#Gustholomule Headcanon
rfswitchart · 9 months
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Decided to jump in on @captainmera's Owl House likes/dislikes template. This is for music, tagging @threegoblinart and @childlikegoblinqueen because they both also fed me these headcanons... Honestly wish Masha and Matt were on here, but I guess that's one for another time... Also, a lot of this comes from my fanfiction, The Road Trip, which is up on AO3. Chapter 7 will be up on Sunday, as always.
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morgangalaxy43 · 24 days
Steve would definitely be the type of older brother how would playfully tease Matt about him and Gus and Steve would probably trying to embarrass Matt by showing off stuff like old baby pictures and videos of when Matt was younger
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rocksandmirrors · 1 year
Darius doesn’t like Matt btw
Why he look like that
But also
Gus Darius
Liking rats bois who haven’t bathed in a decade
AHSAJSF NO ONE LIKES HIS PATHETIC ASS FR. also i need Darius to bully Gus over his tastes in men, only for Gus to wordlessly point at Alador
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alwaysjentle · 1 year
matt has the UGLIEST snort when he laughs like ACTUALLY laughs so like hes just dying of laughter and then the biggest snort comes out and they just keep coming and gus just stares at him with a red face and his mind going 'wtf is wrong w me why is he cute to me rn???'
why? bc i snort when i laugh and im done w pretending not to project onto matt bc he IS me idc😭
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windy-babe · 1 year
I love how we got actual scenes of Gus and Matt blushing and probably having little crushes for girls but we all are like "yeah, no, they are still gay, homosexual, one of them queers, yup"
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willowshimmer · 1 year
Day 28 of TOH headcanons until EP 2 comes out
- The hexsquad and the adults spend Christmas together.
- They have dinner, Camila made some traditional food and everyone loved it.
- Ed and Em made all the couples kiss by putting mistletoes above them (lumity,raeda,huntlow,gustholomule, aladarius and veesha)
- They did secret Santa, Luz got an Azura sweater, Amity got a little house for Ghost, Gus got a book of illusion spells, Willow got a book about plant life in the human realm, Hunter got a bird plushy and he cried and Darius had to comfort him, Matt got a little helmet for when Steve takes him on rides on his motorcycle, Masha got a tarot cards, Vee got a new sweater it has a fox in the middle, Camila got a 2 new pairs of chancla's and was very happy, Alador got a shirt that says "Just got divorced" and everyone was laughing, Darius got new lotions and shampoo, Ed got a little perch for batrick, Em got a book on how to heal people, Eda got a book on "100 different ways to steal money", Lilith got 3 books on human history, Raine got a shirt that says "I love my wife and my 5 kids" and Steve got a sticker for his motorcycle.
- And then they egged Jacobs house with abomination goop, plants and with man eating beetles
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httyddragonfox · 1 year
Owl House Finale Headcanons
According to Dana in the Post-Hoot, our headcanons can basically be canon at this point because she's not in charge of the story anymore. Okay, challenge accepted!
First of all, the boiling isles is now a democracy. Led by several powerful witches, but they have to be voted in. So Raine would be partly in charge, probably Darius and Eberwolf, maybe Mason, Hettie, Osran, etc, but definitely not the jerks Adrian and Terra.
Second, although Dana said Hunter and Eda don't know about the Caleb, Evelyn and Clawthorne connection, that doesn't sit right with me. So like my fanfic dictates, eventually they might make a deduction, but not a sure conclusion that Hunter is related to the Clawthornes. Even if they don't for sure recognize the fact, they will eventually come to see Hunter as family and he will have Clawthorne as one of his last names (Until he marries Willow).
Third, Alador instantly starts his work on sigil removal gloves. Several people didn't seem to have one in the epilogue, but it seemed like they were celebrating that kid getting his removed. Alador must have gone through many versions of the unbranding glove, and this one wasn't the one to blow up or something...?
Lastly, some Hexside Head-canons!
lots of more students start taking mixed tracks nearly immediately. I mean, we saw it in the epilogue, but I think as one of the final "screw you"s to Belos, lots of students just start practicing other magics.
The Hexsquad are some of the most popular students at the school, for saving the Boiling Isles and everything.
Gus becomes the reinstated president of the Human Appreciation Society. He has a lot more knowledge to share with the group. Many people in the group keep asking to go the human realm, now that they have a working portal. Before they can even think of going however, Gus grills them with pop quizzes and disguise tutorials to help them fit in with the Human Realm and not stand out too much.
Hunter enrolls into Hexside. Like Luz, he doesn't have a normal way of casting magic (seeing as he has a palisman magic implant), so like Luz he takes a bit of everything. He struggles with some offensive magic, (construction, elemental, etc) but he excels at teleportation. He doesn't cast spell circles that much like Luz. Meanwhile, Luz is happy to have someone in the study course as her.
After some time at the Owl House, Eda realizes Hunter has a dream of carving Palismen. She tells her Dad, and thus he shows him the ropes. He becomes an apprentice to Dell.
Hunter takes some time to carve his own Palisman. He most likely waits until after he's nearly completed his first year of Hexside. After carving Waffles, he no longer struggles, and he's twice as powerful as when he had Flapjack (cause twice the palisman magic, ehhh).
Hunter and Willow become an item a few months after defeating Belos.
For Hunter's last and only two years of Hexside, Willow and Him become Grom King and Queen. Willow's biggest fear is him dying and her being unable to save him. Hunter's biggest fear is Belos returning and attacking everyone he cares about. Hunter and Willow have their own version of the Lumity Grom dance. The last Grom Hunter goes to is where Hunter and Willow share their first lip kiss. (If you haven't noticed, I believe their relationship will be taken slowly.)
Hunter graduates with Honours from Hexside, and takes a full time apprenticeship with Dell instead of going to University. Hunter already knows what he wants to do and this is the best way to achieve it.
Amity also opts out from University after graduating, instead taking a real apprenticeship with Lillith.
Willow also opts out of University, instead pursuing professional Flyer Derby playing.
Gus graduates early, also with honors, and becomes a TA at the University for Wild Magic. He starts an exchange program with the Human Realm and teaches side courses about the Human Realm and it's historical connection with the Demon Realm.
Other Headcanons.
Not that Gus couldn't be Bisexual, but honestly I thought him Matt wouldn't be a thing. I think blushes equal crushes, and Matt and Gus don't blush around each other. Heck, Matt has shown interest in Celine and the little sister "Roka," and Gus has been blushy around Bria, but not Matt.
As for the couples, I'm not sure if Raeda is married in the epilogue or if they eventually get married. They might just be content with living with each other romantically.
Lumity will wait until Luz is finished University until they get married.
Huntlow will probably wait for the marriage until Hunter is near mid 20's.
Lumity and Huntlow will start having kids around the same time.
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howhow326 · 2 years
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Gustholomule confirmed?
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random-dragon-exe · 11 months
Gustholomule headcannon time!
So I like to think that when Matt got into illusions, he says that he's only into it to build the Graveyards defenses.
But secretly, he really finds illusions fun and Gus inspired him to get into them, but Matt just. Won't. Admit it.
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hiccuppps · 1 year
autistic gus x adhd matt
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agrebel18 · 1 year
I just remembered that I had a dream where Gus and Matt were together somewhere and being badass during the day of unity AND THEN mattholomule figured something out then Gus thanked him right after with a wink, then he got flustered and yelled “UHHH THATS A HUMAN THING” and ran away but also grabby Matt along while Matty was confused but also blushing a little bit 😭
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thewistlingbadger · 10 months
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I've been thinking about them alot and I wanna explain some things.
Luz: Luz is dating amity, and is friends with willow, Gus, and hunter. (To be more specific, her relationship with hunter is one akin to siblinghood). She hates matt bc she loves Gus. She doesn't want matt to hurt him and sense they got off on the wrong foot, she hates his guts.
Amity: Amity is dating Luz. Luz has a lot of friends, so by association she's friends with Luz's friends, but she's not very close to them. Her and Gus get along, willow and her are recovering their friendship. Amity has been friends with Matt since before she met Luz, so they're really close. (Wlw and mlm friendship). She doesn't like hunter. They got off on the wrong foot and even though Hunter has changed, she can't get past that.
Hunter: Hunter is friends with Luz, Gus, and Willow. (I AM ANTI HUNTLOW!!!! I AM A HUNTLOW DENIER!!!! Hunter has a sibling type relationship with both Luz and Gus.) Hunter does not like Amity. They got off on the wrong foot, he doesn't trust her bc she doesn't trust him, and sense they're both close to Luz this is also a reason why they dislike each other so much. Hunter also hates Matt. Hunter is very close and very protective over Gus, and he hates Matt's Gus. He feels like Matt isn't good enough for Gus.
Matt: Matt is friends with Amity. Matt doesn't know willow very well, so he doesn't have much of an opinion on her. Matt doesn't have much of an opinion on Luz either, but Luz makes her distaste for mattholomule very clear, and he's annoyed by that. Matt hates hunter. He finds hunter to be very foolish and stupid. He doesn't take hunter seriously. He has no problem with the fact that hunter hates him back. Matt is dating Gus.
Gus: Gus is dating Matt. Gus has a sibling like relationship with Hunter. Gus doesn't know Amity very well, but they're friendly towards each other. He admires her and sometimes is jealous is her grades. Gus' best friend is willow.
Willow: Willow is chill with everyone. She's friends with hunter, Gus, Luz, and Amity. She doesn't know Matt at all besides what Gus has said. She has no emotions towards matt.
Of course they're all in the same friend group and are civil for the most part I just wanted to highlight the inter working relationships of the group.
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samcat0925 · 2 years
I imagine that Gus would keep a book documenting everything he's seen and tried while on earth and even include a few pictures with the hope of giving it to Matt when they return to the Boiling Isles. Eventually, the passages would slowly be about how much he missed Matt and wished he was there with him to experience it together.
Oh my gosh! That hurts but I love it and honestly Gus would do that!
Maybe the group would see that he is doing this and just assume that since he's such a human fanatic, he wants to keep a document about everything that he had seen and tried in the human realm and maybe to show his dad once they get back.
Until they go to the zoo and either Vee or Camila notices that Gus brought the book with him, so they ask him why he brought it with him to which Gus responds that he is documenting everything that he had experienced while in the Human realm to show Matty once he gets back home.
That would cause Luz to ask what their relationship is, commenting that she saw him when Gus went to go to the Looking Glass Ruins with some Glandus High students. Gus would tell them that they became friends after that, even though they weren’t on good terms with each other at first which causes Willow, Amity and Luz to feel a bit of Deja vu, especially when Gus excitedly tells them that Matt started multi-tracking with the illusion track.
Willow asks him if wanting to show Matt what he saw and did in the human realm was the main reason for making the book which makes Gus think for a moment about why he made a whole book just to show Matt what the human realm was like and that's when he starts to realize how much he missed being around Matty and was now wishing that the other witch was there to experience all of that human realm had to offer together since Matt would also have fun looking around the human realm too. It also made him realized that he was also really scared that something might be happening to Matty in the Demon realm with the collector and that there is nothing that he can really do to stop since he's not there.
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rocksandmirrors · 1 year
Darius will try to bully gus for his horrible taste in men
But gus just always gestures to Alador or does a very accurate illusion of him and Darius just groans and tells him to shut up
Darius will lay awake sometimes like- he knows. He knows he can do a lot better. At the very least he can get someone who knows what soap is.
Gus, Willow, and Darius like wet socks for partners I swear-
But at least Hunter usually showers!!! Usually!!!!! He was on the run tho and didn’t have a choice but he normally pretty clean!!!!!!!!!
Hunter has a glow-up once he hits 20, although he still dresses like shit. Matt and Alador tho?? it's too late for them
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alwaysjentle · 1 year
matt is js WEIRDLY good with kids,, like matt (and gus for emotional support) are at the clinic for a teeth check up for matt and theyre in the waiting room and theres this lil toddler and matt plays with her and they get along great and gus is just there like WHATTTTTT bc this is matty we're talking abt, matt "i want drama and power" tholomule aka the most socially awkward mf on the boiling isles and he's???? good??? with???? KIDS?????? gus is reevaluating everything he knows in life😭
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stringbeanscloset · 1 year
gus is trans and noone can tell me otherwise.
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his outfit is literally the trans flag.
also remember that episode where gus suddenly had gone through puberty? what if he like started his transition there and the "witch puberty" was how willow and he joked about it?
and thirdly i just really want to have a trans character in toh and hunter just doesn't make sense to me cause he's a grimwalker.
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