busteek · 2 days
The Story Behind Busteek: A Tribute to Joy and Memory. Follow Me
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Busteek isn't just a website; it carries a deep, personal meaning. The name comes from my daughter's beloved cat, who brought endless joy and companionship to our lives. When the cat passed away, it left a void, but also countless memories of love and happiness.
To honor both the memory of the cat and the joy my daughter felt, I named my website Busteek. It stands as a tribute to that cherished bond, a reminder of the light that animals bring into our world, and how they can inspire us in ways we might never expect.
Through this site, I aim to carry forward that spirit of joy, love, and remembrance in everything I share.
Please Follow me to Support Busteek
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fischotterkunst · 2 years
my brother had a brilliant idea that i wanted to share with other people who have four-legged family members: he trained our two cats to go directly to the door when they hear the fire alarm.
obviously at first the fire alarm sent them scrambling for cover, but he started slowly by giving them treats whenever it went off, when someone burned food or forgot to open the fireplace flu. he then progressed to calling them to the door to offer treats immediately after the alarm went off. and it actually wasn't too long before the cats voluntarily started going to the door upon hearing the alarm.
i think this was genius because in the event of a real emergency we know exactly where the cats will be and we will not have to waste precious time trying to find them to rescue them. i think this method would work equally well with dogs and probably other free-roaming pets such as rabbits, ferrets, etc. and i certainly encourage others to give it a shot!
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alpinechamomile · 1 year
TIP for any fellow disabled folks who have cats ❣️ if you got chronic fatigue or back pain or POTS where you cant bend down easily or even if you're able bodied and just feeling sick get one of these shits ↓↓↓
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It's got one huge sifter so after your cat(s) use it you just grab it, shake it side to side a little, dump the poop into a bag, put the now clean litter in a fresh box (this one gives you two litter boxes for this reason) and pour the clean litter in the box on top of the pan. You can put the second box under it to keep it out of the way for when you switch over again.
This Arm and Hammer one was only 15 bucks on amazon and it's so much easier to clean. It is heavy to lift up the full pan and dump the cleaned litter into the second box so keep that in mind, but it's so much faster and less arduous than shoveling the caked up cat shit for 10 minutes and having your back screaming in pain, numb feet, and a head rush from bending over 😭 i didn't know these existed until now so that's why I'm talking about it anyway if you see this you should pet your cat for me maybe give em a kiss on their stupid little forehead 🤎🐈🐈‍⬛
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catswarmth · 1 year
Bathtime for cute kitty 😍🐱
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itsdetachable · 1 year
I really am begging ppl to not get pets if they're not able to provide the basic necessary care for them.
I am extremely sympathetic to anyone who is poor but listen - if you cannot provide proper housing, food, and care and a safe environment for the pet you want just don't get it.
Sometimes I see posts where ppl post their inadequate setups and they're saying they can't afford better, and I can't help but think "then why did you get the pet?" And I know that might be harsh but. Just. Don't? I can understand sometimes a situation turns bad and you mightve been able to care for a pet before but not at that very moment. But if you cannot afford the proper care but go ahead with getting a pet...I just, cannot accept that.
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thehmn · 2 years
Just a quick post because I got some comments talking about trembling being a chihuahua trait which is true but not for the reasons you might think.
Yes, they might be cold, scared or exited, but it’s also very likely that they have low blood sugar. They have very high metabolism like most small mammals so if they’re seemingly trembling for “no reason” try giving them a snack.
Last time I noticed this with my chihuahua was on Christmas Eve. She had been running around all day and was sitting on the sofa trembling. People at first started joking about trembling chihuahuas except the host who was pretty worried about her. I asked if she could have a bit of the cooked meat they were preparing and she stopped trembling almost immediately.
So next time you see a trembling chihuahua show some kindness and give it something to eat.
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catgirl-kaiju · 10 days
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Hey there, folks! My sweet little kitty cat, Lady, had a level 3 heart murmur at her last vet appointment, and i need to take her in on the 26th of this month to get her an echocardiogram to determine if there's anything going on with her. The cost will be $700 for the appointment and test, and I'm abt to run out of unemployment income, without that kind if scratch available.
I have her insured, so i should be able to get refunded for at least some of the cost, but i don't have the initial funds for the procedure, and my credit is bad enough that I don't know if I'd qualify for CareCredit (although I'll be trying to apply). So, if y'all would be willing to donate towards helping me cover the cost of this, I'd greatly appreciate it 💙
CashApp: $ScoutForester
Venmo: @Sarahpillbug
anything helps!
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reliapet · 3 months
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We Are ReliaPet™
As a passionate pet parent, I know firsthand how hard it is to find reliable small pet care advice you can trust. For the last 3 years, I’ve been building ReliaPet™. It’s an ethical website with reliable pet care articles and a cute little shop! The shop has over 15 adorable and practical items perfect for your everyday activities, from unique water bottles to hamster-themed notebooks! ReliaPet currently has care information for rats, hamsters, rabbits, and bettas. On ReliaPet, you’ll find comprehensive articles on various topics, from researching to growing sprouts for your pets! Soon, I will add more species to meet all your pet care needs.
Understanding the reason behind the “what” makes a big difference. So, ReliaPet articles explain what and why so you can make better care decisions.
The pet care community is always evolving. New species entering and standards improving with new science. I regularly review and update our articles to match the corrected care standards you rely on. I realize while I may spend more time doing research than writing the article itself, I can still make mistakes, so your feedback is important. At ReliaPet, our goal is to improve the lives of pets and their families. By educating through free, reliable care and husbandry articles, and making safe pet product recommendations. I’m striving to be different in all the best ways with ReliaPet.
Check out the ReliaPet.net website to learn from our passionate research, and if you love what we do, buy adorable merch from our shop or support us on Ko-Fi! Together, we can make a difference by caring for pets and their families.
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bitchesgetriches · 6 months
NEW POST! A Hand-Holding Guide To Planning the End of Your Pet’s Life
We each lost a beloved dog this month. So we decided to turn our pain into what we hope is a helpful guide.
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thepetcares · 5 months
Car’s engine is running
Source: instagram.com
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busteek · 2 days
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Please Follow me
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kingofthedarkwoods · 2 years
Okay it's almost 2023, I think it's time we talked about the "vegans" who purposely inflict suffering onto animals by feeding them incorrect diets or not doing correct medical care. I think any good vegan who geniuely believes in the betterment of animals would NEVER purposely go out of their way to force feed incompatible pets vegan diets that can later cause suffering, illness and death. It is only ever done for their own personal ego and gratification and I personally see that as worse than using by-products. You're actively inflicting harm to cats, dogs and lizards when more suitable pets like rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters are RIGHT THERE. Who are already compatible with your belief system.
I own a cat who is under my care until he passes. I will ensure as he is a care dependent that I am maintaining his welfare and health by feeding him a meat diet even if I personally am vegan. He can not change his diet and I have owned him for over a decade so he will not be punished for my changes in life. After he is gone, I will likely rescue more rabbits (I have had 3 so far) as they fit my lifestyle and beliefs much more. But I will NOT enforce suffering on my cat just because his existence conflicts with my personal diet. I just won't own another cat after he is gone.
To me that is the true Vegan way. If you can go for alternatives in food then you can pick a different pet. If you are already committed to the care of an animal who needs to eat meat then it is more vegan to ensure the optimal health, wellbeing and happiness for the animal. Not to cause unnecessary harm and stress to an animal just because YOU personally do not like something. If you really find it distressing then rehome the animal to owners who will put their wellbeing and life above all else.
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indagold-orchid · 8 months
Some things I wish I knew when first getting a rat:
You don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on a cage. Rat owners get so pissy over getting name brand fancy cages that can survive 12 world wars when you can actually just stack some cheap larger rabbit/guinea pig/ferret cages. I put a $60 dollar cage on top of my fancy ass $200 ferret one and my rats love it. No injuries or spontaneous exploding into smithereens like rat owners think will happen. I line the sides with cloth and it helps a lot.
If you're American, Oxbow is your friend. I used them with my rabbits years ago when I had them and they're great.
DIY decorations are fun but it gets exhausting after a while. If you want to play it safe, just using hides, hammocks and chew toys work!
All natural cages are cool if it's like an aesthetic thing but in reality they rot, get stinky and gross very fast. Very nasty and smelly.
Rats DO NOT like chew toys for cats or dogs. They love paper, wood, cloth, sticks, pumice, etc.
A rat injuring another rat is not by default always aggression. Only time I've seen it happen is either 1) They're sick/in pain, super grumpy and you need to get them to the vet or 2) You're still bonding them and someone got angry because they're still strangers. Best to rule it out both before neutering or seeking other options for aggression.
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orchidvioletindigo · 10 months
It's possible I'm just not on here enough to see people talking about this but I have yet to see any posts going around mentioning the new canine respiratory virus that's making the rounds in the United States. Here's a non-paywalled news article on the virus.
Symptoms include tiredness, fever, eating less, a wet cough, a runny nose and/or runny eyes, difficulty breathing, and pneumonia.
Steps to take to protect your dogs include making sure they're up to date on all their vaccines and practicing doggy social distancing. Avoid play groups, group training classes, kennels, daycares, any other situations where your dogs are in close contact with lots of other dogs, and definitely letting your dogs drink from the same water bowls as other random dogs.
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catswarmth · 1 year
Cute cat just found a new toy 🥰🐱
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shiftythrifting · 1 year
a cat scratch pad in the shape of a couch that i did buy for $2
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