#Guatama Buddha
marie-is-seein-stars · 3 months
Chinese Culture and Tradition
Centuries-old traditions still play an extremely important role in Chinese culture. Many of these traditions are rooted in Eastern philosophy and religion.
One of the most influential philosophies in Chinese history is Confucianism. Developed through the teachings of Confucius, this philosophy expresses confidence in an orderly and ethical society. To maintain that order, Confucianism stresses respect for government and family elders.
Click on the link below to access the Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia™ article "Confucianism."Confucianism
Another major Chinese religion is Buddhism. It is based on the teachings of Gautama Buddha. As a young man, Gautama renounced his position of privilege in a royal family and became a humble monk in search of ultimate truth. His experiences led him to draw conclusions about the causes of suffering and the path to freedom from that suffering.
A third major Chinese religion is Daoism, also known as Taoism. The term Tao refers to the "way" or the "path." Tao also refers to the source and force behind all existence.
Historical Background
China has been ruled by a communist regime since 1949. However, over the past several decades, political changes have resulted in capitalist reforms and a booming industrial economy. To understand the factors driving today’s growth, it is important to understand a bit about China’s past.
Qing (Ch'ing) Dynasty
Over a span of almost 4,000 years, China was host to nearly 20 dynasties. The last dynasty was the Qing (Ch'ing) Dynasty, which ruled from 1644 to 1911. It was under the Qing Dynasty that China began to slowly open its doors to trade with the West.
Great Britain in particular was interested in trading with China. During the 1800s, the Qing Dynasty allowed the exchange of Chinese pottery for imported English furs. However, Great Britain and other Western powers were soon frustrated by the strict regulations imposed by the Qing rulers over European trade.
Click on the link below to access the Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia™ article "Qing (Ch'ing) (Dynasty)."Qing (Ch'ing)(Dynasty)
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The farming of tea is still a massive economic industry in China. (Photo by Ke Wang, Shutterstock.com)
"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist." -- Dom Helder Camara, Brazilian Archbishop
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kkdas · 1 year
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Buddha sky
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blogdemocratesjr · 2 years
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Nam June Paik – TV Buddha (Bronze Seated Buddha), 2004, Video installation with closed-circuit camera, black and white JVC television, and bronze Buddha statue with permanent oil marker, 55 × 50.8 × 40.6 cm (21 11/16 × 20 × 16 in.), Harvard Art Museums
What does it mean—to be ‘dimly clairvoyant’, or ‘clairvoyant’? To be clairvoyant means to be able to use the organs of the etheric body. When a man is able to use the organs of his astral body only, he can, it is true, inwardly feel and experience profound mysteries, but there can be no actual vision. Clairvoyance cannot arise until what is experienced in the astral body makes its ‘impress’ in the etheric body. Even the old, dim clairvoyance originated from the fact that in the etheric body, which had not yet passed completely into the physical body, there were organs which it was still possible for ancient humanity to use. What, therefore, was it that men lost in the course of time? They lost the capacity to use the organs of the etheric body. They were obliged to make use of the external organs of the physical body only, experiencing in the astral body, in the form of thoughts, feelings and mental pictures, what the physical body transmitted. All this passed through the soul of the great Buddha as the expression of what he experienced. He said to himself: ‘Men have lost the capacity to use the organs of their etheric bodies. They experience in their astral bodies what they learn from the outer world through the instrumentality of their physical bodies.’
—Rudolf Steiner, The Gospel of St. Luke: Lecture III
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mayasaura · 2 years
I don't have the book at hand to quote, but what struck me when I was reading it was John going desperately from how he had to make them his hands and fingers!! to keep them!! he IMMEDIATELY segues into how he's so sad he had to feed the revenant beasts his fingers to keep them away :( it was so awful that they made him do that :( like he makes them possessions then having objectified them he justifies having to destroy his Things to keep himself safe. which I think is where he and Harrow are going to diverge. (noting that they've already taken very different tactics as far as the order of what gets kept safe)
It's the very next line! This quote picks up exactly where the last one left off:
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That's definitely a legit way to read this passage, though it's not the way I prefer to. I mean. Hypocrisy found in God, fork found in kitchen. Come on. But yeah, that's an undeniably fucked up trajectory.
More seriously, I see John's chapters of Nona the Ninth as a confession, rather than as a justification. It's not meant to be coherent or consistant, just emotionally honest. He's expressing how he felt in the moments he made his decisions and asking to be understood, but he's not asking to be affirmed, or forgiven. "Just as there can be no forgiveness for me," and all.
The way in which his story does make sense—the way he's choosing to frame it—is fascinating for what it shows about John and what he's so deeply afraid of, in his heart of hearts. He loved them, and he sacrificed them, and then he sacrificed them again, but at least they didn't leave him.
And yet even in his confession there are still levels on which he seems to sincerely not understand what he's done wrong—mostly surrounding the autonomy and personhood of other people. Like you said, he objectifies people. He loves them as extensions of himself, because that is the only thing he understands as being real. He has no peers, as he is God. His closest friends are his fists and gestures, the fingers on his hand. As necessary to him as a limb, and losing them cripples him, but he doesn't understand them as people in their own right at all. And that lack of respect and understanding leads to him treating them horrifically.
It's kind of sad, in a way. Not to jump tracks completely, but the way John loves reminds me of this quote from episode 55 of Welcome to Night Vale:
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It's presented in the context of a romantic couple, but it works more broadly. lt seems like the only way John knows how to love is by subsuming what he loves into himself, becoming one. Leaving him once again alone.
What's interesting is that he appears to know this about himself. Right in this quote, he directly compares himself to the Resurrection Beasts. Revenants that crack open worlds to eat their souls for sustenance, then pack the dead shells onto their exteriors to become part of themselves. As he sees it, the difference is that the Resurrection Beasts will eventually be satisfied. He won't be.
As for the parallels between John and Harrow, I don't think we need to look for where they're going to diverge. I think we can point to where they already have. And it's a fair comparison, to a time before John was God.
Look at John's reaction to his cult schisming, here:
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He loves his friends, but he doesn't trust them. Deep down, he believes their love is conditional. If he fucks up, if he's caught slipping, if he admits he's wrong, he'll lose them. He's terrified of anyone finding out he's flawed, of the ugly parts of him being known, because he's certain anyone who sees that part of him will leave. He's gone ten thousand years like that, compounding lies to make them stay.
Harrow has a similarly harsh expectation of herself, but she's already taken her leap of faith, and let the mask drop. She's told the people she loves exactly who and what she is, with the full expectation they would punish or abandon her for it. With the full expectation Gideon would kill her for it, in the pool scene. And Gideon embraced her. She confronted Ortus with her failings in the River, and Ortus comforted her, and still chose to stay and risk his life to save her.
The people who loved John would have done the same for him. Did do the same for him. They stayed through his breakdown, they stayed by his side until it killed them, but John could never let his guard down enough to trust that they would have done it just for him. He couldn't submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known.
This is all, of course, working with the basic premise that the way John treats people is horrific, and he did have all the opportunites in the world to stop. He could have taken that plunge any time in the ten thousand and thirty-something years he's been alive, if he'd been strong enough to accept the consequences or believed in the rewards. It was all so fucking avoidable, but here we are. My favorite kind of tragedy.
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fortunaestalta · 5 months
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platinumrosetail · 11 months
So I’m planning on making two different record of ragnarok books.
One for Buddha x female!reader and the other one a reverse harem.
I only have the Buddha x reader idea so I’ll be putting done some of my ideas for the various one but first I would like to show y’all the Buddha x reader fanfic idea!
The idea is: the reader was the wife to guatama siddhartha otherwise known as Buddha in the future. After her husband left she didn’t really have anything to do in that world so she took her son and left back to her world; the world full of magic almost ever turn you look if you’re able to see the rukh that flows in that world. After the battle with the medium she and her son were summoned and meet with two Valkyrie sisters; brunhilde, and göll. The reader joined in the fight to save humanity even if the humans are from another world.
The reader will be the sibling to Solomon and daughter to David from magi (such a underrated series that needs more seasons 😭)
Now onto the ror male various x F&M!reader ideas!
1: x Pokémon!reader (arceus, Pokémon trainer, or mew) (arceus and mew might have connections with some of the characters as in relation to those specific characters)
2: x genshin impact!reader
3: x atla/lok!reader
4: x one punch man!reader
5: x seven deadly sins!reader
6: x fairy tail!reader (going to need to watch from where I left off from). Vote: 1
7: x naruto!reader
8: x jjk!reader
9: x mha!reader
10: x venom!reader
11: x herobrine!reader
12: x Ben 10!reader
13: x magi!reader (different one from the idea above)
14: x scarlet witch!reader
There were others but I would need to start watching them so I had to leave them out because I have either not watched it entirely or still on the first few episodes though I might add them once I further down the episodes/season if I can (I procrastinate like a lot 😅)
Ways to vote is by commenting, though you can also message me if you want to do that way
So the one with the most vote will be the one I’ll make for the male various fanfic. 😁
Hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!
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Modern Teacher Buddha x Depressed Student Reader
I can’t even remember what day it is. Yes I can, it’s Wednesday. I just don’t care. I don’t really want the weekend to come. I hate school at the same time like being here over home. I had friends, but they didn’t understand. I started feeling bad years ago, so they haven’t noticed I’ve been off for so long. My parents of course just think it’s my age. And maybe it is. Well not mostly that’s for sure. Yeah the anxiety and worsening body image probably didn’t help. But I know it was before that. I am so bubbly at school though.
Sometimes I wanna kick myself for saying ‘I’m fine’ or ‘I’m doing well!’ whenever someone asks me how I’m doing. Like no I’m not. And sometimes I just wanna stop and say ‘You know what I’m not fine’
I just want to cry and get it all out. But I don’t. I just carry on. School, home, some after school or weekend stuff. It all blurs. Sometimes I feel my best in my religions class. It’s an elective I had to take because I waited too long to select my classes and all the other ones were closed. Even if I don’t really care what we’re learning that day, I love my teacher. Buddha we call him but his last name is Mr. Guatama. He’s just such an interesting teacher. He’s so casual and laid back. Sometimes honestly he’s a little lazy about his teaching, but I love his class so much I don’t care. He’s so friendly to me. One time I took some candy off his desk from this bowl he had and he came in and IMMEDIATELY noticed it was gone. He threated to give us a quiz and give us all F’s for it if no one came forward.
I was really surprised the next day I came in and my grade was a lot lower. So after school I went and bought him a bag of candy and kept it in my bag until everyone left. Then I went up to his desk. I can still remember the conversation. 
‘M-Mr. Guatama?’ He usually didn’t make me nervous because he was so nice but the fact he actually punished everyone, I thought he was really mad. He looked up at me his eyes a little confused. I kept to myself a lot and didn’t usually talk in class unless he forced me.
‘Yes (Y/N)?’ He asked. I held up the bag and looked away.
‘I b-bought you some new candy, because I took yours yesterday.’ The other part was barely audible.
I think he actually forgot about it because he didn’t get it at first and looked at me up and down. Then it clicked.
‘Ohhhh it was YOU?!’ He said in his loud voice. I nodded 
‘I’m sorry I thought it was for everyone. I didn’t mean to’ I said sheepishly. He laughed
‘Oh my dear I forgot about that’ He laughed again ‘You could’ve gone the whole year and I never would have caught on.’ 
I tilted my head at him.
‘But you said you’d fail us and then our grades were lower today.’ Now he looked confused.
‘Eh?’ He went through his computer and after a few clicks he said ‘Ah here you are.’ He looked for a few seconds and then looked back at me taking his glasses off. 
‘Oh you forgot to turn in three assignments’ He said.
I deadpanned. ‘Oh…..’ He erupted again laughing and wiped his eyes. 
‘(Y/N) I WISH I could do that.’ He kept on
‘Thank you for the candy I do appreciate it,’ I felt my heart swell, ‘Here y’know what just turn in what you missed and I’ll fix your grade it’ll be like nothing happened.’ He said smiling and I got all flustered. 
‘Thank you I’ll do that tonight!’ I told him
‘Alright get on home then’. He said, giving me a wink. I blushed and ran out muttering another goodbye. From that day on, he would target me. Sometimes embarrass me in class but never in a way that humiliated me. And he’d say hi to me in the hall. It felt nice having that. 
Whenever he was eating the candy I bought him, he’d give me an ‘angry’ stare and eat carefully. 
Yeah his class helped a lot with what I was going though. I needed more of that comfort. Sometimes I wanted to go to him and spill my guts to him. 
I just felt so much at ease and my anxiety would dissipate when I was in his class. I wanted a dad like him. 
Things were getting worse lately and it made my mood more depressed. I dragged my feet more. My focus was bad and if I did talk it sounded dull. I didn’t think anyone noticed, I barely felt like I was there. 
Today was the worst and I couldn’t hide anything. In Buddha’s class, I sat with my head in my hand barely keeping up. I don’t think I heard a word of what he said. Which was surprising. I hadn’t seen it but he kept looking worriedly at me all class long. He also didn’t poke fun at me. No one really noticed because he poked fun at a lot of people. When class dismissed I stood up and trudged towards the door. I was moving slowly, even packing up my bag so everyone was almost out. 
A hand clamped on my shoulder. I jumped at the contact and faced Buddha. He looked shocked at my violent reaction and moved to shut the door. He pulled a chair next to his desk.
‘Sit down.’ He said softly. I perked up at this, he usually spoke so boldly, I never heard him sound so…careful. 
I sat down and dropped my bag to the floor. I felt awkward looking at him.
‘(Y/N) are you okay?’ I looked at him for a bit, I was shocked he paid that much attention.
‘Just all week you looked so quiet and upset. I always thought you were shy, but you look exhausted.’ He said. I opened and closed my mouth. I felt the tears coming but I held out. 
‘And I just touched your shoulder and you looked so frightened I didn’t expect such a bad reaction.’
‘T-There’s just a lot.’ I started. ‘I d-don’t know how to…how to explain it, I’m. I’m just uh, going through a hard time.’ I looked away from him. I turned my head up to stop the tears for a moment. I didn’t know what else to do. 
He put his hand on my knee and I jumped again. He pulled back. He looked really upset himself.
Then he put his hand back on my knee and said. ‘I’m sorry’ Right then I felt like he understood.
‘You can always talk to me.’ He said never looking away.
‘Of course’
‘Even right now?’ He nodded at me and squeezed my knee. And then  I began
For a bit I tried dancing around what I really meant, but he connected the dots and asked me the truth. I told him. I told him so much and God the more I said the more my heart felt free and less heavy. I held in so much for God only knows how long and he listened to every word. Every now and then he said he was sorry or squeezed my knee again. 
Then I started crying. My voice kept quivering but until the end I held my tears back. Then the shame kicked in and I stopped talking and cried into my hands. 
He stood abruptly and pulled me up. I still didn’t look at him as he pulled me into a hug. He held me against him, one hand rubbing my back the other holding my head. After a while I moved my hands from my eyes and hugged him back. I kept crying into his shirt. Then he kissed my head. And I stopped crying. He did it a couple more times until I calmed down. When He pulled away to look at me I could barely look back. 
‘(Y/N), you’re a smart, beautiful, young woman. And all that you went through just makes you stronger. Please don’t hold back you can vent to me whenever you need it.’ I nodded at him and wiped my nose. I panicked when I saw the mess I left on his shirt. 
‘I’m so sorry!’ I felt so guilty
‘Oh don’t be’ He was trying to reassure me
‘I’ve had worse squirted on me.’ We were both quiet for a second.
‘Okay FUCK that came out wrong.’ And I laughed. Hard. He looked at me surprised.
‘You have such a cute laugh when it’s genuine.’ He commented. I blushed at him.
‘Thank you Buddha.’ I said. Now he really laughed at me. 
‘Whaaat?’ He asked. I blushed again.
‘That’s what you call me that’s great.’ I laughed with him. Then I got a little sad. 
‘I guess I should go home now.’ I said he looked at me empathetically. 
‘I’m always here for you (Y/N).’ He told me hugging me again.
‘I promise’
~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~
‘Omg omg omg omgggg!!!’ I exclaimed running up to Buddha. I jumped onto him and hugged him. He chuckled. 
‘Good news?’
‘The best!’ He waited for me to answer.
‘I got into my first choice college!’ I was so excited. He spun me around
‘Ayyyye I knew you could do it.’ It was him though, he helped me boost my grades and with applications and gave me constant reassurance. He had given me his number so I could text him when I needed him. 
‘I need to pack, I need to get my books I need to BUY BED CURTAINS.’ I spoke dramatically He laughed at me.
‘(Y/N) it’s not until the fall calm down’ He said ruffling my hair. I smiled up at him.
‘Thank you so much’ 
‘It was all you.’
‘But I needed your help’ I told him.
‘Promise you’ll come visit me?’ I asked looking up at him.
He smiled.
‘I promise’
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sketching-shark · 10 months
Hello 👋
I hope you don't mind me asking but what is the difference between a Buddha and a Bodhisattva?
Okay, so while keeping in mind that I'm a very raw beginner in understanding Buddhism and that this certainly doesn't involve everything these terms mean, a good working definition seems to be that a bodhisattva is an awakened being who has absolute sympathy for humanity and has devoted themselves both to helping humanity and to the goal of complete enlightenment, i.e. resolved to become a buddha, and a buddha is one who has achieved enlightenment.
That said, it should also be kept in mind that the Buddha is the holy name of Siddartha Guatama after he achieved enlightenment--he was in fact the first person to do so--and that he has a perfect understanding on the nature of things and acts as a mentor to help sentient beings learn how to relieve themselves from suffering and the cycle of reincarnation. There does also seem to be a tradition that says that the Buddha is the enlightened human, and while all humans are the non-Buddha, all sentient creatures have a Buddha nature and contain the potential of becoming the Buddha. Bodhisattvas furthermore also often seem to be understood as beings that have already achieved enlightenment, but then return to help humans. The bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, who would later become the goddess of mercy Guanyin, is a good example of this.
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fullwitchjellyfish · 1 month
However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them? ― Buddha Siddhartha Guatama Shakyamuni
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theredpharaoah · 2 months
Eli’s plot as pseudo-Jesus kinda makes no sense. The Xena timeline is a scribble so we won’t even go into that; unless he’s supposed to be the prophet Elijah. But he seems to be presented more as a Jesus than an Elijah, and there was no Jezebel or any other parts of Elijah’s story in the show I can think of. But above all; the order of the Gods doesn’t fall. They replace the pagan gods with one God that could be argued to be just as cruel -if not crueler. People worship the Christian God in the same manner they do the pagan gods pretty much. They trade out the other gods for angels and saints. They change the scenery but not the situation. I feel like this wasn’t a smart move to make as getting rid of the Gods took a lot from the story to me. They could’ve easily just had Gabrielle and Xena run across Siddhartha Guatama(Buddha), or one of the many other benevolent/peaceful figures we’ve had in cultures around the world. And they could’ve worked Alexander The Great into that too, cuz when his army went to India it started a new
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immortalquoteschannel · 5 months
“There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills.” Buddha Siddhartha Guatama Shakyamuni
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wisdom-and-such · 2 years
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Vairocana is a celestial or cosmic Buddha, or sometimes interpreted as a primordial Buddha, or later as the Dharmakāya of the Guatama Buddha. Dharmakāya is one of the three bodies (trikāya) of a buddha in Mahāyāna Buddhism. The dharmakāya constitutes the unmanifested, "inconceivable" (acintya) aspect of a buddha out of which buddhas arise and to which they return after their dissolution.
A sutra ‘Vairocana’s Awakening Sutra’ is an early Tantric manual. It begins in the celestial palace symbolizing all existence with the Vairocana Buddha conversing with a disciple. 
read an English translation here
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sumrot · 2 years
It’s not a flex to do drugs because if i could do them i would but if i did then the sky would open up and god and jesus and guatama buddha would have a channel through which they could communicate with me and mary magdalene would hold me and the devil would take my flesh and the elf prince would sing me a song. So I can’t do them. If you can get high good for you ig but i can’t because i am special and can open channels that way. Not everyone is gods favorite girl
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blogdemocratesjr · 1 year
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Joan of Arc by dashinvaine
All the popular religions in the world are made apprehensible by an array of legendary personages, with an Almighty Father, and sometimes a mother and divine child, as the central figures. These are presented to the mind's eye in childhood; and the result is a hallucination which persists strongly throughout life when it has been well impressed. Thus all the thinking of the hallucinated adult about the fountain of inspiration which is continually flowing in the universe, or about the promptings of virtue and the revulsions of shame: in short, about aspiration and conscience, both of which forces are matters of fact more obvious than electro-magnetism, is thinking in terms of the celestial vision. And when in the case of exceptionally imaginative persons, especially those practising certain appropriate austerities, the hallucination extends from the mind's eye to the body's, the visionary sees Krishna or the Buddha or the Blessed Virgin or St Catherine as the case may be.
—George Bernard Shaw, Saint Joan
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from Amy and Prajna ART :: [Red Pine (translator) :: Bill Porter (author)]
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“It is like a lighted torch whose flame can be distributed to ever so many other torches which people may bring along; and therewith they will cook food and dispel darkness, while the original torch itself remains burning ever the same. It is even so with the bliss of the Way.”
― Buddha Siddhartha Guatama Shakyamuni, The Sutra Of The Forty-Two Sections
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heartcosmicsoul · 2 years
“By thoughtfulness, by restraint and self-control, the wise man may make for himself an island which no flood can overwhelm.”
- Guatama Buddha
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