとNeue Deutsche Welle」 TALK:DER PLAN(ATA TAK|from Düsseldorf)、宇川直宏(DOMMUNE)、臼田文明(NEdS RECORDS)他 ア・カペラLIVE:DER PLAN(ATA TAK|from Düsseldorf)
●21:30- 23:30 Goethe-Institut Tokyo「TELEXPLOSION:テレビ王国の憂愁1980s」開催記念SPECIAL!! Chapter2 zoo tapes presents 「Plateaux of NOISE28 / 現代ノイズ進化論28」Die Tödliche Doris SPECIAL!! 出演:宇川直宏(DOMMUNE)、佐々木秀典(zoo tapes)、臼田文明(NEdS RECORDS) GUEST:WOLFGANG MULLER(Die Tödliche Doris)、明石政紀 他
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■TELEXPLOSION「ビデオテープの磁性体に咲いた極彩色の徒花」宇川直宏(DOMUNE) 1960年代から70年代にかけて、フルクサスのヴォルフ・フォステルや、ナム・ジュン・パイク、そして、スタイナ&ウッディ・ヴァスルカ、ブルース・ナウマン、ビル・ヴィオラ….日本からは、松本俊夫、飯村隆彦、山口勝弘や中谷芙二子らの”ビデオひろば”…オルタナティヴ・メディアとして拡散したビデオ・テクノロジーは、エクスパンデッドシネマや実験映画から襷を渡され、最も先鋭的な記録媒体となった!!!!!! そして、80年代、テレビとビデオの蜜月はRGBのフィードバックを経て、DIYに息吹を注ぎ、新たな覚醒の時代を迎えた!!!! ドイツにおける「Geniale Dilletanten」もその国際的潮流を体現したムーブメントの一つだ!!! スペルミスをわざと注入した"天才的ディレタント祭”と名付けられたこのオルタナティヴな運動を紐解き、今回ゲーテ・インスティトゥート東京では「TELEXPLOSION : テレビ王国の憂愁 1980S」と題した連続プログラムが行われる!そう、ビデオテープの磁性体に咲いた極彩色の徒花が、世紀を跨いで映し出されるのだ!!!! ヴォルフガング・ミュラーが牽引したディー・テートリヒェ・ドーリスの実験的ドキュメンタリー映像!! 石井聰亙監督によるアインシュテュルツェンデ・ノイバウテンのミュージックビデオ「半分人間」!! 浅田彰と坂本龍一、RADICAL TVによる「TV EV Live: TV War」!! 国際ビデオカセットマガジン「INFERMENTAL」!! ナムジュンパイクの衛星中継によるサテライトアート作品「グッド・モーニング、ミスター・オーウェル」「バイ・バイ・キップリング」!! 腐る程の"動く絵"に満ち溢れすぎた2020年….映像によって世界は連帯していると言っても過言ではない。そんな中、これら80年代の実験の成果は、今世紀、一体何に活かされているというのか?ノイズまみれの磁気信号を蘇生させ、TELEXPLOSIONを浴びまくれ!!!!!! あなたはそこに未踏の視覚コミュニケーションの可能性を目撃するだろう!!!!! そして何と渋谷PARCO9Fに移転を果たした SUPER DOMMUNEでは「TELEXPLOSION:テレビ王国の憂愁1980S」の開催を記念してスペシャルプログラムを配信!!!!! ゲストには今回、ゲーテインステテュートで36年ぶりの来日ライブを果たすいわゆる「ノイエ・ドイチェ・ヴェレ(ジャーマン・ニューウェーブ)」の先駆者=DER PLANと、ダダイスト集団「天才的ディレッタント」を牽引したディー・テートリヒェ・ドーリスのヴォルフガング・ミュラーが奇跡の登場!!!!!!! DOMMUNEで8年間続く長寿アヴァンギャルド番組= zoo tapes 「Plateaux of NOISE / 現代ノイズ進化論」の28回目として、特集される!!!!!!!!!! マイナスイオン発生器、グラウンディング・コンディショナー、シューマン共鳴波による超低周波発生装置、水晶入りのヒッコリーボード、そして電源ケーブルとサウンドケーブルの全てをアコースティックリバイブ社のサポートによりインストール!!!! 都内随一のフローティング・サウンドシステムへと進化(アコースティックリバイブ石黒氏ディレクション、エアラボの浅田泰氏サウンドデザイン)したSUPER DOMMUNEで是非驚愕のライヴストリーミング体験を!!!!!!!!
2020/02/19水〜23日「TELEXPLOSION:テレビ王国の憂愁1980S」@Goethe-Institut Tokyo <イベント詳細> 2020/02/19水〜23日「TELEXPLOSION:テレビ王国の憂愁1980S」@Goethe-Institut Tokyo <チケット予約>
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mcreodica · 4 years
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     Mariah Reodica is a filmmaker, writer, media archivist, and musician based in Manila, Philippines. Her background as a musician--not formally trained, but ouido,--reflects in her practices of filmmaking and writing. Her works tackle narrative-making in oblique yet intuitive manners. She is currently a lecturer at the University of the Philippines Film Institute and the De La Salle-College of St. Benilde.
     She was awarded the Purita Kalaw-Ledesma Prize for Art Criticism at the 2019 Ateneo Art Awards, and currently maintains the column Platforms in The Philippine Star’s Arts and Culture section. Her writing has appeared in Perro Berde, hcmf// (Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival), CNN Life Philippines, ANCX, and other publications.
      Eerie (2019), a feature-length film she co-wrote with award-winning director Mikhail Red, won the National Asian Fantastic Films Award at the Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival 2017. Her works have been shown or performed in Bangkok Biennale 2018; Manila Biennale 2018; the Asia Culture Center, Gwangju; and the Kuala Lumpur Experimental Film, Video, and Music Festival 2018, among others. She graduated from the University of the Philippines with a Bachelor of Arts in film, cum laude, and also studied at Chuo University, Tokyo.
       She is also a guitarist and composer for a number independent music projects, from fuzz rock to primitive Americana. Her band The Buildings released their second album Heaven is a Long Exhale on Japanese label Call and Response Records, and has been featured in NME Asia.
The Buildings: “At the end of the day we’re making music we like, which has always been our north star”. NME Asia, 2021.
AE x Goethe-Institut Critical Writing Micro-Residency: Meet the Writers. ArtsEquator, 2021.
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torontocomics · 5 years
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TCAF Announces 2019 International Guests!
More than 20 countries’ cartooning communities represented at this year’s Festival
FEBRUARY 15, TORONTO: The Toronto Comic Arts Festival proudly announces its second round of Guest for the 2019 Festival, focusing on the international cartooning community! Building on TCAF’s history of cartooning and cultural exchanges, the 2019 Festival will be the most international yet, with more than 20 countries represented at the two-day exhibition on May 11 and 12, at Toronto Reference Library and surrounding neighbourhood.
Focusing on adult literary and popular works across genres including memoir, historical fiction, fantasy, and yes, even superheroes, these creators will help focus the eyes of the world on Canada, this May, with English- and French-Language translations of their greatest works available for North American readers.
As always, TCAF will also feature a number of programs during the week of the Festival and on the primary exhibition days, designed to highlight these international works and draw connections between stories the world over. Look for the full range of programming in late March, but do remember to save the date for TCAF’s special collaboration with the European Union National Institutes for Culture, which will take place at the Alliance Française Toronto on the evening of Thursday, May 9th.
Now, keep reading to be introduced to some of this year’s International Guests!
Kieron Gillen & Jamie McKelvie: UK-based creative team Kieron Gillen and Jamie Mckelvie first came to the public’s attention with Phonogram, published by Image Comics. The two then teamed on Marvel’s Young Avengers, before starting their next original project: The Wicked + The Divine, published by Image. After more than 8 volumes, this epic series concludes this May, and Gillen and McKelvie will attend TCAF in celebration of the series’ conclusion. Kieron Gillen is also the co-creator of DIE by Image Comics (with Stephanie Hans), and the writer of various properties for Marvel including Star Wars, Thor, and the X-Men. Jamie McKelvie has drawn numerous series and created some of the era’s best superhero costume designs, including Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, America Chavez, X-Men Blue Team, and more.
Stephanie Hans: Based in France, Stephanie Hans is a seasoned illustrator, and the co-creator of the new Image Comics-published, tabletop roll playing game-inspired DIE, with writer Kieron Gillen. She works as an illustrator for publishers in France and America. Hans attends TCAF with the support of The French Embassy to Canada.
Junji Ito: Master of modern manga horror, Junji Ito hails from Tokyo, Japan, and is best-known for his works Uzumaki, Tomie, GYO, and The Enigma of Amigara Fault, all published by VIZ Media. Junji Ito has also created a new original poster work for TCAF 2019, which will be printed and made available at the event. Junji Ito will attend TCAF in support of his new book Smashed: Junji Ito Story Collection, and with the support of VIZ Media.
Jason: The Norwegian cartoonist Jason has become internationally acclaimed for his anthropomorphic, clear-line style, across a wide-range of graphic novels including Hey, Wait…, Tell Me Something, I Killed Adolf Hitler, The Left Bank Gang, and many, many more. A frequent and welcome guest of TCAF, Jason attends the festival in 2019 in support of his new graphic novel O Josephine!, and with the support of publisher Fantagraphics, and NORLA, The Norwegian Literature Association.
Nora Krug: A German-American author and illustrator, Krug’s drawings and visual narratives have appeared in The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, and more. Krug attends TCAF 2019 in support of her newest book Belonging: A German Reckons with History and Home, about WWII and her own German family history. Debuting in late 2018, the book was chosen as a New York Times Critics’ Top Book of 2018, The Guardians 50 Biggest books of 2018, and NPR Book of the year, among many other accolades. Krug will appear at programming on both days of TCAF, as well as a special event partnering with the Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre on the afternoon of Friday May 10th.Krug appears at TCAF with the support of the Goethe Institut of Toronto.
These Featured Guests join the amazing array of international creators, artist collectives, and publishers who are already-announced for TCAF 2019, including from Canada, the US, and Mexico, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Scotland, Singapore, Spain, and Sweden! 
For more information, visit torontocomics.com
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sugurugoto · 1 month
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2024/05/22(水) 22:00-24:00 「ライブエレクトロニクスと空間拡張メディアワーク」Hans Tutschku x 後藤英
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mioharada · 3 years
Curator / Performer / Editor Born in 1995 in Tokyo, Japan / Currently based in Tokyo Majoring in curating performing arts and feminist art.
*Career Currently enrolled in the Master's Program in Curation, Department of Art Produce, Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (Yuko Hasegawa Lab) 2019 B.A. in Aesthetics and Art Theory, Department of Philosophy and Culture, Faculty of Letters, The University of Tokyo 2017-2018 Exchange student at SOAS, University of London
*Awards 2021 VIVA AWARD Associate Artist
*Main exhibitions as a curator 2021 PRINT (ed.) VOICES at TOH 2020 Online exhibition "Alter-narratives”
*Major works as a performer 2021 “ニューNormal? Newノーマル?” invited by Glasgow International at Tokyo University of the Arts Senju Campus/Online Live Streaming 2020 "As You Exit To" at Goethe-Institut, Tokyo
*Major works as an editor 2021 Editorial assistant for "Japanorama: Contemporary Art in Japan since 1970," edited by Yuko Hasegawa, published by Suiseisha. 2021 Editorial assistant for Catalogue for the exhibition "Kuma Kengo: Five Purr-fect Points for a New Public Space" at The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo etc. 2021 Editorial assistant for Catalogue for the exhibition "Eiko Ishioka" at Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, published by Shogakukan
*Others I have participated in some articles as an interviewer. 2020 Interview with Hiroki Yamamoto (Jimbun-do, Asahi Shimbun) 2020 Interview with THE OK GIRLS (Co-research project with Yuko HASEGAWA) 2019- Director of the fuu
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this post is meant to be a directory of every resource I come across for Turkish. It will be a continuous work in progress so thank you for your patience! also, please let me know if any of the links suddenly stop working. 
about world languages
fun facts
indiana university - informational brochure [pdf]
intro to turkish by @the-caravan-languages
introduction by @ayearinlanguage​
“in turkish, we don’t say...”
language breakdown by @linguisticsbunker
language learning faq
language learning profile
playlist of samples
the turkish language [video]
world atlas of language structures
alphabet - turkishlanguage.co.uk
a look at turkish orthography & phonology
circumflex accent
keyboard - branah
keyboard - typeit
overview of the turkish alphabet
repertoire of letters [pdf]
flewent [chrome]
deep approach to turkish teaching and learning
dliflc - basic guide
fsi - basic course 
fsi - basic course: units 31-50 [pdf]
hugo’s simplified system: turkish in three months [pdf]
i kinda like languages - introduction to turkish
language transfer - introduction to turkish [audio course]
teach yourself: turkish [pdf]
turkish - jaklin kornfilt [pdf]
turkish tutor
unilang - turkish for beginners
cultural & historical info
acultura’s culture tag
overview of turkish names
sesli sözlük
türk dil kurumu
turkish language institution
grammar books & guides
basics of turkish grammar
overview of turkish grammar
grammar points
adverbial clauses
buffer letters
comparison of adjectives 
expressing “too much”
grammatical cases
intensified adjectives
noun recognition
noun states
personal pronouns / personal pronouns
personal suffixes
possession adjectives
possessive forms
possessive relationships
subject participles
var and yok / var and yok / var and yok
word order
listening practice
librivox [audiobook library]
lyricstraining [learn through music videos]
lyrikline [poetry library with audio]
a letter from germany - faruk geç [interactive graphic novel]
Baha’i prayers
Bible with parallel english translation
children’s songs & rhymes
list of contemporary turkish poets
overview of turkish folk literature
Quran [pdf] / Quran
readings and glossaries - turkishlanguage.co.uk
rosary prayers
universal declaration of human rights
khan academy
movie & tv recommendations
music recommendations
band recommendations by @some-velvet-morning
disney songs [youtube playlist]
newspaper links
newspaper map
phrasebooks & travel guides
basic phrases [playlist]
bbc - a guide to turkish
loecsen [audio phrasebook]
omniglot - useful phrases
laterna [documentary show]
one minute turkish
a look at turkish orthography & phonology
a report of the standford phonology archive [scans]
forvo [pronunciation dictionary]
ipa key
overview of turkish phonology
sounds unfamiliar to english speakers
quizzes & exercises
pick the correct noun case
linguistic problem sets [pdf]
quizzes - goethe-verlag
quizzes - surfacelanguages
tongue twisters - omniglot
tongue twisters - uebersetzung
user-submitted games - quia
vocabulary games - babadum
vocabulary games - digital dialects
vocabulary games - internet polyglot
vocabulary quizzes - iteslj
olay fm905
radio in ankara
radio in istanbul
trt radio
university radio
social media
türkçe ögrenelim! [discord]
turkish for everyone [discord]
sound change
consonant alternation
consonant harmony
consonant mutation
major vowel harmony
minor vowel harmony
vowels / vowel rules
vowel harmony / vowel harmony
vowel harmony in noun sentences
vowel loss
speaking tips
proverbs - wikiquote
slang dictionary - coolslang
aorist tense
auxiliary verbs
conjugator - verbix
future tense / future tense
infinitives and plurals
list of almost all suffixes
passive mood
past tense
past tense in noun sentences
present tense / present tense
single syllable verbs
“to be” / “to be” / negative being / positive being / “to be”
verb conjugations
verb list with conjugations
vocabulary => [POST HERE]
the travel linguist [playlist]
in greek
the turkish grammar on the internet
in japanese
tokyo university of foreign language studies
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achtkant · 7 years
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Goethe-Institut Tokyo accepted me as their intern for next summer, cannot wait to spend three months taking photos of overhead power lines 
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loopdrivemicro · 4 years
— ゲーテ・インスティトゥート東京 / Goethe-Institut Tokyo (@GI_Tokyo) April 1, 2020
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