steakout-05 · 1 year
(DISCLAIMER: as of the 17th of August 2024, it was revealed that Craig is directly related to Barry, which obviously makes my Crarry art very awkward. this is here to say this was made before any of that was revealed and obviously wasn't intended to be a ship about... that.)
drew some ponays yesterday :)
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#barry steakfries#jetpack joyride#pinkie pie#my little pony#sorry if barry horse looks a little off i haven't drawn him in a hot minute#headcanon: Barry would be an earth pony cause he's a little too dim-witted to be a unicorn but he wouldn't be a pegasus because he found#a jetpack and can just use that to fly around now. he thinks it's cooler than a pair of wings anyway#and thinks everypony gets super jealous :D#Craig would be a unicorn because y'know.... he's kinda like book horse and he's a Certified Egghead™#his cutie mark would probably have something to do with invention or creativity#since some people theorise he's the scientist from Robot Bird and he keeps giving Brains ideas on how to make his guardbots better in JJ2#Brains would also be a unicorn#but probably created a potion or found a spell or made a mechanical pair of wings to make him into a (technical) alicorn#because y'know he wants power and is a mad scientist dude#his cutie mark would probably be something magic-mechanical related#since in Equestria the AOZ portals would be a type of magic and whatnot#so it'd make sense that his CM is slightly more magic related than Barry and Craig's#why am i just rambling about horses in the tags what the hay#also Pinkie and Barry would probably be the best of friends along with Rainbow Dash :)#Craig would hang out with Twilight and Fluttershy cause they're relatable to him#and Brains would probably join a league of mlp villains or something i dunno#you know that episode '28 Pranks Later'? yeah Brains would do that but with real zombies#anyway uhh.... horse boyfriends :)
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Regarding your Amnesiac Starscream AU concept: just as a little thought experiment, what do you think the other "Cons would be like as amnesiacs? Amnesiac!Blackarachnia would probably just be Elita-1, and personally I see Amnesiac!Blitzwing being quiet and intelligent like his Icy persona but also timid, sensitive, and a scaredy-cat (who's deathly afraid of the Autobots due to my headcanon that he was an AUtobot experiment as Blackarachnia experimenting on him was a Hasbro mandate and not the direction the writers wanted to take) and Animated!Shockwave being a dorky, emotional sweetheart who wants to use science to make the world a better place, but I'm not too sure how Amnesiac!Megatron and Amnesiac!Lugnut would act.
thanks for this question dear anon.
amnesiac blitzwing: he was a newly forged bot in the autobots rank, they were experimenting with making aerialbots to combat the decepticons, unfortunately, due to not having much knowledge on fliers anatomy and any records of such being purged in the times of the protectobots ruling, most of these newly forged bots either died, were not capable of fighting due to physical deformities and chorionic pain and other issues to date, the ones survived were experimented on and dissected, once the decepticons caught air of this they raided the autobots scientific facilities to rescue these trapped bots, amnesiac blitzwing is shaky, scared mess, almost feral in behavior and doesn’t trust anyone, his other personalities switching almost constantly and erratically, he hides away from anyone as a first respond, get too close and you will get severely mauled, he needs a hug.
amnesiac Megatron: he reverts to his mind set as a gladiator, he is deathly silent and extremely brutal, only ever seeming friendly with others of similar frametypes, while not as cunning or planning as his present self, he fights with great brutality and strength that most that face him are only found in parts, he is not a bot to be reckoned with.
amnesiac Lugnut: Lugnut was a royal guardbot to a family known in altihex as richest, he was often treated as a mere object and was punished if he does anything slightly off, once he heard Megatron speeches rallying bots to join his cause, to take down the cruel senate and council and never be treated unjustly based solely on frametypes, the poor guardbot was enraptured, he is a timid, soft spoken bot, twitchy and afraid of punishment due to his previous owners cruelty, but has strong determination and loyalty. 
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fanonical · 2 years
LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy Advent Calendar
Door 3
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today (okay, i understand this is over a week late. get over it 😳) we open the third door and are immediately greeted with instructions to build….. [loud googling noises] a Kyln Hoverbot. fucking apparently. hey man at least it has a wiki page!
after doing some googling and comparing with other reviews i can safely say i kinda remember these guys from the movies. they’re like… guardbot drones that i think patrol space prison? the build itself is quite good, it would be very recognisable were this a recognisable piece of marvel lore. alas, they are not.
7/10 for effort, and also for a little guy! you lose 3 points for me having to google it though
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roleplaying-grenade · 2 years
My son has been watching a lot of archaeology documentaries, like a lot, and today I saw a photo of ancient Greek architecture.
This immediately led to thoughts about Dungeons and Dragons and ttrpgs in general, as well as Wasters. So buckle up, this may ramble.
I think DnD shines best when you’re dungeon crawling. Big surprise, it’s not called Ballrooms and Beholders, although that game sounds sick.
The question that I frequently run against is ‘why dungeons?’
It doesn’t really make sense in most campaigns that a family of bugbears or guardbots have crafted a residence in neat 5x5 squares.
Here’s where we circle back. In the same way medieval Europeans walked on Roman roads, or modern archaeological digs extrapolate meanings, a party of adventurers should consistently be tramping over, under, around and through the remains of culture.
“But Ryan, what about just using caves as a setting? That seems way easier.”
You’re right! It doesn’t entail thinking about who ruled the land 2,000 years ago, or why elves don’t just remember all these things.
I think it’s more interesting, though.
A lived in world with history feels real and gives so much depth to a table.
“Okay. Reasonable, but how?”
After you’ve spent your thirty minutes thinking about who it was (make it gnomes, but that’s a second thread) just start sprinkling art. Art survives.
Empty tombs colonized and trapped by goblins are covered in the triptychs and reliefs of preFall elven burial practices and death beliefs.
Kobolde have hollowed out a mound and found an ancient orcish palace with murals, statuary and ornamental weapons.
It’s easy to watch any historical tv show or documentary and just dip your setting in it.
Does this seem a little colonizery, having bloodthirsty monster hunters and treasure seekers plumb the depths of a dead civilization? Yes.
Can we push back against that? Yes.
It’s crucial that you add in an NPC somewhere who is interested in this civilization and is OF this civilization, at least through ancestry or heritage. If the gnomish diaspora has been scattered for 5,000 years, having a single scholar be interested in logging places of importance and beginning to uncover their peoples lost history is needed.
If the orcish empire fell to the demonways 2,000 years ago, then a council of orcs needs to be searching for answers in the background to head off some recurrent threat.
Having these NPCs be able to guide and interface with, let’s you treat a lost or forgotten culture respectfully, as well as the type of thing that livens a world.
Also, elves live to 400 years max. Immortal species are the worst.
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prozesa · 1 year
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Te voy a mostrar algunos de los inventos más sorprendentes y fascinantes que existen en el mundo. Son tan increíbles que te dejarán con la boca abierta. Así que no te pierdas este vídeo y quédate hasta el final. Además, dale al "like", "suscríbete" al canal y activa la "campanita" para no perderte ningún vídeo. A continuación los INVENTOS SOPRENDENTES en un TOP 12: https://youtu.be/IOZB1x1SUSg Te puede interesar: - 🛻 Los VEHÍCULOS Más BRUTALES y EXTREMOS en un TOP 13 - 🏠 TECNOLOGÍAS de CONSTRUCCIÓN que debes VER en un TOP 12 Índice: - 0:00 Introducción - 0:19 Seawing - 1:21 ULTRA BLUE - 2:12 FlowStop - 2:58 Autofuel - 3:58 OmniFibers - 4:51 ARCA EcoRocket - 5:51 RidgeBlade - 6:45 GuardBot - 7:44 Petit Pli - 8:43 LiDR - 9:30 Elemental Water Makers - 10:19 Balmain B-IT Slides   Read the full article
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muyactual · 1 year
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Te voy a mostrar algunos de los inventos más sorprendentes y fascinantes que existen en el mundo. Son tan increíbles que te dejarán con la boca abierta. Así que no te pierdas este vídeo y quédate hasta el final. Además, dale al "like", "suscríbete" al canal y activa la "campanita" para no perderte ningún vídeo. A continuación los INVENTOS SOPRENDENTES en un TOP 12: https://youtu.be/IOZB1x1SUSg Te puede interesar: - 🛻 Los VEHÍCULOS Más BRUTALES y EXTREMOS en un TOP 13 - 🏠 TECNOLOGÍAS de CONSTRUCCIÓN que debes VER en un TOP 12 Índice: - 0:00 Introducción - 0:19 Seawing - 1:21 ULTRA BLUE - 2:12 FlowStop - 2:58 Autofuel - 3:58 OmniFibers - 4:51 ARCA EcoRocket - 5:51 RidgeBlade - 6:45 GuardBot - 7:44 Petit Pli - 8:43 LiDR - 9:30 Elemental Water Makers - 10:19 Balmain B-IT Slides   Read the full article
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chaimachi · 2 years
W Modern AU/No Powers AU where Fumine makes Fang as Philip’s personal little guard dog/robot, except he isn’t sentient and is just a high tech robot.
At first she made Fang to be a playmate/little robot pet for young Philip, but she added on more features as he got older. Philip develops a habit of wandering off when something catches his attention? She programs Fang to follow him and keep him safe, along with a way for her to track Fang. Philip begins to forget to eat while researching? She has Fang programmed to remind Philip of meal times.
It’s too much that her son’s pet robot’s jaw has enough force to dent metal? No it’s not, don’t bother her with that. It’s a danger that said robot can drag an adult male? No, that’s to drag Philip to the couch if he passes out while researching. 
Bonus: Fumine made little guardbot pets for Saeko and Wakana too, they would would be based on Taboo and Claydoll respectively. Their robots never became as advanced as Fang because the girls did not need some of the same features. Also, developing Fang became a kind of bonding activity for Fumine and Philip along with working on AU equivalents of some of the other W robots and machinery. 
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variantsnews · 4 years
人工智能正在改变这一切,在未来,机器将互相监视,以发现对方在做什么或计划做什么,而情报工作将继续窃取和保护秘密。但是,搜集、分析和传播这些秘密的方式,却将出现根本上的不同。 军方人员意识到了这种根本性变化的出现,部分人将人工智能系统的兴起及其对武器的控制能力称为一场“军事革命”,这也反映在情报部门所使用的智能工具中,他们将之称为“情报革命”(RIA)。 通过这场预期中的革命,机器将不再仅仅是搜集和分析情报信息的工具,而是将成为情报的使用者、决策者,以及其他自动化情报行动所打击的目标。 尽管人类的政治、社会、经济和军事关系仍然是这些机器的主要任务所在,但是将对这些信息进行分析的智能,却将以远超人类速度、动力与复杂性的方式来完成工作。
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 okay so. redrew that piece from yesterday, leaving it as a sketch and then using a digital coloring program to color it, and it came out MUCH better! @imlovehal here's the updated version! (plain sketch is under the cut)
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like obviously it's not perfect but I actually put the fucking details in and the tone of the art is more understandable I think? 
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indiegamesofcolor · 3 years
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[ID: A photoset containing four screenshots of the game robot-tea:1cup!
Image 1 shows the player character, Galine, standing behind a textbox that says, “Guarding a SpacePort on the planet Verdande isn’t too stressful. Most of your shifts are spent on admiring the bots that fly in from other planets.” Below the text box are the options skip, save, load, and prefs.
Image 2 shows Galine conversing with the character Revek who is saying, “If we fail terribly, we get scrapped.”
Image 3 shows Revek resting their head against Galine with the text box saying, “You wish Revek was awake so they could witness your victory.”
Image 4 shows the character Nadin saying, “Sorry to interrupt, but here’s your drinks! One Revek Special, and one Galine Usual!”
end ID.]
robo-tea:1cup! is a visual novel designed to be considerate and soothing! In a gentle story about queer robot characters, play as the guardbot Galine, who’s been given some interesting tasks. Let your worries disappear and meet some lovely bots as you find out what your cup of tea is!
For Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Developed by Josie Robo, a non-binary Desi game developer, illustrator, and fashion icon. They love making robot games and want to use them as a medium to help people find romance, share feelings, and encourage vulnerability. 
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Much better. They let out a little sleepy yawn and lean their little head against her. They were all tuckered out. It was midnight after all, much past any bedtime.
"Mmm mmah...."
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There we go.~ Beastie might feel a bit of movement in his cupped hands but that’s only because Oluu’chi is just shifting about to get comfy. A nice half loaf perfectly snug against the guardbot’s palm and themselves, combo heat to share with the sleepy fawn. Gives two licks to the forehead before sleeping herself. @shiningsilverarmor
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anon-e-miss · 4 years
If you still want to do that ask meme I would like to request "I'm not dead yet!"
“Autobots fall back to Alpha Grid.”
The order came as Jazz ducked behind some debris that had once been part of the plaza. He cursed as Seeker missiles spat rubble in all direction. His visor was cracked, his lipplate split. In the thick of battle, he felt none of it. Somewhere beneath Fort Scyk his friends were being held captive, and Jazz had no intention of falling back, and leaving them to their fate. He knew they  would not have left him if their situations were reversed.
He pretended he had not heard Prowl’s order. Jazz chose to believe it did not apply to him although knowing Prowl it most likely did. As the Autobots fell back, they drew the Seeker fire away the plaza beyond the Fort’s walls and he effortlessly slipped inside. The battle for Stanix played out at his back, and he paid it no mind. It was a mere coincidence that he had chosen this mega-cycle to launch his rescue mission. He had been operating on radio silence as HQ had been planning their attack. Prowl had ordered him to clear  the area, once the Autobots had taken up their position, Jazz had politely declined. The battle would be a good distraction. And it was, though it also served up a few complications.
As he descended down the many floors to the dungeons, the Decepticon base shuddered with Autobot shells. Jazz hoped they did not drop it down on his helm before he got Mirage  and Hound out of this Pit. He passed no Decepticons on his way down to the dungeon. The Autobots were giving them enough to worry about that every spark was out in the thick of it. Really, firefights did serve as excellent cover. The base shuddered violently and ceiling panels fell as Jazz covered his helm.
“Autobot Jazz, fall back,” Prowl spoke directly to him. “The Decepticons will not be held back.The mission has failed.”
“I ain’t dead yet.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“I ain’t dead yet, so the mission ain’t either.”
Ruthlessly, he cut the commlink. Prowl was a great many things, and a great many of them admirable. One of the things Jazz found more confounding than admirable was his caution. As long as he was running free, his mission was not lost, and neither was his team. Though the ceiling above him continued to rumble, Jazz ignored it, and the growing danger. Within a bream he was at the door to his friends’ cell. In another two kliks, he had lock busted, and Mirage and Hound free.
They were battered, but they were alive. Jazz led them out from where he had come, scout and spy limping badly but still ambulatory. Ratchet would probably have a field day with them once they ended up in his tender mercies, but that would wait. The only blessing Jazz could say for his friends being tortured was that at least it had bought him a few mega-cycles to  get to them. When they slipped out of the Fort, slowed by their limping, Jazz reconnected his commlink.
“Retrieval complete. Falling back to Alpha grid.”
“Negative, the road has been cut. Fall back to Delta grid, the retreat will be from the south.”
They had barely made it beyond the plaza when fire and brimestone rained down on the fort. The obliteration was total. So that was what Prowl had been waiting for. It had been generous of him not to just send in the bombers while Jazz had been climbing down to the bowels of the fort. Jazz imagined Prowl would have called that “acceptable losses”. It was a relief to see Trailbreaker, three breams after they had escaped the destruction of the fort. Mirage and Hound were quickly ferried away by a field medic. Jazz lent his blaster to the fight. He saw Prime. He saw the Twins.
“Prowl, what’re yer guardbots doin’ down here?”
“The Vanguard suffered heavy losses,” Prowl replied. “They are his guard now.”
“Sounds like it’s time for ya to  fall back.”
“It is too late. The road is gone and I am surrounded by Seekers.”
“Fraggin’ Pit.”
Jazz looked  north and west and saw Seekers circling the old observatory Prowl had taken over to be his tactical suite. He watched one of the vulture’s fall from the sky. They may  have scented death but their quarry was not  dead just yet. Jazz scanned the skyline and the terrain. With just a quick nod to Trailbreaker, he transformed and drove for Alpha Grid.
“Comin’ to spring ya,” Jazz declared.
“Negative. The roads are out and more Seekers are in bound. Find Optimus and keep the retreat orderly.”
“That’s yer job.”
“I am afraid I will be otherwise engaged.”
“Frag that, ‘m on my way.”
“Jazz, that mission is a failure. There is no logic in us both falling into Decepticon servos. Cut your losses, now.”
There was no arguing with the mech. Jazz continued his way north. As Seeker flew above him, Jazz shot them down, tried to at least. They were not bombing the observatory, it could have easily been done. Instead they circled the observatory, and shot out the windows as they got in close. Some got too close and fell to acid rounds, but the rest circled, and took their pot shots. They were not trying to kill Prowl, he realized, they were trying to catch him. A quick comm to Optimus saw the Prime rallying, and renewing their assault against their Decepticon foes.Faced with those canons, some Seeker trines were called back to the fight. Jazz grinned as he picked those remaining off, one at a time. Suddenly, it was quiet. The Seekers were dead or dying, or engaged with the core of the army. He saw Prowl look out a shattered window. They made optic contact.
“I ain’t dead yet.”
“What are you going on about?” Prowl asked as he stepped out of the observatory. He had suffered some shrapnel wounds at some point, but the Praxian was looking fit, and as formidable as ever.
“Mission ain’t a failure as long as ‘m ventilating.”
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switchedflip · 4 years
Repost, don’t reblog.
full name. Citynetics Workbot Unit C-8 5779. or, yknow, just switch. never bothered to come up with a last name for himself
nickname. very often called “dude” or “bro”, mostly by raptor. not really a nickname but regularly gets called shit like “tin can” or “scrap” by hecklers.
gender. dude, he/him
height. six foot even
age. he was manufactured five years ago, but being a construction bot, he was built to have the sense of someone in At Least their mid 20s to work a dangerous job and be personable to human workers. now, he’s got the attitude of a college dropout, so he’s mentally like 21
zodiac. he didn’t want his birthday to be the same day that the other bots were manufactured, so when he became lucid, he gave himself a new birthday. the thing is, he had two days in mind, but he didn’t want to pick between them. so, his birthdays are september 19th and october 28th, the anniversaries of the release dates of tony hawk’s pro skater 2 and 3, making him a virgo and a scorpio. whatever one he chooses that year is anyone’s guess
spoken languages. he was programmed knowing english and spanish, but he downloaded a japanese patch as well after he went lucid
hair color. bald! bald! bald!
eye color. glowing yellow. they look really sick in the dark
skin tone. burnished steel. he really needs to get himself polished again
accent. is bitcrushed an accent? otherwise, he’s very much got the speech patterns of someone from coastal socal, very much has that flavor of “surfer dude”. what the fuck kind of guy in probably 21XX says gnarly unironically?
voice. did you know switch has the longest set of voice clips in the game? i think that’s neat
dominant hand. okay, being a robot he doesn’t have a dominant hand, so he’s ambidextrous, but he did program himself to have a dominant foot. bear with me on this. you see, in skating, you generally have your dominant foot be the one on the back of the board to have better control. he programmed himself to have his left foot be his dominant foot so he could be goofy footed
posture. he’s just got a habit of standing up straight, he probably can’t even bend much around the waist. 
tattoos. his arm guards being decked out and bolted on is kinda close? i’ll call that tattoos, just short of actually engraving his chassis
birthmarks. speaking of chassis engravings! his barebones frame under his main chest piece is engraved with the citynetics logo in a few places, as are a lot of his other more fiddly parts
noticeable feature(s). he’s decked himself out A Lot compared to other citynetics workbots so he doesn’t get lost in a crowd. for one, he wears pants and shoes. but also, he’s done away with any safety markings on his parts, he’s modified his chestpiece to have much more appealing lights, and his armguards-- which match his board no less? he’s curated his style to fit himself perfectly
place of birth. he was manufactured in the main citynetics factory in shine city!
birth weight. probably at least 200 pounds? robots arent light, especially ones meant to do construction projects
birth height. still six feet
manner of birth. conveyor belt construction line, put together with giant machinery like all the other bots
first words. when he was first activated? he just rattled off his standard boot-up phrases. thank you for choosing citynetics blah blah. his first word when he was freshly lucid was “what?”
siblings. technically 9999 others in his manufacturing group. raptor’s his only Real brother though
parents. do you count foremen of the factory?
parental involvement. nah
sexual orientation. please do not try and fuck the robot
romantic orientation. gay as hell
love language. physical touch and words of affirmation. for the physical touch thing, yeah he might not have the best touch sensors out there, but he still likes like. holding hands and cuddling and stuff. its nice and, for lack of a better way of putting it, it makes him feel like he’s close to a human way of expressing love, yknow?
relationship tendencies. he WILL make a mixtape and IT WILL have daft punk on it. he’s very chill in a relationship, though. he doesn’t do big grand romantic gestures, and generally things dont change much between him and his partner. he’s still a dumbass, he’s still chill, he just likes holding hands and maybe gets into movies for half off by pretending to be a guardbot or something
character’s theme song. sk8er boi his home stage in blaze is the abandoned pool with this as the theme, so That Works. but if you ask me, i heavily associate him with this song from ollie king,
mental illnesses. not a mental illness, but he’s got some shades of neurodivergency. he’s got some flavor of adhd, or as he likes to call it, 80HD. otherwise, a while back he was in a pretty bad depressive spiral for being where he was. like, things were easier when he was a braindead bot, or if he was fully human, not somewhere in between. now, he’s mostly gotten over that rough patch with the help of his bro and some other friends in the league
self-confidence level. oh he is super confident 64. like, genuinely, he’s probably one of the cockiest members of the league, with boasts such as “i’m not programmed to lose”. it doesn’t stop at him being competitive, he’s open and easygoing, personable but strong in his convictions
vulnerabilities. he IS still a robot, so anything that messes with machinery will fuck him up. you can also get to him if you mess with someone he cares about
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kineticpenguin · 5 years
So, I played the Final Fantasy 7 Remake demo, and I have some thoughts about that. Spoiler-free assessment? A resounding “meh.” I won’t be pre-ordering, maybe waiting for a sale.
 Spoilers below under the cut:
At first, I thought they’d made some pretty cool changes. The introductory cutscene with Aerith in the alleyway is expanded a bit, and does a pretty good job of making her look kinda like this one note of light in a dark and completely indifferent city. That was good.
The problems start the moment Avalanche gets off the train, and I began to realize that the game wasn’t simply being expounded on, it was being intensively over-produced in the sort of way the modern Final Fantasy series have been: Injecting goofy, out-of-place anime antics constantly in places they don’t belong.
Jessie can’t stop going on about how hot Cloud is, Wedge just awkwardly stands in front of Cloud with a big cheesy grin giving him a thumbs-up out of nowhere, Biggs is an afterthought and Barret isn’t just angry, he’s completely insane. Like the dude has some weird furious/mirthful switch that constantly flicks up and down, sometimes within the same sentence. He’s like B.A. Baracus as written by Joe Biden.
Next is the combat. I’m 200% not a fan. Changing the game from turn-based to a hack-and-slash just makes it feel like tedious button-mashing, and the ATB system, where you have to build meter by attacking in order to cast spells, use abilities or even use items, is completely obnoxious. It’d be one thing if you had unlimited access to those things outside of the ATB meter, but you still have a limited inventory and an MP pool to cast spells from.
Look, Square, we need to talk. People who hate turn-based combat don’t play Final Fantasy games. They make angry YouTube videos about how JRPGs suck and they can’t believe they’ve been forced to review another one. Stop being embarrassed of turn-based combat. It’s fine.
Then, since everything’s overproduced, we get more cutscenes that show that Avalanche was too incompetent to blow up the reactor with their dinky bomb, so President Shinra makes the guardbots go haywire and do it for you. Oh, fuck you. Let the ecoterrorists be fucking ecoterrorists you cowards.
And, finally, Squanix dubs still can’t stop making everyone grunt unnecessarily like Speed Racer. I kinda wish localization teams would just ignore every “oh ah uh ugh” prompt they can get away with.
But, y’know, it’s a prettier FF7, so it at least delivers the one thing fans have been asking for for over 20 years.
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roleplaying-grenade · 2 years
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Dungeon23 1/5: Security
Room 5 gives us the security office. Where a lone officer could provide security overwatch. An emergency powered computer can be charged and then hacked to provide visuals from the floors below, and in the desk we can find a pistol and some armor piercing rounds. We see various glimpses of the floors below. Floor two shows a recreation area and guardbots patrolling, floor three shows an office with bright nuclear warnings, floor four shows dirt floors and past that we’ll have to come back and see what we have after we write floors.
AP rounds do half of the harm rolled directly to the enemy’s health while the other half still chips at the armor. A d6 pistol is also in the room.
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prozesa · 1 year
12 Inventos que te sorprenderán [VÍDEO]
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Los inventos sorprendentes son aquellos que nos hacen ver el mundo de una manera diferente, que nos facilitan la vida o que nos divierten con su originalidad. A continuación el vídeo con 12 Inventos que te sorprenderán: https://youtu.be/IsnQ_wP8UZw También puedes ver: 11 Prototipos del Futuro Índice: - 00:16 Seawing. - 01:18 ULTRA BLUE. - 02:11 FlowStop. - 02:58 Autofuel. - 03:59 OmniFibers. - 04:52 ARCA EcoRocket. - 05:53 RidgeBlade. - 06:36 GuardBot. - 07:35 Petit Pli. - 08:35 LiDR. - 09:25 Elemental Water Makers. - 10:13 Balmain B-IT Slides. Read the full article
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