#Got Questions Podcast
Why do so many Christians struggle with destructive mental patterns? How can we as Christians gain victory over ungodly thoughts? How does victory over temptation start in the mind? An interview with Stephen Arterburn.
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toomanyfandomsstuff · 2 months
Podcast themed ask game cause I’m bored!
1.) what’s the first podcast you listened to?
2.) what’s a podcast you’ve cried over?
3.) Favorite podcast pet? (Idk if that’s worded weird but like if one of the characters has a cat or smth)
4.) what podcast has the best soundtrack/music?
5.) what’s a podcast that you really like but find it kinda hard to follow the plot?
6.) what characters from different podcasts do you think would be friends?
7.) what characters from different podcasts do you think would hate each other?
8.) what’s a podcast where you mix up the characters voices?
9.) what’s a podcast that you know the characters so well you can recognize their breathing?
10.) what’s a podcast that you wish you could listen to again for the first time?
11.) what’s a podcast you’ve listened to more than once?
12.) what’s a podcast you wish more people listened to?
13.) what do you like to do while listening to a podcast?
14.) who is a podcast character that you love?
15.) who is a podcast character you can’t stand?
16.) what songs do you associate with a certain character/ podcast?
17.) what’s a podcast that you can’t stop thinking about?
18.) are their any podcasts that you regret listening to?
19.) whose your favorite podcast couple?
20.) whose a podcast character that you think would dress really cool?
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moonshynecybin · 3 days
if i could edit audio i would make a compilation of all the times my podcast journos are soliloquizing about the similarities between marc and vale and then straight up interrupt their train of thought to summarize with “but of course that’s because they’re the same person” in a very matter of fact little tone before moving on. like okay. a little bit of an insane thing 2 say.
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wee-miss-noone · 25 days
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Look I know Malam said Faroe is present with Arthur like a light, more of a aura or a force of hope and good than anything but I couldn't stop imagining if Faroe was present in a more... personified form?
Welcome to Malevoent rendition of Two and a Half Men only it's Two Men in Price of One and One (by this point tired fo her dad's shenanigans) Ghost
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worm-generator · 3 months
again again again i am once AGAIN thinking abt judith ford saying, "i don't get how what i did could be so wrong if what i did let me have you!!!!" like.
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libraryfag · 3 months
so.. is junoverse over forever?
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pollencoveredman · 1 year
act 1 recap of the live show!
started with a video clip of the lawyer reading off a letter from charlie. very incoherent ofc, just listing all the “rules” which naturally did not have to be followed
meg welcomed the guys, glenn kicked the door down as they came on stage
rob gave the crowd an ocular patdown
talked about how much they love england, jokes about the king being there and then started saying how america is better
sang the national anthem 😭😭 and everyone was booing them so charlie sang rock flag and eagle
meg said each show they would discuss a different pairing, the one i was at they did trash twins !!
glenn jokingly called kaitlin a bitch and rob justice came out a little
showed a few clips of dennis and dee, iirc it was the bit where they’re singing in welfare and the coughing scene in ireland (just recapped them, how they filmed it etc)
glenn sang never gonna give you up
had an “interruption” from the lawyer. turned out to be uncle jack, just a video message and he got reeeeaaalll close to the camera at one point. was also wearing mickey mouse hands
talked about the best schemes and scenes where they’re sitting across a desk from somebody
iirc they showed the power bottom scene at the club, lawyer reading barbara’s will, mr bovine joni and the guys at the bank — people started yelling at glenn to take his shirt off 😭
suddenly the lights went out ??
came back on and there’s shit on the stage… who pooped the stage 🧐🧐
video monologue from ARTEMIS !! unfortunately didn’t film it but she called glenn ‘glennifer’
short video clip from danny devito !! telling everyone to enjoy the show
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shadow-the-crow · 6 months
Listened to mag 83 and had some thoughts:
I love the "i need to record it" - how it's becoming a recurring thing.
In season 1 Jon was only recording the statements, just because it was the next best thing to digitalizing them (or at least so he thinks).
In season 2 he starts recording his conversations with his coworkers, and he says "i need to record it" at least once (i don't exactly remember), but he has the excuse of wanting to record exactly what they said so he can construct his paranoid little theories.
Now, in season 3, he has no excuse - there's no logical reason why he would be recording this statement. Saying it's part of his job doesn't make any sense, as Georgie points out, because he was fired (or fled because he was accused of murder, idk). So his only explanation is that it's just what he does - and, again, "i need to record it". Said 2 times, without any further explanation, almost obsessively (funnily making him sound like an addict, right after he said "i'm not on drugs"). And his stammering is making me think he's becoming aware of how illogical this need is. This development is so interesting...
He really must be hungry, huh? I can totally imagine Elias slipping this in the letter box thinking "gotta feed my little archivist"...
Or maybe it really was a warning? Was the mannequin Nikola?
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oliversgarden · 6 months
Having friends at different points of their first listen throughs of rqg is great, like I’ve got one friend sobbing about Sasha’s letter and the other one is laughing about is Bertie guy pretending to be a statue! Ohhh good times
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jams jams jams jams jarthur hcs now/lh/nf
even tho john is taller hes usually the little spoon (although they usually cuddle facing eachother rather than facing the same direction)
john either really likes or strongly dislikes mint chocolate chip ice cream (im projecting onto him (i love mint chocolate ice cream)) but john also really likes the passionfruit ice cream (he never mixes the flavours. he chooses one or the other, and usually hell pair them with something else that may go with it, but it really depends on his mood) arthur is a standard vanilla guy :3
john fucking hates being barefoot bc he can feel every little thing on the ground and it sucks ASS (<- im projecting onto him again lamooo) okay but he doesnt really like the feeling of socks in shoes? does that make sense?? whereas arthur is a notorius bare-footer
arthur started teaching john the piano and like. john rage-quits every other week only to then shyly ask arthur if hell keep teaching him after he calms down. arthur is in TEARS when john composes his first song for him.
aroallo arthur - john is on the aroace spectrum somewhere
they are both fucking terrible at cooking. actually terrible. john used to be worse than arthur, but unlike arthur, john just lacked the experience. he quickly learned and got better (his cooking gets actually quite good)
john reads to arthur
both of them are into crime movies, but aside from that john is a SUCKER for romance movies tho hell never admit it. arthur Knows tho (johns not good at hiding it lmao (he cries so hard and always tries to cover it up) and takes him out under the pretense that he wanted to watch the movie.
they rant to each other, but the ranting is for different reasons. arthur usually rants when they have an annoying customer, or just when he was pissed off about something. he will angry-rant to john about it when they get home, and then hell calm down only to wake john up in the middle of the night when he comes up with a new point to add to his rant. john rants about the movies/ books that he watched/ read, hell talk to arthur about the plot if he hasnt read it, or hell just say his opinions on the book/ analyze it, etc etc
oh wait did i mention they have a PI business together? bc they do
okay so yk how i said john is a sucker for romance movies? this is different for books. he rly likes horror books
ough also both johns but also arthurs eyes are the kings yellow.
they go on long walks to the park and john counts all the ducks he sees, much to arthurs amusement when he loses track and gets frustrated.
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Is masturbation mentioned in the Bible? Does the Bible anywhere say that it is a sin to masturbate? What biblical principles can we use to determine whether or not masturbation is a sin?
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Episode 91 Nara to Neil: Is it because you know, because you know that my affection is a means to an end or do you feel something for Wynn and don't know how to say it?
Episode 95 Neil to Wynn: If this is a moment where there’s a line in the sand about us staying together, you know I’ll follow you to go die.
Episode 91 Neil to Nara: I haven’t known these things maybe for a long time, and so I just sit in inaction because I don’t know.
Episode 95 Narration of Neil by Rob: When Wynn confirms to Britta that she’s in love with Kabir, Neil goes stock still.
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haemosexuality · 1 year
some people are very mad at the implication that the LN world is ~All A Dream~ but i dont think thats exactly it? like to me it seems very clear that the ln world is a real place, and all that happens in it is real. i think that what's happening is that when they go to sleep, their consciousness is transported into this paralel reality (the Nowhere) and they leave once they awaken, but as they spent more and more time there they slowly succumb to whatever powers or entities rule that world and they become trapped there. its like. kind of like the dark worlds in deltarune, or the other world in coraline, or the upside down in stranger things, or the fear reality/ies in the magnus archives you get the idea
those entities seem to both feed off of and be created by childrens fear, a paradoxical "it exists because children fear it and children fear it because it exists" thing. in an interview a dev said that "something happened before in [the kids] lives that made them a good fit for little nightmares" and i think that "something" is being traumatized: you have more nightmares that way.
something interesting about six specifically is that she's always described as being from somewhere else, not belonging 'here', etc, one description even says she "awoke in a world she cannot recognize" which. straight up confirms shes Not From This World, but like, if all of the kids came here because of nightmares whats different about her? why do they apparently 'belong' in the nowhere but she doesnt? maybe she has, like, too much willpower to succumb to the powers or something and thus doesnt belong with the other kids trapped here who have all given up, but then again shes also described to be "fading away from this world" at the start of ln2 which does seem to mean that shes succumbing to it? like, giving up and fading away? idk idk
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bandai website description, issue 1 of the comic
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also from the bandai namco website. six's "terrible fate" might be her succumbing to depression or whatever but have no idea why guiding mono to the signal tower would be important? maybe its not actually about the tower and its just about having a purpose and a friend to hold on to so she still has hope
ok heres my tinfoil hat theory: obv the podcast, the devs, promotional material and concept art all seem to be saying that ''kids go to a nightmare world when they go to sleep and sometimes get trapped there" is whats happening, but this post theorizes that maybe the nightmares noone in the podcast is having are prophetic and like. the nightmares explained video says that "the nightmares are crossing into the real world". what if what happened is that vulnerable kids who kept having nightmares were going to this future reality where the world got fucked up because of these entities, and maybe whenever they succumbed to them the entities were able to use their bodies to cross into our world, which eventually led to them being able to take over? resulting in the future fucked up reality kids were going to in their dreams? its not like little nightmares is unfamiliar with time paradoxes thats basically what happened to mono. idk!!!!
i keep bringing up other media but im not really comparing them im just using similsr exampled to explain what i mean bc its so weird i cant think of how else to do it. anyways what if the kids who fully give up and succumb to the fear become like the goners frok undertale. everyone just forgets they ever existed
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brandoandthebears · 23 days
Welcome to Brando and the bears the podcast the Tumblr.
In 2014 JFK jr dragged a dead grizzly bear to the middle of Central Park to act as if it was hit by a bicycle. In 1854 Grizzly Adam saved a grizzly bear cub while also fighting for his life. He named the bear Ben. It saved him from a different grizzly later on. He then had a movie made about him and his pet bear. In 1884 Theodore Roosevelt shot a grizzly bear but did not kill it while hunting. Which is totally in line for the man. He got Teddy bears named after him because he refused to kill a bear. Though that bear was a black bear so it has nothing to do with us. In 1974 A&W Soda had a mascot called the "Great Root Bear" In 1982 all A&W restaurants were bought by A. Alfred Taubman.
Our podcast aims to answer questions that have long plagued humanity's mind.
What if the bear Roosevelt shot wanted revenge and then assassinated him? Would the other bears be mad because of his known anti-bear death thing? This would be a big hit to the bear community. Like they wouldn't have teddy bears anymore? Shame on you bear that killed Roosevelt. What if Grizzly didn't find a grizzly bear? Like what happens to the pun? What if the great root bear became popular instead of the Coca-Cola bear? Have you seen it? It's much better. And most importantly what if it was Marlon Brando who dropped the grizzly bear corpse in Central Park?
Come along with us through a journey of self-reflection about life and the meaning of it. All of course through the understanding of grizzly bears (not brown bears. Grizzly only) and famous movie star Marlon Brando.
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roscoehamiltons · 2 months
i'm watching a random interview that will buxton did with red flags podcast and learning that he used to(?) beef w nico rosberg all the way back from the GP2 days
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kristakittyfish · 2 months
I might....... actually kinda be good at presenting my research at conferences...... and maybe........ my research is also good........
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