#Grey Face|Anonymous
Aerith: *writing Aerith Fair in her notebook*
Cloud: *writing Cloud Fair in his notebook*
Aerith & Cloud:
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sialiia · 25 days
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• . ° .┊┊ REGARDING A PREVIOUS POST;; Anonymous asked: {ic} exactly! like, you work there too. you deserve to feel comfortable instead of being afraid / worried each day. what i don't understand, though, is why there is such blatant favoritism to the point where the rules are bent for her? why doesn't your boss expect all of the people who work for her to be decent to each other? why doesn't she hold anyone to the same standard? and why is it just you that has to bend over backwards in order to prevent bloodshed? you deserve better. *** Do not re.blog this post at all! or turn into a thread without asking first! ***
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ㅤㅤ❝𝓨-you're making some good points there... It does seem like there's some favouritism. I- I don't know if I want to say anything though.❞ Sydney was now wary of what was going to come of speaking up over this issue. ❝Do you think that Sarah could just put us on different shifts? I mean, I've never really... had a full conversation with Katherine from start to finish. Just a few times. I think she hates me, finds me annoying... I'm sure a lot of people do. Do you know a way to stay on her good side or befriend her?❞ ❝As for Sarah-- She's my boss. A friend. I don't wanna step on any toes... But I do watch a lot of restaurant shows. And I have seen that there's a time for friendships and a time for work relationships. And sometimes you gotta make tough decisions from a work point of view.❞ ❝Needless to say, I'm stuck between speaking up and staying silent. But you are making me think about things.❞
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||Mentions: @milleroptimism & @malka-lisitsa muses! uwu
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merveiilles · 3 months
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⋆˚  ✧. ┊┊ ANONYMOUS WAS BALLSY REGARDING A PREVIOUS POST!;; Anonymous asked: Totally shaming people for expressing themselves, sxually? You must be fun at parties. You need Jesus. Shut your mouth.
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// ?????????? I ACTUALLY HAVE ZERO PROBLEM WITH SIN.DAY THINGS??????? IVE PARTOOK IN IT MYSELF????????? WHAT YOU MEAN?!!!!?!? I should have used tone indicators because the sarcasm and JOKING TONE clearly didn't come off as I thought it did with the "jebus" term and the "owo" ??????? like- WHERE YOU COMING FROM SAYING I'M SHAMING PEOPLE FOR IT?! I'VE TAKEN PART IN SIN.DAY THINGS MYSELF?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?1?!?!?!?!?!?! PEOPLE WOULD ALWAYS SAY "There's so much sin on the dash today! ya'll need jesus!" or some variation of it, ALWAYSSSSS. So you MUST be new here. I've been on this hellsite since 2012. like, I know how this place works. People would ALWAYS comment on the amount of sinful shit going on when it's sundays. It just happens. and it was NEVERRRRRRRR in a mean or hurtful tone. So why did you take my text- with meme'ish slang and emoji as mean???????? i'M ALL FOR PEOPLE REBLOGGING SIN.DAY THINGS???? I'VE DONE IT MYSELF? I WAS MERELY JOKING ABOUT HOW MUCH OF IT WAS ON THE DASH TODAY. Normally it's not this high. What the fuck, man. Way to take things super seriously. whoever sent this, please unfollow me. block me. I really don't want your stick-ass'edness here anymore if you'r'e gonna get in a tizzy about something as small as that. Unless you change your behaviours real fuckin quick. I was only joking about it. Go back and re-read my post. like- IM SO CONFUSED LOL also, saying things on anon like this- you so big. big anon. Please come talk to me privately if you're so offended by my jokes :D Have a good day! <3
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rhapsodyandwoe · 3 days
*rings Cazador's doorbell and runs away*
"Hmph. This pest problem is starting to get out of hand."
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He's just grumpy because @fiendishfinesse gets all the spicy anons and this is the best he gets.
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p5x-theories · 8 months
I mean, how many characters have models that you haven’t posted yet? Bc I would like to see all of the models but if there’s a ton then I wouldn’t ask that of you
To be clear, literally every character in the game has one or more 3D models. Every single NPC, those faceless people that you walk by/through while walking through the city, every playable character (and every outfit they have; every single one of Wonder's outfit options), every shadow, every Persona, etc. The game's all 3D models (with 2D images over them making up the UI and portraits), and the files are where those 3D models and 2D images are stored, so quite literally, anything you see in the game is somewhere in the files, and something I could theoretically extract for you.
There's also a ton of stuff in the files that doesn't show up in the game (yet?), like 3D models and portraits for a bunch of the Confidants and Palace rulers in P5. Even stuff you only see for a few seconds, like the table and tea set that appears for Noir during her AOA finisher in the split second before it swaps to the 2D image people usually think of for her AOA, have their own 3D models.
So I appreciate that you're not asking me for all of them, haha!
I just focus on posting the interesting things and the new stuff; new portraits for main characters, 3D models for civilian outfits of the Phantom Idols that we haven't really gotten to see, characters indicated as future Phantom Thieves/Idols, stuff like that. And then if anyone asks me for specific stuff outside of that, I don't mind going back for it, because I noted down where everything is in the (massively disorganized) files, so it theoretically shouldn't take me too long to hunt down the pieces for any given character and put them together to post.
All that to say, I try to post the things that I know myself and others are probably most interested in seeing. You're not really missing much in the rest of the files, unless, for instance, there's a sidequest NPC or something you have a particular interest in and want to see the full portraits/model for.
#anonymous#I think the only models I grabbed just because *I* thought they were fun and wasn't going to bother posting#are the nameless kokatsu students that play instruments in the background with wonder during the music minigame#they are quite literally nameless. their files don't even have a name or nickname for them they're just student_drum and etc#posting the portraits and models is also kind of tedious though not difficult#because the portraits are broken up into a head base + a bunch of eyes + a bunch of mouths + a mask where applicable#so I have to put those files back together and layer them correctly to give you a complete portrait#and 3d models need 2d textures to show up as anything but featureless grey#so for those I have to hunt down all the 3d model pieces (hair face eyes body. usually) and then match up all their textures to them#it's a lot of work haha!#but I don't mind it too much because I know most people don't really know how to get into the files and do it themselves#in fact I learned *for* the sake of datamining p5x!#I basically haven't done anything but sort through files. watch gameplay. and put things together to post. since the beta started haha#my life sort of goes on hold (as much as possible) each beta until I'm done with the files so I can get them posted asap!#but this is partially because *I* want to see them as bad as you guys do haha#so uh. yeah! that's probably way more of an answer than you wanted but that's the true reality of the work going into this behind the scene
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666prophet · 6 months
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
I technically have, not intentionally though. Back in Florida you cant get away from sharks in the waters. But I would do like shark dive thing if given it came up.
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
Yes. I'm a natural black haired dude. Except for the grey hairs here and there. Those are brought to you the sponsor of my life Stress™️.
34. Listening to?
The deafening silence of my mind. Just kidding, nothing right now but the last thing was:
Make me admit stuff
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bloodbywinter · 3 months
sometimes i think how the ancients of etheirys were always doomed from an ideological perspective and i start curling into a ball
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scott-tibbs-is-dead · 3 months
Scott marry me challenge
trust me, that would be a mistake. I’d be a pretty shitty husband.
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xaallo · 4 months
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" That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard."
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jethrowest · 1 year
There is nothing more in this entire world I want more than for you to fully understand what a marvellous person you are.
You are loved and cherished.
Thank you for being you
whoever is sending these, i want you to know that your soul is beautiful and i am immensely grateful for you. thank YOU for being you. my dash is looking a lot brighter because of these messages, and it is such an inspiration. thank you, from the bottom of my heart. 🖤
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arthyritis · 7 months
Is the surprise the little smiley face :>
Ding ding ding afakgssk
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Angeal: I'm 25
Sephiroth: WHAT??!!!
Sephiroth: Genesis, Angeal is 25!!!
Genesis: WHAT??!!!!
Angeal: How old did you think I am??!!!
Genesis: I thought you were in your 30s!!! I mean you have a kid like Zack!!!
Angeal: Zack isn't my child!
Genesis: WHAT??!!!
Zack: Kunsel told me to ask about my overdue child support.
Angeal: HUH?!?
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ultimumvitae · 1 year
"They're air shoes" Shadow. Bro. Fam. My guy. How can they be air shoes if it looks like fire's comin out of em??
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          "They're called 'air shoes' because they allow me to hover through jet propulsion," he says flatly. "'My guy'."
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merveiilles · 4 months
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⋆˚  ✧. ┊┊ ANONYMOUS;; Anonymous asked: I know you didn’t ask for advice so I hope this isn’t overstepping any boundaries, but just to echo what the other anon said ~ it’s probably best to still take Ellie to an avian vet (regular vets are not generally trained in exotics) to get checked out! Birds are notoriously good at hiding when they’re in pain or ill, usually not showing any glaring signs until it’s too late for anything to be done. Just speaking from experience as a fellow parrot. Wishing her all the best and I hope she has a speedy recovery!
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// Hello nonnie! Nah, I don't think you're overstepping. Just concerned followers. <3 My only problem with taking Ellie to the vet, is that I don't drive. And the nearest avian vet is almost 2 hours away. Which can also be a stressful trip for her being in the car that long. Mind you, she does love her travel cage! But I really don't know... anyone, who can take a whole day off to take me and Ells to the vet unless it was planned way in advance. I know her health is important. I really do. Unless I'm walking, I can't really get there. Plus, I'm on Ontario.Disability- and full disclosure. I don't have a lot of money. I know having a pet and not having money is silly and probably a stupid idea. But she was free to a good home, and she would have unalived in her last home from those conditions. Honestly, the way she was treated, I would have given her a couple months before the end. And she's only 3-4 years old. I only have enough money in my savings right now- approximately- just for the consultation. (I did call a month ago after I got Ells to see what their prices would be like because her health was very bad.) and she's come such a long way since then. But yeah... Would love to take her. But I just have...no means of getting there since I don't drive. It makes it a little tricky. I hope you understand. If there was a way I could get there, I would. But the avian vet being almost 2 hours away, and there not being any nearby clinics is such a frustrating thing when you have exotic pets.
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rhapsodyandwoe · 3 days
"You know, I'd love to see you face-down on my bed while I-- oops, wrong person. Sorry!" 😈
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"No, wait, don't go, I'm listening..."
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margaetyrell · 1 year
how do you know that they don't go to protests? do YOU?? cause it seems to me that you also have no life when all you do is also complain about fandom discourse…
you got to be kidding me. the only thing i do is complain about fandom and getting into discourse, literally when?? lmao in two posts i’ve reblogged???? have you looked around. people do that all the time and if they were normal about things we wouldn’t have anything to complain about. also yes, i actually go to protests but you’re right! i practically have no life ever since my brother got cancer, thanks for notising that
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