#Great Gorilla
badpanduhmemes · 4 months
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I was going to post this when the second half of this was closer to being completed, but I've been busy elsewhere, and haven't had time, and I wanted to share this.
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nordidia · 6 months
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having a very rough night so raph doodles needed to be made
when in need, mash two interests together
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bignosebaby · 2 years
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jasvvy · 1 year
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his ass has lost the battle.
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the-witchhunter · 1 year
DP x DC: No Time for Monkey Business
Danny’s family is gone. His parents, Jazz... 
Danny had come home to Fenton works only to find the place tossed and ransacked, the portal broken, and his family missing. Danny doesn’t know who to trust, but he needs to find his family and whoever took them. He can’t do it on his own though, He needs help. He needs a detective, and who better to help then the greatest detective in the world...
Bobo T. Chimpanzee aka Detective Chimp
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For those of you unfamiliar with Detective Chimp, he is canonically the best detective in the world, better than Batman who is merely the best human detective. His skills include being able to speak to any living creature, eternal youth, hyperintelligence, incredible deductive skills, occult knowledge, and alcoholism
okay, the alcoholism isn’t a skill bit it’s wild he’s an alcoholic in canon. His entire lore is frankly wild, including Rex the Wonder Dog and the fountain of youth plus a court case that examined the implications of him being an animal owning his own business and making contracts. The ape has been in a surprising amount of team ups, from Batman, to the Shadowpact, and is in the regular rotation of Justice League Dark
He owns a magic sword called the Sword of Night, and is sassy with a sort of dry humor. Honestly kind of similar to constantine in some ways.
And Danny should play the Watson to his Sherlock. 
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panthootplex · 7 months
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putting bets on the child
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apes-like-us · 1 year
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jmmallory · 3 months
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starry-bi-sky · 10 months
I am of the DPxDC belief/headcanon that any variation of Danny who grew up poor in Gotham during his formative years before moving to Amity Park would not be friends with Sam without friction at first. It makes things more interesting and imo allows for more exploration of different themes plus character growth for Sam that she doesn't really go through in canon.
(this doesn't only apply to a DPDC au where Danny grew up in Gotham poor, but it was the first thing that I thought of where this might happen considering my Childhood Friends au.)
Now Sam's a compassionate girl, it's one of her defining character traits, but so is her hypocrisy and judgy-ness. She's the Not Like Other Girls' girl. This is in part of the show's narrative framing that makes her out like this, unfortunately though its still showing how she is as a character since its consistent enough to be part of her character description. There are also times where the show's depiction of her activism makes it look like she's performative about it. All of this makes her dynamic with a Danny who grew up poor in Gotham very interesting.
Anyways, Sam is aware of her privilege to an extent, but still has her blindspots - glaring ones, in some cases. Her self-righteous attitude would not go over well with a crime alley kid Danny. He'd like her, at first, but then she'd do something to make him mad - personally I think her judging people for not being vegan would annoy him the most, or at least would be the breaking point for him, because it was only recently that his family started actually being able to consistently put food on the table at all, good food nonetheless. And being vegan is expensive.
Any other behavior he noticed from her he'd slowly stop tolerating - her judging conventionally attractive girls and automatically assuming they're vapid and shallow for being feminine. Her anti-capitalist beliefs start coming off as superficial at worst, and Danny would eventually figure out that Sam either came from a family that was well off, or that she wasn't aware if her family was experiencing financial struggle.
He would still be friends with Tucker, but since Tucker imo is still friends with Sam, they'd still run into each other often enough to butt heads. Sam's got a nasty habit of refusing to take responsibility when she's wrong, but when Danny is arguing with her, and counterpointing her with stuff she can't retort back at without compromising her own beliefs, then forces her to start reflecting on herself. Especially when Tucker eventually starts siding with Danny and agreeing with him.
Does sam genuinely care about her beliefs and philosophies? Survey says yes. However that doesn't mean she's not ignorant, and she definitely is at times throughout the show (like when she released the purpleback gorilla thinking it 'wanted out of its enclosure' despite the fact that it was endangered and in an urban area) and I think it'd be a real fascinating dynamic between Danny and Sam to explore.
This isn't Sam hate btw, nor am I trying to make her out like "the worst person ever" bc she's not, i wanna make that explicitly clear. Sam Manson has a lot of positive traits about her but she also has an equal amount of negative traits that I think should be explored, she is not immune to the character development.
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underestimated-heroine · 11 months
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[gorilla glue ad post link]
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[like a lowland gorilla post link]
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Tumblr and Gorillas
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despazito · 7 months
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intothestacks · 2 months
As a children's librarian in a school where Who Would Win is hardly ever on the shelves due to it being so popular, I saw this and I had to share...
Zoologist Reacts to Who "Would Win?"
Here's one he really liked:
And one he really did not:
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snototter · 5 months
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A mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) forages in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Uganda
by Bruno Conjeaud
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woodswalker96 · 2 months
Don’t take the wrong way. This franchise (specifically the rebooted version) is up there with my favorite franchises.
But I have one critique that has been eating me up lately since I saw the newest one: I want the apes to be, in a way, more ape-like.
Let me explain: I simply want them to incorporate more of the species-specific behaviors we recognize in the apes to shine through in conjunction with their heightened intelligence.
For example, if modern gorillas have a social structure dominated by a dominant male (the silverback), with a harem of females and associated lesser males (known as blackbacks), then I’d like to see that translated into a higher intelligence gorilla society. Perhaps you could have them be a largely agrarian species with a focus on agriculture (since they’d still be vegetarian) and a strength based culture where a wanderer male could ritualistically challenge a silverback for the harem.
Another example could be how in some species, it’s the females who leave to find new troops, so perhaps there could be ceremonies where different ape tribes (of appropriate species) come together and exchange females.
Another thing related to this statement is that I want the main ape characters to look more ape-like. Like you can literally see it in Caesar and Noa how the creative team made them more appealing to the human audience (I get why they did this, I’m not stupid, but I just want them to appear just a little more like actual chimpanzees). Such traits I focus on are the eyes. If you look at a chimpanzee, they have instead of whites in their eyes, they have “darks”. I wish this would’ve been more incorporated into the designs. The other apes also have whites but in some species this may be present versus with chimps. And if it isn’t then it’s done less obviously than with the main ape characters.
Anyways, those are my only two real critiques, which aren’t even really critiques as in nitpicks or “this is how I would’ve done it”. I was a little sparse about the details about ape eyes and social structure but that’s because I primarily know only bare basics of those subjects and did not have time to research them properly (this was written on the fly). I may rewrite this and add more details later if this is received well.
Thank you.
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civetcider · 9 months
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Cool guy Gorilla painting
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Is this true? Sounds a bit like bullshit to me, but I very well may be wrong?
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Not only is this true, it's a topic I've been meaning to post about for a while! Gorillas and chimpanzees share the same forest ranges, but due to deforestation their species have been interacting in the wild for the first time as they now share territories. Primates of different species becoming close is not unheard of, but this is relatively novel among great apes in the wild.
Becoming close with another, similar species (sympatry) can have mutualistic benefits, but it can also cause problems:
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This diagram shows the main potential benefits of chimp/gorilla sympatry as well as the potential costs. While chimpanzees have been observed killing infant gorillas once or twice, overall interactions between the species appesr to be friendly, or at the very least non-hostile. In fact, some gorillas will travel 300m to join a group of chimps they know! Additionally, the species recognize each others alarm calls and have been observed engaging in play together.
To learn more about observed gorilla and chimp sympatry in the wild, you can read the full study here, and an article about the study here for those who prefer a summary and have no use for the academic text.
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