#Green Time Force Ranger
autthemanfghter · 1 year
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Red Time Force Ranger
Blue Time Force Ranger
Green Time Force Ranger
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Yellow Time Force Ranger
Pink Time Force Ranger
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Quantum Ranger
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disastardly · 9 months
Every Green Ranger is at least a little bit queer. This is both true and non-negotiable.
Except Joel. Joel Rawlings, Sky Cowboy, is thoroughly and unwaveringly heterosexual. In fact, he's the only straight person on his team.
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lunarskye · 2 years
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JDF's Legacy: Green Rangers
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regaliasonata · 8 months
If you're still doing head cannons, do you have any for Trip from time force?
Got a lot here, also Xybrian lore with him that I thought of👀
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-Xybrians have slight alliances towards Rafkonians because of their mind like properties however most of the population like Trip can't fully control their mental abilities like Zayto or Aiyon.
-Trip was bullied when he first came to Earth and when he joined the Time Force organization. Considering that the future on Earth still has racism(Mutants I'm sorry) the idea of a Xybrian isn't taken extremely like mutants but still something "different" is seen weirdly within their eyes.
-Katie was Trip's first friend, Lucas kinda treated the dude like an inconvenience and because of Trip's visions he used that as an advantage to get around tasks and assignments. Though this was put down once he actually got used to being around the green ranger.
-Unknowingly to most Xybrians is that similar the concept of humans possibly getting psychic abilities upon unlocking the rest of their brain the species in that planet has a thing related to willpower and when that's unlocked they can do crazy psionic abilities. However because of the capabilities they are rather dangerous and kept a secret from the population, Trip is on the precipice of unlocking this.
-Trip is very touch starved and will take hugs as a main source of negotiation.
-Xybrians relationships don't have any standards really when it comes to sexuality. Trip himself identifies as bi but mostly into dudes, Katie and a field day explaining stuff about this on Earth(plus 31st Century so everyone is just chill tbh😎)
-Trip's first relationship was one with Alex Drake, the authoritarian aspect really made him feel safe and two did share some...quality time with each other however this was mainly a ruse because Alex looked through records and found out Trip's species knew some stuff about time travel and he wanted to get some secrets out of Trip, this actually led to Alex getting a better position in the organization.
-Alex and Trip had this little phase before the Time Force team came together, the former red ranger pretty much ignores him or any acknowledgment of the events. Of course Trip doesn't hate him but knowing about everything adds salt to the wound.
-Because of his culture not having secrets kept between everyone Trip tends to vent out every now and then. This also made him prone to people(Like Alex) taking advantage of his knowledge, the one time Trip said no to a person he shut down and hit well away in the clock tower. Katie had to be the one to help him realize there's nothing wrong in declining things, he considers her a sister.
-Trip have 4 siblings at home however he never contacts them. This is because two are scholars too busy trying to explore the universe while the other two constantly work with spatial architecture, plus with practices on their planet it's not uncommon for family to drift apart as they age.
-he loves throwing Eric and Wes off with future facts but also uses it as leverage to scare them whenever an argument starts.
-R&B is Trip's favorite musical genre. He's a little shy but get him a drink and he'll become the best dancer on the team. (Katie: I don't know what it means but Eric says you can "throw it back" really good at the club. Trip: ......kill me.)
-his hair literally cannot be dyed by most material,  only way of getting rid of the color is either by burning or having contact with star that has another color.
-you can literally lift him up like a little kitten.
-During the Wild Force crossover all the WF rangers were on edge when they saw the gem on Trip's forehead thinking he was some org. Didn't help that he bodied half the team in a fight when they were ready to kill him on spot.
-Trip is a very sloppy kisser, most guys tend to find it adorable though.
-one thing to note would be how Trip earns the most money out of the other rangers. He owns an apartment back in Millennium City but doesn't enjoy the idea of being alone in his thoughts so he stays either at Katie or Lucas's place.
-On a small scale the little xybrian has managed to develop his visions at will from time to time. This has become quite the powerful asset for fighting.
-Jen continues to train Trip closely because he really wants to hone the craft of combat and aside from Eric the green ranger has become the 2nd strongest member on their team.
-the true nature of Xybrian abilities is to "shift" the bounds of mind and reality. Only one being is able to fully due this and it's Trip, basically controlled what he wants his visions to be and also allowing for that image to phase through time itself, basically altering the future. Theoretically this has made Trip one of the most powerful green rangers and also a known target of the Time Force Organization as they have contingency for if he goes rogue. The team obviously disagrees with those guidelines and will LITERALLY murder the entire organization if they try anything.
-Trip has two moms and despite the old belief of family on Xybria he keeps good contact with them. They use these phone like devices that resemble that of a blooming flower to communicate from long distance, fun fact would be that they had this long before humans developed the telegraph⚘️📞☎️(concept reminds me of the skull phones from halloweentown if anyone remembers those movies).
-Trip enjoys wearing big clothes that layer around him or in some instances clothing that has rips. Xybrian fashion can be described as a traditional future type of style with emphasis on "showing your true self" coming into mix(
-Trip loves learning about history, Xybria has history spanning over millions of years. Though due a dark age half of it has been lost and this has made the green ranger eager to solve mysteries overall in life(I have many lore ideas for them as well as a lot for Raflon if anyone is interested in a post I'd be glad to make one.)
-He hates pickles and the very thought of being around one makes Trip want to burn the clock tower down.
-for any comic fans(@augment-techs might like this one👀), during Shattered Grid Drakkon found out about the shifting abilities that Xybrians may have access to and he ordered that they would be hunted in fears of some collective hivemind changing the future to defeat him(Coinless Trip would have a scar on his forehead from the gem being ripped out)
-one thing the green ranger enjoys is going through history and having lunch with his favorite historical figures.
-during Lucas's race fiasco Dash decided to go after Trip to toy with the blue ranger. Flirting, trying to get hands and what not, Trip didn't mind the attention but Lucas was ready to commit a crime during the event.
-Trip has a huge crush on Wes and the two got together, though because of Alex the green ranger has to keep reminding himself that Wes isn't Alex, Eric may or may not joined the relationship and the two red rangers actually find the little xybrian to be amazing.
-Alien movies are seen as offensive in his eyes.
-When he sleeps the little gem on his head lights up, he can also look through people's dreams from time to time. Eric dreams about Wes in an apron...like a lot.
-hia favorite food is apple pie.
-Grid energy allows for a lot of Trip's abilities become super-powered than usual. One time when a dude was hassling him in a store he ended up blasting him into a wall made a crater...not really in his nature to be excessively violent, though some rangers like Zhane asked for him with their own mind powers.
-Each of the time force rangers have a phone plan with the xybrian flower communicators thanks to Trip, one of his mom's is quiet yet resourceful worker for one of the aristocrats on his homeworld so she has everyone on the family plan.
-Constellations are a great sign for the green ranger as his grandmother used to take him to see light shows in neighboring galaxies. Whenever a lantern festival happens or a shooting star passes on Earth Trip takes all the time to watch the phenomenon.
-Trip loves his birthday but on Xybria due to the secrets rule the idea of a day being limited to one's self is looked down upon so he doesn't get to celebrate it often. Katie never forgets and she organized a party with Wes and Eric for the dude.
-Trip can force-choke someone with his mind but he doesn't like to hurt people.
-his grandmother was killed by his abilities during a family ceremony to meditate together. The pressure from this really made Trip freak out and the pillars of their house fell on the woman's body, Jen's the only person that he's ever told about this (effectively making this the only secret he really keeps)
-when really charged up his hair becomes a bit bluer which Wes finds rather hot for some reason. Psionics🟢✨️
-the zord cockpit concept gave Trip the idea to create a space within his mind for focus. When he really needs a place to escape to he'll sneak away to something peaceful, this also allowed him to practice lucid dreaming, anything to become attuned with the mind.
-his favorite animal is a dragon, Xybria had a myriad of them in the past but after the forgotten dark age they went extinct for some mysterious reason. One megazord formation he created with the Q-Rex zord involves a dragon like fusion.
-Funny enough but when Trip gets mad at a person he will bite them if he gets the opportunity. Wes seems to enjoy this and uses it to his advantage.
-He's really good at sewing and can even mend together clothing made of stardust like thread he buys from space. One of the main material used to make traditional xybrian outfits.
-Trip became a clothing model for a short amount of time and actually wore some small designs by Trent Fernandez. After Cosmic Fury and eventually into SPD with aliens becoming more prominent on earth he gave the dude some of his homeworld's design references but Trent can only take small influences as 1.) They're from the 31st Century and 2.) He'd like to make his own designs instead.
-Andros, Zhane, Karone, Aiyon, Zayto and Trip together call themselves the Hex-Squad(Hexad and mind squad)
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Black Condor from Choujin Sentai Jetman (1991).
Time Green from Mirai Sentai Timeranger (2000). / Green ranger from Power Rangers Time Force (2001). (Male character played by a woman.)
Dyna Blue from Kagaku Sentai Dynaman (1983).
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one-half-guy · 5 months
"Time For Lightspeed"
If you meant to merge the two teams' roll calls, Sabam, I think it would make more sense "Time For Rescue" or "Lightspeed Time Force"
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rangerchronicles · 1 year
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luxxid · 1 year
"why do you love me?"
characters : ayato, albedo, al haitham, kazuha, tartaglia, tighnari, venti, scaramouche, heizou.
warnings: tooth rotting, cotton candy fluff, gn!reader, kissing, teasing, reader being a bit too curious.
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☆ ayato who gently smiles, his eyes avert to your orbs, holding intense gaze withing the depths of your pupils. "well darling, your the only one who made me feel a certain way, your the only one who showered me with the riches of love and the true meanings of life." his soft curve still drawn onto his youthful face. his hand reaches out, a gesture of warmth and comfort. he holds your warm hands in his, and you feel the love and passion between the both of you. he leers and speaks once more, "i'm glad i found you." his words linger in the air as if they were a sweet melody, and you can feel the intensity of his emotion seep into the depths of your soul. he looks deeply into your eyes and you can feel the warmth of his love reaching out to you and protecting you in his arms. so this is what true love felt like.
☆ albedo who looked up from his notes, his face showed no trace of doubt on why you were asking this question, but his mind was in question. he set the feather dipped in ink down on a piece of paper. he looked up and met your gaze, a thousand questions in his eyes. he opened his mouth to ask but no sound came out, just a faint exhale. he glanced away, his brow furrowed in thought. "what can i say? your like a white rose in a bundle of red roses." he stated, he was unsure on what to say. he paused, his eyes searching for understanding. "it's like you stand out from others," he said, a faint smile playing on his lips. he cleared his throat and shifted back to his notes, a silent understanding between the two of you. his heart was thumping. oh god he loved you so much.
☆ al haitham furrows his eyebrows in response to your question. confusion runs wildly in his green spheres. "your more bearable than kaveh and anyone i've met." he responded calmly before diverting his gaze into the book he held. you were taken aback by his response, not expecting that answer from him. he seemed to sense your surprise and managed a small smile before he looked away again. you found yourself smiling in response as you realized he wasn't as bad as you thought he was. his finger tracing on lines of the pages, ocassionaly shifting his concentrated gaze to you.
☆ kazuha who gently takes your hand in his, his other hand brushing a strand of your hair to the side, "it's simple dear, i love you more than others." he speaks out like the wind, his words loitering in the air, a crimson hue powdered your cheeks, he emitted a gentle chuckle in return to your bashful form. he really loved you. really. a soft kiss was pressed onto the crook of your neck while he squeezed your hand, transporting pure love to you. his voice resonated with sincerity, pouring out love as sincere as it was deep, letting you know that his love was something one of a kind, something that would never be replaced.
☆ ajax feels as if he had stopped breathing. why would you ask him such a question? "i love you because..." he muttered anxiously, unable to end his statement. a warm hand folded against his cold ones, a forced smile returned to his spry face. "i don't know how to explain it love. did i ever tell you that true love can't be explained unless you actually experience it? it's like that." he stammered, his heart racing faster than light. only you could make him feel like this, only you. he felt his heart flutter as the realization of what true love meant sunk in, and he knew that only with you could he truly feel this way.
☆ tighnari stops in his tracks. the forest ranger was surprised by the numerous amount of questions you had up your sleeve. he turns around to meet your hypnotizing orbs. "i don't think now is the time to be asking such foolish questions y/n." he states without concern. yet, something in his guts were pulling him to give you a proper reply. he sighs, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. "you taught me how to use a spade correctly, that's one reason maybe. his mind wanders off to collect words to reply your oh-so-curious question. "i love how you keep me entertained during forest ranges, just like how you did now." you blink once, twice, thrice. he slowly turns away, a small smile playing on his lips. you watch as he slowly walks away, each step growing further away from you. you really loved him, so did he.
☆ venti smirks like a madman, his soft giggles were soothing to say the least. "i love it when you lend me mora to buy wine!" he obviated loudly, "venti you still owe me 400 mora from last week-" your words were cut off by the bard himself. "uh-uh we don't talk about that windblume." a large grin present on his face. archons, he was so childish. "but i also love it when you listen to my lyre" you sighed, shaking your head. "venti, you really need to be more responsible." he chuckled, taking a step closer. "but I'm so much more fun when I'm not!" he winked, his smile widening. mhm, he was never meant to change.
☆ scaramouche appears agitated with your question, his purple optics staring daggers into yours. "i only love you because your the only one i can handle-!" he blurted out, his face was covered in a pink palette. "i don't love you because i have to," he added, the intensity of his gaze increasing, "i love you because i want to." his tone softened as he finished his statement, the intensity of his gaze fading away. he meant it, of that you were sure. his expression was sincere, he wasn't just saying what he thought you wanted to hear. a small smile tugged across his lips, of course he wouldn't allow you to know his soft facade that only appears for you.
☆ heizou smirks menacingly, almost as if he was amused by your question. "you've been a bit too influenced by me, hm? he jived, his slender fingers petted a branch of your hair, "well.. i love you because you're the only one who can understand me, even when i don't understand myself. you challenge me, never letting me remain the same and you make me feel stagnate." he spoke like a breeze flowing abundantly. his breath washed over you. "and that's why I love you," he concluded, a determined glint in his eye. "oh and i also love you for this," he added before grabbing your face towards his before moulding his warm lips against yours. oh well, seems like he's got his way.
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baldurs-gape · 9 days
There's a tower in Waterdeep, it's old now, so very old. Stories say it belonged to a wizard once, powerful and a little less mad than most of his kind. His name was lost to the past, though when the wind blew harshly it was said it still wailed for him as it whistled past the tower. Nobody knows who owns the tower now, yet all its bills and taxes are paid on time. Not only that, it is also maintained, repaired and tended to in a style that befits its age. Alas there was no sign of who did all the upkeep, the tower wasn't occupied according to city records.
Children were warned away from the place. As splendid as the garden looked, meticulously cultivated, the lure of forbidden mystery was strong. Despite their attempts, the closest they got was into the garden. None of them ever came to harm but if flowers were maliciously picked or destroyed, the parents got a very sternly worded warning about vandalism delivered onto their pillow without a trace of origin. Aside from children not many people bothered to try and force entry into the tower. The few adventurers who tried to get creative with their entrance were all thwarted. Every ward and protective spell was carefully maintained, just like the rest of the tower.
Only once did the city make an attempts at brute force entry. Mages disarmed the traps, a rogue picked the lock while a couple of barbarians and rangers wore down the door enough for the rogue to reach through and lift the bar keeping the door closed from the inside. It then swung open on silent hinges and darkness greeted those gathered to take a peek. Shining a light in had been a mistake as too many pairs of eyes reflected back in greens, yellows and reds.
Braced for a fight, protective shields and wards were rapidly fired up as the city's law enforcement hurried to contain what was to come. Spells, bows and axes were readied, waiting for the first strike from within. A lone, small figure sauntered out of the tower in a leisurely stroll, a tressym. She was old, grey around the muzzle yet her fur was shiny and rich while her wings were regally held tucked in at her sides. Gaze slowly sweeping the gathered assault team, her tail flicked in displeasure and disdain before she turned to inspect the damage to the doors and the garden.
"The council will receive bills for the repairs," she announced, voice warped with age. With that, her tail flicked in the air as she turned and marched back into the darkness of the tower, dismissing her stunned audience. The remains of the doors pulled shut and nothing more was heard from within. It didn't matter who addressed the occupants of the tower, whether it was polite requests for communication or shouted threats. No reply came forth and the one time the rogue moved to open the doors again, a firebolt singed questing fingers in warning.
As the tressym had promised, the bills for repairing the damage to the door and the trampled garden was on the Lord of Waterdeep's desk the following morning. Everything was being to its original state by traditional methods, no expenses spared. Even the cost of reestablishing the wards was meticulously noted. Needless to say, it was an expensive mistake for the city and payment was only accepted in gold left by the front door.
Not all was lost though. Finally there was a clue to who lived in the tower. The tressym was a rarity enough for there to be records on who they associated with in the city. While archivists dove into that aspect of the mystery, the common folk of Waterdeep invented their own game: Tressym Watch. As the tower became known for housing a tressym, people began to keep an eye out for sightings. Conspiracy theories blossomed in taverns as notes were compared. Though sightings were rare, there were other signs of tressym activity. The streets around the tower were clear of vermin, stunningly so. Not only that but very few birds passed over the tower too and never courier pigeons. When someone finally had the bright idea to ask the pigeons, all they knew was that for generations they had been warned from passing any roof in reaching distance. Each squab was taught the simple rhyme as soon as they hatched.
Be quick on the wing, lest you feel the dekariosancunin sting. It's best to avoid the tower and be safe from clawed, toothed power.
Theories went wild after that. Arguments broke out in all circles of society over what 'dekariosancunin' meant. Some were a staunch believer of it being 'The Kariosancunin' and were quick to laugh at those who searched the 'Dekariosan cunin' like it was some variant of the common cumin. A third faction looked for 'The Kariosan Cunin' in old tomes and history books. In the end, they were all wrong as the city's records shed a glimmer of hope.
Some four hundred years ago a wizard by the name of Gale Dekarios died. He'd lived to a respectable age for a wizard, retired from a career at Blackstaff and enjoyed a long retirment. According to records he had never married, had no children and no living descendents. More importantly, he had a tressym as a companion. Records at Blackstaff Academy noted he was known to teach with a tressym in tow despite repeated warnings to not bring a familiar with him. Other than that, Dekarios seemed to have had no major achievements on record, he was remembered as no more than a tressym loving eccentric.
At least some of the mystery was solved. However, nobody knew what 'ancunin' meant. Alas, records were limited and Dekarios had retired roughly 200 years before his death. History had a knack for recording the deeds of the noisiest, not the most worthy.
By the time all this was unveiled, the tower had been dubbed Tressym Tower and the name stuck. It was home to a whole colony of tressym as sightings were tracked, cross-referenced and various members of the colony identified.
Trouble brewed when word spread about the tressym and people flocked to see them, a rarity as they were. So called scientists tried to capture them, study them, tag them for tracking. Others wanted to snag one as a pet or familiar. Illegal traders lurked in wait for an unwary tressym to land in their traps. Yet no matter how elaborate they were, every trap was meticulously disarmed and stripped for parts. Even the ones that required opposable thumbs to disassemble.
Whispers of the tressym vigilante went up. It had to be a group of people banding together to work against the traps yet nobody was ever seen anywhere near them. The odd mumbling from a drunkard here and there was laughed off but a story was forming all the same. The Tressym Vigilante was a handsome man, hair white as it glimmered in the moonlight and his eyes were as red as a tressym's reflecting in torchlight and teeth as sharp as the canines of a prime hunter.
Soon, new stories were added to the tales to warn children away from Tressym Tower. If they didn't behave or got too close then Ancunin the Tressym Vigilante would steal them away and lock them in the dungeons below the tower.
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bumblesimagines · 6 months
i've never been like that with anyone before.
this... isn't my bed.
Jon Snow
this... isn't my bed.
i've never been like that with anyone before.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
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The hammering in his head reminded him of the time he and Robb snuck a bottle of their father's finest wine into his room to drink as boys, only to awaken the next morning with pained and clouded minds. Jon squeezed his eyes tightly and groaned quietly to himself, internally cursing Grenn for convincing him to drink as much as he did. As he waited for his body to catch up with his mind, his ears picked up the sound of wood creaking and sighed quietly, eyes parting and mouth opening to greet Samwell. 
"Morning, Snow." The familiar voice made his head jerk back, luckily into a feather-filled pillow, and his body tensed at the sight of the Night's Watch First Ranger, (Y/N) (L/N), standing over the bed. The ranger's lips curled into an amused smirk and he set a cup down on the nightstand beside his head. Suddenly aware of how dry his throat felt, Jon pushed himself up and took the cup, bringing it to his lips and drinking without thought. His nose crinkled at the metallic taste that filled his mouth, but he forced himself to swallow it down. Beet juice. A common remedy for a night of drinking.
"This..." His eyes finally absorbed unfamiliar the room he rested in. "Isn't my bed."
"Ever the perceptive one, aye?" (Y/N) laughed and Jon felt his cheeks warm. "I would've sent you back to your room but... you fell asleep and wouldn't budge. I didn't mind the company, though."
"Fell asleep?" Jon repeated quietly with furrowed brows. He forced the fuzzy fog in his mind to lift, finally allowing the memories of the previous night to fully flood in. They'd been given a night of relaxing and fun thanks to the Commander's good mood, and even Thorne hadn't been able to sour Jon's mood. Green and Pyp had jumped at the opportunity to drink and convinced Jon and Samwell to indulge themselves as well until Jon had staggered out of the main hall for some fresh, cold night air and found (Y/N) sitting alone. The exchange had been brief and filled with longing for their homes until Jon's tipsy mind urged him to plant a kiss on the lips he often found himself gazing at. His skin lit ablaze at the memories of what followed and he avoided (Y/N)'s amused gaze.
"You remember everythin' now, Snow?" 
"Yes, sir, I do." Jon noticed (Y/N)'s smirk turn crooked from the corner of his eye, and wanted nothing more than to take a running leap off the top of the Wall. (Y/N) snickered under his breath and reached down to collect the layers of clothes scattered across the floor before dumping them on the bed and nodding toward them.
"Get dressed, Snow. Not many are up yet. You still have time to head back before anyone notices." His voice verged on authoritative and Jon felt inclined to follow his every word. After the disappearance of his uncle, Benjen Stark, Commander Mormont had appointed (Y/N) as the new First Ranger, despite his young age and Thorne's disapproval. However, Jon couldn't tell if he followed his every word loyally because of his position or because of the heat that spread whenever (Y/N) entered his vicinity. 
"I... I've never been like that with anyone before. I've... never been with anyone at all." Jon confessed quietly. He had plenty of chances, of course. Giggly servants, brothel workers, the daughters of his father's friends. Even with his status as a bastard, many still expressed their interest. But he always chickened out sooner or later. 
"Ah.." (Y/N)'s lips pressed together. From the way he'd taken charge during their night together, Jon easily deduced he wasn't his first nor would he be his last. Jon grinded his teeth together and cleared his throat to rid himself of the embarrassment and jealousy. He finished the beet juice and set the cup aside before swinging his legs over the edge and standing. Pain and soreness shot up his spine and (Y/N)'s hand shot out to stabilize him. "Take it easy, Snow."
"'M fine," Jon murmured with a wince. (Y/N) released an unconvinced hum and cupped both of his shoulders, keeping him still and balanced as Jon rolled his shoulders and stretched out his aching muscles. When Jon's eyes remained lower, (Y/N) hooked his fingers around his chin and jerked his head toward him. 
"I'm not dumping you aside, Snow. I'll take care of you if that's what you want." Jon swore his face couldn't get any hotter and swallowed thickly. He meekly nodded.
"I'd like that."
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lunarskye · 1 year
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JDF's Legacy: Sixth Rangers
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Giving Him a Show
Tighnari x Fem!Reader smut
A/N: Hey everyone. A few things before I start. Firstly, I would like to credit my dear friend @hitomisuzuya for giving me a lot of the fuel for this, most of this fic was their idea so please go and show them some love<3 Secondly, for all of my writers out there, I'd like for any constructive critisim in the comments. I want to improve my smut writing given this is my first time in the genre, and finally if you've been following my xiao x reader 30 day challenge, i'll be posting day 6 tomorrow morning around noon.
summary: It was your day off from your job as a forest ranger in the avidya forest in a while, so you decided to spend it having a little fun. Or at least until a certain someone shows up asking for your research papers, leading you on a rollar coaster
warnings: slight angst, fluff, slow burn, porn with plot, masterbation, dom!tighnari, breeding kink, orgasm denial, biting/marking, cunnilings, tighnari calls y/n baby and "little flower" a few times, teasing, hair pulling, choking, both praise and mild degration, use of "good girl", vaginal penetration.
PSA: dont be silly, cover the willy folks <3
It had been a full week of nonstop work. You haven't even had a chance to sit down and enjoy a full meal without having to multitask. You knew this job was gonna be busy but damn, you didn't realize that also included sacrificing your free time.
On the plus side, who knew you'd get lucky enough to have an attractive teammate. His black and green hair, his hazel eyes, the playful sarcasm...
My archons, sometimes that was the only reason you'd show up. Of course, you were always an amazing employee. Hardworking and strong ethics. But that doesn't mean you could help the butterflies tingling in your tummy every time you thought about the way his hands would feel caressing your hips. The way he would gently squeeze before moving lower and lower-
You'd take today's free day as a chance to deal with the frustration that'd been steadily building.
You felt your heart rate increase. The absolute sheer thought of him touching you making you needier by the moment. You lay down against your soft bedsheets, the cool sheets a sheer contract to your heated skin.
You needed him, you needed to feel him inside of you, stretching you, making you beg pathetically for him.
Your hands began to wander gently over your neck, down your chest, and over your stomach. You caressed the outside of your thighs squeezing them while imagining him doing the same while absolutely drilling into you hungrily.
You let out a subtle moan, feeling how wet you were growing. Your hands ghosting over your clothed, soaked cunt. The small movement forced a soft hip buck from you.
You wanted to feel him running his hands over your folds, barely touching. You wanted him to hold your hands above your head, his hot breath mere inches from your ear. His pants, and the sound of his fingers tantalizingly slowly circling around your entrance before plunging into it. Him telling you how good you're being for him.
You quickly took your shorts and undergarments off, the cold air licking against your aching sex. It didn't take much for your hands to snake down. you didn't bother being quiet. I mean, why would you?
You pressed two fingers into your cunt, stretching yourself as much as you could, but it just wasn't enough. You needed more. You were absolutely feral trying to press deeper, deeper. Yet you could only barely touch that one heavenly spot deep inside.
Here you were, desperately whining and soaking. Completely unaware of the unexpected guest now at your front door. You were slowly reaching climax begging outwardly for someone who wasn't there to touch you. You just couldn't reach far enough, nothing was filling you like you imagined he could.
To Tighnari, who was now at your door, blissfully unaware of the sins you were committing, you were probably taking some kind of nap or doing whatever you normally do in your free time.
He went to knock on the door when he heard it. He thought you were in pain, I mean it sounded like you were sobbing. He was unsure of what to do, should he bust in to help you? Or would you rather he left you instead of being viewed in so much pain?
It took him only a few seconds to make up his mind, he twisted the handle, surprised to find it entirely unlocked. Now he was really worried. If you were in so much pain that you'd forgotten to lock the door behind you then he made the right choice to go help.
He hurriedly searched the house for you. But the more he heard you, the more he questioned what the sounds were of. Eventually, he walked up the stairs toward your bedroom.
There was a slight crack in the door, clearly, you hadn't closed it behind you. He didn't want to intrude on your privacy, but he was only worried. He opened the door, almost immediately regretting his decision.
You still hadn't noticed him, your fingers pumping in and out of your drenched cunt. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you came closer and closer to what you'd been working for, crying his name.
That was until you made eye contact with him.
The shrill scream you let out was ear-shattering as you scampered to find something to cover yourself with, wielding no results.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry! I was just-just coming to get some papers but I see that your-your uhm busy! I'll go now-" The poor brunette's face reddened as he forced the words out of his mouth, bolting down the stairs and out of the house.
You were absolutely mortified. Heart and breath fast, you felt tears of embarrassment clouding your eyes, wondering just how much he saw, just how much he heard.
Little did you know, the young man ran down and hid behind a tree to catch his breath, taking careful notice of the painful tent in his pants.
You dreaded the next morning. You had to go back to work and face Tighnari, and as much as you wanted to hide in a hole for the rest of your life, you knew that you had no other choice but to go.
You took a deep breath, before walking into the forest rangers headquarters. You found your station to collect your daily materials and tasks, thankful to not have yet run into Tighnari. You took your supplies and left the building as fast as you could. In attempts of trying to avoid a certain someone, you ran smack dab right into him.
You both fell to the ground with a loud thump. His cheek landed across your chest. You froze the second you realize fully what happened. First, he catches you fucking yourself, and now you literally tripped him into this position. The universe just can't cut you a break, can it?
"Ow..." He grilled before raising his head to look at you, unaware that it was you. His face turned red as his eyes widened, now hovering over you, arms on either side of your shoulders, ears ever slightly downward towards his head.
You turn your head to the side, breaking eye contact, face fully flushed bright crimson.
Oh, archons you wanted to kiss him so badly, To explore how his lips dance. But you knew you couldn't. Not after yesterday.
He quickly sat up. Backing away red-faced, He didn't say anything for a moment. You both sat there wide-eyed, and red. The silence between you two was thick and painful.
Tighnari was about to say something, just opening his mouth, but instead of sticking around to hear what was going to be said, you stood up and started running down the path, clutching your work to your chest to keep yourself grounded.
Tighnari sat there a little dumbfounded. He closed his mouth, not even realizing he was about to speak. His mind was filled with images of you lying under him, and yesterday.
He wouldn't admit it, but he wanted nothing more than to see you like he did yesterday again. Archons what he wouldn't give for that.
A few days had passed and you'd be lucky enough to avoid tighnari as much as possible. Of course, he was still there and there were still times you were near him, but you hadn't had to actually talk to him in time.
Well, today you and he had to finish some research you both had started the previous month. This was unavoidable. actually, it was the same research project that he needed the papers for, but then the incident happened.
Most of the embarrassment was dying down, at least you didn't feel like dying every time that he was around so that was progress in your eyes. Though it was still a little tense.
You sat next to Mr. forest ranger himself, in silence. You couldn't bring yourself to look up from your hands. It was still awkward and you didn't want to make him more uncomfortable than he already had been.
"Here, I'll finish the logs and we can start compiling our data." His voice was a little stricter than normal. He sounded like he didn't want to be there, which made you feel anxious. You nodded and gripped your hands a little tighter. You had half the heart to race out the door and never look back, but you knew you wouldn't be able to get ten feet before Tighnari caught up to you.
You heard him sigh and stand up, walking over to a bookshelf behind you. You turned around slightly feeling tears prick your eyes. You didn't want that to be the way he saw you and it really was eating you up inside. You felt horrible, what if he hates you now?
You turned back in your seat a few tears falling down your cheeks, you couldn't help but let out a small whimper.
You loved him, and now the thought of him hating you all because you made a mistake was a little too much for you. It wasn't your fault, you were simply enjoying your body, but you hated the fact that it made him uncomfortable.
You brought your hands over your face, trying not to make a lot of noise but you couldn't stop yourself. You'd already broken the damn.
"Hey...hey y/n what's wrong?" Tighnari rushed over and sat in front of you on his knees, holding your wrists gently. He pulled your hands away from your face gently, but you turned your face from him as best as you could.
"I'm-i'm sorry. I didn't mean to make things weird, I just- i- please... can I just go home?" You whimpered out, still crying and tucking your head away from him as best you could. He took a deep breath, feeling unaware of what you'd be comfortable with, and moved his hands from your wrists to your hands.
"Of course, you can. I'll take care of this here. take as much time as you need." That is all he said before he went to stand up, kissing your forehead. The sentiment went over your head as you walked out of the room, going back to your abode to sleep the rest of the day away.
The next evening you were greeted with a knock at the door. Your eyes were only a little puffy but you couldn't stop thinking about your meltdown in front of Tighnari. You felt like an idiot! There was no way you'd be able to face him again. Fearing that it was him at the door, you stayed in bed until there was another knock.
You sighed deeply and stood from your bed dressed in only a long nightshirt and some undergarments. You walked down the stairs and through the hallway that lead to the front door, the cold floor hitting your feet.
"Who is it?" Your voice was a little shaky, and somewhat gruff from just waking up.
"It's me, I was just stopping by to see if you were ok, and to see if we could talk" Tighnari spoke through the door. You grasped the handle and cracked the door just slightly. Enough to see his face. He looked kinda sad but also relieved to see that you were ok.
"Alright, just give me a moment, I'm not decent." You almost whispered the last part, but given the small flick of his ears, you knew he heard it.
He gave you a soft smile, "no rush, take your time."
Sitting at the table across from one another, you didn't know what to say. It felt awkward for you both like you both had something you wanted to say but just couldn't find the words.
"I'm sorr-" "about th-"
You both interrupted each other.
"sorry you go ahead"
You both spoke at the same time again, this time making you giggle. You couldn't help but notice how his tail swished and his face flushed at that, a smile of his own creeping on his face.
"You can go first y/n." He said patiently. You really were head over heels for this plant nerd.
"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about what you saw the other day. it's just- I let my imagination get the best of me, and I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable in any way. I- I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore-" Your tone was so quiet and timid. he could sense the feeling of regret in your words.
Truth be told, he didn't want you to regret your actions, in fact,
he wanted you to do them again. 
He stood up from his chair and walked over to you cautiously. Your eyes filled with curiosity and confusion only spurred him more.
"Is that what this was about?" He walked over to you and grabbed your chin. He wasn't sure what got into him but he knew he hated the thought that you regretted what you'd done.
He wanted you to know that he'd wanted to see you like that for a while. Naked and at his mercy. He just never had the chance. Your eyes opened wider when he got closer to your face.
You nodded feeling his breath fanning over your lips, looking at his own. he glanced down to meet your lips before leaning in and chastely connecting them.
It was quick and hesitant but you felt like you were on fire. Your breathing was heavy and your heart was out of control.
He seem to take notice of this and went to lean back up, but you threw caution to the wind and grabbed the sides of his face, pulling him back in. Your lips met one more time in a much deeper kiss. Your hands still wrapped around his cheeks, your thumbs massaging under his eyes softly.
The kiss was meant to be innocent, simply an experience out of adrenaline. But the next thing you knew he had pulled you to your feet and wrapped his hands around your waist, pulling you flush against his body.
You felt him lick your bottom lip before taking it into his mouth and biting hard. You gasped just enough for him to slip his tongue between your lips, giving him the chance to explore.
You broke away to catch your breath looking at him. He smiled at you with a tint of mischief in his eyes. "Show me," he uttered while smirking.
"Show you what?" You had a feeling you knew what he was meaning but you wanted to make sure before you embarrassed yourself. He took your hand and led you up the stairs behind him.
"I want you to touch yourself for me."
You closed the door to your bedroom. He pulled a chair to the end of the bed and sat down. He signaled for you on the bed pulling you to stand in front of him. You looked at him with doe eyes as he licked his lips subtly. He looped his hands onto your pants and undergarments pulling them down for you.
Tighnari kissed your hands before pushing you back against the bed. You sat on the edge, resting one leg on the side of the chair, the other off to the side. Your face was red, embarrassed at what was happening.
"Show me how to do it baby" He ordered. You felt yourself growing wetter by the moment. You reached a hand down and palmed your clothed clit, The stimulation being almost intoxicating. You started running your index and middle finger down and up your dripping folds keeping your eyes trained on the raven-haired man in front of you.
It didn't take long before you were needing more feeling than ever.
"Go ahead, tell me what you were imagining me doing to that slutty body of yours, little flower~"
You tightened your thighs a little and clenched around nothing. You shook your head. How were you supposed to explain what you were imagining without freaking him out?
He chuckled darkly before spreading your thighs. He grabbed your hands off of your cunt and held them together resting on your stomach before leaning forward.
His hot breath felt heavenly against your saturated pussy. you bucked your hips hoping for some sensation of contact, but you were met with nothing but his hot breath. You kept bucking your hips whining for some kind of contact.
"You know, when we were finishing our research the other day, I couldn't get the thought of you bent over the table while I fucked into you out of my head." He inched closer to your sex, and now you could gently feel his tongue softly caress your clit once before he nuzzled his nose against it just as softly. He spoke again his voice whining and high-pitched. " You just smelt so good~ There wasn't any way for me to concentrate. You just smell...so....good~"
The moan you let out was pornographic and pathetic. Your thighs were as spread apart as your hips would allow, you were barely ten minutes in and he already had you so desperate for his touch.
You threw your head back when his tongue once again pressed your lips before removing just as quickly. He blew on your clit relishing in the way you were thrashing for him to eat you out. "Are you gonna tell me now?~ I might be inclined to give you a reward for your cooperation, little flower."
"You- I, I was imagining you... ah-" You were cut off as he delved his tongue up and down your pussy with a grunt. He paused to wait for you to continue, locking eyes with you. He watched you, his eyes dangerous and lustful. You let out a shaky breath understanding that you were fully under his control now. "You were...ngh.. holding me down by my- my wrists and- fingering me... while telling me how good I was for you-"
He moaned into your cunt as you told him what you fantasized about. He let go of your hands and grabbed your thighs, pulling you closer against his face until you were sure he'd suffocate. you grabbed the back of his head and pulled him against you and bucked your hips riding his face reverently.
"Please 'Nari, I'm so- close please..." You whined pulling his hair a little bit. He chuckled against your cunt and pulled away leaving you whining and trying to pull him back. He simply took your hand and put it to your side. He stood up towering over you and leaning to meet your level. He kissed you slowly and tenderly as he grabbed both of your hands pinning them on either side of your head.
You wrapped your legs around his waist pulling him closer, causing him to grind against you needily. He took your hands and held them with one above you much like how you imagined. Your stomach did flips realizing that this was happening.
His other hand gently glided down your sides and over your hips, finally landing just over your pussy, barely brushing over it. You whimpered against his lips.
"Just like that, good girl. You're being such a good little slut for me." He cooed you. His lips left your mouth and traveled down your face to your throat. "Mine, mine, mine" he chanted between harsh bites that you knew would leave marks by morning.
His hand between your thighs soon dipped into your entrance. They started slow. Gently pressing and stretching your walls as tighnari kissed and sucked on your neck, effectively marking you. Gradually his finger thrusts become stronger and stronger until he was thoroughly finger fucking the brains out of you.
You felt yourself nearing your climax yet again, only to have it ripped away as he released his hand, bringing his fingers to his mouth tasting you yet again.
"The only thing your gonna cum on is my cock. Am I clear?" His tone was demanding and velvety. You nodded eagerly, absolutely desperate for release. "Good, cuz I think you're ready for me."
He undid his belt buckle, pulling his erect cock from his clothing and discarding the rest. He pulled the shirt off your body in one swift movement. He pushed you further up the bed and climbed over you. Your eyes slowly trailed downwards but snapped back up incredibly embarrassed.
He placed a hand on your chin and forced you to look at him, instead of off to the side as it was. "Go ahead, you can look. I know you're curious." Your face was impossibly heated now. You took a shaky breath and started to look down. You felt your eyelids flutter slightly at the sheer glimpse. Archons, he was perfect.
"Please...please just fuck mee~"
He took the invitation, swiftly lining his cock at your entrance, moving it up and down a few times to gather slick. the teasing motion made you squirm in your spot, to which he replied by grabbing your hips and thrusting into you. Slowly at first so as not to hurt you.
Inch by agonizing inch he gripped your thighs and filled your aching hole with his cock. "Want me to breed you that bad huh? my little slut wants me to fill her up with my fucking cum that badly?"
His words made you clench around him earning a hiss. He slapped your thigh gently to warn you to not do that again. But you blatantly disobeyed.
You ground your hips while fluttering your walls, making him moan loudly. His grip on your hips getting tighter, he growled and began thrusting his dick in you haphazardly.
"Your my bitch. my little bitch in heat. you're taking me so well little flower. so tight... I'm gonna fill you so full. gonna fill you with babies. gonna make you a mommy." He moaned into your ear.
"I'm gonna cum-" You whimpered, pulling him all the way against you.
"Cum for me baby."
And just as commanded, you came loud and hard. Trembling in his grasp. You felt your heart rate pound against his as you rode out each other's orgasms.
He rested his head against your chest, smiling and panting hard. His hands fell to either side of you in a hug. You were both exhausted. You pet his ears while gazing into earthly his eyes.
"Hey y/n?" he started. "I think I love you."
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astolary · 1 year
Hiya!! I absolutely adore the way you write tighnari! If you are okie with it, may I request him and his s/o playing hide and seek together?
Thank you<3
I hope you have a lovely rest of your day/night
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( Synopsis ) He knew what you both wanted, and you knew what you both wanted.
( Pairing ) Established Relationship. Tighnari x GN! Reader
( Content Warnings ) Tighnari playing hide and seek with reader? It sounds ooc of him but I see him being playful with the reader if they play hide and seek (in a fluffy way) HSHSHJ
( Word Count ) 1.0k+ words // NOT EDITED!
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It's been 1 minute and 30 seconds since you started hiding, and you were scared.
One, it would take TIGHNARI a while to find you as your scent blended in with all the life forms residing in Gandharva Ville, along with the scent of Collei's famous pita pockets— but you never knew.
Two, if he could hear the morning dew, he could listen for your laboured breaths— but you never knew! Was he playing with you?
Three, did the forest rangers manage to stall him? You've been a flurry of chaos. Running, around the village, using the four-leaf sigils to pick up the pace, begging your amused co-workers to bombard him with more duties or paperwork—
The leaves rustled behind you, crunching and shaking and screaming and begging you to get up: Hello! Get out of your head! You're going to get caught in the lamest way possible!
"I was wondering where my love could be," Someone mused. "I got overwhelmed with the seemingly suspicious amount of spices Collei used when she asked me to test her food, the sheets of parchment that fell on my hands, and the dogs running over to me all of a sudden. I wonder who could be behind that catastrophe?"
The leaves stopped rustling as if they were shaking their heads at you in mock disappointment. How dare you. We rustled and forced our plant cells to wiggle for you— yet you fail to stay hidden for just 2 minutes. Seriously? 1 minute and 42 seconds? You could have at least stayed hidden for another 3 seconds to make the record 1 minute and 45.
A certain leaf floated and danced in front of your eyes. A bushy, furry, hairy green tail wrapping itself around your body teasingly.
Your eyes stayed glued to the leaf, refusing your defeat. You traced the details of the green plant, admiring the delicately glued flowers and gold flakes embedded in it.
"Do you remember this leaf?" Tighnari asked all of a sudden, staying tails length away from you. (He'll let the game last a while longer, after all, he didn't touch you with his hands yet.)
You nodded fondly.
What was it, the tenth kiss you both would share at the beginning of the relationship? At that time the wind was picking up when he was going to share a kiss with you— only for a leaf from the tree above the both of you to slip in between your lips, effectively blocking Tighnari from feeling your lips against his own.
Although your amused laughter was serotine for his heart, he was most certainly not pleased. His ears twitched around, embarrassed and flustered.
"Do you know what else I'm planning to do with this leaf?" An amused tone edged his voice.
(He's getting his 'revenge.')
You froze and slowly stood up. A forest breeze weaved itself with the strands of your hair. It was like the forest gained hope for you, yes! We believe in you! Now run with those puny legs of yours!
You wholeheartedly agreed, and boosted yourself with the four-leaf sigil conveniently only a few meters away from you.
Tighnari laughed, then you laughed—
— then the forest rangers started cackling when they caught sight of you, Collei giggled, the dogs barked happily, the birds chirped melodiously, and then the forest sang and laughed all together.
"5 seconds!"
Your heart sped up in excitement, fear, anticipation, childishness, fear dread shame— oh archons you were going to die who cares at this point you were fighting a losing game— "No! Please! I'm tired!" You heaved.
Despite your complaints, you continued running at a slightly slower pace, then you turned around and grinned— and Tighnari saw the world pause for a moment. You continued pushing him to the limits, yet always slowing down and reminding him to take a break. You listened attentively to his ramblings about research, yet somehow you both would drift away from the topic and end up talking about what you did today.
The world continued revolving.
You ran as fast as you could, using what oxygen you had left in your lungs to see mercy for one more time. Faster than the time you chased after him when he stubbornly marched (crawled) further into the desert when you were both younger; faster than the time he chased after you when you stole his final research paper draft, final-final research paper draft, and final-final-final research paper draft.
But not fast enough that you stray far from him (your beacon home), him losing you from his hold (he'll do his best to protect you in this world.)
So Tighnari got up, and ran and ran and ran after you.
He promises to do his best to make you smile and laugh. To welcome you home with open arms and lean his forehead against yours and rub his nose with your own. To give his 1000/1000 in the relationship. To love you not because of his primal instincts but because he loved you as both fox and human. To go against the problem instead of fighting each other—
—You promise to not be with him just because of the promise, but because you want to be with him and love him and let him love you. To not say I love you too as if agreeing with him that you loved him as well (you do), but to say I love you too because you wanted to show him more of your love as he has done with you—
You were both an organized mess, the strings twirling and tangling tightly like a cascade of braids.
"—(NAME)! RUN! MASTER TIGHNARI IS CATCHING UP TO YOU!" The children squealed. But it was too late.
You laughed when Tighnari tackled you to the ground. You both rolled on the damp, dirty, luscious grass.
Tighnari squeezed you tight.
"I got you." He murmured, smiling on your shoulder.
"Yeah," You agreed. "You got me."
Then, the forest healed.
The forest rangers marvelled at you both.
"Everyone relish at this moment." Umm mused. "He'll be back to being his cranky, sarcastic self later and scold you all."
The forest rangers saw Celestia as they marveled at you both.
Oh dear... Collei contemplated. At least they're both happy.
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astolary 2023 — do not edit, repost, or translate. © genshin official art
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regaliasonata · 8 months
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Brainstorming Xybrian ideas ever since the headcanon ask, starting with fashion....like I'm just getting a lot of flashy futuristic but stylish themes with their clothing.
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Wonder what a xybrian wedding would be like✨️
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apocalypseornaw · 3 months
Sheriff, Ranger & Marshal
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Beau Arlen x Female Reader x Cordell Walker
When a resort comes onto a few agencies' radar a task force is formed and 3 people are chose to go undercover. You, Beau and Cordell
I have no excuse. This is smut yall. J2 makes my brain go to mush.
A Sheriff, a Marshal and a Ranger walked into a hot tub. Sounded like the beginning of a joke but it was very much your current reality.
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When a joint task force had been propositioned to infiltrate a resort that was marketed as “An unconventional getaway for people who didn't live by society's standards” you knew you would be on the list for potential undercover. You had a decent track record and usually only took a couple weeks to decompress after assignments before you'd be completely back to normal as if it had never happened.
You however didn't know that Liam's older brother Cordell would also be on the list along with Beau Arlen, a Sheriff from Montana that had worked well with the bureau in the past. The resort was suspected of being a front for money laundering, weapon and drug smuggling.
When each branch of the task force which consisted of the Marshals, the Rangers and the FBI had picked their undercover the three of you met. It was basically a chemistry read like they did for movie roles. Had to make sure it was believable that the three of you were together.
You'd met Cordell in passing so you knew he was a good looking man and feigning attraction to him would be easy. The moment you laid eyes on Beau you nearly bowed out of the assignment. No one would believe these two men had chosen you.
When you'd voiced your concerns to Captain James who was overseeing the meeting Beau and Cordell had exchanged a look before Cordell moved up to your back while Beau moved to stand in front of you, effectively trapping you between their larger frames.
Beau gently brushed your hair behind your ear, green eyes holding you place while Cordell trailed his fingers over your arms “Now darling,we've talked about this. If anyone's lucky it's me and Eric. You know we love you”
Cordell leaned down to where his lips were almost touching your ear when he spoke “David's right Nessa, so just get those thoughts out of your head”
You felt your face warm so in one fluid movement you punched Beau in the stomach then threw your elbow back into Cordell's. Both men fell away from you, painful laughter falling from them as Captain James clapped “See? Proof to point you're the woman for this job because that? Really looked like you're their wife”
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You walked into the safe house the task force was using as the “home address” for your thruple. Jesus you'd gone under cover solo and as a couple with a few guys and a couple women but you'd never gone under cover with two men and had to act as if you were deeply in love with them both.
Beau and Cordell were already there considering Cordell had picked Beau up from the airport and you'd been meeting with the contact you'd formed through a few yoga classes that was in with the owner of the resort. You'd parked your persona's little yellow beetle next to Cordell's persona's range rover.
When you made it past the entry way you let out a low whistle “Honeys I'm home” you heard laughter as your response before Cordell called out “in the kitchen baby” your stomach flipped a little at his voice.
You walked into the kitchen and both men were sitting at the small breakfast table, a cup of coffee in front of them both. You walked over to stand between the two of them and placed the envelope you carried down on the table “We got an invite to the resort. Bianca came through”
Without warning Cordell pulled you down into his lap, you started to protest but he whispered into your ear “We gotta get used to acting all the time” Beau winked at you “Eric quit hogging Nessa before I spank the both of you” “Promise?” You and Cordell teased in unison. Yeah this was going to be the most interesting assignment you'd ever undertaken.
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The resort was beautiful, you had to give it that. Set back in the mountain side of Colorado the scenery was gorgeous. You, Cordell and Beau had been there for a few days but so far no one was really opening up to the three of you and you were starting to feel guilty having a California king to yourself while one man slept on the couch and the other slept on the floor in your suite.
A few times housekeeping had taken you by surprise so blankets and pillows had to be tossed around and one of them joined you in the bed while the other answered the door. You'd told them they could share the bed with you; it was plenty big enough and all of you were adults.
Cordell had apparently woken up first and ordered room service. You woke up to him and Beau testing everything on the tray to ensure nothing was drugged before you all ate.
You sat up in the bed, leaning back on your arms and admired the sight of your “husbands” Cordell was wearing a pair of jeans, hung low on his hips. He was barefoot and not currently wearing a shirt, the muscles of his back flexing deliciously in the sunlight streaming in from the high window.
Beau was wearing the gray sweatpants he wore to bed, that left little to the imagination (not that you'd looked) and he was also barefoot and missing a shirt. His light brown hair was still tousled from sleep and the way the muscles in his arms moved was damn near hypnotizing. Fuck, when was the last time you'd had sex to have you drooling over your temporary partners like this? You needed a cold shower.
Cordell glanced over his shoulder at you and grinned “Nessa you're finally awake” you smiled and tossed the blanket off your legs. You were currently wearing one of Beaus shirts or well “Davids” and panties. It fell far enough on your thigh neither men saw anything but should something happen it looked better if you were wearing one of their clothes to bed.
You walked over to stand next to the room service tray, running your nails across Beau's bare back as you leaned into Cordell's side “We need to talk” Cordell whispered in your ear. At your confused look he motioned to the tray then his ear. Your eyes widened and you nodded “What's a girl gotta do to get you fellas in that big Ole shower with me?”
Cordell laughed “Darling you know all you gotta do is ask” you grabbed Cordell's ark and then Beau's “well come on then”
Once the three of you were in the bathroom you shut the door and rolled up a towel to put under the crack before going to the corner where a shower as big as your first apartment sat. You turned the cold on full blast so there would still be hot water for your showers but enough noise you could talk freely.
Once the shower was going you beckoned them closer to it where it would drown anything out “They bugged the room service?” You whispered and Cordell nodded “From what I gather they don't trust us. Apparently everyone else here has an exhibitionist streak. We're the only people that hasn't had sex loud enough you can hear it down the hall or publicly enough anyone can see it”
You looked from him to Beau, both men close enough you could touch and sighed “Then we have to put on a show” they exchanged a look, clearly letting you take the reins on this “What do you mean?” Beau asked.
You rolled your eyes “You've both been undercover. I had to make it to third base with my last partner's wife one time to keep us from blowing our cover. If they want a show we give them one. That hot tub right outside our room would be a good place because we turn it high enough no one knows what's actually happening under the water as long as it sounds believable”
Cordell nodded slowly, his tongue flicking out to wet his lips. “The three of us need to make sure we're comfortable together. Our personas have been together for nearly eight years” you nodded then reached up to hook your arms around his neck, pulling him to you.
When your lips met his he didn't even appear to have been taken off guard, instead he backed up closer to the wall caging you between it and his body. He slid a clothed knee between your legs keeping them open as he flicked his tongue into your mouth, tasting all of you. You could feel your knees weaken from the kiss before you gasped lightly and pulled back trying to get air so he moved from your lips to your jaw then down to your neck, working the sensitive flesh there between his teeth gently as his knee pushed up into your dripping center causing a light moan to escape your lips “Fuck” you whispered when he pulled back with a grin “Good enough?” He asked and you nodded “Very”
He turned his eyes from you to Beau who was watching the two of you intently. He readjusted himself and your eyes slid down to see he was half hard under those sweats. He'd apparently enjoyed the show “Come here” Cordell spoke, pulling Beau to him.
You watched as the two men shared a kiss that was all tongue and teeth and rolled your hips against Cordell's thigh that was still between your legs, trying to soothe the ache forming there. Once the two of them broke away from each other Cordell nodded towards you “She makes the sweetest sounds doesn't she?” Beau nodded, green eyes full of hunger.
Cordell moved and let Beau in front of you. Beau grinned before he leaned down to catch your lips in a bruising kiss. Your hands went to his shoulders, gripping tightly. Damn could he kiss. He moved your hands from his shoulders to hold them both in one of his large hands before pressing them to the wall above your head.
His other hand moved to tease your hardened nipple through the shirt you wore, devouring the moan that escaped you. He kissed down your jaw opposite the side Cordell had but worked the sensitive flesh the same, enough to bring you pleasure but not to mark. Just when you felt like you might explode he placed a final kiss on your lips then backed off, dropping your hands and bracing your hips to help keep you upright as your chest heaved like you'd just ran a few miles.
You swallowed hard twice to keep from whimpering. The two men in front of you both smiled slightly “Believable that we both chose you?” Cordell asked, throwing your words from the chemistry read back at you. You nodded stiffly, finally finding your voice “Believable. I'm gonna um I'm gonna shower. I'm supposed to go to yoga with Bianca”
Beau grinned “Want us to join you or?” You felt your face warm and shook your head “Go eat breakfast. Save me some though. Tonight after dinner in the dining hall we'll give em a show to make sure they don't doubt us” Cordell tipped his head “Yes ma'am” you weren't even the senior agent here but they were letting you lead for the undercover part. Why you weren't sure but you kind of enjoyed it.
Beau started to walk out then shook his head and walked back over to you, catching your lips in another hungry kiss. Not to be outdone the moment Beau released you Cordell pulled you into another kiss. You groaned when they both finally stepped away “Later” you needed the entire day to prepare for the show you'd have to put on tonight. You had gone to third with Lindsay to keep you both safe and you'd simply been friends with her. Those two?
They could easily ruin you and if you didn't keep a hold on yourself you might just let them.
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The ground rules that had been set was no penetration and always remember that it was your peronas. Not yourselves.
Easier said than done. You'd chosen a simple back two piece because while you trusted the men you were with, the rest of the resort didn't need to see everything.
You stepped out of the bathroom and laughed at the fact that they were both leaning against the doorframe leading out to the deck area where the hot tub sat. Cordell had on dark blue swim trunks while Beau wore dark green ones. The moment they heard the door open both of their eyes landed on you and you could see them darken. “Sorry to keep you fellas waiting”
You walked past them outside and they both followed you closely. Beau had set the tub to high, like you'd said. You stopped at the edge and both men offered you a hand to help you get in. You took Cordell's and worked at Beau.
Once you were in they both climbed in “Where do you want us Nessa?” Beau asked and you grabbed Cordell's hand first “I want to sit in Eric's lap” you pushed Cordell down in the corner and once he was settled with his long legs bent at the knees you settled yourself between them, your ass brushing against his crotch as you did so and heard him stifle a groan.
You reached a hand out towards Beau “C'mere David” he grinned and dipped himself down to be kneeling in front of you, he leaned down close to your ear to whisper feather light “How far are we going darling? Me and Cordell discussed it. This is your ballgame”
“They have to think we've had sex” he nodded and glanced over your shoulder at Cordell. You'd laid back against Cordell's chest which meant Beau could easily lean over you. Him and Cordell shared a heated kiss and when they pulled away Cordell nodded towards you “Make our girl fall apart in my lap David”
Cordell shifted you higher up in his lap so Beau wouldn't have to crouch to reach you. He gripped your chin with two fingers, tilting your head “Look at her. So damn gorgeous and all ours” when his lips met yours you didn't try to swallow the whimper that escaped you. He smiled against your lips “and always so eager for us”
You felt one of his hands come up to cup one of your breasts while Cordell snaked a hand around you to cup the other. You moaned lightly and that seemed to spur them on. Beau moved down to your neck, kissing and biting gently and Cordell leaned up to claim the other side of your neck, both of them still working at your breasts, tweaking the sensitive buds and making your back arch off Cordell's chest pushing you into Beau's.
Just when you were damn near too overwhelmed they changed tactics. Cordell moved his hand to your chin so he could tilt your head back and claim your mouth while Beau slipped one of your breasts free from the swimsuit top, flicking his tongue over the nipple. Cordell swallowed every moan that you gave as Beau finished with one breast and tucked it back into the top before going to the other.
You rolled your hips back against Cordell and felt his erection pressing into your back. You slipped one hand between you and he hissed when your fingers slipped below the band of the shorts he wore, wrapping around his hardened cock. Damn he was big and thick. You began to jack him slowly, moving at the same rhythm as your lips moved against each other.
After a moment Beau reclaimed your lips from Cordell, one hand slipping between your legs to tease at your clothed core. A moan escaped your lips, one from Cordell joining you. “Do fingers count?” Beau asked low between gritted teeth and you shook your head. With your go ahead he moved your bottoms to the side plunging two fingers knuckle deep inside of you.
You moaned loudly as Beau curled his fingers finding that spot deep inside of you. A rhythm fell of your hand moving at the same speed of his fingers as he worked you towards an orgasm and you worked Cordell. You bucked your hips against Beau's fingers and he broke from your lips to move down your neck “Just like that sweet girl. Fuck yourself on my fingers while you jack Eric off”
The names didn't matter, the fact that you were technically working didn't matter. All that mattered was how amazing Beau's fingers felt and how fucking wrecked Cordell sounded behind you. You felt yourself getting close to that edge and knew from how Cordy was moving his hips to meet your movement he was close too. Beau twisted his wrist slightly and your vision went soft around the edges as your orgasm washed over you. The feeling of Cordell's warm cum coating your hand anchored you in the moment as both men bit down on your shoulders.
Beau gently slipped his fingers out of you and grinned “You're looking a little gone darling” then looked behind you at Cordell “You both do” Cordell was breathless as he said “That was intense” you turned to pull him down into a kiss, his tongue rolling against yours. When he pulled back he kissed the tip of your nose “Baby he didn't come”
You looked at Beau and smiled “C'mere David” he moved closer and placed a quick kiss on Cordell's lips before pulling you out of Cordy's lap and into his own. He moved so your back was against the side of the hot tub and your legs were wrapped around his waist. He dropped his head to your neck and whispered “I'm not gonna fuck you,don't worry”
He moved a hand under the water and if anyone nearby looked it probably appeared he was freeing his cock but instead he just tightened his grip on your hips. He gave a hard roll of his hips into yours and your head fell back with a low moan “Fuck” you gasped and he did it again. You looked up to stare into those gorgeous green eyes “Can you come like this?” You whispered against his lips and he chuckled “Fuck yes”
The feeling of his hard cock rubbing just right against your clit with every thrust of his hips were pushing you closer and closer to that edge. You wanted to feel him without the layer between you, but you'd set the rule. You looked over at Cordell who was now stroking his semi erect cock, working back up himself at watching the two of you. A silent conversation happened between the two of you and when he nodded you grinned before slipping a hand between you and Beau.
He stopped his movements and watched you with hooded eyes as you slipped your hand into his trunks to free his cock then pushed the bottoms of your swimsuit to the side. He looked from you to Cordell and when you both nodded he rolled his hips forward again this time sliding into you. Fuck he was wide and long and felt so damn good.
Your head fell back at the feeling of being stretched around him. After a moment he gave a tentative thrust and when you tightened around him he buried his face in the bend of your neck and started fucking you in earnest.
You knew it wouldn't take long for you to hit that high again and judging from how hard and fast Beau was slamming into you he was chasing his own orgasm as well. “Fuck, harder” you begged and he groaned “You're killing me darling” his thrusts got deeper and harder and when Cordell moved to slip his hand between your body and Beau's, rubbing tight circles on your clit you came hard clenching down around Beau's cock. He groaned as he gave a few more sloppy thrusts then came inside of you, you bite down on his shoulder to keep from screaming with pleasure.
He stilled with his cock still inside of you and searched your face, no doubt wondering if he crossed a line but when you simply smiled he crashed his lips against yours in a rough kiss.
You gasped when he pulled out of you then looked between him and Cordell. They were both watching you so you took a few steadying breaths before saying “How about we break in that California king?” They both grinned “Yes ma'am”
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You woke up the next morning curled up to Beau's chest with Cordell's tall frame wrapped around you from behind. You were sore everywhere, both of them were big men in every way and damn their stamina.
You considered trying to get up but both had vice grips on you. You decided to try to go back to sleep but right before you dozed back off the memories of them both whispering your real name and each other's last night came flooding back along with the fact that you were fairly certain you'd done the same. What the hell had the three of you really gotten yourselves into?
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Hi you really don’t have to do this…… anyway I’ve been told I act like near from death note so could you do a mha x child male reader where the reader acts like near from death note like he pulls out toys in the middle of class stacks cups at lunch and is very quiet and stuff oh yeah could you make it class 1-A + Aizawa maybe other teachers in there too sorry if it’s too specific
Ofc! I haven't gotten that far into death note yet so I had to watch a Near compilation on YouTube, so I hope I got a good enough grasp of him in that time lol
Also I'm describing you as antisocial rather than shy, because near didn't strike me as the shy stuttering pushover type, and seemed just withdrawn or disinterested, and I also high-key headcanon izuku may have ADHD. I will not elaborate <3.
𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 1𝐀 𝐱 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞!𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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It draws a few sets of eyes every time you pull out a pack of tarot cards or dice to play with in the middle of class, but noone really got distracted as long as you were quiet enough. Though, a few times you've knocked over a power ranger or transformer doll while taking notes and drawn the classes attention.
During break on your second week of school, you find yourself approached by the 'bakusquad'. Kirishima introduces himself politely and mina stares in awe at your tarot collection, but Bakugou looks livid.
He doesn't expect you to meet his glare directly with an unamused stare, and he's a second away from lunging at you and taking it as a challenge before Kaminari and Kirishima simultaneously bonk him in the head.
"Dude you don't even know him, give him a chance!"
You can't stop yourself from raising an eyebrow at the statement, figuring that these two must be the perfect balance for Bakugou's... Overbearing personality.
The next thing that catches your attention is the green haired boy that joins into the conversation, quietly asking you a question with a cute tilt of his head. "Have you maybe got ADHD? I've just seen a few of the signs on you- It's perfectly okay if you do! You won't be looked at differently!"
You already like this one, he's so precious.
Your eyes look straight into his as he studies you, and it's very intriguing to watch the gears turn in his head while he figures you out like some sort of puzzle. You could definitely get along with him. "No, I don't believe so."
He seems a little surprised by your words, but then again, you very well may have ADHD. You were never allowed to get tested for it, because your parents refused. Without a diagnosis, they can pretend there's nothing "wrong" with you.
He studies your eyes, figuring that you may have an irregular sleep schedule from the dark circles under your eyes, and that your eyes seem to be very sensitive to light because of how wide your pupils are. It's almost unnerving, to be honest. Your eyes look almost fully black.
Over the next few days you're scolded a few times by Aizawa Sensei for being too loud when knocking over your dice or your robots, but he never once asked you to put them away. All he asked in return was for you to be a little more active in the lessons.
"You get to keep your toys as long as you answer questions and participate a little more. Does that sound fair?" You nodded, slowly backing away to walk back to your desk and wait for break to finish, but from then on, you start drawing attention to yourself.
At first the attention is unwanted, and as you sit Criss cross applesauce on your chair, playing with your tarot cards, Izuku comes to sit next to you, starting to ramble about a random hero that you don't know anything about. He's very easy to get used to, however, and you quickly become what some would call friends.
Everyone's a little creeped out by your social awkwardness, and the fact that you never seem to talk, until they start to include you more, and you're forced to make new friends.
That doesn't mean you don't have trouble opening up though, and during lunch you sit in silence with your new friends as they chatter and smile at you, stacking cups that Izuku gave you to help you focus on something other than the amount classmates you have crowding you.
It takes a few more months for even Izuku to pry anything even remotely emotional from you, and even then it only shows in the waver of your voice, but he's proud nonetheless.
He would escort you around school because he didn't want you to be alone, and after a while your newfound closeness with Izuku branches out as mina comes to join the two of you.
She gives you an absolutely radiant smile as she grabs your hand, izuku taking hold of your other side for them to both drag you away to some part of the school you're not familiar with. The warmth of their hands in yours leaves you in shock, though, and your mind blanks a little when you feel the greenette squeeze it reassuringly, a tiny, pale blush creeping into your cheeks. This feeling, it was something you wanted to feel every day. It's so warm and comforting.
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