#Agnes Fink
rwpohl · 7 months
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heller wahn, margarethe von trotta 1983
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flammentanz · 1 year
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“Tödlicher Irrtum” (1970)
Regie: Wolfgang Becker
“Ich wusste nicht, wie entsetzlich das ist. Ich merkte, dass sie keine Luft mehr bekam. Ich sage: “Lass los, sie erstickt doch.” Aber wenn ich losgelassen hätte, hätte sie geschrien. Und ich sagte: “Verdammt noch mal, wann hört denn das endlich auf? Sie muss doch jetzt tot sein …”
Zu nächtlicher Stunde erhält Pfarrer Krüger (Dieter Kirchlechner) unerwarteten Besuch. Ein Mann bittet ihn inständig, die Beichte ablegen zu dürfen. Entsetzt hört der Pfarrer zu, was ihm anvertraut wird und informiert Kommissar Herbert Keller (Erik Ode), dass er einem Mörder die Beichte abgenommen hat.
Bei dem Opfer soll es sich um die wohlhabende Unternehmerin Marion Dönhoff (Agnes Fink) handeln, doch auf Krügers telefonische Nachfrage hat sich die vermeintliche Tote selbst gemeldet. Als Kommissar Keller und seine Mitarbeiter in der Villa von Frau Dönhoff eintreffen, machen sie eine schreckliche Entdeckung: Frau Häubel, die Schneiderin von Frau Dönhoff, ist erwürgt worden. Ganz offensichtlich hat der Mörder sie mit seinem tatsächlich beabsichtigten Mordopfer, deren Morgenmantel sie trug, verwechselt.
Auf dem luxeriösen Anwesen von Frau Dönhoff leben ihr Geliebter Roland Sauter (Anton Diffring), ihr Sohn Harald (Thomas Astan), ihr Schwager Rober Wohle (Kurt Ehrhardt) und ihr früherer Schulfreund Jakob Heider (Konrad Georg). Marion Dönhoff hat sich mit allen überworfen. Die Affäre mit Sauter ist erkaltet, da dieser sich längst einer jüngeren Frau zugewandt hat. Das Verhältnis zu ihrem Sohn ist zerrüttet, da seine Mutter ihn vernachlässigt und ihren geschiedenen Mann Benno (Ullrich Haupt) wegen seines mangelnden Erfolgs als Künstler verachtet, während Harald seinen Vater innig liebt. Wohle und Heider lässt sie offen fühlen, dass sie ausschließlich von ihrem Wohlwollen und ihrer finanziellen Unterstützung abhängig sind.
Kommissar Keller beschwört Pfarrer Krüger, ihm die Identität des Mörders zu enthüllen, doch das Beichtgeheimnis ist auch bei einem Verbrechen unverletzlich. Keller befürchtet, dass der Täter seinen Irrtum bei einem neuen Mordversuch korrigieren wird …
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it-be-what-it-be · 1 year
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Catholic Cabinet of Curiosities
@ perse.phon on Instagram:3
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driftwork · 1 year
names, mostly surnames (1)
let me apologise for this partial list of names in the library,  titles available on request...
, Adorno, horkheimer, anderson, aristotle, greta adorno, marcuse, agamben, acampora and acampora, althussar, lajac kovacic, eric alliez, marc auge,  attali, francis bacon (16th c), aries, aries and bejin, alain badiou, beckett, hallward, barnes, bachelard, bahktin, volshinov, baudrillard, barthes, john beattie, medvedev, henri bergson, Jacques Bidet, berkman, zybmunt bauman, burgin, baugh, sam  butler, ulrich beck, andrew benjamin and peter osbourne, walter benjamin, ernest bloch, blanchot,  bruzins,  bonnet,  karin bojs,  bourdieu,  j.d. bernal, goldsmith,  benveniste, braidotti,  brecht,  burch, victor serge, andre breton, judith butler, malcolm bull, stanley cohen, john berger, etienne balibar, david bohm, gans blumenberg, martin buber, christopher caudwell, micel callon, albert camus, agnes callard,  castoridis, claudio celis bueno, carchedi and roberts, Marisol de la cadena,  mario blaser, nancy cartwright, manual castells, mark  currie, collingwood, canguilhem, mario corti, stuart hall, andrew lowe, paul willis, coyne, stefan collini, varbara cassin, helene cixous, coward and ellis, clastres, carr, cioren,  irving copi, cassirer, carter and willians, margeret cohen,  Francoise dastur, guy debord, agnes martin,  michele bernstein, alice, lorraine dastun, debaise, Gilles Deleuze, deleuze and gattari, guattari, parnet, iain mackenzie, bignall, stivale, holland, smith, james williams, zourabichvili, paul patton, kerslake,  schuster, bogue, bryant,  anne sauvagnargues, hanjo berresen, frida beckman, johnson, gulliarme and hughes, valentine moulard-leonard, desai,  dosse, duttman, d’amico,  benoit peters, derrida, hinca zarifopol-johnston, sean gaston,  discourse, mark poster, foucault,  steve fuller, markus gabrial, rosenbergm  milchamn, colin jones,  van fraasen,  fekete,  vilem flusser, flahault, heri focillon, rudi visker, ernst fischer,  fink, faye, fuller, fiho, marco bollo, hans magnus enxensberger, leen de bolle, canetti, ilya enrenberg,  thuan, sebastion peake, mervyn peake, robert henderson, reimann, roth,  bae suah,  yabouza, marco bellatin, cartarescu, nick harkaway, chris norris, deLanda, regis debray, pattern and doniger,  soame jynens, bernard williams, descartes, anne dufourmanteille, michelle le doeuff, de certaeu , deligny, Georges Dumezil, dumenil and levy,  bernard edelman, victorverlich, berio, arendt, amy allen, de beauvior,hiroka azumi,  bedau and humphreys,  beuad,  georges bataille, caspar  henderson,  chris innes,  yevgeny zamyatin,  louis aragon, italo calvino, pierre guirard,  trustan garcia, rene girard, paul gilroy, michal gardner,  andre gorz, jurgan gabermas, martin gagglund, beatrice hannssen, jean hyppolyte, axel honneth, zizek and crickett, stephen heath,  calentin groebner, j.b.s. haldane,  ian hacking,  david hakken,  hallward and oekken,  haug, harman, latour, arnold hauser, hegel, pippin, pinksrd, michel henry, louis hjelmslev,  gilbert hardin, alice jardine, karl jaspers, suzzane kirkbright, david hume,  thomas hobbes, barry hindus, paul hirst, hindess and hirst, wrrner hamacher,  bertrand gille,  julien huxley, halavais, irigaray, ted honderich, julia kristeva, leibnitz, d lecourt,  lazzaroto, kluge and negt, alexander kluge, sarah kofman, alexandre kojeve,  kolozoya, keynes,  richard kangston, ben lehman, kant,  francous jullien, fred hameson, sntonio rabucchi, jaeggi, steve lanierjones, tim jackson,  jakobson,   joeseph needham, arne de boever,  marx and engels, karl marx, frederick engels, heinrich,  McLellen , maturana and varuna,  lem, lordon, jean jacques-lecercle,  malabou,  marazzi,  heiner muller,  mary midgley, armand matterlart, ariel dorfman, matakovsky, nacneice, lucid,  victor margolis, narco lippi,  glen mazis, nair,  william morris,  nabis,  jean luc nancy,  geoffrey nash,  antonio negri,  negri and hardt, hardt, keith ansell pearson, pettman, william ruddiman, rheinberger, andre orlean, v.i. vernadsky,  rodchenko,  john willet, tarkovsky, william empson,  michel serres,  virillio, semiotexte, helmut heiseenbuttel,  plessner, pechaux, raunig, retort,  saito,  serres, dolphin, maria assad, spinoza,  bernard sharratt, isabelle stengers,  viktor shklovsky,  t. todorov,  enzo traverso, mario tronti,  todes, ivan pavlov,  whitehead, frank trentmann, trubetzkoy, rodowink, widderman, karl wittfogel, peter handke, olivier rolin, pavese,  robert walser, petr kral, von arnim,  sir john mennis,  ladies cabinet,  samuel johnson, edmund spenser,  efy poppy, yoko ogawa, machado,  kaurence durrell,  brigid brophy,  a. betram chandler, maria gabriella llansol, fowler,  ransmayr,  novick, llewellyn,  brennan, sean carroll,  julien rios, pintor, wraxall,  jaccottet, tabucchi,  iain banks, glasstone,  clarice lispector,  murakami, ludmilla petrushevskaya,  motoya, bachmann, lindqvist,  uwe johnson, einear macbride,  szentkuthy,  vladislavic, nanguel,  mathias enard,  chris tomas, jonathan meades,  armo schmidt, charles yu, micheal sorkin, vilas- matas, varesi, peter weiss,  stephenson, paul legrande,  virginie despentes, pessoa,  brin,  furst, gunter trass, umberto eco, reid, paul,klee, mario levero, hearn, judith schalansky, moorhead,  margert walters, rodchenko and popova, david king, alisdair gray, burroughs, ben fine, paul hirst, hindess,  kapuscinski, tchaikovsky,  brooke-rose, david hoon kim, helms,  mahfouz, ardret,  felipe fernandez-armesto,  young and tagomon,  aronson,  bonneuil and  fressoz, h.s. bennett, amy allen, bruckner brown, honegger, bernhard,  warren miller, albert thelen,  margoy bennett, rose macauley,  nenjamin peret, sax rohmer, angeliki, bostrom, phillip ball, the invisible commitee, bataille and leiris,  gregory bateson, michelle barrett and mary mcintosh, bardini, bugin, mcdonald, kaplan, buck-moores,  chesterman and lipman,  berman,  cicero, chanan,  chatelet,  helene cixous, iain cha,bers,  smirgel, norman clark, caird, camus,  clayre, chomsky, critchley,  curry,  swingewood,  luigi luca cavelli-sforza,  clark, esposito, doerner,  de duve, alexander dovzhenko, donzelot,  dennet, doyle, burkheim, de camp,  darwin,  dawkins,  didi-huberman, dundar, george dyson, berard deleuze, evo, barbara ehrenrich,  edwards,  e isenstein, ebeking, economy and society, esposito,  frederick gross,  david edgeerton,  douglas,  paul,feyerband,  jerry fodor,  gorrdiener,  tom forester, korsgaard,  fink,  floridi, elizabeth groscz, pierre francastel,  jane jacobs,  francois laplantinee,  gould,  galloway, goux,  godel, grouys, genette,  gil, kahloo, giddens,  martin gardner,  gilbert and dubar, hobbes,  herve, golinski, grotowski, glieck,  hayles, heidegger, huxley, eric hobsbawn, jean-louis hippolyte,  phillip hoare, tim jordan,  david harvey, hawking, hoggart,  rosemary jackson,  myerson,  mary jacobus, fox keller, illich,  sarah fofman, sylvia harvey, john holloway, han,  jaspers, yuk hui,  pierre hadot, carl gardner,  william james, bell hooks,  edmond jabes,  kierkegaard, alexander keen, kropotkin, tracy kidder,  mithen, kothari and mehta, lind,  c. joad,  bart kosko, kathy myers,  kaplan,  luce irigaraay, patrick ke iller, kittler,  catherine belsey,  kmar,  klossowski, holmes, kant, stanton,  ernesto laclau, jenkins, la mouffe,  walter john williams, adam greenfield, susan greenfield, paul auster, viet nguyen, jeremy nicholson,  andy weir, fred jameson,  lacoue-labarthe,  bede,  jane gallop, lacan,  wilden,  willy ley,  henri lefebvre, rob sheilds,  sandra laugier, micheal lowy, barry levinson, sylvain lazurus, lousardo, leopardo, jean-francois lyotard, jones,  lewontin,  steve levy,  alice in genderland,  laing, lanier, lakatos, laurelle, luxemburg,  lukacs, jarsh,  james lovelock, ideologu and consciousness, economy and society, screen, deleuze studies, deleuze and guattari studies,  bruno latour, david lapoujade,  stephen law, primo levi,  levi-strauss,  emmanuel levinas,  viktor schonberger, pierre levy, gustav landaur,  robin le poidevin,  les levidow, lautman, david cooper,  serge leclaire, catherine malabou, karl kautsky, alice meynall,  j.s. mill, montainge,  elaine miller, rosa levine-meyer, jean luc marion, henri lefebrve,  lipovetsky, terry lovell,  niklas luhmann,  richard may, machiavelli, richard mabey, john mullzrkey,  meyerhold, edward braun,  magri,  murray, nathanial lichfield, noelle mcafee,  hans meyer,  ouspensky, lucretius, asa briggs, william morris, christian metz, laura mulvey, len masterman,  karl mannheim, louis marin, alaister reynolds,  antonio  munoz molina,  FRAZER,  arno schmidt,  dinae waldman,  mark rothko, cornwall, micheal snow, sophie henaff, scarlett thomas,  matuszewski, lillya brik,  rosamond lehman , morris and o’conner,  nina bawden, cora sandel, delafield, storm jameson,  lovi , rachel ferguson,  stevie smith, pat barker, miles franklin, fay weldon,  crista wolff, grace paley, v. woolf, naomi mitchinson, sheila rowbotham,  e, somerville and v ross, sander marai,  jose  saramago,  strugatsky, jean echenoz, mark robso,  vladimir Vernadsky,  chris marker, Kim Stanley Robinson,  mario leverdo,  r.a. lafferty, martin bax, mcaulay, tatyana tolstaya,  colinn kapp,  jonathan meades,  franco fortini,  sam delany, philip e high, h.g. adler, feng menglong,  adam thorpe,  peeter nadas,  sam butler, narnold silver,  deren,  joanna moorhead, leonara carrington,  de waal,  hartt, botticelli,  charbonneau, casco pratolini,  murakami, aldiss,  guidomorselli, ludmilla petrushevskaya, ,schulz,  de andrade, yasushi. inoue, renoir,  amelie  nothomb,  ken liu,  prynne,  ANTIONE VOLODINE, luc brasso,  angela greene,  dorothea tanning,  eric chevillard,  margot bennett w.e. johns, conan doyle,  samuel johnson,  herge,  coutine-denamy, sterling, roubaud,  sloan, meiville,  delarivier manley, andre norton, perec, edward upward, tom mcCarthy,  magrinya,  stross,  eco, godden,  malcolm lowry,  derekmiller,  ismail kadare,  scott lynch, chris fowler, perter newman,  suzzana clarke,  paretky, juliscz balicki,  stanislaw maykowski, rajaniemi, william morris, c.k. crow,  ueys,  oldenburg,  mssrc chwmot,  will pryce,  munroe,  brnabas and kindersley, tromans,   lem, zelazny,  mitchinson, harry Harrison,  konstantin tsiolkovsky,  flammerion,  harrison, arthur c clarke, carpenter, john brunner,  anhony powell,  ted white, sheckley,  kristof, kempowski, shingo,  angelica groodischer,  rolin,  galeanom  dobin,  richard holloway,  pohl and kornbulth,  e.r. eddison,  ken macleodm  aldiss,  dave hutchinson,  alfred bester, budrys,  pynchon,  kurkov,  wisniewski_snerg, , kenji miyazawa,  dante,  laidlaw,  paek nam_nyong, maspero, colohouquon, hernandez,      christina hesselholdt, claude simon, bulgaakov,  simak,  verissimo,  sorokin,  sarraute,  prevert,  celan, bachmann,  mervin peake,  olaf stapledon,  sa rohmer,  robert musil,  le clezio,  jeremy cooper,  zambra,  giorgio de chirico,  mjax frisch,  gawron,  daumal,  tomzza,  canetti,  framcois maspero,  de quincy, defoe, green,, greene, marani,  bellatin,  khury, tapinar,, richmal crompton,  durrenmat,  fritz,  quintane,  volponi,  nanni balestrini,  herrera,  robert walser,  duras,  peter stamm,  m foster,  lan wright,  their theotokism  agustn de rojas, paul eluard,  sturgeon,  hiromi kawakomi,  sayaka murata,  wolfgang hilbig,  hmilton,  z  zivkovic,  gersson,  mallo,  bird,  chaudrey, Toussaint, Can Xue, Lewis Mumford, neitzsche, popper, zizek, scott westerfield, rousseau, lewis munford, tod may,  penelope maddy, elaine marks,  isabelle courtivron, leroi, massumi,  david sterritt, godard, millican and clark, macabe, negri,  mauss, maiimon, patrica maccormack, moretti, courtney humphries,  monad, moyn, malina, picasso, goldman, dambisa moyo,  merleau-ponty, Nicholson, knobe and nichols, poinciore, morris, ovid, ming, nail, thomas more, richard mabey,  macfarlane,  piscator,  louis-stempal,  negrastini, moore,  jacquline rose,  rose and rose, ryle, roszick, rosenburg, ravisson, paul ricoer,  rossler,  chantl mouffe,  david reiff, plato, slater, rowlands, rosa, john roberts,  rhan, dubios and rousseau, ronell,  jacques ranciere, mallarme,  quinodoz, peterpelbert, mary poovey, mackenzie, andrew price, opopper,  roger penrose, lu cino parisi,  gavin rae, parker and pollack,  mirowoski, perniola, postman, panofsky, propp, paschke and rodel, andre pickering, massabuau, lars svenddsen,  rosenberg and whyte, t.l.s. sprigger,  nancy armstrong,  sallis,  dale spender,  stanislavski,  vanessa schwartz,  shapin and shaeffer, sally sedgewick,  signs,  gabriel tarde,  charles singer, adam smith,  simondon,  pascal chablt,  combes, jon roffee, edward said,  sen,  nik farrell fox, sartre,  fred emery,  scholes, herbert spencer, ruth saw, spinoza,  raphael sassower, henry sidgewick, peter singer,  katarznya de lazari-radek,  piaget,  podach,  van der post, on fire, one press,  melossi and  pavarini,  pearl and mackenzie,  theirry paquot, tanizaki, RHS,  stone,  richard sennett,  graham priest,  osborn and pagnell, substance, pedrag cicovacki, schilthuizen,  susan sontag, gillian rose,  nikolas rose,  g rattery taylor, rose,  rajan,  stuart sim,  max raphael,  media culture and society,  heller- roazen,  rid, root, rossi, gramsci, showstack sasson, david roden,  adrew ross, rosenvallion, pauliina remes, pkato, peter sloterdijk, tamsin shaw, george simmel, bullock and trombley, mark francis,  alain supiot, suvin, mullen and suvin, stroma,  maimonides,  van vogt,  the clouds on unknowing, enclotic, thesis 11,  spivack,  kate raworth,  h.w. richardson,  hillial schwartz, stern, rebecca solnit, rowland parker,  pickering,  lukacs,  epicriud, epicetus, lucrtious,  aurelies,  w.j.oates,  thor Hanson,  thompson, mabey,  sheldrake,  eatherley,  plato, jeffries,  dorothy richardson,  arno schmidt,   earl derr biggersm  mary borden, birrel, arno schmidt,  o.a. henty,  berhard steigler,  victor serge,  smith,  joyce salisbury, pauer-studer,  timpanaro,  s helling, schlor, norman and welchman,  searle, emanuele severarimo,  tomasello, sklar, judith singer, walmisley,  thomas malthus,  quentin meilassoux,  alberto meelucchi,  mingione, rurnbull,  said, spufford and  uglow,  zone,  j.j.c. smartt, sandel, skater, songe-moller,  strawson,  strawson, strawson, raymond tallis,  toscano,  turkle,  tiqquin, diggins,  j.s. ogilivy, w.w. hutchings,  rackgam,  deiter roth,  dowell,  red notes,  campbell and pryce,osip brik, lilya brik, mayakovsky, zone, alvin toffker, st exupery, freya stark, warson, walsh, wooley, tiles and oberdick, timofeeva, richardson, marcuse,  marder,  wright,  ushenko, tolson, albebers and moholy- nagy, alyce mahon, gablik, burnett, barry, hill, fontaine, sanuel johnson,justin, block, taylor, peter handke, jacques rivette,  william sansom, bunuel and dali, tom bullough, aldius huxley, philip robinson, spendor, tzara,  wajcman, peter wohlleben,  prigogini,  paolo virno,  jeremy tunstall, theweliet,  taussig,  tricker,  vince,  thomss, williams,  vogl, new german critique,  e.p. thompson,  jean wahl, paul virilio, lotringer, christy wampole, verhaeghe, janet wolff, anna kavan, vergara,  uexkull,  couze venn, barry smart, vico,  vatimo, vernant, raoul vaneigem,  ibn warraq, vertov,  williams,  meiksins wood, norbert weiner, peter wollen,  h.g. wells,  michelle walker, , jeanne waelit  walters,  shaw and darlen, whorf,  ward and dubois,  john wright,  weinart, wolff, willis, wark, cosima wagner, j. weeks,  judith williamson,  welzbacher, erik olin wright, wittgenstein, kenny,  zeldin, wenders,  henry miller, wenkler, arrighi,  banks, innes, ushereood, kristeva, john cage, quignard,  t.f. powys, siri hustveldt, lem,  zelazny, mitchonson,  tsilolkovsky, toussaint, heppenstall, garrigasait, de kerangal, haine fenn, jean bloch,  geoff ryman, reve, corey, asemkulov, ernaux,  gareth powell, cory,  deleuze and guattari studies, cse, allain and souvestre, apolinaire, jane austen, john arden, aitmatov,  elizabth von arnim, paul auster, abish,  ackroyd, tom gunn, lorca, akhmatov, artuad,  simon armatige, albahari, felipe alfau, audem auden and soendor, varicco, barrico, bainbridge, asturias, ronan bennett, beckett, paul bowles, jane bowles, celine, bukowski,  wu ming, blissert,  kay boyle,  andrei  bely,  hugo barnacle,  BOLL,  isak dineson, karen blikson,  brodsky,  richmel crompton,  berry, barthleme,  mary butts, leonora carrington, cage,  chevhillard,  canetti,  cendres,  butor,  cortazar, danielewski,  bertha damon,  dyer, havier cercas, micheal dibden, marguerite duras, john donne, duras, durrell,  dorrie,  Fredric durrenmatt,  heppenstahl, eco, enzensberger, evanovich, fruentes,  farrell,  alison fell,  alisdair gray,  hollinhurst,  andre gide,  jean giono, gadda, henry green,  grass,  andre gorz,  william gibson,  joyce,  gombrowitz,  alex laishley, murakami,  herve guibert,  franz kafka,  juenger, junker, kapuscinski, laurie king,  kundera,  mcewan, ken macleod,  ian macdonald,  moers,  meades,  vonda macintyre,  nalmstom, maillert,  havier marias,  jeff noon,  anaus nin,  david nobbs,  peter nadas,  nabokov,  iakley, oates,  raymond queneau,  cesare pavese, paterson, ponge,  perte, perec, chinery, ovid,  genette,  kandinsky, robert pinget, richard piwers,  rouvaud, sloan, surrralist poetry, ilya troyanov, paul,raabe,  julien rios, arne dahl, pierre sollers, rodrigruez,  chris ross, renate rasp, ruiz, rulfo, tove jannsson, cabre,  vladislavic, tokarczuk, pessoa, jane bowles, calvino, lispector, lydia davis, can xue,  sebald, peter tripp,  hertzberg,  virginia woolf,  zozola, sorrentino, higgins,  v.w. straka, cogman, freud, jung, klein, winnecot, lacan,  fordham, samuels,  jung, freud, appignesai,  bjp, pullman, magnam, sybil marshall, mccarten,  galbraith, jewell,  lehmann,  levy,  levin, jung,  spinoza,  fairburn,  jung, sandler,  lacan,  laplanche,  pontalis, can, xue,  klein, cavelli, hawkins, stevens,  hanna segal, bollas,  welldon,  williams,  sutherland, buon,  symington,  morrison,  brittain,  sidoli, sidoli,  holmes, bowlby, winnecott,   bollas,  kalschiid,  malan, patrick casement,  anna frued, wittenburg,  liz wright,  fordham, fairburn, symington, sandler,  jung, balint,  coltart,  west, steiner,  van der post,  stern,  green,  roustang,  adrew samuels,  d.l. sayers,  salom, krassner,  swain,  rame and fo,  storr,  cogman,  hessen,  penelope fitzgerald,  cummings, richard holloway,  juhea kim,  glenville, heyer, cartland,  kim, cho,  atkinson,  james,  king, audten,  hartley,  du maurier,  bronte,  thomas, plath, leon,  camillairi, kaussar, fred fargas, boyd,  sjowall and wahloo,  pheby,  morenno-garcia, perrsson,  herron, nicola barker, arronovitch,  karen lord, stephen frosh, ernest jones, flamm o’brien, shin, mishra, chin jin-young and so on to the warm horizon
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Good question! The good news is that Elizabeth will always give birth to a son. The bad news is that Comstock has seen every possible outcome and potential father and has meticulously made sure that this outcome is possible so that Elizabeth will conceive at the exact minute on the the exact hour on the exact day. He and the entire city are creepishly obsessed with his daughter’s cycle.
Now, afterwards? There’s less concern about a daughter once Comstock’s beloved heir is born. However, as Booker sees as he goes through the worst timeline, Elizabeth and Henry’s first and only child is a girl born with a visible heart defect. Now, Comstock will not have his ‘perfect genes’ ‘soiled’ so he takes measures into his own hands. Literally, he grabs the baby from the midwives and drops her out the window. Henry is then killed an “unfortunate accident” sometime later.
Comstock killing baby Agnes is the real catalyst for his grandson, Michael’s, rampage as an adult and destroys Elizabeth’s spirit. In Michael’s mind, both the Founders and the horrors of the world prove that humanity is beyond saving, everyone is inherently evil, and they all must be purged in every universe.
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tvln · 7 years
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sisters, or the balance of happiness / schwestern oder die balance des glücks (wger, von trotta, 79)
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geekgirl78 · 3 years
@wilhelm--fink tagged me, thank you! <3
List 3 of your comfort albums and tag 3 people
- Crow sit on blood tree - Graham Coxon
- I’ll be lightning - Liam Finn
- Philharmonics - Agnes Obel
(and all gd albums, but that’s obvious lol)
I tag the last 3 people who tagged me in a tag-game XD @st-jimmysidiot @thislovelyoptimist @mishafuckincollins
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faccioliste · 4 years
12 Etudes, Op.10: No.2 in A minor – Frédéric Chopin, Andrei Yeh
12 Etudes, Op.10: No.4 in C sharp minor – Frédéric Chopin, Andrei Yeh 
1977 – Ana Tijoux
24 mila baci – Adriano Celentano 
33 “GOD” – Bon Iver
3 Nouvelles Etudes, B.130: 2. Allegretto in A flat major – Frédéric Chopin, Andrei Yeh 
3WW – Alt-J 
3WW – OTG Version, Alt-J
44 gatti 
505 – Arctic Monkeys 
50 Special – Lùnapop
 715 - CR∑∑KS – Bon Iver 
A Cruel Angel’s Thesis – Neon Genesis Evangelion
A Fifth of Beethoven – Walter Murphy
A mano a mano – Rino Gaetano
A me me piace ‘a nutella – Il piccolo Lucio
A new error – Moderat 
Acida – Prozac+
Acqua (Malpensandoti) – Tedua
Addams Family Theme
Addio a Napoli / Ma come fanno i marinai – Dalla, De Gregori
Address Unknown – The Ink Spots
After Hours – The Velvet Underground
Aggiungi un posto a tavola – Johnny Dorelli
Ai ai ai – Los locos 
Ain’t Got No – Nina Simone
Al ballo mascherato – Fabrizio De André
Alexander Platz – Franco Battiato
Alla consolle – Mimmo Amerelli
All Alone – Gorillaz
All Day and All of the Night – The Kinks
All In – Nitro
All I want is you – Barry Louis Polisar
All of me – John Legend
All tomorrow’s parties – The Velvet Underground
Alter Ego – Tame Impala
American Boy – Estelle, Kanye West
American Pie – Don McLean
American Woman – Lenny Kravitz
Amigas Cheetahs – The Ceetah Girls
Amor, amor de mia amores – Natalie Lagourcade
Amore che vieni, amore che vai – Fabrizio De André
Amore disperato – Nada
Anche per te – Lucio Battisti
Andavo a cento all’ora – Gianni Morandi
Anemos - Introduzione – Murubutu
Another brick in the wall – Pink Floyd
Antidoping – Gemitaiz, MadMan, Ensi
APPARTENGO - Il sangue – Marracash, Massimo Pericolo
Applausi per Fibra – Fabri Fibra
Arabella – Arctic Monkeys
Are you gonna be my girl – Jet
Argenti Vive – Caparezza
Arrivederci Tristezza – Brunori Sas
Ask - The Smiths
Autoipnotica – Caparezza
Avrai ragione tu (ritratto) – Caparezza
Azzurro – Adriano Celentano
Ba-ba-baciami piccina – Quartetto Cedra
Babalù – Mannarino
Baby – Justin Bieber
Baby Boy – Beyoncé
…Baby One More Time – Britney Spears
Baby’s on Fire – Die Antwoord
Baciala – La Sirenetta
Baciami ancora – Jovanotti
Back In Black – AC/DC
Back On The Scene – Slaughterhouse
Badabum Cha Cha – Jim Croce
bad guy – Billie Eilish
Bad Mouth – Fugazi
BAGDAD - Cap.7: Liturgia – ROSALÍA
Balla – Umberto Rosario Balsamo
Ballata degli impiccati – Fabrizio De André
Bam bam – Sister Nancy
BamBam – Matador
Banana Brain – Die Antwoord
Bandiera Bianca – Franco Battiato
Bandiera Gialla – Gianni Pettenati
Bandiera Rossa – ✊
Bang bang (My baby shot me down) – Nancy Sinatra
Barbera e Champagne – Giorgio Gaber
Beachwood Park – The Zombies
Bella ciao – ✊
Bella vera – 883
Be my baby – The Ronettes
Ben 10 – Sigla
Benzi box – DANGERDOOM
Berghem béla sità
The best of both worlds – Hannah Montana
Bibbidi bobbidi bu
Bigger Than Prince – Green Velvet
The Black Angel’s Death song – The Velvet Underground, Nico
Blackbird – The Beatles
Blank Space – Taylor Swift
Blowin’ in the wind – Bob Dylan
Blue Monday – New Order
Blue Suede Shoes – Elvis Presley
Blush Beat – Club Domani
Bocca di rosa – Fabrizio De André
BODY PARTS - I denti – Marracash
Boom boom boom boom – Vegaboys
Boom Boom Pow – Black Eyed Peas
Branca Day – Derozer
BRAVI A CADERE - I polmoni – Marracash
Brazil – Django Reinhardt
Breakthru – Queen
Briciole – Calcutta
Brother Sparrow – Agnes Obel
Bull in the heather – Sonic Youth
Buonanotte Fiorellino – Francesco De Gregori
Buona sera (Signorina) – Fred Buscaglione
By Night – Sophie Hutchings
B.Y.O.B. – System Of A Down
By starlight – The Smashing Pumpkins
By This River – Brian Eno
Cacao Meraviglio – Renzo Arbore, Paola Cortellesi, Nino Frassica
California King Bed – Rihanna
Camcamini spazzacamin
Canapa – Punkreas
Cannabis – Ska-P
Cannibal Bling Bling – 10LEC6
Can’t Hold Us – Macklemore
Can’t Stop – Red Hot Chili Peppers
Canzone – Lucio Dalla
Canzone all’entrata – Caparezza
Canzone all’uscita – Caparezza
Canzone a metà – Caparezza
Canzone Del Maggio – Fabrizio De André
Canzone intelligente – Cochi E Renato
Canzone per te – Sergio Endrigo
Carabinieri – Sigla 
Caramba beviamo del whisky 
Carlo Martello Ritorna Dalla Battaglia Di Poitiers – Fabrizio De André
Caso umano – Ministri
Cattolica – Pop X
Centro di gravità permanente – Franco Battiato
C’est la vie (you never can tell) – Pulp no pulp
Che coss’è l’amor – Vinicio Capossela
Che Fico! – Pippo Franco
Che Idea! – Flaminio Maphia
Chi C’è – Fabri Fibra
China Town – Caparezza
Chi Se Ne Frega Della Musica – Caparezza
Chissà Dove Sei – Francesco De Gregori
Chop Suey! – System of a Down
Chum – Earl Sweatshirt
Chunky – Flatbush Zombies
Ci Penso Dopo – Fabri Fibra
Cirano – Francesco Guccini 
Clandestino – Manu Chao
Clint Eastwood – Gorillaz
Coda di Lupo – Fabrizio De André
Come porti i capelli bella bionda – I Girasoli
Comfortably Numb – Pink Floyd
Complicated – Avril Lavigne
Comprami – Viola Valentino
Compro Horror – Caparezza
Comunque Dada – Caparezza
Concerning Hobbits – The Lord of the Rings
Cooler Couleur – Crookers
Cose che non capisco – Caparezza
Country Roads
Crabs in a Bucket – Vince Staples
Crazy in Love – Beyoncé
Crooked Cops – Rejjie Snow
CRUDELIA - I nervi – Marracash
Cuccurucucù – Franco Battiato
Cuore Matto – Little Tony
Cuore Nero – Blind
DA BUTTARE - Il ca**o – Marracash
Da Feeling – Nightmares On Wax 
Dafne sa contare – Murubutu
Dance Monkey – Tones and I
Dancing Queen – ABBA
Dancing With Myself – Billy Idol
Dangerous – Kid Enigma
Death on Two Legs (Dedicated to...) – Queen
Death USB – Salmo
Dedicato a te – Le Vibrazioni
Del Verde – Calcutta
Desire Be Desire Go – Tame Impala
Detto, Fatto. – Gemitaiz & MadMan
Dieci ragazze – Lucio Battisti
Diet Mountain Dew – Lana Del Rey
Die Walkure - Ride of the Valkyries – Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
DI MI NOMBRE (Cap.8: Éxtasis) – ROSALÍA
Disorder – Joy Division
Dispari – Marta Sui Tubi
Disperato Erotico Stomp – Lucio Dalla
Dog in the Mirror – Guerilla Toss
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
Domani – Ernia 
Domani – Articolo 31
Domani smetto – Articolo 31
Don Chisciotte – Francesco Guccini
Don Raffaè – Fabrizio De André
Don’t Cha – The Pussycat Dolls
Don't Give Up – Mystery Jets
Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood – The Animals
Don’t Pass Me By – The Beatles
Don’t Sit Down ’Cause I’ve Moved Your Chair – Arctic Monkeys
Don’t Stop Me – BowLand
Do the astral plane – Flying Lotus
Dove sta zazà – Gabriella Ferri 
Dove vola l’avvoltoio – Pietro Buttarelli
Downer – Nirvana 
Dream – Hiroshi Noshimura
Dream a Little Dream of Me – Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong
Drogata schifosa – Pop X
Due su due – Articolo 31
Ed ero contentissimo – Tiziano Ferro
E la luna bussò – Loredana Bertè 
E la vita, la vita – Cochi e Renato
Eleanor Rigby – The Beatles
El pueblo unido – ✊
El Tango De Roxanne – José Feliciano
Endors Toi – Tame Impala
Eroe (Storia di Luigi Delle Bicocche) – Caparezza
Estate – Negramaro 
È tardi – Caparezza
E ti vengo a cercare – Franco Battiato
Everybody Needs Somebody to Love – The Blues Brothers
Everytime We Touch – Cascada
Facciamo un pupazzo insieme? – Frozen 
Fai da tela – Caparezza
Fall In Love – Yuno
Family Affair – Mary J. Blige
Fango – Jovanotti 
Farò di te un uomo – Mulan
Fatty Boom Boom – Die Antwoord
Feel Good Inc. – Gorillaz
Feeling Good – Nina Simone
Femme Fatale – The Velvet Underground
Fenomeno – Fabri Fibra
Figli d’arte – Caparezza
Figli Di Pitagora – Eiffel 65
Figli di puttana – Pop X
Fireside – Arctic Monkeys
Five to one – The Doors 
Fleas to beas – 10LEC6
Forever Jung – Caparezza
Franziska – Fabrizio De André
Freak Like Me – DJ Deeon
Frosinone – Calcutta
Funkytown – Lipps Inc.
Funnel of Love – Wanda Jackson 
Fuori dal tunnel – Caparezza
Gaetano – Calcutta
Game of Thrones – Sigla
Gasolina – Daddy Yankee
Gente che spera – Articolo 31 
Ghetto Kraviz – Nina Kraviz
Gianna – Rino Gaetano
Gigugin – Articolo 31
Giotto Beat – Caparezza
Girlfriend – Avril Lavigne
Girls Just Want to Have Fun – Cyndi Lauper
Giudizi universali – Samuele Bersani
Gli insetti del podere – Caparezza
Gli uccelli – Franco Battiato
G.O.A.T. - Il cuore – Marracash
GO AWAY! – CocoRosie
Goodbye Malinconia – Caparezza
Good Golly Miss Molly – Little Richard
Goodnight Moon – Shivaree
Gotta Go My Own Way – High School Musical Cast
Grande figlio di puttana – Stadio
Grau grau grau - da “io sto con gli ippopotami” – Bud Spencer
Grease – The Four Seasons
Greased Lightnin’ – John Travolta
GRETA THUNBERG - Lo stomaco – Marracash
Hallelujah – Leonard Cohen
Happiness is a Warm Gun – The Beatles
Happy Days – Ghali
Happy Days (Theme from Happy Days) – Pratt & McClain
Happy Hour – Felix da Housecat
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger – Daft Punk
Harry Potter in 99 Seconds – Jon Cozart
Have You Ever Had... (Skit) – Salmo
Heart and Soul – Joy Division
Heartbreak Hotel – Elvis Presley
Hello, I Love You – The Doors
Hey Bulldog – The Beatles
Hit Me with Your Best Shot – Pat Benatar
Hit the Road Jack – Ray Charles
Hive – Earl Sweatshirt
Ho capito che ti amo – Luigi Tenco
Hoedown Throwdown – Miley Cyrus
Hollaback Girl – Gwen Stefani
home with you – FKA twigs
hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it – Lana Del Rey
Hotel Supramonte – Fabrizio De André
House Credibility – Caparezza
Ho visto un re – Enzo Jannacci
How Far – Tei Shi
HUMBLE. – Kendrick Lamar
Hypnotize – The Notorious B.I.G.
I Am Woman – Helen Reddy
I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor – Arctic Monkeys
(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction – The Rolling Stones
I Cento Passi – Modena City Ramblers
I colori del vento – Pocahontas 
I consigli di un pirla – Articolo 31
Ieri era zero – Hercules 
I Fink U Freeky – Die Antwoord
I Follow Rivers – Lykke Li
If She Really Is Your Light – Pavlove
I Know It’s Over – The Smiths
Il ballo del qua qua – Romina Power 
Il ballo di San Vito – Vinicio Capossela
Il bar della rabbia – Mannarino
Il Bel Canto – Ministri
Il Bombarolo – Fabrizio De André
Il Cielo In Una Stanza – Gino Paoli
Il Dito Medio Di Galileo – Caparezza
Il Funkytarro – Articolo 31
Il Gatto E La Volpe – Edoardo Bennato
Il gigante e la bambina – Lucio Dalla 
Il gorilla – Fabrizio De André
I’ll Be Your Mirror – The Velvet Underground
I’ll Come Running – Brian Eno
Il Mondo – Jimmy Fontana
Il Pescatore – Fabrizio De André
Il posto più freddo – I Cani
Il Principe Ali – Aladdin
Il regalo più grande – Tiziano Ferro
Il senso dell’odio – Salmo
Il suonatore Jones – Fabrizio De André
Il tempo di morire – Lucio Battisti
Il testamento – Fabrizio De André
Il testamento di Tito – Fabrizio De André
Il testo che avrei voluto scrivere – Caparezza
Il Vitello Dai Piedi Di Balsa – Elio e le Storie Tese
I’m a Believer – Smash Mouth
I marinai tornano tardi – Murubutu
Impara il longobardo con Alessandro Barbero 
I’m so tired – The Beatles
In caduta libera – Folkstone
In Cold Blood​​ – alt-J
Incontro – Francesco Guccini
In Italia – Fabri Fibra
Innuendo – Queen
Insieme a te non ci sto più – Caterina Caselli
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea – Neutral Milk Hotel
Introduzione – Fabrizio De André
In Un Giorno Di Pioggia – Modena City Ramblers
Inverno – Fabrizio De André
Io centro con i missili –  Pop X
Io credo in me – Naruto 
Io ho in mente te – Equipe 84
Io non mi sento italiano – Giorgio Gaber
Io sono fatto di neve – Ministri
Io sono qui – Salmo
Irene – Pinguini Tattici Nucleari
Iris – The Goo Goo Dolls
Isla Magica – Maria Usbeck
Isobarre – Murubutu
I sogni son desideri 
Isola verde – Murubutu
It Is Not Meant To Be – Tame Impala
It’s not too late – 10LEC6
I’ve got a woman – Ray Charles
(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life – Bill Medley
I vitelloni – Bobo Rondelli
I wanna be your lover – La Bionda 
I wanna be yours – Arctic Monkeys 
I want you back – The Jackson 5 
I will survive – Gloria Gaynor 
Jazz suite no.2: 6 waltz II – Dmitri Shostakovich
Jigsaw Feeling – Siouxsie and the Banshees
Johnny B. Goode – Chuck Berry
Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In) – Kenny Rogers
Just the way you are – Bruno Mars 
Kalasnjkov – Goran Bregović, Slobodan Salijevic
Keep yourself alive – Queen
Kentucky – Il Bepi & The Prismas
Kevin Spacey – Caparezza
Killer Queen – Queen
King’s Supreme – Machete Crew
Kitaro – Caparezza
Kurt Cobain – Brunori Sas
La Ballata Dell’amore Cieco (O Della Vanità) – Fabrizio De André
La Ballata dell’eroe – Fabrizio De André
La Ballata del Miché – Fabrizio De André
La bambola – Patty Pravo
La bella la và al fosso – I Girasoli
La Bomba In Testa – Fabrizio De André
La Caduta di Atlante – Caparezza
La Canzone del Padre – Fabrizio De André
La Canzone di Barbara – Fabrizio De André
La Canzone di Marinella – Fabrizio De André
La cesarina – I Girasoli
La città vecchia – Fabrizio De André
La collina dei pioppi – Murubutu
La cosa – Cochi e Renato
Lacrime – Ghali
La cura – Franco Battiato
La danza delle streghe – Gabry Ponte 
Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space – Spiritualized
La donna cannone – Francesco De Gregori
Lady Marmalade – Moulin Rouge
La famiglia dei becchini – Musica Per Bambini 
La fine di Gaia – Caparezza
La Ghigliottina – Caparezza
La grande onda – Piotta
La guerra di Piero – Fabrizio De André
La Isla Bonita – Madonna
La La Land – Green Velvet
Lala Song – Bob Sinclar
La libertà – Giorgio Gaber
La lontananza – Domenico Modugno
La mamma di Rosina – I Girasoli
La Marchetta di Popolino – Caparezza
La mazurka di periferia – Raoul Casadei
La mia parte intollerante – Caparezza
La mia ragazza mena – Articolo 31
L’animale – Franco Battiato
La notte – Arisa
La parata degli elefanti rosa – Quartetto Cetra
L’appuntamento – Calibro 35
La prima rondine venne ier sera – Pop x
La prima volta  – Motta
La prima volta – Salmo
La regola dell’amico – 883
La rivoluzione del sessintutto – Caparezza
L’armata perduta di Re Cambise – Murubutu
Larsen – Caparezza
Las Divinas – Patito Feo
La società dei magnaccioni – Lando Fiorini
La spesa – Marta Sui Tubi
La stagione del tuo amore – Fabrizio De André
La Strada – Modena City Ramblers 
La Tartaruga – Bruno Lauzi
Laughing On The Outside – Bernadette Carroll
La Valse à Mille Temps – Jacques Brel
La vie en rose – Édith Piaf
La vie en rose – Louis Armstrong
L’avvelenata – Francesco Guccini
Layla – Eric Clapton
Le barche – Calcutta
Le coppie – I Cani
Legalize The Premier – Caparezza
L’emozione non ha voce – Adriano Celentano
Le ragazze di porta venezia – Myss Keta
Less Than – Nine Inch Nails
Le tasche piene di sassi – Jovanotti
Let Me Blow Ya Mind – Eve
Let’s Get Crazy – Hannah Montana
Let’s Twist Again – Chubby Checker
Levante – Murubutu
Lexotan – I Cani
L. Fast & D. Young – Salmo
L’Idraulico Aulico – MusicaPerBambini
Life on Mars? – David Bowie
L’immensità – Don Backy
Limonata – Calcutta 
L’infinto – Caparezza
L’inno del corpo sciolto – Roberto Benigni 
L’isola Che Non C’è – Edoardo Bennato
L’italiano medio – Articolo 31
Little Green Bag – George Baker Selection
Little Lover – AC/DC
Livin’ la Vida Loca – Ricky Martin
Lonely Boy – The Black Keys
Lonely Day – System of a Down
Long Tall Sally – Little Richard
Lontano dagli occhi – Sergio Endrigo
Lontano, lontano – Luigi Tenco
Look at Me, I’m Sandra Dee – Stockard Channing
Looking at You – MC5
Loose Lips – Kimya Dawson
Loser – Beck
Los Ojos Del Diablo – El Raton 
Lo stretto indispensabile – Il libro della giungla 
Love Buzz – Shocking Blue
Love Is a Laserquest – Arctic Monkeys
Love Me – Justin Bieber
Love sex american express – Cristian Marchi
Love Stink – LoboLoto
Love Story – Taylor Swift
Lucifer Sam – Pink Floyd
Lucille – Little Richard
L’ultima festa – Cosmo
L’ultima speranza – Hercules
L’uomo che premette – Caparezza
L’uomo tigre 
L’uva fogarina – I Girasoli 
Ma che freddo fa – Nada
Madame Hollywood – Felix da Housecat
MADAME - L’anima – Marracash
Maddalena e Madonna – Brunori Sas
Madonnina dai riccioli d’oro – I Girasoli
Mad Sounds – Arctic Monkeys
Magazine – Dark Polo Gang
Ma il cielo è sempre più blu – Rino Gaetano
MALAMENTE (Cap.1: Augurio) – ROSALÍA
MALDICIÓN (Cap.10: Cordura) – ROSALÍA
Maledetti scarafaggi 
Mambo Italiano – Renato Carosone
Mamma Roma, Addio – Cranio Randagio
Mara e il maestrale – Murubutu
Marco gioca sott’acqua – Murubutu
Marks – Nicolas Jaar
Marry You – Bruno Mars
MARYLEAN – Machete
Marylou – Mannarino
mary magdalene – FKA twigs
Mas Que Nada – Sergio Mendes
Materazzi ha fatto gol – Matrixgol
Matilda – ​​alt-J
Men In Black – Will Smith
Mentre tutto scorre – Negramaro
Merchandise – Fugazi
Me So’ Mbriacato – Mannarino
Messa in moto – Caparezza
Meteorological – Guerilla Toss
Mica Van Gogh – Caparezza
Migliora La Tua Memoria Con Un Click – Caparezza
Milano – Calcutta
Milkshake – Kelis
Mi mujer – Nicolas Jaar
Minor Swing – Django Reinhardt & le Hot Club de France
Minuetto – Mia Martini
Mio fratello è figlio unico – Rino Gaetano
Mi parli di te – Motta
Mi sei scoppiato dentro al cuore – Mina
Mi sento una betulla in piena estate insieme a te – Cecco e Cipo
Misirlou – Surf Boys 
Mi sono innamorato di te – Luigi Tenco
Moanin’ – Charles Mingus
Moby Dick – Led Zeppelin
Mon oncle – Frank Barcellini
Moondance – Van Morrison
Morte in diretta – Salmo
Mouth trap! – 10LEC5
Mr. Simpatia – Fabri Fibra
My Generation – The Who
My Rollercoaster – Kimya Dawson
NANA (Cap.9: Concepción) – ROSALÍA
Nandemonaiya – RADWIMPS
Narcoleptic Verses Pt. 1 – Salmo
Negative Youth – Salmo
Nel blu dipinto di blu – Domenico Modugno
Nella Mia Ora Di Libertà – Fabrizio De André
Nella pancia dello squalo – Salmo
Nessuno – Brunori Sas
Nessun rimpianto – 883
Niente da capire – Francesco De Gregori 
Niente di strano – Giorgio Poi 
No. 1 Party Anthem – Arctic Monkeys
No Big Bang – Priests
No Fear – Fabrizio Maurizi 
Noi bambine non abbiamo scelta – Baustelle
Non farti cadere le braccia – Edoardo Bennato
Non me lo posso permettere – Caparezza
Non me lo so spiegare – Tiziano Ferro
Non potrei mai – Fast Animals and Slow Kids
Non siete stato voi – Caparezza 
NON SONO MARRA - La pelle – Marracash
No Stress – Laurent Wolf
No Surprises – Radiohead
No Tengo Dinero – Righeira
Noter de Berghem – I cör alegher 
Notte prima degli esami – Antonello Venditti 
No Woman, No Cry – Bob Marley & The Wailers
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da – The Beatles
Oh, pretty woman – Roy Orbison
Oltre il ponte – Modena City Ramblers
Oltre l’orizzonte – Oceania 
One More Time – Daft Punk 
One O Six – Jupiter 
One way or another – Blondie 
On Melancholy hill – Gorillaz
On the floor  Jennifer Lopez
Oops! I did it again – Britney Spears 
Orgasmo – Calcutta
Oroscopo – Calcutta
OSCENO – Lilly Meraviglia 
Our song – Taylof Swift 
Paint it, Black – The Rolling Stones
Pale Blue Eyes – The Velvet Underground 
Pantalica – Colapesce 
Papa was a Rolling Stones – The Temptations
Paper Bag Acid – Jerome Hill 
Paradise – Phoebe Cates
Paranoia mia – Ernia 
Parole parola – Mina 
Party in the U.S.A – Miley Cyrus 
Peace Lovin Man – John Lee Hooker
Peaches en regalia – Frank Zappa
Penny Lane – The Beatles 
Pepper – Butthole Surfers 
Per amore e basta – Motta
Per dimenticare – Zero Assoluto 
Però mi vuol bene – Quartetto Cetra 
Per tutte le volte che – Valerio Scanu 
Peter Gunn – Henry Mancini
Piazza Grande – Lucio Dalla
Piccola Sbronza – Selton, Dente 
Pifferaio magico – Articolo 31
Piledriver Waltz – Arctic Monkeys 
Piove – Domenico Modugno 
Pippi calzelunghe 
Pistorius – Gemitaiz, Madman 
Più bella cosa – Eros Ramazzotti 
Planet Caravan – Black Sabbath
Play – Betta Lemme 
Pleasentville – Nitro 
POCO DI BUONO - Il fegato – Marracash 
Poesia – Don Backy 
Poetessa maledetta – Club Domani, Stephanie Glitter 
Pokemon – Giorgio Vanni 
Pollon, pollon combina guai – Critina D’Avena 
Pop porno – Il Genio
Pornoromanzo – Brunori Sas
Posso farcela – Alex Baroni (Hercules)
Post Concerto – Coma_Cose 
Precipitevolissimevolmente – Dente, Il Genio 
Preghiera delle palle di neve – Musica Per Bambini
PRESO (Cap.6: Clausura) – ROSALÍA
Pretty fly (for a white guy) – The Offspring
Price Tag – Jessie J, B.o.
Prima di dormire – Salmo 
Prisencolinensinainciusol – Adriano Celentano 
Prisoner 709 – Caparezza 
Promised Land – Joe Smooth 
Prospettiva Nevsi – Franco Battiato
Psycho Killer – Talking Heads 
Pump up the jam – Technotronic, Felly 
QUALCOSA IN CUI CREDERE - Lo scheletro – Marracash
Quando quando quando – Tony Renis 
QUELLI CHE NON PENSANO - Il cervello – Marracash
Quello che siamo diventati – Motta 
Questa è la mia festa – Maria Antonietta 
Questa è la realtà – Hercules 
Questo piccolo grande amore – Claudio Baglioni
Ragazza magica – Jovanotti 
Ragazze acidelle – Flaminio Maphia 
Ragazzo fortunato – Jovanotti 
Ramaya – Afric Simone
Rancho della luna – Salmo 
Rasputin – Boney M. 
Recitativo – 2 invocazioni 1 atto di accusa – Fabrizio de andré
Reginella campagnola – I Girasoli
Relax Your Body – D.F.X. 
RENIEGO - Cap.5: Lamento – ROSALÍA
Respect – Aretha Franklin 
Restiamo in casa – Colapesce 
Ricchi Dentro - Ghali
The Climb – Miley Cyrus
The Dark Side of the Mood – Nitro
The Flintstones – Sigla 
The Gravedigger’s Song – Mark Lanegan
The Heroic Weather - Conditions of the Universe, Part 1: A Veiled Mist – Alexandre Desplat
The Kids Aren’t Alright – The Offspring
The lazy song – Bruno Mars
The realness – RuPaul
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arthurjdrake · 4 years
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Aren Nyström Ölvirsson / Arthur James Drake Playlist [ L I S T E N ]
❝ Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die life is a broken-winged bird, that cannot fly❞
♢ Good Times Gonna Come - Aqualung ♢ Lost in Music - Sister Sledge ♢ Riverside - Agnes Obel ♢ Holocene - Bon iver ♢ Wash - Bon Iver ♢ Sad, Sad World - Jamie Cullum ♢ Wait For It - Leslie Odom Jr ♢ Bloodsport - Raleigh Ritchie ♢ Rolling With the Punches - The Blue Stones ♢ Sound The Bugle - Bryan Adams ♢ Best of My Love - The Emotions ♢ Wheels - Jamie Cullum ♢ St James Infirmary - Hugh Laurie ♢ Divienire - Ludovico Einaudi ♢ To Build A Home - The Cinematic Orchestra ♢ Superstition - Stevie Wonder ♢ Dark Times - The Weeknd, Ed Sheeran ♢ Work Song - Hozier ♢ Someone Like You - Adele ♢ Living For The City - Stevie Wonder ♢ Use Somebody - Kings of Leon ♢ Castle of Glass - Linkin Park ♢ Afraid - The Neighbourhood ♢ Certain Things - James Arthur ♢ Colour In Your Hands - D.L.i.D, Fink ♢ I’ll Be Good - Jaymes Young ♢ It Will Rain - Bruno Mars ♢ Lay It All on Me - Rudimental & Ed Sheeran ♢ Out of Sight out of Mind - The Heart of Katherine ♢ Dust Bowl Dance - Mumford & Sons ♢ Cemeteries of London - Coldplay ♢ Postcards from Far Away - Coldplay ♢ Home II - Dotan ♢ Tessellate - Ellie Goulding ♢ Turning Tables - Adele ♢ Kiss from a Rose - Seal ♢ I’m Still Standing - Taron Egerton
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brokenenglishfilms · 5 years
In this podcast Hugo discusses the Montréal based end of the world TV show, Ruptured. What inspired it, how long and where it was written and the history of the name Broken English/Broken English Films.
He also talks about Martin Scorsese's "The Irishman" and Noah Baumbach's "Marriage Story" as well as touching on Disney+ and Apple TV+. Also, apparently Martin Scorsese is meeting with Disney head Bob Iger in response to his comments about Marvel cinema. Hopefully Marty's bringing his heavies, he should know gangster meeting lore by now.
Check out brokenenglishfilms.com and support the indie film company you're about to fall in love with, possibly... Maybe?
Ruptured TV show season 1 writing playlist:
1. Rough Sleeper - Burial
2. Everything Is Violence - Lorn
3. Get Free - Major Lazer
4. Mystery Cloud - STRFKR
5. Troubleman - Electric Guest
6. Roads - Portishead
7. The North - Stars
8. Merry Happy - Kate Nash
9. The heart asks pleasure first/The promise - Michael Nyman
10. Talk Show Host - Radiohead
11. Riverside - Agnes Obel
12. Parade - Rone
13. Warm Shadow (Dactyl Remix) - The Walking Dead Soundtrack - Fink
14. Cloudlight - Instrumental - Eskmo
15. Straight Off the D.I.C. (Instrumental) - Cannibal Ox
16. Goodbye My Love - Tyler Bates
17. Don't Slow Down - Matt and Kim
18. Ho Hey - The Lumineers
19. The Fragile - Nine Inch Nails
20. Pray For Rain - Massive Attack
21. Plague - Crystal Castles
22. Used to Love U - John Legend
23. Hope There's Someone - Antony and the Johnsons
24. Nakt - Rone
25. Finality (4th Movement) - The Roots
26. Citizen of Glass - Instrumental - Agnes Obel
27. New Ways - Daughter
28. 174 Hours - Jeff Russo
29. Time Is The Enemy - Quantic
30. brot - Ólafur Arnalds
31. Unlive (Dream Koala Rework) - Superpoze
via Broken English Films
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commodorecliche · 5 years
Natalie for the playlist ask thing?? 💖
sure! (sorry for no youtube links, it’s late... lol)
N: Nightcall - KavinskyA: A-Yo - Lady GagaT: Take It All Away - RedA: Agnes - Glass AnimalsL: Like People, Like Plastic - AWOLNATIONI: I Fink U Freeky - Die AntwoordE: Eat You Up - BOA
send me your name or a ship+word and i’ll make a playlist out of the letters!
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thesassiestcolor · 6 years
Anymore of those STRQ song recs? (ya I actually listened to them assdfghkllhg)
Okay this anon has just given me persmission to go HAM so buckle up (and thank you!) and let’s expose me my music taste lol
These are going to be pretty generic bc we don’t really know how she was and some just based on Headcanon bc lmao you asked
Make You Feel My Love - Adele bc I’m basic
Radio Ga Ga - Queen Summer was definitely a Queen Stan and Radio holds nice memories
What Would You Do - Bastille (this will NOT be the only Bastille on this list lmao get ready)
Right Before my Eyes - Cage the Elephant damn imagine being like the Kindest and living in a world like remnant this woman should have gone crazy
Where Are You Now - Mumford and Sons for the Mood
Good Grief - Bastille bc I don’t know HOW she handled TRQ in early days
Rabbit Heart - Florence + The Machine TALK to me about soft characters going feral lmao
Let’s be honest most of these are about Raven or Summer or his kids bc he’s got a lotta love to give
Remains - Bastille (VS album) this ones actually about picking up pieces of grief so :)
Agnes - Glass Animals similar to ^ let it sink it
Didn’t You - Bear Attack! Bitter about Raven
Rewrite the Stars - Zac Efron, Zendaya I try not to include musicals but damn this one speaks for itself
My Sweet Lord - George Harrison for the Mood
Shame - Bastille this ones to Qrow lmao kill em
Slow Motion - Saint Motel love is GOOD babey!!
Love of my Life - Queen for sad
Two Days Later - Fink please allow this song to sink in to your soul and the meaning reveal itself in the oddest of ways
Little Boy - Barns Courtney see above ^
Mr. Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra for the sunshine man aesthetic
Hyacinth House - The Doors him and Qrow get high ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ruby Baby - Dion don’t imagine him singing this to baby ruby!! It’s too cute!! you’ll die!!
Im gonna try not to include too many from my super long strq post I have but there’s repeats I think are really good because I’m Emo
Get Free - Lana Del Ray take a shot every time a major theme of these songs is being torn between two desires - this is shot one
Glory (Bunker Session) - Bastille this one’s just a feeling
Delilah - Florence + the Machine bc shes Bi and summer let her have fun for Once in her life lmao
Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Lorde this is Fuck Ozpin 2.0
Caught - Florence + the Machine Shot #2
Killed Queen - Queen obligatory queen song bc they’ve been on my mind lately lol
Giants - Bear Attack! Pre Beacon her and Qrow dreams babey
L.A. Woman - The Doors because.
A Woman’s Game - Karliene this is actually a Game Of Thrones fan song about Cersei Lannister but lmao Cersei and Raven have a ton of similarities anyway (not the brother thing omg)
St. Jude - Florence + the Machine damn I hope you like Florence lmao me? associate catholicism and religious guilt with the Branwens? never
Chainsaw - Losers because it sounds badass
It’s time for Full Emo and for me to be Pretentious af and some rock because come on
Voo Doo Child - Jimi Hendrix I told you there was gonna be badass rock babey! Let’s get it out of the way! Others include:
D’yer Mak’er - Led Zeppelin
Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd this isn’t a joke (and the solo mysteriously lines up with the vs Winte fight lmao)
Wanderer - Dion I wouldn’t say this is rock but listen to it with a hint of irony
The Ocean - Led Zeppelin last one I promise
I Want to Break Free - Queen Ok Queen is only sometimes rock lmao
Lethal Combination - The Wombats back when him and Raven were tight
Two Evils - Bastille ironically, also for him and Raven
Hypocrite - Cage the Elephant as per usual w/ CTE, everything sucks and it’s our fault
An Act of Kindness - Bastille when Summer being Nice for no reason just knocked him on his ass
Out of my Head - The Wombats for that alcoholic feel
Arsonist’s Lullaby - Hozier because every single lyric about giving up to a predetermined trait about yourself is Amazing but especially “I knew something would always rule me....all you have is your fire and the place you need to reach” destroys me every time
Always Something - Cage the Elephant speaks for itself and everything sucks
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clexavage · 6 years
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better (or don’t it’s up to you!) tagged by: @couldweverbenough tagging:  whoever wanna do it
Nickname(s): Loulou but no one use it anymore Gender: female Sign: aries Height: 158cm Time: 13:50 Fav band(s): brocken back, hyphen hyphen, little mix, london grammar, milky chance, fink, whilk & misky  Fav solo artist(s): demi-portion, dooz kawa, gaël faye, slimane, LP, Jaymes Young, mishlawi, rag’n’bone man, rilès, sia, vance joy, woodkid, bishop briggs Song stuck in my head: what is love Last movie I saw: Stronger Last show I watched: Le bureau des légendes When did I create my blog: I honestly don’t know, probably january 2014 What do I post: gay stuff about y fav f/f ships Last thing I Googled: movie with tatiana maslany Do I have any other blogs: nope Do I get asks: never Why did I choose my URL: I was a clexa stan and two puns in one irl was fun Followed by: 108 blogs Average hours of Sleep: 7h Lucky number: 4 Instruments: none but I wanna play drums so badly What I am wearing: pajamas Dream job: I’ll be a teacher Dream trip: hm autralia or brasil Fav food: Goat cheese and tomato Nationality: French Fav song: Hallelujah - Jeff Burkley, Still loving you- Scorpions and School- Supertramp Last book I read: On regrettera plus tard - Agnes Ledig
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shadowdancers · 7 years
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a playlist for the upcoming solar eclipse (or: an excuse to share all the songs i am obsessed with)
“bodycodes” - lulu rouge ft. asbjørn
“i wanna run (fink remix)” - ki:theory
“the crown” - twin caverns
“paradise circus” - idris elba ft. fabienne
“pyre” - son lux
“nobody’s fool” - twisted psykie
“skinning” - eraas
“so close (e-spectro remix)” - ólafur arnalds ft. arnor dan
“cloud nine” - hælos
“fuel to fire (david lynch remix)” - agnes obel
“smoke through fire” - lulu rouge ft. asbjørn 
“wrap your arms around me” - the knife
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unosplaceresfugaces · 6 years
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#Exposición #RetrospectivaBernhardWicki #Latitudes2019 Hasta el 16 de marzo #Sala de la Provincia #Avda.MartínAlonsoPinzón #9 #Huelva Bernard Wicki (1919 – 2000) no solo fue un director y actor prominente. En los años 50 creo tambien una obra fotografica con una expresion artistica individual que sirvio de base para su trabajo como director. Sus fotografias proceden de viajes de Alemania, Francia, Italia, Bosnia, Marruecos, Africa, Rusia, Austria, America del Norte, asi como de su residencia en Munich. Wicki no estaba establecido tematicamente, el fotografiaba todo lo que le cautivaba visualmente: Personas en su aislamiento existencial, retratos no aclarados, ciudadesdesiertas y enajenadas, pero tambien paisajes poeticamente extasiados. Las fotografias dan una imagen impresionante del tiempo despues de los acontecimientos catastroficos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ademas, retrato a sus compañeros en fotografias muy personales: escritores como Friedrich Durrenmatt y actrices y actores como Hildegard Knef, Agnes Fink y Horst Buchholz. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu-4ET_FFav/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ita9ibaexd2k
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nerfzen · 7 years
If we tlkn bout Debby I wld jus wike t say i fink she's a meany. Awl sh does is gt Jish t wike hr thn whn thy haffa leave agn fr tour sh brks his heart awl ovr agn. Bt thn sh acts wike thyr bffs bt thn talks bout how mch sh htd thm bn tgtvr. Wike u dtd JOSH DUN hw cld tht b s bd whn awl h did ws praise u n trt u wike a queen. Sorry bt she's wht I wld cll a whore🙊-jj🌷
yesssss she’s so rude to him/about their relationship when they’re not together and then as soon as he’s back in cali she’s trying to crawl up his ass again like let’s not do that booboo
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