#Tamiki Hara
"I want to fade, Into transparency, beyond eternity."
--Tamiki Hara
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oldwinesoul · 2 years
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𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑓𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦, 𝑏𝑒𝑦𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑦.
—Tamiki Hara
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nobuyukikakigi · 5 months
ここへ来てようやく春らしい陽射しが注いでくるようになりました。それまで福岡では、気温は平年と変わらないものの、重い雲が垂れ込め、時折雨風が強くなる日が続いていて、気分も体調も落ち込むことが多かったので嬉しく思っています。学期の始まりの慌ただしさもようやくひと段落し、溜め込んだ仕事に少しずつ取り組んでいるところです。美学と哲学の講義にも、またこれらを深めるゼミにも熱心な学生がいて刺激を受けています。ゼミではエドワード・W・サイードの晩年の著作を読み始めました。彼が何を問い続けてきたのかを顧みることをつうじて、現在の厳しい状況を見通す思考の方途を探れればと思います。 3月8日に広島交響楽団の演奏会を聴くために訪れた広島にて さて、3月から4月の仕事についてご報告しておきたいと思います。まず、書評紙『週間読書人』の3月1日号に、郁文堂から昨年末に刊行されたヨアヒム・ゼング編/細見和之訳『ア…
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fishingforwords · 1 year
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diaspora blues.
j.r.r. tolkien, lord of the rings || sting, englishman in new york || jodi picoult, handle with care || anne carson, interview with hara tamiki
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radioshiga · 1 year
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Flores de Verão, de Tamiki Hara, retrata o impacto da bomba atômica lançada sobre Hiroshima há 78 anos, no dia 6 de agosto
Romance publicado pela editora Tinta-da-China Brasil foi classificado pelo Nobel de Literatura Kenzaburo Oe como o melhor relato sobre o horror da explosão Ruínas de um teatro localizado a cerca de 800 metros do hipocentro (o ponto diretamente abaixo da explosão) da bomba atômica. Crédito US Air Force [USAF] No próximo domingo, 6 de agosto de 2023, completam-se 78 anos que os Estados…
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inveterade · 1 year
Livro 'Flores de Verão' fala dos horrores da bomba atômica e preenche a lacuna de 'Oppenheimer'
No marco dos 78 anos desde o fatídico dia em que a cidade japonesa de Hiroshima foi abalada pela bomba atômica, o sobrevivente Tamiki Hara lança uma obra literária de profundo impacto e significado. Em seu romance “Flores de Verão”, recentemente traduzido para o português pela editora Tinta-da-China Brasil, Hara oferece um relato visceral dos momentos que antecederam, acompanharam e sucederam a…
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oldfilmsflicker · 4 years
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book #85 - The Catch and Other War Stories by Kenzaburō Ōe, Haruo Umezaki, Tamiki Hara, Fumiko Hayashi book #86 - Cruising Paradise by Sam Shepard
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frankensteinmutual · 3 years
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Chinese Satellite - Phoebe Bridgers / Disco Elysium / My My, Hey Hey - Neil Young / Cowboy Bebop x 26 / Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book / (unknown) / Andy Muschietti’s direction during the quarry scene in It: Chapter Two / DE / Chelsea Wolfe, from Hisspun; “Two Spirit” / Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A history of Folk Horror (Kier-La Janisse, 2021) / Catherynne M. Valente, Deathless / DE / The Four Generations of Chang E - Zen Cho / DE / (x) / DE / James Baldwin, Giovanni’s Room / DE / W. Somerset Maugham, The Moon and Sixpence / Safia Elhillo, from Home Is Not a Country; “The Stranger” / Succession 03x07 / My Tears Ricochet - TayIor Swift / DE / Thomas Wolfe, You Can’t Go Home Again / DE / James Baldwin, Giovanni’s Room / Stalker (1979) / Slaughterhouse-Five, or the Children's Crusade, Kurt Vonnegut / Cinema Paradiso (1988) / John Murillo, “Mercy, Mercy Me,” from Kontemporary Amerikan Poetry / Riches and Wonders - The Mountain Goats / Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces / Warsan Shire, Home / Pathologic 2 / Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords / Warsan Shire, Home / Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me / Emily Jungmin Yoon, from “Related Matters” / Kentucky Route Zero / Lorde - Buzzcut Season / The Umbrella Academy Volume 1: Apocalype Suite, Gerard Way & Gabriel Bà / The Penumbra Podcast 02x09 / Black Sails 01x02 / Anne Carson, Men in the Off Hours; “Interview with Hara Tamiki (1950)” / DE / When the Sick Rule the World, ‘Phone Home’ by Dodie Bellamy / Night in the Woods / The End - Kings of Leon / Hermann Hesse, Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth
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luthienne · 3 years
are there any poems you have on home, if its ok to ask? i feel homesick for a home beyond my reach and thought i could come to you.
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“I was in a place where nobody knew my heart even a little bit.”
— Carol Rifka Brunt, Tell the Wolves I’m Home
“it’s as if I had to go back home on foot, alone, barefoot not knowing where far away, everybody else went long ago”
— Hélène Cixous, Hyperdream (tr. Beverly Bie Brahic)
“[ON LOSING LOVE]: This is the model I propose. You are arriving home and as you approach the garage you try to work your routine magic. Nothing happens; the doors remain closed. You do it again. Again nothing. At first puzzled, then anxious, then furious with disbelief, you sit in the driveway with the engine running; you sit there for weeks, months, for years, waiting for the doors to open. But you are in the wrong car, in front of the wrong garage, waiting outside the wrong house. One of the troubles is this: the heart isn't heart shaped.”
— Julian Barnes, A History of the World in 10 and 1/2 Chapters
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— James Baldwin, Giovanni’s Room
“‘I’m homesick all the time,’ she said, still not looking at him. ‘I just don’t know where home is. There’s this promise of happiness out there. I know it. I even feel it sometimes. But it’s like chasing the moon - just when I think I have it, it disappears into the horizon. I grieve and try to move on, but then the damn thing comes back the next night, giving me hope of catching it all over again.”
— Sarah Addison Allen, The Girl Who Chased the Moon 
“Wickedness has leaked into the home I made, / and I want to burn it down. Sister, tell me / how you stand the murderous fury. You there / still singing, I crave demolishing, to eat / explosives.”
— Ada Limón, Bright Dead Things; “Home Fires”
“At the core of all sighs is a name, a stone from the body’s last lost home.”
— Karen Solie, from “Days Inn,” Short Haul Engine
“To ask “Where is home?” as if there is one answer. To write home in a poem, like a poem could be a home—is this happy or sad?”
— Chen Chen, from “Craft Capsule: On Becoming a Pop Star, I Mean, a Poet”
“Feeling what we all feel: home is a forgotten recipe, a spice we can find nowhere, a taste we can never reproduce, exactly.”
— Richard Blanco, from “Mexican Almuerzo in New England”
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— Ross Gay, from Bringing the Shovel Down; “Because”
“I want to ask was there ever one / moment when all of it relented, / when rain and ocean and their own / sense of home were revealed to them / as one and the same?”
— Eavan Boland, from In a Time of Violence
“I: Why not take the shorter way home. HT: There is no shorter way home.”
— Anne Carson, from Men in the Off Hours; “Interview with Hara Tamiki (1950)”
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nobuyukikakigi · 1 year
大江健三郎の謦咳に一度だけ接したことがあります。1997年、東京オペラシティのオープニングに際してタケミツ・メモリアルの名を冠したそのコンサートホールで行なわれた作家の講演会を聴きに行ったのでした。当時親交を深めていたエドワード・W・サイードの『音楽のエラボレーション』(大橋洋一訳、みすず書房)の音楽論を大江なりに解きほぐしながら、「エラボレーション」の概念を、テーオドア・W・アドルノがベートーヴェンの音楽について論じていた「晩年様式」の形成とも結びつけていく内容だったと記憶しています。大江自身の問題意識を背景に、サイードの「対位法」の概念にも呼応しつつ、音楽と文学を往還する話は、徐々に沁み入り、心はいつしか熱く満たされていました。 それからおよそ四半世紀以上を経て、今春惜しくも逝去した大江の作品を論じる機会をいただいたことに特別な感慨を抱かざるをえません。6月末に刊行された詩と批評の…
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ilcielodipuglia · 5 years
Trafiggetemi (Tamiki Hara Hiroshima, Giappone 15/11/1905 – Tokyo, Giappone 13/3/1951) Trafiggetemi, trafiggetemi con quella stessa serenità. Trafiggetemi con le illusioni. Trafiggetemi con le profondità della vita. Trafiggetemi, trafiggetemi, trafiggetemi con tutto ciò che può trafiggermi. Con un solo lamento, trafiggetemi. Con infiniti lamenti, trafiggetemi. Lamenti, lamenti, attraversatemi. Attraversatemi, perché non ho un posto verso cui fare ritorno. Trafiggetemi, perché appartengo a un mondo abbandonato da tutti. Domattina il sole sorgerà di nuovo, fioriranno i boccioli sulla terra, domattina i passeri cinguetteranno con il loro timbro squillante. O terra, continua a colmare i cuori della tua bellezza. Domattina me ne andrò e porterò con me la mia commozione
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arcticdementor · 6 years
Tamiki Hara (原 民喜 Hara Tamiki, November 15, 1905 – March 13, 1951) was a Japanese author and survivor of the bombing of Hiroshima, known for his works of Atomic bomb literature.
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clb91y · 2 years
Download PDF L'ultima estate di Hiroshima EBOOK -- Tamiki Hara
Download Or Read PDF L'ultima estate di Hiroshima - Tamiki Hara Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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Hara Tamiki si trovava a 1,5 km dall’epicentro della bomba atomica di Hiroshima. Miracolosamente si è salvato e ha raccontato la sua città prima, durante e dopo Enola Gay. Una fortissima testimonianza. Uno spaccato di non vita. Una foto su carta. 3 racconti: "Preludio alla devastazione" che dipinge Hiroshima un secondo prima dell'inferno, "Fiori d’estate" che ci porta nel calore più forte di quello del sole generato da Little Boy e infine "Dalle rovine" un tour tra le macerie umane, tra gli scheletri di palazzi e non solo.
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elenags75 · 3 years
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#Repost @gliscrittoridellaportaaccanto with @make_repost ・・・ #Libri L'ultima estate di Hiroshima. L'uomo sopravvissuto all'atomica di Hara Tamiki (Marotta & Cafiero). Tre racconti indipendenti dello scrittore morto suicida: il periodo prima della bomba, l’esplosione e ciò che è seguito. Questo #libro è un caos, anzi, è il caos. L’ultima estate di #Hiroshima, composto da tre parti, quasi tre racconti indipendenti, descrive il periodo prima della #bomba, l’esplosione e ciò che è seguito. Hara Takimi, l’autore, era un sopravvissuto alla strage ed è considerato forse il più significativo narratore dell’atomica. Il primo racconto, “Preludio alla devastazione” è scritto in terza persona con narratore onnisciente che sposta spesso il punto di vista. #recensione completa di @elena.genero.santoro su www.gliscrittoridellaportaaccanto.com o nel #linkinbio https://www.gliscrittoridellaportaaccanto.com/2021/04/recensione-lultima-estate-di-hiroshima-hara-tamiki.html?fbclid=IwAR1INB8kv00dbxHFI-DlCC118RETNFCCSJ5gAgaCQQZ4-dGonHhcMzNlbZk&m=1 #gliscrittoridellaportaaccanto #recensionivelocidilibri #recensionilibri #recensioni #bookreview #bookrecommendations #bookrecommendation #bookreviews #libridaleggere https://www.instagram.com/p/CNUVALinkzx/?igshid=101azvsurhm1y
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savasadyy · 5 years
What are your favourite poems/poets and why?
As the most known, Shakespeare’s soliloquy “To be or not to be..“ is obviously philosophically fascinating, but I also like Horace’s Ode 1.11, and Rilke’s “The Panther” as well as “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost or Tamiki Hara’s “The Land of the Heart’s Desire”. But I would not call any of those my favourites, as I remember many poems which I like just as much.
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