#Google Alert - health good
hiya we stoked for ateez comeback yesss! can I make request pretty please! yander ateez caring for their sick darling? 💌
ATEEZ caring for a sick darling
Yandere ATEEZ(separately) x gn reader
a/n: how did i miss this ask ???? i'm so sorry anon 🥲 the comeback has come out and i'm beyond hyped LMAO stream bouncy . shoutout to my gf for helping me with mingi and jongho🤍
♡´・ᴗ・`♡ genre: yandere, headcanon drabbles
ಠ_ಠwarnings/content: mentions of; throwing up, doctors and hospitals, sickness(headaches and colds), poisoning, captivity, none of these are healthy relationships
if you or a loved one is in an unhealthy or controlling relationship- there is help and there is ways out. know that you deserve better and don't be afraid to reach out
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Hongjoong has severe trust issues. The amount of times you've attempted to leave him has him on high alert for every little detail that may mean you're tricking him. So at first, when he hears you dry-heaving behind the closed bathroom door, his brain immediately says that you're tricking him. You're trying to pull the sick card? Really, Darling? He doesn't do anything at first, he sits down on the couch with his arms crossed and waits for you to give up your game of charades. But when you come out of the bathroom pouring sweat and pale as a ghost? He drops the idea that your tricking him when you collapse.
After his initial denial and suspicion, Hongjoong will be the most attentive of his darling, only rivaled by Hwa and San. He will treat you like a porcelain doll and give into your every need, no matter how demanding you get. Too hot? He gathers every fan in the apartment to wherever it is you are. Too cold? Welcome to the Kim Blanket Fort™️. Hungry for something he'll never usually give you? Eat uuuuup Darling.
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Seonghwa almost breaks the door off of the hinges when he hears you crying. He won't leave or shut up until you've opened the door and are secure in his arms. Poor Darling, was it something you ate? Is your stomach upset? Are you running a fever? He bombards you to figure out just what's wrong so he can fix it for you. If you're sick enough by his standards, you'll be at the doctor in ten minutes flat.
Hwa is the yandere you want if you get sick easily. He isn't suspicious or overly possessive. He will take you to the doctor without a fight and babys you until he's certain that you are in good health. If anything, he is overbearing. He just loves his Darling so much, he'd just never forgive himself if something were to happen.
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Yunho is a big baby. When he sees you trying to sneak some medicine from the cabinet, he snatches it up and starts crying as he pours it for you instead. Why didn't you come to him immediately? When did this start? Isn't he good enough to take care of you? In all honesty, he is. He takes great care of you but he is also such.a.bummer. He blames himself for letting you get sick in the first place and will be even more strict about going out or even opening windows. Say goodbye to Friday date nights for months- at the very least.
If you can handle a debby downer, Yunho isn't such a bad option. He rubs your back if you're aching and holds you warmly if you have the shivers. But he will cry and whine more than you will. One major problem if you get sick with a yandere Yuyu on your hip is that you will never go to the doctor. He believes that they are a breeding ground for diseases, all of the sick people in one building? Yeah, not happening. He can do anything a doctor can with the help of a little Googling.
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Yeosang is similar to Hwa in the way that he will drop everything to take care of his Darling. When he's about to walk out the door for practice and hears you sneeze for the tenth time in an hour, his shoes are off and he's back in bed with you. Oh, don't worry Darling, Sangie will take good care of you. No matter how little sick you are, if you have symptoms he will be right by your side to make sure he can take care of you if they get worse.
And they will get worse. Because he will make you feel sicker than you are with a little dollop of his stash. He needs you to need him. You will never catch on because he only does it when you're beginning to get sick anyways. He doesn't see the harm in it. Yeosang loves to take care of his Darling and will make sure you always end up curled up to him begging him to make it better.
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San learned everything he knows from Joong and Seonghwa. That includes the way he treats his Darling. That's why at first, he's suspicious when you start whining and curl up on your side of the bed while clutching your head. Do you really think that's gonna work? Hongjoong has taught him better than to fall for that act. But when your tears won't stop and you start to snap at him, he knows it's for real because he's taught you better than to yell like you are. Oh, sweet Darling, you must really hurt. Is it too bright? Is the show too loud? Do you need water? After he clears his mind and realizes the truth, he's even more doting than Seonghwa.
San won't take you to a doctor unless it's life threatening, but that doesn't mean he won't treat you like you're dying if you have the smallest of colds. He will bathe you and feed you and cuddle you to no end. And he'll do so until he's sure you're better. After your initial roadblocks of getting him to believe you, you won't have to lift a finger.
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Poor Mingi. He has no idea what to do when you wake him up in the middle of the night as you shiver in your sleep. He's immediately turned to his best friend(Google) and looking for solutions to make you feel better. Will a hot rag make you feel better? Oh- but you have a fever! Maybe just the blanket- why are you still shivering? Before you came along Mingi never had anyone to take care of him when he was sick or vice versa so he's lost.
With a bit of your own guidance on your needs, Mingi will help you get better however he possibly can so that he makes sure you know he can take care of you better than anyone else. He'll get all the medicines you recommended and be at your beck and call, all while taking down mental notes for when you get sick in the future.
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With Wooyoung, it's business as usual with a bit more caring actions or a little more leniency with you. He knows your sick when you ask for the first shower in the morning, he always gets the first shower but he lets it slide because he can tell how nasty you feel with the sickness on you. Of course, Darling. Do you want some hot tea when you get out? He isn't overbearing in any aspect.
Woo will let a lot of things slide when you're sick that he usually won't but that doesn't mean he won't catch on if your trying to draw it out. He will be nice for a few weeks before he gets tired of it and takes you to a doctor. If the doctor says you aren't sick? Good luck, Darling. Nice Woo's stay is over.
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Jongho to the rescue. He is very obsessive observant when it comes to his Darlings health. He and you both take vitamins and supplements religiously, and have regular check-ups. Health is one thing you can always count on him to take care of, so it isn't a shock to him when you come to him right away when you feel sick. Oh, Darling...how did this happen? Come and have some medicine, let him give you a little check up. You'll still have to go about your life regardless, the world doesn't stop like it may with other members.
Jongho has a list of things to make sure you do to feel better while you both go about your regular life. He fits in a nap for you, along with extra veggies, and a longer daily walk for fresh air and sunlight. He doesn't leave you to the wolves, but he won't coddle you either. Unless you go and stray from his checklist. Then he'll take a few days off and watch you like a hawk, force feeding you your medicine if he has to. He won't let his Darling be sick.
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transmurderbug · 24 days
🦚 Weekly Tag Wednesday! 🦚
On an actual Wednesday this time.
Thank you for tagging me Kat @mybrainismelted, Nosho @creepkinginc, Evie @energievie, Ice @spookygingerr, Jess @jrooc and
Pie @gallapiech 🥰
name: Sky. Sometimes.
where in the world is carmen sandiego? (or you): Carmen is in Antarctica. She's apparently a penguin. And I'm under a pine tree.
ok, so this week we are going to snoop into your google search. type in each phrase and tell us what the first suggestion is that google gives you!
What is the best way to… avoid getting spyware on a machine? The "machine" part really drives this home.
Where can I… watch Hazbin Hotel? Are you asking me? Which version? Now I'll be humming all night, thanks.
How old is… Hungary? No need to google this one, it's pretty easy to remember, if you wanna look at the founding of the state. My memory is not what it used to be, but this one is burnt into my brain, I'm pretty sure. It's about to be 1024 years old. Why am I answering these questions though? 🤨 I do love history, to be fair.
How long does it take… to learn Hungarian? What does Google take me for? I want to see the algorithms behind these predictions. A long time, I'm pretty sure.
How many… days between dates? What dates?? Someone help me out, I'm getting confused.
Who set the record for… the fastest time to reach one billion views on YouTube? What is happening.
When did… the Queen die? Which one.
What does it feel like to… get shot. I've been told a scraped wound is worse, that's all I know. Again, why am I answering these?
Can you… run it? Run what...?
When you… say nothing at all. This is a Ronan Keating song. Who I only heard of when he was a guest artist at a symphonic concert I went to. Now you all know him too.
Why do… men have nipples? What kind of a question is this? Why does any mammal have nipples! Biology, dear Google.
Is there a way… to save Karlach.? Ehm. Spoiler alert?
How old do you have to be… to go to college? However old you are when you finish high school. Don't give up on your dreams!
Where do the… Simpsons live? Why would I want to know this?
What is the best time to… post on TikTok? Google wants both Nosho and me to become influencers, this is just another sign.
And to finish us off… What comes up when you type in Shameless? szereplők. I love the language switch. I do however know who the characters are, thank you.
Well, this was a wild ride. Never in my life have I googled or even thought about googling these things. I either know the answer or I don't even think about the subject. Good job, Google predictions! Job failed successfully! This was pretty fun though. (Just to soften the blow, the Karlach question probably comes from previous BG3 searches. The rest? What even.)
Tagging, because I'm on time! Yay! Voluntary, as always, if you want to skip, here, have these blueberries: 🫐
@ian-galagher, @transmickey @stocious @suzy-queued @blue-disco-lights @deathclassic @spacerockwriting, @ms-moonlight-inn, @sam-loves-seb @samantitheos, @krysmiss @look-i-love-u @sickness-health-all-that-shit, @heymrspatel @michellemisfit @sweetbee78 @grumble-fish @metalheadmickey @rayrayor @crossmydna @thisdivorce @callivich @gardenerian @lupeloto @francesrose3
@palepinkgoat @heymacy @lee-ow @roryonic @thepupperino
@doshiart and anyone else I'm probably forgetting!
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sassyfrassboss · 4 months
It was horrible enough what they did to The Queen but then the interview with Oprah just after PP died and then HMTLQs death and how they again made it about them and then accidently on purpose exposing Kate and Charles as the "royal racist" its Al so incredibly viscious and for what? A merch cheque? I'll never understand why she went out of her way to break up and bully a family who did everything they could and more to make her feel welcome.
There's a recent rumor/leak that MM enjoys the negative publicity as much as the positive. That she actually likes the comparison to Wallis Simpson. Being notorious still gets your name in the history books. She probably leans into the villainess characterizations, like the first pap pic of her smiling in the car after the health issues of two of her in-laws. Don't know if it's true, but it makes a lot of sense because it kind of follows the projection stuff.
So what from I have read and come to understand is she has a Google alert set on her phone for when any article about her, or mentions her, is published.
It is said on their AUS 2018 tour that she and Harry were constantly on their phones reading not only the articles, but all of the comments about them.
I think this is why they went after Daily Mail so much. DM comment section was brutal towards her. I think their goal was to try and get the comment section filtered for only good comments.
As for her liking even the bad press, I can see that to an extent because it does get her name in the press and if the article is disparaging enough she can issue a denial or threaten the publisher with a letter from her attorney, which will then garnish another letter.
With the Wallis comparison, yeah I am not sure about this.
Meghan's goal was to be Diana 2.0, not another Wallis, who basically died forgotten and broke.
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dancingisdangerouss · 2 years
I wanna kind of rack your brain a bit and I’ve been seeing one or two aus of modern!albert throughout the grabber x reader tag and I wanted to see what your take and headcanons were on that type of idea :)
Hmmmm well I’ve had an idea for a Ghost Albert in a modern setting, but haven’t given a lot of thought to him being in 2022. So, here are my thoughts!
Dude would have to be a lot smarter about his kidnappings. Nowadays it ain’t so easy to nab a kid off the street, put them in your hella creepy van, and take them without anyone noticing, especially since pretty much everyone has a smart phone these days or someone accompanying them.
Also, were kids just dumber/more naive at that time, or did the movie just make them seem that way? Because I feel like most kids in modern day would see this pale-ass weirdo with his lil’ top hat and steer clear—ESPECIALLY with the “Full Magic Grabber” outfit Robin waltzed right toward. I don’t know a single kid that age now who would go toward something like that.
I’m betting he’d be an internet predator. These days I think most cases happen with people who are trusted/familiar with the victim, right? So I think he’d stalk them online. It’s not hard to find people these days, you can practically Google someone and figure out where they live and shit like that, it’s scary!
I’m having some difficulty hashing out the details. A 1970’s serial killer sure is a lot easier than a modern-day one, what with DNA, facial recognition, Amber alerts, etc.
Not to say kidnappings don’t happen, but they seem these days to be more like, 2-3 people being taken before the person is caught? Maybe I’m wrong; I haven’t kept up with murder stuff/crime shows nowadays, what with fires burning all over this damn planet lol, but I’d assume it’s not as common?
I don’t know what the market looks like for magicians these days, but if it’s anything like every other job out there in 2022, good luck finding work unless you’re exceptionally good at magic. So hardware store it is? Also, unless he’s also hella wealthy, there’s no way he’d be able to afford two homes, so dude would have to find some other way of getting rid of bodies.
I suppose he could take a page from Dexter Morgan’s book and get a job in law enforcement—it’s a good cover for sure, and he’s pretty much have access to everything/be able to erase data depending on the job title.
Other than that, I’m not sure a whole lot else would be different. He’d just need to be smarter and more cautious—and not drive that stupid-ass pedo van that everyone steers clear of these days haha! Even before this movie, if I saw one of those damn things I’d turn my ass right back around.
Also, hey, like I said in another post—with advancements in mental health, maybe he could have gotten some help before things ever escalated to that point. I’d like to think we’re moving in the right direction with neuroscience and can start nipping these things in the bud before they even begin.
I’m not sure if that’s what you were looking for?? Or something more spicy/ x-reader specific? I just went “ooh yeah let’s analyze this shit and see how he’d do it these days” 😂
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
You can't say "happiness" without saying "penis".
There's only one company that makes Monopoly.
The world’s most common disease is tooth decay.
13 Americans have died as a result of laxative overdose.
The most searched-for tutorial video on YouTube is ‘How To Kiss’.
The acnestis is the part of the back that is impossible to scratch.
A boar produces 200 ml of semen each time it ejaculates, compared to a human’s 3 ml.
Quantophrenia is an obsessive reliance on statistics. Only 14% of people know this.
At least one person a week in the UK changes their middle name to ‘Danger’.
Baby elephants will suck on their trunks for comfort just like human babies suck on their thumbs.
Homosexual behaviour has been found in over 1,500 species. Homophobia is found in only one.
People who read regularly are two and a half times less likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
The word ambisinistrous is the opposite of ambidextrous; it means ‘no good with either hand’. (That’s not me!)
If you come across a person who believes there are no English words with more syllables than vowels, they might not accept criticism.
The Maruyama Zoo in Japan spent four years trying to get two hyenas to mate before realising they were both male.
Older sexually active women are more likely to be sexually satisfied than their younger counterparts.
Only 31% of men and 65% of women wash their hands after using the toilet.
A ‘riot’ in England and Wales must legally involve a minimum of 12 people. Under US federal law, it’s only three people and, in Nevada, only two!
Mozart once composed a song entitled, ‘Leck Mir Den Arsch Fein Recht Schon Sauber’. Which means, "Lick my arse right, well and clean".
Karen alert! In 2015, an Ohio woman unhappy with her Chinese food order called 911 to complain. Instead of getting her money back, she got arrested.
In 1987, a Chicago man placed an advert in a local newspaper asking 2.8 million people to send him a penny each to pay for his college education. It worked.
In the novel that the film Pinocchio was based on, Jiminy Cricket was brutally murdered and Pinocchio had his feet burned off and was hanged by villagers.
There are two rhymes in English for purple: curple, a strap passing under a horse’s tail, and hirple, to walk along dragging one leg behind the other. (Do you feel a song coming on?)
According to a study conducted in 2012, people who complain actually live longer by about two years. This is because by complaining they release their tension which increases their immunity and boosts their health.
A 2013 study determined that Viagra is an extremely effective treatment for painful menstruation. However, the review panel determined that cramps were not a public health priority and refused further funding.
In 2016, Live Nation acknowledged for the first time that two-thirds of tickets for the Tragically Hip's final tour were purchased and resold by bots and brokers, leaving less than one-third available for fans to buy at face value.
The new mayor of Cockington in Devon has been banned from his local pub where he was a regular, known for drinking Guinness. The new mayor of Cockington is also a four-year-old Shetland pony called Patrick.
In the US, Google searches for: "Why is my poop green?" peak between 5.00 a.m. and 6.00 a.m., "How to roll a joint" peak between 1.00 a.m. and 2.00 a.m., searches for adult videos peak at 1.30 a.m. and searches for "lonely" peak at 2.30 a.m.
There were over 600 attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro by the U.S. government. Plots included: poisoned cigars, infected scuba equipment and pens rigged with poison. Castro once joked, "If surviving assassination attempts were an Olympic event, I'd win Gold."
Madonna once leaked a fake version of her album to music pirates where each song was a loop of her saying, "What the f*ck do you think you're doing?" In response, a hacker leaked the real album to her own site with the message, "This is what the f*ck I think I'm doing."
BTS can officially be crowned the most popular group in the world after smashing the record for most streamed male group on Spotify for a second time. Their music has been streamed a massive 31,960,000,000 times as of March 3rd, 2023, a number that is nearly double the 16.3 billion streams when they last set the record in April 2021.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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alexblakeisgay · 10 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better ♡
Thank you @lex13cm
last song: Push by Matchbox 20 bc Barbie movie lol
favourite colour: purple
currently watching: rewatching The Good Place and The Middle
last movie: Untraceable (turns out Diane Lane is a milf and we all know how much I love a milf)
currently reading: nothing bc I have  ✨mental health issues✨
sweet/spicy/savoury: sweet always
relationship status: dating the bestest butch in the world @femmebaits
current obsessions: Criminal Minds, The Gilded Age, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Paget Brewster...you know...milfs lol
last thing I googled: wildfire evac alerts for my city (don't worry, I'm safe)
currently working on: finishing the WIP bigbang I was supposed to be done like three weeks ago lol
No pressure (and mostly random, sorry) tags: @mspickle8806 @introverted-author @storiesofsvu @ssa-tahlia-obsessions
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lankieghost · 2 years
Lankie's Bloodborne Boss Ranking Bonanza! (Part 1/3)
I played Bloodborne for the first time a couple of weeks a go! Hot dang! Only took 7 years to get round to it!
For context I did watch a bunch of streams and lets plays way back in 2015, so unfortunately I was not going into this blind. I was curious to see if the game still held up even if I had the whole thing spoilt for me.
Also I played through the whole game offline and beat every boss* solo.
Spoilers for Bloodborne, by the way, if that wasn't clear.
ANYWAYS here's my rankings for all 22 bosses, in order of when I fought them!
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It's the first boss of the game! And the first of many, many, big ol' beasts. CB is the most vanilla of all the beasts, they're kinda just a big guy that takes very telegraphed swings at you. As you can see I beat them on my first try. I was worried that my time with Elden Ring had made TOO POWERFUL and that I would find no challenge in Bloodborne.
Spoiler alert: This does not happen.
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It's pronounced Gas-Coin. Not Gas-qwan or Gas-coy-geh-ni.
It's the first hunter in the game! He's a pretty fun fight albeit very forgiving. The arena is huge and full of graves that you can kite him around, he's super easy to parry, I didn't even need to use the music box to stun him. He's got a second form which is a little tougher, but again, after being in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber that is Elden Ring, he posed little threat
I appreciate that Gascoigne is not just some random guy, they build a little story around him and it's a good intro to the themes and tone of Bloodborne, which is everything is bad and you may at any time succumb to bloodlust and turn into a werewolf. I elected not to go back to the daughter and tell her both her parents are dead.
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This gangly bastard was the first boss to pose a challenge for me. They hit hard and they're poison is real annoying, it doesn't help that it takes approximately one hundred years to take an antidote. You're telling me my hunter will gladly slam a blood vile into his thigh in half a second but when it comes to taking an aspirin he has to take a full 5 seconds to make sure he doesn't gag?
Every time you die to BsB you gotta run aaaalllllll the way through Old Yharnam to get back to the fight. It's very annoying and I'm glad that, for the most part, they got rid of these run backs in Elden Ring.
I swear to god they're not all going to be B's okay, just bare with me alright?
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You've fought Cleric Beast, now it's time to fight BIG CLERIC BEAST!
Ok that's needlessly reductive, Amelia's got some stuff going on. I like that she backs up to heal herself, encouraging you play aggressive. I like that you see her transform in the cutscene and that she's cradling her pendant the entire fight.
I tend to dislike bigger Soulsborne bosses because you gotta wrangle the camera controls more. Nothing stings more than dying because the camera was stuck in the bosses model and all I see is bunch of Amela's Sephiroth-ass hair. People rag on From Software for having a lot of bosses which is just 'a big man in armour with a sword' but at least in those fights the camera isn't flying out of control constantly!
Side note: when google image searching Vicar Amelia for my little animation I found an alarming amount of horny art for this character. None of the other bosses have this problem. So congratulations Vicar Amelia for being the most fuckable Bloodborne boss I guess!
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So hey, remember when I said that I watched a bunch of streams and lets plays of Bloodborne way back in 2015? This is where that nugget of information becomes relevant!
So the Witch of Hemwick is a gimmick fight. The real witches (there's two of them!) are invisible and wandering around the arena and you gotta find them to do any damage to the health bar. I feel that a lot of the appeal of this boss fight is the 'a-ha!' moment you get when you discover the gimmick. Unfortunately, I just knew right out the gate what to do.
I completely ignored the tall scythe witches just to hunt down the real witches and, bizarrely they pretty much ignored me too? I don't think they ever tried to attack me in the entire fight. The real witches have a couple of attacks but they barely do anything.
This is definitely a fight that would of benefited me going in completely blind. But even then, this fight is not a great one. Another first try medal for me though! Hurray!
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*Okay, so, here's the thing.
I fought and died to Paarl a couple of times, then I decided 'hey, I haven't tried out the AI summons yet! Lets see how good they are!'
Me and my AI buddy proceeded to completely stun lock this poor electro boy into oblivion, making the fight absolutely trivial. I'd love to tell you more about Paarl! They seemed pretty tough! But alas, I didn't realise I was summoning in the god damn Terminator to lend me a helping hand.
As such, I don't feel comfortable giving Paarl I ranking because I didn't beat them, the game beat them.
I should say, I don't want to undermine anyone's experience. If you got through Bloodborne summoning for every boss then that's totally fine, you beat the game fair and square. Personally I prefer to fight the bosses solo.
But alas curiosity killed the cat. Or in the case: Big lightning dog.
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A classic From Software move: Having an early boss be just some regular late game enemies.
I was dreading this fight because generally I do not like bosses with multiple enemies in them. I find that Soulsborne are at their best with one-on-one fights. But actually the Shadows are not too bad! One is dedicated ranged attacker, one is a combo, and one is a dedicated melee fighter, so I was rarely swarmed by multiple attackers.
It's kind of a weird boss fight because it actually gets easier the further you get into the fight. They do become all snakey when one of them gets low enough on HP, but all they get is one new attack. honestly the regular snake head enemies leading up to this fight were more challenging than these guys.
This is definitely my favourite animation I did for these rankings though. Look at those little Ring Wraith Snake Boys! So Delightful!
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Rom, The Vacuous Spider is another gimmick fight in the sense that she barely fights back. She's constantly backing up from you while her little spiders guard her. She'll occasional shoot meteors at you but so long as you keep an eye on her you can dodge them pretty easy.
This is one of the few bosses which I do feel bad for killing, the first time you encounter her you can walk straight up to her and she'll do nothing. Killing Rom is when the game goes from 'Gothic horror with some hints of cosmic horror' to full on 'Eldritch Terror' so it really cements that you're not necessarily the good guy in this scenario.
I don't have much else to say about this boss fight so I'm going to end this section with wishing the Byrgenwerth was a bigger area. Feels like it was really hyped up and then it's basically just a courtyard and one building. What a rinky dink school! I'm sending my kids Raya Lucaria!
That's all for Part 1
In the next part, things get considerably more eldritchy!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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pizzablog929 · 2 years
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sears-injurylaw · 20 hours
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pharmacynearmeeu · 1 month
Pharmacy near me Ireland
Wellness Made Easy: The Insider's Guide to Finding Pharmacy in Ireland!
If you require a pharmacy near me Ireland, you’ve come to the right place. Finding a reliable pharmacy is crucial for maintaining your health and wellness, whether you need to pick up a prescription, seek advice on over-the-counter medications, or find wellness products. 
This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about locating a pharmacy in Ireland, ensuring that you have easy access to the care and products you need.
1. Utilize Online Maps and Locator Tools
Online tools such as Google Maps and local directories are invaluable for locating nearby pharmacies. 
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A quick search for "pharmacy near me" on Google Maps will show you a list of pharmacies in your vicinity, complete with their locations, operating hours, and customer reviews.
The Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU) website also offers a comprehensive pharmacy locator tool, providing details such as contact information, services offered, and specializations.
2. Use Recommendations from Local Sources
Local knowledge can be incredibly helpful when searching for a pharmacy. Ask neighbors, friends, family members, or coworkers for recommendations. 
People in your community can provide firsthand experiences and insights into the quality of service at nearby pharmacies, helping you make a more informed decision.
3. Visit the Health Service Executive (HSE) Directory
The Health Service Executive (HSE) website provides a detailed directory of pharmacies across Ireland. 
This directory is particularly useful for finding pharmacies that offer specialized health services such as vaccinations, health screenings, and chronic disease management. It ensures that the pharmacy you choose meets all your healthcare needs.
4. Consider Pharmacy Operating Hours
When choosing a pharmacy, it's important to consider their operating hours. Ensure the pharmacy’s hours align with your schedule, especially if you need access to medications outside regular business hours. 
Some pharmacies offer extended hours or 24/7 services, which can be crucial for emergency needs or those with busy schedules.
5. Evaluate the Range of Services Offered
Not all pharmacies provide the same services. Look for a pharmacy that offers a comprehensive range of services, including prescription fulfillment, health consultations, over-the-counter medications, and wellness products. 
Some pharmacies also provide additional services like blood pressure monitoring, cholesterol testing, and travel vaccinations, making them a one-stop shop for your health needs.
6. Check Customer Reviews and Ratings
Customer reviews and ratings on platforms like Google, Yelp, and the IPU website can give you valuable insights into the quality of service at different pharmacies. 
Positive reviews generally indicate reliable and friendly service, while negative reviews can alert you to potential issues. 
Reading through these reviews can help you choose a pharmacy that consistently provides good service.
By following these tips, you can find a reliable pharmacy in Ireland that meets your health and wellness needs. 
Whether you need to fill a prescription, seek advice on over-the-counter medications, or find wellness products, having a trusted pharmacy nearby is essential for your overall well-being.
You can also take the help of our website at Pharmacy Near me, to locate the best pharmacies across Europe. With our user-friendly interface and comprehensive database, finding the perfect pharmacy has never been easier. 
Take charge of your health today by accessing quality care Pharmacy near me Spain and products conveniently and efficiently!
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kipenzistore · 10 days
Integrating Automatic Cat Boxes with Smart Home Devices
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As technology continues to advance, our homes are becoming smarter and more efficient. From automated lighting to intelligent thermostats, smart home devices have transformed the way we live. For pet owners, especially cat lovers, this technological revolution has extended to pet care with the advent of automatic cat boxes. These devices not only make maintaining your cat’s litter box easier but can also be integrated with smart home systems to further enhance convenience and monitoring capabilities.
Why Integrate Automatic Cat Boxes with Smart Home Devices?
Integrating your automatic cat box with smart home devices offers several benefits:
Enhanced Monitoring: Receive real-time notifications about your cat’s litter box usage, helping you keep track of your pet’s health and hygiene.
Convenience: Automate cleaning cycles and receive alerts when it’s time to empty the waste receptacle or refill litter.
Remote Control: Manage your cat’s litter box from anywhere using your smartphone or voice commands.
Health Insights: Some models offer advanced features that track your cat’s bathroom habits, alerting you to potential health issues early.
Getting Started: What You Need
To begin integrating your automatic cat box with your smart home system, you'll need:
A Compatible Automatic Cat Box: Ensure that the model you choose is designed for smart home integration. Popular brands like Litter-Robot and PetSafe offer models with this capability.
A Smart Home Hub: Devices such as Amazon Echo, Google Home, or Apple HomeKit will serve as the central control for your smart home.
Smartphone or Tablet: To manage and monitor your devices through dedicated apps.
Step-by-Step Integration Guide
Choose a Smart-Compatible Automatic Cat Box:
Research and select a smart cat litter box that offers smart home integration. Brands like Litter-Robot Connect or PetSafe Smart Scoop are good starting points.
Ensure the product is compatible with your smart home hub (Alexa, Google Assistant, etc.).
Set Up Your Automatic Cat Box:
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to set up and configure your self cleaning cat litter box.
Connect the box to your home Wi-Fi network if required.
Install the Companion App:
Download the cat box’s companion app on your smartphone or tablet. This app will allow you to monitor and control the device remotely.
Create an account and follow the app’s instructions to link your cat box.
Integrate with Your Smart Home Hub:
Open your smart home hub’s app (Alexa, Google Home, or Apple HomeKit).
Use the “Add Device” or “Skills” feature to find and add your automatic cat box.
Follow the prompts to link your cat box with the hub.
Set Up Automations and Alerts:
Within your smart home app, create routines or automations. For example, you can set a routine to automatically clean the litter box at a specific time each day.
Configure alerts to receive notifications on your phone or smart speaker about the litter box status, such as when it needs emptying or if there’s an issue.
Practical Uses of Integration
Voice Commands: Use simple voice commands to control your cat box. For example, “Alexa, clean the litter box” or “Hey Google, check the litter box status.”
Routine Monitoring: Receive daily summaries of your cat’s litter box activity, which can be especially useful for monitoring their health.
Smart Notifications: Get alerted when the waste drawer is full or if there’s a malfunction, ensuring you address issues promptly.
Tips for Effective Integration
Placement: Ensure your cat box is placed in an area with strong Wi-Fi signal to maintain a stable connection.
Regular Maintenance: While automation simplifies maintenance, regular manual checks are still important to ensure everything is functioning correctly.
Stay Updated: Keep the firmware and apps for your devices updated to benefit from the latest features and improvements.
Integrating an automatic cat box with your smart home system is a fantastic way to modernize pet care. It not only saves time and effort but also provides valuable insights into your cat’s health and habits. As technology continues to evolve, these smart integrations will become even more sophisticated, offering pet owners unprecedented convenience and peace of mind. So why not take the leap and bring your cat care routine into the future with a smart automatic cat box? Your feline friend will thank you for it!
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dlpl · 12 days
Managing Chronic Conditions with the Dr. Lal PathLabs App
Chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, and cardiovascular diseases require ongoing monitoring and management to prevent complications and maintain a good quality of life. The Dr. Lal PathLabs app is an invaluable tool for patients managing chronic conditions, offering features that streamline the monitoring process and enhance patient care. Here’s how the Dr. Lal PathLabs app can help you effectively manage your chronic condition.
Regular Monitoring and Testing
Regular monitoring is crucial for managing chronic conditions. The Dr. Lal PathLabs app makes it easy to schedule and keep track of your regular tests. Whether you need frequent blood sugar tests for diabetes, cholesterol checks for heart disease, or lung function tests for asthma, the app allows you to book these tests at your convenience.
Key Features:
Easy Test Booking: Schedule tests with just a few taps.
Home Sample Collection: Opt for home sample collection to avoid trips to the lab.
Reminder Notifications: Set reminders for upcoming tests to ensure you never miss an appointment.
Instant Access to Test Results
Timely access to test results is essential for managing chronic conditions. The Dr. Lal PathLabs app provides instant notifications when your test results are ready. You can view, download, and share your reports directly from the app, allowing for quick consultations with your healthcare provider.
Key Features:
Instant Notifications: Receive alerts as soon as your results are available.
Digital Reports: Access and download your test reports anytime, anywhere.
Secure Sharing: Easily share your reports with your doctor for timely advice.
Comprehensive Health Records
Keeping a detailed record of your health history is important for managing chronic conditions. The Dr. Lal PathLabs app allows you to store and organize all your medical records in one place. This feature helps you and your healthcare provider track your condition over time and make informed decisions about your treatment plan.
Key Features:
Health Record Management: Store all your test reports and medical documents digitally.
Easy Access: Quickly retrieve your health records during medical consultations.
Historical Tracking: Monitor changes and trends in your health over time.
Personalized Health Insights
The Dr. Lal PathLabs app can provide personalized health insights based on your test results and health data. These insights can help you understand your condition better and take proactive steps to manage it effectively. For example, if your blood sugar levels are consistently high, the app can suggest lifestyle changes or alert you to consult your healthcare provider.
Key Features:
Health Analytics: Gain insights into your health trends and patterns.
Personalized Tips: Receive customized health tips and recommendations.
Proactive Alerts: Get alerts for abnormal test results or critical health changes.
Integration with Healthcare Providers
Effective management of chronic conditions often requires regular communication with healthcare providers. The Dr. Lal PathLabs app facilitates this by allowing you to share your test results and health records easily. This seamless communication helps your doctor monitor your condition more closely and adjust your treatment plan as needed.
Key Features:
Report Sharing: Share your test reports with your doctor directly from the app.
Doctor Consultations: Schedule follow-up appointments and consultations.
Collaborative Care: Work closely with your healthcare team for optimal management of your condition.
How to Download the Dr. Lal PathLabs App
Downloading and setting up the Dr. Lal PathLabs app is quick and easy:
For Android Users: Visit the Google Play Store, search for "Dr. Lal PathLabs," and click on the "Install" button to download and install the app.
For iOS Users: Go to the Apple App Store, search for "Dr. Lal PathLabs," and tap "Get" to download and install the app on your iPhone or iPad.
Once installed, open the app and follow the on-screen instructions to set up your account and start managing your health efficiently.
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kaoarika · 1 month
I dunno what was this week, but I hate whoever decided it to be that way.
Might get a little TMI in the way, so, read at your risk (and because I don't want this to be reblogged, WELL).
So, between the million of things that are going in my head right now (besides, the fact that we are going to "celebrate" federal and local elections in early June, and it's much more stressing than you would think it is), we had I GUESS the first "very hot, why oh why" week of the year, pre-Summer, in my city. It's one of those weeks that I would prefer to be at home not doing ANYTHING because the air is either too hot or too dry and let me remind you that I don't have an AC... I think I have talked about this before, but at times like this I think I might happen to be allergic to my sweat and in the past year I had it almost all over my torso, including my breasts, so, imagine some body image issues I may have during times like this, because I happened to have some red rashes/spots in some areas of my breasts. I luckily seem to have neutralized that, but I did develop body image issues from the situation last year, because as much as I wanted those GONE, they always came back. To think I am going to have this from now on in extreme weather situations, it's a bit ":/" to put it mildly.
I also started to have an irritated throat midweek. Which. FUN.
Then, internet issues, cuz why not, right Twitter/X, you freaking pos? I had issues in an alternate account with the chronological tweets from the Following feed, months ago, and now it's my main account's issues, too! Like, I cannot even report this in their Help Center for reasons that I will resume to "thanks, Musk, I know the site was BAD before, but you made it X times worse????" as I simply cannot offer my angry feedback to fx this :). OR! It's not even a bug! It's a NEW feature! GOD, how much I hate Twitter. I worked around this with Lists in my alternate account, but they don't respect my blocked/muted users (in certain cases ppl RT from them) nor my blocked/muted words list, so... yeah.
And the internet wasn't the only thing alone. I realized my days with this laptop are also going south. Besides stuff with Google Chrome and my thing with the compressed files I might vented days ago, it doesn't seem that my Explorer browser is "healthy". I decided to move things around within an old back up folder I have been in certain urge to work with before moving it to my HDD, and suddenly Explorer started to give me trouble, I mean, it once closed up and there wasn't even a window alerting me that it wasn't working well. The next day I found similar issues as I was SIMPLY renaming files and Explorer wasn't collaborative enough. Like, yeah, I restarted the native browser... but then I decided to restart the computer. I know the laptop was preowned, and it has/had its own issues, and this is basically its 9th or 8th year of life, even though I have been using it for a little over 3 years... but I am scared for sometimes unreasonable stuff that has happened to me in the past with my computers. At the moment I cannot say "YEAH, move everything as it is", because then I have issues like my old PC's back ups that are so messy that I WISH I could have organized them much more better back i nthe day (sadly, I didn't have an HDD at hand up until late 2020, and I'm talking stuff from over a decade ago). So... I might be getting a new laptop soon, but I might be paying it w/credit and w/o interests or smth. That might be good news and a solution, but, let's say that it's only motivating me to make the "move" transition so much "easier".
And, to finish this wreck of a week, the more... stressing thing that has been on my head is WHY I put "TMI" at the start of this post. Like... I really don't like to disclose too much info about my health, but I do want to tell you that in the past 6 years I have been handling stuff related to hypothyroidism with medicine.
So, at the start of this whole process, I knew my hormones might go crazy while stabilizing other things, so one of the pros about this was that my periods would regulate as they should ALWAYS have been... and the thing is, they have? at best? but there was related stuff I was a total stranger to, or, if I had them? they weren't as "frequent" as I assume they should have been during my whole teenage and young adult years. When I started this whole thing, I had days secreting old blood before I even started my period. I barely remember this was a thing within my body up until that point, especially while ovulating (heck, I don't remember having colic pains during that part of the cycle), but in the past six years I can vaguely recall other moments like these with some exceptions on mind, while I do have "fake alerts" days before my period, but, oh well and I was told it might be normal when I pointed it out to my previous doctor (related to this situation) years ago, so... thing is, this past week I started to have this, but instead of taking it as normal, I didn't perceive it as normal, normal.
For one, I don't remember which day EXACTLY I started this... blame the fact that this whole week has been a wreck so I lost my sense of time midweek... it was certainly between Wednesday or Thursday. But, the more I read, and the more I get scared. Especially because it was until yesterday-today that the vag*inal fluid started to come brown... I KNOW it is because of the blood getting oxidated, but I don't remember it being like this. I DO assume it's because ovulating stuff, because, my period, technically? doesn't happen until next week or so, average speaking. I did have some colic pain from the side that is ovulating, but I was so fixed in "what if it isn't that", that I felt so freaking down these past two days and I still feel down regardless of articles assuring me it MIGHT be normal. Except, I don't know for sure.
"I don't know for sure", because some of these articles are so superficial. "I don't know for sure", because I SHOULDN'T have lost meaning of time this past week and I could have been much more careful. I DID read one article that basically adds "symptoms" to make me sure it isn't... else, and I'm scared, as you don't hav any idea because that means I should ALSO get a gynocologist, which, SURE, I am already at the AGE to get one, but also it's a bit of a "wait and see and notice if the thing takes longer (and other symptoms, which I don't think I have), and if so, GET MEDICAL HELP". It says it might be hormonal stuff related to (my) hypothyroidism and such and such, and because I have been stressed (like hell)... and my whole point of I'm scared.
I'm scared because I still feel the colic pains, I'm scared because I don't remember this as much to consider it "normal". What is even considered "normal" about this? Could be smth else? Worse?
I'm trying to look at a good gynecologist closer to where I live (and slightly affordable), but, lmao, what even. I don't have an appointment with my doctor until August because "I was doing well" and wanted me to do some stuff to see if there could be a change of medicines and the like.
This week just finished, but the next one is brewing me lots of things to think about and I hate it OTL
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govindhtech · 4 months
Introducing Vertex AI’s Security Command Center
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Google Cloud Security Command Center
IT teams are relied upon to support cloud infrastructure security as developers employ Vertex AI, Google Cloud’s end-to-end AI platform that includes user-friendly tools to create the next generation of AI apps. In keeping with the Secure AI Framework (SAIF) that Google unveiled the previous year, they would want to disseminate methods and resources that clients may use to assist in securing AI models, goods, and technology.
Advise use Google Cloud’s Organization Policy Service first. Organization policies, which include Vertex AI-specific rules to keep developers working inside centrally-defined boundaries, set limits on how cloud resources may be configured.
Google’s integrated security and risk management tool for Google Cloud, Security Command Center Premium, now integrates with organization policies to provide near real-time detection of modifications to AI resource settings and rules, both of which have the potential to raise cloud risk. The new Security Command Center features are now accessible to most people.
Preventive and investigative mechanisms to safeguard Vertex AI applications
Google Security Command Center
Security Command Center provides visibility of AI workloads and apps without depending on point-in-time snapshots that may easily go out of date since it is integrated into the Google Cloud architecture. This is critical because workloads using AI that are hidden from view cannot be protected.
Once identified, Security Command Center applies its first-hand understanding of the architecture and operations of Vertex AI to provide posture controls that are tailored to and advised for Vertex AI workloads.
The new features of Security Command Center include pre-built security controls that can be activated with a single click, in contrast to older cloud security solutions that often handle AI applications like any other workload. It provides ongoing monitoring to identify instances in which security rules are broken by Vertex AI resource setups. Then, when the setup of the core AI infrastructure deviates from security best practices, for example, when:
Recently developed Vertex AI Access to workbench notebooks is possible via public IP addresses.
File download functions are enabled by Workbench instances.
Workload access rights for Vertex AI are modified.
Additionally, Security Command Center alerts security managers to policy modifications, enabling teams to promptly ascertain if posture controls have been eased as a result of malicious intent or policy misconfiguration. In order to find common misconfigurations and vulnerabilities across different services required by AI workloads, such as computing, storage, and networking, it also offers Security Health Analytics (SHA).
AI workloads may benefit from defense-in-depth security when proactive posture settings are combined with near real-time detection in a single solution. The Security Command Center UI has a dedicated card that highlights pertinent security discoveries, making it simpler to enhance the security of Vertex AI implementations. Security teams may monitor their risk posture with the use of this quick overview of the AI security status.
Reacting to security situations involving Vertex AI
Built-in risk analysis tools may be utilized to evaluate the problem and suggest next steps for remediation when Security Command Center identifies a Vertex AI workload operating outside of defined security boundaries. Among them is attack route simulation, which simulates the access and compromise of Vertex AI workloads by an actual attacker.
Security professionals are able to envision how a hacker would use certain holes in cloud security to get access to valuable resources. Additionally, it offers a score on attack exposure to aid in prioritizing cleanup.
Furthermore, information demonstrating the security posture of Vertex AI workloads is provided by Security Command Center. To ensure that the appropriate application or devsec team receives them, reports may be tailored for certain folders, projects, or assets.
Positioning controls to meet common criteria of compliance
Security Command Center offers pre-made policy sets for compliance requirements that may be used with different kinds of cloud apps, in addition to safeguarding AI workloads. Detective controls uphold accepted norms like:
CIS 2.0
CIS Kubernetes Benchmark v1.5.1
NIST SP 800-53
ISO 27001
What is the security Command Center?
You get consolidated insight into Google Cloud resources using Security Command Center (SCC). SCC offers a single dashboard to assist you in preventing, identifying, looking into, and dealing with issues inside your company.
What are the benefits of security Command Center?
With the evaluation of your security and data attack surface, asset inventory and discovery, identification of misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, and threats, and assistance in mitigating and correcting risks, Security Command Center helps you fortify your security posture.
What is the purpose of a command center?
A command center, also referred to as a headquarters or HQ, is a central location for executing directives and overseeing activities. Three main activities are shared by all command centers: inputs, processes, and outputs.
How do I activate SCC premium?
An organization must choose between subscription-based pricing and usage-based pricing in order to activate the Premium tier. You may choose how much to charge for your Security Command Center depending on how much you use thanks to usage-based pricing.
How to setup security command center in gcp?
Navigate to the Security Command Center page in the Google Cloud interface. Choose the project, folder, or organization that needs service management. Select Settings from the menu. Click Manage settings for the service that you wish to change.
Read more on Govindhetch.com
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zasyablog123 · 5 months
Google Search Console Tips Every Webmaster Should Know
Ever felt like your website was floating in the vast online space without a map? Well, say hello to your digital compass—Google Search Console! Imagine a world where your website not only looks good but also grabs the attention it deserves. That’s the magic of understanding the Google Search Console. It’s like having a backstage pass to the SEO and digital marketing concert, and trust us, you don’t want to miss it.
Every webmaster seeks to boost their site’s visibility. Google Search Console is a free tool that serves this purpose well. This service gives you insights into your website’s performance in Google searches. It aids search marketing experts and publishers alike. With it, one can track various metrics that highlight the user experience and search efficiency. It even alerts them about security issues or penalties from manual actions by Google’s team—key factors affecting a site’s health online. Neglecting Google Search Console can have a negative impact on your website’s performance.
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All About Search Queries:
In the digital marketing realm, understanding search queries is pivotal for any webmaster. Google Search Console serves as an important tool. It reveals top-performing keywords through its Performance Report Dimensions. These insights show not just volume but also how users find your site—be it standard or Web Light results on slower devices.
Analyzing clicks and impressions sheds light on user engagement with different query types. Some may only draw sparse traffic. These long-tail searches might seem insignificant yet they can reveal hidden opportunities when optimized. While high-traffic terms grab attention, don’t overlook the less frequent ones. They often hold potential to boost your online presence swiftly if addressed.
A page’s absence of internal links or a deserving keyword without a dedicated webpage could be culprits behind underwhelming performance. Links play another crucial role in SEO strategy outlined by Search Console’s Links report listing all inbound connections to one’s domain—a diverse link profile benefits, though it doesn’t infer enhanced ranking power per se. Forgetting about Google Search Console tools might mean missing out on these valuable chances that refine SEO and digital marketing efforts.
Optimizing mobile usability: 
When thinking mobile, one must remember: phones have taken over. Nearly everyone browses on these small screens now. Google knows this and thus looks closely at how sites work for thumb scrolling and tiny texts.
With that in mind, dive into your site’s nitty-gritty using the Google Search Console to boost its appeal to those on the move. Neglecting Google Search Console can be a turning point in mobile optimization. For starters, check if fonts look like ants—no good; they should grow a bit bigger! Ensure buttons don’t ask for needle-point precision; fingers aren’t pencils after all!
Your website has got to shape-shift smoothly across devices, or it’ll take a hit in rankings—a big no-no if you’re chasing SEO and digital marketing success. Keep load times quick too—as breezy as flicking through pages of your favorite book; nothing kills buzz like waiting an eternity for a screen refresh. Fine-tuning these will pave the path toward more clicks, lower bounces, and yes—an audience that stays because everything just works right there in their palms.
Click here to read more.
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creatorteam · 7 months
Dr. Krishanu Chakrabarty - Best Neuropsychiatrist In Dum Dum
Are you feeling depressed or living a stressful life? In the bustling city of Kolkata, where time moves rapidly, it's not uncommon to experience moments of stress and anxiety. However, a high amount of stress or anxiety is not good for your mental health.
As the best neuropsychiatrist in Dumdum, I understand the importance of mental well-being in our fast-paced lives. That's why I'm here to share some simple and effective tips for managing stress and anxiety. So, take a deep breath and join me on this journey to a calmer, and happier you. You deserve it!
Does Stress Increase Anxiety?
When we feel stressed, our bodies respond by releasing stress hormones. This hormone can make us feel alert and ready to face challenges. However, if stress occurs frequently or over a long period, it can cause anxiety.
This indicates we may be concerned, anxious, and on the lookout for difficulties. Stress can also affect how our brain functions, making anxiety worse. Hence, it’s important to deal with both stress and anxiety together.
Discover 16 Techniques For Managing Stress and Anxiety
Stop wondering how to deal with stress and anxiety and find out simple ways to take control of your mental health.
1. Engage In Physical Activity
Being the best psychiatry in Dumdum, I often meet professionals coping with stress issues. I recommend all of them perform daily exercises for managing stress at workplace. Regular exercise not only boosts your physical health but also works as a strong stress-relieving strategy. Engage in activities that you enjoy, such as a quick walk, yoga, or dancing - they all are helpful!
2. Start Mindfulness Meditation
You might have heard about the powerful benefits of meditation. Practicing mindfulness meditation can be a life-changing experience. It allows you to stay present, cultivating a sense of calmness and relaxation. Nowadays, you can easily find mediation apps on the play store. All you need to do is find the right app and quiet place to relieve stress.
3. Practice Healthy Eating Habits
Nourish your body with nutritious, and balanced foods. Add colorful fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains to your daily diet. A well-fed body is better able to deal with stress.
4. Reduce Your Screen Time
Now this is the most important advice by an experienced neuropsychiatrist in Kolkata. While technology is wonderful, excessive screen time can exhaust your brain. Take breaks, look around, and let your eyes rest.
5. Practice Self Care
Make time for yourself by doing things that bring you joy and relaxation. This could be anything from reading a book to having a relaxing bath or simply admiring the beauty of nature. This way you can reduce stress and anxiety naturally.
Contact us : https://www.neuropsychiatristkrishanu.com/
Google : https://www.google.com/search?q=Dr.+Krishanu+Chakrabarty+-+Psychiatrist+in+Kolkata+%2F+Sexologist+in+Kolkata&rlz=1C1CHBF_enIN1063IN1063&oq=Dr.+Krishanu+Chakrabarty+-+Psychiatrist+in+Kolkata+%2F+Sexologist+in+Kolkata&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBBzcyMGowajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
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