sandtrapsorcery · 1 year
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GrimGrimoire - the Complete Game Guide (2007)
Scans are not mine.
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partlysmith · 1 year
the grimace shake meme is not funny, those poor grimaces are being milked dry and aren't even being payed a living wage for giving away their precious grimace milk that would normally feed their young grimlets
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
The grimlet. I want him. Gilt.
He's so pretty. I want to eat him. Ball him up like a piece of paper and crunch on him.
Pls, begging for more crumbs 🙏 conspire with the gf if you must I need to know
Himb, in Gilt we trust 🙏
Gilt (which loosely translates to "covered thinly in gold") is not only because he's the royal jeweler but also because he's thinly covered in some gold flakes from his craft, he's also got some specs in his eyes :))
He mostly wears an iron mask! This is so people in his Hyrule don't recognise him as he's more known for his affiliation with the royal family! He takes it off when he's around people he trusts
His Zelda is much younger than him and he sees her as his little sister!
The scars on his face are from a fight from within his forge! He got some hot metal thrown at him
He was previously engaged to his Zelda's personal handmaid, she died during his story however- her name was Margo (He used to call her Mango :'))) )
Mango is also his favourite fruit because of that
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hellfire-saurian · 1 year
it ... it baby time? What about Easter Grimlet bunny? Tiny ears on the squeakysaurus?
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Title: Remarkable
Author: Lizzie K. Foley
Series or standalone: standalone
Publication year: 2012
Genres: fiction, fantasy, mystery, adventure
Blurb: In the mountain town of Remarkable, everyone is extraordinarily talented, extraordinarily gifted, or just plain extraordinary...everyone, that is, except Jane Doe, the most average 10-year-old who ever lived. But everything changes when the mischievous, downright criminal Grimlet twins enrol in Jane’s school and a strange pirate captain appears in town. Thus begins a series of adventures that put some of Remarkable’s most infamous inhabitants and their long-held secrets in danger. It’s up to Jane, in her own modest style, to come to the rescue and prove that she is capable of some rather exceptional things.
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trustwc · 2 years
Tahlea grimgrimoire
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Pragmatic Villainy: He opposes Grimlet indirectly, mostly because he doesn't get anyone's soul if they die before signing a contract with him.Advocat having so much fun watching, Grimmlet's accusation, not to mention Advocat himself admitting he wished he was behind, implies he has been known to pull such tricks in the past. Not Me This Time: When he shows up to rub salt in the wound after Lillet cons Grimmlet, Grimmlet asks if Advocat was behind it.Mephistopheles: He turns out to actually be Mephistopheles, and, while his nature as a devil does shine through on many an occasion, he ends up helping out Lillet Blan the most out of the adult cast.He justifies this by saying that he can't get everyone's soul if Grimlet kills them first, but it's implied he does care about Gammel Dore and the students to an extent. I Was Just Passing Through: On one iteration, he saves everyone by asking Grimlit to kill you last, using the argument that he wants your soul, and knowing that if you survive to the fifth day you'll be able to rewind time and fix things.He doesn't start a fight with another demon, but he does still imply he would gladly arrange for something like Lillet scamming one for his own amusement. Grimmlet asks if he was behind it, and Advocat admits it wasn't but he wishes it was. Hypocrite: When he and Grimmlet meet face to face, Advocat convinces him to not start a fight by saying "When devils fight each other, only the priests win." In the final loop, when Grimmlet has been conned by Lillet, Advocat shows up and laughs his ass off.Evil Sorcerer: He is a devil who teach sorcery.Devil in Plain Sight: Literally, but subverted in that he's not one of the villains.Fortunately for everyone else, he's engages in Pragmatic Villainy and is a genuine friend of Gammel Dore, so he's generally on the school's side. Card-Carrying Villain: He makes absolutely no attempt to hide the fact that he's there to tempt the students into selling their souls.Nonetheless he's not interested in getting his hands dirty. Brilliant, but Lazy: Dialogue by himself and Grimmlet imply he's far more powerful than he lets on, with the former actually treating him as a potential threat.He's actually on your side in every iteration, but he admits himself that it's purely because he can't get anyone's soul if they die first. Affably Evil: His goal is ultimately to get people to sign away their souls in a Deal with the Devil, but who still genuinely seems to enjoy his friendship with Gammel Dore and the others at the school.Grimmlet even treats Advocat as a possible threat, but with both villains Advocat doesn't get involved directly. All-Powerful Bystander: Doesn't take Calvaros for threat implying he could stop him easily.The sorcery instructor, and an actual demon. Most notably she goes from quivering in Grimmlet's presence to conning him into a Wishplosion. Took a Level in Badass: Starts off as a Naive Every Girl who develops into a Guile Hero over the course of the loops.Her attempt to prevent everyone dying stopping Grimmlet on the second loop fails as well, instead they still die, this time with Grimmlet killing everyone and taking complete control over Gammel's body.All the teachers, aside from Advocat died stopping Grimmlet, Amoretta being sacrificed in the process, and Margarita was killed by Calvaros. Everybody's Dead, Dave: Runs into this at the end of the first loop.Since neither a human or a demon can back out of a contract once its set up, Grimmlet is Dragged Off to Hell for breaking it. Grimmlet would get her soul in exchange for something on his end, which Lillet requests to be that he embrace God, something that as a demon, she knows he can't do. Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?: In the final loop, successfully scams Grimmlet, a demon, when she offers to enter a Deal with the Devil.
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weirdmarioenemies · 3 years
Banjo-Kazooie Spotlight
Hello, all! Guest writer Bynine here with an article on my favorite game of all time! Despite the immense popularity of this beloved N64 classic, the enemies of Banjo-Kazooie are not something that often comes up in discussion. Well, I'm here to change that!! Or at least, write well too much about some choice picks from the bestiary. Let's go!
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Topper is the first in a small collection of sentient, googly-eyed vegetables that live in Spiral Mountain, where heroes Banjo and Kazooie also reside. Get used to those googly eyes, by the way, because you'll be seeing them a lot. Anywho, I really like the name Topper. You know, like "carrot top"! Great names are another feature of this series.
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Speaking of which, here's Bawl. Bawl is a fun name! It's hard to say without a southern drawl - bawwwl. Besides that, I don't have much to say about this hopping onion, but I still appreciate you, Bawl.
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The finale of our vegetable trio, and I'll be honest, I've saved the best for last. Sorry, Topper and Bawl, but it's a flying cauliflower called Colliwobble! How can you not love that? It flaps around gently with its big leaves, sustaining flight in a physically improbable yet adorable manner. How come the real thing can't do that, huh? No amount of bourbon roasted, brown butter baked cauliflower can convince me that we didn't get the short end of the stick here.
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The henchmen of the villainous witch Gruntilda, these oafish ogres patrol the halls of her lair, running after Banjo in a stance I'm sure they think is very intimidating.
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Or maybe they want a hug? C'mere, big fella.
The most striking thing about Gruntlings to me is their impeccable fashion sense. They come in a variety of colors, and each one has a rakishly charming cloak to match, emblazoned with a fetching skull emblem. Would you mind stretching your arms out, Mr. Black Gruntling?
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Thank you. Did Gruntilda coordinate these outfits? I'd believe it - she has a great ensemble herself, replete with a gorgeous purple striped scarf. And this is the same lady who's decorated her entire lair with images of her own face, after all...
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These ornery armaments are in the tragic category of enemies whose only goal in life is to detonate directly next to you. It's fitting then that they're based on a naval mine, but they also (perhaps unintentionally?) resemble sea urchins! How fun!
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Normally they look fairly docile, even cute with their little underbite, but when Banjo draws near they growl and do... this. You okay there, buddy?
They're also the only enemies that appear in every Banjo-Kazooie platformer game! Clearly Rare knew they had a winner on their hands. Look at their pretty colors in Banjo Tooie! Look, but don't touch, please. It won't end well for anybody.
Sir Slush
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Anyone who's played Banjo-Kazooie will be familiar with these goons. Living snowmen are usually quite jolly, and Sir Slush is no exception, with his consistent and hearty laughter. However, instead of frolicking in the snow, all Sir Slush does is pelt our heroes with snowballs. Rude!
Similar to the platonic ideal of living snowman himself, Frosty the Snowman, the life force of Sir Slush seems to be concentrated in its hat. It's invulnerable to most forms of damage, but if Kazooie strikes its hat at high velocity, it will be blown into icy chunks. Is this a similar principle to the "aim-for-the-head" zombie-killing technique? Are snowmen not merely zombies, extra ice, hold the flesh? Human bodies are 70% water anyway! 
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Another classic bestiary staple, the living hand! Slappa are gargantuan mummified arm-hand combos that pop up without warning from the dusty sands of Gobi's Valley, the requisite desert level of Banjo-Kazooie. True to their name, their main method of attack is a slap, where they simply fall over, crushing anything in their path. The most confusing thing about Slappas is that they have the ability to speak - they laugh if they manage to land a hit, and groan in pain when defeated. How are you talking, Slappa? Do you have a mouth hidden under those bandages? Maybe a whole face?
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Artist's interpretation
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There also exists a single non-violent Slappa called Grabba, who clutches onto a Jiggy and hides underground with it if you get too close. Should you manage to grab it, they mention having had it for a thousand years, but then congratulate you on your technique. Of all the traits to be assigned to a mummified hand, "sportsmanlike" was not one I was expecting, but I'll gladly take it.
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Another winner of a name! Tee-Hee! That's great! This design is great too, in my humble opinion. You wouldn't expect a ghost to have such a goblinoid appearance, but Tee-Hee delivers both flavors of common RPG monster at once in an elegant package. Naturally Tee-Hees can phase through walls and are invincible to most attacks, staples of any Game Ghost (TM), and their pursuit is marked with constant laughter. Admittedly their laugh is more of a "mua-ha-ha" than a "tee-hee", but I'm willing to forgive it.
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There's also a purple version! This one ignores Banjo and Kazooie entirely, preferring to move around in square patterns. Don't worry, though, it still laughs a lot. What's so funny about squares? Only the purple Tee-Hee knows.
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Appearing on a ship known as the Rusty Bucket, Grimlet will disguise themselves as ordinary pipes, only showing their eyes and fangs when Banjo and Kazooie draw near. Despite their metallic appearance, they can stretch their bodies way out to take a bite out of bears and birds alike. You know, I like this design, but I feel like it could be improved somehow. Hmm...
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Ooh! The beta version of Grimlet has a really interesting twist- eyes in its own mouth! Of course, any monster is improved when it puts its peepers in its gullet, and Grimlet is no exception. Well, let's keep going! 
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An even earlier screenshot shows them with white, human eyes... and with a fleshy inner maw... Nope, I don't like this one bit. Abort!
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Ahhh... Much better. Now that's a sentient cowl ventilator that I'd let take a chunk out of me. No, I don't have a problem! Quiet, you!
Of course, there are many more denizens of the BK universe worthy of scrutiny - in a universe where even common collectibles will strike up a conversation with you, that's not surprising. In particular, a Banjo-Tooie showcase would be a lot of fun... But I have to stop myself somewhere. Until next time!
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soundwavepod · 4 years
Soundwave Podcast 166ª Emissão Underground Nacional
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#Repost @daryndajonesofficial (@get_repost) ・・・ Wow. This is it. I can’t believe Charley’s story is coming to an end. What a wonderful journey this has been, and I have all of you to thank. Without you, without your inspiration and enthusiasm, this journey would have been a lot shorter.  XOX Click on the link in my bio to purchase. @smpromance #CharleyDavidson #Charleyforever #stmartinspress #Iseedeadpeople #SummonedtoThirteenthGrave #grimreaper #Grimlet #ReyesFarrow #authorsofinstagram #writerslife https://www.instagram.com/p/BstFn1dl7Pq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18nvtbptwgn6
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moohnshinescorner · 6 years
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Woohoo!!! Look what I got today! #grimlets #charleydavidson Thanks Darynda your the best 💕📚❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs84KiQlRJ066qV648wYEJMCMZx8ZTR7ofk6KM0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=760l2xjs1r0i
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musicaemdx · 5 years
Warm Up Laurus Nobilis dia 18 de Maio no Kraken Rock Pirate Pub em Santo Tirso Dia 18 de Maio o aquecimento para a próxima edição do Laurus Nobilis é feito em Santo Tirso no…
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aceb133 · 6 years
Peace In Our Time
I wrote a thing! Bet you didn’t see that coming, huh?
Anyway, here’s a story that was written with the prompt of having a theme of ‘Obsession’ over on the Star subreddit. Not sure I made the theme obvious enough, but I think it turned out pretty well either way given the circumstances.
And as always, you can see the other stuff I’ve written here:
Hope you enjoy!
My Dearest Comet,
The Monsters have grown bold in their latest offensive. Though they are of course ultimately no threat to our Kingdom, they have wreaked havoc across the countryside, burning Mewman towns and villages in their wake. The destruction, I am sad to say, has been absolute-only three moons ago, the hamlet of Grimlet was burned to the ground in a nighttime raid. Those who survived were…
Well, I’ll spare you the details.
Though our troops are tired and weary from the long campaign, their spirits burn with a fire to extract vengeance on the monsters for their crimes. Captain Anderson’s battalion has been especially vigilant-under his watchful eye, not a single hovel has escaped the justice of the Butterfly Throne, and not even the little ones have been spared from having to answer for the atrocities of their crimes.
With luck, this war may soon be at an end. We have received information from captured monsters that Baron Vongard seeks  a peace treaty, which is a sure sign that their will to fight may soon be broken. By the grace of your throne, this realm may finally be cleansed of this scourge that has haunted us since its founding-and I aim to be the one to do so in your name.
Just yesterday, my men received word that the monsters have horded a cache of weapons and supplies near Horncaller Gulch. I am to take my best men with me to wipe out this center of resistance personally, as a final victory to our long campaign. I plan to come home not long after, to provide a report on our success in person.
I long to see you again, my Queen. These long years of fighting have been hard on us all, and when I look into Moon’s eyes I see she barely recognizes me. My devotion to the throne, and you, remain as strong as ever-but I will allow myself to admit that I can see peace on the horizon at last, and I welcome it.
With luck, this letter shall reach you not long before I do. As always, you have my eternal devotion-and my heart along with it.
Your loving husband,
King Leopold Rubicon Butterfly
Her hands trembling, Comet Butterfly, Queen of Mewni, set the blood-stained and torn letter down on the desk in front of her.
“This was… all you could find?” she asked, struggling to keep her voice even.
The tired soldier beside her nodded, looking down at the floor. “I’m afraid so, Ma’am. Only one man made it out of the ambush, and he died not long after he delivered the letter. No one else has even been able to get close to the gulch, damn monsters have made the place practically impregnable. Wouldn’t do much good, anyway-we all know what they do with the bodies.”
A rash of anger overcame the soldier and he banged his fist against the desk, the stained oak cracking against the worn and battered armor. “They say it was the Lizard that planned it. That bastard’s killed some of the finest men this kingdom has ever seen.” He raised his arms and clutched his fist. “If we could just track him down, I’d-“
The soldier stopped and took a breath, lowering his arm. “I’m sorry, Ma’am. King Leo was the best of us. I can’t imagine…”
There was a brief pause as the words sank into the air. The soldier raised his gauntlet over the queen’s shoulder, but awkwardly held the dirt-encrusted steel just above the silken ruffle of her dress.  “I… should go.”
Comet clutched her hands together and looked down at the surface of the desk. “That would be best, Captain. Thank you for everything you’ve done.”
Captain Anderson saluted crisply and walked out of the room, leaving Comet alone in the candlelit study. The second the door closed, the queen let out a deep, heaving sob, and clutched the letter to her chest.
They had always known this was a possibility. Leo was a man of many qualities, and fear was not one of them. Whenever possible he would lead his men from the front, refusing to send them into any danger he himself would not face. It was bold, it was courageous, and, as she had told him so many times, it was stupid.
Now, he was gone.
Steeling herself, Comet gently placed the King’s last letter down on the desk, and stood up. Her grief could wait. The Kingdom needed their Queen-and she only had one thing on her mind.
“Peace? Peace?” Captain Anderson shouted. “Are you serious?”
The war room fell into a hush as every eye turned to the queen. Comet, rather than being cowed by the veteran soldier’s remarks, instead stared down the armored guardsman.
“Yes, Anderson. Peace.” she said firmly. “My family has fought the monsters for as long as there has been a Butterfly family. And what do we have to show for it? Our corn is still burned. Our people are still slaughtered in their beds. The monsters still fight us at every turn, and our sons and daughters, our wives and husbands-“ she paused briefly and stoically refused to display any of the anguish she felt across her face-“fight, and die, month after month, year after year.”
She looked across the room, staring every member of the war council in the eye. “War is all we know, and it has brought us nothing but ruin. Why not try peace?”
“That’s dangerous talk, Queen Comet,” said the woman sitting near the opposite head of the table, the flame above her head crackling gently. “How can we know the monsters are willing to bargain in good faith? For all we know, we’ll sign a peace treaty, and six months from now we’ll be facing the same problems of monsters raiding villages and burning crops.”
“Then it will be six more months of peace than this Kingdom has ever known, Heckapoo,” Comet replied. “You of all people should know that.”
“Loathe as I am to agree with a member of the High Commission, I’m with Heckapoo,” a large man wrapped in a bearskin chimed in. “We Johansons have been fighting monsters for nearly as long as you Butterflies have, and if there’s one thing we’ve learned it’s that you can’t trust ‘em.”
He snorted. “Besides, I doubt you could teach one of those bastards how to hold a pen long enough to stick it to the paper anyway.”
A boy dressed in a princely royal blue outfit tugged on the man’s bearskin. “Father, if I may-“
“No, River, you may not,” the man said firmly. “As I was saying, the long and the short of it is, you can do whatever you want, Queen. But the second your back is turned, the monsters will stay you in the back. But don’t worry,” he said, sporting a vile grin, “When they do, we Johansons will be there to cut them through the throat.”
Comet grimaced. “Thank you for that… vivid description, Knoll,” she said diplomatically. “But my mind is made up-and frankly, it’s something I had been considering even before this most recent tragedy. If there is to be an end to the fighting, it must be done through the pen, and not the sword.”
As Comet stood, there was an uncomfortable murmuring across the room. Captain Anderson attempted to step forward, but was deterred as the queen held up her hand.
“Anderson, I thank you for your service to the crown, and to Leopold,” she said, “But I assure you, there is nothing you can say that will convince me otherwise.”
“I… understand,” the soldier said, and sighed. “I just hope you realize what you’re getting us into, Queen Comet.”
The queen solemnly nodded, and left the room. The meeting was over.
Queen Comet, Sovereign of Mewni,
I wept when I heard the news of your husband’s passing. He was a great Mewman, and though we were long foes, I had nothing but deep respect for his character and tactics. Even amongst us monsters, he will be sorely missed.
Your entreaties of peace come as a great relief to me. For too long have we monsters and mewmans fought each other, and I look forward to the day that our children may grow together and live together in peace and harmony.
As a precondition to formal negotiations, I have only one request: A face-to-face meeting at a neutral location, so that we may reaffirm to each other our desires for peace, and express what our visions for the future may be.
Humbly Yours,
Baron Hans Vongard
“It’s a trap,” Captain Anderson said, handing the parchment back to Comet. “Even if I were of the negotiatin’ inclination, we’ve captured enough orders from the Baron for me to know that ain’t his writing. We’re being set up.”
“By who, Anderson?” Comet snapped back, annoyed. “Your lust for war is blinding you to the best chance for peace we’ve had in generations. This message came through official channels, and was verified by the Royal Monster Expert. My husband himself said that Vongard sought peace, did he not?”
“Yes, my queen,” Anderson said evenly, “But I’m not sure you’re seeing the situation clearly. What you need is-“
“What I need right now is a bodyguard, Anderson,” Comet said, glaring. “Nothing more.”
Anderson opened his mouth to protest, but instead leaned back in the rocking carriage and glared at Comet with his one good eye. Comet, for her part, folded the letter and placed it in her pocket before looking out the window of the carriage, watching the scenery go by.
At last, the carriage stopped, and Comet and Anderson exited. Before them, the hulking ruin of an ancient castle loomed over the surrounding forest, and Comet unintentionally shivered as a cold breeze flowed past.
“Plateau Garden,” Anderson grumbled. “Last I heard, there’s still an active Tramorfidian crystal in there, can’t portal in or out. Hell of a place for an ambush.”
Comet glared at Anderson, and looked back at the carriage behind hers. Several more mewman soldiers and Knoll Johanson were exiting, and at the sight of Queen Comet the soldiers turned and saluted.
“We’re ready to go when you are, Ma’am,” the soldier at the head of the formation said. “Just lead the way.”
Comet looked at Knoll. “And what about you?”
The leader of the Johanson clan chuckled. “Me, in a diplomatic negotiation? Think I’ll stick with the original plan and guard the carriages. Call me in if you need something smashed.”
Comet nodded, and jerked her head at the soldiers. They quickly lined up in parade formation, and marched towards the large, rotted wooden door at the entrance to the castle. With more than a little exertion, they pulled it open to reveal a dark and damp chamber within.
Cautiously, Comet moved through the entrance of the castle, her eyes peeled for anything suspicious. Faded faces in ruined portraits lining the walls of the entrance hall stared back, but otherwise the immediate entrance appeared utterly lifeless.
“They must be further inside,” Comet said, frowning. “Anderson, have the guards deploy at the door and down the hall. If this is a trap, I don’t want us to be surprised.”
The Captain nodded, and began pointing to individual troops. The tight formation quickly dispersed into pairs of soldiers, each taking defensive positions down the hall as Comet walked through the damp corridor.
As the throne room came into view, Comet visibly relaxed. Standing in the middle of the chamber was the unmistakable form of Baron Vongard, surrounded by a small cluster of monsters with shields and spears. At the sight of Comet, the guards tensed up and began to raise their weapons, only for Vongard to wave them off.
“Queen Comet,” the monster leader said, “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, given your invitation, but I’m so glad you came!”
Comet chuckled nervously as she approached the large, green-furred monster, Anderson at her side. “Consider the feeling mutual, Vongard. But with both of us here, this is certainly an historic occasion!”
As Comet and Vongard continued to exchange pleasantries, Anderson looked around the room. A handful of monsters stood against the wall behind Vongard, though none of them were heavily armed, and certainly nothing Anderson couldn’t deal with by himself-let alone with the Queen. For a moment, he almost allowed himself to relax… until he saw the Lizard.
Few Mewmans had ever seen the Lizard and survived. Anderson was one of them, and the encounter had cost him fifteen men and his right eye. And as he recognized the Septarian leaning against the far wall, Anderson’s heart sank.
For his part, the Lizard caught Anderson’s eye, and grinned.
His heart pounding in his chest, Anderson turned to face the queen. “Queen Comet, we need to go. Now.”
Both Comet and Vongard turned to him, confused. “Uh, Captain,” Vongard began, “Pardon me for asking, but is there something wrong?”
All three stopped and turned towards the sound of the guttural scream. Before their horrified eyes, they saw a mewman soldier fall to the floor, his throat slit, with a grinning serpentine monster behind them. Twisting his head back, Anderson tried to look back at the Lizard, and saw the Septarian was already gone.
“Wha-what’s going on?” Vongard stammered, stepping backwards with his hands in the air. Another scream filled the room, and Anderson saw another guard fell dead-only this time, it was one of Vongard’s monsters.
Cursing loudly, Anderson drew his sword, trying to find the next assassin. Beside him, Comet reached down into the folds of her dress for her wand, only to grasp air.
“Of course,” she hissed, “Moon just-“
She stopped suddenly, and her face froze in a state of shock. As Anderson turned around, he saw with horror as the queen of Mewni fell to the ground, a dagger sticking out of her back.
“No!” Anderson shouted, and lunched forward to catch the queen. Just as his fingers caught her falling arm, a massive blow hit him in the side and lifted him off his feet. A second later, the Captain slammed into the stone wall of the chamber, and he crumpled to the floor. Tasting blood, Anderson painfully looked up and saw the Lizard marching towards him, his eyes narrowed.
“Captain Anderson,” he said flatly. “We meet again.”
“General, what are you doing?” Vongard shouted. “Do you realize what you’ve just-“
The Septarian snapped his fingers, and Vongard was knocked to the ground by a large, green Septarian, Before the Baron could react, the green Septarian punched him again in the face, knocking the monster leader cold.
Anderson coughed, spitting up blood. “You bloody fool,” he said in spite of the pain, “All that woman wanted was peace. You of all people should know what this means.”
The Lizard grinned, and squatted down to eye level with Anderson. “Perhaps, Captain,” he said, “But have you considered that not everyone wants peace? At least,” he said, “Not until, shall we say, certain debts are repaid.”
“You’ll never defeat the Butterfly kingdom, Lizard,” Anderson growled. “Not as long as we have out magic. Your people will suffer for this.”
The Septarian grinned. “Captain Anderson, you of all people should know that my ‘people’ are used to suffering at your hands, I believe they can stand a little more. And besides,” he said, leaning in close, and whispering so only Anderson could hear, “They can suffer for eternity so long as I get what I want.”
Before Anderson could respond, he gasped in pain as the Lizard plunged a knife into his abdomen. For a moment, he tried to fight back-but then his strength left him, and the soldier could do little more than slump forward as blackness overtook him.
The Lizard stepped back from the dying soldier and turned to look down at the queen. She had long since stopped moving, and in her hand she clutched a small locket. Curious, the Lizard leaned down and pried it from her hands, before opening it to reveal a small portrait of the queen and her daughter.
“Moon,” the Lizard said. “I suppose we’ll meet soon, won’t we?”
Then, closing the locket, he tossed it onto the Queen’s body and signaled to his surviving monsters. As he left the chamber, he couldn’t help but grin at how well the plan had gone.
One queen down, he thought to himself.
A kingdom to go.
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hellfire-saurian · 2 years
I gib the Grimlet a blob of peanut butter. I wanna see him just NOM … schmeck schmeck shmeck shmeck
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soundwavepod · 6 years
Soundwave Podcast 107ª Emissao Underg Nacional
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hellfire-saurian · 2 years
Tosses the Grimlet some handfuls of little kibble biscuits like feeding pigeons in the park
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