#Guide Dogs.
thepuppost · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to German Shepherd Dogs: From Loyal Companions to Fierce Protectors
German Shepherd dogs are a beloved breed that has captured the hearts of dog lovers worldwide. Known for their intelligence, loyalty, and versatility, these dogs make excellent companions and working dogs. Whether you’re looking for a furry friend to share your home with or a canine partner to protect and serve, the German Shepherd is a breed worth considering. In this article, we will explore…
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rxttenfish · 6 months
people have got to stop overusing existential/cosmic horror when it comes to animals just Experiencing Things
like flies know what a human is. they know they are very small and other animals are very large. they've lived around megafauna as long as there have been flies. having animals the size of mountains to them is just normal.
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densewentz · 1 year
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Take Your Kid to Work Day (with Dream's decidedly more alarming version of an artist rendering their kid's drawing)
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magicalgirlmindcrank · 11 months
Do you like well paced slow burns?
Do you like complex characters and scheming?
Do you like reading about someone's will being whittled down until they are a loving pet?
You might just like my story Dog of War.
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(Art by Lise-Lemonade on the HDG discord)
Dog of War is story about two people helping each other grow into themselves. It's focus is the development of the main pair's relationship and personal growth, with a healthy dosage of kinks thrown in. The main ones are Total Power Exchange, Ownership, Hypnosis, Conditioning, Feminization and a house special I like to call Princessification. However, it also has things like medfet, somno and a couple other things as a minor focus or in passing.
It's set in The Human Domestication Guide universe, a kink setting with far more world building than you might think! Feel free to browse it's wiki. Dog of War is highly rated in the setting, in fact, it's #1 by Kudos with a decent margin currently, but if you like more personal reviews, I got you covered!
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+even more under the break, but you can also browse #dow on my blog to see everything everyone's been saying! Theres even fanart you can see some of here!
Here's the link to the story one more time, just to save you a scroll up~
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(Plus one final link to Dog of War)
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silvermoon424 · 30 days
Me when I remember how dogs were the very first domesticated animal and have evolved alongside humans for thousands of years, resulting in our two species becoming adapted to each other and able to easily communicate.
Me when I remember that humans and dogs have been around each other so much for so much time that dogs are better at reading human behavior than our closest genetic relatives (the great apes).
Me when I remember that dogs can easily understand our facial expressions and gestures, while most people are able to intuit things from a simple bark (if the dog is friendly or aggressive, big or small, nervous or excited, etc).
Me when I remember how, millennia ago, some wolves decided to hang around humans for extended periods of time and those humans thought "you know, we could make them our friends."
Me when I remember that dogs are called man's best friend for a reason.
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quisters · 9 months
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…not Arthur infantilizing his horrific bff to justify murderous intentions
The true horror is the friends we made along the way
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canisalbus · 9 months
Machete and Vasco are so pomegranate-and-the-hand-that-slices coded. To me.
Pomegranates are seen as messy, bloody, inconvenient fruits. You slice or tear or bite and in return for your effort you come away underwhelmed, disgusted, and stained too deep to wash. The consumption of a pomegranate is a violent act of defilement, for both the fruit and the eater.
But that is because most do not understand how to open a pomegranate. They have little patience for the precise carving. They see no point in coreing the fruit gently, no reason to be reverent as they pull the quarters apart. When done correctly, opening a pomegranate leaves little mess. Your fingers will still stain, your knife will still slick, but there will be no pool of crimson drowning both you and the fruit.
The seeds are only sweet to those who understand the merit of a light hand and intricate slicing. Why put in so much effort for a food so bitter and clearly armored against consumption? Surely it must not yearn to be eaten.
(^insane about silly catholic dogs)
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dogandcatcomics · 3 months
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Allard Design Group (United Kingdom). Bartholemew Pet Care Guides, 1976-1977. Cats and dogs are among the offerings. Thanks to @the_ohmu for the tip.
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oldschoolfrp · 4 months
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"Combat Rules For Wilderness Play: Fighting While Climbing, Fighting While Precariously Balanced" (Larry Elmore, Wilderness Survival Guide, TSR, 1986)
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lasagoofs · 6 months
So sorry if this has been asked before but I need to know. What breeds are the tf2 dogs I recognize a few but not all
That's alright pal! I get quite a few messages asking about this, so I'll leave it here for anyone who's interested
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Scout: based on a basenji dog
Spy: no specific breed in mind, some kind of greyhound perhaps?
Heavy: based on a russian beardog
Medic: based on a white german shepherd / husky
Demo: scottish terrier (had to)
Soldier: again, no specific breed. ended up looking like a labrador
Sniper: no specific breed in mind
Engineer: no specific breed in mind
Pyro: i like the idea of him being a xolo dog (no fur to set on fire!)
When I design animal characters, I just go for shapes that fit the character's personality, which is why a lot of these aren't based on specific breeds. But then again, it's also fun to see people's different takes on this! I've seen people compare the sniper design to a dingo, which is great. So feel free to interpret them however you want!
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Michael Hingson was in Tower One of the World Trade Center on the morning of 11 September 2001.
What sets his story apart is that Hingson is blind and was guided to safety by his guide dog, Roselle.
They were on the 78th floor when the plane hit.
Despite the chaos, Roselle remained calm, leading Hingson and several others down 1,463 steps to safety. The descent took about an hour.
Remarkably, just moments after they exited the building, Tower Two collapsed, covering them in debris. Both survived.
Hingson later said:
"While everyone ran in panic, Roselle remained totally focused on her job, while debris fell around us, and even hit us, Roselle stayed calm."
Once clear, Roselle led her owner to the safety of a subway station, where they helped a woman who had been blinded by falling debris.
Once they arrived home, Roselle immediately began playing with her retired guide dog predecessor, Linnie, as if nothing important had happened.
Hingson's story became widely known as an extraordinary tale of trust, teamwork, and the human-animal bond.
He later wrote a memoir, "Thunder Dog," detailing his experience.
In 2004, Roselle was diagnosed with immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, but medications were able to control the condition.
In March 2007, she retired from guiding after it was discovered that the medication was beginning to damage her kidneys.
Roselle passed away on 26 June 2011 at age 13.
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Roselle (March 12, 1998 - June 26, 2011)
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sun-snatcher · 6 days
JUST AUGH. JUST. HEAR ME OUT. Matt realising both Matthew Murdock and Daredevil would absolutely go to extreme lengths to protect you and just,,, the dichotomy of Catholic Matt and vigilante Daredevil???? Does this make sense
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( all credits to the amazing @marveldaily for this lovely gif ! )
✟ — Chiaroscuro ; matt murdock blurb
a/n. Chiaroscuro: the treatment of light and shade in drawing and painting. — an effect of contrasted light and shadow.
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MATT MURDOCK & DAREDEVIL are one and the same.
Existence carries the parallel. As is the Moon that orbits the Earth, or the Earth which gravitates towards the Sun; As is the Shepherd that feeds its dog, or the dog that guards its sheep.
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You'd thought you would be prepared for this, for the split knuckles and the bruising face— palms and feet bleeding like some heretic church vitrail of the coming Christ— his battered body frantic for your shelter and your closeness.
“I’m a lawyer. The law is what separates him from me,” Matt insists. “But I am also Daredevil. And if that means I have to dish out the kind of justice that’ll forsake my soul— so be it.” 
You falter in spite of yourself. “Is that what your heart wants?”
A bloody kiss, pressed to your temple in phantom reverence. “You, you’re my heart. You tell me.”
“You know I can’t do that, Matthew.”
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Tandem, perhaps, therein lies polarity. Should you ask the Moon of its purpose, it will sing to you of the tides, and if you speak to the Earth it will decree it tends to life as we know it;
Should you turn to the old Shepherd he will tell you of its herding flock, and if you listen to the guarding dog he will warn you of the wolves that hunt them.
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He’s been staring at the abyss since he’d been blinded at 9, and the abyss has been staring back ever since.
“If,” he snarls, shivering from the sheer effort it took to maintain his self-control, his bloodlust. “If I see so much as a fucking scratch—”
Matt doesn’t finish his sentence, because he doesn’t know how far he truly could go to protect you. He doesn’t want to, is the right way to put it.
( But Daredevil thinks— knows: to a length that’d stretch beyond retribution, to warrant even the Gates of Hell to close on him. )
“There will be no person, law, or divine intervention that will stop me from hunting you down and ending your life.”
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The daybreak lawyer; the eventide vigilante.
A chiaroscuro, a dichotomy.
Of patron Saints and errant Sinners; the delicate balance of St. Michael’s scales. As is Matthew Murdock and Daredevil; who’s come around to be enlightened, now, that God only sows soldiers and reaps martyrs— 
Should you ask them what their definition of love is, one will say, easily:
And the other, “Sacrifice.”
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“Do you know I love you?”
“Am I speaking to Daredevil, or Matt Murdock?”
"That doesn't matter."
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— send in a blurb request ! — scroll the tag !
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crouteann · 4 days
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i cant post the full meme for my dignity’s sake but i drew these freaks for a bad sex meme
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safk-art · 8 months
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Dot :)
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magicalgirlmindcrank · 2 months
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RaeIstera drew Cammy from the latest chapter of Dog of War! We can't get over how cute she issss
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roseblog-rog · 1 month
Dog of War Changed My Life For the Better
Okay, I know a smut fic doing that sounds silly, but trust me this post is really important.
I wanna take a moment to talk about Mindcrank’s HDG fic Dog of War. Now I could go on and on about how well it’s written, how engaging the story is, how…hot it gets 😵‍💫…but that’s not what I’m here to do. No, I want to talk about the part that really helped me come to an important realization: Princess’ plurality.
//spoilers ahead for DoW up to the end of chapter 33
While not the center of the story, Princess’ plurality is an integral part of their character, being explored and explained throughout the fic. They were, as the fic has said, “two parts of one whole.” Now, to cut to the chase, the specific moment that woke me the fuck up was towards the end of chapter 31, where Princess and her other half “cut themselves in two.” The moment itself sent me into hysterics, prompting a full on panic attack and spiral. I was not only scared for Princess, actually having to contact a friend who had already read the whole thing to confirm her other half would come back, but also for myself.
Because you see, what made this moment so raw and powerful for me is that I too am plural. It’s a fairly recent realization, one that I am only just coming to terms with after reading this, but I did much of the same thing as Princess did. My alter, Skye, is the conglomeration and personification of years and years’ worth of repressed and stifled feelings. Emotions I hated having and experiencing, pushing them away in fears I would hurt someone. Being pushed down and getting cramped together for so long resulted in a fairly recent personification of these repressed emotions. It was terrifying, making it all the more likely I completely lose myself in the feelings, quite literally losing control of myself. Despite the personification, as well as the few times they fronted being almost completely non-harmful, I continued to push them away, down and down until I couldn’t feel their presence at all. I believed I hated them and everything they stood for, having intense trauma towards the feelings of anger and numbness that originally sparked Skye’s formation.
But when I read the moment where that same thing happens to Princess, seeing that split secondhand and not knowing if her other half would ever come back, I screamed out in pain. I realized I didn’t want to lose Skye, that we too were “two parts of one whole.“ I didn’t want to lose them, I don’t want to lose them. I was SCARED. When that breakdown ended, I finally realized that I couldn’t push my other half away anymore.
It will still be an arduous process of healing for the both of us, and it will definitely take a long time before they’re right up at the front with me, side by side, but it’s a start. And when Princess’ own other half came back, saying “we don't truly exist without both reflections, we can't be apart for long”, I couldn’t help but feel the same about myself. Or, I guess, my selves.
Long-winded ramble aside, I wanted to thank @magicalgirlmindcrank for not only producing an absolutely beautiful and incomprehensibly hot story, but also for helping me realize that I’ve been pushing my other half away for far too long. Words cannot describe how grateful I am.
And if anyone reading this is also plural, or going through a crisis of realization or something else of the sort, know that you are not alone. While the journey will be perilous, know that you too will find peace with your selves.
Thanks for listening, I really appreciate it.
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