#franz rath
the-land-of-snr · 4 months
I don't know what kind of poison they put in the air because otherwise perfectly reasonable people say insane shit like "everyone acts like Hamas aren't terrorists, they act like Hamas killing millions of Israeli civillians was self defense"
My brother in Christ, that happened in OCTOBER. Look up how many civillians Israel has been killing SINCE THEN under the pretext of Hamas. Look up how they were preparing for this BEFORE Hamas.
Hamas is just the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The assassination of Ernst vom Rath. The Azov Battalion. Hamas is a pretex for atrocity and nothing else.
And since when is it justified to get revenge on civillian killings with more civillian killings?
What the fuck do they show on the news?
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Well, I just spent a few hours on this. Thanks, ADHD Hyperfixations. Anyways, here’s the general ages I came up with for the Three Frats AU relative to the 3H cast’s ages in the academy phase. Some are canon, others are modified canon, and others are straight up vibe guesses. I didn’t include any of the shapeshifters on here since they’re up in the air.
31+ - Vaida, Renault, Saber, Valbar, Gregor, Basilio, Flavia, Volke, Reina, Yukimura, Shura, Gilliam, basically anyone old enough to have their own kids or just obviously older than 30 something 30 - Arvis, Uther, Oswin, Hawkeye, Deen, Miriel, Libra, Shinon, Azama, Arthur (Fates) 29 - Aida, Pent, Louise, Dorcas, Isadora, Harken, Karla, Zeke, Stefan, Izana, Emmeryn, Gerik, Tethys 28 - Claud, Bartre, Natalie, Mathilda, Kamui, Fredrick, Virion, Sigrun, Gatrie, Xander, Saizo 27 - Beowulf, Lucius, Canas, Farina, Legault, Clive, Robin, Say'ri, Bastian, Heather, Tanith, Ryoma, Kagero, Scarlet, Glen (FE8) 26 - Balthus, Arden, Hector, Rath, Leila, Geitz, Karel, Lloyd, Linus, Sully, Cordelia, Kellam, Lon'qu, Calil, Rhys, Camilla, Orochi, Setsuna, Niles, Nyx, Benny 25 - Sigurd, Eldigan, Quan, Naoise, Ayra, Lewyn, Chulainn, Eliwood, Kent, Raven, Matthew, Dart, Fiora, Python, Forsyth, Sonia, Chrom, Vaike, Stahl, Cherche, Zihark, Lucia, Hinoka, Beruka, Peri, Joshua, Saleh, Cormag 24 - Edain, Brigid, Alec, Jamke, Lex, Sain, Lowen, Lukas, Leon, Jesse, Sumia, Gaius, Tharja, Geoffrey, Oscar, Jakob, Effie, Charlotte, Seth 23 - Deirdre, Tailitu, Azelle, Midir, Erinys, Wil, Heath, Ursula, Palla, Maribelle, Olivia, Henry, Kieran, Makalov, Kaze, Azura, Natasha, Glenn (3H), Rennac 22 - Mercedes, Lachesis, Lyn, Florina, Luthier, Lissa, Aran, Nephenee, Felicia, Flora, Rinkah, Silas, Syrene 21 - Jeritza, Byleth, Sylvia, Serra, Erk, Priscilla, Tatiana, Conrad, Ricken, Elincia, Marcia, Astrid, Boyd, Leo, Takumi, Oboro, Hinata, Artur, L'Arachel 20 - Hubert, Hapi, Catria, Atlas, Ike, Fiona, Jill, Mia, Lute, Innes, Knoll 19 - Sylvain, Yuri, Leonie, Finn, Dew, Guy, Rebecca, Silque, Berkut, Rinea, Fernand, Donnel, Pelleas, Ilyana, Tormod, Hana, Subaki, Mozu, Erika, Ephraim, Colm, Niemi, Forde, Kyle, Lyon 18 - Dorothea, Dedue, Raphael, Lorenz, Hilda, Constance, Monica, Jaffar, Gray, Faye, Clair, Mist, Soren, Hayato, Vanessa, Tana 17 - Edie, Dimi, Claude, Bernie, Ferdie, Felix, Ingrid, Marianne, Ignatz, Alm, Tobin, Celica, Mae, Sothe, Laura, Sakura, Elise 16 - Caspar, Linhardt, Ashe, Annette, Nino, Est, Boey, Genny, Leonardo, Meg, Ross 15 - Lysithea, Petra, Kliff, Edward, Franz 14 - Cyril, Oifey, Amelia, Ewan 13 - Delthea, Sanaki, Shannan
You entering a trace and emerging with an age list of (I presume) every FE that you’ve ever played. It happens. I get it. (I do have to point out that Saizo and Kaze are twins, so maybe we split the difference on their estimates? 25? 26?)
Mostly however I am going to be thinking about the 13-year-olds tier. There is such powerful energy there. I don’t know what’s going to happen if you put the three of them in the same room, but I know it will be happening, and there is no force on all the continents that could stop them if they put their mind to something.
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puutterings · 2 years
all the valves out, something on impulse; a more engaging occupation
        The Wreck had never driven the like of it, although he was confident of his ability, as always. But Timothy had all the valves out, and with a prospect of idle weeks ahead of him, was puttering over the grinding job, in no hurry to complete it. ₁
      Later, he had a perfunctory session with one of the books; but he found that puttering around the cars was a more engaging occupation, because it gave him free rein to think. He had discovered that he could easily spend hours thinking about the Kilbourne family, himself, and the situation that had been created by his coming to Kilbourne Heights.       Rawlins was not habitually introspective, but there were angles of the matter that needed thinking about. He did not yet clearly see his way through to the end, nor did he discern any necessity for haste; but it was not in human nature — certainly not in his own — to put his mind in charge of a writer of books when there was something else that challenged it in a more personal and portentous way. ₂
      She stood in the doorway until he had driven out of sight. An odd feeling of serenity enveloped her. At last, right in the heart of the East, she had done something on impulse. Perhaps she had smashed the hoodoo. She felt her pulse and it seemed to her that it was certainly beating faster than sixty-five. Things were looking up; she did not know why, but she divined it.       Charley was puttering at something under the hood of the Carvel, and she called to him.       “Do you remember what you said you would do if you had my money, Charley?”       He thought for a few seconds.       “It was what I’d do if I had your money and what you know about cars, too,” he said, carefully.       “All right. What was it?”       I said I’d buy the place.”       “Well, I’ve taken your tip, Charley.”       “Ma’am?”       “I’ve bought it.” ₃
      “Yeah?” drawled Franz. “More psychology? Going to wish a win on him and then tell him it’s you done it?”       “I’m going to hold up that baby when he comes puttering around here to-morrow and tell him we can make him win if he wants to, if I have to tie him to a string piece and set on him to make him listen.”       Sandy did not have to do that. Luck was with him. He found the millionaire Burton just after he had discharged every man who was working on the boat he hoped would win his race.       It was Sandy’s psychological moment. ₄  
sources, all E. J. Rath
1 The Nervous Wreck by E. J. Rath, author of Too Much Efficiency, Etc. / “Illustrated with scenes from the play” (Grosset & Dunlap; copyright G. Howard Watt, 1923) : 194 : link same (via hathitrust) : link (both University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, but better reproduction of photos in hathitrust version) 2 The Dark Chapter : A Comedy of Class Distinctions by E. J. Rath, author of The Nervous Wreck, Etc. / (1921, 1922; Copywright G. Howard Watt, 1924) : 93 : link same (via hathitrust) : link (both Ohio State University copy (3rd edn); hathitrust shows title page) from front dj flap :       Kilbourne Height was a paradise for tramps. The generous wife of its rich owner had on frequent occasions manifested a fine sympathy for the gentry of restless feet.       Wade Rawlings heard of this good Samaritan. Presto. He appears at the door of the sactuary to all intents and purposes “down and out.”       This is the Dark Chapter in the life of the leading character who straighway began a most hilarious existence as an adjunct in that most extraordinary family in the rare atmosphere of the Heiths. The warp and woof of his intricate entanglements, his social conquests and numerous other dark chapters of which he became a part, serve to bring about a grand finale which threatens to collapse and detroy forever the masquerading Rawlin’s partnership with a certain bewildered Marian, and his alliance with the beautiful “Queen of Sheba.”       No more riotously scintillating comedy has thus far appeared from the pen of E. J. Rath. It is a twin triumph with “The Nervous Wreck.” 3 Gas---Drive in : A High-powered Comedy-romance that Hits on every cylinder, by E. J. Rath, author of The Nervous Wreck, The Dark Chapter, etc. (Grosset & Dunlap, 1921; copyright G. Howard Watt, 1925) : link same (Ohio State University copy) via hathitrust : link from front dj flap :       Vivian Norwood loves her automobile. And yet when the car is stolen in the first chapter of this amazing romance-comedy, it isn’t the car that she mourns so much, it’s the loss of a letter marked Personal and Confidental that she had left in a secret pocket.       Vivian discovers some information that puts her on the trail of the thieves. And then she buys and begins to operate a garage in the vicinity where the repainted racing car is being run by its mysterious possessor. Regaining that letter becomes the most important thing in Vivian’s life. She meets Richard Hunter, the car’s present master. And she discovers to her horror that she has lost the key to the secret compartment. Where is it? 4 Let’s Go, by E. J. Rath, author of The Nervous Wreck, Etc. (Copyright by G. Howard Watt, 1930) : 22 : link (Ohio State University copy, via hathitrust)  
E.J. Rath is the pseudonym of Edith Rathbone Jacobs Brainerd (1885-1922) and her husband Chauncey Corey Brainerd (1874-1922) wikipedia : link Both were writing independently before their partnership (and marriage), he as a journalist. Several of their stories were made into films.
Both died in 1922 (when the roof of a theater collapsed under heavy snow). And yet numerous titles appeared thereafter, all published — or issued under the copyright held — by G. Howard Watt (?-1940).
William Lampkin (at the Pulp.net) has done some research on the pair, see his “A Fateful Blizzard for two Fictioneers” at ThePulp.Net (January 27, 2023) : link
Some further information at their respective find-a-grave pages : link for Edith, and link for Chauncey. The latter source quotes a Louisville Times tribute, which characterizes their working method as : “she the diviser of the plot and property man, he the literary spinner.” Impossible to know. Am reminded of the Viña / Eugene Delmar partnership.
E. J. Rath at the Online Books Page : link
23 titles are listed at LC (some of them adaptations by others) : link. The earliest of these is The sixth speed (frontispiece by C. Weber-Ditzler; Moffat, Yard & Company, 1908) This was followed by several published by W. J. Watt : wikipedia : link. Sam (illustrations by Will Grefe; 1915). “Mister 44” (illustrations by George W. Gage; 1916) Too Much Efficiency (frontispiece by Will Foster; 1917) Too Many Crooks (frontispiece by Paul Stahr; 1918) Mantle of silence (frontispiece by George W. Gage; 1920) Good References ((wonderful) frontispiece by Paul Stahr; 1921)
Thereafter, the (posthumous) books are Grosset & Dunlap or G. H. Watt (son of W. J. Watt?).
I would like to know of W. J. and G. Howard Watt, the latter having published (in addition to popular fiction, westerns, mysteries, books about dogs, &c., &c., these huge undetakings in particular —
Karl Köhler, A History of Costume Edited and augmented by Emma von Sichart translated by Alexander K. Dallas M. A. with sixteen plates in colour and about 600 other illustrations and patterns. New York : G. Howard Watt (copyright 1928, published 1930) Wellesley College copy, via archive.org : link
Corey Lewis (Louis C. Fraina), his The house of Morgan; a social biography of the masters of money (1930) borrowable at archive.org : link
what a tangled thread, Corey Lewis was Louis C. Fraina (1892-1953), autodidact, brilliant writer, founding member of the Communist Part of the USA, organizer... wikipedia : link
This post has metastasized beyond all sense of order, and will likely be separated out into two entries at the html archive — in due course.  
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444names · 2 years
german towns BUT excluding "s"
Aalfeld Adeburg Ahren Aich Aichen Alten Anna Annhein Arel Arne Attin Auberg Aurichta Bach Baierne Ballen Barburg Bargen Barntal Baumholz Beck Becke Beer Beil Benau Berg Berma Betzin Biben Bieter Bitten Bitz Blaubach Blein Blen Blengen Boizen Bonnef Borge Borghau Borndorf Botte Braken Breding Breiz Bremberg Bronberg Brotheim Brücke Bucha Buchkau Buchtal Bucka Buxter Bück Bühlheim Bürg Büttling Calbach Chen Chenburg Cling Clopperg Cold Craiburg Crain Cregen Dach Damm Deidenau Dieben Dierda Dietz Dille Ditz Doberg Donach Donau Dorf Döberl Eben Eberg Edeberg Eggen Eiben Eiberg Eich Elmen Elzow Emdingen Emmer Emmoor Eppenau Eppenhau Erbecka Erburg Erfeld Erforden Etter Fehmar Fehmark Feld Feldorf Forzhein Franken Frankt Franz Fried Friez Fritz Frönden Furt Gade Gaggen Gammen Garburg Gardt Garter Gehrte Geit Geln Georga Georgen Geraben Gerich Gerlen Germa Germoor Gien Gienberg Gingen Gling Glücht Gold Golda Golder Golfeld Greberl Greiben Greuztal Greve Grever Greverin Grimmer Grünhage Güglin Günzberg Hacheln Hadam Hadamm Haigen Hainick Hallen Hamberg Hamme Hammen Hardt Harte Harz Harzen Haven Hecheim Heim Held Herbeck Herburg Herfürth Herich Hernkirn Herod Herzig Hette Hilch Hildbröl Hitz Hoch Hofen Hohenow Ibben Ingen Jenbach Jerich Joach Johanau Kalburg Kaldburg Kaubach Keln Kempe Kenau Ketzing Ketzlar Kielen Kierdorf Klingen Klötz Kornbek Kornburg Kreffurt Krembern Kremegk Kronau Krop Kröpeln Kölle Königer Köningen Köthal Künzen Laagen Laatz Lade Lading Lagen Lahnach Lamitter Lamitz Lande Langena Lauchen Laue Lauphen Lauten Leberg Leburken Leheim Lehr Lehrin Leich Lein Lenfeld Leunatal Leunburg Leuth Lieburg Linde Linghau Lohn Luck Löha Lübthen Lück Lüding Lüdingau Lüdingen Lügdeben Lünnen Main Malch Mande Markt Meer Mein Melburg Merin Meroda Meyer Mingen Mitte Mitz Morbach Morin Mund Munden Mölle Mühl Müll München Münden Naitten Naue Naunheim Neben Neck Neckern Nerodgau Neuberg Neubling Neukale Neuna Neunkell Neurup Neut Neuth Nieberg Nieden Nienberg Niengen Nier Nitz Norde Nordheim Nortmund Nürth Oberg Oberod Oerlitz Olberg Olchow Olde Oppen Orand Oranich Orladen Patten Pengen Penz Penzing Philter Plaubeul Ploch Pockinde Pohl Pold Poldburg Porten Portmund Premmin Prendow Prenfeld Preuztal Prich Pring Pringen Putburg Püttenau Quickach Radorf Ranz Rath Ratingel Ratzen Raven Rehburga Rehla Reibrüel Reiburg Reichen Rein Remmitz Rempe Rendorf Renfeld Renne Rheide Rheim Rheimd Rhengen Rhingen Rochim Roda Rode Romberg Romburg Ronn Roten Roßen Röder Rötzena Rüthe Tamberg Tangen Tannhain Tanz Taub Taubach Taufen Thalberg Thard Torf Traunach Treberg Tren Trichen Trintel Trombern Trop Trow Uebig Ueck Uelzey Ummernau Unkirch Unter Vechtel Velaer Velegen Vell Vella Veringen Vier Vlothal Vredern Vöhr Wach Waigerl Waldbeck Walde Walden Walk Walkenau Walten Wane Warz Wege Weig Weim Wein Weißen Welze Werbog Werda Werma Wern Wert Werta Wiechten Wiede Wiedrich Wild Wilda Wildburg Wildorf Wiltau Wiltenau Wittau Witte Wittel Witter Witz Wolfeld Wolfen Wolfing Wolkach Wolkau Wörthen Xanteln Zerbach Zeve Zevel Zierda Zirn Übeck Überg
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keeptheemptinessaway · 2 months
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Die bleierne Zeit, Margarethe von Trotta (1981)
Cinematography: Franz Rath | West Germany
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genevieveetguy · 2 years
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The Second Awakening of Christa Klages (Das zweite Erwachen der Christa Klages), Margarethe von Trotta (1978)
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tvln · 7 years
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sisters, or the balance of happiness / schwestern oder die balance des glücks (wger, von trotta, 79)
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ylw-ism · 6 years
My FEH Wishlist
Fire Emblem is a loveable series, and Heroes is a nice addition to this beloved family. There are so much more I wish to have in the game.
FE6 - THE BINDING BLADE - Since we have Raigh, hope that his twin brother (and arguably the best Sage utilizing Thunder spells in the game, thanks to solid Skill growth) Lugh might make an appearance too. Maybe as a Green Mage in FEH. - Since FEH needs another Bow Cavalier, Sin can make an appearance with a similar build to Brave!Lyn but is leaning more towards physical rather than magical. And if there is Sin, there should be Zeiss too, as a Lance Wyvern Rider (Flier). - Elffin can appear as a Blue Mage utilizing Light spells (because his affinity in the main game is Light) with Sing (the second Sing magic-user besides Performing!Inigo). And if possible, Percival too (because along with Seth and Titania, he is the very rare veteran who still performs well). And because Percival's protectiveness over Prince Mildain is adorable.
FE7 - THE BLAZING BLADE - Lucie (Lucius) can have another version as a Blue Mage because he is primarily a battling monk utilizing Light magic rather than a healer. Still a glass cannon though, because it's Lucie we're talking about. - Rath and Heath if Sin and Zeiss cannot happen (but both are better, of course).
FE8 - THE SACRED STONES - As the current meta doesn't have enough Axe Cavalier, Franz can make an appearance since his default promotion is a Great Knight (and he's pretty good too). Not to mention, green Franz can cover Seth's Ruby Sword weakness pretty well by dealing with blue foes (and Franz has pretty good Resistance growth in the main game too). - Maybe Ross and Ewan to complete the trainee trio. And maybe Cormag because he's my favorite Wyvern Lord in the game.
FE9 - PATH OF RADIANCE Tibarn and Reyson. Tibarn can be similar to Myrrh in the game: a Flier that can transform, but he can lean more toward physical damage rather than magical. And Reyson can be a red Myrrh or a red mage Lucie, with Sing, and Fire spells.
FE10 - RADIANT DAWN - Edward and Leonardo, just because. - Volug and Rafiel. Volug can be a physical infantry dragon(?) unit tat transforms into a wolf, and Rafiel can be a blue Reyson (the trio magic sing/dance is complete).
FE13 - AWAKENING Maybe more second gen, like Owain (because Odin is s bad so hopefully Owain can redeem the reputation), Inigo, Severa, Yarne, and Nah (because there can never be too many dragon units)
FE13 - FATE - Kaze, the arguably best Shuriken user should make an appearance, especially since all other Dagger/Shuriken users in the game are in FEH (except for Flora). - Rinkah as a slow but bulky magic/axe user that hits super hard. And Orochi who is Rinkah, but magical. - Kiragi can be the first Bow Flier because he performs so well as a Kinshi Knight. A Flier that hunts down other fliers and mages sounds like a nice addition to the current meta.
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kwebtv · 4 years
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Babylon Berlin  -  Sky 1, Das Erste   -  October 13, 2017 - Present
Period Drama (28 episodes to date)
Running Time:  45 minutes
Volker Bruch as Inspector Gereon Rath (seasons 1–3)
Liv Lisa Fries as Charlotte Ritter (seasons 1–3)
Peter Kurth as Detective Chief Inspector Bruno Wolter in season 2 (seasons 1–2)
Matthias Brandt as Councillor August Benda (seasons 1–2)
Leonie Benesch as Greta Overbeck (season 1–3)
Severija Janušauskaitė as Countess Svetlana Sorokina / Nikoros (season 1; recurring season 2)
Ivan Shvedoff as Alexei Kardakov (season 1; guest season 2)
Hannah Herzsprung as Helga Rath (season 2–3; guest season 1)
Lars Eidinger as Alfred Nyssen (seasons 2–3; recurring season 1)
Benno Fürmann as Oberst Wendt (season 3; recurring seasons 1–2)
Mišel Matičević as Edgar Kasabian (season 3; recurring seasons 1–2)
Ronald Zehrfeld as Walter Weintraub (season 3)
Meret Becker as Esther Kasabian (season 3)
Anton von Lucke [de] as Stephan Jänicke (seasons 1; guest season 2)
Henning Pekar as Franz Krajewski (season 1)
Fritzi Haberlandt as Elisabeth Behnke (seasons 1–3)
Karl Markovics as Samuel Katelbach (seasons 1–3)
Jens Harzer as Dr. Anno Schmidt (seasons 1–3)
Ernst Stötzner as Major General Kurt Seegers (seasons 1–2; guest season 3)
Jördis Triebel as Dr. Völcker (season 1; guest season 3)
Christian Friedel as Gräf (seasons 1–3)
Denis Burgazliev [de] as Col. Trochin (seasons 1–2)
Thomas Thieme as Karl Zörgiebel (seasons 1–3)
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airlock · 5 years
so! I hear FEH channel is mostly a miss, but at least, the CYL leak is confirmed, huh? time to put that entire day of tallying to use! have some top 25s per continuity as usual
and in order to keep the size of these posts semi-reasonable, I’ll split them up -- this first one shall contain the rankings for Akaneia through Magvel
Marth (44107)
akaneia!Tiki (3031)
Caeda (2400)
Catria (2350)
m!Kris (1662)
Xane (1489)
Minerva (1294)
Navarre (1289)
Ogma (1141)
Camus (1061)
Katarina (1024)
Linde (897)
Wrys (836)
Nyna (792)
Palla (789)
Merric (702)
f!Kris (688)
Elice (659)
akaneia!Anna (650)
Julian (622)
Wolf (610)
Jeorge (586)
Hardin (516)
Nagi (498)
Michalis (489)
(previous winners: Celica (CYL2), Alm (CYL3))
Berkut (2031)
Mila (1741)
Delthea (1386)
Faye (1292)
Luthier (1121)
Tatiana (983)
Kliff (811)
Lukas (732)
Sonya (676)
Rinea / Brigand Boss (660)
Genny (560)
Mae (555)
Fernand (540)
Clair (508)
Zeke (466)
Rudolf (432)
Conrad (418)
Kamui (401)
Python (398)
Saber (339)
Hestia (331)
Leon (328)
Silque (316)
Atlas (298)
Duma (288)
Seliph (15593)
Sigurd (6198)
Reinhardt (4963)
Ayra (2166)
Ishtar (1870)
Leif (1828)
Finn (1625)
Julia (1109)
Eldigan (1106)
Brigid (1026)
Erinys (977)
Lewyn (929)
Larcei (896)
Arvis (879)
Tine (825)
Ced (783)
Lachesis (774)
Azelle (771)
Patty (757)
Lex (738)
jugdral!Arthur (682)
Mareeta (627)
Deirdre (624)
Sara (568)
Ulster (491)
(previous winners: Lyn, Roy (CYL1), Hector (CYL2), Eliwood (CYL3))
Nino (5144)
Lilina (4859)
Ninian (2796)
Nils (2336)
Idunn (1505)
Merlinus (1456)
Erk (1445)
Athos (1409)
Leila (1266)
Rath (1204)
Sain (1091)
Florina (1083)
Fae (1078)
Dieck (1071)
Fir (865)
Sophia (847)
Limstella (803)
Guy (793)
Sonia (771)
Lucius (719)
Jaffar (627)
Heath (621)
Wolt (600)
Pent (579)
Raven (572)
(previous winners: Ephraim (CYL2))
Eirika (26040)
magvel!Selena (4469)
Lute (3047)
Joshua (2575)
Myrrh (2066)
Lyon (1945)
Marisa (1694)
Tana (1129)
Knoll (983)
Seth (883)
Amelia (862)
L’Arachel (714)
Colm (696)
Gilliam (693)
Artur (603)
Vanessa (589)
Duessel (526)
Neimi (511)
Natasha (484)
Franz (467)
Innes (415)
Saleh (360)
Valter (332)
Ismaire (306)
Ross (286)
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el-gilliath · 5 years
To Be Near You
This is for my @hannah-writes​, and her prompt of Malex / Mylex : "Since I met you, I’ve felt abandoned without your nearness; your nearness is all I ever dream of, the only thing." (quote by Franz Kafka)
I know I said I wasn't doing a story for you, but I lied. I hope you like it darling .
“I miss you. I always miss you, every day, every hour, every minute. You’re part of me, you’ll always be part of me. Just like you’ve been since back then.”
The look on Michael’s face as he speaks the words is enough to make him want to cry. It rips his heart open in a thousand little pieces, scattering them to the winds of Michael’s powers. It’s painful to be standing in front of him, speaking the little truths he doesn’t want to admit. Michael isn’t his anymore. Maybe he’s never been truly his except for one fleeting moment when he was 17. The following ten years has just been fraught with heartbreak, abandonment and miscommunication, hurt feelings and anger. He’s walked away time and time again, afraid and worried of whatever his father would do if he knew he was with Michael. But the times he’s been back since he first left, all of them has been spent at Michael’s side. Feeling his warmth, rejoicing in having his nearness, his presence around him. Making him not feel so alone.
But he is alone. As always, he’s walked away too many times. Walked away and left the gorgeous being that is Michael Guerin alone to face the world. Walked away and let him think he wasn’t loved. When nothing could be further from the truth. He loves Michael, from the bottom of his broken, three quarters of a man, heart. Loves him enough to color the sky red, to take on his entire family and the entire US Air Force if he has too. Just so he can maybe, hopefully, feel Michael in his arms again in the future. Maybe, hopefully, one day when Michael has had time to heal from the pain he and his family has been the cause of. When he doesn’t feel as scared and worried about what his father would do if he knew he was still standing by Michael’s side. The one place he’s always wanted to stay. Forever.
“No. I just need you to know that I love you, Michael. I will never look away. Even when I walk away, I never look away.” He walks closer to Michael and presses a soft kiss to his cheek. “I’m going to walk away now. And you won’t see me again for a while. Please, be happy.”
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going to go make sure my father can never hurt you or your family again.” He smiles then, a smile he knows is filled with sadness. Filled with pain, maybe even grief. But he also knows that he needs to go away, needs to leave Michael alone to heal and worry about bringing Max back from the dead. Needs to leave him to be loved by someone who isn’t him. Someone who is brighter, happier. Easier.
“I don’t want you to go.”
“I know. But we both know I need to.” Michael nods, looking down for a second before he lifts his head to meet Alex’s gaze. Dropping all walls, they both stand there, looking at each other with all the love they feel for each other evident in their eyes. All the want, longing and admiration front and center.
“I’ll dream of only one thing,” he murmurs in the small space between them. He knows Michael recognizes what he means, knows the real quote rings as true for Michael as it does for him.
“Can I kiss you?”
He nods and closes his eyes as Michael’s hand cradles his face. The soft lips meeting his is perfection in many ways, a goodbye in the moment, a hello in the future. Right now, it’s exactly what it needs to be. Just two men sharing one last kiss, before they part for future’s unknown.
He breaks the kiss after both too long and too short of a time, opening his eyes to look into Michael’s hazel eyes. He commits them to memory and lifts his hand to run though Michael’s soft curls one more time. Then he steps back, breaks away, and once again walks away.
It’s a long time before he sets foot in Roswell again. Two years and counting. He’s been all over the globe at this point, tracking down Project Shephard leads and cleaning up his father’s mess. His father who is out of a coma, but down on his memory courtesy of Isobel. It’s the easiest agreement he has ever given in his life, when Kyle called him a year ago and asked if he was okay with Isobel manipulating his father’s memory as they brought him out of the coma. He’s had to deal with his brothers, forcing them to realize that they are out from under Jesse Manes’ thumb and are free to do whatever they want. Though they might not have had it as bad as him, they didn’t have it easy. He hopes they can all live better knowing that they’re finally free.
He’s kept regular contact with everyone in Roswell. Helped out from the other side of the globe as they finally brought Max back. Sent all the files and research he found at various Shepard sites back to the alien trio to help them understand themselves, their powers and their family.
He gave them their real names from a site in Germany. Zan, Vilandra and Rath. Twin children of the King and Queen of Antar, and son of the Antarian army’s general.
He gave them drawn pictures of Antar from a base in Finland, drawn from descriptions made by Antarians in capture there.
He gave them the name of their planet in DC, his first stop after Roswell. When he was missing Michael so much, he could hardly breathe.
He told them the planet was destroyed in a war a week after that, in New York.
He’s sent science experiments and theories to Liz, medical research to Kyle, arts and samples of music to Rosa. A cure for Maria and Mimi.
He’s sent spaceship parts and theories to Michael. But the biggest piece, the one he found in the wall of his cabin he still has with him. To remind him of why he’s doing this. To remind him that even if he misses Michael with a burning, they need space.
Still, the minute he drives past the Welcome to Roswell sign two years after he left, he breathes a sigh of relief. He’s home again. He’s near the person he wants to be closest too. And he knows Michael misses him too. Michael is 8 months out of a relationship that lasted for longer than anyone gave them credit for. Anyone but Alex. He knew that if Michael and Maria were going to try, they would do it completely. It’s why he left, so they could do it without regret. Without having him hanging over them.
But now he’s ready to be home. He’s ready to see his friends, so see his family. He’s ready to drink milkshakes and dip his fries in it at the Crashdown, he’s ready to go have a drink or five at The Wild Pony, he’s ready to have the lunches Isobel has promised him for when he came back, he’s ready to hang out with Liz, Rosa, Maria and Kyle like it’s 2005. He’s ready to be a civilian again, 12 years since the last time he was anywhere close to being a civilian.
He’s ready to kiss Michael again. Ready to feel him close.. He’s ready to know if they can just be Alex and Michael, not Captain Manes and Alien Guerin. And as he drives to the junkyard, where he knows Michael is, he smiles to himself. He’s already taken on the world. Now he’s ready to live in it.
Michael’s not alone when he gets to the junkyard, Maria’s with him. Then he notices Isobel, Liz, Max, Kyle and Rosa. The entire gang is there. It makes him nervous in a way he didn’t think he would be, makes him freeze in a way he never expected. The usual worry and feeling of not being good enough rears its ugly head as they all turn when they see his car. Though he doesn’t need to worry, if the smile that breaks out on Liz’s face is anything to go by. He hears her squeal even before he stops the car and kills the engine, and as he opens the door she has already run up to the car and is waiting not so patiently.
“Oh my god, Alex,” she says in a voice pitched so high it almost hurts his ears. But he still opens his arms and tucks his face in her neck as she hugs him. She’s sniffling in his ear, so he just hugs her closer. More arms surrounds them as Liz holds on, Rosa, Kyle and Isobel joining in. He hears Max laughing a joyous laugh in the background and Michael’s murmuring which makes Max laugh even more. He’s fairly sure he knows what Michael is saying. They’ve both been dreaming of nearness.
That means only Maria is missing. He lifts his gaze and sees her standing just next to them. She seems unsure of her welcome, and if there is one thing Maria should never have to be, it’s unsure of her welcome. He smiles, stretching his hand towards her. The smile that lights up her face assures him he picked correctly. She looks happier in a way she has in a long time, more safe and secure in her position amongst the group. She should never have been an outsider to the secret, and he’s glad she isn’t any more.
“I missed you,” she whispers in his ear as he she slots herself amongst the huggers. He squeezes her back, not angry or betrayed or anything any more. Just full of love for his friends.
“Alright! If everyone can unhand the Alex and get the fuck out of my junkyard, I would appreciate it.”
He can’t help but grin at the indignation in Michael’s voice. Maria is shaking in silent laughter, as is Kyle at his back.
“Jesus, Michael. Try to be any more impatient,” Isobel says snidely as she peels herself gracefully away from the hug. Rosa, Kyle and Maria follow until only Liz is still holding on to him.
“Don’t worry, I’m here to stay this time,” he whispers in her ear. Which must be the correct thing to say as she moves away from him right after, her eyes filled with happy tears.
“You better,” she replies. A part of him wants to keep them all there, close after two years of hearing their voices and grainy pictures through facetime when time zones lined up. There will be time to reconnect with everyone the way he wants later, the way he has been hoping to for a long time. But as he turns to look at Michael, he knows all of that will have to wait. Because looking at Michael, jeans, dirty t-shirt, boots and black cowboy hat on his head takes his breath away. He knows that he wants Michael more than he needs to reconnect with everyone right now, texts, phone calls and grainy images is never enough when it comes to Michael.
The distance between them all of a sudden becomes too much, he needs his nearness. He yearns to hold him in his arms, to smell the scent of oil, sweat and sunshine that is so typically Michael. And Michael is looking back at him, his gaze filled with the same longing to be near Alex knows is showing in his own eyes.
He’s aware of everyone else leaving in his peripheral vision, he’s aware of the catcalls and laughter in his ears as they do. But he only has eyes for Michael now. The dream of him is so close, he can’t wait any more. And like he’s done a million times before, before he has inevitably walked away, he walks closer to Michael who welcomes him with open arms. He lifts his hands to run them through Michael’s curls, lovingly tugging them as Michael wraps his arms around him and holds him close. They both know that this time he isn’t walking away, he’s here to stay.
He can’t help but smile as he snuggles into Michael’s arms, his nose deep in the crook of his neck so he can smell him. But he smiles even wider when he hears the words Michael whispers in his ear.
“You don’t need to dream of the only thing anymore. I’m right here.”
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freifraufischer · 6 years
I think people need to remember that Nazis didn’t start out with death camps.  
They started out by excluding Jewish people from German civil society.  Preventing them from going to school, from being part of professions, they made them non-citizens and branded them “foreign”.  Jews weren’t “German”.  And then they weren’t human.  They were dangerous foreigners who stole the jobs of real Germans and who undermined the security of the state.
Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass of incredible violence against Jews and Jewish owned businesses, was justified because as single 17 year old Polish Jewish man murdered a German diplomat Ernst vom Rath in Paris.  When you hear people justify inhumanity to a group of people with “criminals” you should think about Kristallnacht.  When you hear people claim that the bible justifies putting poor people fleeing war in cages you should think about the German Bishop of Hanover who did nothing when the synagogue next to his church was burned down.
If you are saying the Alt Right are jokes not like the Nazis you have missed that historical fact that to many people in the 1920s and 1930s the Nazis were jokes.
If you are saying that that responsible people like John Kelly or Jim Mattis can control Trump you have missed the historical fact that German politicians believed Hitler would be controlled by a responsible adult like Franz von Papen.
If you are saying that the people being put in cages deserve it because they committed a crime--you would be wrong because seeking asylum is not illegal no matter how they crossed the border--then you are doing they same thing that the majority of German citizens did when they shrugged off the Nuremberg laws.  German police were following the law too.  They were following orders from legal authorities.
If you are saying that detention camps aren’t concentration camps you would be right on a very narrow ground but wrong on the greater picture that the death camps didn’t start with ovens they started with families being taken away for reeducation and deportation.  Those camps had the motto Arbeit macht frei ( "work sets you free") as part of the fiction that they were merely a kind of re-education camp.
If you are saying that people are being hyperbolic by saying that tolerating this now wont lead to much worse later you have a very poor understanding about how the German people were lead down the path to the Holocaust.  
The crime and national shame starts with complicity.
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balladedutempsjadis · 7 years
Gereon Rath’s Eyebags: Part 2 (Episodes 5-8)
Well, I have a snow day today, so what better time to continue our adventures with Gereon Rath’s eyebags (with additional focus on Volker Bruch’s facial bone structure)? The first part is here.
Episode 5 - May 4, 1929 (Gereon mentions it’s Saturday and that was the closest Saturday to May 1, 1929)
We rejoin Gereon and his eyebags in the aftermath of the bloody May Day riots of Episode 4. 
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When you’re waiting for the arrival of a truly unreliable witness (Franz Krajewski) because you finally have a lead in the porn film case. But you are clearly not sleeping well at all. (BUT OMG JAWLINE AM I RIGHT?) And then when Franz shows up, he gets you thrown off a train (literally thrown) because he tells the Communists on the train that you’re a cop, and the May Day riots are still fresh in everyone’s mind. Ouch!
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When you smile for the first time in five episodes and it’s truly lovely, except that you’re talking to your secret lover who is also your brother’s widow and you want her to move to Berlin but she’s not sure about the whole thing. 
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When you spring Charlotte Ritter from jail after she pretends to be a police officer to gain access to the apartment of the Russian countess girlfriend of the guy who’s your only clue in a murder case, and she has some valuable information (and is very hungry and asks if she can finish your breakfast.)
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Look at her! How can you say no? 
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Obviously you cannot say “no!” And then she suggests you go out dancing that night with her. (OK, fine, sleuthing, but really she’s asking you on a date, my dude!)
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When you’re waiting for Charlotte to show up for your night of dancing and sleuthing and holy crap, the lighting of your profile ... AHEM!
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When Charlotte abandons you at the bar when you get to the nightclub and you have no idea where to look because you are a good Catholic boy from Cologne and also one of your co-workers in drag tries to pick you up (and I think Herr Graef is ADORABLE by the way, Gereon, you could definitely do worse!)
Episode 6 - May 5, 1929
Sunday is a day of rest, except Herr Katelbach, your neighbor, wakes you up at 7 a.m. (WTF, HERR KATELBACH!) to talk to you about a fellow policeman, and you realize that you came home from your dance night with Charlotte and slept with Elisabeth Behnke, your landlady instead. Also, you sort of promised your boss, Herr Benda, to go to Mass today.
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So you go to church.
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And then Frau Benda sort of maneuvers you into the confessional, where you tell the priest that you’ve been sleeping with your brother’s widow for more than ten years. 
And then the Bendas insist that you go back to their house for drinks and munchies, and Polizeipraesident Zoergiebel tells you he’s waiting for your report on the May Day happenings, and that report had better not mention that the police shot two innocent women. On your way back to the Burg, you start feeling horribly guilty, and detour to the home of the two ladies who were killed, where there is a long line of people waiting to pay their condolences.
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You do a little sleuthing and it’s completely obvious that the police shot and killed the two ladies, because you’re a good detective and you can tell from the trajectory of the shots.
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Meanwhile, the widower recognizes you as one of the policemen who was there when his wife was shot (I mean, ok, you did try to get help for the other lady but these folks are mad as hell - understandably - and want you to get the fuck out of there.)
Episode 7 - Not Sure Exactly What the Timeline Is Here, because at least part of the next episode seems to take place on Sunday (I’m guessing May 11) So Sometime during the week of May 5, 1929
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When Bruno, whose help you desperately need to resolve the porn case, and who now also knows about your PTSD and morphine habit, asks you to an gathering at his home. The anti-government bent of the veterans there as well as Emmi’s obvious matchmaking between you and Elisabeth renders this the Most Awkward Possible Evening. (Also, you’ve stood up Charlotte for a sleuthing date!)
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And then you have to relive the war and remember how you tried and failed to rescue your brother, who has been missing since 1918. Understandable front-line in World War I eyebags going on here, of course!
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Episode 8 - Partially taking place (I think) on Sunday, May 11, based on a conversation that occurs in Episode 10.
So, Bruno Wolter’s cold-turkey detox from heroin program for poor Franz Krajewski finally works, and the poor man explains where the porn film is stored. You’re not exactly comfortable with tormenting Krajewski, but you see it as a means to an end.
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Your plan is basically to go into the Moka Efti and sneak into the Armenian’s room and steal the films. It’s not a great plan!
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But you have, at last, found the films.
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The Armenian interrupts you, so you decide to use him to carry the films out for you. I’m not sure this is the best plan ever, Gereon, but I guess going out through the restaurant means you don’t have to worry about being ambushed at the service entrance or something.
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Unfortunately, the plans don’t go quite as well as hoped, and you end up shooting the Armenian in the hand, and there’s a lot of gunfire that destroyed the fish tank (poor fish!) but eventually you DO make it out to the car with the films.
You decide to watch the films before you destroy them, and to your horror, it’s not Konrad Adenauer in the movie, but your own father. You decide on the spot that you won’t be going back to Cologne and you and Bruno burn the films. This is when Bruno suggests maybe getting a drink and it seems like a good idea at the time. (SPOILER: IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA!)
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You ask Bruno how he got hold of your morphine - and he tells you he got it from Charlotte. Which really fucking hurts.
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So you start making out with another short-haired brunette, because I guess you have a type. But before you can do more than make out, the Armenian has the bar-owner spike your drink so you have weird hallucinations, and then Father Joseph kidnaps you and dumps you on the floor of the Armenian’s car (and punches you when you show signs of fighting off the spiked drink) and bring you to Dr. Schmidt, who puts you in restraints and injects you with YET ANOTHER DRUG (so at this point, Gereon’s had the barbiturates that Dr. Schmidt had the pharmacist substitute for morphine, whatever was in the drink at the bar, and whatever Dr. Schmidt shot into his vein.) 
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No wonder this is the apotheosis of Gereon’s eyebags. He’s had one hell of a day. 
To be continued ...
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rcvandenboogaard · 6 years
Berlijn, stad van de zonde
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Even een kijkje kunnen nemen in het verleden - een onmogelijkheid natuurlijk, en altijd een leuk gedachte-experiment. Maar waarheen? Bovenaan mijn lijstje staat Berlijn in de jaren 1920. Ik weet wel: het Oude Rome zou veel belangwekkender zijn, om over het Oude Athene nog te zwijgen. Naar weinig historische omstandigheden ben ik echter zo nieuwsgierig als naar Berlijn tussen 1918 en 1933. De gronden van mijn fascinatie geven daarbij ernstig te denken: de hoofdstad van de Weimar-republiek was in deze jaren onder andere een ongekende poel der zonde waarin het in sommige opzichten prettig wentelen geweest moet zijn. De trauma’s van de Eerste Wereldoorlog en het failliet van elke moraal, de hyperinflatie in de eerste naoorlogse jaren, de hoge werkloosheid en de voortdurende bedreiging van de eerste democratie uit de Duitse geschiedenis door revanchisten en extremisten van allerlei slag, zorgden voor een sfeer waarin alles mogelijk leek, en ook vaak was. Dat had ik wel eens willen beleven - tegen beter weten in.
Tijdmachines bestaan niet. Gelukkig is er nu Babylon Berlin, de duurste televisieserie ooit in Europa gemaakt. Twee seizoenen van elk acht afleveringen zijn af, en nu ook in Nederland te zien. De (voornaamste) regisseur van het project is Tom Tykwer (van Lola rennt) en het geheel is losjes gebaseerd op een in het Berlijn van de Weimar-republiek spelende misdaadroman van Volker Kutscher (die ik niet gelezen heb). Er zijn twee centrale personages: de Keulse politie-inspecteur Gereon Rath (Volker Bruch), naar Berlijn gedetacheerd om stiekem gemaakte bordeelfoto’s van een Keulse notabel op te sporen en te doen verdwijnen, en Charlotte Ritter (Liv Lisa Fries, zie afbeelding boven), een meisje uit de arbeidersklasse dat de eindjes aan elkaar knoopt door ‘s nachts in een nachtclub annex bordeel aan de uiteenlopende seksuele wensen van de klanten te voldoen, maar eigenlijk bij de moordbrigade van de politie wil werken. 
Beide hoofdrollen pakken enorm goed uit: de kijker kan zich met beiden uitstekend identificeren, ondanks hun niet geringe persoonlijke problemen. Inspecteur Gereon, die in de oorlog aan het front heeft gevochten, lijdt aan een morfine-verslaving en een ernstig moreel probleem: hij is al vele jaren smoorverliefd op de vrouw van zijn broer. Die broer is echter aan het front omgekomen, misschien zelfs door de hand van Gereon - wat er in de loopgraaf precies gebeurd is, laat zich uit de nachtmerrie-achtige scenes moeilijk opmaken. Maar nog mooier is de rol van Charlotte: een meisje dat er eigenlijk nogal gewoontjes uitziet en heldhaftig het hoofd boven water houdt, onder andere door haar werk in het bordeel. Maar net zo lief neemt ze een administratief baantje op het hoofdkwartier van de politie aan, waar ze Gereon leert kennen.
Zoals vaak bij series wordt er al in het begin een veelheid aan verhaallijnen uitgezet - de makers zouden naar verluidt ook graag een derde en vierde serie maken. Maar indrukwekkend is de manier waarop de handeling verweven is met de eigenaardigheden van Berlijn in de jaren 20: Russische intriges, nationalistische samenzweringen, armoede, het nachtleven met zijn blote revues en homobars en wat niet al. Dit alles had makkelijk in kitsch kunnen ontaarden, of in de ongemakkelijke romantisering die veel historische films kenmerkt. Maar dat gebeurt niet, omdat de benadering door Tykwer c.s. van de personages niet historiserend is. Het beeld van de metropool, de kleding, de rekwisieten etc. zijn wel historisch - daar is een groot deel van het budget duidelijk heen gegaan. Maar de personages gedragen zich alsof zij onze tijdgenoten zijn, met een directheid die wij met onze moderniteit associëren. 
Wat dit betreft is er een opmerkelijk verschil met de vorige grote tv-serie die over Berlijn in de jaren twintig gemaakt was: Berlin Alexanderplatz van Rainer Werner Fassbinder uit 1980, naar de gelijknamige roman van Alfred Döblin. Berlin Alexanderplatz is een nogal deprimerend verhaal, over ene Franz Biberkopf die, uit de gevangenis ontslagen, in een nogal wreed en miezerig beschreven Berlijn probeert een nieuw leven te beginnen, maar daarbij toch grotendeels in de misère blijft hangen. 
Babylon Berlin daarentegen behoudt een welhaast lichtvoetige toon, ondanks alle wandaden, corruptie en geweld waarmee de personages te maken krijgen. Vooral Charlotte straalt zorgeloosheid uit: Hopla, wir Leben. Het heeft geen zin al te lang stil te staan bij de dingen, want dat stoort bij het overleven in de Grossstadt. Er is geen tijd voor moraal, er moet worden aangepakt. Tempo. Zoals Fassbinders Berlijn het wat zeurderige pessimisme van de jaren zeventig uitstraalde - no future - zo is het Berlijn van Tykwer een metropool die in 1929 begerig de toekomst omarmt. Wij kijkers weten natuurlijk dat die toekomst er niet zal zijn: vanaf 1929 slaat de economische crisis toe en een paar jaar later maakt de Nazi-dictatuur een eind aan de pret. De makers van Babylon Berlin vermijden echter zorgvuldig van hun serie een hymne aan ‘dansen op de vulkaan’ te maken - het zou interessant zijn te zien hoe ze met het somber toekomstperspectief omgaan als het tot een derde en vierde serie komt. 
Ik was correspondent in Berlijn vlak nadat in november 1989 de Muur gevallen was en je de zo lang gedeelde stad weer als één stad kon beleven, bijvoorbeeld omdat je in afzonderlijke tracé’s opgedeelde lijnen van de S-Bahn weer van begin tot eindpunt kon gebruiken. Pas toen werd mij eigenlijk duidelijk wat voor een enorm grote metropool hier, rond de oevers van de Spree, was ontstaan in de tweede helft van de XIXde eeuw: al die eindeloze wijken met huurkazernes en gebouwen in de zogeheten Gründer-stijl. Manhattan wordt aan alle kanten door water begrensd en de XIXde-eeuwse boulevards van Parijs lopen door een  stad die duidelijk al veel ouder is. Maar in Berlijn ontbreekt een dergelijk houvast - het is een ontzagwekkende, reusachtige stad zonder einde, een urbane explosie van het moderne, in 1929 nog maar 59 jaar verenigde Duitsland. 
In de tijd dat ik er woonde waren er nog Duitse politici die wilden dat het knusse Bonn, aan de Rijn, na de val van de Muur de hoofdstad van Duitsland zou blijven - als een testimonium dat het moderne Duitsland niet meer richting exces en grootheidswaanzin zou drijven. Dat leek me een slecht idee: wat kon er in ‘s hemelsnaam van deze reuzenstad terecht komen als de stad niet opnieuw het administratieve centrum van Duitsland zou worden? Want de industrie, die in belangrijke mate voor de historische groei van Berlijn verantwoordelijk was, bestond immers nauwelijks meer. Het is gelukkig goed afgelopen met Berlijn, zozeer zelfs dat iedereen er nu wil wonen en de huizenprijzen - voor het eerst sinds de jaren negentig - er de pan uitrijzen.
Het Berlijn van nu is zeker een levendige, dynamische stad, maar toch niet helemaal meer het uit de hand gelopen experiment in stedelijke cultuur van de jaren twintig. Je zou licht kunnen denken dat die faam van Berlijn als de stad waar alles kon en ook gebeurde, een achteraf bedacht nostalgisch sprookje was, net als de verhalen over de roaring twenties in Parijs, waarin Woody Allen zwelgt in zijn aardige, maar hoogst romantiserende film Midnight in Paris. Maar gelukkig zijn er voldoende archieven, romans en films bewaard om te laten zien dat het Berlin van de jaren twintig meer is dan het product van verheerlijking achteraf. 
Dat wordt bijvoorbeeld duidelijk uit het boek Voluptuous Panic van de Amerikaanse historicus Mel Gordon, waarin het vooral om seks en erotiek in het Berlijn van de jaren twintig gaat - aspecten die in Babylon Berlin geen geringe rol spelen. Vooral het nachtleven heeft Gordons aandacht, met al zijn bordelen, homo- en lesbo-bars, naaktdans en wat dies meer zij. Jammer dat we in die sensuele wereld, waarin vrolijke transgressie heel gewoon was, niet voorzichtig een kijkje meer kunnen nemen. Maar dankzij Babylon Berlin pikken we toch een aan onze tijd aangepast graantje mee.
Babylon Berlin is in Nederland te zien op Videoland, de betaalsite van de Nederlandstalige RTL. De ARD begint in het najaar met de serie op haar kanaal Das Erste. Videoland bevat, behalve veel treurig stemmende oude RTL-programma’s, nog meer goede series, zoals de nieuwe serie Twin Peaks van David Lynch en The Handmaid’s tale.  
Mel Gordon: Voluptuous panic - the erotic world of Weimar Berlin, Feral House 2008; ook in Duitse uitgave als Sündiges Berlin, Index Verlag 2011. 
Een trailer van de serie Babylon Berlin is HIER te zien. 
Een onovertroffen beeld van Berlijn in de jaren twintig biedt nog altijd de (stomme) film Symphonie der Grossstadt van Walther Ruttmann uit 1927, die HIER te zien is. 
Afbeelding boven: Liv Lisa Fries als ‘Charlotte’ in Babylon Berlin. Afbeeldingen onder: 1. De befaamde naaktdanseres Anita Berber in haar succesnummer ‘Kokain’. 2. Twee kostuums uit de revue ‘Alles nackt’ (1927). 3. Reclame voor erotisch amusement (1927). (Afbeeldingen uit Voluptuous panic). 4,5,6. Stills uit Babylon Berlin. 
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deadlinecom · 4 years
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genevieveetguy · 2 years
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Rosa Luxemburg, Margarethe von Trotta (1986)
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