#Gudrun Gabriel
silas-knits · 1 year
sorry this is anon but I'm very shy :^) I had a few suggestions for you to take a look at for your alt/goth etc collection! these are all on ravelry & i apolgize if i suggest any already there. I think Sylvie Damey, Alyson Gunstone-Lowans, and Shelby Daft all have several patterns that might suit the vibes! As far as patterns, I have,,,,a few. quite a few 😭
*Steampunk Scarf by Melivia Mutch
*Witch Hat by Jennifer Borchert
*Sweet Moon by Grace Lidinsky-Smith
*Raven’s Wood by Catherine Waterfield
*Sweater of Swords by Hannah Mann
*Love Magick Dress by Disco Stitch
*Ulven raglan by Lotta H Löthgren
*Augustins no 10 by Anne-Sophie Velling
*Victoria by Gitte Juhler
*Mulder by Hayley Quinn
*Viperidae sweater by Klara Cecilia
*Triangular Scarf "Akaste" by Claudia Ramprecht
*Lizzie Cowl by Gudrun Johnston
*Bright Night Shawl by Gabrielle Vézina
*Cat Mittens | Kattevotter by Jorid Linvik
*Ixchel by Catherine Clark
*Underwing Mitts by Erica Heusser
*Little Scorpion by Courtney Little
*Aves cowl by bunnymuff - Mona Zillah
*Harvest Moon by Rachael Marjamaa
*Half Moon Tee by Dragon Hoard Designs
*Sampler Stitch Armwarmers by Jamie Quick & Brandy Foersch
*Azazel Cowl by Hayley Quinn
*Hellcat Cowl by Jen Immer
*Beetle Brooch Cowl by Megan Montgomery
*ASTRAEUS by Meghan Regan
*Halloween Skeleton Gloves by Dawn Kinsey
*Raven Queen by Jacquline Rivera
*Solstice Socks by Karin Maag-Tanchak
and just for fun,
*skull sweater with trumpet by Erna de Groot
You're fine! Never apologize for doing things that support your comfort :) <3
I'll add these today! Just by name alone, I can tell they'll fit perfectly in the collection. Thank you for the suggestions <3
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sacredwhores · 3 years
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Margarethe von Trotta - Sisters, or The Balance of Happiness (1979)
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filmografie · 5 years
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Sisters, or the Balance of Happiness (1979), dir. Margarethe von Trotta
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tvln · 7 years
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sisters, or the balance of happiness / schwestern oder die balance des glücks (wger, von trotta, 79)
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k9ofchaos · 3 years
K9′s Ramblings #17: Mythological Headcanons
Back with a new rambling post. This time it’s about heacanons/fanons I came up with in regards to Mythology. Let’s get right into it: 
Saraswati taught Benzaiten how to play the Biwa with her experience using the Veena. 
Harihara, Hermanubis and Ra-Horathky are the results of fusion techniques between gods. 
The Great Old Ones/Outer Gods of Lovecraftian Lore are what I would consider to be a “final boss tier” pantheon for most of the pantheons on Earth. 
The Wild Hunt is a time when Odin, Manannan mac Lir, Yarilo, King Arthur, Gabriel, the Devil (Satan), Nuada Airgetlam, Cain, Fionn mac Cumhaill, Perchta, Arawn, Gywn ap Nudd, (Cwn) Annwn, Santa Klaus, Knecht Ruprecht, Krampus, Oberon and a few notable mortals like Francis Drake, Theodoric the Great/Dietrich von Bern, Valdemar IV of Denmark, Herod Antipas, Saint Guthlac of Crowland, Jan Tregeagle, Herodias, Christoph Bernhard von Galen, Saint Lucy, Gudrun, King Herla, Gwydion, Herne the Hunter, Frau Holle, Eadric the Wild, Hereward the Wake, Berchtold,  engage in their shared hobby of hunting out in the wilderness. The magical energies produced from this eclectic gathering of divinities spooks the mortals due to the weird reality bending shit that goes down during the hunt.
Sun Wukong, Erlang Shen and Nezha are shonen style battle brothers. 
That’ll be all for now. But if I come up with more, I’ll either edit this post to add them or make a new post with new mythological headcanons/fanons. Whichever one I feel like doing. But right now I need to go to sleep. Take care and have a good weekend. 
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kunst-geschoss · 3 years
Impressionen aus der Ausstellung
Zwanzig Künstlerinnen und Künstler aus Werder (Havel) haben sich zur 4. Bestandsaufnahme zum Thema “150 Jahre Christian Morgenstern” angemeldet. Die gezeigten Arbeiten sind so vielfältig wie das Werk des Dichters selbst. Mit dabei sind: ARATORA, Sandra Dahlmann, Helga Dobrick Kroeber, Alexandra Czech, Katharina Forster, Anne-Kathrin Fuchs, Anna Gestrich, Almute Grohmann Sinz, Chang Ok Han, Gabriele Karele, Gudrun Kreische, Eveline Kühnapfel, Regina Lunderstedt, Gudrun Mader, Oda Schielicke, Beate Schwarz, Doris Sprengel, Hans-Joachim Stahlberg, Holger Trilsch, Birgit Wischnewski.
Die Ausstellung ist ab 10.2.2022 zu besichtigen.
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lucfierens · 5 years
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In occasione di ArteFiera a Bologna dal 23 a 26 gennaio il NEW SITUAZIONISME ha eletto la sua base;è BLU APARTAMENT in via del Battiferro 14 a Bologna. Dalle 10.00 alle 19.00 su appuntamento si potranno visionare le opere di: Dangelo,Lome,Jakob de Chirico,Gigi Zoppello,Osvaldo Maffei,Renato Sclaunich,Eugenio Lanfranco,Ruggero Maggi,Anna Boschi,Luc Fierens,Gherard Broutin,Giuseppe Desiato,Gudrun de Chirico,Lamberto Pignotti,Jach Hirschmann,Gabriele Picco,Orazio Gaetano,Gianfranco Grisi,Sarenco,Kiddy Citny,Tulio Mazzotti,Orazio Bacci,Giuseppe Chiari,Giorgio Moiso,Alberto Casiraghi,Francesco Aprile,Joseph Beuys,Luigi Bonotto,Heinrich Bunzel,Ampelio Zappalorto,Roger Fritz, Mario Schifano,Jiri Kolar,Ben Vautier. per informazioni e appuntamenti: [email protected] - +39 3492585007
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Sunny Days Chapter 12

Hulk x Reader

Bruce Banner x Reader
Healing in Asgard.
Bruce and Hulk had no idea just how long they had been sitting here, staring at their new born daughter, one eye brown and one eye green, the two men in perfect sync. She was just so beautiful. Her tiny nose, her tiny mouth, her ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes. They couldn’t stop looking at her! Every now and then they reached down at her tiny clenched fist and uncurled her impossibly small fingers, watching them slowly curl back into a fist.
They smiled at her, and spoke softly telling her all about life, her mother, her brother, Science, any and everything. The baby girl was staring at him with her wide green eyes. Bruce knew when newborns made eye contact it meant they wanted attention, they wanted to bond. While Y/N researched everything about preparing to raise a baby online Bruce had preferred to buy actual baby books. He wanted to touch them, he wanted to hold the physical book in his hands, somehow it made the experience all the more real for him.
Eventually she had began to cry, a woman approached him gently.
“My apologises.” She held her arms out. “She needs to nurse.” The woman was being very gentle with Bruce, she had seen Bruce’s break down earlier. “We have a wet nurse prepared.”
A deep frown creased itself into Bruce’s forehead. Neither he nor Hulk liked the idea of another woman feeding their daughter, but Bruce knew that, that was a silly over dramatic hind brain thought, Hulk just didn’t want her in the arms of a woman that wasn’t Y/N. He had to have an internal battle with himself before he gave his tiny bundle of joy to the woman.
In the end Hulk took a begrudging defeat as they handed her over to the woman. He couldn’t let her go hungry.
“What’s your name?” Bruce asked as he reluctantly handed his baby girl over the the woman.
“Gudrun.” She smiled at Bruce brightly.
“Thank you Gudrun.” Bruce probably butchered the pronunciation of her name. “Thank you for taking care of her.”
“Of course.” Gudrun said as she curtsied slightly before starting to leave. Hulk urged Bruce onward to follow her out, keeping sight of his child when another woman approached him.
“Would you like to see your wife?”
“Bruce’s head snapped backward in the direction of the new woman.
“Y/N’s okay?”
“She’s recovering nicely.”
“S/N, buddy it’s okay you need to calm down.” Tony said softly with his hands raised in a defensive position.
“TWO O’CLOCK!!!” S/N’s screamed as he picked up the leg of another chair and threw it, the chair smashed into pieces against the wall.
“Tony you can’t tell an a stressed out toddler to calm down!” Clint whispered angrily.
“What else am I suppose to do?!” Tony whispered back. So far a table and 3 chairs have been broken, there were holes in the walls and dents in the tiled ground.
“TWO O’CLOCK!!! TWWWWOOO!!!” S/N screamed as he cried, his face was bright red and he was wailing loudly.
It wasn’t S/N’s fault entirely that he was throwing a tantrum. S/N was at the age were routine was everything. Break the routine and he became upset and stressed. S/N also, like any other toddler, didn’t handle long term separation from his parents well.
Bruce and Y/N had promised S/N that they would be home at 2pm, it was now 8:45pm well past his bed time and well past the time his parents promised they would be home. S/N had no choice but to have a complete and utter meltdown. Every time Tony tried to settle him in his arms he would wiggle his way out, run away from Tony and break something else.
The worst part is they couldn’t give him any information. They had no idea what happened. Thor rushed to their location being the fastest, and when everyone else arrived, barring Tony, who stayed behind with S/N arrived, Thor, Bruce or Y/N were no where to be seen. All that was there was the corpse of Brian Banner, a pool of what they later discovered to be Y/N’s blood and the residue pattern engraved into the ground of a portal to Asgard.
The only conclusion, Thor took them both to Asgard, it was easy to assume Y/N was hurt... None of the Avengers wanted to think about the possibility that she or her unborn child was dead but...
They couldn’t do anything but wait, and no body felt comfortable telling S/N the potential status of his mother. What if they told him she was okay but she had died...? No body blamed the child for the colossal Hulk sized tantrum he was throwing but they did need to calm him down somehow.
“Y/N?!” It took everything Bruce and Hulk had in them to NOT push their poor guide aside and burst into the room.
They saw her, laying in bed and quickly rushed to her side, immediately picking up her hand. “Y/N?” His voice was softer this time. “Honey please...” There was a tinge of desperation in his tone.
Y/N opened her eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the light. She turned to the source of sound beside her and smiled, seeing Bruce’s duel coloured eyes, indicating that both Hulk and Bruce were piloting his body together.
She raised her hand and placed it on his cheek. “My boys...” She smiled, somewhat goofishly. “You’re so pretty.”
Bruce laughed in relief, tears starting to pinprick in the corners of his eyes.
“How are you feeling?” He tried to look at her stomach but she was well covered up.
“They have these crystals.” Y/N said as she was twirling a stand of Bruce’s hair in her index finger. “I feel like when I was 19 and my sisters boyfriends brother got us weed brownies hehehehehahahahaha.” She giggled as she smiled at Bruce.
Bruce couldn’t help but laugh with her, she was high, this was the last thing he was ever expecting, still seeing her smile filled him with so much relief.
“Brruuce, Brulk, Hulce, Hulk.” She giggled again. “Have you SEEN our baby?!”
“Yeah, yeah I have.”
Y/N gasped. “Isn’t she beeeaaautiful?”
Bruce almost felt his cheeks splitting at how utterly gorgeous Y/N was right now. Hulk was beaming underneath Bruce’s skin, he had never seen Y/N like this and to see her now after... He was bursting with happiness.
“Yeah sweetheart, yeah she is. She’s perfect.”
“What’s her name?”
Bruce blinked in surprise.
“Wha-what do you mean?”
“I named S/N, I want you to name our daughter.”
There were only so many times Bruce could say he had never felt this happy before it started to lose meaning.
“Are you sure?”
Y/N nodded, her eyes were closed, she was starting to get sleepy again. “Mmm hmm.”
“D/N...” Bruce said, that’s what he had been calling her in his head. D/N, his beautiful saving saving grace.
Permanent Taglist:
@insanityismysanity12345 @greenangrysnowflake @zadyalyss @welldonebeca @theweirdlunatic @itsjackothy @surfin-the-sun @daft-not-punk @fangirlbitch02 @gabriels-trix @ivy-16-18 @jedionironthrone @theblackqueen-ofmyheart @slowlywithfreedom @holyn0vak @peachamma @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @jadepc @aw--heck @no1brucebannerfangirl @hana-the-starry-eyed-fool @curious-expectations @fluffymadagmina @hitsugayarose
Sunny Days Taglist:
@nyu-kun69 @saysay125 @itsnotsomefangirl @livingoffsavvyillusions @madelonj @soulshadow1027 @jinxpikachu @goldhat-coolcat @aafalkner-blog @createdbytinyaddiction @spoiledtunaprincess @larrryyyisinloveee @be-cool259 @random-fandom-lady @marvelnersworld
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captainbookamir · 6 years
Do I Have That Book Challenge
@lettersfromthelighthouse​ tagged anyone who liked to do this (thanks!) and this seemed really fun, I’m curious to see what I come up with!
Do you have a book with deckled edges? My copy of Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke has them! And so do If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio and The School for Good and Evil trilogy by Soman Chainani.
Do you have a book with 3 or more people on the cover? As it turns out, loads of them actually. You ready? The Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling, A World without Princes by Soman Chainani, Nimona by Noelle Stevenson, H.M.S. Surprise by Patrick O’Brian, Hasse Simonsdochter by Thea Beckman, The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas, The Collected Novels of the Bronte Sisters by obvious, and all of my Discworld novels except Snuff so that’s another 15 books.
Do you have a book based on another fictional story? The Fear Institute by Jonathan L. Howard (H.P. Lovecraft’s fiction) and arguably The Magicians trilogy by Lev Grossman (The Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter) and perhaps you could also count His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman (Paradise Lost).
Do you have a book with a title 10 letters long? Once again, loads apparently, if we’re counting multiple words but not the spaces. Fool’s Quest by Robin Hobb, Night Watch, Feet of Clay and Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett, Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, Nachtwacht by Sergej Lukjanenko, Huis Jhereg by Steven Brust and Web van Inkt by Cornelia Funke.
Do you have a book with a title that starts and ends with the same letter? More books than I expected managed to end on a T while starting with ‘the’. Desolation Island by Patrick O’Brian, How to be Both by Ali Smith, The Resurrectionist by E.B. Hudspeth, The Monster Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson, The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, The Earthsea Quartet by Ursula K. Le Guin and The Hallowed Hunt by Lois McMaster Bujold.
Do you have a Mass Market Paperback book? Lots of them. Let’s just leave it at that.
Do you have a book written by an author using a pen name? I first thought only Middlemarch by George Eliot (Mary Anne Evans) until I remembered Robin Hobb is a pen name, so that’s about another 11 physical books (I have the others as ebooks, not counting them for this game because covers are too switchy etc.), namely The Willful Princess and the Piebald Prince, the Farseer Trilogy, The Rain Wild Chronicles and The Fitz and the Fool trilogy.
Do you have a book with a character’s name in the title? I’m finding a theme of “way more books than I expected”. Already mentioned: (Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, Hasse Simonsdochter, Nimona, obvs Harry Potter, any Robin Hobb book with “Fool” in the title, The Monster Baru Cormorant.) Also: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, Agnes Grey by Emily Brontë, Children of Húrin, De Legende van Sigurd & Gudrun, The Fall of Arthur, and Beren and Luthien by J.R.R. Tolkien, Lyra’s Oxford by Philip Pullman, The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin, Jamrach’s Menagerie by Carol Birch, Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, 5/6 of the Anne books by L.M. Montgomery, Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy and Dracula by Bram Stoker. Whew.
Do you have a book with 2 maps in it? The Lord of the Rings does if you look at them separately? Fellowship has two (M-E and The Shire) and Return has two (M-E and Gondor/Rohan/Mordor). The Hobbit has two as well.
Do you have a book that was turned into a TV show? Once again Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke, but also North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell, American Gods by Neil Gaimain, Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, Bleak House by Charles Dickens, Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery, The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, Shogun by James Clavell, The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas (as far as I know of). Also, technically speaking A Song of Ice and Fire but by now I’m refusing to acknowledge the show’s existence.
Do you have a book written by someone who is originally famous for something else? ?(celebrity/athlete/politician/tv personality…) Does SPQR by Mary Beard count (historian/tv presenter)? And also some books by Anja Beran and Ingrid Klimke (equestrians). 
Do you have a book with a clock on the cover? The Museum of You by Carys Bray has a sort of fake clock on it?
Do you have a poetry book? I have a couple: Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman, A Joy Forever which is an anthology, I’m going to count King Lear and Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare as well as Sir Thomas Malory’s Tales of King Arthur edited by Michael Senior as well. I clearly don’t read much poetry.
Do you have a book with an award stamp on it? For sure The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton and Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan as well as Nimona by Noelle Stevenson. I tend to avoid books with stickers and stamps though. 
Do you have a book written by an author with the same initials as you? Mary Shelley - Frankenstein is one option.  
Do you have a book of short stories? Yes actually! I have the Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft and Time and the Gods by Lord Dunsany.
Do you have a book that is between 500-510 pages long? I have five! The Lives of Others by Neel Mukherjee, The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold, The Vorrh by Brian Catling, The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, The Parasol Protectorate Vol. 2 by Gail Carriger.
Do you have a book that was turned into a movie? A huge stack of them. The obvious answers: Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. And Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey & Maturin series, Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose, Philip Pullman’s Northern Lights, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, Dracula by Bram Stoker, Hart van Inkt by Cornelia Funke, The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas, Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy, Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami, Stardust by Neil Gaiman, Atonement by Ian McEwan, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey, and Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro.
Do you have a graphic novel? A few, depending on how you define it, I guess? Nimona, of course, but I also have the complete Bone bindup by Jeff Smith, the first volume of Saga, the first volume of Lumberjanes, and the first two volumes of Sandman by Neil Gaiman.
Do you have a book written by 2 or more authors? Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman.
I’m tagging @logarithmicpanda, @shadowtearling, @heretherebebooks if they want to!
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ausstellung · 5 years
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10 | 05 | 2019 19:00
7.Stock vor der ersten Ausstellung - 2 schwarze Schafe
mit: 1010, 3Rooosen, Dodo Adden d.J., Benjamin Allers, Cyrus Ashrafi, Florian Breetzke, Simone Brühl, Dorothee Daphi, Pavel Ehrlich, Helga Damm, Thomas Ehgartner, Timo Frank, Boris Frentzel-Beyme, Julian Gorten, Oliver Goernandt-Schade, Nele Gülck, Matthias Hederer, Jendrik Helle, IRIS-A-MAZ, Dorle Koch, Oliver Krevitt, Gudrun Löbig, Chantal Maquet, Philipp Mechsner, Julia Melzner, Gordon Müllenbach, Mirka Raito, Sylvie Ringer, Gianna Schade, Ina Schilling, FX Schröder, Hinrich Schultze, Alejandro Soto, Katja Windau, Gabriele Wingen, Zaza, Zipper die Rakete, u.a.
2009 gründete sich der Frappant e.V. in der großen Bergstraße, dort wo jetzt ein Möbelhaus steht. Zehn Jahre sind vergangen seit der ersten großen Gruppenausstellung in der Frappant Galerie, damals noch einfach "Der siebente Stock" genannt.
Samstag 18.5. (Art off Hamburg Festival) 14 bis 24 Uhr
Sonntag 19.5. 14-19 Uhr
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thecubanartproject · 3 years
Big Love Exhibition to Present in Delray Beach
Big Love Exhibition to Present in Delray Beach
World-renowned Artists Antonio Guerrero, Gabriel & Angela Collazo, John La Huis, Elena Bond, Lena Luckey, Gudrun Newman and Flavio Galvan will be appearing live in the Gallery on February 12th. Delray Beach, Florida: February 2022:  MAC ART, Delray’s premier contemporary art space MAC FINE ART is proud to present Big Love, a limited engagement fine art exhibition celebrating love, romance and…
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sacredwhores · 3 years
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Margarethe von Trotta - Sisters, or The Balance of Happiness (1979)
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filmografie · 5 years
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Sisters, or the Balance of Happiness (1979), dir. Margarethe von Trotta
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Charlie Bone Timeline: Pre-Series
Timeline of events before the series. Contains spoilers for all Charlie Bone books, including Henry and the Guardians of the Lost.
Circa 1804
·        Marigold disappears through the Time Twister while playing hide-and-seek with her brother.
·        Maybelle Bloor is born to Cecilia and Septimus Bloor.
 1835 or 1838
·        Beatrice Bloor born to Cecilia and Septimus Bloor.
·        Bertram Babbington Bloor is born to Cecilia and Septimus Bloor.
·        Donatella da Vinci is born.
·        Yorath Yewbeam is born.
·        Maybelle Bloor marries Lucius Raven.
·        Daniel Raven is born to Maybelle and Lucius Raven.
·        Vera Kuragina is born.
·        Roland Raven is born to Maybelle and Lucius Raven.
·        Evangeline Raven is born to Maybelle and Lucius Raven.
·        Septimus Bloor forges a will leaving everything he owns to his daughter Maybelle and her heirs. He dies soon after.
·        Bertram Bloor marries Donatella Da Vinci.
·        Gideon Bloor born to Bertram and Donatella Bloor.
·        Gudrun Solensson born.
·        Manley Yewbeam born to Yorath and Vera Yewbeam.
·        Grace Bloor is born to Bertram and Donatella Bloor.
·        Lydia Raven is born to Daniel and Jane Raven.
·        Hugh Raven is born to Daniel and Jane Raven.
·        Ita Raven marries Simon Bone.
·        Yolanda Yewbeam is born in Yewbeam Castle to Yorath and Vera Yewbeam.
·        Everard Raven is born to Roland and Ann Raven.
·        Ezekiel Bloor born to Gideon and Gudrun Bloor.
·        Hilda Hansoff born.
·        Henry Yewbeam born to Grace and Manley Yewbeam.
·        Daphne Yewbeam born to Grace and Manley Yewbeam.
·        James Yewbeam born to Grace and Manley Yewbeam.
·        Solange Sourzac born.
·        Daphne Yewbeam dies of diphtheria in the winter of that year (January)
·        Henry Yewbeam disappears while staying at Bloor’s Academy with his brother James. (January 12)
·        Manley Yewbeam is killed in battle during the Great War.  
·        Yolanda inherits her father’s castle at age 21.
·        Hugh Raven marries Sally Milne. Evangeline Raven gives the pearl-inlaid box to Sally on her wedding day.
·        Susan Raven born to Hugh and Sally Raven.
·        Bartholomew Bloor is born to Ezekiel and Hilda Bloor.
·        Mary Chance is born.
·        Brutus Raven born to Hugh and Sally Raven.
·        Thomas Raven is born to Everard and Harriet Raven.
·        Timothy Raven is born to Everard and Harriet Raven.
·        Maisie Jones is born.
·        Grizelda Yewbeam is born to James and Solange Yewbeam.
·        Monty Bone is born to Clara and Eamon Bone.
 1940 or 1941
·        Ankaret's family is killed during a bombing raid; Ankaret accidentally travels forward in time after looking into the Time Twister.
·        Lucretia Yewbeam is born to James and Solange Yewbeam.
·        Eustacia Yewbeam is born to James and Solange Yewbeam.
·        Treasure is born.
·        Pearl is born.
·        Venetia Yewbeam is born to James and Solange Yewbeam.
·        Harold Bloor is born to Bartholomew and Mary Bloor.
·        February: Paton Yewbeam is born to James and Solange Yewbeam.
·        Dorothy de Vere is born.
·        Grizelda Yewbeam marries Montague Bone.
·        Lyell Bone is born to Grizelda and Monty Bone.
·        Titania/Miss Chrystal is born.
 1962 or 1963
·  A week before his death, Monty returns to his hometown of Neverfinding. Monty makes a will leaving all that he owns to his son Lyell. He also writes a letter to be read by Lyell when he turns eighteen.
·  Monty Bone dies in a plane crash (possibly contrived by the Yewbeams and Bloors).
·  Bartholomew Bloor disappears while mountain climbing in the Himalayas with friends; Mary dances herself to death. Bartholomew turns against his family and becomes an explorer.
·  During a stay at Yolanda’s castle, Solange falls and breaks her neck, Yolanda turns James’ four daughters against him, and James and Paton escape in fear for their lives.
·  Hector Bittermouse causes some trouble with the Bloors (?)
·  Lord Grimwald drowns Pearl and Treasure's sweethearts and family in revenge because they refused to marry him.
·        Grace Bloor dies at age eighty.
·        Amy Jones is born to Maisie and Mr Jones.
·        Julia Ingledew is born.
·        Rufus Raven is born to Brutus and Maud Raven.
·        Ellen Raven is born.
·        Manfred Bloor is born to Harold and Dorothy Bloor.
·        Asa Pike is born in the land of the Merromals.
·        Zelda Dobinski is born.
·        Beth Strong is born.
·        Mr and Mrs Pike travel with Asa to the Red King’s city to live.
·  Lyell Bone elopes with Amy Jones to Mexico; they marry there.
·  Tancred Torsson is born.
·  Lysander Sage is born to Judge and Jessamine Sage.
·  Charlie Bone is born to Amy and Lyell Bone in the first week of January.
·  Emma Tolly is born to Nancy and Mostyn Tolly (During fall or winter).
·  Gabriel Silk is born to Cyrus and Mrs Silk.
·  Naren Bloor is born to Chinese parents.
·  Olivia Vertigo is born sometime in September.
·  Fidelio Gunn is born to Chloe and Mr Gunn.
·  Dagbert Endless is born to Lord Grimwald and a mermaid.
·  Benjamin Brown is born to Mr and Mrs Brown in late October.
·  Dorcas Loom is born.
·  Charlie turns one in the first week of January.
·  Bartholomew returns to the city to visit his family, who refuse to acknowledge him. Lyell and Bartholomew become friends, and they go mountain climbing together.
·  Idith and Inez Branko are born to Bogdan and Natalia Branko.
·  Joshua Tilpin is born to Matthew and Titania Tilpin.
 Sometime between 1990 and 1994
·        Rufus entrusts Lyell with the box containing Maybelle’s will.
·        Rufus and Ellen marry.
·  Charlie turns two in the first week of January.
·  Nancy Tolly dies from illness just before Emma’s second birthday; a few days later Mostyn decides to give Emma away. (during fall or winter).
·  Lyell disappears while trying to stop Emma Tolly’s abduction. (during fall or winter).
·        Billy Raven is born to Rufus and Ellen Raven on May 4.
·  Rufus and Ellen die in a contrived car accident; Billy is sent to live with an apathetic aunt.
·  Christopher Crowquill is framed as a robber and sent to prison for seven years.
·  Naren’s parents die in a flood; Naren is adopted by Bartholomew and Meng Bloor.
·  Miranda Shellhorn is born to Arthur Shellhorn.
·  Charlie starts school.
·  Charlie and Benjamin become friends.
·        Dorothy Bloor tries to leave Bloor's Academy forever; her violin hand is crushed by Manfred in the attempt and cursed by Ezekiel to never work again. Losing all hope, Dorothy becomes 'the Dark Lady'.
·        Lucy comes out of the Time Twister into the Littles' House.
·  Eric Shellhorn is born to Arthur Shellhorn.
·  Una Onimous is born.
·  Dr Tolly asks for Emma to be returned to him; he is refused.
·  May 4: Billy’s endowment is revealed, and he is sent to live in Bloor’s Academy.
·  Tancred Torsson starts school at Bloor's Academy.
·  Ollie Sparks disappears in the old part of the Academy for three days. Cook throws a feast for him, and soon after he leaves the school. However, he disappears while going to get orange juice at the train station (or so Matron Yewbeam says).
·        Charlie turns ten in the first week of January.
·        Emma turns ten between January and October.  
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architectnews · 3 years
Gasteig Cultural Center, Munich Building
Gasteig Cultural Center, Munich Concert Hall, Library, German Architecture Images
Gasteig Cultural Center in Munich
23 June 2021
Gasteig Cultural Center
Design: HENN
Location: Munich, Germany
The Gasteig in Munich, the largest cultural center in Europe, receives almost two million visitors a year and houses a unique combination of programs: a concert hall, an auditorium, educational facilities, and a public library. Constructed in 1985, the original Gasteig is a fortress-like compound of introverted functions. HENN’s for the Gasteig Cultural Center proposal transforms it into an open and democractic space whose cultural and educational programs are part of a dynamic exchange—with each other and with the city.
The heart of the New Gasteig is the Kulturbühne or Culture Stage—a bridge-like glass volume that connects the many functions of the center and displays their vibrant interior to the city of Munich. Its transparent and open architecture stands in deliberate contrast to the monolithic character of the existing building.
The Culture Stage functions as circulation, foyer, exhibition space and event area, a new space of encounter and connection. With this simple, yet radical gesture, HENN has transformed the Gasteig from an inert container of culture into an active collaborator—it is a space of cultural production where employees, students, and visitors are all actors on the Cultural Stage.
Each program—the Philharmonic, the Carl Orff Hall, the Munich City Library, the Munich Center of Further Education and the University of Music and Performing Arts—underwent its own transformation. In collaboration with the renowned acoustician Yasuhisa Toyota, the Philharmonic was given a complete acoustic re-design while the library, constructed during the height of print media, was updated for the digital age, its closed-off, silent spaces were opened up and its collaborative spaces emphasized.
HENN’s modernization of the cultural center is a radical reconceptualization of the building and the role of culture within the city. Now more than ever, we understand and appreciate the power of art, music, literature, and education to reflect and elevate society during moments of prosperity, and to comfort and stabilize during times of hardship. The New Gasteig—open, transparent, and inviting—anticipates a future where it will once again receive millions of annual visitors
Gasteig Cultural Center in Munich, Germany – Building Information
Design: HENN
Client: Gasteig München GmbH Location: Munich, DE Area GFA: 90,000 sqm Status: Current Years: 2018 – Ongoing
Program: The Munich Philharmonic, Carl Orff Hall, the Munich PublicLibrary, Münchner Volkshochschule (Munich Center for Further Education), the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich, Kulturreferat (Cultural Council), the Munich Chamber Orchestra, Exhibition Space, Communications Area, Multimedia Room, Lecture Hall, Workshop and Training Rooms, Administration, Gastronomy, Multifunctional Spaces
Consultants: Nagata Acoustics International, Inc., Rainer Schmidt Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH, ARGE Mayr Ludescher Partner + Buro Happold Ingenieure GmbH, Climaplan GmbH, ibb Burrer & Deuring Ingenieurbüro GmbH, Bartenbach GmbH, OBERMEYER Planen + Beraten GmbH, Wolfgang Sorge Ingenieurbüro für Bauphysik GmbH & Co. KG, ATI – ARGE Theater-Ingenieure, a+p Architekten GbR, Büro Uebele
Competition: 2018, 1st Prize, Contract award after reworking the submission Partner in Charge: Fredrik Werner/Joachim Grund
Project Team: Sylvia Kipping, Max Langwieder, Benedikt Cinetto, Francesco Capuzzo, Christoph Omlin, Tanja Dietsch, Pavel Khriashchikov, Ferdinand Fleckenstein, Thomas von Küstenfeld, Birant Sencan, Gabriele Menconi, Sarah Guggemos, Franz Bittenbinder, Shiyu Ying, Lisa Schubert, Andreas Fuchs, Mark Böhmer, Bodo Boettcher, Jeanette Schulze-Kiehne, Andreas Lindig, Daniel Recklingloh, Martin Erdinger, Luis Felipe Acevedo, Peter Weber, Mira Schröpfer, Sidonie Kade, Wolfgang Mühlhölzl-Hirschmann, Andreas Schöler, Dorit Von Woroniecki, Gudrun Spitzer, Theresa Brandes, Peter Ciganek, Anatolii Romanov, Jekaterina Porohina, Jovan Topalovic, Katrin Jacobs, Che Liu, Matthias Palloch, Elke Gebhard and Attila Horvath
Images: HENN
Previous post for this building on e-architect:
Gasteig Cultural Centre in Munich Building
Gasteig Cultural Center, Munich images / information received 230621 from HENN
Location: Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Munich Buildings
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Comments / photos for the Gasteig Cultural Center, Munich building design by HENN Architects in Germany page welcome
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jozefsquare · 7 years
Tumblr media
(via Movie Poster - Sisters, or The Balance of Happiness, Bořivoj Hořínek, 1980)
Fabulous montage poster artwork for 80s drama.
title: Sisters, or The Balance of Happiness | West Germany, 1979
director: Margarethe von Trotta
with: Jutta Lampe, Gudrun Gabriel, Jessica Früh
poster design: Bořivoj Hořínek, 1980
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