#Gotta Go Fast (Main Verse)
mobianresistance · 1 year
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"Ugh... what the hell..." Claire groaned as she sat upright, glancing around at her surroundings as her vision came back into focus. One moment, she'd been desperately fighting for her life against the Shadow Androids, a fight two of her comrades had already lost. The next, just before the killing blow could be dealt, everything had disappeared in a strange flash of bright light.
And now here she was in a forest clearing, alone, battered and bruised but alive, with the androids nowhere in sight. Using her damaged whispon to steady herself, Claire pushed herself back up off of the ground and onto her feet.
Her mask still appeared to be in working order, at least to some degree, but even if she tried to use it to call for help, who would answer? Smithy? Slinger? Both dead. Mimic had sold them out, and if he still had his mask, then this line was now compromised. That only left one potential ally...
Whisper! Claire had told Whisper to hang back, which meant there was a chance she could still be alive. Holding out hope for her friend's possible survival but still in need of medical attention, Claire begins to slowly limp her way through the woods in the hopes of finding civilization.
In the meantime, for the first time in quite a while, the video signal from Claire's mask was active once again.
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lunarfey · 1 year
texting starters / @4ger.
( msg: brother #4 ) heyyyyyyyy ( msg: brother #4 ) so hypothetically if someone was on the run from the cops ( msg: brother #4 ) would there be a safe house in which one could hide in until the heat dies down ( msg: brother #4 ) hypothetically ( msg: brother #4 ) because i totally didn't commit a crime
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
1, 2, 7, 21, 30, and 66 for the ask game!
Okay, so, The first three you've chosen are ALL in the Time Heals 'Verse!!
1: Time Heals Old Hate (put your armor on)
Mace chuckled quietly to himself as he looked at the two Padawans, fast asleep on the couch in the common room of the ship. Shrugging off his cloak, he quietly draped it over them. Jacen shifted in his sleep as the cloak settled around him, and his presence started to prickle with unease. Mace understood instantly—he’d spent too long around soldiers not to recognize the telltale Force-effect of a nightmare.
hehe hoohoo angst
2: Time Heals Book 3 (Title Pending)
Sabine awoke on the shore of a lake that gleamed like a thousand stars.
7. What Time Cannot Take (Long As We Are Loved)
(This oneshot is a prequel to the main series, set shortly after Jedi Night. I've made myself cry over it twice already.)
“Could… could you teach me?” Sabine looked over at him, blinking her eyes quickly—from the blazing brightness of the Lothal sunset, and the tears burning her eyes. “Teach you?” “Teach me. The—” Ezra’s voice faltered, and he took a shaky breath. “The remembrance.”
21. Graveyards and ghost towns (and other stuff you wouldn't expect to be bonding experiences but were anyway)
Kanan pulled his phone out of his pocket, and frowned.  “Hold on. I gotta take this,” he said, and answered: “Kid, what’s up? Aren’t you at school?” Ezra didn’t answer right away, but when he did, his voice wobbled. “Mr. Jarrus? I’m… it’s…” He sniffed. “ ‘s not a good day.” Alarms started ringing in Kanan’s head. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
(you really did choose all the angsty fics, didnt'cha?)
30. How To Train Your Mythosaur
“We have one goal: end the attacks.” Ursa looked around the table in the longhouse, eyes cold. “We cannot let the dragons keep raiding our village. We have to bring the fight to them.”
66. The Surprisingly Angsty No Order 66 AU!!
“It’s not too late to back out,” Leia said, for the seventh time, as the ship touched down. Ezra shook his head, standing up. “I have to do this.” “You literally don’t, but whatever.” Leia cracked her knuckles, rolled her shoulders, and then punched his arm, just for kicks. “Now come on, blueberry. You’ve got a dinner to attend and a crapton of painful memories to relive, and I’ve got a party to crash and some Mandos to fight. Gonna be a busy day.” “Very funny,” he sighed, brushing past her and stepping out into the icy air. She smirked. “Oh, I’m not joking. You better believe I’m gonna be settling a few scores.”
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tonguetyd · 5 months
possibly strange question incoming: if you had to make a sandwich out of songs by your favorite artist, what songs would be which ingredient?
there must be bread, meat, cheese, and a condiment but you can add as many other toppings/condiments as you so choose.
Okay so off the bat, my favorite artist is a band called The Maine (I know my blog would suggest otherwise but there is just significantly less content of theirs in here. They are forever and always number one.)
I also know this isn’t the question but the best sandwich I ever had was a ciabatta roll with mozzarella and pesto, and all that would have made it better would have been a little turkey and some bacon. Delicious. So I will be recreating this in songs.
Ciabatta bread: the secret to good bread is crust-to-soft ratio. You don’t want it to stab your mouth, but it needs to have some structure to it to support your sandwich. So the first song that comes to mind for this is Slip The Noose. She is a little crunchy with that fast verse, but so very soft with that refrain that soars. Substantial enough to support that entire record. It’s even one of those that repeats at the beginning and end - it’s literally perfect sandwich bread. “I was on the verge of breaking down til you came around.”
Turkey: now we are talking good deli turkey, not thanksgiving level stuff. Nice and smooth and salty and delicious. That you can pile high. Gotta be something off Pioneer, that’s definitely the smoothest record. With a little bit of fire to it, as it’s absolutely a Fuck You To The Man record. I’ll go with Identify for that one. Great opening track, goes down easy, sets the stage for everything else. “3 2 1, here come the fireworks baby”
Bacon: what is not to love about our favorite supplemental meat. Everyone’s favorite. In that case I think I have to go with the crowd favorite song then. Which would be Black Butterflies and Deja Vu. If they’re not closing with Mars, they’re closing with this. You can’t help but love it. “I lose my voice when I look at you”
Mozzarella: I have a guilty announcement. I am not a big cheese person. The only exception. Is mozzarella. I could eat that shit forever. And it’s on everything. It goes GOOD on everything. It’s like the potato of cheeses. Fry it pizza it stick it on a Sammy. So we’re going for versatility. Play it for any kind of music fan and they’ll go “okay! Nice!” Which has GOT to be Dirty Pretty Beautiful. She’s funky (as good cheeses are) she’s fresh, and you gotta dance to her. “We got this thing that’s untouchable”
Pesto: on principle alone, the condiment is going to be Sticky. Because how could it not be (even tho pesto is not particularly a sticky condiment, as far as things go). But also, she is a bright song, makes you wanna stand in the sunlight and go “YES!” Which is kinda what pesto does. Or it’s at least what the pesto on this particular sandwich I had tailgating to see Bruce Springsteen did. “Wanna play you over and over again, sticky just like the song in my head”
AND THATS THE SANDWICH!!! This was incredible and so much fun that you dearly anon!
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aquabeats · 1 year
Since I've never posted on my own (mainly because hhhh anxiety /lh), why not start with an introduction!
I go by Unity usually, and this is my jsab alt, so it's for my versions of the characters/ocs/aus/what have you /lh
Speaking of aus, I've got 4 I'm developing currently! I'm going to show off my blixers for them because why not :D
My "main" au follows the original story fairly closely, and all of my characters for that au have designs (currently all mostly done by trash-jsab)! She's scattered through my reblogs of course, but her name is Gold!
She sought out a little more power, and things went a little awry, she spread the corruption across the land, and she created herself an empire. When confronted, she's willing to step down, but one thing leads to another, accidents happen and Oh no! She's been stabbed with the triangle piece! So she loses her head for a moment and the heroes have to defeat her to be able to take the piece out and return her to normal. (So she has all the alt forms I gotta do /lh)
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Next after Gold is Blitz! Their biggest difference is that they were born a very small grey shape! Their whole reason for becoming corrupted was to gain both more power and height, they didn't actually mean to spread it across the island /lh so they actually have two alt forms, the grey as well as new game-ish, but they never react annihilate, heroes never have to go TiO, all that good stuff /lh
They help return things to normal post-game, and they're allowed to stay in this base form you see, so they don't have to be super tiny weak shape /lh
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Next up we have Azure! He's a bit of a weird case, he was a corrupted that was purified, and he's now one of the caretakers for the heroes! (My Cuda, Lycan, and Cube are also caretakers- they don't have names yet fjsjfjsjfj)
People are incredibly scared of the corruption in this verse, and they constantly side-eye Cube, who happens to be Azure's best friend. He vouched for her to be a caretaker, saying if anything happened, he'd help. Things go a little awry, he starts corrupting because he got his hands on something he shouldn't, and he needs the other caretakers and his hero to help him. The problem is, because they were previously corrupted (or in the heroes' cases, they share traits with their guardians), they are very easily recorrupted. Also corrupts are usually very peaceful, people just really don't trust them because the process right after being corrupted can make you not the most reasonable /lh
Anyway, after they fix Azure, Cube feels guilt for what happens, people blame them, and she goes off on their own, eventually starting their villain arc, becoming the big bad of this au- and it takes the guardians and heroes working together to bring her back to normal. So Azure has one alt form, since he's not my main villain /lh
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Lastly, we have Flame! Fluffy bean of the group /j
They're actually not corrupted here! Their base form is uncorrupted, and they're only corrupt for a short time.
The land was originally untouched by corruption until it started growing deep within a cave. Flame happened across the cave, as they're a frequent explorer, and they never noticed the corruption. Instead of corrupting her there, it let her take it back to the surface, latching onto him. He got too close to the tree, and it latched on, needing a bigger source of power to corrupt the land. It spreads across the island quickly, corrupting anyone in its path. The only ones left are the heroes, who have to work fast, else they'll be left facing against a monstrous, much more powerful form of the person they once knew. They seek out Flame first, especially as she doesn't seem as badly corrupted yet. They purify her again, and she agrees to help. He does feel a sense of guilt, since he knows she's the one who brought it to the surface. But with the help of Flame, the heroes are able to work just a bit faster at saving everyone else! And eventually they do purify everyone and lock away the corruption. Flame has no alt forms unless we wanna count them getting partially stuck with corruption /lh
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heartofstarlight · 1 year
Hello! 😄 For the cottagecore asks, I'd like to ask 🌱 and 🍄 please!
*is shooketh* You're the first one to ever reply to me when I reblog one of these post, in all the years I've been on Tumblr! Thank you!
"🌱: What is something you want to begin learning?"
Ooh...so many things. I'd love to learn to garden. Nothing big, just a few veggies, especially some for Todd (my pet tortoise*). I've never been a green thumb, so it would be new. There's so many recipes I'd love to learn, and plan to experiment with. Umm...🤔 I had another, and I know there's more, but my mind is suddenly blanking on me.
Honestly I have many things I'd love to finish learning, too. That's it's own list...
*I've neglected posting pictures of him for a while. Someday I will remedy this.
"🍄: What is quote you find inspiring?"
Ooh boy, where do I even begin? This is going to be rambling.
The main quote that comes to mind when i think about this is one is:
"Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive."
Goodreads is saying that its from Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I found it on Polyvore (RIP) ages ago and don't remember who they sourced it from. But I still find it very moving, a good reminder. I've thought of it often ever since.
There's also a Tumblr post I saw forever ago, that I'm not going to even try and find, since I doubt I could find it right now. But I was about how you can just change your life and actions whenever you want, and how mindblowing it is that us humans can just do that. And I think about that concept A Lot.
There is also a number of Bible verses, but I won't list those here. And song lyrics, too, have always have had an effect on me. The list is too long and great to be complete, but here are some specific ones I know have had a deep impact on me:
This line from "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman:
"Still gotta make a decision/ Leave tonight or live and die this way;"
Most of the song "Breathe (2am)" by Anna Nalick (I'm not going to post the lyrics, but I highly recommend the song if someone hasn't heard it);
The bridge of "Time Marches On" by Tracy Lawrence:
"The south moves north/ North moves south/ A star is born/ A star burns out/The only thing/ That stays the same is/Everything changes/Everything changes;"
And "I Hope You Dance" by Lee Ann Womack. (Again, not posting lyrics, highly recommend listening to the song!)
Again there's many more, these are the main one that come to mind.
Thank you so much for sending me this ask! Really got me thinking! And sorry it took so long to reply!
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rebelmalewife · 3 years
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@charmybee | Goodyear Blimp
He’s tapping his foot in visible impatience. He just can’t see why Robotnik would build a BLIMP. Especially a Blimp that SLOW. All it’s doing is pouring out marketing information about where to buy EggBase products. He’ll follow it all day to see if The Doc is plotting anything shady, but at this point- he hasn’t even left the train yard yet. It took him hours to get out of the forest after the thing took off. It’s just moving SOOOO SLOW. Too Slow for Robotnik. Somethin’s up.
His ears twitch though at the sound of a hiss though. He thinks it might be a snake, so he lifts a foot up to inspect. He doesn’t find any snake, so instead leans over and spots a lil bee lookin’ dude tagging a train cart. He pulls out his own can from his jacket to tag his little hedgehog emblem on in a speedy fashion before zipping back up to the top of his traincart and examining the Blimp... which...
...is slowly... just... still... moving into the city.
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falsementor · 2 years
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✘ — lets see how fast you can run! ( ic. ) ✘ — it’s pathetic i know. ( thoughts / musings. ) ✘ — then the darkness rolls in. ( likes / aesthetics. ) ✘ — i was good but then i quit. ( headcanons. ) ✘ — forget everything you used to know. ( study / rambles. ) ✘ — you gotta wonder what it meant. ( music. ) ✘ — a jealous fool who wont let go. ( self. ) ✘ — i think you better tell your friends to go. ( relations. ) ✘ — i just love to pick a fight. ( commentary. ) ✘ — heyyy BUUUD. ( crack. ) ✘ — stick around ‘cause i’m about to show you. ( inbox. ) ✘ — you might think that you can hurt me. ( memes / prompts. ) ✘ — got no shame got no pride.( dash games. ) ✘ — *twangs lute mysteriously* ( ooc. ) ✘ — the damage has been done. ( saved. ) ✘ — i can sleep with one eye open. ( queue. ) ✘ — this is life until death. ( main verse. ) ✘ — you’ll never succeed if you’re so convinced you’re defeated. ( mirror verse. )
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mobianresistance · 1 year
"I can't promise that everything will be okay, but I promise to be here for you, no matter what." // for Claire!!
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"Thank you, Whisper... I know you'll always have my back." Claire manages a small smile and reaches out to take her friend's hand. The psychic was still recovering from her injuries, so it would likely be a while before she officially joined the Restoration.
Not to mention, the traumatic experiences of Mimic's betrayal, the deaths of the rest of the Diamond Cutters, and her own near-death experience were still very recent from her perspective. Along with the knowledge that she was supposed to have died, she had a lot to process still.
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veonhagen · 3 years
tot boys in an idol group au
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… artem wing
the leader among all four of the boys. this wasn’t much of a surprise to some of you, since his maturity and role as the eldest plays a part in this decision. remember when mc says in his side story he’d make a great dad ? now he’s the dad of three in the group.
the lead rapper. artem has a naturally deep voice, so it fits with the rapper position. he also has quite the large vocabulary ( i’m personally not sure knowing a lot of words helps with rapping, perhaps with the rhymes ? ). either way, he would definitely have some lines where he slowly raps with his low tone.
lead vocalist. i don’t know about you guys, but i firmly believe that this fine man can sing. he’s already perfect enough <3. men with deep voices such as artem would make an amazing vocalist, with deep lines that aren’t as high as the usual tones you’d hear in pop music. take a look at wonwoo from seventeen’s vocals.
the visual. i personally think all four boys would fit to take the visual position, but honestly ? artem seems the most visually appealing to me. the others would have their own charms, such as marius’s trademark smirk, luke’s beady and bright eyes, and vyn’s soft smile — but in artem’s case, he doesn’t particularly have this sort of charm that makes him all the more attractive. he doesn’t need a defining point to make him attractive, and that speaks so loudly how he deserves the visual position.
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… vyn richter
the main vocalist. now hear me out — i don’t have a particular reason in why i chose vyn to be the main vocalist. it was most probably a gut feeling for me as to why i picked that decision. but i’m definitely not complaining ; his soft sweet melodic voice i would want to hear over and over, it’s probably no surprise if he actually turns out to have some really good skills in terms of singing.
lead dancer. at this point it’s probably me following my gut when it comes to deciding the rest of the positions as well, but i do headcanon that vyn would definitely be swift whenever he picks up his legs and runs wherever, so i am assuming he’d also make a great dancer. heck, maybe he might be the choreographer of the group because of his seemingly limitless knowledge of how well some series of dance moves go well together.
bonus, i honestly think outside of idol entertainment vyn would definitely be the one most likely to become an actor. he pays attention to how people act and feel whenever they are in different situations, so he himself may eventually pick them up and make an amazing actor in his career.
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… luke pearce
the face of the group. he’s on the literal icon of the tears of themis app, so why not make him the fotg ? he’s already the face of the app and one of the most popular among the boys. he’s also talked about a lot to the point his face would come up first to many’s minds whenever the group ( or game ) gets brought up in different conversations.
main dancer. correct me if i’m wrong, but luke probably is the most athletically versed out of the four men ( well, maybe aside from artem but we gotta keep the positions fair yk ). he could probably nail down all of the dance steps in first practice routine.
lead vocalist. luke would be vocally capable as well ! i firmly believe he actually gives that bangchan of stray kids kind of vocals mixed with a hyunjin style of dancing, you know ? i apologize for those non kpop stans since i really don’t know how to describe his skills </3.
i also believe in sub rapper luke supremacy. he isn’t much experienced in rapping as marius is, but he’d be the type to have a high pitched, speedy rap in some of his lines. those lines aren’t so common, but it’s equally a blessing.
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… marius von hagen
absolutely the main rapper. marius’s natural voice would make really good rap lines in the group’s title tracks. i honestly really think he’d have those really fast lines ? maybe there could be some slow raps here and there but i think he has mastered rolling his tongue on spitting those verses perfectly.
lead dancer. at this point i’m probably thinking all of them are capable of dancing but hear me out ! marius gives those swag vibes if you know what i’m talking about ? he’d have a dance style more similar to taeyong from nct, which is sort of robot-like in a sense ? he also is one of the members who pick up the dance steps at a quicker learning pace, alongside luke.
maknae / youngest. this is sort of a bonus but to think how marius is the tallest yet the youngest among all four of them is really funny. imagine people who don’t stan the group and being in shock, realizing how marius is the youngest, but he towers over everyone. ( the thought of it makes me giggle a bit ngl ). he also pulls the maknae card whenever he wants something from the older members, that cheeky bastard.
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Ⓒ veonhagen, do not steal. 08/04/21.
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feelingofcontent · 3 years
DNP Rewatch: Phil is not on fire 9
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Date video was published: 11/24/2017 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 365
I can’t believe I’m down to two PINOFs left in this rewatch. PINOF 8 was posted almost exactly a year before this one. Phil asked for questions as usual and posted a selfie to promo the video a couple days ahead of it.
0:00 - I love that they’re both wearing black in this one. and I especially love Dan’s fuzzy sweater
0:06 - the immediate “Philly” sets the whole energy for this video
0:13 - they’re making fun of this, but it was an actual thing people were concerned about when Dan rebranded
0:21 - Dan just looking at all of Phil’s face while he draws his nose on 🥺
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0:23 - Phil is so pleased with himself for that joke
0:25 - Phil is absolutely on at the start of this video. “did you miss this tickle?” I can’t 😂
0:44 - this may be the most footage included in any PINOF of the whisker drawing 
0:51 - I love that Phil added the intense sound effect to make it seem even worse
1:01 - “you’re an aged cat and I’m a little kit” this PINOF is full of amazing lines
1:07 - Dan committing to the “g” sound before he even thought of a name
1:18 - not surprised this was a question/suggestion after two of the spooky week videos in 2017 included jump scares
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1:23 - where did this even come from, lol. they don’t read a question or a tweet or anything ahead of it
1:26 - foreshadowing the quiff! Dan does so much smiling at Phil in the video
1:34 - I laugh every time DNP make fun of “bro” culture
1:39 - gotta get a “your mum” in there somewhere. this is one of the better timed ones out of the last few PINOFs
1:43 - god I wish we had the start of this argument, lol. I have the same issue Phil does with my lefts and rights though. the cricket noises and Dan’s face are great
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2:00 - Dan already looks like he thinks he’s going to win
2:08 - did this question come up after the crab walk question? otherwise, not sure where this Phil pose came from, lol
2:13 - Dan’s hair is so floofy!
2:19 - I do think Phil would like a “waterslide of marshmallows” that seems about right
2:28 - absolutely love that they both tried to fix it to match the verse the other was singing, but ended up just switching
2:42 - that was pretty good on-the-spot from Phil!
3:01 - this is immediately a mistake. also they had to go from the filming flat to the living flat in cat whiskers, which I find hilarious. what would they even do if they ran into someone in the hallway 😂
3:18 - of course that’s the impression Phil decided to do
3:33 - you can tell what recent things DNP have done that are on people’s minds when they send in the questions for PINOF...like the slime video
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3:42 - love that Phil gives Dan a little bop on the head as he pulls his hands away there
3:54 - so much fake gagging at that pun
3:59 - still my favorite running gag Phil has ever done
4:09 - I think Phil one by a millisecond there. I’m impressed that they can tie a tie that fast, actually, although neither of them are done neatly at all
4:15 - love Dan laughing silently in the background
4:18 - first a tie from the dog calendar shoot, now the beanie from Viewers Pick My Outfits!
4:21 - Phil’s giggling in the background is the best bit
4:36 - lol, promo time!
4:43 - a “Philly” at the beginning and now a “Lester” here
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4:46 - Phil just chilling thinking this moment isn’t going to end up in the final video, and then...
4:48 - Dan is SO LOUD. Phil is right, that was horrible
5:00 - I love them both losing it for no reason at “Peter”
5:05 - Dan with the staring again
5:07 - Dan wants to “no” out of this one but he must get talked into it
5:12 - jesus christ Dan 😂 also why does he have a towel for some reason now
5:30 - ahahaha, that was a good choice from Dan
5:47 - revenge indeed. Dan looks slightly scared
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5:53 - Phil air-quote! and whiny-Dan!
6:12 - the cheese costume was in-escapable at the end of 2017
6:19 - Dan’s face says he has no idea where this was going...again, great improv from Phil
6:31 - they could wear shirts under the costume, but they made that choice I guess
6:41 - Phil’s set up here is perfect, drawing Dan in as if this is not going to end up in the video (also, um. what is Dan doing with his crotch here 😳)
6:44 - Phil’s even using his off-camera voice!
6:45 - Dan’s eyes get SO wide 😂 and Phil is so proud of himself
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7:05 - more Dan “chewing ice” staring
7:08 - wtf Phil 👀
7:15 - making fun of their own “random” phases in the old PINOFs
7:29 - pretty sure those are the socks and jeans Dan was wearing to film this video. Phil looks so strange in those clothes
7:46 - Dan looks good in red!
7:47 - this “idiot sandwich” clip is so out of nowhere and it’s great
7:50 - what is Phil’s voice when he says “hey” here and Dan’s reaction to it 👀
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7:54 - and then the snort laughing! 😂
8:05 - Dan just faceplanting on the bed at the end there
8:06 - CHRIST the look on Dan’s face in the background 😭 and Phil’s freckles!
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8:07 - not until PINOF 10!
8:13 - well there are going to be a bunch of crumbs to vacuum up from that
8:29 - Dan thought that was way to quick but I think Phil chose perfectly
8:33 - they’re literally almost sitting on top of each other here
8:48 - I feel like Dan went with his old hair style for it
8:54 - the exaggerated “awww” from Phil
9:04 - still absolutely dead that Phil did this on camera. help.
9:28 - tour promo time
9:33 - I love Phil’s reaction to Dan calling him “Philly” yet again
This is my favorite PINOF. I love it so much. And my favorite PINOF bloopers (which Dan posted on Christmas). I may like the bloopers even more than the actual video.
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belladonna-miranda · 2 years
Since Jackass 4.5 comes out tomorrow, I have gathered up the crew as Asking Alexandria songs. Sorry if I still suck at blogging, though. I've only been on for a couple weeks. 🤔
Poopies: "A Prophecy" from Stand Up and Scream because the music video depicts someone submerged in water and he's a surfer, so I wanted to connect him to the ocean.
Lyrics that describe Poopies: I should've known the tides were getting higher/ We can still survive/They think we're drowning, but our heads are still above the waves
Rachel: "To the Stage" from Reckless and Relentless because Rachel is a stand-up comedienne and first main female Jackass member. Not even the scorpion Botox from Jackass Forever could turn me away from her attention!
Lyrics that describe Rachel: I know that I should walk away/But I can't bring myself to quit this game
Jasper: "Empire" (featuring Bingx) from Asking Alexandria because he, along with Eric Manaka, brings some racial diversity to the Jackass cast like Rachel joins the boys club. As a rapper-turned-movie star, the rap verses perfectly align with his Odd Future past even if he barely even collaborated on the songs.
Lyrics that describe Jasper: Yeah, and they tell me life is short/In the blink of an eye we come and die
And every day I gotta switch lanes/Fuck race, no pigment/I got thick skin, making big waves/Positive being positive is my legacy
Preston: "All Due Respect" from Like a House on Fire because of his underdog status, Preston deserves the same amount of kindness as his castmates, even during his worst stunts. The oldest of the cast at 52 years old, Preston Lacy doesn't let his age (or his size) slow him down despite knowing his limitations of several stunts.
Lyrics that describe Preston: I've been hearing lots of whispers/Stories sold by a shadow of a memory
Wee Man: "Moving On" from From Death to Destiny because the smallest Jackass member knows how to carry on with what he loves most despite castmate Ryan Dunn's death in 2011. Wee Man even has Dunn's face tattooed on the back of his leg in his honor, much like Preston has Dunn's name inside a heart on his shoulder.
Lyrics that describe Wee Man: His red eyes tearing up at the man he'd became/Slowly but surely on the fast track/To falling into his grave
Steve-O: "Final Episode (Let's Change the Channel)" from Stand Up and Scream because as the most rambunctious of the cast, Steve-O knows how to go from 0 to 100 within seconds of a stunt in all four Jackass films. Unfortunately, all those risks come with high medical bills due to countless injuries sustained during filming. The silver lining, though, is Steve-O's 14-year sobriety as of this writing, thanks to the help of the rest of the Jackass crew. Yeah dude!
Lyrics that describe Steve-O: Blood and ink stain the walls/Silently with bloody knuckles, I carry on/Hoping it's not too wrong
The tears that stain my cheek must make me look weak/I wear them proudly/I wear them proud
Knoxville: "The Death of Me" from From Death to Destiny because when I watched the Magic Trick from Jackass Forever, I knew something was wrong when the bull hit Knoxville, knocking him unconscious, breaking his ribs, wrist, and neck, and signaling the death knell for the Jackass leader's over-the-top stunts. Health and safety are everyone's top priorities. No wonder Forever could be Knoxville's last Jackass film besides 4.5.
Lyrics that describe Knoxville: I won't let you be the death of me/No, I refuse to let you bring me down
The tears have left a blur/That I can't explain/The pain has left a hole/In which my heart should've been
Pontius: "Take Some Time" by Like a House on Fire because as my second favorite Jackass besides Danger Ehren, Pontius gives the audience an eyeful one wiener at a time, especially in the third and fourth Jackass films. However, Pontiusaurus at the beginning of Jackass Forever knows that he can turn nearly everyone on every time he does a stunt. Party Boy and Bunny the Lifeguard take Pontius's overall sexiness up a notch as well since both alter-egos emphasize his somewhat toned build onscreen.
Lyrics that describe Pontius: Hot sweat, love drip, heart beat/Body's shaking I want it to last forever/Lip bite, all night, this might/ Be nirvana all I want is everything so
Dave: "Never Gonna Learn" from See What's on the Inside because the song describes the cast's mistakes they keep making -and the ones they've fixed- over the course of 22 years of Jackass. For example, Dave England takes a shit at least once in every Jackass film, especially the mini bathroom from Number Two, but he keeps slipping up on most other stunts he participates. The electric tap dance taught him a lesson that nobody perfects anything until they've done so countless times.
Lyrics that describe Dave: How many times do I have to learn my lesson/Before I learn my lesson, no/Somebody help me, please tell me that I'm dreaming
I'm trying to change or at least I keep on saying/I'm trying to turn the page on my bullshit
Ehren: "Alone Again" from See What's on the Inside because as my favorite Jackass veteran, Ehren has totally stepped up his game in Jackass Forever from Francis Ngannou punching him in the nuts to being locked alone in a room with a bear. Growing up in a mortuary, the lyrics to "Alone Again" sum up how nobody has that much time to live, so they have to achieve their goals before they die. "Alone in a Room" was my original choice for Ehren's song, but that just described the lie detector test, and I wanted an AA song that meant much more than that.
Lyrics that describe Ehren: I've changed and I'm changing/It's not over, there's still time left/It isn't much, so make the most, I'm getting tired of giving up
Zach: "Fame" from See What's on the Inside because being a newcomer to the Jackass cast means more than just stunts to film, but fans from around the world discover the cast as well. Zach Holmes, aka Zackass, got his start on the Jackass-inspired MTV show Too Stupid to Die, so I thought the second verse related to his pre-Jackass projects.
Lyrics that describe Zach: So you want fame?/Everybody in the world to know your name?/How far will you to outrun your pain?
Well, light me up and watch me fly/I might change my mind a thousand times
Eric: "Where Did It Go?" from Asking Alexandria because Eric Manaka is the only Jackass from outside the United States (he's British), and his only other acting credit is in Action Point along with Johnny Knoxville and Chris Pontius. As the youngest overall Jackass member, just two months older than me, he doesn't do that much in Jackass Forever other than the wall slam and horse race (with Poopies). Like the other three films, Forever may alienate a handful of die-hard Jackass fans with how safe the stunts are, but not Action Point-level boring, though due the pandemic affecting filming.
Lyrics that describe Eric: Just sit the fuck down, pay attention/There's too much noise for a second listen/Where did it go?/Where did it go so wrong?
But now there's this one, the 'I'm a king' one/The 'I don't care, I'm coming to do my thing' one/'Breaking every fucking rule in the book' one
If you're on Netflix, tune into Jackass 4.5 tomorrow (May 20, 2022) for what Jackass Forever cut from its final product!
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sofibeth · 2 years
Random Sonic 2 movie thoughts
Have lot in my mind now that I have time to process it last night 
(Spoilers below)
- Like their could be alot that you can critque bout this flim (1st act bit slow compare to 2nd, fart jokes aren’t funny) but this movie was soo fun I don’t really care as much XD
- I feel you can make a drinking game with how many time Tails say “THAT’S SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!!” I get he’s a kid but it did get kinda annoying after awhile.
- the biased in me wished their was more Sonic and Tails bonding since it was kinda fast but considering how packed this film was they did alright all things considered. The sleeping scene stole my heart!
- “They call us freaks, so let’s get freaky” ya did it ya understood the assignement!
- Okay I’m forever a Tails’ stan but Knuckles was clearly the MVP of this film! They find the right balance of being the funniest character in this film as well being soo heckin cool!
- Man went from trying to kill Sonic to any sec to “Sonic they have sprinkles” iconic
- Compare to Tails Knuckles felt alot more natural from enemy to friend I love they found losing a loved one as a simple connection with him and Sonic to begin bonding with.
- Jim Carry as Eggman was great no surprise, highlight was def going high on Chaos Power!!
- bless Agent Stone he and his actor having the time of his life.
- Speaking a which I like how they handle the humans here giving euongh to do while not overshadowing the main trio.
- I feel the wedding subplot might not be everyone’s cup of tea but 1) the plot twist of being a GUN was amazing and over the top I luv and 2) Rachel performance was so hammy I was just along for the ride.
- I’m glad they pushed Tom and Maddie more into parental role and being ride and die for their hedgehog son. Makes me appreciate their scenes in the beginning due to having payoff by the ending.
- Ya know your in a room full a sonic fans when everyone cheering over Sonic inhaling a bubble, proud of my audience last night.
- Final Sonic vs Knuckles fight, best animated scene I wanna watch it again just to see every single detail.
- I know they showed death robot in trailers but yea seeing the whole cilmax they did everything with justice hard to talk about everything.
- I hadn’t felt this strong bout Team Sonic in a long time and seeing the trio working felt satifiying! Good thing since Knuckles isn’t confided to an island in this universe cause this mean this group can work in long term. 
- I glad all the fanart of movie Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles hanging out is canon, take the Ws.
- Regarding the after credit scene I glad they’re keeping some aspects of Shadow present, having alot more faith in how he’s portrayed considering how well they understood Knuckles. I do hope Amy gets her jump into the movie verse soon, feel she can fit in since they establish the whole heroes order thing.
- And yes my theater popped off, shoutout to the dude who stand up and yelled “LET’S **CKIN GOO!”
- man we gotta wait like 2/3 years for the next film at least got my fox boy so wait won’t be as bad.
Overall yea I don’t think non-sonic fans will have a much of a fun time but this film is definiely a Sonic’s fan’s fever dream of movie it was just sooo fun to sit through. (what is worth I saw kids and parents in my group enjoying the film as well) 
Anywho this film gonna live rent free in my mind for weeks I apologize!
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stalkerxyou · 3 years
♡ How BTS Would Eat You Out
a/n: a ‘head’canon — literally 😉
warnings ⚠️ graphic smut, dom/sub dynamics, femdom, voyeurism, period sex, face-riding, hair-pulling
Jimin ⇢ Slow, tantalizing, the sloppiest among the members. Not afraid to get all dirty and extra, whatever idea is your request — Jimin will just giggle and go for it. You don’t wanna know what he’s truly capable of, do you. He got hooked the first time he made you cum like that, now he’s straight-up possessed. No going back, and he keeps on learning new things and stimulating new spots every time to create a big moan-worthy surprise.
Prettiest and immensely vocal when it’s getting so, so sweaty, on the brink of exhaustion. Most likely, Jimin’s finishing with smudged eyeliner. Does it best with music playing in the background, but that’s obvious: Oral equals dancing to him. Prone to lack of confidence while getting started, so your guidance is always in dire need. Best matched with a domme who can don a firm grip on his neck and shoulders. Face-riding all day every day.
Originally posted by jimiyoong
Taehyung ⇢ Not the soft teddy everyone believes him to be. Singularity revealed to us that really, we were mistaken. Full of mischief, out of the seven members he is the cockiest by far when it comes to oral. Does it best underneath the table or when you order him to go for it in the car. The backseat of course, with Yoongi driving — sternly! — because nobody else is as hard-boiled and like “yeah he’s giving head that’s more normal than brushing one’s teeth”.
And Taehyung, well he just enjoys having someone listen to him going down on you. It usually means twice the praise as 1) hardly will he be unable to fully please you and 2) head-master Yoongi approves anyways, Tae is a natural. Goes berserk the second your back arches. Moans a whole lot, likes to switch locations all over the house each time. Ultimately has to be tamed and held in place by squeezing his head with your thighs, hard.
Originally posted by attacked-by-bangtan
Jin ⇢ So suave. Tender loving, lots of food involved to play around with. Has a very sensitive tongue, so he won’t do anything too wild. The advantage being that he can have a taste and accurately guess your mood and current level of vitamin E intake or something. Those soft lips don’t help, he’s just super gentle and makes sure you rest on as many pillows as possible. Might even use loads of chapstick because JK told him that’s a good idea.
Generally speaking, Seokjin is probably the only guy on this planet who can make his partner feel like she’s in a movie. A little bathtub romance will accompany your evening, although it’s important to mention that Jin is also at his best when the sun rises. With some tea on the nightstand, it’s gotta be classy. He just never disappoints, to be exact. Easily responds to any demands or suggestions, but infuses it with plenty of personality.
Originally posted by theseoks
Yoongi ⇢ Ace of slow tongue-fucking and sexy slurping noises. You’d think he’d be the one to do it fast because eating you out is just like doing a verse. Nuh-uh. He can bob up and down for ages and still have enough tension in his tongue to penetrate deep enough. Always makes an effort to clean up in between because so much drool is getting in his eyes, that rascal is not afraid to dive in not seeing anything. Will use his damn nose as well.
Won’t stop until his bangs are sticky against his forehead and you — satisfied twice, because once is never enough. It’s his orgasm that you get instead if you will. Yoongi won’t care what his dick tells him and what it wants. His first #1 sexual asset is his tongue and it’s married to your clit and labia. The stimulation reaches its peak when you pull his hair and twirl it at the base of his neck. The more it hurts, the better, it really pushes him to the limit.
Originally posted by sugasuite
Hoseok ⇢ Fast and lowkey furious, a true challenge for a domme. This slippery tongue is all the rage, an engine of its own class. While Yoongi does it slow and good, Jung fucking Hoseok is all about fast and good. Can’t wait until you finished showering, even. He slips right in and who are you not to seize the opportunity. Makes up for lack of patience with lots of technique and putting on a show which can get pretty loud. It’s not giving head, it’s thrusting head, in fact.
All day if you only say the word, Hobi exceeds a vibrator with high-performance batteries. Yeah I know, I can’t stop comparing him to a freaking machine but that’s what he is. Second in sloppiness, although he will gobble it up fast. Definitely an eager swallower and dirty talker. Could aptly school any man about the faulty belief that giving your gf head is not the main event. Matches high passion type of encounters where you are sure to bring a leash.
Originally posted by jitonic
Namjoon ⇢ Eager and obliging. Feels compelled to serve you, but needs clear instructions. Do this, do that, more to the left, lower your arm. Or maybe because he wants to serve, your wish is his exact command so he won’t do anything you dislike. It’s a promise, Joon can make you feel so good. Treats it all with utmost respect, but will loosen up once getting the hang of it. Won’t crack under pressure either, RM can be stern and quite like a workhorse to give you everything he’s got.
Although, it won’t feel like a chore because it’s all spontaneous. Doesn’t tend to be sloppy, his tongue movements are quite precise and use mostly… tip. Delicious. It’s a rapper thing, but also very Namjoon. Most likely to eat you out on your period cause since his MVs we all know he likes a little freaky shit. Believes that if he doesn’t do all the work, his duty is not fulfilled and he has to start from the beginning. Well, why not, actually.
Originally posted by thisisjustforfunval
Jungkook ⇢ Wow. This is like a trip to the spa, and all for free. Always does it to unwind you. Like Jin, a very sensual approach is default. No stress, he reserves a silent hour for it each day if you please even if he’s sleepy. This is not Hercules Kook who thinks everything in life is a competition, nope. Oral sex is like bunnies munching on salad for him, he does it all the time, just for the sake of it, something nice to savor. Thanks to his athletic skill and stamina, virtually any bizarre position is possible, no limits here.
You wanna do it up in the air and he just lifts you with two hands? No problem noona, as you wish. He also thinks it’s healthy for some reason, don’t ask why. Rather vocal in a way that he is pretty breathy most of the time, even huffing. You have to remind him that sometimes, two workouts a day are more than enough. Hence he pauses quite often, and so pleasing you is a matter of not a dozen minutes, but way longer. In love with your taste and the adrenaline.
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Hypothetically Rewriting Assault’s Story + Some General Assault Opinions
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There’s a game my husband and I like to play when we watch a movie, play a game, or read a book that has a story that we don’t really enjoy or we enjoy certain parts of but not others.  We look at things we’d keep and things we’d change and we build a story from there-- sort of like an AU but we don’t really go into the writing part, we just stick to theorizing and mapping a general story.
I decided to play that game with Star Fox.  Not because I think Star Fox has a bad story but because sometimes I think the stories could have been handled better.  Note: for the rewrite game, I only really look at story, even for video games, I don’t really look at gameplay mechanics, but I do understand those have a lot to do with story potential so I do take it in as a factor... I just don’t bother to “rewrite” the mechanics, if that makes any sense at all.  Some of my list today will include boss encounters but I wouldn’t necessarily say those are mechanic-related... more like “event-related”.
I’ve mused a bit in the past about rewriting Adventures and Command and I do have plans to do a mock up of an Adventures remake eventually.  However, today I was thinking about how I would go about handling an Assault re-write in particular.  Much like Command and Adventures, I don’t have any beef with the core story but I do think there’s a few things that could’ve been better about Assault’s storyline-- like they had good ideas rolling but they didn’t quite refine them.
Under the cut because SUPER long.
My basic feelings on Assault are pretty positive.  I think the game is generally just fun and I like that it feels like the natural progression from SF64.  I liked getting to see planets we haven’t seen since the N64 era in better graphics and I liked seeing Star Wolf return.  I also just thought the aparoids were neat enemies. 
Generally speaking, though, when it comes to Assault, I think it suffers from the thing it tries to push the most-- the story.  I think a lot of people get caught up in thinking the story is better than it is because it’s the first game since SF64 that really follows the same Star Fox vibe without retelling the Lylat Wars.  Don’t get me wrong, the overall plot is great but the execution and pacing are... wonky.  Certain characterizations also take a hit in some regards but no one really talks about that when Command exists. That’s something we’ll talk about later on with this post.
That being said, Assault really does have a lot good going for it.  An absolute banger of a soundtrack, some great dialogue, a neat story synopsis, the introduction of cool characters like Panther and Beltino (who existed but was always off-screen), and just good levels.  
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So, here’s what I would add, I suppose, if I were to somehow have the ability to rewrite Assault.  Originally I had this in paragraph form, but I’ve made it into more of a list under topic segments with main points bolded for your viewing pleasure.  Some of these points might be considered nitpicky and while I do understand that yes, this is a game about space animals, I do hold the developers in high enough regard to make a game with a continuity that makes sense.
The Story Changes
- Reduce Pigma’s storyline in Assault.  This is the biggest one for me because a bulk of the plotline feels like a giant chase to just get at Pigma and it feels like it derails from the actual plot with the aparoids.  We only go to Sargasso because of Pigma.  We only go to Fichina and then back to Meteo again, because of Pigma.  That’s 3 levels in a 10 level game devoted to just tracking down Pigma and chasing him.  While it makes the build up to fighting Pigma kind of nice, I personally feel like the plot could be reduced to 2 levels.  If Assault overall was a longer game, I could see them making it 3 levels.  Overall, though, in its current state, I feel like the side plot overstays its welcome and the aparoids promptly get shoved to the side in favor of “Oh no, we gotta get to Pigma!” And I get the main motive here is to show how the aparoids affect people and because of the build up, it does a good job at showing how utterly terrifying the aparoids are.  But it’s still too long given the length of Assault’s story. The only alternative to this is make Assault longer, which... honestly, it should be.  
- Revise the scene with Tricky.  I’m obviously not well-versed in dinosaur biology but I’m pretty sure dinos didn’t grow that fast from what studying I HAVE done.  And why is he suddenly king now?  Did his parents die?  He seems not affected by this at all?  Like it’s a funny scene with him, Fox, and Krystal, but it’s odd if you really look at it.  Give us, as players, more context because I’m still not even sure what happened to make Tricky suddenly the leader and... big.  As a note, you’re gonna hear me gripe a lot about the Sauria level in this post.
- The Star Wolf + Peppy sacrifice is a low effort way to raise tension/stakes and then cop out.  Oldest trick in the book, imo, is to act like you’re going to kill off important characters only for them to be alive miraculously.  And let’s face it, as an audience we all know they aren’t going to kill those characters because it’s Nintendo and those characters are too beloved.  I would’ve forgiven them for only doing this with Peppy or Star Wolf, but when you tack them both together and throw in the fact they make it seem like you’re going to have to kill General Pepper too... yeah, it’s just a bit much of the same trope over and over again.  I wanted to put a note in here about how I’m fine with the Great Fox being “sacrificed” but overall, it needed to return to the series because of it’s icon status, but I think that’s more of a gripe at Command instead of Assault.
- Keep Pigma alive.  This will conflict with a point I have later on about the game consistently having characters cheat death for easy drama points but with Pigma, I would’ve kept him fully alive... but maybe with some physical damage from the aparoids.  I understand he’s semi-alive in Command and tbh I don’t know where I stand on that.  Why keep Pigma alive, you might ask?  I feel like his character has a lot more potential than being “just the greedy guy”.  Like he’s got good potential future villain material for future games and... if I’m honest?  I just don’t see Nintendo wanting to keep Pigma dead so why even bother killing him off?  They couldn’t even commit to him being dead in Command anyways so it seems very moot.
- Bring Bill and Katt back.  Assault is acts a bit like a big reunion of all of our SF64 favorites but our two favorite side characters are suspiciously missing.  Wouldn’t Bill be out on the front lines fighting against Andrew in the beginning?  Or maybe back in Katina?  And wouldn’t Katt inevitably show up in the midst of the invasion, maybe to pointedly check in on Falco?
- Bring Andrew back for the final fight. I think Andrew being defeated early into the game is fine overall but I think bringing him back in for a reunion final fight against the aparoids would serve to really solidify that it’s really everyone vs the invading aparoid force.  It would show that not only is Star Wolf willing to put aside their differences but so is basically everyone in the Lylat System in the name of survival.  Imagine the Venomians and Cornerians working together against an aparoid fleet, giving Star Fox and Star Wolf time to attack the queen?  I just think it’d be neat and it’d open up the potential for some fun banter mid-mission.  I do understand that quite a few people consider Andrew canonically dead after Assault but personally, I feel that his defeat left his fate questionable (I’m a staunch believer that unless there’s a body, they’re probably alive, especially for Nintendo games because, again, they never like to kill people off) so him returning in Command never really bothered me.  
- In general, reconsider some of the character portrayals.  Unfortunately, when a series has a different studio for each game, character portrayals will inevitably have inconsistencies.  While I give Namco a lot of credit for putting in oodles and oodles of detail into the game (particularly the levels), I think they failed in their portrayal of Fox, at the least, and Wolf is a considerable offender as well.  While it’s obvious that Fox in Adventures was effectively modeled off of Sabre even in terms of personality, Rareware was at least able to justify Fox’s newfound jaded attitude with the passing of many years and a distinct lack of steady income, resulting in the team being in disarray.  Assault’s Fox is a stark contrast to his cynical interpretation with seemingly no explanation other than maybe “Oh, I have more money and a gf, maybe I should behave myself”.  As if the sudden change in personality wasn’t random, Fox also just seems very blah, like a blank slate stereotypical shooter game protagonist dude with little to no emotion.  Wolf is less obvious but gets slated into a mentor-like role midway through the game and ends up in a respectful rivalry with Fox... which there’s nothing inherently wrong with that except for it happening abruptly (and, I mean, Peppy is right there).  But I take less issue with this and more of an issue with the fact that there’s an entire level establishing that Wolf now runs a crime den with effectively what seems to be an army and no one bats an eye at this.  He doesn’t even call on them to help with the aparoids.  Did they all die when the aparoids attacked Meteo?  Are they safe somewhere else?  Where do they go?  How was Sargasso able to operate without the CDF being on their doorstep with warrants for arrests?
- Don’t kill all the dinosaurs.  A bit of a dramatic statement but the ending screen that showed all the damage to Sauria really bothered me.  While I understand that the dinosaurs had less of a chance against the aparoids than a more technology-focused society like Corneria, I was a bit disappointed that the decision was made to just state that a lot of tribes had been wiped out.  I know this could easily be retconned in a future game and I feel like it should be.  “But why, Amalia?  Why are you disappointed by that?”  1) It’s a little too grimdark for my tastes.  2) The fact it all happened off-screen felt very hand-wavy.  And 3) It brings into question the entire point of Adventures.  Why did we bother to save this planet if it was going to be reduced to rubble and ash 1 year later?  Where were the Krazoa in all of this?  Why did they not make an appearance at all to try to stop the invasion with their alleged powers?  It just raises too many weird questions and I feel like Namco didn’t think it through too much.  Which I mean, sure.  Family, kiddo game.  I’m not asking for bigbrain plot and lore but I’m squinting at this bit because it does feel very contrary to the lore from the previous game.
- Make the aparoids more relevant.  As nice as it is to have a random bad guy from another galaxy, I feel like there was more that could be done with the aparoids in terms of their origins.  Tiny things, mind you, not huge revelations.  Off the top of my head, they could have been tied into Krystal’s backstory to help alleviate some of the complaints that she was too random to be added to the series’ main cast.  Alternatively, they could have been a product of Andross or even a weapon prototype from Corneria that fled the lab (I actually thought the game was leaning in that direction for a bit then just Nothing Happened).  I get that the vagueness of their origins leaves room for people to speculate and speculation is nice but... when you leave too many things unknown, it starts to feel less like giving fans room to interpret and more like just doing random things for the sake of it.  I think a lore tidbit here or there would work wonders for the aparoids instead of leaving them as just borg/zerg clones.
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Level-Based Changes
- Add either Aparoid RedEye or Aparoid General Scales as a boss to Sauria.  Given that this level mysteriously lacks a boss, which is just weird compared to the other levels, I think that they had the opportunity to add something cool to go along with the cinematic feel they were going for with Assault.  Assault’s cutscenes do play in a movie-like fashion and it’s clear they’re trying to make the game as epic as possible.  It’s a shame they had so much fodder for a great boss here but they failed to go through with it.  Alternatively: Add a Krazoa-Aparoid fusion.  Why?  Because Star Fox is about cool epic sci-fi and that would be cool epic sci-fi incarnate.
- Add a boss to the Aparoid Homeworld Level, aka the penultimate level.  Another one I felt was personally weird that there was no “final defense system” to challenge the team.  Would be cool to do an aerial battle over the aparoid planet with some giant flying aparoid.
- Be kinder to Sauria.  The level had some good homages but overall was incredibly small and incredibly short.  It felt like a bone tossed to Adventures fans but was not entirely true to the setting built by Rareware.  I’m... not even sure where the Sauria level is supposed to take place?  I presume it’s Walled City but it doesn’t really have the same color scheme or aesthetic?  Also where is my revised Adventures music?  Why do all the other levels get it but Sauria doesn’t? 
- Put some of those funky items from the multiplayer into the main campaign.  I don’t know why some of these things, items especially, were omitted unless it was purely due to time constraints.  I remember having missile launchers and jetpacks in the multiplayer and was a bit sad that they were not in the main campaign.  Retuning the levels and adding those in would be a nice breath of fresh air for the more tedious on-foot missions.
- More levels.  Self-explanatory.  Still sad we didn’t get the Zoness or Titania levels in the single-player mode.  
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I think all of the above changes would improve the game, though I recognize all of this is being said 16 years later after lots of time to contemplate Assault’s weaker points.  I’m not entirely certain how long Star Fox Assault took to develop but given that there’s obviously quite a bit scrapped from the game (an entire arcade mode was scrapped as well), I’m going to assume that the studio felt pressured to shove the game out the door and into the hands of customers.  It’s a shame, really, because I think a little bit longer in the oven would have done a lot of good.  Still, the product we got was good in its own right and a game that many people look back on fondly.  I haven’t gotten to replay it in years but I hope to quite soon.
You might wonder why I bothered typing this all out and I guess my point was this-- Assault was great but it wasn’t perfect, and while a lot of other games fall under a crushing amount of scrutiny, Assault seems to dodge it.  And don’t get me wrong-- I adore Assault.  But given that not many takes exist out there about rewriting it, I decided to give it a shot.  For variety’s sake.  
I do want to a mock up of a revised Assault story, which I think I will get to work on after completing this while all my ideas are still fresh in mind.  So stay tuned for that sometime in the near future.  I will also be doing my Adventures mock up at some point but probably not for a little bit as I do wanna focus some of my free time on actual fic-writing.
Anyways, if you stuck around this long, thank you for reading!  Have any changes you’d like to see to Assault if you could time machine your way back to the early 2000s?  Feel free to post in the comments, I’d love to read your ideas!
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rebelmalewife · 3 years
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@boku-no-terios | I FOUND YOU, FAKER.
Rubber Soles smack against asphalt as shortcuts are taken through alleyways and cars are flipped over. He’s chasing after a semi truck delivering a shipment of high powered ion-somethin’ or other. All he knows is that Robotnik has a shipment of really powerful batteries that he needs to have shipped across town that can power his new construction bots for months, years even! Those robots can act totally isolated from him, all while plowing down trees and stripping wildlife areas of the things making them essential materials. So he’s gonna crash this party! He’s going to push the batteries off of the truck and watch ‘em spill into the highway. Ssgonna be a mess for the authorities to clean up! But they’ll be damaged enough to where Robotnik isn’t gonna be able to clean ‘em up.
He leaps onto the back of the back cargo truck. Already, some airborne Badniks identify him as a threat, but he trips their sensors up by doing a fancy zigzag through the top of the truck. Their lasers do the rest of the work. He screeches to a halt toward the emergency hatch of the truck and wraps his hand around the release lever. Clicking it open, he has an open window into the truck. However, when he leans over the entrance- he finds himself suddenly KICKED int he face by a thick boot or shoe. Stumbling back, he holds his bruised, luckily not broken, nose and looks toward the hatch.
Someone’s comin’ out of it. Oh man, the sucker punch they’re gonna be in for. “All right! Which tub of bolts had the nerve to sucker punch a hedgehog like that. I swear I’m so done with all the buckets of bolts I have to deal with. Do you know how hard it is to clean oil slick off yer skin!!” 
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